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svn commit: r1200068 [1/3] - in /myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html:

Author: lu4242
Date: Thu Nov 10 00:50:14 2011
New Revision: 1200068

MYFACES-3368 enable 'standard' checkstyle checks in myfaces-core

    myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/   (with props)
    myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/   (with props)

Added: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/
--- myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/ (added)
+++ myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/ Thu Nov 10 00:50:14 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import javax.faces.component.UINamingContainer;
+import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
+import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
+import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
+import org.apache.myfaces.shared.config.MyfacesConfig;
+import org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils.ScriptContext;
+import org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.JavascriptUtils;
+import org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.ResourceUtils;
+public final class HtmlJavaScriptUtils
+    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HtmlJavaScriptUtils.class
+            .getName());
+    private static final String AUTO_SCROLL_PARAM = "autoScroll";
+    private static final String AUTO_SCROLL_FUNCTION = "getScrolling";
+    private static final String SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME = "oamSetHiddenInput";
+    private static final String SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME_JSF2 = "myfaces.oam.setHiddenInput";
+    private static final String FIRST_SUBMIT_SCRIPT_ON_PAGE = "org.apache.MyFaces.FIRST_SUBMIT_SCRIPT_ON_PAGE";
+    private static final String CLEAR_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME = "oamClearHiddenInput";
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    public static void renderFormSubmitScript(FacesContext facesContext)
+            throws IOException
+    {
+        Map map = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
+        Boolean firstScript = (Boolean) map.get(FIRST_SUBMIT_SCRIPT_ON_PAGE);
+        if (firstScript == null || firstScript.equals(Boolean.TRUE))
+        {
+            map.put(FIRST_SUBMIT_SCRIPT_ON_PAGE, Boolean.FALSE);
+            renderFormSubmitScriptIfNecessary(facesContext);
+            //we have to render the config just in case
+            renderConfigOptionsIfNecessary(facesContext);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param facesContext
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    private static void renderFormSubmitScriptIfNecessary(
+            FacesContext facesContext) throws IOException
+    {
+        final ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext
+                .getExternalContext();
+        final MyfacesConfig currentInstance = MyfacesConfig
+                .getCurrentInstance(externalContext);
+        ResponseWriter writer = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
+        if (currentInstance.isRenderFormSubmitScriptInline())
+        {
+            writer.startElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM, null);
+            writer.writeAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, "text/javascript", null);
+            boolean autoScroll = currentInstance.isAutoScroll();
+            ScriptContext context = new ScriptContext(
+                    currentInstance.isPrettyHtml());
+            context.prettyLine();
+            context.increaseIndent();
+            prepareScript(facesContext, context, autoScroll);
+            writer.writeText(context.toString(), null);
+            writer.endElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ResourceUtils
+                    .renderMyfacesJSInlineIfNecessary(facesContext, writer);
+        }
+    }
+    private static void renderConfigOptionsIfNecessary(FacesContext facesContext)
+            throws IOException
+    {
+        ResponseWriter writer = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
+        MyfacesConfig config = MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(facesContext
+                .getExternalContext());
+        ScriptContext script = new ScriptContext(config.isPrettyHtml());
+        boolean autoScroll = config.isAutoScroll();
+        boolean autoSave = JavascriptUtils.isSaveFormSubmitLinkIE(facesContext
+                .getExternalContext());
+        if (autoScroll || autoSave)
+        {
+            script.prettyLine();
+            script.increaseIndent();
+            script.append("(!window.myfaces) ? window.myfaces = {} : null;");
+            script.append("(!myfaces.core) ? myfaces.core = {} : null;");
+            script.append("(!myfaces.core.config) ? myfaces.core.config = {} : null;");
+        }
+        if (autoScroll)
+        {
+            script.append("myfaces.core.config.autoScroll = true;");
+        }
+        if (autoSave)
+        {
+            script.append("myfaces.core.config.ieAutoSave = true;");
+        }
+        if (autoScroll || autoSave)
+        {
+            writer.startElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM, null);
+            writer.writeAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, "text/javascript", null);
+            writer.writeText(script.toString(), null);
+            writer.endElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param facesContext
+     * @param context
+     * @param autoScroll
+     */
+    private static void prepareScript(FacesContext facesContext,
+            ScriptContext context, boolean autoScroll)
+    {
+        final char separatorChar = UINamingContainer
+                .getSeparatorChar(facesContext);
+        context.prettyLine();
+        //render a function to create a hidden input, if it doesn't exist
+        context.append("function ");
+        context.append(SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME).append(
+                "(formname, name, value)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("var form = document.forms[formname];");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if (typeof form == 'undefined')");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("form = document.getElementById(formname);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if(typeof form.elements[name]!='undefined' && "+
