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svn commit: r952017 [3/5] - in /harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm: make/vm/ vm/jitrino/config/em64t/ vm/jitrino/config/ia32/ vm/jitrino/src/codegenerator/ vm/jitrino/src/codegenerator/ia32/ vm/jitrino/src/jet/ vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/ vm/jitrino/src/o...

Added: harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/autovect.cpp
--- harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/autovect.cpp (added)
+++ harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/autovect.cpp Sun Jun  6 22:47:40 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,1567 @@
+/* -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
+#include "optpass.h"
+#include "FlowGraph.h"
+#include "escapeanalyzer.h"
+#include "scalar-evolution.h"
+#include "dependence.h"
+namespace Jitrino {
+class SingleLoopVectorizer
+  SingleLoopVectorizer (IRManager &irm, ScalarEvolution &sceva)
+    : ir_manager (irm),
+      memory ("SingleLoopVectorizer"),
+      scev_analyzer (sceva),
+      data_dependence (irm.getLoopTree (), scev_analyzer),
+      var_to_var_vec (memory, 107),
+      nodes_in_loop (memory, irm.getFlowGraph().getMaxNodeId ())
+  {
+  }
+  // Determine whether the vectorization should be done for LOOP.
+  bool
+  should_vectorize (LoopNode *loop)
+  {
+    if (!data_dependence.compute_ddg_for (loop)
+        // This class can only vectorize single loop.
+        || data_dependence.get_loop_nest().size () > 1)
+      return false;
+    loop_info = &data_dependence.get_loop_nest()[0];
+    find_ddg_sccs ();
+    if (compute_runtime_alias_tests ())
+      // There are runtime alias tests generated, recompute the SCCs.
+      find_ddg_sccs ();
+    // Check operations, access consecutive etc. and profitability.
+    if (compute_actions_and_profit () <= 0)
+      return false;
+    if (Log::isEnabled ())
+      Log::out() << "Should be vectorized.\n";
+    const Nodes &loop_nodes = loop_info->get_loop()->getNodesInLoop ();
+    nodes_in_loop.clear ();
+    // Store the nodes in loop before performing any transformations.
+    for (Nodes::const_iterator it = loop_nodes.begin ();
+         it != loop_nodes.end ();
+         it++)
+      nodes_in_loop.setBit ((*it)->getId ());
+    // Store the header node, latch node and preheader node before
+    // performing any transformations since the loop-tree will become
+    // invalid after the CFG is modified.
+    header_node = loop_info->get_loop()->getHeader ();
+    latch_node = loop_info->get_single_latch_node ();
+    preheader_edge = loop_info->get_single_preheader_edge ();
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Transform the vectorizable single loop.
+  void
+  transform ()
+  {
+    transform_single_loop ();
+  }
+  // Pair of DDG nodes.
+  typedef std::pair<DdgNode *, DdgNode *> DdgNodePair;
+  // The set for storing distinct DDG node pairs.
+  typedef std::set<DdgNodePair> DdgNodePairSet;
+  // Vector of SsaOpnd
+  typedef std::vector<SsaOpnd*> SsaOpndVec;
+  // The hash table for mapping variables to variable vectors.
+  class MapSsaOpndToSsaOpndVec : public HashTable<SsaOpnd, SsaOpndVec>
+  {
+  public:
+    MapSsaOpndToSsaOpndVec (MemoryManager &m, U_32 s)
+      : HashTable<SsaOpnd, SsaOpndVec> (m, s) {}
+  protected:
+    virtual bool keyEquals (SsaOpnd *key1, SsaOpnd *key2) const
+    {
+      return key1 == key2;
+    }
+    virtual U_32 getKeyHashCode (SsaOpnd *key) const
+    {
+      return (U_32)((long)key >> 2);
+    }
+  };
+  // Actions for processing each DDG node.
+  enum Action
+    {
+      act_nothing = -3,     // do nothing
+      act_on_demand = -2,   // compute on demand
+      act_unroll = -1,      // unroll the instruction
+      act_unknown = 0,      // unset yet
+      // Vectorize the instruction if the action is in
+      // [act_min_vf, act_max_vf].
+      act_min_vf = 2,       // minimal vector factor
+      act_max_vf = 64       // maximal vector factor
+    };
+  IRManager &ir_manager;
+  MemoryManager memory;
+  ScalarEvolution &scev_analyzer;
+  // Used to analyze the loop nest and construct its DDG.
+  DataDependence data_dependence;
+  // The loop-info of the single loop to be processed.
+  const LoopInfo *loop_info;
+  // The common (maximal) vectorization factor.
+  int common_vf;
+  // Stores SCCs of the DDG.
+  DdgNodes ddg_sccs;
+  // SCC leader of each node.  Two nodes has the same SCC leader iff
+  // they are in the same SCC.
+  DdgNodes scc_leader;
+  // For finding SCCs of the DDG.
+  std::vector<int> ddg_dfs_num;
+  std::vector<int> ddg_dfs_low_num;
+  DdgNodes ddg_node_stack;
+  std::vector<bool> is_ddg_node_in_stack;
+  int next_ddg_dfs_num;
+  // Edges to be tested alias at runtime.
+  DdgEdges edges_to_be_runtime_tested;
+  // Whether each DDG node should be vectorized.
+  std::vector<Action> action_for_node;
+  // The map for mapping variables to variable vectors that contain
+  // corresponding variables after vectorization or unrolling.
+  MapSsaOpndToSsaOpndVec var_to_var_vec;
+  // Nodes in the loop of LOOP_INFO saved before transformation.
+  StlBitVector nodes_in_loop;
+  // Header node, latch node and preheader edge of the loop of
+  // LOOP_INFO saved before transformation.
+  Node *header_node;
+  Node *latch_node;
+  Edge *preheader_edge;
+  // Used for sorting DDG nodes in ascending order of the node ID.
+  static bool ddg_node_id_less (DdgNode *n1, DdgNode *n2)
+  {
+    return n1->id < n2->id;
+  }
+  // Depth-first search the DDG and find all SCCs.
+  void
+  ddg_dfs (DdgNode *node)
+  {
+    int id = node->id;
+    ddg_dfs_low_num[id] = ddg_dfs_num[id] = next_ddg_dfs_num++;
+    ddg_node_stack.push_back (node);
+    is_ddg_node_in_stack[id] = true;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->preds.size (); i++)
+      {
+        DdgEdge *pred_edge = node->preds[i];
+        if (pred_edge->runtime_alias_test)
+          // The edge is ensured to not exist by runtime alias test.
+          continue;
+        DdgNode *node1 = pred_edge->src;
+        int id1 = node1->id;
+        if (!ddg_dfs_num[id1])
+          {
+            ddg_dfs (node1);
+            ddg_dfs_low_num[id] = std::min (ddg_dfs_low_num[id], ddg_dfs_low_num[id1]);
+          }
+        if (ddg_dfs_num[id1] < ddg_dfs_num[id] && is_ddg_node_in_stack[id1])
+          ddg_dfs_low_num[id] = std::min (ddg_dfs_low_num[id], ddg_dfs_num[id1]);
+      }
+    if (ddg_dfs_low_num[id] == ddg_dfs_num[id])
+      {
+        int i = ddg_node_stack.size ();
+        DdgNode *node1;
+        DdgNodes::iterator first = ddg_sccs.end ();
+        do
+          {
+            node1 = ddg_node_stack[--i];
+            is_ddg_node_in_stack[node1->id] = false;
+            ddg_sccs.push_back (node1);
+            scc_leader[node1->id] = node;
+          } while (node1 != node);
+        // Sort elements of the SCC in ascending order of the node ID.
+        std::sort (first, ddg_sccs.end (), ddg_node_id_less);
+        // Use NULL to separate SCC sets.
+        ddg_sccs.push_back (NULL);
+        ddg_node_stack.resize (i);
+      }
+  }
+  // Find all SCCs of the DDG in the reversed DFS order along the
+  // backward direction of DDG edges.  The output ddg_dfs is in the
+  // following format: {root_of_ddg_dfs, {n11, ..., n1i, NULL}, {n21,
+  // ... n2j, NULL}, ..., {nk1, ... nkl, NULL}, NULL},
+  // {root_of_ddg_dfs, {...}, ..., {...}, NULL}.  Nodes in the same
+  // SCC are sorted in the ascending order of the node ID.
+  void
+  find_ddg_sccs ()
+  {
+    const DdgNodes &ddg_nodes = data_dependence.get_ddg_nodes ();
+    ddg_sccs.clear ();
+    ddg_sccs.reserve (ddg_nodes.size () * 4);
+    scc_leader.clear ();
+    scc_leader.resize (ddg_nodes.size ());
+    ddg_dfs_num.clear ();
+    ddg_dfs_num.resize (ddg_nodes.size ());
+    ddg_dfs_low_num.clear ();
+    ddg_dfs_low_num.resize (ddg_nodes.size ());
+    ddg_node_stack.clear ();
+    is_ddg_node_in_stack.clear ();
+    is_ddg_node_in_stack.resize (ddg_nodes.size ());
+    next_ddg_dfs_num = 1;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ddg_nodes.size (); i++)
+      {
+        DdgNode *ddg_node = ddg_nodes[i];
+        if (ddg_node->kind != DdgNode::ddg_scalar_with_scev)
+          // Instructions to be vectorized or unrolled.
+          {
+            if (!ddg_dfs_num[i])
+              {
+                // Push the root node of this DFS tree.
+                ddg_sccs.push_back (ddg_node);
+                // Search and store the DFS tree of SCCs.
+                ddg_dfs (ddg_node);
+                // Separate different DFS trees of SCCs.
+                ddg_sccs.push_back (NULL);
+              }
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  // Examine all edges between nodes in the same SCC to determine
+  // whether they can and should be tested alias at runtime and store
+  // such edges into edges_to_be_runtime_tested and return true if
+  // such edges exist.
+  bool
+  compute_runtime_alias_tests ()
+  {
+    const DdgNodes &ddg_nodes = data_dependence.get_ddg_nodes ();
+    edges_to_be_runtime_tested.clear ();
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ddg_nodes.size (); i++)
+      {
+        DdgNode *node = ddg_nodes[i];
+        if (node->kind != DdgNode::ddg_memory)
+          // Only need to consider memory access nodes.
+          continue;
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j < node->preds.size (); j++)
+          {
+            DdgEdge *pred_edge = node->preds[j];
+            DdgNode *node1 = pred_edge->src;
+            if (node1->kind == DdgNode::ddg_memory
+                && scc_leader[node1->id] == scc_leader[node->id]
+                && node1->base != node->base)
+              // node1 is also a memory access node and they are in
+              // the same SCC, and they may be alias to each other,
+              // test the edge at runtime.
