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Posted to by on 2011/08/30 06:18:18 UTC

svn commit: r1163097 [3/7] - in /incubator/hcatalog/trunk: ./ src/test/e2e/ src/test/e2e/hcatalog/ src/test/e2e/hcatalog/conf/ src/test/e2e/hcatalog/data/ src/test/e2e/hcatalog/deployers/ src/test/e2e/hcatalog/drivers/ src/test/e2e/hcatalog/paramfiles/...

Added: incubator/hcatalog/trunk/src/test/e2e/hcatalog/deployers/
--- incubator/hcatalog/trunk/src/test/e2e/hcatalog/deployers/ (added)
+++ incubator/hcatalog/trunk/src/test/e2e/hcatalog/deployers/ Tue Aug 30 06:18:16 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more                  
+#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with               
+#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.                 
+#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0             
+#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with                
+#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                               
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                 
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,                   
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.            
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and                 
+#  limitations under the License.                                                      
+package ExistingClusterDeployer;
+use IPC::Run qw(run);
+use TestDeployer;
+use strict;
+use English;
+# Class: ExistingClusterDeployer
+# Deploy the Pig harness to a cluster and database that already exists.
+# Sub: new
+# Constructor
+# Paramaters:
+# None
+# Returns:
+# None.
+sub new
+    my $proto = shift;
+    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless($self, $class);
+    return $self;
+# Sub: checkPrerequisites
+# Check any prerequisites before a deployment is begun.  For example if a 
+# particular deployment required the use of a database system it could
+# check here that the db was installed and accessible.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub checkPrerequisites
+    my ($self, $cfg, $log) = @_;
+    # They must have declared the conf directory for their Hadoop installation
+    if (! defined $cfg->{'testconfigpath'} || $cfg->{'testconfigpath'} eq "") {
+        print $log "You must set the key 'hadoopconfdir' to your Hadoop conf directory "
+            . "in existing.conf\n";
+        die "hadoopconfdir is not set in existing.conf\n";
+    }
+    # They must have declared the executable path for their Hadoop installation
+    if (! defined $cfg->{'hadoopbin'} || $cfg->{'hadoopbin'} eq "") {
+        print $log "You must set the key 'hadoopbin' to your Hadoop bin path"
+            . "in existing.conf\n";
+        die "hadoopbin is not set in existing.conf\n";
+    }
+    # Run a quick and easy Hadoop command to make sure we can
+    $self->runHadoopCmd($cfg, $log, "fs -ls /");
+# Sub: deploy
+# Deploy any required packages
+# This is a no-op in this case because we're assuming both the cluster and the
+# database already exist
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub deploy
+# Sub: start
+# Start any software modules that are needed.
+# This is a no-op in this case because we're assuming both the cluster and the
+# database already exist
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub start
+# Sub: generateData
+# Generate any data needed for this test run.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub generateData
+    my ($self, $cfg, $log) = @_;
+    my @tables = (
+        {
+            'name' => "numbers",
+            'filetype' => "rcfile",
+            'hdfs' => "numbers_pig",
+        }, {
+            'name' => "boolean",
+            'filetype' => "rcfile",
+            'hdfs' => "boolean",
+        }, {
+            'name' => "complex",
+            'filetype' => "rcfile",
+            'hdfs' => "complex",
+        }, {
+            'name' => "numbers",
+            'filetype' => "txt",
+            'hdfs' => "txt",
+        }, {
+            'name' => "numbers",
+            'filetype' => "rcfile",
+            'hdfs' => "numbers",
+        },
+    );
+	# Create the HDFS directories
+	$self->runHadoopCmd($cfg, $log, "fs -mkdir $cfg->{'inpathbase'}");
+    foreach my $table (@tables) {
+		print "Generating data for $table->{'name'}\n";
+       		# Copy the data to HDFS
+		my $hadoop = "fs -copyFromLocal data/$table->{'name'}.$table->{'filetype'} ".
+			"$cfg->{'inpathbase'}/$table->{'hdfs'}/$table->{'name'}.$table->{'filetype'}";
+		$self->runHadoopCmd($cfg, $log, $hadoop);
+    }
+# Sub: confirmDeployment
+# Run checks to confirm that the deployment was successful.  When this is 
+# done the testing environment should be ready to run.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# Nothing
+# This method should die with an appropriate error message if there is 
+# an issue.
+sub confirmDeployment
+# Sub: deleteData
+# Remove any data created that will not be removed by undeploying.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub deleteData
+# Sub: stop
+# Stop any servers or systems that are no longer needed once testing is
+# completed.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub stop
+# Sub: undeploy
+# Remove any packages that were installed as part of the deployment.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# None
+sub undeploy
+# Sub: confirmUndeployment
+# Run checks to confirm that the undeployment was successful.  When this is 
+# done anything that must be turned off or removed should be turned off or
+# removed.
+# Paramaters:
+# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
+# log - log file handle
+# Returns:
+# Nothing
+# This method should die with an appropriate error message if there is 
+# an issue.
