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svn commit: r1890120 [43/43] - in /poi/trunk/poi/src: main/java/org/apache/poi/ main/java/org/apache/poi/ddf/ main/java/org/apache/poi/extractor/ main/java/org/apache/poi/hpsf/ main/java/org/apache/poi/hssf/ main/java/org/apache/poi/hssf/dev/ main/java...

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -44,198 +44,198 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
 public class NumberRenderingSpreadsheetGenerator {
-	private static final class SheetWriter {
+    private static final class SheetWriter {
-		private final HSSFSheet _sheet;
-		private int _rowIndex;
-		private final List<Long> _replacementNaNs;
-		public SheetWriter(HSSFWorkbook wb) {
-			HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
-			writeHeaderRow(wb, sheet);
-			_sheet = sheet;
-			_rowIndex = 1;
-			_replacementNaNs = new ArrayList<>();
-		}
-		void addTestRow(long rawBits, String expectedExcelRendering) {
-			writeDataRow(_sheet, _rowIndex++, rawBits, expectedExcelRendering);
-			if(Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble(rawBits))) {
-				_replacementNaNs.add(Long.valueOf(rawBits));
-			}
-		}
-		public long[] getReplacementNaNs() {
-			int nRepls = _replacementNaNs.size();
-			long[] result = new long[nRepls];
-			for (int i = 0; i < nRepls; i++) {
-				result[i] = _replacementNaNs.get(i).longValue();
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-	}
-	/** 0x7ff8000000000000 encoded in little endian order */
-	private static final byte[] JAVA_NAN_BYTES = HexRead.readFromString("00 00 00 00 00 00 F8 7F");
-	private static void writeHeaderCell(HSSFRow row, int i, String text, HSSFCellStyle style) {
-		HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(i);
-		cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(text));
-		cell.setCellStyle(style);
-	}
-	static void writeHeaderRow(HSSFWorkbook wb, HSSFSheet sheet) {
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 3000);
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 6000);
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 6000);
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 6000);
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000);
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(5, 1600);
-		sheet.setColumnWidth(6, 20000);
-		HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
-		HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle();
-		HSSFFont font = wb.createFont();
-		font.setBold(true);
-		style.setFont(font);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 0, "Value", style);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 1, "Raw Long Bits", style);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 2, "JDK Double Rendering", style);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 3, "Actual Rendering", style);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 4, "Expected Rendering", style);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 5, "Match", style);
-		writeHeaderCell(row, 6, "Java Metadata", style);
-	}
-	static void writeDataRow(HSSFSheet sheet, int rowIx, long rawLongBits, String expectedExcelRendering) {
-		double d = Double.longBitsToDouble(rawLongBits);
-		HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowIx);
-		int rowNum = rowIx + 1;
-		String cel0ref = "A" + rowNum;
-		String rawBitsText = formatLongAsHex(rawLongBits);
-		String jmExpr = "'ec(" + rawBitsText + ", ''\" & C" + rowNum + " & \"'', ''\" & D" + rowNum + " & \"''),'";
-		// The 'Match' column will contain 'OK' if the metadata (from NumberToTextConversionExamples)
-		// matches Excel's rendering.
-		String matchExpr = "if(D" + rowNum + "=E" + rowNum + ", \"OK\", \"ERROR\")";
-		row.createCell(0).setCellValue(d);
-		row.createCell(1).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(rawBitsText));
-		row.createCell(2).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(Double.toString(d)));
-		row.createCell(3).setCellFormula("\"\" & " + cel0ref);
-		row.createCell(4).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(expectedExcelRendering));
-		row.createCell(5).setCellFormula(matchExpr);
-		row.createCell(6).setCellFormula(jmExpr.replaceAll("'", "\""));
-//		if (false) {
-//			// for observing arithmetic near numeric range boundaries
-//			row.createCell(7).setCellFormula(cel0ref + " * 1.0001");
-//			row.createCell(8).setCellFormula(cel0ref + " / 1.0001");
-//		}
-	}
-	private static String formatLongAsHex(long l) {
-		return HexDump.longToHex(l) + 'L';
-	}
-	public static void main(String[] args) {
-		writeJavaDoc();
-		HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
-		SheetWriter sw = new SheetWriter(wb);
-		ExampleConversion[] exampleValues = NumberToTextConversionExamples.getExampleConversions();
-		for (ExampleConversion example : exampleValues) {
-			sw.addTestRow(example.getRawDoubleBits(), example.getExcelRendering());
-		}
-		File outputFile = new File("ExcelNumberRendering.xls");
-		try (UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream baos = new UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream();
-			 FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {
-			wb.write(baos);
-			byte[] fileContent = baos.toByteArray();
-			replaceNaNs(fileContent, sw.getReplacementNaNs());
-			os.write(fileContent);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException(e);
-		}
-		System.out.println("Finished writing '" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
-	}
-	public static void writeJavaDoc() {
-		ExampleConversion[] exampleConversions = NumberToTextConversionExamples.getExampleConversions();
-		for (ExampleConversion ec : exampleConversions) {
-			String line = 	" * <tr><td>"
-				+ formatLongAsHex(ec.getRawDoubleBits())
-				+ "</td><td>" + Double.toString(ec.getDoubleValue())
-				+ "</td><td>" + ec.getExcelRendering() + "</td></tr>";
-			System.out.println(line);
-		}
-	}
-	private static void replaceNaNs(byte[] fileContent, long[] replacementNaNs) {
-		int countFound = 0;
-		for(int i=0; i<fileContent.length; i++) {
-			if(isNaNBytes(fileContent, i)) {
-				writeLong(fileContent, i, replacementNaNs[countFound]);
-				countFound++;
-			}
-		}
-		if (countFound < replacementNaNs.length) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("wrong repl count");
-		}
-	}
-	private static void writeLong(byte[] bb, int i, long val) {
-		/*String oldVal =*/ interpretLong(bb, i);
-		bb[i+7] = (byte) (val >> 56);
-		bb[i+6] = (byte) (val >> 48);
-		bb[i+5] = (byte) (val >> 40);
-		bb[i+4] = (byte) (val >> 32);
-		bb[i+3] = (byte) (val >> 24);
-		bb[i+2] = (byte) (val >> 16);
-		bb[i+1] = (byte) (val >>  8);
-		bb[i+0] = (byte) (val >>  0);
-//		if (false) {
-//			String newVal = interpretLong(bb, i);
-//			System.out.println("changed offset " + i + " from " + oldVal + " to " + newVal);
-//		}
-	}
-	private static String interpretLong(byte[] fileContent, int offset) {
-		InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent, offset, 8);
-		long l;
-		try {
-			l = new DataInputStream(is).readLong();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException(e);
-		}
-		return "0x" + Long.toHexString(l).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
-	}
-	private static boolean isNaNBytes(byte[] fileContent, int offset) {
-		if(offset + JAVA_NAN_BYTES.length > fileContent.length) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		// excel NaN bits: 0xFFFF0420003C0000L
-		// java NaN bits :0x7ff8000000000000L
-		return areArraySectionsEqual(fileContent, offset, JAVA_NAN_BYTES);
-	}
-	private static boolean areArraySectionsEqual(byte[] bb, int off, byte[] section) {
-		for (int i=section.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
-			if (bb[off+i] != section[i]){
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
+        private final HSSFSheet _sheet;
+        private int _rowIndex;
+        private final List<Long> _replacementNaNs;
+        public SheetWriter(HSSFWorkbook wb) {
+            HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+            writeHeaderRow(wb, sheet);
+            _sheet = sheet;
+            _rowIndex = 1;
+            _replacementNaNs = new ArrayList<>();
+        }
+        void addTestRow(long rawBits, String expectedExcelRendering) {
+            writeDataRow(_sheet, _rowIndex++, rawBits, expectedExcelRendering);
+            if(Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble(rawBits))) {
+                _replacementNaNs.add(Long.valueOf(rawBits));
+            }
+        }
+        public long[] getReplacementNaNs() {
+            int nRepls = _replacementNaNs.size();
+            long[] result = new long[nRepls];
+            for (int i = 0; i < nRepls; i++) {
+                result[i] = _replacementNaNs.get(i).longValue();
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    /** 0x7ff8000000000000 encoded in little endian order */
+    private static final byte[] JAVA_NAN_BYTES = HexRead.readFromString("00 00 00 00 00 00 F8 7F");
+    private static void writeHeaderCell(HSSFRow row, int i, String text, HSSFCellStyle style) {
+        HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(i);
+        cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(text));
+        cell.setCellStyle(style);
+    }
+    static void writeHeaderRow(HSSFWorkbook wb, HSSFSheet sheet) {
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 3000);
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 6000);
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 6000);
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 6000);
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000);
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(5, 1600);
+        sheet.setColumnWidth(6, 20000);
+        HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+        HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle();
+        HSSFFont font = wb.createFont();
+        font.setBold(true);
+        style.setFont(font);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 0, "Value", style);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 1, "Raw Long Bits", style);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 2, "JDK Double Rendering", style);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 3, "Actual Rendering", style);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 4, "Expected Rendering", style);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 5, "Match", style);
+        writeHeaderCell(row, 6, "Java Metadata", style);
+    }
+    static void writeDataRow(HSSFSheet sheet, int rowIx, long rawLongBits, String expectedExcelRendering) {
+        double d = Double.longBitsToDouble(rawLongBits);
+        HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowIx);
+        int rowNum = rowIx + 1;
+        String cel0ref = "A" + rowNum;
+        String rawBitsText = formatLongAsHex(rawLongBits);
+        String jmExpr = "'ec(" + rawBitsText + ", ''\" & C" + rowNum + " & \"'', ''\" & D" + rowNum + " & \"''),'";
+        // The 'Match' column will contain 'OK' if the metadata (from NumberToTextConversionExamples)
+        // matches Excel's rendering.