+              {
+                pred_edge->runtime_alias_test = true;
+                edges_to_be_runtime_tested.push_back (pred_edge);
+                if (Log::isEnabled ())
+                  Log::out() << "DDG edge to be tested alias at runtime: (I"
+                             << pred_edge->src->inst->getId () << ", I"
+                             << pred_edge->dst->inst->getId () << ")\n";
+              }
+          }
+      }
+    return edges_to_be_runtime_tested.size () > 0;
+  }
+  // Return true if we need to do nothing for the instruction with
+  // OPCODE.
+  bool
+  need_to_do_nothing (Opcode opcode)
+  {
+    switch (opcode)
+      {
+      case Op_TauPoint:
+      case Op_TauAnd:
+      case Op_TauSafe:
+      case Op_PseudoThrow:
+      case Op_MethodEntry:
+      case Op_MethodEnd:
+        // FIXME: Check whether it's safe to do nothing for them.
+        return true;
+      default:
+        return false;
+      }
+  }
+  // Return the size of TYPE_TAG in bit if it's a basic type that may
+  // be vectorized, return 0 otherwise.
+  static int
+  type_size_in_bit (Type::Tag type_tag)
+  {
+    switch (type_tag)
+      {
+      case Type::Int8:
+      case Type::UInt8:
+        return 8;
+      case Type::Int16:
+      case Type::UInt16:
+        return 16;
+      case Type::Int32:
+      case Type::UInt32:
+      case Type::Single:
+        return 32;
+      case Type::Int64:
+      case Type::UInt64:
+      case Type::Double:
+        return 64;
+      default:
+        return 0;
+      }
+  }
+  // Return the vectorization factor (VF) of type TYPE_TAG.
+  static int
+  vf_of_type (Type::Tag type_tag)
+  {
+    int type_size = type_size_in_bit (type_tag);
+    // TODO: for now we only support the fixed 128 bytes vectors.
+    return type_size ? 128 / type_size : 0;
+  }
+  // Return true iff DDG_NODE has a variant predecessor, i.e. a node
+  // whose action is not act_nothing.
+  bool
+  has_variant_pred (DdgNode *ddg_node)
+  {
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ddg_node->preds.size (); i++)
+      {
+        DdgEdge *pred_edge = ddg_node->preds[i];
+        if (!pred_edge->runtime_alias_test
+            && action_for_node[pred_edge->src->id] != act_nothing)
+          return true;
+      }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Return true iff OPND is a constant.
+  static bool
+  is_constant (SsaOpnd *opnd)
+  {
+    return opnd->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_LdConstant;
+  }
+  // Return true iff INST is a vectorizable instruction.
+  static bool
+  is_vectorizable (Inst *inst)
+  {
+    Opcode opcode = inst->getOpcode ();
+    Type::Tag inst_type = inst->getType ();
+    switch (opcode)
+      {
+      case Op_Add:
+      case Op_Sub:
+        // Support for all numeric types.
+        return Type::isNumeric (inst_type);
+      case Op_Mul:
+        // Support for all numeric types except 8-bit integers.
+        return (Type::isNumeric (inst_type)
+                && type_size_in_bit (inst_type) > 8);
+      case Op_TauDiv:
+        // Current SSE only supports floating point division.
+        return Type::isFloatingPoint (inst_type);
+      case Op_And:
+      case Op_Or:
+      case Op_Xor:
+      case Op_Not:
+        // Support for all integer types.
+        return Type::isInteger (inst_type);
+      case Op_Shl:
+        // Support for all integer types except 8-bit integers.
+        return (is_constant (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd())
+                && Type::isInteger (inst_type)
+                && type_size_in_bit (inst_type) > 8);
+      case Op_Shr:
+        // Support for 16 and 32 bit signed integer and 16 ~ 64 bit
+        // unsigned integers.
+        return (is_constant (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd())
+                && ((Type::isSignedInteger (inst_type)
+                     && (type_size_in_bit (inst_type) == 16
+                         || type_size_in_bit (inst_type) == 32))
+                    || (Type::isUnsignedInteger (inst_type)
+                        && (type_size_in_bit (inst_type) > 8))));
+      case Op_Conv:
+      case Op_ConvZE:
+        // TODO: Only support conversion between int32 and float now.
+        return (type_size_in_bit (inst->getSrc(0)->getType()->tag)
+                == type_size_in_bit (inst_type)
+                && type_size_in_bit (inst_type) == 32);
+      case Op_LdConstant:
+      case Op_Copy:
+      case Op_LdVar:
+      case Op_StVar:
+        return true;
+      case Op_TauLdInd:
+        // Don't vectorize the load whose type is different from its
+        // destination type, e.g. ldind.i1 [t0] -> t1:i4 generated from
+        // classlib:nio_char/.../java/org/.../charset/
+        // "((int) arr[i] & 0xFF)" in decodeLoop.
+        return inst->getDst()->getType()->tag == inst_type;
+      case Op_TauStInd:
+        // Similar to Op_TauLdInd
+        return inst->getSrc(0)->getType()->tag == inst_type;
+      default:
+        return false;
+      }
+  }
+  // Compute vectorization factor (VF) from the type of DDG_NODE.  If
+  // it cannot be vectorized, return act_unroll, otherwise return the
+  // VF of that node.  VF is the number denoting how many scalar
+  // elements can be processed in one corresponding vector operation
+  // for a given scalar type.
+  Action
+  compute_vf_of_ddg_node (DdgNode *ddg_node)
+  {
+    Inst *inst = ddg_node->inst;
+    Opcode opcode = inst->getOpcode ();
+    Type::Tag inst_type = inst->getType ();
+    if (!has_variant_pred (ddg_node))
+      // If this node has no variant predecessor, it's invariant and
+      // nothing needs to be done.
+      return act_nothing;
+    if (opcode == Op_AddScaledIndex)
+      // Compute variant array addresses on demand rather than unroll
+      // them for all iterations at once.
+      return act_on_demand;
+    if (!is_vectorizable (inst))
+      // Unroll unvectorizable variant instructions.
+      return act_unroll;
+    if (int vf = vf_of_type (inst_type))
+      return (Action)vf;
+    else
+      // The type is too complex and can't be vectorized.
+      return act_unroll;
+  }
+  // Compute initial actions for nodes in a SCC and update COMMON_VF.
+  void
+  compute_actions_for_ddg_scc (DdgNodes::iterator &iter)
+  {
+    if (*(iter + 1))
+      // The SCC forms cycles (equivalent to that it contains more
+      // than one node since the instructions are decomposed into the
+      // simple form), set the action for those nodes to act_unroll.
+      do
+        action_for_node[(*iter)->id] = act_unroll;
+      while (*++iter);
+    else
+      // Otherwise, it conatins a single node.
+      {
+        DdgNode *ddg_node = *iter++;
+        int id = ddg_node->id;
+        Inst *inst = ddg_node->inst;
+        Action action = act_unknown;
+        PolyChrec *chrec;
+        Integer *step;
+        switch (ddg_node->kind)
+          {
+          case DdgNode::ddg_scalar_with_scev:
+            action = act_unroll;
+            break;
+          case DdgNode::ddg_scalar_without_scev:
+            action = (need_to_do_nothing (inst->getOpcode ())
+                      ? act_nothing
+                      : compute_vf_of_ddg_node (ddg_node));
+            break;
+          case DdgNode::ddg_memory:
+            if (!(chrec = ddg_node->scev_fn->as_poly_chrec ())
+                || ((step = chrec->right->as_integer ())
+                    && step->value == 1))
+              // The access function is loop-invariant or is
+              // consecutive, try to vectorize it.
+              action = compute_vf_of_ddg_node (ddg_node);
+            else
+              action = act_unroll;
+            break;
+          }
+        if (action > common_vf)
+          // Record the maximal vectorization factor.
+          common_vf = action;
+        action_for_node[id] = action;
+      }
+  }
+  // Optimize actions of each DDG node (now, we reset actions of
+  // costly nodes that have been set as to be vectorized in the
+  // initial action computation to act_unroll) and compute the profit.
+  int
+  optimize_actions_and_compute_profit ()
+  {
+    const DdgNodes &ddg_nodes = data_dependence.get_ddg_nodes ();
+    int profit = 0;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ddg_nodes.size (); i++)
+      {
+        DdgNode *node = ddg_nodes[i];
+        int id = node->id;
+        if (action_for_node[id] < act_min_vf)
+          continue;
+        profit++;
+      }
+    return profit;
+  }
+  // Compute actions for each DDG node and the overall profit.
+  int
+  compute_actions_and_profit ()
+  {
+    const DdgNodes &ddg_nodes = data_dependence.get_ddg_nodes ();
+    common_vf = act_unknown;
+    action_for_node.clear ();
+    action_for_node.resize (ddg_nodes.size (), act_unknown);
+    for (DdgNodes::iterator i = ddg_sccs.begin (); i != ddg_sccs.end (); i++)
+      {
+        // Skip the DFS root.
+        i++;
+        // Process all SCCs in this DFS tree.
+        do
+          compute_actions_for_ddg_scc (i);
+        while (*++i);
+      }
+    return optimize_actions_and_compute_profit ();
+  }
+  // Generate runtime alias test code between preheader_node and
+  // header_node.  If all tests succeed, jump to header_node,
+  // otherwise, jump to a new initialization node to epilogue_header.
+  void
+  generate_runtime_alias_tests (Node *epilogue_header, Node *exit_node,
+                                LabelInst *true_target_label)
+  {
+    if (edges_to_be_runtime_tested.empty ())
+      return;
+    assert (header_node->getOutEdges().size () == 2);
+    ControlFlowGraph &cfg = ir_manager.getFlowGraph ();
+    // The bit vector containing all nodes so that duplicateRegion
+    // won't generate ldvar/stvar.
+    StlBitVector all_nodes (memory, cfg.getMaxNodeId (), true);
+    DefUseBuilder def_uses (memory);
+    def_uses.initialize (cfg);
+    // Duplicate a new initialization node from alias testing fail
+    // branch to the unvectorized loop.
+    Node *init_node = FlowGraph::duplicateSingleNode (ir_manager,
+                                                      header_node,
+                                                      all_nodes,
+                                                      def_uses);
+    // Add edge from init_node to epilogue_header and to exit_node.