+sub confirmUndeployment
+    die "$0 INFO : confirmUndeployment is a virtual function!";
+sub runHadoopCmd($$$$)
+    my ($self, $cfg, $log, $c) = @_;
+    # set the PIG_CLASSPATH environment variable
+    $ENV{'HADOOP_CLASSPATH'} = "$cfg->{'testconfigpath'}";
+    my @cmd = ("$cfg->{'hadoopbin'}");
+    push(@cmd, split(' ', $c));
+    $self->runCmd($log, \@cmd);
+sub runCmd($$$)
+    my ($self, $log, $cmd) = @_;
+    print $log "Going to run " . join(" ", @$cmd) . "\n";
+    run($cmd, \undef, $log, $log) or
+        die "Failed running " . join(" ", @$cmd) . "\n";

Added: incubator/hcatalog/trunk/src/test/e2e/hcatalog/drivers/
--- incubator/hcatalog/trunk/src/test/e2e/hcatalog/drivers/ (added)
+++ incubator/hcatalog/trunk/src/test/e2e/hcatalog/drivers/ Tue Aug 30 06:18:16 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,1742 @@
+package TestDriverHCat;
+# In addition to what does, this should also support:
+# * Hive
+# * HCat CLI 
+# * Hadoop commands with result to stdout (e.g. 'fs')
+# * Hadoop mapreduce jobs (i.e. result in files)
+# The two latter ones are implemented like the 'pig' directive
+# in that just 'hadoop' is used, and if the verification directive is 'sql'
+# then a benchmark file will be compared with the output file,
+# othewise stdout or stderr plus rc can be checked against verification directives. 
+# Based upon the consolidated Pig driver, which
+# supports what privously was handled by:
+# -
+# -
+# -
+# -
+# Some code are ripe to be factored out. In interest of time, not done now...
+# NOTE in particular that postProcessSingleOutputFile might need to be added to some run subs. 
+#use Miners::Test::TestDriver;
+use TestDriver;
+use IPC::Run; # don't do qw(run), it screws up TestDriver which also has a run method
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+use Util;
+use File::Path;
+use strict;
+use English;
+our $className= "TestDriver";
+our @ISA = "$className";
+our $ROOT = (defined $ENV{'HARNESS_ROOT'} ? $ENV{'HARNESS_ROOT'} : die "ERROR: You must set environment variable HARNESS_ROOT\n");
+our $toolpath = "$ROOT/libexec/PigTest";
+my $passedStr  = 'passed';
+my $failedStr  = 'failed';
+my $abortedStr = 'aborted';
+my $skippedStr = 'skipped';
+my $dependStr  = 'failed_dependency';
+sub new
+    # Call our parent
+    my ($proto) = @_;
+    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
+    $self->{'exectype'} = "mapred"; # till we know better (in globalSetup())!
+    $self->{'ignore'} = "true";     # till we know better (in globalSetup())!
+    bless($self, $class);
+    return $self;
+# This method has been copied over from TestDriver to make changes to
+# support skipping tests which do not match current execution mode
+# or which were marked as 'ignore'
+# Static function, can be used by
+# Print the results so far, given the testStatuses hash.
+# @param testStatuses - reference to hash of test status results.
+# @param log - reference to file handle to print results to.
+# @param prefix - A title to prefix to the results
+# @returns nothing.
+sub printResults
+    my ($testStatuses, $log, $prefix) = @_;
+    my ($pass, $fail, $abort, $depend, $skipped) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    foreach (keys(%$testStatuses)) {
+        ($testStatuses->{$_} eq $passedStr)  && $pass++;
+        ($testStatuses->{$_} eq $failedStr)  && $fail++;
+        ($testStatuses->{$_} eq $abortedStr) && $abort++;
+        ($testStatuses->{$_} eq $dependStr)  && $depend++;
+        ($testStatuses->{$_} eq $skippedStr) && $skipped++;
+    }   
+    my $total = $pass + $fail + $skipped + $abort + $depend;
+    my $msg = "$prefix, PASSED: $pass FAILED: $fail SKIPPED: $skipped ABORTED: $abort " .
