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Posted to by on 2015/06/09 23:59:06 UTC

[01/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Repository: incubator-htrace
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 405105475 -> baaa3a528
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.min.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 541911f..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-// rome@v2.1.0, MIT licensed.
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 ff("ready",n),F.once("destroyed",l))}function f(){E=!0,t.focus(),E=!1}function m(){function t(){k=!1}k=!0,o(t)}function y(){k||b()||F.emitValues()}function p(){E||}function h(){var e=t.getBoundingClientRect(),n=document.body.scrollTop||document.documentElement.scrollTop;"px","px"}function v(){var e=t.value.trim();if(!b()){var n=s.moment(e,x.inputFormat,x.strictParse);F.setValue(n)}}function w(e){t.value=e}function b(){return x.required===!1&&""===t.value.trim()}function g(t){return function(){return b()?null:t.apply(this,arguments)}}var x,k,E,F=i(e),A=r(v,30),T=r(h,30);return n(e),F}var r=t("./throttle"),o=t("raf"),a=(t("./clone"),t("./defaults")),i=t("./calendar"),s=t("./momentum"),u=t("./classes"),c=t("./events");e.exports=n},{"./calendar":7,"./classes":8,"./clone":9,"./defaults":11,"./events":13,"./momentum":18,"./throttle":33,raf:4}],17:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){return t&&t.nodeNam
 e&&"input"===t.nodeName.toLowerCase()}e.exports=n},{}],18:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){return t&&,"_isAMomentObject")}var r={moment:null,isMoment:n};e.exports=r},{}],19:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(){}e.exports=n},{}],20:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e){return"string"==typeof t?o.moment(t,e):"[object Date]" 0}function r(t,e){var r=n(t,"string"==typeof e?e:null);return r&&r.isValid()?r:null}var o=t("./momentum");e.exports=r},{"./momentum":18}],21:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.filter||(Array.prototype.filter=function(t,e){var n=[];return this.forEach(function(r,o,a){,r,o,a)&&n.push(r)},e),n})},{}],22:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.forEach||(Array.prototype.forEach=function(t,e){if(void 0===this||null===this||"function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError;for(var n=this,r=n.length,o=0;r>o;o++)o in n&&,n[o],o,
 n)})},{}],23:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.indexOf||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(t,e){if(void 0===this||null===this)throw new TypeError;var n=this.length;for(e=+e||0,1/0===Math.abs(e)?e=0:0>e&&(e+=n,0>e&&(e=0));n>e;e++)if(this[e]===t)return e;return-1})},{}],24:[function(){"use strict";Array.isArray||(Array.isArray=function(t){return""+t!==t&&"[object Array]"})},{}],25:[function(){"use strict";||(,e){var n,r,o;if(null==this)throw new TypeError("this is null or not defined");var a=Object(this),i=a.length>>>0;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError(t+" is not a function");for(arguments.length>1&&(n=e),r=new Array(i),o=0;i>o;)o in a&&(r[o],a[o],o,a)),o++;return r})},{}],26:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.some||(Array.prototype.some=function(t,e){var n,r;if(null==this)throw new TypeError("this is null or not defined");var o=Object(this),a=o.length>>>0;if("function"!
 =typeof t)throw new TypeError(t+" is not a function");for(arguments.length>1&&(n=e),r=0;a>r;){if(r in o){var,o[r],r,o);if(i)return!0}r++}return!1})},{}],27:[function(){"use strict";Function.prototype.bind||(Function.prototype.bind=function(t){if("function"!=typeof this)throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");var,1),n=this,r=function(){},o=function(){var o=this instanceof r&&t?this:t,a=e.concat(;return n.apply(o,a)};return r.prototype=this.prototype,o.prototype=new r,o})},{}],28:[function(){"use strict";var t=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,e=!{toString:null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),n=["toString","toLocaleString","valueOf","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","constructor"],r=n.length;Object.keys||(Object.keys=function(o){if("object"!=typeof o&&("function"!=typeof o||null===o))throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on
  non-object");var a,i,s=[];for(a in o),a)&&s.push(a);if(e)for(i=0;r>i;i++),n[i])&&s.push(n[i]);return s})},{}],29:[function(){"use strict";String.prototype.trim||(String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")})},{}],30:[function(t,e){"use strict";t("./polyfills/function.bind"),t("./polyfills/array.foreach"),t("./polyfills/"),t("./polyfills/array.filter"),t("./polyfills/array.isarray"),t("./polyfills/array.indexof"),t("./polyfills/array.some"),t("./polyfills/string.trim"),t("./polyfills/object.keys");var n=t("./core"),r=t("./index"),o=t("./use");n.use=o.bind(n),n.find=r.find,n.val=t("./validators"),e.exports=n},{"./core":10,"./index":14,"./polyfills/array.filter":21,"./polyfills/array.foreach":22,"./polyfills/array.indexof":23,"./polyfills/array.isarray":24,"./polyfills/":25,"./polyfills/array.some":26,"./polyfills/function.bind":27,"./polyfills/object.keys":28,"./polyfills/string.trim":29,"./use":34,"./validators":35}],31:[fu
 nction(t,e){(function(n){var r=t("./rome"),o=t("./momentum");if(r.use(n.moment),void 0===o.moment)throw new Error("rome depends on moment.js, you can get it at, or you could use the bundled distribution file instead.");e.exports=r}).call(this,"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{"./momentum":18,"./rome":30}],32:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e){return 2===arguments.length&&(t.innerText=t.textContent=e),t.innerText||t.textContent}e.exports=n},{}],33:[function(t,e){"use strict";e.exports=function(t,e){var n,r=-1/0;return function(){function o(){clearTimeout(n),n=null;var a=r+e,;i>a?(r=i,t.apply(this,arguments)):n=setTimeout(o,a-i)}n||o()}}},{}],34:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){this.moment=r.moment=t}var r=t("./momentum");e.exports=n},{"./momentum":18}],35:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){return function(e){var n=a(e);return function(r){var s=o.find(e),u=a(r),c=n||s&&s.getMoment();return c?(
 s&&i.add(this,s),t(u,c)):!0}}}function r(t,e){return function(n,r){function s(t){var e,n,r=o.find(t);return r?e=n=r.getMoment():Array.isArray(t)?(e=t[0],n=t[1]):e=n=t,r&&i.add(r,this),{start:a(e).startOf("day").toDate(),end:a(n).endOf("day").toDate()}}var u,c=arguments.length;return Array.isArray(n)?u=n:1===c?u=[n]:2===c&&(u=[[n,r]]),function(n){return[t](e.bind(this,n))}}}var o=t("./index"),a=t("./parse"),i=t("./association"),s=n(function(t,e){return t>=e}),u=n(function(t,e){return t>e}),c=n(function(t,e){return e>=t}),l=n(function(t,e){return e>t}),d=r("every",function(t,e){return e.start>t||e.end<t}),f=r("some",function(t,e){return e.start<=t&&e.end>=t});e.exports={afterEq:s,after:u,beforeEq:c,before:l,except:d,only:f}},{"./association":6,"./index":14,"./parse":20}]},{},[31])(31)});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/underscore-1.7.0.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/underscore-1.7.0.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5b3375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/underscore-1.7.0.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@
+//     Underscore.js 1.7.0
+//     (c) 2009-2014 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
+//     Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
+(function() {
+  // Baseline setup
+  // --------------
+  // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `exports` on the server.
+  var root = this;
+  // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
+  var previousUnderscore = root._;
+  // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
+  var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
+  // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
+  var
+    push             = ArrayProto.push,
+    slice            = ArrayProto.slice,
+    concat           = ArrayProto.concat,
+    toString         = ObjProto.toString,
+    hasOwnProperty   = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
+  // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
+  // are declared here.
+  var
+    nativeIsArray      = Array.isArray,
+    nativeKeys         = Object.keys,
+    nativeBind         = FuncProto.bind;
+  // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
+  var _ = function(obj) {
+    if (obj instanceof _) return obj;
+    if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj);
+    this._wrapped = obj;
+  };
+  // Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with
+  // backwards-compatibility for the old `require()` API. If we're in
+  // the browser, add `_` as a global object.
+  if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+      exports = module.exports = _;
+    }
+    exports._ = _;
+  } else {
+    root._ = _;
+  }
+  // Current version.
+  _.VERSION = '1.7.0';
+  // Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version
+  // of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore
+  // functions.
+  var createCallback = function(func, context, argCount) {
+    if (context === void 0) return func;
+    switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) {
+      case 1: return function(value) {
+        return, value);
+      };
+      case 2: return function(value, other) {
+        return, value, other);
+      };
+      case 3: return function(value, index, collection) {
+        return, value, index, collection);
+      };
+      case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) {
+        return, accumulator, value, index, collection);
+      };
+    }
+    return function() {
+      return func.apply(context, arguments);
+    };
+  };
+  // A mostly-internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied
+  // to each element in a collection, returning the desired result — either
+  // identity, an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor.
+  _.iteratee = function(value, context, argCount) {
+    if (value == null) return _.identity;
+    if (_.isFunction(value)) return createCallback(value, context, argCount);
+    if (_.isObject(value)) return _.matches(value);
+    return;
+  };
+  // Collection Functions
+  // --------------------
+  // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
+  // Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all
+  // sparse array-likes as if they were dense.
+  _.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    if (obj == null) return obj;
+    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context);
+    var i, length = obj.length;
+    if (length === +length) {
+      for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        iteratee(obj[i], i, obj);
+      }
+    } else {
+      var keys = _.keys(obj);
+      for (i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
+        iteratee(obj[keys[i]], keys[i], obj);
+      }
+    }
+    return obj;
+  };
+  // Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element.
+ = _.collect = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    if (obj == null) return [];
+    iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
+    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
+        length = (keys || obj).length,
+        results = Array(length),
+        currentKey;
+    for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
+      results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
+    }
+    return results;
+  };
+  var reduceError = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value';
+  // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
+  // or `foldl`.
+  _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) {
+    if (obj == null) obj = [];
+    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 4);
+    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
+        length = (keys || obj).length,
+        index = 0, currentKey;
+    if (arguments.length < 3) {
+      if (!length) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
+      memo = obj[keys ? keys[index++] : index++];
+    }
+    for (; index < length; index++) {
+      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
+      memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
+    }
+    return memo;
+  };
+  // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
+  _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) {
+    if (obj == null) obj = [];
+    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 4);
+    var keys = obj.length !== + obj.length && _.keys(obj),
+        index = (keys || obj).length,
+        currentKey;
+    if (arguments.length < 3) {
+      if (!index) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
+      memo = obj[keys ? keys[--index] : --index];
+    }
+    while (index--) {
+      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
+      memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
+    }
+    return memo;
+  };
+  // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
+  _.find = _.detect = function(obj, predicate, context) {
+    var result;
+    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
+    _.some(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+      if (predicate(value, index, list)) {
+        result = value;
+        return true;
+      }
+    });
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
+  // Aliased as `select`.
+  _.filter = = function(obj, predicate, context) {
+    var results = [];
+    if (obj == null) return results;
+    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
+    _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+      if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value);
+    });
+    return results;
+  };
+  // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
+  _.reject = function(obj, predicate, context) {
+    return _.filter(obj, _.negate(_.iteratee(predicate)), context);
+  };
+  // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
+  // Aliased as `all`.
+  _.every = _.all = function(obj, predicate, context) {
+    if (obj == null) return true;
+    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
+    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
+        length = (keys || obj).length,
+        index, currentKey;
+    for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
+      if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  };
+  // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
+  // Aliased as `any`.
+  _.some = _.any = function(obj, predicate, context) {
+    if (obj == null) return false;
+    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
+    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
+        length = (keys || obj).length,
+        index, currentKey;
+    for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
+      if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  };
+  // Determine if the array or object contains a given value (using `===`).
+  // Aliased as `include`.
+  _.contains = _.include = function(obj, target) {
+    if (obj == null) return false;
+    if (obj.length !== +obj.length) obj = _.values(obj);
+    return _.indexOf(obj, target) >= 0;
+  };
+  // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
+  _.invoke = function(obj, method) {
+    var args =, 2);
+    var isFunc = _.isFunction(method);
+    return, function(value) {
+      return (isFunc ? method : value[method]).apply(value, args);
+    });
+  };
+  // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
+  _.pluck = function(obj, key) {
+    return,;
+  };
+  // Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects
+  // containing specific `key:value` pairs.
+  _.where = function(obj, attrs) {
+    return _.filter(obj, _.matches(attrs));
+  };
+  // Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object
+  // containing specific `key:value` pairs.
+  _.findWhere = function(obj, attrs) {
+    return _.find(obj, _.matches(attrs));
+  };
+  // Return the maximum element (or element-based computation).
+  _.max = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity,
+        value, computed;
+    if (iteratee == null && obj != null) {
+      obj = obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj);
+      for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
+        value = obj[i];
+        if (value > result) {
+          result = value;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
+      _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+        computed = iteratee(value, index, list);
+        if (computed > lastComputed || computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity) {
+          result = value;
+          lastComputed = computed;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
+  _.min = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity,
+        value, computed;
+    if (iteratee == null && obj != null) {
+      obj = obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj);
+      for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
+        value = obj[i];
+        if (value < result) {
+          result = value;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
+      _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+        computed = iteratee(value, index, list);
+        if (computed < lastComputed || computed === Infinity && result === Infinity) {
+          result = value;
+          lastComputed = computed;
+        }
+      });
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Shuffle a collection, using the modern version of the
+  // [Fisher-Yates shuffle](–Yates_shuffle).
+  _.shuffle = function(obj) {
+    var set = obj && obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj);
+    var length = set.length;
+    var shuffled = Array(length);
+    for (var index = 0, rand; index < length; index++) {
+      rand = _.random(0, index);
+      if (rand !== index) shuffled[index] = shuffled[rand];
+      shuffled[rand] = set[index];
+    }
+    return shuffled;
+  };
+  // Sample **n** random values from a collection.
+  // If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element.
+  // The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `map`.
+  _.sample = function(obj, n, guard) {
+    if (n == null || guard) {
+      if (obj.length !== +obj.length) obj = _.values(obj);
+      return obj[_.random(obj.length - 1)];
+    }
+    return _.shuffle(obj).slice(0, Math.max(0, n));
+  };
+  // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee.
+  _.sortBy = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
+    return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) {
+      return {
+        value: value,
+        index: index,
+        criteria: iteratee(value, index, list)
+      };
+    }).sort(function(left, right) {
+      var a = left.criteria;
+      var b = right.criteria;
+      if (a !== b) {
+        if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
+        if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
+      }
+      return left.index - right.index;
+    }), 'value');
+  };
+  // An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations.
+  var group = function(behavior) {
+    return function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+      var result = {};
+      iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
+      _.each(obj, function(value, index) {
+        var key = iteratee(value, index, obj);
+        behavior(result, value, key);
+      });
+      return result;
+    };
+  };
+  // Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute
+  // to group by, or a function that returns the criterion.
+  _.groupBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
+    if (_.has(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value];
+  });
+  // Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `groupBy`, but for
+  // when you know that your index values will be unique.
+  _.indexBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
+    result[key] = value;
+  });
+  // Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass
+  // either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the
+  // criterion.
+  _.countBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
+    if (_.has(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1;
+  });
+  // Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which
+  // an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
+  _.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iteratee, context) {
+    iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context, 1);
+    var value = iteratee(obj);
+    var low = 0, high = array.length;
+    while (low < high) {
+      var mid = low + high >>> 1;
+      if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid;
+    }
+    return low;
+  };
+  // Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable.
+  _.toArray = function(obj) {
+    if (!obj) return [];
+    if (_.isArray(obj)) return;
+    if (obj.length === +obj.length) return, _.identity);
+    return _.values(obj);
+  };
+  // Return the number of elements in an object.
+  _.size = function(obj) {
+    if (obj == null) return 0;
+    return obj.length === +obj.length ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length;
+  };
+  // Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all satisfy the given
+  // predicate, and one whose elements all do not satisfy the predicate.
+  _.partition = function(obj, predicate, context) {
+    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
+    var pass = [], fail = [];
+    _.each(obj, function(value, key, obj) {
+      (predicate(value, key, obj) ? pass : fail).push(value);
+    });
+    return [pass, fail];
+  };
+  // Array Functions
+  // ---------------
+  // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
+  // values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check
+  // allows it to work with ``.
+  _.first = _.head = _.take = function(array, n, guard) {
+    if (array == null) return void 0;
+    if (n == null || guard) return array[0];
+    if (n < 0) return [];
+    return, 0, n);
+  };
+  // Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on
+  // the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in
+  // the array, excluding the last N. The **guard** check allows it to work with
+  // ``.
+  _.initial = function(array, n, guard) {
+    return, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n)));
+  };
+  // Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N
+  // values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with ``.
+  _.last = function(array, n, guard) {
+    if (array == null) return void 0;
+    if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1];
+    return, Math.max(array.length - n, 0));
+  };
+  // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`.
+  // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return
+  // the rest N values in the array. The **guard**
+  // check allows it to work with ``.
+ = _.tail = _.drop = function(array, n, guard) {
+    return, n == null || guard ? 1 : n);
+  };
+  // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
+  _.compact = function(array) {
+    return _.filter(array, _.identity);
+  };
+  // Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function.
+  var flatten = function(input, shallow, strict, output) {
+    if (shallow && _.every(input, _.isArray)) {
+      return concat.apply(output, input);
+    }
+    for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
+      var value = input[i];
+      if (!_.isArray(value) && !_.isArguments(value)) {
+        if (!strict) output.push(value);
+      } else if (shallow) {
+        push.apply(output, value);
+      } else {
+        flatten(value, shallow, strict, output);
+      }
+    }
+    return output;
+  };
+  // Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or just one level.
+  _.flatten = function(array, shallow) {
+    return flatten(array, shallow, false, []);
+  };
+  // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
+  _.without = function(array) {
+    return _.difference(array,, 1));
+  };
+  // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
+  // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
+  // Aliased as `unique`.
+  _.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iteratee, context) {
+    if (array == null) return [];
+    if (!_.isBoolean(isSorted)) {
+      context = iteratee;
+      iteratee = isSorted;
+      isSorted = false;
+    }
+    if (iteratee != null) iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
+    var result = [];
+    var seen = [];
+    for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
+      var value = array[i];
+      if (isSorted) {
+        if (!i || seen !== value) result.push(value);
+        seen = value;
+      } else if (iteratee) {
+        var computed = iteratee(value, i, array);
+        if (_.indexOf(seen, computed) < 0) {
+          seen.push(computed);
+          result.push(value);
+        }
+      } else if (_.indexOf(result, value) < 0) {
+        result.push(value);
+      }
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
+  // the passed-in arrays.
+  _.union = function() {
+    return _.uniq(flatten(arguments, true, true, []));
+  };
+  // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
+  // passed-in arrays.
+  _.intersection = function(array) {
+    if (array == null) return [];
+    var result = [];
+    var argsLength = arguments.length;
+    for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
+      var item = array[i];
+      if (_.contains(result, item)) continue;
+      for (var j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) {
+        if (!_.contains(arguments[j], item)) break;
+      }
+      if (j === argsLength) result.push(item);
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays.
+  // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
+  _.difference = function(array) {
+    var rest = flatten(, 1), true, true, []);
+    return _.filter(array, function(value){
+      return !_.contains(rest, value);
+    });
+  };
+  // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
+  // an index go together.
+ = function(array) {
+    if (array == null) return [];
+    var length = _.max(arguments, 'length').length;
+    var results = Array(length);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      results[i] = _.pluck(arguments, i);
+    }
+    return results;
+  };
+  // Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]`
+  // pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of
+  // the corresponding values.
+  _.object = function(list, values) {
+    if (list == null) return {};
+    var result = {};
+    for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {
+      if (values) {
+        result[list[i]] = values[i];
+      } else {
+        result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1];
+      }
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array,
+  // or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
+  // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
+  // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
+  _.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) {
+    if (array == null) return -1;
+    var i = 0, length = array.length;
+    if (isSorted) {
+      if (typeof isSorted == 'number') {
+        i = isSorted < 0 ? Math.max(0, length + isSorted) : isSorted;
+      } else {
+        i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
+        return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
+      }
+    }
+    for (; i < length; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+    return -1;
+  };
+  _.lastIndexOf = function(array, item, from) {
+    if (array == null) return -1;
+    var idx = array.length;
+    if (typeof from == 'number') {
+      idx = from < 0 ? idx + from + 1 : Math.min(idx, from + 1);
+    }
+    while (--idx >= 0) if (array[idx] === item) return idx;
+    return -1;
+  };
+  // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
+  // the native Python `range()` function. See
+  // [the Python documentation](
+  _.range = function(start, stop, step) {
+    if (arguments.length <= 1) {
+      stop = start || 0;
+      start = 0;
+    }
+    step = step || 1;
+    var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
+    var range = Array(length);
+    for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) {
+      range[idx] = start;
+    }
+    return range;
+  };
+  // Function (ahem) Functions
+  // ------------------
+  // Reusable constructor function for prototype setting.
+  var Ctor = function(){};
+  // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
+  // optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if
+  // available.
+  _.bind = function(func, context) {
+    var args, bound;
+    if (nativeBind && func.bind === nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
+    if (!_.isFunction(func)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function');
+    args =, 2);
+    bound = function() {
+      if (!(this instanceof bound)) return func.apply(context, args.concat(;
+      Ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
+      var self = new Ctor;
+      Ctor.prototype = null;
+      var result = func.apply(self, args.concat(;
+      if (_.isObject(result)) return result;
+      return self;
+    };
+    return bound;
+  };
+  // Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its
+  // arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. _ acts
+  // as a placeholder, allowing any combination of arguments to be pre-filled.
+  _.partial = function(func) {
+    var boundArgs =, 1);
+    return function() {
+      var position = 0;
+      var args = boundArgs.slice();
+      for (var i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++) {
+        if (args[i] === _) args[i] = arguments[position++];
+      }
+      while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]);
+      return func.apply(this, args);
+    };
+  };
+  // Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments
+  // are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks
+  // defined on an object belong to it.
+  _.bindAll = function(obj) {
+    var i, length = arguments.length, key;
+    if (length <= 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names');
+    for (i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+      key = arguments[i];
+      obj[key] = _.bind(obj[key], obj);
+    }
+    return obj;
+  };
+  // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
+  _.memoize = function(func, hasher) {
+    var memoize = function(key) {
+      var cache = memoize.cache;
+      var address = hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key;
+      if (!_.has(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments);
+      return cache[address];
+    };
+    memoize.cache = {};
+    return memoize;
+  };
+  // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
+  // it with the arguments supplied.
+  _.delay = function(func, wait) {
+    var args =, 2);
+    return setTimeout(function(){
+      return func.apply(null, args);
+    }, wait);
+  };
+  // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
+  // cleared.
+  _.defer = function(func) {
+    return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1)));
+  };
+  // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
+  // during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run
+  // as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration;
+  // but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass
+  // `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto.
+  _.throttle = function(func, wait, options) {
+    var context, args, result;
+    var timeout = null;
+    var previous = 0;
+    if (!options) options = {};
+    var later = function() {
+      previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :;
+      timeout = null;
+      result = func.apply(context, args);
+      if (!timeout) context = args = null;
+    };
+    return function() {
+      var now =;
+      if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now;
+      var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
+      context = this;
+      args = arguments;
+      if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
+        clearTimeout(timeout);
+        timeout = null;
+        previous = now;
+        result = func.apply(context, args);
+        if (!timeout) context = args = null;
+      } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) {
+        timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
+      }
+      return result;
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
+  // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
+  // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
+  // leading edge, instead of the trailing.
+  _.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
+    var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;
+    var later = function() {
+      var last = - timestamp;
+      if (last < wait && last > 0) {
+        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);
+      } else {
+        timeout = null;
+        if (!immediate) {
+          result = func.apply(context, args);
+          if (!timeout) context = args = null;
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    return function() {
+      context = this;
+      args = arguments;
+      timestamp =;
+      var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
+      if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
+      if (callNow) {
+        result = func.apply(context, args);
+        context = args = null;
+      }
+      return result;
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
+  // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
+  // conditionally execute the original function.
+  _.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
+    return _.partial(wrapper, func);
+  };
+  // Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate.
+  _.negate = function(predicate) {
+    return function() {
+      return !predicate.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
+  // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
+  _.compose = function() {
+    var args = arguments;
+    var start = args.length - 1;
+    return function() {
+      var i = start;
+      var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments);
+      while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result);
+      return result;
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
+  _.after = function(times, func) {
+    return function() {
+      if (--times < 1) {
+        return func.apply(this, arguments);
+      }
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns a function that will only be executed before being called N times.
+  _.before = function(times, func) {
+    var memo;
+    return function() {
+      if (--times > 0) {
+        memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
+      } else {
+        func = null;
+      }
+      return memo;
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
+  // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
+  _.once = _.partial(_.before, 2);
+  // Object Functions
+  // ----------------
+  // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
+  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
+  _.keys = function(obj) {
+    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return [];
+    if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj);
+    var keys = [];
+    for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) keys.push(key);
+    return keys;
+  };
+  // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
+  _.values = function(obj) {
+    var keys = _.keys(obj);
+    var length = keys.length;
+    var values = Array(length);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      values[i] = obj[keys[i]];
+    }
+    return values;
+  };
+  // Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs.
+  _.pairs = function(obj) {
+    var keys = _.keys(obj);
+    var length = keys.length;
+    var pairs = Array(length);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      pairs[i] = [keys[i], obj[keys[i]]];
+    }
+    return pairs;
+  };
+  // Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable.
+  _.invert = function(obj) {
+    var result = {};
+    var keys = _.keys(obj);
+    for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
+      result[obj[keys[i]]] = keys[i];
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
+  // Aliased as `methods`
+  _.functions = _.methods = function(obj) {
+    var names = [];
+    for (var key in obj) {
+      if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
+    }
+    return names.sort();
+  };
+  // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
+  _.extend = function(obj) {
+    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
+    var source, prop;
+    for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
+      source = arguments[i];
+      for (prop in source) {
+        if (, prop)) {
+            obj[prop] = source[prop];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return obj;
+  };
+  // Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties.
+  _.pick = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    var result = {}, key;
+    if (obj == null) return result;
+    if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) {
+      iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context);
+      for (key in obj) {
+        var value = obj[key];
+        if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value;
+      }
+    } else {
+      var keys = concat.apply([],, 1));
+      obj = new Object(obj);
+      for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
+        key = keys[i];
+        if (key in obj) result[key] = obj[key];
+      }
+    }
+    return result;
+  };
+   // Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties.
+  _.omit = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
+    if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) {
+      iteratee = _.negate(iteratee);
+    } else {
+      var keys =[],, 1)), String);
+      iteratee = function(value, key) {
+        return !_.contains(keys, key);
+      };
+    }
+    return _.pick(obj, iteratee, context);
+  };
+  // Fill in a given object with default properties.
+  _.defaults = function(obj) {
+    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
+    for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
+      var source = arguments[i];
+      for (var prop in source) {
+        if (obj[prop] === void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
+      }
+    }
+    return obj;
+  };
+  // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
+  _.clone = function(obj) {
+    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
+    return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
+  };
+  // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
+  // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
+  // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
+  _.tap = function(obj, interceptor) {
+    interceptor(obj);
+    return obj;
+  };
+  // Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
+  var eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
+    // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
+    // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](
+    if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
+    // A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`.
+    if (a == null || b == null) return a === b;
+    // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
+    if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped;
+    if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped;
+    // Compare `[[Class]]` names.
+    var className =;
+    if (className !== return false;
+    switch (className) {
+      // Strings, numbers, regular expressions, dates, and booleans are compared by value.
+      case '[object RegExp]':
+      // RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i')
+      case '[object String]':
+        // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is
+        // equivalent to `new String("5")`.
+        return '' + a === '' + b;
+      case '[object Number]':
+        // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive.
+        // Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN
+        if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b;
+        // An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values.
+        return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b;
+      case '[object Date]':
+      case '[object Boolean]':
+        // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their
+        // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations
+        // of `NaN` are not equivalent.
+        return +a === +b;
+    }
+    if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false;
+    // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
+    // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
+    var length = aStack.length;
+    while (length--) {
+      // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
+      // unique nested structures.
+      if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b;
+    }
+    // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s
+    // from different frames are.
+    var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor;
+    if (
+      aCtor !== bCtor &&
+      // Handle Object.create(x) cases
+      'constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b &&
+      !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor &&
+        _.isFunction(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor)
+    ) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
+    aStack.push(a);
+    bStack.push(b);
+    var size, result;
+    // Recursively compare objects and arrays.
+    if (className === '[object Array]') {
+      // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.
+      size = a.length;
+      result = size === b.length;
+      if (result) {
+        // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.
+        while (size--) {
+          if (!(result = eq(a[size], b[size], aStack, bStack))) break;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Deep compare objects.
+      var keys = _.keys(a), key;
+      size = keys.length;
+      // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality.
+      result = _.keys(b).length === size;
+      if (result) {
+        while (size--) {
+          // Deep compare each member
+          key = keys[size];
+          if (!(result = _.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
+    aStack.pop();
+    bStack.pop();
+    return result;
+  };
+  // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
+  _.isEqual = function(a, b) {
+    return eq(a, b, [], []);
+  };
+  // Is a given array, string, or object empty?
+  // An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties.
+  _.isEmpty = function(obj) {
+    if (obj == null) return true;
+    if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj) || _.isArguments(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
+    for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) return false;
+    return true;
+  };
+  // Is a given value a DOM element?
+  _.isElement = function(obj) {
+    return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);
+  };
+  // Is a given value an array?
+  // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
+  _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
+    return === '[object Array]';
+  };
+  // Is a given variable an object?
+  _.isObject = function(obj) {
+    var type = typeof obj;
+    return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
+  };
+  // Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp.
+  _.each(['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp'], function(name) {
+    _['is' + name] = function(obj) {
+      return === '[object ' + name + ']';
+    };
+  });
+  // Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE), where
+  // there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type.
+  if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) {
+    _.isArguments = function(obj) {
+      return _.has(obj, 'callee');
+    };
+  }
+  // Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around an IE 11 bug.
+  if (typeof /./ !== 'function') {
+    _.isFunction = function(obj) {
+      return typeof obj == 'function' || false;
+    };
+  }
+  // Is a given object a finite number?
+  _.isFinite = function(obj) {
+    return isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj));
+  };
+  // Is the given value `NaN`? (NaN is the only number which does not equal itself).
+  _.isNaN = function(obj) {
+    return _.isNumber(obj) && obj !== +obj;
+  };
+  // Is a given value a boolean?
+  _.isBoolean = function(obj) {
+    return obj === true || obj === false || === '[object Boolean]';
+  };
+  // Is a given value equal to null?
+  _.isNull = function(obj) {
+    return obj === null;
+  };
+  // Is a given variable undefined?
+  _.isUndefined = function(obj) {
+    return obj === void 0;
+  };
+  // Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly
+  // on itself (in other words, not on a prototype).
+  _.has = function(obj, key) {
+    return obj != null &&, key);
+  };
+  // Utility Functions
+  // -----------------
+  // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
+  // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
+  _.noConflict = function() {
+    root._ = previousUnderscore;
+    return this;
+  };
+  // Keep the identity function around for default iteratees.
+  _.identity = function(value) {
+    return value;
+  };
+  // Predicate-generating functions. Often useful outside of Underscore.
+  _.constant = function(value) {
+    return function() {
+      return value;
+    };
+  };
+  _.noop = function(){};
+ = function(key) {
+    return function(obj) {
+      return obj[key];
+    };
+  };
+  // Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs.
+  _.matches = function(attrs) {
+    var pairs = _.pairs(attrs), length = pairs.length;
+    return function(obj) {
+      if (obj == null) return !length;
+      obj = new Object(obj);
+      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var pair = pairs[i], key = pair[0];
+        if (pair[1] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    };
+  };
+  // Run a function **n** times.
+  _.times = function(n, iteratee, context) {
+    var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n));
+    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 1);
+    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i);
+    return accum;
+  };
+  // Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive).
+  _.random = function(min, max) {
+    if (max == null) {
+      max = min;
+      min = 0;
+    }
+    return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
+  };
+  // A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer.
+ = || function() {
+    return new Date().getTime();
+  };
+   // List of HTML entities for escaping.
+  var escapeMap = {
+    '&': '&amp;',
+    '<': '&lt;',
+    '>': '&gt;',
+    '"': '&quot;',
+    "'": '&#x27;',
+    '`': '&#x60;'
+  };
+  var unescapeMap = _.invert(escapeMap);
+  // Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation.
+  var createEscaper = function(map) {
+    var escaper = function(match) {
+      return map[match];
+    };
+    // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped
+    var source = '(?:' + _.keys(map).join('|') + ')';
+    var testRegexp = RegExp(source);
+    var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, 'g');
+    return function(string) {
+      string = string == null ? '' : '' + string;
+      return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string;
+    };
+  };
+  _.escape = createEscaper(escapeMap);
+  _.unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap);
+  // If the value of the named `property` is a function then invoke it with the
+  // `object` as context; otherwise, return it.
+  _.result = function(object, property) {
+    if (object == null) return void 0;
+    var value = object[property];
+    return _.isFunction(value) ? object[property]() : value;
+  };
+  // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
+  // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
+  var idCounter = 0;
+  _.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
+    var id = ++idCounter + '';
+    return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
+  };
+  // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
+  // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
+  _.templateSettings = {
+    evaluate    : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
+    interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
+    escape      : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
+  };
+  // When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an
+  // interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is
+  // guaranteed not to match.
+  var noMatch = /(.)^/;
+  // Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a
+  // string literal.
+  var escapes = {
+    "'":      "'",
+    '\\':     '\\',
+    '\r':     'r',
+    '\n':     'n',
+    '\u2028': 'u2028',
+    '\u2029': 'u2029'
+  };
+  var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g;
+  var escapeChar = function(match) {
+    return '\\' + escapes[match];
+  };
+  // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
+  // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
+  // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
+  // NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility.
+  _.template = function(text, settings, oldSettings) {
+    if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings;
+    settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings);
+    // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation.
+    var matcher = RegExp([
+      (settings.escape || noMatch).source,
+      (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source,
+      (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source
+    ].join('|') + '|$', 'g');
+    // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately.
+    var index = 0;
+    var source = "__p+='";
+    text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) {
+      source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escaper, escapeChar);
+      index = offset + match.length;
+      if (escape) {
+        source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'";
+      } else if (interpolate) {
+        source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'";
+      } else if (evaluate) {
+        source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='";
+      }
+      // Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offest.
+      return match;
+    });
+    source += "';\n";
+    // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope.
+    if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n';
+    source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," +
+      "print=function(){,'');};\n" +
+      source + 'return __p;\n';
+    try {
+      var render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
+    } catch (e) {
+      e.source = source;
+      throw e;
+    }
+    var template = function(data) {
+      return, data, _);
+    };
+    // Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation.
+    var argument = settings.variable || 'obj';
+    template.source = 'function(' + argument + '){\n' + source + '}';
+    return template;
+  };
+  // Add a "chain" function. Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
+  _.chain = function(obj) {
+    var instance = _(obj);
+    instance._chain = true;
+    return instance;
+  };
+  // OOP
+  // ---------------
+  // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
+  // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
+  // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
+  // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
+  var result = function(obj) {
+    return this._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
+  };
+  // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object.
+  _.mixin = function(obj) {
+    _.each(_.functions(obj), function(name) {
+      var func = _[name] = obj[name];
+      _.prototype[name] = function() {
+        var args = [this._wrapped];
+        push.apply(args, arguments);
+        return, func.apply(_, args));
+      };
+    });
+  };
+  // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
+  _.mixin(_);
+  // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
+  _.each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
+    var method = ArrayProto[name];
+    _.prototype[name] = function() {
+      var obj = this._wrapped;
+      method.apply(obj, arguments);
+      if ((name === 'shift' || name === 'splice') && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0];
+      return, obj);
+    };
+  });
+  // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
+  _.each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
+    var method = ArrayProto[name];
+    _.prototype[name] = function() {
+      return, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
+    };
+  });
+  // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
+  _.prototype.value = function() {
+    return this._wrapped;
+  };
+  // AMD registration happens at the end for compatibility with AMD loaders
+  // that may not enforce next-turn semantics on modules. Even though general
+  // practice for AMD registration is to be anonymous, underscore registers
+  // as a named module because, like jQuery, it is a base library that is
+  // popular enough to be bundled in a third party lib, but not be part of
+  // an AMD load request. Those cases could generate an error when an
+  // anonymous define() is called outside of a loader request.
+  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+    define('underscore', [], function() {
+      return _;
+    });
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index db31d6c..83c38d2 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -164,15 +164,12 @@ language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
                 <!-- external projects -->
-                <exclude>**/web/lib/js/**</exclude>
-                <exclude>**/web/lib/css/**</exclude>
-                <exclude>**/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/**</exclude>
+                <exclude>**/web/lib/**</exclude>
                 <!-- Pulled down sources -->
-                <exclude>**/**</exclude>
-                <exclude>**/**</exclude>
-                <exclude>**/**</exclude>
+                <exclude>**/build/src/**</exclude>
+                <exclude>**/build/pkg/**</exclude>

[17/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/search/field.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/search/field.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f048a..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/search/field.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-app.SearchFieldView = Backbone.View.extend({
-  'className': 'search-field',
-  'template': _.template($("#search-field-template").html()),
-  'events': {
-    'change .field': 'showSearchField',
-     'click .remove-field': 'destroyField'
-  },
-  'initialize': function(options) {
-    this.options = options;
-    this.field = options.field;
-  },
-  'render': function() {
-    this.$el.html(this.template({ field: this.field }));
-    this.showSearchField();
-    if (this.options.value) this.setValue();
-    return this;
-  },
-  'showSearchField': function() {
-    // this.$el.find('.value').hide();
-    // this.$el.find('.op').hide();
-    // this.$el.find('label').hide();
-    this.$el.find('.search-field').hide();
-    switch (this.field) {
-      case 'begin':
-      case 'end':
-        this.$el.find('.op').show();
-        this.$el.find('.start-end-date-time').show();
-        this.$el.find('label.start-end-date-time').text(this.field === 'begin' ? 'Begin' : 'End');
-        rome(this.$el.find('#start-end-date-time')[0]);
-        break;
-      case 'duration':
-        this.op = 'ge'
-        this.$el.find('.duration').show();
-        break;
-      case 'description':
-        this.op = 'cn'
-        this.$el.find('.description').show();
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-  },
-  'destroyField': function(e) {
-    this.undelegateEvents();
-    $(this.el).removeData().unbind();
-    this.remove();
-    this.options.manager.trigger('removeSearchField', [this.cid]);
-  },
-  'addPredicate': function() {
-    this.options.predicates.push(
-      {
-        'op': this.op ? this.op : this.$('.op:visible').val(),
-        'field': this.field,
-        'val': this.getValue()
-      }
-    );
-  },
-  'getPredicate': function() {
-    return {
-      'op': this.op ? this.op : this.$('.op:visible').val(),
-      'field': this.field,
-      'val': this.getValue()
-    };
-  },
-  'getValue': function() {
-    switch (this.field) {
-      case 'begin':
-      case 'end':
-        var now = new moment();
-        var datetime = new moment(this.$('input.start-end-date-time:visible').val()).unix();
-        return datetime.toString();
-      case 'duration':
-        return this.$("input.duration:visible").val().toString();
-      case 'description':
-        return this.$('input.description').val();
-      default:
-        return '';
-    }
-  },
-  'setValue': function() {
-    switch (this.field) {
-      case 'begin':
-      case 'end':
-        this.$('select.op').val(this.options.op);
-        this.$('input.start-end-date-time').val(moment.unix(this.options.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'));
-      case 'duration':
-        this.$("input.duration").val(this.options.value);
-      case 'description':
-        this.$('input.description').val(this.options.value);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/search/search.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/search/search.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b9acee5..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/search/search.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-app.SearchView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
-  "template": "#search-layout-template",
-  "regions": {
-    "controls": "div[role='form']",
-    "main": "div[role='main']",
-    "pagination": "div[role='complementary']"
-  }
-app.SearchControlsView = Backbone.Marionette.View.extend({
-  "template": _.template($("#search-controls-template").html()),
-  "events": {
-    "click a.add-field": "addSearchField",
-    "click": "search",
-  },
-  "initialize": function(options) {
-    this.options = options;
-    this.predicates = [];
-    this.searchFields = [];
-    this.searchFields.push(new app.SearchFieldView({
-      predicates: this.predicates,
-      manager: this,
-      field: 'description'
-    }));
-    this.on('removeSearchField', this.removeSearchField, this);
-  },
-  "render": function() {
-    this.$el.html(this.template());
-    this.$el.find('.search-fields').append(this.searchFields[0].render().$el);
-    _(this.options.predicates).each(function(pred) {
-      if (pred.field === 'description') {
-        this.$el.find('input.description').val(pred.val);
-      } else {
-        this.addSearchField(pred);
-      }
-    }.bind(this));
-    return this;
-  },
-  "addSearchField": function(e) {
-    var target = ? $( : e;
-    if ( $('button.field').text(target.text());
-    var searchOptions = {
-      predicates: this.predicates,
-      manager: this,
-      field: ?'field') : target.field,
-    };
-    if (! _.extend(searchOptions, { value: target.val, op: target.op})
-    var newSearchField = new app.SearchFieldView(searchOptions);
-    this.$el.find('.search-fields').append(newSearchField.render().$el);
-    this.searchFields.push(newSearchField);
-  },
-  "removeSearchField": function(cid) {
-    var removedFieldIndex = _(this.searchFields).indexOf(_(this.searchFields).findWhere({cid: cid}));
-    this.searchFields.splice(removedFieldIndex, 1);
-  },
-  "search": function(e) {
-    this.predicates = _(this.searchFields).map(function(field) {
-      return field.getPredicate();
-    }).filter(function(predicate) {
-      return predicate.val;
-    });
-    this.searchParams = _(this.predicates).map(function(predicate) {
-      return $.param(predicate);
-    }).join(';');
-    Backbone.history.navigate('!/search?' + this.searchParams, { trigger: false });
-    this.collection.switchMode("infinite", {
-      fetch: false,
-      resetState: true
-    });
-    this.collection.fullCollection.reset();
-    this.collection.setPredicates(this.predicates);
-    this.collection.fetch();
-    return false;
-  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/swimlane/swimlane.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/swimlane/swimlane.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f0b88..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/swimlane/swimlane.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-app.SwimlaneView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
-  "template": "#swimlane-layout-template",
-  "regions": {
-    "swimlane": "div[role='main']",
-  }
-app.SwimlaneGraphView = Backbone.Marionette.View.extend({
-  className: "swimlane",
-  initialize: function() {
-    this.spans = this.getSpans(0, [], 
-                               this.getJsonSync("/span/" + this.options.spanId),
-                               this.options.lim || "lim=100",
-                               this.getJsonSync);
-  },
-  onShow: function() {
-    this.appendSVG(this.spans);
-  },
-  getSpans: function getSpans(depth, spans, span, lim, getJSON) {
-    span.depth = depth;
-    spans.push(span);
-    var children = [];
-    getJSON("/span/" + span.s + "/children?" + lim).forEach(function(childId) {
-      children.push(getJSON("/span/" + childId));
-    });
-    children.sort(function(x, y) {
-      return x.b < y.b ? -1 : x.b > y.b ? 1 : 0;
-    });
-    children.forEach(function(child) {
-      spans = getSpans(depth + 1, spans, child, lim, getJSON);
-    });
-    return spans;
-  },
-  getJsonSync: function getJsonSync(url) {
-    return $.ajax({
-      type: "GET",
-      url: url,
-      async: false,
-      dataType: "json"
-    }).responseJSON;
-  },
-  appendSVG: function appendSVG(spans) {
-    const height_span = 20;
-    const width_span = 700;
-    const size_tl = 6;
-    const margin = {top: 50, bottom: 50, left: 20, right: 1000, process: 300};
-    var height_screen = spans.length * height_span;
-    var dmax = d3.max(spans, function(s) { return s.depth; });
-    var tmin = d3.min(spans, function(s) { return s.b; });
-    var tmax = d3.max(spans, function(s) { return s.e; });
-    var xscale = d3.time.scale()
-      .domain([new Date(tmin), new Date(tmax)]).range([0, width_span]);
-    var svg ="div[role='main']").append("svg")
-      .attr("id", "svg-swimlane")
-      .attr("width", width_span + margin.process + margin.left + margin.right)
-      .attr("height", height_screen + + margin.bottom)
-      .append("g")
-      .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
-    var bars = svg.append("g")
-      .attr("id", "bars")
-      .attr("width", width_span)
-      .attr("height", height_screen)
-      .attr("transform", "translate(" + (10 * dmax + margin.process) + ", 0)");
-    var axis = d3.svg.axis()
-      .scale(xscale)
-      .orient("top")
-      .tickValues(xscale.domain())
-      .tickFormat(d3.time.format("%x %X.%L"))
-      .tickSize(6, 3);
-    bars.append("g").attr("class", "axis").call(axis);
-    var span_g = bars.selectAll("g.span")
-      .data(spans)
-      .enter()
-      .append("g")
-      .attr("transform", function(s, i) {
-        return "translate(0, " + (i * height_span + 5) + ")";
-      })
-      .classed("timeline", function(d) { return d.t; });
-    span_g.append("text")
-      .text(function(s) { return s.r; })
-      .style("alignment-baseline", "hanging")
-      .style("font-size", "14px")
-      .attr("transform", function(s) {
-        return "translate(" + (s.depth * 10 - margin.process - 10 * dmax) + ", 0)";
-      });
-    var rect_g = span_g.append("g")
-      .attr("transform", function(s) {
-        return "translate(" + xscale(new Date(s.b)) + ", 0)";
-      });
-    rect_g.append("rect")
-      .attr("height", height_span - 1)
-      .attr("width", function (s) {
-        return (width_span * (s.e - s.b)) / (tmax - tmin) + 1;
-      })
-      .style("fill", "lightblue")
-      .attr("class", "span")
-    rect_g.append("text")
-      .text(function(s){ return s.d; })
-      .style("alignment-baseline", "hanging")
-      .style("font-size", "14px");
-    rect_g.append("text")
-      .text(function(s){ return s.e - s.b; })
-      .style("alignment-baseline", "baseline")
-      .style("text-anchor", "end")
-      .style("font-size", "10px")
-      .attr("transform", function(s, i) { return "translate(0, 10)"; });
-    bars.selectAll("g.timeline").selectAll("rect.timeline")
-      .data(function(s) { return s.t; })
-      .enter()
-      .append("rect")
-      .style("fill", "red")
-      .attr("class", "timeline")
-      .attr("height", size_tl)
-      .attr("width", size_tl)
-      .attr("transform", function(t) {
-        return "translate(" + xscale(t.t) + "," + (height_span - 1 - size_tl) + ")";
-      });
-    var popup ="div[role='main']").append("div")
-      .attr("class", "popup")
-      .style("opacity", 0);
-    bars.selectAll("g.timeline")
-      .on("mouseover", function(d) {
-        popup.transition().duration(300).style("opacity", .95);
-        var text = "<table>";
-        d.t.forEach(function (t) {
-          text += "<tr><td>" + (t.t - tmin) + "</td>";
-          text += "<td> : " + t.m + "</td></tr>";
-        });
-        text += "</table>"
-        popup.html(text)
-          .style("left", (document.body.scrollLeft + 50) + "px")
-          .style("top", (document.body.scrollTop + 70) + "px")
-          .style("width", "700px")
-          .style("background", "orange")
-          .style("position", "absolute");
-      })
-      .on("mouseout", function(d) {
-        popup.transition().duration(300).style("opacity", 0);
-      });
-  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/widget_manager.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/widget_manager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49202c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/widget_manager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// Manages a set of widgets on the canvas.
+// Buttons and sliders are both widgets.
+htrace.WidgetManager = function(params) {
+  this.widgets = [];
+  this.focusedWidget = null;
+  this.handleMouseDown = function(x, y) {
+    if (this.focusedWidget != null) {
+      this.focusedWidget = null;
+    }
+    var numWidgets = this.widgets.length;
+    console.log("WidgetManager looking through " + numWidgets + " widgets.");
+    for (var i = 0; i < numWidgets; i++) {
+      if (this.widgets[i].handleMouseDown(x, y)) {
+        this.focusedWidget = this.widgets[i];
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    return (this.focusedWidget != null);
+  };
+  this.handleMouseUp = function(x, y) {
+    if (this.focusedWidget != null) {
+      this.focusedWidget.handleMouseUp(x, y);
+      this.focusedWidget = null;
+    }
+  };
+  this.handleMouseMove = function(x, y) {
+    return this.focusedWidget != null ?
+      this.focusedWidget.handleMouseMove(x, y) : false;
+  };
+  this.draw = function() {
+    var numWidgets = this.widgets.length;
+    for (var i = 0; i < numWidgets; i++) {
+      this.widgets[i].draw();
+    }
+  };
+  for (var k in params) {
+    this[k]=params[k];
+  }
+  return this;
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/custom.css b/htrace-htraced/src/web/custom.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17945cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/custom.css
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+.navbar-default {
+  background-color: #001da9;
+  border-color: #b2b5db;
+.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
+  color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-brand:focus {
+  color: #ffffff;
+.navbar-default .navbar-text {
+  color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {
+  color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
+  color: #ffffff;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
+  background-color: #001da9;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+  color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+  color: #ffffff;
+  background-color: #b2b5db;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu > li > .divider {
+  background-color: #001da9;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
+  color: #ffffff;
+  background-color: #b2b5db;
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {
+  color: #ffffff;
+  background-color: #b2b5db;
+.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
+  border-color: #b2b5db;
+.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
+  background-color: #b2b5db;
+.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+  background-color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-collapse,
+.navbar-default .navbar-form {
+  border-color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-link {
+  color: #ecf0f1;
+.navbar-default .navbar-link:hover {
+  color: #ffffff;
+.htrace-canvas-container {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  position: relative;
+.htrace-canvas {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0px;
+  left: 0px;
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+  .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+    color: #ecf0f1;
+  }
+  .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+    color: #ffffff;
+  }
+  .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+    color: #ffffff;
+    background-color: #b2b5db;
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/index.html b/htrace-htraced/src/web/index.html
index 28abd11..66ef0dc 100644
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/index.html
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/index.html
@@ -17,184 +17,208 @@
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+          <%= model.get("GitVersion") %>
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-                  <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="add-field" data-field="duration">Duration</a></li>
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+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Ended after</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Ended at or before</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Description contains</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Description is exactly</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Duration is longer than</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Duration is at most</a></li>
+                      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" 
+                        class="add-field">Span ID is</a></li>
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+                  <div class="col-sm-10">
+                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="end" value="1970-01-01T00:00:00,100"/>
+                  </div>
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+            <h3>...</h3>
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+    <script id="predicate-template" type="text/template">
+      <form class="form-horizontal">
+        <div class="form-group"> 
+          <%= desc %>
+          <button type="button" class="btn pull-right btn-link btn-sm closeButton"
+              >X</button><br/>
+          <input type="text" class="form-control"/>
+        </div>
+      </form>
-    <script id="span-details-template" type="text/html">
-    <table class="table table-condensed">
-      <thead>
-        <tr>
-          <th>Description</th>
-          <th>Span ID</th>
-          <th>Process ID</th>
-          <th>Start time</th>
-          <th>End time</th>
-          <th>Duration</th>
-        </tr>
-      </thead>
-      <tbody>
-        <tr>
-          <td><%- span.description %></td>
-          <td><%- span.spanId %></td>
-          <td><%- span.processId %></td>
-          <td><%- span.beginTime %></td>
-          <td><%- span.stopTime %></td>
-          <td><%- span.duration %></td>
-        </tr>
-      </tbody>
-    </table>
+    <script id="search-results-view-template" type="text/template">
+      <div id="resultsDiv" class="htrace-canvas-container">
+        <canvas id="resultsCanvas" class="htrace-canvas">
+          <h2>Sorry, your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas element.  Please
+          upgrade to a newer browser.</h2>
+        </canvas>
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+    <script src="app/search_results_view.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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+    <script src="app/router.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

[12/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone.paginator-2.0.2.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone.paginator-2.0.2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d8ccc65..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone.paginator-2.0.2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1325 +0,0 @@
-  backbone.paginator 2.0.0
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT @license.
-(function (factory) {
-  // CommonJS
-  if (typeof exports == "object") {
-    module.exports = factory(require("underscore"), require("backbone"));
-  }
-  // AMD
-  else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
-    define(["underscore", "backbone"], factory);
-  }
-  // Browser
-  else if (typeof _ !== "undefined" && typeof Backbone !== "undefined") {
-    var oldPageableCollection = Backbone.PageableCollection;
-    var PageableCollection = factory(_, Backbone);
-    /**
-       __BROWSER ONLY__
-       If you already have an object named `PageableCollection` attached to the
-       `Backbone` module, you can use this to return a local reference to this
-       Backbone.PageableCollection class and reset the name
-       Backbone.PageableCollection to its previous definition.
-           // The left hand side gives you a reference to this
-           // Backbone.PageableCollection implementation, the right hand side
-           // resets Backbone.PageableCollection to your other
-           // Backbone.PageableCollection.
-           var PageableCollection = Backbone.PageableCollection.noConflict();
-       @static
-       @member Backbone.PageableCollection
-       @return {Backbone.PageableCollection}
-    */
-    Backbone.PageableCollection.noConflict = function () {
-      Backbone.PageableCollection = oldPageableCollection;
-      return PageableCollection;
-    };
-  }
-}(function (_, Backbone) {
-  "use strict";
-  var _extend = _.extend;
-  var _omit = _.omit;
-  var _clone = _.clone;
-  var _each = _.each;
-  var _pick = _.pick;
-  var _contains = _.contains;
-  var _isEmpty = _.isEmpty;
-  var _pairs = _.pairs;
-  var _invert = _.invert;
-  var _isArray = _.isArray;
-  var _isFunction = _.isFunction;
-  var _isObject = _.isObject;
-  var _keys = _.keys;
-  var _isUndefined = _.isUndefined;
-  var ceil = Math.ceil;
-  var floor = Math.floor;
-  var max = Math.max;
-  var BBColProto = Backbone.Collection.prototype;
-  function finiteInt (val, name) {
-    if (!_.isNumber(val) || _.isNaN(val) || !_.isFinite(val) || ~~val !== val) {
-      throw new TypeError("`" + name + "` must be a finite integer");
-    }
-    return val;
-  }
-  function queryStringToParams (qs) {
-    var kvp, k, v, ls, params = {}, decode = decodeURIComponent;
-    var kvps = qs.split('&');
-    for (var i = 0, l = kvps.length; i < l; i++) {
-      var param = kvps[i];
-      kvp = param.split('='), k = kvp[0], v = kvp[1] || true;
-      k = decode(k), v = decode(v), ls = params[k];
-      if (_isArray(ls)) ls.push(v);
-      else if (ls) params[k] = [ls, v];
-      else params[k] = v;
-    }
-    return params;
-  }
-  // hack to make sure the whatever event handlers for this event is run
-  // before func is, and the event handlers that func will trigger.
-  function runOnceAtLastHandler (col, event, func) {
-    var eventHandlers = col._events[event];
-    if (eventHandlers && eventHandlers.length) {
-      var lastHandler = eventHandlers[eventHandlers.length - 1];
-      var oldCallback = lastHandler.callback;
-      lastHandler.callback = function () {
-        try {
-          oldCallback.apply(this, arguments);
-          func();
-        }
-        catch (e) {
-          throw e;
-        }
-        finally {
-          lastHandler.callback = oldCallback;
-        }
-      };
-    }
-    else func();
-  }
-  var PARAM_TRIM_RE = /[\s'"]/g;
-  var URL_TRIM_RE = /[<>\s'"]/g;
-  /**
-     Drop-in replacement for Backbone.Collection. Supports server-side and
-     client-side pagination and sorting. Client-side mode also support fully
-     multi-directional synchronization of changes between pages.
-     @class Backbone.PageableCollection
-     @extends Backbone.Collection
-  */
-  var PageableCollection = Backbone.PageableCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
-    /**
-       The container object to store all pagination states.
-       You can override the default state by extending this class or specifying
-       them in an `options` hash to the constructor.
-       @property {Object} state
-       @property {0|1} [state.firstPage=1] The first page index. Set to 0 if
-       your server API uses 0-based indices. You should only override this value
-       during extension, initialization or reset by the server after
-       fetching. This value should be read only at other times.
-       @property {number} [state.lastPage=null] The last page index. This value
-       is __read only__ and it's calculated based on whether `firstPage` is 0 or
-       1, during bootstrapping, fetching and resetting. Please don't change this
-       value under any circumstances.
-       @property {number} [state.currentPage=null] The current page index. You
-       should only override this value during extension, initialization or reset
-       by the server after fetching. This value should be read only at other
-       times. Can be a 0-based or 1-based index, depending on whether
-       `firstPage` is 0 or 1. If left as default, it will be set to `firstPage`
-       on initialization.
-       @property {number} [state.pageSize=25] How many records to show per
-       page. This value is __read only__ after initialization, if you want to
-       change the page size after initialization, you must call #setPageSize.
-       @property {number} [state.totalPages=null] How many pages there are. This
-       value is __read only__ and it is calculated from `totalRecords`.
-       @property {number} [state.totalRecords=null] How many records there
-       are. This value is __required__ under server mode. This value is optional
-       for client mode as the number will be the same as the number of models
-       during bootstrapping and during fetching, either supplied by the server
-       in the metadata, or calculated from the size of the response.
-       @property {string} [state.sortKey=null] The model attribute to use for
-       sorting.
-       @property {-1|0|1} [state.order=-1] The order to use for sorting. Specify
-       -1 for ascending order or 1 for descending order. If 0, no client side
-       sorting will be done and the order query parameter will not be sent to
-       the server during a fetch.
-    */
-    state: {
-      firstPage: 1,
-      lastPage: null,
-      currentPage: null,
-      pageSize: 25,
-      totalPages: null,
-      totalRecords: null,
-      sortKey: null,
-      order: -1
-    },
-    /**
-       @property {"server"|"client"|"infinite"} [mode="server"] The mode of
-       operations for this collection. `"server"` paginates on the server-side,
-       `"client"` paginates on the client-side and `"infinite"` paginates on the
-       server-side for APIs that do not support `totalRecords`.
-    */
-    mode: "server",
-    /**
-       A translation map to convert Backbone.PageableCollection state attributes
-       to the query parameters accepted by your server API.
-       You can override the default state by extending this class or specifying
-       them in `options.queryParams` object hash to the constructor.
-       @property {Object} queryParams
-       @property {string} [queryParams.currentPage="page"]
-       @property {string} [queryParams.pageSize="per_page"]
-       @property {string} [queryParams.totalPages="total_pages"]
-       @property {string} [queryParams.totalRecords="total_entries"]
-       @property {string} [queryParams.sortKey="sort_by"]
-       @property {string} [queryParams.order="order"]
-       @property {string} [queryParams.directions={"-1": "asc", "1": "desc"}] A
-       map for translating a Backbone.PageableCollection#state.order constant to
-       the ones your server API accepts.
-    */
-    queryParams: {
-      currentPage: "page",
-      pageSize: "per_page",
-      totalPages: "total_pages",
-      totalRecords: "total_entries",
-      sortKey: "sort_by",
-      order: "order",
-      directions: {
-        "-1": "asc",
-        "1": "desc"
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-       __CLIENT MODE ONLY__
-       This collection is the internal storage for the bootstrapped or fetched
-       models. You can use this if you want to operate on all the pages.
-       @property {Backbone.Collection} fullCollection
-    */
-    /**
-       Given a list of models or model attributues, bootstraps the full
-       collection in client mode or infinite mode, or just the page you want in
-       server mode.
-       If you want to initialize a collection to a different state than the
-       default, you can specify them in `options.state`. Any state parameters
-       supplied will be merged with the default. If you want to change the
-       default mapping from #state keys to your server API's query parameter
-       names, you can specifiy an object hash in `option.queryParams`. Likewise,
-       any mapping provided will be merged with the default. Lastly, all
-       Backbone.Collection constructor options are also accepted.
-       See:
-       - Backbone.PageableCollection#state
-       - Backbone.PageableCollection#queryParams
-       - [Backbone.Collection#initialize](
-       @param {Array.<Object>} [models]
-       @param {Object} [options]
-       @param {function(*, *): number} [options.comparator] If specified, this
-       comparator is set to the current page under server mode, or the #fullCollection
-       otherwise.
-       @param {boolean} [options.full] If `false` and either a
-       `options.comparator` or `sortKey` is defined, the comparator is attached
-       to the current page. Default is `true` under client or infinite mode and
-       the comparator will be attached to the #fullCollection.
-       @param {Object} [options.state] The state attributes overriding the defaults.
-       @param {string} [options.state.sortKey] The model attribute to use for
-       sorting. If specified instead of `options.comparator`, a comparator will
-       be automatically created using this value, and optionally a sorting order
-       specified in `options.state.order`. The comparator is then attached to
-       the new collection instance.
-       @param {-1|1} [options.state.order] The order to use for sorting. Specify
-       -1 for ascending order and 1 for descending order.
-       @param {Object} [options.queryParam]
-    */
-    constructor: function (models, options) {
-      BBColProto.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-      options = options || {};
-      var mode = this.mode = options.mode || this.mode || PageableProto.mode;
-      var queryParams = _extend({}, PageableProto.queryParams, this.queryParams,
-                                options.queryParams || {});
-      queryParams.directions = _extend({},
-                                       PageableProto.queryParams.directions,
-                                       this.queryParams.directions,
-                                       queryParams.directions || {});
-      this.queryParams = queryParams;
-      var state = this.state = _extend({}, PageableProto.state, this.state,
-                                       options.state || {});
-      state.currentPage = state.currentPage == null ?
-        state.firstPage :
-        state.currentPage;
-      if (!_isArray(models)) models = models ? [models] : [];
-      models = models.slice();
-      if (mode != "server" && state.totalRecords == null && !_isEmpty(models)) {
-        state.totalRecords = models.length;
-      }
-      this.switchMode(mode, _extend({fetch: false,
-                                     resetState: false,
-                                     models: models}, options));
-      var comparator = options.comparator;
-      if (state.sortKey && !comparator) {
-        this.setSorting(state.sortKey, state.order, options);
-      }
-      if (mode != "server") {
-        var fullCollection = this.fullCollection;
-        if (comparator && options.full) {
-          this.comparator = null;
-          fullCollection.comparator = comparator;
-        }
-        if (options.full) fullCollection.sort();
-        // make sure the models in the current page and full collection have the
-        // same references
-        if (models && !_isEmpty(models)) {
-          this.reset(models, _extend({silent: true}, options));
-          this.getPage(state.currentPage);
-          models.splice.apply(models, [0, models.length].concat(this.models));
-        }
-      }
-      this._initState = _clone(this.state);
-    },
-    /**
-       Makes a Backbone.Collection that contains all the pages.
-       @private
-       @param {Array.<Object|Backbone.Model>} models
-       @param {Object} options Options for Backbone.Collection constructor.
-       @return {Backbone.Collection}
-    */
-    _makeFullCollection: function (models, options) {
-      var properties = ["url", "model", "sync", "comparator"];
-      var thisProto = this.constructor.prototype;
-      var i, length, prop;
-      var proto = {};
-      for (i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) {
-        prop = properties[i];
-        if (!_isUndefined(thisProto[prop])) {
-          proto[prop] = thisProto[prop];
-        }
-      }
-      var fullCollection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend(proto))(models, options);
-      for (i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) {
-        prop = properties[i];
-        if (this[prop] !== thisProto[prop]) {
-          fullCollection[prop] = this[prop];
-        }
-      }
-      return fullCollection;
-    },
-    /**
-       Factory method that returns a Backbone event handler that responses to
-       the `add`, `remove`, `reset`, and the `sort` events. The returned event
-       handler will synchronize the current page collection and the full
-       collection's models.
-       @private
-       @param {Backbone.PageableCollection} pageCol
-       @param {Backbone.Collection} fullCol
-       @return {function(string, Backbone.Model, Backbone.Collection, Object)}
-       Collection event handler
-    */
-    _makeCollectionEventHandler: function (pageCol, fullCol) {
-      return function collectionEventHandler (event, model, collection, options) {
-        var handlers = pageCol._handlers;
-        _each(_keys(handlers), function (event) {
-          var handler = handlers[event];
-, handler);
-, handler);
-        });
-        var state = _clone(pageCol.state);
-        var firstPage = state.firstPage;
-        var currentPage = firstPage === 0 ?
-          state.currentPage :
-          state.currentPage - 1;
-        var pageSize = state.pageSize;
-        var pageStart = currentPage * pageSize, pageEnd = pageStart + pageSize;
-        if (event == "add") {
-          var pageIndex, fullIndex, addAt, colToAdd, options = options || {};
-          if (collection == fullCol) {
-            fullIndex = fullCol.indexOf(model);
-            if (fullIndex >= pageStart && fullIndex < pageEnd) {
-              colToAdd = pageCol;
-              pageIndex = addAt = fullIndex - pageStart;
-            }
-          }
-          else {
-            pageIndex = pageCol.indexOf(model);
-            fullIndex = pageStart + pageIndex;
-            colToAdd = fullCol;
-            var addAt = !_isUndefined( ?
-     + pageStart :
-              fullIndex;
-          }
-          if (!options.onRemove) {
-            ++state.totalRecords;
-            delete options.onRemove;
-          }
-          pageCol.state = pageCol._checkState(state);
-          if (colToAdd) {
-            colToAdd.add(model, _extend({}, options || {}, {at: addAt}));
-            var modelToRemove = pageIndex >= pageSize ?
-              model :
-              !_isUndefined( && addAt < pageEnd && pageCol.length > pageSize ?
-     :
-              null;
-            if (modelToRemove) {
-              runOnceAtLastHandler(collection, event, function () {
-                pageCol.remove(modelToRemove, {onAdd: true});
-              });
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // remove the model from the other collection as well
-        if (event == "remove") {
-          if (!options.onAdd) {
-            // decrement totalRecords and update totalPages and lastPage
-            if (!--state.totalRecords) {
-              state.totalRecords = null;
-              state.totalPages = null;
-            }
-            else {
-              var totalPages = state.totalPages = ceil(state.totalRecords / pageSize);
-              state.lastPage = firstPage === 0 ? totalPages - 1 : totalPages || firstPage;
-              if (state.currentPage > totalPages) state.currentPage = state.lastPage;
-            }
-            pageCol.state = pageCol._checkState(state);
-            var nextModel, removedIndex = options.index;
-            if (collection == pageCol) {
-              if (nextModel = {
-                runOnceAtLastHandler(pageCol, event, function () {
-                  pageCol.push(nextModel, {onRemove: true});
-                });
-              }
-              else if (!pageCol.length && state.totalRecords) {
-                pageCol.reset(fullCol.models.slice(pageStart - pageSize, pageEnd - pageSize),
-                              _extend({}, options, {parse: false}));
-              }
-              fullCol.remove(model);
-            }
-            else if (removedIndex >= pageStart && removedIndex < pageEnd) {
-              if (nextModel = - 1)) {
-                runOnceAtLastHandler(pageCol, event, function() {
-                  pageCol.push(nextModel, {onRemove: true});
-                });
-              }
-              pageCol.remove(model);
-              if (!pageCol.length && state.totalRecords) {
-                pageCol.reset(fullCol.models.slice(pageStart - pageSize, pageEnd - pageSize),
-                              _extend({}, options, {parse: false}));
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else delete options.onAdd;
-        }
-        if (event == "reset") {
-          options = collection;
-          collection = model;
-          // Reset that's not a result of getPage
-          if (collection == pageCol && options.from == null &&
-     == null) {
-            var head = fullCol.models.slice(0, pageStart);
-            var tail = fullCol.models.slice(pageStart + pageCol.models.length);
-            fullCol.reset(head.concat(pageCol.models).concat(tail), options);
-          }
-          else if (collection == fullCol) {
-            if (!(state.totalRecords = fullCol.models.length)) {
-              state.totalRecords = null;
-              state.totalPages = null;
-            }
-            if (pageCol.mode == "client") {
-              state.lastPage = state.currentPage = state.firstPage;
-            }
-            pageCol.state = pageCol._checkState(state);
-            pageCol.reset(fullCol.models.slice(pageStart, pageEnd),
-                          _extend({}, options, {parse: false}));
-          }
-        }
-        if (event == "sort") {
-          options = collection;
-          collection = model;
-          if (collection === fullCol) {
-            pageCol.reset(fullCol.models.slice(pageStart, pageEnd),
-                          _extend({}, options, {parse: false}));
-          }
-        }
-        _each(_keys(handlers), function (event) {
-          var handler = handlers[event];
-          _each([pageCol, fullCol], function (col) {
-            col.on(event, handler);
-            var callbacks = col._events[event] || [];
-            callbacks.unshift(callbacks.pop());
-          });
-        });
-      };
-    },
-    /**
-       Sanity check this collection's pagination states. Only perform checks
-       when all the required pagination state values are defined and not null.
-       If `totalPages` is undefined or null, it is set to `totalRecords` /
-       `pageSize`. `lastPage` is set according to whether `firstPage` is 0 or 1
-       when no error occurs.
-       @private
-       @throws {TypeError} If `totalRecords`, `pageSize`, `currentPage` or
-       `firstPage` is not a finite integer.
-       @throws {RangeError} If `pageSize`, `currentPage` or `firstPage` is out
-       of bounds.
-       @return {Object} Returns the `state` object if no error was found.
-    */
-    _checkState: function (state) {
-      var mode = this.mode;
-      var links = this.links;
-      var totalRecords = state.totalRecords;
-      var pageSize = state.pageSize;
-      var currentPage = state.currentPage;
-      var firstPage = state.firstPage;
-      var totalPages = state.totalPages;
-      if (totalRecords != null && pageSize != null && currentPage != null &&
-          firstPage != null && (mode == "infinite" ? links : true)) {
-        totalRecords = finiteInt(totalRecords, "totalRecords");
-        pageSize = finiteInt(pageSize, "pageSize");
-        currentPage = finiteInt(currentPage, "currentPage");
-        firstPage = finiteInt(firstPage, "firstPage");
-        if (pageSize < 1) {
-          throw new RangeError("`pageSize` must be >= 1");
-        }
-        totalPages = state.totalPages = ceil(totalRecords / pageSize);
-        if (firstPage < 0 || firstPage > 1) {
-          throw new RangeError("`firstPage must be 0 or 1`");
-        }
-        state.lastPage = firstPage === 0 ? max(0, totalPages - 1) : totalPages || firstPage;
-        if (mode == "infinite") {
-          if (!links[currentPage + '']) {
-            throw new RangeError("No link found for page " + currentPage);
-          }
-        }
-        else if (currentPage < firstPage ||
-                 (totalPages > 0 &&
-                  (firstPage ? currentPage > totalPages : currentPage >= totalPages))) {
-          throw new RangeError("`currentPage` must be firstPage <= currentPage " +
-                               (firstPage ? ">" : ">=") +
-                               " totalPages if " + firstPage + "-based. Got " +
-                               currentPage + '.');
-        }
-      }
-      return state;
-    },
-    /**
-       Change the page size of this collection.
-       Under most if not all circumstances, you should call this method to
-       change the page size of a pageable collection because it will keep the
-       pagination state sane. By default, the method will recalculate the
-       current page number to one that will retain the current page's models
-       when increasing the page size. When decreasing the page size, this method
-       will retain the last models to the current page that will fit into the
-       smaller page size.
-       If `options.first` is true, changing the page size will also reset the
-       current page back to the first page instead of trying to be smart.
-       For server mode operations, changing the page size will trigger a #fetch
-       and subsequently a `reset` event.
-       For client mode operations, changing the page size will `reset` the
-       current page by recalculating the current page boundary on the client
-       side.
-       If `options.fetch` is true, a fetch can be forced if the collection is in
-       client mode.
-       @param {number} pageSize The new page size to set to #state.
-       @param {Object} [options] {@link #fetch} options.
-       @param {boolean} [options.first=false] Reset the current page number to
-       the first page if `true`.
-       @param {boolean} [options.fetch] If `true`, force a fetch in client mode.
-       @throws {TypeError} If `pageSize` is not a finite integer.
-       @throws {RangeError} If `pageSize` is less than 1.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    setPageSize: function (pageSize, options) {
-      pageSize = finiteInt(pageSize, "pageSize");
-      options = options || {first: false};
-      var state = this.state;
-      var totalPages = ceil(state.totalRecords / pageSize);
-      var currentPage = totalPages ?
-          max(state.firstPage, floor(totalPages * state.currentPage / state.totalPages)) :
-        state.firstPage;
-      state = this.state = this._checkState(_extend({}, state, {
-        pageSize: pageSize,
-        currentPage: options.first ? state.firstPage : currentPage,
-        totalPages: totalPages
-      }));
-      return this.getPage(state.currentPage, _omit(options, ["first"]));
-    },
-    /**
-       Switching between client, server and infinite mode.
-       If switching from client to server mode, the #fullCollection is emptied
-       first and then deleted and a fetch is immediately issued for the current
-       page from the server. Pass `false` to `options.fetch` to skip fetching.
-       If switching to infinite mode, and if `options.models` is given for an
-       array of models, #links will be populated with a URL per page, using the
-       default URL for this collection.
-       If switching from server to client mode, all of the pages are immediately
-       refetched. If you have too many pages, you can pass `false` to
-       `options.fetch` to skip fetching.
-       If switching to any mode from infinite mode, the #links will be deleted.
-       @param {"server"|"client"|"infinite"} [mode] The mode to switch to.
-       @param {Object} [options]
-       @param {boolean} [options.fetch=true] If `false`, no fetching is done.
-       @param {boolean} [options.resetState=true] If 'false', the state is not
-       reset, but checked for sanity instead.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this if `options.fetch` is `false`.
-    */
-    switchMode: function (mode, options) {
-      if (!_contains(["server", "client", "infinite"], mode)) {
-        throw new TypeError('`mode` must be one of "server", "client" or "infinite"');
-      }
-      options = options || {fetch: true, resetState: true};
-      var state = this.state = options.resetState ?
-        _clone(this._initState) :
-        this._checkState(_extend({}, this.state));
-      this.mode = mode;
-      var self = this;
-      var fullCollection = this.fullCollection;
-      var handlers = this._handlers = this._handlers || {}, handler;
-      if (mode != "server" && !fullCollection) {
-        fullCollection = this._makeFullCollection(options.models || [], options);
-        fullCollection.pageableCollection = this;
-        this.fullCollection = fullCollection;
-        var allHandler = this._makeCollectionEventHandler(this, fullCollection);
-        _each(["add", "remove", "reset", "sort"], function (event) {
-          handlers[event] = handler = _.bind(allHandler, {}, event);
-          self.on(event, handler);
-          fullCollection.on(event, handler);
-        });
-        fullCollection.comparator = this._fullComparator;
-      }
-      else if (mode == "server" && fullCollection) {
-        _each(_keys(handlers), function (event) {
-          handler = handlers[event];
-, handler);
-, handler);
-        });
-        delete this._handlers;
-        this._fullComparator = fullCollection.comparator;
-        delete this.fullCollection;
-      }
-      if (mode == "infinite") {
-        var links = this.links = {};
-        var firstPage = state.firstPage;
-        var totalPages = ceil(state.totalRecords / state.pageSize);
-        var lastPage = firstPage === 0 ? max(0, totalPages - 1) : totalPages || firstPage;
-        for (var i = state.firstPage; i <= lastPage; i++) {
-          links[i] = this.url;
-        }
-      }
-      else if (this.links) delete this.links;
-      return options.fetch ?
-        this.fetch(_omit(options, "fetch", "resetState")) :
-        this;
-    },
-    /**
-       @return {boolean} `true` if this collection can page backward, `false`
-       otherwise.
-    */
-    hasPreviousPage: function () {
-      var state = this.state;
-      var currentPage = state.currentPage;
-      if (this.mode != "infinite") return currentPage > state.firstPage;
-      return !!this.links[currentPage - 1];
-    },
-    /**
-       @return {boolean} `true` if this collection can page forward, `false`
-       otherwise.
-    */
-    hasNextPage: function () {
-      var state = this.state;
-      var currentPage = this.state.currentPage;
-      if (this.mode != "infinite") return currentPage < state.lastPage;
-      return !!this.links[currentPage + 1];
-    },
-    /**
-       Fetch the first page in server mode, or reset the current page of this
-       collection to the first page in client or infinite mode.
-       @param {Object} options {@link #getPage} options.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    getFirstPage: function (options) {
-      return this.getPage("first", options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Fetch the previous page in server mode, or reset the current page of this
-       collection to the previous page in client or infinite mode.
-       @param {Object} options {@link #getPage} options.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    getPreviousPage: function (options) {
-      return this.getPage("prev", options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Fetch the next page in server mode, or reset the current page of this
-       collection to the next page in client mode.
-       @param {Object} options {@link #getPage} options.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    getNextPage: function (options) {
-      return this.getPage("next", options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Fetch the last page in server mode, or reset the current page of this
-       collection to the last page in client mode.
-       @param {Object} options {@link #getPage} options.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    getLastPage: function (options) {
-      return this.getPage("last", options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Given a page index, set #state.currentPage to that index. If this
-       collection is in server mode, fetch the page using the updated state,
-       otherwise, reset the current page of this collection to the page
-       specified by `index` in client mode. If `options.fetch` is true, a fetch
-       can be forced in client mode before resetting the current page. Under
-       infinite mode, if the index is less than the current page, a reset is
-       done as in client mode. If the index is greater than the current page
-       number, a fetch is made with the results **appended** to #fullCollection.
-       The current page will then be reset after fetching.
-       @param {number|string} index The page index to go to, or the page name to
-       look up from #links in infinite mode.
-       @param {Object} [options] {@link #fetch} options or
-       [reset]( options for client mode
-       when `options.fetch` is `false`.
-       @param {boolean} [options.fetch=false] If true, force a {@link #fetch} in
-       client mode.
-       @throws {TypeError} If `index` is not a finite integer under server or
-       client mode, or does not yield a URL from #links under infinite mode.
-       @throws {RangeError} If `index` is out of bounds.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    getPage: function (index, options) {
-      var mode = this.mode, fullCollection = this.fullCollection;
-      options = options || {fetch: false};
-      var state = this.state,
-      firstPage = state.firstPage,
-      currentPage = state.currentPage,
-      lastPage = state.lastPage,
-      pageSize = state.pageSize;
-      var pageNum = index;
-      switch (index) {
-        case "first": pageNum = firstPage; break;
-        case "prev": pageNum = currentPage - 1; break;
-        case "next": pageNum = currentPage + 1; break;
-        case "last": pageNum = lastPage; break;
-        default: pageNum = finiteInt(index, "index");
-      }
-      this.state = this._checkState(_extend({}, state, {currentPage: pageNum}));
-      options.from = currentPage, = pageNum;
-      var pageStart = (firstPage === 0 ? pageNum : pageNum - 1) * pageSize;
-      var pageModels = fullCollection && fullCollection.length ?
-        fullCollection.models.slice(pageStart, pageStart + pageSize) :
-        [];
-      if ((mode == "client" || (mode == "infinite" && !_isEmpty(pageModels))) &&
-          !options.fetch) {
-        this.reset(pageModels, _omit(options, "fetch"));
-        return this;
-      }
-      if (mode == "infinite") options.url = this.links[pageNum];
-      return this.fetch(_omit(options, "fetch"));
-    },
-    /**
-       Fetch the page for the provided item offset in server mode, or reset the current page of this
-       collection to the page for the provided item offset in client mode.
-       @param {Object} options {@link #getPage} options.
-       @chainable
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest|Backbone.PageableCollection} The XMLHttpRequest
-       from fetch or this.
-    */
-    getPageByOffset: function (offset, options) {
-      if (offset < 0) {
-        throw new RangeError("`offset must be > 0`");
-      }
-      offset = finiteInt(offset);
-      var page = floor(offset / this.state.pageSize);
-      if (this.state.firstPage !== 0) page++;
-      if (page > this.state.lastPage) page = this.state.lastPage;
-      return this.getPage(page, options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Overidden to make `getPage` compatible with Zepto.
-       @param {string} method
-       @param {Backbone.Model|Backbone.Collection} model
-       @param {Object} [options]
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest}
-    */
-    sync: function (method, model, options) {
-      var self = this;
-      if (self.mode == "infinite") {
-        var success = options.success;
-        var currentPage = self.state.currentPage;
-        options.success = function (resp, status, xhr) {
-          var links = self.links;
-          var newLinks = self.parseLinks(resp, _extend({xhr: xhr}, options));
-          if (newLinks.first) links[self.state.firstPage] = newLinks.first;
-          if (newLinks.prev) links[currentPage - 1] = newLinks.prev;
-          if ( links[currentPage + 1] =;
-          if (success) success(resp, status, xhr);
-        };
-      }
-      return (BBColProto.sync || Backbone.sync).call(self, method, model, options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Parse pagination links from the server response. Only valid under
-       infinite mode.
-       Given a response body and a XMLHttpRequest object, extract pagination
-       links from them for infinite paging.
-       This default implementation parses the RFC 5988 `Link` header and extract
-       3 links from it - `first`, `prev`, `next`. Any subclasses overriding this
-       method __must__ return an object hash having only the keys
-       above. However, simply returning a `next` link or an empty hash if there
-       are no more links should be enough for most implementations.
-       @param {*} resp The deserialized response body.
-       @param {Object} [options]
-       @param {XMLHttpRequest} [options.xhr] The XMLHttpRequest object for this
-       response.
-       @return {Object}
-    */
-    parseLinks: function (resp, options) {
-      var links = {};
-      var linkHeader = options.xhr.getResponseHeader("Link");
-      if (linkHeader) {
-        var relations = ["first", "prev", "next"];
-        _each(linkHeader.split(","), function (linkValue) {
-          var linkParts = linkValue.split(";");
-          var url = linkParts[0].replace(URL_TRIM_RE, '');
-          var params = linkParts.slice(1);
-          _each(params, function (param) {
-            var paramParts = param.split("=");
-            var key = paramParts[0].replace(PARAM_TRIM_RE, '');
-            var value = paramParts[1].replace(PARAM_TRIM_RE, '');
-            if (key == "rel" && _contains(relations, value)) links[value] = url;
-          });
-        });
-      }
-      return links;
-    },
-    /**
-       Parse server response data.
-       This default implementation assumes the response data is in one of two
-       structures:
-           [
-             {}, // Your new pagination state
-             [{}, ...] // An array of JSON objects
-           ]
-       Or,
-           [{}] // An array of JSON objects
-       The first structure is the preferred form because the pagination states
-       may have been updated on the server side, sending them down again allows
-       this collection to update its states. If the response has a pagination
-       state object, it is checked for errors.
-       The second structure is the
-       [Backbone.Collection#parse](
-       default.
-       **Note:** this method has been further simplified since 1.1.7. While
-       existing #parse implementations will continue to work, new code is
-       encouraged to override #parseState and #parseRecords instead.
-       @param {Object} resp The deserialized response data from the server.
-       @param {Object} the options for the ajax request
-       @return {Array.<Object>} An array of model objects
-    */
-    parse: function (resp, options) {
-      var newState = this.parseState(resp, _clone(this.queryParams), _clone(this.state), options);
-      if (newState) this.state = this._checkState(_extend({}, this.state, newState));
-      return this.parseRecords(resp, options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Parse server response for server pagination state updates. Not applicable
-       under infinite mode.
-       This default implementation first checks whether the response has any
-       state object as documented in #parse. If it exists, a state object is
-       returned by mapping the server state keys to this pageable collection
-       instance's query parameter keys using `queryParams`.
-       It is __NOT__ neccessary to return a full state object complete with all
-       the mappings defined in #queryParams. Any state object resulted is merged
-       with a copy of the current pageable collection state and checked for
-       sanity before actually updating. Most of the time, simply providing a new
-       `totalRecords` value is enough to trigger a full pagination state
-       recalculation.
-           parseState: function (resp, queryParams, state, options) {
-             return {totalRecords: resp.total_entries};
-           }
-       If you want to use header fields use:
-           parseState: function (resp, queryParams, state, options) {
-               return {totalRecords: options.xhr.getResponseHeader("X-total")};
-           }
-       This method __MUST__ return a new state object instead of directly
-       modifying the #state object. The behavior of directly modifying #state is
-       undefined.
-       @param {Object} resp The deserialized response data from the server.
-       @param {Object} queryParams A copy of #queryParams.
-       @param {Object} state A copy of #state.
-       @param {Object} [options] The options passed through from
-       `parse`. (backbone >= 0.9.10 only)
-       @return {Object} A new (partial) state object.
-     */
-    parseState: function (resp, queryParams, state, options) {
-      if (resp && resp.length === 2 && _isObject(resp[0]) && _isArray(resp[1])) {
-        var newState = _clone(state);
-        var serverState = resp[0];
-        _each(_pairs(_omit(queryParams, "directions")), function (kvp) {
-          var k = kvp[0], v = kvp[1];
-          var serverVal = serverState[v];
-          if (!_isUndefined(serverVal) && !_.isNull(serverVal)) newState[k] = serverState[v];
-        });
-        if (serverState.order) {
-          newState.order = _invert(queryParams.directions)[serverState.order] * 1;
-        }
-        return newState;
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-       Parse server response for an array of model objects.
-       This default implementation first checks whether the response has any
-       state object as documented in #parse. If it exists, the array of model
-       objects is assumed to be the second element, otherwise the entire
-       response is returned directly.
-       @param {Object} resp The deserialized response data from the server.
-       @param {Object} [options] The options passed through from the
-       `parse`. (backbone >= 0.9.10 only)
-       @return {Array.<Object>} An array of model objects
-     */
-    parseRecords: function (resp, options) {
-      if (resp && resp.length === 2 && _isObject(resp[0]) && _isArray(resp[1])) {
-        return resp[1];
-      }
-      return resp;
-    },
-    /**
-       Fetch a page from the server in server mode, or all the pages in client
-       mode. Under infinite mode, the current page is refetched by default and
-       then reset.
-       The query string is constructed by translating the current pagination
-       state to your server API query parameter using #queryParams. The current
-       page will reset after fetch.
-       @param {Object} [options] Accepts all
-       [Backbone.Collection#fetch](
-       options.
-       @return {XMLHttpRequest}
-    */
-    fetch: function (options) {
-      options = options || {};
-      var state = this._checkState(this.state);
-      var mode = this.mode;
-      if (mode == "infinite" && !options.url) {
-        options.url = this.links[state.currentPage];
-      }
-      var data = || {};
-      // dedup query params
-      var url = options.url || this.url || "";
-      if (_isFunction(url)) url =;
-      var qsi = url.indexOf('?');
-      if (qsi != -1) {
-        _extend(data, queryStringToParams(url.slice(qsi + 1)));
-        url = url.slice(0, qsi);
-      }
-      options.url = url;
- = data;
-      // map params except directions
-      var queryParams = this.mode == "client" ?
-        _pick(this.queryParams, "sortKey", "order") :
-        _omit(_pick(this.queryParams, _keys(PageableProto.queryParams)),
-              "directions");
-      var i, kvp, k, v, kvps = _pairs(queryParams), thisCopy = _clone(this);
-      for (i = 0; i < kvps.length; i++) {
-        kvp = kvps[i], k = kvp[0], v = kvp[1];
-        v = _isFunction(v) ? : v;
-        if (state[k] != null && v != null) {
-          data[v] = state[k];
-        }
-      }
-      // fix up sorting parameters
-      if (state.sortKey && state.order) {
-        var o = _isFunction(queryParams.order) ?
- :
-          queryParams.order;
-        data[o] = this.queryParams.directions[state.order + ""];
-      }
-      else if (!state.sortKey) delete data[queryParams.order];
-      // map extra query parameters
-      var extraKvps = _pairs(_omit(this.queryParams,
-                                   _keys(PageableProto.queryParams)));
-      for (i = 0; i < extraKvps.length; i++) {
-        kvp = extraKvps[i];
-        v = kvp[1];
-        v = _isFunction(v) ? : v;
-        if (v != null) data[kvp[0]] = v;
-      }
-      if (mode != "server") {
-        var self = this, fullCol = this.fullCollection;
-        var success = options.success;
-        options.success = function (col, resp, opts) {
-          // make sure the caller's intent is obeyed
-          opts = opts || {};
-          if (_isUndefined(options.silent)) delete opts.silent;
-          else opts.silent = options.silent;
-          var models = col.models;
-          if (mode == "client") fullCol.reset(models, opts);
-          else {
-            fullCol.add(models, _extend({at: fullCol.length},
-                                        _extend(opts, {parse: false})));
-            self.trigger("reset", self, opts);
-          }
-          if (success) success(col, resp, opts);
-        };
-        // silent the first reset from backbone
-        return, _extend({}, options, {silent: true}));
-      }
-      return, options);
-    },
-    /**
-       Convenient method for making a `comparator` sorted by a model attribute
-       identified by `sortKey` and ordered by `order`.
-       Like a Backbone.Collection, a Backbone.PageableCollection will maintain
-       the __current page__ in sorted order on the client side if a `comparator`
-       is attached to it. If the collection is in client mode, you can attach a
-       comparator to #fullCollection to have all the pages reflect the global
-       sorting order by specifying an option `full` to `true`. You __must__ call
-       `sort` manually or #fullCollection.sort after calling this method to
-       force a resort.
-       While you can use this method to sort the current page in server mode,
-       the sorting order may not reflect the global sorting order due to the
-       additions or removals of the records on the server since the last
-       fetch. If you want the most updated page in a global sorting order, it is
-       recommended that you set #state.sortKey and optionally #state.order, and
-       then call #fetch.
-       @protected
-       @param {string} [sortKey=this.state.sortKey] See `state.sortKey`.
-       @param {number} [order=this.state.order] See `state.order`.
-       @param {(function(Backbone.Model, string): Object) | string} [sortValue] See #setSorting.
-       See [Backbone.Collection.comparator](
-    */
-    _makeComparator: function (sortKey, order, sortValue) {
-      var state = this.state;
-      sortKey = sortKey || state.sortKey;
-      order = order || state.order;
-      if (!sortKey || !order) return;
-      if (!sortValue) sortValue = function (model, attr) {
-        return model.get(attr);
-      };
-      return function (left, right) {
-        var l = sortValue(left, sortKey), r = sortValue(right, sortKey), t;
-        if (order === 1) t = l, l = r, r = t;
-        if (l === r) return 0;
-        else if (l < r) return -1;
-        return 1;
-      };
-    },
-    /**
-       Adjusts the sorting for this pageable collection.
-       Given a `sortKey` and an `order`, sets `state.sortKey` and
-       `state.order`. A comparator can be applied on the client side to sort in
-       the order defined if `options.side` is `"client"`. By default the
-       comparator is applied to the #fullCollection. Set `options.full` to
-       `false` to apply a comparator to the current page under any mode. Setting
-       `sortKey` to `null` removes the comparator from both the current page and
-       the full collection.
-       If a `sortValue` function is given, it will be passed the `(model,
-       sortKey)` arguments and is used to extract a value from the model during
-       comparison sorts. If `sortValue` is not given, `model.get(sortKey)` is
-       used for sorting.
-       @chainable
-       @param {string} sortKey See `state.sortKey`.
-       @param {number} [order=this.state.order] See `state.order`.
-       @param {Object} [options]
-       @param {"server"|"client"} [options.side] By default, `"client"` if
-       `mode` is `"client"`, `"server"` otherwise.
-       @param {boolean} [options.full=true]
-       @param {(function(Backbone.Model, string): Object) | string} [options.sortValue]
-    */
-    setSorting: function (sortKey, order, options) {
-      var state = this.state;
-      state.sortKey = sortKey;
-      state.order = order = order || state.order;
-      var fullCollection = this.fullCollection;
-      var delComp = false, delFullComp = false;
-      if (!sortKey) delComp = delFullComp = true;
-      var mode = this.mode;
-      options = _extend({side: mode == "client" ? mode : "server", full: true},
-                        options);
-      var comparator = this._makeComparator(sortKey, order, options.sortValue);
-      var full = options.full, side = options.side;
-      if (side == "client") {
-        if (full) {
-          if (fullCollection) fullCollection.comparator = comparator;
-          delComp = true;
-        }
-        else {
-          this.comparator = comparator;
-          delFullComp = true;
-        }
-      }
-      else if (side == "server" && !full) {
-        this.comparator = comparator;
-      }
-      if (delComp) this.comparator = null;
-      if (delFullComp && fullCollection) fullCollection.comparator = null;
-      return this;
-    }
-  });
-  var PageableProto = PageableCollection.prototype;
-  return PageableCollection;