+                "(form.elements[name].nodeName=='INPUT' || form.elements[name].nodeName=='input'))");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("form.elements[name].value=value;");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("else");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("var newInput = document.createElement('input');");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("newInput.setAttribute('type','hidden');");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("newInput.setAttribute('id',name);"); // IE hack; See MYFACES-1805
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("newInput.setAttribute('name',name);");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("newInput.setAttribute('value',value);");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("form.appendChild(newInput);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.prettyLine();
+        //render a function to clear a hidden input, if it exists        
+        context.append("function ");
+        context.append(CLEAR_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME).append(
+                "(formname, name, value)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("var form = document.forms[formname];");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if (typeof form == 'undefined')");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("form = document.getElementById(formname);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("var hInput = form.elements[name];");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if(typeof hInput !='undefined')");
+        context.append("{");
+        //context.append("form.elements[name].value=null;");
+        context.append("form.removeChild(hInput);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("function ");
+        context.append(HtmlRendererUtils.SUBMIT_FORM_FN_NAME).append(
+                "(formName, linkId, target, params)");
+        context.append("{");
+        //call the script to clear the form (clearFormHiddenParams_<formName>) method - 
+        //optionally, only necessary for IE5.5.
+        //todo: if IE5.5. is ever desupported, we can get rid of this and instead rely on 
+        //the last part of this script to
+        //clear the parameters
+        appendClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionCall(
+                context, null);
+        if (autoScroll)
+        {
+            appendAutoScrollAssignment(facesContext, context, null);
+        }
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("var form = document.forms[formName];");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if (typeof form == 'undefined')");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("form = document.getElementById(formName);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        if (JavascriptUtils.isSaveFormSubmitLinkIE(FacesContext
+                .getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext()))
+        {
+            context.append("var agentString = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();");
+            context.prettyLine();
+            //context.append("var isIE = false;");
+            context.prettyLine();
+            context.append("if (agentString.indexOf('msie') != -1)");
+            context.append("{");
+            context.append("if (!(agentString.indexOf('ppc') != -1 &&"+
+                    " agentString.indexOf('windows ce') != -1 && version >= 4.0))");
+            context.append("{");
+            context.append("window.external.AutoCompleteSaveForm(form);");
+            //        context.append("isIE = false;");
+            context.append("}");
+            //        context.append("else");
+            //        context.append("{");
+            //        context.append("isIE = true;");
+            //        context.prettyLine();
+            //        context.append("}");
+            context.append("}");
+            context.prettyLine();
+        }
+        //set the target (and save it). This should be done always, 
+        //and the default value of target is always valid.
+        context.append("var oldTarget =;");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if(target != null)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append(";");
+        context.append("}");
+        //set the submit parameters
+        context.append("if((typeof params!='undefined') && params != null)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("for(var i=0, param; (param = params[i]); i++)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append(SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME).append(
+                "(formName,param[0], param[1]);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append(SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME);
+        context.append("(formName,formName +'" + separatorChar + "'+'"
+                + HtmlRendererUtils.HIDDEN_COMMANDLINK_FIELD_NAME
+                + "',linkId);");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.prettyLine();
+        //do the actual submit calls
+        context.append("if(form.onsubmit)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("var result=form.onsubmit();");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("if((typeof result=='undefined')||result)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("try");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("form.submit();");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("catch(e){}");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("else ");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("try");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append("form.submit();");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("catch(e){}");
+        context.append("}");
+        //reset the target
+        context.prettyLine();
+        //Restore the old target, no more questions asked
+        context.append(";");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        //clear the individual parameters - to make sure that even if the clear-function isn't called,
+        // the back button/resubmit functionality will still work in all browsers except IE 5.5.