+              "FAILED DEPENDENCY: $depend TOTAL: $total";
+    print $log "$msg\n";
+    print "$msg\r";
+sub replaceParameters
+##!!! Move this to
+    my ($self, $cmd, $outfile, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    # $self
+    $cmd =~ s/:LATESTOUTPUTPATH:/$self->{'latestoutputpath'}/g;
+    # $outfile
+    $cmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
+    # The same directory where .pig, .sh, .hcat, out/ are produced for the run:
+    $cmd =~ s/:RUNDIR:/$testCmd->{'localpath'}/g;
+    # $ENV
+    $cmd =~ s/:PIGHARNESS:/$ENV{HARNESS_ROOT}/g;
+    # $testCmd
+    $cmd =~ s/:INPATH:/$testCmd->{'inpathbase'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:FUNCPATH:/$testCmd->{'funcjarPath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:RUNID:/$testCmd->{'UID'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:USRHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'userhomePath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:SCRIPTHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'scriptPath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:DBUSER:/$testCmd->{'dbuser'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:DBNAME:/$testCmd->{'dbdb'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:LOCALINPATH:/$testCmd->{'localinpathbase'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:LOCALOUTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localoutpathbase'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:BMPATH:/$testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:TMP:/$testCmd->{'tmpPath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:ZEBRAJAR:/$testCmd->{'zebrajar'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:FILER:/$testCmd->{'filerPath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:GRIDSTACK:/$testCmd->{'gridstack.root'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:USER:/$ENV{USER}/g;
+    if ( $testCmd->{'hadoopSecurity'} eq "secure" ) { 
+      $cmd =~ s/:REMOTECLUSTER:/$testCmd->{'remoteSecureCluster'}/g;
+    } else {
+      $cmd =~ s/:REMOTECLUSTER:/$testCmd->{'remoteNotSecureCluster'}/g;
+    }
+    # extra for hive, hcat, hadoop cmd
+    $cmd =~ s/:THRIFTSERVER:/$testCmd->{'thriftserver'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:HADOOP_CLASSPATH:/$testCmd->{'hadoop_classpath'}/g;
+    $cmd =~ s/:HCAT_JAR:/$testCmd->{'hcatalog.jar'}/g;
+    # used in script call to `java :CLASSPATH: ...` in bootstrap_hcat.conf
+    $cmd =~ s/:CLASSPATH:/$testCmd->{'classpath'}/g;
+    return $cmd;
+sub hiveWorkArounds
+    my ($self, $cmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    # return $cmd;
+    # Work-around for Hive problem where INSERT OVERWRITE failed when called w/o hive.merge.mapfiles=false
+    if ($cmd =~ /insert overwrite/i) {
+      print $log "$0:$subName WARNING: setting hive.merge.mapfiles in command\n";
+      $cmd = "\nset hive.merge.mapfiles=false;\n$cmd";
+ #  } else {
+ #    print $log "$0:$subName DEBUG: NOT setting hive.merge.mapfiles in hive command\n";
+    }
+    return $cmd;
+sub globalSetup
+    my ($self, $globalHash, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
+    # Setup the output path
+    my $me = `whoami`;
+    chomp $me;
+    $globalHash->{'runid'} = $me . "." . time;
+    # if "-ignore false" was provided on the command line,
+    # it means do run tests even when marked as 'ignore'
+    if(defined($globalHash->{'ignore'}) && $globalHash->{'ignore'} eq 'false')
+    {
+        $self->{'ignore'} = 'false';
+    }
+    # if "-x local" was provided on the command line,
+    # it implies pig should be run in "local" mode -so 
+    # change input and output paths 
+    if(defined($globalHash->{'x'}) && $globalHash->{'x'} eq 'local')
+    {
+        $self->{'exectype'} = "local";
+        $globalHash->{'inpathbase'} = $globalHash->{'localinpathbase'};
+        $globalHash->{'outpathbase'} = $globalHash->{'localoutpathbase'};
+    }
+    $globalHash->{'outpath'} = $globalHash->{'outpathbase'} . "/" . $globalHash->{'runid'} . "/";
+    $globalHash->{'localpath'} = $globalHash->{'localpathbase'} . "/" . $globalHash->{'runid'} . "/";
+    # extract the current zebra.jar file path from the classpath
+    # and enter it in the hash for use in the substitution of :ZEBRAJAR:
+    my $zebrajar = $globalHash->{'cp'};
+    $zebrajar =~ s/zebra.jar.*/zebra.jar/;
+    $zebrajar =~ s/.*://;
+    $globalHash->{'zebrajar'} = $zebrajar;
+    # add libexec location to the path
+    if (defined($ENV{'PATH'})) {
+        $ENV{'PATH'} = $globalHash->{'scriptPath'} . ":" . $ENV{'PATH'};
+    }
+    else {
+        $ENV{'PATH'} = $globalHash->{'scriptPath'};
+    }
+    my $tmpUsePig = $globalHash->{''};
+    $globalHash->{''} = 1;
+    my @cmd = (Util::getBasePigCmd($globalHash), '-e', 'mkdir', $globalHash->{'outpath'});
+    $globalHash->{''} = $tmpUsePig;
+    if($self->{'exectype'} eq "local")
+    {
+        @cmd = ('mkdir', '-p', $globalHash->{'outpath'});
+    }
+    if($self->{'exectype'} eq "mapred")
+    {
+       my $id = `id -un`;
+       chomp $id;
+       if ($id eq 'root') {
+         # my @suCmd = ('su', 'hadoopqa', '-c', "'" . join(' ', @cmd) . "'");
+         # print $log join(" ", @suCmd) . "\n";
+         # IPC::Run::run(\@suCmd, \undef, $log, $log) or die "Cannot create HDFS directory " . $globalHash->{'outpath'} . ": $? - $!\n";
+	 # above failed, doing below for now...