[02/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a27667f..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1860 +0,0 @@
- * rome - Customizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery!
- * @version v2.1.0
- * @link
- * @license MIT
- */
-!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.rome=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
-// shim for using process in browser
-var process = module.exports = {};
-process.nextTick = (function () {
-    var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined'
-    && window.setImmediate;
-    var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined'
-    && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener
-    ;
-    if (canSetImmediate) {
-        return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) };
-    }
-    if (canPost) {
-        var queue = [];
-        window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) {
-            var source = ev.source;
-            if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') {
-                ev.stopPropagation();
-                if (queue.length > 0) {
-                    var fn = queue.shift();
-                    fn();
-                }
-            }
-        }, true);
-        return function nextTick(fn) {
-            queue.push(fn);
-            window.postMessage('process-tick', '*');
-        };
-    }
-    return function nextTick(fn) {
-        setTimeout(fn, 0);
-    };
-process.title = 'browser';
-process.browser = true;
-process.env = {};
-process.argv = [];
-function noop() {}
-process.on = noop;
-process.addListener = noop;
-process.once = noop; = noop;
-process.removeListener = noop;
-process.removeAllListeners = noop;
-process.emit = noop;
-process.binding = function (name) {
-    throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
-// TODO(shtylman)
-process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
-process.chdir = function (dir) {
-    throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
-module.exports = _dereq_('./src/contra.emitter.js');
-(function (process){
-(function (root, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
-  var undef = '' + undefined;
-  function atoa (a, n) { return, n); }
-  function debounce (fn, args, ctx) { if (!fn) { return; } tick(function run () { fn.apply(ctx || null, args || []); }); }
-  // cross-platform ticker
-  var si = typeof setImmediate === 'function', tick;
-  if (si) {
-    tick = function (fn) { setImmediate(fn); };
-  } else if (typeof process !== undef && process.nextTick) {
-    tick = process.nextTick;
-  } else {
-    tick = function (fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); };
-  }
-  function _emitter (thing, options) {
-    var opts = options || {};
-    var evt = {};
-    if (thing === undefined) { thing = {}; }
-    thing.on = function (type, fn) {
-      if (!evt[type]) {
-        evt[type] = [fn];
-      } else {
-        evt[type].push(fn);
-      }
-      return thing;
-    };
-    thing.once = function (type, fn) {
-      fn._once = true; // still works!
-      thing.on(type, fn);
-      return thing;
-    };
- = function (type, fn) {
-      var c = arguments.length;
-      if (c === 1) {
-        delete evt[type];
-      } else if (c === 0) {
-        evt = {};
-      } else {
-        var et = evt[type];
-        if (!et) { return thing; }
-        et.splice(et.indexOf(fn), 1);
-      }
-      return thing;
-    };
-    thing.emit = function () {
-      var args = atoa(arguments);
-      return thing.emitterSnapshot(args.shift()).apply(this, args);
-    };
-    thing.emitterSnapshot = function (type) {
-      var et = (evt[type] || []).slice(0);
-      return function () {
-        var args = atoa(arguments);
-        var ctx = this || thing;
-        if (type === 'error' && opts.throws !== false && !et.length) { throw args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args; }
-        evt[type] = et.filter(function emitter (listen) {
-          if (opts.async) { debounce(listen, args, ctx); } else { listen.apply(ctx, args); }
-          return !listen._once;
-        });
-        return thing;
-      };
-    }
-    return thing;
-  }
-  // cross-platform export
-  if (typeof module !== undef && module.exports) {
-    module.exports = _emitter;
-  } else {
-    root.contra = root.contra || {};
-    root.contra.emitter = _emitter;
-  }
-var now = _dereq_('performance-now')
-  , global = typeof window === 'undefined' ? {} : window
-  , vendors = ['moz', 'webkit']
-  , suffix = 'AnimationFrame'
-  , raf = global['request' + suffix]
-  , caf = global['cancel' + suffix] || global['cancelRequest' + suffix]
-  , isNative = true
-for(var i = 0; i < vendors.length && !raf; i++) {
-  raf = global[vendors[i] + 'Request' + suffix]
-  caf = global[vendors[i] + 'Cancel' + suffix]
-      || global[vendors[i] + 'CancelRequest' + suffix]
-// Some versions of FF have rAF but not cAF
-if(!raf || !caf) {
-  isNative = false
-  var last = 0
-    , id = 0
-    , queue = []
-    , frameDuration = 1000 / 60
-  raf = function(callback) {
-    if(queue.length === 0) {
-      var _now = now()
-        , next = Math.max(0, frameDuration - (_now - last))
-      last = next + _now
-      setTimeout(function() {
-        var cp = queue.slice(0)
-        // Clear queue here to prevent
-        // callbacks from appending listeners
-        // to the current frame's queue
-        queue.length = 0
-        for(var i = 0; i < cp.length; i++) {
-          if(!cp[i].cancelled) {
-            try{
-              cp[i].callback(last)
-            } catch(e) {
-              setTimeout(function() { throw e }, 0)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }, Math.round(next))
-    }
-    queue.push({
-      handle: ++id,
-      callback: callback,
-      cancelled: false
-    })
-    return id
-  }
-  caf = function(handle) {
-    for(var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
-      if(queue[i].handle === handle) {
-        queue[i].cancelled = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-module.exports = function(fn) {
-  // Wrap in a new function to prevent
-  // `cancel` potentially being assigned
-  // to the native rAF function
-  if(!isNative) {
-    return, fn)
-  }
-  return, function() {
-    try{
-      fn.apply(this, arguments)
-    } catch(e) {
-      setTimeout(function() { throw e }, 0)
-    }
-  })
-module.exports.cancel = function() {
-  caf.apply(global, arguments)
-(function (process){
-// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
-(function() {
-  var getNanoSeconds, hrtime, loadTime;
-  if ((typeof performance !== "undefined" && performance !== null) && {
-    module.exports = function() {
-      return;
-    };
-  } else if ((typeof process !== "undefined" && process !== null) && process.hrtime) {
-    module.exports = function() {
-      return (getNanoSeconds() - loadTime) / 1e6;
-    };
-    hrtime = process.hrtime;
-    getNanoSeconds = function() {
-      var hr;
-      hr = hrtime();
-      return hr[0] * 1e9 + hr[1];
-    };
-    loadTime = getNanoSeconds();
-  } else if ( {
-    module.exports = function() {
-      return - loadTime;
-    };
-    loadTime =;
-  } else {
-    module.exports = function() {
-      return new Date().getTime() - loadTime;
-    };
-    loadTime = new Date().getTime();
-  }
-'use strict';
-var isInput = _dereq_('./isInput');
-var bindings = {};
-function has (source, target) {
-  var binding = bindings[];
-  return binding && binding[];
-function insert (source, target) {
-  var binding = bindings[];
-  if (!binding) {
-    binding = bindings[] = {};
-  }
-  var invalidate = invalidator(target);
-  binding[] = invalidate;
-  source.on('data', invalidate);
-  source.on('destroyed', remove.bind(null, source, target));
-function remove (source, target) {
-  var binding = bindings[];
-  if (!binding) {
-    return;
-  }
-  var invalidate = binding[];
-'data', invalidate);
-  delete binding[];
-function invalidator (target) {
-  return function invalidate () {
-    target.refresh();
-  };
-function add (source, target) {
-  if (isInput(target.associated) || has(source, target)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  insert(source, target);
-module.exports = {
-  add: add,
-  remove: remove
-'use strict';
-var emitter = _dereq_('contra.emitter');
-var raf = _dereq_('raf');
-var dom = _dereq_('./dom');
-var text = _dereq_('./text');
-var parse = _dereq_('./parse');
-var clone = _dereq_('./clone');
-var defaults = _dereq_('./defaults');
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-var classes = _dereq_('./classes');
-var events = _dereq_('./events');
-var noop = _dereq_('./noop');
-var no;
-function calendar (calendarOptions) {
-  var o;
-  var api = emitter({});
-  var ref;
-  var refCal;
-  var container;
-  var rendered = false;
-  // date variables
-  var monthOffsetAttribute = 'data-rome-offset';
-  var weekdays;
-  var weekdayCount;
-  var calendarMonths = [];
-  var lastYear;
-  var lastMonth;
-  var lastDay;
-  var lastDayElement;
-  var datewrapper;
-  var back;
-  var next;
-  // time variables
-  var secondsInDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
-  var time;
-  var timelist;
-  init();
-  raf(ready);
-  return api;
-  function napi () { return api; }
-  function init (initOptions) {
-    o = defaults(initOptions || calendarOptions, api);
-    if (!container) { container = dom({ className: o.styles.container }); }
-    weekdays = o.weekdayFormat;
-    weekdayCount = weekdays.length;
-    lastMonth = no;
-    lastYear = no;
-    lastDay = no;
-    lastDayElement = no;
-    o.appendTo.appendChild(container);
-    removeChildren(container);
-    rendered = false;
-    ref = o.initialValue ? o.initialValue : momentum.moment();
-    refCal = ref.clone();
-    api.container = container;
-    api.destroyed = false;
-    api.destroy = destroy.bind(api, false);
-    api.emitValues = emitValues;
-    api.getDate = getDate;
-    api.getDateString = getDateString;
-    api.getMoment = getMoment;
-    api.hide = hide;
-    api.options = changeOptions;
-    api.options.reset = resetOptions;
-    api.refresh = refresh;
-    api.restore = napi;
-    api.setValue = setValue;
- = show;
-    show();
-    eventListening();
-    ready();
-    return api;
-  }
-  function ready () {
-    api.emit('ready', clone(o));
-  }
-  function destroy (silent) {
-    if (container) {
-      container.parentNode.removeChild(container);
-    }
-    if (o) {
-      eventListening(true);
-    }
-    var destroyed = api.emitterSnapshot('destroyed');
-    api.destroyed = true;
-    api.destroy = napi;
-    api.emitValues = napi;
-    api.getDate = noop;
-    api.getDateString = noop;
-    api.getMoment = noop;
-    api.hide = napi;
-    api.options = napi;
-    api.options.reset = napi;
-    api.refresh = napi;
-    api.restore = init;
-    api.setValue = napi;
- = napi;
-    if (silent !== true) {
-      destroyed();
-    }
-    return api;
-  }
-  function eventListening (remove) {
-    var op = remove ? 'remove' : 'add';
-    if (o.autoHideOnBlur) { events[op](document.documentElement, 'focus', hideOnBlur, true); }
-    if (o.autoHideOnClick) { events[op](document, 'click', hideOnClick); }
-  }
-  function changeOptions (options) {
-    if (arguments.length === 0) {
-      return clone(o);
-    }
-    destroy();
-    init(options);
-    return api;
-  }
-  function resetOptions () {
-    return changeOptions({ appendTo: o.appendTo });
-  }
-  function render () {
-    if (rendered) {
-      return;
-    }
-    rendered = true;
-    renderDates();
-    renderTime();
-    api.emit('render');
-  }
-  function renderDates () {
-    if (! {
-      return;
-    }
-    var i;
-    calendarMonths = [];
-    datewrapper = dom({ className:, parent: container });
-    for (i = 0; i < o.monthsInCalendar; i++) {
-      renderMonth(i);
-    }
-    events.add(back, 'click', subtractMonth);
-    events.add(next, 'click', addMonth);
-    events.add(datewrapper, 'click', pickDay);
-    function renderMonth (i) {
-      var month = dom({ className: o.styles.month, parent: datewrapper });
-      if (i === 0) {
-        back = dom({ type: 'button', className: o.styles.back, attributes: { type: 'button' }, parent: month });
-      }
-      if (i === o.monthsInCalendar -1) {
-        next = dom({ type: 'button', className:, attributes: { type: 'button' }, parent: month });
-      }
-      var label = dom({ className: o.styles.monthLabel, parent: month });
-      var date = dom({ type: 'table', className: o.styles.dayTable, parent: month });
-      var datehead = dom({ type: 'thead', className: o.styles.dayHead, parent: date });
-      var dateheadrow = dom({ type: 'tr', className: o.styles.dayRow, parent: datehead });
-      var datebody = dom({ type: 'tbody', className: o.styles.dayBody, parent: date });
-      var j;
-      for (j = 0; j < weekdayCount; j++) {
-        dom({ type: 'th', className: o.styles.dayHeadElem, parent: dateheadrow, text: weekdays[weekday(j)] });
-      }
-      datebody.setAttribute(monthOffsetAttribute, i);
-      calendarMonths.push({
-        label: label,
-        body: datebody
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  function renderTime () {
-    if (!o.time || !o.timeInterval) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var timewrapper = dom({ className: o.styles.time, parent: container });
-    time = dom({ className: o.styles.selectedTime, parent: timewrapper, text: ref.format(o.timeFormat) });
-    events.add(time, 'click', toggleTimeList);
-    timelist = dom({ className: o.styles.timeList, parent: timewrapper });
-    events.add(timelist, 'click', pickTime);
-    var next = momentum.moment('00:00:00', 'HH:mm:ss');
-    var latest = next.clone().add(1, 'days');
-    while (next.isBefore(latest)) {
-      dom({ className: o.styles.timeOption, parent: timelist, text: next.format(o.timeFormat) });
-      next.add(o.timeInterval, 'seconds');
-    }
-  }
-  function weekday (index, backwards) {
-    var factor = backwards ? -1 : 1;
-    var offset = index + o.weekStart * factor;
-    if (offset >= weekdayCount || offset < 0) {
-      offset += weekdayCount * -factor;
-    }
-    return offset;
-  }
-  function displayValidTimesOnly () {
-    if (!o.time || !rendered) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var times = timelist.children;
-    var length = times.length;
-    var date;
-    var time;
-    var item;
-    var i;
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      item = times[i];
-      time = momentum.moment(text(item), o.timeFormat);
-      date = setTime(ref.clone(), time);
- = isInRange(date, false, o.timeValidator) ? 'block' : 'none';
-    }
-  }
-  function toggleTimeList (show) {
-    var display = typeof show === 'boolean' ? show : === 'none';
-    if (display) {
-      showTimeList();
-    } else {
-      hideTimeList();
-    }
-  }
-  function showTimeList () { if (timelist) { = 'block'; } }
-  function hideTimeList () { if (timelist) { = 'none'; } }
-  function showCalendar () { = 'inline-block'; api.emit('show'); }
-  function hideCalendar () { = 'none'; api.emit('hide'); }
-  function show () {
-    render();
-    refresh();
-    toggleTimeList(!;
-    showCalendar();
-    return api;
-  }
-  function hide () {
-    hideTimeList();
-    raf(hideCalendar);
-    return api;
-  }
-  function hideConditionally () {
-    hideTimeList();
-    var pos = classes.contains(container, o.styles.positioned);
-    if (pos) {
-      raf(hideCalendar);
-    }
-    return api;
-  }
-  function calendarEventTarget (e) {
-    var target =;
-    if (target === api.associated) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    while (target) {
-      if (target === container) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      target = target.parentNode;
-    }
-  }
-  function hideOnBlur (e) {
-    if (calendarEventTarget(e)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    hideConditionally();
-  }
-  function hideOnClick (e) {
-    if (calendarEventTarget(e)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    hideConditionally();
-  }
-  function subtractMonth () { changeMonth('subtract'); }
-  function addMonth () { changeMonth('add'); }
-  function changeMonth (op) {
-    var bound;
-    var direction = op === 'add' ? -1 : 1;
-    var offset = o.monthsInCalendar + direction * getMonthOffset(lastDayElement);
-    refCal[op](offset, 'months');
-    bound = inRange(refCal.clone());
-    ref = bound || ref;
-    if (bound) { refCal = bound.clone(); }
-    update();
-  }
-  function update (silent) {
-    updateCalendar();
-    updateTime();
-    if (silent !== true) { emitValues(); }
-    displayValidTimesOnly();
-  }
-  function updateCalendar () {
-    if (! || !rendered) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var y = refCal.year();
-    var m = refCal.month();
-    var d =;
-    if (d === lastDay && m === lastMonth && y === lastYear) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var canStay = isDisplayed();
-    lastDay =;
-    lastMonth = refCal.month();
-    lastYear = refCal.year();
-    if (canStay) { updateCalendarSelection(); return; }
-    calendarMonths.forEach(updateMonth);
-    renderAllDays();
-    function updateMonth (month, i) {
-      var offsetCal = refCal.clone().add(i, 'months');
-      text(month.label, offsetCal.format(o.monthFormat));
-      removeChildren(month.body);
-    }
-  }
-  function updateCalendarSelection () {
-    var day = - 1;
-    selectDayElement(false);
-    calendarMonths.forEach(function (cal) {
-      var days;
-      if (sameCalendarMonth(, refCal)) {
-        days = cast(cal.body.children).map(aggregate);
-        days = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], days).filter(inside);
-        selectDayElement(days[day]);
-      }
-    });
-    function cast (like) {
-      var dest = [];
-      var i;
-      for (i = 0; i < like.length; i++) {
-        dest.push(like[i]);
-      }
-      return dest;
-    }
-    function aggregate (child) {
-      return cast(child.children);
-    }
-    function inside (child) {
-      return !classes.contains(child, o.styles.dayPrevMonth) &&
-             !classes.contains(child, o.styles.dayNextMonth);
-    }
-  }
-  function isDisplayed () {
-    return calendarMonths.some(matches);
-    function matches (cal) {
-      if (!lastYear) { return false; }
-      return sameCalendarMonth(, refCal);
-    }
-  }
-  function sameCalendarMonth (left, right) {
-    return left && right && left.year() === right.year() && left.month() === right.month();
-  }
-  function updateTime () {
-    if (!o.time || !rendered) {
-      return;
-    }
-    text(time, ref.format(o.timeFormat));
-  }
-  function emitValues () {
-    api.emit('data', getDateString());
-    api.emit('year', ref.year());
-    api.emit('month', ref.month());
-    api.emit('day',;
-    api.emit('time', ref.format(o.timeFormat));
-    return api;
-  }
-  function refresh () {
-    lastYear = false;
-    lastMonth = false;
-    lastDay = false;
-    update(true);
-    return api;
-  }
-  function setValue (value) {
-    var date = parse(value, o.inputFormat);
-    if (date === null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    ref = inRange(date) || ref;
-    refCal = ref.clone();
-    update(true);
-    return api;
-  }
-  function removeChildren (elem, self) {
-    while (elem && elem.firstChild) {
-      elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild);
-    }
-    if (self === true) {
-      elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
-    }
-  }
-  function renderAllDays () {
-    var i;
-    for (i = 0; i < o.monthsInCalendar; i++) {
-      renderDays(i);
-    }
-  }
-  function renderDays (offset) {
-    var month = calendarMonths[offset];
-    var offsetCal = refCal.clone().add(offset, 'months');
-    var total = offsetCal.daysInMonth();
-    var current = offsetCal.month() !== ref.month() ? -1 :; // -1 : 1..31
-    var first = offsetCal.clone().date(1);
-    var firstDay = weekday(, true); // 0..6
-    var tr = dom({ type: 'tr', className: o.styles.dayRow, parent: month.body });
-    var prevMonth = hiddenWhen(offset !== 0, [o.styles.dayBodyElem, o.styles.dayPrevMonth]);
-    var nextMonth = hiddenWhen(offset !== o.monthsInCalendar - 1, [o.styles.dayBodyElem, o.styles.dayNextMonth]);
-    var disabled = o.styles.dayDisabled;
-    var lastDay;
-    part({
-      base: first.clone().subtract(firstDay, 'days'),
-      length: firstDay,
-      cell: prevMonth
-    });
-    part({
-      base: first.clone(),
-      length: total,
-      cell: [o.styles.dayBodyElem],
-      selectable: true
-    });
-    lastDay = first.clone().add(total, 'days');
-    part({
-      base: lastDay,
-      length: weekdayCount - tr.children.length,
-      cell: nextMonth
-    });
-    back.disabled = !isInRangeLeft(first, true);
-    next.disabled = !isInRangeRight(lastDay, true);
- = offsetCal.clone();
-    function part (data) {
-      var i, day, node;
-      for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-        if (tr.children.length === weekdayCount) {
-          tr = dom({ type: 'tr', className: o.styles.dayRow, parent: month.body });
-        }
-        day = data.base.clone().add(i, 'days');
-        node = dom({
-          type: 'td',
-          parent: tr,
-          text: day.format(o.dayFormat),
-          className: validationTest(day, data.cell.join(' ').split(' ')).join(' ')
-        });
-        if (data.selectable && === current) {
-          selectDayElement(node);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function validationTest (day, cell) {
-      if (!isInRange(day, true, o.dateValidator)) { cell.push(disabled); }
-      return cell;
-    }
-    function hiddenWhen (value, cell) {
-      if (value) { cell.push(o.styles.dayConcealed); }
-      return cell;
-    }
-  }
-  function isInRange (date, allday, validator) {
-    if (!isInRangeLeft(date, allday)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!isInRangeRight(date, allday)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    var valid = (validator || Function.prototype).call(api, date.toDate());
-    return valid !== false;
-  }
-  function isInRangeLeft (date, allday) {
-    var min = !o.min ? false : (allday ? o.min.clone().startOf('day') : o.min);
-    return !min || !date.isBefore(min);
-  }
-  function isInRangeRight (date, allday) {
-    var max = !o.max ? false : (allday ? o.max.clone().endOf('day') : o.max);
-    return !max || !date.isAfter(max);
-  }
-  function inRange (date) {
-    if (o.min && date.isBefore(o.min)) {
-      return inRange(o.min.clone());
-    } else if (o.max && date.isAfter(o.max)) {
-      return inRange(o.max.clone());
-    }
-    var value = date.clone().subtract(1, 'days');
-    if (validateTowards(value, date, 'add')) {
-      return inTimeRange(value);
-    }
-    value = date.clone();
-    if (validateTowards(value, date, 'subtract')) {
-      return inTimeRange(value);
-    }
-  }
-  function inTimeRange (value) {
-    var copy = value.clone().subtract(o.timeInterval, 'seconds');
-    var times = Math.ceil(secondsInDay / o.timeInterval);
-    var i;
-    for (i = 0; i < times; i++) {
-      copy.add(o.timeInterval, 'seconds');
-      if ( > {
-        copy.subtract(1, 'days');
-      }
-      if (, copy.toDate()) !== false) {
-        return copy;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  function validateTowards (value, date, op) {
-    var valid = false;
-    while (valid === false) {
-      value[op](1, 'days');
-      if (value.month() !== date.month()) {
-        break;
-      }
-      valid =, value.toDate());
-    }
-    return valid !== false;
-  }
-  function pickDay (e) {
-    var target =;
-    if (classes.contains(target, o.styles.dayDisabled) || !classes.contains(target, o.styles.dayBodyElem)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var day = parseInt(text(target), 10);
-    var prev = classes.contains(target, o.styles.dayPrevMonth);
-    var next = classes.contains(target, o.styles.dayNextMonth);
-    var offset = getMonthOffset(target) - getMonthOffset(lastDayElement);
-    ref.add(offset, 'months');
-    if (prev || next) {
-      ref.add(prev ? -1 : 1, 'months');
-    }
-    selectDayElement(target);
-; // must run after setting the month
-    setTime(ref, inRange(ref) || ref);
-    refCal = ref.clone();
-    if (o.autoClose === true) { hideConditionally(); }
-    update();
-  }
-  function selectDayElement (node) {
-    if (lastDayElement) {
-      classes.remove(lastDayElement, o.styles.selectedDay);
-    }
-    if (node) {
-      classes.add(node, o.styles.selectedDay);
-    }
-    lastDayElement = node;
-  }
-  function getMonthOffset (elem) {
-    var offset;
-    while (elem && elem.getAttribute) {
-      offset = elem.getAttribute(monthOffsetAttribute);
-      if (typeof offset === 'string') {
-        return parseInt(offset, 10);
-      }
-      elem = elem.parentNode;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  function setTime (to, from) {
-    to.hour(from.hour()).minute(from.minute()).second(from.second());
-    return to;
-  }
-  function pickTime (e) {
-    var target =;
-    if (!classes.contains(target, o.styles.timeOption)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var value = momentum.moment(text(target), o.timeFormat);
-    setTime(ref, value);
-    refCal = ref.clone();
-    emitValues();
-    updateTime();
-    if ((! && o.autoClose === true) || o.autoClose === 'time') {
-      hideConditionally();
-    } else {
-      hideTimeList();
-    }
-  }
-  function getDate () {
-    return ref.toDate();
-  }
-  function getDateString (format) {
-    return ref.format(format || o.inputFormat);
-  }
-  function getMoment () {
-    return ref.clone();
-  }
-module.exports = calendar;
-'use strict';
-var trim = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
-var whitespace = /\s+/;
-function classes (node) {
-  return node.className.replace(trim, '').split(whitespace);
-function set (node, value) {
-  node.className = value.join(' ');
-function add (node, value) {
-  var values = remove(node, value);
-  values.push(value);
-  set(node, values);
-function remove (node, value) {
-  var values = classes(node);
-  var i = values.indexOf(value);
-  if (i !== -1) {
-    values.splice(i, 1);
-    set(node, values);
-  }
-  return values;
-function contains (node, value) {
-  return classes(node).indexOf(value) !== -1;
-module.exports = {
-  add: add,
-  remove: remove,
-  contains: contains
-'use strict';
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-// naïve implementation, specifically meant to clone `options` objects
-function clone (thing) {
-  var copy = {};
-  var value;
-  for (var key in thing) {
-    value = thing[key];
-    if (!value) {
-      copy[key] = value;
-    } else if (momentum.isMoment(value)) {
-      copy[key] = value.clone();
-    } else if (value._isStylesConfiguration) {
-      copy[key] = clone(value);
-    } else {
-      copy[key] = value;
-    }
-  }
-  return copy;
-module.exports = clone;
-'use strict';
-var index = _dereq_('./index');
-var input = _dereq_('./input');
-var inline = _dereq_('./inline');
-var isInput = _dereq_('./isInput');
-function core (elem, options) {
-  var cal;
-  var existing = index.find(elem);
-  if (existing) {
-    return existing;
-  }
-  if (isInput(elem)) {
-    cal = input(elem, options);
-  } else {
-    cal = inline(elem, options);
-  }
-  cal.associated = elem;
-  index.assign(elem, cal);
-  return cal;
-module.exports = core;
-'use strict';
-var parse = _dereq_('./parse');
-var isInput = _dereq_('./isInput');
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-function defaults (options, cal) {
-  var temp;
-  var no;
-  var o = options || {};
-  if (o.autoHideOnClick === no) { o.autoHideOnClick = true; }
-  if (o.autoHideOnBlur === no) { o.autoHideOnBlur = true; }
-  if (o.autoClose === no) { o.autoClose = true; }
-  if (o.appendTo === no) { o.appendTo = document.body; }
-  if (o.appendTo === 'parent') {
-    if (isInput(cal.associated)) {
-      o.appendTo = cal.associated.parentNode;
-    } else {
-      throw new Error('Inline calendars must be appended to a parent node explicitly.');
-    }
-  }
-  if (o.invalidate === no) { o.invalidate = true; }
-  if (o.required === no) { o.required = false; }
-  if ( === no) { = true; }
-  if (o.time === no) { o.time = true; }
-  if ( === false && o.time === false) { throw new Error('At least one of `date` or `time` must be `true`.'); }
-  if (o.inputFormat === no) {
-    if ( && o.time) {
-      o.inputFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm';
-    } else if ( {
-      o.inputFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
-    } else {
-      o.inputFormat = 'HH:mm';
-    }
-  }
-  if (o.initialValue === no) {
-    o.initialValue = null;
-  } else {
-    o.initialValue = parse(o.initialValue, o.inputFormat);
-  }
-  if (o.min === no) { o.min = null; } else { o.min = parse(o.min, o.inputFormat); }
-  if (o.max === no) { o.max = null; } else { o.max = parse(o.max, o.inputFormat); }
-  if (o.timeInterval === no) { o.timeInterval = 60 * 30; } // 30 minutes by default
-  if (o.min && o.max) {
-    if (o.max.isBefore(o.min)) {
-      temp = o.max;
-      o.max = o.min;
-      o.min = temp;
-    }
-    if ( === true) {
-      if (o.max.clone().subtract(1, 'days').isBefore(o.min)) {
-        throw new Error('`max` must be at least one day after `min`');
-      }
-    } else if (o.timeInterval * 1000 - o.min % (o.timeInterval * 1000) > o.max - o.min) {
-      throw new Error('`min` to `max` range must allow for at least one time option that matches `timeInterval`');
-    }
-  }
-  if (o.dateValidator === no) { o.dateValidator = Function.prototype; }
-  if (o.timeValidator === no) { o.timeValidator = Function.prototype; }
-  if (o.timeFormat === no) { o.timeFormat = 'HH:mm'; }
-  if (o.weekStart === no) { o.weekStart = momentum.moment().weekday(0).day(); }
-  if (o.weekdayFormat === no) { o.weekdayFormat = 'min'; }
-  if (o.weekdayFormat === 'long') {
-    o.weekdayFormat = momentum.moment.weekdays();
-  } else if (o.weekdayFormat === 'short') {
-    o.weekdayFormat = momentum.moment.weekdaysShort();
-  } else if (o.weekdayFormat === 'min') {
-    o.weekdayFormat = momentum.moment.weekdaysMin();
-  } else if (!Array.isArray(o.weekdayFormat) || o.weekdayFormat.length < 7) {
-    throw new Error('`weekdays` must be `min`, `short`, or `long`');
-  }
-  if (o.monthsInCalendar === no) { o.monthsInCalendar = 1; }
-  if (o.monthFormat === no) { o.monthFormat = 'MMMM YYYY'; }
-  if (o.dayFormat === no) { o.dayFormat = 'DD'; }
-  if (o.styles === no) { o.styles = {}; }
-  o.styles._isStylesConfiguration = true;
-  var styl = o.styles;
-  if (styl.back === no) { styl.back = 'rd-back'; }
-  if (styl.container === no) { styl.container = 'rd-container'; }
-  if (styl.positioned === no) { styl.positioned = 'rd-container-attachment'; }
-  if ( === no) { = 'rd-date'; }
-  if (styl.dayBody === no) { styl.dayBody = 'rd-days-body'; }
-  if (styl.dayBodyElem === no) { styl.dayBodyElem = 'rd-day-body'; }
-  if (styl.dayPrevMonth === no) { styl.dayPrevMonth = 'rd-day-prev-month'; }
-  if (styl.dayNextMonth === no) { styl.dayNextMonth = 'rd-day-next-month'; }
-  if (styl.dayDisabled === no) { styl.dayDisabled = 'rd-day-disabled'; }
-  if (styl.dayConcealed === no) { styl.dayConcealed = 'rd-day-concealed'; }
-  if (styl.dayHead === no) { styl.dayHead = 'rd-days-head'; }
-  if (styl.dayHeadElem === no) { styl.dayHeadElem = 'rd-day-head'; }
-  if (styl.dayRow === no) { styl.dayRow = 'rd-days-row'; }
-  if (styl.dayTable === no) { styl.dayTable = 'rd-days'; }
-  if (styl.month === no) { styl.month = 'rd-month'; }
-  if (styl.monthLabel === no) { styl.monthLabel = 'rd-month-label'; }
-  if ( === no) { = 'rd-next'; }
-  if (styl.selectedDay === no) { styl.selectedDay = 'rd-day-selected'; }
-  if (styl.selectedTime === no) { styl.selectedTime = 'rd-time-selected'; }
-  if (styl.time === no) { styl.time = 'rd-time'; }
-  if (styl.timeList === no) { styl.timeList = 'rd-time-list'; }
-  if (styl.timeOption === no) { styl.timeOption = 'rd-time-option'; }
-  return o;
-module.exports = defaults;
-'use strict';
-function dom (options) {
-  var o = options || {};
-  if (!o.type) { o.type = 'div'; }
-  var elem = document.createElement(o.type);
-  if (o.className) { elem.className = o.className; }
-  if (o.text) { elem.innerText = elem.textContent = o.text; }
-  if (o.attributes) {
-    Object.keys(o.attributes).forEach(function(key) {
-      elem.setAttribute(key, o.attributes[key]);
-    });
-  }
-  if (o.parent) { o.parent.appendChild(elem); }
-  return elem;
-module.exports = dom;
-'use strict';
-var addEvent = addEventEasy;
-var removeEvent = removeEventEasy;
-if (!window.addEventListener) {
-  addEvent = addEventHard;
-if (!window.removeEventListener) {
-  removeEvent = removeEventHard;
-function addEventEasy (element, evt, fn, capture) {
-  return element.addEventListener(evt, fn, capture);
-function addEventHard (element, evt, fn, capture) {
-  return element.attachEvent('on' + evt, function (ae) {
-    var e = ae || window.event;
- = || e.srcElement;
-    e.preventDefault  = e.preventDefault || function preventDefault () { e.returnValue = false; };
-    e.stopPropagation = e.stopPropagation || function stopPropagation () { e.cancelBubble = true; };
-, e);
-  }, capture);
-function removeEventEasy (element, evt, fn) {
-  return element.removeEventListener(evt, fn);
-function removeEventHard (element, evt, fn) {
-  return element.detachEvent('on' + evt, fn);
-module.exports = {
-  add: addEvent,
-  remove: removeEvent
-'use strict';
-var no;
-var ikey = 'data-rome-id';
-var index = [];
-function find (thing) { // can be a DOM element or a number
-  if (typeof thing !== 'number' && thing && thing.getAttribute) {
-    return find(thing.getAttribute(ikey));
-  }
-  var existing = index[thing];
-  if (existing !== no) {
-    return existing;
-  }
-  return null;
-function assign (elem, instance) {
-  elem.setAttribute(ikey, = index.push(instance) - 1);
-module.exports = {
-  find: find,
-  assign: assign
-'use strict';
-var raf = _dereq_('raf');
-var calendar = _dereq_('./calendar');
-function inline (elem, calendarOptions) {
-  var o = calendarOptions || {};
-  o.appendTo = elem;
-  return calendar(o);
-module.exports = inline;
-'use strict';
-var throttle = _dereq_('./throttle');
-var raf = _dereq_('raf');
-var clone = _dereq_('./clone');
-var defaults = _dereq_('./defaults');
-var calendar = _dereq_('./calendar');
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-var classes = _dereq_('./classes');
-var events = _dereq_('./events');
-function inputCalendar (input, calendarOptions) {
-  var o;
-  var api = calendar(calendarOptions);
-  var throttledTakeInput = throttle(takeInput, 30);
-  var throttledPosition = throttle(position, 30);
-  var ignoreInvalidation;
-  var ignoreShow;
-  init(calendarOptions);
-  return api;
-  function init (initOptions) {
-    o = defaults(initOptions || calendarOptions, api);
-    classes.add(api.container, o.styles.positioned);
-    events.add(api.container, 'mousedown', containerMouseDown);
-    events.add(api.container, 'click', containerClick);
-    api.getDate = unrequire(api.getDate);
-    api.getDateString = unrequire(api.getDateString);
-    api.getMoment = unrequire(api.getMoment);
-    if (o.initialValue) {
-      input.value = o.initialValue.format(o.inputFormat);
-    }
-    api.on('data', updateInput);
-    api.on('show', throttledPosition);
-    eventListening();
-    throttledTakeInput();
-    api.hide();
-  }
-  function destroy () {
-    eventListening(true);
-  }
-  function eventListening (remove) {
-    var op = remove ? 'remove' : 'add';
-    events[op](input, 'click', show);
-    events[op](input, 'touchend', show);
-    events[op](input, 'focusin', show);
-    events[op](input, 'change', throttledTakeInput);
-    events[op](input, 'keypress', throttledTakeInput);
-    events[op](input, 'keydown', throttledTakeInput);
-    events[op](input, 'input', throttledTakeInput);
-    if (o.invalidate) { events[op](input, 'blur', invalidateInput); }
-    events[op](window, 'resize', throttledPosition);
-    if (remove) {
-      api.once('ready', init);
-'destroyed', destroy);
-    } else {
-'ready', init);
-      api.once('destroyed', destroy);
-    }
-  }
-  function containerClick () {
-    ignoreShow = true;
-    input.focus();
-    ignoreShow = false;
-  }
-  function containerMouseDown () {
-    ignoreInvalidation = true;
-    raf(unignore);
-    function unignore () {
-      ignoreInvalidation = false;
-    }
-  }
-  function invalidateInput () {
-    if (!ignoreInvalidation && !isEmpty()) {
-      api.emitValues();
-    }
-  }
-  function show () {
-    if (ignoreShow) {
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  function position () {
-    var bounds = input.getBoundingClientRect();
-    var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
-  = + scrollTop + input.offsetHeight + 'px';
- = bounds.left + 'px';
-  }
-  function takeInput () {
-    var value = input.value.trim();
-    if (isEmpty()) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var date = momentum.moment(value, o.inputFormat, o.strictParse);
-    api.setValue(date);
-  }
-  function updateInput (data) {
-    input.value = data;
-  }
-  function isEmpty () {
-    return o.required === false && input.value.trim() === '';
-  }
-  function unrequire (fn) {
-    return function maybe () {
-      return isEmpty() ? null : fn.apply(this, arguments);
-    };
-  }
-module.exports = inputCalendar;
-'use strict';
-function isInput (elem) {
-  return elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input';
-module.exports = isInput;
-'use strict';
-function isMoment (value) {
-  return value &&, '_isAMomentObject');
-var api = {
-  moment: null,
-  isMoment: isMoment
-module.exports = api;
-'use strict';
-function noop () {}
-module.exports = noop;
-'use strict';
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-function raw (date, format) {
-  if (typeof date === 'string') {
-    return momentum.moment(date, format);
-  }
-  if ( === '[object Date]') {
-    return momentum.moment(date);
-  }
-  if (momentum.isMoment(date)) {
-    return date.clone();
-  }
-function parse (date, format) {
-  var m = raw(date, typeof format === 'string' ? format : null);
-  return m && m.isValid() ? m : null;
-module.exports = parse;
-'use strict';
-if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
-  Array.prototype.filter = function (fn, ctx) {
-    var f = [];
-    this.forEach(function (v, i, t) {
-      if (, v, i, t)) { f.push(v); }
-    }, ctx);
-    return f;
-  };
-'use strict';
-if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {
-  Array.prototype.forEach = function (fn, ctx) {
-    if (this === void 0 || this === null || typeof fn !== 'function') {
-      throw new TypeError();
-    }
-    var t = this;
-    var len = t.length;
-    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-      if (i in t) {, t[i], i, t); }
-    }
-  };
-'use strict';
-if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
-  Array.prototype.indexOf = function (what, start) {
-    if (this === undefined || this === null) {
-      throw new TypeError();
-    }
-    var length = this.length;
-    start = +start || 0;
-    if (Math.abs(start) === Infinity) {
-      start = 0;
-    } else if (start < 0) {
-      start += length;
-      if (start < 0) { start = 0; }
-    }
-    for (; start < length; start++) {
-      if (this[start] === what) {
-        return start;
-      }
-    }
-    return -1;
-  };
-'use strict';
-Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function (a) {
-  return '' + a !== a && === '[object Array]';
-'use strict';
-if (! {
- = function (fn, ctx) {
-    var context, result, i;
-    if (this == null) {
-      throw new TypeError('this is null or not defined');
-    }
-    var source = Object(this);
-    var len = source.length >>> 0;
-    if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
-      throw new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function');
-    }
-    if (arguments.length > 1) {
-      context = ctx;
-    }
-    result = new Array(len);
-    i = 0;
-    while (i < len) {
-      if (i in source) {
-        result[i] =, source[i], i, source);
-      }
-      i++;
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-'use strict';
-if (!Array.prototype.some) {
-  Array.prototype.some = function (fn, ctx) {
-    var context, i;
-    if (this == null) {
-      throw new TypeError('this is null or not defined');
-    }
-    var source = Object(this);
-    var len = source.length >>> 0;
-    if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
-      throw new TypeError(fn + ' is not a function');
-    }
-    if (arguments.length > 1) {
-      context = ctx;
-    }
-    i = 0;
-    while (i < len) {
-      if (i in source) {
-        var test =, source[i], i, source);
-        if (test) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-      i++;
-    }
-    return false;
-  };
-'use strict';
-if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
-  Function.prototype.bind = function (context) {
-    if (typeof this !== 'function') {
-      throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable');
-    }
-    var curried =, 1);
-    var original = this;
-    var NoOp = function () {};
-    var bound = function () {
-      var ctx = this instanceof NoOp && context ? this : context;
-      var args = curried.concat(;
-      return original.apply(ctx, args);
-    };
-    NoOp.prototype = this.prototype;
-    bound.prototype = new NoOp();
-    return bound;
-  };
-'use strict';
-var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-var hasDontEnumBug = !({ toString: null }).propertyIsEnumerable('toString');
-var dontEnums = [
-  'toString',
-  'toLocaleString',
-  'valueOf',
-  'hasOwnProperty',
-  'isPrototypeOf',
-  'propertyIsEnumerable',
-  'constructor'
-var dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;
-if (!Object.keys) {
-  Object.keys = function(obj) {
-    if (typeof obj !== 'object' && (typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null)) {
-      throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');
-    }
-    var result = [], prop, i;
-    for (prop in obj) {
-      if (, prop)) {
-        result.push(prop);
-      }
-    }
-    if (hasDontEnumBug) {
-      for (i = 0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) {
-        if (, dontEnums[i])) {
-          result.push(dontEnums[i]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-'use strict';
-if (!String.prototype.trim) {
-  String.prototype.trim = function () {
-    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
-  };
-'use strict';
-// these are only required for IE < 9
-// maybe move to IE-specific distro?
-var core = _dereq_('./core');
-var index = _dereq_('./index');
-var use = _dereq_('./use');
-core.use = use.bind(core);
-core.find = index.find;
-core.val = _dereq_('./validators');
-module.exports = core;
-(function (global){
-var rome = _dereq_('./rome');
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-if (momentum.moment === void 0) {
-  throw new Error('rome depends on moment.js, you can get it at, or you could use the bundled distribution file instead.');
-module.exports = rome;
-}).call(this,typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
-'use strict';
-function text (elem, value) {
-  if (arguments.length === 2) {
-    elem.innerText = elem.textContent = value;
-  }
-  return elem.innerText || elem.textContent;
-module.exports = text;
-'use strict';
-module.exports = function throttle (fn, boundary) {
-  var last = -Infinity;
-  var timer;
-  return function bounced () {
-    if (timer) {
-      return;
-    }
-    unbound();
-    function unbound () {
-      clearTimeout(timer);
-      timer = null;
-      var next = last + boundary;
-      var now =;
-      if (now > next) {
-        last = now;
-        fn.apply(this, arguments);
-      } else {
-        timer = setTimeout(unbound, next - now);
-      }
-    }
-  };
-'use strict';
-var momentum = _dereq_('./momentum');
-function use (moment) {
-  this.moment = momentum.moment = moment;
-module.exports = use;
-'use strict';
-var index = _dereq_('./index');
-var parse = _dereq_('./parse');
-var association = _dereq_('./association');
-function compareBuilder (compare) {
-  return function factory (value) {
-    var fixed = parse(value);
-    return function validate (date) {
-      var cal = index.find(value);
-      var left = parse(date);
-      var right = fixed || cal && cal.getMoment();
-      if (!right) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (cal) {
-        association.add(this, cal);
-      }
-      return compare(left, right);
-    };
-  };
-function rangeBuilder (how, compare) {
-  return function factory (start, end) {
-    var dates;
-    var len = arguments.length;
-    if (Array.isArray(start)) {
-      dates = start;
-    } else {
-      if (len === 1) {
-        dates = [start];
-      } else if (len === 2) {
-        dates = [[start, end]];
-      }
-    }
-    return function validate (date) {
-      return[how](compare.bind(this, date));
-    };
-    function expand (value) {
-      var start, end;
-      var cal = index.find(value);
-      if (cal) {
-        start = end = cal.getMoment();
-      } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-        start = value[0]; end = value[1];
-      } else {
-        start = end = value;
-      }
-      if (cal) {
-        association.add(cal, this);
-      }
-      return {
-        start: parse(start).startOf('day').toDate(),
-        end: parse(end).endOf('day').toDate()
-      };
-    }
-  };
-var afterEq  = compareBuilder(function (left, right) { return left >= right; });
-var after    = compareBuilder(function (left, right) { return left  > right; });
-var beforeEq = compareBuilder(function (left, right) { return left <= right; });
-var before   = compareBuilder(function (left, right) { return left  < right; });
-var except   = rangeBuilder('every', function (left, right) { return right.start  > left || right.end  < left; });
-var only     = rangeBuilder('some',  function (left, right) { return right.start <= left && right.end >= left; });
-module.exports = {
-  afterEq: afterEq,
-  after: after,
-  beforeEq: beforeEq,
-  before: before,
-  except: except,
-  only: only
-//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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


[06/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/moment-2.10.3.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/moment-2.10.3.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..275a3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/moment-2.10.3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3111 @@
+//! moment.js
+//! version : 2.10.3
+//! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
+//! license : MIT
+(function (global, factory) {
+    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+    global.moment = factory()
+}(this, function () { 'use strict';
+    var hookCallback;
+    function utils_hooks__hooks () {
+        return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments);
+    }
+    // This is done to register the method called with moment()
+    // without creating circular dependencies.
+    function setHookCallback (callback) {
+        hookCallback = callback;
+    }
+    function isArray(input) {
+        return === '[object Array]';
+    }
+    function isDate(input) {
+        return input instanceof Date || === '[object Date]';
+    }
+    function map(arr, fn) {
+        var res = [], i;
+        for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
+            res.push(fn(arr[i], i));
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    function hasOwnProp(a, b) {
+        return, b);
+    }
+    function extend(a, b) {
+        for (var i in b) {
+            if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {
+                a[i] = b[i];
+            }
+        }
+        if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) {
+            a.toString = b.toString;
+        }
+        if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) {
+            a.valueOf = b.valueOf;
+        }
+        return a;
+    }
+    function create_utc__createUTC (input, format, locale, strict) {
+        return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc();
+    }
+    function defaultParsingFlags() {
+        // We need to deep clone this object.
+        return {
+            empty           : false,
+            unusedTokens    : [],
+            unusedInput     : [],
+            overflow        : -2,
+            charsLeftOver   : 0,
+            nullInput       : false,
+            invalidMonth    : null,
+            invalidFormat   : false,
+            userInvalidated : false,
+            iso             : false
+        };
+    }
+    function getParsingFlags(m) {
+        if (m._pf == null) {
+            m._pf = defaultParsingFlags();
+        }
+        return m._pf;
+    }
+    function valid__isValid(m) {
+        if (m._isValid == null) {
+            var flags = getParsingFlags(m);
+            m._isValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) &&
+                flags.overflow < 0 &&
+                !flags.empty &&
+                !flags.invalidMonth &&
+                !flags.nullInput &&
+                !flags.invalidFormat &&
+                !flags.userInvalidated;
+            if (m._strict) {
+                m._isValid = m._isValid &&
+                    flags.charsLeftOver === 0 &&
+                    flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 &&
+                    flags.bigHour === undefined;
+            }
+        }
+        return m._isValid;
+    }
+    function valid__createInvalid (flags) {
+        var m = create_utc__createUTC(NaN);
+        if (flags != null) {
+            extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags);
+        }
+        else {
+            getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true;
+        }
+        return m;
+    }
+    var momentProperties = utils_hooks__hooks.momentProperties = [];
+    function copyConfig(to, from) {
+        var i, prop, val;
+        if (typeof from._isAMomentObject !== 'undefined') {
+            to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._i !== 'undefined') {
+            to._i = from._i;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._f !== 'undefined') {
+            to._f = from._f;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._l !== 'undefined') {
+            to._l = from._l;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._strict !== 'undefined') {
+            to._strict = from._strict;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._tzm !== 'undefined') {
+            to._tzm = from._tzm;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._isUTC !== 'undefined') {
+            to._isUTC = from._isUTC;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._offset !== 'undefined') {
+            to._offset = from._offset;
+        }
+        if (typeof from._pf !== 'undefined') {
+            to._pf = getParsingFlags(from);
+        }
+        if (typeof from._locale !== 'undefined') {
+            to._locale = from._locale;
+        }
+        if (momentProperties.length > 0) {
+            for (i in momentProperties) {
+                prop = momentProperties[i];
+                val = from[prop];
+                if (typeof val !== 'undefined') {
+                    to[prop] = val;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return to;
+    }
+    var updateInProgress = false;
+    // Moment prototype object
+    function Moment(config) {
+        copyConfig(this, config);
+        this._d = new Date(+config._d);
+        // Prevent infinite loop in case updateOffset creates new moment
+        // objects.
+        if (updateInProgress === false) {
+            updateInProgress = true;
+            utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this);
+            updateInProgress = false;
+        }
+    }
+    function isMoment (obj) {
+        return obj instanceof Moment || (obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null);
+    }
+    function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {
+        var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,
+            value = 0;
+        if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {
+            if (coercedNumber >= 0) {
+                value = Math.floor(coercedNumber);
+            } else {
+                value = Math.ceil(coercedNumber);
+            }
+        }
+        return value;
+    }
+    function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {
+        var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),
+            lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),
+            diffs = 0,
+            i;
+        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+            if ((dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) ||
+                (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i]))) {
+                diffs++;
+            }
+        }
+        return diffs + lengthDiff;
+    }
+    function Locale() {
+    }
+    var locales = {};
+    var globalLocale;
+    function normalizeLocale(key) {
+        return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key;
+    }
+    // pick the locale from the array
+    // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each
+    // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root
+    function chooseLocale(names) {
+        var i = 0, j, next, locale, split;
+        while (i < names.length) {
+            split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-');
+            j = split.length;
+            next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);
+            next = next ? next.split('-') : null;
+            while (j > 0) {
+                locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-'));
+                if (locale) {
+                    return locale;
+                }
+                if (next && next.length >= j && compareArrays(split, next, true) >= j - 1) {
+                    //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one
+                    break;
+                }
+                j--;
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    function loadLocale(name) {
+        var oldLocale = null;
+        // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node
+        if (!locales[name] && typeof module !== 'undefined' &&
+                module && module.exports) {
+            try {
+                oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr;
+                require('./locale/' + name);
+                // because defineLocale currently also sets the global locale, we
+                // want to undo that for lazy loaded locales
+                locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale);
+            } catch (e) { }
+        }
+        return locales[name];
+    }
+    // This function will load locale and then set the global locale.  If
+    // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global
+    // locale key.
+    function locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale (key, values) {
+        var data;
+        if (key) {
+            if (typeof values === 'undefined') {
+                data = locale_locales__getLocale(key);
+            }
+            else {
+                data = defineLocale(key, values);
+            }
+            if (data) {
+                // moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data;
+                globalLocale = data;
+            }
+        }
+        return globalLocale._abbr;
+    }
+    function defineLocale (name, values) {
+        if (values !== null) {
+            values.abbr = name;
+            if (!locales[name]) {
+                locales[name] = new Locale();
+            }
+            locales[name].set(values);
+            // backwards compat for now: also set the locale
+            locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(name);
+            return locales[name];
+        } else {
+            // useful for testing
+            delete locales[name];
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    // returns locale data
+    function locale_locales__getLocale (key) {
+        var locale;
+        if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {
+            key = key._locale._abbr;
+        }
+        if (!key) {
+            return globalLocale;
+        }
+        if (!isArray(key)) {
+            //short-circuit everything else
+            locale = loadLocale(key);
+            if (locale) {
+                return locale;
+            }
+            key = [key];
+        }
+        return chooseLocale(key);
+    }
+    var aliases = {};
+    function addUnitAlias (unit, shorthand) {
+        var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase();
+        aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + 's'] = aliases[shorthand] = unit;
+    }
+    function normalizeUnits(units) {
+        return typeof units === 'string' ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : undefined;
+    }
+    function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {
+        var normalizedInput = {},
+            normalizedProp,
+            prop;
+        for (prop in inputObject) {
+            if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {
+                normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);
+                if (normalizedProp) {
+                    normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return normalizedInput;
+    }
+    function makeGetSet (unit, keepTime) {
+        return function (value) {
+            if (value != null) {
+                get_set__set(this, unit, value);
+                utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime);
+                return this;
+            } else {
+                return get_set__get(this, unit);
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    function get_set__get (mom, unit) {
+        return mom._d['get' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit]();
+    }
+    function get_set__set (mom, unit, value) {
+        return mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value);
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getSet (units, value) {
+        var unit;
+        if (typeof units === 'object') {
+            for (unit in units) {
+                this.set(unit, units[unit]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            units = normalizeUnits(units);
+            if (typeof this[units] === 'function') {
+                return this[units](value);
+            }
+        }
+        return this;
+    }
+    function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {
+        var output = '' + Math.abs(number),
+            sign = number >= 0;
+        while (output.length < targetLength) {
+            output = '0' + output;
+        }
+        return (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') + output;
+    }
+    var formattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Q|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,4}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g;
+    var localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g;
+    var formatFunctions = {};
+    var formatTokenFunctions = {};
+    // token:    'M'
+    // padded:   ['MM', 2]
+    // ordinal:  'Mo'
+    // callback: function () { this.month() + 1 }
+    function addFormatToken (token, padded, ordinal, callback) {
+        var func = callback;
+        if (typeof callback === 'string') {
+            func = function () {
+                return this[callback]();
+            };
+        }
+        if (token) {
+            formatTokenFunctions[token] = func;
+        }
+        if (padded) {
+            formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function () {
+                return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]);
+            };
+        }
+        if (ordinal) {
+            formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function () {
+                return this.localeData().ordinal(func.apply(this, arguments), token);
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    function removeFormattingTokens(input) {
+        if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) {
+            return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '');
+        }
+        return input.replace(/\\/g, '');
+    }
+    function makeFormatFunction(format) {
+        var array = format.match(formattingTokens), i, length;
+        for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
+            if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {
+                array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]];
+            } else {
+                array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        return function (mom) {
+            var output = '';
+            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+                output += array[i] instanceof Function ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i];
+            }
+            return output;
+        };
+    }
+    // format date using native date object
+    function formatMoment(m, format) {
+        if (!m.isValid()) {
+            return m.localeData().invalidDate();
+        }
+        format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());
+        if (!formatFunctions[format]) {
+            formatFunctions[format] = makeFormatFunction(format);
+        }
+        return formatFunctions[format](m);
+    }
+    function expandFormat(format, locale) {
+        var i = 5;
+        function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {
+            return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input;
+        }
+        localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
+        while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {
+            format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens);
+            localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
+            i -= 1;
+        }
+        return format;
+    }
+    var match1         = /\d/;            //       0 - 9
+    var match2         = /\d\d/;          //      00 - 99
+    var match3         = /\d{3}/;         //     000 - 999
+    var match4         = /\d{4}/;         //    0000 - 9999
+    var match6         = /[+-]?\d{6}/;    // -999999 - 999999
+    var match1to2      = /\d\d?/;         //       0 - 99
+    var match1to3      = /\d{1,3}/;       //       0 - 999
+    var match1to4      = /\d{1,4}/;       //       0 - 9999
+    var match1to6      = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/;  // -999999 - 999999
+    var matchUnsigned  = /\d+/;           //       0 - inf
+    var matchSigned    = /[+-]?\d+/;      //    -inf - inf
+    var matchOffset    = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi; // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z
+    var matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/; // 123456789 123456789.123
+    // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic.
+    var matchWord = /[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i;
+    var regexes = {};
+    function addRegexToken (token, regex, strictRegex) {
+        regexes[token] = typeof regex === 'function' ? regex : function (isStrict) {
+            return (isStrict && strictRegex) ? strictRegex : regex;
+        };
+    }
+    function getParseRegexForToken (token, config) {
+        if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) {
+            return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token));
+        }
+        return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale);
+    }
+    // Code from
+    function unescapeFormat(s) {
+        return s.replace('\\', '').replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function (matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+            return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4;
+        }).replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
+    }
+    var tokens = {};
+    function addParseToken (token, callback) {
+        var i, func = callback;
+        if (typeof token === 'string') {
+            token = [token];
+        }
+        if (typeof callback === 'number') {
+            func = function (input, array) {
+                array[callback] = toInt(input);
+            };
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
+            tokens[token[i]] = func;
+        }
+    }
+    function addWeekParseToken (token, callback) {
+        addParseToken(token, function (input, array, config, token) {
+            config._w = config._w || {};
+            callback(input, config._w, config, token);
+        });
+    }
+    function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {
+        if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) {
+            tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token);
+        }
+    }
+    var YEAR = 0;
+    var MONTH = 1;
+    var DATE = 2;
+    var HOUR = 3;
+    var MINUTE = 4;
+    var SECOND = 5;
+    var MILLISECOND = 6;
+    function daysInMonth(year, month) {
+        return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month + 1, 0)).getUTCDate();
+    }
+    addFormatToken('M', ['MM', 2], 'Mo', function () {
+        return this.month() + 1;
+    });
+    addFormatToken('MMM', 0, 0, function (format) {
+        return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format);
+    });
+    addFormatToken('MMMM', 0, 0, function (format) {
+        return this.localeData().months(this, format);
+    });
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('month', 'M');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('M',    match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('MM',   match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('MMM',  matchWord);
+    addRegexToken('MMMM', matchWord);
+    addParseToken(['M', 'MM'], function (input, array) {
+        array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1;
+    });
+    addParseToken(['MMM', 'MMMM'], function (input, array, config, token) {
+        var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);
+        // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid.
+        if (month != null) {
+            array[MONTH] = month;
+        } else {
+            getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input;
+        }
+    });
+    // LOCALES
+    var defaultLocaleMonths = 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_');
+    function localeMonths (m) {
+        return this._months[m.month()];
+    }
+    var defaultLocaleMonthsShort = 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_');
+    function localeMonthsShort (m) {
+        return this._monthsShort[m.month()];
+    }
+    function localeMonthsParse (monthName, format, strict) {
+        var i, mom, regex;
+        if (!this._monthsParse) {
+            this._monthsParse = [];
+            this._longMonthsParse = [];
+            this._shortMonthsParse = [];
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+            // make the regex if we don't have it already
+            mom = create_utc__createUTC([2000, i]);
+            if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {
+                this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i');
+                this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i');
+            }
+            if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {
+                regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '');
+                this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
+            }
+            // test the regex
+            if (strict && format === 'MMMM' && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+                return i;
+            } else if (strict && format === 'MMM' && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+                return i;
+            } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+                return i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    function setMonth (mom, value) {
+        var dayOfMonth;
+        // TODO: Move this out of here!
+        if (typeof value === 'string') {
+            value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);
+            // TODO: Another silent failure?
+            if (typeof value !== 'number') {
+                return mom;
+            }
+        }
+        dayOfMonth = Math.min(, daysInMonth(mom.year(), value));
+        mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + 'Month'](value, dayOfMonth);
+        return mom;
+    }
+    function getSetMonth (value) {
+        if (value != null) {
+            setMonth(this, value);
+            utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+            return this;
+        } else {
+            return get_set__get(this, 'Month');
+        }
+    }
+    function getDaysInMonth () {
+        return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month());
+    }
+    function checkOverflow (m) {
+        var overflow;
+        var a = m._a;
+        if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) {
+            overflow =
+                a[MONTH]       < 0 || a[MONTH]       > 11  ? MONTH :
+                a[DATE]        < 1 || a[DATE]        > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE :
+                a[HOUR]        < 0 || a[HOUR]        > 24 || (a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[MILLISECOND] !== 0)) ? HOUR :
+                a[MINUTE]      < 0 || a[MINUTE]      > 59  ? MINUTE :
+                a[SECOND]      < 0 || a[SECOND]      > 59  ? SECOND :
+                a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || a[MILLISECOND] > 999 ? MILLISECOND :
+                -1;
+            if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) {
+                overflow = DATE;
+            }
+            getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow;
+        }
+        return m;
+    }
+    function warn(msg) {
+        if (utils_hooks__hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false && typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn) {
+            console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg);
+        }
+    }
+    function deprecate(msg, fn) {
+        var firstTime = true,
+            msgWithStack = msg + '\n' + (new Error()).stack;
+        return extend(function () {
+            if (firstTime) {
+                warn(msgWithStack);
+                firstTime = false;
+            }
+            return fn.apply(this, arguments);
+        }, fn);
+    }
+    var deprecations = {};
+    function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {
+        if (!deprecations[name]) {
+            warn(msg);
+            deprecations[name] = true;
+        }
+    }
+    utils_hooks__hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;
+    var from_string__isoRegex = /^\s*(?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:(\d\d-\d\d)|(W\d\d$)|(W\d\d-\d)|(\d\d\d))((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
+    var isoDates = [
+        ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\d{6}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],
+        ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],
+        ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\d{4}-W\d{2}-\d/],
+        ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\d{4}-W\d{2}/],
+        ['YYYY-DDD', /\d{4}-\d{3}/]
+    ];
+    // iso time formats and regexes
+    var isoTimes = [
+        ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],
+        ['HH:mm:ss', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],
+        ['HH:mm', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d/],
+        ['HH', /(T| )\d\d/]
+    ];
+    var aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;
+    // date from iso format
+    function configFromISO(config) {
+        var i, l,
+            string = config._i,
+            match = from_string__isoRegex.exec(string);
+        if (match) {
+            getParsingFlags(config).iso = true;
+            for (i = 0, l = isoDates.length; i < l; i++) {
+                if (isoDates[i][1].exec(string)) {
+                    // match[5] should be 'T' or undefined
+                    config._f = isoDates[i][0] + (match[6] || ' ');
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            for (i = 0, l = isoTimes.length; i < l; i++) {
+                if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(string)) {
+                    config._f += isoTimes[i][0];
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (string.match(matchOffset)) {
+                config._f += 'Z';
+            }
+            configFromStringAndFormat(config);
+        } else {
+            config._isValid = false;
+        }
+    }
+    // date from iso format or fallback
+    function configFromString(config) {
+        var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i);
+        if (matched !== null) {
+            config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);
+            return;
+        }
+        configFromISO(config);
+        if (config._isValid === false) {
+            delete config._isValid;
+            utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);
+        }
+    }
+    utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate(
+        'moment construction falls back to js Date. This is ' +
+        'discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major ' +
+        'release. Please refer to ' +
+        ' for more info.',
+        function (config) {
+            config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : ''));
+        }
+    );
+    function createDate (y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {
+        //can't just apply() to create a date:
+        //
+        var date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
+        //the date constructor doesn't accept years < 1970
+        if (y < 1970) {
+            date.setFullYear(y);
+        }
+        return date;
+    }
+    function createUTCDate (y) {
+        var date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));
+        if (y < 1970) {
+            date.setUTCFullYear(y);
+        }
+        return date;
+    }
+    addFormatToken(0, ['YY', 2], 0, function () {
+        return this.year() % 100;
+    });
+    addFormatToken(0, ['YYYY',   4],       0, 'year');
+    addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYY',  5],       0, 'year');
+    addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYYY', 6, true], 0, 'year');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('year', 'y');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('Y',      matchSigned);
+    addRegexToken('YY',     match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('YYYY',   match1to4, match4);
+    addRegexToken('YYYYY',  match1to6, match6);
+    addRegexToken('YYYYYY', match1to6, match6);
+    addParseToken(['YYYY', 'YYYYY', 'YYYYYY'], YEAR);
+    addParseToken('YY', function (input, array) {
+        array[YEAR] = utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
+    });
+    // HELPERS
+    function daysInYear(year) {
+        return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
+    }
+    function isLeapYear(year) {
+        return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0;
+    }
+    // HOOKS
+    utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {
+        return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);
+    };
+    // MOMENTS
+    var getSetYear = makeGetSet('FullYear', false);
+    function getIsLeapYear () {
+        return isLeapYear(this.year());
+    }
+    addFormatToken('w', ['ww', 2], 'wo', 'week');
+    addFormatToken('W', ['WW', 2], 'Wo', 'isoWeek');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('week', 'w');
+    addUnitAlias('isoWeek', 'W');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('w',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('ww', match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('W',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('WW', match1to2, match2);
+    addWeekParseToken(['w', 'ww', 'W', 'WW'], function (input, week, config, token) {
+        week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input);
+    });
+    // HELPERS
+    // firstDayOfWeek       0 = sun, 6 = sat
+    //                      the day of the week that starts the week
+    //                      (usually sunday or monday)
+    // firstDayOfWeekOfYear 0 = sun, 6 = sat
+    //                      the first week is the week that contains the first
+    //                      of this day of the week
+    //                      (eg. ISO weeks use thursday (4))
+    function weekOfYear(mom, firstDayOfWeek, firstDayOfWeekOfYear) {
+        var end = firstDayOfWeekOfYear - firstDayOfWeek,
+            daysToDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeekOfYear -,
+            adjustedMoment;
+        if (daysToDayOfWeek > end) {
+            daysToDayOfWeek -= 7;
+        }
+        if (daysToDayOfWeek < end - 7) {
+            daysToDayOfWeek += 7;
+        }
+        adjustedMoment = local__createLocal(mom).add(daysToDayOfWeek, 'd');
+        return {
+            week: Math.ceil(adjustedMoment.dayOfYear() / 7),
+            year: adjustedMoment.year()
+        };
+    }
+    // LOCALES
+    function localeWeek (mom) {
+        return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;
+    }
+    var defaultLocaleWeek = {
+        dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+        doy : 6  // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
+    };
+    function localeFirstDayOfWeek () {
+        return this._week.dow;
+    }
+    function localeFirstDayOfYear () {
+        return this._week.doy;
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getSetWeek (input) {
+        var week = this.localeData().week(this);
+        return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');
+    }
+    function getSetISOWeek (input) {
+        var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week;
+        return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');
+    }
+    addFormatToken('DDD', ['DDDD', 3], 'DDDo', 'dayOfYear');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('dayOfYear', 'DDD');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('DDD',  match1to3);
+    addRegexToken('DDDD', match3);
+    addParseToken(['DDD', 'DDDD'], function (input, array, config) {
+        config._dayOfYear = toInt(input);
+    });
+    // HELPERS
+    //
+    function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, firstDayOfWeekOfYear, firstDayOfWeek) {
+        var d = createUTCDate(year, 0, 1).getUTCDay();
+        var daysToAdd;
+        var dayOfYear;
+        d = d === 0 ? 7 : d;
+        weekday = weekday != null ? weekday : firstDayOfWeek;
+        daysToAdd = firstDayOfWeek - d + (d > firstDayOfWeekOfYear ? 7 : 0) - (d < firstDayOfWeek ? 7 : 0);
+        dayOfYear = 7 * (week - 1) + (weekday - firstDayOfWeek) + daysToAdd + 1;
+        return {
+            year      : dayOfYear > 0 ? year      : year - 1,
+            dayOfYear : dayOfYear > 0 ? dayOfYear : daysInYear(year - 1) + dayOfYear
+        };
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getSetDayOfYear (input) {
+        var dayOfYear = Math.round((this.clone().startOf('day') - this.clone().startOf('year')) / 864e5) + 1;
+        return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add((input - dayOfYear), 'd');
+    }
+    // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments.
+    function defaults(a, b, c) {
+        if (a != null) {
+            return a;
+        }
+        if (b != null) {
+            return b;
+        }
+        return c;
+    }
+    function currentDateArray(config) {
+        var now = new Date();
+        if (config._useUTC) {
+            return [now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate()];
+        }
+        return [now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()];
+    }
+    // convert an array to a date.
+    // the array should mirror the parameters below
+    // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value.
+    // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond]
+    function configFromArray (config) {
+        var i, date, input = [], currentDate, yearToUse;
+        if (config._d) {
+            return;
+        }
+        currentDate = currentDateArray(config);
+        //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays
+        if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {
+            dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config);
+        }
+        //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is
+        if (config._dayOfYear) {
+            yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);
+            if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse)) {
+                getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true;
+            }
+            date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);
+            config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();
+            config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate();
+        }
+        // Default to current date.
+        // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today
+        // * if day of month is given, default month and year
+        // * if month is given, default only year
+        // * if year is given, don't default anything
+        for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {
+            config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i];
+        }
+        // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time
+        for (; i < 7; i++) {
+            config._a[i] = input[i] = (config._a[i] == null) ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i];
+        }
+        // Check for 24:00:00.000
+        if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 &&
+                config._a[MINUTE] === 0 &&
+                config._a[SECOND] === 0 &&
+                config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) {
+            config._nextDay = true;
+            config._a[HOUR] = 0;
+        }
+        config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply(null, input);
+        // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual utcOffset can be changed
+        // with parseZone.
+        if (config._tzm != null) {
+            config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);
+        }
+        if (config._nextDay) {
+            config._a[HOUR] = 24;
+        }
+    }
+    function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {
+        var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp;
+        w = config._w;
+        if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {
+            dow = 1;
+            doy = 4;
+            // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on
+            // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create
+            // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and
+            // create now).
+            weekYear = defaults(w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(local__createLocal(), 1, 4).year);
+            week = defaults(w.W, 1);
+            weekday = defaults(w.E, 1);
+        } else {
+            dow = config._locale._week.dow;
+            doy = config._locale._week.doy;
+            weekYear = defaults(, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(local__createLocal(), dow, doy).year);
+            week = defaults(w.w, 1);
+            if (w.d != null) {
+                // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week
+                weekday = w.d;
+                if (weekday < dow) {
+                    ++week;
+                }
+            } else if (w.e != null) {
+                // local weekday -- counting starts from begining of week
+                weekday = w.e + dow;
+            } else {
+                // default to begining of week
+                weekday = dow;
+            }
+        }
+        temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, doy, dow);
+        config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;
+        config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear;
+    }
+    utils_hooks__hooks.ISO_8601 = function () {};
+    // date from string and format string
+    function configFromStringAndFormat(config) {
+        // TODO: Move this to another part of the creation flow to prevent circular deps
+        if (config._f === utils_hooks__hooks.ISO_8601) {
+            configFromISO(config);
+            return;
+        }
+        config._a = [];
+        getParsingFlags(config).empty = true;
+        // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC`
+        var string = '' + config._i,
+            i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped,
+            stringLength = string.length,
+            totalParsedInputLength = 0;
+        tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];
+        for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
+            token = tokens[i];
+            parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0];
+            if (parsedInput) {
+                skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));
+                if (skipped.length > 0) {
+                    getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped);
+                }
+                string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);
+                totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length;
+            }
+            // don't parse if it's not a known token
+            if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {
+                if (parsedInput) {
+                    getParsingFlags(config).empty = false;
+                }
+                else {
+                    getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);
+                }
+                addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config);
+            }
+            else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {
+                getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);
+            }
+        }
+        // add remaining unparsed input length to the string
+        getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;
+        if (string.length > 0) {
+            getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string);
+        }
+        // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12
+        if (getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true &&
+                config._a[HOUR] <= 12 &&
+                config._a[HOUR] > 0) {
+            getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined;
+        }
+        // handle meridiem
+        config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap(config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem);
+        configFromArray(config);
+        checkOverflow(config);
+    }
+    function meridiemFixWrap (locale, hour, meridiem) {
+        var isPm;
+        if (meridiem == null) {
+            // nothing to do
+            return hour;
+        }
+        if (locale.meridiemHour != null) {
+            return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem);
+        } else if (locale.isPM != null) {
+            // Fallback
+            isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem);
+            if (isPm && hour < 12) {
+                hour += 12;
+            }
+            if (!isPm && hour === 12) {
+                hour = 0;
+            }
+            return hour;
+        } else {
+            // this is not supposed to happen
+            return hour;
+        }
+    }
+    function configFromStringAndArray(config) {
+        var tempConfig,
+            bestMoment,
+            scoreToBeat,
+            i,
+            currentScore;
+        if (config._f.length === 0) {
+            getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true;
+            config._d = new Date(NaN);
+            return;
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < config._f.length; i++) {
+            currentScore = 0;
+            tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);
+            if (config._useUTC != null) {
+                tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC;
+            }
+            tempConfig._f = config._f[i];
+            configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);
+            if (!valid__isValid(tempConfig)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format
+            currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;
+            //or tokens
+            currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10;
+            getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore;
+            if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat) {
+                scoreToBeat = currentScore;
+                bestMoment = tempConfig;
+            }
+        }
+        extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig);
+    }
+    function configFromObject(config) {
+        if (config._d) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);
+        config._a = [i.year, i.month, ||, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond];
+        configFromArray(config);
+    }
+    function createFromConfig (config) {
+        var input = config._i,
+            format = config._f,
+            res;
+        config._locale = config._locale || locale_locales__getLocale(config._l);
+        if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) {
+            return valid__createInvalid({nullInput: true});
+        }
+        if (typeof input === 'string') {
+            config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input);
+        }
+        if (isMoment(input)) {
+            return new Moment(checkOverflow(input));
+        } else if (isArray(format)) {
+            configFromStringAndArray(config);
+        } else if (format) {
+            configFromStringAndFormat(config);
+        } else if (isDate(input)) {
+            config._d = input;
+        } else {
+            configFromInput(config);
+        }
+        res = new Moment(checkOverflow(config));
+        if (res._nextDay) {
+            // Adding is smart enough around DST
+            res.add(1, 'd');
+            res._nextDay = undefined;
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    function configFromInput(config) {
+        var input = config._i;
+        if (input === undefined) {
+            config._d = new Date();
+        } else if (isDate(input)) {
+            config._d = new Date(+input);
+        } else if (typeof input === 'string') {
+            configFromString(config);
+        } else if (isArray(input)) {
+            config._a = map(input.slice(0), function (obj) {
+                return parseInt(obj, 10);
+            });
+            configFromArray(config);
+        } else if (typeof(input) === 'object') {
+            configFromObject(config);
+        } else if (typeof(input) === 'number') {
+            // from milliseconds
+            config._d = new Date(input);
+        } else {
+            utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);
+        }
+    }
+    function createLocalOrUTC (input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) {
+        var c = {};
+        if (typeof(locale) === 'boolean') {
+            strict = locale;
+            locale = undefined;
+        }
+        // object construction must be done this way.
+        //
+        c._isAMomentObject = true;
+        c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC;
+        c._l = locale;
+        c._i = input;
+        c._f = format;
+        c._strict = strict;
+        return createFromConfig(c);
+    }
+    function local__createLocal (input, format, locale, strict) {
+        return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false);
+    }
+    var prototypeMin = deprecate(
+         'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.min instead.',
+         function () {
+             var other = local__createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
+             return other < this ? this : other;
+         }
+     );
+    var prototypeMax = deprecate(
+        'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.max instead.',
+        function () {
+            var other = local__createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
+            return other > this ? this : other;
+        }
+    );
+    // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all
+    // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive.
+    //
+    // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose
+    // first element is an array of moment objects.
+    function pickBy(fn, moments) {
+        var res, i;
+        if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {
+            moments = moments[0];
+        }
+        if (!moments.length) {
+            return local__createLocal();
+        }
+        res = moments[0];
+        for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {
+            if (moments[i][fn](res)) {
+                res = moments[i];
+            }
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    // TODO: Use [].sort instead?
+    function min () {
+        var args = [], 0);
+        return pickBy('isBefore', args);
+    }
+    function max () {
+        var args = [], 0);
+        return pickBy('isAfter', args);
+    }
+    function Duration (duration) {
+        var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),
+            years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
+            quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
+            months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
+            weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,
+            days = || 0,
+            hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
+            minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
+            seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,
+            milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;
+        // representation for dateAddRemove
+        this._milliseconds = +milliseconds +
+            seconds * 1e3 + // 1000
+            minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60
+            hours * 36e5; // 1000 * 60 * 60
+        // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a
+        // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately
+        this._days = +days +
+            weeks * 7;
+        // It is impossible translate months into days without knowing
+        // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store
+        // it separately.
+        this._months = +months +
+            quarters * 3 +
+            years * 12;
+        this._data = {};
+        this._locale = locale_locales__getLocale();
+        this._bubble();
+    }
+    function isDuration (obj) {
+        return obj instanceof Duration;
+    }
+    function offset (token, separator) {
+        addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {
+            var offset = this.utcOffset();
+            var sign = '+';
+            if (offset < 0) {
+                offset = -offset;
+                sign = '-';
+            }
+            return sign + zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~(offset) % 60, 2);
+        });
+    }
+    offset('Z', ':');
+    offset('ZZ', '');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('Z',  matchOffset);
+    addRegexToken('ZZ', matchOffset);
+    addParseToken(['Z', 'ZZ'], function (input, array, config) {
+        config._useUTC = true;
+        config._tzm = offsetFromString(input);
+    });
+    // HELPERS
+    // timezone chunker
+    // '+10:00' > ['10',  '00']
+    // '-1530'  > ['-15', '30']
+    var chunkOffset = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;
+    function offsetFromString(string) {
+        var matches = ((string || '').match(matchOffset) || []);
+        var chunk   = matches[matches.length - 1] || [];
+        var parts   = (chunk + '').match(chunkOffset) || ['-', 0, 0];
+        var minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);
+        return parts[0] === '+' ? minutes : -minutes;
+    }
+    // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model.
+    function cloneWithOffset(input, model) {
+        var res, diff;
+        if (model._isUTC) {
+            res = model.clone();
+            diff = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? +input : +local__createLocal(input)) - (+res);
+            // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api.
+            res._d.setTime(+res._d + diff);
+            utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(res, false);
+            return res;
+        } else {
+            return local__createLocal(input).local();
+        }
+        return model._isUTC ? local__createLocal(input).zone(model._offset || 0) : local__createLocal(input).local();
+    }
+    function getDateOffset (m) {
+        // On Firefox.24 Date#getTimezoneOffset returns a floating point.
+        //
+        return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) * 15;
+    }
+    // HOOKS
+    // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.
+    // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.
+    utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset = function () {};
+    // MOMENTS
+    // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without
+    // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[utcOffset(2, true)]-->
+    // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist with offset
+    // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid.
+    //
+    // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour)
+    // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset
+    // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again
+    // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because
+    // there is no such time in the given timezone.
+    function getSetOffset (input, keepLocalTime) {
+        var offset = this._offset || 0,
+            localAdjust;
+        if (input != null) {
+            if (typeof input === 'string') {
+                input = offsetFromString(input);
+            }
+            if (Math.abs(input) < 16) {
+                input = input * 60;
+            }
+            if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {
+                localAdjust = getDateOffset(this);
+            }
+            this._offset = input;
+            this._isUTC = true;
+            if (localAdjust != null) {
+                this.add(localAdjust, 'm');
+            }
+            if (offset !== input) {
+                if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {
+                    add_subtract__addSubtract(this, create__createDuration(input - offset, 'm'), 1, false);
+                } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {
+                    this._changeInProgress = true;
+                    utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+                    this._changeInProgress = null;
+                }
+            }
+            return this;
+        } else {
+            return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this);
+        }
+    }
+    function getSetZone (input, keepLocalTime) {
+        if (input != null) {
+            if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+                input = -input;
+            }
+            this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime);
+            return this;
+        } else {
+            return -this.utcOffset();
+        }
+    }
+    function setOffsetToUTC (keepLocalTime) {
+        return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
+    }
+    function setOffsetToLocal (keepLocalTime) {
+        if (this._isUTC) {
+            this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
+            this._isUTC = false;
+            if (keepLocalTime) {
+                this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), 'm');
+            }
+        }
+        return this;
+    }
+    function setOffsetToParsedOffset () {
+        if (this._tzm) {
+            this.utcOffset(this._tzm);
+        } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') {
+            this.utcOffset(offsetFromString(this._i));
+        }
+        return this;
+    }
+    function hasAlignedHourOffset (input) {
+        if (!input) {
+            input = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            input = local__createLocal(input).utcOffset();
+        }
+        return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0;
+    }
+    function isDaylightSavingTime () {
+        return (
+            this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() ||
+            this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()
+        );
+    }
+    function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted () {
+        if (this._a) {
+            var other = this._isUTC ? create_utc__createUTC(this._a) : local__createLocal(this._a);
+            return this.isValid() && compareArrays(this._a, other.toArray()) > 0;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    function isLocal () {
+        return !this._isUTC;
+    }
+    function isUtcOffset () {
+        return this._isUTC;
+    }
+    function isUtc () {
+        return this._isUTC && this._offset === 0;
+    }
+    var aspNetRegex = /(\-)?(?:(\d*)\.)?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)\.?(\d{3})?)?/;
+    // from
+    // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere
+    var create__isoRegex = /^(-)?P(?:(?:([0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)S)?)?|([0-9,.]*)W)$/;
+    function create__createDuration (input, key) {
+        var duration = input,
+            // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand
+            match = null,
+            sign,
+            ret,
+            diffRes;
+        if (isDuration(input)) {
+            duration = {
+                ms : input._milliseconds,
+                d  : input._days,
+                M  : input._months
+            };
+        } else if (typeof input === 'number') {
+            duration = {};
+            if (key) {
+                duration[key] = input;
+            } else {
+                duration.milliseconds = input;
+            }
+        } else if (!!(match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) {
+            sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
+            duration = {
+                y  : 0,
+                d  : toInt(match[DATE])        * sign,
+                h  : toInt(match[HOUR])        * sign,
+                m  : toInt(match[MINUTE])      * sign,
+                s  : toInt(match[SECOND])      * sign,
+                ms : toInt(match[MILLISECOND]) * sign
+            };
+        } else if (!!(match = create__isoRegex.exec(input))) {
+            sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
+            duration = {
+                y : parseIso(match[2], sign),
+                M : parseIso(match[3], sign),
+                d : parseIso(match[4], sign),
+                h : parseIso(match[5], sign),
+                m : parseIso(match[6], sign),
+                s : parseIso(match[7], sign),
+                w : parseIso(match[8], sign)
+            };
+        } else if (duration == null) {// checks for null or undefined
+            duration = {};
+        } else if (typeof duration === 'object' && ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration)) {
+            diffRes = momentsDifference(local__createLocal(duration.from), local__createLocal(;
+            duration = {};
+   = diffRes.milliseconds;
+            duration.M = diffRes.months;
+        }
+        ret = new Duration(duration);
+        if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) {
+            ret._locale = input._locale;
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+    create__createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype;
+    function parseIso (inp, sign) {
+        // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also
+        // converts floats to ints.
+        // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it.
+        var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.'));
+        // apply sign while we're at it
+        return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign;
+    }
+    function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {
+        var res = {milliseconds: 0, months: 0};
+        res.months = other.month() - base.month() +
+            (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;
+        if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) {
+            --res.months;
+        }
+        res.milliseconds = +other - +(base.clone().add(res.months, 'M'));
+        return res;
+    }
+    function momentsDifference(base, other) {
+        var res;
+        other = cloneWithOffset(other, base);
+        if (base.isBefore(other)) {
+            res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other);
+        } else {
+            res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);
+            res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;
+            res.months = -res.months;
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
+    function createAdder(direction, name) {
+        return function (val, period) {
+            var dur, tmp;
+            //invert the arguments, but complain about it
+            if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {
+                deprecateSimple(name, 'moment().' + name  + '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' + name + '(number, period).');
+                tmp = val; val = period; period = tmp;
+            }
+            val = typeof val === 'string' ? +val : val;
+            dur = create__createDuration(val, period);
+            add_subtract__addSubtract(this, dur, direction);
+            return this;
+        };
+    }
+    function add_subtract__addSubtract (mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {
+        var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,
+            days = duration._days,
+            months = duration._months;
+        updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;
+        if (milliseconds) {
+            mom._d.setTime(+mom._d + milliseconds * isAdding);
+        }
+        if (days) {
+            get_set__set(mom, 'Date', get_set__get(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding);
+        }
+        if (months) {
+            setMonth(mom, get_set__get(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding);
+        }
+        if (updateOffset) {
+            utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months);
+        }
+    }
+    var add_subtract__add      = createAdder(1, 'add');
+    var add_subtract__subtract = createAdder(-1, 'subtract');
+    function moment_calendar__calendar (time) {
+        // We want to compare the start of today, vs this.
+        // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're local/utc/offset or not.
+        var now = time || local__createLocal(),
+            sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf('day'),
+            diff = this.diff(sod, 'days', true),
+            format = diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' :
+                diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' :
+                diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' :
+                diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' :
+                diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' :
+                diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse';
+        return this.format(this.localeData().calendar(format, this, local__createLocal(now)));
+    }
+    function clone () {
+        return new Moment(this);
+    }
+    function isAfter (input, units) {
+        var inputMs;
+        units = normalizeUnits(typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond');
+        if (units === 'millisecond') {
+            input = isMoment(input) ? input : local__createLocal(input);
+            return +this > +input;
+        } else {
+            inputMs = isMoment(input) ? +input : +local__createLocal(input);
+            return inputMs < +this.clone().startOf(units);
+        }
+    }
+    function isBefore (input, units) {
+        var inputMs;
+        units = normalizeUnits(typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond');
+        if (units === 'millisecond') {
+            input = isMoment(input) ? input : local__createLocal(input);
+            return +this < +input;
+        } else {
+            inputMs = isMoment(input) ? +input : +local__createLocal(input);
+            return +this.clone().endOf(units) < inputMs;
+        }
+    }
+    function isBetween (from, to, units) {
+        return this.isAfter(from, units) && this.isBefore(to, units);
+    }
+    function isSame (input, units) {
+        var inputMs;
+        units = normalizeUnits(units || 'millisecond');
+        if (units === 'millisecond') {
+            input = isMoment(input) ? input : local__createLocal(input);
+            return +this === +input;
+        } else {
+            inputMs = +local__createLocal(input);
+            return +(this.clone().startOf(units)) <= inputMs && inputMs <= +(this.clone().endOf(units));
+        }
+    }
+    function absFloor (number) {
+        if (number < 0) {
+            return Math.ceil(number);
+        } else {
+            return Math.floor(number);
+        }
+    }
+    function diff (input, units, asFloat) {
+        var that = cloneWithOffset(input, this),
+            zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4,
+            delta, output;
+        units = normalizeUnits(units);
+        if (units === 'year' || units === 'month' || units === 'quarter') {
+            output = monthDiff(this, that);
+            if (units === 'quarter') {
+                output = output / 3;
+            } else if (units === 'year') {
+                output = output / 12;
+            }
+        } else {
+            delta = this - that;
+            output = units === 'second' ? delta / 1e3 : // 1000
+                units === 'minute' ? delta / 6e4 : // 1000 * 60
+                units === 'hour' ? delta / 36e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60
+                units === 'day' ? (delta - zoneDelta) / 864e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst
+                units === 'week' ? (delta - zoneDelta) / 6048e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst
+                delta;
+        }
+        return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output);
+    }
+    function monthDiff (a, b) {
+        // difference in months
+        var wholeMonthDiff = ((b.year() - a.year()) * 12) + (b.month() - a.month()),
+            // b is in (anchor - 1 month, anchor + 1 month)
+            anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, 'months'),
+            anchor2, adjust;
+        if (b - anchor < 0) {
+            anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, 'months');
+            // linear across the month
+            adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2);
+        } else {
+            anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, 'months');
+            // linear across the month
+            adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor);
+        }
+        return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust);
+    }
+    utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';
+    function toString () {
+        return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');
+    }
+    function moment_format__toISOString () {
+        var m = this.clone().utc();
+        if (0 < m.year() && m.year() <= 9999) {
+            if ('function' === typeof Date.prototype.toISOString) {
+                // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can
+                return this.toDate().toISOString();
+            } else {
+                return formatMoment(m, 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]');
+            }
+        } else {
+            return formatMoment(m, 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]');
+        }
+    }
+    function format (inputString) {
+        var output = formatMoment(this, inputString || utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormat);
+        return this.localeData().postformat(output);
+    }
+    function from (time, withoutSuffix) {
+        if (!this.isValid()) {
+            return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+        }
+        return create__createDuration({to: this, from: time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
+    }
+    function fromNow (withoutSuffix) {
+        return this.from(local__createLocal(), withoutSuffix);
+    }
+    function to (time, withoutSuffix) {
+        if (!this.isValid()) {
+            return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+        }
+        return create__createDuration({from: this, to: time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
+    }
+    function toNow (withoutSuffix) {
+        return, withoutSuffix);
+    }
+    function locale (key) {
+        var newLocaleData;
+        if (key === undefined) {
+            return this._locale._abbr;
+        } else {
+            newLocaleData = locale_locales__getLocale(key);
+            if (newLocaleData != null) {
+                this._locale = newLocaleData;
+            }
+            return this;
+        }
+    }
+    var lang = deprecate(
+        'moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.',
+        function (key) {
+            if (key === undefined) {
+                return this.localeData();
+            } else {
+                return this.locale(key);
+            }
+        }
+    );
+    function localeData () {
+        return this._locale;
+    }
+    function startOf (units) {
+        units = normalizeUnits(units);
+        // the following switch intentionally omits break keywords
+        // to utilize falling through the cases.
+        switch (units) {
+        case 'year':
+            this.month(0);
+            /* falls through */
+        case 'quarter':
+        case 'month':
+  ;
+            /* falls through */
+        case 'week':
+        case 'isoWeek':
+        case 'day':
+            this.hours(0);
+            /* falls through */
+        case 'hour':
+            this.minutes(0);
+            /* falls through */
+        case 'minute':
+            this.seconds(0);
+            /* falls through */
+        case 'second':
+            this.milliseconds(0);
+        }
+        // weeks are a special case
+        if (units === 'week') {
+            this.weekday(0);
+        }
+        if (units === 'isoWeek') {
+            this.isoWeekday(1);
+        }
+        // quarters are also special
+        if (units === 'quarter') {
+            this.month(Math.floor(this.month() / 3) * 3);
+        }
+        return this;
+    }
+    function endOf (units) {
+        units = normalizeUnits(units);
+        if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond') {
+            return this;
+        }
+        return this.startOf(units).add(1, (units === 'isoWeek' ? 'week' : units)).subtract(1, 'ms');
+    }
+    function to_type__valueOf () {
+        return +this._d - ((this._offset || 0) * 60000);
+    }
+    function unix () {
+        return Math.floor(+this / 1000);
+    }
+    function toDate () {
+        return this._offset ? new Date(+this) : this._d;
+    }
+    function toArray () {
+        var m = this;
+        return [m.year(), m.month(),, m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond()];
+    }
+    function moment_valid__isValid () {
+        return valid__isValid(this);
+    }
+    function parsingFlags () {
+        return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this));
+    }
+    function invalidAt () {
+        return getParsingFlags(this).overflow;
+    }
+    addFormatToken(0, ['gg', 2], 0, function () {
+        return this.weekYear() % 100;
+    });
+    addFormatToken(0, ['GG', 2], 0, function () {
+        return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;
+    });
+    function addWeekYearFormatToken (token, getter) {
+        addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter);
+    }
+    addWeekYearFormatToken('gggg',     'weekYear');
+    addWeekYearFormatToken('ggggg',    'weekYear');
+    addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGG',  'isoWeekYear');
+    addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGGG', 'isoWeekYear');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('weekYear', 'gg');
+    addUnitAlias('isoWeekYear', 'GG');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('G',      matchSigned);
+    addRegexToken('g',      matchSigned);
+    addRegexToken('GG',     match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('gg',     match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('GGGG',   match1to4, match4);
+    addRegexToken('gggg',   match1to4, match4);
+    addRegexToken('GGGGG',  match1to6, match6);
+    addRegexToken('ggggg',  match1to6, match6);
+    addWeekParseToken(['gggg', 'ggggg', 'GGGG', 'GGGGG'], function (input, week, config, token) {
+        week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input);
+    });
+    addWeekParseToken(['gg', 'GG'], function (input, week, config, token) {
+        week[token] = utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
+    });
+    // HELPERS
+    function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {
+        return weekOfYear(local__createLocal([year, 11, 31 + dow - doy]), dow, doy).week;
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getSetWeekYear (input) {
+        var year = weekOfYear(this, this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy).year;
+        return input == null ? year : this.add((input - year), 'y');
+    }
+    function getSetISOWeekYear (input) {
+        var year = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).year;
+        return input == null ? year : this.add((input - year), 'y');
+    }
+    function getISOWeeksInYear () {
+        return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4);
+    }
+    function getWeeksInYear () {
+        var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;
+        return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy);
+    }
+    addFormatToken('Q', 0, 0, 'quarter');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('quarter', 'Q');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('Q', match1);
+    addParseToken('Q', function (input, array) {
+        array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3;
+    });
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getSetQuarter (input) {
+        return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this.month() % 3);
+    }
+    addFormatToken('D', ['DD', 2], 'Do', 'date');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('date', 'D');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('D',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('DD', match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('Do', function (isStrict, locale) {
+        return isStrict ? locale._ordinalParse : locale._ordinalParseLenient;
+    });
+    addParseToken(['D', 'DD'], DATE);
+    addParseToken('Do', function (input, array) {
+        array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0], 10);
+    });
+    // MOMENTS
+    var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet('Date', true);
+    addFormatToken('d', 0, 'do', 'day');
+    addFormatToken('dd', 0, 0, function (format) {
+        return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format);
+    });
+    addFormatToken('ddd', 0, 0, function (format) {
+        return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format);
+    });
+    addFormatToken('dddd', 0, 0, function (format) {
+        return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format);
+    });
+    addFormatToken('e', 0, 0, 'weekday');
+    addFormatToken('E', 0, 0, 'isoWeekday');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('day', 'd');
+    addUnitAlias('weekday', 'e');
+    addUnitAlias('isoWeekday', 'E');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('d',    match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('e',    match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('E',    match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('dd',   matchWord);
+    addRegexToken('ddd',  matchWord);
+    addRegexToken('dddd', matchWord);
+    addWeekParseToken(['dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'], function (input, week, config) {
+        var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input);
+        // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid
+        if (weekday != null) {
+            week.d = weekday;
+        } else {
+            getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input;
+        }
+    });
+    addWeekParseToken(['d', 'e', 'E'], function (input, week, config, token) {
+        week[token] = toInt(input);
+    });
+    // HELPERS
+    function parseWeekday(input, locale) {
+        if (typeof input === 'string') {
+            if (!isNaN(input)) {
+                input = parseInt(input, 10);
+            }
+            else {
+                input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);
+                if (typeof input !== 'number') {
+                    return null;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return input;
+    }
+    // LOCALES
+    var defaultLocaleWeekdays = 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_');
+    function localeWeekdays (m) {
+        return this._weekdays[];
+    }
+    var defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_');
+    function localeWeekdaysShort (m) {
+        return this._weekdaysShort[];
+    }
+    var defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_');
+    function localeWeekdaysMin (m) {
+        return this._weekdaysMin[];
+    }
+    function localeWeekdaysParse (weekdayName) {
+        var i, mom, regex;
+        if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
+            this._weekdaysParse = [];
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+            // make the regex if we don't have it already
+            if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {
+                mom = local__createLocal([2000, 1]).day(i);
+                regex = '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');
+                this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
+            }
+            // test the regex
+            if (this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+                return i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getSetDayOfWeek (input) {
+        var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();
+        if (input != null) {
+            input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());
+            return this.add(input - day, 'd');
+        } else {
+            return day;
+        }
+    }
+    function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek (input) {
+        var weekday = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;
+        return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, 'd');
+    }
+    function getSetISODayOfWeek (input) {
+        // behaves the same as moment#day except
+        // as a getter, returns 7 instead of 0 (1-7 range instead of 0-6)
+        // as a setter, sunday should belong to the previous week.
+        return input == null ? || 7 : % 7 ? input : input - 7);
+    }
+    addFormatToken('H', ['HH', 2], 0, 'hour');
+    addFormatToken('h', ['hh', 2], 0, function () {
+        return this.hours() % 12 || 12;
+    });
+    function meridiem (token, lowercase) {
+        addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {
+            return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase);
+        });
+    }
+    meridiem('a', true);
+    meridiem('A', false);
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('hour', 'h');
+    // PARSING
+    function matchMeridiem (isStrict, locale) {
+        return locale._meridiemParse;
+    }
+    addRegexToken('a',  matchMeridiem);
+    addRegexToken('A',  matchMeridiem);
+    addRegexToken('H',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('h',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('HH', match1to2, match2);
+    addRegexToken('hh', match1to2, match2);
+    addParseToken(['H', 'HH'], HOUR);
+    addParseToken(['a', 'A'], function (input, array, config) {
+        config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);
+        config._meridiem = input;
+    });
+    addParseToken(['h', 'hh'], function (input, array, config) {
+        array[HOUR] = toInt(input);
+        getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+    });
+    // LOCALES
+    function localeIsPM (input) {
+        // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays
+        // Using charAt should be more compatible.
+        return ((input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p');
+    }
+    var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i;
+    function localeMeridiem (hours, minutes, isLower) {
+        if (hours > 11) {
+            return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';
+        } else {
+            return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';
+        }
+    }
+    // MOMENTS
+    // Setting the hour should keep the time, because the user explicitly
+    // specified which hour he wants. So trying to maintain the same hour (in
+    // a new timezone) makes sense. Adding/subtracting hours does not follow
+    // this rule.
+    var getSetHour = makeGetSet('Hours', true);
+    addFormatToken('m', ['mm', 2], 0, 'minute');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('minute', 'm');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('m',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('mm', match1to2, match2);
+    addParseToken(['m', 'mm'], MINUTE);
+    // MOMENTS
+    var getSetMinute = makeGetSet('Minutes', false);
+    addFormatToken('s', ['ss', 2], 0, 'second');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('second', 's');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('s',  match1to2);
+    addRegexToken('ss', match1to2, match2);
+    addParseToken(['s', 'ss'], SECOND);
+    // MOMENTS
+    var getSetSecond = makeGetSet('Seconds', false);
+    addFormatToken('S', 0, 0, function () {
+        return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);
+    });
+    addFormatToken(0, ['SS', 2], 0, function () {
+        return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);
+    });
+    function millisecond__milliseconds (token) {
+        addFormatToken(0, [token, 3], 0, 'millisecond');
+    }
+    millisecond__milliseconds('SSS');
+    millisecond__milliseconds('SSSS');
+    // ALIASES
+    addUnitAlias('millisecond', 'ms');
+    // PARSING
+    addRegexToken('S',    match1to3, match1);
+    addRegexToken('SS',   match1to3, match2);
+    addRegexToken('SSS',  match1to3, match3);
+    addRegexToken('SSSS', matchUnsigned);
+    addParseToken(['S', 'SS', 'SSS', 'SSSS'], function (input, array) {
+        array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000);
+    });
+    // MOMENTS
+    var getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet('Milliseconds', false);
+    addFormatToken('z',  0, 0, 'zoneAbbr');
+    addFormatToken('zz', 0, 0, 'zoneName');
+    // MOMENTS
+    function getZoneAbbr () {
+        return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '';
+    }
+    function getZoneName () {
+        return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : '';
+    }
+    var momentPrototype__proto = Moment.prototype;
+    momentPrototype__proto.add          = add_subtract__add;
+    momentPrototype__proto.calendar     = moment_calendar__calendar;
+    momentPrototype__proto.clone        = clone;
+    momentPrototype__proto.diff         = diff;
+    momentPrototype__proto.endOf        = endOf;
+    momentPrototype__proto.format       = format;
+    momentPrototype__proto.from         = from;
+    momentPrototype__proto.fromNow      = fromNow;
+           = to;
+    momentPrototype__proto.toNow        = toNow;
+    momentPrototype__proto.get          = getSet;
+    momentPrototype__proto.invalidAt    = invalidAt;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isAfter      = isAfter;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isBefore     = isBefore;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isBetween    = isBetween;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isSame       = isSame;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isValid      = moment_valid__isValid;
+    momentPrototype__proto.lang         = lang;
+    momentPrototype__proto.locale       = locale;
+    momentPrototype__proto.localeData   = localeData;
+    momentPrototype__proto.max          = prototypeMax;
+    momentPrototype__proto.min          = prototypeMin;
+    momentPrototype__proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags;
+    momentPrototype__proto.set          = getSet;
+    momentPrototype__proto.startOf      = startOf;
+    momentPrototype__proto.subtract     = add_subtract__subtract;
+    momentPrototype__proto.toArray      = toArray;
+    momentPrototype__proto.toDate       = toDate;
+    momentPrototype__proto.toISOString  = moment_format__toISOString;
+    momentPrototype__proto.toJSON       = moment_format__toISOString;
+    momentPrototype__proto.toString     = toString;
+    momentPrototype__proto.unix         = unix;
+    momentPrototype__proto.valueOf      = to_type__valueOf;
+    // Year
+    momentPrototype__proto.year       = getSetYear;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear;
+    // Week Year
+    momentPrototype__proto.weekYear    = getSetWeekYear;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear;
+    // Quarter
+    momentPrototype__proto.quarter = momentPrototype__proto.quarters = getSetQuarter;
+    // Month
+    momentPrototype__proto.month       = getSetMonth;
+    momentPrototype__proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;
+    // Week
+    momentPrototype__proto.week           = momentPrototype__proto.weeks        = getSetWeek;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isoWeek        = momentPrototype__proto.isoWeeks     = getSetISOWeek;
+    momentPrototype__proto.weeksInYear    = getWeeksInYear;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear;
+    // Day
+       = getSetDayOfMonth;
+        = momentPrototype__proto.days             = getSetDayOfWeek;
+    momentPrototype__proto.weekday    = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek;
+    momentPrototype__proto.dayOfYear  = getSetDayOfYear;
+    // Hour
+    momentPrototype__proto.hour = momentPrototype__proto.hours = getSetHour;
+    // Minute
+    momentPrototype__proto.minute = momentPrototype__proto.minutes = getSetMinute;
+    // Second
+    momentPrototype__proto.second = momentPrototype__proto.seconds = getSetSecond;
+    // Millisecond
+    momentPrototype__proto.millisecond = momentPrototype__proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond;
+    // Offset
+    momentPrototype__proto.utcOffset            = getSetOffset;
+    momentPrototype__proto.utc                  = setOffsetToUTC;
+    momentPrototype__proto.local                = setOffsetToLocal;
+    momentPrototype__proto.parseZone            = setOffsetToParsedOffset;
+    momentPrototype__proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isDST                = isDaylightSavingTime;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isDSTShifted         = isDaylightSavingTimeShifted;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isLocal              = isLocal;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isUtcOffset          = isUtcOffset;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isUtc                = isUtc;
+    momentPrototype__proto.isUTC                = isUtc;
+    // Timezone
+    momentPrototype__proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr;
+    momentPrototype__proto.zoneName = getZoneName;
+    // Deprecations
+    momentPrototype__proto.dates  = deprecate('dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.', getSetDayOfMonth);
+    momentPrototype__proto.months = deprecate('months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead', getSetMonth);
+    momentPrototype__proto.years  = deprecate('years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead', getSetYear);
+   = deprecate('moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.', getSetZone);
+    var momentPrototype = momentPrototype__proto;
+    function moment__createUnix (input) {
+        return local__createLocal(input * 1000);
+    }
+    function moment__createInZone () {
+        return local__createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();
+    }
+    var defaultCalendar = {
+        sameDay : '[Today at] LT',
+        nextDay : '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+        nextWeek : 'dddd [at] LT',
+        lastDay : '[Yesterday at] LT',
+        lastWeek : '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+        sameElse : 'L'
+    };
+    function locale_calendar__calendar (key, mom, now) {
+        var output = this._calendar[key];
+        return typeof output === 'function' ?, now) : output;
+    }
+    var defaultLongDateFormat = {
+        LTS  : 'h:mm:ss A',
+        LT   : 'h:mm A',
+        L    : 'MM/DD/YYYY',
+        LL   : 'MMMM D, YYYY',
+        LLL  : 'MMMM D, YYYY LT',
+        LLLL : 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY LT'
+    };
+    function longDateFormat (key) {
+        var output = this._longDateFormat[key];
+        if (!output && this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()]) {
+            output = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (val) {
+                return val.slice(1);
+            });
+            this._longDateFormat[key] = output;
+        }
+        return output;
+    }
+    var defaultInvalidDate = 'Invalid date';
+    function invalidDate () {
+        return this._invalidDate;
+    }
+    var defaultOrdinal = '%d';
+    var defaultOrdinalParse = /\d{1,2}/;
+    function ordinal (number) {
+        return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number);
+    }
+    function preParsePostFormat (string) {
+        return string;
+    }
+    var defaultRelativeTime = {
+        future : 'in %s',
+        past   : '%s ago',
+        s  : 'a few seconds',
+        m  : 'a minute',
+        mm : '%d minutes',
+        h  : 'an hour',
+        hh : '%d hours',
+        d  : 'a day',
+        dd : '%d days',
+        M  : 'a month',
+        MM : '%d months',
+        y  : 'a year',
+        yy : '%d years'
+    };
+    function relative__relativeTime (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+        var output = this._relativeTime[string];
+        return (typeof output === 'function') ?
+            output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) :
+            output.replace(/%d/i, number);
+    }
+    function pastFuture (diff, output) {
+        var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past'];
+        return typeof format === 'function' ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output);
+    }
+    function locale_set__set (config) {
+        var prop, i;
+        for (i in config) {
+            prop = config[i];
+            if (typeof prop === 'function') {
+                this[i] = prop;
+            } else {
+                this['_' + i] = prop;
+            }
+        }
+        // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to
+        // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _ordinalParseLenient.
+        this._ordinalParseLenient = new RegExp(this._ordinalParse.source + '|' + (/\d{1,2}/).source);
+    }
+    var prototype__proto = Locale.prototype;
+    prototype__proto._calendar       = defaultCalendar;
+    prototype__proto.calendar        = locale_calendar__calendar;
+    prototype__proto._longDateFormat = defaultLongDateFormat;
+    prototype__proto.longDateFormat  = longDateFormat;
+    prototype__proto._invalidDate    = defaultInvalidDate;
+    prototype__proto.invalidDate     = invalidDate;
+    prototype__proto._ordinal        = defaultOrdinal;
+    prototype__proto.ordinal         = ordinal;
+    prototype__proto._ordinalParse   = defaultOrdinalParse;
+    prototype__proto.preparse        = preParsePostFormat;
+    prototype__proto.postformat      = preParsePostFormat;
+    prototype__proto._relativeTime   = defaultRelativeTime;
+    prototype__proto.relativeTime    = relative__relativeTime;
+    prototype__proto.pastFuture      = pastFuture;
+    prototype__proto.set             = locale_set__set;
+    // Month
+    prototype__proto.months       =        localeMonths;
+    prototype__proto._months      = defaultLocaleMonths;
+    prototype__proto.monthsShort  =        localeMonthsShort;
+    prototype__proto._monthsShort = defaultLocaleMonthsShort;
+    prototype__proto.monthsParse  =        localeMonthsParse;
+    // Week
+    prototype__proto.week = localeWeek;
+    prototype__proto._week = defaultLocaleWeek;
+    prototype__proto.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear;
+    prototype__proto.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek;
+    // Day of Week
+    prototype__proto.weekdays       =        localeWeekdays;
+    prototype__proto._weekdays      = defaultLocaleWeekdays;
+    prototype__proto.weekdaysMin


