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svn commit: r1467253 [6/8] - in /stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie: ./ src/license/ src/main/java/org/apache/stanbol/commons/web/vie/fragment/ src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/ src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/l...

Added: stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/json/README
--- stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/json/README (added)
+++ stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/json/README Fri Apr 12 12:40:44 2013
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The json2.js file is taken from 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/json/json2.js
--- stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/json/json2.js (added)
+++ stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/json/json2.js Fri Apr 12 12:40:44 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+    2011-10-19
+    Public Domain.
+    See
+    This code should be minified before deployment.
+    See
+    This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify
+    and parse.
+        JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space)
+            value       any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
+            replacer    an optional parameter that determines how object
+                        values are stringified for objects. It can be a
+                        function or an array of strings.
+            space       an optional parameter that specifies the indentation
+                        of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will
+                        be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number,
+                        it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each
+                        level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or ' '),
+                        it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
+            This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
+            When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON
+            method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be
+            stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the
+            value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized,
+            or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method
+            will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be
+            bound to the value
+            For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings.
+                Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
+                    function f(n) {
+                        // Format integers to have at least two digits.
+                        return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
+                    }
+                    return this.getUTCFullYear()   + '-' +
+                         f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
+                         f(this.getUTCDate())      + 'T' +
+                         f(this.getUTCHours())     + ':' +
+                         f(this.getUTCMinutes())   + ':' +
+                         f(this.getUTCSeconds())   + 'Z';
+                };
+            You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the
+            key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing
+            object. The value that is returned from your method will be
+            serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will
+            be excluded from the serialization.
+            If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be
+            used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results
+            such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are
+            stringified.
+            Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or
+            functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be
+            dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use
+            a replacer function to replace those with JSON values.
+            JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined.
+            The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the
+            value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it
+            easier to read.
+            If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will
+            be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then
+            the indentation will be that many spaces.
+            Example:
+            text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]);
+            // text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]'
+            text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, '\t');
+            // text is '[\n\t"e",\n\t{\n\t\t"pluribus": "unum"\n\t}\n]'
+            text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) {
+                return this[key] instanceof Date ?
+                    'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value;
+            });
+            // text is '["Date(---current time---)"]'
+        JSON.parse(text, reviver)
+            This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
+            It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
+            The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and
+            transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values,
+            and its return value is used instead of the original value.
+            If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified.
+            If it returns undefined then the member is deleted.
+            Example:
+            // Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will
+            // be converted to Date objects.
+            myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
+                var a;
+                if (typeof value === 'string') {
+                    a =
+                    if (a) {
+                        return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4],
+                            +a[5], +a[6]));
+                    }
+                }
+                return value;
+            });
+            myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) {
+                var d;
+                if (typeof value === 'string' &&
+                        value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' &&
+                        value.slice(-1) === ')') {
+                    d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1));
+                    if (d) {
+                        return d;
+                    }
+                }
+                return value;
+            });
+    This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or
+    redistribute.
+/*jslint evil: true, regexp: true */
+/*members "", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "\"", JSON, "\\", apply,
+    call, charCodeAt, getUTCDate, getUTCFullYear, getUTCHours,
+    getUTCMinutes, getUTCMonth, getUTCSeconds, hasOwnProperty, join,
+    lastIndex, length, parse, prototype, push, replace, slice, stringify,
+    test, toJSON, toString, valueOf
+// Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the
+// methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables.
+var JSON;
+if (!JSON) {
+    JSON = {};
+(function () {
+    'use strict';
+    function f(n) {
+        // Format integers to have at least two digits.
+        return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
+    }
+    if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') {
+        Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
+            return isFinite(this.valueOf())
+                ? this.getUTCFullYear()     + '-' +
+                    f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
+                    f(this.getUTCDate())      + 'T' +
+                    f(this.getUTCHours())     + ':' +
+                    f(this.getUTCMinutes())   + ':' +
+                    f(this.getUTCSeconds())   + 'Z'
+                : null;
+        };
+        String.prototype.toJSON      =
+            Number.prototype.toJSON  =
+            Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
+                return this.valueOf();
+            };
+    }
+    var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
+        escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
+        gap,
+        indent,
+        meta = {    // table of character substitutions
+            '\b': '\\b',
+            '\t': '\\t',
+            '\n': '\\n',
+            '\f': '\\f',
+            '\r': '\\r',
+            '"' : '\\"',
+            '\\': '\\\\'
+        },
+        rep;
+    function quote(string) {
+// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
+// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
+// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
+// sequences.
+        escapable.lastIndex = 0;
+        return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
+            var c = meta[a];
+            return typeof c === 'string'
+                ? c
+                : '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
+        }) + '"' : '"' + string + '"';
+    }
+    function str(key, holder) {
+// Produce a string from holder[key].
+        var i,          // The loop counter.
+            k,          // The member key.
+            v,          // The member value.
+            length,
+            mind = gap,
+            partial,
+            value = holder[key];
+// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
+        if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
+                typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
+            value = value.toJSON(key);
+        }
+// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
+// obtain a replacement value.
+        if (typeof rep === 'function') {
+            value =, key, value);
+        }
+// What happens next depends on the value's type.
+        switch (typeof value) {
+        case 'string':
+            return quote(value);
+        case 'number':
+// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
+            return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
+        case 'boolean':
+        case 'null':
+// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
+// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
+// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
+            return String(value);
+// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
+// null.
+        case 'object':
+// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
+// so watch out for that case.
