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Posted to by Martijn Dashorst <> on 2009/06/05 15:16:49 UTC

Re: Package names (was: When are you going to move packages to org.apache.pivot?)

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Greg Brown<> wrote:
> Note that preferring "pivot.*" to "org.apache.*" isn't meant as an affront
> to Apache per se. We came up with the Pivot package structure long before we
> became an Apache project. Many things in Pivot are an attempt to do
> something in a way that we think is better than it has been done before.
> This is simply another example of that philosophy.

This holds true for *all* projects joining Apache coming from an
existing code base.

I posit that moving Wicket from wicket.* to org.apache.wicket.* caused
a lot more headaches to the Wicket community than it ever will to the
pivot community. We had thousands of projects having to migrate to the
new package structure.