+        String matchExpr = "if(D" + rowNum + "=E" + rowNum + ", \"OK\", \"ERROR\")";
+        row.createCell(0).setCellValue(d);
+        row.createCell(1).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(rawBitsText));
+        row.createCell(2).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(Double.toString(d)));
+        row.createCell(3).setCellFormula("\"\" & " + cel0ref);
+        row.createCell(4).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(expectedExcelRendering));
+        row.createCell(5).setCellFormula(matchExpr);
+        row.createCell(6).setCellFormula(jmExpr.replaceAll("'", "\""));
+//      if (false) {
+//          // for observing arithmetic near numeric range boundaries
+//          row.createCell(7).setCellFormula(cel0ref + " * 1.0001");
+//          row.createCell(8).setCellFormula(cel0ref + " / 1.0001");
+//      }
+    }
+    private static String formatLongAsHex(long l) {
+        return HexDump.longToHex(l) + 'L';
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        writeJavaDoc();
+        HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+        SheetWriter sw = new SheetWriter(wb);
+        ExampleConversion[] exampleValues = NumberToTextConversionExamples.getExampleConversions();
+        for (ExampleConversion example : exampleValues) {
+            sw.addTestRow(example.getRawDoubleBits(), example.getExcelRendering());
+        }
+        File outputFile = new File("ExcelNumberRendering.xls");
+        try (UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream baos = new UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream();
+             FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {
+            wb.write(baos);
+            byte[] fileContent = baos.toByteArray();
+            replaceNaNs(fileContent, sw.getReplacementNaNs());
+            os.write(fileContent);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("Finished writing '" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
+    }
+    public static void writeJavaDoc() {
+        ExampleConversion[] exampleConversions = NumberToTextConversionExamples.getExampleConversions();
+        for (ExampleConversion ec : exampleConversions) {
+            String line =   " * <tr><td>"
+                + formatLongAsHex(ec.getRawDoubleBits())
+                + "</td><td>" + Double.toString(ec.getDoubleValue())
+                + "</td><td>" + ec.getExcelRendering() + "</td></tr>";
+            System.out.println(line);
+        }
+    }
+    private static void replaceNaNs(byte[] fileContent, long[] replacementNaNs) {
+        int countFound = 0;
+        for(int i=0; i<fileContent.length; i++) {
+            if(isNaNBytes(fileContent, i)) {
+                writeLong(fileContent, i, replacementNaNs[countFound]);
+                countFound++;
+            }
+        }
+        if (countFound < replacementNaNs.length) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("wrong repl count");
+        }
+    }
+    private static void writeLong(byte[] bb, int i, long val) {
+        /*String oldVal =*/ interpretLong(bb, i);
+        bb[i+7] = (byte) (val >> 56);
+        bb[i+6] = (byte) (val >> 48);
+        bb[i+5] = (byte) (val >> 40);
+        bb[i+4] = (byte) (val >> 32);
+        bb[i+3] = (byte) (val >> 24);
+        bb[i+2] = (byte) (val >> 16);
+        bb[i+1] = (byte) (val >>  8);
+        bb[i+0] = (byte) (val >>  0);
+//      if (false) {
+//          String newVal = interpretLong(bb, i);
+//          System.out.println("changed offset " + i + " from " + oldVal + " to " + newVal);
+//      }
+    }
+    private static String interpretLong(byte[] fileContent, int offset) {
+        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent, offset, 8);
+        long l;
+        try {
+            l = new DataInputStream(is).readLong();
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(e);
+        }
+        return "0x" + Long.toHexString(l).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
+    }
+    private static boolean isNaNBytes(byte[] fileContent, int offset) {
+        if(offset + JAVA_NAN_BYTES.length > fileContent.length) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // excel NaN bits: 0xFFFF0420003C0000L
+        // java NaN bits :0x7ff8000000000000L
+        return areArraySectionsEqual(fileContent, offset, JAVA_NAN_BYTES);
+    }
+    private static boolean areArraySectionsEqual(byte[] bb, int off, byte[] section) {
+        for (int i=section.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+            if (bb[off+i] != section[i]){
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -24,255 +24,255 @@ import java.util.Locale;
 final class NumberToTextConversionExamples {
-	private NumberToTextConversionExamples() {
-		// no instances of this class
-	}
-	public static final class ExampleConversion {
-		private final String _javaRendering;
-		private final String _excelRendering;
-		private final double _doubleValue;
-		private final long _rawDoubleBits;
-		ExampleConversion(long rawDoubleBits, String javaRendering, String excelRendering) {
-			double d = Double.longBitsToDouble(rawDoubleBits);
-			if ("NaN".equals(javaRendering)) {
-				if (!Double.isNaN(d)) {
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must be NaN");
-				}
-			} else {
-				if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must not be NaN");
-				}
-				// just to be dead sure test conversion in java both ways
-				boolean javaToStringOk = javaRendering.equals(Double.toString(d));
-				boolean javaParseOk = Double.parseDouble(javaRendering) == d;
-				if(!javaToStringOk || !javaParseOk) {
-					String msgA = "Specified rawDoubleBits " + doubleToHexString(d) + " encodes to double '" + d + "'.";
-					String msgB = "Specified javaRendering '" + javaRendering+ "' parses as double with rawDoubleBits "
-						+ doubleToHexString(Double.parseDouble(javaRendering));
-					System.err.println(msgA);
-					System.err.println(msgB);
-					throw new RuntimeException(msgA + msgB);
-				}
-			}
-			_rawDoubleBits = rawDoubleBits;
-			_javaRendering = javaRendering;
-			_excelRendering = excelRendering;
-			_doubleValue = d;
-		}
-		private static String doubleToHexString(double d) {
-			return "0x" + Long.toHexString(Double.doubleToLongBits(d)).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + "L";
-		}
-		public String getJavaRendering() {
-			return _javaRendering;
-		}
-		public String getExcelRendering() {
-			return _excelRendering;
-		}
-		public double getDoubleValue() {
-			return _doubleValue;
-		}
-		public boolean isNaN() {
-			return Double.isNaN(_doubleValue);
-		}
-		public long getRawDoubleBits() {
-			return _rawDoubleBits;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Number rendering examples as observed from Excel.
-	 * TODO - some are currently disabled because POI does not pass these cases yet
-	 */
-	private static final ExampleConversion[] examples = {
-		// basic numbers
-		ec(0x0000000000000000L, "0.0", "0"),
-		ec(0x3FF0000000000000L, "1.0", "1"),
-		ec(0x3FF00068DB8BAC71L, "1.0001", "1.0001"),
-		ec(0x4087A00000000000L, "756.0", "756"),
-		ec(0x401E3D70A3D70A3DL, "7.56", "7.56"),
-		ec(0x405EDD3C07FB4C8CL, "123.4567890123455",  "123.456789012345"),
-		ec(0x405EDD3C07FB4C99L, "123.45678901234568", "123.456789012346"),
-		ec(0x405EDD3C07FB4CAEL, "123.45678901234598", "123.456789012346"),
-		ec(0x4132D687E3DF2180L, "1234567.8901234567", "1234567.89012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E49L, "0.001234567890123455",  "0.00123456789012345"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E4AL, "0.0012345678901234552", "0.00123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E55L, "0.0012345678901234576", "0.00123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E72L, "0.0012345678901234639", "0.00123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E76L, "0.0012345678901234647", "0.00123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E77L, "0.001234567890123465",  "0.00123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E78L, "0.0012345678901234652", "0.00123456789012347"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0EA5L, "0.001234567890123475",  "0.00123456789012347"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0EA6L, "0.0012345678901234751", "0.00123456789012348"),
-		ec(0x544CE6345CF3209CL, "1.2345678901234549E98",  "1.23456789012345E+98"),
-		ec(0x544CE6345CF3209DL, "1.234567890123455E98",   "1.23456789012346E+98"),
-		ec(0x544CE6345CF320DEL, "1.2345678901234649E98",  "1.23456789012346E+98"),
-		ec(0x544CE6345CF320DFL, "1.234567890123465E98",  "1.23456789012347E+98"),
-		ec(0x544CE6345CF32120L, "1.234567890123475E98",   "1.23456789012347E+98"),
-		ec(0x544CE6345CF32121L, "1.2345678901234751E98",  "1.23456789012348E+98"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F5E9L, "1.23456789012355E99",    "1.2345678901236E+99"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F5EAL, "1.2345678901235502E99",  "1.2345678901236E+99"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F784L, "1.2345678901236498E99",  "1.2345678901237E+99"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F785L, "1.23456789012365E99",    "1.2345678901237E+99"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F920L, "1.2345678901237498E99",  "1.2345678901238E+99"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F921L, "1.23456789012375E99",    "1.2345678901238E+99"),
-		// transitions around the E98,E99,E100 boundaries
-		ec(0x547D42AEA2879F19L,"9.999999999999974E98",  "9.99999999999997E+98"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA2879F1AL,"9.999999999999975E98",  "9.99999999999998E+98"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA2879F21L,"9.999999999999984E98",  "9.99999999999998E+98"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA2879F22L,"9.999999999999985E98",  "9.99999999999999E+98"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA2879F2AL,"9.999999999999995E98",  "9.99999999999999E+98"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA2879F2BL,"9.999999999999996E98",  "1E+99"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA287A0A0L,"1.0000000000000449E99", "1E+99"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA287A0A1L,"1.000000000000045E99",  "1.0000000000001E+99"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA287A3D8L,"1.0000000000001449E99", "1.0000000000001E+99"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA287A3D9L,"1.000000000000145E99",  "1.0000000000002E+99"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA287A710L,"1.000000000000245E99",  "1.0000000000002E+99"),