+         my $command= join (" ", @cmd);
+         $command = "echo \"$command\" | su hadoopqa 2>&1";
+         print $log "$command\n";
+         my @result=`$command`;
+         my $rc = $? >> 8;
+         print $log "Output from create HDFS directory: " . join (" ", @result) . "\n";
+         die "Cannot create HDFS directory " . $globalHash->{'outpath'} . ": $? - $!\n" if $rc != 0;
+       } else {
+         print $log join(" ", @cmd) . "\n";
+         IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \undef, $log, $log) or die "Cannot create HDFS directory " . $globalHash->{'outpath'} . ": $? - $!\n";
+       }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \undef, $log, $log) or die "Cannot create directory " . $globalHash->{'outpath'} . "\n";
+    }
+    IPC::Run::run(['mkdir', '-p', $globalHash->{'localpath'}], \undef, $log, $log) or 
+        die "Cannot create localpath directory " . $globalHash->{'localpath'} .
+        " " . "$ERRNO\n";
+sub getCommand
+    my ($self, $testCmd ) = @_;
+    if( $testCmd->{'pig'} ){
+       return "pig";
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hadoop'} ){
+       return "hadoop";
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hive'} ){
+       return "hive";
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hcat'} ){
+       return "hcat";
+    } elsif(  $testCmd->{'script'} ){
+       return "script";
+    } else {
+       return "";
+    }
+sub runTest
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log, $copyResults) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    # check is root if using 'run_as'
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'}) && $testCmd->{'run_as'} ne '') {
+       my $id = `id -un`;
+       chomp $id;
+       if ($id ne 'root') {
+         die "$subName FATAL You have to run as root to use the 'run_as' directive, you are: $id";
+       }
+    }
+    # Handle the various methods of running used in 
+    # the original TestDrivers
+    if ( $testCmd->{'pig'} && $self->hasCommandLineVerifications( $testCmd, $log) ) {
+       return $self->runPigCmdLine( $testCmd, $log, $copyResults );
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'pig'} ){
+       return $self->runPig( $testCmd, $log, $copyResults );
+    } elsif ( $testCmd->{'hadoop'} && $self->hasCommandLineVerifications( $testCmd, $log) ) {
+       return $self->runHadoopCmdLine( $testCmd, $log, $copyResults );
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hadoop'} ){
+       return $self->runHadoop( $testCmd, $log, $copyResults );
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hive'} ){
+       return $self->runHive( $testCmd, $log, $copyResults );
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hcat'} ){
+       return $self->runHCat( $testCmd, $log, $copyResults );
+    } elsif(  $testCmd->{'script'} ){
+       return $self->runScript( $testCmd, $log );
+    } else {
+       die "$subName FATAL Did not find a testCmd that I know how to handle";
+    }
+sub runPigCmdLine
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Set up file locations
+    my $pigfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".pig";
+    my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $outdir  = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $stdoutfile = "$outdir/stdout";
+    my $stderrfile = "$outdir/stderr";
+    mkpath( [ $outdir ] , 0, 0755) if ( ! -e outdir );
+    if ( ! -e $outdir ){
+       print $log "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+       die "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+    }
+    # Write the pig script to a file.
+    my $pigcmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'pig'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    open(FH, "> $pigfile") or die "Unable to open file $pigfile to write pig script, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH $pigcmd . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    # Build the command
+    my @baseCmd = Util::getBasePigCmd($testCmd);
+    my @cmd = @baseCmd;
+    # Add option -l giving location for secondary logs
+    ##!!! Should that even be here? 
+    my $locallog = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".log";
+    push(@cmd, "-logfile");
+    push(@cmd, $locallog);
+    # Add pig parameters if they're provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'pig_params'})) {
+        # Processing :PARAMPATH: in parameters
+        foreach my $param (@{$testCmd->{'pig_params'}}) {
+            $param =~ s/:PARAMPATH:/$testCmd->{'paramPath'}/g;
+        }
+        push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'pig_params'}});
+    }
+    # Add pig file and redirections 
+    push(@cmd, $pigfile);
+    my $command= join (" ", @cmd);
+    # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      $command = 'echo "' . $command . '"' . " | su $testCmd->{'run_as'}";
+    }
+    $command= "$command 1> $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile";
+    # Run the command
+    print $log "$0:$subName Going to run command: $command\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD OUT IS IN FILE: $stdoutfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD ERROR IS IN FILE: $stderrfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName PIG SCRIPT FILE, $pigfile, CONTAINS:\n<$pigcmd>\n";
+    my @result=`$command`;
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    $result{'output'} = $outfile;
+    $result{'stdout'} = `cat $stdoutfile`;
+    $result{'stderr'} = `cat $stderrfile`;
+    $result{'stderr_file'} = $stderrfile;
+    # Here and other run* should do:
+    # If expected rc defined and = 0 and actual rc <> 0 then
+    # die "Failed running $pigfile\n";
+    print $log "STD ERROR CONTAINS:\n<$result{'stderr'}>\n";
+    return \%result;
+sub runHive
+# The code is based on the run runHadoopCmdLine,
+# but with the difference that it's output from stdout
+# can be used for both comparions against benchmark file and
+# verification by pattern matching depending on wether the test
+# has a 'sql' or a pattern match directive.
