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svn commit: r1692754 [2/2] - in /jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main: config/wro/ java/org/apache/wiki/ java/org/apache/wiki/tags/ java/org/apache/wiki/ui/ java/org/apache/wiki/util/ resources/META-INF/ resources/templates/ scripts/behaviors/ scripts/mo...

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/GroupTab.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/GroupTab.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/GroupTab.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -17,177 +17,162 @@
     under the License.
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="java.text.MessageFormat" %>
 <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
+<%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="org.apache.log4j.*" %>
 <%@ page errorPage="/Error.jsp" %>
-<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
+<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
 <fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
 <fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
-  /* json=[ group1, group2, .. ] */
-  String groupsToJson(PageContext pageContext,String groupname) throws NoSuchPrincipalException  {
-    WikiContext c = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
-    Principal[] roles = c.getWikiSession().getRoles();
-    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
-    result.append( "[" );
-    for( int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++ )
-    {
-      if ( roles[i] instanceof GroupPrincipal ) /* bugfix */
-      {
-        String name = roles[i].getName();
-        Group group = c.getEngine().getGroupManager().getGroup( name );
-        result.append( groupToJson( group, name, name.equals( groupname ), pageContext ) );
-        if( i+1<roles.length ){ result.append( ",\n" ); }
-      }
-    }
-    result.append( "\n]" );
-    return result.toString();
-  }
-/* json= {"name":"..","members":["a","b","c"] ,"createdon":"...","lastmodified":"...","cursor":yes|no} */
-  String groupToJson( Group group, String name, boolean cursor, PageContext pageContext )
-  {
-    Principal[] m = group.members();
-    java.util.Arrays.sort( m, new PrincipalComparator() );
-    StringBuffer ss = new StringBuffer();
-    MessageFormat mf = null;
-    Object[] args = null;
-      ss.append( "{ \"name\":\"" );
-      ss.append( name );
-      ss.append( "\",\"members\":[" );
+  WikiContext c = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
-      for( int j=0; j < m.length; j++ ) {
-        ss.append( "\""+m[j].getName().trim()+"\"" );
-        if(j+1 < m.length) ss.append( "," );
-      }
+  // Extract the group name and members
+  //String name = request.getParameter( "group" );
+  //Group group = (Group)pageContext.getAttribute( "Group",PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE );
+  AuthorizationManager authMgr = c.getEngine().getAuthorizationManager();
+  GroupManager groupMgr = c.getEngine().getGroupManager();
+  Principal[] groups = groupMgr.getRoles();
+  Arrays.sort( groups, new PrincipalComparator() );
+  String name = null;
+  Group group = null;
+  Principal[] members = null;
+  StringBuffer membersAsString = null;
-      ss.append( "],\"createdon\":\"" );
-      mf = new MessageFormat(LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "grp.createdon") );
-      args = new Object[]{(group.getCreated()==null) ? "" : Preferences.renderDate(WikiContext.findContext( pageContext ), group.getCreated(),Preferences.TimeFormat.DATETIME), group.getCreator()};
-      ss.append( mf.format( args ) );
-      ss.append( "\",\"lastmodified\":\"" );
-      mf = new MessageFormat(LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "grp.lastmodified") );
-      args = new Object[]{(group.getLastModified()==null) ? "" : Preferences.renderDate(WikiContext.findContext( pageContext ), group.getLastModified(),Preferences.TimeFormat.DATETIME), group.getModifier()};
-      ss.append( mf.format( args ) );
-      ss.append( "\",\"cursor\":" );
-      ss.append( ( cursor ) ? "true" : "false" );
-      ss.append( "}" );
+<c:set var="groups" value="<%= groups %>" />
-    return ss.toString();
+<wiki:CheckRequestContext context="!createGroup"><c:set var="createFormClose" value="-close"/></wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+<wiki:Permission permission="createGroups">
+  <form action="<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='NewGroup.jsp'/>"
+         class="accordion${createFormClose}"
+        method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding />" >
-  }
+    <h4><fmt:message key="newgroup.heading.create"/></h4>
+    <input type="hidden" name="action"  value="save" />
-<wiki:Messages div="error" topic="<%=GroupManager.MESSAGES_KEY%>" prefix='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext,"group.errorprefix")%>'/>
+    <fmt:message key='newgroup.errorprefix' var="msg"/>
+    <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger form-col-offset-20 form-col-50" topic="group" prefix="${msg}"/>
-<div class="form-group">
-  <label class="control-label form-col-20"><fmt:message key="" /></label>
-    <%--
-    <div id="grouptemplate"
-            style="display:none; "
-            title='<fmt:message key="grp.groupnames.title"/>'
-          onclick="WikiGroup.toggle(); WikiGroup.onMouseOverGroup(this);"
-      onmouseover="WikiGroup.onMouseOverGroup(this);" >
-    </div>
-    --%>
-    <wiki:Permission permission="createGroups">
+    <div class="form-group">
+      <label class="control-label form-col-20"><fmt:message key="" /></label>
       <input type="text" size="30"
            class="form-control form-col-50"
-               id="newgroup"
-            value='<fmt:message key="grp.newgroupname"/>'
-           onblur="if( this.value == '' ) { this.value = this.defaultValue; }; "
-          onfocus="if( this.value == this.defaultValue ) { this.value = ''; WikiGroup.onClickNew(); }; ">
-    </wiki:Permission>
+            name="group" id="group"
+     placeholder="<fmt:message key="grp.newgroupname"/>"   >
+    </div>
-<div class="form-group">
-  <label class="control-label form-col-20"><fmt:message key="group.members" /></label>
+    <div class="form-group">
+      <label class="control-label form-col-20"><fmt:message key="group.members" /></label>
+      <textarea class="form-control form-col-50" rows="5" cols="30"
+                 name="members" id="members" ></textarea>
+    </div>
+    <div class="help-block form-col-offset-20"><fmt:message key="editgroup.memberlist"/></div>
+    <%--<p class="help-block form-col-offset-20"><fmt:message key="grp.formhelp"/></p>--%>
-  <textarea class="form-control form-col-50" rows="8" cols="30" disabled="disabled"
-              name="membersfield" id="membersfield" ></textarea>
-<div class="form-group">
-  <form action="<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='Group.jsp'/>"
-              id="groupForm"
-          method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding />" >
-      <input type="hidden" name="group"   value="" />
-      <input type="hidden" name="members" value="" />
-      <input type="hidden" name="action"  value="save" />
-      <input type="button" disabled="disabled"
-          class="btn btn-primary  form-col-offset-20"
-             name="saveButton" id="saveButton"
-            value='<fmt:message key="grp.savegroup"/>'
-          onclick="WikiGroup.onSubmit( this.form, '<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='EditGroup.jsp' />' );" />
-      <wiki:Permission permission="createGroups">
-      <input type="button" disabled="disabled"
-           class="btn btn-default"
-             name="createButton" id="createButton"