+    cfg.replaceEdgeTarget (init_node->getOutEdges()[0], epilogue_header, true);
+    cfg.replaceEdgeTarget (init_node->getOutEdges()[1], exit_node, true);
+    ((BranchInst*)init_node->getLastInst())->replaceTargetLabel
+      (true_target_label);
+    // FIXME: We should also adjust phi nodes of init_node since it
+    // has only one predecessor, but not doing it won't cause wrong
+    // code with the current strange wrong SSA form in jitrino.
+    InstFactory &inst_factory = ir_manager.getInstFactory ();
+    DdgNodePairSet tested_ddg_node_pairs;
+    Edge *cur_preheader_edge = preheader_edge;
+    LabelInst *init_node_label = (LabelInst*)init_node->getLabelInst ();
+    // Create alias testing blocks.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < edges_to_be_runtime_tested.size (); i++)
+      {
+        DdgEdge *ddg_edge = edges_to_be_runtime_tested[i];
+        DdgNode *node1 = ddg_edge->src;
+        DdgNode *node2 = ddg_edge->dst;
+        if (node1->id > node2->id)
+          std::swap (node1, node2);
+        if (!tested_ddg_node_pairs.insert (DdgNodePair (node1, node2)).second)
+          // The DDG node pair has been tested, continue.
+          continue;
+        // Create the new preheader for the loop.
+        LabelInst *new_preheader_label = inst_factory.makeLabel ();
+        Node *new_preheader = cfg.createBlockNode (new_preheader_label);
+        // Redirect the current preheader edge that goes into the loop
+        // to the new preheader.
+        cfg.replaceEdgeTarget (cur_preheader_edge, new_preheader, true);
+        // Add edge from the new preheader to the initialization node
+        // going to the preheader of the epilogue.
+        cfg.addEdge (new_preheader, init_node);
+        // Add edge from the new preheader to the header of the loop.
+        cur_preheader_edge = cfg.addEdge (new_preheader, header_node);
+        // If alias exists, jump to the initialization node to execute
+        // the unvectorized loop.
+        BranchInst *test_inst = (BranchInst*)inst_factory.makeBranch
+          (Cmp_EQ, node1->base->getType()->tag,
+           node1->base, node2->base, init_node_label);
+        new_preheader->appendInst (test_inst);
+      }
+  }
+  // Return the number of slots for vector versions of TYPE_TAG.
+  int
+  num_of_vector_slot (Type::Tag type_tag)
+  {
+    int vf = vf_of_type (type_tag);
+    return vf ? common_vf / vf : 0;
+  }
+  // Set MAPPED_VAR to the SLOT-th slot of variable vector of VAR.
+  // The first [0, COMMON_VF - 1] slots are for scalar versions of VAR
+  // corresponding to each iteration.  The COMMON_VF-th and following
+  // slots are for the vector versions of VAR.
+  void
+  set_mapped_var (SsaOpnd *var, SsaOpnd *mapped_var, int slot)
+  {
+    SsaOpndVec *var_vec = var_to_var_vec.lookup (var);
+    if (!var_vec)
+      {
+        var_vec = new (memory) SsaOpndVec
+          (common_vf + num_of_vector_slot (var->getType()->tag));
+        var_to_var_vec.insert (var, var_vec);
+      }
+    assert ((slot >= common_vf) == mapped_var->getType()->isVector ()
+            && slot < (int)var_vec->size ());
+    (*var_vec)[slot] = mapped_var;
+  }
+  // Create and return a new operand from scalar operand OPND.  The
+  // new operand is pushed to the mappped-to vector of OPND.  If
+  // SLOG >= COMMON_VF, create the vector version, otherwise create a
+  // scalar version with the same type of OPND.
+  SsaOpnd*
+  create_opnd_from (Opnd *opnd, int slot, bool force_tmp = false)
+  {
+    bool vector_p = slot >= common_vf;
+    TypeManager &type_manager = ir_manager.getTypeManager ();
+    OpndManager &opnd_manager = ir_manager.getOpndManager ();
+    Type *opnd_type = opnd->getType ();
+    Type *new_type;
+    SsaOpnd *new_opnd;
+    if (vector_p)
+      new_type = type_manager.getVectorType (opnd_type->asNamedType (),
+                                             vf_of_type (opnd_type->tag));
+    else
+      new_type = opnd_type;
+    if (opnd->isSsaTmpOpnd () || force_tmp)
+      new_opnd = opnd_manager.createSsaTmpOpnd (new_type);
+    else if (opnd->isSsaVarOpnd ())
+      {
+        // If creating a new operand with the same type, reuse the
+        // same VarOpnd.  This is necessary rather than just for
+        // saving memory.  If we use different variables to create the
+        // SSA variable, the rest passes will generate wrong code
+        // without reporting any error.  It's very dangerous.
+        VarOpnd *var = (vector_p
+                        ? opnd_manager.createVarOpnd (new_type, false)
+                        : opnd->asSsaVarOpnd()->getVar ());
+        new_opnd = opnd_manager.createSsaVarOpnd (var);
+      }
+    else
+      assert (0);
+    set_mapped_var (opnd->asSsaOpnd (), new_opnd, slot);
+    return new_opnd;
+  }
+  // Return true iff VAR is defined outside the loop.
+  bool
+  is_defined_outside_loop (Opnd *var)
+  {
+    return !data_dependence.ddg_node_of_inst (var->getInst ());
+  }
+  // Return true iff VAR is loop-invariant.
+  bool
+  is_loop_invariant (Opnd *var)
+  {
+    DdgNode *node = data_dependence.ddg_node_of_inst (var->getInst ());
+    if (!node)
+      // It's defined outside the loop, so it's loop-invariant.
+      return true;
+    Action action = action_for_node[node->id];
+    // This test is valid only if the action of the node has been set.
+    assert (action != act_unknown);
+    // An instruction inside the loop is invariant iff it doesn't need
+    // to be vectorized or unrolled.
+    return action == act_nothing;
+  }
+  // Return the mapped variable of the SLOT-th element of the var
+  // vector.  It may generates codes to pack or extract values from
+  // the existing variables if the their types didn't match.
+  SsaOpnd*
+  get_mapped_var (SsaOpnd *var, int slot)
+  {
+    InstFactory &inst_factory = ir_manager.getInstFactory ();
+    TypeManager &type_manager = ir_manager.getTypeManager ();
+    OpndManager &opnd_manager = ir_manager.getOpndManager ();
+    // Use get_array_addr for AddScaledIndex instructions.
+    if (var->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_AddScaledIndex)
+      {
+        // Not support vectors of addresses.
+        assert (slot < common_vf);
+        return get_array_addr (var, slot);
+      }
+    if (slot < common_vf)
+      // Use the scalar value of the SLOT-th iteration of VAR.
+      {
+        if (is_loop_invariant (var))
+          // Return VAR directly since it's invariant in the loop nest.
+          return var;
+        SsaOpndVec *var_vec = var_to_var_vec.lookup (var);
+        assert (var_vec);
+        if ((*var_vec)[slot])
+          // The corresponding scalar version exists, return it.
+          return (*var_vec)[slot];
+        else
+          {
+            // The vectorization factor of the type of VAR.
+            int vf = vf_of_type (var->getType()->tag);
+            // The slot of the vector version containing the SLOT-th
+            // scalar version of VAR.
+            int vec_slot = common_vf + slot / vf;
+            // The offset in the vector version of the needed scalar.
+            int offset = slot % vf;
+            // If there is not the scalar version yet, the vector
+            // version must exit.
+            assert (vec_slot < (int)var_vec->size () && (*var_vec)[vec_slot]);
+            SsaOpnd *vec_tmp = (*var_vec)[vec_slot];
+            if (SsaVarOpnd *vec_var = vec_tmp->asSsaVarOpnd ())
+              // In Jitrino, VarOpnd must be loaded into a temp
+              // variable to be used.  If not, failure may occur in
+              // CodeSelect.cpp and not easy to find the root reason.
+              // This makes implementation of optimization very
+              // inconvenient and error-prone.  It also makes the
+              // generated IR contain many unnecessary ldvar and
+              // stvar's, which are essentially copy instructions.
+              {
+                vec_tmp = opnd_manager.createSsaTmpOpnd (vec_var->getType ());
+                latch_node->appendInst (inst_factory.makeLdVar (vec_tmp, vec_var));
+              }
+            SsaOpnd *slot_tmp = opnd_manager.createSsaTmpOpnd
+              (type_manager.getInt32Type ());
+            SsaOpnd *extracted = create_opnd_from (var, slot, true);
+            latch_node->appendInst (inst_factory.makeLdConst (slot_tmp, offset));
+            latch_node->appendInst (inst_factory.makeVecExtract
+                                    (extracted, vec_tmp, slot_tmp));
+            return extracted;
+          }
+      }
+    else
+      // Use the vector values of several iterations of VAR.
+      {
+        SsaOpndVec *var_vec = var_to_var_vec.lookup (var);
+        if (!var_vec)
+          {
+            // VAR must be loop invariant and can be duplicated into
+            // a vector.
+            assert (is_loop_invariant (var));
+            SsaOpnd *vect_opnd = create_opnd_from (var, slot);
+            Inst *conv_to_vect = inst_factory.makeConv
+              ((Modifier (Overflow_None) | Modifier (Exception_Never)
+                | Modifier (Strict_No)), Type::Vector, vect_opnd, var);
+            latch_node->appendInst (conv_to_vect);
+            // We must get here at the first time of using VAR.
+            assert (slot == common_vf);
+            // Fill all vector slots with the same vector version.
+            for (int size = common_vf + num_of_vector_slot (var->getType()->tag);
+                 ++slot < size;)
+              set_mapped_var (var, vect_opnd, slot);
+            return vect_opnd;
+          }
+        assert (slot < (int)var_vec->size ());
+        if ((*var_vec)[slot])
+          // Return the vector version if it exists.
+          return (*var_vec)[slot];
+        else
+          // Pack corresponding scalar variables to a vector variable.