+            if (!value) {
+                return 'null';
+            }
+// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
+            gap += indent;
+            partial = [];
+// Is the value an array?
+            if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
+// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
+// for non-JSON values.
+                length = value.length;
+                for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
+                    partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
+                }
+// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
+// brackets.
+                v = partial.length === 0
+                    ? '[]'
+                    : gap
+                    ? '[\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + ']'
+                    : '[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
+                gap = mind;
+                return v;
+            }
+// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
+            if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
+                length = rep.length;
+                for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
+                    if (typeof rep[i] === 'string') {
+                        k = rep[i];
+                        v = str(k, value);
+                        if (v) {
+                            partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
+                for (k in value) {
+                    if (, k)) {
+                        v = str(k, value);
+                        if (v) {
+                            partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
+// and wrap them in braces.
+            v = partial.length === 0
+                ? '{}'
+                : gap
+                ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}'
+                : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
+            gap = mind;
+            return v;
+        }
+    }
+// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
+    if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
+        JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
+// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
+// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
+// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
+// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
+// produce text that is more easily readable.
+            var i;
+            gap = '';
+            indent = '';
+// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
+// many spaces.
+            if (typeof space === 'number') {
+                for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
+                    indent += ' ';
+                }
+// If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string.
+            } else if (typeof space === 'string') {
+                indent = space;
+            }
+// If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array.
+// Otherwise, throw an error.
+            rep = replacer;
+            if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
+                    (typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
+                    typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
+                throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
+            }
+// Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''.
+// Return the result of stringifying the value.
+            return str('', {'': value});
+        };
+    }
+// If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one.
+    if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') {
+        JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
+// The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns
+// a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text.
+            var j;
+            function walk(holder, key) {
+// The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so
+// that modifications can be made.
+                var k, v, value = holder[key];
+                if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
+                    for (k in value) {
+                        if (, k)) {
+                            v = walk(value, k);
+                            if (v !== undefined) {
+                                value[k] = v;
+                            } else {
+                                delete value[k];
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                return, key, value);
+            }
+// Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain
+// Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters
+// incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
+            text = String(text);
+            cx.lastIndex = 0;
+            if (cx.test(text)) {
+                text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
+                    return '\\u' +
+                        ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
+                });
+            }
+// In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look
+// for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
+// because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation.
+// But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms.
+// We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around
+// crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we
+// replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we
+// replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all
+// open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally,
+// we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or
+// ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval.
+            if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/
+                    .test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@')
+                        .replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']')
+                        .replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
+// In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
+// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
+// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
+// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
+                j = eval('(' + text + ')');
+// In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
+// each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
+                return typeof reviver === 'function'
+                    ? walk({'': j}, '')
+                    : j;
+            }
+// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
+            throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
+        };
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/underscore-min.js
--- stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/underscore-min.js (original)
+++ stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/underscore-min.js Fri Apr 12 12:40:44 2013
@@ -1,25 +1 @@
-// Underscore.js 1.1.4
-// (c) 2011 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
-// Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license.
-// Portions of Underscore are inspired or borrowed from Prototype,
-// Oliver Steele's Functional, and John Resig's Micro-Templating.
-// For all details and documentation:
-(function(){var q=this,C=q._,m={},j=Array.prototype,n=Object.prototype,i=j.slice,D=j.unshift,E=n.toString,o=n.hasOwnProperty,s=j.forEach,,u=j.reduce,v=j.reduceRight,w=j.filter,x=j.every,y=j.some,p=j.indexOf,z=j.lastIndexOf;n=Array.isArray;var F=Object.keys,c=function(a){return new l(a)};if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports){module.exports=c;c._=c}else q._=c;c.VERSION="1.1.4";var k=c.each=c.forEach=function(a,b,d){if(a!=null)if(s&&a.forEach===s)a.forEach(b,d);else if(c.isNumber(a.length))for(var e=
-0,f=a.length;e<f;e++){if(,a[e],e,a)===m)break}else for(e in a)if(,e))if(,a[e],e,a)===m)break};,b,d){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(t&&,d);k(a,function(f,g,h){e[e.length],f,g,h)});return e};c.reduce=c.foldl=c.inject=function(a,b,d,e){var f=d!==void 0;if(a==null)a=[];if(u&&a.reduce===u){if(e)b=c.bind(b,e);return f?a.reduce(b,d):a.reduce(b)}k(a,function(g,h,G){if(!f&&h===0){d=g;f=true}else,d,g,h,G)});if(!f)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
-return d};c.reduceRight=c.foldr=function(a,b,d,e){if(a==null)a=[];if(v&&a.reduceRight===v){if(e)b=c.bind(b,e);return d!==void 0?a.reduceRight(b,d):a.reduceRight(b)}a=(c.isArray(a)?a.slice():c.toArray(a)).reverse();return c.reduce(a,b,d,e)};c.find=c.detect=function(a,b,d){var e;A(a,function(f,g,h){if(,f,g,h)){e=f;return true}});return e};,b,d){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(w&&a.filter===w)return a.filter(b,d);k(a,function(f,g,h){if(,f,g,h))e[e.length]=
-f});return e};c.reject=function(a,b,d){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;k(a,function(f,g,h){,f,g,h)||(e[e.length]=f)});return e};c.every=c.all=function(a,b,d){b=b||c.identity;var e=true;if(a==null)return e;if(x&&a.every===x)return a.every(b,d);k(a,function(f,g,h){if(!(e=e&&,f,g,h)))return m});return e};var A=c.some=c.any=function(a,b,d){b=b||c.identity;var e=false;if(a==null)return e;if(y&&a.some===y)return a.some(b,d);k(a,function(f,g,h){if(,f,g,h))return m});return e};c.include=
-c.contains=function(a,b){var d=false;if(a==null)return d;if(p&&a.indexOf===p)return a.indexOf(b)!=-1;A(a,function(e){if(d=e===b)return true});return d};c.invoke=function(a,b){var,2);return,function(e){return(b?e[b]:e).apply(e,d)})};c.pluck=function(a,b){return,function(d){return d[b]})};c.max=function(a,b,d){if(!b&&c.isArray(a))return Math.max.apply(Math,a);var e={computed:-Infinity};k(a,function(f,g,h){g=b?,f,g,h):f;g>=e.computed&&(e={value:f,computed:g})});
-return e.value};c.min=function(a,b,d){if(!b&&c.isArray(a))return Math.min.apply(Math,a);var e={computed:Infinity};k(a,function(f,g,h){g=b?,f,g,h):f;g<e.computed&&(e={value:f,computed:g})});return e.value};c.sortBy=function(a,b,d){return c.pluck(,function(e,f,g){return{value:e,,e,f,g)}}).sort(function(e,f){var g=e.criteria,h=f.criteria;return g<h?-1:g>h?1:0}),"value")};c.sortedIndex=function(a,b,d){d=d||c.identity;for(var e=0,f=a.length;e<f;){var g=e+f>>1;d(a[g])<d(b)?