-            value='<fmt:message key="grp.savenewgroup"/>'
-            style="display:none; "
-          onclick="WikiGroup.onSubmitNew( this.form, '<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='NewGroup.jsp' />' );" />
-      </wiki:Permission>
-      <input type="button" disabled="disabled"
-            class="btn btn-default"
-             name="cancelButton" id="cancelButton"
-            value='<fmt:message key="grp.cancel"/>'
-          onclick="WikiGroup.toggle();" />
-      <wiki:Permission permission="deleteGroup">
-      <input type="button" disabled="disabled"
-            class="btn btn-danger"
-             name="deleteButton" id="deleteButton"
-            value='<fmt:message key="grp.deletegroup"/>'
-          data-modal='<fmt:message key="grp.deletegroup.confirm"/>'
-          xxonclick="confirm( '<fmt:message key="grp.deletegroup.confirm"/>' )
-                && WikiGroup.onSubmit( this.form, '<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='DeleteGroup.jsp' />' );" />
-      </wiki:Permission>
-    </form>
+    <input class="btn btn-primary form-col-offset-20" type="submit" value="<fmt:message key='grp.savenewgroup'/>" />
-  <p class="help-block form-col-offset-20"><fmt:message key="grp.formhelp"/></p>
-  <p id="groupinfo" class="help-block"></p>
-<div class="form-group">
-  <label class="control-label form-col-20"><fmt:message key="grp.allgroups"/></label>
-  <p class="help-block form-col-75"><wiki:Translate>[{Groups}]</wiki:Translate></p>
-  <div id="groups" class="hidden json"><%= groupsToJson(pageContext,request.getParameter( "group" )) %></div>
-console.log( $('groups').get('text'), JSON.decode( $('groups').get('text') ) );
-WikiGroup.putGroup( "Group1qsdf qsdf qsdf qsdf qsdffsdfq en nog een beetje langer he", "Member1\nMember2\nMember3\nMember4\nMember5\nMember6", "createdon", "createdby", "changedon", "changedby" );
+  </form>
\ No newline at end of file
+<wiki:CheckRequestContext context="!createGroup">
+  <fmt:message key='group.errorprefix' var="msg"/>
+  <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger" topic="group" prefix="${msg}" />
+<form action="<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='DeleteGroup.jsp'/>"
+      class="hidden"
+        name="deleteGroupForm" id="deleteGroupForm"
+  data-modal="<fmt:message key='grp.deletegroup.confirm'/>"
+      method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+  <input type="hidden" name="group" value="${}" />
+  <input type="submit" name="ok" value="<fmt:message key="actions.deletegroup"/>" />
+<div class="table-filter-sort-condensed-striped">
+  <table class="table">
+    <thead>
+      <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="group.members"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="group.created"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="group.thecreator"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="group.modified"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="group.themodifier"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="group.actions"/></th>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+    <%
+    for( int g = 0; g < groups.length; g++ )
+    {
+      if ( groups[g] instanceof GroupPrincipal )
+      {
+        name = groups[g].getName();
+        group = groupMgr.getGroup( name );
+        members = group.members();
+        Arrays.sort( members, new PrincipalComparator() );
+        membersAsString = new StringBuffer();
+        for ( int i = 0; i < members.length; i++ )
+        {
+          membersAsString.append( members[i].getName().trim() );
+          if( i+1 < members.length ){ membersAsString.append( ", " ); }
+        }
+    %>
+    <c:set var="group" value="<%= group %>" />
+    <c:set var="members" value="<%= membersAsString %>" />
+    <tr class="${ == ? 'highlight' : ''}">
+      <%--<td><wiki:Link jsp='Group.jsp'><wiki:Param name='group' value='${}'/>${}</wiki:Link></td>--%>
+      <td><c:if test="${ =='Admin'}"><span class="icon-unlock-alt"></span></c:if> ${}</td>
+      <td>${members}</td>
+      <td><fmt:formatDate value="${group.created}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" /></td>
+      <td>${group.creator}</td>
+      <td><fmt:formatDate value="${group.lastModified}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" /></td>
+      <td>${group.modifier}</td>
+      <td class="nowrap">
+      <%--
+        We can't use wiki:Permission, cause we are in a loop; so let's just borrow some code from
+      --%>
+      <c:if test='<%= authMgr.checkPermission( c.getWikiSession(), new GroupPermission( name, "edit" ) ) %>'>
+      <%-- <wiki:Permission permission="editGroup"> --%>
+        <a class="btn btn-xs btn-primary"
+            href="<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='EditGroup.jsp'><wiki:Param name='group' value='${}' /></wiki:Link>" >
+          <fmt:message key="actions.editgroup" />
+        </a>
+      <%--</wiki:Permission>--%>
+      </c:if>
+      <c:if test='<%= authMgr.checkPermission( c.getWikiSession(), new GroupPermission( name, "delete" ) ) %>'>
+      <%-- <wiki:Permission permission="deleteGroup"> --%>
+        <button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" onclick=" ='${}';;">
+          <fmt:message key="actions.deletegroup"/>
+        </button>
+      <%--</wiki:Permission>--%>
+      </c:if>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <%
+        } /* end of if-GroupPrincipal */
+    } /* end of for loop */
+    %>
+    </tbody>
+  </table>

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/Header.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/Header.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/Header.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -52,7 +52,11 @@
   <div class="pagename" title="<wiki:PageName />">
     <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='view'><wiki:PageName /></wiki:CheckRequestContext>
-    <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!view'><wiki:Link><wiki:PageName/></wiki:Link></wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+    <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!view'>
+      <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='viewGroup|createGroup|editGroup'><span class="icon-group"></span></wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+        <wiki:PageType type="attachment"><span class="icon-paper-clip"></span></wiki:PageType>
+      <wiki:Link><wiki:PageName/></wiki:Link>
+    </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
   <div class="breadcrumb">

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/InfoContent.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/InfoContent.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/InfoContent.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
     under the License.
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
@@ -26,9 +25,11 @@
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
 <%@ page import="" %>
-<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
+<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
 <fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
 <fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
@@ -73,38 +74,30 @@
   if( parm_start != null ) startitem = Integer.parseInt( parm_start ) ;
   /* round to start of block: 0-19 becomes 0; 20-39 becomes 20 ... */
-  if( startitem > -1 ) startitem = ((startitem)/pagesize) * pagesize;
+  if( startitem > -1 ) startitem = ( startitem / pagesize ) * pagesize;
   /* startitem drives the pagination logic */
   /* startitem=-1:show all; startitem=0:show block 1-20; startitem=20:block 21-40 ... */
+When deleting an Attachment, the Delete.jsp still redirects to InfoContent.jsp, iso Upload.jsp !