[07/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/moment-2.9.0.min.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/moment-2.9.0.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f6dcd..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/moment-2.9.0.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-//! moment.js
-//! version : 2.9.0
-//! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
-//! license : MIT
-(function(a){function b(a,b,c){switch(arguments.length){case 2:return null!=a?a:b;case 3:return null!=a?a:null!=b?b:c;default:throw new Error("Implement me")}}function c(a,b){return,b)}function d(){return{empty:!1,unusedTokens:[],unusedInput:[],overflow:-2,charsLeftOver:0,nullInput:!1,invalidMonth:null,invalidFormat:!1,userInvalidated:!1,iso:!1}}function e(a){vb.suppressDeprecationWarnings===!1&&"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Deprecation warning: "+a)}function f(a,b){var c=!0;return o(function(){return c&&(e(a),c=!1),b.apply(this,arguments)},b)}function g(a,b){sc[a]||(e(b),sc[a]=!0)}function h(a,b){return function(c){return r(,c),b)}}function i(a,b){return function(c){return this.localeData().ordinal(,c),b)}}function j(a,b){var c,d,e=12*(b.year()-a.year())+(b.month()-a.month()),f=a.clone().add(e,"months");return 0>b-f?(c=a.clone().add(e-1,"months"),d=(b-f)/(f-c)):(c=a.clone().add(e+1,"months"),d=(b-f)/(c-f)),-(e+d)}function k
 (a,b,c){var d;return null==c?b:null!=a.meridiemHour?a.meridiemHour(b,c):null!=a.isPM?(d=a.isPM(c),d&&12>b&&(b+=12),d||12!==b||(b=0),b):b}function l(){}function m(a,b){b!==!1&&H(a),p(this,a),this._d=new Date(+a._d),uc===!1&&(uc=!0,vb.updateOffset(this),uc=!1)}function n(a){var b=A(a),c=b.year||0,d=b.quarter||0,e=b.month||0,f=b.week||0,||0,h=b.hour||0,i=b.minute||0,j=b.second||0,k=b.millisecond||0;this._milliseconds=+k+1e3*j+6e4*i+36e5*h,this._days=+g+7*f,this._months=+e+3*d+12*c,this._data={},this._locale=vb.localeData(),this._bubble()}function o(a,b){for(var d in b)c(b,d)&&(a[d]=b[d]);return c(b,"toString")&&(a.toString=b.toString),c(b,"valueOf")&&(a.valueOf=b.valueOf),a}function p(a,b){var c,d,e;if("undefined"!=typeof b._isAMomentObject&&(a._isAMomentObject=b._isAMomentObject),"undefined"!=typeof b._i&&(a._i=b._i),"undefined"!=typeof b._f&&(a._f=b._f),"undefined"!=typeof b._l&&(a._l=b._l),"undefined"!=typeof b._strict&&(a._strict=b._strict),"undefined"!=typeof b._tzm&&(a._tz
 m=b._tzm),"undefined"!=typeof b._isUTC&&(a._isUTC=b._isUTC),"undefined"!=typeof b._offset&&(a._offset=b._offset),"undefined"!=typeof b._pf&&(a._pf=b._pf),"undefined"!=typeof b._locale&&(a._locale=b._locale),Kb.length>0)for(c in Kb)d=Kb[c],e=b[d],"undefined"!=typeof e&&(a[d]=e);return a}function q(a){return 0>a?Math.ceil(a):Math.floor(a)}function r(a,b,c){for(var d=""+Math.abs(a),e=a>=0;d.length<b;)d="0"+d;return(e?c?"+":"":"-")+d}function s(a,b){var c={milliseconds:0,months:0};return c.months=b.month()-a.month()+12*(b.year()-a.year()),a.clone().add(c.months,"M").isAfter(b)&&--c.months,c.milliseconds=+b-+a.clone().add(c.months,"M"),c}function t(a,b){var c;return b=M(b,a),a.isBefore(b)?c=s(a,b):(c=s(b,a),c.milliseconds=-c.milliseconds,c.months=-c.months),c}function u(a,b){return function(c,d){var e,f;return null===d||isNaN(+d)||(g(b,"moment()."+b+"(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()."+b+"(number, period)."),f=c,c=d,d=f),c="string"==typeof c?+c:c,e=vb.duration(c,d),v(th
 is,e,a),this}}function v(a,b,c,d){var e=b._milliseconds,f=b._days,g=b._months;d=null==d?!0:d,e&&a._d.setTime(+a._d+e*c),f&&pb(a,"Date",ob(a,"Date")+f*c),g&&nb(a,ob(a,"Month")+g*c),d&&vb.updateOffset(a,f||g)}function w(a){return"[object Array]"}function x(a){return"[object Date]"||a instanceof Date}function y(a,b,c){var d,e=Math.min(a.length,b.length),f=Math.abs(a.length-b.length),g=0;for(d=0;e>d;d++)(c&&a[d]!==b[d]||!c&&C(a[d])!==C(b[d]))&&g++;return g+f}function z(a){if(a){var b=a.toLowerCase().replace(/(.)s$/,"$1");a=lc[a]||mc[b]||b}return a}function A(a){var b,d,e={};for(d in a)c(a,d)&&(b=z(d),b&&(e[b]=a[d]));return e}function B(b){var c,d;if(0===b.indexOf("week"))c=7,d="day";else{if(0!==b.indexOf("month"))return;c=12,d="month"}vb[b]=function(e,f){var g,h,i=vb._locale[b],j=[];if("number"==typeof e&&(f=e,e=a),h=function(a){var b=vb().utc().set(d,a);return,b,e||"")},null!=f)return h(f);for(g=0
 ;c>g;g++)j.push(h(g));return j}}function C(a){var b=+a,c=0;return 0!==b&&isFinite(b)&&(c=b>=0?Math.floor(b):Math.ceil(b)),c}function D(a,b){return new Date(Date.UTC(a,b+1,0)).getUTCDate()}function E(a,b,c){return jb(vb([a,11,31+b-c]),b,c).week}function F(a){return G(a)?366:365}function G(a){return a%4===0&&a%100!==0||a%400===0}function H(a){var b;a._a&&-2===a._pf.overflow&&(b=a._a[Db]<0||a._a[Db]>11?Db:a._a[Eb]<1||a._a[Eb]>D(a._a[Cb],a._a[Db])?Eb:a._a[Fb]<0||a._a[Fb]>24||24===a._a[Fb]&&(0!==a._a[Gb]||0!==a._a[Hb]||0!==a._a[Ib])?Fb:a._a[Gb]<0||a._a[Gb]>59?Gb:a._a[Hb]<0||a._a[Hb]>59?Hb:a._a[Ib]<0||a._a[Ib]>999?Ib:-1,a._pf._overflowDayOfYear&&(Cb>b||b>Eb)&&(b=Eb),a._pf.overflow=b)}function I(b){return null==b._isValid&&(b._isValid=!isNaN(b._d.getTime())&&b._pf.overflow<0&&!b._pf.empty&&!b._pf.invalidMonth&&!b._pf.nullInput&&!b._pf.invalidFormat&&!b._pf.userInvalidated,b._strict&&(b._isValid=b._isValid&&0===b._pf.charsLeftOver&&0===b._pf.unusedTokens.length&&b._pf.bigHour===a)),b._isVal
 id}function J(a){return a?a.toLowerCase().replace("_","-"):a}function K(a){for(var b,c,d,e,f=0;f<a.length;){for(e=J(a[f]).split("-"),b=e.length,c=J(a[f+1]),c=c?c.split("-"):null;b>0;){if(d=L(e.slice(0,b).join("-")))return d;if(c&&c.length>=b&&y(e,c,!0)>=b-1)break;b--}f++}return null}function L(a){var b=null;if(!Jb[a]&&Lb)try{b=vb.locale(),require("./locale/"+a),vb.locale(b)}catch(c){}return Jb[a]}function M(a,b){var c,d;return b._isUTC?(c=b.clone(),d=(vb.isMoment(a)||x(a)?+a:+vb(a))-+c,c._d.setTime(+c._d+d),vb.updateOffset(c,!1),c):vb(a).local()}function N(a){return a.match(/\[[\s\S]/)?a.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,""):a.replace(/\\/g,"")}function O(a){var b,c,d=a.match(Pb);for(b=0,c=d.length;c>b;b++)d[b]=rc[d[b]]?rc[d[b]]:N(d[b]);return function(e){var f="";for(b=0;c>b;b++)f+=d[b]instanceof Function?d[b].call(e,a):d[b];return f}}function P(a,b){return a.isValid()?(b=Q(b,a.localeData()),nc[b]||(nc[b]=O(b)),nc[b](a)):a.localeData().invalidDate()}function Q(a,b){function c(a){return b.longDate
 Format(a)||a}var d=5;for(Qb.lastIndex=0;d>=0&&Qb.test(a);)a=a.replace(Qb,c),Qb.lastIndex=0,d-=1;return a}function R(a,b){var c,d=b._strict;switch(a){case"Q":return _b;case"DDDD":return bc;case"YYYY":case"GGGG":case"gggg":return d?cc:Tb;case"Y":case"G":case"g":return ec;case"YYYYYY":case"YYYYY":case"GGGGG":case"ggggg":return d?dc:Ub;case"S":if(d)return _b;case"SS":if(d)return ac;case"SSS":if(d)return bc;case"DDD":return Sb;case"MMM":case"MMMM":case"dd":case"ddd":case"dddd":return Wb;case"a":case"A":return b._locale._meridiemParse;case"x":return Zb;case"X":return $b;case"Z":case"ZZ":return Xb;case"T":return Yb;case"SSSS":return Vb;case"MM":case"DD":case"YY":case"GG":case"gg":case"HH":case"hh":case"mm":case"ss":case"ww":case"WW":return d?ac:Rb;case"M":case"D":case"d":case"H":case"h":case"m":case"s":case"w":case"W":case"e":case"E":return Rb;case"Do":return d?b._locale._ordinalParse:b._locale._ordinalParseLenient;default:return c=new RegExp($(Z(a.replace("\\","")),"i"))}}function S(a){a=
 a||"";var b=a.match(Xb)||[],c=b[b.length-1]||[],d=(c+"").match(jc)||["-",0,0],e=+(60*d[1])+C(d[2]);return"+"===d[0]?e:-e}function T(a,b,c){var d,e=c._a;switch(a){case"Q":null!=b&&(e[Db]=3*(C(b)-1));break;case"M":case"MM":null!=b&&(e[Db]=C(b)-1);break;case"MMM":case"MMMM":d=c._locale.monthsParse(b,a,c._strict),null!=d?e[Db]=d:c._pf.invalidMonth=b;break;case"D":case"DD":null!=b&&(e[Eb]=C(b));break;case"Do":null!=b&&(e[Eb]=C(parseInt(b.match(/\d{1,2}/)[0],10)));break;case"DDD":case"DDDD":null!=b&&(c._dayOfYear=C(b));break;case"YY":e[Cb]=vb.parseTwoDigitYear(b);break;case"YYYY":case"YYYYY":case"YYYYYY":e[Cb]=C(b);break;case"a":case"A":c._meridiem=b;break;case"h":case"hh":c._pf.bigHour=!0;case"H":case"HH":e[Fb]=C(b);break;case"m":case"mm":e[Gb]=C(b);break;case"s":case"ss":e[Hb]=C(b);break;case"S":case"SS":case"SSS":case"SSSS":e[Ib]=C(1e3*("0."+b));break;case"x":c._d=new Date(C(b));break;case"X":c._d=new Date(1e3*parseFloat(b));break;case"Z":case"ZZ":c._useUTC=!0,c._tzm=S(b);break;case"dd
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 =g[c]=null==a._a[c]?2===c?1:0:a._a[c];24===a._a[Fb]&&0===a._a[Gb]&&0===a._a[Hb]&&0===a._a[Ib]&&(a._nextDay=!0,a._a[Fb]=0),a._d=(a._useUTC?fb:eb).apply(null,g),null!=a._tzm&&a._d.setUTCMinutes(a._d.getUTCMinutes()-a._tzm),a._nextDay&&(a._a[Fb]=24)}}function W(a){var b;a._d||(b=A(a._i),a._a=[b.year,b.month,||,b.hour,b.minute,b.second,b.millisecond],V(a))}function X(a){var b=new Date;return a._useUTC?[b.getUTCFullYear(),b.getUTCMonth(),b.getUTCDate()]:[b.getFullYear(),b.getMonth(),b.getDate()]}function Y(b){if(b._f===vb.ISO_8601)return void ab(b);b._a=[],b._pf.empty=!0;var c,d,e,f,g,h=""+b._i,i=h.length,j=0;for(e=Q(b._f,b._locale).match(Pb)||[],c=0;c<e.length;c++)f=e[c],d=(h.match(R(f,b))||[])[0],d&&(g=h.substr(0,h.indexOf(d)),g.length>0&&b._pf.unusedInput.push(g),h=h.slice(h.indexOf(d)+d.length),j+=d.length),rc[f]?(d?b._pf.empty=!1:b._pf.unusedTokens.push(f),T(f,d,b)):b._strict&&!d&&b._pf.unusedTokens.push(f);b._pf.charsLeftOver=i-j,h.length>0&&b._pf.unusedInput.push(h),b._
 pf.bigHour===!0&&b._a[Fb]<=12&&(b._pf.bigHour=a),b._a[Fb]=k(b._locale,b._a[Fb],b._meridiem),V(b),H(b)}function Z(a){return a.replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g,function(a,b,c,d,e){return b||c||d||e})}function $(a){return a.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&")}function _(a){var b,c,e,f,g;if(0===a._f.length)return a._pf.invalidFormat=!0,void(a._d=new Date(0/0));for(f=0;f<a._f.length;f++)g=0,b=p({},a),null!=a._useUTC&&(b._useUTC=a._useUTC),b._pf=d(),b._f=a._f[f],Y(b),I(b)&&(g+=b._pf.charsLeftOver,g+=10*b._pf.unusedTokens.length,b._pf.score=g,(null==e||e>g)&&(e=g,c=b));o(a,c||b)}function ab(a){var b,c,d=a._i,e=fc.exec(d);if(e){for(a._pf.iso=!0,b=0,c=hc.length;c>b;b++)if(hc[b][1].exec(d)){a._f=hc[b][0]+(e[6]||" ");break}for(b=0,c=ic.length;c>b;b++)if(ic[b][1].exec(d)){a._f+=ic[b][0];break}d.match(Xb)&&(a._f+="Z"),Y(a)}else a._isValid=!1}function bb(a){ab(a),a._isValid===!1&&(delete a._isValid,vb.createFromInputFallback(a))}function cb(a,b){var c,d=[];for(c=0;c<a.length;++c
 )d.push(b(a[c],c));return d}function db(b){var c,d=b._i;d===a?b._d=new Date:x(d)?b._d=new Date(+d):null!==(c=Mb.exec(d))?b._d=new Date(+c[1]):"string"==typeof d?bb(b):w(d)?(b._a=cb(d.slice(0),function(a){return parseInt(a,10)}),V(b)):"object"==typeof d?W(b):"number"==typeof d?b._d=new Date(d):vb.createFromInputFallback(b)}function eb(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=new Date(a,b,c,d,e,f,g);return 1970>a&&h.setFullYear(a),h}function fb(a){var b=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,arguments));return 1970>a&&b.setUTCFullYear(a),b}function gb(a,b){if("string"==typeof a)if(isNaN(a)){if(a=b.weekdaysParse(a),"number"!=typeof a)return null}else a=parseInt(a,10);return a}function hb(a,b,c,d,e){return e.relativeTime(b||1,!!c,a,d)}function ib(a,b,c){var d=vb.duration(a).abs(),e=Ab("s")),f=Ab("m")),g=Ab("h")),h=Ab("d")),i=Ab("M")),j=Ab("y")),k=e<oc.s&&["s",e]||1===f&&["m"]||f<oc.m&&["mm",f]||1===g&&["h"]||g<oc.h&&["hh",g]||1===h&&["d"]||h<oc.d&&["dd",h]||1===i&&["M"]||i<oc.M&&["MM",i
 ]||1===j&&["y"]||["yy",j];return k[2]=b,k[3]=+a>0,k[4]=c,hb.apply({},k)}function jb(a,b,c){var d,e=c-b,;return f>e&&(f-=7),e-7>f&&(f+=7),d=vb(a).add(f,"d"),{week:Math.ceil(d.dayOfYear()/7),year:d.year()}}function kb(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h=fb(a,0,1).getUTCDay();return h=0===h?7:h,c=null!=c?c:e,f=e-h+(h>d?7:0)-(e>h?7:0),g=7*(b-1)+(c-e)+f+1,{year:g>0?a:a-1,dayOfYear:g>0?g:F(a-1)+g}}function lb(b){var c,d=b._i,e=b._f;return b._locale=b._locale||vb.localeData(b._l),null===d||e===a&&""===d?vb.invalid({nullInput:!0}):("string"==typeof d&&(b._i=d=b._locale.preparse(d)),vb.isMoment(d)?new m(d,!0):(e?w(e)?_(b):Y(b):db(b),c=new m(b),c._nextDay&&(c.add(1,"d"),c._nextDay=a),c))}function mb(a,b){var c,d;if(1===b.length&&w(b[0])&&(b=b[0]),!b.length)return vb();for(c=b[0],d=1;d<b.length;++d)b[d][a](c)&&(c=b[d]);return c}function nb(a,b){var c;return"string"==typeof b&&(b=a.localeData().monthsParse(b),"number"!=typeof b)?a:(c=Math.min(,D(a.year(),b)),a._d["set"+(a._isUTC?"UTC":"")+"
 Month"](b,c),a)}function ob(a,b){return a._d["get"+(a._isUTC?"UTC":"")+b]()}function pb(a,b,c){return"Month"===b?nb(a,c):a._d["set"+(a._isUTC?"UTC":"")+b](c)}function qb(a,b){return function(c){return null!=c?(pb(this,a,c),vb.updateOffset(this,b),this):ob(this,a)}}function rb(a){return 400*a/146097}function sb(a){return 146097*a/400}function tb(a){vb.duration.fn[a]=function(){return this._data[a]}}function ub(a){"undefined"==typeof ender&&(wb=zb.moment,zb.moment=a?f("Accessing Moment through the global scope is deprecated, and will be removed in an upcoming release.",vb):vb)}for(var vb,wb,xb,yb="2.9.0",zb="undefined"==typeof global||"undefined"!=typeof window&&window!==global.window?this:global,Ab=Math.round,Bb=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Cb=0,Db=1,Eb=2,Fb=3,Gb=4,Hb=5,Ib=6,Jb={},Kb=[],Lb="undefined"!=typeof module&&module&&module.exports,Mb=/^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i,Nb=/(\-)?(?:(\d*)\.)?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)\.?(\d{3})?)?/,Ob=/^(-)?P(?:(?:([0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)D)
 ?(?:T(?:([0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)S)?)?|([0-9,.]*)W)$/,Pb=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Q|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,4}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,Qb=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,Rb=/\d\d?/,Sb=/\d{1,3}/,Tb=/\d{1,4}/,Ub=/[+\-]?\d{1,6}/,Vb=/\d+/,Wb=/[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i,Xb=/Z|[\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi,Yb=/T/i,Zb=/[\+\-]?\d+/,$b=/[\+\-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/,_b=/\d/,ac=/\d\d/,bc=/\d{3}/,cc=/\d{4}/,dc=/[+-]?\d{6}/,ec=/[+-]?\d+/,fc=/^\s*(?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:(\d\d-\d\d)|(W\d\d$)|(W\d\d-\d)|(\d\d\d))((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,gc="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",hc=[["YYYYYY-MM-DD",/[+-]\d{6}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],["YYYY-MM-DD",/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],["GGGG-[W]WW-E",/\d{4}-W\d{2}-\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW",/\d{4}-W\d{2}/],["YYYY-DDD",/\d{4}-\d{3}/]],ic=[["HH:mm:ss.SSSS",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d:
 \d\d\.\d+/],["HH:mm:ss",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],["HH:mm",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d/],["HH",/(T| )\d\d/]],jc=/([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi,kc=("Date|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Milliseconds".split("|"),{Milliseconds:1,Seconds:1e3,Minutes:6e4,Hours:36e5,Days:864e5,Months:2592e6,Years:31536e6}),lc={ms:"millisecond",s:"second",m:"minute",h:"hour",d:"day",D:"date",w:"week",W:"isoWeek",M:"month",Q:"quarter",y:"year",DDD:"dayOfYear",e:"weekday",E:"isoWeekday",gg:"weekYear",GG:"isoWeekYear"},mc={dayofyear:"dayOfYear",isoweekday:"isoWeekday",isoweek:"isoWeek",weekyear:"weekYear",isoweekyear:"isoWeekYear"},nc={},oc={s:45,m:45,h:22,d:26,M:11},pc="DDD w W M D d".split(" "),qc="M D H h m s w W".split(" "),rc={M:function(){return this.month()+1},MMM:function(a){return this.localeData().monthsShort(this,a)},MMMM:function(a){return this.localeData().months(this,a)},D:function(){return},DDD:function(){return this.dayOfYear()},d:function(){return},dd:function(a){return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this,a)
 },ddd:function(a){return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this,a)},dddd:function(a){return this.localeData().weekdays(this,a)},w:function(){return this.week()},W:function(){return this.isoWeek()},YY:function(){return r(this.year()%100,2)},YYYY:function(){return r(this.year(),4)},YYYYY:function(){return r(this.year(),5)},YYYYYY:function(){var a=this.year(),b=a>=0?"+":"-";return b+r(Math.abs(a),6)},gg:function(){return r(this.weekYear()%100,2)},gggg:function(){return r(this.weekYear(),4)},ggggg:function(){return r(this.weekYear(),5)},GG:function(){return r(this.isoWeekYear()%100,2)},GGGG:function(){return r(this.isoWeekYear(),4)},GGGGG:function(){return r(this.isoWeekYear(),5)},e:function(){return this.weekday()},E:function(){return this.isoWeekday()},a:function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),!0)},A:function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),!1)},H:function(){return this.hours()},h:function(){return this.hours()%12||12},m:f
 unction(){return this.minutes()},s:function(){return this.seconds()},S:function(){return C(this.milliseconds()/100)},SS:function(){return r(C(this.milliseconds()/10),2)},SSS:function(){return r(this.milliseconds(),3)},SSSS:function(){return r(this.milliseconds(),3)},Z:function(){var a=this.utcOffset(),b="+";return 0>a&&(a=-a,b="-"),b+r(C(a/60),2)+":"+r(C(a)%60,2)},ZZ:function(){var a=this.utcOffset(),b="+";return 0>a&&(a=-a,b="-"),b+r(C(a/60),2)+r(C(a)%60,2)},z:function(){return this.zoneAbbr()},zz:function(){return this.zoneName()},x:function(){return this.valueOf()},X:function(){return this.unix()},Q:function(){return this.quarter()}},sc={},tc=["months","monthsShort","weekdays","weekdaysShort","weekdaysMin"],uc=!1;pc.length;)xb=pc.pop(),rc[xb+"o"]=i(rc[xb],xb);for(;qc.length;)xb=qc.pop(),rc[xb+xb]=h(rc[xb],2);rc.DDDD=h(rc.DDD,3),o(l.prototype,{set:function(a){var b,c;for(c in a)b=a[c],"function"==typeof b?this[c]=b:this["_"+c]=b;this._ordinalParseLenient=new RegExp(this._ordinalPa
 rse.source+"|"+/\d{1,2}/.source)},_months:"January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),months:function(a){return this._months[a.month()]},_monthsShort:"Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),monthsShort:function(a){return this._monthsShort[a.month()]},monthsParse:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f;for(this._monthsParse||(this._monthsParse=[],this._longMonthsParse=[],this._shortMonthsParse=[]),d=0;12>d;d++){if(e=vb.utc([2e3,d]),c&&!this._longMonthsParse[d]&&(this._longMonthsParse[d]=new RegExp("^"+this.months(e,"").replace(".","")+"$","i"),this._shortMonthsParse[d]=new RegExp("^"+this.monthsShort(e,"").replace(".","")+"$","i")),c||this._monthsParse[d]||(f="^"+this.months(e,"")+"|^"+this.monthsShort(e,""),this._monthsParse[d]=new RegExp(f.replace(".",""),"i")),c&&"MMMM"===b&&this._longMonthsParse[d].test(a))return d;if(c&&"MMM"===b&&this._shortMonthsParse[d].test(a))return d;if(!c&&this._monthsParse[d].test(a))return d}
 },_weekdays:"Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),weekdays:function(a){return this._weekdays[]},_weekdaysShort:"Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),weekdaysShort:function(a){return this._weekdaysShort[]},_weekdaysMin:"Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),weekdaysMin:function(a){return this._weekdaysMin[]},weekdaysParse:function(a){var b,c,d;for(this._weekdaysParse||(this._weekdaysParse=[]),b=0;7>b;b++)if(this._weekdaysParse[b]||(c=vb([2e3,1]).day(b),d="^"+this.weekdays(c,"")+"|^"+this.weekdaysShort(c,"")+"|^"+this.weekdaysMin(c,""),this._weekdaysParse[b]=new RegExp(d.replace(".",""),"i")),this._weekdaysParse[b].test(a))return b},_longDateFormat:{LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY LT",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY LT"},longDateFormat:function(a){var b=this._longDateFormat[a];return!b&&this._longDateFormat[a.toUpperCase()]&&(b=this._longDateFormat[a.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g,fun
 ction(a){return a.slice(1)}),this._longDateFormat[a]=b),b},isPM:function(a){return"p"===(a+"").toLowerCase().charAt(0)},_meridiemParse:/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i,meridiem:function(a,b,c){return a>11?c?"pm":"PM":c?"am":"AM"},_calendar:{sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"},calendar:function(a,b,c){var d=this._calendar[a];return"function"==typeof d?d.apply(b,[c]):d},_relativeTime:{future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy:"%d years"},relativeTime:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this._relativeTime[c];return"function"==typeof e?e(a,b,c,d):e.replace(/%d/i,a)},pastFuture:function(a,b){var c=this._relativeTime[a>0?"future":"past"];return"function"==typeof c?c(b):c.replace(/%s/i,b)},ordinal:function(a){return this._ordinal.replace("%d",a)},_ordinal:"%d",_ordinalParse:/\d{1,2}/,pr
 eparse:function(a){return a},postformat:function(a){return a},week:function(a){return jb(a,this._week.dow,this._week.doy).week},_week:{dow:0,doy:6},firstDayOfWeek:function(){return this._week.dow},firstDayOfYear:function(){return this._week.doy},_invalidDate:"Invalid date",invalidDate:function(){return this._invalidDate}}),vb=function(b,c,e,f){var g;return"boolean"==typeof e&&(f=e,e=a),g={},g._isAMomentObject=!0,g._i=b,g._f=c,g._l=e,g._strict=f,g._isUTC=!1,g._pf=d(),lb(g)},vb.suppressDeprecationWarnings=!1,vb.createFromInputFallback=f("moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.",function(a){a._d=new Date(a._i+(a._useUTC?" UTC":""))}),vb.min=function(){var a=[],0);return mb("isBefore",a)},vb.max=function(){var a=[],0);return mb("isAfter",a)},vb.utc=function(b,c,e,f){var g;return"boolean"==typeof e&&(f=
 e,e=a),g={},g._isAMomentObject=!0,g._useUTC=!0,g._isUTC=!0,g._l=e,g._i=b,g._f=c,g._strict=f,g._pf=d(),lb(g).utc()},vb.unix=function(a){return vb(1e3*a)},vb.duration=function(a,b){var d,e,f,g,h=a,i=null;return vb.isDuration(a)?h={ms:a._milliseconds,d:a._days,M:a._months}:"number"==typeof a?(h={},b?h[b]=a:h.milliseconds=a):(i=Nb.exec(a))?(d="-"===i[1]?-1:1,h={y:0,d:C(i[Eb])*d,h:C(i[Fb])*d,m:C(i[Gb])*d,s:C(i[Hb])*d,ms:C(i[Ib])*d}):(i=Ob.exec(a))?(d="-"===i[1]?-1:1,f=function(a){var b=a&&parseFloat(a.replace(",","."));return(isNaN(b)?0:b)*d},h={y:f(i[2]),M:f(i[3]),d:f(i[4]),h:f(i[5]),m:f(i[6]),s:f(i[7]),w:f(i[8])}):null==h?h={}:"object"==typeof h&&("from"in h||"to"in h)&&(g=t(vb(h.from),vb(,h={},,h.M=g.months),e=new n(h),vb.isDuration(a)&&c(a,"_locale")&&(e._locale=a._locale),e},vb.version=yb,vb.defaultFormat=gc,vb.ISO_8601=function(){},vb.momentProperties=Kb,vb.updateOffset=function(){},vb.relativeTimeThreshold=function(b,c){return oc[b]===a?!1:c===a?oc[b]:(oc[
 b]=c,!0)},vb.lang=f("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.",function(a,b){return vb.locale(a,b)}),vb.locale=function(a,b){var c;return a&&(c="undefined"!=typeof b?vb.defineLocale(a,b):vb.localeData(a),c&&(vb.duration._locale=vb._locale=c)),vb._locale._abbr},vb.defineLocale=function(a,b){return null!==b?(b.abbr=a,Jb[a]||(Jb[a]=new l),Jb[a].set(b),vb.locale(a),Jb[a]):(delete Jb[a],null)},vb.langData=f("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",function(a){return vb.localeData(a)}),vb.localeData=function(a){var b;if(a&&a._locale&&a._locale._abbr&&(a=a._locale._abbr),!a)return vb._locale;if(!w(a)){if(b=L(a))return b;a=[a]}return K(a)},vb.isMoment=function(a){return a instanceof m||null!=a&&c(a,"_isAMomentObject")},vb.isDuration=function(a){return a instanceof n};for(xb=tc.length-1;xb>=0;--xb)B(tc[xb]);vb.normalizeUnits=function(a){return z(a)},vb.invalid=function(a){var b=vb.utc(0/0);return null!=a?o(b._pf,a):b._pf.userInvalidated=!0,b},vb.parseZone=
 function(){return vb.apply(null,arguments).parseZone()},vb.parseTwoDigitYear=function(a){return C(a)+(C(a)>68?1900:2e3)},vb.isDate=x,o(vb.fn=m.prototype,{clone:function(){return vb(this)},valueOf:function(){return+this._d-6e4*(this._offset||0)},unix:function(){return Math.floor(+this/1e3)},toString:function(){return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")},toDate:function(){return this._offset?new Date(+this):this._d},toISOString:function(){var a=vb(this).utc();return 0<a.year()&&a.year()<=9999?"function"==typeof Date.prototype.toISOString?this.toDate().toISOString():P(a,"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"):P(a,"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")},toArray:function(){var a=this;return[a.year(),a.month(),,a.hours(),a.minutes(),a.seconds(),a.milliseconds()]},isValid:function(){return I(this)},isDSTShifted:function(){return this._a?this.isValid()&&y(this._a,(this._isUTC?vb.utc(this._a):vb(this._a)).toArray())>0:!1},parsingFlags:function(){return o({},this._
 pf)},invalidAt:function(){return this._pf.overflow},utc:function(a){return this.utcOffset(0,a)},local:function(a){return this._isUTC&&(this.utcOffset(0,a),this._isUTC=!1,a&&this.subtract(this._dateUtcOffset(),"m")),this},format:function(a){var b=P(this,a||vb.defaultFormat);return this.localeData().postformat(b)},add:u(1,"add"),subtract:u(-1,"subtract"),diff:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=M(a,this),g=6e4*(f.utcOffset()-this.utcOffset());return b=z(b),"year"===b||"month"===b||"quarter"===b?(e=j(this,f),"quarter"===b?e/=3:"year"===b&&(e/=12)):(d=this-f,e="second"===b?d/1e3:"minute"===b?d/6e4:"hour"===b?d/36e5:"day"===b?(d-g)/864e5:"week"===b?(d-g)/6048e5:d),c?e:q(e)},from:function(a,b){return vb.duration({to:this,from:a}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!b)},fromNow:function(a){return this.from(vb(),a)},calendar:function(a){var b=a||vb(),c=M(b,this).startOf("day"),d=this.diff(c,"days",!0),e=-6>d?"sameElse":-1>d?"lastWeek":0>d?"lastDay":1>d?"sameDay":2>d?"nextDay":7>d?"nextWeek":"sameElse";re
 turn this.format(this.localeData().calendar(e,this,vb(b)))},isLeapYear:function(){return G(this.year())},isDST:function(){return this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(0).utcOffset()||this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()},day:function(a){var b=this._isUTC?this._d.getUTCDay():this._d.getDay();return null!=a?(a=gb(a,this.localeData()),this.add(a-b,"d")):b},month:qb("Month",!0),startOf:function(a){switch(a=z(a)){case"year":this.month(0);case"quarter":case"month";case"week":case"isoWeek":case"day":this.hours(0);case"hour":this.minutes(0);case"minute":this.seconds(0);case"second":this.milliseconds(0)}return"week"===a?this.weekday(0):"isoWeek"===a&&this.isoWeekday(1),"quarter"===a&&this.month(3*Math.floor(this.month()/3)),this},endOf:function(b){return b=z(b),b===a||"millisecond"===b?this:this.startOf(b).add(1,"isoWeek"===b?"week":b).subtract(1,"ms")},isAfter:function(a,b){var c;return b=z("undefined"!=typeof b?b:"millisecond"),"millisecond"===b?(a=vb.isMoment(a)?a
 :vb(a),+this>+a):(c=vb.isMoment(a)?+a:+vb(a),c<+this.clone().startOf(b))},isBefore:function(a,b){var c;return b=z("undefined"!=typeof b?b:"millisecond"),"millisecond"===b?(a=vb.isMoment(a)?a:vb(a),+a>+this):(c=vb.isMoment(a)?+a:+vb(a),+this.clone().endOf(b)<c)},isBetween:function(a,b,c){return this.isAfter(a,c)&&this.isBefore(b,c)},isSame:function(a,b){var c;return b=z(b||"millisecond"),"millisecond"===b?(a=vb.isMoment(a)?a:vb(a),+this===+a):(c=+vb(a),+this.clone().startOf(b)<=c&&c<=+this.clone().endOf(b))},min:f("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.min instead.",function(a){return a=vb.apply(null,arguments),this>a?this:a}),max:f("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.max instead.",function(a){return a=vb.apply(null,arguments),a>this?this:a}),zone:f("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.",function(a,b){return null!=a?("stri
 ng"!=typeof a&&(a=-a),this.utcOffset(a,b),this):-this.utcOffset()}),utcOffset:function(a,b){var c,d=this._offset||0;return null!=a?("string"==typeof a&&(a=S(a)),Math.abs(a)<16&&(a=60*a),!this._isUTC&&b&&(c=this._dateUtcOffset()),this._offset=a,this._isUTC=!0,null!=c&&this.add(c,"m"),d!==a&&(!b||this._changeInProgress?v(this,vb.duration(a-d,"m"),1,!1):this._changeInProgress||(this._changeInProgress=!0,vb.updateOffset(this,!0),this._changeInProgress=null)),this):this._isUTC?d:this._dateUtcOffset()},isLocal:function(){return!this._isUTC},isUtcOffset:function(){return this._isUTC},isUtc:function(){return this._isUTC&&0===this._offset},zoneAbbr:function(){return this._isUTC?"UTC":""},zoneName:function(){return this._isUTC?"Coordinated Universal Time":""},parseZone:function(){return this._tzm?this.utcOffset(this._tzm):"string"==typeof this._i&&this.utcOffset(S(this._i)),this},hasAlignedHourOffset:function(a){return a=a?vb(a).utcOffset():0,(this.utcOffset()-a)%60===0},daysInMonth:function(
 ){return D(this.year(),this.month())},dayOfYear:function(a){var b=Ab((vb(this).startOf("day")-vb(this).startOf("year"))/864e5)+1;return null==a?b:this.add(a-b,"d")},quarter:function(a){return null==a?Math.ceil((this.month()+1)/3):this.month(3*(a-1)+this.month()%3)},weekYear:function(a){var b=jb(this,this.localeData()._week.dow,this.localeData()._week.doy).year;return null==a?b:this.add(a-b,"y")},isoWeekYear:function(a){var b=jb(this,1,4).year;return null==a?b:this.add(a-b,"y")},week:function(a){var b=this.localeData().week(this);return null==a?b:this.add(7*(a-b),"d")},isoWeek:function(a){var b=jb(this,1,4).week;return null==a?b:this.add(7*(a-b),"d")},weekday:function(a){var b=(;return null==a?b:this.add(a-b,"d")},isoWeekday:function(a){return null==a?||},isoWeeksInYear:function(){return E(this.year(),1,4)},weeksInYear:function(){var a=this.localeData()._week;return E(this.year(),a.dow,a.doy)},get:func
 tion(a){return a=z(a),this[a]()},set:function(a,b){var c;if("object"==typeof a)for(c in a)this.set(c,a[c]);else a=z(a),"function"==typeof this[a]&&this[a](b);return this},locale:function(b){var c;return b===a?this._locale._abbr:(c=vb.localeData(b),null!=c&&(this._locale=c),this)},lang:f("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",function(b){return b===a?this.localeData():this.locale(b)}),localeData:function(){return this._locale},_dateUtcOffset:function(){return 15*-Math.round(this._d.getTimezoneOffset()/15)}}),vb.fn.millisecond=vb.fn.milliseconds=qb("Milliseconds",!1),vb.fn.second=vb.fn.seconds=qb("Seconds",!1),vb.fn.minute=vb.fn.minutes=qb("Minutes",!1),vb.fn.hour=vb.fn.hours=qb("Hours",!0),"Date",!0),vb.fn.dates=f("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",qb("Date",!0)),vb.fn.year=qb("FullYear",!0),vb.fn.years=f("years accessor is deprecated. Use year inste
 ad.",qb("FullYear",!0)),,vb.fn.months=vb.fn.month,vb.fn.weeks=vb.fn.week,vb.fn.isoWeeks=vb.fn.isoWeek,vb.fn.quarters=vb.fn.quarter,vb.fn.toJSON=vb.fn.toISOString,vb.fn.isUTC=vb.fn.isUtc,o(vb.duration.fn=n.prototype,{_bubble:function(){var a,b,c,d=this._milliseconds,e=this._days,f=this._months,g=this._data,h=0;g.milliseconds=d%1e3,a=q(d/1e3),g.seconds=a%60,b=q(a/60),g.minutes=b%60,c=q(b/60),g.hours=c%24,e+=q(c/24),h=q(rb(e)),e-=q(sb(h)),f+=q(e/30),e%=30,h+=q(f/12),f%=12,g.days=e,g.months=f,g.years=h},abs:function(){return this._milliseconds=Math.abs(this._milliseconds),this._days=Math.abs(this._days),this._months=Math.abs(this._months),this._data.milliseconds=Math.abs(this._data.milliseconds),this._data.seconds=Math.abs(this._data.seconds),this._data.minutes=Math.abs(this._data.minutes),this._data.hours=Math.abs(this._data.hours),this._data.months=Math.abs(this._data.months),this._data.years=Math.abs(this._data.years),this},weeks:function(){return q(this.days()/7)
 },valueOf:function(){return this._milliseconds+864e5*this._days+this._months%12*2592e6+31536e6*C(this._months/12)
-},humanize:function(a){var b=ib(this,!a,this.localeData());return a&&(b=this.localeData().pastFuture(+this,b)),this.localeData().postformat(b)},add:function(a,b){var c=vb.duration(a,b);return this._milliseconds+=c._milliseconds,this._days+=c._days,this._months+=c._months,this._bubble(),this},subtract:function(a,b){var c=vb.duration(a,b);return this._milliseconds-=c._milliseconds,this._days-=c._days,this._months-=c._months,this._bubble(),this},get:function(a){return a=z(a),this[a.toLowerCase()+"s"]()},as:function(a){var b,c;if(a=z(a),"month"===a||"year"===a)return b=this._days+this._milliseconds/864e5,c=this._months+12*rb(b),"month"===a?c:c/12;switch(b=this._days+Math.round(sb(this._months/12)),a){case"week":return b/7+this._milliseconds/6048e5;case"day":return b+this._milliseconds/864e5;case"hour":return 24*b+this._milliseconds/36e5;case"minute":return 24*b*60+this._milliseconds/6e4;case"second":return 24*b*60*60+this._milliseconds/1e3;case"millisecond":return Math.floor(24*b*60*60*
 1e3)+this._milliseconds;default:throw new Error("Unknown unit "+a)}},lang:vb.fn.lang,locale:vb.fn.locale,toIsoString:f("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)",function(){return this.toISOString()}),toISOString:function(){var a=Math.abs(this.years()),b=Math.abs(this.months()),c=Math.abs(this.days()),d=Math.abs(this.hours()),e=Math.abs(this.minutes()),f=Math.abs(this.seconds()+this.milliseconds()/1e3);return this.asSeconds()?(this.asSeconds()<0?"-":"")+"P"+(a?a+"Y":"")+(b?b+"M":"")+(c?c+"D":"")+(d||e||f?"T":"")+(d?d+"H":"")+(e?e+"M":"")+(f?f+"S":""):"P0D"},localeData:function(){return this._locale},toJSON:function(){return this.toISOString()}}),vb.duration.fn.toString=vb.duration.fn.toISOString;for(xb in kc)c(kc,xb)&&tb(xb.toLowerCase());vb.duration.fn.asMilliseconds=function(){return"ms")},vb.duration.fn.asSeconds=function(){return"s")},vb.duration.fn.asMinutes=function(){return"m")},vb.duration.fn.asHours=funct
 ion(){return"h")},vb.duration.fn.asDays=function(){return"d")},vb.duration.fn.asWeeks=function(){return"weeks")},vb.duration.fn.asMonths=function(){return"M")},vb.duration.fn.asYears=function(){return"y")},vb.locale("en",{ordinalParse:/\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,ordinal:function(a){var b=a%10,c=1===C(a%100/10)?"th":1===b?"st":2===b?"nd":3===b?"rd":"th";return a+c}}),Lb?module.exports=vb:"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?(define(function(a,b,c){return c.config&&c.config()&&c.config().noGlobal===!0&&(zb.moment=wb),vb}),ub(!0)):ub()}).call(this);
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/underscore-1.7.0.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/underscore-1.7.0.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d5b3375..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/underscore-1.7.0.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1416 +0,0 @@
-//     Underscore.js 1.7.0
-//     (c) 2009-2014 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
-//     Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
-(function() {
-  // Baseline setup
-  // --------------
-  // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `exports` on the server.
-  var root = this;
-  // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
-  var previousUnderscore = root._;
-  // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
-  var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
-  // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
-  var
-    push             = ArrayProto.push,
-    slice            = ArrayProto.slice,
-    concat           = ArrayProto.concat,
-    toString         = ObjProto.toString,
-    hasOwnProperty   = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
-  // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
-  // are declared here.
-  var
-    nativeIsArray      = Array.isArray,
-    nativeKeys         = Object.keys,
-    nativeBind         = FuncProto.bind;
-  // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
-  var _ = function(obj) {
-    if (obj instanceof _) return obj;
-    if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj);
-    this._wrapped = obj;
-  };
-  // Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with
-  // backwards-compatibility for the old `require()` API. If we're in
-  // the browser, add `_` as a global object.
-  if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
-      exports = module.exports = _;
-    }
-    exports._ = _;
-  } else {
-    root._ = _;
-  }
-  // Current version.
-  _.VERSION = '1.7.0';
-  // Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version
-  // of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore
-  // functions.
-  var createCallback = function(func, context, argCount) {
-    if (context === void 0) return func;
-    switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) {
-      case 1: return function(value) {
-        return, value);
-      };
-      case 2: return function(value, other) {
-        return, value, other);
-      };
-      case 3: return function(value, index, collection) {
-        return, value, index, collection);
-      };
-      case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) {
-        return, accumulator, value, index, collection);
-      };
-    }
-    return function() {
-      return func.apply(context, arguments);
-    };
-  };
-  // A mostly-internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied
-  // to each element in a collection, returning the desired result — either
-  // identity, an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor.
-  _.iteratee = function(value, context, argCount) {
-    if (value == null) return _.identity;
-    if (_.isFunction(value)) return createCallback(value, context, argCount);
-    if (_.isObject(value)) return _.matches(value);
-    return;
-  };
-  // Collection Functions
-  // --------------------
-  // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
-  // Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all
-  // sparse array-likes as if they were dense.
-  _.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    if (obj == null) return obj;
-    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context);
-    var i, length = obj.length;
-    if (length === +length) {
-      for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        iteratee(obj[i], i, obj);
-      }
-    } else {
-      var keys = _.keys(obj);
-      for (i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
-        iteratee(obj[keys[i]], keys[i], obj);
-      }
-    }
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element.
- = _.collect = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    if (obj == null) return [];
-    iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
-    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
-        length = (keys || obj).length,
-        results = Array(length),
-        currentKey;
-    for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
-      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
-      results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
-    }
-    return results;
-  };
-  var reduceError = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value';
-  // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
-  // or `foldl`.
-  _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) {
-    if (obj == null) obj = [];
-    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 4);
-    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
-        length = (keys || obj).length,
-        index = 0, currentKey;
-    if (arguments.length < 3) {
-      if (!length) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
-      memo = obj[keys ? keys[index++] : index++];
-    }
-    for (; index < length; index++) {
-      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
-      memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
-    }
-    return memo;
-  };
-  // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
-  _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) {
-    if (obj == null) obj = [];
-    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 4);
-    var keys = obj.length !== + obj.length && _.keys(obj),
-        index = (keys || obj).length,
-        currentKey;
-    if (arguments.length < 3) {
-      if (!index) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
-      memo = obj[keys ? keys[--index] : --index];
-    }
-    while (index--) {
-      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
-      memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj);
-    }
-    return memo;
-  };
-  // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
-  _.find = _.detect = function(obj, predicate, context) {
-    var result;
-    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
-    _.some(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (predicate(value, index, list)) {
-        result = value;
-        return true;
-      }
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
-  // Aliased as `select`.
-  _.filter = = function(obj, predicate, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
-    _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value);
-    });
-    return results;
-  };
-  // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
-  _.reject = function(obj, predicate, context) {
-    return _.filter(obj, _.negate(_.iteratee(predicate)), context);
-  };
-  // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
-  // Aliased as `all`.
-  _.every = _.all = function(obj, predicate, context) {
-    if (obj == null) return true;
-    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
-    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
-        length = (keys || obj).length,
-        index, currentKey;
-    for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
-      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
-      if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  };
-  // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
-  // Aliased as `any`.
-  _.some = _.any = function(obj, predicate, context) {
-    if (obj == null) return false;
-    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
-    var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj),
-        length = (keys || obj).length,
-        index, currentKey;
-    for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
-      currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index;
-      if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  };
-  // Determine if the array or object contains a given value (using `===`).
-  // Aliased as `include`.
-  _.contains = _.include = function(obj, target) {
-    if (obj == null) return false;
-    if (obj.length !== +obj.length) obj = _.values(obj);
-    return _.indexOf(obj, target) >= 0;
-  };
-  // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
-  _.invoke = function(obj, method) {
-    var args =, 2);
-    var isFunc = _.isFunction(method);
-    return, function(value) {
-      return (isFunc ? method : value[method]).apply(value, args);
-    });
-  };
-  // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
-  _.pluck = function(obj, key) {
-    return,;
-  };
-  // Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects
-  // containing specific `key:value` pairs.
-  _.where = function(obj, attrs) {
-    return _.filter(obj, _.matches(attrs));
-  };
-  // Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object
-  // containing specific `key:value` pairs.
-  _.findWhere = function(obj, attrs) {
-    return _.find(obj, _.matches(attrs));
-  };
-  // Return the maximum element (or element-based computation).
-  _.max = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity,
-        value, computed;
-    if (iteratee == null && obj != null) {
-      obj = obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj);
-      for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
-        value = obj[i];
-        if (value > result) {
-          result = value;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
-      _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-        computed = iteratee(value, index, list);
-        if (computed > lastComputed || computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity) {
-          result = value;
-          lastComputed = computed;
-        }
-      });
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
-  _.min = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity,
-        value, computed;
-    if (iteratee == null && obj != null) {
-      obj = obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj);
-      for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) {
-        value = obj[i];
-        if (value < result) {
-          result = value;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
-      _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-        computed = iteratee(value, index, list);
-        if (computed < lastComputed || computed === Infinity && result === Infinity) {
-          result = value;
-          lastComputed = computed;
-        }
-      });
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Shuffle a collection, using the modern version of the
-  // [Fisher-Yates shuffle](–Yates_shuffle).
-  _.shuffle = function(obj) {
-    var set = obj && obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj);
-    var length = set.length;
-    var shuffled = Array(length);
-    for (var index = 0, rand; index < length; index++) {
-      rand = _.random(0, index);
-      if (rand !== index) shuffled[index] = shuffled[rand];
-      shuffled[rand] = set[index];
-    }
-    return shuffled;
-  };
-  // Sample **n** random values from a collection.
-  // If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element.
-  // The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `map`.
-  _.sample = function(obj, n, guard) {
-    if (n == null || guard) {
-      if (obj.length !== +obj.length) obj = _.values(obj);
-      return obj[_.random(obj.length - 1)];
-    }
-    return _.shuffle(obj).slice(0, Math.max(0, n));
-  };
-  // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee.
-  _.sortBy = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
-    return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) {
-      return {
-        value: value,
-        index: index,
-        criteria: iteratee(value, index, list)
-      };
-    }).sort(function(left, right) {
-      var a = left.criteria;
-      var b = right.criteria;
-      if (a !== b) {
-        if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
-        if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
-      }
-      return left.index - right.index;
-    }), 'value');
-  };
-  // An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations.
-  var group = function(behavior) {
-    return function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-      var result = {};
-      iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
-      _.each(obj, function(value, index) {
-        var key = iteratee(value, index, obj);
-        behavior(result, value, key);
-      });
-      return result;
-    };
-  };
-  // Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute
-  // to group by, or a function that returns the criterion.
-  _.groupBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
-    if (_.has(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value];
-  });
-  // Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `groupBy`, but for
-  // when you know that your index values will be unique.
-  _.indexBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
-    result[key] = value;
-  });
-  // Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass
-  // either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the
-  // criterion.
-  _.countBy = group(function(result, value, key) {
-    if (_.has(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1;
-  });
-  // Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which
-  // an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
-  _.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iteratee, context) {
-    iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context, 1);
-    var value = iteratee(obj);
-    var low = 0, high = array.length;
-    while (low < high) {
-      var mid = low + high >>> 1;
-      if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid;
-    }
-    return low;
-  };
-  // Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable.
-  _.toArray = function(obj) {
-    if (!obj) return [];
-    if (_.isArray(obj)) return;
-    if (obj.length === +obj.length) return, _.identity);
-    return _.values(obj);
-  };
-  // Return the number of elements in an object.
-  _.size = function(obj) {
-    if (obj == null) return 0;
-    return obj.length === +obj.length ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length;
-  };
-  // Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all satisfy the given
-  // predicate, and one whose elements all do not satisfy the predicate.
-  _.partition = function(obj, predicate, context) {
-    predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context);
-    var pass = [], fail = [];
-    _.each(obj, function(value, key, obj) {
-      (predicate(value, key, obj) ? pass : fail).push(value);
-    });
-    return [pass, fail];
-  };
-  // Array Functions
-  // ---------------
-  // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
-  // values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check
-  // allows it to work with ``.
-  _.first = _.head = _.take = function(array, n, guard) {
-    if (array == null) return void 0;
-    if (n == null || guard) return array[0];
-    if (n < 0) return [];
-    return, 0, n);
-  };
-  // Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on
-  // the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in
-  // the array, excluding the last N. The **guard** check allows it to work with
-  // ``.
-  _.initial = function(array, n, guard) {
-    return, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n)));
-  };
-  // Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N
-  // values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with ``.
-  _.last = function(array, n, guard) {
-    if (array == null) return void 0;
-    if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1];
-    return, Math.max(array.length - n, 0));
-  };
-  // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`.
-  // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return
-  // the rest N values in the array. The **guard**
-  // check allows it to work with ``.
- = _.tail = _.drop = function(array, n, guard) {
-    return, n == null || guard ? 1 : n);
-  };
-  // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
-  _.compact = function(array) {
-    return _.filter(array, _.identity);
-  };
-  // Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function.
-  var flatten = function(input, shallow, strict, output) {
-    if (shallow && _.every(input, _.isArray)) {
-      return concat.apply(output, input);
-    }
-    for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) {
-      var value = input[i];
-      if (!_.isArray(value) && !_.isArguments(value)) {
-        if (!strict) output.push(value);
-      } else if (shallow) {
-        push.apply(output, value);
-      } else {
-        flatten(value, shallow, strict, output);
-      }
-    }
-    return output;
-  };
-  // Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or just one level.
-  _.flatten = function(array, shallow) {
-    return flatten(array, shallow, false, []);
-  };
-  // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
-  _.without = function(array) {
-    return _.difference(array,, 1));
-  };
-  // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
-  // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
-  // Aliased as `unique`.
-  _.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iteratee, context) {
-    if (array == null) return [];
-    if (!_.isBoolean(isSorted)) {
-      context = iteratee;
-      iteratee = isSorted;
-      isSorted = false;
-    }
-    if (iteratee != null) iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context);
-    var result = [];
-    var seen = [];
-    for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
-      var value = array[i];
-      if (isSorted) {
-        if (!i || seen !== value) result.push(value);
-        seen = value;
-      } else if (iteratee) {
-        var computed = iteratee(value, i, array);
-        if (_.indexOf(seen, computed) < 0) {
-          seen.push(computed);
-          result.push(value);
-        }
-      } else if (_.indexOf(result, value) < 0) {
-        result.push(value);
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
-  // the passed-in arrays.
-  _.union = function() {
-    return _.uniq(flatten(arguments, true, true, []));
-  };
-  // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
-  // passed-in arrays.
-  _.intersection = function(array) {
-    if (array == null) return [];
-    var result = [];
-    var argsLength = arguments.length;
-    for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
-      var item = array[i];
-      if (_.contains(result, item)) continue;
-      for (var j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) {
-        if (!_.contains(arguments[j], item)) break;
-      }
-      if (j === argsLength) result.push(item);
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays.
-  // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
-  _.difference = function(array) {
-    var rest = flatten(, 1), true, true, []);
-    return _.filter(array, function(value){
-      return !_.contains(rest, value);
-    });
-  };
-  // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
-  // an index go together.
- = function(array) {
-    if (array == null) return [];
-    var length = _.max(arguments, 'length').length;
-    var results = Array(length);
-    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      results[i] = _.pluck(arguments, i);
-    }
-    return results;
-  };
-  // Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]`
-  // pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of
-  // the corresponding values.
-  _.object = function(list, values) {
-    if (list == null) return {};
-    var result = {};
-    for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {
-      if (values) {
-        result[list[i]] = values[i];
-      } else {
-        result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1];
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array,
-  // or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
-  // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
-  // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
-  _.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) {
-    if (array == null) return -1;
-    var i = 0, length = array.length;
-    if (isSorted) {
-      if (typeof isSorted == 'number') {
-        i = isSorted < 0 ? Math.max(0, length + isSorted) : isSorted;
-      } else {
-        i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
-        return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
-      }
-    }
-    for (; i < length; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
-    return -1;
-  };
-  _.lastIndexOf = function(array, item, from) {
-    if (array == null) return -1;
-    var idx = array.length;
-    if (typeof from == 'number') {
-      idx = from < 0 ? idx + from + 1 : Math.min(idx, from + 1);
-    }
-    while (--idx >= 0) if (array[idx] === item) return idx;
-    return -1;
-  };
-  // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
-  // the native Python `range()` function. See
-  // [the Python documentation](
-  _.range = function(start, stop, step) {
-    if (arguments.length <= 1) {
-      stop = start || 0;
-      start = 0;
-    }
-    step = step || 1;
-    var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
-    var range = Array(length);
-    for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) {
-      range[idx] = start;
-    }
-    return range;
-  };
-  // Function (ahem) Functions
-  // ------------------
-  // Reusable constructor function for prototype setting.
-  var Ctor = function(){};
-  // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
-  // optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if
-  // available.
-  _.bind = function(func, context) {
-    var args, bound;
-    if (nativeBind && func.bind === nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
-    if (!_.isFunction(func)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function');
-    args =, 2);
-    bound = function() {
-      if (!(this instanceof bound)) return func.apply(context, args.concat(;
-      Ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
-      var self = new Ctor;
-      Ctor.prototype = null;
-      var result = func.apply(self, args.concat(;
-      if (_.isObject(result)) return result;
-      return self;
-    };
-    return bound;
-  };
-  // Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its
-  // arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. _ acts
-  // as a placeholder, allowing any combination of arguments to be pre-filled.
-  _.partial = function(func) {
-    var boundArgs =, 1);
-    return function() {
-      var position = 0;
-      var args = boundArgs.slice();
-      for (var i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++) {
-        if (args[i] === _) args[i] = arguments[position++];
-      }
-      while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]);
-      return func.apply(this, args);
-    };
-  };
-  // Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments
-  // are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks
-  // defined on an object belong to it.
-  _.bindAll = function(obj) {
-    var i, length = arguments.length, key;
-    if (length <= 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names');
-    for (i = 1; i < length; i++) {
-      key = arguments[i];
-      obj[key] = _.bind(obj[key], obj);
-    }
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
-  _.memoize = function(func, hasher) {
-    var memoize = function(key) {
-      var cache = memoize.cache;
-      var address = hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key;
-      if (!_.has(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments);
-      return cache[address];
-    };
-    memoize.cache = {};
-    return memoize;
-  };
-  // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
-  // it with the arguments supplied.
-  _.delay = function(func, wait) {
-    var args =, 2);
-    return setTimeout(function(){
-      return func.apply(null, args);
-    }, wait);
-  };
-  // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
-  // cleared.
-  _.defer = function(func) {
-    return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1)));
-  };
-  // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
-  // during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run
-  // as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration;
-  // but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass
-  // `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto.
-  _.throttle = function(func, wait, options) {
-    var context, args, result;
-    var timeout = null;
-    var previous = 0;
-    if (!options) options = {};
-    var later = function() {
-      previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :;
-      timeout = null;
-      result = func.apply(context, args);
-      if (!timeout) context = args = null;
-    };
-    return function() {
-      var now =;
-      if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now;
-      var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
-      context = this;
-      args = arguments;
-      if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
-        clearTimeout(timeout);
-        timeout = null;
-        previous = now;
-        result = func.apply(context, args);
-        if (!timeout) context = args = null;
-      } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) {
-        timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
-      }
-      return result;
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
-  // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
-  // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
-  // leading edge, instead of the trailing.
-  _.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
-    var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;
-    var later = function() {
-      var last = - timestamp;
-      if (last < wait && last > 0) {
-        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);
-      } else {
-        timeout = null;
-        if (!immediate) {
-          result = func.apply(context, args);
-          if (!timeout) context = args = null;
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    return function() {
-      context = this;
-      args = arguments;
-      timestamp =;
-      var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
-      if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
-      if (callNow) {
-        result = func.apply(context, args);
-        context = args = null;
-      }
-      return result;
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
-  // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
-  // conditionally execute the original function.
-  _.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
-    return _.partial(wrapper, func);
-  };
-  // Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate.
-  _.negate = function(predicate) {
-    return function() {
-      return !predicate.apply(this, arguments);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
-  // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
-  _.compose = function() {
-    var args = arguments;
-    var start = args.length - 1;
-    return function() {
-      var i = start;
-      var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments);
-      while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result);
-      return result;
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
-  _.after = function(times, func) {
-    return function() {
-      if (--times < 1) {
-        return func.apply(this, arguments);
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will only be executed before being called N times.
-  _.before = function(times, func) {
-    var memo;
-    return function() {
-      if (--times > 0) {
-        memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
-      } else {
-        func = null;
-      }
-      return memo;
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
-  // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
-  _.once = _.partial(_.before, 2);
-  // Object Functions
-  // ----------------
-  // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
-  _.keys = function(obj) {
-    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return [];
-    if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj);
-    var keys = [];
-    for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) keys.push(key);
-    return keys;
-  };
-  // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
-  _.values = function(obj) {
-    var keys = _.keys(obj);
-    var length = keys.length;
-    var values = Array(length);
-    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      values[i] = obj[keys[i]];
-    }
-    return values;
-  };
-  // Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs.
-  _.pairs = function(obj) {
-    var keys = _.keys(obj);
-    var length = keys.length;
-    var pairs = Array(length);
-    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      pairs[i] = [keys[i], obj[keys[i]]];
-    }
-    return pairs;
-  };
-  // Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable.
-  _.invert = function(obj) {
-    var result = {};
-    var keys = _.keys(obj);
-    for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
-      result[obj[keys[i]]] = keys[i];
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
-  // Aliased as `methods`
-  _.functions = _.methods = function(obj) {
-    var names = [];
-    for (var key in obj) {
-      if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
-    }
-    return names.sort();
-  };
-  // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
-  _.extend = function(obj) {
-    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
-    var source, prop;
-    for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
-      source = arguments[i];
-      for (prop in source) {
-        if (, prop)) {
-            obj[prop] = source[prop];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties.
-  _.pick = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    var result = {}, key;
-    if (obj == null) return result;
-    if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) {
-      iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context);
-      for (key in obj) {
-        var value = obj[key];
-        if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value;
-      }
-    } else {
-      var keys = concat.apply([],, 1));
-      obj = new Object(obj);
-      for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
-        key = keys[i];
-        if (key in obj) result[key] = obj[key];
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  };
-   // Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties.
-  _.omit = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
-    if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) {
-      iteratee = _.negate(iteratee);
-    } else {
-      var keys =[],, 1)), String);
-      iteratee = function(value, key) {
-        return !_.contains(keys, key);
-      };
-    }
-    return _.pick(obj, iteratee, context);
-  };
-  // Fill in a given object with default properties.
-  _.defaults = function(obj) {
-    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
-    for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
-      var source = arguments[i];
-      for (var prop in source) {
-        if (obj[prop] === void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
-      }
-    }
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
-  _.clone = function(obj) {
-    if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
-    return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
-  };
-  // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
-  // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
-  // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
-  _.tap = function(obj, interceptor) {
-    interceptor(obj);
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
-  var eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
-    // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
-    // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](
-    if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
-    // A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`.
-    if (a == null || b == null) return a === b;
-    // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
-    if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped;
-    if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped;
-    // Compare `[[Class]]` names.
-    var className =;
-    if (className !== return false;
-    switch (className) {
-      // Strings, numbers, regular expressions, dates, and booleans are compared by value.
-      case '[object RegExp]':
-      // RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i')
-      case '[object String]':
-        // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is
-        // equivalent to `new String("5")`.
-        return '' + a === '' + b;
-      case '[object Number]':
-        // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive.
-        // Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN
-        if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b;
-        // An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values.
-        return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b;
-      case '[object Date]':
-      case '[object Boolean]':
-        // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their
-        // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations
-        // of `NaN` are not equivalent.
-        return +a === +b;
-    }
-    if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false;
-    // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
-    // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
-    var length = aStack.length;
-    while (length--) {
-      // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
-      // unique nested structures.
-      if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b;
-    }
-    // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s
-    // from different frames are.
-    var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor;
-    if (
-      aCtor !== bCtor &&
-      // Handle Object.create(x) cases
-      'constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b &&
-      !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor &&
-        _.isFunction(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor)
-    ) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
-    aStack.push(a);
-    bStack.push(b);
-    var size, result;
-    // Recursively compare objects and arrays.
-    if (className === '[object Array]') {
-      // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.
-      size = a.length;
-      result = size === b.length;
-      if (result) {
-        // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.
-        while (size--) {
-          if (!(result = eq(a[size], b[size], aStack, bStack))) break;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Deep compare objects.
-      var keys = _.keys(a), key;
-      size = keys.length;
-      // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality.
-      result = _.keys(b).length === size;
-      if (result) {
-        while (size--) {
-          // Deep compare each member
-          key = keys[size];
-          if (!(result = _.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
-    aStack.pop();
-    bStack.pop();
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
-  _.isEqual = function(a, b) {
-    return eq(a, b, [], []);
-  };
-  // Is a given array, string, or object empty?
-  // An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties.
-  _.isEmpty = function(obj) {
-    if (obj == null) return true;
-    if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj) || _.isArguments(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
-    for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) return false;
-    return true;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a DOM element?
-  _.isElement = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);
-  };
-  // Is a given value an array?
-  // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
-  _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
-    return === '[object Array]';
-  };
-  // Is a given variable an object?
-  _.isObject = function(obj) {
-    var type = typeof obj;
-    return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj;
-  };
-  // Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp.
-  _.each(['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp'], function(name) {
-    _['is' + name] = function(obj) {
-      return === '[object ' + name + ']';
-    };
-  });
-  // Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE), where
-  // there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type.
-  if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) {
-    _.isArguments = function(obj) {
-      return _.has(obj, 'callee');
-    };
-  }
-  // Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around an IE 11 bug.
-  if (typeof /./ !== 'function') {
-    _.isFunction = function(obj) {
-      return typeof obj == 'function' || false;
-    };
-  }
-  // Is a given object a finite number?
-  _.isFinite = function(obj) {
-    return isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj));
-  };
-  // Is the given value `NaN`? (NaN is the only number which does not equal itself).
-  _.isNaN = function(obj) {
-    return _.isNumber(obj) && obj !== +obj;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a boolean?
-  _.isBoolean = function(obj) {
-    return obj === true || obj === false || === '[object Boolean]';
-  };
-  // Is a given value equal to null?
-  _.isNull = function(obj) {
-    return obj === null;
-  };
-  // Is a given variable undefined?
-  _.isUndefined = function(obj) {
-    return obj === void 0;
-  };
-  // Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly
-  // on itself (in other words, not on a prototype).
-  _.has = function(obj, key) {
-    return obj != null &&, key);
-  };
-  // Utility Functions
-  // -----------------
-  // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
-  // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
-  _.noConflict = function() {
-    root._ = previousUnderscore;
-    return this;
-  };
-  // Keep the identity function around for default iteratees.
-  _.identity = function(value) {
-    return value;
-  };
-  // Predicate-generating functions. Often useful outside of Underscore.
-  _.constant = function(value) {
-    return function() {
-      return value;
-    };
-  };
-  _.noop = function(){};
- = function(key) {
-    return function(obj) {
-      return obj[key];
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs.
-  _.matches = function(attrs) {
-    var pairs = _.pairs(attrs), length = pairs.length;
-    return function(obj) {
-      if (obj == null) return !length;
-      obj = new Object(obj);
-      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        var pair = pairs[i], key = pair[0];
-        if (pair[1] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false;
-      }
-      return true;
-    };
-  };
-  // Run a function **n** times.
-  _.times = function(n, iteratee, context) {
-    var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n));
-    iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 1);
-    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i);
-    return accum;
-  };
-  // Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive).
-  _.random = function(min, max) {
-    if (max == null) {
-      max = min;
-      min = 0;
-    }
-    return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
-  };
-  // A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer.
- = || function() {
-    return new Date().getTime();
-  };
-   // List of HTML entities for escaping.
-  var escapeMap = {
-    '&': '&amp;',
-    '<': '&lt;',
-    '>': '&gt;',
-    '"': '&quot;',
-    "'": '&#x27;',
-    '`': '&#x60;'
-  };
-  var unescapeMap = _.invert(escapeMap);
-  // Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation.
-  var createEscaper = function(map) {
-    var escaper = function(match) {
-      return map[match];
-    };
-    // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped
-    var source = '(?:' + _.keys(map).join('|') + ')';
-    var testRegexp = RegExp(source);
-    var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, 'g');
-    return function(string) {
-      string = string == null ? '' : '' + string;
-      return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string;
-    };
-  };
-  _.escape = createEscaper(escapeMap);
-  _.unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap);
-  // If the value of the named `property` is a function then invoke it with the
-  // `object` as context; otherwise, return it.
-  _.result = function(object, property) {
-    if (object == null) return void 0;
-    var value = object[property];
-    return _.isFunction(value) ? object[property]() : value;
-  };
-  // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
-  // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
-  var idCounter = 0;
-  _.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
-    var id = ++idCounter + '';
-    return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
-  };
-  // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
-  // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
-  _.templateSettings = {
-    evaluate    : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
-    interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
-    escape      : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
-  };
-  // When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an
-  // interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is
-  // guaranteed not to match.
-  var noMatch = /(.)^/;
-  // Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a
-  // string literal.
-  var escapes = {
-    "'":      "'",
-    '\\':     '\\',
-    '\r':     'r',
-    '\n':     'n',
-    '\u2028': 'u2028',
-    '\u2029': 'u2029'
-  };
-  var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g;
-  var escapeChar = function(match) {
-    return '\\' + escapes[match];
-  };
-  // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
-  // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
-  // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
-  // NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility.
-  _.template = function(text, settings, oldSettings) {
-    if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings;
-    settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings);
-    // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation.
-    var matcher = RegExp([
-      (settings.escape || noMatch).source,
-      (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source,
-      (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source
-    ].join('|') + '|$', 'g');
-    // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately.
-    var index = 0;
-    var source = "__p+='";
-    text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) {
-      source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escaper, escapeChar);
-      index = offset + match.length;
-      if (escape) {
-        source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'";
-      } else if (interpolate) {
-        source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'";
-      } else if (evaluate) {
-        source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='";
-      }
-      // Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offest.
-      return match;
-    });
-    source += "';\n";
-    // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope.
-    if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n';
-    source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," +
-      "print=function(){,'');};\n" +
-      source + 'return __p;\n';
-    try {
-      var render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
-    } catch (e) {
-      e.source = source;
-      throw e;
-    }
-    var template = function(data) {
-      return, data, _);
-    };
-    // Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation.
-    var argument = settings.variable || 'obj';
-    template.source = 'function(' + argument + '){\n' + source + '}';
-    return template;
-  };
-  // Add a "chain" function. Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
-  _.chain = function(obj) {
-    var instance = _(obj);
-    instance._chain = true;
-    return instance;
-  };
-  // OOP
-  // ---------------
-  // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
-  // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
-  // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
-  // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
-  var result = function(obj) {
-    return this._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
-  };
-  // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object.
-  _.mixin = function(obj) {
-    _.each(_.functions(obj), function(name) {
-      var func = _[name] = obj[name];
-      _.prototype[name] = function() {
-        var args = [this._wrapped];
-        push.apply(args, arguments);
-        return, func.apply(_, args));
-      };
-    });
-  };
-  // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
-  _.mixin(_);
-  // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
-  _.each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
-    var method = ArrayProto[name];
-    _.prototype[name] = function() {
-      var obj = this._wrapped;
-      method.apply(obj, arguments);
-      if ((name === 'shift' || name === 'splice') && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0];
-      return, obj);
-    };
-  });
-  // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
-  _.each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
-    var method = ArrayProto[name];
-    _.prototype[name] = function() {
-      return, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
-    };
-  });
-  // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
-  _.prototype.value = function() {
-    return this._wrapped;
-  };
-  // AMD registration happens at the end for compatibility with AMD loaders
-  // that may not enforce next-turn semantics on modules. Even though general
-  // practice for AMD registration is to be anonymous, underscore registers
-  // as a named module because, like jQuery, it is a base library that is
-  // popular enough to be bundled in a third party lib, but not be part of
-  // an AMD load request. Those cases could generate an error when an
-  // anonymous define() is called outside of a loader request.
-  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-    define('underscore', [], function() {
-      return _;
-    });
-  }
\ No newline at end of file