-		ec(0x547D42AEA287A711L,"1.0000000000002451E99", "1.0000000000003E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C2F9L,"9.999999999999744E99",  "9.9999999999997E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C2FAL,"9.999999999999746E99",  "9.9999999999998E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C32DL,"9.999999999999845E99",  "9.9999999999998E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C32EL,"9.999999999999847E99",  "9.9999999999999E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C360L,"9.999999999999944E99",  "9.9999999999999E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C361L,"9.999999999999946E99",  "1E+100"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C464L,"1.0000000000000449E100","1E+100"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C465L,"1.000000000000045E100", "1.0000000000001E+100"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C667L,"1.000000000000145E100", "1.0000000000001E+100"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C668L,"1.0000000000001451E100","1.0000000000002E+100"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C86AL,"1.000000000000245E100", "1.0000000000002E+100"),
-		ec(0x54B249AD2594C86BL,"1.0000000000002452E100","1.0000000000003E+100"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF4A8L,"1.0000000000000251E-98","1.00000000000003E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF4A7L,"1.000000000000025E-98", "1.00000000000002E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF46AL,"1.000000000000015E-98", "1.00000000000002E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF469L,"1.0000000000000149E-98","1.00000000000001E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF42DL,"1.0000000000000051E-98","1.00000000000001E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF42CL,"1.000000000000005E-98", "1E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3ECL,"9.999999999999946E-99", "1E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3EBL,"9.999999999999944E-99", "9.9999999999999E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3AEL,"9.999999999999845E-99", "9.9999999999999E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3ADL,"9.999999999999843E-99", "9.9999999999998E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF371L,"9.999999999999746E-99", "9.9999999999998E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF370L,"9.999999999999744E-99", "9.9999999999997E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C7F5L,"1.000000000000245E-99", "1.0000000000003E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C7F4L,"1.0000000000002449E-99","1.0000000000002E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C609L,"1.0000000000001452E-99","1.0000000000002E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C608L,"1.000000000000145E-99", "1.0000000000001E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C41CL,"1.000000000000045E-99", "1.0000000000001E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C41BL,"1.0000000000000449E-99","1E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C323L,"9.999999999999945E-100","1E-99"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C322L,"9.999999999999943E-100","9.9999999999999E-100"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2F2L,"9.999999999999846E-100","9.9999999999999E-100"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2F1L,"9.999999999999844E-100","9.9999999999998E-100"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2C1L,"9.999999999999746E-100","9.9999999999998E-100"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2C0L,"9.999999999999744E-100","9.9999999999997E-100"),
-		// small numbers
-		ec(0x3EE9E409302678BAL, "1.2345678901234568E-5", "1.23456789012346E-05"),
-		ec(0x3F202E85BE180B74L, "1.2345678901234567E-4", "0.000123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E51L, "0.0012345678901234567", "0.00123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3F8948B0F90591E6L, "0.012345678901234568", "0.0123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x3EE9E409301B5A02L, "1.23456789E-5", "0.0000123456789"),
-		ec(0x3E6E7D05BDABDE50L, "5.6789012345E-8", "0.000000056789012345"),
-		ec(0x3E6E7D05BDAD407EL, "5.67890123456E-8", "5.67890123456E-08"),
-		ec(0x3E6E7D06029F18BEL, "5.678902E-8", "0.00000005678902"),
-		ec(0x2BCB5733CB32AE6EL, "9.999999999999123E-98",  "9.99999999999912E-98"),
-		ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C59EL, "1.0000000000001235E-99", "1.0000000000001E-99"),
-		ec(0x0036319916D67853L, "1.2345678901234578E-307", "1.2345678901235E-307"),
-		ec(0x359DEE7A4AD4B81FL, "2.0E-50", "2E-50"),
-		// large numbers
-		ec(0x41678C29DCD6E9E0L, "1.2345678901234567E7", "12345678.9012346"),
-		ec(0x42A674E79C5FE523L, "1.2345678901234568E13", "12345678901234.6"),
-		ec(0x42DC12218377DE6BL, "1.2345678901234567E14", "123456789012346"),
-		ec(0x43118B54F22AEB03L, "1.2345678901234568E15", "1234567890123460"),
-		ec(0x43E56A95319D63E1L, "1.2345678901234567E19", "12345678901234600000"),
-		ec(0x441AC53A7E04BCDAL, "1.2345678901234568E20", "1.23456789012346E+20"),
-		ec(0xC3E56A95319D63E1L, "-1.2345678901234567E19", "-12345678901234600000"),
-		ec(0xC41AC53A7E04BCDAL, "-1.2345678901234568E20", "-1.23456789012346E+20"),
-		ec(0x54820FE0BA17F46DL, "1.2345678901234577E99",  "1.2345678901235E+99"),
-		ec(0x54B693D8E89DF188L, "1.2345678901234576E100", "1.2345678901235E+100"),
-		ec(0x4A611B0EC57E649AL, "2.0E50", "2E+50"),
-		// range extremities
-		ec(0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "1.7976931348623157E308", "1.7976931348623E+308"),
-		ec(0x0010000000000000L, "2.2250738585072014E-308", "2.2250738585072E-308"),
-		ec(0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "2.225073858507201E-308", "0"),
-		ec(0x0000000000000001L, "4.9E-324", "0"),
-		// infinity
-		ec(0x7FF0000000000000L, "Infinity", "1.7976931348623E+308"),
-		ec(0xFFF0000000000000L, "-Infinity", "1.7976931348623E+308"),
-		// shortening due to rounding
-		ec(0x441AC7A08EAD02F2L, "1.234999999999999E20", "1.235E+20"),
-		ec(0x40FE26BFFFFFFFF9L, "123499.9999999999", "123500"),
-		ec(0x3E4A857BFB2F2809L, "1.234999999999999E-8", "0.00000001235"),
-		ec(0x3BCD291DEF868C89L, "1.234999999999999E-20", "1.235E-20"),
-		// carry up due to rounding
-		// For clarity these tests choose values that don't round in java,
-		// but will round in excel. In some cases there is almost no difference
-		// between excel and java (e.g. 9.9..9E-8)
-		ec(0x444B1AE4D6E2EF4FL, "9.999999999999999E20", "1E+21"),
-		ec(0x412E847FFFFFFFFFL, "999999.9999999999", "1000000"),
-		ec(0x3E45798EE2308C39L, "9.999999999999999E-9", "0.00000001"),
-		ec(0x3C32725DD1D243ABL, "9.999999999999999E-19", "0.000000000000000001"),
-		ec(0x3BFD83C94FB6D2ABL, "9.999999999999999E-20", "1E-19"),
-		ec(0xC44B1AE4D6E2EF4FL, "-9.999999999999999E20", "-1E+21"),
-		ec(0xC12E847FFFFFFFFFL, "-999999.9999999999", "-1000000"),
-		ec(0xBE45798EE2308C39L, "-9.999999999999999E-9", "-0.00000001"),
-		ec(0xBC32725DD1D243ABL, "-9.999999999999999E-19", "-0.000000000000000001"),
-		ec(0xBBFD83C94FB6D2ABL, "-9.999999999999999E-20", "-1E-19"),
-		// NaNs
-		// Currently these test cases are not critical, since other limitations prevent any variety in
-		// or control of the bit patterns used to encode NaNs in evaluations.
-		ec(0xFFFF0420003C0000L, "NaN", "3.484840871308E+308"),
-		ec(0x7FF8000000000000L, "NaN", "2.6965397022935E+308"),
-		ec(0x7FFF0420003C0000L, "NaN", "3.484840871308E+308"),
-		ec(0xFFF8000000000000L, "NaN", "2.6965397022935E+308"),
-		ec(0xFFFF0AAAAAAAAAAAL, "NaN", "3.4877119413344E+308"),
-		ec(0x7FF80AAAAAAAAAAAL, "NaN", "2.7012211948322E+308"),
-		ec(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "NaN", "3.5953862697246E+308"),
-		ec(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "NaN", "3.5953862697246E+308"),
-		ec(0xFFF7FFFFFFFFFFFFL, "NaN", "2.6965397022935E+308"),
-	};
-	private static ExampleConversion ec(long rawDoubleBits, String javaRendering, String excelRendering) {
-		return new ExampleConversion(rawDoubleBits, javaRendering, excelRendering);
-	}
-	public static ExampleConversion[] getExampleConversions() {
-		return examples.clone();
-	}
+    private NumberToTextConversionExamples() {
+        // no instances of this class
+    }
+    public static final class ExampleConversion {
+        private final String _javaRendering;
+        private final String _excelRendering;
+        private final double _doubleValue;
+        private final long _rawDoubleBits;
+        ExampleConversion(long rawDoubleBits, String javaRendering, String excelRendering) {
+            double d = Double.longBitsToDouble(rawDoubleBits);
+            if ("NaN".equals(javaRendering)) {
+                if (!Double.isNaN(d)) {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must be NaN");
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must not be NaN");
+                }
+                // just to be dead sure test conversion in java both ways
+                boolean javaToStringOk = javaRendering.equals(Double.toString(d));
+                boolean javaParseOk = Double.parseDouble(javaRendering) == d;
+                if(!javaToStringOk || !javaParseOk) {
+                    String msgA = "Specified rawDoubleBits " + doubleToHexString(d) + " encodes to double '" + d + "'.";
+                    String msgB = "Specified javaRendering '" + javaRendering+ "' parses as double with rawDoubleBits "
+                        + doubleToHexString(Double.parseDouble(javaRendering));
+                    System.err.println(msgA);
+                    System.err.println(msgB);
+                    throw new RuntimeException(msgA + msgB);
+                }
+            }
+            _rawDoubleBits = rawDoubleBits;
+            _javaRendering = javaRendering;
+            _excelRendering = excelRendering;
+            _doubleValue = d;
+        }
+        private static String doubleToHexString(double d) {
+            return "0x" + Long.toHexString(Double.doubleToLongBits(d)).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + "L";
+        }
+        public String getJavaRendering() {
+            return _javaRendering;
+        }
+        public String getExcelRendering() {
+            return _excelRendering;
+        }
+        public double getDoubleValue() {
+            return _doubleValue;
+        }
+        public boolean isNaN() {
+            return Double.isNaN(_doubleValue);
+        }
+        public long getRawDoubleBits() {
+            return _rawDoubleBits;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Number rendering examples as observed from Excel.