+As we currently do not want to touch the top-level JSP's and keep them compatible with the
+defaul template,  let's fix this here
+<c:when test="${ == 'attach'}"><wiki:Include page="AttachmentTab.jsp"/></c:when>
 <div class="page-content">
 <wiki:PageType type="page">
-<%-- part 1 : normal wiki pages
-  <wiki:TabbedSection defaultTab="info">
-  FIXME!!! =>>>  <wiki:TabbedSection defaultTab="${}">
-  JSPWIKI-867) Deleting attachments should retain focus on the Attach
-  <wiki:Tab id="pagecontent"
-         title='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "actions.view")%>'
-     accesskey="v"
-	       url="<%=c.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW, c.getPage().getName())%>">
-      <%--<wiki:Include page="PageTab.jsp"/> -->
-  </wiki:Tab>
   <div class="form-frame">
   <fmt:message key='info.lastmodified'>
-    <fmt:param><wiki:PageVersion >1</wiki:PageVersion></fmt:param>
+    <fmt:param><span class="badge"><wiki:PageVersion >1</wiki:PageVersion></span></fmt:param>
       <a href="<wiki:DiffLink format='url' version='latest' newVersion='previous' />"
         title="<fmt:message key='info.pagediff.title' />" >
@@ -142,7 +135,7 @@
       <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="rename" value="<fmt:message key='info.rename.submit' />" />
       <input class="form-control form-col-50" type="text" name="renameto" value="<%= parm_renameto %>" size="40" />
       <label class="btn btn-default" for="references">
-        <input class="checkbox-inline" type="checkbox" name="references" id="references" checked="checked" />
+        <input type="checkbox" name="references" id="references" checked="checked" />
         <fmt:message key="info.updatereferrers"/>
@@ -168,19 +161,15 @@
-  <div class="tabbedAccordion">
-    <div class="tab-History">
-	<%--
-    <wiki:CheckVersion mode="first"><fmt:message key="info.noversions"/></wiki:CheckVersion>
-	--%>
-    <%-- if( itemcount > 1 ) { --%>
+  <div class="tabs">
+    <h4 id="history">History</h4>
     <wiki:SetPagination start="<%=startitem%>" total="<%=itemcount%>" pagesize="<%=pagesize%>" maxlinks="9"
                          href='<%=c.getURL(WikiContext.INFO, c.getPage().getName(), "start=%s")%>' />
-    <div class="table-filter-hover-sort zebra-table">
-    <table class="wikitable" >
+    <div class="table-filter-sort-condensed-striped">
+    <table class="table" >
         <th><fmt:message key="info.version"/></th>
         <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
@@ -191,85 +180,76 @@
       <wiki:HistoryIterator id="currentPage">
-      <% if( ( startitem == -1 ) ||
-             (  ( currentPage.getVersion() > startitem )
-             && ( currentPage.getVersion() <= startitem + pagesize ) ) )
-         {
-       %>
+      <c:set var="first" value="<%= startitem %>"/>
+      <c:set var="last" value="<%= startitem + pagesize %>"/>
+      <c:if test="${ first == -1 || ((currentPage.version > first ) && (currentPage.version <= last )) }">
-          <wiki:Link version="<%=Integer.toString(currentPage.getVersion())%>">
+          <wiki:Link version="${currentPage.version}">
-	    <td class="nowrap" jspwiki:sortvalue="<%= currentPage.getLastModified().getTime() %>">
-        <fmt:formatDate value="<%= currentPage.getLastModified() %>" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
+	    <td class="nowrap" jspwiki:sortvalue="${currentPage.lastModified.time}">
+        <fmt:formatDate value="${currentPage.lastModified}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
-        <td class="nowrap text-right">
+        <td class="nowrap">
           <c:set var="ff"><wiki:PageSize /></c:set>
           <fmt:formatNumber value='${ff/1000}' maxFractionDigits='3' minFractionDigits='1'/>&nbsp;<fmt:message key="info.kilobytes"/>
         <td><wiki:Author /></td>
-        <td>
+        <td class="nowrap">
           <wiki:CheckVersion mode="notfirst">
             <wiki:DiffLink version="current" newVersion="previous"><fmt:message key="info.difftoprev"/></wiki:DiffLink>
             <wiki:CheckVersion mode="notlatest"> | </wiki:CheckVersion>
           <wiki:CheckVersion mode="notlatest">
             <wiki:DiffLink version="latest" newVersion="current"><fmt:message key="info.difftolast"/></wiki:DiffLink>
-         <td class="changenote">
-           <% String changenote = (String) currentPage.getAttribute( WikiPage.CHANGENOTE );  %>
-		   <%= (changenote==null) ? "" : changenote  %>
-         </td>
+        <c:set var="changenote" value="<%= (String)currentPage.getAttribute( WikiPage.CHANGENOTE ) %>" />
+        <td class="changenote">${changenote}</td>
-      <% } %>
+      </c:if>
-    <%-- } /* itemcount > 1 */ --%>
-    </div>
-    <div class="tab-PageReferences">
-      <table class="wikitable table-condensed">
+    <h4 id="page-refs">Page References</h4>
+    <table class="table">
       <th><fmt:message key="" /></th>
       <th><fmt:message key="" /></th>
-        <div class="list-nostyle list-hover">
+        <div class="tree list-hover">
           <wiki:Link><wiki:PageName /></wiki:Link>
           <wiki:Plugin plugin="ReferringPagesPlugin" args="before='*' after='\n' " />
-        <div class="list-nostyle list-hover">
+        <div class="tree list-hover">
           <wiki:Plugin plugin="ReferredPagesPlugin" args="depth='1' type='local'" />
-      </table>
-    </div>
+    </table>
     <%-- DIFF section --%>
     <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='diff'>
-      <div class="tab-Difference">
+      <h4 data-activePane id="diff">Difference</h4>
       <wiki:Include page="DiffTab.jsp"/>
-      </div>
@@ -277,12 +257,11 @@
 <wiki:PageType type="attachment">
-  String progressId = c.getEngine().getProgressManager().getNewProgressIdentifier();
+<c:set var="progressId" value="<%= c.getEngine().getProgressManager().getNewProgressIdentifier() %>" />
 <wiki:Permission permission="upload">
-  <form action="<wiki:Link jsp='attach' format='url' absolute='true'><wiki:Param name='progressid' value='<%=progressId%>'/></wiki:Link>"
+  <form action="<wiki:Link jsp='attach' format='url' absolute='true'><wiki:Param name='progressid' value='${progressId}'/></wiki:Link>"
         method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding/>"
@@ -315,7 +294,7 @@
     <%--<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload" />--%>
     <div class="hidden form-col-offset-20 form-col-50 progress progress-striped active">
-      <div class="progress-bar" data-progressid="<%=progressId%>" style="width: 100%;"></div>
+      <div class="progress-bar" data-progressid="${progressId}" style="width: 100%;"></div>
@@ -324,28 +303,34 @@
   <div class="block-help bg-warning"><fmt:message key="attach.add.permission"/></div>
-<wiki:Permission permission="delete">
-  <%--<h4><fmt:message key="info.deleteattachment"/></h4>--%>
-    <form action="<wiki:Link format='url' context='<%=WikiContext.DELETE%>' />"
+<form action="<wiki:Link format='url' context='<%=WikiContext.DELETE%>' />"
           method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding />"
           data-modal="<fmt:message key='info.confirmdelete'/>" >
-     <input class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" name="delete-all" id="delete-all"
+  <c:set var="parentPage"><wiki:ParentPageName/></c:set>
+  <a class="btn btn-default" href="<wiki:Link page='${parentPage}' format='url' />" >
+    <fmt:message key="info.backtoparentpage" >
+      <fmt:param>${parentPage}</fmt:param>
+    </fmt:message>
+  </a>
+  <wiki:Permission permission="delete">
+    <input class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" name="delete-all" id="delete-all"
            value="<fmt:message key='info.deleteattachment.submit' />" />
-    </form>
+  </wiki:Permission>
-<%-- FIXME why not add pagination here - number of attach versions of one page limited ?--%>
+<%-- TODO why no pagination here - number of attach versions of one page limited ?--%>
 <%--<h4><fmt:message key='info.attachment.history' /></h4>--%>
-  <div class="table-filter-hover-sort slimbox-attachments">
+  <div class="slimbox-attachments table-filter-sort-condensed-striped">
   <table class="table">
-      <th><fmt:message key="info.attachment.type"/></th>
-      <%--<th><fmt:message key=""/></th>--%>
       <th><fmt:message key="info.version"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="info.attachment.type"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
       <th><fmt:message key="info.size"/></th>
       <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