[11/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-0.3.5.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-0.3.5.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f8da79..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-0.3.5.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2883 +0,0 @@
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2014 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors <>
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-(function (factory) {
-  // CommonJS
-  if (typeof exports == "object") {
-    module.exports = factory(module.exports,
-                             require("underscore"),
-                             require("backbone"));
-  }
-  // Browser
-  else factory(this, this._, this.Backbone);
-}(function (root, _, Backbone) {
-  "use strict";
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-// Copyright 2009, 2010 Kristopher Michael Kowal
-// ES5
-var ws = "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003" +
-  "\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028" +
-  "\u2029\uFEFF";
-if (!String.prototype.trim || ws.trim()) {
-  //
-  //
-  ws = "[" + ws + "]";
-  var trimBeginRegexp = new RegExp("^" + ws + ws + "*"),
-  trimEndRegexp = new RegExp(ws + ws + "*$");
-  String.prototype.trim = function trim() {
-    if (this === undefined || this === null) {
-      throw new TypeError("can't convert " + this + " to object");
-    }
-    return String(this)
-      .replace(trimBeginRegexp, "")
-      .replace(trimEndRegexp, "");
-  };
-function lpad(str, length, padstr) {
-  var paddingLen = length - (str + '').length;
-  paddingLen =  paddingLen < 0 ? 0 : paddingLen;
-  var padding = '';
-  for (var i = 0; i < paddingLen; i++) {
-    padding = padding + padstr;
-  }
-  return padding + str;
-var $ = Backbone.$;
-var Backgrid = root.Backgrid = {
-  Extension: {},
-  resolveNameToClass: function (name, suffix) {
-    if (_.isString(name)) {
-      var key ='-'), function (e) {
-        return e.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1);
-      }).join('') + suffix;
-      var klass = Backgrid[key] || Backgrid.Extension[key];
-      if (_.isUndefined(klass)) {
-        throw new ReferenceError("Class '" + key + "' not found");
-      }
-      return klass;
-    }
-    return name;
-  },
-  callByNeed: function () {
-    var value = arguments[0];
-    if (!_.isFunction(value)) return value;
-    var context = arguments[1];
-    var args = [], 2);
-    return value.apply(context, !!(args + '') ? args : []);
-  }
-_.extend(Backgrid, Backbone.Events);
-   Command translates a DOM Event into commands that Backgrid
-   recognizes. Interested parties can listen on selected Backgrid events that
-   come with an instance of this class and act on the commands.
-   It is also possible to globally rebind the keyboard shortcuts by replacing
-   the methods in this class' prototype.
-   @class Backgrid.Command
-   @constructor
- */
-var Command = Backgrid.Command = function (evt) {
-  _.extend(this, {
-    altKey: !!evt.altKey,
-    "char": evt["char"],
-    charCode: evt.charCode,
-    ctrlKey: !!evt.ctrlKey,
-    key: evt.key,
-    keyCode: evt.keyCode,
-    locale: evt.locale,
-    location: evt.location,
-    metaKey: !!evt.metaKey,
-    repeat: !!evt.repeat,
-    shiftKey: !!evt.shiftKey,
-    which: evt.which
-  });
-_.extend(Command.prototype, {
-  /**
-     Up Arrow
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  moveUp: function () { return this.keyCode == 38; },
-  /**
-     Down Arrow
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  moveDown: function () { return this.keyCode === 40; },
-  /**
-     Shift Tab
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  moveLeft: function () { return this.shiftKey && this.keyCode === 9; },
-  /**
-     Tab
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  moveRight: function () { return !this.shiftKey && this.keyCode === 9; },
-  /**
-     Enter
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  save: function () { return this.keyCode === 13; },
-  /**
-     Esc
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  cancel: function () { return this.keyCode === 27; },
-  /**
-     None of the above.
-     @member Backgrid.Command
-   */
-  passThru: function () {
-    return !(this.moveUp() || this.moveDown() || this.moveLeft() ||
-             this.moveRight() || || this.cancel());
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   Just a convenient class for interested parties to subclass.
-   The default Cell classes don't require the formatter to be a subclass of
-   Formatter as long as the fromRaw(rawData) and toRaw(formattedData) methods
-   are defined.
-   @abstract
-   @class Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   @constructor
-var CellFormatter = Backgrid.CellFormatter = function () {};
-_.extend(CellFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     Takes a raw value from a model and returns an optionally formatted string
-     for display. The default implementation simply returns the supplied value
-     as is without any type conversion.
-     @member Backgrid.CellFormatter
-     @param {*} rawData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {*}
-  */
-  fromRaw: function (rawData, model) {
-    return rawData;
-  },
-  /**
-     Takes a formatted string, usually from user input, and returns a
-     appropriately typed value for persistence in the model.
-     If the user input is invalid or unable to be converted to a raw value
-     suitable for persistence in the model, toRaw must return `undefined`.
-     @member Backgrid.CellFormatter
-     @param {string} formattedData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {*|undefined}
-  */
-  toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
-    return formattedData;
-  }
-   A floating point number formatter. Doesn't understand scientific notation at
-   the moment.
-   @class Backgrid.NumberFormatter
-   @extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   @constructor
-   @throws {RangeError} If decimals < 0 or > 20.
-var NumberFormatter = Backgrid.NumberFormatter = function (options) {
-  _.extend(this, this.defaults, options || {});
-  if (this.decimals < 0 || this.decimals > 20) {
-    throw new RangeError("decimals must be between 0 and 20");
-  }
-NumberFormatter.prototype = new CellFormatter();
-_.extend(NumberFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     @member Backgrid.NumberFormatter
-     @cfg {Object} options
-     @cfg {number} [options.decimals=2] Number of decimals to display. Must be an integer.
-     @cfg {string} [options.decimalSeparator='.'] The separator to use when
-     displaying decimals.
-     @cfg {string} [options.orderSeparator=','] The separator to use to
-     separator thousands. May be an empty string.
-   */
-  defaults: {
-    decimals: 2,
-    decimalSeparator: '.',
-    orderSeparator: ','
-  },
-  HUMANIZED_NUM_RE: /(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+$)/g,
-  /**
-     Takes a floating point number and convert it to a formatted string where
-     every thousand is separated by `orderSeparator`, with a `decimal` number of
-     decimals separated by `decimalSeparator`. The number returned is rounded
-     the usual way.
-     @member Backgrid.NumberFormatter
-     @param {number} number
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {string}
-  */
-  fromRaw: function (number, model) {
-    if (_.isNull(number) || _.isUndefined(number)) return '';
-    number = number.toFixed(~~this.decimals);
-    var parts = number.split('.');
-    var integerPart = parts[0];
-    var decimalPart = parts[1] ? (this.decimalSeparator || '.') + parts[1] : '';
-    return integerPart.replace(this.HUMANIZED_NUM_RE, '$1' + this.orderSeparator) + decimalPart;
-  },
-  /**
-     Takes a string, possibly formatted with `orderSeparator` and/or
-     `decimalSeparator`, and convert it back to a number.
-     @member Backgrid.NumberFormatter
-     @param {string} formattedData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {number|undefined} Undefined if the string cannot be converted to
-     a number.
-  */
-  toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
-    formattedData = formattedData.trim();
-    if (formattedData === '') return null;
-    var rawData = '';
-    var thousands = formattedData.split(this.orderSeparator);
-    for (var i = 0; i < thousands.length; i++) {
-      rawData += thousands[i];
-    }
-    var decimalParts = rawData.split(this.decimalSeparator);
-    rawData = '';
-    for (var i = 0; i < decimalParts.length; i++) {
-      rawData = rawData + decimalParts[i] + '.';
-    }
-    if (rawData[rawData.length - 1] === '.') {
-      rawData = rawData.slice(0, rawData.length - 1);
-    }
-    var result = (rawData * 1).toFixed(~~this.decimals) * 1;
-    if (_.isNumber(result) && !_.isNaN(result)) return result;
-  }
-   A number formatter that converts a floating point number, optionally
-   multiplied by a multiplier, to a percentage string and vice versa.
-   @class Backgrid.PercentFormatter
-   @extends Backgrid.NumberFormatter
-   @constructor
-   @throws {RangeError} If decimals < 0 or > 20.
- */
-var PercentFormatter = Backgrid.PercentFormatter = function () {
-  Backgrid.NumberFormatter.apply(this, arguments);
-PercentFormatter.prototype = new Backgrid.NumberFormatter(),
-_.extend(PercentFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     @member Backgrid.PercentFormatter
-     @cfg {Object} options
-     @cfg {number} [options.multiplier=1] The number used to multiply the model
-     value for display.
-     @cfg {string} [options.symbol='%'] The symbol to append to the percentage
-     string.
-   */
-  defaults: _.extend({}, NumberFormatter.prototype.defaults, {
-    multiplier: 1,
-    symbol: "%"
-  }),
-  /**
-     Takes a floating point number, where the number is first multiplied by
-     `multiplier`, then converted to a formatted string like
-     NumberFormatter#fromRaw, then finally append `symbol` to the end.
-     @member Backgrid.PercentFormatter
-     @param {number} rawValue
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {string}
-  */
-  fromRaw: function (number, model) {
-    var args = [], 1);
-    args.unshift(number * this.multiplier);
-    return (NumberFormatter.prototype.fromRaw.apply(this, args) || "0") + this.symbol;
-  },
-  /**
-     Takes a string, possibly appended with `symbol` and/or `decimalSeparator`,
-     and convert it back to a number for the model like NumberFormatter#toRaw,
-     and then dividing it by `multiplier`.
-     @member Backgrid.PercentFormatter
-     @param {string} formattedData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {number|undefined} Undefined if the string cannot be converted to
-     a number.
-  */
-  toRaw: function (formattedValue, model) {
-    var tokens = formattedValue.split(this.symbol);
-    if (tokens && tokens[0] && tokens[1] === "" || tokens[1] == null) {
-      var rawValue =, tokens[0]);
-      if (_.isUndefined(rawValue)) return rawValue;
-      return rawValue / this.multiplier;
-    }
-  }
-   Formatter to converts between various datetime formats.
-   This class only understands ISO-8601 formatted datetime strings and UNIX
-   offset (number of milliseconds since UNIX Epoch). See
-   Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter if you need a much more flexible datetime
-   formatter.
-   @class Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter
-   @extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   @constructor
-   @throws {Error} If both `includeDate` and `includeTime` are false.
-var DatetimeFormatter = Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter = function (options) {
-  _.extend(this, this.defaults, options || {});
-  if (!this.includeDate && !this.includeTime) {
-    throw new Error("Either includeDate or includeTime must be true");
-  }
-DatetimeFormatter.prototype = new CellFormatter();
-_.extend(DatetimeFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     @member Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter
-     @cfg {Object} options
-     @cfg {boolean} [options.includeDate=true] Whether the values include the
-     date part.
-     @cfg {boolean} [options.includeTime=true] Whether the values include the
-     time part.
-     @cfg {boolean} [options.includeMilli=false] If `includeTime` is true,
-     whether to include the millisecond part, if it exists.
-   */
-  defaults: {
-    includeDate: true,
-    includeTime: true,
-    includeMilli: false
-  },
-  DATE_RE: /^([+\-]?\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/,
-  TIME_RE: /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.(\d{3}))?$/,
-  _convert: function (data, validate) {
-    if ((data + '').trim() === '') return null;
-    var date, time = null;
-    if (_.isNumber(data)) {
-      var jsDate = new Date(data);
-      date = lpad(jsDate.getUTCFullYear(), 4, 0) + '-' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2, 0) + '-' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCDate(), 2, 0);
-      time = lpad(jsDate.getUTCHours(), 2, 0) + ':' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCMinutes(), 2, 0) + ':' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCSeconds(), 2, 0);
-    }
-    else {
-      data = data.trim();
-      var parts = data.split(this.ISO_SPLITTER_RE) || [];
-      date = this.DATE_RE.test(parts[0]) ? parts[0] : '';
-      time = date && parts[1] ? parts[1] : this.TIME_RE.test(parts[0]) ? parts[0] : '';
-    }
-    var YYYYMMDD = this.DATE_RE.exec(date) || [];
-    var HHmmssSSS = this.TIME_RE.exec(time) || [];
-    if (validate) {
-      if (this.includeDate && _.isUndefined(YYYYMMDD[0])) return;
-      if (this.includeTime && _.isUndefined(HHmmssSSS[0])) return;
-      if (!this.includeDate && date) return;
-      if (!this.includeTime && time) return;
-    }
-    var jsDate = new Date(Date.UTC(YYYYMMDD[1] * 1 || 0,
-                                   YYYYMMDD[2] * 1 - 1 || 0,
-                                   YYYYMMDD[3] * 1 || 0,
-                                   HHmmssSSS[1] * 1 || null,
-                                   HHmmssSSS[2] * 1 || null,
-                                   HHmmssSSS[3] * 1 || null,
-                                   HHmmssSSS[5] * 1 || null));
-    var result = '';
-    if (this.includeDate) {
-      result = lpad(jsDate.getUTCFullYear(), 4, 0) + '-' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2, 0) + '-' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCDate(), 2, 0);
-    }
-    if (this.includeTime) {
-      result = result + (this.includeDate ? 'T' : '') + lpad(jsDate.getUTCHours(), 2, 0) + ':' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCMinutes(), 2, 0) + ':' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCSeconds(), 2, 0);
-      if (this.includeMilli) {
-        result = result + '.' + lpad(jsDate.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3, 0);
-      }
-    }
-    if (this.includeDate && this.includeTime) {
-      result += "Z";
-    }
-    return result;
-  },
-  /**
-     Converts an ISO-8601 formatted datetime string to a datetime string, date
-     string or a time string. The timezone is ignored if supplied.
-     @member Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter
-     @param {string} rawData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {string|null|undefined} ISO-8601 string in UTC. Null and undefined
-     values are returned as is.
-  */
-  fromRaw: function (rawData, model) {
-    if (_.isNull(rawData) || _.isUndefined(rawData)) return '';
-    return this._convert(rawData);
-  },
-  /**
-     Converts an ISO-8601 formatted datetime string to a datetime string, date
-     string or a time string. The timezone is ignored if supplied. This method
-     parses the input values exactly the same way as
-     Backgrid.Extension.MomentFormatter#fromRaw(), in addition to doing some
-     sanity checks.
-     @member Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter
-     @param {string} formattedData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {string|undefined} ISO-8601 string in UTC. Undefined if a date is
-     found when `includeDate` is false, or a time is found when `includeTime` is
-     false, or if `includeDate` is true and a date is not found, or if
-     `includeTime` is true and a time is not found.
-  */
-  toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
-    return this._convert(formattedData, true);
-  }
-   Formatter to convert any value to string.
-   @class Backgrid.StringFormatter
-   @extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   @constructor
- */
-var StringFormatter = Backgrid.StringFormatter = function () {};
-StringFormatter.prototype = new CellFormatter();
-_.extend(StringFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     Converts any value to a string using Ecmascript's implicit type
-     conversion. If the given value is `null` or `undefined`, an empty string is
-     returned instead.
-     @member Backgrid.StringFormatter
-     @param {*} rawValue
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {string}
-   */
-  fromRaw: function (rawValue, model) {
-    if (_.isUndefined(rawValue) || _.isNull(rawValue)) return '';
-    return rawValue + '';
-  }
-   Simple email validation formatter.
-   @class Backgrid.EmailFormatter
-   @extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   @constructor
- */
-var EmailFormatter = Backgrid.EmailFormatter = function () {};
-EmailFormatter.prototype = new CellFormatter();
-_.extend(EmailFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     Return the input if it is a string that contains an '@' character and if
-     the strings before and after '@' are non-empty. If the input does not
-     validate, `undefined` is returned.
-     @member Backgrid.EmailFormatter
-     @param {*} formattedData
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {string|undefined}
-   */
-  toRaw: function (formattedData, model) {
-    var parts = formattedData.trim().split("@");
-    if (parts.length === 2 && _.all(parts)) {
-      return formattedData;
-    }
-  }
-   Formatter for SelectCell.
-   If the type of a model value is not a string, it is expected that a subclass
-   of this formatter is provided to the SelectCell, with #toRaw overridden to
-   convert the string value returned from the DOM back to whatever value is
-   expected in the model.
-   @class Backgrid.SelectFormatter
-   @extends Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   @constructor
-var SelectFormatter = Backgrid.SelectFormatter = function () {};
-SelectFormatter.prototype = new CellFormatter();
-_.extend(SelectFormatter.prototype, {
-  /**
-     Normalizes raw scalar or array values to an array.
-     @member Backgrid.SelectFormatter
-     @param {*} rawValue
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model Used for more complicated formatting
-     @return {Array.<*>}
-  */
-  fromRaw: function (rawValue, model) {
-    return _.isArray(rawValue) ? rawValue : rawValue != null ? [rawValue] : [];
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   Generic cell editor base class. Only defines an initializer for a number of
-   required parameters.
-   @abstract
-   @class Backgrid.CellEditor
-   @extends Backbone.View
-var CellEditor = Backgrid.CellEditor = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backgrid.CellFormatter} options.formatter
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @throws {TypeError} If `formatter` is not a formatter instance, or when
-     `model` or `column` are undefined.
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.formatter = options.formatter;
-    this.column = options.column;
-    if (!(this.column instanceof Column)) {
-      this.column = new Column(this.column);
-    }
-    this.listenTo(this.model, "backgrid:editing", this.postRender);
-  },
-  /**
-     Post-rendering setup and initialization. Focuses the cell editor's `el` in
-     this default implementation. **Should** be called by Cell classes after
-     calling Backgrid.CellEditor#render.
-  */
-  postRender: function (model, column) {
-    if (column == null || column.get("name") == this.column.get("name")) {
-      this.$el.focus();
-    }
-    return this;
-  }
-   InputCellEditor the cell editor type used by most core cell types. This cell
-   editor renders a text input box as its editor. The input will render a
-   placeholder if the value is empty on supported browsers.
-   @class Backgrid.InputCellEditor
-   @extends Backgrid.CellEditor
-var InputCellEditor = Backgrid.InputCellEditor = CellEditor.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "input",
-  /** @property */
-  attributes: {
-    type: "text"
-  },
-  /** @property */
-  events: {
-    "blur": "saveOrCancel",
-    "keydown": "saveOrCancel"
-  },
-  /**
-     Initializer. Removes this `el` from the DOM when a `done` event is
-     triggered.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backgrid.CellFormatter} options.formatter
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @param {string} [options.placeholder]
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    InputCellEditor.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    if (options.placeholder) {
-      this.$el.attr("placeholder", options.placeholder);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders a text input with the cell value formatted for display, if it
-     exists.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    var model = this.model;
-    this.$el.val(this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(this.column.get("name")), model));
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     If the key pressed is `enter`, `tab`, `up`, or `down`, converts the value
-     in the editor to a raw value for saving into the model using the formatter.
-     If the key pressed is `esc` the changes are undone.
-     If the editor goes out of focus (`blur`) but the value is invalid, the
-     event is intercepted and cancelled so the cell remains in focus pending for
-     further action. The changes are saved otherwise.
-     Triggers a Backbone `backgrid:edited` event from the model when successful,
-     and `backgrid:error` if the value cannot be converted. Classes listening to
-     the `error` event, usually the Cell classes, should respond appropriately,
-     usually by rendering some kind of error feedback.
-     @param {Event} e
-  */
-  saveOrCancel: function (e) {
-    var formatter = this.formatter;
-    var model = this.model;
-    var column = this.column;
-    var command = new Command(e);
-    var blurred = e.type === "blur";
-    if (command.moveUp() || command.moveDown() || command.moveLeft() || command.moveRight() ||
- || blurred) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      var val = this.$el.val();
-      var newValue = formatter.toRaw(val, model);
-      if (_.isUndefined(newValue)) {
-        model.trigger("backgrid:error", model, column, val);
-      }
-      else {
-        model.set(column.get("name"), newValue);
-        model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, command);
-      }
-    }
-    // esc
-    else if (command.cancel()) {
-      // undo
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, command);
-    }
-  },
-  postRender: function (model, column) {
-    if (column == null || column.get("name") == this.column.get("name")) {
-      // move the cursor to the end on firefox if text is right aligned
-      if (this.$el.css("text-align") === "right") {
-        var val = this.$el.val();
-        this.$el.focus().val(null).val(val);
-      }
-      else this.$el.focus();
-    }
-    return this;
-  }
-   The super-class for all Cell types. By default, this class renders a plain
-   table cell with the model value converted to a string using the
-   formatter. The table cell is clickable, upon which the cell will go into
-   editor mode, which is rendered by a Backgrid.InputCellEditor instance by
-   default. Upon encountering any formatting errors, this class will add an
-   `error` CSS class to the table cell.
-   @abstract
-   @class Backgrid.Cell
-   @extends Backbone.View
-var Cell = Backgrid.Cell = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "td",
-  /**
-     @property {Backgrid.CellFormatter|Object|string} [formatter=CellFormatter]
-  */
-  formatter: CellFormatter,
-  /**
-     @property {Backgrid.CellEditor} [editor=Backgrid.InputCellEditor] The
-     default editor for all cell instances of this class. This value must be a
-     class, it will be automatically instantiated upon entering edit mode.
-     See Backgrid.CellEditor
-  */
-  editor: InputCellEditor,
-  /** @property */
-  events: {
-    "click": "enterEditMode"
-  },
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-     @throws {ReferenceError} If formatter is a string but a formatter class of
-     said name cannot be found in the Backgrid module.
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.column = options.column;
-    if (!(this.column instanceof Column)) {
-      this.column = new Column(this.column);
-    }
-    var column = this.column, model = this.model, $el = this.$el;
-    var formatter = Backgrid.resolveNameToClass(column.get("formatter") ||
-                                                this.formatter, "Formatter");
-    if (!_.isFunction(formatter.fromRaw) && !_.isFunction(formatter.toRaw)) {
-      formatter = new formatter();
-    }
-    this.formatter = formatter;
-    this.editor = Backgrid.resolveNameToClass(this.editor, "CellEditor");
-    this.listenTo(model, "change:" + column.get("name"), function () {
-      if (!$el.hasClass("editor")) this.render();
-    });
-    this.listenTo(model, "backgrid:error", this.renderError);
-    this.listenTo(column, "change:editable change:sortable change:renderable",
-                  function (column) {
-                    var changed = column.changedAttributes();
-                    for (var key in changed) {
-                      if (changed.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
-                        $el.toggleClass(key, changed[key]);
-                      }
-                    }
-                  });
-    if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.editable(), column, model)) $el.addClass("editable");
-    if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.sortable(), column, model)) $el.addClass("sortable");
-    if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.renderable(), column, model)) $el.addClass("renderable");
-  },
-  /**
-     Render a text string in a table cell. The text is converted from the
-     model's raw value for this cell's column.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var model = this.model;
-    this.$el.text(this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(this.column.get("name")), model));
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     If this column is editable, a new CellEditor instance is instantiated with
-     its required parameters. An `editor` CSS class is added to the cell upon
-     entering edit mode.
-     This method triggers a Backbone `backgrid:edit` event from the model when
-     the cell is entering edit mode and an editor instance has been constructed,
-     but before it is rendered and inserted into the DOM. The cell and the
-     constructed cell editor instance are sent as event parameters when this
-     event is triggered.
-     When this cell has finished switching to edit mode, a Backbone
-     `backgrid:editing` event is triggered from the model. The cell and the
-     constructed cell instance are also sent as parameters in the event.
-     When the model triggers a `backgrid:error` event, it means the editor is
-     unable to convert the current user input to an apprpriate value for the
-     model's column, and an `error` CSS class is added to the cell accordingly.
-  */
-  enterEditMode: function () {
-    var model = this.model;
-    var column = this.column;
-    var editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(column.editable(), column, model);
-    if (editable) {
-      this.currentEditor = new this.editor({
-        column: this.column,
-        model: this.model,
-        formatter: this.formatter
-      });
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edit", model, column, this, this.currentEditor);
-      // Need to redundantly undelegate events for Firefox
-      this.undelegateEvents();
-      this.$el.empty();
-      this.$el.append(this.currentEditor.$el);
-      this.currentEditor.render();
-      this.$el.addClass("editor");
-      model.trigger("backgrid:editing", model, column, this, this.currentEditor);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-     Put an `error` CSS class on the table cell.
-  */
-  renderError: function (model, column) {
-    if (column == null || column.get("name") == this.column.get("name")) {
-      this.$el.addClass("error");
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-     Removes the editor and re-render in display mode.
-  */
-  exitEditMode: function () {
-    this.$el.removeClass("error");
-    this.currentEditor.remove();
-    this.stopListening(this.currentEditor);
-    delete this.currentEditor;
-    this.$el.removeClass("editor");
-    this.render();
-  },
-  /**
-     Clean up this cell.
-     @chainable
-  */
-  remove: function () {
-    if (this.currentEditor) {
-      this.currentEditor.remove.apply(this.currentEditor, arguments);
-      delete this.currentEditor;
-    }
-    return Cell.__super__.remove.apply(this, arguments);
-  }
-   StringCell displays HTML escaped strings and accepts anything typed in.
-   @class Backgrid.StringCell
-   @extends Backgrid.Cell
-var StringCell = Backgrid.StringCell = Cell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "string-cell",
-  formatter: StringFormatter
-   UriCell renders an HTML `<a>` anchor for the value and accepts URIs as user
-   input values. No type conversion or URL validation is done by the formatter
-   of this cell. Users who need URL validation are encourage to subclass UriCell
-   to take advantage of the parsing capabilities of the HTMLAnchorElement
-   available on HTML5-capable browsers or using a third-party library like
-   [URI.js](
-   @class Backgrid.UriCell
-   @extends Backgrid.Cell
-var UriCell = Backgrid.UriCell = Cell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "uri-cell",
-  /**
-     @property {string} [title] The title attribute of the generated anchor. It
-     uses the display value formatted by the `formatter.fromRaw` by default.
-  */
-  title: null,
-  /**
-     @property {string} [target="_blank"] The target attribute of the generated
-     anchor.
-  */
-  target: "_blank",
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    UriCell.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    this.title = options.title || this.title;
- = ||;
-  },
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var rawValue = this.model.get(this.column.get("name"));
-    var formattedValue = this.formatter.fromRaw(rawValue, this.model);
-    this.$el.append($("<a>", {
-      tabIndex: -1,
-      href: rawValue,
-      title: this.title || formattedValue,
-      target:
-    }).text(formattedValue));
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  }
-   Like Backgrid.UriCell, EmailCell renders an HTML `<a>` anchor for the
-   value. The `href` in the anchor is prefixed with `mailto:`. EmailCell will
-   complain if the user enters a string that doesn't contain the `@` sign.
-   @class Backgrid.EmailCell
-   @extends Backgrid.StringCell
-var EmailCell = Backgrid.EmailCell = StringCell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "email-cell",
-  formatter: EmailFormatter,
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var model = this.model;
-    var formattedValue = this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(this.column.get("name")), model);
-    this.$el.append($("<a>", {
-      tabIndex: -1,
-      href: "mailto:" + formattedValue,
-      title: formattedValue
-    }).text(formattedValue));
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  }
-   NumberCell is a generic cell that renders all numbers. Numbers are formatted
-   using a Backgrid.NumberFormatter.
-   @class Backgrid.NumberCell
-   @extends Backgrid.Cell
-var NumberCell = Backgrid.NumberCell = Cell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "number-cell",
-  /**
-     @property {number} [decimals=2] Must be an integer.
-  */
-  decimals: NumberFormatter.prototype.defaults.decimals,
-  /** @property {string} [decimalSeparator='.'] */
-  decimalSeparator: NumberFormatter.prototype.defaults.decimalSeparator,
-  /** @property {string} [orderSeparator=','] */
-  orderSeparator: NumberFormatter.prototype.defaults.orderSeparator,
-  /** @property {Backgrid.CellFormatter} [formatter=Backgrid.NumberFormatter] */
-  formatter: NumberFormatter,
-  /**
-     Initializes this cell and the number formatter.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    NumberCell.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    var formatter = this.formatter;
-    formatter.decimals = this.decimals;
-    formatter.decimalSeparator = this.decimalSeparator;
-    formatter.orderSeparator = this.orderSeparator;
-  }
-   An IntegerCell is just a Backgrid.NumberCell with 0 decimals. If a floating
-   point number is supplied, the number is simply rounded the usual way when
-   displayed.
-   @class Backgrid.IntegerCell
-   @extends Backgrid.NumberCell
-var IntegerCell = Backgrid.IntegerCell = NumberCell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "integer-cell",
-  /**
-     @property {number} decimals Must be an integer.
-  */
-  decimals: 0
-   A PercentCell is another Backgrid.NumberCell that takes a floating number,
-   optionally multiplied by a multiplier and display it as a percentage.
-   @class Backgrid.PercentCell
-   @extends Backgrid.NumberCell
- */
-var PercentCell = Backgrid.PercentCell = NumberCell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "percent-cell",
-  /** @property {number} [multiplier=1] */
-  multiplier: PercentFormatter.prototype.defaults.multiplier,
-  /** @property {string} [symbol='%'] */
-  symbol: PercentFormatter.prototype.defaults.symbol,
-  /** @property {Backgrid.CellFormatter} [formatter=Backgrid.PercentFormatter] */
-  formatter: PercentFormatter,
-  /**
-     Initializes this cell and the percent formatter.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-  */
-  initialize: function () {
-    PercentCell.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    var formatter = this.formatter;
-    formatter.multiplier = this.multiplier;
-    formatter.symbol = this.symbol;
-  }
-   DatetimeCell is a basic cell that accepts datetime string values in RFC-2822
-   or W3C's subset of ISO-8601 and displays them in ISO-8601 format. For a much
-   more sophisticated date time cell with better datetime formatting, take a
-   look at the Backgrid.Extension.MomentCell extension.
-   @class Backgrid.DatetimeCell
-   @extends Backgrid.Cell
-   See:
-   - Backgrid.Extension.MomentCell
-   - Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter
-var DatetimeCell = Backgrid.DatetimeCell = Cell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "datetime-cell",
-  /**
-     @property {boolean} [includeDate=true]
-  */
-  includeDate: DatetimeFormatter.prototype.defaults.includeDate,
-  /**
-     @property {boolean} [includeTime=true]
-  */
-  includeTime: DatetimeFormatter.prototype.defaults.includeTime,
-  /**
-     @property {boolean} [includeMilli=false]
-  */
-  includeMilli: DatetimeFormatter.prototype.defaults.includeMilli,
-  /** @property {Backgrid.CellFormatter} [formatter=Backgrid.DatetimeFormatter] */
-  formatter: DatetimeFormatter,
-  /**
-     Initializes this cell and the datetime formatter.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    DatetimeCell.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    var formatter = this.formatter;
-    formatter.includeDate = this.includeDate;
-    formatter.includeTime = this.includeTime;
-    formatter.includeMilli = this.includeMilli;
-    var placeholder = this.includeDate ? "YYYY-MM-DD" : "";
-    placeholder += (this.includeDate && this.includeTime) ? "T" : "";
-    placeholder += this.includeTime ? "HH:mm:ss" : "";
-    placeholder += (this.includeTime && this.includeMilli) ? ".SSS" : "";
-    this.editor = this.editor.extend({
-      attributes: _.extend({}, this.editor.prototype.attributes, this.editor.attributes, {
-        placeholder: placeholder
-      })
-    });
-  }
-   DateCell is a Backgrid.DatetimeCell without the time part.
-   @class Backgrid.DateCell
-   @extends Backgrid.DatetimeCell
-var DateCell = Backgrid.DateCell = DatetimeCell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "date-cell",
-  /** @property */
-  includeTime: false
-   TimeCell is a Backgrid.DatetimeCell without the date part.
-   @class Backgrid.TimeCell
-   @extends Backgrid.DatetimeCell
-var TimeCell = Backgrid.TimeCell = DatetimeCell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "time-cell",
-  /** @property */
-  includeDate: false
-   BooleanCellEditor renders a checkbox as its editor.
-   @class Backgrid.BooleanCellEditor
-   @extends Backgrid.CellEditor
-var BooleanCellEditor = Backgrid.BooleanCellEditor = CellEditor.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "input",
-  /** @property */
-  attributes: {
-    tabIndex: -1,
-    type: "checkbox"
-  },
-  /** @property */
-  events: {
-    "mousedown": function () {
-      this.mouseDown = true;
-    },
-    "blur": "enterOrExitEditMode",
-    "mouseup": function () {
-      this.mouseDown = false;
-    },
-    "change": "saveOrCancel",
-    "keydown": "saveOrCancel"
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders a checkbox and check it if the model value of this column is true,
-     uncheck otherwise.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    var model = this.model;
-    var val = this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(this.column.get("name")), model);
-    this.$el.prop("checked", val);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Event handler. Hack to deal with the case where `blur` is fired before
-     `change` and `click` on a checkbox.
-  */
-  enterOrExitEditMode: function (e) {
-    if (!this.mouseDown) {
-      var model = this.model;
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, this.column, new Command(e));
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-     Event handler. Save the value into the model if the event is `change` or
-     one of the keyboard navigation key presses. Exit edit mode without saving
-     if `escape` was pressed.
-  */
-  saveOrCancel: function (e) {
-    var model = this.model;
-    var column = this.column;
-    var formatter = this.formatter;
-    var command = new Command(e);
-    // skip ahead to `change` when space is pressed
-    if (command.passThru() && e.type != "change") return true;
-    if (command.cancel()) {
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, command);
-    }
-    var $el = this.$el;
-    if ( || command.moveLeft() || command.moveRight() || command.moveUp() ||
-        command.moveDown()) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      var val = formatter.toRaw($el.prop("checked"), model);
-      model.set(column.get("name"), val);
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, command);
-    }
-    else if (e.type == "change") {
-      var val = formatter.toRaw($el.prop("checked"), model);
-      model.set(column.get("name"), val);
-      $el.focus();
-    }
-  }
-   BooleanCell renders a checkbox both during display mode and edit mode. The
-   checkbox is checked if the model value is true, unchecked otherwise.
-   @class Backgrid.BooleanCell
-   @extends Backgrid.Cell
-var BooleanCell = Backgrid.BooleanCell = Cell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "boolean-cell",
-  /** @property */
-  editor: BooleanCellEditor,
-  /** @property */
-  events: {
-    "click": "enterEditMode"
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders a checkbox and check it if the model value of this column is true,
-     uncheck otherwise.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var model = this.model, column = this.column;
-    var editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(column.editable(), column, model);
-    this.$el.append($("<input>", {
-      tabIndex: -1,
-      type: "checkbox",
-      checked: this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(column.get("name")), model),
-      disabled: !editable
-    }));
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  }
-   SelectCellEditor renders an HTML `<select>` fragment as the editor.
-   @class Backgrid.SelectCellEditor
-   @extends Backgrid.CellEditor
-var SelectCellEditor = Backgrid.SelectCellEditor = CellEditor.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "select",
-  /** @property */
-  events: {
-    "change": "save",
-    "blur": "close",
-    "keydown": "close"
-  },
-  /** @property {function(Object, ?Object=): string} template */
-  template: _.template('<option value="<%- value %>" <%= selected ? \'selected="selected"\' : "" %>><%- text %></option>', null, {variable: null}),
-  setOptionValues: function (optionValues) {
-    this.optionValues = optionValues;
-    this.optionValues = _.result(this, "optionValues");
-  },
-  setMultiple: function (multiple) {
-    this.multiple = multiple;
-    this.$el.prop("multiple", multiple);
-  },
-  _renderOptions: function (nvps, selectedValues) {
-    var options = '';
-    for (var i = 0; i < nvps.length; i++) {
-      options = options + this.template({
-        text: nvps[i][0],
-        value: nvps[i][1],
-        selected: _.indexOf(selectedValues, nvps[i][1]) > -1
-      });
-    }
-    return options;
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders the options if `optionValues` is a list of name-value pairs. The
-     options are contained inside option groups if `optionValues` is a list of
-     object hashes. The name is rendered at the option text and the value is the
-     option value. If `optionValues` is a function, it is called without a
-     parameter.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var optionValues = _.result(this, "optionValues");
-    var model = this.model;
-    var selectedValues = this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(this.column.get("name")), model);
-    if (!_.isArray(optionValues)) throw new TypeError("optionValues must be an array");
-    var optionValue = null;
-    var optionText = null;
-    var optionValue = null;
-    var optgroupName = null;
-    var optgroup = null;
-    for (var i = 0; i < optionValues.length; i++) {
-      var optionValue = optionValues[i];
-      if (_.isArray(optionValue)) {
-        optionText  = optionValue[0];
-        optionValue = optionValue[1];
-        this.$el.append(this.template({
-          text: optionText,
-          value: optionValue,
-          selected: _.indexOf(selectedValues, optionValue) > -1
-        }));
-      }
-      else if (_.isObject(optionValue)) {
-        optgroupName =;
-        optgroup = $("<optgroup></optgroup>", { label: optgroupName });
-        optgroup.append(, optionValue.values, selectedValues));
-        this.$el.append(optgroup);
-      }
-      else {
-        throw new TypeError("optionValues elements must be a name-value pair or an object hash of { name: 'optgroup label', value: [option name-value pairs] }");
-      }
-    }
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Saves the value of the selected option to the model attribute.
-  */
-  save: function (e) {
-    var model = this.model;
-    var column = this.column;
-    model.set(column.get("name"), this.formatter.toRaw(this.$el.val(), model));
-  },
-  /**
-     Triggers a `backgrid:edited` event from the model so the body can close
-     this editor.
-  */
-  close: function (e) {
-    var model = this.model;
-    var column = this.column;
-    var command = new Command(e);
-    if (command.cancel()) {
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, new Command(e));
-    }
-    else if ( || command.moveLeft() || command.moveRight() ||
-             command.moveUp() || command.moveDown() || e.type == "blur") {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      model.trigger("backgrid:edited", model, column, new Command(e));
-    }
-  }
-   SelectCell is also a different kind of cell in that upon going into edit mode
-   the cell renders a list of options to pick from, as opposed to an input box.
-   SelectCell cannot be referenced by its string name when used in a column
-   definition because it requires an `optionValues` class attribute to be
-   defined. `optionValues` can either be a list of name-value pairs, to be
-   rendered as options, or a list of object hashes which consist of a key *name*
-   which is the option group name, and a key *values* which is a list of
-   name-value pairs to be rendered as options under that option group.
-   In addition, `optionValues` can also be a parameter-less function that
-   returns one of the above. If the options are static, it is recommended the
-   returned values to be memoized. `_.memoize()` is a good function to help with
-   that.
-   During display mode, the default formatter will normalize the raw model value
-   to an array of values whether the raw model value is a scalar or an
-   array. Each value is compared with the `optionValues` values using
-   Ecmascript's implicit type conversion rules. When exiting edit mode, no type
-   conversion is performed when saving into the model. This behavior is not
-   always desirable when the value type is anything other than string. To
-   control type conversion on the client-side, you should subclass SelectCell to
-   provide a custom formatter or provide the formatter to your column
-   definition.
-   See:
-     [$.fn.val()](
-   @class Backgrid.SelectCell
-   @extends Backgrid.Cell
-var SelectCell = Backgrid.SelectCell = Cell.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  className: "select-cell",
-  /** @property */
-  editor: SelectCellEditor,
-  /** @property */
-  multiple: false,
-  /** @property */
-  formatter: SelectFormatter,
-  /**
-     @property {Array.<Array>|Array.<{name: string, values: Array.<Array>}>} optionValues
-  */
-  optionValues: undefined,
-  /** @property */
-  delimiter: ', ',
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} options.column
-     @throws {TypeError} If `optionsValues` is undefined.
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    SelectCell.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    this.listenTo(this.model, "backgrid:edit", function (model, column, cell, editor) {
-      if (column.get("name") == this.column.get("name")) {
-        editor.setOptionValues(this.optionValues);
-        editor.setMultiple(this.multiple);
-      }
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders the label using the raw value as key to look up from `optionValues`.
-     @throws {TypeError} If `optionValues` is malformed.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var optionValues = _.result(this, "optionValues");
-    var model = this.model;
-    var rawData = this.formatter.fromRaw(model.get(this.column.get("name")), model);
-    var selectedText = [];
-    try {
-      if (!_.isArray(optionValues) || _.isEmpty(optionValues)) throw new TypeError;
-      for (var k = 0; k < rawData.length; k++) {
-        var rawDatum = rawData[k];
-        for (var i = 0; i < optionValues.length; i++) {
-          var optionValue = optionValues[i];
-          if (_.isArray(optionValue)) {
-            var optionText  = optionValue[0];
-            var optionValue = optionValue[1];
-            if (optionValue == rawDatum) selectedText.push(optionText);
-          }
-          else if (_.isObject(optionValue)) {
-            var optionGroupValues = optionValue.values;
-            for (var j = 0; j < optionGroupValues.length; j++) {
-              var optionGroupValue = optionGroupValues[j];
-              if (optionGroupValue[1] == rawDatum) {
-                selectedText.push(optionGroupValue[0]);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else {
-            throw new TypeError;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      this.$el.append(selectedText.join(this.delimiter));
-    }
-    catch (ex) {
-      if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
-        throw new TypeError("'optionValues' must be of type {Array.<Array>|Array.<{name: string, values: Array.<Array>}>}");
-      }
-      throw ex;
-    }
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   A Column is a placeholder for column metadata.
-   You usually don't need to create an instance of this class yourself as a
-   collection of column instances will be created for you from a list of column
-   attributes in the Backgrid.js view class constructors.
-   @class Backgrid.Column
-   @extends Backbone.Model
-var Column = Backgrid.Column = Backbone.Model.extend({
-  /**
-     @cfg {Object} defaults Column defaults. To override any of these default
-     values, you can either change the prototype directly to override
-     Column.defaults globally or extend Column and supply the custom class to
-     Backgrid.Grid:
-         // Override Column defaults globally
-         Column.prototype.defaults.sortable = false;
-         // Override Column defaults locally
-         var MyColumn = Column.extend({
-           defaults: _.defaults({
-             editable: false
-           }, Column.prototype.defaults)
-         });
-         var grid = new Backgrid.Grid(columns: new Columns([{...}, {...}], {
-           model: MyColumn
-         }));
-     @cfg {string} [] The default name of the model attribute.
-     @cfg {string} [defaults.label] The default label to show in the header.
-     @cfg {string|Backgrid.Cell} [defaults.cell] The default cell type. If this
-     is a string, the capitalized form will be used to look up a cell class in
-     Backbone, i.e.: string => StringCell. If a Cell subclass is supplied, it is
-     initialized with a hash of parameters. If a Cell instance is supplied, it
-     is used directly.
-     @cfg {string|Backgrid.HeaderCell} [defaults.headerCell] The default header
-     cell type.
-     @cfg {boolean|string|function(): boolean} [defaults.sortable=true] Whether
-     this column is sortable. If the value is a string, a method will the same
-     name will be looked up from the column instance to determine whether the
-     column should be sortable. The method's signature must be `function
-     (Backgrid.Column, Backbone.Model): boolean`.
-     @cfg {boolean|string|function(): boolean} [defaults.editable=true] Whether
-     this column is editable. If the value is a string, a method will the same
-     name will be looked up from the column instance to determine whether the
-     column should be editable. The method's signature must be `function
-     (Backgrid.Column, Backbone.Model): boolean`.
-     @cfg {boolean|string|function(): boolean} [defaults.renderable=true]
-     Whether this column is renderable. If the value is a string, a method will
-     the same name will be looked up from the column instance to determine
-     whether the column should be renderable. The method's signature must be
-     `function (Backrid.Column, Backbone.Model): boolean`.
-     @cfg {Backgrid.CellFormatter | Object | string} [defaults.formatter] The
-     formatter to use to convert between raw model values and user input.
-     @cfg {"toggle"|"cycle"} [defaults.sortType="cycle"] Whether sorting will
-     toggle between ascending and descending order, or cycle between insertion
-     order, ascending and descending order.
-     @cfg {(function(Backbone.Model, string): *) | string} [defaults.sortValue]
-     The function to use to extract a value from the model for comparison during
-     sorting. If this value is a string, a method with the same name will be
-     looked up from the column instance.
-     @cfg {"ascending"|"descending"|null} [defaults.direction=null] The initial
-     sorting direction for this column. The default is ordered by
-     Backbone.Model.cid, which usually means the collection is ordered by
-     insertion order.
-  */
-  defaults: {
-    name: undefined,
-    label: undefined,
-    sortable: true,
-    editable: true,
-    renderable: true,
-    formatter: undefined,
-    sortType: "cycle",
-    sortValue: undefined,
-    direction: null,
-    cell: undefined,
-    headerCell: undefined
-  },
-  /**
-     Initializes this Column instance.
-     @param {Object} attrs
-     @param {string} The model attribute this column is responsible
-     for.
-     @param {string|Backgrid.Cell} attrs.cell The cell type to use to render
-     this column.
-     @param {string} [attrs.label]
-     @param {string|Backgrid.HeaderCell} [attrs.headerCell]
-     @param {boolean|string|function(): boolean} [attrs.sortable=true]
-     @param {boolean|string|function(): boolean} [attrs.editable=true]
-     @param {boolean|string|function(): boolean} [attrs.renderable=true]
-     @param {Backgrid.CellFormatter | Object | string} [attrs.formatter]
-     @param {"toggle"|"cycle"}  [attrs.sortType="cycle"]
-     @param {(function(Backbone.Model, string): *) | string} [attrs.sortValue]
-     @throws {TypeError} If attrs.cell or attrs.options are not supplied.
-     @throws {ReferenceError} If formatter is a string but a formatter class of
-     said name cannot be found in the Backgrid module.
-     See:
-     - Backgrid.Column.defaults
-     - Backgrid.Cell
-     - Backgrid.CellFormatter
-   */
-  initialize: function () {
-    if (!this.has("label")) {
-      this.set({ label: this.get("name") }, { silent: true });
-    }
-    var headerCell = Backgrid.resolveNameToClass(this.get("headerCell"), "HeaderCell");
-    var cell = Backgrid.resolveNameToClass(this.get("cell"), "Cell");
-    this.set({cell: cell, headerCell: headerCell}, { silent: true });
-  },
-  /**
-     Returns an appropriate value extraction function from a model for sorting.
-     If the column model contains an attribute `sortValue`, if it is a string, a
-     method from the column instance identifified by the `sortValue` string is
-     returned. If it is a function, it it returned as is. If `sortValue` isn't
-     found from the column model's attributes, a default value extraction
-     function is returned which will compare according to the natural order of
-     the value's type.
-     @return {function(Backbone.Model, string): *}
-   */
-  sortValue: function () {
-    var sortValue = this.get("sortValue");
-    if (_.isString(sortValue)) return this[sortValue];
-    else if (_.isFunction(sortValue)) return sortValue;
-    return function (model, colName) {
-      return model.get(colName);
-    };
-  }
-  /**
-     @member Backgrid.Column
-     @protected
-     @method sortable
-     @return {function(Backgrid.Column, Backbone.Model): boolean | boolean}
-  */
-  /**
-     @member Backgrid.Column
-     @protected
-     @method editable
-     @return {function(Backgrid.Column, Backbone.Model): boolean | boolean}
-  */
-  /**
-     @member Backgrid.Column
-     @protected
-     @method renderable
-     @return {function(Backgrid.Column, Backbone.Model): boolean | boolean}
-  */
-_.each(["sortable", "renderable", "editable"], function (key) {
-  Column.prototype[key] = function () {
-    var value = this.get(key);
-    if (_.isString(value)) return this[value];
-    else if (_.isFunction(value)) return value;
-    return !!value;
-  };
-   A Backbone collection of Column instances.
-   @class Backgrid.Columns
-   @extends Backbone.Collection
- */
-var Columns = Backgrid.Columns = Backbone.Collection.extend({
-  /**
-     @property {Backgrid.Column} model
-   */
-  model: Column
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   Row is a simple container view that takes a model instance and a list of
-   column metadata describing how each of the model's attribute is to be
-   rendered, and apply the appropriate cell to each attribute.
-   @class Backgrid.Row
-   @extends Backbone.View
-var Row = Backgrid.Row = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "tr",
-  /**
-     Initializes a row view instance.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns Column metadata.
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model The model instance to render.
-     @throws {TypeError} If options.columns or options.model is undefined.
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    var columns = this.columns = options.columns;
-    if (!(columns instanceof Backbone.Collection)) {
-      columns = this.columns = new Columns(columns);
-    }
-    var cells = this.cells = [];
-    for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
-      cells.push(this.makeCell(, options));
-    }
-    this.listenTo(columns, "add", function (column, columns) {
-      var i = columns.indexOf(column);
-      var cell = this.makeCell(column, options);
-      cells.splice(i, 0, cell);
-      var $el = this.$el;
-      if (i === 0) {
-        $el.prepend(cell.render().$el);
-      }
-      else if (i === columns.length - 1) {
-        $el.append(cell.render().$el);
-      }
-      else {
-        $el.children().eq(i).before(cell.render().$el);
-      }
-    });
-    this.listenTo(columns, "remove", function (column, columns, opts) {
-      cells[opts.index].remove();
-      cells.splice(opts.index, 1);
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-     Factory method for making a cell. Used by #initialize internally. Override
-     this to provide an appropriate cell instance for a custom Row subclass.
-     @protected
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} column
-     @param {Object} options The options passed to #initialize.
-     @return {Backgrid.Cell}
-  */
-  makeCell: function (column) {
-    return new (column.get("cell"))({
-      column: column,
-      model: this.model
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders a row of cells for this row's model.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) {
-      fragment.appendChild(this.cells[i].render().el);
-    }
-    this.el.appendChild(fragment);
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Clean up this row and its cells.
-     @chainable
-  */
-  remove: function () {
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) {
-      var cell = this.cells[i];
-      cell.remove.apply(cell, arguments);
-    }
-    return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
-  }
-   EmptyRow is a simple container view that takes a list of column and render a
-   row with a single column.
-   @class Backgrid.EmptyRow
-   @extends Backbone.View
-var EmptyRow = Backgrid.EmptyRow = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "tr",
-  /** @property {string|function(): string} */
-  emptyText: null,
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {string|function(): string} options.emptyText
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns Column metadata.
-   */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.emptyText = options.emptyText;
-    this.columns =  options.columns;
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders an empty row.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var td = document.createElement("td");
-    td.setAttribute("colspan", this.columns.length);
-    td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(_.result(this, "emptyText")));
-    this.el.className = "empty";
-    this.el.appendChild(td);
-    return this;
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   HeaderCell is a special cell class that renders a column header cell. If the
-   column is sortable, a sorter is also rendered and will trigger a table
-   refresh after sorting.
-   @class Backgrid.HeaderCell
-   @extends Backbone.View
- */
-var HeaderCell = Backgrid.HeaderCell = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "th",
-  /** @property */
-  events: {
-    "click a": "onClick"
-  },
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backgrid.Column|Object} options.column
-     @throws {TypeError} If options.column or options.collection is undefined.
-   */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.column = options.column;
-    if (!(this.column instanceof Column)) {
-      this.column = new Column(this.column);
-    }
-    var column = this.column, collection = this.collection, $el = this.$el;
-    this.listenTo(column, "change:editable change:sortable change:renderable",
-                  function (column) {
-                    var changed = column.changedAttributes();
-                    for (var key in changed) {
-                      if (changed.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
-                        $el.toggleClass(key, changed[key]);
-                      }
-                    }
-                  });
-    this.listenTo(column, "change:direction", this.setCellDirection);
-    this.listenTo(column, "change:name change:label", this.render);
-    if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.editable(), column, collection)) $el.addClass("editable");
-    if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.sortable(), column, collection)) $el.addClass("sortable");
-    if (Backgrid.callByNeed(column.renderable(), column, collection)) $el.addClass("renderable");
-    this.listenTo(collection.fullCollection || collection, "sort", this.removeCellDirection);
-  },
-  /**
-     Event handler for the collection's `sort` event. Removes all the CSS
-     direction classes.
-   */
-  removeCellDirection: function () {
-    this.$el.removeClass("ascending").removeClass("descending");
-    this.column.set("direction", null);
-  },
-  /**
-     Event handler for the column's `change:direction` event. If this
-     HeaderCell's column is being sorted on, it applies the direction given as a
-     CSS class to the header cell. Removes all the CSS direction classes
-     otherwise.
-   */
-  setCellDirection: function (column, direction) {
-    this.$el.removeClass("ascending").removeClass("descending");
-    if (column.cid == this.column.cid) this.$el.addClass(direction);
-  },
-  /**
-     Event handler for the `click` event on the cell's anchor. If the column is
-     sortable, clicking on the anchor will cycle through 3 sorting orderings -
-     `ascending`, `descending`, and default.
-   */
-  onClick: function (e) {
-    e.preventDefault();
-    var column = this.column;
-    var collection = this.collection;
-    var event = "backgrid:sort";
-    function cycleSort(header, col) {
-      if (column.get("direction") === "ascending") collection.trigger(event, col, "descending");
-      else if (column.get("direction") === "descending") collection.trigger(event, col, null);
-      else collection.trigger(event, col, "ascending");
-    }
-    function toggleSort(header, col) {
-      if (column.get("direction") === "ascending") collection.trigger(event, col, "descending");
-      else collection.trigger(event, col, "ascending");
-    }
-    var sortable = Backgrid.callByNeed(column.sortable(), column, this.collection);
-    if (sortable) {
-      var sortType = column.get("sortType");
-      if (sortType === "toggle") toggleSort(this, column);
-      else cycleSort(this, column);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders a header cell with a sorter, a label, and a class name for this
-     column.
-   */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var column = this.column;
-    var sortable = Backgrid.callByNeed(column.sortable(), column, this.collection);
-    var label;
-    if(sortable){
-      label = $("<a>").text(column.get("label")).append("<b class='sort-caret'></b>");
-    } else {
-      label = document.createTextNode(column.get("label"));
-    }
-    this.$el.append(label);
-    this.$el.addClass(column.get("name"));
-    this.$el.addClass(column.get("direction"));
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  }
-   HeaderRow is a controller for a row of header cells.
-   @class Backgrid.HeaderRow
-   @extends Backgrid.Row
- */
-var HeaderRow = Backgrid.HeaderRow = Backgrid.Row.extend({
-  requiredOptions: ["columns", "collection"],
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns
-     @param {Backgrid.HeaderCell} [options.headerCell] Customized default
-     HeaderCell for all the columns. Supply a HeaderCell class or instance to a
-     the `headerCell` key in a column definition for column-specific header
-     rendering.
-     @throws {TypeError} If options.columns or options.collection is undefined.
-   */
-  initialize: function () {
-    Backgrid.Row.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-  },
-  makeCell: function (column, options) {
-    var headerCell = column.get("headerCell") || options.headerCell || HeaderCell;
-    headerCell = new headerCell({
-      column: column,
-      collection: this.collection
-    });
-    return headerCell;
-  }
-   Header is a special structural view class that renders a table head with a
-   single row of header cells.
-   @class Backgrid.Header
-   @extends Backbone.View
- */
-var Header = Backgrid.Header = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "thead",
-  /**
-     Initializer. Initializes this table head view to contain a single header
-     row view.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns Column metadata.
-     @param {Backbone.Model} options.model The model instance to render.
-     @throws {TypeError} If options.columns or options.model is undefined.
-   */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.columns = options.columns;
-    if (!(this.columns instanceof Backbone.Collection)) {
-      this.columns = new Columns(this.columns);
-    }
-    this.row = new Backgrid.HeaderRow({
-      columns: this.columns,
-      collection: this.collection
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders this table head with a single row of header cells.
-   */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.append(this.row.render().$el);
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Clean up this header and its row.
-     @chainable
-   */
-  remove: function () {
-    this.row.remove.apply(this.row, arguments);
-    return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   Body is the table body which contains the rows inside a table. Body is
-   responsible for refreshing the rows after sorting, insertion and removal.
-   @class Backgrid.Body
-   @extends Backbone.View
-var Body = Backgrid.Body = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "tbody",
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns
-     Column metadata.
-     @param {Backgrid.Row} [options.row=Backgrid.Row] The Row class to use.
-     @param {string|function(): string} [options.emptyText] The text to display in the empty row.
-     @throws {TypeError} If options.columns or options.collection is undefined.
-     See Backgrid.Row.
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.columns = options.columns;
-    if (!(this.columns instanceof Backbone.Collection)) {
-      this.columns = new Columns(this.columns);
-    }
-    this.row = options.row || Row;
-    this.rows = (model) {
-      var row = new this.row({
-        columns: this.columns,
-        model: model
-      });
-      return row;
-    }, this);
-    this.emptyText = options.emptyText;
-    this._unshiftEmptyRowMayBe();
-    var collection = this.collection;
-    this.listenTo(collection, "add", this.insertRow);
-    this.listenTo(collection, "remove", this.removeRow);
-    this.listenTo(collection, "sort", this.refresh);
-    this.listenTo(collection, "reset", this.refresh);
-    this.listenTo(collection, "backgrid:sort", this.sort);
-    this.listenTo(collection, "backgrid:edited", this.moveToNextCell);
-  },
-  _unshiftEmptyRowMayBe: function () {
-    if (this.rows.length === 0 && this.emptyText != null) {
-      this.rows.unshift(new EmptyRow({
-        emptyText: this.emptyText,
-        columns: this.columns
-      }));
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-     This method can be called either directly or as a callback to a
-     [Backbone.Collecton#add]( event.
-     When called directly, it accepts a model or an array of models and an
-     option hash just like
-     [Backbone.Collection#add]( and
-     delegates to it. Once the model is added, a new row is inserted into the
-     body and automatically rendered.
-     When called as a callback of an `add` event, splices a new row into the
-     body and renders it.
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model The model to render as a row.
-     @param {Backbone.Collection} collection When called directly, this
-     parameter is actually the options to
-     [Backbone.Collection#add](
-     @param {Object} options When called directly, this must be null.
-     See:
-     - [Backbone.Collection#add](
-  */
-  insertRow: function (model, collection, options) {
-    if (this.rows[0] instanceof EmptyRow) this.rows.pop().remove();
-    // insertRow() is called directly
-    if (!(collection instanceof Backbone.Collection) && !options) {
-      this.collection.add(model, (options = collection));
-      return;
-    }
-    var row = new this.row({
-      columns: this.columns,
-      model: model
-    });
-    var index = collection.indexOf(model);
-    this.rows.splice(index, 0, row);
-    var $el = this.$el;
-    var $children = $el.children();
-    var $rowEl = row.render().$el;
-    if (index >= $children.length) {
-      $el.append($rowEl);
-    }
-    else {
-      $children.eq(index).before($rowEl);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     The method can be called either directly or as a callback to a
-     [Backbone.Collection#remove](
-     event.
-     When called directly, it accepts a model or an array of models and an
-     option hash just like
-     [Backbone.Collection#remove]( and
-     delegates to it. Once the model is removed, a corresponding row is removed
-     from the body.
-     When called as a callback of a `remove` event, splices into the rows and
-     removes the row responsible for rendering the model.
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model The model to remove from the body.
-     @param {Backbone.Collection} collection When called directly, this
-     parameter is actually the options to
-     [Backbone.Collection#remove](
-     @param {Object} options When called directly, this must be null.
-     See:
-     - [Backbone.Collection#remove](
-  */
-  removeRow: function (model, collection, options) {
-    // removeRow() is called directly
-    if (!options) {
-      this.collection.remove(model, (options = collection));
-      this._unshiftEmptyRowMayBe();
-      return;
-    }
-    if (_.isUndefined(options.render) || options.render) {
-      this.rows[options.index].remove();
-    }
-    this.rows.splice(options.index, 1);
-    this._unshiftEmptyRowMayBe();
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Reinitialize all the rows inside the body and re-render them. Triggers a
-     Backbone `backgrid:refresh` event from the collection along with the body
-     instance as its sole parameter when done.
-  */
-  refresh: function () {
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
-      this.rows[i].remove();
-    }
-    this.rows = (model) {
-      var row = new this.row({
-        columns: this.columns,
-        model: model
-      });
-      return row;
-    }, this);
-    this._unshiftEmptyRowMayBe();
-    this.render();
-    this.collection.trigger("backgrid:refresh", this);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders all the rows inside this body. If the collection is empty and
-     `options.emptyText` is defined and not null in the constructor, an empty
-     row is rendered, otherwise no row is rendered.
-  */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
-      var row = this.rows[i];
-      fragment.appendChild(row.render().el);
-    }
-    this.el.appendChild(fragment);
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Clean up this body and it's rows.
-     @chainable
-  */
-  remove: function () {
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
-      var row = this.rows[i];
-      row.remove.apply(row, arguments);
-    }
-    return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
-  },
-  /**
-     If the underlying collection is a Backbone.PageableCollection in
-     server-mode or infinite-mode, a page of models is fetched after sorting is
-     done on the server.
-     If the underlying collection is a Backbone.PageableCollection in
-     client-mode, or any
-     [Backbone.Collection]( instance, sorting
-     is done on the client side. If the collection is an instance of a
-     Backbone.PageableCollection, sorting will be done globally on all the pages
-     and the current page will then be returned.
-     Triggers a Backbone `backgrid:sorted` event from the collection when done
-     with the column, direction and a reference to the collection.
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} column
-     @param {null|"ascending"|"descending"} direction
-     See [Backbone.Collection#comparator](
-  */
-  sort: function (column, direction) {
-    if (!_.contains(["ascending", "descending", null], direction)) {
-      throw new RangeError('direction must be one of "ascending", "descending" or `null`');
-    }
-    if (_.isString(column)) column = this.columns.findWhere({name: column});
-    var collection = this.collection;
-    var order;
-    if (direction === "ascending") order = -1;
-    else if (direction === "descending") order = 1;
-    else order = null;
-    var comparator = this.makeComparator(column.get("name"), order,
-                                         order ?
-                                         column.sortValue() :
-                                         function (model) {
-                                           return model.cid.replace('c', '') * 1;
-                                         });
-    if (Backbone.PageableCollection &&
-        collection instanceof Backbone.PageableCollection) {
-      collection.setSorting(order && column.get("name"), order,
-                            {sortValue: column.sortValue()});
-      if (collection.fullCollection) {
-        // If order is null, pageable will remove the comparator on both sides,
-        // in this case the default insertion order comparator needs to be
-        // attached to get back to the order before sorting.
-        if (collection.fullCollection.comparator == null) {
-          collection.fullCollection.comparator = comparator;
-        }
-        collection.fullCollection.sort();
-        collection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection);
-      }
-      else collection.fetch({reset: true, success: function () {
-        collection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection);
-      }});
-    }
-    else {
-      collection.comparator = comparator;
-      collection.sort();
-      collection.trigger("backgrid:sorted", column, direction, collection);
-    }
-    column.set("direction", direction);
-    return this;
-  },
-  makeComparator: function (attr, order, func) {
-    return function (left, right) {
-      // extract the values from the models
-      var l = func(left, attr), r = func(right, attr), t;
-      // if descending order, swap left and right
-      if (order === 1) t = l, l = r, r = t;
-      // compare as usual
-      if (l === r) return 0;
-      else if (l < r) return -1;
-      return 1;
-    };
-  },
-  /**
-     Moves focus to the next renderable and editable cell and return the
-     currently editing cell to display mode.
-     Triggers a `backgrid:next` event on the model with the indices of the row
-     and column the user *intended* to move to, and whether the intended move
-     was going to go out of bounds. Note that *out of bound* always means an
-     attempt to go past the end of the last row.
-     @param {Backbone.Model} model The originating model
-     @param {Backgrid.Column} column The originating model column
-     @param {Backgrid.Command} command The Command object constructed from a DOM
-     event
-  */
-  moveToNextCell: function (model, column, command) {
-    var i = this.collection.indexOf(model);
-    var j = this.columns.indexOf(column);
-    var cell, renderable, editable, m, n;
-    this.rows[i].cells[j].exitEditMode();
-    if (command.moveUp() || command.moveDown() || command.moveLeft() ||
-        command.moveRight() || {
-      var l = this.columns.length;
-      var maxOffset = l * this.collection.length;
-      if (command.moveUp() || command.moveDown()) {
-        m = i + (command.moveUp() ? -1 : 1);
-        var row = this.rows[m];
-        if (row) {
-          cell = row.cells[j];
-          if (Backgrid.callByNeed(cell.column.editable(), cell.column, model)) {
-            cell.enterEditMode();
-            model.trigger("backgrid:next", m, j, false);
-          }
-        }
-        else model.trigger("backgrid:next", m, j, true);
-      }
-      else if (command.moveLeft() || command.moveRight()) {
-        var right = command.moveRight();
-        for (var offset = i * l + j + (right ? 1 : -1);
-             offset >= 0 && offset < maxOffset;
-             right ? offset++ : offset--) {
-          m = ~~(offset / l);
-          n = offset - m * l;
-          cell = this.rows[m].cells[n];
-          renderable = Backgrid.callByNeed(cell.column.renderable(), cell.column, cell.model);
-          editable = Backgrid.callByNeed(cell.column.editable(), cell.column, model);
-          if (renderable && editable) {
-            cell.enterEditMode();
-            model.trigger("backgrid:next", m, n, false);
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (offset == maxOffset) {
-          model.trigger("backgrid:next", ~~(offset / l), offset - m * l, true);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return this;
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   A Footer is a generic class that only defines a default tag `tfoot` and
-   number of required parameters in the initializer.
-   @abstract
-   @class Backgrid.Footer
-   @extends Backbone.View
- */
-var Footer = Backgrid.Footer = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "tfoot",
-  /**
-     Initializer.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns
-     Column metadata.
-     @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
-     @throws {TypeError} If options.columns or options.collection is undefined.
-  */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    this.columns = options.columns;
-    if (!(this.columns instanceof Backbone.Collection)) {
-      this.columns = new Backgrid.Columns(this.columns);
-    }
-  }
-  backgrid
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT license.
-   Grid represents a data grid that has a header, body and an optional footer.
-   By default, a Grid treats each model in a collection as a row, and each
-   attribute in a model as a column. To render a grid you must provide a list of
-   column metadata and a collection to the Grid constructor. Just like any
-   Backbone.View class, the grid is rendered as a DOM node fragment when you
-   call render().
-       var grid = Backgrid.Grid({
-         columns: [{ name: "id", label: "ID", type: "string" },
-          // ...
-         ],
-         collections: books
-       });
-       $("#table-container").append(grid.render().el);
-   Optionally, if you want to customize the rendering of the grid's header and
-   footer, you may choose to extend Backgrid.Header and Backgrid.Footer, and
-   then supply that class or an instance of that class to the Grid constructor.
-   See the documentation for Header and Footer for further details.
-       var grid = Backgrid.Grid({
-         columns: [{ name: "id", label: "ID", type: "string" }],
-         collections: books,
-         header: Backgrid.Header.extend({
-              //...
-         }),
-         footer: Backgrid.Paginator
-       });
-   Finally, if you want to override how the rows are rendered in the table body,
-   you can supply a Body subclass as the `body` attribute that uses a different
-   Row class.
-   @class Backgrid.Grid
-   @extends Backbone.View
-   See:
-   - Backgrid.Column
-   - Backgrid.Header
-   - Backgrid.Body
-   - Backgrid.Row
-   - Backgrid.Footer
-var Grid = Backgrid.Grid = Backbone.View.extend({
-  /** @property */
-  tagName: "table",
-  /** @property */
-  className: "backgrid",
-  /** @property */
-  header: Header,
-  /** @property */
-  body: Body,
-  /** @property */
-  footer: null,
-  /**
-     Initializes a Grid instance.
-     @param {Object} options
-     @param {Backbone.Collection.<Backgrid.Columns>|Array.<Backgrid.Column>|Array.<Object>} options.columns Column metadata.
-     @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection The collection of tabular model data to display.
-     @param {Backgrid.Header} [options.header=Backgrid.Header] An optional Header class to override the default.
-     @param {Backgrid.Body} [options.body=Backgrid.Body] An optional Body class to override the default.
-     @param {Backgrid.Row} [options.row=Backgrid.Row] An optional Row class to override the default.
-     @param {Backgrid.Footer} [options.footer=Backgrid.Footer] An optional Footer class.
-   */
-  initialize: function (options) {
-    // Convert the list of column objects here first so the subviews don't have
-    // to.
-    if (!(options.columns instanceof Backbone.Collection)) {
-      options.columns = new Columns(options.columns);
-    }
-    this.columns = options.columns;
-    var filteredOptions = _.omit(options, ["el", "id", "attributes",
-                                           "className", "tagName", "events"]);
-    // must construct body first so it listens to backgrid:sort first
-    this.body = options.body || this.body;
-    this.body = new this.body(filteredOptions);
-    this.header = options.header || this.header;
-    if (this.header) {
-      this.header = new this.header(filteredOptions);
-    }
-    this.footer = options.footer || this.footer;
-    if (this.footer) {
-      this.footer = new this.footer(filteredOptions);
-    }
-    this.listenTo(this.columns, "reset", function () {
-      if (this.header) {
-        this.header = new (this.header.remove().constructor)(filteredOptions);
-      }
-      this.body = new (this.body.remove().constructor)(filteredOptions);
-      if (this.footer) {
-        this.footer = new (this.footer.remove().constructor)(filteredOptions);
-      }
-      this.render();
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-     Delegates to Backgrid.Body#insertRow.
-   */
-  insertRow: function () {
-    this.body.insertRow.apply(this.body, arguments);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Delegates to Backgrid.Body#removeRow.
-   */
-  removeRow: function () {
-    this.body.removeRow.apply(this.body, arguments);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Delegates to Backgrid.Columns#add for adding a column. Subviews can listen
-     to the `add` event from their internal `columns` if rerendering needs to
-     happen.
-     @param {Object} [options] Options for `Backgrid.Columns#add`.
-   */
-  insertColumn: function () {
-    this.columns.add.apply(this.columns, arguments);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Delegates to Backgrid.Columns#remove for removing a column. Subviews can
-     listen to the `remove` event from the internal `columns` if rerendering
-     needs to happen.
-     @param {Object} [options] Options for `Backgrid.Columns#remove`.
-   */
-  removeColumn: function () {
-    this.columns.remove.apply(this.columns, arguments);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Delegates to Backgrid.Body#sort.
-   */
-  sort: function () {
-    this.body.sort.apply(this.body, arguments);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Renders the grid's header, then footer, then finally the body. Triggers a
-     Backbone `backgrid:rendered` event along with a reference to the grid when
-     the it has successfully been rendered.
-   */
-  render: function () {
-    this.$el.empty();
-    if (this.header) {
-      this.$el.append(this.header.render().$el);
-    }
-    if (this.footer) {
-      this.$el.append(this.footer.render().$el);
-    }
-    this.$el.append(this.body.render().$el);
-    this.delegateEvents();
-    this.trigger("backgrid:rendered", this);
-    return this;
-  },
-  /**
-     Clean up this grid and its subviews.
-     @chainable
-   */
-  remove: function () {
-    this.header && this.header.remove.apply(this.header, arguments);
-    this.body.remove.apply(this.body, arguments);
-    this.footer && this.footer.remove.apply(this.footer, arguments);
-    return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
-  }
-return Backgrid;
\ No newline at end of file

[08/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js
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[05/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.css b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4c861..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * rome - Customizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery!
- * @version v2.1.0
- * @link
- * @license MIT
- */
-.rd-container {
-  display: inline-block;
-  border: 1px solid #333;
-  background-color: #fff;
-  padding: 10px;
-  text-align: center;
-.rd-container-attachment {
-  position: absolute;
-.rd-month {
-  display: inline-block;
-  margin-right: 25px;
-.rd-month:last-child {
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-.rd-next {
-  cursor: pointer;
-  border: none;
-  outline: none;
-  background: none;
-  padding: 0;
-  margin: 0;
-.rd-next[disabled] {
-  cursor: default;
-.rd-back {
-  float: left;
-.rd-next {
-  float: right;
-.rd-back:before {
-  display: block;
-  content: '\2190';
-.rd-next:before {
-  display: block;
-  content: '\2192';
-.rd-day-body {
-  cursor: pointer;
-  text-align: center;
-.rd-time-option:hover {
-  cursor: pointer;
-  background-color: #333;
-  color: #fff;
-.rd-day-next-month {
-  color: #999;
-.rd-day-disabled {
-  cursor: default;
-  color: #fcc;
-.rd-time {
-  position: relative;
-  display: inline-block;
-  margin-top: 5px;
-  min-width: 80px;
-.rd-time-list {
-  display: none;
-  position: absolute;
-  overflow-y: scroll;
-  max-height: 160px;
-  left: 0;
-  right: 0;
-  background-color: #fff;
-  color: #333;
-.rd-time-selected {
-  padding: 5px;
-.rd-time-option {
-  padding: 5px;
-.rd-day-concealed {
-  visibility: hidden;

[03/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.css b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 7967e65..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* rome@v2.1.0, MIT licensed. */
-.rd-container{display:inline-block;border:1px solid #333;background-color:#fff;padding:10px;text-align:center}.rd-container-attachment{position:absolute}.rd-month{display:inline-block;margin-right:25px}.rd-month:last-child{margin-right:0}.rd-back,.rd-next{cursor:pointer;border:none;outline:0;background:0 0;padding:0;margin:0}.rd-back[disabled],.rd-next[disabled]{cursor:default}.rd-back{float:left}.rd-next{float:right}.rd-back:before{display:block;content:'\2190'}.rd-next:before{display:block;content:'\2192'}.rd-day-body{cursor:pointer;text-align:center}.rd-day-selected,.rd-time-option:hover,.rd-time-selected{cursor:pointer;background-color:#333;color:#fff}.rd-day-next-month,.rd-day-prev-month{color:#999}.rd-day-disabled{cursor:default;color:#fcc}.rd-time{position:relative;display:inline-block;margin-top:5px;min-width:80px}.rd-time-list{display:none;position:absolute;overflow-y:scroll;max-height:160px;left:0;right:0;background-color:#fff;color:#333}.rd-time-option,.rd-time-selected{p
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8514e04..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-// rome@v2.1.0, MIT licensed.
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 t},,n){var r=arguments.length;if(1===r)delete o[e];else if(0===r)o={};else{var a=o[e];if(!a)return t;a.splice(a.indexOf(n),1)}return t},t.emit=function(){var e=a(arguments);return t.emitterSnapshot(e.shift()).apply(this,e)},t.emitterSnapshot=function(e){var r=(o[e]||[]).slice(0);return function(){var s=a(arguments),u=this||t;if("error"===e&&n.throws!==!1&&!r.length)throw 1===s.length?s[0]:s;return o[e]=r.filter(function(t){return n.async?i(t,s,u):t.apply(u,s),!t._once}),t}},t}var s,u=""+r,c="function"==typeof setImmediate;s=c?function(t){setImmediate(t)}:typeof t!==u&&t.nextTick?t.nextTick:function(t){setTimeout(t,0)},typeof e!==u&&e.exports?e.exports=o:(n.contra=n.contra||{},n.contra.emitter=o)}(this)}).call(this,t("FWaASH"))},{FWaASH:1}],4:[function(e,n){(function(r){(function(a){function i(t,e,n){switch(arguments.length){case 2:return null!=t?t:e;case 3:return null!=t?t:null!=e?e:n;default:throw new Error("Implement me")}}function o(t,e){return,e)}functi
 on s(){return{empty:!1,unusedTokens:[],unusedInput:[],overflow:-2,charsLeftOver:0,nullInput:!1,invalidMonth:null,invalidFormat:!1,userInvalidated:!1,iso:!1}}function u(t){De.suppressDeprecationWarnings===!1&&"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Deprecation warning: "+t)}function c(t,e){var n=!0;return p(function(){return n&&(u(t),n=!1),e.apply(this,arguments)},e)}function l(t,e){bn[t]||(u(e),bn[t]=!0)}function d(t,e){return function(n){return g(,n),e)}}function f(t,e){return function(n){return this.localeData().ordinal(,n),e)}}function h(){}function m(t,e){e!==!1&&H(t),_(this,t),this._d=new Date(+t._d)}function y(t){var e=S(t),n=e.year||0,r=e.quarter||0,a=e.month||0,i=e.week||0,||0,s=e.hour||0,u=e.minute||0,c=e.second||0,l=e.millisecond||0;this._milliseconds=+l+1e3*c+6e4*u+36e5*s,this._days=+o+7*i,this._months=+a+3*r+12*n,this._data={},this._locale=De.localeData(),this._bubble()}function p(t,e){for(var n in e)o(e,n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);retur
 n o(e,"toString")&&(t.toString=e.toString),o(e,"valueOf")&&(t.valueOf=e.valueOf),t}function _(t,e){var n,r,a;if("undefined"!=typeof e._isAMomentObject&&(t._isAMomentObject=e._isAMomentObject),"undefined"!=typeof e._i&&(t._i=e._i),"undefined"!=typeof e._f&&(t._f=e._f),"undefined"!=typeof e._l&&(t._l=e._l),"undefined"!=typeof e._strict&&(t._strict=e._strict),"undefined"!=typeof e._tzm&&(t._tzm=e._tzm),"undefined"!=typeof e._isUTC&&(t._isUTC=e._isUTC),"undefined"!=typeof e._offset&&(t._offset=e._offset),"undefined"!=typeof e._pf&&(t._pf=e._pf),"undefined"!=typeof e._locale&&(t._locale=e._locale),Le.length>0)for(n in Le)r=Le[n],a=e[r],"undefined"!=typeof a&&(t[r]=a);return t}function v(t){return 0>t?Math.ceil(t):Math.floor(t)}function g(t,e,n){for(var r=""+Math.abs(t),a=t>=0;r.length<e;)r="0"+r;return(a?n?"+":"":"-")+r}function w(t,e){var n={milliseconds:0,months:0};return n.months=e.month()-t.month()+12*(e.year()-t.year()),t.clone().add(n.months,"M").isAfter(e)&&--n.months,n.millisecon
 ds=+e-+t.clone().add(n.months,"M"),n}function b(t,e){var n;return e=U(e,t),t.isBefore(e)?n=w(t,e):(n=w(e,t),n.milliseconds=-n.milliseconds,n.months=-n.months),n}function M(t,e){return function(n,r){var a,i;return null===r||isNaN(+r)||(l(e,"moment()."+e+"(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()."+e+"(number, period)."),i=n,n=r,r=i),n="string"==typeof n?+n:n,a=De.duration(n,r),D(this,a,t),this}}function D(t,e,n,r){var a=e._milliseconds,i=e._days,o=e._months;r=null==r?!0:r,a&&t._d.setTime(+t._d+a*n),i&&_e(t,"Date",pe(t,"Date")+i*n),o&&ye(t,pe(t,"Month")+o*n),r&&De.updateOffset(t,i||o)}function k(t){return"[object Array]"}function Y(t){return"[object Date]"||t instanceof Date}function T(t,e,n){var r,a=Math.min(t.length,e.length),i=Math.abs(t.length-e.length),o=0;for(r=0;a>r;r++)(n&&t[r]!==e[r]||!n&&F(t[r])!==F(e[r]))&&o++;return o+i}function x(t){if(t){var e=t.toLowerCase().replace(/(.)s$/,"$1");t=mn[t]||
 yn[e]||e}return t}function S(t){var e,n,r={};for(n in t)o(t,n)&&(e=x(n),e&&(r[e]=t[n]));return r}function O(t){var e,n;if(0===t.indexOf("week"))e=7,n="day";else{if(0!==t.indexOf("month"))return;e=12,n="month"}De[t]=function(r,i){var o,s,u=De._locale[t],c=[];if("number"==typeof r&&(i=r,r=a),s=function(t){var e=De().utc().set(n,t);return,e,r||"")},null!=i)return s(i);for(o=0;e>o;o++)c.push(s(o));return c}}function F(t){var e=+t,n=0;return 0!==e&&isFinite(e)&&(n=e>=0?Math.floor(e):Math.ceil(e)),n}function C(t,e){return new Date(Date.UTC(t,e+1,0)).getUTCDate()}function I(t,e,n){return de(De([t,11,31+e-n]),e,n).week}function A(t){return E(t)?366:365}function E(t){return t%4===0&&t%100!==0||t%400===0}function H(t){var e;t._a&&-2===t._pf.overflow&&(e=t._a[Ce]<0||t._a[Ce]>11?Ce:t._a[Ie]<1||t._a[Ie]>C(t._a[Fe],t._a[Ce])?Ie:t._a[Ae]<0||t._a[Ae]>24||24===t._a[Ae]&&(0!==t._a[Ee]||0!==t._a[He]||0!==t._a[Pe])?Ae:t._a[Ee]<0||t._a[Ee]>59?Ee:t._a[He]<0||t._a[He]>59?He:t._a[Pe]<0||t
 ._a[Pe]>999?Pe:-1,t._pf._overflowDayOfYear&&(Fe>e||e>Ie)&&(e=Ie),t._pf.overflow=e)}function P(t){return null==t._isValid&&(t._isValid=!isNaN(t._d.getTime())&&t._pf.overflow<0&&!t._pf.empty&&!t._pf.invalidMonth&&!t._pf.nullInput&&!t._pf.invalidFormat&&!t._pf.userInvalidated,t._strict&&(t._isValid=t._isValid&&0===t._pf.charsLeftOver&&0===t._pf.unusedTokens.length&&t._pf.bigHour===a)),t._isValid}function W(t){return t?t.toLowerCase().replace("_","-"):t}function L(t){for(var e,n,r,a,i=0;i<t.length;){for(a=W(t[i]).split("-"),e=a.length,n=W(t[i+1]),n=n?n.split("-"):null;e>0;){if(r=G(a.slice(0,e).join("-")))return r;if(n&&n.length>=e&&T(a,n,!0)>=e-1)break;e--}i++}return null}function G(t){var n=null;if(!We[t]&&Ge)try{n=De.locale(),e("./locale/"+t),De.locale(n)}catch(r){}return We[t]}function U(t,e){var n,r;return e._isUTC?(n=e.clone(),r=(De.isMoment(t)||Y(t)?+t:+De(t))-+n,n._d.setTime(+n._d+r),De.updateOffset(n,!1),n):De(t).local()}function N(t){return t.match(/\[[\s\S]/)?t.replace(/^\[|\]
 $/g,""):t.replace(/\\/g,"")}function z(t){var e,n,r=t.match(je);for(e=0,n=r.length;n>e;e++)r[e]=wn[r[e]]?wn[r[e]]:N(r[e]);return function(a){var i="";for(e=0;n>e;e++)i+=r[e]instanceof Function?r[e].call(a,t):r[e];return i}}function j(t,e){return t.isValid()?(e=V(e,t.localeData()),pn[e]||(pn[e]=z(e)),pn[e](t)):t.localeData().invalidDate()}function V(t,e){function n(t){return e.longDateFormat(t)||t}var r=5;for(Ve.lastIndex=0;r>=0&&Ve.test(t);)t=t.replace(Ve,n),Ve.lastIndex=0,r-=1;return t}function B(t,e){var n,r=e._strict;switch(t){case"Q":return en;case"DDDD":return rn;case"YYYY":case"GGGG":case"gggg":return r?an:qe;case"Y":case"G":case"g":return sn;case"YYYYYY":case"YYYYY":case"GGGGG":case"ggggg":return r?on:Re;case"S":if(r)return en;case"SS":if(r)return nn;case"SSS":if(r)return rn;case"DDD":return Ze;case"MMM":case"MMMM":case"dd":case"ddd":case"dddd":return Je;case"a":case"A":return e._locale._meridiemParse;case"x":return Ke;case"X":return tn;case"Z":case"ZZ":return Qe;case"T":retu
 rn Xe;case"SSSS":return $e;case"MM":case"DD":case"YY":case"GG":case"gg":case"HH":case"hh":case"mm":case"ss":case"ww":case"WW":return r?nn:Be;case"M":case"D":case"d":case"H":case"h":case"m":case"s":case"w":case"W":case"e":case"E":return Be;case"Do":return r?e._locale._ordinalParse:e._locale._ordinalParseLenient;default:return n=new RegExp(te(K(t.replace("\\","")),"i"))}}function Z(t){t=t||"";var e=t.match(Qe)||[],n=e[e.length-1]||[],r=(n+"").match(fn)||["-",0,0],a=+(60*r[1])+F(r[2]);return"+"===r[0]?-a:a}function q(t,e,n){var r,a=n._a;switch(t){case"Q":null!=e&&(a[Ce]=3*(F(e)-1));break;case"M":case"MM":null!=e&&(a[Ce]=F(e)-1);break;case"MMM":case"MMMM":r=n._locale.monthsParse(e,t,n._strict),null!=r?a[Ce]=r:n._pf.invalidMonth=e;break;case"D":case"DD":null!=e&&(a[Ie]=F(e));break;case"Do":null!=e&&(a[Ie]=F(parseInt(e.match(/\d{1,2}/)[0],10)));break;case"DDD":case"DDDD":null!=e&&(n._dayOfYear=F(e));break;case"YY":a[Fe]=De.parseTwoDigitYear(e);break;case"YYYY":case"YYYYY":case"YYYYYY":a[F
 e]=F(e);break;case"a":case"A":n._isPm=n._locale.isPM(e);break;case"h":case"hh":n._pf.bigHour=!0;case"H":case"HH":a[Ae]=F(e);break;case"m":case"mm":a[Ee]=F(e);break;case"s":case"ss":a[He]=F(e);break;case"S":case"SS":case"SSS":case"SSSS":a[Pe]=F(1e3*("0."+e));break;case"x":n._d=new Date(F(e));break;case"X":n._d=new Date(1e3*parseFloat(e));break;case"Z":case"ZZ":n._useUTC=!0,n._tzm=Z(e);break;case"dd":case"ddd":case"dddd":r=n._locale.weekdaysParse(e),null!=r?(n._w=n._w||{},n._w.d=r):n._pf.invalidWeekday=e;break;case"w":case"ww":case"W":case"WW":case"d":case"e":case"E":t=t.substr(0,1);case"gggg":case"GGGG":case"GGGGG":t=t.substr(0,2),e&&(n._w=n._w||{},n._w[t]=F(e));break;case"gg":case"GG":n._w=n._w||{},n._w[t]=De.parseTwoDigitYear(e)}}function R(t){var e,n,r,a,o,s,u;e=t._w,null!=e.GG||null!=e.W||null!=e.E?(o=1,s=4,n=i(e.GG,t._a[Fe],de(De(),1,4).year),r=i(e.W,1),a=i(e.E,1)):(o=t._locale._week.dow,s=t._locale._week.doy,n=i(,t._a[Fe],de(De(),o,s).year),r=i(e.w,1),null!=e.d?(a=e.d,o>a&&
 ++r):a=null!=e.e?e.e+o:o),u=fe(n,r,a,s,o),t._a[Fe]=u.year,t._dayOfYear=u.dayOfYear}function $(t){var e,n,r,a,o=[];if(!t._d){for(r=Q(t),t._w&&null==t._a[Ie]&&null==t._a[Ce]&&R(t),t._dayOfYear&&(a=i(t._a[Fe],r[Fe]),t._dayOfYear>A(a)&&(t._pf._overflowDayOfYear=!0),n=se(a,0,t._dayOfYear),t._a[Ce]=n.getUTCMonth(),t._a[Ie]=n.getUTCDate()),e=0;3>e&&null==t._a[e];++e)t._a[e]=o[e]=r[e];for(;7>e;e++)t._a[e]=o[e]=null==t._a[e]?2===e?1:0:t._a[e];24===t._a[Ae]&&0===t._a[Ee]&&0===t._a[He]&&0===t._a[Pe]&&(t._nextDay=!0,t._a[Ae]=0),t._d=(t._useUTC?se:oe).apply(null,o),null!=t._tzm&&t._d.setUTCMinutes(t._d.getUTCMinutes()+t._tzm),t._nextDay&&(t._a[Ae]=24)}}function J(t){var e;t._d||(e=S(t._i),t._a=[e.year,e.month,||,e.hour,e.minute,e.second,e.millisecond],$(t))}function Q(t){var e=new Date;return t._useUTC?[e.getUTCFullYear(),e.getUTCMonth(),e.getUTCDate()]:[e.getFullYear(),e.getMonth(),e.getDate()]}function X(t){if(t._f===De.ISO_8601)return ne(t),void 0;t._a=[],t._pf.empty=!0;var e,n,r,i
 ,o,s=""+t._i,u=s.length,c=0;for(r=V(t._f,t._locale).match(je)||[],e=0;e<r.length;e++)i=r[e],n=(s.match(B(i,t))||[])[0],n&&(o=s.substr(0,s.indexOf(n)),o.length>0&&t._pf.unusedInput.push(o),s=s.slice(s.indexOf(n)+n.length),c+=n.length),wn[i]?(n?t._pf.empty=!1:t._pf.unusedTokens.push(i),q(i,n,t)):t._strict&&!n&&t._pf.unusedTokens.push(i);t._pf.charsLeftOver=u-c,s.length>0&&t._pf.unusedInput.push(s),t._pf.bigHour===!0&&t._a[Ae]<=12&&(t._pf.bigHour=a),t._isPm&&t._a[Ae]<12&&(t._a[Ae]+=12),t._isPm===!1&&12===t._a[Ae]&&(t._a[Ae]=0),$(t),H(t)}function K(t){return t.replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g,function(t,e,n,r,a){return e||n||r||a})}function te(t){return t.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&")}function ee(t){var e,n,r,a,i;if(0===t._f.length)return t._pf.invalidFormat=!0,t._d=new Date(0/0),void 0;for(a=0;a<t._f.length;a++)i=0,e=_({},t),null!=t._useUTC&&(e._useUTC=t._useUTC),e._pf=s(),e._f=t._f[a],X(e),P(e)&&(i+=e._pf.charsLeftOver,i+=10*e._pf.unusedTokens.length,
 e=i,(null==r||r>i)&&(r=i,n=e));p(t,n||e)}function ne(t){var e,n,r=t._i,a=un.exec(r);if(a){for(t._pf.iso=!0,e=0,n=ln.length;n>e;e++)if(ln[e][1].exec(r)){t._f=ln[e][0]+(a[6]||" ");break}for(e=0,n=dn.length;n>e;e++)if(dn[e][1].exec(r)){t._f+=dn[e][0];break}r.match(Qe)&&(t._f+="Z"),X(t)}else t._isValid=!1}function re(t){ne(t),t._isValid===!1&&(delete t._isValid,De.createFromInputFallback(t))}function ae(t,e){var n,r=[];for(n=0;n<t.length;++n)r.push(e(t[n],n));return r}function ie(t){var e,n=t._i;n===a?t._d=new Date:Y(n)?t._d=new Date(+n):null!==(e=Ue.exec(n))?t._d=new Date(+e[1]):"string"==typeof n?re(t):k(n)?(t._a=ae(n.slice(0),function(t){return parseInt(t,10)}),$(t)):"object"==typeof n?J(t):"number"==typeof n?t._d=new Date(n):De.createFromInputFallback(t)}function oe(t,e,n,r,a,i,o){var s=new Date(t,e,n,r,a,i,o);return 1970>t&&s.setFullYear(t),s}function se(t){var e=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,arguments));return 1970>t&&e.setUTCFullYear(t),e}function ue(t,e){if("string"==typeof t)if(
 isNaN(t)){if(t=e.weekdaysParse(t),"number"!=typeof t)return null}else t=parseInt(t,10);return t}function ce(t,e,n,r,a){return a.relativeTime(e||1,!!n,t,r)}function le(t,e,n){var r=De.duration(t).abs(),a=Se("s")),i=Se("m")),o=Se("h")),s=Se("d")),u=Se("M")),c=Se("y")),l=a<_n.s&&["s",a]||1===i&&["m"]||i<_n.m&&["mm",i]||1===o&&["h"]||o<_n.h&&["hh",o]||1===s&&["d"]||s<_n.d&&["dd",s]||1===u&&["M"]||u<_n.M&&["MM",u]||1===c&&["y"]||["yy",c];return l[2]=e,l[3]=+t>0,l[4]=n,ce.apply({},l)}function de(t,e,n){var r,a=n-e,;return i>a&&(i-=7),a-7>i&&(i+=7),r=De(t).add(i,"d"),{week:Math.ceil(r.dayOfYear()/7),year:r.year()}}function fe(t,e,n,r,a){var i,o,s=se(t,0,1).getUTCDay();return s=0===s?7:s,n=null!=n?n:a,i=a-s+(s>r?7:0)-(a>s?7:0),o=7*(e-1)+(n-a)+i+1,{year:o>0?t:t-1,dayOfYear:o>0?o:A(t-1)+o}}function he(t){var e,n=t._i,r=t._f;return t._locale=t._locale||De.localeData(t._l),null===n||r===a&&""===n?De.invalid({nullInput:!0}):("string"==typeof n&&(t._i=n=t.
 _locale.preparse(n)),De.isMoment(n)?new m(n,!0):(r?k(r)?ee(t):X(t):ie(t),e=new m(t),e._nextDay&&(e.add(1,"d"),e._nextDay=a),e))}function me(t,e){var n,r;if(1===e.length&&k(e[0])&&(e=e[0]),!e.length)return De();for(n=e[0],r=1;r<e.length;++r)e[r][t](n)&&(n=e[r]);return n}function ye(t,e){var n;return"string"==typeof e&&(e=t.localeData().monthsParse(e),"number"!=typeof e)?t:(n=Math.min(,C(t.year(),e)),t._d["set"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+"Month"](e,n),t)}function pe(t,e){return t._d["get"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+e]()}function _e(t,e,n){return"Month"===e?ye(t,n):t._d["set"+(t._isUTC?"UTC":"")+e](n)}function ve(t,e){return function(n){return null!=n?(_e(this,t,n),De.updateOffset(this,e),this):pe(this,t)}}function ge(t){return 400*t/146097}function we(t){return 146097*t/400}function be(t){De.duration.fn[t]=function(){return this._data[t]}}function Me(t){"undefined"==typeof ender&&(ke=xe.moment,xe.moment=t?c("Accessing Moment through the global scope is deprecated, and will be removed in an 
 upcoming release.",De):De)}for(var De,ke,Ye,Te="2.8.4",xe="undefined"!=typeof r?r:this,Se=Math.round,Oe=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Fe=0,Ce=1,Ie=2,Ae=3,Ee=4,He=5,Pe=6,We={},Le=[],Ge="undefined"!=typeof n&&n&&n.exports,Ue=/^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i,Ne=/(\-)?(?:(\d*)\.)?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)\.?(\d{3})?)?/,ze=/^(-)?P(?:(?:([0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)S)?)?|([0-9,.]*)W)$/,je=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Q|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,4}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,Ve=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,Be=/\d\d?/,Ze=/\d{1,3}/,qe=/\d{1,4}/,Re=/[+\-]?\d{1,6}/,$e=/\d+/,Je=/[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i,Qe=/Z|[\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi,Xe=/T/i,Ke=/[\+\-]?\d+/,tn=/[\+\-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/,en=/\d/,nn=/\d\d/,rn=/\d{3}/,an=/\d{4}/,on=/[+-]?\d{6}/,sn=/[+-]?\d+/,un=/^\s*(?:[+-
 ]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:(\d\d-\d\d)|(W\d\d$)|(W\d\d-\d)|(\d\d\d))((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,cn="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",ln=[["YYYYYY-MM-DD",/[+-]\d{6}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],["YYYY-MM-DD",/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],["GGGG-[W]WW-E",/\d{4}-W\d{2}-\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW",/\d{4}-W\d{2}/],["YYYY-DDD",/\d{4}-\d{3}/]],dn=[["HH:mm:ss.SSSS",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],["HH:mm:ss",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],["HH:mm",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d/],["HH",/(T| )\d\d/]],fn=/([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi,hn=("Date|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Milliseconds".split("|"),{Milliseconds:1,Seconds:1e3,Minutes:6e4,Hours:36e5,Days:864e5,Months:2592e6,Years:31536e6}),mn={ms:"millisecond",s:"second",m:"minute",h:"hour",d:"day",D:"date",w:"week",W:"isoWeek",M:"month",Q:"quarter",y:"year",DDD:"dayOfYear",e:"weekday",E:"isoWeekday",gg:"weekYear",GG:"isoWeekYear"},yn={dayofyear:"dayOfYear",isoweekday:"isoWeekday",isoweek:"isoWeek",weekyear:"weekYear",isoweekyear:"isoWeekYear"},pn={},_n={s:45,m:45,h:22,d:26,M:11},vn="DDD w W M D d".sp
 lit(" "),gn="M D H h m s w W".split(" "),wn={M:function(){return this.month()+1},MMM:function(t){return this.localeData().monthsShort(this,t)},MMMM:function(t){return this.localeData().months(this,t)},D:function(){return},DDD:function(){return this.dayOfYear()},d:function(){return},dd:function(t){return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this,t)},ddd:function(t){return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this,t)},dddd:function(t){return this.localeData().weekdays(this,t)},w:function(){return this.week()},W:function(){return this.isoWeek()},YY:function(){return g(this.year()%100,2)},YYYY:function(){return g(this.year(),4)},YYYYY:function(){return g(this.year(),5)},YYYYYY:function(){var t=this.year(),e=t>=0?"+":"-";return e+g(Math.abs(t),6)},gg:function(){return g(this.weekYear()%100,2)},gggg:function(){return g(this.weekYear(),4)},ggggg:function(){return g(this.weekYear(),5)},GG:function(){return g(this.isoWeekYear()%100,2)},GGGG:function(){return g(this.isoWeekYear(),4
 )},GGGGG:function(){return g(this.isoWeekYear(),5)},e:function(){return this.weekday()},E:function(){return this.isoWeekday()},a:function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),!0)},A:function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),!1)},H:function(){return this.hours()},h:function(){return this.hours()%12||12},m:function(){return this.minutes()},s:function(){return this.seconds()},S:function(){return F(this.milliseconds()/100)},SS:function(){return g(F(this.milliseconds()/10),2)},SSS:function(){return g(this.milliseconds(),3)},SSSS:function(){return g(this.milliseconds(),3)},Z:function(){var,e="+";return 0>t&&(t=-t,e="-"),e+g(F(t/60),2)+":"+g(F(t)%60,2)},ZZ:function(){var,e="+";return 0>t&&(t=-t,e="-"),e+g(F(t/60),2)+g(F(t)%60,2)},z:function(){return this.zoneAbbr()},zz:function(){return this.zoneName()},x:function(){return this.valueOf()},X:function(){return this.unix()},Q:function(){return this.quarter
 ()}},bn={},Mn=["months","monthsShort","weekdays","weekdaysShort","weekdaysMin"];vn.length;)Ye=vn.pop(),wn[Ye+"o"]=f(wn[Ye],Ye);for(;gn.length;)Ye=gn.pop(),wn[Ye+Ye]=d(wn[Ye],2);wn.DDDD=d(wn.DDD,3),p(h.prototype,{set:function(t){var e,n;for(n in t)e=t[n],"function"==typeof e?this[n]=e:this["_"+n]=e;this._ordinalParseLenient=new RegExp(this._ordinalParse.source+"|"+/\d{1,2}/.source)},_months:"January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),months:function(t){return this._months[t.month()]},_monthsShort:"Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),monthsShort:function(t){return this._monthsShort[t.month()]},monthsParse:function(t,e,n){var r,a,i;for(this._monthsParse||(this._monthsParse=[],this._longMonthsParse=[],this._shortMonthsParse=[]),r=0;12>r;r++){if(a=De.utc([2e3,r]),n&&!this._longMonthsParse[r]&&(this._longMonthsParse[r]=new RegExp("^"+this.months(a,"").replace(".","")+"$","i"),this._shortMonthsParse[r]=new RegEx
 p("^"+this.monthsShort(a,"").replace(".","")+"$","i")),n||this._monthsParse[r]||(i="^"+this.months(a,"")+"|^"+this.monthsShort(a,""),this._monthsParse[r]=new RegExp(i.replace(".",""),"i")),n&&"MMMM"===e&&this._longMonthsParse[r].test(t))return r;if(n&&"MMM"===e&&this._shortMonthsParse[r].test(t))return r;if(!n&&this._monthsParse[r].test(t))return r}},_weekdays:"Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),weekdays:function(t){return this._weekdays[]},_weekdaysShort:"Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),weekdaysShort:function(t){return this._weekdaysShort[]},_weekdaysMin:"Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),weekdaysMin:function(t){return this._weekdaysMin[]},weekdaysParse:function(t){var e,n,r;for(this._weekdaysParse||(this._weekdaysParse=[]),e=0;7>e;e++)if(this._weekdaysParse[e]||(n=De([2e3,1]).day(e),r="^"+this.weekdays(n,"")+"|^"+this.weekdaysShort(n,"")+"|^"+this.weekdaysMin(n,""),this._weekdaysParse[e]=new RegExp(r.replace(".",""),"i"
 )),this._weekdaysParse[e].test(t))return e},_longDateFormat:{LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY LT",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY LT"},longDateFormat:function(t){var e=this._longDateFormat[t];return!e&&this._longDateFormat[t.toUpperCase()]&&(e=this._longDateFormat[t.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g,function(t){return t.slice(1)}),this._longDateFormat[t]=e),e},isPM:function(t){return"p"===(t+"").toLowerCase().charAt(0)},_meridiemParse:/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i,meridiem:function(t,e,n){return t>11?n?"pm":"PM":n?"am":"AM"},_calendar:{sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"},calendar:function(t,e,n){var r=this._calendar[t];return"function"==typeof r?r.apply(e,[n]):r},_relativeTime:{future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy
 :"%d years"},relativeTime:function(t,e,n,r){var a=this._relativeTime[n];return"function"==typeof a?a(t,e,n,r):a.replace(/%d/i,t)},pastFuture:function(t,e){var n=this._relativeTime[t>0?"future":"past"];return"function"==typeof n?n(e):n.replace(/%s/i,e)},ordinal:function(t){return this._ordinal.replace("%d",t)},_ordinal:"%d",_ordinalParse:/\d{1,2}/,preparse:function(t){return t},postformat:function(t){return t},week:function(t){return de(t,this._week.dow,this._week.doy).week},_week:{dow:0,doy:6},_invalidDate:"Invalid date",invalidDate:function(){return this._invalidDate}}),De=function(t,e,n,r){var i;return"boolean"==typeof n&&(r=n,n=a),i={},i._isAMomentObject=!0,i._i=t,i._f=e,i._l=n,i._strict=r,i._isUTC=!1,i._pf=s(),he(i)},De.suppressDeprecationWarnings=!1,De.createFromInputFallback=c("moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.",function(t){t._
 d=new Date(t._i+(t._useUTC?" UTC":""))}),De.min=function(){var t=[],0);return me("isBefore",t)},De.max=function(){var t=[],0);return me("isAfter",t)},De.utc=function(t,e,n,r){var i;return"boolean"==typeof n&&(r=n,n=a),i={},i._isAMomentObject=!0,i._useUTC=!0,i._isUTC=!0,i._l=n,i._i=t,i._f=e,i._strict=r,i._pf=s(),he(i).utc()},De.unix=function(t){return De(1e3*t)},De.duration=function(t,e){var n,r,a,i,s=t,u=null;return De.isDuration(t)?s={ms:t._milliseconds,d:t._days,M:t._months}:"number"==typeof t?(s={},e?s[e]=t:s.milliseconds=t):(u=Ne.exec(t))?(n="-"===u[1]?-1:1,s={y:0,d:F(u[Ie])*n,h:F(u[Ae])*n,m:F(u[Ee])*n,s:F(u[He])*n,ms:F(u[Pe])*n}):(u=ze.exec(t))?(n="-"===u[1]?-1:1,a=function(t){var e=t&&parseFloat(t.replace(",","."));return(isNaN(e)?0:e)*n},s={y:a(u[2]),M:a(u[3]),d:a(u[4]),h:a(u[5]),m:a(u[6]),s:a(u[7]),w:a(u[8])}):"object"==typeof s&&("from"in s||"to"in s)&&(i=b(De(s.from),De(,s={},,s.M=i.months),r=new y(s),
 Duration(t)&&o(t,"_locale")&&(r._locale=t._locale),r},De.version=Te,De.defaultFormat=cn,De.ISO_8601=function(){},De.momentProperties=Le,De.updateOffset=function(){},De.relativeTimeThreshold=function(t,e){return _n[t]===a?!1:e===a?_n[t]:(_n[t]=e,!0)},De.lang=c("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.",function(t,e){return De.locale(t,e)}),De.locale=function(t,e){var n;return t&&(n="undefined"!=typeof e?De.defineLocale(t,e):De.localeData(t),n&&(De.duration._locale=De._locale=n)),De._locale._abbr},De.defineLocale=function(t,e){return null!==e?(e.abbr=t,We[t]||(We[t]=new h),We[t].set(e),De.locale(t),We[t]):(delete We[t],null)},De.langData=c("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",function(t){return De.localeData(t)}),De.localeData=function(t){var e;if(t&&t._locale&&t._locale._abbr&&(t=t._locale._abbr),!t)return De._locale;if(!k(t)){if(e=G(t))return e;t=[t]}return L(t)},De.isMoment=function(t){return t instanceof m||null!=t&&o(t,"_isAMomentObject")},
 De.isDuration=function(t){return t instanceof y};for(Ye=Mn.length-1;Ye>=0;--Ye)O(Mn[Ye]);De.normalizeUnits=function(t){return x(t)},De.invalid=function(t){var e=De.utc(0/0);return null!=t?p(e._pf,t):e._pf.userInvalidated=!0,e},De.parseZone=function(){return De.apply(null,arguments).parseZone()},De.parseTwoDigitYear=function(t){return F(t)+(F(t)>68?1900:2e3)},p(De.fn=m.prototype,{clone:function(){return De(this)},valueOf:function(){return+this._d+6e4*(this._offset||0)},unix:function(){return Math.floor(+this/1e3)},toString:function(){return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")},toDate:function(){return this._offset?new Date(+this):this._d},toISOString:function(){var t=De(this).utc();return 0<t.year()&&t.year()<=9999?"function"==typeof Date.prototype.toISOString?this.toDate().toISOString():j(t,"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"):j(t,"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")},toArray:function(){var t=this;return[t.year(),t.month(),,t.hours(),t.minutes(),
 conds(),t.milliseconds()]},isValid:function(){return P(this)},isDSTShifted:function(){return this._a?this.isValid()&&T(this._a,(this._isUTC?De.utc(this._a):De(this._a)).toArray())>0:!1},parsingFlags:function(){return p({},this._pf)},invalidAt:function(){return this._pf.overflow},utc:function(t){return,t)},local:function(t){return this._isUTC&&(,t),this._isUTC=!1,t&&this.add(this._dateTzOffset(),"m")),this},format:function(t){var e=j(this,t||De.defaultFormat);return this.localeData().postformat(e)},add:M(1,"add"),subtract:M(-1,"subtract"),diff:function(t,e,n){var r,a,i,o=U(t,this),s=6e4*(;return e=x(e),"year"===e||"month"===e?(r=432e5*(this.daysInMonth()+o.daysInMonth()),a=12*(this.year()-o.year())+(this.month()-o.month()),i=this-De(this).startOf("month")-(o-De(o).startOf("month")),i-=6e4*("month").zone()-("month").zone())),a+=i/r,"year"===e&&(a/=12)):(r=this-o,a="second"===e?r/1e3:"minute
 "===e?r/6e4:"hour"===e?r/36e5:"day"===e?(r-s)/864e5:"week"===e?(r-s)/6048e5:r),n?a:v(a)},from:function(t,e){return De.duration({to:this,from:t}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!e)},fromNow:function(t){return this.from(De(),t)},calendar:function(t){var e=t||De(),n=U(e,this).startOf("day"),r=this.diff(n,"days",!0),a=-6>r?"sameElse":-1>r?"lastWeek":0>r?"lastDay":1>r?"sameDay":2>r?"nextDay":7>r?"nextWeek":"sameElse";return this.format(this.localeData().calendar(a,this,De(e)))},isLeapYear:function(){return E(this.year())},isDST:function(){return<this.clone().month(0).zone()||<this.clone().month(5).zone()},day:function(t){var e=this._isUTC?this._d.getUTCDay():this._d.getDay();return null!=t?(t=ue(t,this.localeData()),this.add(t-e,"d")):e},month:ve("Month",!0),startOf:function(t){switch(t=x(t)){case"year":this.month(0);case"quarter":case"month";case"week":case"isoWeek":case"day":this.hours(0);case"hour":this.minutes(0);case"minute":this.seconds(0);case"s
 econd":this.milliseconds(0)}return"week"===t?this.weekday(0):"isoWeek"===t&&this.isoWeekday(1),"quarter"===t&&this.month(3*Math.floor(this.month()/3)),this},endOf:function(t){return t=x(t),t===a||"millisecond"===t?this:this.startOf(t).add(1,"isoWeek"===t?"week":t).subtract(1,"ms")},isAfter:function(t,e){var n;return e=x("undefined"!=typeof e?e:"millisecond"),"millisecond"===e?(t=De.isMoment(t)?t:De(t),+this>+t):(n=De.isMoment(t)?+t:+De(t),n<+this.clone().startOf(e))},isBefore:function(t,e){var n;return e=x("undefined"!=typeof e?e:"millisecond"),"millisecond"===e?(t=De.isMoment(t)?t:De(t),+t>+this):(n=De.isMoment(t)?+t:+De(t),+this.clone().endOf(e)<n)},isSame:function(t,e){var n;return e=x(e||"millisecond"),"millisecond"===e?(t=De.isMoment(t)?t:De(t),+this===+t):(n=+De(t),+this.clone().startOf(e)<=n&&n<=+this.clone().endOf(e))},min:c("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.min instead.",function(t){return t=De.apply(null,arguments),this>t?
 this:t}),max:c("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.max instead.",function(t){return t=De.apply(null,arguments),t>this?this:t}),zone:function(t,e){var n,r=this._offset||0;return null==t?this._isUTC?r:this._dateTzOffset():("string"==typeof t&&(t=Z(t)),Math.abs(t)<16&&(t=60*t),!this._isUTC&&e&&(n=this._dateTzOffset()),this._offset=t,this._isUTC=!0,null!=n&&this.subtract(n,"m"),r!==t&&(!e||this._changeInProgress?D(this,De.duration(r-t,"m"),1,!1):this._changeInProgress||(this._changeInProgress=!0,De.updateOffset(this,!0),this._changeInProgress=null)),this)},zoneAbbr:function(){return this._isUTC?"UTC":""},zoneName:function(){return this._isUTC?"Coordinated Universal Time":""},parseZone:function(){return this._tzm?"string"==typeof this._i&&,this},hasAlignedHourOffset:function(t){return t=t?De(t).zone():0,(},daysInMonth:function(){return C(this.year(),this.month())},dayOfYear:functi
 on(t){var e=Se((De(this).startOf("day")-De(this).startOf("year"))/864e5)+1;return null==t?e:this.add(t-e,"d")},quarter:function(t){return null==t?Math.ceil((this.month()+1)/3):this.month(3*(t-1)+this.month()%3)},weekYear:function(t){var e=de(this,this.localeData()._week.dow,this.localeData()._week.doy).year;return null==t?e:this.add(t-e,"y")},isoWeekYear:function(t){var e=de(this,1,4).year;return null==t?e:this.add(t-e,"y")},week:function(t){var e=this.localeData().week(this);return null==t?e:this.add(7*(t-e),"d")},isoWeek:function(t){var e=de(this,1,4).week;return null==t?e:this.add(7*(t-e),"d")},weekday:function(t){var e=(;return null==t?e:this.add(t-e,"d")},isoWeekday:function(t){return null==t?||},isoWeeksInYear:function(){return I(this.year(),1,4)},weeksInYear:function(){var t=this.localeData()._week;return I(this.year(),t.dow,t.doy)},get:function(t){return t=x(t),this[t]()},set:function(t,e){ret
 urn t=x(t),"function"==typeof this[t]&&this[t](e),this},locale:function(t){var e;return t===a?this._locale._abbr:(e=De.localeData(t),null!=e&&(this._locale=e),this)
-},lang:c("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",function(t){return t===a?this.localeData():this.locale(t)}),localeData:function(){return this._locale},_dateTzOffset:function(){return 15*Math.round(this._d.getTimezoneOffset()/15)}}),De.fn.millisecond=De.fn.milliseconds=ve("Milliseconds",!1),De.fn.second=De.fn.seconds=ve("Seconds",!1),De.fn.minute=De.fn.minutes=ve("Minutes",!1),De.fn.hour=De.fn.hours=ve("Hours",!0),"Date",!0),De.fn.dates=c("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",ve("Date",!0)),De.fn.year=ve("FullYear",!0),De.fn.years=c("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead.",ve("FullYear",!0)),,De.fn.months=De.fn.month,De.fn.weeks=De.fn.week,De.fn.isoWeeks=De.fn.isoWeek,De.fn.quarters=De.fn.quarter,De.fn.toJSON=De.fn.toISOString,p(De.duration.fn=y.prototype,{_bubble:function(){var t,e,n,r=this._milliseconds,a=this._days,i=this
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 this._milliseconds+=n._milliseconds,this._days+=n._days,this._months+=n._months,this._bubble(),this},subtract:function(t,e){var n=De.duration(t,e);return this._milliseconds-=n._milliseconds,this._days-=n._days,this._months-=n._months,this._bubble(),this},get:function(t){return t=x(t),this[t.toLowerCase()+"s"]()},as:function(t){var e,n;if(t=x(t),"month"===t||"year"===t)return e=this._days+this._milliseconds/864e5,n=this._months+12*ge(e),"month"===t?n:n/12;switch(e=this._days+Math.round(we(this._months/12)),t){case"week":return e/7+this._milliseconds/6048e5;case"day":return e+this._milliseconds/864e5;case"hour":return 24*e+this._milliseconds/36e5;case"minute":return 24*e*60+this._milliseconds/6e4;case"second":return 24*e*60*60+this._milliseconds/1e3;case"millisecond":return Math.floor(24*e*60*60*1e3)+this._milliseconds;default:throw new Error("Unknown unit "+t)}},lang:De.fn.lang,locale:De.fn.locale,toIsoString:c("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice th
 e capitals)",function(){return this.toISOString()}),toISOString:function(){var t=Math.abs(this.years()),e=Math.abs(this.months()),n=Math.abs(this.days()),r=Math.abs(this.hours()),a=Math.abs(this.minutes()),i=Math.abs(this.seconds()+this.milliseconds()/1e3);return this.asSeconds()?(this.asSeconds()<0?"-":"")+"P"+(t?t+"Y":"")+(e?e+"M":"")+(n?n+"D":"")+(r||a||i?"T":"")+(r?r+"H":"")+(a?a+"M":"")+(i?i+"S":""):"P0D"},localeData:function(){return this._locale}}),De.duration.fn.toString=De.duration.fn.toISOString;for(Ye in hn)o(hn,Ye)&&be(Ye.toLowerCase());De.duration.fn.asMilliseconds=function(){return"ms")},De.duration.fn.asSeconds=function(){return"s")},De.duration.fn.asMinutes=function(){return"m")},De.duration.fn.asHours=function(){return"h")},De.duration.fn.asDays=function(){return"d")},De.duration.fn.asWeeks=function(){return"weeks")},De.duration.fn.asMonths=function(){return"M")},De.duration.fn.asYears=function(){return"y")},De.locale("en",{ordinalParse:/\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,ordinal:function(t){var e=t%10,n=1===F(t%100/10)?"th":1===e?"st":2===e?"nd":3===e?"rd":"th";return t+n}}),Ge?n.exports=De:"function"==typeof t&&t.amd?(t("moment",function(t,e,n){return n.config&&n.config()&&n.config().noGlobal===!0&&(xe.moment=ke),De}),Me(!0)):Me()}).call(this)}).call(this,"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}],5:[function(t,e){for(var n=t("performance-now"),r="undefined"==typeof window?{}:window,a=["moz","webkit"],i="AnimationFrame",o=r["request"+i],s=r["cancel"+i]||r["cancelRequest"+i],u=!0,c=0;c<a.length&&!o;c++)o=r[a[c]+"Request"+i],s=r[a[c]+"Cancel"+i]||r[a[c]+"CancelRequest"+i];if(!o||!s){u=!1;var l=0,d=0,f=[],h=1e3/60;o=function(t){if(0===f.length){var e=n(),r=Math.max(0,h-(e-l));l=r+e,setTimeout(function(){var t=f.slice(0);f.length=0;for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++)if(!t[e].cancelled)try{t[e].callback(l)}catch(n){setTimeout(function(){throw n},0)}},Math.round(r))}r
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 ,"px"}function _(){var e=t.value.trim();if(!g()){var n=s.moment(e,b.inputFormat,b.strictParse);k.setValue(n)}}function v(e){t.value=e}function g(){return b.required===!1&&""===t.value.trim()}function w(t){return function(){return g()?null:t.apply(this,arguments)}}var b,M,D,k=o(e),Y=r(_,30),T=r(p,30);return n(e),k}var r=t("./throttle"),a=t("raf"),i=(t("./clone"),t("./defaults")),o=t("./calendar"),s=t("./momentum"),u=t("./classes"),c=t("./events");e.exports=n},{"./calendar":8,"./classes":9,"./clone":10,"./defaults":12,"./events":14,"./momentum":19,"./throttle":34,raf:5}],18:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){return t&&t.nodeName&&"input"===t.nodeName.toLowerCase()}e.exports=n},{}],19:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){return t&&,"_isAMomentObject")}var r={moment:null,isMoment:n};e.exports=r},{}],20:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(){}e.exports=n},{}],21:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e){r
 eturn"string"==typeof t?a.moment(t,e):"[object Date]" 0}function r(t,e){var r=n(t,"string"==typeof e?e:null);return r&&r.isValid()?r:null}var a=t("./momentum");e.exports=r},{"./momentum":19}],22:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.filter||(Array.prototype.filter=function(t,e){var n=[];return this.forEach(function(r,a,i){,r,a,i)&&n.push(r)},e),n})},{}],23:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.forEach||(Array.prototype.forEach=function(t,e){if(void 0===this||null===this||"function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError;for(var n=this,r=n.length,a=0;r>a;a++)a in n&&,n[a],a,n)})},{}],24:[function(){"use strict";Array.prototype.indexOf||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(t,e){if(void 0===this||null===this)throw new TypeError;var n=this.length;for(e=+e||0,1/0===Math.abs(e)?e=0:0>e&&(e+=n,0>e&&(e=0));n>e;e++)if(this[e]===t)return e;return-1})},{}],25:[function(){"use strict";Array.isArray||(
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  what is trying to be bound is not callable");var,1),n=this,r=function(){},a=function(){var a=this instanceof r&&t?this:t,i=e.concat(;return n.apply(a,i)};return r.prototype=this.prototype,a.prototype=new r,a})},{}],29:[function(){"use strict";var t=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,e=!{toString:null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),n=["toString","toLocaleString","valueOf","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","constructor"],r=n.length;Object.keys||(Object.keys=function(a){if("object"!=typeof a&&("function"!=typeof a||null===a))throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on non-object");var i,o,s=[];for(i in a),i)&&s.push(i);if(e)for(o=0;r>o;o++),n[o])&&s.push(n[o]);return s})},{}],30:[function(){"use strict";String.prototype.trim||(String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")})},{}],31:[function(t,e){"use strict";t("./polyfills/function.bind"),t("./poly
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\ No newline at end of file

[10/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 64dd434..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-  backgrid-paginator
-  Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
-  Licensed under the MIT @license.
-(function (root, factory) {
-  // CommonJS
-  if (typeof exports == "object") {
-    module.exports = factory(require("underscore"),
-                             require("backbone"),
-                             require("backgrid"),
-                             require("backbone.paginator"));
-  }
-  // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
-  else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-    define(['underscore', 'backbone', 'backgrid', 'backbone.paginator'], factory);
-  }
-  // Browser
-  else {
-    factory(root._, root.Backbone, root.Backgrid);
-  }
-}(this, function (_, Backbone, Backgrid) {
-  "use strict";
-  /**
-     PageHandle is a class that renders the actual page handles and reacts to
-     click events for pagination.
-     This class acts in two modes - control or discrete page handle modes. If
-     one of the `is*` flags is `true`, an instance of this class is under
-     control page handle mode. Setting a `pageIndex` to an instance of this
-     class under control mode has no effect and the correct page index will
-     always be inferred from the `is*` flag. Only one of the `is*` flags should
-     be set to `true` at a time. For example, an instance of this class cannot
-     simultaneously be a rewind control and a fast forward control. A `label`
-     and a `title` function or a string are required to be passed to the
-     constuctor under this mode. If a `title` function is provided, it __MUST__
-     accept a hash parameter `data`, which contains a key `label`. Its result
-     will be used to render the generated anchor's title attribute.
-     If all of the `is*` flags is set to `false`, which is the default, an
-     instance of this class will be in discrete page handle mode. An instance
-     under this mode requires the `pageIndex` to be passed from the constructor
-     as an option and it __MUST__ be a 0-based index of the list of page numbers
-     to render. The constuctor will normalize the base to the same base the
-     underlying PageableCollection collection instance uses. A `label` is not
-     required under this mode, which will default to the equivalent 1-based page
-     index calculated from `pageIndex` and the underlying PageableCollection
-     instance. A provided `label` will still be honored however. The `title`
-     parameter is also not required under this mode, in which case the default
-     `title` function will be used. You are encouraged to provide your own
-     `title` function however if you wish to localize the title strings.
-     If this page handle represents the current page, an `active` class will be
-     placed on the root list element.
-     If this page handle is at the border of the list of pages, a `disabled`
-     class will be placed on the root list element.
-     Only page handles that are neither `active` nor `disabled` will respond to
-     click events and triggers pagination.
-     @class Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle
-  */
-  var PageHandle = Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle = Backbone.View.extend({
-    /** @property */
-    tagName: "li",
-    /** @property */
-    events: {
-      "click a": "changePage"
-    },
-    /**
-       @property {string|function(Object.<string, string>): string} title
-       The title to use for the `title` attribute of the generated page handle
-       anchor elements. It can be a string or a function that takes a `data`
-       parameter, which contains a mandatory `label` key which provides the
-       label value to be displayed.
-    */
-    title: function (data) {
-      return 'Page ' + data.label;
-    },
-    /**
-       @property {boolean} isRewind Whether this handle represents a rewind
-       control
-    */
-    isRewind: false,
-    /**
-       @property {boolean} isBack Whether this handle represents a back
-       control
-    */
-    isBack: false,
-    /**
-       @property {boolean} isForward Whether this handle represents a forward
-       control
-    */
-    isForward: false,
-    /**
-       @property {boolean} isFastForward Whether this handle represents a fast
-       forward control
-    */
-    isFastForward: false,
-    /**
-       Initializer.
-       @param {Object} options
-       @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
-       @param {number} pageIndex 0-based index of the page number this handle
-       handles. This parameter will be normalized to the base the underlying
-       PageableCollection uses.
-       @param {string} [options.label] If provided it is used to render the
-       anchor text, otherwise the normalized pageIndex will be used
-       instead. Required if any of the `is*` flags is set to `true`.
-       @param {string} [options.title]
-       @param {boolean} [options.isRewind=false]
-       @param {boolean} [options.isBack=false]
-       @param {boolean} [options.isForward=false]
-       @param {boolean} [options.isFastForward=false]
-    */
-    initialize: function (options) {
-      var collection = this.collection;
-      var state = collection.state;
-      var currentPage = state.currentPage;
-      var firstPage = state.firstPage;
-      var lastPage = state.lastPage;
-      _.extend(this, _.pick(options,
-                            ["isRewind", "isBack", "isForward", "isFastForward"]));
-      var pageIndex;
-      if (this.isRewind) pageIndex = firstPage;
-      else if (this.isBack) pageIndex = Math.max(firstPage, currentPage - 1);
-      else if (this.isForward) pageIndex = Math.min(lastPage, currentPage + 1);
-      else if (this.isFastForward) pageIndex = lastPage;
-      else {
-        pageIndex = +options.pageIndex;
-        pageIndex = (firstPage ? pageIndex + 1 : pageIndex);
-      }
-      this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
-      this.label = (options.label || (firstPage ? pageIndex : pageIndex + 1)) + '';
-      var title = options.title || this.title;
-      this.title = _.isFunction(title) ? title({label: this.label}) : title;
-    },
-    /**
-       Renders a clickable anchor element under a list item.
-    */
-    render: function () {
-      this.$el.empty();
-      var anchor = document.createElement("a");
-      anchor.href = '#';
-      if (this.title) anchor.title = this.title;
-      anchor.innerHTML = this.label;
-      this.el.appendChild(anchor);
-      var collection = this.collection;
-      var state = collection.state;
-      var currentPage = state.currentPage;
-      var pageIndex = this.pageIndex;
-      if (this.isRewind && currentPage == state.firstPage ||
-         this.isBack && !collection.hasPreviousPage() ||
-         this.isForward && !collection.hasNextPage() ||
-         this.isFastForward && (currentPage == state.lastPage || state.totalPages < 1)) {
-        this.$el.addClass("disabled");
-      }
-      else if (!(this.isRewind ||
-                 this.isBack ||
-                 this.isForward ||
-                 this.isFastForward) &&
-               state.currentPage == pageIndex) {
-        this.$el.addClass("active");
-      }
-      this.delegateEvents();
-      return this;
-    },
-    /**
-       jQuery click event handler. Goes to the page this PageHandle instance
-       represents. No-op if this page handle is currently active or disabled.
-    */
-    changePage: function (e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      var $el = this.$el, col = this.collection;
-      if (!$el.hasClass("active") && !$el.hasClass("disabled")) {
-        if (this.isRewind) col.getFirstPage();
-        else if (this.isBack) col.getPreviousPage();
-        else if (this.isForward) col.getNextPage();
-        else if (this.isFastForward) col.getLastPage();
-        else col.getPage(this.pageIndex, {reset: true});
-      }
-      return this;
-    }
-  });
-  /**
-     Paginator is a Backgrid extension that renders a series of configurable
-     pagination handles. This extension is best used for splitting a large data
-     set across multiple pages. If the number of pages is larger then a
-     threshold, which is set to 10 by default, the page handles are rendered
-     within a sliding window, plus the rewind, back, forward and fast forward
-     control handles. The individual control handles can be turned off.
-     @class Backgrid.Extension.Paginator
-  */
-  var Paginator = Backgrid.Extension.Paginator = Backbone.View.extend({
-    /** @property */
-    className: "backgrid-paginator",
-    /** @property */
-    windowSize: 10,
-    /**
-       @property {number} slideScale the number used by #slideHowMuch to scale
-       `windowSize` to yield the number of pages to slide. For example, the
-       default windowSize(10) * slideScale(0.5) yields 5, which means the window
-       will slide forward 5 pages as soon as you've reached page 6. The smaller
-       the scale factor the less pages to slide, and vice versa.
-       Also See:
-       - #slideMaybe
-       - #slideHowMuch
-    */
-    slideScale: 0.5,
-    /**
-       @property {Object.<string, Object.<string, string>>} controls You can
-       disable specific control handles by setting the keys in question to
-       null. The defaults will be merged with your controls object, with your
-       changes taking precedent.
-    */
-    controls: {
-      rewind: {
-        label: "《",
-        title: "First"
-      },
-      back: {
-        label: "〈",
-        title: "Previous"
-      },
-      forward: {
-        label: "〉",
-        title: "Next"
-      },
-      fastForward: {
-        label: "》",
-        title: "Last"
-      }
-    },
-    /** @property */
-    renderIndexedPageHandles: true,
-    /**
-       @property {Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle} pageHandle. The PageHandle
-       class to use for rendering individual handles
-    */
-    pageHandle: PageHandle,
-    /** @property */
-    goBackFirstOnSort: true,
-    /**
-       Initializer.
-       @param {Object} options
-       @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
-       @param {boolean} [options.controls]
-       @param {boolean} [options.pageHandle=Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle]
-       @param {boolean} [options.goBackFirstOnSort=true]
-    */
-    initialize: function (options) {
-      var self = this;
-      self.controls = _.defaults(options.controls || {}, self.controls,
-                                 Paginator.prototype.controls);
-      _.extend(self, _.pick(options || {}, "windowSize", "pageHandle",
-                            "slideScale", "goBackFirstOnSort",
-                            "renderIndexedPageHandles"));
-      var col = self.collection;
-      self.listenTo(col, "add", self.render);
-      self.listenTo(col, "remove", self.render);
-      self.listenTo(col, "reset", self.render);
-      self.listenTo(col, "backgrid:sorted", function () {
-        if (self.goBackFirstOnSort) col.getFirstPage({reset: true});
-      });
-    },
-    /**
-      Decides whether the window should slide. This method should return 1 if
-      sliding should occur and 0 otherwise. The default is sliding should occur
-      if half of the pages in a window has been reached.
-      __Note__: All the parameters have been normalized to be 0-based.
-      @param {number} firstPage
-      @param {number} lastPage
-      @param {number} currentPage
-      @param {number} windowSize
-      @param {number} slideScale
-      @return {0|1}
-     */
-    slideMaybe: function (firstPage, lastPage, currentPage, windowSize, slideScale) {
-      return Math.round(currentPage % windowSize / windowSize);
-    },
-    /**
-      Decides how many pages to slide when sliding should occur. The default
-      simply scales the `windowSize` to arrive at a fraction of the `windowSize`
-      to increment.
-      __Note__: All the parameters have been normalized to be 0-based.
-      @param {number} firstPage
-      @param {number} lastPage
-      @param {number} currentPage
-      @param {number} windowSize
-      @param {number} slideScale
-      @return {number}
-     */
-    slideThisMuch: function (firstPage, lastPage, currentPage, windowSize, slideScale) {
-      return ~~(windowSize * slideScale);
-    },
-    _calculateWindow: function () {
-      var collection = this.collection;
-      var state = collection.state;
-      // convert all indices to 0-based here
-      var firstPage = state.firstPage;
-      var lastPage = +state.lastPage;
-      lastPage = Math.max(0, firstPage ? lastPage - 1 : lastPage);
-      var currentPage = Math.max(state.currentPage, state.firstPage);
-      currentPage = firstPage ? currentPage - 1 : currentPage;
-      var windowSize = this.windowSize;
-      var slideScale = this.slideScale;
-      var windowStart = Math.floor(currentPage / windowSize) * windowSize;
-      if (currentPage <= lastPage - this.slideThisMuch()) {
-        windowStart += (this.slideMaybe(firstPage, lastPage, currentPage, windowSize, slideScale) *
-                        this.slideThisMuch(firstPage, lastPage, currentPage, windowSize, slideScale));
-      }
-      var windowEnd = Math.min(lastPage + 1, windowStart + windowSize);
-      return [windowStart, windowEnd];
-    },
-    /**
-       Creates a list of page handle objects for rendering.
-       @return {Array.<Object>} an array of page handle objects hashes
-    */
-    makeHandles: function () {
-      var handles = [];
-      var collection = this.collection;
-      var window = this._calculateWindow();
-      var winStart = window[0], winEnd = window[1];
-      if (this.renderIndexedPageHandles) {
-        for (var i = winStart; i < winEnd; i++) {
-          handles.push(new this.pageHandle({
-            collection: collection,
-            pageIndex: i
-          }));
-        }
-      }
-      var controls = this.controls;
-      _.each(["back", "rewind", "forward", "fastForward"], function (key) {
-        var value = controls[key];
-        if (value) {
-          var handleCtorOpts = {
-            collection: collection,
-            title: value.title,
-            label: value.label
-          };
-          handleCtorOpts["is" + key.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)] = true;
-          var handle = new this.pageHandle(handleCtorOpts);
-          if (key == "rewind" || key == "back") handles.unshift(handle);
-          else handles.push(handle);
-        }
-      }, this);
-      return handles;
-    },
-    /**
-       Render the paginator handles inside an unordered list.
-    */
-    render: function () {
-      this.$el.empty();
-      if (this.handles) {
-        for (var i = 0, l = this.handles.length; i < l; i++) {
-          this.handles[i].remove();
-        }
-      }
-      var handles = this.handles = this.makeHandles();
-      var ul = document.createElement("ul");
-      for (var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++) {
-        ul.appendChild(handles[i].render().el);
-      }
-      this.el.appendChild(ul);
-      return this;
-    }
-  });
\ No newline at end of file