+          {
+            SsaOpnd *packed_vec = create_opnd_from (var, slot, true);
+            int vf = vf_of_type (var->getType()->tag);
+            Opnd **srcs = new (memory) Opnd*[vf];
+            for (int begin = (slot - common_vf) * vf, i = begin, j = 0;
+                 i < begin + vf; i++, j++)
+              {
+                srcs[j] = (*var_vec)[i];
+                assert (srcs[j]);
+                if (SsaVarOpnd *var_src = srcs[j]->asSsaVarOpnd ())
+                  // Load it to SsaTmpVarOpnd if its an SsaVarOpnd (JitrinoRestriction)
+                  {
+                    SsaTmpOpnd *tmp = opnd_manager.createSsaTmpOpnd (var_src->getType ());
+                    latch_node->appendInst (inst_factory.makeLdVar (tmp, var_src));
+                    srcs[j] = tmp;
+                  }
+              }
+            latch_node->appendInst
+              (inst_factory.makeVecPackScalars (packed_vec, vf, srcs));
+            return packed_vec;
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  // ADDR is a scaled array address, i.e. a result of addindex.  This
+  // function returns the ITER-th value of ADDR.  The AddScaledIndex
+  // instructions can be set as act_unroll, but the unrolling may
+  // generate useless AddScaledIndex instructions.  Thus, we set it as
+  // act_nothing and create them on demand here rather than unroll it
+  // for all iterations and then use get_mapped_var to get it.
+  SsaOpnd*
+  get_array_addr (SsaOpnd *addr, int iter)
+  {
+    if (is_loop_invariant (addr))
+      // Return ADDR directly since it's invariant in the loop nest.
+      return addr;
+    if (iter == 0)
+      // Reuse the original result for the first iteration.
+      {
+        set_mapped_var (addr, addr, 0);
+        return addr;
+      }
+    SsaOpndVec *var_vec = var_to_var_vec.lookup (addr);
+    assert (var_vec && iter < (int)var_vec->size ());
+    if ((*var_vec)[iter])
+      // The address of the ITER-th iteration has been computed, so
+      // reuse it.
+      return (*var_vec)[iter];
+    // Generate the addindex for the ITER-th iteration.
+    Inst *inst = addr->getInst ();
+    SsaOpnd *new_addr = create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), iter);
+    InstFactory &inst_factory = ir_manager.getInstFactory ();
+    Inst * new_inst = inst_factory.makeAddScaledIndex
+      (new_addr, inst->getSrc (0),
+       get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (), iter));
+    latch_node->appendInst (new_inst);
+    return new_addr;
+  }
+  // Transform the scalar instruction INST to the instruction that
+  // performs the computation of iterations [ITER, ITER + NUM) in
+  // parallel and return the new instruction.
+  Inst*
+  transform_one_instruction (Inst *inst, int iter, int num)
+  {
+    assert (iter % num == 0);
+    InstFactory &inst_factory = ir_manager.getInstFactory ();
+    TypeManager &type_manager = ir_manager.getTypeManager ();
+    OpndManager &opnd_manager = ir_manager.getOpndManager ();
+    int slot = num > 1 ? (common_vf + iter / num) : iter;
+    Type::Tag type_tag = num > 1 ? Type::Vector : inst->getType ();
+    Opcode opcode = inst->getOpcode ();
+    // Process special cases first.
+    switch (opcode)
+      {
+      case Op_Shl:
+      case Op_Shr:
+        return inst_factory.makeInst (opcode, inst->getModifier (),
+                                      type_tag,
+                                      create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot),
+                                      get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                      slot),
+                                      // Always use the scalar version
+                                      // of the shift amount value.
+                                      get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                      iter));
+      case Op_Conv:
+      case Op_ConvZE:
+        {
+          if (num == 1)
+            // It's a scalar conversion, leave it to the general code.
+            break;
+          SsaOpnd *src = inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd ();
+          SsaOpnd *dst = inst->getDst()->asSsaOpnd ();
+          int src_vf = vf_of_type (src->getType()->tag);
+          int dst_vf = vf_of_type (dst->getType()->tag);
+          if (src_vf == dst_vf)
+            // Verctorization factors of SRC and DST are same, leave
+            // it to the general code.
+            break;
+          // TODO: Not support vectorizing conversions from larger
+          // size to smaller size for now.
+          assert (src_vf > dst_vf);
+          int src_slot = common_vf + iter / src_vf;
+          SsaOpnd *iter_tmp = opnd_manager.createSsaTmpOpnd
+            (type_manager.getInt32Type ());
+          Inst *iter_inst = inst_factory.makeLdConst
+            (iter_tmp, iter % src_vf);
+          SsaOpnd *new_dst = create_opnd_from (dst, slot);
+          Inst *new_inst = inst_factory.makeVecExtract
+            (new_dst, get_mapped_var (src, src_slot), iter_tmp);
+          new_inst->insertAfter (iter_inst);
+          // Return the first instruction of the instruction list.
+          return iter_inst;
+        }
+      case Op_TauLdInd:
+        return inst_factory.makeTauLdInd (inst->getModifier (), type_tag,
+                                          create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot),
+                                          get_array_addr (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                          iter),
+                                          inst->getSrc (1), inst->getSrc (2));
+      case Op_TauStInd:
+        return inst_factory.makeTauStInd (inst->getModifier (), type_tag,
+                                          get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                          slot),
+                                          get_array_addr (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                          iter),
+                                          inst->getSrc (2), inst->getSrc (3), inst->getSrc (4));
+      case Op_LdVar:
+        // The ldvar and stvar are of class VarAccessInst rather than
+        // Inst, so we can only make them with the specific functions
+        // rather than the general makeInst.  Otherwise, later phases
+        // (rather than this) may fail.  I think this is not a good
+        // idea to design the IR in this way.  It's error-prone.  The
+        // type conversion for the arguments is also inconvenient.
+        {
+          SsaOpnd *dst = create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot);
+          SsaOpnd *opnd = get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (), slot);
+          if (SsaVarOpnd *var_opnd = opnd->asSsaVarOpnd ())
+            return inst_factory.makeLdVar (dst, var_opnd);
+          else
+            {
+              // opnd must be the result of a vector extraction or
+              // packing or ldvar.
+              assert (opnd->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_VecExtract
+                      || opnd->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_VecPackScalars
+                      || opnd->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_LdVar);
+              return inst_factory.makeCopy (dst, opnd);
+            }
+        }
+      case Op_StVar:
+        return inst_factory.makeStVar (create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot)->asSsaVarOpnd (),
+                                       get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (), slot));
+      case Op_Shladd:
+        return inst_factory.makeShladd (create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot),
+                                        get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                        slot),
+                                        get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                        slot),
+                                        get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(2)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                        slot));
+      case Op_TauDiv:
+        return inst_factory.makeTauDiv (inst->getModifier (),
+                                        create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot),
+                                        get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                        slot),
+                                        get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                        slot),
+                                        inst->getSrc (2));
+      default:
+        ;
+      }
+    // Process general cases.
+    switch (inst->getNumSrcOperands ())
+      {
+      case 0:
+        return inst_factory.makeInst (opcode, inst->getModifier (),
+                                      type_tag,
+                                      create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot));
+      case 1:
+        return inst_factory.makeInst (opcode, inst->getModifier (),
+                                      type_tag,
+                                      create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot),
+                                      get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                      slot));
+      case 2:
+        return inst_factory.makeInst (opcode, inst->getModifier (),
+                                      type_tag,
+                                      create_opnd_from (inst->getDst (), slot),
+                                      get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                      slot),
+                                      get_mapped_var (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (),
+                                                      slot));
+      }
+    assert (0);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  void
+  unroll_ddg_scc (DdgNodes::iterator &iter)
+  {
+    InstFactory &inst_factory = ir_manager.getInstFactory ();
+    OpndManager &opnd_manager = ir_manager.getOpndManager ();
+    DdgNodes::iterator it;
+    // Unroll the nodes common_vf times.
+    for (int i = 0; i < common_vf; i++)
+      {
+        it = iter;
+        do
+          {
+            DdgNode *node = *it;
+            Inst *inst = node->inst;
+            if (inst->getOpcode () == Op_Phi)
+              // Map dst of phi node to the value of the i-th
+              // iteration.
+              {
+                assert (inst->getNumSrcOperands () == 2);
+                SsaOpnd *dst = inst->getDst()->asSsaOpnd ();
+                SsaOpnd *mapped_dst = dst;
+                if (i > 0)
+                  {
+                    SsaOpnd *src_from_loop = inst->getSrc
+                      ((is_defined_outside_loop (inst->getSrc (0))
+                        ? 1 : 0))->asSsaOpnd ();
+                    mapped_dst = get_mapped_var (src_from_loop, i - 1);
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    // Load it to a temp variable now to avoid being
+                    // overwritten by later stvar to this variable.
+                    // (JitrinoRestriction)
+                    mapped_dst = opnd_manager.createSsaTmpOpnd
+                      (mapped_dst->getType ());
+                    latch_node->appendInst
+                      (inst_factory.makeLdVar (mapped_dst, dst->asSsaVarOpnd ()));
+                  }
+                set_mapped_var (dst, mapped_dst, i);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                if (node->kind == DdgNode::ddg_scalar_with_scev && i == 0)
+                  // Leave the instructions of induction variables at
+                  // original places and just save the mapping.  We
+                  // don't move them to the end of the latch node
+                  // because the loop-exit condition may use them.
+                  {
+                    SsaOpnd *dst = inst->getDst()->asSsaOpnd ();
+                    set_mapped_var (dst, dst, i);
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    Inst *new_inst = transform_one_instruction (inst, i, 1);
+                    latch_node->appendInst (new_inst);
+                  }
+              }
+          }while (*++it);
+      }
+    it = iter;
+    // Adjust source operands of phi nodes in the SCC and remove array
+    // store instructions.
+    do
+      {
+        DdgNode *node = *it;
+        Inst *inst = node->inst;
+        if (inst->getOpcode () == Op_Phi)
+          {
+            int src_idx = (is_defined_outside_loop (inst->getSrc (0))
+                           ? 1 : 0);
+            SsaOpnd *src_from_loop = inst->getSrc(src_idx)->asSsaOpnd ();
+            SsaOpnd *new_src = get_mapped_var (src_from_loop, common_vf - 1);
+            if (new_src->isSsaTmpOpnd ())
+              {
+                // new_src must be the result of a vector extraction.
+                assert (new_src->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_VecExtract
+                        || new_src->getInst()->getOpcode () == Op_VecPackScalars);
+                SsaVarOpnd *var = opnd_manager.createSsaVarOpnd
+                  (src_from_loop->asSsaVarOpnd()->getVar ());
+                latch_node->appendInst (inst_factory.makeStVar (var, new_src));
+                new_src = var;
+              }
+            inst->setSrc (src_idx, new_src);
+          }
+        else if (node->kind != DdgNode::ddg_scalar_with_scev)
+          // Remove the original duplicated instructions.
+          // FIXME: We should check whether their results are used
+          // outside the loop.