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Set up file locations
+    my $hivefile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".hive";
+    # my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $outdir  = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $stdoutfile = "$outdir/stdout";
+    my $stderrfile = "$outdir/stderr";
+    my $outfile = $stdoutfile; # For Hive, there is only the stdout, and that is being captured by 
+    # the way the command is run. So, the hive command should _not_ use :OUTFILE: 
+    mkpath( [ $outdir ] , 0, 0755) if ( ! -e $outdir );
+    if ( ! -e $outdir ){
+       print $log "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+       die "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+    }
+    # Write the hive command to a file.
+    my $hivecmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hive'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    $hivecmd = $self->hiveWorkArounds( $hivecmd, $log );
+    open(FH, "> $hivefile") or die "Unable to open file $hivefile to write hive command, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH "$hivecmd\n";
+    close(FH);
+    # Build the command
+    my @cmd = Util::getHiveCmd($testCmd);
+    #Add metastore info
+    push(@cmd, " --hiveconf hive.metastore.local=false --hiveconf hive.metastore.uris=thrift://".$testCmd->{'thriftserver'});
+    # Add hive command file
+    push(@cmd, '-f', $hivefile); 
+    # Add redirections 
+    # no need to split, as not using IPC run.
+    my $command= join (" ", @cmd);
+     # Add hive command line arguments if they're provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hive_cmdline_args'})) {
+    $command = $command . $testCmd->{'hive_cmdline_args'}
+    }
+   # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      $command = "echo \"$command\" | su $testCmd->{'run_as'}";
+    }
+    $command= "$command 1> $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile";
+    # Run the command
+    print $log "$0:$subName Going to run command: $command\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD OUT IS IN FILE: $stdoutfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD ERROR IS IN FILE: $stderrfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName HIVE QUERY FILE, $hivefile, CONTAINS:\n<$hivecmd>\n";
+    my @result=`$command`;
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    $result{'output'} = $outfile;
+    $result{'stdout'} = `cat $stdoutfile`; # This could be big. Left for now, as compareScript relies on it 
+    $result{'stderr'} = `cat $stderrfile`;
+    $result{'stderr_file'} = $stderrfile;
+    print $log "STD ERROR CONTAINS:\n<$result{'stderr'}>\n";
+    $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $outdir, undef, $testCmd, $log);
+    $result{'originalOutput'} = "$outdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+    return \%result;
+} # end sub runHive
+sub runHCat
+# COPY of runHive for now
+# When HCat CLI is implemented, then change!!!
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Set up file locations
+    my $hcatfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".hcat";
+    # my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $outdir  = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $stdoutfile = "$outdir/stdout";
+    my $stderrfile = "$outdir/stderr";
+    my $outfile = $stdoutfile; # For HCat, there is only the stdout, and that is being captured by 
+    # the way the command is run. So, the hcat command should _not_ use :OUTFILE: 
+    mkpath( [ $outdir ] , 0, 0755) if ( ! -e $outdir );
+    if ( ! -e $outdir ){
+       print $log "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+       die "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+    }
+    # Write the hcat command to a file.
+    my $hcatcmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hcat'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    # $hcatcmd = "set hive.metastore.uris=thrift://;\n$hcatcmd";
+    $hcatcmd = $self->hiveWorkArounds( $hcatcmd, $log );
+    open(FH, "> $hcatfile") or die "Unable to open file $hcatfile to write hcat command, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH $hcatcmd . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    # Build the command
+    my @cmd = Util::getHCatCmd($testCmd);
+    # Add hcat command line arguments if they're provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hcat_cmdline_args'})) {
+        push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'hcat_cmdline_args'}});
+    }
+    # Add hcat command file
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hcat_cmdline_use_-e_switch'})) {
+      if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+        push(@cmd, '-e', '\"' . $hcatcmd . '\"');
+      } else {
+        push(@cmd, '-e', '"' . $hcatcmd . '"');
+      }
+    } else {
+      push(@cmd, '-f', $hcatfile); 
+    }
+    # Add redirections 
+    # no need to split, as not using IPC run.
+    my $command= join (" ", @cmd);
+    # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      $command = "echo \"$command\" | su $testCmd->{'run_as'}";
+    }
+    $command= "$command 1> $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile";
+    # Run the command
+    print $log "$0:$subName Going to run command: $command\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD OUT IS IN FILE: $stdoutfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD ERROR IS IN FILE: $stderrfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName HCAT QUERY FILE, $hcatfile, CONTAINS:\n<$hcatcmd>\n";
+    my @result=`$command`;
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    $result{'output'} = $outfile;
+    $result{'stdout'} = `cat $stdoutfile`; # This could be big. Left for now, as compareScript relies on it 
+    $result{'stderr'} = `cat $stderrfile`;
+    $result{'stderr_file'} = $stderrfile;
+    print $log "STD ERROR CONTAINS:\n<$result{'stderr'}>\n";
+    $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $outdir, undef, $testCmd, $log);
+    $result{'originalOutput'} = "$outdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+    return \%result;
+} # end sub runHCat
+sub runHadoopCmdLine
+# Modified from runPigCmdLine
+# !!! Works, but need to add other arguments, like queue...???