-e=g+1:f=g}return e};c.toArray=function(a){if(!a)return[];if(a.toArray)return a.toArray();if(c.isArray(a))return a;if(c.isArguments(a))return;return c.values(a)};c.size=function(a){return c.toArray(a).length};c.first=c.head=function(a,b,d){return b&&!d?,0,b):a[0]};,b,d){return,c.isUndefined(b)||d?1:b)};c.last=function(a){return a[a.length-1]};c.compact=function(a){return c.filter(a,function(b){return!!b})};c.flatten=function(a){return c.reduce(a,function(b,
-d){if(c.isArray(d))return b.concat(c.flatten(d));b[b.length]=d;return b},[])};c.without=function(a){var,1);return c.filter(a,function(d){return!c.include(b,d)})};c.uniq=c.unique=function(a,b){return c.reduce(a,function(d,e,f){if(0==f||(b===true?c.last(d)!=e:!c.include(d,e)))d[d.length]=e;return d},[])};c.intersect=function(a){var,1);return c.filter(c.uniq(a),function(d){return c.every(b,function(e){return c.indexOf(e,d)>=0})})};{for(var,
-b=c.max(c.pluck(a,"length")),d=Array(b),e=0;e<b;e++)d[e]=c.pluck(a,""+e);return d};c.indexOf=function(a,b,d){if(a==null)return-1;if(d){d=c.sortedIndex(a,b);return a[d]===b?d:-1}if(p&&a.indexOf===p)return a.indexOf(b);d=0;for(var e=a.length;d<e;d++)if(a[d]===b)return d;return-1};c.lastIndexOf=function(a,b){if(a==null)return-1;if(z&&a.lastIndexOf===z)return a.lastIndexOf(b);for(var d=a.length;d--;)if(a[d]===b)return d;return-1};c.range=function(a,b,d){var,f=e.length<=1;a=f?0:e[0];
-b=f?e[0]:e[1];d=e[2]||1;e=Math.max(Math.ceil((b-a)/d),0);f=0;for(var g=Array(e);f<e;){g[f++]=a;a+=d}return g};c.bind=function(a,b){var,2);return function(){return a.apply(b||{},d.concat(}};c.bindAll=function(a){var,1);if(b.length==0)b=c.functions(a);k(b,function(d){a[d]=c.bind(a[d],a)});return a};c.memoize=function(a,b){var d={};b=b||c.identity;return function(){var e=b.apply(this,arguments);return e in d?d[e]:d[e]=a.apply(this,arguments)}};
-c.delay=function(a,b){var,2);return setTimeout(function(){return a.apply(a,d)},b)};c.defer=function(a){return c.delay.apply(c,[a,1].concat(,1)))};var B=function(a,b,d){var e;return function(){var f=this,g=arguments,h=function(){e=null;a.apply(f,g)};d&&clearTimeout(e);if(d||!e)e=setTimeout(h,b)}};c.throttle=function(a,b){return B(a,b,false)};c.debounce=function(a,b){return B(a,b,true)};c.wrap=function(a,b){return function(){var d=[a].concat(;return b.apply(this,
-d)}};c.compose=function(){var;return function(){for(var,d=a.length-1;d>=0;d--)b=[a[d].apply(this,b)];return b[0]}};c.keys=F||function(a){if(c.isArray(a))return c.range(0,a.length);var b=[],d;for(d in a)if(,d))b[b.length]=d;return b};c.values=function(a){return,c.identity)};c.functions=c.methods=function(a){return c.filter(c.keys(a),function(b){return c.isFunction(a[b])}).sort()};c.extend=function(a){k(,1),function(b){for(var d in b)a[d]=
-b[d]});return a};c.clone=function(a){return c.isArray(a)?a.slice():c.extend({},a)};c.tap=function(a,b){b(a);return a};c.isEqual=function(a,b){if(a===b)return true;var d=typeof a;if(d!=typeof b)return false;if(a==b)return true;if(!a&&b||a&&!b)return false;if(a._chain)a=a._wrapped;if(b._chain)b=b._wrapped;if(a.isEqual)return a.isEqual(b);if(c.isDate(a)&&c.isDate(b))return a.getTime()===b.getTime();if(c.isNaN(a)&&c.isNaN(b))return false;if(c.isRegExp(a)&&c.isRegExp(b))return a.source===b.source&&;if(d!=="object")return false;if(a.length&&a.length!==b.length)return false;d=c.keys(a);var e=c.keys(b);if(d.length!=e.length)return false;for(var f in a)if(!(f in b)||!c.isEqual(a[f],b[f]))return false;return true};c.isEmpty=function(a){if(c.isArray(a)||c.isString(a))return a.length===0;for(var b in a)if(,b))return false;return true};c.isElement=function(a){return!!(a&&a.nodeType==1)};c.isArray=n||function(a){return