       <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
@@ -358,31 +343,25 @@
     <wiki:HistoryIterator id="att"><%-- <wiki:AttachmentsIterator id="att"> --%>
-    <%
-      String name = att.getName(); //att.getFileName();
-      int dot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
-      String attachtype = ( dot != -1 ) ? name.substring(dot+1) : "&nbsp;";
-      String sname = name;
-      if( sname.length() > MAXATTACHNAMELENGTH ) sname = sname.substring(0,MAXATTACHNAMELENGTH) + "...";
-    %>
-      <td><div id="attach-<%= attachtype %>" class="attachtype"><%= attachtype %></div></td>
-      <%--<td><wiki:LinkTo title="<%= name %>" ><%= sname %></wiki:LinkTo></td>--%>
-      <%--FIXME classs parameter throws java exception
-      <td><wiki:Link version='<%=Integer.toString(att.getVersion())%>'
-                       title="<%= name %>"
-                       class="attachment" ><wiki:PageVersion /></wiki:Link></td>
-      --%>
-      <td class="center"><a href="<wiki:Link version='<%=Integer.toString(att.getVersion())%>' format='url' />"
-                       title="<%= name %>"
-                       class="attachment" ><wiki:PageVersion /></a></td>
-      <td class="nowrap text-right">
-        <fmt:formatNumber value='<%=Double.toString(att.getSize()/1000.0) %>' groupingUsed='false' maxFractionDigits='1' minFractionDigits='1'/>&nbsp;<fmt:message key="info.kilobytes"/>
+      <td><wiki:LinkTo version="${att.version}"><wiki:PageVersion /></wiki:LinkTo></td>
+      <%-- see styles/fontjspwiki/icon.less : icon-file-<....>-o  --%>
+      <c:set var="parts" value="${fn:split(att.fileName, '.')}" />
+      <c:set var="type" value="${ fn:length(parts)>1 ? parts[fn:length(parts)-1] : ''}" />
+      <td class="attach-type"><span class="icon-file-${type}-o">${type}</span></td>
+      <td class="attach-name">${att.fileName}</td>
+      <td class="nowrap">
+        <fmt:formatNumber value='${att.size/1000.0}' maxFractionDigits='1' minFractionDigits='1'/>&nbsp;<fmt:message key="info.kilobytes"/>
-	  <td class="nowrap" jspwiki:sortvalue="<%= att.getLastModified().getTime() %>">
-	  <fmt:formatDate value="<%= att.getLastModified() %>" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
+	  <td class="nowrap" jspwiki:sortvalue="${att.lastModified.time}">
+	    <fmt:formatDate value="${att.lastModified}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
       <td><wiki:Author /></td>
       // FIXME: This needs to be added, once we figure out what is going on.
@@ -394,10 +373,10 @@
-      <td class='changenote'>
-        <% String changenote = (String) att.getAttribute( WikiPage.CHANGENOTE ); %>
-		<%= (changenote==null) ? "" : changenote  %>
-      </td>
+      <c:set var="changenote" value="<%= (String)att.getAttribute( WikiPage.CHANGENOTE ) %>" />
+      <td class="changenote">${changenote}</td>
     </wiki:HistoryIterator><%-- </wiki:AttachmentsIterator> --%>
@@ -415,3 +394,6 @@

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/LoginContent.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/LoginContent.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/LoginContent.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -17,30 +17,30 @@
     under the License.
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page errorPage="/Error.jsp" %>
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
 <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
 <fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
 <fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
-    String postURL = "";
     WikiContext ctx = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
     AuthenticationManager mgr = ctx.getEngine().getAuthenticationManager();
+    String loginURL = "";
     if( mgr.isContainerAuthenticated() )
-        postURL = "j_security_check";
+        loginURL = "j_security_check";
         String redir = (String)ctx.getVariable("redirect");
         if( redir == null ) redir = ctx.getEngine().getFrontPage();
-        postURL = ctx.getURL( WikiContext.LOGIN, redir );
+        loginURL = ctx.getURL( WikiContext.LOGIN, redir );
@@ -51,56 +51,82 @@
 <wiki:UserCheck status="notauthenticated">
 <%--<wiki:Include page='LoginTab.jsp'/>--%>
-<div class="accordion center form-col-50">
+<div class="tabs" >
-<h3><fmt:message key="login.heading.login"><fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param></fmt:message></h3>
+<h3 id="section-login"><fmt:message key=""/></h3>
-<form action="<%=postURL%>"
+<form action="<%= loginURL %>"
-       class=""
+       class="login-form"
       method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding />" >
+    <p class="login-header">
+      <fmt:message key="login.heading.login">
+        <fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param>
+      </fmt:message>
+    </p>
     <%--<div class="help-block"><fmt:message key=""></fmt:message></div>--%>
-    <wiki:Messages div="error from-group" topic="login"
-                prefix='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext,"login.errorprefix")%>' />
+    <fmt:message key="login.errorprefix" var="msg"/>
+    <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger" topic="login" prefix="${msg}" />
     <div class="form-group">
-      <%--<label class="control-label form-col-20" for="j_username"><fmt:message key="login.login"/></label>--%>
-      <input autofocus="autofocus" class="form-control xform-col-50" type="text" size="24" value="<wiki:Variable var='uid' default='' />"
-                placeholder="<fmt:message key='login.login'/>"
-                 name="j_username" id="j_username" />
+      <input class="form-control"
+             value="<wiki:Variable var='uid' default='' />"
+       placeholder="<fmt:message key='login.login'/>"
+              type="text" size="24" autofocus="autofocus" name="j_username" id="j_username" />
     <div class="form-group">
-      <%--<label class="control-label form-col-20"for="j_password"><fmt:message key="login.password"/></label>--%>
-      <input class="form-control xform-col-50" type="password" size="24"
-                placeholder="<fmt:message key='login.password'/>"
-                 name="j_password" id="j_password" />
+      <input class="form-control"
+       placeholder="<fmt:message key='login.password'/>"
+              type="password" size="24" name="j_password" id="j_password" />
+    <div class="form-group clearfix"><%-- need clearfix ico no-cookies-auth allowed; ensure the right floated btn gets proper spacing -- ugh! --%>
     <c:if test="${allowsCookieAuthentication}">
-    <div class="form-group">
-      <label class="control-label xform-col-20" for="j_remember"><fmt:message key="login.remember"/></label>
-      <input type="checkbox"
-             name="j_remember" id="j_remember" />
-    </div>
+      <label class="btn" for="j_remember">
+        <input type="checkbox" name="j_remember" id="j_remember" />
+        <fmt:message key="login.remember"/>
+      </label>
+      <a class="btn btn-link pull-right" href="#section-lostpw"><fmt:message key="login.lostpw" /></a>
+    </div>
     <div class="form-group">
-        <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<wiki:Variable var='redirect' default='' />" />
-        <input class="btn btn-primary btn-block xform-col-offset-20" type="submit" name="submitlogin" value="<fmt:message key='login.submit.login'/>" />
+      <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<wiki:Variable var='redirect' default='' />" />
+      <input class="btn btn-primary btn-block"
+              type="submit" name="submitlogin" value="<fmt:message key='login.submit.login'/>" />
+    <hr />
+    <%--CHECKME only allow to register new uses when no container auth !? --%>
+    <%--  <wiki:UserProfile property="canChangeLoginName">  --%>
+    <p class="login-ref">
+      <fmt:message key="login.nopassword"/>
+      <a class="" href="#section-register">
+        <fmt:message key="login.registernow">
+          <fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param>
+        </fmt:message>
+      </a>
+    </p>
+    <%-- </wiki:UserProfile> --%>
 <%-- Lost pasword functionality --%>
-<h3><%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "")%></h3>
+<c:set var="lostpwTab" value="${ == 'lostpassword' ? 'data-activePane': ''}"/>
+<h3 ${lostpwTab} id="section-lostpw"><fmt:message key=""/></h3>
 <form action="<wiki:Link jsp='LostPassword.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='tab' value='lostpassword'/></wiki:Link>"