+     * TODO - some are currently disabled because POI does not pass these cases yet
+     */
+    private static final ExampleConversion[] examples = {
+        // basic numbers
+        ec(0x0000000000000000L, "0.0", "0"),
+        ec(0x3FF0000000000000L, "1.0", "1"),
+        ec(0x3FF00068DB8BAC71L, "1.0001", "1.0001"),
+        ec(0x4087A00000000000L, "756.0", "756"),
+        ec(0x401E3D70A3D70A3DL, "7.56", "7.56"),
+        ec(0x405EDD3C07FB4C8CL, "123.4567890123455",  "123.456789012345"),
+        ec(0x405EDD3C07FB4C99L, "123.45678901234568", "123.456789012346"),
+        ec(0x405EDD3C07FB4CAEL, "123.45678901234598", "123.456789012346"),
+        ec(0x4132D687E3DF2180L, "1234567.8901234567", "1234567.89012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E49L, "0.001234567890123455",  "0.00123456789012345"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E4AL, "0.0012345678901234552", "0.00123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E55L, "0.0012345678901234576", "0.00123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E72L, "0.0012345678901234639", "0.00123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E76L, "0.0012345678901234647", "0.00123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E77L, "0.001234567890123465",  "0.00123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E78L, "0.0012345678901234652", "0.00123456789012347"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0EA5L, "0.001234567890123475",  "0.00123456789012347"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0EA6L, "0.0012345678901234751", "0.00123456789012348"),
+        ec(0x544CE6345CF3209CL, "1.2345678901234549E98",  "1.23456789012345E+98"),
+        ec(0x544CE6345CF3209DL, "1.234567890123455E98",   "1.23456789012346E+98"),
+        ec(0x544CE6345CF320DEL, "1.2345678901234649E98",  "1.23456789012346E+98"),
+        ec(0x544CE6345CF320DFL, "1.234567890123465E98",  "1.23456789012347E+98"),
+        ec(0x544CE6345CF32120L, "1.234567890123475E98",   "1.23456789012347E+98"),
+        ec(0x544CE6345CF32121L, "1.2345678901234751E98",  "1.23456789012348E+98"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F5E9L, "1.23456789012355E99",    "1.2345678901236E+99"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F5EAL, "1.2345678901235502E99",  "1.2345678901236E+99"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F784L, "1.2345678901236498E99",  "1.2345678901237E+99"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F785L, "1.23456789012365E99",    "1.2345678901237E+99"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F920L, "1.2345678901237498E99",  "1.2345678901238E+99"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F921L, "1.23456789012375E99",    "1.2345678901238E+99"),
+        // transitions around the E98,E99,E100 boundaries
+        ec(0x547D42AEA2879F19L,"9.999999999999974E98",  "9.99999999999997E+98"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA2879F1AL,"9.999999999999975E98",  "9.99999999999998E+98"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA2879F21L,"9.999999999999984E98",  "9.99999999999998E+98"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA2879F22L,"9.999999999999985E98",  "9.99999999999999E+98"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA2879F2AL,"9.999999999999995E98",  "9.99999999999999E+98"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA2879F2BL,"9.999999999999996E98",  "1E+99"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA287A0A0L,"1.0000000000000449E99", "1E+99"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA287A0A1L,"1.000000000000045E99",  "1.0000000000001E+99"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA287A3D8L,"1.0000000000001449E99", "1.0000000000001E+99"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA287A3D9L,"1.000000000000145E99",  "1.0000000000002E+99"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA287A710L,"1.000000000000245E99",  "1.0000000000002E+99"),
+        ec(0x547D42AEA287A711L,"1.0000000000002451E99", "1.0000000000003E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C2F9L,"9.999999999999744E99",  "9.9999999999997E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C2FAL,"9.999999999999746E99",  "9.9999999999998E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C32DL,"9.999999999999845E99",  "9.9999999999998E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C32EL,"9.999999999999847E99",  "9.9999999999999E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C360L,"9.999999999999944E99",  "9.9999999999999E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C361L,"9.999999999999946E99",  "1E+100"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C464L,"1.0000000000000449E100","1E+100"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C465L,"1.000000000000045E100", "1.0000000000001E+100"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C667L,"1.000000000000145E100", "1.0000000000001E+100"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C668L,"1.0000000000001451E100","1.0000000000002E+100"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C86AL,"1.000000000000245E100", "1.0000000000002E+100"),
+        ec(0x54B249AD2594C86BL,"1.0000000000002452E100","1.0000000000003E+100"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF4A8L,"1.0000000000000251E-98","1.00000000000003E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF4A7L,"1.000000000000025E-98", "1.00000000000002E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF46AL,"1.000000000000015E-98", "1.00000000000002E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF469L,"1.0000000000000149E-98","1.00000000000001E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF42DL,"1.0000000000000051E-98","1.00000000000001E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF42CL,"1.000000000000005E-98", "1E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3ECL,"9.999999999999946E-99", "1E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3EBL,"9.999999999999944E-99", "9.9999999999999E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3AEL,"9.999999999999845E-99", "9.9999999999999E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF3ADL,"9.999999999999843E-99", "9.9999999999998E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF371L,"9.999999999999746E-99", "9.9999999999998E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B95DF5CA28EF370L,"9.999999999999744E-99", "9.9999999999997E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C7F5L,"1.000000000000245E-99", "1.0000000000003E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C7F4L,"1.0000000000002449E-99","1.0000000000002E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C609L,"1.0000000000001452E-99","1.0000000000002E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C608L,"1.000000000000145E-99", "1.0000000000001E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C41CL,"1.000000000000045E-99", "1.0000000000001E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C41BL,"1.0000000000000449E-99","1E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C323L,"9.999999999999945E-100","1E-99"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C322L,"9.999999999999943E-100","9.9999999999999E-100"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2F2L,"9.999999999999846E-100","9.9999999999999E-100"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2F1L,"9.999999999999844E-100","9.9999999999998E-100"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2C1L,"9.999999999999746E-100","9.9999999999998E-100"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C2C0L,"9.999999999999744E-100","9.9999999999997E-100"),
+        // small numbers
+        ec(0x3EE9E409302678BAL, "1.2345678901234568E-5", "1.23456789012346E-05"),
+        ec(0x3F202E85BE180B74L, "1.2345678901234567E-4", "0.000123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F543A272D9E0E51L, "0.0012345678901234567", "0.00123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3F8948B0F90591E6L, "0.012345678901234568", "0.0123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x3EE9E409301B5A02L, "1.23456789E-5", "0.0000123456789"),
+        ec(0x3E6E7D05BDABDE50L, "5.6789012345E-8", "0.000000056789012345"),
+        ec(0x3E6E7D05BDAD407EL, "5.67890123456E-8", "5.67890123456E-08"),
+        ec(0x3E6E7D06029F18BEL, "5.678902E-8", "0.00000005678902"),
+        ec(0x2BCB5733CB32AE6EL, "9.999999999999123E-98",  "9.99999999999912E-98"),
+        ec(0x2B617F7D4ED8C59EL, "1.0000000000001235E-99", "1.0000000000001E-99"),
+        ec(0x0036319916D67853L, "1.2345678901234578E-307", "1.2345678901235E-307"),
+        ec(0x359DEE7A4AD4B81FL, "2.0E-50", "2E-50"),
+        // large numbers
+        ec(0x41678C29DCD6E9E0L, "1.2345678901234567E7", "12345678.9012346"),
+        ec(0x42A674E79C5FE523L, "1.2345678901234568E13", "12345678901234.6"),
+        ec(0x42DC12218377DE6BL, "1.2345678901234567E14", "123456789012346"),
+        ec(0x43118B54F22AEB03L, "1.2345678901234568E15", "1234567890123460"),
+        ec(0x43E56A95319D63E1L, "1.2345678901234567E19", "12345678901234600000"),
+        ec(0x441AC53A7E04BCDAL, "1.2345678901234568E20", "1.23456789012346E+20"),
+        ec(0xC3E56A95319D63E1L, "-1.2345678901234567E19", "-12345678901234600000"),
+        ec(0xC41AC53A7E04BCDAL, "-1.2345678901234568E20", "-1.23456789012346E+20"),
+        ec(0x54820FE0BA17F46DL, "1.2345678901234577E99",  "1.2345678901235E+99"),
+        ec(0x54B693D8E89DF188L, "1.2345678901234576E100", "1.2345678901235E+100"),
+        ec(0x4A611B0EC57E649AL, "2.0E50", "2E+50"),
+        // range extremities
+        ec(0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "1.7976931348623157E308", "1.7976931348623E+308"),
+        ec(0x0010000000000000L, "2.2250738585072014E-308", "2.2250738585072E-308"),
+        ec(0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "2.225073858507201E-308", "0"),
+        ec(0x0000000000000001L, "4.9E-324", "0"),
+        // infinity
+        ec(0x7FF0000000000000L, "Infinity", "1.7976931348623E+308"),
+        ec(0xFFF0000000000000L, "-Infinity", "1.7976931348623E+308"),
+        // shortening due to rounding
+        ec(0x441AC7A08EAD02F2L, "1.234999999999999E20", "1.235E+20"),
+        ec(0x40FE26BFFFFFFFF9L, "123499.9999999999", "123500"),
+        ec(0x3E4A857BFB2F2809L, "1.234999999999999E-8", "0.00000001235"),
+        ec(0x3BCD291DEF868C89L, "1.234999999999999E-20", "1.235E-20"),
+        // carry up due to rounding
+        // For clarity these tests choose values that don't round in java,
+        // but will round in excel. In some cases there is almost no difference
+        // between excel and java (e.g. 9.9..9E-8)
+        ec(0x444B1AE4D6E2EF4FL, "9.999999999999999E20", "1E+21"),
+        ec(0x412E847FFFFFFFFFL, "999999.9999999999", "1000000"),
+        ec(0x3E45798EE2308C39L, "9.999999999999999E-9", "0.00000001"),
+        ec(0x3C32725DD1D243ABL, "9.999999999999999E-19", "0.000000000000000001"),
+        ec(0x3BFD83C94FB6D2ABL, "9.999999999999999E-20", "1E-19"),
+        ec(0xC44B1AE4D6E2EF4FL, "-9.999999999999999E20", "-1E+21"),
+        ec(0xC12E847FFFFFFFFFL, "-999999.9999999999", "-1000000"),
+        ec(0xBE45798EE2308C39L, "-9.999999999999999E-9", "-0.00000001"),
+        ec(0xBC32725DD1D243ABL, "-9.999999999999999E-19", "-0.000000000000000001"),
+        ec(0xBBFD83C94FB6D2ABL, "-9.999999999999999E-20", "-1E-19"),
+        // NaNs
+        // Currently these test cases are not critical, since other limitations prevent any variety in
+        // or control of the bit patterns used to encode NaNs in evaluations.