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Set up file locations
+    my $hadoopfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".hadoop";
+    my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $outdir  = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $stdoutfile = "$outdir/stdout";
+    my $stderrfile = "$outdir/stderr";
+    mkpath( [ $outdir ] , 0, 0755) if ( ! -e outdir );
+    if ( ! -e $outdir ){
+       print $log "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+       die "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+    }
+    # Write the hadoop command to a file.
+    my $hadoopcmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hadoop'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    # adjust for the leading and trailing new line often seen in the conf file's command directives
+    $hadoopcmd =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/\1/s;
+    open(FH, "> $hadoopfile") or die "Unable to open file $hadoopfile to write hadoop command, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH $hadoopcmd . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    # Build the command
+    my @baseCmd = Util::getHadoopCmd($testCmd);
+    my @cmd = @baseCmd;
+    # Add command line arguments if they're provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hadoop_cmdline_args'})) {
+        push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'hadoop_cmdline_args'}});
+    }
+    # Add hadoop command and redirections 
+    push(@cmd, $hadoopcmd); # no need to split, as not using IPC run.
+    my $command= join (" ", @cmd);
+    # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      $command = "echo \"$command\" | su $testCmd->{'run_as'}";
+    }
+    $command= "$command 1> $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile";
+    #Set HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hadoop_classpath'})) {
+        my $hadoop_classpath = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hadoop_classpath'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    }
+    # Run the command
+    print $log "$0:$subName Going to run command: $command\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD OUT IS IN FILE: $stdoutfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD ERROR IS IN FILE: $stderrfile\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName HADOOP COMMAND FILE, $hadoopfile, CONTAINS:\n<$hadoopcmd>\n";
+    my @result=`$command`;
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    # $result{'output'} = $outfile;
+    $result{'output'} = $stdoutfile;
+    $result{'stdout'} = `cat $stdoutfile`;
+    $result{'stderr'} = `cat $stderrfile`;
+    $result{'stderr_file'} = $stderrfile;
+    print $log "STD ERROR CONTAINS:\n<$result{'stderr'}>\n";
+  #!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS this be needed here????
+  # my $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+  # $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $localdir, \@baseCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+  # $result{'originalOutput'} = "$outdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+    return \%result;
+} # end sub runHadoopCmdLine
+sub runScript
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Set up file locations
+    my $script = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".sh";
+    my $outdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $outfile = "$outdir/script.out";
+    my $stdoutfile = "$outdir/script.out";
+    my $stderrfile = "$outdir/script.err";
+    mkpath( [ $outdir ] , 0, 0755) if ( ! -e outdir );
+    if ( ! -e $outdir ){
+       print $log "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+       die "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
+    }
+    # Write the script to a file
+    my $cmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'script'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    open(FH, ">$script") or die "Unable to open file $script to write script, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH $cmd . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    my @result=`chmod +x $script`;
+    # Build the command
+    my $command;
+    # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      $command = "cat $script | su $testCmd->{'run_as'}";
+    } else {
+      $command= "$script";
+    }
+    $command= "$command 1> $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile";
+    # Run the script
+    print $log "$0:$subName Going to run command: $command\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD OUT IS IN FILE ($stdoutfile)\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName STD ERROR IS IN FILE ($stderrfile)\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName SCRIPT IS IN FILE ($script)\n";
+    print $log "$0:$subName SCRIPT CONTAINS:\n<$cmd>\n";
+    @result=`$command`;
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    $result{'output'} = $outfile;
+    $result{'stdout'} = `cat $stdoutfile`;
+    $result{'stderr'} = `cat $stderrfile`;
+    $result{'stderr_file'} = $stderrfile;
+    print $log "STD ERROR CONTAINS:\n<$result{'stderr'}>\n";
+    return \%result;
+sub runHadoop
+# Being modified from runPig
+# !!! Works, but need to add other arguments, like queue...???
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log, $copyResults) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Write the hadoop command to a file.