-       class=""
+       class="login-form"
       method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding />" >
-  <%--<h3><fmt:message key="login.lostpw.heading" /></h3>--%>
+  <p class="login-header"><fmt:message key="login.lostpw.title" /></p>
   <c:when test="${passwordreset == 'done' }">
@@ -112,46 +138,44 @@
     <c:if test="${ eq 'lostpassword'}" >
-    <div class="form-group help-block">
-        <wiki:Messages div="error" topic="resetpw"
-                    prefix='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext,"login.errorprefix")%>' />
+      <div class="form-group help-block">
+        <fmt:message key="login.errorprefix" var="msg"/>
+        <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger" topic="resetpw" prefix="${msg}" />
         <wiki:Messages div="information" topic="resetpwok" />
-    </div>
+      </div>
     <div class="form-group">
-      <%--<label class="control-label form-col-20" for="name"><fmt:message key=""/></label>--%>
-      <input class="form-control xform-col-50" type="text" size="24"
-                placeholder="<fmt:message key=''/>"
-                name="name" id="name" />
+      <p class="help-block"><fmt:message key=""></fmt:message></p>
+      <%--<label class="control-label" for="name"><fmt:message key=""/></label>--%>
+      <input class="form-control" type="text" size="24"
+       placeholder="<fmt:message key=''/>"
+              name="name" id="name" />
-    <%--<div class="help-block form-col-offset-20"><fmt:message key=""></fmt:message></div>--%>
     <div class="form-group">
-        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="resetPassword"/>
-        <input class="btn btn-primary btn-block xform-col-offset-20" type="submit" name="Submit" value="<fmt:message key='login.lostpw.submit'/>" />
+      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="resetPassword"/>
+      <input class="btn btn-primary btn-block" type="submit" name="Submit" value="<fmt:message key='login.lostpw.submit'/>" />
-  <div class="form-group help-block">
-    <fmt:message key="login.invite"/>
-    <a href="#" onclick="$('menu-logincontent').fireEvent('click');"
-                  title="<fmt:message key='login.title'/>" >
-      <fmt:message key="login.heading.login"><fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param></fmt:message>
-    </a>
-  </div>
-  <div class="form-group help-block">
-    <fmt:message key="login.nopassword"/>
-    <.--<a href="UserPreferences.jsp?tab=profile">--.>
-    <a href="#" onclick="$('menu-profile').fireEvent('click');"
-                  title="<fmt:message key='login.registernow.title'/>" >
-      <fmt:message key="login.registernow">
-        <fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param>
-      </fmt:message>
-    </a>
-  </div>
+    <hr />
+    <p class="login-ref">
+      <fmt:message key="login.invite"/>
+      <a href="#section-login"
+         title="<fmt:message key='login.title'/>" >
+        <fmt:message key="login.heading.login"><fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param></fmt:message>
+      </a>
+    </p>
+    <p class="login-ref">
+      <fmt:message key="login.nopassword"/>
+      <a class="" href="#section-register">
+          <fmt:message key="login.registernow">
+            <fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param>
+          </fmt:message>
+        </a>
+    </p>
@@ -160,13 +184,95 @@
 <%-- Register new user profile --%>
 <wiki:Permission permission='editProfile'>
-<h3><%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "")%></h3>
-  <wiki:Include page='ProfileTab.jsp'/>
+<c:set var="registerTab" value="${ == 'register' ? 'data-activePane': ''}"/>
+<h3 ${registerTab} id="section-register"><fmt:message key="" /></h3>
+<%-- <wiki:Include page='ProfileTab.jsp'/> --%>
+<form action="<wiki:Link jsp='Login.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='tab' value='register'/></wiki:Link>"
+          id="editProfile"
+       class="login-form"
+      method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<wiki:Variable var='redirect' default='' />" />
+  <p class="login-header"><fmt:message key="login.registernow.title" /></p>
+  <fmt:message key="prefs.errorprefix.profile" var="msg"/>
+  <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger" topic="profile" prefix="${msg}" />
+  <%-- Login name --%>
+  <%-- TODO:  can be simplified in case of registering a new user --%>
+  <div class="form-group">
+    <wiki:UserProfile property="canChangeLoginName">
+      <input class="form-control" type="text" name="loginname" id="loginname" size="20"
+       placeholder="<fmt:message key='prefs.loginname' />"
+             value="<wiki:UserProfile property='loginname' />" />
+    </wiki:UserProfile>
+    <wiki:UserProfile property="!canChangeLoginName">
+      <!-- If user can't change their login name, it's because the container manages the login -->
+      <wiki:UserProfile property="new">
+        <div class="warning"><fmt:message key=""/></div>
+      </wiki:UserProfile>
+      <wiki:UserProfile property="exists">
+        <span class="form-control-static"><wiki:UserProfile property="loginname"/></span>
+        <div class="warning"><fmt:message key="prefs.loginname.cannotset.exists"/></div>
+      </wiki:UserProfile>
+    </wiki:UserProfile>
+  </div>
+  <%-- Password field; not displayed if container auth used --%>
+  <wiki:UserProfile property="canChangePassword">
+    <div class="form-group">
+       <input class="form-control" type="password" name="password" id="password" size="20"
+        placeholder="<fmt:message key='prefs.password' />"
+              value="" />
+     </div>
+     <div class="form-group">
+       <input class="form-control" type="password" name="password2" id="password2" size="20"
+        placeholder="<fmt:message key='prefs.password2' />"
+              value="" />
+       <%-- FFS: extra validation ? min size, allowed chars? password-strength js check --%>
+     </div>
+  </wiki:UserProfile>
+  <%-- Full name --%>
+  <div class="form-group">
+    <input class="form-control" type="text" name="fullname" id="fullname" size="20"
+     placeholder="<fmt:message key='prefs.fullname'/>"
+           value="<wiki:UserProfile property='fullname' />" />
+    <p class="help-block"><fmt:message key="prefs.fullname.description"/></p>
+  </div>
+  <%-- E-mail --%>
+  <div class="form-group">
+    <input class="form-control" type="text" name="email" id="email" size="20"
+     placeholder="<fmt:message key=''/>"
+           value="<wiki:UserProfile property='email' />" />
+    <p class="help-block"><fmt:message key=""/></p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="form-group">
+    <button class="btn btn-primary btn-block" type="submit" name="action" value="saveProfile">
+      <fmt:message key='prefs.newprofile' />
+    </button>
+  </div>
+  <hr />
+  <p class="login-ref">
+    <fmt:message key="login.invite"/>
+    <a href="#section-login"
+      title="<fmt:message key='login.title'/>" >
+      <fmt:message key="login.heading.login"><fmt:param><wiki:Variable var="applicationname" /></fmt:param></fmt:message>
+    </a>
+  </p>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/Nav.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/Nav.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/Nav.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -56,28 +56,19 @@
-  <wiki:PageType type="attachment">
-      <li>
-      <wiki:LinkToParent><%-- <wiki:Link page="<wiki:ParentPageName/>" > --%>
-        <fmt:message key="info.backtoparentpage" >
-        <fmt:param><span class="label label-info label-sm"><wiki:ParentPageName/></span></fmt:param>
-        </fmt:message>
-      </wiki:LinkToParent>
-      </li>
-  </wiki:PageType>
   <%-- attachment --%>
-  <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='view|info|rename|edit'>
-  <wiki:PageType type="page">
+  <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='view|info|diff|rename|edit'>
   <li id="attach">
-    <wiki:Link context="upload" accessKey="a" >
-        <fmt:message key=''/>
-      <c:if test="${attachments > 0}">
-        <span class="badge">${ attachments }</span>
-      </c:if>
+    <c:set var="page">
+      <wiki:PageType type="page"><wiki:PageName/></wiki:PageType>
+      <wiki:PageType type="attachment"><wiki:ParentPageName/></wiki:PageType>
+    </c:set>
+    <wiki:Link page="${page}" context="upload" accessKey="a" >
+      <fmt:message key=''/>