+          inst->unlink ();
+      }while (*++it);
+    iter = it;
+  }
+  void
+  process_ddg_scc (DdgNodes::iterator &iter)
+  {
+    DdgNode *node = *iter;
+    Inst *inst = node->inst;
+    Inst *vect_inst;
+    Action action = action_for_node[(*iter)->id];
+    switch (action)
+      {
+      case act_nothing:
+      case act_on_demand:
+        iter++;
+        break;
+      case act_unroll:
+        unroll_ddg_scc (iter);
+        break;
+      default:
+        // ACTION is the VF of NODE
+        assert (action >= act_min_vf);
+        for (int i = 0; i < common_vf; i += action)
+          {
+            vect_inst = transform_one_instruction (inst, i, action);
+            latch_node->appendInst (vect_inst);
+            // Remove the original instruction.
+            // FIXME: We should check whether their results are used
+            // outside the loop.
+            inst->unlink ();
+          }
+        iter++;
+      }
+    assert (*iter == NULL);
+  }
+  // Transform all vectorizable instructions of loop in LOOP_INFO into
+  // vector form.
+  void
+  transform_instructions ()
+  {
+    for (DdgNodes::iterator i = ddg_sccs.begin (); i != ddg_sccs.end (); i++)
+      {
+        i++;
+        // Process all SCCs in this DFS tree.
+        do
+          process_ddg_scc (i);
+        while (*++i);
+      }
+  }
+  // Adjust the check instruction of the loop so that it won't run
+  // over the original boundary due to the vectorization.
+  void
+  adjust_old_check_inst ()
+  {
+    LoopNode *loop = loop_info->get_loop ();
+    BranchInst *cond_inst = loop_info->get_exit_branch_inst ();
+    // TODO: We don't support Cmp_Zero and Cmp_NonZero for now though
+    // number_of_iterations has supported them.
+    assert (cond_inst->getNumSrcOperands () == 2);
+    SsaOpnd *op0 = cond_inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd ();
+    SsaOpnd *op1 = cond_inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd ();
+    Expr *scev0 = scev_analyzer.analyze_scev (op0, loop);
+    Expr *scev1 = scev_analyzer.analyze_scev (op1, loop);
+    // The index of the boundary operand in COND_INST and the chrec
+    // of the induction variable.
+    int boundary_index;
+    SsaOpnd *boundary_op;
+    PolyChrec *chrec;
+    if ((chrec = scev0->as_poly_chrec ()))
+      {
+        boundary_index = 1;
+        boundary_op = op1;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        chrec = scev1->as_poly_chrec ();
+        assert (chrec);
+        boundary_index = 0;
+        boundary_op = op0;
+      }
+    // Generate instructions to compute:
+    // boundary_op - (number_of_iterations * chrec->right) % (chrec->right * common_vf).
+    Type *type = boundary_op->getType ();
+    // scaled_iter_num = number_of_iterations * chrec->right
+    Expr *scaled_iter_num = scev_analyzer.fold_build
+      (Op_Mul, loop_info->get_iteration_number (), chrec->right);
+    // stride_mul_vf = chrec->right * common_vf
+    Expr *stride_mul_vf = scev_analyzer.fold_build
+      (Op_Mul, chrec->right, new (memory) Integer (type, common_vf));
+    // remainder = scaled_iter_num % stride_mul_vf
+    Expr *remainder = scev_analyzer.fold_build
+      (Op_TauRem, scaled_iter_num, stride_mul_vf);
+    // adjusted = boundary_op - remainder
+    Expr *adjusted = scev_analyzer.fold_build
+      (Op_Sub, new (memory) Variable (type, boundary_op), remainder);
+    SsaOpnd *adjusted_tmp = adjusted->gen_insts_before (cond_inst, ir_manager);
+    // Update the boundary operand of cond_inst.
+    cond_inst->setSrc (boundary_index, adjusted_tmp);
+  }
+  // Perform the vectorization transformation.
+  // before:
+  //  old_loop
+  //    {
+  //      A
+  //      check (idxOpnd,limitOpnd)
+  //      B
+  //    }
+  // after:
+  //  unrolledIncOpnd = unrollCount * idx->increment
+  //  unrolledLimitOpnd = limitOpnd-unrolledIncOpnd;
+  //  runtime alias testing
+  //  bodyA // FIXME: This has not been done.
+  //  vectorized_loop
+  //    {
+  //      vectorized_A
+  //      check(idxOpnd,unrolledLimitOpnd)
+  //      vectorized_B
+  //    }
+  //  copy operands defined in A and used in B
+  //  check (idxOpnd,limitOpnd)
+  //  epilogue_loop
+  //    {
+  //      A
+  //      check (idxOpnd,limitOpnd)
+  //      B
+  //    }
+  void
+  transform_single_loop ()
+  {
+    Edge *exit_edge = loop_info->get_single_exit_edge ();
+    Edge *continue_edge = loop_info->get_continue_edge ();
+    Node *exit_node = exit_edge->getTargetNode ();
+    Node *continue_node = continue_edge->getTargetNode ();
+    ControlFlowGraph &cfg = ir_manager.getFlowGraph ();
+    DefUseBuilder def_uses (memory);
+    def_uses.initialize (cfg);
+    // Duplicate a new loop from the old loop.
+    Node *epilogue_header = FlowGraph::duplicateRegion (ir_manager,
+                                                        continue_node,
+                                                        nodes_in_loop,
+                                                        def_uses);
+    // Create the preheader for the new loop.
+    InstFactory &inst_factory = ir_manager.getInstFactory ();
+    LabelInst *epilogue_preheader_label = inst_factory.makeLabel ();
+    Node *epilogue_preheader = cfg.createBlockNode (epilogue_preheader_label);
+    // Add edge from the preheader of the new loop to the exit node.
+    cfg.addEdge (epilogue_preheader, exit_node);
+    // Redirect the exit edge of the old loop to the preheader of the
+    // new loop.
+    cfg.replaceEdgeTarget (exit_edge, epilogue_preheader, true);
+    // Add edge from the preheader to the header of the new loop.
+    cfg.addEdge (epilogue_preheader, epilogue_header);
+    BranchInst *old_check_inst = loop_info->get_exit_branch_inst ();
+    LabelInst *true_target_label =
+      (LabelInst*)(old_check_inst->getTargetLabel () == epilogue_preheader_label
+                   ? exit_node : epilogue_header)->getLabelInst ();
+    BranchInst *new_check_inst = (BranchInst*)inst_factory.makeBranch
+      (old_check_inst->getComparisonModifier (),
+       old_check_inst->getType (),
+       old_check_inst->getSrc (0),
+       old_check_inst->getSrc (1),
+       true_target_label);
+    epilogue_preheader->appendInst (new_check_inst);
+    generate_runtime_alias_tests (epilogue_header, exit_node, true_target_label);
+    transform_instructions ();
+    adjust_old_check_inst ();
+    // TODO: We should find the SSA variables that need to be put into
+    // SSA form here and set all occurrences of them to their base
+    // variables and call fixupvars pass to fix them up, rather than
+    // dessa the whole program and ssa it again as done currently.
+  }
+// The automatic vectorization transformation.
+class AutovectTransformation
+  AutovectTransformation (IRManager &irm)
+    : ir_manager (irm),
+      scev_analyzer (irm.getLoopTree ()),
+      cur_loop_to_be_vectorized (NULL)
+  {
+  }
+  void
+  run ()
+  {
+    LoopTree *loop_tree = ir_manager.getLoopTree ();
+    LoopNode *root = (LoopNode*)loop_tree->getRoot ();
+    for (LoopNode *child = root->getChild (); child; child = child->getSiblings ())
+      find_loops_to_be_vectorized (child);
+    if (cur_loop_to_be_vectorized)
+      {
+        delete cur_loop_to_be_vectorized;
+        cur_loop_to_be_vectorized = NULL;
+      }
+    unsigned num_to_be_vectorized = loops_to_be_vectorized.size ();
+    if (Log::isEnabled () && num_to_be_vectorized)
+      {
+        ir_manager.getMethodDesc().printFullName (Log::out ());
+        Log::out() << ": " << num_to_be_vectorized
+                   << " loop(s) to be vectorized"
+                   << std::endl;
+      }
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_to_be_vectorized; i++)
+      {
+        loops_to_be_vectorized[i]->transform ();
+        delete loops_to_be_vectorized[i];
+      }
+    loops_to_be_vectorized.clear ();
+  }
+  IRManager &ir_manager;
+  ScalarEvolution scev_analyzer;
+  SingleLoopVectorizer *cur_loop_to_be_vectorized;
+  std::vector<SingleLoopVectorizer*> loops_to_be_vectorized;
+  // Recursively find loops that should be vectorized.
+  void
+  find_loops_to_be_vectorized (LoopNode *loop)
+  {
+    LoopNode *child = loop->getChild ();
+    if (!child)
+      // It's a leaf loop node, check whether it should be vectorized.
+      {
+        if (!cur_loop_to_be_vectorized)
+          cur_loop_to_be_vectorized = new SingleLoopVectorizer (ir_manager, scev_analyzer);
+        if (cur_loop_to_be_vectorized->should_vectorize (loop))
+          {
+            loops_to_be_vectorized.push_back (cur_loop_to_be_vectorized);
+            cur_loop_to_be_vectorized = NULL;
+          }
+      }
+    else
+      // Otherwise, walk into children nodes.
+      for (; child; child = child->getSiblings ())
+        find_loops_to_be_vectorized (child);
+  }
+DEFINE_SESSION_ACTION (AutovectPass, autovect, "Automotic vectorization")
+AutovectPass::_run (IRManager &irm)
+#if 0
+  // LU:factor, SOR:execute, RSA:monReduction
+  if (std::string (irm.getMethodDesc().getName ()) != "execute")
+    return;
+  AutovectTransformation autovect_transformation (irm);
+  computeLoops (irm);
+ ();

Propchange: harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/autovect.cpp
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.cpp
--- harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.cpp (added)
+++ harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.cpp Sun Jun  6 22:47:40 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+/* -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
+#include "FlowGraph.h"
+#include "dependence.h"
+namespace Jitrino {
+DataDependence::compute_ddg_for (LoopNode *loop)
+  loop_nest.clear ();
+  ddg_nodes.clear ();
+  failed_reason = compute_ddg_for_1 (loop);
+  dump_analysis_result (loop);
+  return failed_reason == NULL;
+// Helper function of compute_ddg_for.  Return NULL if successful,
+// otherwise return the failed reasion string.