+    my $hadoopfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".hadoop";
+    my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $hadoopcmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hadoop'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    # adjust for the leading and trailing new line often seen in the conf file's command directives
+    $hadoopcmd =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/\1/s;
+    open(FH, "> $hadoopfile") or die "Unable to open file $hadoopfile to write hadoop command file, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH $hadoopcmd . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    # Build the command
+    my @cmd = Util::getHadoopCmd($testCmd);
+    # Add command line arguments if they're provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hadoop_cmdline_args'})) {
+        push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'hadoop_cmdline_args'}});
+    }
+    # Add the test command elements
+    push(@cmd, split(/ +/,$hadoopcmd));
+    # Set HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'hadoop_classpath'})) {
+        my $hadoop_classpath = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hadoop_classpath'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    }
+    # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      my $cmd = '"' . join (" ", @cmd) . '"';
+      @cmd = ("echo", $cmd, "|", "su", $testCmd->{'run_as'});
+    }
+    my $script = $hadoopfile . ".sh";
+    open(FH, ">$script") or die "Unable to open file $script to write script, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH join (" ", @cmd) . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    my @result=`chmod +x $script`;
+    # Run the command
+    print $log "$0::$className::$subName INFO: Going to run hadoop command in shell script: $script\n";
+    print $log "$0::$className::$subName INFO: Going to run hadoop command: " . join(" ", @cmd) . "\n";
+    my @runpig = ("$script");
+    IPC::Run::run(\@runpig, \undef, $log, $log) or
+        die "Failed running $script\n";
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    # Get results from the command locally
+    my @basePigCmd = Util::getBasePigCmd($testCmd);
+    my $localoutfile;
+    my $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my @SQLQuery = @{$testCmd->{'queries'}}; # here only used to determine if single-guery of multi-query
+    # mapreduce
+    if($self->{'exectype'} eq "mapred")
+    {
+        # single query
+        if ($#SQLQuery == 0) {
+            if ($copyResults) {
+              $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $localdir, \@basePigCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+              $result{'originalOutput'} = "$localdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+            } else {
+              $result{'output'} = "NO_COPY";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # local mode
+    else 
+    {
+        # single query
+        if ($#SQLQuery == 0) {
+            $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".dir";
+            mkdir $localdir;
+            $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $localdir, \@basePigCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+            $result{'originalOutput'} = "$localdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+        } 
+    }
+    # Compare doesn't get the testCmd hash, so I need to stuff the necessary
+    # info about sorting into the result.
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'sortArgs'} && $testCmd->{'sortArgs'}) {
+        $result{'sortArgs'} = $testCmd->{'sortArgs'};
+    }
+    return \%result;
+} # end sub runHadoop
+sub runPig
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log, $copyResults) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    my %result;
+    # Write the pig script to a file.
+    my $pigfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".pig";
+    my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my $pigcmd = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'pig'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+    open(FH, "> $pigfile") or die "Unable to open file $pigfile to write pig script, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH $pigcmd . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    # Build the command
+    my @baseCmd = Util::getBasePigCmd($testCmd);
+    my @cmd = @baseCmd;
+    # Add option -l giving location for secondary logs
+    my $locallog = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".log";
+    push(@cmd, "-logfile");
+    push(@cmd, $locallog);
+    # Add pig parameters if they're provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'pig_params'})) {
+        # Processing :PARAMPATH: in parameters
+        foreach my $param (@{$testCmd->{'pig_params'}}) {
+            $param =~ s/:PARAMPATH:/$testCmd->{'paramPath'}/g;
+        }
+        push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'pig_params'}});
+    }
+    push(@cmd, $pigfile);
+    # Add su user if provided
+    if (defined($testCmd->{'run_as'})) {
+      my $cmd = '"' . join (" ", @cmd) . '"';
+      @cmd = ("echo", $cmd, "|", "su", $testCmd->{'run_as'});
+    }
+    my $script = $pigfile . ".sh";
+    open(FH, ">$script") or die "Unable to open file $script to write script, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH join (" ", @cmd) . "\n";
+    close(FH);
+    my @result=`chmod +x $script`;
+    # Run the command
+    print $log "$0::$className::$subName INFO: Going to run pig command in shell script: $script\n";
+    print $log "$0::$className::$subName INFO: Going to run pig command: " . join(" ", @cmd) . "\n";
+    my @runpig = ("$script");
+    IPC::Run::run(\@runpig, \undef, $log, $log) or
+        die "Failed running $script\n";
+    $result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
+    # Get results from the command locally
+    my $localoutfile;
+    my $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    my @SQLQuery = @{$testCmd->{'queries'}}; # here only used to determine if single-guery of multi-query
+    # mapreduce
+    if($self->{'exectype'} eq "mapred")
+    {
+        # single query
+        if ($#SQLQuery == 0) {
+            if ($copyResults) {
+              $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $localdir, \@baseCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+              $result{'originalOutput'} = "$localdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+            } else {
+              $result{'output'} = "NO_COPY";
+            }
+        }
+        # multi query
+        else {
+            my @outfiles = ();
+            for (my $id = 1; $id <= ($#SQLQuery + 1); $id++) {
+                $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out/$id";
+                $localoutfile = $outfile . ".$id";
+                # Copy result file out of hadoop
+                my $testOut;
+                if ($copyResults) {
+                  $testOut = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($localoutfile, $localdir, \@baseCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+                } else {
+                  $testOut = "NO_COPY";
+                }
+                push(@outfiles, $testOut);
+            }
+            ##!!! originalOutputs not set! Needed?