-"[object Array]"};c.isArguments=function(a){return!!(a&&,"callee"))};c.isFunction=function(a){return!!(a&&a.constructor&&};c.isString=function(a){return!!(a===""||a&&a.charCodeAt&&a.substr)};c.isNumber=function(a){return!!(a===0||a&&a.toExponential&&a.toFixed)};c.isNaN=function(a){return a!==a};c.isBoolean=function(a){return a===true||a===false};c.isDate=function(a){return!!(a&&a.getTimezoneOffset&&a.setUTCFullYear)};c.isRegExp=function(a){return!!(a&&a.test&&a.exec&&(a.ignoreCase||
-a.ignoreCase===false))};c.isNull=function(a){return a===null};c.isUndefined=function(a){return a===void 0};c.noConflict=function(){q._=C;return this};c.identity=function(a){return a};c.times=function(a,b,d){for(var e=0;e<a;e++),e)};c.mixin=function(a){k(c.functions(a),function(b){H(b,c[b]=a[b])})};var I=0;c.uniqueId=function(a){var b=I++;return a?a+b:b};c.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g};c.template=function(a,b){var d=c.templateSettings;d="var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('"+
-a.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(d.interpolate,function(e,f){return"',"+f.replace(/\\'/g,"'")+",'"}).replace(d.evaluate||null,function(e,f){return"');"+f.replace(/\\'/g,"'").replace(/[\r\n\t]/g," ")+"__p.push('"}).replace(/\r/g,"\\r").replace(/\n/g,"\\n").replace(/\t/g,"\\t")+"');}return __p.join('');";d=new Function("obj",d);return b?d(b):d};var l=function(a){this._wrapped=a};c.prototype=l.prototype;var r=function(a,b){return b?c(a).chain():a},H=function(a,b){l.prototype[a]=function(){var d=;,this._wrapped);return r(b.apply(c,d),this._chain)}};c.mixin(c);k(["pop","push","reverse","shift","sort","splice","unshift"],function(a){var b=j[a];l.prototype[a]=function(){b.apply(this._wrapped,arguments);return r(this._wrapped,this._chain)}});k(["concat","join","slice"],function(a){var b=j[a];l.prototype[a]=function(){return r(b.apply(this._wrapped,arguments),this._chain)}});l.prototype.chain=function(){this._chain=true;return this};l.prototype.value=function(){return this._wrapped}})();
+(function(){var n=this,t=n._,r={},e=Array.prototype,u=Object.prototype,i=Function.prototype,a=e.push,o=e.slice,c=e.concat,l=u.toString,f=u.hasOwnProperty,s=e.forEach,,v=e.reduce,h=e.reduceRight,g=e.filter,d=e.every,m=e.some,y=e.indexOf,b=e.lastIndexOf,x=Array.isArray,_=Object.keys,j=i.bind,w=function(n){return n instanceof w?n:this instanceof w?(this._wrapped=n,void 0):new w(n)};"undefined"!=typeof exports?("undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(exports=module.exports=w),exports._=w):n._=w,w.VERSION="1.4.3";var A=w.each=w.forEach=function(n,t,e){if(null!=n)if(s&&n.forEach===s)n.forEach(t,e);else if(n.length===+n.length){for(var u=0,i=n.length;i>u;u++)if(,n[u],u,n)===r)return}else for(var a in n)if(w.has(n,a)&&,n[a],a,n)===r)return};,t,r){var e=[];return null==n?e:p&&,r):(A(n,function(n,u,i){e[e.length],n,u,i)}),e)};var O="Reduce of empty array with no initial value";w.reduce=w.foldl=w.inject=fun