[09/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/d3-3.5.5.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/d3-3.5.5.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3af706a..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/d3-3.5.5.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9504 +0,0 @@
-!function() {
-  var d3 = {
-    version: "3.5.5"
-  };
-  var d3_arraySlice = [].slice, d3_array = function(list) {
-    return;
-  };
-  var d3_document = this.document;
-  function d3_documentElement(node) {
-    return node && (node.ownerDocument || node.document || node).documentElement;
-  }
-  function d3_window(node) {
-    return node && (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView || node.document && node || node.defaultView);
-  }
-  if (d3_document) {
-    try {
-      d3_array(d3_document.documentElement.childNodes)[0].nodeType;
-    } catch (e) {
-      d3_array = function(list) {
-        var i = list.length, array = new Array(i);
-        while (i--) array[i] = list[i];
-        return array;
-      };
-    }
-  }
-  if (! = function() {
-    return +new Date();
-  };
-  if (d3_document) {
-    try {
-      d3_document.createElement("DIV").style.setProperty("opacity", 0, "");
-    } catch (error) {
-      var d3_element_prototype = this.Element.prototype, d3_element_setAttribute = d3_element_prototype.setAttribute, d3_element_setAttributeNS = d3_element_prototype.setAttributeNS, d3_style_prototype = this.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, d3_style_setProperty = d3_style_prototype.setProperty;
-      d3_element_prototype.setAttribute = function(name, value) {
-, name, value + "");
-      };
-      d3_element_prototype.setAttributeNS = function(space, local, value) {
-, space, local, value + "");
-      };
-      d3_style_prototype.setProperty = function(name, value, priority) {
-, name, value + "", priority);
-      };
-    }
-  }
-  d3.ascending = d3_ascending;
-  function d3_ascending(a, b) {
-    return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
-  }
-  d3.descending = function(a, b) {
-    return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN;
-  };
-  d3.min = function(array, f) {
-    var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) {
-        a = b;
-        break;
-      }
-      while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && a > b) a = b;
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && b >= b) {
-        a = b;
-        break;
-      }
-      while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && a > b) a = b;
-    }
-    return a;
-  };
-  d3.max = function(array, f) {
-    var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) {
-        a = b;
-        break;
-      }
-      while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b > a) a = b;
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && b >= b) {
-        a = b;
-        break;
-      }
-      while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && b > a) a = b;
-    }
-    return a;
-  };
-  d3.extent = function(array, f) {
-    var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b, c;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) {
-        a = c = b;
-        break;
-      }
-      while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null) {
-        if (a > b) a = b;
-        if (c < b) c = b;
-      }
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null && b >= b) {
-        a = c = b;
-        break;
-      }
-      while (++i < n) if ((b =, array[i], i)) != null) {
-        if (a > b) a = b;
-        if (c < b) c = b;
-      }
-    }
-    return [ a, c ];
-  };
-  function d3_number(x) {
-    return x === null ? NaN : +x;
-  }
-  function d3_numeric(x) {
-    return !isNaN(x);
-  }
-  d3.sum = function(array, f) {
-    var s = 0, n = array.length, a, i = -1;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) if (d3_numeric(a = +array[i])) s += a;
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) if (d3_numeric(a =, array[i], i))) s += a;
-    }
-    return s;
-  };
-  d3.mean = function(array, f) {
-    var s = 0, n = array.length, a, i = -1, j = n;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) if (d3_numeric(a = d3_number(array[i]))) s += a; else --j;
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) if (d3_numeric(a = d3_number(, array[i], i)))) s += a; else --j;
-    }
-    if (j) return s / j;
-  };
-  d3.quantile = function(values, p) {
-    var H = (values.length - 1) * p + 1, h = Math.floor(H), v = +values[h - 1], e = H - h;
-    return e ? v + e * (values[h] - v) : v;
-  };
-  d3.median = function(array, f) {
-    var numbers = [], n = array.length, a, i = -1;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) if (d3_numeric(a = d3_number(array[i]))) numbers.push(a);
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) if (d3_numeric(a = d3_number(, array[i], i)))) numbers.push(a);
-    }
-    if (numbers.length) return d3.quantile(numbers.sort(d3_ascending), .5);
-  };
-  d3.variance = function(array, f) {
-    var n = array.length, m = 0, a, d, s = 0, i = -1, j = 0;
-    if (arguments.length === 1) {
-      while (++i < n) {
-        if (d3_numeric(a = d3_number(array[i]))) {
-          d = a - m;
-          m += d / ++j;
-          s += d * (a - m);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) {
-        if (d3_numeric(a = d3_number(, array[i], i)))) {
-          d = a - m;
-          m += d / ++j;
-          s += d * (a - m);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (j > 1) return s / (j - 1);
-  };
-  d3.deviation = function() {
-    var v = d3.variance.apply(this, arguments);
-    return v ? Math.sqrt(v) : v;
-  };
-  function d3_bisector(compare) {
-    return {
-      left: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
-        if (arguments.length < 3) lo = 0;
-        if (arguments.length < 4) hi = a.length;
-        while (lo < hi) {
-          var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
-          if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1; else hi = mid;
-        }
-        return lo;
-      },
-      right: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
-        if (arguments.length < 3) lo = 0;
-        if (arguments.length < 4) hi = a.length;
-        while (lo < hi) {
-          var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
-          if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1;
-        }
-        return lo;
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  var d3_bisect = d3_bisector(d3_ascending);
-  d3.bisectLeft = d3_bisect.left;
-  d3.bisect = d3.bisectRight = d3_bisect.right;
-  d3.bisector = function(f) {
-    return d3_bisector(f.length === 1 ? function(d, x) {
-      return d3_ascending(f(d), x);
-    } : f);
-  };
-  d3.shuffle = function(array, i0, i1) {
-    if ((m = arguments.length) < 3) {
-      i1 = array.length;
-      if (m < 2) i0 = 0;
-    }
-    var m = i1 - i0, t, i;
-    while (m) {
-      i = Math.random() * m-- | 0;
-      t = array[m + i0], array[m + i0] = array[i + i0], array[i + i0] = t;
-    }
-    return array;
-  };
-  d3.permute = function(array, indexes) {
-    var i = indexes.length, permutes = new Array(i);
-    while (i--) permutes[i] = array[indexes[i]];
-    return permutes;
-  };
-  d3.pairs = function(array) {
-    var i = 0, n = array.length - 1, p0, p1 = array[0], pairs = new Array(n < 0 ? 0 : n);
-    while (i < n) pairs[i] = [ p0 = p1, p1 = array[++i] ];
-    return pairs;
-  };
- = function() {
-    if (!(n = arguments.length)) return [];
-    for (var i = -1, m = d3.min(arguments, d3_zipLength), zips = new Array(m); ++i < m; ) {
-      for (var j = -1, n, zip = zips[i] = new Array(n); ++j < n; ) {
-        zip[j] = arguments[j][i];
-      }
-    }
-    return zips;
-  };
-  function d3_zipLength(d) {
-    return d.length;
-  }
-  d3.transpose = function(matrix) {
-    return, matrix);
-  };
-  d3.keys = function(map) {
-    var keys = [];
-    for (var key in map) keys.push(key);
-    return keys;
-  };
-  d3.values = function(map) {
-    var values = [];
-    for (var key in map) values.push(map[key]);
-    return values;
-  };
-  d3.entries = function(map) {
-    var entries = [];
-    for (var key in map) entries.push({
-      key: key,
-      value: map[key]
-    });
-    return entries;
-  };
-  d3.merge = function(arrays) {
-    var n = arrays.length, m, i = -1, j = 0, merged, array;
-    while (++i < n) j += arrays[i].length;
-    merged = new Array(j);
-    while (--n >= 0) {
-      array = arrays[n];
-      m = array.length;
-      while (--m >= 0) {
-        merged[--j] = array[m];
-      }
-    }
-    return merged;
-  };
-  var abs = Math.abs;
-  d3.range = function(start, stop, step) {
-    if (arguments.length < 3) {
-      step = 1;
-      if (arguments.length < 2) {
-        stop = start;
-        start = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    if ((stop - start) / step === Infinity) throw new Error("infinite range");
-    var range = [], k = d3_range_integerScale(abs(step)), i = -1, j;
-    start *= k, stop *= k, step *= k;
-    if (step < 0) while ((j = start + step * ++i) > stop) range.push(j / k); else while ((j = start + step * ++i) < stop) range.push(j / k);
-    return range;
-  };
-  function d3_range_integerScale(x) {
-    var k = 1;
-    while (x * k % 1) k *= 10;
-    return k;
-  }
-  function d3_class(ctor, properties) {
-    for (var key in properties) {
-      Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, key, {
-        value: properties[key],
-        enumerable: false
-      });
-    }
-  }
- = function(object, f) {
-    var map = new d3_Map();
-    if (object instanceof d3_Map) {
-      object.forEach(function(key, value) {
-        map.set(key, value);
-      });
-    } else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
-      var i = -1, n = object.length, o;
-      if (arguments.length === 1) while (++i < n) map.set(i, object[i]); else while (++i < n) map.set(, o = object[i], i), o);
-    } else {
-      for (var key in object) map.set(key, object[key]);
-    }
-    return map;
-  };
-  function d3_Map() {
-    this._ = Object.create(null);
-  }
-  var d3_map_proto = "__proto__", d3_map_zero = "\x00";
-  d3_class(d3_Map, {
-    has: d3_map_has,
-    get: function(key) {
-      return this._[d3_map_escape(key)];
-    },
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      return this._[d3_map_escape(key)] = value;
-    },
-    remove: d3_map_remove,
-    keys: d3_map_keys,
-    values: function() {
-      var values = [];
-      for (var key in this._) values.push(this._[key]);
-      return values;
-    },
-    entries: function() {
-      var entries = [];
-      for (var key in this._) entries.push({
-        key: d3_map_unescape(key),
-        value: this._[key]
-      });
-      return entries;
-    },
-    size: d3_map_size,
-    empty: d3_map_empty,
-    forEach: function(f) {
-      for (var key in this._), d3_map_unescape(key), this._[key]);
-    }
-  });
-  function d3_map_escape(key) {
-    return (key += "") === d3_map_proto || key[0] === d3_map_zero ? d3_map_zero + key : key;
-  }
-  function d3_map_unescape(key) {
-    return (key += "")[0] === d3_map_zero ? key.slice(1) : key;
-  }
-  function d3_map_has(key) {
-    return d3_map_escape(key) in this._;
-  }
-  function d3_map_remove(key) {
-    return (key = d3_map_escape(key)) in this._ && delete this._[key];
-  }
-  function d3_map_keys() {
-    var keys = [];
-    for (var key in this._) keys.push(d3_map_unescape(key));
-    return keys;
-  }
-  function d3_map_size() {
-    var size = 0;
-    for (var key in this._) ++size;
-    return size;
-  }
-  function d3_map_empty() {
-    for (var key in this._) return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  d3.nest = function() {
-    var nest = {}, keys = [], sortKeys = [], sortValues, rollup;
-    function map(mapType, array, depth) {
-      if (depth >= keys.length) return rollup ?, array) : sortValues ? array.sort(sortValues) : array;
-      var i = -1, n = array.length, key = keys[depth++], keyValue, object, setter, valuesByKey = new d3_Map(), values;
-      while (++i < n) {
-        if (values = valuesByKey.get(keyValue = key(object = array[i]))) {
-          values.push(object);
-        } else {
-          valuesByKey.set(keyValue, [ object ]);
-        }
-      }
-      if (mapType) {
-        object = mapType();
-        setter = function(keyValue, values) {
-          object.set(keyValue, map(mapType, values, depth));
-        };
-      } else {
-        object = {};
-        setter = function(keyValue, values) {
-          object[keyValue] = map(mapType, values, depth);
-        };
-      }
-      valuesByKey.forEach(setter);
-      return object;
-    }
-    function entries(map, depth) {
-      if (depth >= keys.length) return map;
-      var array = [], sortKey = sortKeys[depth++];
-      map.forEach(function(key, keyMap) {
-        array.push({
-          key: key,
-          values: entries(keyMap, depth)
-        });
-      });
-      return sortKey ? array.sort(function(a, b) {
-        return sortKey(a.key, b.key);
-      }) : array;
-    }
- = function(array, mapType) {
-      return map(mapType, array, 0);
-    };
-    nest.entries = function(array) {
-      return entries(map(, array, 0), 0);
-    };
-    nest.key = function(d) {
-      keys.push(d);
-      return nest;
-    };
-    nest.sortKeys = function(order) {
-      sortKeys[keys.length - 1] = order;
-      return nest;
-    };
-    nest.sortValues = function(order) {
-      sortValues = order;
-      return nest;
-    };
-    nest.rollup = function(f) {
-      rollup = f;
-      return nest;
-    };
-    return nest;
-  };
-  d3.set = function(array) {
-    var set = new d3_Set();
-    if (array) for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i) set.add(array[i]);
-    return set;
-  };
-  function d3_Set() {
-    this._ = Object.create(null);
-  }
-  d3_class(d3_Set, {
-    has: d3_map_has,
-    add: function(key) {
-      this._[d3_map_escape(key += "")] = true;
-      return key;
-    },
-    remove: d3_map_remove,
-    values: d3_map_keys,
-    size: d3_map_size,
-    empty: d3_map_empty,
-    forEach: function(f) {
-      for (var key in this._), d3_map_unescape(key));
-    }
-  });
-  d3.behavior = {};
-  function d3_identity(d) {
-    return d;
-  }
-  d3.rebind = function(target, source) {
-    var i = 1, n = arguments.length, method;
-    while (++i < n) target[method = arguments[i]] = d3_rebind(target, source, source[method]);
-    return target;
-  };
-  function d3_rebind(target, source, method) {
-    return function() {
-      var value = method.apply(source, arguments);
-      return value === source ? target : value;
-    };
-  }
-  function d3_vendorSymbol(object, name) {
-    if (name in object) return name;
-    name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
-    for (var i = 0, n = d3_vendorPrefixes.length; i < n; ++i) {
-      var prefixName = d3_vendorPrefixes[i] + name;
-      if (prefixName in object) return prefixName;
-    }
-  }
-  var d3_vendorPrefixes = [ "webkit", "ms", "moz", "Moz", "o", "O" ];
-  function d3_noop() {}
-  d3.dispatch = function() {
-    var dispatch = new d3_dispatch(), i = -1, n = arguments.length;
-    while (++i < n) dispatch[arguments[i]] = d3_dispatch_event(dispatch);
-    return dispatch;
-  };
-  function d3_dispatch() {}
-  d3_dispatch.prototype.on = function(type, listener) {
-    var i = type.indexOf("."), name = "";
-    if (i >= 0) {
-      name = type.slice(i + 1);
-      type = type.slice(0, i);
-    }
-    if (type) return arguments.length < 2 ? this[type].on(name) : this[type].on(name, listener);
-    if (arguments.length === 2) {
-      if (listener == null) for (type in this) {
-        if (this.hasOwnProperty(type)) this[type].on(name, null);
-      }
-      return this;
-    }
-  };
-  function d3_dispatch_event(dispatch) {
-    var listeners = [], listenerByName = new d3_Map();
-    function event() {
-      var z = listeners, i = -1, n = z.length, l;
-      while (++i < n) if (l = z[i].on) l.apply(this, arguments);
-      return dispatch;
-    }
-    event.on = function(name, listener) {
-      var l = listenerByName.get(name), i;
-      if (arguments.length < 2) return l && l.on;
-      if (l) {
-        l.on = null;
-        listeners = listeners.slice(0, i = listeners.indexOf(l)).concat(listeners.slice(i + 1));
-        listenerByName.remove(name);
-      }
-      if (listener) listeners.push(listenerByName.set(name, {
-        on: listener
-      }));
-      return dispatch;
-    };
-    return event;
-  }
-  d3.event = null;
-  function d3_eventPreventDefault() {
-    d3.event.preventDefault();
-  }
-  function d3_eventSource() {
-    var e = d3.event, s;
-    while (s = e.sourceEvent) e = s;
-    return e;
-  }
-  function d3_eventDispatch(target) {
-    var dispatch = new d3_dispatch(), i = 0, n = arguments.length;
-    while (++i < n) dispatch[arguments[i]] = d3_dispatch_event(dispatch);
-    dispatch.of = function(thiz, argumentz) {
-      return function(e1) {
-        try {
-          var e0 = e1.sourceEvent = d3.event;
- = target;
-          d3.event = e1;
-          dispatch[e1.type].apply(thiz, argumentz);
-        } finally {
-          d3.event = e0;
-        }
-      };
-    };
-    return dispatch;
-  }
-  d3.requote = function(s) {
-    return s.replace(d3_requote_re, "\\$&");
-  };
-  var d3_requote_re = /[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/g;
-  var d3_subclass = {}.__proto__ ? function(object, prototype) {
-    object.__proto__ = prototype;
-  } : function(object, prototype) {
-    for (var property in prototype) object[property] = prototype[property];
-  };
-  function d3_selection(groups) {
-    d3_subclass(groups, d3_selectionPrototype);
-    return groups;
-  }
-  var d3_select = function(s, n) {
-    return n.querySelector(s);
-  }, d3_selectAll = function(s, n) {
-    return n.querySelectorAll(s);
-  }, d3_selectMatches = function(n, s) {
-    var d3_selectMatcher = n.matches || n[d3_vendorSymbol(n, "matchesSelector")];
-    d3_selectMatches = function(n, s) {
-      return, s);
-    };
-    return d3_selectMatches(n, s);
-  };
-  if (typeof Sizzle === "function") {
-    d3_select = function(s, n) {
-      return Sizzle(s, n)[0] || null;
-    };
-    d3_selectAll = Sizzle;
-    d3_selectMatches = Sizzle.matchesSelector;
-  }
-  d3.selection = function() {
-    return;
-  };
-  var d3_selectionPrototype = d3.selection.prototype = [];
- = function(selector) {
-    var subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, group, node;
-    selector = d3_selection_selector(selector);
-    for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
-      subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
-      subgroup.parentNode = (group = this[j]).parentNode;
-      for (var i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
-        if (node = group[i]) {
-          subgroup.push(subnode =, node.__data__, i, j));
-          if (subnode && "__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
-        } else {
-          subgroup.push(null);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return d3_selection(subgroups);
-  };
-  function d3_selection_selector(selector) {
-    return typeof selector === "function" ? selector : function() {
-      return d3_select(selector, this);
-    };
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.selectAll = function(selector) {
-    var subgroups = [], subgroup, node;
-    selector = d3_selection_selectorAll(selector);
-    for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
-      for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
-        if (node = group[i]) {
-          subgroups.push(subgroup = d3_array(, node.__data__, i, j)));
-          subgroup.parentNode = node;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return d3_selection(subgroups);
-  };
-  function d3_selection_selectorAll(selector) {
-    return typeof selector === "function" ? selector : function() {
-      return d3_selectAll(selector, this);
-    };
-  }
-  var d3_nsPrefix = {
-    svg: "",
-    xhtml: "",
-    xlink: "",
-    xml: "",
-    xmlns: ""
-  };
-  d3.ns = {
-    prefix: d3_nsPrefix,
-    qualify: function(name) {
-      var i = name.indexOf(":"), prefix = name;
-      if (i >= 0) {
-        prefix = name.slice(0, i);
-        name = name.slice(i + 1);
-      }
-      return d3_nsPrefix.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? {
-        space: d3_nsPrefix[prefix],
-        local: name
-      } : name;
-    }
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.attr = function(name, value) {
-    if (arguments.length < 2) {
-      if (typeof name === "string") {
-        var node = this.node();
-        name = d3.ns.qualify(name);
-        return name.local ? node.getAttributeNS(, name.local) : node.getAttribute(name);
-      }
-      for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_attr(value, name[value]));
-      return this;
-    }
-    return this.each(d3_selection_attr(name, value));
-  };
-  function d3_selection_attr(name, value) {
-    name = d3.ns.qualify(name);
-    function attrNull() {
-      this.removeAttribute(name);
-    }
-    function attrNullNS() {
-      this.removeAttributeNS(, name.local);
-    }
-    function attrConstant() {
-      this.setAttribute(name, value);
-    }
-    function attrConstantNS() {
-      this.setAttributeNS(, name.local, value);
-    }
-    function attrFunction() {
-      var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      if (x == null) this.removeAttribute(name); else this.setAttribute(name, x);
-    }
-    function attrFunctionNS() {
-      var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      if (x == null) this.removeAttributeNS(, name.local); else this.setAttributeNS(, name.local, x);
-    }
-    return value == null ? name.local ? attrNullNS : attrNull : typeof value === "function" ? name.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction : name.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant;
-  }
-  function d3_collapse(s) {
-    return s.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ");
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.classed = function(name, value) {
-    if (arguments.length < 2) {
-      if (typeof name === "string") {
-        var node = this.node(), n = (name = d3_selection_classes(name)).length, i = -1;
-        if (value = node.classList) {
-          while (++i < n) if (!value.contains(name[i])) return false;
-        } else {
-          value = node.getAttribute("class");
-          while (++i < n) if (!d3_selection_classedRe(name[i]).test(value)) return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_classed(value, name[value]));
-      return this;
-    }
-    return this.each(d3_selection_classed(name, value));
-  };
-  function d3_selection_classedRe(name) {
-    return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + d3.requote(name) + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g");
-  }
-  function d3_selection_classes(name) {
-    return (name + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/);
-  }
-  function d3_selection_classed(name, value) {
-    name = d3_selection_classes(name).map(d3_selection_classedName);
-    var n = name.length;
-    function classedConstant() {
-      var i = -1;
-      while (++i < n) name[i](this, value);
-    }
-    function classedFunction() {
-      var i = -1, x = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      while (++i < n) name[i](this, x);
-    }
-    return typeof value === "function" ? classedFunction : classedConstant;
-  }
-  function d3_selection_classedName(name) {
-    var re = d3_selection_classedRe(name);
-    return function(node, value) {
-      if (c = node.classList) return value ? c.add(name) : c.remove(name);
-      var c = node.getAttribute("class") || "";
-      if (value) {
-        re.lastIndex = 0;
-        if (!re.test(c)) node.setAttribute("class", d3_collapse(c + " " + name));
-      } else {
-        node.setAttribute("class", d3_collapse(c.replace(re, " ")));
-      }
-    };
-  }
- = function(name, value, priority) {
-    var n = arguments.length;
-    if (n < 3) {
-      if (typeof name !== "string") {
-        if (n < 2) value = "";
-        for (priority in name) this.each(d3_selection_style(priority, name[priority], value));
-        return this;
-      }
-      if (n < 2) {
-        var node = this.node();
-        return d3_window(node).getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyValue(name);
-      }
-      priority = "";
-    }
-    return this.each(d3_selection_style(name, value, priority));
-  };
-  function d3_selection_style(name, value, priority) {
-    function styleNull() {
-    }
-    function styleConstant() {
-, value, priority);
-    }
-    function styleFunction() {
-      var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      if (x == null); else, x, priority);
-    }
-    return value == null ? styleNull : typeof value === "function" ? styleFunction : styleConstant;
-  }
- = function(name, value) {
-    if (arguments.length < 2) {
-      if (typeof name === "string") return this.node()[name];
-      for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_property(value, name[value]));
-      return this;
-    }
-    return this.each(d3_selection_property(name, value));
-  };
-  function d3_selection_property(name, value) {
-    function propertyNull() {
-      delete this[name];
-    }
-    function propertyConstant() {
-      this[name] = value;
-    }
-    function propertyFunction() {
-      var x = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      if (x == null) delete this[name]; else this[name] = x;
-    }
-    return value == null ? propertyNull : typeof value === "function" ? propertyFunction : propertyConstant;
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.text = function(value) {
-    return arguments.length ? this.each(typeof value === "function" ? function() {
-      var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v;
-    } : value == null ? function() {
-      this.textContent = "";
-    } : function() {
-      this.textContent = value;
-    }) : this.node().textContent;
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.html = function(value) {
-    return arguments.length ? this.each(typeof value === "function" ? function() {
-      var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
-      this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v;
-    } : value == null ? function() {
-      this.innerHTML = "";
-    } : function() {
-      this.innerHTML = value;
-    }) : this.node().innerHTML;
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.append = function(name) {
-    name = d3_selection_creator(name);
-    return {
-      return this.appendChild(name.apply(this, arguments));
-    });
-  };
-  function d3_selection_creator(name) {
-    function create() {
-      var document = this.ownerDocument, namespace = this.namespaceURI;
-      return namespace ? document.createElementNS(namespace, name) : document.createElement(name);
-    }
-    function createNS() {
-      return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, name.local);
-    }
-    return typeof name === "function" ? name : (name = d3.ns.qualify(name)).local ? createNS : create;
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.insert = function(name, before) {
-    name = d3_selection_creator(name);
-    before = d3_selection_selector(before);
-    return {
-      return this.insertBefore(name.apply(this, arguments), before.apply(this, arguments) || null);
-    });
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.remove = function() {
-    return this.each(d3_selectionRemove);
-  };
-  function d3_selectionRemove() {
-    var parent = this.parentNode;
-    if (parent) parent.removeChild(this);
-  }
- = function(value, key) {
-    var i = -1, n = this.length, group, node;
-    if (!arguments.length) {
-      value = new Array(n = (group = this[0]).length);
-      while (++i < n) {
-        if (node = group[i]) {
-          value[i] = node.__data__;
-        }
-      }
-      return value;
-    }
-    function bind(group, groupData) {
-      var i, n = group.length, m = groupData.length, n0 = Math.min(n, m), updateNodes = new Array(m), enterNodes = new Array(m), exitNodes = new Array(n), node, nodeData;
-      if (key) {
-        var nodeByKeyValue = new d3_Map(), keyValues = new Array(n), keyValue;
-        for (i = -1; ++i < n; ) {
-          if (nodeByKeyValue.has(keyValue = = group[i], node.__data__, i))) {
-            exitNodes[i] = node;
-          } else {
-            nodeByKeyValue.set(keyValue, node);
-          }
-          keyValues[i] = keyValue;
-        }
-        for (i = -1; ++i < m; ) {
-          if (!(node = nodeByKeyValue.get(keyValue =, nodeData = groupData[i], i)))) {
-            enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(nodeData);
-          } else if (node !== true) {
-            updateNodes[i] = node;
-            node.__data__ = nodeData;
-          }
-          nodeByKeyValue.set(keyValue, true);
-        }
-        for (i = -1; ++i < n; ) {
-          if (nodeByKeyValue.get(keyValues[i]) !== true) {
-            exitNodes[i] = group[i];
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        for (i = -1; ++i < n0; ) {
-          node = group[i];
-          nodeData = groupData[i];
-          if (node) {
-            node.__data__ = nodeData;
-            updateNodes[i] = node;
-          } else {
-            enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(nodeData);
-          }
-        }
-        for (;i < m; ++i) {
-          enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(groupData[i]);
-        }
-        for (;i < n; ++i) {
-          exitNodes[i] = group[i];
-        }
-      }
-      enterNodes.update = updateNodes;
-      enterNodes.parentNode = updateNodes.parentNode = exitNodes.parentNode = group.parentNode;
-      enter.push(enterNodes);
-      update.push(updateNodes);
-      exit.push(exitNodes);
-    }
-    var enter = d3_selection_enter([]), update = d3_selection([]), exit = d3_selection([]);
-    if (typeof value === "function") {
-      while (++i < n) {
-        bind(group = this[i],, group.parentNode.__data__, i));
-      }
-    } else {
-      while (++i < n) {
-        bind(group = this[i], value);
-      }
-    }
-    update.enter = function() {
-      return enter;
-    };
-    update.exit = function() {
-      return exit;
-    };
-    return update;
-  };
-  function d3_selection_dataNode(data) {
-    return {
-      __data__: data
-    };
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.datum = function(value) {
-    return arguments.length ?"__data__", value) :"__data__");
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.filter = function(filter) {
-    var subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node;
-    if (typeof filter !== "function") filter = d3_selection_filter(filter);
-    for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) {
-      subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
-      subgroup.parentNode = (group = this[j]).parentNode;
-      for (var i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) {
-        if ((node = group[i]) &&, node.__data__, i, j)) {
-          subgroup.push(node);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return d3_selection(subgroups);
-  };
-  function d3_selection_filter(selector) {
-    return function() {
-      return d3_selectMatches(this, selector);
-    };
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.order = function() {
-    for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
-      for (var group = this[j], i = group.length - 1, next = group[i], node; --i >= 0; ) {
-        if (node = group[i]) {
-          if (next && next !== node.nextSibling) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next);
-          next = node;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return this;
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.sort = function(comparator) {
-    comparator = d3_selection_sortComparator.apply(this, arguments);
-    for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) this[j].sort(comparator);
-    return this.order();
-  };
-  function d3_selection_sortComparator(comparator) {
-    if (!arguments.length) comparator = d3_ascending;
-    return function(a, b) {
-      return a && b ? comparator(a.__data__, b.__data__) : !a - !b;
-    };
-  }
-  d3_selectionPrototype.each = function(callback) {
-    return d3_selection_each(this, function(node, i, j) {
-, node.__data__, i, j);
-    });
-  };
-  function d3_selection_each(groups, callback) {
-    for (var j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; j++) {
-      for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length, node; i < n; i++) {
-        if (node = group[i]) callback(node, i, j);
-      }
-    }
-    return groups;
-  }
- = function(callback) {
-    var args = d3_array(arguments);
-    callback.apply(args[0] = this, args);
-    return this;
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.empty = function() {
-    return !this.node();
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.node = function() {
-    for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) {
-      for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) {
-        var node = group[i];
-        if (node) return node;
-      }
-    }
-    return null;
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.size = function() {
-    var n = 0;
-    d3_selection_each(this, function() {
-      ++n;
-    });
-    return n;
-  };
-  function d3_selection_enter(selection) {
-    d3_subclass(selection, d3_selection_enterPrototype);
-    return selection;
-  }
-  var d3_selection_enterPrototype = [];
-  d3.selection.enter = d3_selection_enter;
-  d3.selection.enter.prototype = d3_selection_enterPrototype;
-  d3_selection_enterPrototype.append = d3_selectionPrototype.append;
-  d3_selection_enterPrototype.empty = d3_selectionPrototype.empty;
-  d3_selection_enterPrototype.node = d3_selectionPrototype.node;
- =;
-  d3_selection_enterPrototype.size = d3_selectionPrototype.size;
- = function(selector) {
-    var subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, upgroup, group, node;
-    for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) {
-      upgroup = (group = this[j]).update;
-      subgroups.push(subgroup = []);
-      subgroup.parentNode = group.parentNode;
-      for (var i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) {
-        if (node = group[i]) {
-          subgroup.push(upgroup[i] = subnode =, node.__data__, i, j));
-          subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
-        } else {
-          subgroup.push(null);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return d3_selection(subgroups);
-  };
-  d3_selection_enterPrototype.insert = function(name, before) {
-    if (arguments.length < 2) before = d3_selection_enterInsertBefore(this);
-    return, name, before);
-  };
-  function d3_selection_enterInsertBefore(enter) {
-    var i0, j0;
-    return function(d, i, j) {
-      var group = enter[j].update, n = group.length, node;
-      if (j != j0) j0 = j, i0 = 0;
-      if (i >= i0) i0 = i + 1;
-      while (!(node = group[i0]) && ++i0 < n) ;
-      return node;
-    };
-  }
- = function(node) {
-    var group;
-    if (typeof node === "string") {
-      group = [ d3_select(node, d3_document) ];
-      group.parentNode = d3_document.documentElement;
-    } else {
-      group = [ node ];
-      group.parentNode = d3_documentElement(node);
-    }
-    return d3_selection([ group ]);
-  };
-  d3.selectAll = function(nodes) {
-    var group;
-    if (typeof nodes === "string") {
-      group = d3_array(d3_selectAll(nodes, d3_document));
-      group.parentNode = d3_document.documentElement;
-    } else {
-      group = nodes;
-      group.parentNode = null;
-    }
-    return d3_selection([ group ]);
-  };
-  d3_selectionPrototype.on = function(type, listener, capture) {
-    var n = arguments.length;
-    if (n < 3) {
-      if (typeof type !== "string") {
-        if (n < 2) listener = false;
-        for (capture in type) this.each(d3_selection_on(capture, type[capture], listener));
-        return this;
-      }
-      if (n < 2) return (n = this.node()["__on" + type]) && n._;
-      capture = false;
-    }
-    return this.each(d3_selection_on(type, listener, capture));
-  };
-  function d3_selection_on(type, listener, capture) {
-    var name = "__on" + type, i = type.indexOf("."), wrap = d3_selection_onListener;
-    if (i > 0) type = type.slice(0, i);
-    var filter = d3_selection_onFilters.get(type);
-    if (filter) type = filter, wrap = d3_selection_onFilter;
-    function onRemove() {
-      var l = this[name];
-      if (l) {
-        this.removeEventListener(type, l, l.$);
-        delete this[name];
-      }
-    }
-    function onAdd() {
-      var l = wrap(listener, d3_array(arguments));
-      this.addEventListener(type, this[name] = l, l.$ = capture);
-      l._ = listener;
-    }
-    function removeAll() {
-      var re = new RegExp("^__on([^.]+)" + d3.requote(type) + "$"), match;
-      for (var name in this) {
-        if (match = name.match(re)) {
-          var l = this[name];
-          this.removeEventListener(match[1], l, l.$);
-          delete this[name];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return i ? listener ? onAdd : onRemove : listener ? d3_noop : removeAll;
-  }
-  var d3_selection_onFilters ={
-    mouseenter: "mouseover",
-    mouseleave: "mouseout"
-  });
-  if (d3_document) {
-    d3_selection_onFilters.forEach(function(k) {
-      if ("on" + k in d3_document) d3_selection_onFilters.remove(k);
-    });
-  }
-  function d3_selection_onListener(listener, argumentz) {
-    return function(e) {
-      var o = d3.event;
-      d3.event = e;
-      argumentz[0] = this.__data__;
-      try {
-        listener.apply(this, argumentz);
-      } finally {
-        d3.event = o;
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  function d3_selection_onFilter(listener, argumentz) {
-    var l = d3_selection_onListener(listener, argumentz);
-    return function(e) {
-      var target = this, related = e.relatedTarget;
-      if (!related || related !== target && !(related.compareDocumentPosition(target) & 8)) {
-, e);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  var d3_event_dragSelect, d3_event_dragId = 0;
-  function d3_event_dragSuppress(node) {
-    var name = ".dragsuppress-" + ++d3_event_dragId, click = "click" + name, w ="touchmove" + name, d3_eventPreventDefault).on("dragstart" + name, d3_eventPreventDefault).on("selectstart" + name, d3_eventPreventDefault);
-    if (d3_event_dragSelect == null) {
-      d3_event_dragSelect = "onselectstart" in node ? false : d3_vendorSymbol(, "userSelect");
-    }
-    if (d3_event_dragSelect) {
-      var style = d3_documentElement(node).style, select = style[d3_event_dragSelect];
-      style[d3_event_dragSelect] = "none";
-    }
-    return function(suppressClick) {
-      w.on(name, null);
-      if (d3_event_dragSelect) style[d3_event_dragSelect] = select;
-      if (suppressClick) {
-        var off = function() {
-          w.on(click, null);
-        };
-        w.on(click, function() {
-          d3_eventPreventDefault();
-          off();
-        }, true);
-        setTimeout(off, 0);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  d3.mouse = function(container) {
-    return d3_mousePoint(container, d3_eventSource());
-  };
-  var d3_mouse_bug44083 = this.navigator && /WebKit/.test(this.navigator.userAgent) ? -1 : 0;
-  function d3_mousePoint(container, e) {
-    if (e.changedTouches) e = e.changedTouches[0];
-    var svg = container.ownerSVGElement || container;
-    if (svg.createSVGPoint) {
-      var point = svg.createSVGPoint();
-      if (d3_mouse_bug44083 < 0) {
-        var window = d3_window(container);
-        if (window.scrollX || window.scrollY) {
-          svg ="body").append("svg").style({
-            position: "absolute",
-            top: 0,
-            left: 0,
-            margin: 0,
-            padding: 0,
-            border: "none"
-          }, "important");
-          var ctm = svg[0][0].getScreenCTM();
-          d3_mouse_bug44083 = !(ctm.f || ctm.e);
-          svg.remove();
-        }
-      }
-      if (d3_mouse_bug44083) point.x = e.pageX, point.y = e.pageY; else point.x = e.clientX, 
-      point.y = e.clientY;
-      point = point.matrixTransform(container.getScreenCTM().inverse());
-      return [ point.x, point.y ];
-    }
-    var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
-    return [ e.clientX - rect.left - container.clientLeft, e.clientY - - container.clientTop ];
-  }
-  d3.touch = function(container, touches, identifier) {
-    if (arguments.length < 3) identifier = touches, touches = d3_eventSource().changedTouches;
-    if (touches) for (var i = 0, n = touches.length, touch; i < n; ++i) {
-      if ((touch = touches[i]).identifier === identifier) {
-        return d3_mousePoint(container, touch);
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  d3.behavior.drag = function() {
-    var event = d3_eventDispatch(drag, "drag", "dragstart", "dragend"), origin = null, mousedown = dragstart(d3_noop, d3.mouse, d3_window, "mousemove", "mouseup"), touchstart = dragstart(d3_behavior_dragTouchId, d3.touch, d3_identity, "touchmove", "touchend");
-    function drag() {
-      this.on("mousedown.drag", mousedown).on("touchstart.drag", touchstart);
-    }
-    function dragstart(id, position, subject, move, end) {
-      return function() {
-        var that = this, target =, parent = that.parentNode, dispatch = event.of(that, arguments), dragged = 0, dragId = id(), dragName = ".drag" + (dragId == null ? "" : "-" + dragId), dragOffset, dragSubject = + dragName, moved).on(end + dragName, ended), dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress(target), position0 = position(parent, dragId);
-        if (origin) {
-          dragOffset = origin.apply(that, arguments);
-          dragOffset = [ dragOffset.x - position0[0], dragOffset.y - position0[1] ];
-        } else {
-          dragOffset = [ 0, 0 ];
-        }
-        dispatch({
-          type: "dragstart"
-        });
-        function moved() {
-          var position1 = position(parent, dragId), dx, dy;
-          if (!position1) return;
-          dx = position1[0] - position0[0];
-          dy = position1[1] - position0[1];
-          dragged |= dx | dy;
-          position0 = position1;
-          dispatch({
-            type: "drag",
-            x: position1[0] + dragOffset[0],
-            y: position1[1] + dragOffset[1],
-            dx: dx,
-            dy: dy
-          });
-        }
-        function ended() {
-          if (!position(parent, dragId)) return;
-          dragSubject.on(move + dragName, null).on(end + dragName, null);
-          dragRestore(dragged && === target);
-          dispatch({
-            type: "dragend"
-          });
-        }
-      };
-    }
-    drag.origin = function(x) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return origin;
-      origin = x;
-      return drag;
-    };
-    return d3.rebind(drag, event, "on");
-  };
-  function d3_behavior_dragTouchId() {
-    return d3.event.changedTouches[0].identifier;
-  }
-  d3.touches = function(container, touches) {
-    if (arguments.length < 2) touches = d3_eventSource().touches;
-    return touches ? d3_array(touches).map(function(touch) {
-      var point = d3_mousePoint(container, touch);
-      point.identifier = touch.identifier;
-      return point;
-    }) : [];
-  };
-  var ε = 1e-6, ε2 = ε * ε, π = Math.PI, τ = 2 * π, τε = τ - ε, halfπ = π / 2, d3_radians = π / 180, d3_degrees = 180 / π;
-  function d3_sgn(x) {
-    return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
-  }
-  function d3_cross2d(a, b, c) {
-    return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]);
-  }
-  function d3_acos(x) {
-    return x > 1 ? 0 : x < -1 ? π : Math.acos(x);
-  }
-  function d3_asin(x) {
-    return x > 1 ? halfπ : x < -1 ? -halfπ : Math.asin(x);
-  }
-  function d3_sinh(x) {
-    return ((x = Math.exp(x)) - 1 / x) / 2;
-  }
-  function d3_cosh(x) {
-    return ((x = Math.exp(x)) + 1 / x) / 2;
-  }
-  function d3_tanh(x) {
-    return ((x = Math.exp(2 * x)) - 1) / (x + 1);
-  }
-  function d3_haversin(x) {
-    return (x = Math.sin(x / 2)) * x;
-  }
-  var ρ = Math.SQRT2, ρ2 = 2, ρ4 = 4;
-  d3.interpolateZoom = function(p0, p1) {
-    var ux0 = p0[0], uy0 = p0[1], w0 = p0[2], ux1 = p1[0], uy1 = p1[1], w1 = p1[2];
-    var dx = ux1 - ux0, dy = uy1 - uy0, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy, d1 = Math.sqrt(d2), b0 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + ρ4 * d2) / (2 * w0 * ρ2 * d1), b1 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - ρ4 * d2) / (2 * w1 * ρ2 * d1), r0 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1) - b0), r1 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1) - b1), dr = r1 - r0, S = (dr || Math.log(w1 / w0)) / ρ;
-    function interpolate(t) {
-      var s = t * S;
-      if (dr) {
-        var coshr0 = d3_cosh(r0), u = w0 / (ρ2 * d1) * (coshr0 * d3_tanh(ρ * s + r0) - d3_sinh(r0));
-        return [ ux0 + u * dx, uy0 + u * dy, w0 * coshr0 / d3_cosh(ρ * s + r0) ];
-      }
-      return [ ux0 + t * dx, uy0 + t * dy, w0 * Math.exp(ρ * s) ];
-    }
-    interpolate.duration = S * 1e3;
-    return interpolate;
-  };
-  d3.behavior.zoom = function() {
-    var view = {
-      x: 0,
-      y: 0,
-      k: 1
-    }, translate0, center0, center, size = [ 960, 500 ], scaleExtent = d3_behavior_zoomInfinity, duration = 250, zooming = 0, mousedown = "mousedown.zoom", mousemove = "mousemove.zoom", mouseup = "mouseup.zoom", mousewheelTimer, touchstart = "touchstart.zoom", touchtime, event = d3_eventDispatch(zoom, "zoomstart", "zoom", "zoomend"), x0, x1, y0, y1;
-    if (!d3_behavior_zoomWheel) {
-      d3_behavior_zoomWheel = "onwheel" in d3_document ? (d3_behavior_zoomDelta = function() {
-        return -d3.event.deltaY * (d3.event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1);
-      }, "wheel") : "onmousewheel" in d3_document ? (d3_behavior_zoomDelta = function() {
-        return d3.event.wheelDelta;
-      }, "mousewheel") : (d3_behavior_zoomDelta = function() {
-        return -d3.event.detail;
-      }, "MozMousePixelScroll");
-    }
-    function zoom(g) {
-      g.on(mousedown, mousedowned).on(d3_behavior_zoomWheel + ".zoom", mousewheeled).on("dblclick.zoom", dblclicked).on(touchstart, touchstarted);
-    }
-    zoom.event = function(g) {
-      g.each(function() {
-        var dispatch = event.of(this, arguments), view1 = view;
-        if (d3_transitionInheritId) {
-"start.zoom", function() {
-            view = this.__chart__ || {
-              x: 0,
-              y: 0,
-              k: 1
-            };
-            zoomstarted(dispatch);
-          }).tween("zoom:zoom", function() {
-            var dx = size[0], dy = size[1], cx = center0 ? center0[0] : dx / 2, cy = center0 ? center0[1] : dy / 2, i = d3.interpolateZoom([ (cx - view.x) / view.k, (cy - view.y) / view.k, dx / view.k ], [ (cx - view1.x) / view1.k, (cy - view1.y) / view1.k, dx / view1.k ]);
-            return function(t) {
-              var l = i(t), k = dx / l[2];
-              this.__chart__ = view = {
-                x: cx - l[0] * k,
-                y: cy - l[1] * k,
-                k: k
-              };
-              zoomed(dispatch);
-            };
-          }).each("interrupt.zoom", function() {
-            zoomended(dispatch);
-          }).each("end.zoom", function() {
-            zoomended(dispatch);
-          });
-        } else {
-          this.__chart__ = view;
-          zoomstarted(dispatch);
-          zoomed(dispatch);
-          zoomended(dispatch);
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    zoom.translate = function(_) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return [ view.x, view.y ];
-      view = {
-        x: +_[0],
-        y: +_[1],
-        k: view.k
-      };
-      rescale();
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    zoom.scale = function(_) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return view.k;
-      view = {
-        x: view.x,
-        y: view.y,
-        k: +_
-      };
-      rescale();
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    zoom.scaleExtent = function(_) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return scaleExtent;
-      scaleExtent = _ == null ? d3_behavior_zoomInfinity : [ +_[0], +_[1] ];
-      return zoom;
-    };
- = function(_) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return center;
-      center = _ && [ +_[0], +_[1] ];
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    zoom.size = function(_) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return size;
-      size = _ && [ +_[0], +_[1] ];
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    zoom.duration = function(_) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return duration;
-      duration = +_;
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    zoom.x = function(z) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return x1;
-      x1 = z;
-      x0 = z.copy();
-      view = {
-        x: 0,
-        y: 0,
-        k: 1
-      };
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    zoom.y = function(z) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return y1;
-      y1 = z;
-      y0 = z.copy();
-      view = {
-        x: 0,
-        y: 0,
-        k: 1
-      };
-      return zoom;
-    };
-    function location(p) {
-      return [ (p[0] - view.x) / view.k, (p[1] - view.y) / view.k ];
-    }
-    function point(l) {
-      return [ l[0] * view.k + view.x, l[1] * view.k + view.y ];
-    }
-    function scaleTo(s) {
-      view.k = Math.max(scaleExtent[0], Math.min(scaleExtent[1], s));
-    }
-    function translateTo(p, l) {
-      l = point(l);
-      view.x += p[0] - l[0];
-      view.y += p[1] - l[1];
-    }
-    function zoomTo(that, p, l, k) {
-      that.__chart__ = {
-        x: view.x,
-        y: view.y,
-        k: view.k
-      };
-      scaleTo(Math.pow(2, k));
-      translateTo(center0 = p, l);
-      that =;
-      if (duration > 0) that = that.transition().duration(duration);
-    }
-    function rescale() {
-      if (x1) x1.domain(x0.range().map(function(x) {
-        return (x - view.x) / view.k;
-      }).map(x0.invert));
-      if (y1) y1.domain(y0.range().map(function(y) {
-        return (y - view.y) / view.k;
-      }).map(y0.invert));
-    }
-    function zoomstarted(dispatch) {
-      if (!zooming++) dispatch({
-        type: "zoomstart"
-      });
-    }
-    function zoomed(dispatch) {
-      rescale();
-      dispatch({
-        type: "zoom",
-        scale: view.k,
-        translate: [ view.x, view.y ]
-      });
-    }
-    function zoomended(dispatch) {
-      if (!--zooming) dispatch({
-        type: "zoomend"
-      });
-      center0 = null;
-    }
-    function mousedowned() {
-      var that = this, target =, dispatch = event.of(that, arguments), dragged = 0, subject =, moved).on(mouseup, ended), location0 = location(d3.mouse(that)), dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress(that);
-      zoomstarted(dispatch);
-      function moved() {
-        dragged = 1;
-        translateTo(d3.mouse(that), location0);
-        zoomed(dispatch);
-      }
-      function ended() {
-        subject.on(mousemove, null).on(mouseup, null);
-        dragRestore(dragged && === target);
-        zoomended(dispatch);
-      }
-    }
-    function touchstarted() {
-      var that = this, dispatch = event.of(that, arguments), locations0 = {}, distance0 = 0, scale0, zoomName = ".zoom-" + d3.event.changedTouches[0].identifier, touchmove = "touchmove" + zoomName, touchend = "touchend" + zoomName, targets = [], subject =, dragRestore = d3_event_dragSuppress(that);
-      started();
-      zoomstarted(dispatch);
-      subject.on(mousedown, null).on(touchstart, started);
-      function relocate() {
-        var touches = d3.touches(that);
-        scale0 = view.k;
-        touches.forEach(function(t) {
-          if (t.identifier in locations0) locations0[t.identifier] = location(t);
-        });
-        return touches;
-      }
-      function started() {
-        var target =;
-, moved).on(touchend, ended);
-        targets.push(target);
-        var changed = d3.event.changedTouches;
-        for (var i = 0, n = changed.length; i < n; ++i) {
-          locations0[changed[i].identifier] = null;
-        }
-        var touches = relocate(), now =;
-        if (touches.length === 1) {
-          if (now - touchtime < 500) {
-            var p = touches[0];
-            zoomTo(that, p, locations0[p.identifier], Math.floor(Math.log(view.k) / Math.LN2) + 1);
-            d3_eventPreventDefault();
-          }
-          touchtime = now;
-        } else if (touches.length > 1) {
-          var p = touches[0], q = touches[1], dx = p[0] - q[0], dy = p[1] - q[1];
-          distance0 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
-        }
-      }
-      function moved() {
-        var touches = d3.touches(that), p0, l0, p1, l1;
-        for (var i = 0, n = touches.length; i < n; ++i, l1 = null) {
-          p1 = touches[i];
-          if (l1 = locations0[p1.identifier]) {
-            if (l0) break;
-            p0 = p1, l0 = l1;
-          }
-        }
-        if (l1) {
-          var distance1 = (distance1 = p1[0] - p0[0]) * distance1 + (distance1 = p1[1] - p0[1]) * distance1, scale1 = distance0 && Math.sqrt(distance1 / distance0);
-          p0 = [ (p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2 ];
-          l0 = [ (l0[0] + l1[0]) / 2, (l0[1] + l1[1]) / 2 ];
-          scaleTo(scale1 * scale0);
-        }
-        touchtime = null;
-        translateTo(p0, l0);
-        zoomed(dispatch);
-      }
-      function ended() {
-        if (d3.event.touches.length) {
-          var changed = d3.event.changedTouches;
-          for (var i = 0, n = changed.length; i < n; ++i) {
-            delete locations0[changed[i].identifier];
-          }
-          for (var identifier in locations0) {
-            return void relocate();
-          }
-        }
-        d3.selectAll(targets).on(zoomName, null);
-        subject.on(mousedown, mousedowned).on(touchstart, touchstarted);
-        dragRestore();
-        zoomended(dispatch);
-      }
-    }
-    function mousewheeled() {
-      var dispatch = event.of(this, arguments);
-      if (mousewheelTimer) clearTimeout(mousewheelTimer); else translate0 = location(center0 = center || d3.mouse(this)), 
-, zoomstarted(dispatch);
-      mousewheelTimer = setTimeout(function() {
-        mousewheelTimer = null;
-        zoomended(dispatch);
-      }, 50);
-      d3_eventPreventDefault();
-      scaleTo(Math.pow(2, d3_behavior_zoomDelta() * .002) * view.k);
-      translateTo(center0, translate0);
-      zoomed(dispatch);
-    }
-    function dblclicked() {
-      var p = d3.mouse(this), k = Math.log(view.k) / Math.LN2;
-      zoomTo(this, p, location(p), d3.event.shiftKey ? Math.ceil(k) - 1 : Math.floor(k) + 1);
-    }
-    return d3.rebind(zoom, event, "on");
-  };
-  var d3_behavior_zoomInfinity = [ 0, Infinity ], d3_behavior_zoomDelta, d3_behavior_zoomWheel;
-  d3.color = d3_color;
-  function d3_color() {}
-  d3_color.prototype.toString = function() {
-    return this.rgb() + "";
-  };
-  d3.hsl = d3_hsl;
-  function d3_hsl(h, s, l) {
-    return this instanceof d3_hsl ? void (this.h = +h, this.s = +s, this.l = +l) : arguments.length < 2 ? h instanceof d3_hsl ? new d3_hsl(h.h, h.s, h.l) : d3_rgb_parse("" + h, d3_rgb_hsl, d3_hsl) : new d3_hsl(h, s, l);
-  }
-  var d3_hslPrototype = d3_hsl.prototype = new d3_color();
-  d3_hslPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
-    k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
-    return new d3_hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l / k);
-  };
-  d3_hslPrototype.darker = function(k) {
-    k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
-    return new d3_hsl(this.h, this.s, k * this.l);
-  };
-  d3_hslPrototype.rgb = function() {
-    return d3_hsl_rgb(this.h, this.s, this.l);
-  };
-  function d3_hsl_rgb(h, s, l) {
-    var m1, m2;
-    h = isNaN(h) ? 0 : (h %= 360) < 0 ? h + 360 : h;
-    s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s < 0 ? 0 : s > 1 ? 1 : s;
-    l = l < 0 ? 0 : l > 1 ? 1 : l;
-    m2 = l <= .5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
-    m1 = 2 * l - m2;
-    function v(h) {
-      if (h > 360) h -= 360; else if (h < 0) h += 360;
-      if (h < 60) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60;
-      if (h < 180) return m2;
-      if (h < 240) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60;
-      return m1;
-    }
-    function vv(h) {
-      return Math.round(v(h) * 255);
-    }
-    return new d3_rgb(vv(h + 120), vv(h), vv(h - 120));
-  }
-  d3.hcl = d3_hcl;
-  function d3_hcl(h, c, l) {
-    return this instanceof d3_hcl ? void (this.h = +h, this.c = +c, this.l = +l) : arguments.length < 2 ? h instanceof d3_hcl ? new d3_hcl(h.h, h.c, h.l) : h instanceof d3_lab ? d3_lab_hcl(h.l, h.a, h.b) : d3_lab_hcl((h = d3_rgb_lab((h = d3.rgb(h)).r, h.g, h.b)).l, h.a, h.b) : new d3_hcl(h, c, l);
-  }
-  var d3_hclPrototype = d3_hcl.prototype = new d3_color();
-  d3_hclPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
-    return new d3_hcl(this.h, this.c, Math.min(100, this.l + d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)));
-  };
-  d3_hclPrototype.darker = function(k) {
-    return new d3_hcl(this.h, this.c, Math.max(0, this.l - d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)));
-  };
-  d3_hclPrototype.rgb = function() {
-    return d3_hcl_lab(this.h, this.c, this.l).rgb();
-  };
-  function d3_hcl_lab(h, c, l) {
-    if (isNaN(h)) h = 0;
-    if (isNaN(c)) c = 0;
-    return new d3_lab(l, Math.cos(h *= d3_radians) * c, Math.sin(h) * c);
-  }
-  d3.lab = d3_lab;
-  function d3_lab(l, a, b) {
-    return this instanceof d3_lab ? void (this.l = +l, this.a = +a, this.b = +b) : arguments.length < 2 ? l instanceof d3_lab ? new d3_lab(l.l, l.a, l.b) : l instanceof d3_hcl ? d3_hcl_lab(l.h, l.c, l.l) : d3_rgb_lab((l = d3_rgb(l)).r, l.g, l.b) : new d3_lab(l, a, b);
-  }
-  var d3_lab_K = 18;
-  var d3_lab_X = .95047, d3_lab_Y = 1, d3_lab_Z = 1.08883;
-  var d3_labPrototype = d3_lab.prototype = new d3_color();
-  d3_labPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
-    return new d3_lab(Math.min(100, this.l + d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)), this.a, this.b);
-  };
-  d3_labPrototype.darker = function(k) {
-    return new d3_lab(Math.max(0, this.l - d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)), this.a, this.b);
-  };
-  d3_labPrototype.rgb = function() {
-    return d3_lab_rgb(this.l, this.a, this.b);
-  };
-  function d3_lab_rgb(l, a, b) {
-    var y = (l + 16) / 116, x = y + a / 500, z = y - b / 200;
-    x = d3_lab_xyz(x) * d3_lab_X;
-    y = d3_lab_xyz(y) * d3_lab_Y;
-    z = d3_lab_xyz(z) * d3_lab_Z;
-    return new d3_rgb(d3_xyz_rgb(3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - .4985314 * z), d3_xyz_rgb(-.969266 * x + 1.8760108 * y + .041556 * z), d3_xyz_rgb(.0556434 * x - .2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z));
-  }
-  function d3_lab_hcl(l, a, b) {
-    return l > 0 ? new d3_hcl(Math.atan2(b, a) * d3_degrees, Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), l) : new d3_hcl(NaN, NaN, l);
-  }
-  function d3_lab_xyz(x) {
-    return x > .206893034 ? x * x * x : (x - 4 / 29) / 7.787037;
-  }
-  function d3_xyz_lab(x) {
-    return x > .008856 ? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : 7.787037 * x + 4 / 29;
-  }
-  function d3_xyz_rgb(r) {
-    return Math.round(255 * (r <= .00304 ? 12.92 * r : 1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - .055));
-  }
-  d3.rgb = d3_rgb;
-  function d3_rgb(r, g, b) {
-    return this instanceof d3_rgb ? void (this.r = ~~r, this.g = ~~g, this.b = ~~b) : arguments.length < 2 ? r instanceof d3_rgb ? new d3_rgb(r.r, r.g, r.b) : d3_rgb_parse("" + r, d3_rgb, d3_hsl_rgb) : new d3_rgb(r, g, b);
-  }
-  function d3_rgbNumber(value) {
-    return new d3_rgb(value >> 16, value >> 8 & 255, value & 255);
-  }
-  function d3_rgbString(value) {
-    return d3_rgbNumber(value) + "";
-  }
-  var d3_rgbPrototype = d3_rgb.prototype = new d3_color();
-  d3_rgbPrototype.brighter = function(k) {
-    k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
-    var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b, i = 30;
-    if (!r && !g && !b) return new d3_rgb(i, i, i);
-    if (r && r < i) r = i;
-    if (g && g < i) g = i;
-    if (b && b < i) b = i;
-    return new d3_rgb(Math.min(255, r / k), Math.min(255, g / k), Math.min(255, b / k));
-  };
-  d3_rgbPrototype.darker = function(k) {
-    k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1);
-    return new d3_rgb(k * this.r, k * this.g, k * this.b);
-  };
-  d3_rgbPrototype.hsl = function() {
-    return d3_rgb_hsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
-  };
-  d3_rgbPrototype.toString = function() {
-    return "#" + d3_rgb_hex(this.r) + d3_rgb_hex(this.g) + d3_rgb_hex(this.b);
-  };
-  function d3_rgb_hex(v) {
-    return v < 16 ? "0" + Math.max(0, v).toString(16) : Math.min(255, v).toString(16);
-  }
-  function d3_rgb_parse(format, rgb, hsl) {
-    var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, m1, m2, color;
-    m1 = /([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/i.exec(format);
-    if (m1) {
-      m2 = m1[2].split(",");
-      switch (m1[1]) {
-       case "hsl":
-        {
-          return hsl(parseFloat(m2[0]), parseFloat(m2[1]) / 100, parseFloat(m2[2]) / 100);
-        }
-       case "rgb":
-        {
-          return rgb(d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[0]), d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[1]), d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[2]));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (color = d3_rgb_names.get(format.toLowerCase())) {
-      return rgb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
-    }
-    if (format != null && format.charAt(0) === "#" && !isNaN(color = parseInt(format.slice(1), 16))) {
-      if (format.length === 4) {
-        r = (color & 3840) >> 4;
-        r = r >> 4 | r;
-        g = color & 240;
-        g = g >> 4 | g;
-        b = color & 15;
-        b = b << 4 | b;
-      } else if (format.length === 7) {
-        r = (color & 16711680) >> 16;
-        g = (color & 65280) >> 8;
-        b = color & 255;
-      }
-    }
-    return rgb(r, g, b);
-  }
-  function d3_rgb_hsl(r, g, b) {
-    var min = Math.min(r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255), max = Math.max(r, g, b), d = max - min, h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
-    if (d) {
-      s = l < .5 ? d / (max + min) : d / (2 - max - min);
-      if (r == max) h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); else if (g == max) h = (b - r) / d + 2; else h = (r - g) / d + 4;
-      h *= 60;
-    } else {
-      h = NaN;
-      s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;
-    }
-    return new d3_hsl(h, s, l);
-  }
-  function d3_rgb_lab(r, g, b) {
-    r = d3_rgb_xyz(r);
-    g = d3_rgb_xyz(g);
-    b = d3_rgb_xyz(b);
-    var x = d3_xyz_lab((.4124564 * r + .3575761 * g + .1804375 * b) / d3_lab_X), y = d3_xyz_lab((.2126729 * r + .7151522 * g + .072175 * b) / d3_lab_Y), z = d3_xyz_lab((.0193339 * r + .119192 * g + .9503041 * b) / d3_lab_Z);
-    return d3_lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z));
-  }
-  function d3_rgb_xyz(r) {
-    return (r /= 255) <= .04045 ? r / 12.92 : Math.pow((r + .055) / 1.055, 2.4);
-  }
-  function d3_rgb_parseNumber(c) {
-    var f = parseFloat(c);
-    return c.charAt(c.length - 1) === "%" ? Math.round(f * 2.55) : f;
-  }
-  var d3_rgb_names ={
-    aliceblue: 15792383,
-    antiquewhite: 16444375,
-    aqua: 65535,
-    aquamarine: 8388564,
-    azure: 15794175,
-    beige: 16119260,
-    bisque: 16770244,
-    black: 0,
-    blanchedalmond: 16772045,
-    blue: 255,
-    blueviolet: 9055202,
-    brown: 10824234,
-    burlywood: 14596231,
-    cadetblue: 6266528,
-    chartreuse: 8388352,
-    chocolate: 13789470,
-    coral: 16744272,
-    cornflowerblue: 6591981,
-    cornsilk: 16775388,
-    crimson: 14423100,
-    cyan: 65535,
-    darkblue: 139,
-    darkcyan: 35723,
-    darkgoldenrod: 12092939,
-    darkgray: 11119017,
-    darkgreen: 25600,
-    darkgrey: 11119017,
-    darkkhaki: 12433259,
-    darkmagenta: 9109643,
-    darkolivegreen: 5597999,
-    darkorange: 16747520,
-    darkorchid: 10040012,
-    darkred: 9109504,
-    darksalmon: 15308410,
-    darkseagreen: 9419919,
-    darkslateblue: 4734347,
-    darkslategray: 3100495,
-    darkslategrey: 3100495,
-    darkturquoise: 52945,
-    darkviolet: 9699539,
-    deeppink: 16716947,
-    deepskyblue: 49151,
-    dimgray: 6908265,
-    dimgrey: 6908265,
-    dodgerblue: 2003199,
-    firebrick: 11674146,
-    floralwhite: 16775920,
-    forestgreen: 2263842,
-    fuchsia: 16711935,
-    gainsboro: 14474460,
-    ghostwhite: 16316671,
-    gold: 16766720,
-    goldenrod: 14329120,
-    gray: 8421504,
-    green: 32768,
-    greenyellow: 11403055,
-    grey: 8421504,
-    honeydew: 15794160,
-    hotpink: 16738740,
-    indianred: 13458524,
-    indigo: 4915330,
-    ivory: 16777200,
-    khaki: 15787660,
-    lavender: 15132410,
-    lavenderblush: 16773365,
-    lawngreen: 8190976,
-    lemonchiffon: 16775885,
-    lightblue: 11393254,
-    lightcoral: 15761536,
-    lightcyan: 14745599,
-    lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,
-    lightgray: 13882323,
-    lightgreen: 9498256,
-    lightgrey: 13882323,
-    lightpink: 16758465,
-    lightsalmon: 16752762,
-    lightseagreen: 2142890,
-    lightskyblue: 8900346,
-    lightslategray: 7833753,
-    lightslategrey: 7833753,
-    lightsteelblue: 11584734,
-    lightyellow: 16777184,
-    lime: 65280,
-    limegreen: 3329330,
-    linen: 16445670,
-    magenta: 16711935,
-    maroon: 8388608,
-    mediumaquamarine: 6737322,
-    mediumblue: 205,
-    mediumorchid: 12211667,
-    mediumpurple: 9662683,
-    mediumseagreen: 3978097,
-    mediumslateblue: 8087790,
-    mediumspringgreen: 64154,
-    mediumturquoise: 4772300,
-    mediumvioletred: 13047173,
-    midnightblue: 1644912,
-    mintcream: 16121850,
-    mistyrose: 16770273,
-    moccasin: 16770229,
-    navajowhite: 16768685,
-    navy: 128,
-    oldlace: 16643558,
-    olive: 8421376,
-    olivedrab: 7048739,
-    orange: 16753920,
-    orangered: 16729344,
-    orchid: 14315734,
-    palegoldenrod: 15657130,
-    palegreen: 10025880,
-    paleturquoise: 11529966,
-    palevioletred: 14381203,
-    papayawhip: 16773077,
-    peachpuff: 16767673,
-    peru: 13468991,
-    pink: 16761035,
-    plum: 14524637,
-    powderblue: 11591910,
-    purple: 8388736,
-    rebeccapurple: 6697881,
-    red: 16711680,
-    rosybrown: 12357519,
-    royalblue: 4286945,
-    saddlebrown: 9127187,
-    salmon: 16416882,
-    sandybrown: 16032864,
-    seagreen: 3050327,
-    seashell: 16774638,
-    sienna: 10506797,
-    silver: 12632256,
-    skyblue: 8900331,
-    slateblue: 6970061,
-    slategray: 7372944,
-    slategrey: 7372944,
-    snow: 16775930,
-    springgreen: 65407,
-    steelblue: 4620980,
-    tan: 13808780,
-    teal: 32896,
-    thistle: 14204888,
-    tomato: 16737095,
-    turquoise: 4251856,
-    violet: 15631086,
-    wheat: 16113331,
-    white: 16777215,
-    whitesmoke: 16119285,
-    yellow: 16776960,
-    yellowgreen: 10145074
-  });
-  d3_rgb_names.forEach(function(key, value) {
-    d3_rgb_names.set(key, d3_rgbNumber(value));
-  });
-  function d3_functor(v) {
-    return typeof v === "function" ? v : function() {
-      return v;
-    };
-  }
-  d3.functor = d3_functor;
-  d3.xhr = d3_xhrType(d3_identity);
-  function d3_xhrType(response) {
-    return function(url, mimeType, callback) {
-      if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof mimeType === "function") callback = mimeType, 
-      mimeType = null;
-      return d3_xhr(url, mimeType, response, callback);
-    };
-  }
-  function d3_xhr(url, mimeType, response, callback) {
-    var xhr = {}, dispatch = d3.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"), headers = {}, request = new XMLHttpRequest(), responseType = null;
-    if (this.XDomainRequest && !("withCredentials" in request) && /^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(url)) request = new XDomainRequest();
-    "onload" in request ? request.onload = request.onerror = respond : request.onreadystatechange = function() {
-      request.readyState > 3 && respond();
-    };
-    function respond() {
-      var status = request.status, result;
-      if (!status && d3_xhrHasResponse(request) || status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304) {
-        try {
-          result =, request);
-        } catch (e) {
-, e);
-          return;
-        }
-, result);
-      } else {
-, request);
-      }
-    }
-    request.onprogress = function(event) {
-      var o = d3.event;
-      d3.event = event;
-      try {
-, request);
-      } finally {
-        d3.event = o;
-      }
-    };
-    xhr.header = function(name, value) {
-      name = (name + "").toLowerCase();
-      if (arguments.length < 2) return headers[name];
-      if (value == null) delete headers[name]; else headers[name] = value + "";
-      return xhr;
-    };
-    xhr.mimeType = function(value) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return mimeType;
-      mimeType = value == null ? null : value + "";
-      return xhr;
-    };
-    xhr.responseType = function(value) {
-      if (!arguments.length) return responseType;
-      responseType = value;
-      return xhr;
-    };
-    xhr.response = function(value) {
-      response = value;
-      return xhr;
-    };
-    [ "get", "post" ].forEach(function(method) {
-      xhr[method] = function() {
-        return xhr.send.apply(xhr, [ method ].concat(d3_array(arguments)));
-      };
-    });
-    xhr.send = function(method, data, callback) {
-      if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof data === "function") callback = data, data = null;
-, url, true);
-      if (mimeType != null && !("accept" in headers)) headers["accept"] = mimeType + ",*/*";
-      if (request.setRequestHeader) for (var name in headers) request.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]);
-      if (mimeType != null && request.overrideMimeType) request.overrideMimeType(mimeType);
-      if (responseType != null) request.responseType = responseType;
-      if (callback != null) xhr.on("error", callback).on("load", function(request) {
-        callback(null, request);
-      });
-, request);
-      request.send(data == null ? null : data);
-      return xhr;
-    };
-    xhr.abort = function() {
-      request.abort();
-      return xhr;
-    };
-    d3.rebind(xhr, dispatch, "on");
-    return callback == null ? xhr : xhr.get(d3_xhr_fixCallback(callback));
-  }
-  function d3_xhr_fixCallback(callback) {
-    return callback.length === 1 ? function(error, request) {
-      callback(error == null ? request : null);
-    } : callback;
-  }
-  function d3_xhrHasResponse(request) {
-    var type = request.responseType;
-    return type && type !== "text" ? request.response : request.responseText;
-  }
-  d3.dsv = function(delimiter, mimeType) {
-    var reFormat = new RegExp('["' + delimiter + "\n]"), delimiterCode = delimiter.charCodeAt(0);
-    function dsv(url, row, callback) {
-      if (arguments.length < 3) callback = row, row = null;
-      var xhr = d3_xhr(url, mimeType, row == null ? response : typedResponse(row), callback);
-      xhr.row = function(_) {
-        return arguments.length ? xhr.response((row = _) == null ? response : typedResponse(_)) : row;
-      };
-      return xhr;
-    }
-    function response(request) {
-      return dsv.parse(request.responseText);
-    }
-    function typedResponse(f) {
-      return function(request) {
-        return dsv.parse(request.responseText, f);
-      };
-    }
-    dsv.parse = function(text, f) {
-      var o;
-      return dsv.parseRows(text, function(row, i) {
-        if (o) return o(row, i - 1);
-        var a = new Function("d", "return {" +, i) {
-          return JSON.stringify(name) + ": d[" + i + "]";
-        }).join(",") + "}");
-        o = f ? function(row, i) {
-          return f(a(row), i);
-        } : a;
-      });
-    };
-    dsv.parseRows = function(text, f) {
-      var EOL = {}, EOF = {}, rows = [], N = text.length, I = 0, n = 0, t, eol;
-      function token() {
-        if (I >= N) return EOF;
-        if (eol) return eol = false, EOL;
-        var j = I;
-        if (text.charCodeAt(j) === 34) {
-          var i = j;
-          while (i++ < N) {
-            if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 34) {
-              if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 34) break;
-              ++i;
-            }
-          }
-          I = i + 2;
-          var c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
-          if (c === 13) {
-            eol = true;
-            if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) ++I;
-          } else if (c === 10) {
-            eol = true;
-          }
-          return text.slice(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, '"');
-        }
-        while (I < N) {
-          var c = text.charCodeAt(I++), k = 1;
-          if (c === 10) eol = true; else if (c === 13) {
-            eol = true;
-            if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) ++I, ++k;
-          } else if (c !== delimiterCode) continue;
-          return text.slice(j, I - k);
-        }
-        return text.slice(j);
-      }
-      while ((t = token()) !== EOF) {
-        var a = [];
-        while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) {
-          a.push(t);
-          t = token();
-        }
-        if (f && (a = f(a, n++)) == null) continue;
-        rows.push(a);
-      }
-      return rows;
-    };
-    dsv.format = function(rows) {
-      if (Array.isArray(rows[0])) return dsv.formatRows(rows);
-      var fieldSet = new d3_Set(), fields = [];
-      rows.forEach(function(row) {
-        for (var field in row) {
-          if (!fieldSet.has(field)) {
-            fields.push(fieldSet.add(field));
-          }
-        }
-      });
-      return [ ].concat( {
-        return {
-          return formatValue(row[field]);
-        }).join(delimiter);
-      })).join("\n");
-    };
-    dsv.formatRows = function(rows) {
-      return"\n");
-    };
-    function formatRow(row) {
-      return;
-    }
-    function formatValue(text) {
-      return reFormat.test(text) ? '"' + text.replace(/\"/g, '""') + '"' : text;
-    }
-    return dsv;
-  };
-  d3.csv = d3.dsv(",", "text/csv");
-  d3.tsv = d3.dsv(" ", "text/tab-separated-values");
-  var d3_timer_queueHead, d3_timer_queueTail, d3_timer_interval, d3_timer_timeout, d3_timer_active, d3_timer_frame = this[d3_vendorSymbol(this, "requestAnimationFrame")] || function(callback) {
-    setTimeout(callback, 17);
-  };
-  d3.timer = function(callback, delay, then) {
-    var n = arguments.length;
-    if (n < 2) delay = 0;
-    if (n < 3) then =;
-    var time = then + delay, timer = {
-      c: callback,
-      t: time,
-      f: false,
-      n: null
-    };
-    if (d3_timer_queueTail) d3_timer_queueTail.n = timer; else d3_timer_queueHead = timer;
-    d3_timer_queueTail = timer;
-    if (!d3_timer_interval) {
-      d3_timer_timeout = clearTimeout(d3_timer_timeout);
-      d3_timer_interval = 1;
-      d3_timer_frame(d3_timer_step);
-    }
-  };
-  function d3_timer_step() {
-    var now = d3_timer_mark(), delay = d3_timer_sweep() - now;
-    if (delay > 24) {
-      if (isFinite(delay)) {
-        clearTimeout(d3_timer_timeout);
-        d3_timer_timeout = setTimeout(d3_timer_step, delay);
-      }
-      d3_timer_interval = 0;
-    } else {
-      d3_timer_interval = 1;
-      d3_timer_frame(d3_timer_step);
-    }
-  }
-  d3.timer.flush = function() {
-    d3_timer_mark();
-    d3_timer_sweep();
-  };
-  function d3_timer_mark() {
-    var now =;
-    d3_timer_active = d3_timer_queueHead;
-    while (d3_timer_active) {
-      if (now >= d3_timer_active.t) d3_timer_active.f = d3_timer_active.c(now - d3_timer_active.t);
-      d3_timer_active = d3_timer_active.n;
-    }
-    return now;
-  }
-  function d3_timer_sweep() {
-    var t0, t1 = d3_timer_queueHead, time = Infinity;
-    while (t1) {
-      if (t1.f) {
-        t1 = t0 ? t0.n = t1.n : d3_timer_queueHead = t1.n;
-      } else {
-        if (t1.t < time) time = t1.t;
-        t1 = (t0 = t1).n;
-      }
-    }
-    d3_timer_queueTail = t0;
-    return time;
-  }
-  function d3_format_precision(x, p) {
-    return p - (x ? Math.ceil(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10) : 1);
-  }
-  d3.round = function(x, n) {
-    return n ? Math.round(x * (n = Math.pow(10, n))) / n : Math.round(x);
-  };
-  var d3_formatPrefixes = [ "y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "µ", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y" ].map(d3_formatPrefix);
-  d3.formatPrefix = function(value, precision) {
-    var i = 0;
-    if (value) {
-      if (value < 0) value *= -1;
-      if (precision) value = d3.round(value, d3_format_precision(value, precision));
-      i = 1 + Math.floor(1e-12 + Math.log(value) / Math.LN10);
-      i = Math.max(-24, Math.min(24, Math.floor((i - 1) / 3) * 3));
-    }
-    return d3_formatPrefixes[8 + i / 3];
-  };
-  function d3_formatPrefix(d, i) {
-    var k = Math.pow(10, abs(8 - i) * 3);
-    return {
-      scale: i > 8 ? function(d) {
-        return d / k;
-      } : function(d) {
-        return d * k;
-      },
-      symbol: d
-    };
-  }
-  function d3_locale_numberFormat(locale) {
-    var locale_decimal = locale.decimal, locale_thousands = locale.thousands, locale_grouping = locale.grouping, locale_currency = locale.currency, formatGroup = locale_grouping && locale_thousands ? function(value, width) {
-      var i = value.length, t = [], j = 0, g = locale_grouping[0], length = 0;
-      while (i > 0 && g > 0) {
-        if (length + g + 1 > width) g = Math.max(1, width - length);
-        t.push(value.substring(i -= g, i + g));
-        if ((length += g + 1) > width) break;
-        g = locale_grouping[j = (j + 1) % locale_grouping.length];
-      }
-      return t.reverse().join(locale_thousands);
-    } : d3_identity;
-    return function(specifier) {
-      var match = d3_format_re.exec(specifier), fill = match[1] || " ", align = match[2] || ">", sign = match[3] || "-", symbol = match[4] || "", zfill = match[5], width = +match[6], comma = match[7], precision = match[8], type = match[9], scale = 1, prefix = "", suffix = "", integer = false, exponent = true;
-      if (precision) precision = +precision.substring(1);
-      if (zfill || fill === "0" && align === "=") {
-        zfill = fill = "0";
-        align = "=";
-      }
-      switch (type) {
-       case "n":
-        comma = true;
-        type = "g";
-        break;
-       case "%":
-        scale = 100;
-        suffix = "%";
-        type = "f";
-        break;
-       case "p":
-        scale = 100;
-        suffix = "%";
-        type = "r";
-        break;
-       case "b":
-       case "o":
-       case "x":
-       case "X":
-        if (symbol === "#") prefix = "0" + type.toLowerCase();
-       case "c":
-        exponent = false;
-       case "d":
-        integer = true;
-        precision = 0;
-        break;
-       case "s":
-        scale = -1;
-        type = "r";
-        break;
-      }
-      if (symbol === "$") prefix = locale_currency[0], suffix = locale_currency[1];
-      if (type == "r" && !precision) type = "g";
-      if (precision != null) {
-        if (type == "g") precision = Math.max(1, Math.min(21, precision)); else if (type == "e" || type == "f") precision = Math.max(0, Math.min(20, precision));
-      }
-      type = d3_format_types.get(type) || d3_format_typeDefault;
-      var zcomma = zfill && comma;
-      return function(value) {
-        var fullSuffix = suffix;
-        if (integer && value % 1) return "";
-        var negative = value < 0 || value === 0 && 1 / value < 0 ? (value = -value, "-") : sign === "-" ? "" : sign;
-        if (scale < 0) {
-          var unit = d3.formatPrefix(value, precision);
-          value = unit.scale(value);
-          fullSuffix = unit.symbol + suffix;
-        } else {
-          value *= scale;
-        }
-        value = type(value, precision);
-        var i = value.lastIndexOf("."), before, after;
-        if (i < 0) {
-          var j = exponent ? value.lastIndexOf("e") : -1;
-          if (j < 0) before = value, after = ""; else before = value.substring(0, j), after = value.substring(j);
-        } else {
-          before = value.substring(0, i);
-          after = locale_decimal + value.substring(i + 1);
-        }
-        if (!zfill && comma) before = formatGroup(before, Infinity);
-        var length = prefix.length + before.length + after.length + (zcomma ? 0 : negative.length), padding = length < width ? new Array(length = width - length + 1).join(fill) : "";
-        if (zcomma) before = formatGroup(padding + before, padding.length ? width - after.length : Infinity);
-        negative += prefix;
-        value = before + after;
-        return (align === "<" ? negative + value + padding : align === ">" ? padding + negative + value : align === "^" ? padding.substring(0, length >>= 1) + negative + value + padding.substring(length) : negative + (zcomma ? value : padding + value)) + fullSuffix;
-      };
-    };
-  }
-  var d3_format_re = /(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.-?\d+)?([a-z%])?/i;
-  var d3_format_types ={
-    b: function(x) {
-      return x.toString(2);
-    },
-    c: function(x) {
-      return String.fromCharCode(x);
-    },
-    o: function(x) {
-      return x.toString(8);
-    },
-    x: function(x) {
-      return x.toString(16);
-    },
-    X: function(x) {
-      return x.toString(16).toUpperCase();
-    },
-    g: function(x, p) {
-      return x.toPrecision(p);
-    },
-    e: function(x, p) {
-      return x.toExponential(p);
-    },
-    f: function(x, p) {
-      return x.toFixed(p);
-    },
-    r: function(x, p) {
-      return (x = d3.round(x, d3_format_precision(x, p))).toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.min(20, d3_format_precision(x * (1 + 1e-15), p))));
-    }
-  });
-  function d3_format_typeDefault(x) {
-    return x + "";
-  }
-  var d3_time = d3.time = {}, d3_date = Date;
-  function d3_date_utc() {
-    this._ = new Date(arguments.length > 1 ? Date.UTC.apply(this, arguments) : arguments[0]);
-  }
-  d3_date_utc.prototype = {
-    getDate: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCDate();
-    },
-    getDay: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCDay();
-    },
-    getFullYear: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCFullYear();
-    },
-    getHours: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCHours();
-    },
-    getMilliseconds: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCMilliseconds();
-    },
-    getMinutes: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCMinutes();
-    },
-    getMonth: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCMonth();
-    },
-    getSeconds: function() {
-      return this._.getUTCSeconds();
-    },
-    getTime: function() {
-      return this._.getTime();
-    },
-    getTimezoneOffset: function() {
-      return 0;
-    },
-    valueOf: function() {
-      return this._.valueOf();
-    },
-    setDate: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCDate.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setDay: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCDay.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setFullYear: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setHours: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCHours.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setMilliseconds: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setMinutes: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setMonth: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCMonth.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setSeconds: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._, arguments);
-    },
-    setTime: function() {
-      d3_time_prototype.setTime.apply(this._, arguments);
-    }
-  };
-  var d3_time_prototype = Date.prototype;
-  function d3_time_interval(local, step, number) {
-    function round(date) {
-      var d0 = local(date), d1 = offset(d0, 1);
-      return date - d0 < d1 - date ? d0 : d1;
-    }
-    function ceil(date) {
-      step(date = local(new d3_date(date - 1)), 1);
-      return date;
-    }
-    function offset(date, k) {
-      step(date = new d3_date(+date), k);
-      return date;
-    }
-    function range(t0, t1, dt) {
-      var time = ceil(t0), times = [];
-      if (dt > 1) {
-        while (time < t1) {
-          if (!(number(time) % dt)) times.push(new Date(+time));
-          step(time, 1);
-        }
-      } else {
-        while (time < t1) times.push(new Date(+time)), step(time, 1);
-      }
-      return times;
-    }
-    function range_utc(t0, t1, dt) {
-      try {
-        d3_date = d3_date_utc;
-        var utc = new d3_date_utc();
-        utc._ = t0;
-        return range(utc, t1, dt);
-      } finally {
-        d3_date = Date;
-      }
-    }
-    local.floor = local;
-    local.round = round;
-    local.ceil = ceil;
-    local.offset = offset;
-    local.range = range;
-    var utc = local.utc = d3_time_interval_utc(local);
-    utc.floor = utc;
-    utc.round = d3_time_interval_utc(round);
-    utc.ceil = d3_time_interval_utc(ceil);
-    utc.offset = d3_time_interval_utc(offset);
-    utc.range = range_utc;
-    return local;
-  }
-  function d3_time_interval_utc(method) {
-    return function(date, k) {
-      try {
-        d3_date = d3_date_utc;
-        var utc = new d3_date_utc();
-        utc._ = date;
-        return method(utc, k)._;
-      } finally {
-        d3_date = Date;
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  d3_time.year = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
-    date =;
-    date.setMonth(0, 1);
-    return date;
-  }, function(date, offset) {
-    date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + offset);
-  }, function(date) {
-    return date.getFullYear();
-  });
-  d3_time.years = d3_time.year.range;
-  d3_time.years.utc = d3_time.year.utc.range;
- = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
-    var day = new d3_date(2e3, 0);
-    day.setFullYear(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
-    return day;
-  }, function(date, offset) {
-    date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);
-  }, function(date) {
-    return date.getDate() - 1;
-  });
-  d3_time.days =;
-  d3_time.days.utc =;
-  d3_time.dayOfYear = function(date) {
-    var year = d3_time.year(date);
-    return Math.floor((date - year - (date.getTimezoneOffset() - year.getTimezoneOffset()) * 6e4) / 864e5);
-  };
-  [ "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday" ].forEach(function(day, i) {
-    i = 7 - i;
-    var interval = d3_time[day] = d3_time_interval(function(date) {
-      (date = - (date.getDay() + i) % 7);
-      return date;
-    }, function(date, offset) {
-      date.setDate(date.getDate() + Math.floor(offset) * 7);
-    }, function(date) {
-      var day = d3_time.year(date).getDay();
-      return Math.floor((d3_time.dayOfYear(date) + (day + i) % 7) / 7) - (day !== i);
-    });
-    d3_time[day + "s"] = interval.range;
-    d3_time[day + "s"].utc = interval.utc.range;
-    d3_time[day + "OfYear"] = function(date) {
-      var day = d3_time.year(date).getDay();
-      return Math.floor((d3_time.dayOfYear(date) + (day + i) % 7) / 7);
-    };
-  });
-  d3_time.week = d3_time.sunday;
-  d3_time.weeks = d3_time.sunday.range;
-  d3_time.weeks.utc = d3_time.sunday.utc.range;
-  d3_time.weekOfYear = d3_time.sundayOfYear;
-  function d3_locale_timeFormat(locale) {
-    var locale_dateTime = locale.dateTime, locale_date =, locale_time = locale.time, locale_periods = locale.periods, locale_days = locale.days, locale_shortDays = locale.shortDays, locale_months = locale.months, locale_shortMonths = locale.shortMonths;
-    function d3_time_format(template) {
-      var n = template.length;
-      function format(date) {
-        var string = [], i = -1, j = 0, c, p, f;
-        while (++i < n) {
-          if (template.charCodeAt(i) === 37) {
-            string.push(template.slice(j, i));
-            if ((p = d3_time_formatPads[c = template.charAt(++i)]) != null) c = template.charAt(++i);
-            if (f = d3_time_formats[c]) c = f(date, p == null ? c === "e" ? " " : "0" : p);
-            string.push(c);
-            j = i + 1;
-          }
-        }
-        string.push(template.slice(j, i));
-        return string.join("");
-      }
-      format.parse = function(string) {
-        var d = {
-          y: 1900,
-          m: 0,
-          d: 1,
-          H: 0,
-          M: 0,
-          S: 0,
-          L: 0,
-          Z: null
-        }, i = d3_time_parse(d, template, string, 0);
-        if (i != string.length) return null;
-        if ("p" in d) d.H = d.H % 12 + d.p * 12;
-        var localZ = d.Z != null && d3_date !== d3_date_utc, date = new (localZ ? d3_date_utc : d3_date)();
-        if ("j" in d) date.setFullYear(d.y, 0, d.j); else if ("w" in d && ("W" in d || "U" in d)) {
-          date.setFullYear(d.y, 0, 1);
-          dat