+        ec(0xFFFF0420003C0000L, "NaN", "3.484840871308E+308"),
+        ec(0x7FF8000000000000L, "NaN", "2.6965397022935E+308"),
+        ec(0x7FFF0420003C0000L, "NaN", "3.484840871308E+308"),
+        ec(0xFFF8000000000000L, "NaN", "2.6965397022935E+308"),
+        ec(0xFFFF0AAAAAAAAAAAL, "NaN", "3.4877119413344E+308"),
+        ec(0x7FF80AAAAAAAAAAAL, "NaN", "2.7012211948322E+308"),
+        ec(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "NaN", "3.5953862697246E+308"),
+        ec(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, "NaN", "3.5953862697246E+308"),
+        ec(0xFFF7FFFFFFFFFFFFL, "NaN", "2.6965397022935E+308"),
+    };
+    private static ExampleConversion ec(long rawDoubleBits, String javaRendering, String excelRendering) {
+        return new ExampleConversion(rawDoubleBits, javaRendering, excelRendering);
+    }
+    public static ExampleConversion[] getExampleConversions() {
+        return examples.clone();
+    }

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--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -31,98 +31,98 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider
  * Tests for {@link ExpandedDouble}
 final class TestExpandedDouble {
-	private static final BigInteger BIG_POW_10 = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000);
+    private static final BigInteger BIG_POW_10 = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000);
-	@Test
-	void testNegative() {
-		ExpandedDouble hd = new ExpandedDouble(0xC010000000000000L);
-		assertNotEquals(-2046, hd.getBinaryExponent(), "identified bug - sign bit not masked out of exponent");
-		assertEquals(2, hd.getBinaryExponent());
-		BigInteger frac = hd.getSignificand();
-		assertEquals(64, frac.bitLength());
-		assertEquals(1, frac.bitCount());
-	}
-	@Test
-	void testSubnormal() {
-		ExpandedDouble hd = new ExpandedDouble(0x0000000000000001L);
-		assertNotEquals(-1023, hd.getBinaryExponent(), "identified bug - subnormal numbers not decoded properly");
-		assertEquals(-1086, hd.getBinaryExponent());
-		BigInteger frac = hd.getSignificand();
-		assertEquals(64, frac.bitLength());
-		assertEquals(1, frac.bitCount());
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Tests specific values for conversion from {@link ExpandedDouble} to {@link NormalisedDecimal} and back
-	 */
-	@ParameterizedTest
-	@ValueSource(longs = {
-		0x4010000000000004L,
-		0x7010000000000004L,
-		0x1010000000000004L,
-		0x0010000000000001L, // near lowest normal number
-		0x0010000000000000L, // lowest normal number
-		0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL, // highest subnormal number
-		0x0008000000000000L, // subnormal number
-		0xC010000000000004L,
-		0xE230100010001004L,
-		0x0000000000000001L, // smallest non-zero number (subnormal)
-		0x6230100010000FFEL,
-		0x6230100010000FFFL,
-		0x6230100010001000L,
-		0x403CE0FFFFFFFFF0L, // has single digit round trip error
-		0x2B2BFFFF10001079L,
-	})
-	void confirmRoundTrip(long rawBitsA) {
-		double a = Double.longBitsToDouble(rawBitsA);
-		if (a == 0.0) {
-			// Can't represent 0.0 or -0.0 with NormalisedDecimal
-			return;
-		}
-		ExpandedDouble ed1 = new ExpandedDouble(rawBitsA);
-		NormalisedDecimal nd2 = ed1.normaliseBaseTen();
-		checkNormaliseBaseTenResult(ed1, nd2);
-		ExpandedDouble ed3 = nd2.normaliseBaseTwo();
-		assertEquals(ed3.getBinaryExponent(), ed1.getBinaryExponent(), "bin exp mismatch");
-		BigInteger diff = ed3.getSignificand().subtract(ed1.getSignificand()).abs();
-		if (diff.signum() == 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// original quantity only has 53 bits of precision
-		// these quantities may have errors in the 64th bit, which hopefully don't make any difference
-		// errors in the 64th bit happen from time to time
-		// this is well below the 53 bits of precision required
-		assertTrue(diff.bitLength() < 2);
-	}
-	private static void checkNormaliseBaseTenResult(ExpandedDouble orig, NormalisedDecimal result) {
-		String sigDigs = result.getSignificantDecimalDigits();
-		BigInteger frac = orig.getSignificand();
-		while (frac.bitLength() + orig.getBinaryExponent() < 200) {
-			frac = frac.multiply(BIG_POW_10);
-		}
-		int binaryExp = orig.getBinaryExponent() - orig.getSignificand().bitLength();
-		String origDigs = frac.shiftLeft(binaryExp+1).toString(10);
-		assertTrue(origDigs.startsWith(sigDigs));
-		double dO = Double.parseDouble("0." + origDigs.substring(sigDigs.length()));
-		double d1 = Double.parseDouble(result.getFractionalPart().toPlainString());
-		BigInteger subDigsO = BigInteger.valueOf((int) (dO * 32768 + 0.5));
-		BigInteger subDigsB = BigInteger.valueOf((int) (d1 * 32768 + 0.5));
-		if (subDigsO.equals(subDigsB)) {
-			return;
-		}
-		BigInteger diff = subDigsB.subtract(subDigsO).abs();
-		// 100/32768 ~= 0.003
-		assertTrue(diff.intValue() <= 100, "minor mistake");
-	}
+    @Test
+    void testNegative() {
+        ExpandedDouble hd = new ExpandedDouble(0xC010000000000000L);
+        assertNotEquals(-2046, hd.getBinaryExponent(), "identified bug - sign bit not masked out of exponent");
+        assertEquals(2, hd.getBinaryExponent());
+        BigInteger frac = hd.getSignificand();
+        assertEquals(64, frac.bitLength());
+        assertEquals(1, frac.bitCount());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testSubnormal() {
+        ExpandedDouble hd = new ExpandedDouble(0x0000000000000001L);
+        assertNotEquals(-1023, hd.getBinaryExponent(), "identified bug - subnormal numbers not decoded properly");
+        assertEquals(-1086, hd.getBinaryExponent());
+        BigInteger frac = hd.getSignificand();
+        assertEquals(64, frac.bitLength());
+        assertEquals(1, frac.bitCount());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests specific values for conversion from {@link ExpandedDouble} to {@link NormalisedDecimal} and back
+     */
+    @ParameterizedTest
+    @ValueSource(longs = {
+        0x4010000000000004L,
+        0x7010000000000004L,
+        0x1010000000000004L,
+        0x0010000000000001L, // near lowest normal number
+        0x0010000000000000L, // lowest normal number
+        0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL, // highest subnormal number
+        0x0008000000000000L, // subnormal number
+        0xC010000000000004L,
+        0xE230100010001004L,
+        0x403CE0FFFFFFFFF2L,
+        0x0000000000000001L, // smallest non-zero number (subnormal)
+        0x6230100010000FFEL,
+        0x6230100010000FFFL,
+        0x6230100010001000L,
+        0x403CE0FFFFFFFFF0L, // has single digit round trip error
+        0x2B2BFFFF10001079L,
+    })
+    void confirmRoundTrip(long rawBitsA) {
+        double a = Double.longBitsToDouble(rawBitsA);
+        if (a == 0.0) {
+            // Can't represent 0.0 or -0.0 with NormalisedDecimal
+            return;
+        }
+        ExpandedDouble ed1 = new ExpandedDouble(rawBitsA);
+        NormalisedDecimal nd2 = ed1.normaliseBaseTen();
+        checkNormaliseBaseTenResult(ed1, nd2);
+        ExpandedDouble ed3 = nd2.normaliseBaseTwo();
+        assertEquals(ed3.getBinaryExponent(), ed1.getBinaryExponent(), "bin exp mismatch");
+        BigInteger diff = ed3.getSignificand().subtract(ed1.getSignificand()).abs();
+        if (diff.signum() == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // original quantity only has 53 bits of precision
+        // these quantities may have errors in the 64th bit, which hopefully don't make any difference
+        // errors in the 64th bit happen from time to time
+        // this is well below the 53 bits of precision required
+        assertTrue(diff.bitLength() < 2);
+    }
+    private static void checkNormaliseBaseTenResult(ExpandedDouble orig, NormalisedDecimal result) {
+        String sigDigs = result.getSignificantDecimalDigits();
+        BigInteger frac = orig.getSignificand();
+        while (frac.bitLength() + orig.getBinaryExponent() < 200) {
+            frac = frac.multiply(BIG_POW_10);
+        }
+        int binaryExp = orig.getBinaryExponent() - orig.getSignificand().bitLength();
+        String origDigs = frac.shiftLeft(binaryExp+1).toString(10);
+        assertTrue(origDigs.startsWith(sigDigs));
+        double dO = Double.parseDouble("0." + origDigs.substring(sigDigs.length()));
+        double d1 = Double.parseDouble(result.getFractionalPart().toPlainString());
+        BigInteger subDigsO = BigInteger.valueOf((int) (dO * 32768 + 0.5));
+        BigInteger subDigsB = BigInteger.valueOf((int) (d1 * 32768 + 0.5));
+        if (subDigsO.equals(subDigsB)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        BigInteger diff = subDigsB.subtract(subDigsO).abs();
+        // 100/32768 ~= 0.003
+        assertTrue(diff.intValue() <= 100, "minor mistake");
+    }

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+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -34,66 +34,66 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider
 final class TestNumberComparer {
-	void testAllComparisonExamples() {
-		ComparisonExample[] examples = NumberComparisonExamples.getComparisonExamples();
