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Posted to by on 2002/02/25 13:33:29 UTC

Bug report for Xerces2-J [2002/02/25]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      EHN=Ehnancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  558|New|Nor|2001-02-09|line breaks within comments are discarded         |
|  820|New|Nor|2001-03-02|HTMLSerializer does not check for XHTML serializat|
| 2206|Ver|Cri|2001-06-18|Parser return wrong characters as content of ignor|
| 2213|New|Enh|2001-06-18|Callback order PATCH                              |
| 2248|New|Maj|2001-06-20|HTMLSerializer SAX methods check for null instead |
| 2691|New|Nor|2001-07-19|Documentation for XMLReaderFactory does not say wh|
| 3203|New|Enh|2001-08-21|Bad (inconsistent) name for constant in org.apache|
| 3503|Ass|Nor|2001-09-07|setIgnoringComments does not seem to work         |
| 3512|New|Nor|2001-09-09|Attribute Entity Information in XMLAttributes Wron|
| 3880|New|Nor|2001-09-28|Error: DTD file not found if XML file name contain|
| 4110|New|Nor|2001-10-11|Error with namespace prefix                       |
| 4153|Opn|Nor|2001-10-13|org.apache.xml.serialize.HTMLdtd assumes default p|
| 4276|New|Nor|2001-10-18|Security feature                                  |
| 4329|New|Blk|2001-10-22|ClassCastException with DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl|
| 5069|New|Nor|2001-11-25|What's a base system identifier?                  |
| 5076|Opn|Nor|2001-11-26|Don't wrap RuntimeExceptions                      |
| 5077|New|Nor|2001-11-26|Report top-level whitespace                       |
| 5085|New|Nor|2001-11-26|Reporting of externally specified encodings       |
| 5122|Ver|Maj|2001-11-27|Missing startEntity() call (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsE|
| 5502|New|Enh|2001-12-19|SAX2COUNT as verifier in emacs                    |
| 5519|Opn|Cri|2001-12-19|[Fatal Error] A '(' character or an element type i|
| 5546|Ver|Cri|2001-12-20|Getting node value using getNodeValue returns last|
| 5602|Opn|Nor|2001-12-28|Parsing gets very slow with lots of entity referen|
| 5631|New|Nor|2001-12-30|ClassPathException Error                          |
| 5677|New|Nor|2002-01-03|JavaDoc problems throughout sourcecode            |
| 5697|Ver|Maj|2002-01-04|DOM mangles text nodes                            |
| 5745|New|Maj|2002-01-08|XMLAttributes API                                 |
| 5808|New|Cri|2002-01-11|Xerces interference with HotSpot JVM : causes syst|
| 5885|New|Nor|2002-01-16|Useful Javadoc doclet report for Xerces2          |
| 5891|New|Nor|2002-01-16|XMLSchemaValidator does not contribute element's d|
| 5924|New|Nor|2002-01-18|XMLSchemaValidator does not normalize values based|
| 5928|New|Nor|2002-01-19|XMLSchemaValidator sometimes overlooks identity co|
| 5933|New|Nor|2002-01-21|Identifier hash table in CoreDocumentImpl is not u|
| 5950|New|Nor|2002-01-21|Schamas that has keyref with field value ".|.|." d|
| 6081|New|Nor|2002-01-29|DTD file not found                                |
| 6176|New|Nor|2002-02-01|Processing instruction cannot precede doctype     |
| 6231|New|Nor|2002-02-04|DocumentImpl should use createEvent() to create mu|
| 6233|New|Maj|2002-02-04|Xerces does not support multi schema locations    |
| 6262|New|Maj|2002-02-06|DocumentBuilder.parse(InputStream is) core dumps. |
| 6297|New|Nor|2002-02-07|OutOfMemory error when parsing a non WF document w|
| 6317|New|Nor|2002-02-07|External DTD comments are placed in the document  |
| 6382|New|Nor|2002-02-12|Attrib values lost when schema true but validation|
| 6387|New|Maj|2002-02-12|XSD validation                                    |
| 6421|New|Nor|2002-02-13|java.lang.outOfMemory Exception during parsing and|
| 6459|New|Nor|2002-02-14|java.lang.NoSuchMethodError                       |
| 6523|New|Nor|2002-02-18|Missing EventTarget.class in binary ?             |
| 6622|New|Blk|2002-02-21|org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLInputSource not in|
| 6632|New|Maj|2002-02-21|It's not possible to serialize a Document.        |
| Total   48 bugs                                                           |

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