 ction(n,t,r,e){var u=arguments.length>2;if(null==n&&(n=[]),v&&n.reduce===v)return e&&(t=w.bind(t,e)),u?n.reduce(t,r):n.reduce(t);if(A(n,function(n,i,a){u?,r,n,i,a):(r=n,u=!0)}),!u)throw new TypeError(O);return r},w.reduceRight=w.foldr=function(n,t,r,e){var u=arguments.length>2;if(null==n&&(n=[]),h&&n.reduceRight===h)return e&&(t=w.bind(t,e)),u?n.reduceRight(t,r):n.reduceRight(t);var i=n.length;if(i!==+i){var a=w.keys(n);i=a.length}if(A(n,function(o,c,l){c=a?a[--i]:--i,u?,r,n[c],c,l):(r=n[c],u=!0)}),!u)throw new TypeError(O);return r},w.find=w.detect=function(n,t,r){var e;return E(n,function(n,u,i){return,n,u,i)?(e=n,!0):void 0}),e},,t,r){var e=[];return null==n?e:g&&n.filter===g?n.filter(t,r):(A(n,function(n,u,i){,n,u,i)&&(e[e.length]=n)}),e)},w.reject=function(n,t,r){return w.filter(n,function(n,e,u){return!,n,e,u)},r)},w.every=w.all=function(n,t,e){t||(t=w.identity);var u=!0;return null==n?u:d&&n.ever
 y===d?n.every(t,e):(A(n,function(n,i,a){return(u=u&&,n,i,a))?void 0:r}),!!u)};var E=w.some=w.any=function(n,t,e){t||(t=w.identity);var u=!1;return null==n?u:m&&n.some===m?n.some(t,e):(A(n,function(n,i,a){return u||(,n,i,a))?r:void 0}),!!u)};w.contains=w.include=function(n,t){return null==n?!1:y&&n.indexOf===y?-1!=n.indexOf(t):E(n,function(n){return n===t})},w.invoke=function(n,t){var,2);return,function(n){return(w.isFunction(t)?t:n[t]).apply(n,r)})},w.pluck=function(n,t){return,function(n){return n[t]})},w.where=function(n,t){return w.isEmpty(t)?[]:w.filter(n,function(n){for(var r in t)if(t[r]!==n[r])return!1;return!0})},w.max=function(n,t,r){if(!t&&w.isArray(n)&&n[0]===+n[0]&&65535>n.length)return Math.max.apply(Math,n);if(!t&&w.isEmpty(n))return-1/0;var e={computed:-1/0,value:-1/0};return A(n,function(n,u,i){var a=t?,n,u,i):n;a>=e.computed&&(e={value:n,computed:a})}),e.value},w.min=function(n,t,r){if(!t&&w.isArra
 y(n)&&n[0]===+n[0]&&65535>n.length)return Math.min.apply(Math,n);if(!t&&w.isEmpty(n))return 1/0;var e={computed:1/0,value:1/0};return A(n,function(n,u,i){var a=t?,n,u,i):n;e.computed>a&&(e={value:n,computed:a})}),e.value},w.shuffle=function(n){var t,r=0,e=[];return A(n,function(n){t=w.random(r++),e[r-1]=e[t],e[t]=n}),e};var F=function(n){return w.isFunction(n)?n:function(t){return t[n]}};w.sortBy=function(n,t,r){var e=F(t);return w.pluck(,function(n,t,u){return{value:n,index:t,,n,t,u)}}).sort(function(n,t){var r=n.criteria,e=t.criteria;if(r!==e){if(r>e||void 0===r)return 1;if(e>r||void 0===e)return-1}return n.index<t.index?-1:1}),"value")};var k=function(n,t,r,e){var u={},i=F(t||w.identity);return A(n,function(t,a){var,t,a,n);e(u,o,t)}),u};w.groupBy=function(n,t,r){return k(n,t,r,function(n,t,r){(w.has(n,t)?n[t]:n[t]=[]).push(r)})},w.countBy=function(n,t,r){return k(n,t,r,function(n,t){w.has(n,t)||(n[t]=0),n[t]++})},w.sortedIndex=fu
 nction(n,t,r,e){r=null==r?w.identity:F(r);for(var,t),i=0,a=n.length;a>i;){var o=i+a>>>1;u>,n[o])?i=o+1:a=o}return i},w.toArray=function(n){return n?w.isArray(n)?,w.identity):w.values(n):[]},w.size=function(n){return null==n?0:n.length===+n.length?n.length:w.keys(n).length},w.first=w.head=w.take=function(n,t,r){return null==n?void 0:null==t||r?n[0],0,t)},w.initial=function(n,t,r){return,0,n.length-(null==t||r?1:t))},w.last=function(n,t,r){return null==n?void 0:null==t||r?n[n.length-1],Math.max(n.length-t,0))},,t,r){return,null==t||r?1:t)},w.compact=function(n){return w.filter(n,w.identity)};var R=function(n,t,r){return A(n,function(n){w.isArray(n)?t?a.apply(r,n):R(n,t,r):r.push(n)}),r};w.flatten=function(n,t){return R(n,t,[])},w.without=function(n){return w.difference(n,,1))},w.uniq=w.unique=function(n,t,r,e){w.isFunction(t)&&(e=r,r=t,t=!