-		boolean success = true;
-		for(int i=0;i<examples.length; i++) {
-			ComparisonExample ce = examples[i];
-			success &= confirm(i, ce.getA(), ce.getB(), +ce.getExpectedResult());
-			success &= confirm(i, ce.getB(), ce.getA(), -ce.getExpectedResult());
-			success &= confirm(i, ce.getNegA(), ce.getNegB(), -ce.getExpectedResult());
-			success &= confirm(i, ce.getNegB(), ce.getNegA(), +ce.getExpectedResult());
-		}
+    void testAllComparisonExamples() {
+        ComparisonExample[] examples = NumberComparisonExamples.getComparisonExamples();
+        boolean success = true;
+        for(int i=0;i<examples.length; i++) {
+            ComparisonExample ce = examples[i];
+            success &= confirm(i, ce.getA(), ce.getB(), +ce.getExpectedResult());
+            success &= confirm(i, ce.getB(), ce.getA(), -ce.getExpectedResult());
+            success &= confirm(i, ce.getNegA(), ce.getNegB(), -ce.getExpectedResult());
+            success &= confirm(i, ce.getNegB(), ce.getNegA(), +ce.getExpectedResult());
+        }
-		assertTrue(success, "One or more cases failed.  See stderr");
-	}
+        assertTrue(success, "One or more cases failed.  See stderr");
+    }
-	@MethodSource("")
-	void testRoundTripOnComparisonExamples(ComparisonExample ce) {
-    	double[] vals = { ce.getA(), ce.getNegA(), ce.getB(), ce.getNegB() };
-    	for (double a : vals) {
-			assertDoesNotThrow(() -> new TestExpandedDouble().confirmRoundTrip(Double.doubleToLongBits(a)));
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The actual example from bug 47598
-	 */
-	@Test
-	void testSpecificExampleA() {
-		double a = 0.06-0.01;
-		double b = 0.05;
+    @MethodSource("")
+    void testRoundTripOnComparisonExamples(ComparisonExample ce) {
+        double[] vals = { ce.getA(), ce.getNegA(), ce.getB(), ce.getNegB() };
+        for (double a : vals) {
+            assertDoesNotThrow(() -> new TestExpandedDouble().confirmRoundTrip(Double.doubleToLongBits(a)));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * The actual example from bug 47598
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testSpecificExampleA() {
+        double a = 0.06-0.01;
+        double b = 0.05;
         assertNotEquals(a, b, 0.0);
-		assertEquals(0,, b));
-	}
+        assertEquals(0,, b));
+    }
-	/**
-	 * The example from the nabble posting
-	 */
-	@Test
-	void testSpecificExampleB() {
-		double a = 1+1.0028-0.9973;
-		double b = 1.0055;
+    /**
+     * The example from the nabble posting
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testSpecificExampleB() {
+        double a = 1+1.0028-0.9973;
+        double b = 1.0055;
         assertNotEquals(a, b, 0.0);
-		assertEquals(0,, b));
-	}
+        assertEquals(0,, b));
+    }
-	private static boolean confirm(int i, double a, double b, int expRes) {
-		int actRes =, b);
+    private static boolean confirm(int i, double a, double b, int expRes) {
+        int actRes =, b);
-		int sgnActRes =, 0);
-		if (sgnActRes != expRes) {
-			System.err.println("Mismatch example[" + i + "] ("
-					+ formatDoubleAsHex(a) + ", " + formatDoubleAsHex(b) + ") expected "
-					+ expRes + " but got " + sgnActRes);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	private static String formatDoubleAsHex(double d) {
-		long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
-		return HexDump.longToHex(l)+'L';
-	}
+        int sgnActRes =, 0);
+        if (sgnActRes != expRes) {
+            System.err.println("Mismatch example[" + i + "] ("
+                    + formatDoubleAsHex(a) + ", " + formatDoubleAsHex(b) + ") expected "
+                    + expRes + " but got " + sgnActRes);
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    private static String formatDoubleAsHex(double d) {
+        long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);
+        return HexDump.longToHex(l)+'L';
+    }

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--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -31,66 +31,66 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
  * Tests for {@link NumberToTextConverter}
 final class TestNumberToTextConverter {
-	/**
-	 * Confirms that {@code ExcelNumberToTextConverter.toText(d)} produces the right results.
-	 * As part of preparing this test class, the {@code ExampleConversion} instances should be set
-	 * up to contain the rendering as produced by Excel.
-	 */
-	@Test
-	void testAll() {
-		ExampleConversion[] examples = NumberToTextConversionExamples.getExampleConversions();
+    /**
+     * Confirms that {@code ExcelNumberToTextConverter.toText(d)} produces the right results.
+     * As part of preparing this test class, the {@code ExampleConversion} instances should be set
+     * up to contain the rendering as produced by Excel.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testAll() {
+        ExampleConversion[] examples = NumberToTextConversionExamples.getExampleConversions();
-		for (ExampleConversion example : examples) {
-			if (example.isNaN()) {
-				confirmNaN(example.getRawDoubleBits(), example.getExcelRendering());
-				continue;
-			}
-			String actual = NumberToTextConverter.toText(example.getDoubleValue());
-			assertEquals(example.getExcelRendering(), actual);
-		}
-	}
+        for (ExampleConversion example : examples) {
+            if (example.isNaN()) {
+                confirmNaN(example.getRawDoubleBits(), example.getExcelRendering());
+                continue;
+            }
+            String actual = NumberToTextConverter.toText(example.getDoubleValue());
+            assertEquals(example.getExcelRendering(), actual);
+        }
+    }
-	/**
-	 * Excel's abnormal rendering of NaNs is both difficult to test and even reproduce in java. In
-	 * general, Excel does not attempt to use raw NaN in the IEEE sense. In {@link FormulaRecord}s,
-	 * Excel uses the NaN bit pattern to flag non-numeric (text, boolean, error) cached results.
-	 * If the formula result actually evaluates to raw NaN, Excel transforms it to <i>#NUM!</i>.
-	 * In other places (e.g. {@link NumberRecord}, {@link NumberPtg}, array items (via {@link
-	 * ConstantValueParser}), there seems to be no special NaN translation scheme.  If a NaN bit
-	 * pattern is somehow encoded into any of these places Excel actually attempts to render the
-	 * values as a plain number. That is the unusual functionality that this method is testing.<p>
-	 *
-	 * There are multiple encodings (bit patterns) for NaN, and CPUs and applications can convert
-	 * to a preferred NaN encoding  (Java prefers {@code 0x7FF8000000000000L}).  Besides the
-	 * special encoding in {@code FormulaRecord.SpecialCachedValue}, it is not known how/whether
-	 * Excel attempts to encode NaN values.
-	 *
-	 * Observed NaN behaviour on HotSpot/Windows:
-	 * {@code Double.longBitsToDouble()} will set one bit 51 (the NaN signaling flag) if it isn't
-	 *  already. {@code Double.doubleToLongBits()} will return a double with bit pattern
-	 *  {@code 0x7FF8000000000000L} for any NaN bit pattern supplied.<br>
-	 * Differences are likely to be observed with other architectures.<p>
-	 *
-	 * <p>
-	 * The few test case examples calling this method represent functionality which may not be
-	 * important for POI to support.
-	 */
-	private void confirmNaN(long l, String excelRep) {
-		double d = Double.longBitsToDouble(l);
-		assertEquals("NaN", Double.toString(d));
+    /**
+     * Excel's abnormal rendering of NaNs is both difficult to test and even reproduce in java. In
+     * general, Excel does not attempt to use raw NaN in the IEEE sense. In {@link FormulaRecord}s,
+     * Excel uses the NaN bit pattern to flag non-numeric (text, boolean, error) cached results.
+     * If the formula result actually evaluates to raw NaN, Excel transforms it to <i>#NUM!</i>.
+     * In other places (e.g. {@link NumberRecord}, {@link NumberPtg}, array items (via {@link
+     * ConstantValueParser}), there seems to be no special NaN translation scheme.  If a NaN bit
+     * pattern is somehow encoded into any of these places Excel actually attempts to render the
+     * values as a plain number. That is the unusual functionality that this method is testing.<p>
+     *
+     * There are multiple encodings (bit patterns) for NaN, and CPUs and applications can convert
+     * to a preferred NaN encoding  (Java prefers {@code 0x7FF8000000000000L}).  Besides the
+     * special encoding in {@code FormulaRecord.SpecialCachedValue}, it is not known how/whether
+     * Excel attempts to encode NaN values.
+     *
+     * Observed NaN behaviour on HotSpot/Windows:
+     * {@code Double.longBitsToDouble()} will set one bit 51 (the NaN signaling flag) if it isn't
+     *  already. {@code Double.doubleToLongBits()} will return a double with bit pattern
+     *  {@code 0x7FF8000000000000L} for any NaN bit pattern supplied.<br>
+     * Differences are likely to be observed with other architectures.<p>
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The few test case examples calling this method represent functionality which may not be
+     * important for POI to support.