+const char*
+DataDependence::compute_ddg_for_1 (LoopNode *loop)
+  if (!find_loop_nest (loop))
+    return "find_loop_nest FAILED";
+  if (!compute_iteration_numbers ())
+    return "compute_iteration_numbers FAILED";
+  if (const char *err = find_ddg_nodes (loop))
+    return err;
+  // Compute dependences connected by scalar variables.
+  for (int i = 0; i < (int)ddg_nodes.size (); i++)
+    {
+      DdgNode *n1= ddg_nodes[i];
+      Inst *inst = n1->inst;
+      for (unsigned j = 0; j < inst->getNumSrcOperands (); j++)
+        if (DdgNode *n2 = inst_to_ddg_node.lookup
+            (inst->getSrc(j)->asSsaOpnd()->getInst ()))
+          {
+            // All operands of normal computations and the source
+            // operand of stores are computation relevant.
+            bool cr = (n1->kind == DdgNode::ddg_scalar_without_scev
+                       || (n1->is_store () && j == 0));
+            new (memory) DdgEdge (n2, n1, cr);
+          }
+    }
+  // Compute dependences connected by memory references.
+  for (int i = 0; i < (int)ddg_nodes.size () - 1; i++)
+    {
+      if (ddg_nodes[i]->kind != DdgNode::ddg_memory)
+        continue;
+      for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < ddg_nodes.size (); j++)
+        if (ddg_nodes[j]->kind == DdgNode::ddg_memory)
+          compute_data_dependence_between (ddg_nodes[i], ddg_nodes[j]);
+    }
+  return NULL;
+// Helper function of find_loop_nest.
+DataDependence::find_loop_nest_1 (LoopNode *loop)
+  if (loop->getSiblings ())
+    return false;
+  loop_nest.push_back (LoopInfo (loop));
+  if (loop->getChild ())
+    return find_loop_nest_1 (loop->getChild ());
+  return true;
+// Find and store loop nest starting at loop into LOOP_NEST.
+DataDependence::find_loop_nest (LoopNode *loop)
+  loop_nest.push_back (LoopInfo (loop));
+  if (loop->getChild ())
+    return find_loop_nest_1 (loop->getChild ());
+  return true;
+// Set iteration numbers for each loop in this->LOOP_NEST.  If any one
+// of them cannot be computed (NULL returned), return false.
+DataDependence::compute_iteration_numbers ()
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < loop_nest.size (); i++)
+    if (!loop_nest[i].set_iteration_number (scev_analyzer))
+      return false;
+  return true;
+DataDependence::scalar_statement_p (Opcode opcode)
+  return ((opcode >= Op_Add && opcode <= Op_Cmp) || opcode == Op_Phi
+          || opcode == Op_LdVar || opcode == Op_StVar || opcode == Op_Copy);
+// Compute the scalar evolution for using INDEX at INST.
+DataDependence::compute_scev (SsaOpnd *index, Inst *inst)
+  LoopNode *loop = loop_tree->getLoopNode (inst->getNode (), false);
+  Expr *scev = (index ? scev_analyzer.analyze_scev (index, loop)
+                : scev_analyzer.get_int_zero ());
+  return scev_analyzer.instantiate_scev (scev, loop, loop_nest[0].get_loop ());
+// Create and push back a new DDG node and set its ID automatically.
+DataDependence::add_ddg_node (DdgNode::NodeKind k, Inst *i, SsaOpnd *b,
+                              SsaOpnd *x, Expr *f, bool r)
+  DdgNode *node = new (memory) DdgNode (k, ddg_nodes.size (), i, b, x, f, r);
+  ddg_nodes.push_back (node);
+  inst_to_ddg_node.insert (node->inst, node);
+// Return true if NODE is a loop exit node.
+DataDependence::is_loop_exit_node (Node *node)
+  const Edges &edges = node->getOutEdges ();
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < edges.size (); i++)
+    if (loop_tree->isLoopExit (edges[i]))
+      return true;
+  return false;
+// Find all DDG nodes (memory-access instructions) in LOOP and store
+// them to NODES.  Return true if all data references are array references.
+const char*
+DataDependence::find_ddg_nodes (LoopNode *loop)
+  const Nodes &nodes_in_loop = loop->getNodesInLoop ();
+  std::vector<Node*> bbs (nodes_in_loop.size ());
+  // Copy nodes in loop to bbs so that we can sort them.
+  std::copy (nodes_in_loop.begin (), nodes_in_loop.end (), bbs.begin ());
+  // Sort blocks.  For reasons, see comments of node_post_num_greater.
+  std::sort (bbs.begin (), bbs.end (), node_post_num_greater);
+  for (std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator i = bbs.begin ();
+       i != bbs.end ();
+       i++)
+    {
+      Node *node = *i;
+      Inst *label = (Inst*)node->getLabelInst ();
+      SsaOpnd *base = NULL, *index = NULL;
+      Expr *fn;
+      for (Inst *inst = label->getNextInst ();
+	   inst && inst != label;
+	   inst = inst->getNextInst ())
+        switch (Opcode opcode = inst->getOpcode ())
+          {
+          case Op_TauLdInd:
+            if (!extract_base_and_index (inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd (), base, index))
+              return "extract_base_and_index FAILED";
+            if (!loop_nest_invariant_base_p (base))
+              return "checking loop-invariant array base FAILED";
+            if (!(fn = compute_scev (index, inst)))
+              return "computing access function FAILED";
+            add_ddg_node (DdgNode::ddg_memory, inst, base, index, fn, true);
+            break;
+          case Op_TauStInd:
+            if (!extract_base_and_index (inst->getSrc(1)->asSsaOpnd (), base, index))
+              return "extract_base_and_index FAILED";
+            if (!loop_nest_invariant_base_p (base))
+              return "checking loop-invariant array base FAILED";
+            if (!(fn = compute_scev (index, inst)))
+              return "computing access function FAILED";
+            add_ddg_node (DdgNode::ddg_memory, inst, base, index, fn, false);
+            break;
+          case Op_DirectCall:
+          case Op_TauVirtualCall:
+          case Op_IndirectCall:
+          case Op_IndirectMemoryCall:
+            // TODO: Handle call instructions that may clobber memory.
+            return "checking instruction pattern FAILED";
+          case Op_JitHelperCall:
+          case Op_VMHelperCall:
+            // They shouldn't clobber array contents.  Is it right?
+            break;
+          case Op_Branch:
+            // TODO: We currently disallow all control dependences
+            // except the loop exit branch.
+            if (!is_loop_exit_node (node))
+              return "found non-loop-exit branch FAILED";
+            else
+              // Ignore the loop-exit branch (it shoud be the only one).
+              break;
+          case Op_AddScaledIndex:
+          // case Op_TauCheckBounds:
+          case Op_TauPoint:
+          case Op_TauAnd:
+          case Op_TauSafe:
+          case Op_PseudoThrow:
+          case Op_MethodEntry:
+          case Op_MethodEnd:
+            add_ddg_node (DdgNode::ddg_scalar_without_scev, inst,
+                          NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
+            break;
+          default:
+            if (scalar_statement_p (opcode))
+              {
+                SsaOpnd *dst = inst->getDst()->asSsaOpnd ();
+                if (Expr *scev = compute_scev (dst, inst))
+                  // It's an inductiion variable, simply save it.
+                  add_ddg_node (DdgNode::ddg_scalar_with_scev, inst,
+                                NULL, dst, scev, false);
+                else
+                  // Otherwise, add a pure scalar statement node.
+                  add_ddg_node (DdgNode::ddg_scalar_without_scev, inst,
+                                NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
+              }
+            else
+              return "checking instruction pattern FAILED";
+          }
+    }
+  return NULL;
+// Return true iff BASE is invariant in this loop nest.
+DataDependence::loop_nest_invariant_base_p (SsaOpnd *base)
+  Inst *inst = base->getInst ();
+  if (inst->getOpcode () == Op_LdArrayBaseAddr)
+    // Get the definition instruction of the array object.
+    inst = strip_copies(inst->getSrc(0)->asSsaOpnd ())->getInst ();
+  return !loop_nest[0].get_loop()->inLoop (inst->getNode ());
+// Computes data dependence relation between NODE1 and NODE2 connected
+// by memory references.  If the dependence exists, create and set the
+// edge for the two nodes and return true, otherwise return false.
+DataDependence::compute_data_dependence_between (DdgNode *node1, DdgNode *node2)
+  if (node1->is_read && node2->is_read)
+    return false;
+  bool has_dependence = false;
+  Coefficients coef1, coef2;
+  extract_coefficients (node1->scev_fn, coef1);
+  extract_coefficients (node2->scev_fn, coef2);
+  if (!gcd_test (coef1, coef2))
+    return has_dependence;
+  int iv_num, siv_index;
+  bool strong_siv;
+  test_iv_info (coef1, coef2, iv_num, siv_index, strong_siv);
+  if (iv_num == 0)
+    ziv_test (coef1, coef2, node1, node2);
+  if (iv_num == 1 && strong_siv)
+    has_dependence |= strong_siv_test (coef1, coef2, siv_index, node1, node2);
+  else
+    has_dependence |= miv_test (coef1, coef2, node1, node2);
+  return has_dependence;
+// Helper function of extract_coefficients.
+DataDependence::extract_coefficients_1 (Expr *fn, Coefficients &coef)
+  if (PolyChrec *chrec = fn->as_poly_chrec ())
+    {
+      extract_coefficients_1 (chrec->left, coef);
+      assert (coef.size () > 0);
+      // Fill zero coefficients for omited variables.
+      for (int i = coef.size (); loop_nest[i - 1].get_loop () != chrec->loop; i++)
+        coef.push_back (scev_analyzer.get_int_zero ());
+      coef.push_back (chrec->right);
+    }
+  else
+    coef.push_back (fn);
+// Extract coefficients from the access function FN corresponding to
+// this->LOOP_NEST.  See the comment of the type Coefficient.
+DataDependence::extract_coefficients (Expr *fn, Coefficients &coef)
+  coef.clear ();
+  // Extract coefficients in FN.
+  extract_coefficients_1 (fn, coef);
+  // Fill zero coefficients for the rest omited iteration variables.
+  for (unsigned i = coef.size (); i <= loop_nest.size (); i++)
+    coef.push_back (scev_analyzer.get_int_zero ());
+// Perform the GCD test on fn1 = a_0 + a_1 * x_1 + ... + a_n * x_n
+// and fn2 = b_0 + b_1 * y_1 + ... + b_n * y_n, i.e. test whether
+// gcd (a_1, ..., a_n, b_1, ..., b_n) divides b_0 - a_0.