+        context.append("if((typeof params!='undefined') && params != null)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append("for(var i=0, param; (param = params[i]); i++)");
+        context.append("{");
+        context.append(CLEAR_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME).append(
+                "(formName,param[0], param[1]);");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.append(CLEAR_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME);
+        context.append("(formName,formName +'" + separatorChar + "'+'"
+                + HtmlRendererUtils.HIDDEN_COMMANDLINK_FIELD_NAME
+                + "',linkId);");
+        //return false, so that browser does not handle the click
+        context.append("return false;");
+        context.append("}");
+        context.prettyLineDecreaseIndent();
+    }
+    public static void appendAutoScrollAssignment(StringBuffer onClickValue,
+            String formName)
+    {
+        appendAutoScrollAssignment(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(),
+                new ScriptContext(onClickValue, false), formName);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds the hidden form input value assignment that is necessary for the autoscroll
+     * feature to an html link or button onclick attribute.
+     */
+    public static void appendAutoScrollAssignment(FacesContext context,
+            StringBuffer onClickValue, String formName)
+    {
+        appendAutoScrollAssignment(context, new ScriptContext(onClickValue,
+                false), formName);
+    }
+    private static void appendAutoScrollAssignment(FacesContext context,
+            ScriptContext scriptContext, String formName)
+    {
+        String formNameStr = formName == null ? "formName" : (new StringBuffer(
+                "'").append(formName).append("'").toString());
+        String paramName = new StringBuffer().append("'")
+                .append(AUTO_SCROLL_PARAM).append("'").toString();
+        String value = new StringBuffer().append(AUTO_SCROLL_FUNCTION)
+                .append("()").toString();
+        scriptContext.prettyLine();
+        scriptContext.append("if(typeof window." + AUTO_SCROLL_FUNCTION
+                + "!='undefined')");
+        scriptContext.append("{");
+        if (MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(context.getExternalContext())
+                .isRenderFormSubmitScriptInline())
+        {
+            scriptContext.append(SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            scriptContext.append(SET_HIDDEN_INPUT_FN_NAME_JSF2);
+        }
+        scriptContext.append("(").append(formNameStr).append(",")
+                .append(paramName).append(",").append(value).append(");");
+        scriptContext.append("}");
+    }
+    public static String getAutoScrollFunction(FacesContext facesContext)
+    {
+        ScriptContext script = new ScriptContext(MyfacesConfig
+                .getCurrentInstance(facesContext.getExternalContext())
+                .isPrettyHtml());
+        script.prettyLineIncreaseIndent();
+        script.append("function ");
+        script.append(AUTO_SCROLL_FUNCTION);
+        script.append("()");
+        script.append("{");
+        script.append("var x = 0; var y = 0;");
+        script.append("if (self.pageXOffset || self.pageYOffset)");
+        script.append("{");
+        script.append("x = self.pageXOffset;");
+        script.prettyLine();
+        script.append("y = self.pageYOffset;");
+        script.append("}");
+        script.append(" else if ((document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft)||"+
+                "(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop))");
+        script.append("{");
+        script.append("x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;");
+        script.prettyLine();
+        script.append("y = document.documentElement.scrollTop;");
+        script.append("}");
+        script.append(" else if (document.body) ");
+        script.append("{");
+        script.append("x = document.body.scrollLeft;");
+        script.prettyLine();
+        script.append("y = document.body.scrollTop;");
+        script.append("}");
+        script.append("return x + \",\" + y;");
+        script.append("}");
+        ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
+        String oldViewId = JavascriptUtils.getOldViewId(externalContext);
+        if (oldViewId != null
+                && oldViewId.equals(facesContext.getViewRoot().getViewId()))
+        {
+            //ok, we stayed on the same page, so let's scroll it to the former place
+            String scrolling = (String) externalContext
+                    .getRequestParameterMap().get(AUTO_SCROLL_PARAM);
+            if (scrolling != null && scrolling.length() > 0)
+            {
+                int x = 0;
+                int y = 0;
+                int comma = scrolling.indexOf(',');
+                if (comma == -1)
+                {
+                    log.warning("Illegal autoscroll request parameter: "
+                            + scrolling);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    try
+                    {
+                        //we convert to int against XSS vulnerability
+                        x = Integer.parseInt(scrolling.substring(0, comma));
+                    }
+                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
+                    {
+                        log.warning("Error getting x offset for autoscroll feature. Bad param value: "
+                                + scrolling);
+                        x = 0; //ignore false numbers
+                    }
+                    try
+                    {
+                        //we convert to int against XSS vulnerability
+                        y = Integer.parseInt(scrolling.substring(comma + 1));
+                    }
+                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
+                    {
+                        log.warning("Error getting y offset for autoscroll feature. Bad param value: "
+                                + scrolling);
+                        y = 0; //ignore false numbers
+                    }
+                }
+                script.append("window.scrollTo(").append(x).append(",")
+                        .append(y).append(");\n");
+            }
+        }
+        return script.toString();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Renders the hidden form input that is necessary for the autoscroll feature.