+     */
+    private void confirmNaN(long l, String excelRep) {
+        double d = Double.longBitsToDouble(l);
+        assertEquals("NaN", Double.toString(d));
-		String strExcel = NumberToTextConverter.rawDoubleBitsToText(l);
+        String strExcel = NumberToTextConverter.rawDoubleBitsToText(l);
-		assertEquals(excelRep, strExcel);
-	}
+        assertEquals(excelRep, strExcel);
+    }
-	@Test
-	void testSimpleRendering_bug56156() {
-		double dResult = 0.05+0.01; // values chosen to produce rounding anomaly
-		String actualText = NumberToTextConverter.toText(dResult);
-		String jdkText = Double.toString(dResult);
-		// "0.060000000000000005"
-		assertNotEquals("Should not use default JDK IEEE double rendering", jdkText, actualText);
-		assertEquals("0.06", actualText);
-	}
+    @Test
+    void testSimpleRendering_bug56156() {
+        double dResult = 0.05+0.01; // values chosen to produce rounding anomaly
+        String actualText = NumberToTextConverter.toText(dResult);
+        String jdkText = Double.toString(dResult);
+        // "0.060000000000000005"
+        assertNotEquals("Should not use default JDK IEEE double rendering", jdkText, actualText);
+        assertEquals("0.06", actualText);
+    }

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--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ final class TestSheetUtil {
             Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
-			//noinspection deprecation
-			cell.setCellType(CellType.STRING);
+            //noinspection deprecation
+            cell.setCellType(CellType.STRING);
             assertTrue(SheetUtil.getColumnWidth(sheet, 0, true) > 0, "Having some width for rows with actual cells");
             assertEquals(-1.0, SheetUtil.getColumnWidth(sheet, 0, true, 1, 2), 0.01, "Not having any widht for rows with all empty cells");

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--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -27,64 +27,64 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
  * @see
 final class TestWorkbookUtil {
-	/**
-	 * borrowed test cases from
-	 * {@link org.apache.poi.hssf.record.TestBoundSheetRecord#testValidNames()}
-	 */
-	@Test
-	void testCreateSafeNames() {
+    /**
+     * borrowed test cases from
+     * {@link org.apache.poi.hssf.record.TestBoundSheetRecord#testValidNames()}
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testCreateSafeNames() {
-		String p = "Sheet1";
-		String actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
-		assertEquals(p, actual);
+        String p = "Sheet1";
+        String actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
+        assertEquals(p, actual);
-		p = "O'Brien's sales";
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
-		assertEquals(p, actual);
+        p = "O'Brien's sales";
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
+        assertEquals(p, actual);
-		p = " data # ";
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
-		assertEquals(p, actual);
+        p = " data # ";
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
+        assertEquals(p, actual);
-		p = "data $1.00";
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
-		assertEquals(p, actual);
+        p = "data $1.00";
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(p);
+        assertEquals(p, actual);
-		// now the replaced versions ...
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data?");
-		assertEquals("data ", actual);
+        // now the replaced versions ...
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data?");
+        assertEquals("data ", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("abc/def");
-		assertEquals("abc def", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("abc/def");
+        assertEquals("abc def", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data[0]");
-		assertEquals("data 0 ", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data[0]");
+        assertEquals("data 0 ", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data*");
-		assertEquals("data ", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data*");
+        assertEquals("data ", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("abc\\def");
-		assertEquals("abc def", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("abc\\def");
+        assertEquals("abc def", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("'data");
-		assertEquals(" data", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("'data");
+        assertEquals(" data", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data'");
-		assertEquals("data ", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("data'");
+        assertEquals("data ", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("d'at'a");
-		assertEquals("d'at'a", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("d'at'a");
+        assertEquals("d'at'a", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(null);
-		assertEquals("null", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(null);
+        assertEquals("null", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("");
-		assertEquals("empty", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("");
+        assertEquals("empty", actual);
-		actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("1234567890123456789012345678901TOOLONG");
-		assertEquals("1234567890123456789012345678901", actual);
+        actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("1234567890123456789012345678901TOOLONG");
+        assertEquals("1234567890123456789012345678901", actual);
         actual = WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName("sheet:a4");
         assertEquals("sheet a4", actual);
-	}
+    }

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/cellwalk/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/cellwalk/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/ss/util/cellwalk/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ class TestCellWalk {
         CellRangeAddress range = CellRangeAddress.valueOf("A1:C3");
         CellWalk cellWalk = new CellWalk(sheet, range);
-		int[] cellsVisited = { 0 };
-		long[] ordinalNumberSum = { 0 };
+        int[] cellsVisited = { 0 };
+        long[] ordinalNumberSum = { 0 };
         cellWalk.traverse((cell,ctx) -> {
-			cellsVisited[0]++;
-			ordinalNumberSum[0] += ctx.getOrdinalNumber();
-		});
+            cellsVisited[0]++;
+            ordinalNumberSum[0] += ctx.getOrdinalNumber();
+        });
         assertEquals(4, cellsVisited[0]);
         /* 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 */

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ import java.util.List;
  * Usage is something like
- * 	private final MemoryLeakVerifier verifier = new MemoryLeakVerifier();
+ *  private final MemoryLeakVerifier verifier = new MemoryLeakVerifier();
-	{@literal}After
-	void tearDown() {
-		verifier.assertGarbageCollected();
-	}
-	{@literal}Test
-	void someTest() {
-		...
-		verifier.addObject(object);
-	}
+    {@literal}After
+    void tearDown() {
+        verifier.assertGarbageCollected();
+    }
+    {@literal}Test
+    void someTest() {
+        ...
+        verifier.addObject(object);
+    }
  * This will verify at the end of the test if the object is actually removed by the
@@ -48,58 +48,58 @@ import java.util.List;
  * Idea taken from
 public class MemoryLeakVerifier {
-	private static final int MAX_GC_ITERATIONS = 50;
-	private static final int GC_SLEEP_TIME     = 100;
+    private static final int MAX_GC_ITERATIONS = 50;
+    private static final int GC_SLEEP_TIME     = 100;
-	private final List<WeakReference<Object>> references = new ArrayList<>();
+    private final List<WeakReference<Object>> references = new ArrayList<>();
-	public MemoryLeakVerifier() {
-	}
+    public MemoryLeakVerifier() {
+    }
-	public void addObject(Object object) {
-		references.add(new WeakReference<>(object));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Attempts to perform a full garbage collection so that all weak references will be removed. Usually only
-	 * a single GC is required, but there have been situations where some unused memory is not cleared up on the
-	 * first pass. This method performs a full garbage collection and then validates that the weak reference
-	 * now has been cleared. If it hasn't then the thread will sleep for 100 milliseconds and then retry up to
-	 * 50 more times. If after this the object still has not been collected then the assertion will fail.
-	 *
-	 * Based upon the method described in:
-	 */
-	public void assertGarbageCollected() {
-		assertGarbageCollected(MAX_GC_ITERATIONS);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Used only for testing the class itself where we would like to fail faster than 5 seconds
-	 * @param maxIterations The number of times a GC will be invoked until a possible memory leak is reported
-	 */
-	void assertGarbageCollected(int maxIterations) {
-		try {
-			for(WeakReference<Object> ref : references) {
-				assertGarbageCollected(ref, maxIterations);
-			}
-		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-			// just ensure that we quickly return when the thread is interrupted
-		}
-	}
-	private static void assertGarbageCollected(WeakReference<Object> ref, int maxIterations) throws InterruptedException {
-	    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
-	    for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
-	        runtime.runFinalization();
-	        runtime.gc();
-	        if (ref.get() == null)
-	            break;
-	        // Pause for a while and then go back around the loop to try again...
-			//EventQueue.invokeAndWait(Procedure.NoOp); // Wait for the AWT event queue to have completed processing
-			Thread.sleep(GC_SLEEP_TIME);
-	    }
+    public void addObject(Object object) {
+        references.add(new WeakReference<>(object));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attempts to perform a full garbage collection so that all weak references will be removed. Usually only
+     * a single GC is required, but there have been situations where some unused memory is not cleared up on the
+     * first pass. This method performs a full garbage collection and then validates that the weak reference
+     * now has been cleared. If it hasn't then the thread will sleep for 100 milliseconds and then retry up to
+     * 50 more times. If after this the object still has not been collected then the assertion will fail.
+     *
+     * Based upon the method described in:
+     */
+    public void assertGarbageCollected() {
+        assertGarbageCollected(MAX_GC_ITERATIONS);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Used only for testing the class itself where we would like to fail faster than 5 seconds
+     * @param maxIterations The number of times a GC will be invoked until a possible memory leak is reported
+     */
+    void assertGarbageCollected(int maxIterations) {
+        try {
+            for(WeakReference<Object> ref : references) {
+                assertGarbageCollected(ref, maxIterations);
+            }
+        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+            // just ensure that we quickly return when the thread is interrupted
+        }
+    }
+    private static void assertGarbageCollected(WeakReference<Object> ref, int maxIterations) throws InterruptedException {
+        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
+        for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
+            runtime.runFinalization();
+            runtime.gc();
+            if (ref.get() == null)
+                break;
+            // Pause for a while and then go back around the loop to try again...
+            //EventQueue.invokeAndWait(Procedure.NoOp); // Wait for the AWT event queue to have completed processing
+            Thread.sleep(GC_SLEEP_TIME);
+        }
-	    assertNull(ref.get(), "Object should not exist after " + MAX_GC_ITERATIONS + " collections, but still had: " + ref.get());
-	}
+        assertNull(ref.get(), "Object should not exist after " + MAX_GC_ITERATIONS + " collections, but still had: " + ref.get());
+    }

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -29,65 +29,65 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
  * Unit test for ArrayUtil
 class TestArrayUtil {
-	/**
-	 * Helper for testArrayMoveWithin
-	 */
-	private Integer[] getIntsList() {
-		return new Integer[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Test to ensure that arrayMoveWithin works as expected
-	 */
-	@Test
-	void testArrayMoveWithin() {
-		// moveFrom, moveTo, numToMove, values...