+DataDependence::gcd_test (const Coefficients &fn1, const Coefficients &fn2)
+  Expr *init_diff = scev_analyzer.fold_build (Op_Sub, fn2[0], fn1[0]);
+  if (init_diff->int_zero_p ())
+    // Zero can be exactly divided by any integer.
+    return true;
+  Expr *gcd = scev_analyzer.term_gcd (fn1[1], fn2[1]);
+  for (unsigned i = 2; i < fn1.size (); i++)
+    {
+      gcd = scev_analyzer.term_gcd (gcd, fn1[i]);
+      gcd = scev_analyzer.term_gcd (gcd, fn2[i]);
+    }
+  if (gcd->int_one_p ())
+    // One can exactly divide any integer.
+    return true;
+  return scev_analyzer.may_divided_by_p (init_diff, gcd);
+// Test induction variable information.  IV_NUM returns the number of
+// IVs in FN1 and FN2.  If it's one, SIV_INDEX returns the common
+// index of the single induction variable in FN1 and FN2.  If the
+// coefficients of the common IV is same, STRONG_SIV returns true.
+// If IV_NUM > 1, SIV_INDEX and STRONG_SIV are meaningless and should
+// be ignored.
+DataDependence::test_iv_info (const Coefficients &fn1, const Coefficients &fn2,
+                              int &iv_num, int &siv_index, bool &strong_siv)
+  iv_num = 0;
+  siv_index = 0;
+  strong_siv = false;
+  for (unsigned i = 1; i < fn1.size (); i++)
+    {
+      if (fn1[i]->int_zero_p () && fn2[i]->int_zero_p ())
+        continue;
+      iv_num++;
+      siv_index = i;
+      Expr *diff = scev_analyzer.fold (Op_Sub, fn1[i], fn2[i]);
+      strong_siv = diff && diff->int_zero_p ();
+    }
+// Create a direction vector with all possible directions, i.e.
+// (*, ..., *)
+DataDependence::create_all_dir_vector ()
+  DdgEdge::Direction *dir_vect = new DdgEdge::Direction[loop_nest.size ()];
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < loop_nest.size (); i++)
+    dir_vect[i] = DdgEdge::dir_all;
+  return dir_vect;
+// Return the reverse direction of DIR
+DataDependence::reverse_direction (DdgEdge::Direction dir)
+  switch (dir)
+    {
+    case DdgEdge::dir_lt:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_gt;
+    case DdgEdge::dir_eq:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_eq;
+    case DdgEdge::dir_gt:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_lt;
+    case DdgEdge::dir_le:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_ge;
+    case DdgEdge::dir_lg:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_lg;
+    case DdgEdge::dir_ge:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_le;
+    case DdgEdge::dir_all:
+      return DdgEdge::dir_all;
+    default:
+      assert (0);
+      return DdgEdge::dir_all;
+    }
+// Perform the ZIV test.
+DataDependence::ziv_test (const Coefficients &fn1, const Coefficients &fn2,
+                          DdgNode *node1, DdgNode *node2)
+  Expr *diff = scev_analyzer.fold (Op_Sub, fn1[0], fn2[0]);
+  if (diff && diff->int_nonzero_p ())
+    // No dependence.
+    return false;
+  // Create all-direction dependences between NODE1 and NODE2.
+  DdgEdge *edge1 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node1, node2);
+  DdgEdge *edge2 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node2, node1);
+  edge1->dir_vects.push_back (create_all_dir_vector ());
+  edge2->dir_vects.push_back (create_all_dir_vector ());
+  return true;
+// Perform the strong SIV test.
+DataDependence::strong_siv_test (const Coefficients &fn1, const Coefficients &fn2,
+                                 int siv_index, DdgNode *node1, DdgNode *node2)
+  Expr *diff = scev_analyzer.fold (Op_TauDiv,
+                                   scev_analyzer.fold_build (Op_Sub, fn1[0], fn2[0]),
+                                   fn1[siv_index]);
+  // TODO: We should test whether diff is in the proper range here
+  // including whether the distance is greater than the vector factor.
+  Integer *itmp;
+  if (diff && (itmp = diff->as_integer ()))
+    {
+      if (siv_index == 1 && (itmp->value != 0 || loop_nest.size () == 1))
+        // The first non-'=' element of the direction vector is not
+        // '*', so we only need to create one edge.
+        {
+          DdgEdge *edge = (itmp->value < 0 ? new (memory) DdgEdge (node2, node1)
+                           : new (memory) DdgEdge (node1, node2));
+          DdgEdge::Direction* dir_vect = create_all_dir_vector ();
+          dir_vect[0] = itmp->value ? DdgEdge::dir_lt : DdgEdge::dir_eq;
+          edge->dir_vects.push_back (dir_vect);
+        }
+      else
+        // Otherwise, it should be separated into two edges.
+        {
+          DdgEdge *edge1 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node1, node2);
+          DdgEdge *edge2 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node2, node1);
+          DdgEdge::Direction* dir_vect1 = create_all_dir_vector ();
+          DdgEdge::Direction* dir_vect2 = create_all_dir_vector ();
+          DdgEdge::Direction direction = (itmp->value > 0 ? DdgEdge::dir_lt
+                                          : itmp->value < 0 ? DdgEdge::dir_gt
+                                          : DdgEdge::dir_eq);
+          dir_vect1[siv_index - 1] = direction;
+          dir_vect2[siv_index - 1] = reverse_direction (direction);
+          edge1->dir_vects.push_back (dir_vect1);
+          edge2->dir_vects.push_back (dir_vect2);
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Create two all-direction dependences between NODE1 and NODE2.
+      DdgEdge *edge1 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node1, node2);
+      DdgEdge *edge2 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node2, node1);
+      edge1->dir_vects.push_back (create_all_dir_vector ());
+      edge2->dir_vects.push_back (create_all_dir_vector ());
+    }
+  return true;
+DataDependence::miv_test (const Coefficients &fn1, const Coefficients &fn2,
+                          DdgNode *node1, DdgNode *node2)
+  // Create two all-direction dependences between NODE1 and NODE2.
+  DdgEdge *edge1 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node1, node2);
+  DdgEdge *edge2 = new (memory) DdgEdge (node2, node1);
+  edge1->dir_vects.push_back (create_all_dir_vector ());
+  edge2->dir_vects.push_back (create_all_dir_vector ());
+  return true;
+DataDependence::dump_dir_vect (std::ostream &out,
+                               const DdgEdge::Direction *dir_vect)
+  bool first_dir = true;
+  out << "(";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < loop_nest.size (); i++)
+    {
+      if (!first_dir)
+        out << ", ";
+      first_dir = false;
+      switch (dir_vect[i])
+        {
+        case DdgEdge::dir_lt:
+          out << "<";
+          break;
+        case DdgEdge::dir_eq:
+          out << "=";
+          break;
+        case DdgEdge::dir_gt:
+          out << ">";
+          break;
+        case DdgEdge::dir_le:
+          out << "<=";
+          break;
+        case DdgEdge::dir_lg:
+          out << "<>";
+          break;
+        case DdgEdge::dir_ge:
+          out << ">=";
+          break;
+        case DdgEdge::dir_all:
+          out << "*";
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+  out << ")";
+DataDependence::dump_dir_vects (std::ostream &out, DdgEdge *edge)
+  const DdgEdge::DirectionVectors &dir_vects = edge->dir_vects;
+  out << "{";
+  if (dir_vects.empty ())
+    // It's a dependence edge connected by scalar variables.
+    out << (edge->computation_relevant ? "SC" : "S");
+  else
+    {
+      bool first_vect = true;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < dir_vects.size (); i++)
+        {
+          if (!first_vect)
+            out << ", ";
+          first_vect = false;
+          dump_dir_vect (out, dir_vects[i]);
+        }
+    }
+  out << "}";
+DataDependence::dump_ddg_node (std::ostream &out, const DdgNode *node)
+  out << "I" << node->inst->getId () << ": ";
+  switch (node->kind)
+    {
+    case DdgNode::ddg_scalar_with_scev:
+      out << "variable: ";
+      node->index->print (out);
+      out << ", scev_fn: " << node->scev_fn;
+      break;
+    case DdgNode::ddg_scalar_without_scev:
+      out << "ddg_scalar_without_scev";
+      break;
+    case DdgNode::ddg_memory:
+      out << "base: ";
+      node->base->print (out);
+      out << ", index: ";
+      if (node->index)
+        node->index->print (out);
+      else
+        out << "0";
+      out << ", " << "scev_fn: " << node->scev_fn;
+      out << ", " << (node->is_read ? "read" : "write");
+    }
+  out << "\n  PREDS:";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->preds.size (); i++)
+    {
+      DdgEdge *edge = node->preds[i];
+      out << " I" << edge->src->inst->getId () << ":";
+      dump_dir_vects (out, edge);
+    }
+  out << "\n  SUCCS:";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < node->succs.size (); i++)
+    {
+      DdgEdge *edge = node->succs[i];
+      out << " I" << edge->dst->inst->getId () << ":";
+      dump_dir_vects (out, edge);
+    }
+  out << "\n";
+DataDependence::dump_analysis_result (LoopNode *loop)
+  if (!Log::isEnabled ())
+    return;
+  Log::out() << "*************** Data dependence analysis for loop nest <";
+  bool first_loop = true;;
+  // Print pre-numbers of loops of the loop nest.
+  for (LoopInfos::const_iterator i = loop_nest.begin ();
+       i != loop_nest.end ();
+       i++)
+    {
+      if (!first_loop)
+        Log::out() << ", ";
+      first_loop = false;
+      Log::out() << (*i).get_loop()->getPreNum ();
+    }
+  Log::out() << ">: "
+             << (failed_reason ? failed_reason : "SUCCESSFUL")
+             << " ***************\n";
+  // Print nodes of each loop.
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < loop_nest.size (); i++)
+    {
+      Log::out() << "  Loop " << loop_nest[i].get_loop()->getPreNum ()
+                 << ": iteration_number = " << loop_nest[i].get_iteration_number ()
+                 << ", nodes = {";
+      const Nodes &nodes = loop_nest[i].get_loop()->getNodesInLoop ();
+      bool first_node = true;
+      for (Nodes::const_iterator j = nodes.begin ();
+           j != nodes.end ();
+           j++)
+        {
+          if (!first_node)
+            Log::out() << ", ";
+          first_node = false;
+          FlowGraph::printLabel (Log::out (), *j);
+        }
+      Log::out() << "}\n";
+    }
+  Log::out() << "Data dependence graph nodes:\n";
+  // Print DDG nodes in the loop nest.