+     */
+    public static void renderAutoScrollHiddenInput(FacesContext facesContext,
+            ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException
+    {
+        HtmlRendererUtils.writePrettyLineSeparator(facesContext);
+        writer.startElement(HTML.INPUT_ELEM, null);
+        writer.writeAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, "hidden", null);
+        writer.writeAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, AUTO_SCROLL_PARAM, null);
+        writer.endElement(HTML.INPUT_ELEM);
+        HtmlRendererUtils.writePrettyLineSeparator(facesContext);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Renders the autoscroll javascript function.
+     */
+    public static void renderAutoScrollFunction(FacesContext facesContext,
+            ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException
+    {
+        HtmlRendererUtils.writePrettyLineSeparator(facesContext);
+        writer.startElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM, null);
+        writer.writeAttribute(HTML.SCRIPT_TYPE_ATTR,
+                HTML.SCRIPT_TYPE_TEXT_JAVASCRIPT, null);
+        writer.writeText(getAutoScrollFunction(facesContext), null);
+        writer.endElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM);
+        HtmlRendererUtils.writePrettyLineSeparator(facesContext);
+    }
+    public static void appendClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionCall(
+            StringBuffer buf, String formName)
+    {
+        appendClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionCall(new ScriptContext(buf,
+                false), formName);
+    }
+    private static void appendClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionCall(
+            ScriptContext context, String formName)
+    {
+        String functionName = HtmlRendererUtils
+                .getClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionName(formName);
+        if (formName == null)
+        {
+            context.prettyLine();
+            context.append("var clearFn = ");
+            context.append(functionName);
+            context.append(";");
+            context.prettyLine();
+            context.append("if(typeof window[clearFn] =='function')");
+            context.append("{");
+            context.append("window[clearFn](formName);");
+            context.append("}");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            context.prettyLine();
+            context.append("if(typeof window.");
+            context.append(functionName);
+            context.append("=='function')");
+            context.append("{");
+            context.append(functionName).append("('").append(formName)
+                    .append("');");
+            context.append("}");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Prefixes the given String with "clear_" and removes special characters
+     *
+     * @param formName
+     * @return String
+     */
+    public static String getClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionName(
+            String formName)
+    {
+        final char separatorChar = UINamingContainer
+                .getSeparatorChar(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
+        if (formName == null)
+        {
+            return "'" + HtmlRendererUtils.CLEAR_HIDDEN_FIELD_FN_NAME
+                    + "_'+formName.replace(/-/g, '\\$" + separatorChar
+                    + "').replace(/" + separatorChar + "/g,'_')";
+        }
+        return JavascriptUtils
+                .getValidJavascriptNameAsInRI(HtmlRendererUtils.CLEAR_HIDDEN_FIELD_FN_NAME + "_"
+                        + formName.replace(separatorChar, '_'));
+    }
+    public static String getClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionNameMyfacesLegacy(
+            String formName)
+    {
+        return "clear_"
+                + JavascriptUtils.getValidJavascriptName(formName, false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Render the javascript function that is called on a click on a commandLink
+     * to clear the hidden inputs. This is necessary because on a browser back,
+     * each hidden input still has it's old value (browser cache!) and therefore
+     * a new submit would cause the according action once more!