+      <c:if test="${attachments > 0}"><span class="badge">${attachments}</span></c:if>
-  </wiki:PageType>
   <%-- info --%>
@@ -221,7 +212,7 @@
       <wiki:Permission permission="comment">
         <wiki:PageType type="page">
-            <wiki:Link context="comment" title="<fmt:message key='actions.comment.title' />">
+            <wiki:Link context="comment">
               <fmt:message key="actions.comment" />
@@ -244,14 +235,14 @@
       <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!workflow'>
       <wiki:UserCheck status="authenticated">
-          <wiki:Link jsp='Workflow.jsp' title="<fmt:message key='actions.workflow.title' />">
+          <wiki:Link jsp="Workflow.jsp">
             <fmt:message key='actions.workflow' />
-      <%-- GROUPS --%>
+      <%-- GROUPS : moved to the UserBox.jsp
       <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!creategroup' >
       <wiki:Permission permission="createGroups">
@@ -261,11 +252,12 @@
+      --%>
       <%-- divider --%>
       <wiki:PageExists page="MoreMenu">
-        <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='view|info|diff|upload|workflow|createGroup'>
+        <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='view|info|diff|upload|createGroup'>
           <li class="divider "></li>
         <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='prefs|edit'>

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/NewGroupContent.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/NewGroupContent.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/NewGroupContent.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -14,89 +14,8 @@
     KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
     specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.  
+    under the License.
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
-<%@ page import="" %>
-<%@ page import="java.util.Arrays" %>
-<%@ page import="java.util.ResourceBundle" %>
-<%@ page import="*" %>
-<%@ page import="" %>
-<%@ page import="" %>
-<%@ page import="" %>
-<%@ page import="" %>
-<%@ page errorPage="/Error.jsp" %>
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
-<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
-<fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
-<fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
-  // Extract the group name and members
-  String name = request.getParameter( "group" );
-  Group group = (Group)pageContext.getAttribute( "Group",PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE );
-  Principal[] members = null;
-  if ( group != null )
-  {
-    name = group.getName();
-    members = group.members();
-    Arrays.sort( members, new PrincipalComparator() );
-  }
-  // FIXME : find better way to i18nize default group name
-  if ( "MyGroup".equals(name) )
-  {
-	  name = LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "newgroup.defaultgroupname");
-  }
-  name = TextUtil.replaceEntities(name);
-<div class="page-content">
-<h3><fmt:message key="newgroup.heading.create"/></h3>
-<wiki:Messages div='error' topic='<%=GroupManager.MESSAGES_KEY%>' prefix='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext,"newgroup.errorprefix")%>' />
-  <form id="createGroup" action="<wiki:Link format="url" jsp="NewGroup.jsp"/>"
-    method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
-  <div class="help-block">
-     <fmt:message key="newgroup.instructions.start"/>
-  </div>
-    <div class="form-group">
-      <label><fmt:message key=""/></label>
-      <input type="text" name="group" size="30" value="<%=name%>" />
-      <div class="help-block">
-        <fmt:message key=""/>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <!-- Members -->
-    <%
-      StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
-      for ( int i = 0; i < members.length; i++ )
-      {
-        s.append( members[i].getName().trim() );
-        s.append( '\n' );
-      }
-    %>
-    <div class="form-group">
-      <label><fmt:message key="group.members"/></label>
-      <textarea id="members" name="members" rows="10" cols="40"><%=TextUtil.replaceEntities(s.toString())%></textarea>
-      <div class="help-block">
-        <fmt:message key="newgroup.members.description"/>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="ok" value="<fmt:message key="newgroup.creategroup"/>" />
-    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" />
-    <div class="help-block">
-         <fmt:message key="newgroup.instructions.end"/>
-    </div>
-  </form>
\ No newline at end of file
+<wiki:Include page="PreferencesContent.jsp" ></wiki:Include>

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/PreferencesContent.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/PreferencesContent.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/PreferencesContent.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -17,37 +17,42 @@
     under the License.
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
 <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
 <fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
 <fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
-  WikiContext context = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
-  TemplateManager.addResourceRequest( context, TemplateManager.RESOURCE_SCRIPT,
-          context.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, "scripts/haddock-prefs.js" ) );
 <div class="page-content">
-<div class="rightAccordion">
+<div class="tabs">
-  <h3><fmt:message key="" /></h3>
+  <h3 id="section-prefs">
+    <fmt:message key="" />
+  </h3>
   <wiki:Include page="PreferencesTab.jsp" />
   <%-- <wiki:UserCheck status="authenticated"> --%>
   <wiki:Permission permission="editProfile">
-  <%-- <wiki:UserProfile property="exists"> --%>
-    <h3><fmt:message key=""/></h3>
+  <wiki:UserProfile property="exists">
+    <c:set var="profileTab" value="${ == 'profile' ? 'data-activePane' : ''}"/>
+    <h3 ${profileTab} id="section-profile"><fmt:message key=""/></h3>
     <wiki:Include page="ProfileTab.jsp" />
     <%-- <%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, "")%> --%>
-  <%-- </wiki:UserProfile> --%>
+  </wiki:UserProfile>
   <%-- </wiki:UserCheck> --%>
-  <wiki:Permission permission="createGroups"> <%-- FIXME check right permissions --%>
-    <h3><fmt:message key="" /></h3>
+  <wiki:Permission permission="createGroups"><%-- use WikiPermission --%>
+    <c:set var="groupTab" value="${ == 'groups' ? 'data-activePane' : ''}"/>
+    <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='viewGroup|editGroup|createGroup'>
+       <c:set var="groupTab">data-activePane</c:set>
+    </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+    <h3 ${groupTab} id="section-groups"><fmt:message key="" /></h3>
     <wiki:Include page="GroupTab.jsp" />

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/PreferencesTab.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/PreferencesTab.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/PreferencesTab.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@
 <form action="<wiki:Link jsp='UserPreferences.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='tab' value='prefs'/></wiki:Link>"
-       class=""
-          id="preferences"  <%-- setCookie --%>
+          id="preferences"  <%-- see Prefs.js; setCookie --%>
       method="post" accept-charset="<wiki:ContentEncoding />" >
   <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<wiki:Variable var='redirect' default='' />" />
@@ -53,6 +52,7 @@
   <div class="form-group ">
     <span class="form-col-20 control-label"></span>
     <span class="dropdown" style="display:inline-block" >
       <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="action" value="setAssertedName">
         <fmt:message key=''/>
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
   <c:if test="${ eq 'prefs'}" >
   <div class="">
     <span class="form-col-20 control-label"></span>
-    <wiki:Messages div="error form-col-50" topic="prefs" prefix='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext,"prefs.errorprefix.prefs")%>'/>
+    <fmt:message key="prefs.errorprefix.prefs" var="msg"/>
+    <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger form-col-50" topic="prefs" prefix="${msg}" />

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/ProfileTab.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/ProfileTab.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/ProfileTab.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
     under the License.