 1);var u=r?,r,e):n,i=[],a=[];return A(u,function(r,e){(t?e&&a[a.length-1]===r:w.contains(a,r))||(a.push(r),i.push(n[e]))}),i},w.union=function(){return w.uniq(c.apply(e,arguments))},w.intersection=function(n){var,1);return w.filter(w.uniq(n),function(n){return w.every(t,function(t){return w.indexOf(t,n)>=0})})},w.difference=function(n){var t=c.apply(e,,1));return w.filter(n,function(n){return!w.contains(t,n)})},{for(var,t=w.max(w.pluck(n,"length")),r=Array(t),e=0;t>e;e++)r[e]=w.pluck(n,""+e);return r},w.object=function(n,t){if(null==n)return{};for(var r={},e=0,u=n.length;u>e;e++)t?r[n[e]]=t[e]:r[n[e][0]]=n[e][1];return r},w.indexOf=function(n,t,r){if(null==n)return-1;var e=0,u=n.length;if(r){if("number"!=typeof r)return e=w.sortedIndex(n,t),n[e]===t?e:-1;e=0>r?Math.max(0,u+r):r}if(y&&n.indexOf===y)return n.indexOf(t,r);for(;u>e;e++)if(n[e]===t)return e;return-1},w.lastIndexOf=function(n,t,r){if(nul
 l==n)return-1;var e=null!=r;if(b&&n.lastIndexOf===b)return e?n.lastIndexOf(t,r):n.lastIndexOf(t);for(var u=e?r:n.length;u--;)if(n[u]===t)return u;return-1},w.range=function(n,t,r){1>=arguments.length&&(t=n||0,n=0),r=arguments[2]||1;for(var e=Math.max(Math.ceil((t-n)/r),0),u=0,i=Array(e);e>u;)i[u++]=n,n+=r;return i};var I=function(){};w.bind=function(n,t){var r,e;if(n.bind===j&&j)return j.apply(n,,1));if(!w.isFunction(n))throw new TypeError;return,2),e=function(){if(!(this instanceof e))return n.apply(t,r.concat(;I.prototype=n.prototype;var u=new I;I.prototype=null;var i=n.apply(u,r.concat(;return Object(i)===i?i:u}},w.bindAll=function(n){var,1);return 0==t.length&&(t=w.functions(n)),A(t,function(t){n[t]=w.bind(n[t],n)}),n},w.memoize=function(n,t){var r={};return t||(t=w.identity),function(){var e=t.apply(this,arguments);return w.has(r,e)?r[e]:r[e]=n.apply(this,arguments)}},w.delay=fun
 ction(n,t){var,2);return setTimeout(function(){return n.apply(null,r)},t)},w.defer=function(n){return w.delay.apply(w,[n,1].concat(,1)))},w.throttle=function(n,t){var r,e,u,i,a=0,o=function(){a=new Date,u=null,i=n.apply(r,e)};return function(){var c=new Date,l=t-(c-a);return r=this,e=arguments,0>=l?(clearTimeout(u),u=null,a=c,i=n.apply(r,e)):u||(u=setTimeout(o,l)),i}},w.debounce=function(n,t,r){var e,u;return function(){var i=this,a=arguments,o=function(){e=null,r||(u=n.apply(i,a))},c=r&&!e;return clearTimeout(e),e=setTimeout(o,t),c&&(u=n.apply(i,a)),u}},w.once=function(n){var t,r=!1;return function(){return r?t:(r=!0,t=n.apply(this,arguments),n=null,t)}},w.wrap=function(n,t){return function(){var r=[n];return a.apply(r,arguments),t.apply(this,r)}},w.compose=function(){var n=arguments;return function(){for(var t=arguments,r=n.length-1;r>=0;r--)t=[n[r].apply(this,t)];return t[0]}},w.after=function(n,t){return 0>=n?t():function(){return 1>--n
 ?t.apply(this,arguments):void 0}},w.keys=_||function(n){if(n!==Object(n))throw new TypeError("Invalid object");var t=[];for(var r in n)w.has(n,r)&&(t[t.length]=r);return t},w.values=function(n){var t=[];for(var r in n)w.has(n,r)&&t.push(n[r]);return t},w.pairs=function(n){var t=[];for(var r in n)w.has(n,r)&&t.push([r,n[r]]);return t},w.invert=function(n){var t={};for(var r in n)w.has(n,r)&&(t[n[r]]=r);return t},w.functions=w.methods=function(n){var t=[];for(var r in n)w.isFunction(n[r])&&t.push(r);return t.sort()},w.extend=function(n){return A(,1),function(t){if(t)for(var r in t)n[r]=t[r]}),n},w.pick=function(n){var t={},r=c.apply(e,,1));return A(r,function(r){r in n&&(t[r]=n[r])}),t},w.omit=function(n){var t={},r=c.apply(e,,1));for(var u in n)w.contains(r,u)||(t[u]=n[u]);return t},w.defaults=function(n){return A(,1),function(t){if(t)for(var r in t)null==n[r]&&(n[r]=t[r])}),n},w.clone=function(n){return w.isObje
 ct(n)?w.isArray(n)?n.slice():w.extend({},n):n},w.tap=function(n,t){return t(n),n};var S=function(n,t,r,e){if(n===t)return 0!==n||1/n==1/t;if(null==n||null==t)return n===t;n instanceof w&&(n=n._wrapped),t instanceof w&&(t=t._wrapped);var;if(u!!1;switch(u){case"[object String]":return n==t+"";case"[object Number]":return n!=+n?t!=+t:0==n?1/n==1/t:n==+t;case"[object Date]":case"[object Boolean]":return+n==+t;case"[object RegExp]":return n.source==t.source&&}if("object"!=typeof n||"object"!=typeof t)return!1;for(var i=r.length;i--;)if(r[i]==n)return e[i]==t;r.push(n),e.push(t);var a=0,o=!0;if("[object Array]"==u){if(a=n.length,o=a==t.length)for(;a--&&(o=S(n[a],t[a],r,e)););}else{var c=n.constructor,f=t.constructor;if(c!==f&&!(w.isFunction(c)&&c instanceof c&&w.isFunction(f)&&f instanceof f))return!1;for(var s in n)if(w.has(n,s)&&(a++,!(o=w.has(t,s)&&S(n[s],t[s],r,e))))break;if(o)