[14/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone-1.1.2.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone-1.1.2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5da4943..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone-1.1.2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1608 +0,0 @@
-//     Backbone.js 1.1.2
-//     (c) 2010-2014 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
-//     Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
-//     For all details and documentation:
-(function(root, factory) {
-  // Set up Backbone appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.
-  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-    define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'exports'], function(_, $, exports) {
-      // Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with
-      // others that may still expect a global Backbone.
-      root.Backbone = factory(root, exports, _, $);
-    });
-  // Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module.
-  } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-    var _ = require('underscore');
-    factory(root, exports, _);
-  // Finally, as a browser global.
-  } else {
-    root.Backbone = factory(root, {}, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$));
-  }
-}(this, function(root, Backbone, _, $) {
-  // Initial Setup
-  // -------------
-  // Save the previous value of the `Backbone` variable, so that it can be
-  // restored later on, if `noConflict` is used.
-  var previousBackbone = root.Backbone;
-  // Create local references to array methods we'll want to use later.
-  var array = [];
-  var push = array.push;
-  var slice = array.slice;
-  var splice = array.splice;
-  // Current version of the library. Keep in sync with `package.json`.
-  Backbone.VERSION = '1.1.2';
-  // For Backbone's purposes, jQuery, Zepto, Ender, or My Library (kidding) owns
-  // the `$` variable.
-  Backbone.$ = $;
-  // Runs Backbone.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `Backbone` variable
-  // to its previous owner. Returns a reference to this Backbone object.
-  Backbone.noConflict = function() {
-    root.Backbone = previousBackbone;
-    return this;
-  };
-  // Turn on `emulateHTTP` to support legacy HTTP servers. Setting this option
-  // will fake `"PATCH"`, `"PUT"` and `"DELETE"` requests via the `_method` parameter and
-  // set a `X-Http-Method-Override` header.
-  Backbone.emulateHTTP = false;
-  // Turn on `emulateJSON` to support legacy servers that can't deal with direct
-  // `application/json` requests ... will encode the body as
-  // `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` instead and will send the model in a
-  // form param named `model`.
-  Backbone.emulateJSON = false;
-  // Backbone.Events
-  // ---------------
-  // A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it with
-  // custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback
-  // functions to an event; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in
-  // succession.
-  //
-  //     var object = {};
-  //     _.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
-  //     object.on('expand', function(){ alert('expanded'); });
-  //     object.trigger('expand');
-  //
-  var Events = Backbone.Events = {
-    // Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind
-    // the callback to all events fired.
-    on: function(name, callback, context) {
-      if (!eventsApi(this, 'on', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this;
-      this._events || (this._events = {});
-      var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []);
-      events.push({callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this});
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time
-    // the callback is invoked, it will be removed.
-    once: function(name, callback, context) {
-      if (!eventsApi(this, 'once', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this;
-      var self = this;
-      var once = _.once(function() {
-, once);
-        callback.apply(this, arguments);
-      });
-      once._callback = callback;
-      return this.on(name, once, context);
-    },
-    // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all
-    // callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all
-    // callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound
-    // callbacks for all events.
-    off: function(name, callback, context) {
-      var retain, ev, events, names, i, l, j, k;
-      if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, 'off', name, [callback, context])) return this;
-      if (!name && !callback && !context) {
-        this._events = void 0;
-        return this;
-      }
-      names = name ? [name] : _.keys(this._events);
-      for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
-        name = names[i];
-        if (events = this._events[name]) {
-          this._events[name] = retain = [];
-          if (callback || context) {
-            for (j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) {
-              ev = events[j];
-              if ((callback && callback !== ev.callback && callback !== ev.callback._callback) ||
-                  (context && context !== ev.context)) {
-                retain.push(ev);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (!retain.length) delete this._events[name];
-        }
-      }
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are
-    // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name
-    // (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to
-    // receive the true name of the event as the first argument).
-    trigger: function(name) {
-      if (!this._events) return this;
-      var args =, 1);
-      if (!eventsApi(this, 'trigger', name, args)) return this;
-      var events = this._events[name];
-      var allEvents = this._events.all;
-      if (events) triggerEvents(events, args);
-      if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments);
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or
-    // to every object it's currently listening to.
-    stopListening: function(obj, name, callback) {
-      var listeningTo = this._listeningTo;
-      if (!listeningTo) return this;
-      var remove = !name && !callback;
-      if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this;
-      if (obj) (listeningTo = {})[obj._listenId] = obj;
-      for (var id in listeningTo) {
-        obj = listeningTo[id];
-, callback, this);
-        if (remove || _.isEmpty(obj._events)) delete this._listeningTo[id];
-      }
-      return this;
-    }
-  };
-  // Regular expression used to split event strings.
-  var eventSplitter = /\s+/;
-  // Implement fancy features of the Events API such as multiple event
-  // names `"change blur"` and jQuery-style event maps `{change: action}`
-  // in terms of the existing API.
-  var eventsApi = function(obj, action, name, rest) {
-    if (!name) return true;
-    // Handle event maps.
-    if (typeof name === 'object') {
-      for (var key in name) {
-        obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest));
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    // Handle space separated event names.
-    if (eventSplitter.test(name)) {
-      var names = name.split(eventSplitter);
-      for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
-        obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest));
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  };
-  // A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for
-  // triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal
-  // Backbone events have 3 arguments).
-  var triggerEvents = function(events, args) {
-    var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2];
-    switch (args.length) {
-      case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]); return;
-      case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1); return;
-      case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2); return;
-      case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2, a3); return;
-      default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); return;
-    }
-  };
-  var listenMethods = {listenTo: 'on', listenToOnce: 'once'};
-  // Inversion-of-control versions of `on` and `once`. Tell *this* object to
-  // listen to an event in another object ... keeping track of what it's
-  // listening to.
-  _.each(listenMethods, function(implementation, method) {
-    Events[method] = function(obj, name, callback) {
-      var listeningTo = this._listeningTo || (this._listeningTo = {});
-      var id = obj._listenId || (obj._listenId = _.uniqueId('l'));
-      listeningTo[id] = obj;
-      if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this;
-      obj[implementation](name, callback, this);
-      return this;
-    };
-  });
-  // Aliases for backwards compatibility.
-  Events.bind   = Events.on;
-  Events.unbind =;
-  // Allow the `Backbone` object to serve as a global event bus, for folks who
-  // want global "pubsub" in a convenient place.
-  _.extend(Backbone, Events);
-  // Backbone.Model
-  // --------------
-  // Backbone **Models** are the basic data object in the framework --
-  // frequently representing a row in a table in a database on your server.
-  // A discrete chunk of data and a bunch of useful, related methods for
-  // performing computations and transformations on that data.
-  // Create a new model with the specified attributes. A client id (`cid`)
-  // is automatically generated and assigned for you.
-  var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) {
-    var attrs = attributes || {};
-    options || (options = {});
-    this.cid = _.uniqueId('c');
-    this.attributes = {};
-    if (options.collection) this.collection = options.collection;
-    if (options.parse) attrs = this.parse(attrs, options) || {};
-    attrs = _.defaults({}, attrs, _.result(this, 'defaults'));
-    this.set(attrs, options);
-    this.changed = {};
-    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  // Attach all inheritable methods to the Model prototype.
-  _.extend(Model.prototype, Events, {
-    // A hash of attributes whose current and previous value differ.
-    changed: null,
-    // The value returned during the last failed validation.
-    validationError: null,
-    // The default name for the JSON `id` attribute is `"id"`. MongoDB and
-    // CouchDB users may want to set this to `"_id"`.
-    idAttribute: 'id',
-    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
-    // initialization logic.
-    initialize: function(){},
-    // Return a copy of the model's `attributes` object.
-    toJSON: function(options) {
-      return _.clone(this.attributes);
-    },
-    // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default -- but override this if you need
-    // custom syncing semantics for *this* particular model.
-    sync: function() {
-      return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    // Get the value of an attribute.
-    get: function(attr) {
-      return this.attributes[attr];
-    },
-    // Get the HTML-escaped value of an attribute.
-    escape: function(attr) {
-      return _.escape(this.get(attr));
-    },
-    // Returns `true` if the attribute contains a value that is not null
-    // or undefined.
-    has: function(attr) {
-      return this.get(attr) != null;
-    },
-    // Set a hash of model attributes on the object, firing `"change"`. This is
-    // the core primitive operation of a model, updating the data and notifying
-    // anyone who needs to know about the change in state. The heart of the beast.
-    set: function(key, val, options) {
-      var attr, attrs, unset, changes, silent, changing, prev, current;
-      if (key == null) return this;
-      // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
-      if (typeof key === 'object') {
-        attrs = key;
-        options = val;
-      } else {
-        (attrs = {})[key] = val;
-      }
-      options || (options = {});
-      // Run validation.
-      if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
-      // Extract attributes and options.
-      unset           = options.unset;
-      silent          = options.silent;
-      changes         = [];
-      changing        = this._changing;
-      this._changing  = true;
-      if (!changing) {
-        this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);
-        this.changed = {};
-      }
-      current = this.attributes, prev = this._previousAttributes;
-      // Check for changes of `id`.
-      if (this.idAttribute in attrs) = attrs[this.idAttribute];
-      // For each `set` attribute, update or delete the current value.
-      for (attr in attrs) {
-        val = attrs[attr];
-        if (!_.isEqual(current[attr], val)) changes.push(attr);
-        if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val)) {
-          this.changed[attr] = val;
-        } else {
-          delete this.changed[attr];
-        }
-        unset ? delete current[attr] : current[attr] = val;
-      }
-      // Trigger all relevant attribute changes.
-      if (!silent) {
-        if (changes.length) this._pending = options;
-        for (var i = 0, l = changes.length; i < l; i++) {
-          this.trigger('change:' + changes[i], this, current[changes[i]], options);
-        }
-      }
-      // You might be wondering why there's a `while` loop here. Changes can
-      // be recursively nested within `"change"` events.
-      if (changing) return this;
-      if (!silent) {
-        while (this._pending) {
-          options = this._pending;
-          this._pending = false;
-          this.trigger('change', this, options);
-        }
-      }
-      this._pending = false;
-      this._changing = false;
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Remove an attribute from the model, firing `"change"`. `unset` is a noop
-    // if the attribute doesn't exist.
-    unset: function(attr, options) {
-      return this.set(attr, void 0, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
-    },
-    // Clear all attributes on the model, firing `"change"`.
-    clear: function(options) {
-      var attrs = {};
-      for (var key in this.attributes) attrs[key] = void 0;
-      return this.set(attrs, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
-    },
-    // Determine if the model has changed since the last `"change"` event.
-    // If you specify an attribute name, determine if that attribute has changed.
-    hasChanged: function(attr) {
-      if (attr == null) return !_.isEmpty(this.changed);
-      return _.has(this.changed, attr);
-    },
-    // Return an object containing all the attributes that have changed, or
-    // false if there are no changed attributes. Useful for determining what
-    // parts of a view need to be updated and/or what attributes need to be
-    // persisted to the server. Unset attributes will be set to undefined.
-    // You can also pass an attributes object to diff against the model,
-    // determining if there *would be* a change.
-    changedAttributes: function(diff) {
-      if (!diff) return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false;
-      var val, changed = false;
-      var old = this._changing ? this._previousAttributes : this.attributes;
-      for (var attr in diff) {
-        if (_.isEqual(old[attr], (val = diff[attr]))) continue;
-        (changed || (changed = {}))[attr] = val;
-      }
-      return changed;
-    },
-    // Get the previous value of an attribute, recorded at the time the last
-    // `"change"` event was fired.
-    previous: function(attr) {
-      if (attr == null || !this._previousAttributes) return null;
-      return this._previousAttributes[attr];
-    },
-    // Get all of the attributes of the model at the time of the previous
-    // `"change"` event.
-    previousAttributes: function() {
-      return _.clone(this._previousAttributes);
-    },
-    // Fetch the model from the server. If the server's representation of the
-    // model differs from its current attributes, they will be overridden,
-    // triggering a `"change"` event.
-    fetch: function(options) {
-      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
-      if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
-      var model = this;
-      var success = options.success;
-      options.success = function(resp) {
-        if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, options), options)) return false;
-        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
-        model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
-      };
-      wrapError(this, options);
-      return this.sync('read', this, options);
-    },
-    // Set a hash of model attributes, and sync the model to the server.
-    // If the server returns an attributes hash that differs, the model's
-    // state will be `set` again.
-    save: function(key, val, options) {
-      var attrs, method, xhr, attributes = this.attributes;
-      // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
-      if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') {
-        attrs = key;
-        options = val;
-      } else {
-        (attrs = {})[key] = val;
-      }
-      options = _.extend({validate: true}, options);
-      // If we're not waiting and attributes exist, save acts as
-      // `set(attr).save(null, opts)` with validation. Otherwise, check if
-      // the model will be valid when the attributes, if any, are set.
-      if (attrs && !options.wait) {
-        if (!this.set(attrs, options)) return false;
-      } else {
-        if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
-      }
-      // Set temporary attributes if `{wait: true}`.
-      if (attrs && options.wait) {
-        this.attributes = _.extend({}, attributes, attrs);
-      }
-      // After a successful server-side save, the client is (optionally)
-      // updated with the server-side state.
-      if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
-      var model = this;
-      var success = options.success;
-      options.success = function(resp) {
-        // Ensure attributes are restored during synchronous saves.
-        model.attributes = attributes;
-        var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, options);
-        if (options.wait) serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs);
-        if (_.isObject(serverAttrs) && !model.set(serverAttrs, options)) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
-        model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
-      };
-      wrapError(this, options);
-      method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : (options.patch ? 'patch' : 'update');
-      if (method === 'patch') options.attrs = attrs;
-      xhr = this.sync(method, this, options);
-      // Restore attributes.
-      if (attrs && options.wait) this.attributes = attributes;
-      return xhr;
-    },
-    // Destroy this model on the server if it was already persisted.
-    // Optimistically removes the model from its collection, if it has one.
-    // If `wait: true` is passed, waits for the server to respond before removal.
-    destroy: function(options) {
-      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
-      var model = this;
-      var success = options.success;
-      var destroy = function() {
-        model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options);
-      };
-      options.success = function(resp) {
-        if (options.wait || model.isNew()) destroy();
-        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
-        if (!model.isNew()) model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
-      };
-      if (this.isNew()) {
-        options.success();
-        return false;
-      }
-      wrapError(this, options);
-      var xhr = this.sync('delete', this, options);
-      if (!options.wait) destroy();
-      return xhr;
-    },
-    // Default URL for the model's representation on the server -- if you're
-    // using Backbone's restful methods, override this to change the endpoint
-    // that will be called.
-    url: function() {
-      var base =
-        _.result(this, 'urlRoot') ||
-        _.result(this.collection, 'url') ||
-        urlError();
-      if (this.isNew()) return base;
-      return base.replace(/([^\/])$/, '$1/') + encodeURIComponent(;
-    },
-    // **parse** converts a response into the hash of attributes to be `set` on
-    // the model. The default implementation is just to pass the response along.
-    parse: function(resp, options) {
-      return resp;
-    },
-    // Create a new model with identical attributes to this one.
-    clone: function() {
-      return new this.constructor(this.attributes);
-    },
-    // A model is new if it has never been saved to the server, and lacks an id.
-    isNew: function() {
-      return !this.has(this.idAttribute);
-    },
-    // Check if the model is currently in a valid state.
-    isValid: function(options) {
-      return this._validate({}, _.extend(options || {}, { validate: true }));
-    },
-    // Run validation against the next complete set of model attributes,
-    // returning `true` if all is well. Otherwise, fire an `"invalid"` event.
-    _validate: function(attrs, options) {
-      if (!options.validate || !this.validate) return true;
-      attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes, attrs);
-      var error = this.validationError = this.validate(attrs, options) || null;
-      if (!error) return true;
-      this.trigger('invalid', this, error, _.extend(options, {validationError: error}));
-      return false;
-    }
-  });
-  // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Model.
-  var modelMethods = ['keys', 'values', 'pairs', 'invert', 'pick', 'omit'];
-  // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Model#attributes`.
-  _.each(modelMethods, function(method) {
-    Model.prototype[method] = function() {
-      var args =;
-      args.unshift(this.attributes);
-      return _[method].apply(_, args);
-    };
-  });
-  // Backbone.Collection
-  // -------------------
-  // If models tend to represent a single row of data, a Backbone Collection is
-  // more analagous to a table full of data ... or a small slice or page of that
-  // table, or a collection of rows that belong together for a particular reason
-  // -- all of the messages in this particular folder, all of the documents
-  // belonging to this particular author, and so on. Collections maintain
-  // indexes of their models, both in order, and for lookup by `id`.
-  // Create a new **Collection**, perhaps to contain a specific type of `model`.
-  // If a `comparator` is specified, the Collection will maintain
-  // its models in sort order, as they're added and removed.
-  var Collection = Backbone.Collection = function(models, options) {
-    options || (options = {});
-    if (options.model) this.model = options.model;
-    if (options.comparator !== void 0) this.comparator = options.comparator;
-    this._reset();
-    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    if (models) this.reset(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
-  };
-  // Default options for `Collection#set`.
-  var setOptions = {add: true, remove: true, merge: true};
-  var addOptions = {add: true, remove: false};
-  // Define the Collection's inheritable methods.
-  _.extend(Collection.prototype, Events, {
-    // The default model for a collection is just a **Backbone.Model**.
-    // This should be overridden in most cases.
-    model: Model,
-    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
-    // initialization logic.
-    initialize: function(){},
-    // The JSON representation of a Collection is an array of the
-    // models' attributes.
-    toJSON: function(options) {
-      return{ return model.toJSON(options); });
-    },
-    // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default.
-    sync: function() {
-      return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    // Add a model, or list of models to the set.
-    add: function(models, options) {
-      return this.set(models, _.extend({merge: false}, options, addOptions));
-    },
-    // Remove a model, or a list of models from the set.
-    remove: function(models, options) {
-      var singular = !_.isArray(models);
-      models = singular ? [models] : _.clone(models);
-      options || (options = {});
-      var i, l, index, model;
-      for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
-        model = models[i] = this.get(models[i]);
-        if (!model) continue;
-        delete this._byId[];
-        delete this._byId[model.cid];
-        index = this.indexOf(model);
-        this.models.splice(index, 1);
-        this.length--;
-        if (!options.silent) {
-          options.index = index;
-          model.trigger('remove', model, this, options);
-        }
-        this._removeReference(model, options);
-      }
-      return singular ? models[0] : models;
-    },
-    // Update a collection by `set`-ing a new list of models, adding new ones,
-    // removing models that are no longer present, and merging models that
-    // already exist in the collection, as necessary. Similar to **Model#set**,
-    // the core operation for updating the data contained by the collection.
-    set: function(models, options) {
-      options = _.defaults({}, options, setOptions);
-      if (options.parse) models = this.parse(models, options);
-      var singular = !_.isArray(models);
-      models = singular ? (models ? [models] : []) : _.clone(models);
-      var i, l, id, model, attrs, existing, sort;
-      var at =;
-      var targetModel = this.model;
-      var sortable = this.comparator && (at == null) && options.sort !== false;
-      var sortAttr = _.isString(this.comparator) ? this.comparator : null;
-      var toAdd = [], toRemove = [], modelMap = {};
-      var add = options.add, merge = options.merge, remove = options.remove;
-      var order = !sortable && add && remove ? [] : false;
-      // Turn bare objects into model references, and prevent invalid models
-      // from being added.
-      for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
-        attrs = models[i] || {};
-        if (attrs instanceof Model) {
-          id = model = attrs;
-        } else {
-          id = attrs[targetModel.prototype.idAttribute || 'id'];
-        }
-        // If a duplicate is found, prevent it from being added and
-        // optionally merge it into the existing model.
-        if (existing = this.get(id)) {
-          if (remove) modelMap[existing.cid] = true;
-          if (merge) {
-            attrs = attrs === model ? model.attributes : attrs;
-            if (options.parse) attrs = existing.parse(attrs, options);
-            existing.set(attrs, options);
-            if (sortable && !sort && existing.hasChanged(sortAttr)) sort = true;
-          }
-          models[i] = existing;
-        // If this is a new, valid model, push it to the `toAdd` list.
-        } else if (add) {
-          model = models[i] = this._prepareModel(attrs, options);
-          if (!model) continue;
-          toAdd.push(model);
-          this._addReference(model, options);
-        }
-        // Do not add multiple models with the same `id`.
-        model = existing || model;
-        if (order && (model.isNew() || !modelMap[])) order.push(model);
-        modelMap[] = true;
-      }
-      // Remove nonexistent models if appropriate.
-      if (remove) {
-        for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i) {
-          if (!modelMap[(model = this.models[i]).cid]) toRemove.push(model);
-        }
-        if (toRemove.length) this.remove(toRemove, options);
-      }
-      // See if sorting is needed, update `length` and splice in new models.
-      if (toAdd.length || (order && order.length)) {
-        if (sortable) sort = true;
-        this.length += toAdd.length;
-        if (at != null) {
-          for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) {
-            this.models.splice(at + i, 0, toAdd[i]);
-          }
-        } else {
-          if (order) this.models.length = 0;
-          var orderedModels = order || toAdd;
-          for (i = 0, l = orderedModels.length; i < l; i++) {
-            this.models.push(orderedModels[i]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // Silently sort the collection if appropriate.
-      if (sort) this.sort({silent: true});
-      // Unless silenced, it's time to fire all appropriate add/sort events.
-      if (!options.silent) {
-        for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) {
-          (model = toAdd[i]).trigger('add', model, this, options);
-        }
-        if (sort || (order && order.length)) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
-      }
-      // Return the added (or merged) model (or models).
-      return singular ? models[0] : models;
-    },
-    // When you have more items than you want to add or remove individually,
-    // you can reset the entire set with a new list of models, without firing
-    // any granular `add` or `remove` events. Fires `reset` when finished.
-    // Useful for bulk operations and optimizations.
-    reset: function(models, options) {
-      options || (options = {});
-      for (var i = 0, l = this.models.length; i < l; i++) {
-        this._removeReference(this.models[i], options);
-      }
-      options.previousModels = this.models;
-      this._reset();
-      models = this.add(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
-      if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options);
-      return models;
-    },
-    // Add a model to the end of the collection.
-    push: function(model, options) {
-      return this.add(model, _.extend({at: this.length}, options));
-    },
-    // Remove a model from the end of the collection.
-    pop: function(options) {
-      var model = - 1);
-      this.remove(model, options);
-      return model;
-    },
-    // Add a model to the beginning of the collection.
-    unshift: function(model, options) {
-      return this.add(model, _.extend({at: 0}, options));
-    },
-    // Remove a model from the beginning of the collection.
-    shift: function(options) {
-      var model =;
-      this.remove(model, options);
-      return model;
-    },
-    // Slice out a sub-array of models from the collection.
-    slice: function() {
-      return slice.apply(this.models, arguments);
-    },
-    // Get a model from the set by id.
-    get: function(obj) {
-      if (obj == null) return void 0;
-      return this._byId[obj] || this._byId[] || this._byId[obj.cid];
-    },
-    // Get the model at the given index.
-    at: function(index) {
-      return this.models[index];
-    },
-    // Return models with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of
-    // `filter`.
-    where: function(attrs, first) {
-      if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? void 0 : [];
-      return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](function(model) {
-        for (var key in attrs) {
-          if (attrs[key] !== model.get(key)) return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      });
-    },
-    // Return the first model with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases
-    // of `find`.
-    findWhere: function(attrs) {
-      return this.where(attrs, true);
-    },
-    // Force the collection to re-sort itself. You don't need to call this under
-    // normal circumstances, as the set will maintain sort order as each item
-    // is added.
-    sort: function(options) {
-      if (!this.comparator) throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator');
-      options || (options = {});
-      // Run sort based on type of `comparator`.
-      if (_.isString(this.comparator) || this.comparator.length === 1) {
-        this.models = this.sortBy(this.comparator, this);
-      } else {
-        this.models.sort(_.bind(this.comparator, this));
-      }
-      if (!options.silent) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Pluck an attribute from each model in the collection.
-    pluck: function(attr) {
-      return _.invoke(this.models, 'get', attr);
-    },
-    // Fetch the default set of models for this collection, resetting the
-    // collection when they arrive. If `reset: true` is passed, the response
-    // data will be passed through the `reset` method instead of `set`.
-    fetch: function(options) {
-      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
-      if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
-      var success = options.success;
-      var collection = this;
-      options.success = function(resp) {
-        var method = options.reset ? 'reset' : 'set';
-        collection[method](resp, options);
-        if (success) success(collection, resp, options);
-        collection.trigger('sync', collection, resp, options);
-      };
-      wrapError(this, options);
-      return this.sync('read', this, options);
-    },
-    // Create a new instance of a model in this collection. Add the model to the
-    // collection immediately, unless `wait: true` is passed, in which case we
-    // wait for the server to agree.
-    create: function(model, options) {
-      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
-      if (!(model = this._prepareModel(model, options))) return false;
-      if (!options.wait) this.add(model, options);
-      var collection = this;
-      var success = options.success;
-      options.success = function(model, resp) {
-        if (options.wait) collection.add(model, options);
-        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
-      };
-, options);
-      return model;
-    },
-    // **parse** converts a response into a list of models to be added to the
-    // collection. The default implementation is just to pass it through.
-    parse: function(resp, options) {
-      return resp;
-    },
-    // Create a new collection with an identical list of models as this one.
-    clone: function() {
-      return new this.constructor(this.models);
-    },
-    // Private method to reset all internal state. Called when the collection
-    // is first initialized or reset.
-    _reset: function() {
-      this.length = 0;
-      this.models = [];
-      this._byId  = {};
-    },
-    // Prepare a hash of attributes (or other model) to be added to this
-    // collection.
-    _prepareModel: function(attrs, options) {
-      if (attrs instanceof Model) return attrs;
-      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
-      options.collection = this;
-      var model = new this.model(attrs, options);
-      if (!model.validationError) return model;
-      this.trigger('invalid', this, model.validationError, options);
-      return false;
-    },
-    // Internal method to create a model's ties to a collection.
-    _addReference: function(model, options) {
-      this._byId[model.cid] = model;
-      if ( != null) this._byId[] = model;
-      if (!model.collection) model.collection = this;
-      model.on('all', this._onModelEvent, this);
-    },
-    // Internal method to sever a model's ties to a collection.
-    _removeReference: function(model, options) {
-      if (this === model.collection) delete model.collection;
-'all', this._onModelEvent, this);
-    },
-    // Internal method called every time a model in the set fires an event.
-    // Sets need to update their indexes when models change ids. All other
-    // events simply proxy through. "add" and "remove" events that originate
-    // in other collections are ignored.
-    _onModelEvent: function(event, model, collection, options) {
-      if ((event === 'add' || event === 'remove') && collection !== this) return;
-      if (event === 'destroy') this.remove(model, options);
-      if (model && event === 'change:' + model.idAttribute) {
-        delete this._byId[model.previous(model.idAttribute)];
-        if ( != null) this._byId[] = model;
-      }
-      this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
-    }
-  });
-  // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Collection.
-  // 90% of the core usefulness of Backbone Collections is actually implemented
-  // right here:
-  var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'collect', 'reduce', 'foldl',
-    'inject', 'reduceRight', 'foldr', 'find', 'detect', 'filter', 'select',
-    'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any', 'include', 'contains', 'invoke',
-    'max', 'min', 'toArray', 'size', 'first', 'head', 'take', 'initial', 'rest',
-    'tail', 'drop', 'last', 'without', 'difference', 'indexOf', 'shuffle',
-    'lastIndexOf', 'isEmpty', 'chain', 'sample'];
-  // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Collection#models`.
-  _.each(methods, function(method) {
-    Collection.prototype[method] = function() {
-      var args =;
-      args.unshift(this.models);
-      return _[method].apply(_, args);
-    };
-  });
-  // Underscore methods that take a property name as an argument.
-  var attributeMethods = ['groupBy', 'countBy', 'sortBy', 'indexBy'];
-  // Use attributes instead of properties.
-  _.each(attributeMethods, function(method) {
-    Collection.prototype[method] = function(value, context) {
-      var iterator = _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(model) {
-        return model.get(value);
-      };
-      return _[method](this.models, iterator, context);
-    };
-  });
-  // Backbone.View
-  // -------------
-  // Backbone Views are almost more convention than they are actual code. A View
-  // is simply a JavaScript object that represents a logical chunk of UI in the
-  // DOM. This might be a single item, an entire list, a sidebar or panel, or
-  // even the surrounding frame which wraps your whole app. Defining a chunk of
-  // UI as a **View** allows you to define your DOM events declaratively, without
-  // having to worry about render order ... and makes it easy for the view to
-  // react to specific changes in the state of your models.
-  // Creating a Backbone.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM,
-  // if an existing element is not provided...
-  var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
-    this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
-    options || (options = {});
-    _.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
-    this._ensureElement();
-    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    this.delegateEvents();
-  };
-  // Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`.
-  var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
-  // List of view options to be merged as properties.
-  var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events'];
-  // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.View** properties and methods.
-  _.extend(View.prototype, Events, {
-    // The default `tagName` of a View's element is `"div"`.
-    tagName: 'div',
-    // jQuery delegate for element lookup, scoped to DOM elements within the
-    // current view. This should be preferred to global lookups where possible.
-    $: function(selector) {
-      return this.$el.find(selector);
-    },
-    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
-    // initialization logic.
-    initialize: function(){},
-    // **render** is the core function that your view should override, in order
-    // to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. The
-    // convention is for **render** to always return `this`.
-    render: function() {
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any
-    // applicable Backbone.Events listeners.
-    remove: function() {
-      this.$el.remove();
-      this.stopListening();
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event
-    // re-delegation.
-    setElement: function(element, delegate) {
-      if (this.$el) this.undelegateEvents();
-      this.$el = element instanceof Backbone.$ ? element : Backbone.$(element);
-      this.el = this.$el[0];
-      if (delegate !== false) this.delegateEvents();
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Set callbacks, where `` is a hash of
-    //
-    // *{"event selector": "callback"}*
-    //
-    //     {
-    //       'mousedown .title':  'edit',
-    //       'click .button':     'save',
-    //       'click .open':       function(e) { ... }
-    //     }
-    //
-    // pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly.
-    // Uses event delegation for efficiency.
-    // Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`.
-    // This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and
-    // not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer.
-    delegateEvents: function(events) {
-      if (!(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))) return this;
-      this.undelegateEvents();
-      for (var key in events) {
-        var method = events[key];
-        if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[events[key]];
-        if (!method) continue;
-        var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter);
-        var eventName = match[1], selector = match[2];
-        method = _.bind(method, this);
-        eventName += '.delegateEvents' + this.cid;
-        if (selector === '') {
-          this.$el.on(eventName, method);
-        } else {
-          this.$el.on(eventName, selector, method);
-        }
-      }
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`.
-    // You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple
-    // Backbone views attached to the same DOM element.
-    undelegateEvents: function() {
-      this.$'.delegateEvents' + this.cid);
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
-    // If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
-    // matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create
-    // an element from the `id`, `className` and `tagName` properties.
-    _ensureElement: function() {
-      if (!this.el) {
-        var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes'));
-        if ( = _.result(this, 'id');
-        if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className');
-        var $el = Backbone.$('<' + _.result(this, 'tagName') + '>').attr(attrs);
-        this.setElement($el, false);
-      } else {
-        this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false);
-      }
-    }
-  });
-  // Backbone.sync
-  // -------------
-  // Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists
-  // models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the
-  // model in question. By default, makes a RESTful Ajax request
-  // to the model's `url()`. Some possible customizations could be:
-  //
-  // * Use `setTimeout` to batch rapid-fire updates into a single request.
-  // * Send up the models as XML instead of JSON.
-  // * Persist models via WebSockets instead of Ajax.
-  //
-  // Turn on `Backbone.emulateHTTP` in order to send `PUT` and `DELETE` requests
-  // as `POST`, with a `_method` parameter containing the true HTTP method,
-  // as well as all requests with the body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
-  // instead of `application/json` with the model in a param named `model`.
-  // Useful when interfacing with server-side languages like **PHP** that make
-  // it difficult to read the body of `PUT` requests.
-  Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
-    var type = methodMap[method];
-    // Default options, unless specified.
-    _.defaults(options || (options = {}), {
-      emulateHTTP: Backbone.emulateHTTP,
-      emulateJSON: Backbone.emulateJSON
-    });
-    // Default JSON-request options.
-    var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'};
-    // Ensure that we have a URL.
-    if (!options.url) {
-      params.url = _.result(model, 'url') || urlError();
-    }
-    // Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
-    if ( == null && model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch')) {
-      params.contentType = 'application/json';
- = JSON.stringify(options.attrs || model.toJSON(options));
-    }
-    // For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
-    if (options.emulateJSON) {
-      params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- = ? {model:} : {};
-    }
-    // For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
-    // And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
-    if (options.emulateHTTP && (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE' || type === 'PATCH')) {
-      params.type = 'POST';
-      if (options.emulateJSON) = type;
-      var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
-      options.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
-        xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type);
-        if (beforeSend) return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments);
-      };
-    }
-    // Don't process data on a non-GET request.
-    if (params.type !== 'GET' && !options.emulateJSON) {
-      params.processData = false;
-    }
-    // If we're sending a `PATCH` request, and we're in an old Internet Explorer
-    // that still has ActiveX enabled by default, override jQuery to use that
-    // for XHR instead. Remove this line when jQuery supports `PATCH` on IE8.
-    if (params.type === 'PATCH' && noXhrPatch) {
-      params.xhr = function() {
-        return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-      };
-    }
-    // Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options.
-    var xhr = options.xhr = Backbone.ajax(_.extend(params, options));
-    model.trigger('request', model, xhr, options);
-    return xhr;
-  };
-  var noXhrPatch =
-    typeof window !== 'undefined' && !!window.ActiveXObject &&
-      !(window.XMLHttpRequest && (new XMLHttpRequest).dispatchEvent);
-  // Map from CRUD to HTTP for our default `Backbone.sync` implementation.
-  var methodMap = {
-    'create': 'POST',
-    'update': 'PUT',
-    'patch':  'PATCH',
-    'delete': 'DELETE',
-    'read':   'GET'
-  };
-  // Set the default implementation of `Backbone.ajax` to proxy through to `$`.
-  // Override this if you'd like to use a different library.
-  Backbone.ajax = function() {
-    return Backbone.$.ajax.apply(Backbone.$, arguments);
-  };
-  // Backbone.Router
-  // ---------------
-  // Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are
-  // matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically.
-  var Router = Backbone.Router = function(options) {
-    options || (options = {});
-    if (options.routes) this.routes = options.routes;
-    this._bindRoutes();
-    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  // Cached regular expressions for matching named param parts and splatted
-  // parts of route strings.
-  var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;
-  var namedParam    = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
-  var splatParam    = /\*\w+/g;
-  var escapeRegExp  = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
-  // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.Router** properties and methods.
-  _.extend(Router.prototype, Events, {
-    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
-    // initialization logic.
-    initialize: function(){},
-    // Manually bind a single named route to a callback. For example:
-    //
-    //     this.route('search/:query/p:num', 'search', function(query, num) {
-    //       ...
-    //     });
-    //
-    route: function(route, name, callback) {
-      if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route);
-      if (_.isFunction(name)) {
-        callback = name;
-        name = '';
-      }
-      if (!callback) callback = this[name];
-      var router = this;
-      Backbone.history.route(route, function(fragment) {
-        var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment);
-        router.execute(callback, args);
-        router.trigger.apply(router, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
-        router.trigger('route', name, args);
-        Backbone.history.trigger('route', router, name, args);
-      });
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Execute a route handler with the provided parameters.  This is an
-    // excellent place to do pre-route setup or post-route cleanup.
-    execute: function(callback, args) {
-      if (callback) callback.apply(this, args);
-    },
-    // Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.
-    navigate: function(fragment, options) {
-      Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
-      return this;
-    },
-    // Bind all defined routes to `Backbone.history`. We have to reverse the
-    // order of the routes here to support behavior where the most general
-    // routes can be defined at the bottom of the route map.
-    _bindRoutes: function() {
-      if (!this.routes) return;
-      this.routes = _.result(this, 'routes');
-      var route, routes = _.keys(this.routes);
-      while ((route = routes.pop()) != null) {
-        this.route(route, this.routes[route]);
-      }
-    },
-    // Convert a route string into a regular expression, suitable for matching
-    // against the current location hash.
-    _routeToRegExp: function(route) {
-      route = route.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
-                   .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
-                   .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
-                     return optional ? match : '([^/?]+)';
-                   })
-                   .replace(splatParam, '([^?]*?)');
-      return new RegExp('^' + route + '(?:\\?([\\s\\S]*))?$');
-    },
-    // Given a route, and a URL fragment that it matches, return the array of
-    // extracted decoded parameters. Empty or unmatched parameters will be
-    // treated as `null` to normalize cross-browser behavior.
-    _extractParameters: function(route, fragment) {
-      var params = route.exec(fragment).slice(1);
-      return, function(param, i) {
-        // Don't decode the search params.
-        if (i === params.length - 1) return param || null;
-        return param ? decodeURIComponent(param) : null;
-      });
-    }
-  });
-  // Backbone.History
-  // ----------------
-  // Handles cross-browser history management, based on either
-  // [pushState]( and real URLs, or
-  // [onhashchange](
-  // and URL fragments. If the browser supports neither (old IE, natch),
-  // falls back to polling.
-  var History = Backbone.History = function() {
-    this.handlers = [];
-    _.bindAll(this, 'checkUrl');
-    // Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser.
-    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
-      this.location = window.location;
-      this.history = window.history;
-    }
-  };
-  // Cached regex for stripping a leading hash/slash and trailing space.
-  var routeStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g;
-  // Cached regex for stripping leading and trailing slashes.
-  var rootStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
-  // Cached regex for detecting MSIE.
-  var isExplorer = /msie [\w.]+/;
-  // Cached regex for removing a trailing slash.
-  var trailingSlash = /\/$/;
-  // Cached regex for stripping urls of hash.
-  var pathStripper = /#.*$/;
-  // Has the history handling already been started?
-  History.started = false;
-  // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.History** properties and methods.
-  _.extend(History.prototype, Events, {
-    // The default interval to poll for hash changes, if necessary, is
-    // twenty times a second.
-    interval: 50,
-    // Are we at the app root?
-    atRoot: function() {
-      return this.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') === this.root;
-    },
-    // Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug
-    // in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded.
-    getHash: function(window) {
-      var match = (window || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
-      return match ? match[1] : '';
-    },
-    // Get the cross-browser normalized URL fragment, either from the URL,
-    // the hash, or the override.
-    getFragment: function(fragment, forcePushState) {
-      if (fragment == null) {
-        if (this._hasPushState || !this._wantsHashChange || forcePushState) {
-          fragment = decodeURI(this.location.pathname +;
-          var root = this.root.replace(trailingSlash, '');
-          if (!fragment.indexOf(root)) fragment = fragment.slice(root.length);
-        } else {
-          fragment = this.getHash();
-        }
-      }
-      return fragment.replace(routeStripper, '');
-    },
-    // Start the hash change handling, returning `true` if the current URL matches
-    // an existing route, and `false` otherwise.
-    start: function(options) {
-      if (History.started) throw new Error("Backbone.history has already been started");
-      History.started = true;
-      // Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe?
-      // Is pushState desired ... is it available?
-      this.options          = _.extend({root: '/'}, this.options, options);
-      this.root             = this.options.root;
-      this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false;
-      this._wantsPushState  = !!this.options.pushState;
-      this._hasPushState    = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState);
-      var fragment          = this.getFragment();
-      var docMode           = document.documentMode;
-      var oldIE             = (isExplorer.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!docMode || docMode <= 7));
-      // Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash.
-      this.root = ('/' + this.root + '/').replace(rootStripper, '/');
-      if (oldIE && this._wantsHashChange) {
-        var frame = Backbone.$('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1">');
-        this.iframe = frame.hide().appendTo('body')[0].contentWindow;
-        this.navigate(fragment);
-      }
-      // Depending on whether we're using pushState or hashes, and whether
-      // 'onhashchange' is supported, determine how we check the URL state.
-      if (this._hasPushState) {
-        Backbone.$(window).on('popstate', this.checkUrl);
-      } else if (this._wantsHashChange && ('onhashchange' in window) && !oldIE) {
-        Backbone.$(window).on('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
-      } else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
-        this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval);
-      }
-      // Determine if we need to change the base url, for a pushState link
-      // opened by a non-pushState browser.
-      this.fragment = fragment;
-      var loc = this.location;
-      // Transition from hashChange to pushState or vice versa if both are
-      // requested.
-      if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState) {
-        // If we've started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled
-        // browser, but we're currently in a browser that doesn't support it...
-        if (!this._hasPushState && !this.atRoot()) {
-          this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, true);
-          this.location.replace(this.root + '#' + this.fragment);
-          // Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url
-          return true;
-        // Or if we've started out with a hash-based route, but we're currently
-        // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead...
-        } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot() && loc.hash) {
-          this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(routeStripper, '');
-          this.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.root + this.fragment);
-        }
-      }
-      if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl();
-    },
-    // Disable Backbone.history, perhaps temporarily. Not useful in a real app,
-    // but possibly useful for unit testing Routers.
-    stop: function() {
-      Backbone.$(window).off('popstate', this.checkUrl).off('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
-      if (this._checkUrlInterval) clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval);
-      History.started = false;
-    },
-    // Add a route to be tested when the fragment changes. Routes added later
-    // may override previous routes.
-    route: function(route, callback) {
-      this.handlers.unshift({route: route, callback: callback});
-    },
-    // Checks the current URL to see if it has changed, and if it has,
-    // calls `loadUrl`, normalizing across the hidden iframe.
-    checkUrl: function(e) {
-      var current = this.getFragment();
-      if (current === this.fragment && this.iframe) {
-        current = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe));
-      }
-      if (current === this.fragment) return false;
-      if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current);
-      this.loadUrl();
-    },
-    // Attempt to load the current URL fragment. If a route succeeds with a
-    // match, returns `true`. If no defined routes matches the fragment,
-    // returns `false`.
-    loadUrl: function(fragment) {
-      fragment = this.fragment = this.getFragment(fragment);
-      return _.any(this.handlers, function(handler) {
-        if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
-          handler.callback(fragment);
-          return true;
-        }
-      });
-    },
-    // Save a fragment into the hash history, or replace the URL state if the
-    // 'replace' option is passed. You are responsible for properly URL-encoding
-    // the fragment in advance.
-    //
-    // The options object can contain `trigger: true` if you wish to have the
-    // route callback be fired (not usually desirable), or `replace: true`, if
-    // you wish to modify the current URL without adding an entry to the history.
-    navigate: function(fragment, options) {
-      if (!History.started) return false;
-      if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: !!options};
-      var url = this.root + (fragment = this.getFragment(fragment || ''));
-      // Strip the hash for matching.
-      fragment = fragment.replace(pathStripper, '');
-      if (this.fragment === fragment) return;
-      this.fragment = fragment;
-      // Don't include a trailing slash on the root.
-      if (fragment === '' && url !== '/') url = url.slice(0, -1);
-      // If pushState is available, we use it to set the fragment as a real URL.
-      if (this._hasPushState) {
-        this.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, url);
-      // If hash changes haven't been explicitly disabled, update the hash
-      // fragment to store history.
-      } else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
-        this._updateHash(this.location, fragment, options.replace);
-        if (this.iframe && (fragment !== this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)))) {
-          // Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a
-          // history entry on hash-tag change.  When replace is true, we don't
-          // want this.
-          if(!options.replace);
-          this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, fragment, options.replace);
-        }
-      // If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange-
-      // based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh.
-      } else {
-        return this.location.assign(url);
-      }
-      if (options.trigger) return this.loadUrl(fragment);
-    },
-    // Update the hash location, either replacing the current entry, or adding
-    // a new one to the browser history.
-    _updateHash: function(location, fragment, replace) {
-      if (replace) {
-        var href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, '');
-        location.replace(href + '#' + fragment);
-      } else {
-        // Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #.
-        location.hash = '#' + fragment;
-      }
-    }
-  });
-  // Create the default Backbone.history.
-  Backbone.history = new History;
-  // Helpers
-  // -------
-  // Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses.
-  // Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
-  // class properties to be extended.
-  var extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) {
-    var parent = this;
-    var child;
-    // The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
-    // (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
-    // by us to simply call the parent's constructor.
-    if (protoProps && _.has(protoProps, 'constructor')) {
-      child = protoProps.constructor;
-    } else {
-      child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); };
-    }
-    // Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
-    _.extend(child, parent, staticProps);
-    // Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
-    // `parent`'s constructor function.
-    var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; };
-    Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype;
-    child.prototype = new Surrogate;
-    // Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
-    // if supplied.
-    if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps);
-    // Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed
-    // later.
-    child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
-    return child;
-  };
-  // Set up inheritance for the model, collection, router, view and history.
-  Model.extend = Collection.extend = Router.extend = View.extend = History.extend = extend;
-  // Throw an error when a URL is needed, and none is supplied.
-  var urlError = function() {
-    throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified');
-  };
-  // Wrap an optional error callback with a fallback error event.
-  var wrapError = function(model, options) {
-    var error = options.error;
-    options.error = function(resp) {
-      if (error) error(model, resp, options);
-      model.trigger('error', model, resp, options);
-    };
-  };
-  return Backbone;
\ No newline at end of file

[13/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone.marionette-2.4.1.min.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone.marionette-2.4.1.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 994efee..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone.marionette-2.4.1.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// MarionetteJS (Backbone.Marionette)
-// ----------------------------------
-// v2.4.1
-// Copyright (c)2015 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC.
-// Distributed under MIT license
- * Includes BabySitter
- *
- *
- * Includes Wreqr
- *
- */
-!function(a,b){if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(["backbone","underscore"],function(c,d){return a.Marionette=a.Mn=b(a,c,d)});else if("undefined"!=typeof exports){var c=require("backbone"),d=require("underscore");module.exports=b(a,c,d)}else a.Marionette=a.Mn=b(a,a.Backbone,a._)}(this,function(a,b,c){"use strict";!function(a,b){var c=a.ChildViewContainer;return a.ChildViewContainer=function(a,b){var c=function(a){this._views={},this._indexByModel={},this._indexByCustom={},this._updateLength(),b.each(a,this.add,this)};b.extend(c.prototype,{add:function(a,b){var c=a.cid;return this._views[c]=a,a.model&&(this._indexByModel[a.model.cid]=c),b&&(this._indexByCustom[b]=c),this._updateLength(),this},findByModel:function(a){return this.findByModelCid(a.cid)},findByModelCid:function(a){var b=this._indexByModel[a];return this.findByCid(b)},findByCustom:function(a){var b=this._indexByCustom[a];return this.findByCid(b)},findByIndex:function(a){return b.values(this._views)[a]},findBy
 Cid:function(a){return this._views[a]},remove:function(a){var c=a.cid;return a.model&&delete this._indexByModel[a.model.cid],b.any(this._indexByCustom,function(a,b){return a===c?(delete this._indexByCustom[b],!0):void 0},this),delete this._views[c],this._updateLength(),this},call:function(a){this.apply(a,b.tail(arguments))},apply:function(a,c){b.each(this._views,function(d){b.isFunction(d[a])&&d[a].apply(d,c||[])})},_updateLength:function(){this.length=b.size(this._views)}});var d=["forEach","each","map","find","detect","filter","select","reject","every","all","some","any","include","contains","invoke","toArray","first","initial","rest","last","without","isEmpty","pluck","reduce"];return b.each(d,function(a){c.prototype[a]=function(){var c=b.values(this._views),d=[c].concat(b.toArray(arguments));return b[a].apply(b,d)}}),c}(a,b),a.ChildViewContainer.VERSION="0.1.6",a.ChildViewContainer.noConflict=function(){return a.ChildViewContainer=c,this},a.ChildViewContainer}(b,c),function(a,b)
 {var c=a.Wreqr,d=a.Wreqr={};return a.Wreqr.VERSION="1.3.1",a.Wreqr.noConflict=function(){return a.Wreqr=c,this},d.Handlers=function(a,b){var c=function(a){this.options=a,this._wreqrHandlers={},b.isFunction(this.initialize)&&this.initialize(a)};return c.extend=a.Model.extend,b.extend(c.prototype,a.Events,{setHandlers:function(a){b.each(a,function(a,c){var d=null;b.isObject(a)&&!b.isFunction(a)&&(d=a.context,a=a.callback),this.setHandler(c,a,d)},this)},setHandler:function(a,b,c){var d={callback:b,context:c};this._wreqrHandlers[a]=d,this.trigger("handler:add",a,b,c)},hasHandler:function(a){return!!this._wreqrHandlers[a]},getHandler:function(a){var b=this._wreqrHandlers[a];if(b)return function(){var a=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);return b.callback.apply(b.context,a)}},removeHandler:function(a){delete this._wreqrHandlers[a]},removeAllHandlers:function(){this._wreqrHandlers={}}}),c}(a,b),d.CommandStorage=function(){var c=function(a){this.options=a,this._commands={},b.isFunction(
 this.initialize)&&this.initialize(a)};return b.extend(c.prototype,a.Events,{getCommands:function(a){var b=this._commands[a];return b||(b={command:a,instances:[]},this._commands[a]=b),b},addCommand:function(a,b){var c=this.getCommands(a);c.instances.push(b)},clearCommands:function(a){var b=this.getCommands(a);b.instances=[]}}),c}(),d.Commands=function(a){return a.Handlers.extend({storageType:a.CommandStorage,constructor:function(b){this.options=b||{},this._initializeStorage(this.options),this.on("handler:add",this._executeCommands,this);var;a.Handlers.prototype.constructor.apply(this,c)},execute:function(a,b){a=arguments[0],,1),this.hasHandler(a)?this.getHandler(a).apply(this,b),b)},_executeCommands:function(a,c,d){var;b.each(e.instances,function(a){c.apply(d,a)}),},_initializeStorage:function(a){var c,d=a.storageType||this
 .storageType;c=b.isFunction(d)?new d:d,}})}(d),d.RequestResponse=function(a){return a.Handlers.extend({request:function(){var a=arguments[0],,1);return this.hasHandler(a)?this.getHandler(a).apply(this,b):void 0}})}(d),d.EventAggregator=function(a,b){var c=function(){};return c.extend=a.Model.extend,b.extend(c.prototype,a.Events),c}(a,b),d.Channel=function(){var c=function(b){this.vent=new a.Wreqr.EventAggregator,this.reqres=new a.Wreqr.RequestResponse,this.commands=new a.Wreqr.Commands,this.channelName=b};return b.extend(c.prototype,{reset:function(){return,this.vent.stopListening(),this.reqres.removeAllHandlers(),this.commands.removeAllHandlers(),this},connectEvents:function(a,b){return this._connect("vent",a,b),this},connectCommands:function(a,b){return this._connect("commands",a,b),this},connectRequests:function(a,b){return this._connect("reqres",a,b),this},_connect:function(a,c,d){if(c){d=d||this;var e="vent"===
 a?"on":"setHandler";b.each(c,function(c,f){this[a][e](f,b.bind(c,d))},this)}}}),c}(d),{var c=function(){this._channels={},this.vent={},this.commands={},this.reqres={},this._proxyMethods()};b.extend(c.prototype,{channel:function(a){if(!a)throw new Error("Channel must receive a name");return this._getChannel(a)},_getChannel:function(b){var c=this._channels[b];return c||(c=new a.Channel(b),this._channels[b]=c),c},_proxyMethods:function(){b.each(["vent","commands","reqres"],function(a){b.each(d[a],function(b){this[a][b]=e(this,a,b)},this)},this)}});var d={vent:["on","off","trigger","once","stopListening","listenTo","listenToOnce"],commands:["execute","setHandler","setHandlers","removeHandler","removeAllHandlers"],reqres:["request","setHandler","setHandlers","removeHandler","removeAllHandlers"]},e=function(a,b,c){return function(d){var e=a._getChannel(d)[b],,1);return e[c].apply(e,f)}};return new c}(d),a.Wreqr}(b,c);var d=a.Marione
 tte,e=a.Mn,f=b.Marionette={};f.VERSION="2.4.1",f.noConflict=function(){return a.Marionette=d,a.Mn=e,this},b.Marionette=f,f.Deferred=b.$.Deferred,f.extend=b.Model.extend,f.isNodeAttached=function(a){return b.$.contains(document.documentElement,a)},f.mergeOptions=function(a,b){a&&c.extend(this,c.pick(a,b))},f.getOption=function(a,b){return a&&b?a.options&&void 0!==a.options[b]?a.options[b]:a[b]:void 0},f.proxyGetOption=function(a){return f.getOption(this,a)},f._getValue=function(a,b,d){return c.isFunction(a)&&(a=d?a.apply(b,d),a},f.normalizeMethods=function(a){return c.reduce(a,function(a,b,d){return c.isFunction(b)||(b=this[b]),b&&(a[d]=b),a},{},this)},f.normalizeUIString=function(a,b){return a.replace(/@ui\.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]*/g,function(a){return b[a.slice(4)]})},f.normalizeUIKeys=function(a,b){return c.reduce(a,function(a,c,d){var e=f.normalizeUIString(d,b);return a[e]=c,a},{})},f.normalizeUIValues=function(a,b,d){return c.each(a,function(e,g){c.isString(e)?a[g]=f.normalizeU
 IString(e,b):c.isObject(e)&&c.isArray(d)&&(c.extend(e,f.normalizeUIValues(c.pick(e,d),b)),c.each(d,function(a){var d=e[a];c.isString(d)&&(e[a]=f.normalizeUIString(d,b))}))}),a},f.actAsCollection=function(a,b){var d=["forEach","each","map","find","detect","filter","select","reject","every","all","some","any","include","contains","invoke","toArray","first","initial","rest","last","without","isEmpty","pluck"];c.each(d,function(d){a[d]=function(){var a=c.values(c.result(this,b)),e=[a].concat(c.toArray(arguments));return c[d].apply(c,e)}})};var g=f.deprecate=function(a,b){c.isObject(a)&&(a=a.prev+" is going to be removed in the future. Please use "" instead."+(a.url?" See: "+a.url:"")),void 0!==b&&b||g._cache[a]||(g._warn("Deprecation warning: "+a),g._cache[a]=!0)};g._warn="undefined"!=typeof console&&(console.warn||console.log)||function(){},g._cache={},f._triggerMethod=function(){function a(a,b,c){return c.toUpperCase()}var b=/(^|:)(\w)/gi;return function(d,e,f){var g=arguments
 .length<3;g&&(f=e,e=f[0]);var h,i="on"+e.replace(b,a),j=d[i];return c.isFunction(j)&&(h=j.apply(d,g?,c.isFunction(d.trigger)&&(g+f.length>1?d.trigger.apply(d,g?f:[e].concat(c.drop(f,0))):d.trigger(e)),h}}(),f.triggerMethod=function(){return f._triggerMethod(this,arguments)},f.triggerMethodOn=function(a){var b=c.isFunction(a.triggerMethod)?a.triggerMethod:f.triggerMethod;return b.apply(a,},f.MonitorDOMRefresh=function(a){function b(){a._isShown=!0,e()}function d(){a._isRendered=!0,e()}function e(){a._isShown&&a._isRendered&&f.isNodeAttached(a.el)&&c.isFunction(a.triggerMethod)&&a.triggerMethod("dom:refresh")}a.on({show:b,render:d})},function(a){function b(b,d,e,f){var g=f.split(/\s+/);c.each(g,function(c){var f=b[c];if(!f)throw new a.Error('Method "'+c+'" was configured as an event handler, but does not exist.');b.listenTo(d,e,f)})}function d(a,b,c,d){a.listenTo(b,c,d)}function e(a,b,d,e){var f=e.split(/\s+/);c.each(f,function(c){var e=a[c];a.stopListen
 ing(b,d,e)})}function f(a,b,c,d){a.stopListening(b,c,d)}function g(b,d,e,f,g){if(d&&e){if(!c.isObject(e))throw new a.Error({message:"Bindings must be an object or function.",url:"marionette.functions.html#marionettebindentityevents"});e=a._getValue(e,b),c.each(e,function(a,e){c.isFunction(a)?f(b,d,e,a):g(b,d,e,a)})}}a.bindEntityEvents=function(a,c,e){g(a,c,e,d,b)},a.unbindEntityEvents=function(a,b,c){g(a,b,c,f,e)},a.proxyBindEntityEvents=function(b,c){return a.bindEntityEvents(this,b,c)},a.proxyUnbindEntityEvents=function(b,c){return a.unbindEntityEvents(this,b,c)}}(f);var h=["description","fileName","lineNumber","name","message","number"];return,{urlRoot:""+f.VERSION+"/",constructor:function(a,b){c.isObject(a)?(b=a,a=b.message):b||(b={});var,a);c.extend(this,c.pick(d,h),c.pick(b,h)),this.captureStackTrace(),b.url&&(this.url=this.urlRoot+b.url)},captureStackTrace:function(){Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.cap
 tureStackTrace(this,f.Error)},toString:function(){return": "+this.message+(this.url?" See: "+this.url:"")}}),f.Error.extend=f.extend,f.Callbacks=function(){this._deferred=f.Deferred(),this._callbacks=[]},c.extend(f.Callbacks.prototype,{add:function(a,b){var d=c.result(this._deferred,"promise");this._callbacks.push({cb:a,ctx:b}),d.then(function(c){b&&(c.context=b),,c.options)})},run:function(a,b){this._deferred.resolve({options:a,context:b})},reset:function(){var a=this._callbacks;this._deferred=f.Deferred(),this._callbacks=[],c.each(a,function(a){this.add(a.cb,a.ctx)},this)}}),f.Controller=function(a){this.options=a||{},c.isFunction(this.initialize)&&this.initialize(this.options)},f.Controller.extend=f.extend,c.extend(f.Controller.prototype,b.Events,{destroy:function(){return f._triggerMethod(this,"before:destroy",arguments),f._triggerMethod(this,"destroy",arguments),this.stopListening(),,this},triggerMethod:f.triggerMethod,mergeOptions:f.mergeOp
 tions,getOption:f.proxyGetOption}),f.Object=function(a){this.options=c.extend({},c.result(this,"options"),a),this.initialize.apply(this,arguments)},f.Object.extend=f.extend,c.extend(f.Object.prototype,b.Events,{initialize:function(){},destroy:function(){return this.triggerMethod("before:destroy"),this.triggerMethod("destroy"),this.stopListening(),this},triggerMethod:f.triggerMethod,mergeOptions:f.mergeOptions,getOption:f.proxyGetOption,bindEntityEvents:f.proxyBindEntityEvents,unbindEntityEvents:f.proxyUnbindEntityEvents}),f.Region=f.Object.extend({constructor:function(a){if(this.options=a||{},this.el=this.getOption("el"),this.el=this.el instanceof b.$?this.el[0]:this.el,!this.el)throw new f.Error({name:"NoElError",message:'An "el" must be specified for a region.'});this.$el=this.getEl(this.el),,a)},show:function(a,b){if(this._ensureElement()){this._ensureViewIsIntact(a);var c=b||{},d=a!==this.currentView,e=!!c.preventDestroy,g=!!c.forceShow,h=!!this.currentView,i=d
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 rMethodOn(a,d,a,this)},this)},_displayedViews:function(a){return c.union([a],c.result(a,"_getNestedViews")||[])},_ensureElement:function(){if(c.isObject(this.el)||(this.$el=this.getEl(this.el),this.el=this.$el[0]),!this.$el||0===this.$el.length){if(this.getOption("allowMissingEl"))return!1;throw new f.Error('An "el" '+this.$el.selector+" must exist in DOM")}return!0},_ensureViewIsIntact:function(a){if(!a)throw new f.Error({name:"ViewNotValid",message:"The view passed is undefined and therefore invalid. You must pass a view instance to show."});if(a.isDestroyed)throw new f.Error({name:"ViewDestroyedError",message:'View (cid: "'+a.cid+'") has already been destroyed and cannot be used.'})},getEl:function(a){return b.$(a,f._getValue(this.options.parentEl,this))},attachHtml:function(a){this.$el.contents().detach(),this.el.appendChild(a.el)},empty:function(a){var b=this.currentView,c=f._getValue(a,"preventDestroy",this);return b?("destroy",this.empty,this),this.triggerMethod("before
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 selector),new d(e)},_buildRegionFromRegionClass:function(a){return new a}}),f.RegionManager=f.Controller.extend({constructor:function(a){this._regions={},this.length=0,,a),this.addRegions(this.getOption("regions"))},addRegions:function(a,b){return a=f._getValue(a,this,arguments),c.reduce(a,function(a,d,e){return c.isString(d)&&(d={selector:d}),d.selector&&(d=c.defaults({},d,b)),a[e]=this.addRegion(e,d),a},{},this)},addRegion:function(a,b){var c;return c=b instanceof f.Region?b:f.Region.buildRegion(b,f.Region),this.triggerMethod("before:add:region",a,c),c._parent=this,this._store(a,c),this.triggerMethod("add:region",a,c),c},get:function(a){return this._regions[a]},getRegions:function(){return c.clone(this._regions)},removeRegion:function(a){var b=this._regions[a];return this._remove(a,b),b},removeRegions:function(){var a=this.getRegions();return c.each(this._regions,function(a,b){this._remove(b,a)},this),a},emptyRegions:function(){var a=this.getRegions();return 
 c.invoke(a,"empty"),a},destroy:function(){return this.removeRegions(),f.Controller.prototype.destroy.apply(this,arguments)},_store:function(a,b){this._regions[a]||this.length++,this._regions[a]=b},_remove:function(a,b){this.triggerMethod("before:remove:region",a,b),b.empty(),b.stopListening(),delete b._parent,delete this._regions[a],this.length--,this.triggerMethod("remove:region",a,b)}}),f.actAsCollection(f.RegionManager.prototype,"_regions"),f.TemplateCache=function(a){this.templateId=a},c.extend(f.TemplateCache,{templateCaches:{},get:function(a,b){var c=this.templateCaches[a];return c||(c=new f.TemplateCache(a),this.templateCaches[a]=c),c.load(b)},clear:function(){var a,b=c.toArray(arguments),d=b.length;if(d>0)for(a=0;d>a;a++)delete this.templateCaches[b[a]];else this.templateCaches={}}}),c.extend(f.TemplateCache.prototype,{load:function(a){if(this.compiledTemplate)return this.compiledTemplate;var b=this.loadTemplate(this.templateId,a);return this.compiledTemplate=this.compileTem
 plate(b,a),this.compiledTemplate},loadTemplate:function(a){var c=b.$(a).html();if(!c||0===c.length)throw new f.Error({name:"NoTemplateError",message:'Could not find template: "'+a+'"'});return c},compileTemplate:function(a,b){return c.template(a,b)}}),f.Renderer={render:function(a,b){if(!a)throw new f.Error({name:"TemplateNotFoundError",message:"Cannot render the template since its false, null or undefined."});var d=c.isFunction(a)?a:f.TemplateCache.get(a);return d(b)}},f.View=b.View.extend({isDestroyed:!1,constructor:function(a){c.bindAll(this,"render"),a=f._getValue(a,this),this.options=c.extend({},c.result(this,"options"),a),this._behaviors=f.Behaviors(this),,this.options),f.MonitorDOMRefresh(this)},getTemplate:function(){return this.getOption("template")},serializeModel:function(a){return a.toJSON.apply(a,},mixinTemplateHelpers:function(a){a=a||{};var b=this.getOption("templateHelpers");return b=f._getValue(b,this),c.extend(a,b)},normalizeUIKeys
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 return c.find(a,function(a){return a instanceof f.LayoutView})},normalizeMethods:f.normalizeMethods,mergeOptions:f.mergeOptions,getOption:f.proxyGetOption,bindEntityEvents:f.proxyBindEntityEvents,unbindEntityEvents:f.proxyUnbindEntityEvents}),f.ItemView=f.View.extend({constructor:function(){f.View.apply(this,arguments)},serializeData:function(){if(!this.model&&!this.collection)return{};var a=[this.model||this.collection];return arguments.length&&a.push.apply(a,arguments),this.model?this.serializeModel.apply(this,a):{items:this.serializeCollection.apply(this,a)}},serializeCollection:function(a){return a.toJSON.apply(a,},render:function(){return this._ensureViewIsIntact(),this.triggerMethod("before:render",this),this._renderTemplate(),this.isRendered=!0,this.bindUIElements(),this.triggerMethod("render",this),this},_renderTemplate:function(){var a=this.getTemplate();if(a!==!1){if(!a)throw new f.Error({name:"UndefinedTemplateError",message:"Cannot render the template s
 ince it is null or undefined."});var b=this.mixinTemplateHelpers(this.serializeData()),c=f.Renderer.render(a,b,this);return this.attachElContent(c),this}},attachElContent:function(a){return this.$el.html(a),this}}),f.CollectionView=f.View.extend({childViewEventPrefix:"childview",sort:!0,constructor:function(){this.once("render",this._initialEvents),this._initChildViewStorage(),f.View.apply(this,arguments),this.on("show",this._onShowCalled),this.initRenderBuffer()},initRenderBuffer:function(){this._bufferedChildren=[]},startBuffering:function(){this.initRenderBuffer(),this.isBuffering=!0},endBuffering:function(){this.isBuffering=!1,this._triggerBeforeShowBufferedChildren(),this.attachBuffer(this),this._triggerShowBufferedChildren(),this.initRenderBuffer()},_triggerBeforeShowBufferedChildren:function(){this._isShown&&c.each(this._bufferedChildren,c.partial(this._triggerMethodOnChild,"before:show"))},_triggerShowBufferedChildren:function(){this._isShown&&(c.each(this._bufferedChildren,
 c.partial(this._triggerMethodOnChild,"show")),this._bufferedChildren=[])},_triggerMethodOnChild:function(a,b){f.triggerMethodOn(b,a)},_initialEvents:function(){this.collection&&(this.listenTo(this.collection,"add",this._onCollectionAdd),this.listenTo(this.collection,"remove",this._onCollectionRemove),this.listenTo(this.collection,"reset",this.render),this.getOption("sort")&&this.listenTo(this.collection,"sort",this._sortViews))},_onCollectionAdd:function(a,b,d){var e;if(e=void 0!,a),this._shouldAddChild(a,e)){this.destroyEmptyView();var f=this.getChildView(a);this.addChild(a,f,e)}},_onCollectionRemove:function(a){var b=this.children.findByModel(a);this.removeChildView(b),this.checkEmpty()},_onShowCalled:function(){this.children.each(c.partial(this._triggerMethodOnChild,"show"))},render:function(){return this._ensureViewIsIntact(),this.triggerMethod("before:render",this),this._renderChildren(),this.isRendered=!0,this.triggerMethod("re
 nder",this),this},reorder:function(){var a=this.children,b=this._filteredSortedModels(),d=c.find(b,function(b){return!a.findByModel(b)});if(d)this.render();else{var,function(b){return a.findByModel(b).el});this.triggerMethod("before:reorder"),this._appendReorderedChildren(e),this.triggerMethod("reorder")}},resortView:function(){f.getOption(this,"reorderOnSort")?this.reorder():this.render()},_sortViews:function(){var a=this._filteredSortedModels(),b=c.find(a,function(a,b){var c=this.children.findByModel(a);return!c||c._index!==b},this);b&&this.resortView()},_emptyViewIndex:-1,_appendReorderedChildren:function(a){this.$el.append(a)},_renderChildren:function(){this.destroyEmptyView(),this.destroyChildren(),this.isEmpty(this.collection)?this.showEmptyView():(this.triggerMethod("before:render:collection",this),this.startBuffering(),this.showCollection(),this.endBuffering(),this.triggerMethod("render:collection",this),this.children.isEmpty()&&this.showEmptyView())},showCollectio
 n:function(){var a,b=this._filteredSortedModels();c.each(b,function(b,c){a=this.getChildView(b),this.addChild(b,a,c)},this)},_filteredSortedModels:function(){var a,b=this.getViewComparator();return a=b?c.isString(b)||1===b.length?this.collection.sortBy(b,this):c.clone(this.collection.models).sort(c.bind(b,this)):this.collection.models,this.getOption("filter")&&(a=c.filter(a,function(a,b){return this._shouldAddChild(a,b)},this)),a},showEmptyView:function(){var a=this.getEmptyView();if(a&&!this._showingEmptyView){this.triggerMethod("before:render:empty"),this._showingEmptyView=!0;var c=new b.Model;this.addEmptyView(c,a),this.triggerMethod("render:empty")}},destroyEmptyView:function(){this._showingEmptyView&&(this.triggerMethod("before:remove:empty"),this.destroyChildren(),delete this._showingEmptyView,this.triggerMethod("remove:empty"))},getEmptyView:function(){return this.getOption("emptyView")},addEmptyView:function(a,b){var d=this.getOption("emptyViewOptions")||this.getOption("chil
 dViewOptions");c.isFunction(d)&&(,a,this._emptyViewIndex));var e=this.buildChildView(a,b,d);e._parent=this,this.proxyChildEvents(e),this._isShown&&f.triggerMethodOn(e,"before:show"),this.children.add(e),this.renderChildView(e,this._emptyViewIndex),this._isShown&&f.triggerMethodOn(e,"show")},getChildView:function(){var a=this.getOption("childView");if(!a)throw new f.Error({name:"NoChildViewError",message:'A "childView" must be specified'});return a},addChild:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getOption("childViewOptions");d=f._getValue(d,this,[a,c]);var e=this.buildChildView(a,b,d);return this._updateIndices(e,!0,c),this._addChildView(e,c),e._parent=this,e},_updateIndices:function(a,b,c){this.getOption("sort")&&(b&&(a._index=c),this.children.each(function(c){c._index>=a._index&&(c._index+=b?1:-1)}))},_addChildView:function(a,b){this.proxyChildEvents(a),this.triggerMethod("before:add:child",a),this._isShown&&!this.isBuffering&&f.triggerMethodOn(a,"before:show"),this.children.add(
 a),this.renderChildView(a,b),this._isShown&&!this.isBuffering&&f.triggerMethodOn(a,"show"),this.triggerMethod("add:child",a)},renderChildView:function(a,b){return a.render(),this.attachHtml(this,a,b),a},buildChildView:function(a,b,d){var e=c.extend({model:a},d);return new b(e)},removeChildView:function(a){return a&&(this.triggerMethod("before:remove:child",a),a.destroy?a.destroy():a.remove&&a.remove(),delete a._parent,this.stopListening(a),this.children.remove(a),this.triggerMethod("remove:child",a),this._updateIndices(a,!1)),a},isEmpty:function(){return!this.collection||0===this.collection.length},checkEmpty:function(){this.isEmpty(this.collection)&&this.showEmptyView()},attachBuffer:function(a){a.$el.append(this._createBuffer(a))},_createBuffer:function(a){var b=document.createDocumentFragment();return c.each(a._bufferedChildren,function(a){b.appendChild(a.el)}),b},attachHtml:function(a,b,c){a.isBuffering?a._bufferedChildren.splice(c,0,b):a._insertBefore(b,c)||a._insertAfter(b)},_
 insertBefore:function(a,b){var c,d=this.getOption("sort")&&b<this.children.length-1;return d&&(c=this.children.find(function(a){return a._index===b+1})),c?(c.$el.before(a.el),!0):!1},_insertAfter:function(a){this.$el.append(a.el)},_initChildViewStorage:function(){this.children=new b.ChildViewContainer},destroy:function(){return this.isDestroyed?this:(this.triggerMethod("before:destroy:collection"),this.destroyChildren(),this.triggerMethod("destroy:collection"),f.View.prototype.destroy.apply(this,arguments))},destroyChildren:function(){var;return this.children.each(this.removeChildView,this),this.checkEmpty(),a},_shouldAddChild:function(a,b){var d=this.getOption("filter");return!c.isFunction(d)||,a,b,this.collection)},proxyChildEvents:function(a){var b=this.getOption("childViewEventPrefix");this.listenTo(a,"all",function(){var d=c.toArray(arguments),e=d[0],f=this.normalizeMethods(c.result(this,"childEvents"));d[0]=b+":"+e,d.splice(1,0,a),"un
 defined"!=typeof f&&c.isFunction(f[e])&&f[e].apply(this,d.slice(1)),this.triggerMethod.apply(this,d)})},_getImmediateChildren:function(){return c.values(this.children._views)},getViewComparator:function(){return this.getOption("viewComparator")}}),f.CompositeView=f.CollectionView.extend({constructor:function(){f.CollectionView.apply(this,arguments)},_initialEvents:function(){this.collection&&(this.listenTo(this.collection,"add",this._onCollectionAdd),this.listenTo(this.collection,"remove",this._onCollectionRemove),this.listenTo(this.collection,"reset",this._renderChildren),this.getOption("sort")&&this.listenTo(this.collection,"sort",this._sortViews))},getChildView:function(){var a=this.getOption("childView")||this.constructor;return a},serializeData:function(){var a={};return this.model&&(a=c.partial(this.serializeModel,this.model).apply(this,arguments)),a},render:function(){return this._ensureViewIsIntact(),this._isRendering=!0,this.resetChildViewContainer(),this.triggerMethod("bef
 ore:render",this),this._renderTemplate(),this._renderChildren(),this._isRendering=!1,this.isRendered=!0,this.triggerMethod("render",this),this},_renderChildren:function(){(this.isRendered||this._isRendering)&&},_renderTemplate:function(){var a={};a=this.serializeData(),a=this.mixinTemplateHelpers(a),this.triggerMethod("before:render:template");var b=this.getTemplate(),c=f.Renderer.render(b,a,this);this.attachElContent(c),this.bindUIElements(),this.triggerMethod("render:template")},attachElContent:function(a){return this.$el.html(a),this},attachBuffer:function(a){var b=this.getChildViewContainer(a);b.append(this._createBuffer(a))},_insertAfter:function(a){var b=this.getChildViewContainer(this,a);b.append(a.el)},_appendReorderedChildren:function(a){var b=this.getChildViewContainer(this);b.append(a)},getChildViewContainer:function(a){if("$childViewContainer"in a)return a.$childViewContainer;var b,c=f.getOption(a,"childViewContainer")
 ;if(c){var d=f._getValue(c,a);if(b="@"===d.charAt(0)&&a.ui?a.ui[d.substr(4)]:a.$(d),b.length<=0)throw new f.Error({name:"ChildViewContainerMissingError",message:'The specified "childViewContainer" was not found: '+a.childViewContainer})
-}else b=a.$el;return a.$childViewContainer=b,b},resetChildViewContainer:function(){this.$childViewContainer&&delete this.$childViewContainer}}),f.LayoutView=f.ItemView.extend({regionClass:f.Region,options:{destroyImmediate:!1},childViewEventPrefix:"childview",constructor:function(a){a=a||{},this._firstRender=!0,this._initializeRegions(a),,a)},render:function(){return this._ensureViewIsIntact(),this._firstRender?this._firstRender=!1:this._reInitializeRegions(),f.ItemView.prototype.render.apply(this,arguments)},destroy:function(){return this.isDestroyed?this:(this.getOption("destroyImmediate")===!0&&this.$el.remove(),this.regionManager.destroy(),f.ItemView.prototype.destroy.apply(this,arguments))},showChildView:function(a,b){return this.getRegion(a).show(b)},getChildView:function(a){return this.getRegion(a).currentView},addRegion:function(a,b){var c={};return c[a]=b,this._buildRegions(c)[a]},addRegions:function(a){return this.regions=c.extend({},this.regions,a),thi
 s._buildRegions(a)},removeRegion:function(a){return delete this.regions[a],this.regionManager.removeRegion(a)},getRegion:function(a){return this.regionManager.get(a)},getRegions:function(){return this.regionManager.getRegions()},_buildRegions:function(a){var b={regionClass:this.getOption("regionClass"),parentEl:c.partial(c.result,this,"el")};return this.regionManager.addRegions(a,b)},_initializeRegions:function(a){var b;this._initRegionManager(),b=f._getValue(this.regions,this,[a])||{};var,"regions");d=f._getValue(d,this,[a]),c.extend(b,d),b=this.normalizeUIValues(b,["selector","el"]),this.addRegions(b)},_reInitializeRegions:function(){this.regionManager.invoke("reset")},getRegionManager:function(){return new f.RegionManager},_initRegionManager:function(){this.regionManager=this.getRegionManager(),this.regionManager._parent=this,this.listenTo(this.regionManager,"before:add:region",function(a){this.triggerMethod("before:add:region",a)}),this.listenTo(this.regi
 onManager,"add:region",function(a,b){this[a]=b,this.triggerMethod("add:region",a,b)}),this.listenTo(this.regionManager,"before:remove:region",function(a){this.triggerMethod("before:remove:region",a)}),this.listenTo(this.regionManager,"remove:region",function(a,b){delete this[a],this.triggerMethod("remove:region",a,b)})},_getImmediateChildren:function(){return c.chain(this.regionManager.getRegions()).pluck("currentView").compact().value()}}),f.Behavior=f.Object.extend({constructor:function(a,b){this.view=b,this.defaults=c.result(this,"defaults")||{},this.options=c.extend({},this.defaults,a),this.ui=c.extend({},c.result(b,"ui"),c.result(this,"ui")),f.Object.apply(this,arguments)},$:function(){return this.view.$.apply(this.view,arguments)},destroy:function(){return this.stopListening(),this},proxyViewProperties:function(a){this.$el=a.$el,this.el=a.el}}),f.Behaviors=function(a,b){function c(a,d){return b.isObject(a.behaviors)?(d=c.parseBehaviors(a,d||b.result(a,"behaviors")),c.wrap(a,d,
 b.keys(g)),d):{}}function d(a,b){this._view=a,this._behaviors=b,this._triggers={}}function e(a){return a._uiBindings||a.ui}var f=/^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/,g={behaviorTriggers:function(a,b){var c=new d(this,b);return c.buildBehaviorTriggers()},behaviorEvents:function(c,d){var g={};return b.each(d,function(c,d){var h={},i=b.clone(b.result(c,"events"))||{};i=a.normalizeUIKeys(i,e(c));var j=0;b.each(i,function(a,e){var g=e.match(f),i=g[1]+"."+[this.cid,d,j++," "].join(""),k=g[2],l=i+k,m=b.isFunction(a)?a:c[a];h[l]=b.bind(m,c)},this),g=b.extend(g,h)},this),g}};return b.extend(c,{behaviorsLookup:function(){throw new a.Error({message:"You must define where your behaviors are stored.",url:"marionette.behaviors.html#behaviorslookup"})},getBehaviorClass:function(b,d){return b.behaviorClass?b.behaviorClass:a._getValue(c.behaviorsLookup,this,[b,d])[d]},parseBehaviors:function(a,d){return b.chain(d).map(function(d,e){var f=c.getBehaviorClass(d,e),g=new f(d,a),h=c.parseBehaviors(a,b.result(g,"behaviors"))
 ;return[g].concat(h)}).flatten().value()},wrap:function(a,c,d){b.each(d,function(d){a[d]=b.partial(g[d],a[d],c)})}}),b.extend(d.prototype,{buildBehaviorTriggers:function(){return b.each(this._behaviors,this._buildTriggerHandlersForBehavior,this),this._triggers},_buildTriggerHandlersForBehavior:function(c,d){var f=b.clone(b.result(c,"triggers"))||{};f=a.normalizeUIKeys(f,e(c)),b.each(f,b.bind(this._setHandlerForBehavior,this,c,d))},_setHandlerForBehavior:function(a,b,c,d){var e=d.replace(/^\S+/,function(a){return a+".behaviortriggers"+b});this._triggers[e]=this._view._buildViewTrigger(c)}}),c}(f,c),f.AppRouter=b.Router.extend({constructor:function(a){this.options=a||{},b.Router.apply(this,arguments);var c=this.getOption("appRoutes"),d=this._getController();this.processAppRoutes(d,c),this.on("route",this._processOnRoute,this)},appRoute:function(a,b){var c=this._getController();this._addAppRoute(c,a,b)},_processOnRoute:function(a,b){if(c.isFunction(this.onRoute)){var d=c.invert(
 tOption("appRoutes"))[a];this.onRoute(a,d,b)}},processAppRoutes:function(a,b){if(b){var d=c.keys(b).reverse();c.each(d,function(c){this._addAppRoute(a,c,b[c])},this)}},_getController:function(){return this.getOption("controller")},_addAppRoute:function(a,b,d){var e=a[d];if(!e)throw new f.Error('Method "'+d+'" was not found on the controller');this.route(b,d,c.bind(e,a))},mergeOptions:f.mergeOptions,getOption:f.proxyGetOption,triggerMethod:f.triggerMethod,bindEntityEvents:f.proxyBindEntityEvents,unbindEntityEvents:f.proxyUnbindEntityEvents}),f.Application=f.Object.extend({constructor:function(a){this._initializeRegions(a),this._initCallbacks=new f.Callbacks,this.submodules={},c.extend(this,a),this._initChannel(),,a)},execute:function(){this.commands.execute.apply(this.commands,arguments)},request:function(){return this.reqres.request.apply(this.reqres,arguments)},addInitializer:function(a){this._initCallbacks.add(a)},start:function(a){this.triggerMethod("before:star
 t",a),,this),this.triggerMethod("start",a)},addRegions:function(a){return this._regionManager.addRegions(a)},emptyRegions:function(){return this._regionManager.emptyRegions()},removeRegion:function(a){return this._regionManager.removeRegion(a)},getRegion:function(a){return this._regionManager.get(a)},getRegions:function(){return this._regionManager.getRegions()},module:function(a,b){var d=f.Module.getClass(b),e=c.toArray(arguments);return e.unshift(this),d.create.apply(d,e)},getRegionManager:function(){return new f.RegionManager},_initializeRegions:function(a){var b=c.isFunction(this.regions)?this.regions(a):this.regions||{};this._initRegionManager();var d=f.getOption(a,"regions");return c.isFunction(d)&&(,a)),c.extend(b,d),this.addRegions(b),this},_initRegionManager:function(){this._regionManager=this.getRegionManager(),this._regionManager._parent=this,this.listenTo(this._regionManager,"before:add:region",function(){f._triggerMethod(this,"befor
 e:add:region",arguments)}),this.listenTo(this._regionManager,"add:region",function(a,b){this[a]=b,f._triggerMethod(this,"add:region",arguments)}),this.listenTo(this._regionManager,"before:remove:region",function(){f._triggerMethod(this,"before:remove:region",arguments)}),this.listenTo(this._regionManager,"remove:region",function(a){delete this[a],f._triggerMethod(this,"remove:region",arguments)})},_initChannel:function(){this.channelName=c.result(this,"channelName")||"global",,"channel")||,this.vent=c.result(this,"vent")||,this.commands=c.result(this,"commands")||,this.reqres=c.result(this,"reqres")||}}),f.Module=function(a,b,d){this.moduleName=a,this.options=c.extend({},this.options,d),this.initialize=d.initialize||this.initialize,this.submodules={},this._setupInitializersAndFinalizers(),,c.isFunction(this.initialize)&&this.initialize(a,b,this.options)
 },f.Module.extend=f.extend,c.extend(f.Module.prototype,b.Events,{startWithParent:!0,initialize:function(){},addInitializer:function(a){this._initializerCallbacks.add(a)},addFinalizer:function(a){this._finalizerCallbacks.add(a)},start:function(a){this._isInitialized||(c.each(this.submodules,function(b){b.startWithParent&&b.start(a)}),this.triggerMethod("before:start",a),,this),this._isInitialized=!0,this.triggerMethod("start",a))},stop:function(){this._isInitialized&&(this._isInitialized=!1,this.triggerMethod("before:stop"),c.invoke(this.submodules,"stop"), 0,this),this._initializerCallbacks.reset(),this._finalizerCallbacks.reset(),this.triggerMethod("stop"))},addDefinition:function(a,b){this._runModuleDefinition(a,b)},_runModuleDefinition:function(a,d){if(a){var e=c.flatten([this,,b,f,b.$,c,d]);a.apply(this,e)}},_setupInitializersAndFinalizers:function(){this._initializerCallbacks=new f.Callbacks,this._finalize
 rCallbacks=new f.Callbacks},triggerMethod:f.triggerMethod}),c.extend(f.Module,{create:function(a,b,d){var e=a,f=c.drop(arguments,3);b=b.split(".");var g=b.length,h=[];return h[g-1]=d,c.each(b,function(b,c){var g=e;e=this._getModule(g,b,a,d),this._addModuleDefinition(g,e,h[c],f)},this),e},_getModule:function(a,b,d,e){var f=c.extend({},e),g=this.getClass(e),h=a[b];return h||(h=new g(b,d,f),a[b]=h,a.submodules[b]=h),h},getClass:function(a){var b=f.Module;return a?a.prototype instanceof b?a:a.moduleClass||b:b},_addModuleDefinition:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this._getDefine(c),f=this._getStartWithParent(c,b);e&&b.addDefinition(e,d),this._addStartWithParent(a,b,f)},_getStartWithParent:function(a,b){var d;return c.isFunction(a)&&a.prototype instanceof f.Module?(d=b.constructor.prototype.startWithParent,c.isUndefined(d)?!0:d):c.isObject(a)?(d=a.startWithParent,c.isUndefined(d)?!0:d):!0},_getDefine:function(a){return!c.isFunction(a)||a.prototype instanceof f.Module?c.isObject(a)?a.define:null:a
\ No newline at end of file

[16/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/backbone-1.1.2.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/backbone-1.1.2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da4943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/backbone-1.1.2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1608 @@
+//     Backbone.js 1.1.2
+//     (c) 2010-2014 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
+//     Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
+//     For all details and documentation:
+(function(root, factory) {
+  // Set up Backbone appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.
+  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+    define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'exports'], function(_, $, exports) {
+      // Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with
+      // others that may still expect a global Backbone.
+      root.Backbone = factory(root, exports, _, $);
+    });
+  // Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module.
+  } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+    var _ = require('underscore');
+    factory(root, exports, _);
+  // Finally, as a browser global.
+  } else {
+    root.Backbone = factory(root, {}, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$));
+  }
+}(this, function(root, Backbone, _, $) {
+  // Initial Setup
+  // -------------
+  // Save the previous value of the `Backbone` variable, so that it can be
+  // restored later on, if `noConflict` is used.
+  var previousBackbone = root.Backbone;
+  // Create local references to array methods we'll want to use later.
+  var array = [];
+  var push = array.push;
+  var slice = array.slice;
+  var splice = array.splice;
+  // Current version of the library. Keep in sync with `package.json`.
+  Backbone.VERSION = '1.1.2';
+  // For Backbone's purposes, jQuery, Zepto, Ender, or My Library (kidding) owns
+  // the `$` variable.
+  Backbone.$ = $;
+  // Runs Backbone.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `Backbone` variable
+  // to its previous owner. Returns a reference to this Backbone object.
+  Backbone.noConflict = function() {
+    root.Backbone = previousBackbone;
+    return this;
+  };
+  // Turn on `emulateHTTP` to support legacy HTTP servers. Setting this option
+  // will fake `"PATCH"`, `"PUT"` and `"DELETE"` requests via the `_method` parameter and
+  // set a `X-Http-Method-Override` header.
+  Backbone.emulateHTTP = false;
+  // Turn on `emulateJSON` to support legacy servers that can't deal with direct
+  // `application/json` requests ... will encode the body as
+  // `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` instead and will send the model in a
+  // form param named `model`.
+  Backbone.emulateJSON = false;
+  // Backbone.Events
+  // ---------------
+  // A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it with
+  // custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback
+  // functions to an event; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in
+  // succession.
+  //
+  //     var object = {};
+  //     _.extend(object, Backbone.Events);
+  //     object.on('expand', function(){ alert('expanded'); });
+  //     object.trigger('expand');
+  //
+  var Events = Backbone.Events = {
+    // Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind
+    // the callback to all events fired.
+    on: function(name, callback, context) {
+      if (!eventsApi(this, 'on', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this;
+      this._events || (this._events = {});
+      var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []);
+      events.push({callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this});
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time
+    // the callback is invoked, it will be removed.
+    once: function(name, callback, context) {
+      if (!eventsApi(this, 'once', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this;
+      var self = this;
+      var once = _.once(function() {
+, once);
+        callback.apply(this, arguments);
+      });
+      once._callback = callback;
+      return this.on(name, once, context);
+    },
+    // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all
+    // callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all
+    // callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound
+    // callbacks for all events.
+    off: function(name, callback, context) {
+      var retain, ev, events, names, i, l, j, k;
+      if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, 'off', name, [callback, context])) return this;
+      if (!name && !callback && !context) {
+        this._events = void 0;
+        return this;
+      }
+      names = name ? [name] : _.keys(this._events);
+      for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
+        name = names[i];
+        if (events = this._events[name]) {
+          this._events[name] = retain = [];
+          if (callback || context) {
+            for (j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) {
+              ev = events[j];
+              if ((callback && callback !== ev.callback && callback !== ev.callback._callback) ||
+                  (context && context !== ev.context)) {
+                retain.push(ev);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (!retain.length) delete this._events[name];
+        }
+      }
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are
+    // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name
+    // (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to
+    // receive the true name of the event as the first argument).
+    trigger: function(name) {
+      if (!this._events) return this;
+      var args =, 1);
+      if (!eventsApi(this, 'trigger', name, args)) return this;
+      var events = this._events[name];
+      var allEvents = this._events.all;
+      if (events) triggerEvents(events, args);
+      if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments);
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or
+    // to every object it's currently listening to.
+    stopListening: function(obj, name, callback) {
+      var listeningTo = this._listeningTo;
+      if (!listeningTo) return this;
+      var remove = !name && !callback;
+      if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this;
+      if (obj) (listeningTo = {})[obj._listenId] = obj;
+      for (var id in listeningTo) {
+        obj = listeningTo[id];
+, callback, this);
+        if (remove || _.isEmpty(obj._events)) delete this._listeningTo[id];
+      }
+      return this;
+    }
+  };
+  // Regular expression used to split event strings.
+  var eventSplitter = /\s+/;
+  // Implement fancy features of the Events API such as multiple event
+  // names `"change blur"` and jQuery-style event maps `{change: action}`
+  // in terms of the existing API.
+  var eventsApi = function(obj, action, name, rest) {
+    if (!name) return true;
+    // Handle event maps.
+    if (typeof name === 'object') {
+      for (var key in name) {
+        obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest));
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Handle space separated event names.
+    if (eventSplitter.test(name)) {
+      var names = name.split(eventSplitter);
+      for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
+        obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest));
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  };
+  // A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for
+  // triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal
+  // Backbone events have 3 arguments).
+  var triggerEvents = function(events, args) {
+    var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2];
+    switch (args.length) {
+      case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]); return;
+      case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1); return;
+      case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2); return;
+      case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2, a3); return;
+      default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); return;
+    }
+  };
+  var listenMethods = {listenTo: 'on', listenToOnce: 'once'};
+  // Inversion-of-control versions of `on` and `once`. Tell *this* object to
+  // listen to an event in another object ... keeping track of what it's
+  // listening to.
+  _.each(listenMethods, function(implementation, method) {
+    Events[method] = function(obj, name, callback) {
+      var listeningTo = this._listeningTo || (this._listeningTo = {});
+      var id = obj._listenId || (obj._listenId = _.uniqueId('l'));
+      listeningTo[id] = obj;
+      if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this;
+      obj[implementation](name, callback, this);
+      return this;
+    };
+  });
+  // Aliases for backwards compatibility.
+  Events.bind   = Events.on;
+  Events.unbind =;
+  // Allow the `Backbone` object to serve as a global event bus, for folks who
+  // want global "pubsub" in a convenient place.
+  _.extend(Backbone, Events);
+  // Backbone.Model
+  // --------------
+  // Backbone **Models** are the basic data object in the framework --
+  // frequently representing a row in a table in a database on your server.
+  // A discrete chunk of data and a bunch of useful, related methods for
+  // performing computations and transformations on that data.
+  // Create a new model with the specified attributes. A client id (`cid`)
+  // is automatically generated and assigned for you.
+  var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) {
+    var attrs = attributes || {};
+    options || (options = {});
+    this.cid = _.uniqueId('c');
+    this.attributes = {};
+    if (options.collection) this.collection = options.collection;
+    if (options.parse) attrs = this.parse(attrs, options) || {};
+    attrs = _.defaults({}, attrs, _.result(this, 'defaults'));
+    this.set(attrs, options);
+    this.changed = {};
+    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+  };
+  // Attach all inheritable methods to the Model prototype.
+  _.extend(Model.prototype, Events, {
+    // A hash of attributes whose current and previous value differ.
+    changed: null,
+    // The value returned during the last failed validation.
+    validationError: null,
+    // The default name for the JSON `id` attribute is `"id"`. MongoDB and
+    // CouchDB users may want to set this to `"_id"`.
+    idAttribute: 'id',
+    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
+    // initialization logic.
+    initialize: function(){},
+    // Return a copy of the model's `attributes` object.
+    toJSON: function(options) {
+      return _.clone(this.attributes);
+    },
+    // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default -- but override this if you need
+    // custom syncing semantics for *this* particular model.
+    sync: function() {
+      return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    // Get the value of an attribute.
+    get: function(attr) {
+      return this.attributes[attr];
+    },
+    // Get the HTML-escaped value of an attribute.
+    escape: function(attr) {
+      return _.escape(this.get(attr));
+    },
+    // Returns `true` if the attribute contains a value that is not null
+    // or undefined.
+    has: function(attr) {
+      return this.get(attr) != null;
+    },
+    // Set a hash of model attributes on the object, firing `"change"`. This is
+    // the core primitive operation of a model, updating the data and notifying
+    // anyone who needs to know about the change in state. The heart of the beast.
+    set: function(key, val, options) {
+      var attr, attrs, unset, changes, silent, changing, prev, current;
+      if (key == null) return this;
+      // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
+      if (typeof key === 'object') {
+        attrs = key;
+        options = val;
+      } else {
+        (attrs = {})[key] = val;
+      }
+      options || (options = {});
+      // Run validation.
+      if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
+      // Extract attributes and options.
+      unset           = options.unset;
+      silent          = options.silent;
+      changes         = [];
+      changing        = this._changing;
+      this._changing  = true;
+      if (!changing) {
+        this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);
+        this.changed = {};
+      }
+      current = this.attributes, prev = this._previousAttributes;
+      // Check for changes of `id`.
+      if (this.idAttribute in attrs) = attrs[this.idAttribute];
+      // For each `set` attribute, update or delete the current value.
+      for (attr in attrs) {
+        val = attrs[attr];
+        if (!_.isEqual(current[attr], val)) changes.push(attr);
+        if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val)) {
+          this.changed[attr] = val;
+        } else {
+          delete this.changed[attr];
+        }
+        unset ? delete current[attr] : current[attr] = val;
+      }
+      // Trigger all relevant attribute changes.
+      if (!silent) {
+        if (changes.length) this._pending = options;
+        for (var i = 0, l = changes.length; i < l; i++) {
+          this.trigger('change:' + changes[i], this, current[changes[i]], options);
+        }
+      }
+      // You might be wondering why there's a `while` loop here. Changes can
+      // be recursively nested within `"change"` events.
+      if (changing) return this;
+      if (!silent) {
+        while (this._pending) {
+          options = this._pending;
+          this._pending = false;
+          this.trigger('change', this, options);
+        }
+      }
+      this._pending = false;
+      this._changing = false;
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Remove an attribute from the model, firing `"change"`. `unset` is a noop
+    // if the attribute doesn't exist.
+    unset: function(attr, options) {
+      return this.set(attr, void 0, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
+    },
+    // Clear all attributes on the model, firing `"change"`.
+    clear: function(options) {
+      var attrs = {};
+      for (var key in this.attributes) attrs[key] = void 0;
+      return this.set(attrs, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true}));
+    },
+    // Determine if the model has changed since the last `"change"` event.
+    // If you specify an attribute name, determine if that attribute has changed.
+    hasChanged: function(attr) {
+      if (attr == null) return !_.isEmpty(this.changed);
+      return _.has(this.changed, attr);
+    },
+    // Return an object containing all the attributes that have changed, or
+    // false if there are no changed attributes. Useful for determining what
+    // parts of a view need to be updated and/or what attributes need to be
+    // persisted to the server. Unset attributes will be set to undefined.
+    // You can also pass an attributes object to diff against the model,
+    // determining if there *would be* a change.
+    changedAttributes: function(diff) {
+      if (!diff) return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false;
+      var val, changed = false;
+      var old = this._changing ? this._previousAttributes : this.attributes;
+      for (var attr in diff) {
+        if (_.isEqual(old[attr], (val = diff[attr]))) continue;
+        (changed || (changed = {}))[attr] = val;
+      }
+      return changed;
+    },
+    // Get the previous value of an attribute, recorded at the time the last
+    // `"change"` event was fired.
+    previous: function(attr) {
+      if (attr == null || !this._previousAttributes) return null;
+      return this._previousAttributes[attr];
+    },
+    // Get all of the attributes of the model at the time of the previous
+    // `"change"` event.
+    previousAttributes: function() {
+      return _.clone(this._previousAttributes);
+    },
+    // Fetch the model from the server. If the server's representation of the
+    // model differs from its current attributes, they will be overridden,
+    // triggering a `"change"` event.
+    fetch: function(options) {
+      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
+      if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
+      var model = this;
+      var success = options.success;
+      options.success = function(resp) {
+        if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, options), options)) return false;
+        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
+        model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
+      };
+      wrapError(this, options);
+      return this.sync('read', this, options);
+    },
+    // Set a hash of model attributes, and sync the model to the server.
+    // If the server returns an attributes hash that differs, the model's
+    // state will be `set` again.
+    save: function(key, val, options) {
+      var attrs, method, xhr, attributes = this.attributes;
+      // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments.
+      if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') {
+        attrs = key;
+        options = val;
+      } else {
+        (attrs = {})[key] = val;
+      }
+      options = _.extend({validate: true}, options);
+      // If we're not waiting and attributes exist, save acts as
+      // `set(attr).save(null, opts)` with validation. Otherwise, check if
+      // the model will be valid when the attributes, if any, are set.
+      if (attrs && !options.wait) {
+        if (!this.set(attrs, options)) return false;
+      } else {
+        if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false;
+      }
+      // Set temporary attributes if `{wait: true}`.
+      if (attrs && options.wait) {
+        this.attributes = _.extend({}, attributes, attrs);
+      }
+      // After a successful server-side save, the client is (optionally)
+      // updated with the server-side state.
+      if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
+      var model = this;
+      var success = options.success;
+      options.success = function(resp) {
+        // Ensure attributes are restored during synchronous saves.
+        model.attributes = attributes;
+        var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, options);
+        if (options.wait) serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs);
+        if (_.isObject(serverAttrs) && !model.set(serverAttrs, options)) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
+        model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
+      };
+      wrapError(this, options);
+      method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : (options.patch ? 'patch' : 'update');
+      if (method === 'patch') options.attrs = attrs;
+      xhr = this.sync(method, this, options);
+      // Restore attributes.
+      if (attrs && options.wait) this.attributes = attributes;
+      return xhr;
+    },
+    // Destroy this model on the server if it was already persisted.
+    // Optimistically removes the model from its collection, if it has one.
+    // If `wait: true` is passed, waits for the server to respond before removal.
+    destroy: function(options) {
+      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
+      var model = this;
+      var success = options.success;
+      var destroy = function() {
+        model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options);
+      };
+      options.success = function(resp) {
+        if (options.wait || model.isNew()) destroy();
+        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
+        if (!model.isNew()) model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);
+      };
+      if (this.isNew()) {
+        options.success();
+        return false;
+      }
+      wrapError(this, options);
+      var xhr = this.sync('delete', this, options);
+      if (!options.wait) destroy();
+      return xhr;
+    },
+    // Default URL for the model's representation on the server -- if you're
+    // using Backbone's restful methods, override this to change the endpoint
+    // that will be called.
+    url: function() {
+      var base =
+        _.result(this, 'urlRoot') ||
+        _.result(this.collection, 'url') ||
+        urlError();
+      if (this.isNew()) return base;
+      return base.replace(/([^\/])$/, '$1/') + encodeURIComponent(;
+    },
+    // **parse** converts a response into the hash of attributes to be `set` on
+    // the model. The default implementation is just to pass the response along.
+    parse: function(resp, options) {
+      return resp;
+    },
+    // Create a new model with identical attributes to this one.
+    clone: function() {
+      return new this.constructor(this.attributes);
+    },
+    // A model is new if it has never been saved to the server, and lacks an id.
+    isNew: function() {
+      return !this.has(this.idAttribute);
+    },
+    // Check if the model is currently in a valid state.
+    isValid: function(options) {
+      return this._validate({}, _.extend(options || {}, { validate: true }));
+    },
+    // Run validation against the next complete set of model attributes,
+    // returning `true` if all is well. Otherwise, fire an `"invalid"` event.
+    _validate: function(attrs, options) {
+      if (!options.validate || !this.validate) return true;
+      attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes, attrs);
+      var error = this.validationError = this.validate(attrs, options) || null;
+      if (!error) return true;
+      this.trigger('invalid', this, error, _.extend(options, {validationError: error}));
+      return false;
+    }
+  });
+  // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Model.
+  var modelMethods = ['keys', 'values', 'pairs', 'invert', 'pick', 'omit'];
+  // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Model#attributes`.
+  _.each(modelMethods, function(method) {
+    Model.prototype[method] = function() {
+      var args =;
+      args.unshift(this.attributes);
+      return _[method].apply(_, args);
+    };
+  });
+  // Backbone.Collection
+  // -------------------
+  // If models tend to represent a single row of data, a Backbone Collection is
+  // more analagous to a table full of data ... or a small slice or page of that
+  // table, or a collection of rows that belong together for a particular reason
+  // -- all of the messages in this particular folder, all of the documents
+  // belonging to this particular author, and so on. Collections maintain
+  // indexes of their models, both in order, and for lookup by `id`.
+  // Create a new **Collection**, perhaps to contain a specific type of `model`.
+  // If a `comparator` is specified, the Collection will maintain
+  // its models in sort order, as they're added and removed.
+  var Collection = Backbone.Collection = function(models, options) {
+    options || (options = {});
+    if (options.model) this.model = options.model;
+    if (options.comparator !== void 0) this.comparator = options.comparator;
+    this._reset();
+    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+    if (models) this.reset(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
+  };
+  // Default options for `Collection#set`.
+  var setOptions = {add: true, remove: true, merge: true};
+  var addOptions = {add: true, remove: false};
+  // Define the Collection's inheritable methods.
+  _.extend(Collection.prototype, Events, {
+    // The default model for a collection is just a **Backbone.Model**.
+    // This should be overridden in most cases.
+    model: Model,
+    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
+    // initialization logic.
+    initialize: function(){},
+    // The JSON representation of a Collection is an array of the
+    // models' attributes.
+    toJSON: function(options) {
+      return{ return model.toJSON(options); });
+    },
+    // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default.
+    sync: function() {
+      return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    // Add a model, or list of models to the set.
+    add: function(models, options) {
+      return this.set(models, _.extend({merge: false}, options, addOptions));
+    },
+    // Remove a model, or a list of models from the set.
+    remove: function(models, options) {
+      var singular = !_.isArray(models);
+      models = singular ? [models] : _.clone(models);
+      options || (options = {});
+      var i, l, index, model;
+      for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
+        model = models[i] = this.get(models[i]);
+        if (!model) continue;
+        delete this._byId[];
+        delete this._byId[model.cid];
+        index = this.indexOf(model);
+        this.models.splice(index, 1);
+        this.length--;
+        if (!options.silent) {
+          options.index = index;
+          model.trigger('remove', model, this, options);
+        }
+        this._removeReference(model, options);
+      }
+      return singular ? models[0] : models;
+    },
+    // Update a collection by `set`-ing a new list of models, adding new ones,
+    // removing models that are no longer present, and merging models that
+    // already exist in the collection, as necessary. Similar to **Model#set**,
+    // the core operation for updating the data contained by the collection.
+    set: function(models, options) {
+      options = _.defaults({}, options, setOptions);
+      if (options.parse) models = this.parse(models, options);
+      var singular = !_.isArray(models);
+      models = singular ? (models ? [models] : []) : _.clone(models);
+      var i, l, id, model, attrs, existing, sort;
+      var at =;
+      var targetModel = this.model;
+      var sortable = this.comparator && (at == null) && options.sort !== false;
+      var sortAttr = _.isString(this.comparator) ? this.comparator : null;
+      var toAdd = [], toRemove = [], modelMap = {};
+      var add = options.add, merge = options.merge, remove = options.remove;
+      var order = !sortable && add && remove ? [] : false;
+      // Turn bare objects into model references, and prevent invalid models
+      // from being added.
+      for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) {
+        attrs = models[i] || {};
+        if (attrs instanceof Model) {
+          id = model = attrs;
+        } else {
+          id = attrs[targetModel.prototype.idAttribute || 'id'];
+        }
+        // If a duplicate is found, prevent it from being added and
+        // optionally merge it into the existing model.
+        if (existing = this.get(id)) {
+          if (remove) modelMap[existing.cid] = true;
+          if (merge) {
+            attrs = attrs === model ? model.attributes : attrs;
+            if (options.parse) attrs = existing.parse(attrs, options);
+            existing.set(attrs, options);
+            if (sortable && !sort && existing.hasChanged(sortAttr)) sort = true;
+          }
+          models[i] = existing;
+        // If this is a new, valid model, push it to the `toAdd` list.
+        } else if (add) {
+          model = models[i] = this._prepareModel(attrs, options);
+          if (!model) continue;
+          toAdd.push(model);
+          this._addReference(model, options);
+        }
+        // Do not add multiple models with the same `id`.
+        model = existing || model;
+        if (order && (model.isNew() || !modelMap[])) order.push(model);
+        modelMap[] = true;
+      }
+      // Remove nonexistent models if appropriate.
+      if (remove) {
+        for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i) {
+          if (!modelMap[(model = this.models[i]).cid]) toRemove.push(model);
+        }
+        if (toRemove.length) this.remove(toRemove, options);
+      }
+      // See if sorting is needed, update `length` and splice in new models.
+      if (toAdd.length || (order && order.length)) {
+        if (sortable) sort = true;
+        this.length += toAdd.length;
+        if (at != null) {
+          for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) {
+            this.models.splice(at + i, 0, toAdd[i]);
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (order) this.models.length = 0;
+          var orderedModels = order || toAdd;
+          for (i = 0, l = orderedModels.length; i < l; i++) {
+            this.models.push(orderedModels[i]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // Silently sort the collection if appropriate.
+      if (sort) this.sort({silent: true});
+      // Unless silenced, it's time to fire all appropriate add/sort events.
+      if (!options.silent) {
+        for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) {
+          (model = toAdd[i]).trigger('add', model, this, options);
+        }
+        if (sort || (order && order.length)) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
+      }
+      // Return the added (or merged) model (or models).
+      return singular ? models[0] : models;
+    },
+    // When you have more items than you want to add or remove individually,
+    // you can reset the entire set with a new list of models, without firing
+    // any granular `add` or `remove` events. Fires `reset` when finished.
+    // Useful for bulk operations and optimizations.
+    reset: function(models, options) {
+      options || (options = {});
+      for (var i = 0, l = this.models.length; i < l; i++) {
+        this._removeReference(this.models[i], options);
+      }
+      options.previousModels = this.models;
+      this._reset();
+      models = this.add(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options));
+      if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options);
+      return models;
+    },
+    // Add a model to the end of the collection.
+    push: function(model, options) {
+      return this.add(model, _.extend({at: this.length}, options));
+    },
+    // Remove a model from the end of the collection.
+    pop: function(options) {
+      var model = - 1);
+      this.remove(model, options);
+      return model;
+    },
+    // Add a model to the beginning of the collection.
+    unshift: function(model, options) {
+      return this.add(model, _.extend({at: 0}, options));
+    },
+    // Remove a model from the beginning of the collection.
+    shift: function(options) {
+      var model =;
+      this.remove(model, options);
+      return model;
+    },
+    // Slice out a sub-array of models from the collection.
+    slice: function() {
+      return slice.apply(this.models, arguments);
+    },
+    // Get a model from the set by id.
+    get: function(obj) {
+      if (obj == null) return void 0;
+      return this._byId[obj] || this._byId[] || this._byId[obj.cid];
+    },
+    // Get the model at the given index.
+    at: function(index) {
+      return this.models[index];
+    },
+    // Return models with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of
+    // `filter`.
+    where: function(attrs, first) {
+      if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? void 0 : [];
+      return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](function(model) {
+        for (var key in attrs) {
+          if (attrs[key] !== model.get(key)) return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+      });
+    },
+    // Return the first model with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases
+    // of `find`.
+    findWhere: function(attrs) {
+      return this.where(attrs, true);
+    },
+    // Force the collection to re-sort itself. You don't need to call this under
+    // normal circumstances, as the set will maintain sort order as each item
+    // is added.
+    sort: function(options) {
+      if (!this.comparator) throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator');
+      options || (options = {});
+      // Run sort based on type of `comparator`.
+      if (_.isString(this.comparator) || this.comparator.length === 1) {
+        this.models = this.sortBy(this.comparator, this);
+      } else {
+        this.models.sort(_.bind(this.comparator, this));
+      }
+      if (!options.silent) this.trigger('sort', this, options);
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Pluck an attribute from each model in the collection.
+    pluck: function(attr) {
+      return _.invoke(this.models, 'get', attr);
+    },
+    // Fetch the default set of models for this collection, resetting the
+    // collection when they arrive. If `reset: true` is passed, the response
+    // data will be passed through the `reset` method instead of `set`.
+    fetch: function(options) {
+      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
+      if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true;
+      var success = options.success;
+      var collection = this;
+      options.success = function(resp) {
+        var method = options.reset ? 'reset' : 'set';
+        collection[method](resp, options);
+        if (success) success(collection, resp, options);
+        collection.trigger('sync', collection, resp, options);
+      };
+      wrapError(this, options);
+      return this.sync('read', this, options);
+    },
+    // Create a new instance of a model in this collection. Add the model to the
+    // collection immediately, unless `wait: true` is passed, in which case we
+    // wait for the server to agree.
+    create: function(model, options) {
+      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
+      if (!(model = this._prepareModel(model, options))) return false;
+      if (!options.wait) this.add(model, options);
+      var collection = this;
+      var success = options.success;
+      options.success = function(model, resp) {
+        if (options.wait) collection.add(model, options);
+        if (success) success(model, resp, options);
+      };
+, options);
+      return model;
+    },
+    // **parse** converts a response into a list of models to be added to the
+    // collection. The default implementation is just to pass it through.
+    parse: function(resp, options) {
+      return resp;
+    },
+    // Create a new collection with an identical list of models as this one.
+    clone: function() {
+      return new this.constructor(this.models);
+    },
+    // Private method to reset all internal state. Called when the collection
+    // is first initialized or reset.
+    _reset: function() {
+      this.length = 0;
+      this.models = [];
+      this._byId  = {};
+    },
+    // Prepare a hash of attributes (or other model) to be added to this
+    // collection.
+    _prepareModel: function(attrs, options) {
+      if (attrs instanceof Model) return attrs;
+      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
+      options.collection = this;
+      var model = new this.model(attrs, options);
+      if (!model.validationError) return model;
+      this.trigger('invalid', this, model.validationError, options);
+      return false;
+    },
+    // Internal method to create a model's ties to a collection.
+    _addReference: function(model, options) {
+      this._byId[model.cid] = model;
+      if ( != null) this._byId[] = model;
+      if (!model.collection) model.collection = this;
+      model.on('all', this._onModelEvent, this);
+    },
+    // Internal method to sever a model's ties to a collection.
+    _removeReference: function(model, options) {
+      if (this === model.collection) delete model.collection;
+'all', this._onModelEvent, this);
+    },
+    // Internal method called every time a model in the set fires an event.
+    // Sets need to update their indexes when models change ids. All other
+    // events simply proxy through. "add" and "remove" events that originate
+    // in other collections are ignored.
+    _onModelEvent: function(event, model, collection, options) {
+      if ((event === 'add' || event === 'remove') && collection !== this) return;
+      if (event === 'destroy') this.remove(model, options);
+      if (model && event === 'change:' + model.idAttribute) {
+        delete this._byId[model.previous(model.idAttribute)];
+        if ( != null) this._byId[] = model;
+      }
+      this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+  });
+  // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Collection.
+  // 90% of the core usefulness of Backbone Collections is actually implemented
+  // right here:
+  var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'collect', 'reduce', 'foldl',
+    'inject', 'reduceRight', 'foldr', 'find', 'detect', 'filter', 'select',
+    'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any', 'include', 'contains', 'invoke',
+    'max', 'min', 'toArray', 'size', 'first', 'head', 'take', 'initial', 'rest',
+    'tail', 'drop', 'last', 'without', 'difference', 'indexOf', 'shuffle',
+    'lastIndexOf', 'isEmpty', 'chain', 'sample'];
+  // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Collection#models`.
+  _.each(methods, function(method) {
+    Collection.prototype[method] = function() {
+      var args =;
+      args.unshift(this.models);
+      return _[method].apply(_, args);
+    };
+  });
+  // Underscore methods that take a property name as an argument.
+  var attributeMethods = ['groupBy', 'countBy', 'sortBy', 'indexBy'];
+  // Use attributes instead of properties.
+  _.each(attributeMethods, function(method) {
+    Collection.prototype[method] = function(value, context) {
+      var iterator = _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(model) {
+        return model.get(value);
+      };
+      return _[method](this.models, iterator, context);
+    };
+  });
+  // Backbone.View
+  // -------------
+  // Backbone Views are almost more convention than they are actual code. A View
+  // is simply a JavaScript object that represents a logical chunk of UI in the
+  // DOM. This might be a single item, an entire list, a sidebar or panel, or
+  // even the surrounding frame which wraps your whole app. Defining a chunk of
+  // UI as a **View** allows you to define your DOM events declaratively, without
+  // having to worry about render order ... and makes it easy for the view to
+  // react to specific changes in the state of your models.
+  // Creating a Backbone.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM,
+  // if an existing element is not provided...
+  var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
+    this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
+    options || (options = {});
+    _.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
+    this._ensureElement();
+    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+    this.delegateEvents();
+  };
+  // Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`.
+  var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
+  // List of view options to be merged as properties.
+  var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events'];
+  // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.View** properties and methods.
+  _.extend(View.prototype, Events, {
+    // The default `tagName` of a View's element is `"div"`.
+    tagName: 'div',
+    // jQuery delegate for element lookup, scoped to DOM elements within the
+    // current view. This should be preferred to global lookups where possible.
+    $: function(selector) {
+      return this.$el.find(selector);
+    },
+    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
+    // initialization logic.
+    initialize: function(){},
+    // **render** is the core function that your view should override, in order
+    // to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. The
+    // convention is for **render** to always return `this`.
+    render: function() {
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any
+    // applicable Backbone.Events listeners.
+    remove: function() {
+      this.$el.remove();
+      this.stopListening();
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event
+    // re-delegation.
+    setElement: function(element, delegate) {
+      if (this.$el) this.undelegateEvents();
+      this.$el = element instanceof Backbone.$ ? element : Backbone.$(element);
+      this.el = this.$el[0];
+      if (delegate !== false) this.delegateEvents();
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Set callbacks, where `` is a hash of
+    //
+    // *{"event selector": "callback"}*
+    //
+    //     {
+    //       'mousedown .title':  'edit',
+    //       'click .button':     'save',
+    //       'click .open':       function(e) { ... }
+    //     }
+    //
+    // pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly.
+    // Uses event delegation for efficiency.
+    // Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`.
+    // This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and
+    // not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer.
+    delegateEvents: function(events) {
+      if (!(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))) return this;
+      this.undelegateEvents();
+      for (var key in events) {
+        var method = events[key];
+        if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[events[key]];
+        if (!method) continue;
+        var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter);
+        var eventName = match[1], selector = match[2];
+        method = _.bind(method, this);
+        eventName += '.delegateEvents' + this.cid;
+        if (selector === '') {
+          this.$el.on(eventName, method);
+        } else {
+          this.$el.on(eventName, selector, method);
+        }
+      }
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`.
+    // You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple
+    // Backbone views attached to the same DOM element.
+    undelegateEvents: function() {
+      this.$'.delegateEvents' + this.cid);
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
+    // If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
+    // matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create
+    // an element from the `id`, `className` and `tagName` properties.
+    _ensureElement: function() {
+      if (!this.el) {
+        var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes'));
+        if ( = _.result(this, 'id');
+        if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className');
+        var $el = Backbone.$('<' + _.result(this, 'tagName') + '>').attr(attrs);
+        this.setElement($el, false);
+      } else {
+        this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  // Backbone.sync
+  // -------------
+  // Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists
+  // models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the
+  // model in question. By default, makes a RESTful Ajax request
+  // to the model's `url()`. Some possible customizations could be:
+  //
+  // * Use `setTimeout` to batch rapid-fire updates into a single request.
+  // * Send up the models as XML instead of JSON.
+  // * Persist models via WebSockets instead of Ajax.
+  //
+  // Turn on `Backbone.emulateHTTP` in order to send `PUT` and `DELETE` requests
+  // as `POST`, with a `_method` parameter containing the true HTTP method,
+  // as well as all requests with the body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
+  // instead of `application/json` with the model in a param named `model`.
+  // Useful when interfacing with server-side languages like **PHP** that make
+  // it difficult to read the body of `PUT` requests.
+  Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
+    var type = methodMap[method];
+    // Default options, unless specified.
+    _.defaults(options || (options = {}), {
+      emulateHTTP: Backbone.emulateHTTP,
+      emulateJSON: Backbone.emulateJSON
+    });
+    // Default JSON-request options.
+    var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'};
+    // Ensure that we have a URL.
+    if (!options.url) {
+      params.url = _.result(model, 'url') || urlError();
+    }
+    // Ensure that we have the appropriate request data.
+    if ( == null && model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch')) {
+      params.contentType = 'application/json';
+ = JSON.stringify(options.attrs || model.toJSON(options));
+    }
+    // For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form.
+    if (options.emulateJSON) {
+      params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
+ = ? {model:} : {};
+    }
+    // For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method`
+    // And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header.
+    if (options.emulateHTTP && (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE' || type === 'PATCH')) {
+      params.type = 'POST';
+      if (options.emulateJSON) = type;
+      var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
+      options.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
+        xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type);
+        if (beforeSend) return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments);
+      };
+    }
+    // Don't process data on a non-GET request.
+    if (params.type !== 'GET' && !options.emulateJSON) {
+      params.processData = false;
+    }
+    // If we're sending a `PATCH` request, and we're in an old Internet Explorer
+    // that still has ActiveX enabled by default, override jQuery to use that
+    // for XHR instead. Remove this line when jQuery supports `PATCH` on IE8.
+    if (params.type === 'PATCH' && noXhrPatch) {
+      params.xhr = function() {
+        return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+      };
+    }
+    // Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options.
+    var xhr = options.xhr = Backbone.ajax(_.extend(params, options));
+    model.trigger('request', model, xhr, options);
+    return xhr;
+  };
+  var noXhrPatch =
+    typeof window !== 'undefined' && !!window.ActiveXObject &&
+      !(window.XMLHttpRequest && (new XMLHttpRequest).dispatchEvent);
+  // Map from CRUD to HTTP for our default `Backbone.sync` implementation.
+  var methodMap = {
+    'create': 'POST',
+    'update': 'PUT',
+    'patch':  'PATCH',
+    'delete': 'DELETE',
+    'read':   'GET'
+  };
+  // Set the default implementation of `Backbone.ajax` to proxy through to `$`.
+  // Override this if you'd like to use a different library.
+  Backbone.ajax = function() {
+    return Backbone.$.ajax.apply(Backbone.$, arguments);
+  };
+  // Backbone.Router
+  // ---------------
+  // Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are
+  // matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically.
+  var Router = Backbone.Router = function(options) {
+    options || (options = {});
+    if (options.routes) this.routes = options.routes;
+    this._bindRoutes();
+    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+  };
+  // Cached regular expressions for matching named param parts and splatted
+  // parts of route strings.
+  var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;
+  var namedParam    = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
+  var splatParam    = /\*\w+/g;
+  var escapeRegExp  = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
+  // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.Router** properties and methods.
+  _.extend(Router.prototype, Events, {
+    // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
+    // initialization logic.
+    initialize: function(){},
+    // Manually bind a single named route to a callback. For example:
+    //
+    //     this.route('search/:query/p:num', 'search', function(query, num) {
+    //       ...
+    //     });
+    //
+    route: function(route, name, callback) {
+      if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route);
+      if (_.isFunction(name)) {
+        callback = name;
+        name = '';
+      }
+      if (!callback) callback = this[name];
+      var router = this;
+      Backbone.history.route(route, function(fragment) {
+        var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment);
+        router.execute(callback, args);
+        router.trigger.apply(router, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
+        router.trigger('route', name, args);
+        Backbone.history.trigger('route', router, name, args);
+      });
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Execute a route handler with the provided parameters.  This is an
+    // excellent place to do pre-route setup or post-route cleanup.
+    execute: function(callback, args) {
+      if (callback) callback.apply(this, args);
+    },
+    // Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.
+    navigate: function(fragment, options) {
+      Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
+      return this;
+    },
+    // Bind all defined routes to `Backbone.history`. We have to reverse the
+    // order of the routes here to support behavior where the most general
+    // routes can be defined at the bottom of the route map.
+    _bindRoutes: function() {
+      if (!this.routes) return;
+      this.routes = _.result(this, 'routes');
+      var route, routes = _.keys(this.routes);
+      while ((route = routes.pop()) != null) {
+        this.route(route, this.routes[route]);
+      }
+    },
+    // Convert a route string into a regular expression, suitable for matching
+    // against the current location hash.
+    _routeToRegExp: function(route) {
+      route = route.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
+                   .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
+                   .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
+                     return optional ? match : '([^/?]+)';
+                   })
+                   .replace(splatParam, '([^?]*?)');
+      return new RegExp('^' + route + '(?:\\?([\\s\\S]*))?$');
+    },
+    // Given a route, and a URL fragment that it matches, return the array of
+    // extracted decoded parameters. Empty or unmatched parameters will be
+    // treated as `null` to normalize cross-browser behavior.
+    _extractParameters: function(route, fragment) {
+      var params = route.exec(fragment).slice(1);
+      return, function(param, i) {
+        // Don't decode the search params.
+        if (i === params.length - 1) return param || null;
+        return param ? decodeURIComponent(param) : null;
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  // Backbone.History
+  // ----------------
+  // Handles cross-browser history management, based on either
+  // [pushState]( and real URLs, or
+  // [onhashchange](
+  // and URL fragments. If the browser supports neither (old IE, natch),
+  // falls back to polling.
+  var History = Backbone.History = function() {
+    this.handlers = [];
+    _.bindAll(this, 'checkUrl');
+    // Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser.
+    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+      this.location = window.location;
+      this.history = window.history;
+    }
+  };
+  // Cached regex for stripping a leading hash/slash and trailing space.
+  var routeStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g;
+  // Cached regex for stripping leading and trailing slashes.
+  var rootStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
+  // Cached regex for detecting MSIE.
+  var isExplorer = /msie [\w.]+/;
+  // Cached regex for removing a trailing slash.
+  var trailingSlash = /\/$/;
+  // Cached regex for stripping urls of hash.
+  var pathStripper = /#.*$/;
+  // Has the history handling already been started?
+  History.started = false;
+  // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.History** properties and methods.
+  _.extend(History.prototype, Events, {
+    // The default interval to poll for hash changes, if necessary, is
+    // twenty times a second.
+    interval: 50,
+    // Are we at the app root?
+    atRoot: function() {
+      return this.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') === this.root;
+    },
+    // Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug
+    // in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded.
+    getHash: function(window) {
+      var match = (window || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/);
+      return match ? match[1] : '';
+    },
+    // Get the cross-browser normalized URL fragment, either from the URL,
+    // the hash, or the override.
+    getFragment: function(fragment, forcePushState) {
+      if (fragment == null) {
+        if (this._hasPushState || !this._wantsHashChange || forcePushState) {
+          fragment = decodeURI(this.location.pathname +;
+          var root = this.root.replace(trailingSlash, '');
+          if (!fragment.indexOf(root)) fragment = fragment.slice(root.length);
+        } else {
+          fragment = this.getHash();
+        }
+      }
+      return fragment.replace(routeStripper, '');
+    },
+    // Start the hash change handling, returning `true` if the current URL matches
+    // an existing route, and `false` otherwise.
+    start: function(options) {
+      if (History.started) throw new Error("Backbone.history has already been started");
+      History.started = true;
+      // Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe?
+      // Is pushState desired ... is it available?
+      this.options          = _.extend({root: '/'}, this.options, options);
+      this.root             = this.options.root;
+      this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false;
+      this._wantsPushState  = !!this.options.pushState;
+      this._hasPushState    = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState);
+      var fragment          = this.getFragment();
+      var docMode           = document.documentMode;
+      var oldIE             = (isExplorer.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!docMode || docMode <= 7));
+      // Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash.
+      this.root = ('/' + this.root + '/').replace(rootStripper, '/');
+      if (oldIE && this._wantsHashChange) {
+        var frame = Backbone.$('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1">');
+        this.iframe = frame.hide().appendTo('body')[0].contentWindow;
+        this.navigate(fragment);
+      }
+      // Depending on whether we're using pushState or hashes, and whether
+      // 'onhashchange' is supported, determine how we check the URL state.
+      if (this._hasPushState) {
+        Backbone.$(window).on('popstate', this.checkUrl);
+      } else if (this._wantsHashChange && ('onhashchange' in window) && !oldIE) {
+        Backbone.$(window).on('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
+      } else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
+        this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval);
+      }
+      // Determine if we need to change the base url, for a pushState link
+      // opened by a non-pushState browser.
+      this.fragment = fragment;
+      var loc = this.location;
+      // Transition from hashChange to pushState or vice versa if both are
+      // requested.
+      if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState) {
+        // If we've started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled
+        // browser, but we're currently in a browser that doesn't support it...
+        if (!this._hasPushState && !this.atRoot()) {
+          this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, true);
+          this.location.replace(this.root + '#' + this.fragment);
+          // Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url
+          return true;
+        // Or if we've started out with a hash-based route, but we're currently
+        // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead...
+        } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot() && loc.hash) {
+          this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(routeStripper, '');
+          this.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.root + this.fragment);
+        }
+      }
+      if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl();
+    },
+    // Disable Backbone.history, perhaps temporarily. Not useful in a real app,
+    // but possibly useful for unit testing Routers.
+    stop: function() {
+      Backbone.$(window).off('popstate', this.checkUrl).off('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
+      if (this._checkUrlInterval) clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval);
+      History.started = false;
+    },
+    // Add a route to be tested when the fragment changes. Routes added later
+    // may override previous routes.
+    route: function(route, callback) {
+      this.handlers.unshift({route: route, callback: callback});
+    },
+    // Checks the current URL to see if it has changed, and if it has,
+    // calls `loadUrl`, normalizing across the hidden iframe.
+    checkUrl: function(e) {
+      var current = this.getFragment();
+      if (current === this.fragment && this.iframe) {
+        current = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe));
+      }
+      if (current === this.fragment) return false;
+      if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current);
+      this.loadUrl();
+    },
+    // Attempt to load the current URL fragment. If a route succeeds with a
+    // match, returns `true`. If no defined routes matches the fragment,
+    // returns `false`.
+    loadUrl: function(fragment) {
+      fragment = this.fragment = this.getFragment(fragment);
+      return _.any(this.handlers, function(handler) {
+        if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
+          handler.callback(fragment);
+          return true;
+        }
+      });
+    },
+    // Save a fragment into the hash history, or replace the URL state if the
+    // 'replace' option is passed. You are responsible for properly URL-encoding
+    // the fragment in advance.
+    //
+    // The options object can contain `trigger: true` if you wish to have the
+    // route callback be fired (not usually desirable), or `replace: true`, if
+    // you wish to modify the current URL without adding an entry to the history.
+    navigate: function(fragment, options) {
+      if (!History.started) return false;
+      if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: !!options};
+      var url = this.root + (fragment = this.getFragment(fragment || ''));
+      // Strip the hash for matching.
+      fragment = fragment.replace(pathStripper, '');
+      if (this.fragment === fragment) return;
+      this.fragment = fragment;
+      // Don't include a trailing slash on the root.
+      if (fragment === '' && url !== '/') url = url.slice(0, -1);
+      // If pushState is available, we use it to set the fragment as a real URL.
+      if (this._hasPushState) {
+        this.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, url);
+      // If hash changes haven't been explicitly disabled, update the hash
+      // fragment to store history.
+      } else if (this._wantsHashChange) {
+        this._updateHash(this.location, fragment, options.replace);
+        if (this.iframe && (fragment !== this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)))) {
+          // Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a
+          // history entry on hash-tag change.  When replace is true, we don't
+          // want this.
+          if(!options.replace);
+          this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, fragment, options.replace);
+        }
+      // If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange-
+      // based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh.
+      } else {
+        return this.location.assign(url);
+      }
+      if (options.trigger) return this.loadUrl(fragment);
+    },
+    // Update the hash location, either replacing the current entry, or adding
+    // a new one to the browser history.
+    _updateHash: function(location, fragment, replace) {
+      if (replace) {
+        var href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, '');
+        location.replace(href + '#' + fragment);
+      } else {
+        // Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #.
+        location.hash = '#' + fragment;
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  // Create the default Backbone.history.
+  Backbone.history = new History;
+  // Helpers
+  // -------
+  // Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses.
+  // Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
+  // class properties to be extended.
+  var extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) {
+    var parent = this;
+    var child;
+    // The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
+    // (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
+    // by us to simply call the parent's constructor.
+    if (protoProps && _.has(protoProps, 'constructor')) {
+      child = protoProps.constructor;
+    } else {
+      child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); };
+    }
+    // Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
+    _.extend(child, parent, staticProps);
+    // Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
+    // `parent`'s constructor function.
+    var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; };
+    Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype;
+    child.prototype = new Surrogate;
+    // Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
+    // if supplied.
+    if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps);
+    // Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed
+    // later.
+    child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
+    return child;
+  };
+  // Set up inheritance for the model, collection, router, view and history.
+  Model.extend = Collection.extend = Router.extend = View.extend = History.extend = extend;
+  // Throw an error when a URL is needed, and none is supplied.
+  var urlError = function() {
+    throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified');
+  };
+  // Wrap an optional error callback with a fallback error event.
+  var wrapError = function(model, options) {
+    var error = options.error;
+    options.error = function(resp) {
+      if (error) error(model, resp, options);
+      model.trigger('error', model, resp, options);
+    };
+  };
+  return Backbone;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/backgrid-0.3.5.min.css b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/backgrid-0.3.5.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 764e799..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/backgrid-0.3.5.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.backgrid-container{position:relative;display:block;width:100%;height:465px;padding:0;overflow:auto;border:0}.backgrid{width:100%;max-width:100%;background-color:transparent;border-collapse:collapse;-webkit-border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px}.backgrid th,.backgrid td{display:none;height:20px;max-width:250px;padding:4px 5px;overflow:hidden;line-height:20px;text-align:left;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;border-bottom:1px solid #DDD}.backgrid th.renderable,.backgrid td.renderable{display:table-cell}.backgrid th{font-weight:bold;text-align:center}.backgrid th.sortable a{text-decoration:none;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}.backgrid thead th{vertical-align:bottom;background-color:#f9f9f9}.backgrid thead th a{display:block}.backgrid.backgrid-striped tbody tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#f9f9f9}.backgrid tbody tr.empty{font-style:italic;color:gray}.backgrid tbody tr.empty td{display:inherit;text-align:center}.backgrid td.edito
 r{padding:0}.backgrid td.editor,.backgrid tbody tr:nth-child(odd) td.editor{background-color:rgba(82,168,236,0.1);outline:1px solid rgba(82,168,236,0.8);outline-offset:-1px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-transition-duration:200ms;-moz-transition-duration:200ms;-o-transition-duration:200ms;transition-duration:200ms;-webkit-transition-property:width,outline,background-color;-moz-transition-property:width,outline,background-color;-o-transition-property:width,outline,background-color;transition-property:width,outline,background-color;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out;-moz-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out;-o-transition-timing-function:ease-in-out;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out}.backgrid td.editor input[type=text]{display:block;width:100%;height:100%;padding:0 5px;margin:0;background-color:transparent;border:0;outline:0;-webkit-box-shadow:none;-moz-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-sizing:border-b
 ox;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none}.backgrid td.editor input[type=text]::-ms-clear{display:none}.backgrid td.error,.backgrid tbody tr:nth-child(odd) td.error{background-color:rgba(255,210,77,0.1);outline:1px solid #ffd24d}.backgrid td.editor :focus,.backgrid th.editor:focus{outline:0}.backgrid .sort-caret{display:inline-block;width:0;height:0;margin-left:.3em;border:0;content:""}.backgrid .ascending .sort-caret{vertical-align:baseline;border-top:0;border-right:4px solid transparent;border-bottom:4px solid #000;border-left:4px solid transparent}.backgrid .descending .sort-caret{vertical-align:super;border-top:4px solid #000;border-right:4px solid transparent;border-bottom:0;border-left:4px solid transparent}.backgrid .string-cell,.backgrid .uri-cell,.backgrid .email-cell,.backgrid .string-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .uri-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .email-cell.editor input[type=text]{text-align:left}.
 backgrid .date-cell,.backgrid .time-cell,.backgrid .datetime-cell,.backgrid .number-cell,.backgrid .integer-cell,.backgrid .percent-cell,.backgrid .date-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .time-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .datetime-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .number-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .integer-cell.editor input[type=text],.backgrid .percent-cell.editor input[type=text]{text-align:right}.backgrid .boolean-cell,.backgrid .boolean-cell.editor input[type=checkbox]{text-align:center}.backgrid .select-cell{text-align:center}.backgrid .select-cell.editor{padding:0}.backgrid .select-cell.editor select{display:block;width:100%;height:28px;padding:4px 5px;margin:0;line-height:28px;vertical-align:middle;background-color:white;border:0;outline:0;-webkit-box-shadow:none;-moz-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.backgrid .select-cell.editor select[multiple]{height:auto}.backgr
 id .select-cell.editor :focus{border:0;outline:0}.backgrid .select-cell.editor select::-moz-focus-inner,.backgrid .select-cell.editor optgroup::-moz-focus-inner,.backgrid .select-cell.editor option::-moz-focus-inner,.backgrid .select-cell.editor select::-o-focus-inner,.backgrid .select-cell.editor optgroup::-o-focus-inner,.backgrid .select-cell.editor option::-o-focus-inner{border:0}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.min.css b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 285fe81..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.backgrid-paginator{text-align:center;border-top:0;-webkit-border-radius:0 0 4px 4px;-moz-border-radius:0 0 4px 4px;border-radius:0 0 4px 4px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.backgrid-paginator ul{display:inline-block;*display:inline;margin:5px 0;*zoom:1}.backgrid-paginator ul>li{display:inline}.backgrid-paginator ul>li>a,.backgrid-paginator ul>li>span{float:left;width:30px;height:30px;padding:0;line-height:30px;text-decoration:none}.backgrid-paginator ul>li>a:hover,.backgrid-paginator ul>.active>a,.backgrid-paginator ul>.active>span{background-color:#f5f5f5}.backgrid-paginator ul>.active>a,.backgrid-paginator ul>.active>span{color:#999;cursor:default}.backgrid-paginator ul>.disabled>span,.backgrid-paginator ul>.disabled>a,.backgrid-paginator ul>.disabled>a:hover{color:#999;cursor:default}
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1875b60..0000000
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-ul.spans {
-  margin: 0px;
-  padding: 0px;
-li.span {
-  margin: 0px;
-  list-style: none;
-/* Graph */
-svg .node circle {
-  stroke: #000000;
-  stroke-width: 3;
-  fill: #D8BFD8;
-svg .selected circle {
-  stroke-width: 3;
-  fill: #DA70D6;
-svg .link {
-  stroke: black;
-  stroke-width: 3;