+  for (DdgNodes::iterator i = ddg_nodes.begin (); i != ddg_nodes.end (); i++)
+    dump_ddg_node (Log::out (), *i);
+void DataDependence::debug_data_dependences (LoopNode *loop)
+  // Process all inter loops first.
+  for (LoopNode *child = loop->getChild (); child; child = child->getSiblings ())
+    debug_data_dependences (child);
+  compute_ddg_for (loop);

Propchange: harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.cpp
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.h
--- harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.h (added)
+++ harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.h Sun Jun  6 22:47:40 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+/* -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
+#ifndef _DEPENDENCE_H_
+#define _DEPENDENCE_H_
+#include "scalar-evolution.h"
+namespace Jitrino {
+class DdgNode;
+class DdgEdge;
+// Vector of DdgNode.
+typedef std::vector<DdgNode*> DdgNodes;
+// Vector of DdgEdge 
+typedef std::vector<DdgEdge*> DdgEdges;
+// Node of a data dependence graph (DDG).  In a DDG, each node may
+// represent a single load or store array access statement or a pure
+// (without side effects) scalar statement or a phi node.  Each edge
+// from node n1 to n2 denotes that n2 depends on n1 either due to a
+// true scalar data dependence or because there is (or may be, from
+// static analysis view) a runtime CFG path from n1 to n2 on which n1
+// and n2 access the same memory location and at least one of them
+// writes into it.  In general, one statement may access more than one
+// data reference, but in current (simplified) IR, each instruction
+// accesses at most one data reference.
+class DdgNode
+  enum NodeKind
+    {
+      // Scalar statements with scalar evolution function, including
+      // induction variables and loop-invariant variables in a loop
+      // nest.  We don't need to analyze data dependence relations
+      // from them to others and the transformer should process them
+      // differently comparing to the following two kinds.
+      ddg_scalar_with_scev,
+      // Scalar statements other than the above kind.
+      ddg_scalar_without_scev,
+      // Memory access statements.
+      ddg_memory
+    };
+  DdgNode (NodeKind k, int d, Inst *i, SsaOpnd *b, SsaOpnd *x, Expr *f, bool r)
+    : kind (k), id (d), inst (i), base (b), index (x), scev_fn (f), is_read (r)
+  {
+  }
+  // Return true iff this->inst is a store instruction.
+  bool is_store () const { return kind == ddg_memory && !is_read; }
+  const NodeKind kind;
+  // The index of this node in the DdgNode array.
+  int id;
+  // Edges into and out of this node.
+  DdgEdges preds;
+  DdgEdges succs;
+  // The instruction that accesses a data reference (array).
+  Inst *inst;
+  // The following are for array access statements.  If and only if
+  // BASE == NULL, this node represents a pure scalar statments.
+  // The base part of the array access address.  An array access
+  // address is the operand of ldind or stind instruction, which can
+  // be decomposed into BASE + INDEX form.  The BASE part is the base
+  // address of an array object, and the INDEX part is an integer
+  // expression.
+  SsaOpnd *base;
+  // The index part of the array access address if type == ddg_memory,
+  // or the destination operand of INST if type == ddg_scalar_with_scev.
+  SsaOpnd *index;
+  // Evolution function of INDEX.  Now we only support one dimension
+  // since jave only support one.
+  Expr *scev_fn;
+  // True when INST read this data reference. 
+  bool is_read;
+// Edge of a data dependence graph.  Empty direction vector denotes
+// a dependence connected by a scalar SSA variable.
+class DdgEdge
+  // Data dependence direction of direction vectors.  The dependence
+  // analysis must guarantee that we can safely ignore all meaningless
+  // direction vectors represented by a compound form vector, i.e.
+  // (*, *) equals (<, *) and (=, <=) (ignoring (>, *) and (=, >)).
+  // When attaching a direction vector whose first non-'=' element is
+  // '*' to an DDG edge, the analysis algorithm must also create a
+  // corresponding reversed DDG edge to represent the ignored
+  // direction vectors of that edge.
+  enum Direction
+    {
+      dir_lt,   // <
+      dir_eq,   // =
+      dir_gt,   // >
+      dir_le,   // <=
+      dir_lg,   // <>
+      dir_ge,   // >=
+      dir_all,  // <=> (*)
+    };
+  // Vector of direction vectors.
+  typedef std::vector<Direction*> DirectionVectors;
+  DdgEdge (DdgNode *s, DdgNode *d, bool cr = false)
+    : src (s), dst (d), computation_relevant (cr),
+      runtime_alias_test (false)
+  {
+    s->succs.push_back (this);
+    d->preds.push_back (this);
+  }
+  ~DdgEdge ()
+  {
+    // Release the direction vectors owned by this edge.
+    while (!dir_vects.empty ())
+      {
+        delete[] dir_vects.back ();
+        dir_vects.pop_back ();
+      }
+  }
+  // Source and destination of this edge.
+  DdgNode *src;
+  DdgNode *dst;
+  // Direction vectors of this edge.
+  DirectionVectors dir_vects;
+  // Denoting whether this DDG edge is due to a variable used for
+  // computation.  Those variables include operands of computation
+  // instructions and source value of store instructions.
+  bool computation_relevant;
+  // The flag denoting that the alias relation of the two nodes
+  // connected by this edge should be tested at runtime.
+  bool runtime_alias_test;
+// The data dependence analysis class.
+class DataDependence
+  DataDependence (LoopTree *t, ScalarEvolution &s)
+    : memory ("DataDependence"), loop_tree (t), scev_analyzer (s),
+      inst_to_ddg_node (memory, 103), failed_reason (NULL)
+  {
+  }
+  // Find all data references in loop nest starting at LOOP and compute
+  // dependences among them.  If successful, return true and store the
+  // corresponding results into DDG_NODES, otherwise return false.
+  bool compute_ddg_for (LoopNode *loop);
+  const LoopInfos& get_loop_nest () const { return loop_nest; }
+  const DdgNodes& get_ddg_nodes () const { return ddg_nodes; }
+  DdgNode* ddg_node_of_inst (Inst *inst)
+  {
+    return inst_to_ddg_node.lookup (inst);
+  }
+  // For debugging:
+  void debug_data_dependences (LoopNode *);
+  // The strict weak ordering predicate for ordering nodes in reverse
+  // post-num order, so that if n1 is above n2 in the CFG without back
+  // edge, n1 must precede n2 when sorting.  This guarantees that if
+  // there is a CFG path from n1 to n2 without passing though any back
+  // edge, n1 must preceed n2.  If all back edges are covered by loops,
+  // i.e. if passing through a back edge, some iteration number must
+  // change, then if n1 precees n2, there cannot be loop-independent
+  // dependences from n2 to n1 since there is no paths from n2 to n1
+  // without passing through any back edge (without changing any
+  // iteration number).  With this order, we only need to test
+  // loop-independent dependences for one direction.
+  static bool node_post_num_greater (Node *n1, Node *n2)
+  {
+    return n1->getPostNum () > n2->getPostNum ();
+  }
+  // Coefficient array of a linear function corresponding to the
+  // LOOP_NEST.  The constant part is in the first slot, i.e. for
+  // a loop nest <i, j, k> and an access function 1 + 2i + 3j + 4k,
+  // the coefficient array is {1, 2, 3, 4}.  The size of coefficient
+  // array should be greater than the size of LOOP_NEST by one.
+  typedef std::vector<Expr*> Coefficients;
+  // The hash table for mapping instructions to DDG nodes.
+  class MapInstToDdgNode : public HashTable<Inst, DdgNode>
+  {
+  public:
+    MapInstToDdgNode (MemoryManager &m, U_32 s)
+      : HashTable<Inst, DdgNode> (m, s) {}
+  protected:
+    virtual bool keyEquals (Inst *key1, Inst *key2) const
+    {
+      return key1 == key2;
+    }
+    virtual U_32 getKeyHashCode (Inst *key) const
+    {
+      return (U_32)((long)key >> 2);
+    }
+  };
+  const char* compute_ddg_for_1 (LoopNode *);
+  bool find_loop_nest_1 (LoopNode *);
+  bool find_loop_nest (LoopNode *);
+  bool compute_iteration_numbers ();
+  static bool scalar_statement_p (Opcode);
+  Expr* compute_scev (SsaOpnd *, Inst *);
+  void add_ddg_node (DdgNode::NodeKind, Inst *, SsaOpnd *, SsaOpnd *, Expr *, bool);
+  bool is_loop_exit_node (Node *);
+  const char* find_ddg_nodes (LoopNode *);
+  bool loop_nest_invariant_base_p (SsaOpnd *);
+  bool compute_data_dependence_between (DdgNode *, DdgNode *);
+  void extract_coefficients_1 (Expr *, Coefficients &);
+  void extract_coefficients (Expr *, Coefficients &);
+  bool gcd_test (const Coefficients &, const Coefficients &);
+  void test_iv_info (const Coefficients &, const Coefficients &,
+                     int &, int &, bool &);
+  DdgEdge::Direction* create_all_dir_vector ();
+  static DdgEdge::Direction reverse_direction (DdgEdge::Direction);
+  bool ziv_test (const Coefficients &, const Coefficients &,
+                 DdgNode *, DdgNode *);
+  bool strong_siv_test (const Coefficients &, const Coefficients &, int,
+                        DdgNode *, DdgNode *);
+  bool miv_test (const Coefficients &, const Coefficients &,
+                 DdgNode *, DdgNode *);
+  void dump_dir_vect (std::ostream &, const DdgEdge::Direction *);
+  void dump_dir_vects (std::ostream &, DdgEdge *);
+  void dump_ddg_node (std::ostream &, const DdgNode *);
+  void dump_analysis_result (LoopNode *);
+  MemoryManager memory;
+  LoopTree *loop_tree;
+  ScalarEvolution &scev_analyzer;
+  // The vector of the loop nest, from outmost to innermost.
+  LoopInfos loop_nest;
+  // Nodes of the resulting data dependence graph.
+  DdgNodes ddg_nodes;
+  // Map instructions in loop_nest to nodes in ddg_nodes.
+  MapInstToDdgNode inst_to_ddg_node;
+  // Failed reason of the analysis.
+  const char *failed_reason;

Propchange: harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/drlvm/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/autovect/dependence.h
    svn:eol-style = native