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page errorPage="/Error.jsp" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
 <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
      context='login'><wiki:Link jsp='Login.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='tab'
-     context='prefs'><wiki:Link jsp='UserPreferences.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='tab'
+     context='!login'><wiki:Link jsp='UserPreferences.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='tab'
@@ -63,7 +63,15 @@
   <c:if test="${ eq 'profile'}" >
   <div class="">
     <span class="form-col-20 control-label"></span>
-    <wiki:Messages div="error form-col-50" topic="profile" prefix='<%=LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext,"prefs.errorprefix.profile")%>'/>
+    <fmt:message key="prefs.errorprefix.profile" var="msg"/>
+    <wiki:Messages div="alert alert-danger form-col-50" topic="profile" prefix="${msg}" />
+    <%-- seems not to work .?
+    <wiki:Messages div="error form-col-50" prefix="<fmt:message key='prefs.errorprefix.profile' />" topic="profile"  />
+    this is ok..
+    <wiki:Messages div="error form-col-50" topic="profile" >
+      <jsp:attribute name="prefix" ><fmt:message key="prefs.errorprefix.profile"/></jsp:attribute>
+    </wiki:Messages>
+    --%>

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/UserBox.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/UserBox.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/UserBox.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -61,35 +61,50 @@
     <li class="dropdown-header">
+           user preferences button
+      --%>
+      <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!prefs'>
+        <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!preview'>
+          <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='UserPreferences.jsp' format='url' ><wiki:Param name='redirect' value='${redirect}'/></wiki:Link>"
+            class="btn btn-default btn-block">
+           <fmt:message key="actions.prefs" />
+          </a>
+          <wiki:Permission permission="createGroups">
+          <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='UserPreferences.jsp' format='url' ><wiki:Param name='redirect' value='${redirect}'/><wiki:Param name='tab' value='groups'/></wiki:Link>"
+            class="btn btn-default btn-block icon-group" >
+            <fmt:message key="actions.groups" />
+          </a>
+          </wiki:Permission>
+         </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+      </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+      <%--
            login button
       <wiki:UserCheck status="notAuthenticated">
         <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!login'>
         <wiki:Permission permission="login">
-        <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='Login.jsp' format='url'><wiki:Param name='redirect' value='${redirect}'/></wiki:Link>"
-           class="btn btn-primary btn-block login icon-signin"
-           <%-- title="<fmt:message key='actions.login.title'/>" --%> ><fmt:message key="actions.login"/></a>
+        <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='Login.jsp' format='url' ><wiki:Param name='redirect' value='${redirect}'/></wiki:Link>"
+           class="btn btn-primary btn-block login icon-signin">
+          <fmt:message key="actions.login" />
+        </a>
+        </wiki:Permission>
+        <wiki:Permission permission='editProfile'>
+        <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='Login.jsp' format='url' ><wiki:Param name='redirect' value='${redirect}'/><wiki:Param name='tab' value='register'/></wiki:Link>"
+           class="btn btn-link btn-block register">
+          <fmt:message key="actions.registernow" />
+        </a>
-           user preferences button
-      --%>
-      <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!prefs'>
-        <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='!preview'>
-          <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='UserPreferences.jsp' format='url' ><wiki:Param name='redirect' value='${redirect}'/></wiki:Link>"
-            class="btn btn-default btn-block prefs"
-            <%-- title="<fmt:message key='actions.prefs.title'/>" --%> ><fmt:message key="actions.prefs" /></a>
-         </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
-      </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
-      <%--
            logout button
       <wiki:UserCheck status="authenticated">
         <a href="<wiki:Link jsp='Logout.jsp' format='url' />"
           class="btn btn-default btn-block logout icon-signout"
-          <%-- title="<fmt:message key='actions.logout.title'/>" --%>
-          data-modal="<fmt:message key='actions.confirmlogout'/>"><fmt:message key="actions.logout"/></a>
+     data-modal="<fmt:message key='actions.confirmlogout'/>">
+          <fmt:message key="actions.logout"/>
+        </a>

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/ViewTemplate.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/ViewTemplate.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/ViewTemplate.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
 <!doctype html>
-<html lang="en" name="top">
+<html lang="${prefs.Language}" name="top">
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
   <wiki:Include page="Header.jsp" />
   <wiki:Include page="Nav.jsp" />
   <c:set var="sidebar"><wiki:Variable var='sidebar' /></c:set>
+  <wiki:CheckRequestContext context='login|prefs|createGroup|viewGroup'>
+      <c:set var="sidebar">off</c:set>
+  </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
   <div class="content <c:if test='${sidebar != "off"}'>active</c:if>" data-toggle="li#menu,.sidebar>.close">
     <div class="page">

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/WorkflowContent.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/WorkflowContent.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/WorkflowContent.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
     specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.  
+    under the License.