-		Integer[][] data = {
-			// Moving to a later point in the array
-			// Shift 1 back
-			{ 4, 8, 1,      0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 9 },
-			// Shift front 1 back
-			{ 0, 7, 1,      1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 8, 9 },
-			// Shift 1 to end
-			{ 4, 9, 1,      0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4 },
-			// Moving to an earlier point in the array
-			// Shift 1 forward
-			{ 8, 3, 1,      0, 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 },
-			// Shift end 1 forward
-			{ 9, 2, 1,      0, 1, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 },
-			// Shift 1 to front
-			{ 5, 0, 1,      5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 },
-			// Moving many to a later point in the array
-			// Shift 3 back
-			{ 2, 6, 3,      0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 9 },
-			// Shift 3 to back
-			{ 2, 7, 3,      0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4 },
-			// Shift from 3 front
-			{ 0, 5, 3,      3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 8, 9 },
-			// Moving many to an earlier point in the array
-			// Shift 3 forward
-			{ 6, 2, 3,      0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 },
-			// Shift 3 to front
-			{ 6, 0, 3,      6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 },
-			// Shift from 3 back
-			{ 7, 3, 3,      0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
-		};
-		for (Integer[] entry : data) {
-			Integer[] ints = getIntsList();
-			ArrayUtil.arrayMoveWithin(ints, entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]);
-			assertArrayEquals(ints, Arrays.copyOfRange(entry, 3, 13));
-		}
-		// Check can't shift more than we have
-		assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> ArrayUtil.arrayMoveWithin(getIntsList(), 7, 3, 5));
-		// Good, we don't have 5 from 7 onwards
-		// Check can't shift where would overshoot
-		assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> ArrayUtil.arrayMoveWithin(getIntsList(), 2, 7, 5));
-		// Good, we can't fit 5 in starting at 7
-	}
+    /**
+     * Helper for testArrayMoveWithin
+     */
+    private Integer[] getIntsList() {
+        return new Integer[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test to ensure that arrayMoveWithin works as expected
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testArrayMoveWithin() {
+        // moveFrom, moveTo, numToMove, values...
+        Integer[][] data = {
+            // Moving to a later point in the array
+            // Shift 1 back
+            { 4, 8, 1,      0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 9 },
+            // Shift front 1 back
+            { 0, 7, 1,      1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 8, 9 },
+            // Shift 1 to end
+            { 4, 9, 1,      0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4 },
+            // Moving to an earlier point in the array
+            // Shift 1 forward
+            { 8, 3, 1,      0, 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 },
+            // Shift end 1 forward
+            { 9, 2, 1,      0, 1, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 },
+            // Shift 1 to front
+            { 5, 0, 1,      5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 },
+            // Moving many to a later point in the array
+            // Shift 3 back
+            { 2, 6, 3,      0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 9 },
+            // Shift 3 to back
+            { 2, 7, 3,      0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4 },
+            // Shift from 3 front
+            { 0, 5, 3,      3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 8, 9 },
+            // Moving many to an earlier point in the array
+            // Shift 3 forward
+            { 6, 2, 3,      0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 },
+            // Shift 3 to front
+            { 6, 0, 3,      6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 },
+            // Shift from 3 back
+            { 7, 3, 3,      0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
+        };
+        for (Integer[] entry : data) {
+            Integer[] ints = getIntsList();
+            ArrayUtil.arrayMoveWithin(ints, entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]);
+            assertArrayEquals(ints, Arrays.copyOfRange(entry, 3, 13));
+        }
+        // Check can't shift more than we have
+        assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> ArrayUtil.arrayMoveWithin(getIntsList(), 7, 3, 5));
+        // Good, we don't have 5 from 7 onwards
+        // Check can't shift where would overshoot
+        assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> ArrayUtil.arrayMoveWithin(getIntsList(), 2, 7, 5));
+        // Good, we can't fit 5 in starting at 7
+    }

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class TestHexDump {
         assertEquals("0x0000000000003FCD", HexDump.longToHex(16333));
-	@Test
+    @Test
     void testDumpToString() {
         byte[] testArray = testArray();
         String dump = HexDump.dump(testArray, 0, 0);

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
 import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
 import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.Isolated;
-@Isolated	// this test changes global static BYTE_ARRAY_MAX_OVERRIDE
+@Isolated   // this test changes global static BYTE_ARRAY_MAX_OVERRIDE
 final class TestIOUtils {
     private static File TMP;
     private static final long LENGTH = 300 + new Random().nextInt(9000);

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ final class TestLittleEndian {
         56, 50, -113, -4, -63, -64, -13, 63, 76, -32, -42, -35, 60, -43, 3, 64
-	/** 0x7ff8000000000000 encoded in little endian order */
-	private static final byte[] _nan_double_array = HexRead.readFromString("00 00 00 00 00 00 F8 7F");
+    /** 0x7ff8000000000000 encoded in little endian order */
+    private static final byte[] _nan_double_array = HexRead.readFromString("00 00 00 00 00 00 F8 7F");
     private static final double[] _doubles      =
         1.23456, 2.47912, Double.NaN

Modified: poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/
--- poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ (original)
+++ poi/trunk/poi/src/test/java/org/apache/poi/util/ Sat May 22 20:56:44 2021
@@ -33,85 +33,85 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
 final class TestLittleEndianStreams {
-	@Test
-	void testRead() throws IOException {
-		UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream baos = new UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream();
-		try (LittleEndianOutputStream leo = new LittleEndianOutputStream(baos)) {
-			leo.writeInt(12345678);
-			leo.writeShort(12345);
-			leo.writeByte(123);
-			leo.writeShort(40000);
-			leo.writeByte(200);
-			leo.writeLong(1234567890123456789L);
-			leo.writeDouble(123.456);
-		}
-		try (LittleEndianInputStream lei = new LittleEndianInputStream(baos.toInputStream())) {
-			assertEquals(12345678, lei.readInt());
-			assertEquals(12345, lei.readShort());
-			assertEquals(123, lei.readByte());
-			assertEquals(40000, lei.readUShort());
-			assertEquals(200, lei.readUByte());
-			assertEquals(1234567890123456789L, lei.readLong());
-			assertEquals(123.456, lei.readDouble(), 0.0);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Up until svn r836101 {@link LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream#readFully(byte[], int, int)}
-	 * had an error which resulted in the data being read and written back to the source byte
-	 * array.
-	 */
-	@Test
-	void testReadFully() {
-		byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77 66 55 44 33");
-		LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf);
-		// do initial read to increment the read index beyond zero
-		assertEquals(0x8899, lei.readUShort());
-		byte[] actBuf = new byte[4];
-		lei.readFully(actBuf);
-		assertFalse(actBuf[0] == 0x00 && srcBuf[0] == 0x77 && srcBuf[3] == 0x44,
-			"Identified bug in readFully() - source buffer was modified");
-		byte[] expBuf = HexRead.readFromString("77 66 55 44");
-		assertArrayEquals(actBuf, expBuf);
-		assertEquals(0x33, lei.readUByte());
-		assertEquals(0, lei.available());
-	}
-	@Test
-	void testBufferOverrun() {
-		byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77");
-		LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf);
-		// do initial read to increment the read index beyond zero
-		assertEquals(0x8899, lei.readUShort());
-		// only one byte left, so this should fail
-		RuntimeException ex = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> lei.readFully(new byte[4]));
-		assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Buffer overrun"));
-	}
-	@Test
-	void testBufferOverrunStartOffset() {
-		byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77 88 99");
-		LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf, 2);
-		// only one byte left, so this should fail
-		RuntimeException ex = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> lei.readFully(new byte[4]));
-		assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Buffer overrun"));
-	}
-	@Test
-	void testBufferOverrunStartOffset2() {
-		byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77 88 99");
-		LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf, 2, 2);
-		// only one byte left, so this should fail
-		RuntimeException ex = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> lei.readFully(new byte[4]));
-		assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Buffer overrun"));
-	}
+    @Test
+    void testRead() throws IOException {
+        UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream baos = new UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream();
+        try (LittleEndianOutputStream leo = new LittleEndianOutputStream(baos)) {
+            leo.writeInt(12345678);
+            leo.writeShort(12345);
+            leo.writeByte(123);
+            leo.writeShort(40000);
+            leo.writeByte(200);
+            leo.writeLong(1234567890123456789L);
+            leo.writeDouble(123.456);
+        }
+        try (LittleEndianInputStream lei = new LittleEndianInputStream(baos.toInputStream())) {
+            assertEquals(12345678, lei.readInt());
+            assertEquals(12345, lei.readShort());
+            assertEquals(123, lei.readByte());
+            assertEquals(40000, lei.readUShort());
+            assertEquals(200, lei.readUByte());
+            assertEquals(1234567890123456789L, lei.readLong());
+            assertEquals(123.456, lei.readDouble(), 0.0);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Up until svn r836101 {@link LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream#readFully(byte[], int, int)}
+     * had an error which resulted in the data being read and written back to the source byte
+     * array.
+     */
+    @Test
+    void testReadFully() {
+        byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77 66 55 44 33");
+        LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf);
+        // do initial read to increment the read index beyond zero
+        assertEquals(0x8899, lei.readUShort());
+        byte[] actBuf = new byte[4];
+        lei.readFully(actBuf);
+        assertFalse(actBuf[0] == 0x00 && srcBuf[0] == 0x77 && srcBuf[3] == 0x44,
+            "Identified bug in readFully() - source buffer was modified");
+        byte[] expBuf = HexRead.readFromString("77 66 55 44");
+        assertArrayEquals(actBuf, expBuf);
+        assertEquals(0x33, lei.readUByte());
+        assertEquals(0, lei.available());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testBufferOverrun() {
+        byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77");
+        LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf);
+        // do initial read to increment the read index beyond zero
+        assertEquals(0x8899, lei.readUShort());
+        // only one byte left, so this should fail
+        RuntimeException ex = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> lei.readFully(new byte[4]));
+        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Buffer overrun"));
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testBufferOverrunStartOffset() {
+        byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77 88 99");
+        LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf, 2);
+        // only one byte left, so this should fail
+        RuntimeException ex = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> lei.readFully(new byte[4]));
+        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Buffer overrun"));
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testBufferOverrunStartOffset2() {
+        byte[] srcBuf = HexRead.readFromString("99 88 77 88 99");
+        LittleEndianInput lei = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(srcBuf, 2, 2);
+        // only one byte left, so this should fail
+        RuntimeException ex = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> lei.readFully(new byte[4]));
+        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Buffer overrun"));
+    }

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