[15/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/jquery-2.1.4.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/jquery-2.1.4.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed1777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/jquery-2.1.4.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9210 @@
+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.4
+ *
+ *
+ * Includes Sizzle.js
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+ * Released under the MIT license
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 2015-04-28T16:01Z
+ */
+(function( global, factory ) {
+	if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) {
+		// For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`
+		// is present, execute the factory and get jQuery.
+		// For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`
+		// (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.
+		// This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.
+		// e.g. var jQuery = require("jquery")(window);
+		// See ticket #14549 for more info.
+		module.exports = global.document ?
+			factory( global, true ) :
+			function( w ) {
+				if ( !w.document ) {
+					throw new Error( "jQuery requires a window with a document" );
+				}
+				return factory( w );
+			};
+	} else {
+		factory( global );
+	}
+// Pass this if window is not defined yet
+}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function( window, noGlobal ) {
+// Support: Firefox 18+
+// Can't be in strict mode, several libs including ASP.NET trace
+// the stack via arguments.caller.callee and Firefox dies if
+// you try to trace through "use strict" call chains. (#13335)
+var arr = [];
+var slice = arr.slice;
+var concat = arr.concat;
+var push = arr.push;
+var indexOf = arr.indexOf;
+var class2type = {};
+var toString = class2type.toString;
+var hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty;
+var support = {};
+	// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
+	document = window.document,
+	version = "2.1.4",
+	// Define a local copy of jQuery
+	jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
+		// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
+		// Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included)
+		return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
+	},
+	// Support: Android<4.1
+	// Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP
+	rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
+	// Matches dashed string for camelizing
+	rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
+	rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi,
+	// Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
+	fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
+		return letter.toUpperCase();
+	};
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+	// The current version of jQuery being used
+	jquery: version,
+	constructor: jQuery,
+	// Start with an empty selector
+	selector: "",
+	// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
+	length: 0,
+	toArray: function() {
+		return this );
+	},
+	// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
+	// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
+	get: function( num ) {
+		return num != null ?
+			// Return just the one element from the set
+			( num < 0 ? this[ num + this.length ] : this[ num ] ) :
+			// Return all the elements in a clean array
+ this );
+	},
+	// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
+	// (returning the new matched element set)
+	pushStack: function( elems ) {
+		// Build a new jQuery matched element set
+		var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems );
+		// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
+		ret.prevObject = this;
+		ret.context = this.context;
+		// Return the newly-formed element set
+		return ret;
+	},
+	// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
+	// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
+	// only used internally.)
+	each: function( callback, args ) {
+		return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
+	},
+	map: function( callback ) {
+		return this.pushStack(, function( elem, i ) {
+			return elem, i, elem );
+		}));
+	},
+	slice: function() {
+		return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ) );
+	},
+	first: function() {
+		return this.eq( 0 );
+	},
+	last: function() {
+		return this.eq( -1 );
+	},
+	eq: function( i ) {
+		var len = this.length,
+			j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 );
+		return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[j] ] : [] );
+	},
+	end: function() {
+		return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
+	},
+	// For internal use only.
+	// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
+	push: push,
+	sort: arr.sort,
+	splice: arr.splice
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+	var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
+		target = arguments[0] || {},
+		i = 1,
+		length = arguments.length,
+		deep = false;
+	// Handle a deep copy situation
+	if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
+		deep = target;
+		// Skip the boolean and the target
+		target = arguments[ i ] || {};
+		i++;
+	}
+	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
+	if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
+		target = {};
+	}
+	// Extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+	if ( i === length ) {
+		target = this;
+		i--;
+	}
+	for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+		if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
+			// Extend the base object
+			for ( name in options ) {
+				src = target[ name ];
+				copy = options[ name ];
+				// Prevent never-ending loop
+				if ( target === copy ) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
+				if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
+					if ( copyIsArray ) {
+						copyIsArray = false;
+						clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
+					} else {
+						clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
+					}
+					// Never move original objects, clone them
+					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
+				// Don't bring in undefined values
+				} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
+					target[ name ] = copy;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Return the modified object
+	return target;
+	// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
+	expando: "jQuery" + ( version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
+	// Assume jQuery is ready without the ready module
+	isReady: true,
+	error: function( msg ) {
+		throw new Error( msg );
+	},
+	noop: function() {},
+	isFunction: function( obj ) {
+		return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
+	},
+	isArray: Array.isArray,
+	isWindow: function( obj ) {
+		return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
+	},
+	isNumeric: function( obj ) {
+		// parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives (null|true|false|"")
+		// ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
+		// subtraction forces infinities to NaN
+		// adding 1 corrects loss of precision from parseFloat (#15100)
+		return !jQuery.isArray( obj ) && (obj - parseFloat( obj ) + 1) >= 0;
+	},
+	isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
+		// Not plain objects:
+		// - Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]"
+		// - DOM nodes
+		// - window
+		if ( jQuery.type( obj ) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		if ( obj.constructor &&
+				! obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf" ) ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// If the function hasn't returned already, we're confident that
+		// |obj| is a plain object, created by {} or constructed with new Object
+		return true;
+	},
+	isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
+		var name;
+		for ( name in obj ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	type: function( obj ) {
+		if ( obj == null ) {
+			return obj + "";
+		}
+		// Support: Android<4.0, iOS<6 (functionish RegExp)
+		return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
+			class2type[ ] || "object" :
+			typeof obj;
+	},
+	// Evaluates a script in a global context
+	globalEval: function( code ) {
+		var script,
+			indirect = eval;
+		code = jQuery.trim( code );
+		if ( code ) {
+			// If the code includes a valid, prologue position
+			// strict mode pragma, execute code by injecting a
+			// script tag into the document.
+			if ( code.indexOf("use strict") === 1 ) {
+				script = document.createElement("script");
+				script.text = code;
+				document.head.appendChild( script ).parentNode.removeChild( script );
+			} else {
+			// Otherwise, avoid the DOM node creation, insertion
+			// and removal by using an indirect global eval
+				indirect( code );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
+	// Support: IE9-11+
+	// Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
+	camelCase: function( string ) {
+		return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
+	},
+	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
+		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
+	},
+	// args is for internal usage only
+	each: function( obj, callback, args ) {
+		var value,
+			i = 0,
+			length = obj.length,
+			isArray = isArraylike( obj );
+		if ( args ) {
+			if ( isArray ) {
+				for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+					value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args );
+					if ( value === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( i in obj ) {
+					value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args );
+					if ( value === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
+		} else {
+			if ( isArray ) {
+				for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+					value = obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] );
+					if ( value === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( i in obj ) {
+					value = obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] );
+					if ( value === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	},
+	// Support: Android<4.1
+	trim: function( text ) {
+		return text == null ?
+			"" :
+			( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" );
+	},
+	// results is for internal usage only
+	makeArray: function( arr, results ) {
+		var ret = results || [];
+		if ( arr != null ) {
+			if ( isArraylike( Object(arr) ) ) {
+				jQuery.merge( ret,
+					typeof arr === "string" ?
+					[ arr ] : arr
+				);
+			} else {
+ ret, arr );
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) {
+		return arr == null ? -1 : arr, elem, i );
+	},
+	merge: function( first, second ) {
+		var len = +second.length,
+			j = 0,
+			i = first.length;
+		for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
+			first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
+		}
+		first.length = i;
+		return first;
+	},
+	grep: function( elems, callback, invert ) {
+		var callbackInverse,
+			matches = [],
+			i = 0,
+			length = elems.length,
+			callbackExpect = !invert;
+		// Go through the array, only saving the items
+		// that pass the validator function
+		for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+			callbackInverse = !callback( elems[ i ], i );
+			if ( callbackInverse !== callbackExpect ) {
+				matches.push( elems[ i ] );
+			}
+		}
+		return matches;
+	},
+	// arg is for internal usage only
+	map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
+		var value,
+			i = 0,
+			length = elems.length,
+			isArray = isArraylike( elems ),
+			ret = [];
+		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their new values
+		if ( isArray ) {
+			for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+				value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
+				if ( value != null ) {
+					ret.push( value );
+				}
+			}
+		// Go through every key on the object,
+		} else {
+			for ( i in elems ) {
+				value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
+				if ( value != null ) {
+					ret.push( value );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Flatten any nested arrays
+		return concat.apply( [], ret );
+	},
+	// A global GUID counter for objects
+	guid: 1,
+	// Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
+	// arguments.
+	proxy: function( fn, context ) {
+		var tmp, args, proxy;
+		if ( typeof context === "string" ) {
+			tmp = fn[ context ];
+			context = fn;
+			fn = tmp;
+		}
+		// Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
+		// this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
+		if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		// Simulated bind
+		args = arguments, 2 );
+		proxy = function() {
+			return fn.apply( context || this, args.concat( arguments ) ) );
+		};
+		// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
+		proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++;
+		return proxy;
+	},
+	now:,
+	// is not used in Core but other projects attach their
+	// properties to it so it needs to exist.
+	support: support
+// Populate the class2type map
+jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name) {
+	class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
+function isArraylike( obj ) {
+	// Support: iOS 8.2 (not reproducible in simulator)
+	// `in` check used to prevent JIT error (gh-2145)
+	// hasOwn isn't used here due to false negatives
+	// regarding Nodelist length in IE
+	var length = "length" in obj && obj.length,
+		type = jQuery.type( obj );
+	if ( type === "function" || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	return type === "array" || length === 0 ||
+		typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj;
+var Sizzle =
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.2.0-pre
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+ * Released under the MIT license
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 2014-12-16
+ */
+(function( window ) {
+var i,
+	support,
+	Expr,
+	getText,
+	isXML,
+	tokenize,
+	compile,
+	select,
+	outermostContext,
+	sortInput,
+	hasDuplicate,
+	// Local document vars
+	setDocument,
+	document,
+	docElem,
+	documentIsHTML,
+	rbuggyQSA,
+	rbuggyMatches,
+	matches,
+	contains,
+	// Instance-specific data
+	expando = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date(),
+	preferredDoc = window.document,
+	dirruns = 0,
+	done = 0,
+	classCache = createCache(),
+	tokenCache = createCache(),
+	compilerCache = createCache(),
+	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	},
+	// General-purpose constants
+	MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31,
+	// Instance methods
+	hasOwn = ({}).hasOwnProperty,
+	arr = [],
+	pop = arr.pop,
+	push_native = arr.push,
+	push = arr.push,
+	slice = arr.slice,
+	// Use a stripped-down indexOf as it's faster than native
+	//
+	indexOf = function( list, elem ) {
+		var i = 0,
+			len = list.length;
+		for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+			if ( list[i] === elem ) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	},
+	booleans = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",
+	// Regular expressions
+	// Whitespace characters
+	whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
+	//
+	characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
+	// Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
+	// An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier
+	// Proper syntax:
+	identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ),
+	// Attribute selectors:
+	attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:" + whitespace +
+		// Operator (capture 2)
+		"*([*^$|!~]?=)" + whitespace +
+		// "Attribute values must be CSS identifiers [capture 5] or strings [capture 3 or capture 4]"
+		"*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + identifier + "))|)" + whitespace +
+		"*\\]",
+	pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\((" +
+		// To reduce the number of selectors needing tokenize in the preFilter, prefer arguments:
+		// 1. quoted (capture 3; capture 4 or capture 5)
+		"('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|" +
+		// 2. simple (capture 6)
+		"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes + ")*)|" +
+		// 3. anything else (capture 2)
+		".*" +
+		")\\)|)",
+	// Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
+	rwhitespace = new RegExp( whitespace + "+", "g" ),
+	rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
+	rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
+	rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([>+~]|" + whitespace + ")" + whitespace + "*" ),
+	rattributeQuotes = new RegExp( "=" + whitespace + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + whitespace + "*\\]", "g" ),
+	rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
+	ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ),
+	matchExpr = {
+		"ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+		"CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+		"TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
+		"ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
+		"PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
+		"CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
+			"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
+			"*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
+		"bool": new RegExp( "^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i" ),
+		// For use in libraries implementing .is()
+		// We use this for POS matching in `select`
+		"needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
+			whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" )
+	},
+	rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
+	rheader = /^h\d$/i,
+	rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
+	// Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
+	rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
+	rsibling = /[+~]/,
+	rescape = /'|\\/g,
+	// CSS escapes
+	runescape = new RegExp( "\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + whitespace + "?|(" + whitespace + ")|.)", "ig" ),
+	funescape = function( _, escaped, escapedWhitespace ) {
+		var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
+		// NaN means non-codepoint
+		// Support: Firefox<24
+		// Workaround erroneous numeric interpretation of +"0x"
+		return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ?
+			escaped :
+			high < 0 ?
+				// BMP codepoint
+				String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) :
+				// Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
+				String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 );
+	},
+	// Used for iframes
+	// See setDocument()
+	// Removing the function wrapper causes a "Permission Denied"
+	// error in IE
+	unloadHandler = function() {
+		setDocument();
+	};
+// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
+try {
+	push.apply(
+		(arr = preferredDoc.childNodes )),
+		preferredDoc.childNodes
+	);
+	// Support: Android<4.0
+	// Detect silently failing push.apply
+	arr[ preferredDoc.childNodes.length ].nodeType;
+} catch ( e ) {
+	push = { apply: arr.length ?
+		// Leverage slice if possible
+		function( target, els ) {
+			push_native.apply( target, );
+		} :
+		// Support: IE<9
+		// Otherwise append directly
+		function( target, els ) {
+			var j = target.length,
+				i = 0;
+			// Can't trust NodeList.length
+			while ( (target[j++] = els[i++]) ) {}
+			target.length = j - 1;
+		}
+	};
+function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	var match, elem, m, nodeType,
+		// QSA vars
+		i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;
+	if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( context );
+	}
+	context = context || document;
+	results = results || [];
+	nodeType = context.nodeType;
+	if ( typeof selector !== "string" || !selector ||
+		nodeType !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 && nodeType !== 11 ) {
+		return results;
+	}
+	if ( !seed && documentIsHTML ) {
+		// Try to shortcut find operations when possible (e.g., not under DocumentFragment)
+		if ( nodeType !== 11 && (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
+			if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
+				if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
+					elem = context.getElementById( m );
+					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+					// nodes that are no longer in the document (jQuery #6963)
+					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+						// Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
+						// by name instead of ID
+						if ( === m ) {
+							results.push( elem );
+							return results;
+						}
+					} else {
+						return results;
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Context is not a document
+					if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) &&
+						contains( context, elem ) && === m ) {
+						results.push( elem );
+						return results;
+					}
+				}
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
+			} else if ( match[2] ) {
+				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByTagName( selector ) );
+				return results;
+			// Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
+			} else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName ) {
+				push.apply( results, context.getElementsByClassName( m ) );
+				return results;
+			}
+		}
+		// QSA path
+		if ( support.qsa && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test( selector )) ) {
+			nid = old = expando;
+			newContext = context;
+			newSelector = nodeType !== 1 && selector;
+			// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+			// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+			// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+			// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+			if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+				groups = tokenize( selector );
+				if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) {
+					nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" );
+				} else {
+					context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+				}
+				nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] ";
+				i = groups.length;
+				while ( i-- ) {
+					groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] );
+				}
+				newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context;
+				newSelector = groups.join(",");
+			}
+			if ( newSelector ) {
+				try {
+					push.apply( results,
+						newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector )
+					);
+					return results;
+				} catch(qsaError) {
+				} finally {
+					if ( !old ) {
+						context.removeAttribute("id");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// All others
+	return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed );
+ * Create key-value caches of limited size
+ * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
+ *	property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
+ *	deleting the oldest entry
+ */
+function createCache() {
+	var keys = [];
+	function cache( key, value ) {
+		// Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
+		if ( keys.push( key + " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
+			// Only keep the most recent entries
+			delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
+		}
+		return (cache[ key + " " ] = value);
+	}
+	return cache;
+ * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
+ */
+function markFunction( fn ) {
+	fn[ expando ] = true;
+	return fn;
+ * Support testing using an element
+ * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result
+ */
+function assert( fn ) {
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	try {
+		return !!fn( div );
+	} catch (e) {
+		return false;
+	} finally {
+		// Remove from its parent by default
+		if ( div.parentNode ) {
+			div.parentNode.removeChild( div );
+		}
+		// release memory in IE
+		div = null;
+	}
+ * Adds the same handler for all of the specified attrs
+ * @param {String} attrs Pipe-separated list of attributes
+ * @param {Function} handler The method that will be applied
+ */
+function addHandle( attrs, handler ) {
+	var arr = attrs.split("|"),
+		i = attrs.length;
+	while ( i-- ) {
+		Expr.attrHandle[ arr[i] ] = handler;
+	}
+ * Checks document order of two siblings
+ * @param {Element} a
+ * @param {Element} b
+ * @returns {Number} Returns less than 0 if a precedes b, greater than 0 if a follows b
+ */
+function siblingCheck( a, b ) {
+	var cur = b && a,
+		diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 &&
+			( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) -
+			( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE );
+	// Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
+	if ( diff ) {
+		return diff;
+	}
+	// Check if b follows a
+	if ( cur ) {
+		while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) {
+			if ( cur === b ) {
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return a ? 1 : -1;
+ * Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
+ * @param {String} type
+ */
+function createInputPseudo( type ) {
+	return function( elem ) {
+		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
+	};
+ * Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
+ * @param {String} type
+ */
+function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
+	return function( elem ) {
+		var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+		return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
+	};
+ * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
+ * @param {Function} fn
+ */
+function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
+	return markFunction(function( argument ) {
+		argument = +argument;
+		return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+			var j,
+				matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
+				i = matchIndexes.length;
+			// Match elements found at the specified indexes
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
+					seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+ * Checks a node for validity as a Sizzle context
+ * @param {Element|Object=} context
+ * @returns {Element|Object|Boolean} The input node if acceptable, otherwise a falsy value
+ */
+function testContext( context ) {
+	return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" && context;
+// Expose support vars for convenience
+support = = {};
+ * Detects XML nodes
+ * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
+ * @returns {Boolean} True iff elem is a non-HTML XML node
+ */
+isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+	var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
+	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+ * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
+ * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
+ * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
+ */
+setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) {
+	var hasCompare, parent,
+		doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
+	// If no document and documentElement is available, return
+	if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) {
+		return document;
+	}
+	// Set our document
+	document = doc;
+	docElem = doc.documentElement;
+	parent = doc.defaultView;
+	// Support: IE>8
+	// If iframe document is assigned to "document" variable and if iframe has been reloaded,
+	// IE will throw "permission denied" error when accessing "document" variable, see jQuery #13936
+	// IE6-8 do not support the defaultView property so parent will be undefined
+	if ( parent && parent !== ) {
+		// IE11 does not have attachEvent, so all must suffer
+		if ( parent.addEventListener ) {
+			parent.addEventListener( "unload", unloadHandler, false );
+		} else if ( parent.attachEvent ) {
+			parent.attachEvent( "onunload", unloadHandler );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Support tests
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	documentIsHTML = !isXML( doc );
+	/* Attributes
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	// Support: IE<8
+	// Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties
+	// (excepting IE8 booleans)
+	support.attributes = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.className = "i";
+		return !div.getAttribute("className");
+	});
+	/* getElement(s)By*
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	// Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
+	support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function( div ) {
+		div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") );
+		return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
+	});
+	// Support: IE<9
+	support.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test( doc.getElementsByClassName );
+	// Support: IE<10
+	// Check if getElementById returns elements by name
+	// The broken getElementById methods don't pick up programatically-set names,
+	// so use a roundabout getElementsByName test
+	support.getById = assert(function( div ) {
+		docElem.appendChild( div ).id = expando;
+		return !doc.getElementsByName || !doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length;
+	});
+	// ID find and filter
+	if ( support.getById ) {
+		Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById( id );
+				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+				return m && m.parentNode ? [ m ] : [];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
+			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
+			};
+		};
+	} else {
+		// Support: IE6/7
+		// getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut
+		delete Expr.find["ID"];
+		Expr.filter["ID"] =  function( id ) {
+			var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+				return node && node.value === attrId;
+			};
+		};
+	}
+	// Tag
+	Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
+		function( tag, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+				return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+			// DocumentFragment nodes don't have gEBTN
+			} else if ( support.qsa ) {
+				return context.querySelectorAll( tag );
+			}
+		} :
+		function( tag, context ) {
+			var elem,
+				tmp = [],
+				i = 0,
+				// By happy coincidence, a (broken) gEBTN appears on DocumentFragment nodes too
+				results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+			// Filter out possible comments
+			if ( tag === "*" ) {
+				while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+						tmp.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+				return tmp;
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+	// Class
+	Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function( className, context ) {
+		if ( documentIsHTML ) {
+			return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
+		}
+	};
+	/* QSA/matchesSelector
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	// QSA and matchesSelector support
+	// matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
+	rbuggyMatches = [];
+	// qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21)
+	// We allow this because of a bug in IE8/9 that throws an error
+	// whenever `document.activeElement` is accessed on an iframe
+	// So, we allow :focus to pass through QSA all the time to avoid the IE error
+	// See
+	rbuggyQSA = [];
+	if ( (support.qsa = rnative.test( doc.querySelectorAll )) ) {
+		// Build QSA regex
+		// Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Select is set to empty string on purpose
+			// This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
+			// setting a boolean content attribute,
+			// since its presence should be enough
+			//
+			docElem.appendChild( div ).innerHTML = "<a id='" + expando + "'></a>" +
+				"<select id='" + expando + "-\f]' msallowcapture=''>" +
+				"<option selected=''></option></select>";
+			// Support: IE8, Opera 11-12.16
+			// Nothing should be selected when empty strings follow ^= or $= or *=
+			// The test attribute must be unknown in Opera but "safe" for WinRT
+			//
+			if ( div.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:''|\"\")" );
+			}
+			// Support: IE8
+			// Boolean attributes and "value" are not treated correctly
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")" );
+			}
+			// Support: Chrome<29, Android<4.2+, Safari<7.0+, iOS<7.0+, PhantomJS<1.9.7+
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll( "[id~=" + expando + "-]" ).length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push("~=");
+			}
+			// Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
+			//
+			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push(":checked");
+			}
+			// Support: Safari 8+, iOS 8+
+			//
+			// In-page `selector#id sibing-combinator selector` fails
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll( "a#" + expando + "+*" ).length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push(".#.+[+~]");
+			}
+		});
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
+			// The type and name attributes are restricted during .innerHTML assignment
+			var input = doc.createElement("input");
+			input.setAttribute( "type", "hidden" );
+			div.appendChild( input ).setAttribute( "name", "D" );
+			// Support: IE8
+			// Enforce case-sensitivity of name attribute
+			if ( div.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( "name" + whitespace + "*[*^$|!~]?=" );
+			}
+			// FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
+			// IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+			if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) {
+				rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
+			}
+			// Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos
+			div.querySelectorAll("*,:x");
+			rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:");
+		});
+	}
+	if ( (support.matchesSelector = rnative.test( (matches = docElem.matches ||
+		docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
+		docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) {
+		assert(function( div ) {
+			// Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
+			// on a disconnected node (IE 9)
+			support.disconnectedMatch = div, "div" );
+			// This should fail with an exception
+			// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+ div, "[s!='']:x" );
+			rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos );
+		});
+	}
+	rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
+	rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
+	/* Contains
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	hasCompare = rnative.test( docElem.compareDocumentPosition );
+	// Element contains another
+	// Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendent
+	// As in, an element does not contain itself
+	contains = hasCompare || rnative.test( docElem.contains ) ?
+		function( a, b ) {
+			var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
+				bup = b && b.parentNode;
+			return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
+				adown.contains ?
+					adown.contains( bup ) :
+					a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16
+			));
+		} :
+		function( a, b ) {
+			if ( b ) {
+				while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
+					if ( b === a ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+	/* Sorting
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+	// Document order sorting
+	sortOrder = hasCompare ?
+	function( a, b ) {
+		// Flag for duplicate removal
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		// Sort on method existence if only one input has compareDocumentPosition
+		var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition;
+		if ( compare ) {
+			return compare;
+		}
+		// Calculate position if both inputs belong to the same document
+		compare = ( a.ownerDocument || a ) === ( b.ownerDocument || b ) ?
+			a.compareDocumentPosition( b ) :
+			// Otherwise we know they are disconnected
+			1;
+		// Disconnected nodes
+		if ( compare & 1 ||
+			(!support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition( a ) === compare) ) {
+			// Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
+			if ( a === doc || a.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a) ) {
+				return -1;
+			}
+			if ( b === doc || b.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b) ) {
+				return 1;
+			}
+			// Maintain original order
+			return sortInput ?
+				( indexOf( sortInput, a ) - indexOf( sortInput, b ) ) :
+				0;
+		}
+		return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+	} :
+	function( a, b ) {
+		// Exit early if the nodes are identical
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		var cur,
+			i = 0,
+			aup = a.parentNode,
+			bup = b.parentNode,
+			ap = [ a ],
+			bp = [ b ];
+		// Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
+		if ( !aup || !bup ) {
+			return a === doc ? -1 :
+				b === doc ? 1 :
+				aup ? -1 :
+				bup ? 1 :
+				sortInput ?
+				( indexOf( sortInput, a ) - indexOf( sortInput, b ) ) :
+				0;
+		// If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
+		} else if ( aup === bup ) {
+			return siblingCheck( a, b );
+		}
+		// Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
+		cur = a;
+		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+			ap.unshift( cur );
+		}
+		cur = b;
+		while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+			bp.unshift( cur );
+		}
+		// Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+		while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) {
+			i++;
+		}
+		return i ?
+			// Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
+			siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) :
+			// Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
+			ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
+			bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :
+			0;
+	};
+	return doc;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( elem );
+	}
+	// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+	expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" );
+	if ( support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML &&
+		( !rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test( expr ) ) &&
+		( !rbuggyQSA     || !rbuggyQSA.test( expr ) ) ) {
+		try {
+			var ret = elem, expr );
+			// IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
+			if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
+					// As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
+					// fragment in IE 9
+					elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+		} catch (e) {}
+	}
+	return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [ elem ] ).length > 0;
+Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( context );
+	}
+	return contains( context, elem );
+Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
+	// Set document vars if needed
+	if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+		setDocument( elem );
+	}
+	var fn = Expr.attrHandle[ name.toLowerCase() ],
+		// Don't get fooled by Object.prototype properties (jQuery #13807)
+		val = fn && Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase() ) ?
+			fn( elem, name, !documentIsHTML ) :
+			undefined;
+	return val !== undefined ?
+		val :
+		support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ?
+			elem.getAttribute( name ) :
+			(val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ?
+				val.value :
+				null;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+	throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
+ * Document sorting and removing duplicates
+ * @param {ArrayLike} results
+ */
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+	var elem,
+		duplicates = [],
+		j = 0,
+		i = 0;
+	// Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
+	hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
+	sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice( 0 );
+	results.sort( sortOrder );
+	if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+		while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+			if ( elem === results[ i ] ) {
+				j = duplicates.push( i );
+			}
+		}
+		while ( j-- ) {
+			results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 );
+		}
+	}
+	// Clear input after sorting to release objects
+	// See
+	sortInput = null;
+	return results;
+ * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+ * @param {Array|Element} elem
+ */
+getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
+	var node,
+		ret = "",
+		i = 0,
+		nodeType = elem.nodeType;
+	if ( !nodeType ) {
+		// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
+		while ( (node = elem[i++]) ) {
+			// Do not traverse comment nodes
+			ret += getText( node );
+		}
+	} else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
+		// Use textContent for elements
+		// innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (jQuery #11153)
+		if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
+			return elem.textContent;
+		} else {
+			// Traverse its children
+			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+				ret += getText( elem );
+			}
+		}
+	} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
+		return elem.nodeValue;
+	}
+	// Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
+	return ret;
+Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+	// Can be adjusted by the user
+	cacheLength: 50,
+	createPseudo: markFunction,
+	match: matchExpr,
+	attrHandle: {},
+	find: {},
+	relative: {
+		">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
+		" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
+		"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
+		"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
+	},
+	preFilter: {
+		"ATTR": function( match ) {
+			match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape );
+			// Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
+			match[3] = ( match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape );
+			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+				match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
+			}
+			return match.slice( 0, 4 );
+		},
+		"CHILD": function( match ) {
+			/* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
+				1 type (only|nth|...)
+				2 what (child|of-type)
+				3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
+				4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
+				5 sign of xn-component
+				6 x of xn-component
+				7 sign of y-component
+				8 y of y-component
+			*/
+			match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
+			if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) {
+				// nth-* requires argument
+				if ( !match[3] ) {
+					Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+				}
+				// numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
+				// remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
+				match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) );
+				match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" );
+			// other types prohibit arguments
+			} else if ( match[3] ) {
+				Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		"PSEUDO": function( match ) {
+			var excess,
+				unquoted = !match[6] && match[2];
+			if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			// Accept quoted arguments as-is
+			if ( match[3] ) {
+				match[2] = match[4] || match[5] || "";
+			// Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
+			} else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) &&
+				// Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
+				(excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
+				// advance to the next closing parenthesis
+				(excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
+				// excess is a negative index
+				match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
+				match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
+			}
+			// Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
+			return match.slice( 0, 3 );
+		}
+	},
+	filter: {
+		"TAG": function( nodeNameSelector ) {
+			var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+			return nodeNameSelector === "*" ?
+				function() { return true; } :
+				function( elem ) {
+					return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
+				};
+		},
+		"CLASS": function( className ) {
+			var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ];
+			return pattern ||
+				(pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
+				classCache( className, function( elem ) {
+					return pattern.test( typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== "undefined" && elem.getAttribute("class") || "" );
+				});
+		},
+		"ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
+				if ( result == null ) {
+					return operator === "!=";
+				}
+				if ( !operator ) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				result += "";
+				return operator === "=" ? result === check :
+					operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
+					operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
+					operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+					operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check :
+					operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result.replace( rwhitespace, " " ) + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+					operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
+					false;
+			};
+		},
+		"CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) {
+			var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth",
+				forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last",
+				ofType = what === "of-type";
+			return first === 1 && last === 0 ?
+				// Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
+				function( elem ) {
+					return !!elem.parentNode;
+				} :
+				function( elem, context, xml ) {
+					var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start,
+						dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
+						parent = elem.parentNode,
+						name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+						useCache = !xml && !ofType;
+					if ( parent ) {
+						// :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
+						if ( simple ) {
+							while ( dir ) {
+								node = elem;
+								while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) {
+									if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+										return false;
+									}
+								}
+								// Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
+								start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
+							}
+							return true;
+						}
+						start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ];
+						// non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
+						if ( forward && useCache ) {
+							// Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
+							outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {});
+							cache = outerCache[ type ] || [];
+							nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
+							diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
+							node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ];
+							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+								// Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
+								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+								// When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
+								if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) {
+									outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ];
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						// Use previously-cached element index if available
+						} else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) {
+							diff = cache[1];
+						// xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
+						} else {
+							// Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
+							while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+								(diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+								if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) {
+									// Cache the index of each encountered element
+									if ( useCache ) {
+										(node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ];
+									}
+									if ( node === elem ) {
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
+						diff -= last;
+						return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+					}
+				};
+		},
+		"PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
+			// pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
+			//
+			// Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
+			// Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
+			var args,
+				fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
+					Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
+			// The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
+			// arguments are needed to create the filter function
+			// just as Sizzle does
+			if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
+				return fn( argument );
+			}
+			// But maintain support for old signatures
+			if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
+				args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
+				return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
+					markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+						var idx,
+							matched = fn( seed, argument ),
+							i = matched.length;
+						while ( i-- ) {
+							idx = indexOf( seed, matched[i] );
+							seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
+						}
+					}) :
+					function( elem ) {
+						return fn( elem, 0, args );
+					};
+			}
+			return fn;
+		}
+	},
+	pseudos: {
+		// Potentially complex pseudos
+		"not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+			// Trim the selector passed to compile
+			// to avoid treating leading and trailing
+			// spaces as combinators
+			var input = [],
+				results = [],
+				matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
+			return matcher[ expando ] ?
+				markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
+					var elem,
+						unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
+						i = seed.length;
+					// Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
+					while ( i-- ) {
+						if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+							seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
+						}
+					}
+				}) :
+				function( elem, context, xml ) {
+					input[0] = elem;
+					matcher( input, null, xml, results );
+					// Don't keep the element (issue #299)
+					input[0] = null;
+					return !results.pop();
+				};
+		}),
+		"has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
+			};
+		}),
+		"contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
+			text = text.replace( runescape, funescape );
+			return function( elem ) {
+				return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
+			};
+		}),
+		// "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
+		// is based solely on the element's language value
+		// being equal to the identifier C,
+		// or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
+		// The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
+		// The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
+		//
+		"lang": markFunction( function( lang ) {
+			// lang value must be a valid identifier
+			if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) {
+				Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang );
+			}
+			lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+			return function( elem ) {
+				var elemLang;
+				do {
+					if ( (elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
+						elem.lang :
+						elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) ) {
+						elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
+						return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0;
+					}
+				} while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 );
+				return false;
+			};
+		}),
+		// Miscellaneous
+		"target": function( elem ) {
+			var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
+			return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) ===;
+		},
+		"root": function( elem ) {
+			return elem === docElem;
+		},
+		"focus": function( elem ) {
+			return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
+		},
+		// Boolean properties
+		"enabled": function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === false;
+		},
+		"disabled": function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === true;
+		},
+		"checked": function( elem ) {
+			// In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
+			//
+			var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
+		},
+		"selected": function( elem ) {
+			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+			// options in Safari work properly
+			if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+				elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+			}
+			return elem.selected === true;
+		},
+		// Contents
+		"empty": function( elem ) {
+			//
+			// :empty is negated by element (1) or content nodes (text: 3; cdata: 4; entity ref: 5),
+			//   but not by others (comment: 8; processing instruction: 7; etc.)
+			// nodeType < 6 works because attributes (2) do not appear as children
+			for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+				if ( elem.nodeType < 6 ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		},
+		"parent": function( elem ) {
+			return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
+		},
+		// Element/input types
+		"header": function( elem ) {
+			return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		"input": function( elem ) {
+			return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		"button": function( elem ) {
+			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
+		},
+		"text": function( elem ) {
+			var attr;
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
+				elem.type === "text" &&
+				// Support: IE<8
+				// New HTML5 attribute values (e.g., "search") appear with elem.type === "text"
+				( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === "text" );
+		},
+		// Position-in-collection
+		"first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
+			return [ 0 ];
+		}),
+		"last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			return [ length - 1 ];
+		}),
+		"eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
+		}),
+		"even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			var i = 0;
+			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+			var i = 1;
+			for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+			for ( ; --i >= 0; ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		}),
+		"gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+			var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+			for ( ; ++i < length; ) {
+				matchIndexes.push( i );
+			}
+			return matchIndexes;
+		})
+	}
+Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
+// Add button/input type pseudos
+for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) {
+	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i );
+for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) {
+	Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i );
+// Easy API for creating new setFilters
+function setFilters() {}
+setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
+Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
+tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function( selector, parseOnly ) {
+	var matched, match, tokens, type,
+		soFar, groups, preFilters,
+		cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
+	if ( cached ) {
+		return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
+	}
+	soFar = selector;
+	groups = [];
+	preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
+	while ( soFar ) {
+		// Comma and first run
+		if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
+			if ( match ) {
+				// Don't consume trailing commas as valid
+				soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar;
+			}
+			groups.push( (tokens = []) );
+		}
+		matched = false;
+		// Combinators
+		if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
+			matched = match.shift();
+			tokens.push({
+				value: matched,
+				// Cast descendant combinators to space
+				type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " )
+			});
+			soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+		}
+		// Filters
+		for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
+			if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
+				(match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) {
+				matched = match.shift();
+				tokens.push({
+					value: matched,
+					type: type,
+					matches: match
+				});
+				soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !matched ) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Return the length of the invalid excess
+	// if we're just parsing
+	// Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
+	return parseOnly ?
+		soFar.length :
+		soFar ?
+			Sizzle.error( selector ) :
+			// Cache the tokens
+			tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
+function toSelector( tokens ) {
+	var i = 0,
+		len = tokens.length,
+		selector = "";
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		selector += tokens[i].value;
+	}
+	return selector;
+function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
+	var dir = combinator.dir,
+		checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode",
+		doneName = done++;
+	return combinator.first ?
+		// Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+					return matcher( elem, context, xml );
+				}
+			}
+		} :
+		// Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var oldCache, outerCache,
+				newCache = [ dirruns, doneName ];
+			// We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
+			if ( xml ) {
+				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+						outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {});
+						if ( (oldCache = outerCache[ dir ]) &&
+							oldCache[ 0 ] === dirruns && oldCache[ 1 ] === doneName ) {
+							// Assign to newCache so results back-propagate to previous elements
+							return (newCache[ 2 ] = oldCache[ 2 ]);
+						} else {
+							// Reuse newcache so results back-propagate to previous elements
+							outerCache[ dir ] = newCache;
+							// A match means we're done; a fail means we have to keep checking
+							if ( (newCache[ 2 ] = matcher( elem, context, xml )) ) {
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		};
+function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
+	return matchers.length > 1 ?
+		function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var i = matchers.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		} :
+		matchers[0];
+function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) {
+	var i = 0,
+		len = contexts.length;
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results );
+	}
+	return results;
+function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
+	var elem,
+		newUnmatched = [],
+		i = 0,
+		len = unmatched.length,
+		mapped = map != null;
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+			if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+				newUnmatched.push( elem );
+				if ( mapped ) {
+					map.push( i );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return newUnmatched;
+function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
+	if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
+		postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
+	}
+	if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
+		postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
+	}
+	return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
+		var temp, i, elem,
+			preMap = [],
+			postMap = [],
+			preexisting = results.length,
+			// Get initial elements from seed or context
+			elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ),
+			// Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
+			matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
+				condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
+				elems,
+			matcherOut = matcher ?
+				// If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
+				postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
+					// ...intermediate processing is necessary
+					[] :
+					// ...otherwise use results directly
+					results :
+				matcherIn;
+		// Find primary matches
+		if ( matcher ) {
+			matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml );
+		}
+		// Apply postFilter
+		if ( postFilter ) {
+			temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap );
+			postFilter( temp, [], context, xml );
+			// Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
+			i = temp.length;
+			while ( i-- ) {
+				if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) {
+					matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ( seed ) {
+			if ( postFinder || preFilter ) {
+				if ( postFinder ) {
+					// Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
+					temp = [];
+					i = matcherOut.length;
+					while ( i-- ) {
+						if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) {
+							// Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
+							temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) );
+						}
+					}
+					postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml );
+				}
+				// Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
+				i = matcherOut.length;
+				while ( i-- ) {
+					if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
+						(temp = postFinder ? indexOf( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) {
+						seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
+		} else {
+			matcherOut = condense(
+				matcherOut === results ?
+					matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) :
+					matcherOut
+			);
+			if ( postFinder ) {
+				postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml );
+			} else {
+				push.apply( results, matcherOut );
+			}
+		}
+	});
+function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
+	var checkContext, matcher, j,
+		len = tokens.length,
+		leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ],
+		implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
+		i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,
+		// The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
+		matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+			return elem === checkContext;
+		}, implicitRelative, true ),
+		matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+			return indexOf( checkContext, elem ) > -1;
+		}, implicitRelative, true ),
+		matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+			var ret = ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || (
+				(checkContext = context).nodeType ?
+					matchContext( elem, context, xml ) :
+					matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) );
+			// Avoid hanging onto element (issue #299)
+			checkContext = null;
+			return ret;
+		} ];
+	for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+		if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) {
+			matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ];
+		} else {
+			matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches );
+			// Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
+			if ( matcher[ expando ] ) {
+				// Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
+				j = ++i;
+				for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
+					if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return setMatcher(
+					i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ),
+					i > 1 && toSelector(
+						// If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*`
+						tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ).concat({ value: tokens[ i - 2 ].type === " " ? "*" : "" })
+					).replace( rtrim, "$1" ),
+					matcher,
+					i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ),
+					j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ),
+					j < len && toSelector( tokens )
+				);
+			}
+			matchers.push( matcher );
+		}
+	}
+	return elementMatcher( matchers );
+function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) {
+	var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
+		byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
+		superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, outermost ) {
+			var elem, j, matcher,
+				matchedCount = 0,
+				i = "0",
+				unmatched = seed && [],
+				setMatched = [],
+				contextBackup = outermostContext,
+				// We must always have either seed elements or outermost context
+				elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", outermost ),
+				// Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
+				dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1),
+				len = elems.length;
+			if ( outermost ) {
+				outermostContext = context !== document && context;
+			}
+			// Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
+			// Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below
+			// Support: IE<9, Safari
+			// Tolerate NodeList properties (IE: "length"; Safari: <number>) matching elements by id
+			for ( ; i !== len && (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( byElement && elem ) {
+					j = 0;
+					while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) {
+						if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+							results.push( elem );
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if ( outermost ) {
+						dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+					}
+				}
+				// Track unmatched elements for set filters
+				if ( bySet ) {
+					// They will have gone through all possible matchers
+					if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) {
+						matchedCount--;
+					}
+					// Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
+					if ( seed ) {
+						unmatched.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Apply set filters to unmatched elements
+			matchedCount += i;
+			if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) {
+				j = 0;
+				while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) {
+					matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml );
+				}
+				if ( seed ) {
+					// Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
+					if ( matchedCount > 0 ) {
+						while ( i-- ) {
+							if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) {
+								setMatched[i] = results );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
+					setMatched = condense( setMatched );
+				}
+				// Add matches to results
+				push.apply( results, setMatched );
+				// Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
+				if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
+					( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) {
+					Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+				}
+			}
+			// Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
+			if ( outermost ) {
+				dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+				outermostContext = contextBackup;
+			}
+			return unmatched;
+		};
+	return bySet ?
+		markFunction( superMatcher ) :
+		superMatcher;
+compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, match /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+	var i,
+		setMatchers = [],
+		elementMatchers = [],
+		cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ];
+	if ( !cached ) {
+		// Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
+		if ( !match ) {
+			match = tokenize( selector );
+		}
+		i = match.length;
+		while ( i-- ) {
+			cached = matcherFromTokens( match[i] );
+			if ( cached[ expando ] ) {
+				setMatchers.push( cached );
+			} else {
+				elementMatchers.push( cached );
+			}
+		}
+		// Cache the compiled function
+		cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) );
+		// Save selector and tokenization
+		cached.selector = selector;
+	}
+	return cached;
+ * A low-level selection function that works with Sizzle's compiled
+ *  selector functions
+ * @param {String|Function} selector A selector or a pre-compiled
+ *  selector function built with Sizzle.compile
+ * @param {Element} context
+ * @param {Array} [results]
+ * @param {Array} [seed] A set of elements to match against
+ */
+select = = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	var i, tokens, token, type, find,
+		compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector,
+		match = !seed && tokenize( (selector = compiled.selector || selector) );
+	results = results || [];
+	// Try to minimize operations if there is no seed and only one group
+	if ( match.length === 1 ) {
+		// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+		tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 );
+		if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
+				support.getById && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML &&
+				Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) {
+			context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0];
+			if ( !context ) {
+				return results;
+			// Precompiled matchers will still verify ancestry, so step up a level
+			} else if ( compiled ) {
+				context = context.parentNode;
+			}
+			selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length );
+		}
+		// Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
+		i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length;
+		while ( i-- ) {
+			token = tokens[i];
+			// Abort if we hit a combinator
+			if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) {
+				break;
+			}
+			if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) {
+				// Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
+				if ( (seed = find(
+					token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ),
+					rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context
+				)) ) {
+					// If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
+					tokens.splice( i, 1 );
+					selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens );
+					if ( !selector ) {
+						push.apply( results, seed );
+						return results;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Compile and execute a filtering function if one is not provided
+	// Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
+	( compiled || compile( selector, match ) )(
+		seed,
+		context,
+		!documentIsHTML,
+		results,
+		rsibling.test( selector ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context
+	);
+	return results;
+// One-time assignments
+// Sort stability
+support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort( sortOrder ).join("") === expando;
+// Support: Chrome 14-35+
+// Always assume duplicates if they aren't passed to the comparison function
+support.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate;
+// Initialize against the default document
+// Support: Webkit<537.32 - Safari 6.0.3/Chrome 25 (fixed in Chrome 27)
+// Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
+support.sortDetached = assert(function( div1 ) {
+	// Should return 1, but returns 4 (following)
+	return div1.compareDocumentPosition( document.createElement("div") ) & 1;
+// Support: IE<8
+// Prevent attribute/property "interpolation"
+if ( !assert(function( div ) {
+	div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+	return div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#" ;
+}) ) {
+	addHandle( "type|href|height|width", function( elem, name, isXML ) {
+		if ( !isXML ) {
+			return elem.getAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2 );
+		}
+	});
+// Support: IE<9
+// Use defaultValue in place of getAttribute("value")
+if ( !support.attributes || !assert(function( div ) {
+	div.innerHTML = "<input/>";
+	div.firstChild.setAttribute( "value", "" );
+	return div.firstChild.getAttribute( "value" ) === "";
+}) ) {
+	addHandle( "value", function( elem, name, isXML ) {
+		if ( !isXML && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" ) {
+			return elem.defaultValue;
+		}
+	});
+// Support: IE<9
+// Use getAttributeNode to fetch booleans when getAttribute lies
+if ( !assert(function( div ) {
+	return div.getAttribute("disabled") == null;
+}) ) {
+	addHandle( booleans, function( elem, name, isXML ) {
+		var val;
+		if ( !isXML ) {
+			return elem[ name ] === true ? name.toLowerCase() :
+					(val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) && val.specified ?
+					val.value :
+				null;
+		}
+	});
+return Sizzle;
+})( window );
+jQuery.find = Sizzle;
+jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
+jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos;
+jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
+jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
+jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
+jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
+var rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext;
+var rsingleTag = (/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/);
+var risSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;
+// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
+function winnow( elements, qualifier, not ) {
+	if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
+		return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem, i ) {
+			/* jshint -W018 */
+			return !! elem, i, elem ) !== not;
+		});
+	}
+	if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
+		return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) {
+			return ( elem === qualifier ) !== not;
+		});
+	}
+	if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
+		if ( risSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
+			return jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements, not );
+		}
+		qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements );
+	}
+	return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) {
+		return ( qualifier, elem ) >= 0 ) !== not;
+	});
+jQuery.filter = function( expr, elems, not ) {
+	var elem = elems[ 0 ];
+	if ( not ) {
+		expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+	}
+	return elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1 ?
+		jQuery.find.matchesSelector( elem, expr ) ? [ elem ] : [] :
+		jQuery.find.matches( expr, jQuery.grep( elems, function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeType === 1;
+		}));
+	find: function( selector ) {
+		var i,
+			len = this.length,
+			ret = [],
+			self = this;
+		if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+			return this.pushStack( jQuery( selector ).filter(function() {
+				for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+					if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}) );
+		}
+		for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+			jQuery.find( selector, self[ i ], ret );
+		}
+		// Needed because $( selector, context ) becomes $( context ).find( selector )
+		ret = this.pushStack( len > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret );
+		ret.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + " " + selector : selector;
+		return ret;
+	},
+	filter: function( selector ) {
+		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector || [], false) );
+	},
+	not: function( selector ) {
+		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector || [], true) );
+	},
+	is: function( selector ) {
+		return !!winnow(
+			this,
+			// If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set
+			// so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
+			typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test( selector ) ?
+				jQuery( selector ) :
+				selector || [],
+			false
+		).length;
+	}
+// Initialize a jQuery object
+// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
+var rootjQuery,
+	// A simple way to check for HTML strings
+	// Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
+	// Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <)
+	rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,
+	init = jQuery.fn.init = function( selector, context ) {
+		var match, elem;
+		// HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
+		if ( !selector ) {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Handle HTML strings
+		if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+			if ( selector[0] === "<" && selector[ selector.length - 1 ] === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
+				// Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
+				match = [ null, selector, null ];
+			} else {
+				match = rquickExpr.exec( selector );
+			}
+			// Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id
+			if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
+				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
+				if ( match[1] ) {
+					context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
+					// Option to run scripts is true for back-compat
+					// Intentionally let the error be thrown if parseHTML is not present
+					jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML(
+						match[1],
+						context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document,
+						true
+					) );
+					// HANDLE: $(html, props)
+					if ( rsingleTag.test( match[1] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
+						for ( match in context ) {
+							// Properties of context are called as methods if possible
+							if ( jQuery.isFunction( this[ match ] ) ) {
+								this[ match ]( context[ match ] );
+							// ...and otherwise set as attributes
+							} else {
+								this.attr( match, context[ match ] );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					return this;
+				// HANDLE: $(#id)
+				} else {
+					elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
+					// Support: Blackberry 4.6
+					// gEBID returns nodes no longer in the document (#6963)
+					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+						// Inject the element directly into the jQuery object
+						this.length = 1;
+						this[0] = elem;
+					}
+					this.context = document;
+					this.selector = selector;
+					return this;
+				}
+			// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
+			} else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
+				return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector );
+			// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
+			// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
+			} else {
+				return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
+			}
+		// HANDLE: $(DOMElement)
+		} else if ( selector.nodeType ) {
+			this.context = this[0] = selector;
+			this.length = 1;
+			return this;
+		// HANDLE: $(function)
+		// Shortcut for document ready
+		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
+			return typeof rootjQuery.ready !== "undefined" ?
+				rootjQuery.ready( selector ) :
+				// Execute immediately if ready is not present
+				selector( jQuery );
+		}
+		if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) {
+			this.selector = selector.selector;
+			this.context = selector.context;
+		}
+		return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
+	};
+// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
+init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
+// Initialize central reference
+rootjQuery = jQuery( document );
+var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
+	// Methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
+	guaranteedUnique = {
+		children: true,
+		contents: true,
+		next: true,
+		prev: true
+	};
+	dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
+		var matched = [],
+			truncate = until !== undefined;
+		while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) && elem.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+			if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				if ( truncate && jQuery( elem ).is( until ) ) {
+					break;
+				}
+				matched.push( elem );
+			}
+		}
+		return matched;
+	},
+	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
+		var matched = [];
+		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
+			if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
+				matched.push( n );
+			}
+		}
+		return matched;
+	}
+	has: function( target ) {
+		var targets = jQuery( target, this ),
+			l = targets.length;
+		return this.filter(function() {
+			var i = 0;
+			for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+				if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	closest: function( selectors, context ) {
+		var cur,
+			i = 0,
+			l = this.length,
+			matched = [],
+			pos = rneedsContext.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ?
+				jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) :
+				0;
+		for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+			for ( cur = this[i]; cur && cur !== context; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
+				// Always skip document fragments
+				if ( cur.nodeType < 11 && (pos ?
+					pos.index(cur) > -1 :
+					// Don't pass non-elements to Sizzle
+					cur.nodeType === 1 &&
+						jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors)) ) {
+					matched.push( cur );
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this.pushStack( matched.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( matched ) : matched );
+	},
+	// Determine the position of an element within the set
+	index: function( elem ) {
+		// No argument, return index in parent
+		if ( !elem ) {
+			return ( this[ 0 ] && this[ 0 ].parentNode ) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;
+		}
+		// Index in selector
+		if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
+			return jQuery( elem ), this[ 0 ] );
+		}
+		// Locate the position of the desired element
+		return this,
+			// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
+			elem.jquery ? elem[ 0 ] : elem
+		);
+	},
+	add: function( selector, context ) {
+		return this.pushStack(
+			jQuery.unique(
+				jQuery.merge( this.get(), jQuery( selector, context ) )
+			)
+		);
+	},
+	addBack: function( selector ) {
+		return this.add( selector == null ?
+			this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector)
+		);
+	}
+function sibling( cur, dir ) {
+	while ( (cur = cur[dir]) && cur.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+	return cur;
+	parent: function( elem ) {
+		var parent = elem.parentNode;
+		return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+	},
+	parents: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
+	},
+	parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
+	},
+	next: function( elem ) {
+		return sibling( elem, "nextSibling" );
+	},
+	prev: function( elem ) {
+		return sibling( elem, "previousSibling" );
+	},
+	nextAll: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
+	},
+	prevAll: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
+	},
+	nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
+	},
+	prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
+	},
+	siblings: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem );
+	},
+	children: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
+	},
+	contents: function( elem ) {
+		return elem.contentDocument || jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes );
+	}
+}, function( name, fn ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
+		var matched = this, fn, until );
+		if ( name.slice( -5 ) !== "Until" ) {
+			selector = until;
+		}
+		if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
+			matched = jQuery.filter( selector, matched );
+		}
+		if ( this.length > 1 ) {
+			// Remove duplicates
+			if ( !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ) {
+				jQuery.unique( matched );
+			}
+			// Reverse order for parents* and prev-derivatives
+			if ( rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
+				matched.reverse();
+			}
+		}
+		return this.pushStack( matched );
+	};
+var rnotwhite = (/\S+/g);
+// String to Object options format cache
+var optionsCache = {};
+// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
+function createOptions( options ) {
+	var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {};
+	jQuery.each( options.match( rnotwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) {
+		object[ flag ] = true;
+	});
+	return object;
+ * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
+ *
+ *	options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
+ *			the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
+ *
+ * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
+ * "fired" multiple times.
+ *
+ * Possible options:
+ *
+ *	once:			will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ *	memory:			will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
+ *					after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
+ *					values (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ *	unique:			will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
+ *
+ *	stopOnFalse:	interrupt callings when a callback returns false
+ *
+ */
+jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {
+	// Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
+	// (we check in cache first)
+	options = typeof options === "string" ?
+		( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) :
+		jQuery.extend( {}, options );
+	var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
+		memory,
+		// Flag to know if list was already fired
+		fired,
+		// Flag to know if list is currently firing
+		firing,
+		// First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
+		firingStart,
+		// End of the loop when firing
+		firingLength,
+		// Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
+		firingIndex,
+		// Actual callback list
+		list = [],
+		// Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
+		stack = !options.once && [],
+		// Fire callbacks
+		fire = function( data ) {
+			memory = options.memory && data;
+			fired = true;
+			firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
+			firingStart = 0;
+			firingLength = list.length;
+			firing = true;
+			for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
+				if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) {
+					memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			firing = false;
+			if ( list ) {
+				if ( stack ) {
+					if ( stack.length ) {
+						fire( stack.shift() );
+					}
+				} else if ( memory ) {
+					list = [];
+				} else {
+					self.disable();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		// Actual Callbacks object
+		self = {
+			// Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
+			add: function() {
+				if ( list ) {
+					// First, we save the current length
+					var start = list.length;
+					(function add( args ) {
+						jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
+							var type = jQuery.type( arg );
+							if ( type === "function" ) {
+								if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) {
+									list.push( arg );
+								}
+							} else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) {
+								// Inspect recursively
+								add( arg );
+							}
+						});
+					})( arguments );
+					// Do we need to add the callbacks to the
+					// current firing batch?
+					if ( firing ) {
+						firingLength = list.length;
+					// With memory, if we