 {for(s in t)if(w.has(t,s)&&!a--)break;o=!a}}return r.pop(),e.pop(),o};w.isEqual=function(n,t){return S(n,t,[],[])},w.isEmpty=function(n){if(null==n)return!0;if(w.isArray(n)||w.isString(n))return 0===n.length;for(var t in n)if(w.has(n,t))return!1;return!0},w.isElement=function(n){return!(!n||1!==n.nodeType)},w.isArray=x||function(n){return"[object Array]"},w.isObject=function(n){return n===Object(n)},A(["Arguments","Function","String","Number","Date","RegExp"],function(n){w["is"+n]=function(t){return"[object "+n+"]"}}),w.isArguments(arguments)||(w.isArguments=function(n){return!(!n||!w.has(n,"callee"))}),w.isFunction=function(n){return"function"==typeof n},w.isFinite=function(n){return isFinite(n)&&!isNaN(parseFloat(n))},w.isNaN=function(n){return w.isNumber(n)&&n!=+n},w.isBoolean=function(n){return n===!0||n===!1||"[object Boolean]"},w.isNull=function(n){return null===n},w.isUndefined=function(n){return void 0===n},w.has=function(n,t){return,t)},w.noConflict=function(){return n._=t,this},w.identity=function(n){return n},w.times=function(n,t,r){for(var e=Array(n),u=0;n>u;u++)e[u],u);return e},w.random=function(n,t){return null==t&&(t=n,n=0),n+(0|Math.random()*(t-n+1))};var T={escape:{"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","'":"&#x27;","/":"&#x2F;"}};T.unescape=w.invert(T.escape);var M={escape:RegExp("["+w.keys(T.escape).join("")+"]","g"),unescape:RegExp("("+w.keys(T.unescape).join("|")+")","g")};w.each(["escape","unescape"],function(n){w[n]=function(t){return null==t?"":(""+t).replace(M[n],function(t){return T[n][t]})}}),w.result=function(n,t){if(null==n)return null;var r=n[t];return w.isFunction(r)?},w.mixin=function(n){A(w.functions(n),function(t){var r=w[t]=n[t];w.prototype[t]=function(){var n=[this._wrapped];return a.apply(n,arguments),,r.apply(w,n))}})};var N=0;w.uniqueId=function(n){var t=""+ ++N;return n?n+t:t},w.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
 interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g};var q=/(.)^/,B={"'":"'","\\":"\\","\r":"r","\n":"n","	":"t","\u2028":"u2028","\u2029":"u2029"},D=/\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;w.template=function(n,t,r){r=w.defaults({},r,w.templateSettings);var e=RegExp([(r.escape||q).source,(r.interpolate||q).source,(r.evaluate||q).source].join("|")+"|$","g"),u=0,i="__p+='";n.replace(e,function(t,r,e,a,o){return i+=n.slice(u,o).replace(D,function(n){return"\\"+B[n]}),r&&(i+="'+\n((__t=("+r+"))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'"),e&&(i+="'+\n((__t=("+e+"))==null?'':__t)+\n'"),a&&(i+="';\n"+a+"\n__p+='"),u=o+t.length,t}),i+="';\n",r.variable||(i="with(obj||{}){\n"+i+"}\n"),i="var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join,print=function(){,'');};\n"+i+"return __p;\n";try{var a=Function(r.variable||"obj","_",i)}catch(o){throw o.source=i,o}if(t)return a(t,w);var c=function(n){return,n,w)};return c.source="function("+(r.variable||"obj")+"){\n"+i+"}",c},w.chain=fun
 ction(n){return w(n).chain()};var z=function(n){return this._chain?w(n).chain():n};w.mixin(w),A(["pop","push","reverse","shift","sort","splice","unshift"],function(n){var t=e[n];w.prototype[n]=function(){var r=this._wrapped;return t.apply(r,arguments),"shift"!=n&&"splice"!=n||0!==r.length||delete r[0],,r)}}),A(["concat","join","slice"],function(n){var t=e[n];w.prototype[n]=function(){return,t.apply(this._wrapped,arguments))}}),w.extend(w.prototype,{chain:function(){return this._chain=!0,this},value:function(){return this._wrapped}})}).call(this);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/vie.entitypreview.js
--- stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/vie.entitypreview.js (added)
+++ stanbol/trunk/demos/webvie/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/static/enhancervie/lib/vie.entitypreview.js Fri Apr 12 12:40:44 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
+/*   VIE entitypreview uses the VIE.load service method to show a preview for an entity.