+     *
+     * @param writer
+     * @param formName
+     * @param dummyFormParams
+     * @param formTarget
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    public static void renderClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunction(
+            ResponseWriter writer, String formName, Set dummyFormParams,
+            String formTarget) throws IOException
+    {
+        //render the clear hidden inputs javascript function
+        String functionName = getClearHiddenCommandFormParamsFunctionName(formName);
+        writer.startElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM, null);
+        writer.writeAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, "text/javascript", null);
+        // Using writeComment instead of write with <!-- tag
+        StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
+        script.append("function ");
+        script.append(functionName);
+        script.append("() {");
+        if (dummyFormParams != null)
+        {
+            script.append("\n  var f = document.forms['");
+            script.append(formName);
+            script.append("'];");
+            int i = 0;
+            for (Iterator it = dummyFormParams.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
+            {
+                String elemVarName = "elem" + i;
+                script.append("\n  var ").append(elemVarName).append(" = ");
+                script.append("f.elements['").append((String)
+                        .append("'];");
+                script.append("\n  if(typeof ").append(elemVarName)
+                        .append(" !='undefined' && ");
+                script.append(elemVarName).append(".nodeName=='INPUT'){");
+                script.append("\n   if (").append(elemVarName)
+                        .append(".value != '') {");
+                script.append("\n    " + elemVarName + ".value='';");
+                script.append("\n   }");
+                script.append("\n  }");
+                i++;
+            }
+        }
+        // clear form target
+        script.append("\n");
+        if (formTarget == null || formTarget.length() == 0)
+        {
+            //Normally one would think that setting target to null has the
+            //desired effect, but once again IE is different...
+            //Setting target to null causes IE to open a new window!
+            script.append("'';");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            script.append("'");
+            script.append(formTarget);
+            script.append("';");
+        }
+        script.append("\n}");
+        //Just to be sure we call this clear method on each load.
+        //Otherwise in the case, that someone submits a form by pressing Enter
+        //within a text input, the hidden inputs won't be cleared!
+        script.append("\n");
+        script.append(functionName);
+        script.append("();");
+        writer.writeText(script.toString(), null);
+        writer.endElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM);
+    }
+    /**
+     * This function correctly escapes the given JavaScript code
+     * for the use in the jsf.util.chain() JavaScript function.
+     * It also handles double-escaping correclty.
+     *
+     * @param javaScript
+     * @return
+     */
+    public static String escapeJavaScriptForChain(String javaScript)
+    {
+        // first replace \' with \\'
+        //String escaped = StringUtils.replace(javaScript, "\\'", "\\\\'");
+        // then replace ' with \'
+        // (this will replace every \' in the original to \\\')
+        //escaped = StringUtils.replace(escaped, '\'', "\\'");
+        //return escaped;
+        StringBuffer out = null;
+        for (int pos = 0; pos < javaScript.length(); pos++)
+        {
+            char c = javaScript.charAt(pos);
+            if (c == '\\' || c == '\'')
+            {
+                if (out == null)
+                {
+                    out = new StringBuffer(javaScript.length() + 8);
+                    if (pos > 0)
+                    {
+                        out.append(javaScript, 0, pos);
+                    }
+                }
+                out.append('\\');
+            }
+            if (out != null)
+            {
+                out.append(c);
+            }
+        }
+        if (out == null)
+        {
+            return javaScript;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return out.toString();
+        }
+    }
+    public static void renderViewStateJavascript(FacesContext facesContext,
+            String hiddenId, String serializedState) throws IOException
+    {
+        ResponseWriter writer = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
+        writer.startElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM, null);
+        writer.writeAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, "text/javascript", null);
+        final ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext
+                .getExternalContext();
+        final MyfacesConfig currentInstance = MyfacesConfig
+                .getCurrentInstance(externalContext);
+        ScriptContext context = new ScriptContext(
+                currentInstance.isPrettyHtml());
+        context.prettyLine();
+        context.increaseIndent();
+        context.append("function setViewState() {\n");
+        context.append("\tvar state = '");
+        context.append(serializedState);
+        context.append("';\n");
+        context.append("\tfor (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n");
+        context.append("\t\tdocument.forms[i]['" + hiddenId
+                + "'].value = state;\n");
+        context.append("\t}\n");
+        context.append("}\n");
+        context.append("setViewState();\n");
+        context.decreaseIndent();
+        writer.writeText(context.toString(), null);
+        writer.endElement(HTML.SCRIPT_ELEM);
+    }

Propchange: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/shared/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/shared/renderkit/html/
    svn:eol-style = native