[04/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0b0b86..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4796 +0,0 @@
- * rome - Customizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery!
- * @version v2.1.0
- * @link
- * @license MIT
- */
-!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.rome=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
-// shim for using process in browser
-var process = module.exports = {};
-process.nextTick = (function () {
-    var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined'
-    && window.setImmediate;
-    var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined'
-    && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener
-    ;
-    if (canSetImmediate) {
-        return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) };
-    }
-    if (canPost) {
-        var queue = [];
-        window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) {
-            var source = ev.source;
-            if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') {
-                ev.stopPropagation();
-                if (queue.length > 0) {
-                    var fn = queue.shift();
-                    fn();
-                }
-            }
-        }, true);
-        return function nextTick(fn) {
-            queue.push(fn);
-            window.postMessage('process-tick', '*');
-        };
-    }
-    return function nextTick(fn) {
-        setTimeout(fn, 0);
-    };
-process.title = 'browser';
-process.browser = true;
-process.env = {};
-process.argv = [];
-function noop() {}
-process.on = noop;
-process.addListener = noop;
-process.once = noop; = noop;
-process.removeListener = noop;
-process.removeAllListeners = noop;
-process.emit = noop;
-process.binding = function (name) {
-    throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
-// TODO(shtylman)
-process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
-process.chdir = function (dir) {
-    throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
-module.exports = _dereq_('./src/contra.emitter.js');
-(function (process){
-(function (root, undefined) {
-  'use strict';
-  var undef = '' + undefined;
-  function atoa (a, n) { return, n); }
-  function debounce (fn, args, ctx) { if (!fn) { return; } tick(function run () { fn.apply(ctx || null, args || []); }); }
-  // cross-platform ticker
-  var si = typeof setImmediate === 'function', tick;
-  if (si) {
-    tick = function (fn) { setImmediate(fn); };
-  } else if (typeof process !== undef && process.nextTick) {
-    tick = process.nextTick;
-  } else {
-    tick = function (fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); };
-  }
-  function _emitter (thing, options) {
-    var opts = options || {};
-    var evt = {};
-    if (thing === undefined) { thing = {}; }
-    thing.on = function (type, fn) {
-      if (!evt[type]) {
-        evt[type] = [fn];
-      } else {
-        evt[type].push(fn);
-      }
-      return thing;
-    };
-    thing.once = function (type, fn) {
-      fn._once = true; // still works!
-      thing.on(type, fn);
-      return thing;
-    };
- = function (type, fn) {
-      var c = arguments.length;
-      if (c === 1) {
-        delete evt[type];
-      } else if (c === 0) {
-        evt = {};
-      } else {
-        var et = evt[type];
-        if (!et) { return thing; }
-        et.splice(et.indexOf(fn), 1);
-      }
-      return thing;
-    };
-    thing.emit = function () {
-      var args = atoa(arguments);
-      return thing.emitterSnapshot(args.shift()).apply(this, args);
-    };
-    thing.emitterSnapshot = function (type) {
-      var et = (evt[type] || []).slice(0);
-      return function () {
-        var args = atoa(arguments);
-        var ctx = this || thing;
-        if (type === 'error' && opts.throws !== false && !et.length) { throw args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args; }
-        evt[type] = et.filter(function emitter (listen) {
-          if (opts.async) { debounce(listen, args, ctx); } else { listen.apply(ctx, args); }
-          return !listen._once;
-        });
-        return thing;
-      };
-    }
-    return thing;
-  }
-  // cross-platform export
-  if (typeof module !== undef && module.exports) {
-    module.exports = _emitter;
-  } else {
-    root.contra = root.contra || {};
-    root.contra.emitter = _emitter;
-  }
-(function (global){
-//! moment.js
-//! version : 2.8.4
-//! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
-//! license : MIT
-(function (undefined) {
-    /************************************
-        Constants
-    ************************************/
-    var moment,
-        VERSION = '2.8.4',
-        // the global-scope this is NOT the global object in Node.js
-        globalScope = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this,
-        oldGlobalMoment,
-        round = Math.round,
-        hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
-        i,
-        YEAR = 0,
-        MONTH = 1,
-        DATE = 2,
-        HOUR = 3,
-        MINUTE = 4,
-        SECOND = 5,
-        MILLISECOND = 6,
-        // internal storage for locale config files
-        locales = {},
-        // extra moment internal properties (plugins register props here)
-        momentProperties = [],
-        // check for nodeJS
-        hasModule = (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module && module.exports),
-        // ASP.NET json date format regex
-        aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i,
-        aspNetTimeSpanJsonRegex = /(\-)?(?:(\d*)\.)?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)\.?(\d{3})?)?/,
-        // from
-        // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere
-        isoDurationRegex = /^(-)?P(?:(?:([0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)S)?)?|([0-9,.]*)W)$/,
-        // format tokens
-        formattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Q|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,4}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,
-        localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,
-        // parsing token regexes
-        parseTokenOneOrTwoDigits = /\d\d?/, // 0 - 99
-        parseTokenOneToThreeDigits = /\d{1,3}/, // 0 - 999
-        parseTokenOneToFourDigits = /\d{1,4}/, // 0 - 9999
-        parseTokenOneToSixDigits = /[+\-]?\d{1,6}/, // -999,999 - 999,999
-        parseTokenDigits = /\d+/, // nonzero number of digits
-        parseTokenWord = /[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i, // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic.
-        parseTokenTimezone = /Z|[\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi, // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z
-        parseTokenT = /T/i, // T (ISO separator)
-        parseTokenOffsetMs = /[\+\-]?\d+/, // 1234567890123
-        parseTokenTimestampMs = /[\+\-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, // 123456789 123456789.123
-        //strict parsing regexes
-        parseTokenOneDigit = /\d/, // 0 - 9
-        parseTokenTwoDigits = /\d\d/, // 00 - 99
-        parseTokenThreeDigits = /\d{3}/, // 000 - 999
-        parseTokenFourDigits = /\d{4}/, // 0000 - 9999
-        parseTokenSixDigits = /[+-]?\d{6}/, // -999,999 - 999,999
-        parseTokenSignedNumber = /[+-]?\d+/, // -inf - inf
-        // iso 8601 regex
-        // 0000-00-00 0000-W00 or 0000-W00-0 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 or +00)
-        isoRegex = /^\s*(?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:(\d\d-\d\d)|(W\d\d$)|(W\d\d-\d)|(\d\d\d))((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,
-        isoFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ',
-        isoDates = [
-            ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\d{6}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],
-            ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],
-            ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\d{4}-W\d{2}-\d/],
-            ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\d{4}-W\d{2}/],
-            ['YYYY-DDD', /\d{4}-\d{3}/]
-        ],
-        // iso time formats and regexes
-        isoTimes = [
-            ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],
-            ['HH:mm:ss', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],
-            ['HH:mm', /(T| )\d\d:\d\d/],
-            ['HH', /(T| )\d\d/]
-        ],
-        // timezone chunker '+10:00' > ['10', '00'] or '-1530' > ['-15', '30']
-        parseTimezoneChunker = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi,
-        // getter and setter names
-        proxyGettersAndSetters = 'Date|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Milliseconds'.split('|'),
-        unitMillisecondFactors = {
-            'Milliseconds' : 1,
-            'Seconds' : 1e3,
-            'Minutes' : 6e4,
-            'Hours' : 36e5,
-            'Days' : 864e5,
-            'Months' : 2592e6,
-            'Years' : 31536e6
-        },
-        unitAliases = {
-            ms : 'millisecond',
-            s : 'second',
-            m : 'minute',
-            h : 'hour',
-            d : 'day',
-            D : 'date',
-            w : 'week',
-            W : 'isoWeek',
-            M : 'month',
-            Q : 'quarter',
-            y : 'year',
-            DDD : 'dayOfYear',
-            e : 'weekday',
-            E : 'isoWeekday',
-            gg: 'weekYear',
-            GG: 'isoWeekYear'
-        },
-        camelFunctions = {
-            dayofyear : 'dayOfYear',
-            isoweekday : 'isoWeekday',
-            isoweek : 'isoWeek',
-            weekyear : 'weekYear',
-            isoweekyear : 'isoWeekYear'
-        },
-        // format function strings
-        formatFunctions = {},
-        // default relative time thresholds
-        relativeTimeThresholds = {
-            s: 45,  // seconds to minute
-            m: 45,  // minutes to hour
-            h: 22,  // hours to day
-            d: 26,  // days to month
-            M: 11   // months to year
-        },
-        // tokens to ordinalize and pad
-        ordinalizeTokens = 'DDD w W M D d'.split(' '),
-        paddedTokens = 'M D H h m s w W'.split(' '),
-        formatTokenFunctions = {
-            M    : function () {
-                return this.month() + 1;
-            },
-            MMM  : function (format) {
-                return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format);
-            },
-            MMMM : function (format) {
-                return this.localeData().months(this, format);
-            },
-            D    : function () {
-                return;
-            },
-            DDD  : function () {
-                return this.dayOfYear();
-            },
-            d    : function () {
-                return;
-            },
-            dd   : function (format) {
-                return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format);
-            },
-            ddd  : function (format) {
-                return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format);
-            },
-            dddd : function (format) {
-                return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format);
-            },
-            w    : function () {
-                return this.week();
-            },
-            W    : function () {
-                return this.isoWeek();
-            },
-            YY   : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.year() % 100, 2);
-            },
-            YYYY : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.year(), 4);
-            },
-            YYYYY : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.year(), 5);
-            },
-            YYYYYY : function () {
-                var y = this.year(), sign = y >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
-                return sign + leftZeroFill(Math.abs(y), 6);
-            },
-            gg   : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.weekYear() % 100, 2);
-            },
-            gggg : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.weekYear(), 4);
-            },
-            ggggg : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.weekYear(), 5);
-            },
-            GG   : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.isoWeekYear() % 100, 2);
-            },
-            GGGG : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.isoWeekYear(), 4);
-            },
-            GGGGG : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.isoWeekYear(), 5);
-            },
-            e : function () {
-                return this.weekday();
-            },
-            E : function () {
-                return this.isoWeekday();
-            },
-            a    : function () {
-                return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), true);
-            },
-            A    : function () {
-                return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), false);
-            },
-            H    : function () {
-                return this.hours();
-            },
-            h    : function () {
-                return this.hours() % 12 || 12;
-            },
-            m    : function () {
-                return this.minutes();
-            },
-            s    : function () {
-                return this.seconds();
-            },
-            S    : function () {
-                return toInt(this.milliseconds() / 100);
-            },
-            SS   : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(toInt(this.milliseconds() / 10), 2);
-            },
-            SSS  : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.milliseconds(), 3);
-            },
-            SSSS : function () {
-                return leftZeroFill(this.milliseconds(), 3);
-            },
-            Z    : function () {
-                var a =,
-                    b = '+';
-                if (a < 0) {
-                    a = -a;
-                    b = '-';
-                }
-                return b + leftZeroFill(toInt(a / 60), 2) + ':' + leftZeroFill(toInt(a) % 60, 2);
-            },
-            ZZ   : function () {
-                var a =,
-                    b = '+';
-                if (a < 0) {
-                    a = -a;
-                    b = '-';
-                }
-                return b + leftZeroFill(toInt(a / 60), 2) + leftZeroFill(toInt(a) % 60, 2);
-            },
-            z : function () {
-                return this.zoneAbbr();
-            },
-            zz : function () {
-                return this.zoneName();
-            },
-            x    : function () {
-                return this.valueOf();
-            },
-            X    : function () {
-                return this.unix();
-            },
-            Q : function () {
-                return this.quarter();
-            }
-        },
-        deprecations = {},
-        lists = ['months', 'monthsShort', 'weekdays', 'weekdaysShort', 'weekdaysMin'];
-    // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments. dfl comes from
-    // default.
-    function dfl(a, b, c) {
-        switch (arguments.length) {
-            case 2: return a != null ? a : b;
-            case 3: return a != null ? a : b != null ? b : c;
-            default: throw new Error('Implement me');
-        }
-    }
-    function hasOwnProp(a, b) {
-        return, b);
-    }
-    function defaultParsingFlags() {
-        // We need to deep clone this object, and es5 standard is not very
-        // helpful.
-        return {
-            empty : false,
-            unusedTokens : [],
-            unusedInput : [],
-            overflow : -2,
-            charsLeftOver : 0,
-            nullInput : false,
-            invalidMonth : null,
-            invalidFormat : false,
-            userInvalidated : false,
-            iso: false
-        };
-    }
-    function printMsg(msg) {
-        if (moment.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false &&
-                typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn) {
-            console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg);
-        }
-    }
-    function deprecate(msg, fn) {
-        var firstTime = true;
-        return extend(function () {
-            if (firstTime) {
-                printMsg(msg);
-                firstTime = false;
-            }
-            return fn.apply(this, arguments);
-        }, fn);
-    }
-    function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {
-        if (!deprecations[name]) {
-            printMsg(msg);
-            deprecations[name] = true;
-        }
-    }
-    function padToken(func, count) {
-        return function (a) {
-            return leftZeroFill(, a), count);
-        };
-    }
-    function ordinalizeToken(func, period) {
-        return function (a) {
-            return this.localeData().ordinal(, a), period);
-        };
-    }
-    while (ordinalizeTokens.length) {
-        i = ordinalizeTokens.pop();
-        formatTokenFunctions[i + 'o'] = ordinalizeToken(formatTokenFunctions[i], i);
-    }
-    while (paddedTokens.length) {
-        i = paddedTokens.pop();
-        formatTokenFunctions[i + i] = padToken(formatTokenFunctions[i], 2);
-    }
-    formatTokenFunctions.DDDD = padToken(formatTokenFunctions.DDD, 3);
-    /************************************
-        Constructors
-    ************************************/
-    function Locale() {
-    }
-    // Moment prototype object
-    function Moment(config, skipOverflow) {
-        if (skipOverflow !== false) {
-            checkOverflow(config);
-        }
-        copyConfig(this, config);
-        this._d = new Date(+config._d);
-    }
-    // Duration Constructor
-    function Duration(duration) {
-        var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),
-            years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
-            quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
-            months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
-            weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,
-            days = || 0,
-            hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
-            minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
-            seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,
-            milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;
-        // representation for dateAddRemove
-        this._milliseconds = +milliseconds +
-            seconds * 1e3 + // 1000
-            minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60
-            hours * 36e5; // 1000 * 60 * 60
-        // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a
-        // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately
-        this._days = +days +
-            weeks * 7;
-        // It is impossible translate months into days without knowing
-        // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store
-        // it separately.
-        this._months = +months +
-            quarters * 3 +
-            years * 12;
-        this._data = {};
-        this._locale = moment.localeData();
-        this._bubble();
-    }
-    /************************************
-        Helpers
-    ************************************/
-    function extend(a, b) {
-        for (var i in b) {
-            if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {
-                a[i] = b[i];
-            }
-        }
-        if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) {
-            a.toString = b.toString;
-        }
-        if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) {
-            a.valueOf = b.valueOf;
-        }
-        return a;
-    }
-    function copyConfig(to, from) {
-        var i, prop, val;
-        if (typeof from._isAMomentObject !== 'undefined') {
-            to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._i !== 'undefined') {
-            to._i = from._i;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._f !== 'undefined') {
-            to._f = from._f;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._l !== 'undefined') {
-            to._l = from._l;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._strict !== 'undefined') {
-            to._strict = from._strict;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._tzm !== 'undefined') {
-            to._tzm = from._tzm;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._isUTC !== 'undefined') {
-            to._isUTC = from._isUTC;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._offset !== 'undefined') {
-            to._offset = from._offset;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._pf !== 'undefined') {
-            to._pf = from._pf;
-        }
-        if (typeof from._locale !== 'undefined') {
-            to._locale = from._locale;
-        }
-        if (momentProperties.length > 0) {
-            for (i in momentProperties) {
-                prop = momentProperties[i];
-                val = from[prop];
-                if (typeof val !== 'undefined') {
-                    to[prop] = val;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return to;
-    }
-    function absRound(number) {
-        if (number < 0) {
-            return Math.ceil(number);
-        } else {
-            return Math.floor(number);
-        }
-    }
-    // left zero fill a number
-    // see for performance comparison
-    function leftZeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {
-        var output = '' + Math.abs(number),
-            sign = number >= 0;
-        while (output.length < targetLength) {
-            output = '0' + output;
-        }
-        return (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') + output;
-    }
-    function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {
-        var res = {milliseconds: 0, months: 0};
-        res.months = other.month() - base.month() +
-            (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;
-        if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) {
-            --res.months;
-        }
-        res.milliseconds = +other - +(base.clone().add(res.months, 'M'));
-        return res;
-    }
-    function momentsDifference(base, other) {
-        var res;
-        other = makeAs(other, base);
-        if (base.isBefore(other)) {
-            res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other);
-        } else {
-            res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);
-            res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;
-            res.months = -res.months;
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    // TODO: remove 'name' arg after deprecation is removed
-    function createAdder(direction, name) {
-        return function (val, period) {
-            var dur, tmp;
-            //invert the arguments, but complain about it
-            if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {
-                deprecateSimple(name, 'moment().' + name  + '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' + name + '(number, period).');
-                tmp = val; val = period; period = tmp;
-            }
-            val = typeof val === 'string' ? +val : val;
-            dur = moment.duration(val, period);
-            addOrSubtractDurationFromMoment(this, dur, direction);
-            return this;
-        };
-    }
-    function addOrSubtractDurationFromMoment(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {
-        var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,
-            days = duration._days,
-            months = duration._months;
-        updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;
-        if (milliseconds) {
-            mom._d.setTime(+mom._d + milliseconds * isAdding);
-        }
-        if (days) {
-            rawSetter(mom, 'Date', rawGetter(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding);
-        }
-        if (months) {
-            rawMonthSetter(mom, rawGetter(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding);
-        }
-        if (updateOffset) {
-            moment.updateOffset(mom, days || months);
-        }
-    }
-    // check if is an array
-    function isArray(input) {
-        return === '[object Array]';
-    }
-    function isDate(input) {
-        return === '[object Date]' ||
-            input instanceof Date;
-    }
-    // compare two arrays, return the number of differences
-    function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {
-        var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),
-            lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),
-            diffs = 0,
-            i;
-        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-            if ((dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) ||
-                (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i]))) {
-                diffs++;
-            }
-        }
-        return diffs + lengthDiff;
-    }
-    function normalizeUnits(units) {
-        if (units) {
-            var lowered = units.toLowerCase().replace(/(.)s$/, '$1');
-            units = unitAliases[units] || camelFunctions[lowered] || lowered;
-        }
-        return units;
-    }
-    function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {
-        var normalizedInput = {},
-            normalizedProp,
-            prop;
-        for (prop in inputObject) {
-            if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {
-                normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);
-                if (normalizedProp) {
-                    normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return normalizedInput;
-    }
-    function makeList(field) {
-        var count, setter;
-        if (field.indexOf('week') === 0) {
-            count = 7;
-            setter = 'day';
-        }
-        else if (field.indexOf('month') === 0) {
-            count = 12;
-            setter = 'month';
-        }
-        else {
-            return;
-        }
-        moment[field] = function (format, index) {
-            var i, getter,
-                method = moment._locale[field],
-                results = [];
-            if (typeof format === 'number') {
-                index = format;
-                format = undefined;
-            }
-            getter = function (i) {
-                var m = moment().utc().set(setter, i);
-                return, m, format || '');
-            };
-            if (index != null) {
-                return getter(index);
-            }
-            else {
-                for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    results.push(getter(i));
-                }
-                return results;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {
-        var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,
-            value = 0;
-        if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {
-            if (coercedNumber >= 0) {
-                value = Math.floor(coercedNumber);
-            } else {
-                value = Math.ceil(coercedNumber);
-            }
-        }
-        return value;
-    }
-    function daysInMonth(year, month) {
-        return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month + 1, 0)).getUTCDate();
-    }
-    function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {
-        return weekOfYear(moment([year, 11, 31 + dow - doy]), dow, doy).week;
-    }
-    function daysInYear(year) {
-        return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
-    }
-    function isLeapYear(year) {
-        return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0;
-    }
-    function checkOverflow(m) {
-        var overflow;
-        if (m._a && m._pf.overflow === -2) {
-            overflow =
-                m._a[MONTH] < 0 || m._a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH :
-                m._a[DATE] < 1 || m._a[DATE] > daysInMonth(m._a[YEAR], m._a[MONTH]) ? DATE :
-                m._a[HOUR] < 0 || m._a[HOUR] > 24 ||
-                    (m._a[HOUR] === 24 && (m._a[MINUTE] !== 0 ||
-                                           m._a[SECOND] !== 0 ||
-                                           m._a[MILLISECOND] !== 0)) ? HOUR :
-                m._a[MINUTE] < 0 || m._a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE :
-                m._a[SECOND] < 0 || m._a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND :
-                m._a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || m._a[MILLISECOND] > 999 ? MILLISECOND :
-                -1;
-            if (m._pf._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) {
-                overflow = DATE;
-            }
-            m._pf.overflow = overflow;
-        }
-    }
-    function isValid(m) {
-        if (m._isValid == null) {
-            m._isValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) &&
-                m._pf.overflow < 0 &&
-                !m._pf.empty &&
-                !m._pf.invalidMonth &&
-                !m._pf.nullInput &&
-                !m._pf.invalidFormat &&
-                !m._pf.userInvalidated;
-            if (m._strict) {
-                m._isValid = m._isValid &&
-                    m._pf.charsLeftOver === 0 &&
-                    m._pf.unusedTokens.length === 0 &&
-                    m._pf.bigHour === undefined;
-            }
-        }
-        return m._isValid;
-    }
-    function normalizeLocale(key) {
-        return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key;
-    }
-    // pick the locale from the array
-    // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each
-    // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root
-    function chooseLocale(names) {
-        var i = 0, j, next, locale, split;
-        while (i < names.length) {
-            split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-');
-            j = split.length;
-            next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);
-            next = next ? next.split('-') : null;
-            while (j > 0) {
-                locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-'));
-                if (locale) {
-                    return locale;
-                }
-                if (next && next.length >= j && compareArrays(split, next, true) >= j - 1) {
-                    //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one
-                    break;
-                }
-                j--;
-            }
-            i++;
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    function loadLocale(name) {
-        var oldLocale = null;
-        if (!locales[name] && hasModule) {
-            try {
-                oldLocale = moment.locale();
-                _dereq_('./locale/' + name);
-                // because defineLocale currently also sets the global locale, we want to undo that for lazy loaded locales
-                moment.locale(oldLocale);
-            } catch (e) { }
-        }
-        return locales[name];
-    }
-    // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model.
-    function makeAs(input, model) {
-        var res, diff;
-        if (model._isUTC) {
-            res = model.clone();
-            diff = (moment.isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ?
-                    +input : +moment(input)) - (+res);
-            // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api.
-            res._d.setTime(+res._d + diff);
-            moment.updateOffset(res, false);
-            return res;
-        } else {
-            return moment(input).local();
-        }
-    }
-    /************************************
-        Locale
-    ************************************/
-    extend(Locale.prototype, {
-        set : function (config) {
-            var prop, i;
-            for (i in config) {
-                prop = config[i];
-                if (typeof prop === 'function') {
-                    this[i] = prop;
-                } else {
-                    this['_' + i] = prop;
-                }
-            }
-            // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to
-            // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _ordinalParseLenient.
-            this._ordinalParseLenient = new RegExp(this._ordinalParse.source + '|' + /\d{1,2}/.source);
-        },
-        _months : 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_'),
-        months : function (m) {
-            return this._months[m.month()];
-        },
-        _monthsShort : 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
-        monthsShort : function (m) {
-            return this._monthsShort[m.month()];
-        },
-        monthsParse : function (monthName, format, strict) {
-            var i, mom, regex;
-            if (!this._monthsParse) {
-                this._monthsParse = [];
-                this._longMonthsParse = [];
-                this._shortMonthsParse = [];
-            }
-            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
-                // make the regex if we don't have it already
-                mom = moment.utc([2000, i]);
-                if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {
-                    this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i');
-                    this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i');
-                }
-                if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {
-                    regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '');
-                    this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
-                }
-                // test the regex
-                if (strict && format === 'MMMM' && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
-                    return i;
-                } else if (strict && format === 'MMM' && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
-                    return i;
-                } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
-                    return i;
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        _weekdays : 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
-        weekdays : function (m) {
-            return this._weekdays[];
-        },
-        _weekdaysShort : 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
-        weekdaysShort : function (m) {
-            return this._weekdaysShort[];
-        },
-        _weekdaysMin : 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
-        weekdaysMin : function (m) {
-            return this._weekdaysMin[];
-        },
-        weekdaysParse : function (weekdayName) {
-            var i, mom, regex;
-            if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
-                this._weekdaysParse = [];
-            }
-            for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
-                // make the regex if we don't have it already
-                if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {
-                    mom = moment([2000, 1]).day(i);
-                    regex = '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');
-                    this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
-                }
-                // test the regex
-                if (this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
-                    return i;
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        _longDateFormat : {
-            LTS : 'h:mm:ss A',
-            LT : 'h:mm A',
-            L : 'MM/DD/YYYY',
-            LL : 'MMMM D, YYYY',
-            LLL : 'MMMM D, YYYY LT',
-            LLLL : 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY LT'
-        },
-        longDateFormat : function (key) {
-            var output = this._longDateFormat[key];
-            if (!output && this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()]) {
-                output = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (val) {
-                    return val.slice(1);
-                });
-                this._longDateFormat[key] = output;
-            }
-            return output;
-        },
-        isPM : function (input) {
-            // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays
-            // Using charAt should be more compatible.
-            return ((input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p');
-        },
-        _meridiemParse : /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i,
-        meridiem : function (hours, minutes, isLower) {
-            if (hours > 11) {
-                return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';
-            } else {
-                return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';
-            }
-        },
-        _calendar : {
-            sameDay : '[Today at] LT',
-            nextDay : '[Tomorrow at] LT',
-            nextWeek : 'dddd [at] LT',
-            lastDay : '[Yesterday at] LT',
-            lastWeek : '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
-            sameElse : 'L'
-        },
-        calendar : function (key, mom, now) {
-            var output = this._calendar[key];
-            return typeof output === 'function' ? output.apply(mom, [now]) : output;
-        },
-        _relativeTime : {
-            future : 'in %s',
-            past : '%s ago',
-            s : 'a few seconds',
-            m : 'a minute',
-            mm : '%d minutes',
-            h : 'an hour',
-            hh : '%d hours',
-            d : 'a day',
-            dd : '%d days',
-            M : 'a month',
-            MM : '%d months',
-            y : 'a year',
-            yy : '%d years'
-        },
-        relativeTime : function (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
-            var output = this._relativeTime[string];
-            return (typeof output === 'function') ?
-                output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) :
-                output.replace(/%d/i, number);
-        },
-        pastFuture : function (diff, output) {
-            var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past'];
-            return typeof format === 'function' ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output);
-        },
-        ordinal : function (number) {
-            return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number);
-        },
-        _ordinal : '%d',
-        _ordinalParse : /\d{1,2}/,
-        preparse : function (string) {
-            return string;
-        },
-        postformat : function (string) {
-            return string;
-        },
-        week : function (mom) {
-            return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;
-        },
-        _week : {
-            dow : 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
-            doy : 6  // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
-        },
-        _invalidDate: 'Invalid date',
-        invalidDate: function () {
-            return this._invalidDate;
-        }
-    });
-    /************************************
-        Formatting
-    ************************************/
-    function removeFormattingTokens(input) {
-        if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) {
-            return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '');
-        }
-        return input.replace(/\\/g, '');
-    }
-    function makeFormatFunction(format) {
-        var array = format.match(formattingTokens), i, length;
-        for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
-            if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {
-                array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]];
-            } else {
-                array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        return function (mom) {
-            var output = '';
-            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-                output += array[i] instanceof Function ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i];
-            }
-            return output;
-        };
-    }
-    // format date using native date object
-    function formatMoment(m, format) {
-        if (!m.isValid()) {
-            return m.localeData().invalidDate();
-        }
-        format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());
-        if (!formatFunctions[format]) {
-            formatFunctions[format] = makeFormatFunction(format);
-        }
-        return formatFunctions[format](m);
-    }
-    function expandFormat(format, locale) {
-        var i = 5;
-        function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {
-            return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input;
-        }
-        localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
-        while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {
-            format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens);
-            localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
-            i -= 1;
-        }
-        return format;
-    }
-    /************************************
-        Parsing
-    ************************************/
-    // get the regex to find the next token
-    function getParseRegexForToken(token, config) {
-        var a, strict = config._strict;
-        switch (token) {
-        case 'Q':
-            return parseTokenOneDigit;
-        case 'DDDD':
-            return parseTokenThreeDigits;
-        case 'YYYY':
-        case 'GGGG':
-        case 'gggg':
-            return strict ? parseTokenFourDigits : parseTokenOneToFourDigits;
-        case 'Y':
-        case 'G':
-        case 'g':
-            return parseTokenSignedNumber;
-        case 'YYYYYY':
-        case 'YYYYY':
-        case 'GGGGG':
-        case 'ggggg':
-            return strict ? parseTokenSixDigits : parseTokenOneToSixDigits;
-        case 'S':
-            if (strict) {
-                return parseTokenOneDigit;
-            }
-            /* falls through */
-        case 'SS':
-            if (strict) {
-                return parseTokenTwoDigits;
-            }
-            /* falls through */
-        case 'SSS':
-            if (strict) {
-                return parseTokenThreeDigits;
-            }
-            /* falls through */
-        case 'DDD':
-            return parseTokenOneToThreeDigits;
-        case 'MMM':
-        case 'MMMM':
-        case 'dd':
-        case 'ddd':
-        case 'dddd':
-            return parseTokenWord;
-        case 'a':
-        case 'A':
-            return config._locale._meridiemParse;
-        case 'x':
-            return parseTokenOffsetMs;
-        case 'X':
-            return parseTokenTimestampMs;
-        case 'Z':
-        case 'ZZ':
-            return parseTokenTimezone;
-        case 'T':
-            return parseTokenT;
-        case 'SSSS':
-            return parseTokenDigits;
-        case 'MM':
-        case 'DD':
-        case 'YY':
-        case 'GG':
-        case 'gg':
-        case 'HH':
-        case 'hh':
-        case 'mm':
-        case 'ss':
-        case 'ww':
-        case 'WW':
-            return strict ? parseTokenTwoDigits : parseTokenOneOrTwoDigits;
-        case 'M':
-        case 'D':
-        case 'd':
-        case 'H':
-        case 'h':
-        case 'm':
-        case 's':
-        case 'w':
-        case 'W':
-        case 'e':
-        case 'E':
-            return parseTokenOneOrTwoDigits;
-        case 'Do':
-            return strict ? config._locale._ordinalParse : config._locale._ordinalParseLenient;
-        default :
-            a = new RegExp(regexpEscape(unescapeFormat(token.replace('\\', '')), 'i'));
-            return a;
-        }
-    }
-    function timezoneMinutesFromString(string) {
-        string = string || '';
-        var possibleTzMatches = (string.match(parseTokenTimezone) || []),
-            tzChunk = possibleTzMatches[possibleTzMatches.length - 1] || [],
-            parts = (tzChunk + '').match(parseTimezoneChunker) || ['-', 0, 0],
-            minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);
-        return parts[0] === '+' ? -minutes : minutes;
-    }
-    // function to convert string input to date
-    function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {
-        var a, datePartArray = config._a;
-        switch (token) {
-        // QUARTER
-        case 'Q':
-            if (input != null) {
-                datePartArray[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3;
-            }
-            break;
-        // MONTH
-        case 'M' : // fall through to MM
-        case 'MM' :
-            if (input != null) {
-                datePartArray[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'MMM' : // fall through to MMMM
-        case 'MMMM' :
-            a = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);
-            // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid.
-            if (a != null) {
-                datePartArray[MONTH] = a;
-            } else {
-                config._pf.invalidMonth = input;
-            }
-            break;
-        // DAY OF MONTH
-        case 'D' : // fall through to DD
-        case 'DD' :
-            if (input != null) {
-                datePartArray[DATE] = toInt(input);
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'Do' :
-            if (input != null) {
-                datePartArray[DATE] = toInt(parseInt(
-                            input.match(/\d{1,2}/)[0], 10));
-            }
-            break;
-        // DAY OF YEAR
-        case 'DDD' : // fall through to DDDD
-        case 'DDDD' :
-            if (input != null) {
-                config._dayOfYear = toInt(input);
-            }
-            break;
-        // YEAR
-        case 'YY' :
-            datePartArray[YEAR] = moment.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
-            break;
-        case 'YYYY' :
-        case 'YYYYY' :
-        case 'YYYYYY' :
-            datePartArray[YEAR] = toInt(input);
-            break;
-        // AM / PM
-        case 'a' : // fall through to A
-        case 'A' :
-            config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);
-            break;
-        // HOUR
-        case 'h' : // fall through to hh
-        case 'hh' :
-            config._pf.bigHour = true;
-            /* falls through */
-        case 'H' : // fall through to HH
-        case 'HH' :
-            datePartArray[HOUR] = toInt(input);
-            break;
-        // MINUTE
-        case 'm' : // fall through to mm
-        case 'mm' :
-            datePartArray[MINUTE] = toInt(input);
-            break;
-        // SECOND
-        case 's' : // fall through to ss
-        case 'ss' :
-            datePartArray[SECOND] = toInt(input);
-            break;
-        // MILLISECOND
-        case 'S' :
-        case 'SS' :
-        case 'SSS' :
-        case 'SSSS' :
-            datePartArray[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000);
-            break;
-        case 'x':
-            config._d = new Date(toInt(input));
-            break;
-        case 'X':
-            config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input) * 1000);
-            break;
-        // TIMEZONE
-        case 'Z' : // fall through to ZZ
-        case 'ZZ' :
-            config._useUTC = true;
-            config._tzm = timezoneMinutesFromString(input);
-            break;
-        // WEEKDAY - human
-        case 'dd':
-        case 'ddd':
-        case 'dddd':
-            a = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input);
-            // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid
-            if (a != null) {
-                config._w = config._w || {};
-                config._w['d'] = a;
-            } else {
-                config._pf.invalidWeekday = input;
-            }
-            break;
-        // WEEK, WEEK DAY - numeric
-        case 'w':
-        case 'ww':
-        case 'W':
-        case 'WW':
-        case 'd':
-        case 'e':
-        case 'E':
-            token = token.substr(0, 1);
-            /* falls through */
-        case 'gggg':
-        case 'GGGG':
-        case 'GGGGG':
-            token = token.substr(0, 2);
-            if (input) {
-                config._w = config._w || {};
-                config._w[token] = toInt(input);
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'gg':
-        case 'GG':
-            config._w = config._w || {};
-            config._w[token] = moment.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
-        }
-    }
-    function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {
-        var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp;
-        w = config._w;
-        if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {
-            dow = 1;
-            doy = 4;
-            // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on
-            // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create
-            // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and
-            // create now).
-            weekYear = dfl(w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(moment(), 1, 4).year);
-            week = dfl(w.W, 1);
-            weekday = dfl(w.E, 1);
-        } else {
-            dow = config._locale._week.dow;
-            doy = config._locale._week.doy;
-            weekYear = dfl(, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(moment(), dow, doy).year);
-            week = dfl(w.w, 1);
-            if (w.d != null) {
-                // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week
-                weekday = w.d;
-                if (weekday < dow) {
-                    ++week;
-                }
-            } else if (w.e != null) {
-                // local weekday -- counting starts from begining of week
-                weekday = w.e + dow;
-            } else {
-                // default to begining of week
-                weekday = dow;
-            }
-        }
-        temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, doy, dow);
-        config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;
-        config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear;
-    }
-    // convert an array to a date.
-    // the array should mirror the parameters below
-    // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value.
-    // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond]
-    function dateFromConfig(config) {
-        var i, date, input = [], currentDate, yearToUse;
-        if (config._d) {
-            return;
-        }
-        currentDate = currentDateArray(config);
-        //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays
-        if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {
-            dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config);
-        }
-        //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is
-        if (config._dayOfYear) {
-            yearToUse = dfl(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);
-            if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse)) {
-                config._pf._overflowDayOfYear = true;
-            }
-            date = makeUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);
-            config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();
-            config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate();
-        }
-        // Default to current date.
-        // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today
-        // * if day of month is given, default month and year
-        // * if month is given, default only year
-        // * if year is given, don't default anything
-        for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {
-            config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i];
-        }
-        // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time
-        for (; i < 7; i++) {
-            config._a[i] = input[i] = (config._a[i] == null) ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i];
-        }
-        // Check for 24:00:00.000
-        if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 &&
-                config._a[MINUTE] === 0 &&
-                config._a[SECOND] === 0 &&
-                config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) {
-            config._nextDay = true;
-            config._a[HOUR] = 0;
-        }
-        config._d = (config._useUTC ? makeUTCDate : makeDate).apply(null, input);
-        // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual zone can be changed
-        // with parseZone.
-        if (config._tzm != null) {
-            config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() + config._tzm);
-        }
-        if (config._nextDay) {
-            config._a[HOUR] = 24;
-        }
-    }
-    function dateFromObject(config) {
-        var normalizedInput;
-        if (config._d) {
-            return;
-        }
-        normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);
-        config._a = [
-            normalizedInput.year,
-            normalizedInput.month,
-   ||,
-            normalizedInput.hour,
-            normalizedInput.minute,
-            normalizedInput.second,
-            normalizedInput.millisecond
-        ];
-        dateFromConfig(config);
-    }
-    function currentDateArray(config) {
-        var now = new Date();
-        if (config._useUTC) {
-            return [
-                now.getUTCFullYear(),
-                now.getUTCMonth(),
-                now.getUTCDate()
-            ];
-        } else {
-            return [now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()];
-        }
-    }
-    // date from string and format string
-    function makeDateFromStringAndFormat(config) {
-        if (config._f === moment.ISO_8601) {
-            parseISO(config);
-            return;
-        }
-        config._a = [];
-        config._pf.empty = true;
-        // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC`
-        var string = '' + config._i,
-            i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped,
-            stringLength = string.length,
-            totalParsedInputLength = 0;
-        tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];
-        for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
-            token = tokens[i];
-            parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0];
-            if (parsedInput) {
-                skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));
-                if (skipped.length > 0) {
-                    config._pf.unusedInput.push(skipped);
-                }
-                string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);
-                totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length;
-            }
-            // don't parse if it's not a known token
-            if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {
-                if (parsedInput) {
-                    config._pf.empty = false;
-                }
-                else {
-                    config._pf.unusedTokens.push(token);
-                }
-                addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config);
-            }
-            else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {
-                config._pf.unusedTokens.push(token);
-            }
-        }
-        // add remaining unparsed input length to the string
-        config._pf.charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;
-        if (string.length > 0) {
-            config._pf.unusedInput.push(string);
-        }
-        // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12
-        if (config._pf.bigHour === true && config._a[HOUR] <= 12) {
-            config._pf.bigHour = undefined;
-        }
-        // handle am pm
-        if (config._isPm && config._a[HOUR] < 12) {
-            config._a[HOUR] += 12;
-        }
-        // if is 12 am, change hours to 0
-        if (config._isPm === false && config._a[HOUR] === 12) {
-            config._a[HOUR] = 0;
-        }
-        dateFromConfig(config);
-        checkOverflow(config);
-    }
-    function unescapeFormat(s) {
-        return s.replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function (matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
-            return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4;
-        });
-    }
-    // Code from
-    function regexpEscape(s) {
-        return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
-    }
-    // date from string and array of format strings
-    function makeDateFromStringAndArray(config) {
-        var tempConfig,
-            bestMoment,
-            scoreToBeat,
-            i,
-            currentScore;
-        if (config._f.length === 0) {
-            config._pf.invalidFormat = true;
-            config._d = new Date(NaN);
-            return;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < config._f.length; i++) {
-            currentScore = 0;
-            tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);
-            if (config._useUTC != null) {
-                tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC;
-            }
-            tempConfig._pf = defaultParsingFlags();
-            tempConfig._f = config._f[i];
-            makeDateFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);
-            if (!isValid(tempConfig)) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format
-            currentScore += tempConfig._pf.charsLeftOver;
-            //or tokens
-            currentScore += tempConfig._pf.unusedTokens.length * 10;
-            tempConfig._pf.score = currentScore;
-            if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat) {
-                scoreToBeat = currentScore;
-                bestMoment = tempConfig;
-            }
-        }
-        extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig);
-    }
-    // date from iso format
-    function parseISO(config) {
-        var i, l,
-            string = config._i,
-            match = isoRegex.exec(string);
-        if (match) {
-            config._pf.iso = true;
-            for (i = 0, l = isoDates.length; i < l; i++) {
-                if (isoDates[i][1].exec(string)) {
-                    // match[5] should be 'T' or undefined
-                    config._f = isoDates[i][0] + (match[6] || ' ');
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            for (i = 0, l = isoTimes.length; i < l; i++) {
-                if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(string)) {
-                    config._f += isoTimes[i][0];
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (string.match(parseTokenTimezone)) {
-                config._f += 'Z';
-            }
-            makeDateFromStringAndFormat(config);
-        } else {
-            config._isValid = false;
-        }
-    }
-    // date from iso format or fallback
-    function makeDateFromString(config) {
-        parseISO(config);
-        if (config._isValid === false) {
-            delete config._isValid;
-            moment.createFromInputFallback(config);
-        }
-    }
-    function map(arr, fn) {
-        var res = [], i;
-        for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
-            res.push(fn(arr[i], i));
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    function makeDateFromInput(config) {
-        var input = config._i, matched;
-        if (input === undefined) {
-            config._d = new Date();
-        } else if (isDate(input)) {
-            config._d = new Date(+input);
-        } else if ((matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(input)) !== null) {
-            config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);
-        } else if (typeof input === 'string') {
-            makeDateFromString(config);
-        } else if (isArray(input)) {
-            config._a = map(input.slice(0), function (obj) {
-                return parseInt(obj, 10);
-            });
-            dateFromConfig(config);
-        } else if (typeof(input) === 'object') {
-            dateFromObject(config);
-        } else if (typeof(input) === 'number') {
-            // from milliseconds
-            config._d = new Date(input);
-        } else {
-            moment.createFromInputFallback(config);
-        }
-    }
-    function makeDate(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {
-        //can't just apply() to create a date:
-        //
-        var date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
-        //the date constructor doesn't accept years < 1970
-        if (y < 1970) {
-            date.setFullYear(y);
-        }
-        return date;
-    }
-    function makeUTCDate(y) {
-        var date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));
-        if (y < 1970) {
-            date.setUTCFullYear(y);
-        }
-        return date;
-    }
-    function parseWeekday(input, locale) {
-        if (typeof input === 'string') {
-            if (!isNaN(input)) {
-                input = parseInt(input, 10);
-            }
-            else {
-                input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);
-                if (typeof input !== 'number') {
-                    return null;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return input;
-    }
-    /************************************
-        Relative Time
-    ************************************/
-    // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize
-    function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) {
-        return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture);
-    }
-    function relativeTime(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, locale) {
-        var duration = moment.duration(posNegDuration).abs(),
-            seconds = round('s')),
-            minutes = round('m')),
-            hours = round('h')),
-            days = round('d')),
-            months = round('M')),
-            years = round('y')),
-            args = seconds < relativeTimeThresholds.s && ['s', seconds] ||
-                minutes === 1 && ['m'] ||
-                minutes < relativeTimeThresholds.m && ['mm', minutes] ||
-                hours === 1 && ['h'] ||
-                hours < relativeTimeThresholds.h && ['hh', hours] ||
-                days === 1 && ['d'] ||
-                days < relativeTimeThresholds.d && ['dd', days] ||
-                months === 1 && ['M'] ||
-                months < relativeTimeThresholds.M && ['MM', months] ||
-                years === 1 && ['y'] || ['yy', years];
-        args[2] = withoutSuffix;
-        args[3] = +posNegDuration > 0;
-        args[4] = locale;
-        return substituteTimeAgo.apply({}, args);
-    }
-    /************************************
-        Week of Year
-    ************************************/
-    // firstDayOfWeek       0 = sun, 6 = sat
-    //                      the day of the week that starts the week
-    //                      (usually sunday or monday)
-    // firstDayOfWeekOfYear 0 = sun, 6 = sat
-    //                      the first week is the week that contains the first
-    //                      of this day of the week
-    //                      (eg. ISO weeks use thursday (4))
-    function weekOfYear(mom, firstDayOfWeek, firstDayOfWeekOfYear) {
-        var end = firstDayOfWeekOfYear - firstDayOfWeek,
-            daysToDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeekOfYear -,
-            adjustedMoment;
-        if (daysToDayOfWeek > end) {
-            daysToDayOfWeek -= 7;
-        }
-        if (daysToDayOfWeek < end - 7) {
-            daysToDayOfWeek += 7;
-        }
-        adjustedMoment = moment(mom).add(daysToDayOfWeek, 'd');
-        return {
-            week: Math.ceil(adjustedMoment.dayOfYear() / 7),
-            year: adjustedMoment.year()
-        };
-    }
-    //
-    function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, firstDayOfWeekOfYear, firstDayOfWeek) {
-        var d = makeUTCDate(year, 0, 1).getUTCDay(), daysToAdd, dayOfYear;
-        d = d === 0 ? 7 : d;
-        weekday = weekday != null ? weekday : firstDayOfWeek;
-        daysToAdd = firstDayOfWeek - d + (d > firstDayOfWeekOfYear ? 7 : 0) - (d < firstDayOfWeek ? 7 : 0);
-        dayOfYear = 7 * (week - 1) + (weekday - firstDayOfWeek) + daysToAdd + 1;
-        return {
-            year: dayOfYear > 0 ? year : year - 1,
-            dayOfYear: dayOfYear > 0 ?  dayOfYear : daysInYear(year - 1) + dayOfYear
-        };
-    }
-    /************************************
-        Top Level Functions
-    ************************************/
-    function makeMoment(config) {
-        var input = config._i,
-            format = config._f,
-            res;
-        config._locale = config._locale || moment.localeData(config._l);
-        if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) {
-            return moment.invalid({nullInput: true});
-        }
-        if (typeof input === 'string') {
-            config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input);
-        }
-        if (moment.isMoment(input)) {
-            return new Moment(input, true);
-        } else if (format) {
-            if (isArray(format)) {
-                makeDateFromStringAndArray(config);
-            } else {
-                makeDateFromStringAndFormat(config);
-            }
-        } else {
-            makeDateFromInput(config);
-        }
-        res = new Moment(config);
-        if (res._nextDay) {
-            // Adding is smart enough around DST
-            res.add(1, 'd');
-            res._nextDay = undefined;
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    moment = function (input, format, locale, strict) {
-        var c;
-        if (typeof(locale) === 'boolean') {
-            strict = locale;
-            locale = undefined;
-        }
-        // object construction must be done this way.
-        //
-        c = {};
-        c._isAMomentObject = true;
-        c._i = input;
-        c._f = format;
-        c._l = locale;
-        c._strict = strict;
-        c._isUTC = false;
-        c._pf = defaultParsingFlags();
-        return makeMoment(c);
-    };
-    moment.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;
-    moment.createFromInputFallback = deprecate(
-        'moment construction falls back to js Date. This is ' +
-        'discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major ' +
-        'release. Please refer to ' +
-        ' for more info.',
-        function (config) {
-            config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : ''));
-        }
-    );
-    // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all
-    // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive.
-    //
-    // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose
-    // first element is an array of moment objects.
-    function pickBy(fn, moments) {
-        var res, i;
-        if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {
-            moments = moments[0];
-        }
-        if (!moments.length) {
-            return moment();
-        }
-        res = moments[0];
-        for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {
-            if (moments[i][fn](res)) {
-                res = moments[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    moment.min = function () {
-        var args = [], 0);
-        return pickBy('isBefore', args);
-    };
-    moment.max = function () {
-        var args = [], 0);
-        return pickBy('isAfter', args);
-    };
-    // creating with utc
-    moment.utc = function (input, format, locale, strict) {
-        var c;
-        if (typeof(locale) === 'boolean') {
-            strict = locale;
-            locale = undefined;
-        }
-        // object construction must be done this way.
-        //
-        c = {};
-        c._isAMomentObject = true;
-        c._useUTC = true;
-        c._isUTC = true;
-        c._l = locale;
-        c._i = input;
-        c._f = format;
-        c._strict = strict;
-        c._pf = defaultParsingFlags();
-        return makeMoment(c).utc();
-    };
-    // creating with unix timestamp (in seconds)
-    moment.unix = function (input) {
-        return moment(input * 1000);
-    };
-    // duration
-    moment.duration = function (input, key) {
-        var duration = input,
-            // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand
-            match = null,
-            sign,
-            ret,
-            parseIso,
-            diffRes;
-        if (moment.isDuration(input)) {
-            duration = {
-                ms: input._milliseconds,
-                d: input._days,
-                M: input._months
-            };
-        } else if (typeof input === 'number') {
-            duration = {};
-            if (key) {
-                duration[key] = input;
-            } else {
-                duration.milliseconds = input;
-            }
-        } else if (!!(match = aspNetTimeSpanJsonRegex.exec(input))) {
-            sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
-            duration = {
-                y: 0,
-                d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign,
-                h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign,
-                m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign,
-                s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign,
-                ms: toInt(match[MILLISECOND]) * sign
-            };
-        } else if (!!(match = isoDurationRegex.exec(input))) {
-            sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
-            parseIso = function (inp) {
-                // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also
-                // converts floats to ints.
-                // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it.
-                var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.'));
-                // apply sign while we're at it
-                return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign;
-            };
-            duration = {
-                y: parseIso(match[2]),
-                M: parseIso(match[3]),
-                d: parseIso(match[4]),
-                h: parseIso(match[5]),
-                m: parseIso(match[6]),
-                s: parseIso(match[7]),
-                w: parseIso(match[8])
-            };
-        } else if (typeof duration === 'object' &&
-                ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration)) {
-            diffRes = momentsDifference(moment(duration.from), moment(;
-            duration = {};
-   = diffRes.milliseconds;
-            duration.M = diffRes.months;
-        }
-        ret = new Duration(duration);
-        if (moment.isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) {
-            ret._locale = input._locale;
-        }
-        return ret;
-    };
-    // version number
-    moment.version = VERSION;
-    // default format
-    moment.defaultFormat = isoFormat;
-    // constant that refers to the ISO standard
-    moment.ISO_8601 = function () {};
-    // Plugins that add properties should also add the key here (null value),
-    // so we can properly clone ourselves.
-    moment.momentProperties = momentProperties;
-    // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.
-    // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.
-    moment.updateOffset = function () {};
-    // This function allows you to set a threshold for relative time strings
-    moment.relativeTimeThreshold = function (threshold, limit) {
-        if (relativeTimeThresholds[threshold] === undefined) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (limit === undefined) {
-            return relativeTimeThresholds[threshold];
-        }
-        relativeTimeThresholds[threshold] = limit;
-        return true;
-    };
-    moment.lang = deprecate(
-        'moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.',
-        function (key, value) {
-            return moment.locale(key, value);
-        }
-    );
-    // This function will load locale and then set the global locale.  If
-    // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global
-    // locale key.
-    moment.locale = function (key, values) {
-        var data;
-        if (key) {
-            if (typeof(values) !== 'undefined') {
-                data = moment.defineLocale(key, values);
-            }
-            else {
-                data = moment.localeData(key);
-            }
-            if (data) {
-                moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data;
-            }
-        }
-        return moment._locale._abbr;
-    };
-    moment.defineLocale = function (name, values) {
-        if (values !== null) {
-            values.abbr = name;
-            if (!locales[name]) {
-                locales[name] = new Locale();
-            }
-            locales[name].set(values);
-            // backwards compat for now: also set the locale
-            moment.locale(name);
-            return locales[name];
-        } else {
-            // useful for testing
-            delete locales[name];
-            return null;
-        }
-    };
-    moment.langData = deprecate(
-        'moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.',
-        function (key) {
-            return moment.localeData(key);
-        }
-    );
-    // returns locale data
-    moment.localeData = function (key) {
-        var locale;
-        if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {
-            key = key._locale._abbr;
-        }
-        if (!key) {
-            return moment._locale;
-        }
-        if (!isArray(key)) {
-            //short-circuit everything else
-            locale = loadLocale(key);
-            if (locale) {
-                return locale;
-            }
-            key = [key];
-        }
-        return chooseLocale(key);
-    };
-    // compare moment object
-    moment.isMoment = function (obj) {
-        return obj instanceof Moment ||
-            (obj != null && hasOwnProp(obj, '_isAMomentObject'));
-    };
-    // for typechecking Duration objects
-    moment.isDuration = function (obj) {
-        return obj instanceof Duration;
-    };
-    for (i = lists.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-        makeList(lists[i]);
-    }
-    moment.normalizeUnits = function (units) {
-        return normalizeUnits(units);
-    };
-    moment.invalid = function (flags) {
-        var m = moment.utc(NaN);
-        if (flags != null) {
-            extend(m._pf, flags);
-        }
-        else {
-            m._pf.userInvalidated = true;
-        }
-        return m;
-    };
-    moment.parseZone = function () {
-        return moment.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();
-    };
-    moment.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {
-        return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);
-    };
-    /************************************
-        Moment Prototype
-    ************************************/
-    extend(moment.fn = Moment.prototype, {
-        clone : function () {
-            return moment(this);
-        },
-        valueOf : function () {
-            return +this._d + ((this._offset || 0) * 60000);
-        },
-        unix : function () {
-            return Math.floor(+this / 1000);
-        },
-        toString : function () {
-            return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');
-        },
-        toDate : function () {
-            return this._offset ? new Date(+this) : this._d;
-        },
-        toISOString : function () {
-            var m = moment(this).utc();
-            if (0 < m.year() && m.year() <= 9999) {
-                if ('function' === typeof Date.prototype.toISOString) {
-                    // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can
-                    return this.toDate().toISOString();
-                } else {
-                    return formatMoment(m, 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]');
-                }
-            } else {
-                return formatMoment(m, 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]');
-            }
-        },
-        toArray : function () {
-            var m = this;
-            return [
-                m.year(),
-                m.month(),
-      ,
-                m.hours(),
-                m.minutes(),
-                m.seconds(),
-                m.milliseconds()
-            ];
-        },
-        isValid : function () {
-            return isValid(this);
-        },
-        isDSTShifted : function () {
-            if (this._a) {
-                return this.isValid() && compareArrays(this._a, (this._isUTC ? moment.utc(this._a) : moment(this._a)).toArray()) > 0;
-            }
-            return false;
-        },
-        parsingFlags : function () {
-            return extend({}, this._pf);
-        },
-        invalidAt: function () {
-            return this._pf.overflow;
-        },
-        utc : function (keepLocalTime) {
-            return, keepLocalTime);
-        },
-        local : function (keepLocalTime) {
-            if (this._isUTC) {
-      , keepLocalTime);
-                this._isUTC = false;
-                if (keepLocalTime) {
-                    this.add(this._dateTzOffset(), 'm');
-                }
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        format : function (inputString) {
-            var output = formatMoment(this, inputString || moment.defaultFormat);
-            return this.localeData().postformat(output);
-        },
-        add : createAdder(1, 'add'),
-        subtract : createAdder(-1, 'subtract'),
-        diff : function (input, units, asFloat) {
-            var that = makeAs(input, this),
-                zoneDiff = ( - * 6e4,
-                diff, output, daysAdjust;
-            units = normalizeUnits(units);
-            if (units === 'year' || units === 'month') {
-                // average number of days in the months in the given dates
-                diff = (this.daysInMonth() + that.daysInMonth()) * 432e5; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 / 2
-                // difference in months
-                output = ((this.year() - that.year()) * 12) + (this.month() - that.month());
-                // adjust by taking difference in days, average number of days
-                // and dst in the given months.
-                daysAdjust = (this - moment(this).startOf('month')) -
-                    (that - moment(that).startOf('month'));
-                // same as above but with zones, to negate all dst
-                daysAdjust -= (( - moment(this).startOf('month').zone()) -
-                        ( - moment(that).startOf('month').zone())) * 6e4;
-                output += daysAdjust / diff;
-                if (units === 'year') {
-                    output = output / 12;
-                }
-            } else {
-                diff = (this - that);
-                output = units === 'second' ? diff / 1e3 : // 1000
-                    units === 'minute' ? diff / 6e4 : // 1000 * 60
-                    units === 'hour' ? diff / 36e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60
-                    units === 'day' ? (diff - zoneDiff) / 864e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst
-                    units === 'week' ? (diff - zoneDiff) / 6048e5 : // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst
-                    diff;
-            }
-            return asFloat ? output : absRound(output);
-        },
-        from : function (time, withoutSuffix) {
-            return moment.duration({to: this, from: time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
-        },
-        fromNow : function (withoutSuffix) {
-            return this.from(moment(), withoutSuffix);
-        },
-        calendar : function (time) {
-            // We want to compare the start of today, vs this.
-            // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're zone'd or not.
-            var now = time || moment(),
-                sod = makeAs(now, this).startOf('day'),
-                diff = this.diff(sod, 'days', true),
-                format = diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' :
-                    diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' :
-                    diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' :
-                    diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' :
-                    diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' :
-                    diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse';
-            return this.format(this.localeData().calendar(format, this, moment(now)));
-        },
-        isLeapYear : function () {
-            return isLeapYear(this.year());
-        },
-        isDST : function () {
-            return ( < this.clone().month(0).zone() ||
-       < this.clone().month(5).zone());
-        },
-        day : function (input) {
-            var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();
-            if (input != null) {
-                input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());
-                return this.add(input - day, 'd');
-            } else {
-                return day;
-            }
-        },
-        month : makeAccessor('Month', true),
-        startOf : function (units) {
-            units = normalizeUnits(units);
-            // the following switch intentionally omits break keywords
-            // to utilize falling through the cases.
-            switch (units) {
-            case 'year':
-                this.month(0);
-                /* falls through */
-            case 'quarter':
-            case 'month':
-      ;
-                /* falls through */
-            case 'week':
-            case 'isoWeek':
-            case 'day':
-                this.hours(0);
-                /* falls through */
-            case 'hour':
-                this.minutes(0);
-                /* falls through */
-            case 'minute':
-                this.seconds(0);
-                /* falls through */
-            case 'second':
-                this.milliseconds(0);
-                /* falls through */
-            }
-            // weeks are a special case
-            if (units === 'week') {
-                this.weekday(0);
-            } else if (units === 'isoWeek') {
-                this.isoWeekday(1);
-            }
-            // quarters are also special
-            if (units === 'quarter') {
-                this.month(Math.floor(this.month() / 3) * 3);
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        endOf: function (units) {
-            units = normalizeUnits(units);
-            if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond') {
-                return this;
-            }
-            return this.startOf(units).add(1, (units === 'isoWeek' ? 'week' : units)).subtract(1, 'ms');
-        },
-        isAfter: function (input, units) {
-            var inputMs;
-            units = normalizeUnits(typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond');
-            if (units === 'millisecond') {
-                input = moment.isMoment(input) ? input : moment(input);
-                return +this > +input;
-            } else {
-                inputMs = moment.isMoment(input) ? +input : +moment(input);
-                return inputMs < +this.clone().startOf(units);
-            }
-        },
-        isBefore: function (input, units) {
-            var inputMs;
-            units = normalizeUnits(typeof units !== 'undefined' ? units : 'millisecond');
-            if (units === 'millisecond') {
-                input = moment.isMoment(input) ? input : moment(input);
-                return +this < +input;
-            } else {
-                inputMs = moment.isMoment(input) ? +input : +moment(input);
-                return +this.clone().endOf(units) < inputMs;
-            }
-        },
-        isSame: function (input, units) {
-            var inputMs;
-            units = normalizeUnits(units || 'millisecond');
-            if (units === 'millisecond') {
-                input = moment.isMoment(input) ? input : moment(input);
-                return +this === +input;
-            } else {
-                inputMs = +moment(input);
-                return +(this.clone().startOf(units)) <= inputMs && inputMs <= +(this.clone().endOf(units));
-            }
-        },
-        min: deprecate(
-                 'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.min instead.',
-                 function (other) {
-                     other = moment.apply(null, arguments);
-                     return other < this ? this : other;
-                 }
-         ),
-        max: deprecate(
-                'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.max instead.',
-                function (other) {
-                    other = moment.apply(null, arguments);
-                    return other > this ? this : other;
-                }
-        ),
-        // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without
-        // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[zone(2, true)]-->
-        // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist int zone
-        // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid.
-        //
-        // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour)
-        // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset
-        // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again
-        // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because
-        // there is no such time in the given timezone.
-        zone : function (input, keepLocalTime) {
-            var offset = this._offset || 0,
-                localAdjust;
-            if (input != null) {
-                if (typeof input === 'string') {
-                    input = timezoneMinutesFromString(input);
-                }
-                if (Math.abs(input) < 16) {
-                    input = input * 60;
-                }
-                if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {
-                    localAdjust = this._dateTzOffset();
-                }
-                this._offset = input;
-                this._isUTC = true;
-                if (localAdjust != null) {
-                    this.subtract(localAdjust, 'm');
-                }
-                if (offset !== input) {
-                    if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {
-                        addOrSubtractDurationFromMoment(this,
-                                moment.duration(offset - input, 'm'), 1, false);
-                    } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {
-                        this._changeInProgress = true;
-                        moment.updateOffset(this, true);
-                        this._changeInProgress = null;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                return this._isUTC ? offset : this._dateTzOffset();
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        zoneAbbr : function () {
-            return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '';
-        },
-        zoneName : function () {
-            return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : '';
-        },
-        parseZone : function () {
-            if (this._tzm) {
-      ;
-            } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') {
-      ;
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        hasAlignedHourOffset : function (input) {
-            if (!input) {
-                input = 0;
-            }
-            else {
-                input = moment(input).zone();
-            }
-            return ( - input) % 60 === 0;
-        },
-        daysInMonth : function () {
-            return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month());
-        },
-        dayOfYear : function (input) {
-            var dayOfYear = round((moment(this).startOf('day') - moment(this).startOf('year')) / 864e5) + 1;
-            return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add((input - dayOfYear), 'd');
-        },
-        quarter : function (input) {
-            return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this.month() % 3);
-        },
-        weekYear : function (input) {
-            var year = weekOfYear(this, this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy).year;
-            return input == null ? yea


[18/18] incubator-htrace git commit: HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)

Posted by
HTRACE-174. Refactor GUI (cmccabe)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: baaa3a5287ac7f096fbbdfc5cbb135050f22aca4
Parents: 4051054
Author: Colin P. Mccabe <>
Authored: Tue Jun 9 14:57:12 2015 -0700
Committer: Colin P. Mccabe <>
Committed: Tue Jun 9 14:57:12 2015 -0700

 LICENSE.txt                                     |   30 +-                                       |    2 +-
 htrace-htraced/BUILDING.txt                     |    2 +-
 .../src/go/src/org/apache/htrace/common/rest.go |    2 +-
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/about_view.js        |   33 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/app.js               |   20 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/modal.js             |   34 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/models/span.js       |  144 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate.js         |  117 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate_view.js    |   68 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/query_results.js     |   45 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/router.js            |   74 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results.js    |   25 +
 .../src/web/app/search_results_view.js          |  365 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_view.js       |  197 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/server_info.js       |   31 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/setup.js             |  192 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span.js              |   69 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_details_view.js |   39 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_widget.js       |  229 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/string.js            |   66 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/time_cursor.js       |   74 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/triangle_button.js   |  103 +
 .../src/web/app/views/details/details.js        |   47 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/graph/graph.js |  262 -
 .../src/web/app/views/search/field.js           |  124 -
 .../src/web/app/views/search/search.js          |  105 -
 .../src/web/app/views/swimlane/swimlane.js      |  178 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/app/widget_manager.js    |   66 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/custom.css               |  101 +
 htrace-htraced/src/web/index.html               |  306 +-
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/backbone-1.1.2.js    | 1608 +++
 .../src/web/lib/css/backgrid-0.3.5.min.css      |    1 -
 .../lib/css/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.min.css    |    1 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/css/main.css         |   45 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/jquery-2.1.4.js      | 9210 +++++++++++++++++
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backbone-1.1.2.js | 1608 ---
 .../web/lib/js/backbone.marionette-2.4.1.min.js |   23 -
 .../src/web/lib/js/backbone.paginator-2.0.2.js  | 1325 ---
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/backgrid-0.3.5.js | 2883 ------
 .../src/web/lib/js/backgrid-paginator-0.3.5.js  |  433 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/js/d3-3.5.5.js       | 9504 ------------------
 .../src/web/lib/js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js          |    4 -
 .../src/web/lib/js/moment-2.9.0.min.js          |    7 -
 .../src/web/lib/js/underscore-1.7.0.js          | 1416 ---
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/moment-2.10.3.js     | 3111 ++++++
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.css  |   94 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.js   | 4796 ---------
 .../src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.css         |    2 -
 .../src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.min.js          |    3 -
 .../src/web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.js   | 1860 ----
 .../web/lib/rome-2.1.0/rome.standalone.min.js   |    2 -
 htrace-htraced/src/web/lib/underscore-1.7.0.js  | 1416 +++
 pom.xml                                         |    9 +-
 54 files changed, 17253 insertions(+), 25258 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
index 19dd8f7..3404aff 100644
--- a/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -244,43 +244,15 @@ backbone, is a javascript library, that is Copyright (c) 2010-2014
 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud. It is MIT licensed:
-backbone-paginator, is a javascript library, that is Copyright (c) 2012-2014
-Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors. It is MIT licensed:
-backgrid, is a javascript library, that is Copyright (c) 2013
-Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong. It is MIT licensed:
-backgrid-paginator, is a javascript library, that is Copyright (c) 2013
-Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong. It is MIT licensed:
 moment.js is a front end time conversion project.
 It is (c) 2011-2014 Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
 and shared under the MIT license:
-rome.js is a customizable date (and time) picker.
-It is Copyright © 2014 Nicolas Bevacqua
-Backbone.Wreqr is a message passing system for Backbone.js.
-It is (c) 2012 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC and MIT licensed:
-Backbone.Babysitter manages child views for Backbone.js.
-It is (c) 2013 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC and MIT licensed:
-Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js.
-It is MIT licensed:
 CMP is an implementation of the MessagePack serialization format in
 C.  It is licensed under the MIT license:
 go-codec is an implementation of several serialization and deserialization
 codecs in Go.  It is licensed under the MIT license:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index b3b486e..d469e22 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
-HTrace is a tracing framework for use with distributed systems written in java.
+HTrace is a tracing framework for use with distributed systems.
 See documentation at src/main/site/markdown/ or at
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/BUILDING.txt b/htrace-htraced/BUILDING.txt
index d54d410..abc0113 100644
--- a/htrace-htraced/BUILDING.txt
+++ b/htrace-htraced/BUILDING.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The htrace go code consists of 4 main parts:
 * The "htrace" command-line program which can query the server
     This is a simple command-line program which can query the htrace server.
-* The htraced Javascript Web UI (not yet implemented)
+* The htraced Javascript Web UI
 * The htrace go client library (not yet implemented)
     This is the equivalent of the Java HTrace client library, but written in Go.
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/go/src/org/apache/htrace/common/rest.go b/htrace-htraced/src/go/src/org/apache/htrace/common/rest.go
index eeb9568..b898ca4 100644
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/go/src/org/apache/htrace/common/rest.go
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/go/src/org/apache/htrace/common/rest.go
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 package common
-// Info returned by /serverInfo
+// Info returned by /server/info
 type ServerInfo struct {
 	// The server release version.
 	ReleaseVersion string
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/about_view.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/about_view.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dfe868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/about_view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.AboutView = Backbone.View.extend({
+  render: function() {
+    this.$el.html(_.template($("#about-view-template").html())
+      ({ model : this.model }));
+    console.log("AboutView#render");
+    return this;
+  },
+  close: function() {
+    console.log("AboutView#close")
+    this.undelegateEvents();
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/app.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc7100..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- = new Marionette.Application();
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/modal.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/modal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d55fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/modal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// Show a modal dialog box with a warning message.
+htrace.showModalWarning = function(title, body) {
+  var html = _.template($("#modal-warning-template").html())
+      ({ title: title, body: body });
+  htrace.showModal(html);
+// Show a modal dialog box.
+htrace.showModal = function(html) {
+  var el = $("#modal");
+  el.html(html);
+  el.modal();
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/models/span.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/models/span.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8dc114..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/models/span.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-// Span model
-app.Span = Backbone.Model.extend({
-  "defaults": {
-    "spanId": null,
-    "traceId": null,
-    "processId": null,
-    "parents": null,
-    "description": null,
-    "beginTime": 0,
-    "stopTime": 0
-  },
-  shorthand: {
-    "s": "spanId",
-    "b": "beginTime",
-    "e": "stopTime",
-    "d": "description",
-    "r": "processId",
-    "p": "parents",
-    "i": "traceId"
-  },
-  parse: function(response, options) {
-    var attrs = {};
-    var $this = this;
-    $.each(response, function(key, value) {
-      attrs[(key in $this.shorthand) ? $this.shorthand[key] : key] = value;
-    });
-    return attrs;
-  },
-  duration: function() {
-    return this.get('stopTime') - this.get('beginTime');
-  }
-app.Spans = Backbone.PageableCollection.extend({
-  model: app.Span,
-  mode: "infinite",
-  url: "/query",
-  state: {
-    pageSize: 10,
-    lastSpanId: null,
-    finished: false,
-    predicates: []
-  },
-  queryParams: {
-    totalPages: null,
-    totalRecords: null,
-    firstPage: null,
-    lastPage: null,
-    currentPage: null,
-    pageSize: null,
-    sortKey: null,
-    order: null,
-    directions: null,
-    /**
-     * Query parameter for htraced.
-     */
-    query: function() {
-      var predicates = this.state.predicates.slice(0);
-      var lastSpanId = this.state.lastSpanId;
-      /**
-       * Use last pulled span ID to paginate.
-       * The htraced API works such that order is defined by the first predicate.
-       * Adding a predicate to the end of the predicates list won't change the order.
-       * Providing the predicate on spanid will filter all previous spanids.
-       */
-      if (lastSpanId) {
-        predicates.push({
-          "op": "gt",
-          "field": "spanid",
-          "val": lastSpanId
-        });
-      }
-      return JSON.stringify({
-        lim: this.state.pageSize + 1,
-        pred: predicates
-      });
-    }
-  },
-  initialize: function() {
-    this.on("reset", function(collection, response, options) {
-      if (response.length == 0) {
-        delete this.links[this.state.currentPage];
-        this.getPreviousPage();
-      }
-    }, this);
-  },
-  parseLinks: function(resp, xhr) {
-    this.state.finished = resp.length <= this.state.pageSize;
-    if (this.state.finished) {
-      this.state.lastSpanId = null;
-    } else {
-      this.state.lastSpanId = resp[this.state.pageSize - 1].s;
-    }
-    if (this.state.finished) {
-      return {};
-    }
-    return {
-      "next": "/query?query=" +
-    };
-  },
-  parseRecords: function(resp) {
-    return resp.slice(0, 10);
-  },
-  setPredicates: function(predicates) {
-    if (!$.isArray(predicates)) {
-      console.error("predicates should be an array");
-      return;
-    }
-    this.state.predicates = predicates;
-  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a5602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.checkStringIsPositiveWholeNumber = function(val) {
+  if (!val.match(/^[0-9]([0-9]*)$/)) {
+    if (!val.match(/[^\s]/)) {
+      throw "You entered an empty string into a numeric field.";
+    }
+    throw "Non-numeric characters found.";
+  }
+htrace.checkStringIsNotEmpty = function(val) {
+  if (!val.match(/[^\s]/)) {
+    throw "You entered an empty string into a text field.";
+  }
+// Predicate type
+htrace.PType = Backbone.Model.extend({
+  initialize: function(options) {
+ =;
+    this.field = options.field;
+    this.op = options.op;
+  },
+  // Try to normalize a value of this type into something htraced can accept.
+  // Returns a string containing the normalized value on success.  Throws a
+  // string explaining the parse error otherwise.
+  // Dates are represented by milliseconds since the epoch; span ids don't start
+  // with 0x.
+  normalize: function(val) {
+    switch (this.field) {
+    case "begin":
+      return htrace.parseDate(val).valueOf().toString();
+    case "end":
+      return htrace.parseDate(val).valueOf().toString();
+    case "description":
+      htrace.checkStringIsNotEmpty(val);
+      return val;
+    case "duration":
+      htrace.checkStringIsPositiveWholeNumber(val);
+      return val;
+    case "spanid":
+      return htrace.normalizeSpanId(val);
+    default:
+      return "Normalization not implemented for field '" + this.field + "'";
+    }
+  },
+  getDefaultValue: function() {
+    switch (this.field) {
+    case "begin":
+      return htrace.dateToString(moment());
+    case "end":
+      return htrace.dateToString(moment());
+    case "description":
+      return "";
+    case "duration":
+      return "0";
+    case "spanid":
+      return "";
+    default:
+      return "(unknown)";
+    }
+  }
+htrace.parsePType = function(name) {
+  switch (name) {
+    case "Began after":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"begin", op:"gt"});
+    case "Began at or before":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"begin", op:"le"});
+    case "Ended after":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"end", op:"gt"});
+    case "Ended at or before":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"end", op:"le"});
+    case "Description contains":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"description", op:"cn"});
+    case "Description is exactly":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"description", op:"eq"});
+    case "Duration is longer than":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"duration", op:"gt"});
+    case "Duration is at most":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"duration", op:"le"});
+    case "Span ID is":
+      return new htrace.PType({name: name, field:"spanid", op:"eq"});
+    default:
+      return null
+  }
+htrace.Predicate = function(options) {
+  this.op = options.ptype.op;
+  this.field = options.ptype.field;
+  this.val = options.val;
+  return this;
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate_view.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate_view.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aefe896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/predicate_view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.PredicateView = Backbone.View.extend({
+  initialize: function(options) {
+    this.el = options.el;
+    this.index = options.index;
+    this.ptype = options.ptype;
+    this.searchView = options.searchView;
+  },
+  events: {
+    "click .closeButton": "remove",
+  },
+  render: function() {
+    this.$el.html(_.template($("#predicate-template").html())
+        ({ desc:, id: this.index }))
+    if (this.getText() === "") {
+      $(this.$el).find(".form-control").val(this.ptype.getDefaultValue());
+    }
+    console.log(this.toString() + "#render");
+    return this;
+  },
+  // Handle the user removing this predicate.
+  remove: function() {
+    this.searchView.removePredicateView(this);
+    Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
+  },
+  // Get the text which the user has entered in.
+  getText: function() {
+    return $(this.$el).find(".form-control").val().trim();
+  },
+  // Get the predicate expressed by this view.
+  // Throw an exception if the predicate can't be parsed.
+  getPredicate: function() {
+    return new htrace.Predicate({
+        ptype: this.ptype,
+        val: this.ptype.normalize(this.getText())
+    });
+  },
+  toString: function() {
+    return "PredicateView(this.el=" + this.el + ", this.index=" +
+        this.index + ", this.ptype='" + + "')";
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/query_results.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/query_results.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fdde9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/query_results.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.QueryResults = Backbone.Collection.extend({
+  // The query results are spans. 
+  model: htrace.Span,
+  initialize: function(options) {
+    this.queryJson = options.queryJson;
+  },
+  url: function() {
+    return "query?query=" + this.queryString();
+  },
+  parse: function(response, xhr) {
+    return response;
+  },
+  prettyQueryString: function() {
+    return JSON.stringify(this.queryJson, null, 2);
+  },
+  queryString: function() {
+    return JSON.stringify(this.queryJson);
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/router.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/router.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..607da44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/router.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.HTraceRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
+  "routes": {
+    "": "empty",
+    "about": "about",
+    "search": "search",
+    "*unknown": "unknown"
+  },
+  empty: function() {
+    console.log("Redirecting to #about.");
+    Backbone.history.navigate("about", {"trigger": true, "replace": true});
+  },
+  about: function() {
+    console.log("Visiting #about.");
+    serverInfo = new htrace.ServerInfo();
+    var router = this;
+    serverInfo.fetch({
+        "success": function(model, response, options) {
+          router.switchView(new htrace.AboutView({model: serverInfo, el: "#app"}));
+          router.activateNavBarEntry("about")
+        },
+        "error": function(model, response, options) {
+          window.alert("Failed to fetch htraced server info via GET " +
+                       "/server/info: " + JSON.stringify(response));
+        }
+      });
+  },
+  search: function() {
+    console.log("Visiting #search.");
+    this.switchView(new htrace.SearchView({el : "#app"}));
+    htrace.router.activateNavBarEntry("search");
+  },
+  unknown: function() {
+    console.log("Unknown route " + Backbone.history.getFragment() + ".")
+  },
+  "switchView": function(view) {
+    this.view && this.view.close();
+    this.view = view;
+    this.view.render();
+  },
+  "activateNavBarEntry": function(id) {
+     $(".nav").find(".active").removeClass("active");
+     $(".nav").find("#" + id).addClass("active");
+  }
+htrace.router = new htrace.HTraceRouter();
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d214918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.SearchResults = Backbone.Collection.extend({
+  // The search results are spans. 
+  model: htrace.Span
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results_view.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results_view.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3473c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_results_view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.SearchResultsView = Backbone.View.extend({
+  // The minimum time span we will allow between begin and end.
+  begin: 0,
+  end: this.MINIMUM_TIME_SPAN,
+  focused: false,
+  initialize: function(options) {
+    this.model = options.searchResults;
+    this.el = options.el;
+    this.listenTo(this.model, 'add remove change reset', this.render);
+    // Re-render the canvas when the window size changes.
+    // Add a debouncer delay to avoid spamming render requests.
+    var view = this;
+    $(window).on("resize", _.debounce(function()  {
+      view.render();
+    }, 250));
+  },
+  // Get the canvas X coordinate of a mouse click from the absolute event
+  // coordinate.
+  getCanvasX: function(e) {
+    return e.pageX - $("#resultsCanvas").offset().left;
+  },
+  // Get the canvas Y coordinate of a mouse click from the absolute event
+  // coordinate.
+  getCanvasY: function(e) {
+    return e.pageY - $("#resultsCanvas").offset().top;
+  },
+  handleMouseDown: function(e) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var x = this.getCanvasX(e);
+    var y = this.getCanvasY(e);
+    var focused = this.widgetManager.handleMouseDown(x, y);
+    if (focused != this.focused) {
+      this.draw();
+      this.focused = focused;
+    }
+  },
+  handleMouseUp: function(e) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var x = this.getCanvasX(e);
+    var y = this.getCanvasY(e);
+    this.widgetManager.handleMouseUp(x, y);
+    this.focused = false;
+    this.draw();
+  },
+  // When the mouse leaves the canvas, treat it like a mouse up event at -1, -1
+  // if something is focused.
+  handleMouseOut: function(e) {
+    if (this.focused) {
+      this.widgetManager.handleMouseUp(-1, -1);
+      this.focused = false;
+      this.draw();
+    }
+  },
+  handleMouseMove: function(e) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var x = this.getCanvasX(e);
+    var y = this.getCanvasY(e);
+    if (this.focused) {
+      var mustDraw = false;
+      if (this.widgetManager.handleMouseMove(x, y)) {
+        mustDraw = true;
+      }
+    }
+    if (this.timeCursor.handleMouseMove(x, y)) {
+      mustDraw = true;
+    }
+    if (mustDraw) {
+      this.draw();
+    }
+  },
+  render: function() {
+    console.log("SearchResultsView#render.");
+    $(this.el).html(_.template($("#search-results-view-template").html()));
+    $('#selectedTime').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
+    this.canvas = $("#resultsCanvas");
+    this.ctx = this.canvas.get(0).getContext("2d");
+    this.scaleCanvas();
+    this.setupCoordinates();
+    this.setupTimeCursor();
+    this.setupWidgets();
+    this.draw();
+    this.attachEvents();
+    return this;
+  },
+  /*
+   * Compute the ratio to use between the size of the canvas (i.e.
+   * canvas.ctx.width, canvas.ctx.height) and the size in "HTML5 pixels." Note
+   * that 'HTML5 pixels" don't actually correspond to screen pixels.  A line 1
+   * "HTML5 pixel"  wide actually takes up multiple scren pixels, etc.
+   *
+   * TODO: fix this to be sharper
+   */
+  computeScaleFactor: function() {
+    var backingStoreRatio = this.ctx.backingStorePixelRatio ||
+          this.ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+          this.ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+          this.ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+          this.ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+          this.ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
+    return (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStoreRatio;
+  },
+  // Sets up the canvas size and scaling.
+  scaleCanvas: function() {
+    var cssX = this.canvas.parent().innerWidth();
+    var cssY = $(window).innerHeight() - $("#header").innerHeight() - 50;
+    var ratio = this.computeScaleFactor();
+    console.log("scaleCanvas: cssX=" + cssX + ", cssY=" + cssY + ", ratio=" + ratio);
+    this.maxX = cssX;
+    this.maxY = cssY;
+    $('#searchView').css('height', cssY + "px");
+    $('#results').css('width', cssX + "px");
+    $('#results').css('height', cssY + "px");
+    $('#resultsView').css('width', cssX + "px");
+    $('#resultsView').css('height', cssY + "px");
+    $('#resultsDiv').css('width', cssX + "px");
+    $('#resultsDiv').css('height', cssY + "px");
+    $('#resultsCanvas').css('width', cssX + "px");
+    $('#resultsCanvas').css('height', cssY + "px");
+    this.ctx.canvas.width = cssX * ratio;
+    this.ctx.canvas.height = cssY * ratio;
+    this.ctx.scale(ratio, ratio);
+  },
+  //
+  // Set up the screen coordinates.
+  //
+  //  0              buttonX    descX                scrollX    maxX
+  //  +--------------+----------+--------------------+-----------+
+  //  |ProcessId     | Buttons  | Span Description   | Scrollbar |
+  //  +--------------+----------+--------------------+-----------+
+  //
+  setupCoordinates: function() {
+    this.buttonX = Math.min(300, Math.floor(this.maxX / 5));
+    this.descX = this.buttonX + Math.min(75, Math.floor(this.maxX / 20));
+    var scrollBarWidth = Math.min(50, Math.floor(this.maxX / 10));
+    this.scrollX = this.maxX - scrollBarWidth;
+  },
+  setupTimeCursor: function() {
+    var selectedTime;
+    if (this.timeCursor != null) {
+      selectedTime = this.timeCursor.selectedTime;
+      console.log("setupTimeCursor: selectedTime = (prev) " + selectedTime);
+    } else {
+      selectedTime = this.begin;
+      console.log("setupTimeCursor: selectedTime = (begin) " + selectedTime);
+    }
+    this.timeCursor = new htrace.TimeCursor({
+      ctx: this.ctx,
+      x0: this.descX,
+      xF: this.scrollX,
+      el: "#selectedTime",
+      y0: 0,
+      yF: this.maxY,
+      begin: this.begin,
+      end: this.end,
+      selectedTime: selectedTime
+    });
+  },
+  setupWidgets: function() {
+    var widgets = [];
+    var spanWidgetHeight = Math.min(25, Math.floor(this.maxY / 32));
+    // Create a SpanWidget for each span we know about
+    var numSpans = this.model.size();
+    for (var i = 0; i < numSpans; i++) {
+      var spanWidget = new htrace.SpanWidget({
+        ctx: this.ctx,
+        span:,
+        x0: 0,
+        xB: this.buttonX,
+        xD: this.descX,
+        xF: this.scrollX,
+        y0: i * spanWidgetHeight,
+        yF: (i * spanWidgetHeight) + (spanWidgetHeight - 1),
+        begin: this.begin,
+        end: this.end
+      });
+      widgets.push(spanWidget);
+    }
+    // Create a new root-leve WidgetManager
+    this.widgetManager = new htrace.WidgetManager({
+      widgets: widgets
+    });
+  },
+  draw: function() {
+    if (this.checkCanvasTooSmall()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // Set the background to white. 
+    this.ctx.fillStyle="#ffffff";
+    this.ctx.strokeStyle="#000000";
+    this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.maxX, this.maxY);
+    this.ctx.restore();
+    // Draw all the widgets.
+    this.widgetManager.draw();
+    this.timeCursor.draw();
+  },
+  checkCanvasTooSmall: function() {
+    if ((this.maxX < 200) || (this.maxY < 200)) {
+      this.ctx.fillStyle="#cccccc";
+      this.ctx.strokeStyle="#000000";
+      this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.maxX, this.maxY);
+      this.ctx.font = "24px serif";
+      this.ctx.fillStyle="#000000";
+      this.ctx.fillText("Canvas too small!", 0, 24);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  },
+  attachEvents: function() {
+    // Use jquery to capture mouse events on the canvas.
+    // For some reason using backbone doesn't work for getting these events.
+    var view = this;
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mousedown");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").on("mousedown", function(e) {
+      view.handleMouseDown(e);
+    });
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mouseup");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").on("mouseup", function(e) {
+      view.handleMouseUp(e);
+    });
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mouseout");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").on("mouseout", function(e) {
+      view.handleMouseOut(e);
+    });
+    $(window).off("mouseup");
+    $(window).on("mouseup"), function(e) {
+      view.handleGlobalMouseUp(e);
+    }
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mousemove");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").on("mousemove", function(e) {
+      view.handleMouseMove(e);
+    });
+  },
+  remove: function() {
+    $(window).off("resize");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mousedown");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mouseup");
+    $("#resultsCanvas").off("mousemove");
+    Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
+  },
+  handleBeginOrEndChange: function(e, type) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var text = $(;
+    var d = null;
+    try {
+      d = htrace.parseDate(text);
+    } catch(err) {
+      $("#begin").val(htrace.dateToString(this.begin));
+      $("#end").val(htrace.dateToString(this.end));
+      htrace.showModalWarning("Timeline " + type + " Format Error",
+        "Please enter a valid time in the timeline " + type + " field.<p/>" +
+        err);
+      return null;
+    }
+    if (type === "begin") {
+      this.setBegin(d.valueOf());
+    } else if (type === "end") {
+      this.setEnd(d.valueOf());
+    } else {
+      throw "invalid type for handleBeginOrEndChange: expected begin or end.";
+    }
+  },
+  setBegin: function(val) {
+    if (this.end < val + this.MINIMUM_TIME_SPAN) {
+      this.begin = val;
+      this.end = val + this.MINIMUM_TIME_SPAN;
+      console.log("SearchResultsView#setBegin(begin=" + this.begin +
+            ", end=" + this.end + ")");
+      $("#begin").val(htrace.dateToString(this.begin));
+      $("#end").val(htrace.dateToString(this.end));
+    } else {
+      this.begin = val;
+      console.log("SearchResultsView#setBegin(begin=" + this.begin + ")");
+      $("#begin").val(htrace.dateToString(this.begin));
+    }
+    this.render();
+  },
+  setEnd: function(val) {
+    if (this.begin + this.MINIMUM_TIME_SPAN > val) {
+      this.begin = val;
+      this.end = this.begin + this.MINIMUM_TIME_SPAN;
+      console.log("SearchResultsView#setEnd(begin=" + this.begin +
+            ", end=" + this.end + ")");
+      $("#begin").val(htrace.dateToString(this.begin));
+      $("#end").val(htrace.dateToString(this.end));
+    } else {
+      this.end = val;
+      console.log("SearchResultsView#setEnd(end=" + this.end + ")");
+      $("#end").val(htrace.dateToString(this.end));
+    }
+    this.render();
+  },
+  zoomFitAll: function() {
+    var numSpans = this.model.size();
+    if (numSpans == 0) {
+      this.setBegin(0);
+      this.setEnd(this.MINIMUM_TIME_SPAN);
+      return;
+    }
+    var minStart = 4503599627370496;
+    var maxEnd = 0;
+    for (var i = 0; i < numSpans; i++) {
+      var span =;
+      if (span.get('begin') < minStart) {
+        minStart = span.get('begin');
+      }
+      if (span.get('end') > maxEnd) {
+        maxEnd = span.get('end');
+      }
+    }
+    this.setBegin(minStart);
+    this.setEnd(maxEnd);
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_view.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_view.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f9101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/search_view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({
+  initialize : function() {
+    this.predicateViews = [];
+    this.highestPredicateIndex = 0;
+    this.searchInProgress = false;
+    this.searchResults = new htrace.SearchResults();
+    this.resultsView = new htrace.SearchResultsView({
+        searchResults: this.searchResults,
+        el: "#results"
+    });
+  },
+  events: {
+    "click #searchButton": "searchHandler",
+    "click #clearButton": "clearHandler",
+    "click .add-field": "dropdownHandler",
+    "blur #begin": "blurBeginHandler",
+    "blur #end": "blurEndHandler",
+    "click #zoomButton": "zoomFitAllHandler"
+  },
+  searchHandler: function(e){
+    e.preventDefault();
+    // Do a new search.
+    this.doSearch(e.ctrlKey);
+  },
+  clearHandler: function(e){
+    e.preventDefault();
+    // Clear existing search results.
+    this.searchResults.reset();
+  },
+  doSearch: function(showDebug){
+    if (this.searchInProgress) {
+      console.log("Can't start a new search while another one is in " +
+          "progress.");
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Check if there are no search criteria.
+    if (this.predicateViews.length == 0) {
+      htrace.showModalWarning("No Search Criteria Specified",
+        "You have not specified any search criteria.  " +
+        "Use the 'Add Predicate' button to specify what to search for.");
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Build the predicate array.
+    predicates = []
+    var predicateViewsLen = this.predicateViews.length;
+    for (var i = 0; i < predicateViewsLen; i++) {
+      var predicateView = this.predicateViews[i];
+      try {
+        predicates.push(predicateView.getPredicate());
+      } catch(err) {
+        htrace.showModalWarning("Search Field Validation Error",
+          "Invalid search string for the '" + +
+          "' field.<p/>" + err);
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    var queryJson = {
+      pred: predicates,
+      lim: 20
+    };
+    // If there are existing search results, we want results which "come after"
+    // those.  So pass the last span we saw as a continuation token.
+    if (this.searchResults.size() > 0) {
+      queryJson.prev =
+ - 1).unparse();
+    }
+    var searchView = this;
+    var queryResults = new htrace.QueryResults({queryJson: queryJson});
+    console.log("Starting span query " + queryResults.url());
+    this.searchInProgress = true;
+    queryResults.fetch({
+      success: function(model, response, options){
+        var firstResults = (searchView.searchResults.size() === 0);
+        console.log("Success on span query " + queryResults.url() + ": got " +
+            queryResults.size() + " result(s).  firstResults=" + firstResults);
+        searchView.searchResults.add(queryResults.models);
+        if (firstResults) {
+          // After the initial search, zoom to fit everything.
+          // On subsequent searches, we leave the viewport alone.
+          searchView.resultsView.zoomFitAll();
+        }
+        searchView.searchInProgress = false;
+        if (showDebug) {
+          htrace.showModalWarning("Search Debug",
+            "This is the search debug box, accessible by holding down the " +
+            "control key while clicking the search button.<p/>" +
+            "<h3>Query JSON</h3><pre>" + queryResults.prettyQueryString() +
+            "</pre><p/><h3>Response JSON</h3><pre>" +
+            JSON.stringify(queryResults, null, 2) + "</pre><p/>");
+        } else if (queryResults.size() == 0) {
+          if (firstResults) {
+            htrace.showModalWarning("No Results Found",
+              "No results were found for your query.<p/>");
+          } else {
+            htrace.showModalWarning("No Additional Results Found",
+              "No additional results were found for your query.<p/>");
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      error: function(model, response, options){
+        this.searchResults.clear();
+        var err = "Error " + JSON.stringify(response) +
+          " on span query " + query.url();
+        console.log(err);
+        alert(err);
+        searchView.searchInProgress = false;
+      }
+    });
+    return false;
+  },
+  dropdownHandler: function(e){
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var text = $(;
+    var ptype = htrace.parsePType(text);
+    if (!ptype) {
+      alert("Unable to parse predicate type '" + text + "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    var index = this.highestPredicateIndex;
+    this.highestPredicateIndex++;
+    var el = "pred" + index;
+    $("#predicates").append('<div id="' + el + '"/></div>');
+    predicateView = new htrace.PredicateView({
+      el: "#" + el,
+      index: index,
+      ptype: ptype,
+      searchView: this
+    });
+    this.predicateViews.push(predicateView);
+    predicateView.render();
+    return true;
+  },
+  blurBeginHandler: function(e) {
+    return this.resultsView.handleBeginOrEndChange(e, "begin");
+  },
+  blurEndHandler: function(e) {
+    return this.resultsView.handleBeginOrEndChange(e, "end");
+  },
+  zoomFitAllHandler: function(e) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    this.resultsView.zoomFitAll();
+  },
+  removePredicateView: function(predicateView) {
+    this.predicateViews = _.without(this.predicateViews, predicateView);
+  },
+  render: function() {
+    this.$el.html(_.template($("#search-view-template").html())
+      ({ model : this.model }))
+    this.resultsView.render();
+    console.log("SearchView#render");
+    return this;
+  },
+  close: function() {
+    console.log("SearchView#close")
+    while (this.predicateViews.length > 0) {
+      this.predicateViews[0].remove();
+    }
+    this.resultsView.remove();
+    this.resultsView = null;
+    this.undelegateEvents();
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/server_info.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/server_info.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03f706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/server_info.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// htraced ServerInfo sent back from /serverInfo.
+// See rest.go.
+htrace.ServerInfo = Backbone.Model.extend({
+  defaults: {
+    "ReleaseVersion": "unknown",
+    "GitVersion": "unknown",
+  },
+  url: function() {
+    return "server/info";
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/setup.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/setup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index beb06db..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/setup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-var BaseView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
-  "el": "body",
-  "regions": {
-    "header": "#header",
-    "app": "#app"
-  }
-var Router = Backbone.Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
-  "routes": {
-    "": "init",
-    "!/search(?:query)": "search",
-    "!/spans/:id": "span",
-    "!/swimlane/:id": "swimlane",
-    "!/swimlane/:id:?:lim": "swimlane"
-  },
-  "initialize": function() {
-    // Collection
-    this.spansCollection = new app.Spans();
-  },
-  "init": function() {
-    Backbone.history.navigate("!/search", {"trigger": true});
-  },
-  "search": function(query) {
- app.SearchView());
-    var predicates;
-    this.spansCollection.switchMode("infinite", {
-      fetch: false,
-      resetState: true
-    });
-    if (query) {
-      predicates = _(query.split(";"))
-      .map(function(predicate) {
-        return _(predicate.split('&'))
-          .reduce(function(mem, op) {
-            var op = op.split('=');
-            mem[op[0]] = op[1];
-            return mem;
-          }, {});
-      });
-      this.spansCollection.fullCollection.reset();
-      this.spansCollection.setPredicates(predicates);
-    }
-    else {
-      this.spansCollection.fullCollection.reset();
-      this.spansCollection.setPredicates([{"op":"cn","field":"description","val":""}]);
-    }
-    this.spansCollection.fetch();
-      new app.SearchControlsView({
-        "collection": this.spansCollection,
-        "predicates": predicates
-      }));
-      new Backgrid.Grid({
-        "collection": this.spansCollection,
-        "columns": [{
-          "label": "Begin",
-          "cell": Backgrid.Cell.extend({
-            className: "begin-cell",
-            formatter: {
-              fromRaw: function(rawData, model) {
-                var beginMs = model.get("beginTime")
-                return moment(beginMs).format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss,SSS');
-              },
-              toRaw: function(formattedData, model) {
-                return formattedData // data entry not supported for this cell
-              }
-            }
-          }),
-          "editable": false,
-          "sortable": false
-        }, {
-          "name": "spanId",
-          "label": "ID",
-          "cell": "string",
-          "editable": false,
-          "sortable": false
-        }, {
-          "name": "processId",
-          "label": "processId",
-          "cell": "string",
-          "editable": false,
-          "sortable": false
-        }, {
-          "label": "Duration",
-          "cell": Backgrid.Cell.extend({
-            className: "duration-cell",
-            formatter: {
-              fromRaw: function(rawData, model) {
-                return model.duration() + " ms"
-              },
-              toRaw: function(formattedData, model) {
-                return formattedData // data entry not supported for this cell
-              }
-            }
-          }),
-          "editable": false,
-          "sortable": false
-        }, {
-          "name": "description",
-          "label": "Description",
-          "cell": "string",
-          "editable": false,
-          "sortable": false
-        }],
-        "row": Backgrid.Row.extend({
-          "events": {
-            "click": "details"
-          },
-          "details": function() {
-            Backbone.history.navigate("!/spans/" + this.model.get("spanId"), {"trigger": true});
-          }
-        })
-      }));
-      new Backgrid.Extension.Paginator({
-        collection: this.spansCollection,
-      }));
-  },
-  "span": function(id) {
-    var span = this.spansCollection.findWhere({
-      "spanId": id
-    });
-    if (!span) {
-      Backbone.history.navigate("!/search", {"trigger": true});
-      return;
-    }
-    var graphView = new app.GraphView({
-      "collection": this.spansCollection,
-      "id": "span-graph"
-    });
-    graphView.on("update:span", function(d) {
-        new app.SpanDetailsView({
-          "model": d.span
-        }));
-    });
- app.DetailsView());
-  },
-  "swimlane": function(id, lim) {
-    var top = new app.SwimlaneView();
- app.SwimlaneGraphView({
-      "spanId": id,
-      "lim": lim
-    }));
-  }
-app.on("start", function(options) {
-  app.root = new BaseView();
-  app.routes = new Router();
-  Backbone.history.start();
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c06fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span.js
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// The invalid span ID, which is all zeroes.
+htrace.INVALID_SPAN_ID = "0000000000000000";
+htrace.Span = Backbone.Model.extend({
+  // Parse a span sent from htraced.
+  // We use more verbose names for some attributes.
+  // Missing attributes are treated as zero or empty.  Numerical attributes are
+  // forced to be numbers.
+  parse: function(response, options) {
+    var span = {};
+    this.set("spanId", response.s ? response.s : htrace.INVALID_SPAN_ID);
+    this.set("traceId", response.i ? response.i : htrace.INVALID_SPAN_ID);
+    this.set("processId", response.r ? response.r : "");
+    this.set("parents", response.p ? response.p : []);
+    this.set("description", response.d ? response.d : "");
+    this.set("begin", response.b ? parseInt(response.b, 10) : 0);
+    this.set("end", response.e ? parseInt(response.e, 10) : 0);
+    return span;
+  },
+  // Transform a span model back into a JSON string suitable for sending over
+  // the wire.
+  unparse: function() {
+    var obj = { };
+    if (!(this.get("spanId") === htrace.INVALID_SPAN_ID)) {
+      obj.s = this.get("spanId");
+    }
+    if (!(this.get("traceId") === htrace.INVALID_SPAN_ID)) {
+      obj.i = this.get("traceId");
+    }
+    if (!(this.get("processId") === "")) {
+      obj.r = this.get("processId");
+    }
+    if (this.get("parents").length > 0) {
+      obj.p = this.get("parents");
+    }
+    if (this.get("description").length > 0) {
+      obj.d = this.get("description");
+    }
+    if (this.get("begin") > 0) {
+      obj.b = this.get("begin");
+    }
+    if (this.get("end") > 0) {
+      obj.e = this.get("end");
+    }
+    return obj;
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_details_view.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_details_view.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a37055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_details_view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+htrace.SpanDetailsView = Backbone.View.extend({
+  initialize: function(options) {
+    this.el = options.el;
+    this.model = options.model;
+  }
+  render: function() {
+    this.$el.html(_.template($("#about-view-template").html())
+      ({ model : this.model }));
+    console.log("AboutView#render");
+    return this;
+  },
+  close: function() {
+    console.log("AboutView#close")
+    this.undelegateEvents();
+  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_widget.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_widget.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9333d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/span_widget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// Widget containing the trace span displayed on the canvas.
+htrace.SpanWidget = function(params) {
+  for (var k in params) {
+    this[k]=params[k];
+  }
+  this.selected = false;
+  this.widgetManagerFocused = false;
+  this.xSize = this.xF - this.x0;
+  this.ySize = this.yF - this.y0;
+  this.xDB = this.xD - this.xB;
+  var widgets = [];
+  this.upWidget = new htrace.TriangleButton({
+    ctx: this.ctx,
+    direction: "up",
+    x0: this.xB + 2,
+    xF: this.xB + (this.xDB / 2) - 2,
+    y0: this.y0 + 2,
+    yF: this.yF - 2,
+  });
+  widgets.push(this.upWidget);
+  this.downWidget = new htrace.TriangleButton({
+    ctx: this.ctx,
+    direction: "down",
+    x0: this.xB + (this.xDB / 2) + 2,
+    xF: this.xD - 2,
+    y0: this.y0 + 2,
+    yF: this.yF - 2,
+  });
+  widgets.push(this.downWidget);
+  this.widgetManager = new htrace.WidgetManager({
+    widgets: widgets,
+  });
+  this.draw = function() {
+    this.drawBackground();
+    this.drawProcessId();
+    this.drawDescription();
+    this.widgetManager.draw();
+  };
+  // Draw the background of this span widget.
+  this.drawBackground = function() {
+    if (this.selected) {
+      this.ctx.fillStyle="#ffccff";
+    } else {
+      this.ctx.fillStyle="#ffffff";
+    }
+    this.ctx.fillRect(this.x0, this.y0, this.xSize, this.ySize);
+    this.ctx.restore();
+  }
+  // Draw process ID text.
+  this.drawProcessId = function() {
+    this.ctx.fillStyle="#000000";
+    this.ctx.font = (this.ySize - 2) + "px sans-serif";
+    this.ctx.beginPath();
+    this.ctx.rect(this.x0, this.y0, this.xB - this.x0, this.ySize);
+    this.ctx.clip();
+    this.ctx.fillText(this.span.get('processId'), this.x0, this.yF - 4);
+    this.ctx.restore();
+  };
+  // Draw the span description
+  this.drawDescription = function() {
+    // Draw the light blue bar representing time.
+    this.ctx.beginPath();
+    this.ctx.rect(this.xD, this.y0, this.xF - this.xD, this.ySize);
+    this.ctx.clip();
+    this.ctx.strokeStyle="#000000";
+    this.ctx.fillStyle="#a7b7ff";
+    var beginX = this.timeToPosition(this.span.get('begin'));
+    var endX = this.timeToPosition(this.span.get('end'));
+    // If the span is completely off the screen, draw a diamond at either the
+    // beginning or the end of the bar to indicate whether it's too early or too
+    // late to be seen.
+    if (endX < this.x0) {
+      beginX = this.xD;
+      endX = this.xD;
+    }
+    if (beginX > this.xF) {
+      beginX = this.xF;
+      endX = this.xF;
+    }
+    var gapY = 2;
+    var epsilon = Math.max(2, Math.floor(this.xSize / 1000));
+    if (endX - beginX < epsilon) {
+      // The time interval is too narrow to see.  Draw a diamond on the point instead.
+      this.ctx.beginPath();
+      this.ctx.moveTo(beginX, this.y0 + gapY);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(beginX + (Math.floor(this.ySize / 2) - gapY),
+          this.y0 + Math.floor(this.ySize / 2));
+      this.ctx.lineTo(beginX, this.yF - gapY);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(beginX - (Math.floor(this.ySize / 2) - gapY),
+          this.y0 + Math.floor(this.ySize / 2));
+      this.ctx.closePath();
+      this.ctx.fill();
+    } else {
+      // Draw a bar from the start time to the end time.
+//      console.log("beginX=" + beginX + ", endX=" + endX +
+//          ", begin=" + this.span.get('begin') + ", end=" + this.span.get('end'));
+      this.ctx.fillRect(beginX, this.y0 + gapY, endX - beginX,
+          this.ySize - (gapY * 2));
+    }
+    // Draw description text
+    this.ctx.fillStyle="#000000";
+    this.ctx.font = (this.ySize - gapY) + "px sans-serif";
+    this.ctx.fillText(this.span.get('description'), this.xD, this.yF - gapY - 2);
+    this.ctx.restore();
+  };
+  // Convert a time in milliseconds since the epoch to an x position.
+  this.timeToPosition = function(time) {
+    return this.xD +
+      (((time - this.begin) * (this.xF - this.xD)) /
+        (this.end - this.begin));
+  };
+  this.inBoundingBox = function(x, y) {
+    return ((x >= this.x0) && (x <= this.xF) && (y >= this.y0) && (y <= this.yF));
+  };
+  this.handleMouseDown = function(x, y) {
+    if (!this.inBoundingBox(x, y)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (this.widgetManager.handleMouseDown(x, y)) {
+      this.widgetManagerFocused = true;
+      return true;
+    }
+    this.selected = !this.selected;
+    this.fillSpanDetailsView();
+    return true;
+  };
+  this.handleMouseUp = function(x, y) {
+    if (this.widgetManagerFocused) {
+      this.widgetManager.handleMouseUp(x, y);
+      this.widgetManagerFocused = false;
+    }
+  };
+  this.handleMouseMove = function(x, y) {
+    if (!this.widgetManagerFocused) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return this.widgetManager.handleMouseUp(x, y);
+  };
+  this.fillSpanDetailsView = function() {
+    var info = {
+      spanID: this.span.get("spanID"),
+      begin: htrace.dateToString(parseInt(this.span.get("begin"), 10)),
+      end: htrace.dateToString(parseInt(this.span.get("end"), 10))
+    };
+    var explicitOrder = {
+      spanId: -3,
+      begin: -2,
+      end: -1
+    };
+    keys = [];
+    for(k in this.span.attributes) {
+      keys.push(k);
+      if (info[k] == null) {
+        info[k] = this.span.get(k);
+      }
+    }
+    // We sort the keys so that the stuff we want at the top appears at the top,
+    // and everything else is in alphabetical order.
+    keys = keys.sort(function(a, b) {
+        var oa = explicitOrder[a] || 0;
+        var ob = explicitOrder[b] || 0;
+        if (oa < ob) {
+          return -1;
+        } else if (oa > ob) {
+          return 1;
+        } else if (a < b) {
+          return -1;
+        } else if (a > b) {
+          return 1;
+        } else {
+          return 0;
+        }
+      });
+    var len = keys.length;
+    var h = '<table style="table-layout:fixed;width:100%;word-wrap:break-word">';
+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      // Make every other row grey to improve visibility.
+      var colorString = ((i%2) == 1) ? "#f1f1f1" : "#ffffff";
+      h += _.template('<tr bgcolor="' + colorString + '">' +
+            '<td style="width:30%;word-wrap:break-word"><%- key %></td>' +
+            '<td style="width:70%;word-wrap:break-word"><%- val %></td>' +
+          "</tr>")({key: keys[i], val: info[keys[i]]});
+    }
+    h += '</table>';
+    $("#spanDetails").html(h);
+  };
+  return this;
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/string.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/string.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0dfb74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/string.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// Parse an ISO8601 date string into a moment.js object.
+htrace.parseDate = function(val) {
+  if (val.match(/^[0-9]([0-9]*)$/)) {
+    // Treat an all-numeric field as UTC milliseconds since the epoch.
+    return moment.utc(parseInt(val, 10));
+  }
+  // Look for approved date formats.
+  var toTry = [
+    "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss,SSS",
+    "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss",
+    "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm",
+    "YYYY-MM-DD"
+  ];
+  for (var i = 0; i < toTry.length; i++) {
+    var m = moment.utc(val, toTry[i], true);
+    if (m.isValid()) {
+      return m;
+    }
+  }
+  throw "Please enter the date either as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss,SSS " +
+      "in UTC, or as the number of milliseconds since the epoch.";
+// Convert a moment.js moment into an ISO8601-style date string.
+htrace.dateToString = function(val) {
+  return moment.utc(val).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss,SSS");
+// Normalize a span ID into the format the server expects to see
+// (no leading 0x).
+htrace.normalizeSpanId = function(str) {
+  // Strip off the 0x prefix, if there is one.
+  if (str.indexOf("0x") == 0) {
+    str = str.substring(2);
+  }
+  if (str.length != 16) {
+    throw "The length of '" + str + "' was " + str.length +
+      ", but span IDs must be 16 characters long.";
+  }
+  if ([^0-9a-fA-F]/) != -1) {
+    throw "Span IDs must contain only hexadecimal digits, but '" + str +
+      "' contained invalid characters.";
+  }
+  return str;
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/time_cursor.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/time_cursor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0060abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/time_cursor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// Draws a vertical bar selecting a time.
+htrace.TimeCursor = function(params) {
+  this.selectedTime = -1;
+  for (var k in params) {
+    this[k]=params[k];
+  }
+  this.positionToTime = function(x) {
+    if ((x < this.x0) || (x > this.xF)) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    return this.begin +
+      (((x - this.x0) * (this.end - this.begin)) / (this.xF - this.x0));
+  };
+  this.timeToPosition = function(time) {
+    return this.x0 + (((time - this.begin) *
+        (this.xF - this.x0)) / (this.end - this.begin));
+  };
+  this.draw = function() {
+    if (this.selectedTime != -1) {
+      this.ctx.beginPath();
+      this.ctx.rect(this.x0, this.y0,
+          this.xF - this.x0, this.yF - this.y0);
+      this.ctx.clip();
+      this.ctx.strokeStyle="#ff0000";
+      var x = this.timeToPosition(this.selectedTime);
+      this.ctx.beginPath();
+      this.ctx.moveTo(x, this.y0);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(x, this.yF);
+      this.ctx.stroke();
+      this.ctx.restore();
+    }
+  };
+  this.handleMouseMove = function(x, y) {
+    if ((y >= this.y0) && (y <= this.yF) &&
+        (x >= this.x0) && (x <= this.xF)) {
+      this.selectedTime = this.positionToTime(x);
+      if (this.selectedTime < 0) {
+        $(this.el).val("");
+      } else {
+        $(this.el).val(htrace.dateToString(this.selectedTime));
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  };
+  return this;
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/triangle_button.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/triangle_button.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f9514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/triangle_button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+var htrace = htrace || {};
+// Triangle button widget.
+htrace.TriangleButton = function(params) {
+  this.fgColor = "#6600ff";
+  this.bgColor = "#ffffff";
+  this.selected = false;
+  this.direction = "down";
+  this.draw = function() {
+    var fg = this.selected ? this.bgColor : this.fgColor;
+    var bg = this.selected ? this.fgColor : this.bgColor;
+    this.ctx.beginPath();
+    this.ctx.rect(this.x0, this.y0,
+        this.xF - this.x0, this.yF - this.y0);
+    this.ctx.clip();
+    this.ctx.fillStyle = bg;
+    this.ctx.strokeStyle = fg;
+    this.ctx.fillRect(this.x0, this.y0,
+        this.xF - this.x0, this.yF - this.y0);
+    this.ctx.lineWidth = 3;
+    this.ctx.strokeRect(this.x0, this.y0,
+        this.xF - this.x0, this.yF - this.y0);
+    var xPad = (this.xF - this.x0) / 5;
+    var yPad = (this.yF - this.y0) / 5;
+    this.ctx.fillStyle = fg;
+    this.ctx.strokeStyle = fg;
+    this.ctx.beginPath();
+    this.ctx.strokeStyle = fg;
+    if (this.direction === "up") {
+      this.ctx.moveTo(Math.floor(this.x0 + ((this.xF - this.x0) / 2)),
+          this.y0 + yPad);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(this.xF - xPad, this.yF - yPad);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(this.x0 + xPad, this.yF - yPad);
+    } else if (this.direction === "down") {
+      this.ctx.moveTo(this.x0 + xPad, this.y0 + yPad);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(this.xF - xPad, this.y0 + yPad);
+      this.ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(this.x0 + ((this.xF - this.x0) / 2)),
+          this.yF - yPad);
+    } else {
+      console.log("TriangleButton: unknown direction " + this.direction);
+    }
+    this.ctx.closePath(); 
+    this.ctx.fill();
+    this.ctx.restore();
+  };
+  this.inBoundingBox = function(x, y) {
+    return ((x >= this.x0) && (x <= this.xF) && (y >= this.y0) && (y <= this.yF));
+  }
+  this.handleMouseDown = function(x, y) {
+//    console.log("TriangleButton#handleMouseDown(x=" + x + ", y=" + y +
+//        ", x0=" + this.x0 + ", y0="+ this.y0 +
+//        ", xF=" + this.xF + ", yF=" + this.yF);
+    if (this.inBoundingBox(x,y)) {
+      this.selected = true;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  this.handleMouseUp = function(x, y) {
+    if (this.selected) {
+      console.log("executing callback");
+    }
+    this.selected = false;
+  }
+  this.handleMouseMove = function(x, y) {
+    var selected = this.inBoundingBox(x,y);
+    if (this.selected != selected) {
+      this.selected = selected;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (var k in params) {
+    this[k]=params[k];
+  }
+  return this;
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/details/details.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/details/details.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f79e1b..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/details/details.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-app.DetailsView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
-  "template": "#details-layout-template",
-  "regions": {
-    "span": "div[role='complementary']",
-    "content": "div[role='main']"
-  }
-app.SpanDetailsView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
-  "className": "span",
-  "template": "#span-details-template",
-  "serializeData": function() {
-    var context = {
-      "span": this.model.toJSON()
-    };
-    context["span"]["duration"] = this.model.duration();
-    return context;
-  },
-  "events": {
-    "click": "swimlane"
-  },
-  "swimlane": function() {
-    Backbone.history.navigate("!/swimlane/" + this.model.get("spanId"),
-                              {"trigger": true});
-  }
diff --git a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/graph/graph.js b/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/graph/graph.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b4f89e..0000000
--- a/htrace-htraced/src/web/app/views/graph/graph.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-app.GraphView = Backbone.View.extend({
-  initialize: function(options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    if (! {
-      console.error("GraphView requires argument 'id' to uniquely identify this graph.");
-      return;
-    }
-    _.bindAll(this, "render");
-    this.collection.bind('change', this.render);
-    var links = this.links = [];
-    var linkTable = this.linkTable = {};
-    var nodes = this.nodes = [];
-    var nodeTable = this.nodeTable = {};
-    var force = this.force
-        = d3.layout.force().size([$(window).width(), $(window).height() * 3/4])
-                           .linkDistance($(window).height() / 5)
-                           .charge(-120)
-                           .gravity(0)
-                           ;
-    force.nodes(nodes)
-         .links(links);
-    force.on("tick", function(e) {
-      var root ="#" +;
-      if (!root.node()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var selectedDatum =".selected").datum();
-      // center selected node
-"svg").attr("width", $(root.node()).width());
-      selectedDatum.x ="svg").attr("width") / 2;
-      selectedDatum.y ="svg").attr("height") / 2;
-      // Push sources up and targets down to form a weak tree.
-      var k = 10 * e.alpha;
-      force.links().forEach(function(d, i) {
-        d.source.y -= k;
- += k;
-      });
-      var nodes = root.selectAll(".node").data(force.nodes());
-        .attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
-        .attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });
-        .attr("x", function(d) { return d.x - this.getComputedTextLength() / 2; })
-        .attr("y", function(d) { return d.y; });
-      root.selectAll(".link").data(force.links())
-        .attr("d", function(d) {
-          var start = {},
-              end = {},
-              angle = Math.atan2(( - d.source.x), ( - d.source.y));
-          start.x = d.source.x + d.source.r * Math.sin(angle);
-          end.x = - d.source.r * Math.sin(angle);
-          start.y = d.source.y + d.source.r * Math.cos(angle);
-          end.y = - d.source.r * Math.cos(angle);
-          return "M" + start.x + " " + start.y
-              + " L" + end.x + " " + end.y;
-        });
-    });
-  },
-  updateLinksAndNodes: function() {
-    if (!this.spanId) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var $this = this, collection = this.collection;
-    var selectedSpan = this.collection.findWhere({
-      "spanId": this.spanId
-    });
-    var findChildren = function(span) {
-      var spanId = span.get("spanId");
-      var spans = collection.filter(function(model) {
-        return _(model.get("parents")).contains(spanId);
-      });
-      return _(spans).reject(function(span) {
-        return span == null;
-      });
-    };
-    var findParents = function(span) {
-      var spans = _(span.get("parents")).map(function(parentSpanId) {
-        return collection.findWhere({
-          "spanId": parentSpanId
-        });
-      });
-      return _(spans).reject(function(span) {
-        return span == null;
-      });
-    };
-    var spanToNode = function(span, level) {
-      var table = $this.nodeTable;
-      if (!(span.get("spanId") in table)) {
-        table[span.get("spanId")] = {
-          "name": span.get("spanId"),
-          "span": span,
-          "level": level,
-          "group": 0,
-          "x": parseInt($this.svg.attr('width')) / 2,
-          "y": 250 + level * 50
-        };
-        $this.nodes.push(table[span.get("spanId")]);
-      }
-      return table[span.get("spanId")];
-    };
-    var createLink = function(source, target) {
-      var table = $this.linkTable;
-      var name = source.span.get("spanId") + "-" + target.span.get("spanId");
-      if (!(name in table)) {
-        table[name] = {
-          "source": source,
-          "target": target
-        };
-        $this.links.push(table[name]);
-      }
-      return table[name];
-    };
-    var parents = [], children = [];
-    var selectedSpanNode = spanToNode(selectedSpan, 1);
-    Array.prototype.push.apply(parents, findParents(selectedSpan));
-    _(parents).each(function(span) {
-      Array.prototype.push.apply(parents, findParents(span));
-      createLink(spanToNode(span, 0), selectedSpanNode)
-    });
-    Array.prototype.push.apply(children, findChildren(selectedSpan));
-    _(children).each(function(span) {
-      Array.prototype.push.apply(children, findChildren(span));
-      createLink(selectedSpanNode, spanToNode(span, 2))
-    });
-  },
-  renderLinks: function(selection) {
-    var path = selection.enter().append("path")
-        .classed("link", true)
-        .style("marker-end",  "url(#suit)");
-    selection.exit().remove();
-    return selection;
-  },
-  renderNodes: function(selection) {
-    var $this = this;
-    var g = selection.enter().append("g").attr("class", "node");
-    var circle = g.append("circle")
-      .attr("r", function(d) {
-        if (!d.radius) {
-          d.r = Math.log(d.span.duration());
-          if (d.r > app.GraphView.MAX_NODE_SIZE) {
-            d.r = app.GraphView.MAX_NODE_SIZE;
-          }
-          if (d.r < app.GraphView.MIN_NODE_SIZE) {
-            d.r = app.GraphView.MIN_NODE_SIZE;
-          }
-        }
-        return d.r;
-      });
-    var text = g.append("text").text(function(d) {
-      return d.span.get("description");
-    });
-    selection.exit().remove();
-    circle.on("click", function(d) {
-      $this.setSpanId(;
-    });
-    selection.classed("selected", null);
-    selection.filter(function(d) {
-      return d.span.get("spanId") == $this.spanId;
-    }).classed("selected", true);
-    return selection;
-  },
-  setSpanId: function(spanId) {
-    var $this = this;
-    this.spanId = spanId;
-    this.updateLinksAndNodes();
-    this.renderNodes(
-      this.svg.selectAll(".node")
-        .data(this.force.nodes(), function(d) {
-          return;
-        }));
-    this.renderLinks(
-      this.svg.selectAll(".link")
-        .data(this.force.links(), function(d) {
-          return + "-" +;
-        }));
-    this.force.start();
-    Backbone.history.navigate("!/spans/" + spanId);
-    this.trigger("update:span", {"span": this.collection.findWhere({
-      "spanId": spanId
-    })});
-  },
-  render: function() {
-    this.svg =$el[0]).append("svg");
-    this.svg.attr("height", 500)
-       .attr("width", $(window).width())
-       .attr("id",;
-    // Arrows
-    this.svg.append("defs").selectAll("marker")
-      .data(["suit", "licensing", "resolved"])
-    .enter().append("marker")
-      .attr("id", function(d) { return d; })
-      .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
-      .attr("refX", 25)
-      .attr("refY", 0)
-      .attr("markerWidth", 6)
-      .attr("markerHeight", 6)
-      .attr("orient", "auto")
-    .append("path")
-      .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5 L10,0 L0, -5")
-      .style("stroke", "#4679BD")
-      .style("opacity", "0.6");
-    return this;
-  }
-app.GraphView.MAX_NODE_SIZE = 150;
-app.GraphView.MIN_NODE_SIZE = 50;