+#     Author: Szaby Gruenwald, Salzburg Research (2012-2013)
+#     This file may be freely distributed under the MIT license
+(function() {
+  var vie;
+  vie = new VIE();
+  vie.use(new vie.StanbolService({
+    url: "",
+    proxyDisabled: true
+  }));
+  jQuery.widget("IKS.entitypreview", {
+    options: {
+      vie: vie,
+      services: "stanbol",
+      debug: false,
+      depictionProperties: ["foaf:depiction", "schema:thumbnail"],
+      labelProperties: ["rdfs:label", "skos:prefLabel", "schema:name", "foaf:name"],
+      picSize: 150,
+      width: 350,
+      descriptionProperties: [
+        "rdfs:comment", "skos:note", "schema:description", "rdfs:label", "skos:definition", {
+          property: "skos:broader",
+          makeLabel: function(propertyValueArr) {
+            var labels;
+            labels = _(propertyValueArr).map(function(termUri) {
+              return termUri.replace(/<.*[\/#](.*)>/, "$1").replace(/_/g, "&nbsp;");
+            });
+            return "Subcategory of " + (labels.join(', ')) + ".";
+          }
+        }, {
+          property: "dcterms:subject",
+          makeLabel: function(propertyValueArr) {
+            var labels;
+            labels = _(propertyValueArr).map(function(termUri) {
+              return termUri.replace(/<.*[\/#](.*)>/, "$1").replace(/_/g, "&nbsp;");
+            });
+            return "Subject(s): " + (labels.join(', ')) + ".";
+          }
+        }
+      ],
+      fallbackLanguage: "en",
+      styleClass: "vie-autocomplete",
+      getTypes: function() {
+        return [
+          {
+            uri: "" + this.ns.dbpedia + "Place",
+            label: 'Place'
+          }, {
+            uri: "" + this.ns.dbpedia + "Person",
+            label: 'Person'
+          }, {
+            uri: "" + this.ns.dbpedia + "Organisation",
+            label: 'Organisation'
+          }, {
+            uri: "" + this.ns.skos + "Concept",
+            label: 'Concept'
+          }
+        ];
+      },
+      getSources: function() {
+        return [
+          {
+            uri: "",
+            label: "dbpedia"
+          }, {
+            uri: "",
+            label: "geonames"
+          }
+        ];
+      }
+    },
+    _create: function() {
+      this._logger = this.options.debug ? console : {
+        info: function() {},
+        warn: function() {},
+        error: function() {},
+        log: function() {}
+      };
+      this.uri = this.options.uri || $(this.element).attr('about') || $(this.element).attr('resource');
+      return this._instantiateTooltip();
+    },
+    _destroy: function() {
+      var _base;
+      return typeof (_base = this.element).tooltip === "function" ? _base.tooltip('destroy') : void 0;
+    },
+    _instantiateTooltip: function() {
+      var widget;
+      widget = this;
+      if (this.element.tooltip) {
+        return this.element.tooltip({
+          items: "*",
+          hide: {
+            effect: "hide",
+            delay: 50
+          },
+          show: {
+            effect: "show",
+            delay: 50
+          },
+          content: function(response) {
+            var uri;
+            uri = widget.uri;
+            widget._createPreview(uri, response);
+            return "loading...";
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    },
+    getPreviewHtml: function(cb) {
+      this._createPreview(this.uri, cb);
+    },
+    _createPreview: function(uri, response) {
+      var entity, fail, success,
+        _this = this;
+      success = function(cacheEntity) {
+        var depictionUrl, descr, html, picSize;
+        html = "";
+        picSize = _this.options.picSize;
+        depictionUrl = _this._getDepiction(cacheEntity, picSize);
+        if (depictionUrl) {
+          html += "<img style='float:left;padding: 5px;width: " + picSize + "px' src='" + (depictionUrl.substring(1, depictionUrl.length - 1)) + "'/>";
+        }
+        descr = _this._getDescription(cacheEntity);
+        if (!descr) {
+          _this._logger.warn("No description found for", cacheEntity);
+          descr = "No description found.";
+        }
+        html += "<small>" + descr + "</small>";
+        html = "<div style='padding 5px;width:" + _this.options.width + "px;'>" + html + "</div>";
+"tooltip for " + uri + ": cacheEntry loaded", cacheEntity);
+        return response(html);
+      };
+      fail = function(e) {
+        _this._logger.error("error loading " + uri, e);
+        return response("error loading entity for " + uri);
+      };
+      jQuery(".ui-tooltip").remove();
+      entity = this.options.vie.entities.get(uri);
+      this.options.vie.load({
+        entity: uri
+      }).using( {
+        var loadedEntity;
+        loadedEntity = _.detect(res, function(entity) {
+          return entity.fromReference(entity.getSubject()) === uri;
+        });
+        return success(loadedEntity);
+      });
+      if (entity) {
+        return success(entity);
+      } else {
+        return fail();
+      }
+    },
+    _getUserLang: function() {
+      if (window.navigator.appName === 'Netscape') {
+        return window.navigator.language.split("-")[0];
+      } else {
+        return window.navigator.browserLanguage.split("-")[0];
+      }
+    },
+    _getDepiction: function(entity, picSize) {
+      var depictionUrl, field, fieldValue, preferredFields;
+      if (["gif", "jpg"].indexOf(entity.getSubjectUri().slice(-3)) !== -1) {
+        return entity.getSubject();
+      }
+      preferredFields = this.options.depictionProperties;
+      field = _(preferredFields).detect(function(field) {
+        if (entity.get(field)) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      });
+      if (field && (fieldValue = _([entity.get(field)]).flatten())) {
+        depictionUrl = _(fieldValue).detect(function(uri) {
+          if (uri.indexOf("thumb") !== -1) {
+            return true;
+          }
+        }).replace(/[0-9]{2..3}px/, "" + picSize + "px");
+        return depictionUrl;
+      }
+    },
+    _getLabel: function(entity) {
+      var preferredFields, preferredLanguages;
+      preferredFields = this.options.labelProperties;
+      preferredLanguages = [this._getUserLang(), this.options.fallbackLanguage];
+      return VIE.Util.getPreferredLangForPreferredProperty(entity, preferredFields, preferredLanguages);
+    },
+    _getDescription: function(entity) {
+      var preferredFields, preferredLanguages;
+      preferredFields = this.options.descriptionProperties;
+      preferredLanguages = [this._getUserLang(), this.options.fallbackLanguage];
+      return VIE.Util.getPreferredLangForPreferredProperty(entity, preferredFields, preferredLanguages);
+    }
+  });