 <%@ page errorPage="/Error.jsp" %>
@@ -22,164 +22,163 @@
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
+<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
 <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
 <fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
 <fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
-<script language="JavaScript">
-  function SubmitOutcomeIfSelected(selectId) 
-  {
-    if ( selectId.selectedIndex > 0 )
-    {
-      // alert(selectId.selectedIndex);
-      selectId.form.submit();
-    }
-  }
-  int i = 0;
-  String evenOdd;
-<div class="page-content">
+<div class="page-content table-filter-sort">
+<wiki:UserCheck status="authenticated">
 <h3><fmt:message key="workflow.heading" /></h3>
 <p><fmt:message key="workflow.instructions"/></p>
-<!-- Pending Decisions -->
-<h4><fmt:message key="workflow.decisions.heading" /></h4>
+<%-- Pending Decisions --%>
+<div class="tabs">
+  <fmt:message key="workflow.decisions.heading" />
+  <span class="badge">${empty decisions ? "empty" : fn:length(decisions)}</span>
 <c:if test="${empty decisions}">
-  <div class="information">
-    <fmt:message key="workflow.noinstructions"/>
-  </div>
+  <div class="information"><fmt:message key="workflow.noinstructions"/></div>
 <c:if test="${!empty decisions}">
-  <div class="help-block">
-    <fmt:message key=""/>
-  </div>
-  <table class="">
-    <thead>
-      <th width="5%"  align="center"><fmt:message key=""/></th>
-      <th width="45%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.item"/></th>
-      <th width="15%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.actions"/></th>
-      <th width="15%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.requester"/></th>
-      <th width="20%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.startTime"/></th>
+  <p><fmt:message key=""/></p>
+  <table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
+    <thead><%-- 5/45/15/15/20--%>
+      <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.item"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.requester"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.startTime"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.actions"/></th>
-      <% i = 1; %>
       <c:forEach var="decision" items="${decisions}">
-        <% evenOdd = (i % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; %>
-        <tr class="<%=evenOdd%>">
-          <!-- Workflow ID -->
-          <td align="center"><c:out value="${}"/></td>
-          <!-- Name of item -->
-          <td align="left">
+        <tr>
+          <%-- Workflow ID --%>
+          <td>${}</td>
+          <%-- Name of item --%>
+          <td>
             <fmt:message key="${decision.messageKey}">
               <c:forEach var="messageArg" items="${decision.messageArguments}">
-                <fmt:param><c:out value="${messageArg}"/></fmt:param>
+                <fmt:param>${messageArg}</fmt:param>
-          <!-- Possible actions (outcomes) -->
-          <td align="left">
-            <form id="<c:out value='decision.${}'/>" 
-              action="<wiki:Link jsp='Workflow.jsp' format='url'/>" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+          <%-- Requester --%>
+          <td>${}</td>
+          <%-- When did the actor start this step? --%>
+          <td>
+            <fmt:formatDate value="${decision.startTime}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
+		  </td>
+          <%-- Possible actions (outcomes) --%>
+          <td class="nowrap">
+            <form action="<wiki:Link jsp='Workflow.jsp' format='url'/>"
+                      id="decision.${}"
+                  method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
               <input type="hidden" name="action" value="decide" />
-              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<c:out value='${}' />" />
-              <select name="outcome" onchange="SubmitOutcomeIfSelected(this)">
-                <option value="-"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
-                <c:forEach var="outcome" items="${decision.availableOutcomes}"><option value="${outcome.messageKey}"><fmt:message key="${outcome.messageKey}"/></option>
-                </c:forEach>
-              </select>
+              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${}" />
+              <c:forEach var="outcome" items="${decision.availableOutcomes}">
+                <button class="btn btn-xs btn-default" type="submit" name="outcome" value="${outcome.messageKey}">
+                  <fmt:message key="${outcome.messageKey}"/>
+                </button>
+              </c:forEach>
-          <!-- Requester -->
-          <td align="left"><c:out value="${}"/></td>
-          <!-- When did the actor start this step? -->
-          <td align="left">
-            <fmt:formatDate value="${decision.startTime}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
-		  </td>
-        <!-- Hidden row with Decision details, if there are any -->
         <c:if test="${!empty decision.facts}">
-          <tr class="<%=evenOdd%>" class="hideDiv">
-            <td>&nbsp;</td>
-            <td colspan="4" class="split">
-              <a href="#" 
-                title="<fmt:message key='workflow.details.title' />"
-              onclick="$('decision.<c:out value="${}"/>').toggle();" >
-                <fmt:message key="workflow.details" />
-              </a>
-              <div class="hideDiv" id="<c:out value='decision.${}'/>">
+        <tr class="workflow-details">
+          <td colspan="5">
                 <c:forEach var="fact" items="${decision.facts}">
-                  <h5><fmt:message key="${fact.messageKey}" /></h5>
-                  <p><c:out escapeXml="false" value="${fact.value}"/></p>
+                  <p><fmt:message key="${fact.messageKey}" /></p>
+                    <pre><c:out escapeXml="false" value="${fn:trim(fact.value)}" /></pre>
+                    <%-- may contain a full dump for a version diff,  ico save-wiki-page   approval flow --%>
-              </div>
-            </td>
-          </tr>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
-        <% i++; %>
 <!-- Running workflows for which current user is the owner -->
-<h4><fmt:message key="workflow.workflows.heading" /></h4>
+  <fmt:message key="workflow.workflows.heading" />
+  <span class="badge">${empty workflows ? "empty" : fn:length(workflows)}</span>
 <c:if test="${empty workflows}">
-  <div class="information">
-    <fmt:message key="workflow.noinstructions"/>
-  </div>
+  <div class="information"><fmt:message key="workflow.noinstructions"/></div>
 <c:if test="${!empty workflows}">
-  <div class="help-block">
-    <fmt:message key="workflow.owner.instructions"/>
-  </div>
-  <table class="">
+  <p><fmt:message key="workflow.owner.instructions"/></p>
+  <table class="table">
-      <th width="5%"  align="center"><fmt:message key=""/></th>
-      <th width="45%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.item"/></th>
-      <th width="15%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.actions"/></th>
-      <th width="15%" align="left"><fmt:message key=""/></th>
-      <th width="20%" align="left"><fmt:message key="workflow.startTime"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.item"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key=""/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.startTime"/></th>
+      <th><fmt:message key="workflow.actions"/></th>
-    <% i = 1; %>
       <c:forEach var="workflow" items="${workflows}">
-        <% evenOdd = (i % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; %>
-        <tr class="<%=evenOdd%>">
-          <!-- Workflow ID -->
-          <td  align="center"><c:out value="${}"/></td>
-          <!-- Name of item -->
-          <td align="left">
+        <tr>
+          <%-- Workflow ID --%>
+          <td>${}</td>
+          <%-- Name of item --%>
+          <td>
             <fmt:message key="${workflow.messageKey}">
               <c:forEach var="messageArg" items="${workflow.messageArguments}">
                 <fmt:param><c:out value="${messageArg}"/></fmt:param>
           </td >
-          <!-- Actions -->
-          <td align="left">
-            <form id="<c:out value='workflow.${}'/>" action="<wiki:Link jsp='Workflow.jsp' format='url'/>" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
-              <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<fmt:message key="outcome.step.abort" />" />
+          <%-- Current actor --%>
+          <td><${}</td>
+          <%-- When did the actor start this step? --%>
+          <td>
+            <fmt:formatDate value="${workflow.currentStep.startTime}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
+          </td>
+          <%-- Actions --%>
+          <td>
+            <form id="workflow.${}"
+              action="<wiki:Link jsp='Workflow.jsp' format='url'/>"
+              method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+              <input class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" type="submit" name="submit" value="<fmt:message key="outcome.step.abort" />" />
               <input type="hidden" name="action" value="abort" />
-              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<c:out value="${}" />" />
+              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${}" />
-          <!-- Current actor -->
-          <td align="left"><c:out value="${}"/></td>
-          <!-- When did the actor start this step? -->
-          <td align="left">
-            <fmt:formatDate value="${workflow.currentStep.startTime}" pattern="${prefs.DateFormat}" timeZone="${prefs.TimeZone}" />
-          </td>
-        <% i++; %>
+</div><%-- class=tabs --%>
+<wiki:UserCheck status="notAuthenticated">
+  <div class="info"><fmt:message key="workflow.beforelogin"/></div>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/editors/CKeditor.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/editors/CKeditor.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/editors/CKeditor.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -257,6 +257,12 @@ Wiki.add("[name=htmlPageText]", function
       //allowedContent:" ... ",
+      /*
+      protectedSouce:[
+        /<a class="hashlink"[^>]+>#<\/a>/g,
+        /<img class="outlink"[^>]+>/g
+      ],
+      */
       language: Wiki.prefs.get( "Language" ), //"${prefs.Language}",
       height: Wiki.prefs.get( "EditorCookie" ),
       startupFocus: true

Modified: jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/editors/plain.jsp
--- jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/editors/plain.jsp (original)
+++ jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki-war/src/main/webapp/templates/haddock/editors/plain.jsp Sun Jul 26 19:50:41 2015
@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@
    WikiContext context = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
    WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
-   TemplateManager.addResourceRequest( context, TemplateManager.RESOURCE_SCRIPT,
-           context.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, "scripts/haddock-edit.js" ) );
    String usertext = EditorManager.getEditedText( pageContext );
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