+            $result{'outputs'} = \@outfiles;
+        }
+    }
+    # local mode
+    else 
+    {
+        # single query
+        if ($#SQLQuery == 0) {
+            $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".dir";
+            mkdir $localdir;
+            $result{'output'} = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $localdir, \@baseCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+            $result{'originalOutput'} = "$localdir/out_original"; # populated by postProcessSingleOutputFile
+        } 
+        # multi query
+        else {
+            my @outfiles = ();
+            for (my $id = 1; $id <= ($#SQLQuery + 1); $id++) {
+                $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+                mkdir $localdir;
+                $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out/$id";
+                mkdir $localdir;
+                $localoutfile = $outfile . ".$id";
+                my $testRes = $self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($localoutfile, $localdir, \@baseCmd, $testCmd, $log);
+                push(@outfiles, $testRes);
+            }
+            ##!!! originalOutputs not set!
+            $result{'outputs'} = \@outfiles;
+        }
+    }
+    # Compare doesn't get the testCmd hash, so I need to stuff the necessary
+    # info about sorting into the result.
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'sortArgs'} && $testCmd->{'sortArgs'}) {
+        $result{'sortArgs'} = $testCmd->{'sortArgs'};
+    }
+    return \%result;
+sub postProcessSingleOutputFile
+    my ($self, $outfile, $localdir, $baseCmd, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    my $from_hdfs;
+    if ( ($testCmd->{'pig'} || $testCmd->{'hadoop'}) && ($self->{'exectype'} eq "mapred")) {
+      $from_hdfs = 1;
+    } else {
+      $from_hdfs = 0;
+    }
+    # Copy to local if results on HDFS
+    if ( $from_hdfs  ) {
+        my @baseCmd = @{$baseCmd};
+        my @copyCmd = @baseCmd;
+        push(@copyCmd, ('-e', 'copyToLocal', $outfile, $localdir)); 
+        print $log "$0::$className::$subName INFO: Going to run pig command: " . join(" ", @copyCmd) . "\n";
+       my $id = `id -un`;
+       chomp $id;
+       if ($id eq 'root') {
+         # my @suCmd = ('su', 'hadoopqa', '-c', "'" . join(' ', @cmd) . "'");
+         # print $log join(" ", @suCmd) . "\n";
+         # IPC::Run::run(\@suCmd, \undef, $log, $log) or die "Cannot create HDFS directory " . $globalHash->{'outpath'} . ": $? - $!\n";
+	 # above failed, doing below for now...
+         my $command= join (" ", @copyCmd);
+         $command = "echo \"$command\" | su hadoopqa 2>&1";
+         print $log "$command\n";
+         my @result=`$command`;
+         my $rc = $? >> 8;
+         print $log "Output from copy from HDFS: " . join (" ", @result) . "\n";
+         die "Cannot copy results from HDFS $outfile to $localdir\n" if $rc != 0;
+       } else {
+         print $log join(" ", @copyCmd) . "\n";
+         IPC::Run::run(\@copyCmd, \undef, $log, $log) or die "Cannot copy results from HDFS $outfile to $localdir\n";
+       }
+    }
+    # Sort the result if necessary.  Keep the original output in one large file.
+    # Use system not IPC run so that the '*' gets interpolated by the shell.
+    # Build command to:
+    # 1. Combine part files
+    my $fppCmd = 
+            ($from_hdfs  ) ? "cat $localdir/map* $localdir/part* 2>/dev/null" : 
+            (-d $outfile ) ? "cat $outfile/part* 2>/dev/null" :
+                             "cat $outfile";
+    # 2. Standardize float precision
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'floatpostprocess'} && defined $testCmd->{'delimiter'}) {
+        $fppCmd .= " | $toolpath/floatpostprocessor '" . $testCmd->{'delimiter'} . "'";
+    }
+    $fppCmd .= " > $localdir/out_original";
+    # run command
+    print $log "$fppCmd\n";
+    system($fppCmd);
+    # Sort the results for the benchmark compare.
+    if ( $testCmd->{'sortResults'} eq '1' ) {
+      my @sortCmd = ('sort', "$localdir/out_original");
+      print $log join(" ", @sortCmd) . "\n";
+      IPC::Run::run(\@sortCmd, '>', "$localdir/out_sorted");
+      return "$localdir/out_sorted";
+   } else {
+      return "$localdir/out_original";
+   }
+sub generateBenchmark
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    my %result;
+    my @SQLQuery = @{$testCmd->{'queries'}};
+    if ($#SQLQuery == 0) {
+        my $outfile = $self->generateSingleSQLBenchmark($testCmd, $SQLQuery[0], undef, $log);
+        $result{'output'} = $outfile;
+    } else {
+        my @outfiles = ();
+        for (my $id = 0; $id < ($#SQLQuery + 1); $id++) {
+            my $sql = $SQLQuery[$id];
+            my $outfile = $self->generateSingleSQLBenchmark($testCmd, $sql, ($id+1), $log); 
+            push(@outfiles, $outfile);
+        }
+        $result{'outputs'} = \@outfiles;
+    }
+    return \%result;
+sub generateSingleSQLBenchmark
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $sql, $id, $log) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    my $command_directive;
+    if( $testCmd->{'pig'} ){
+      $command_directive = 'pig';
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hadoop'} ){
+      $command_directive = 'hadoop';
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hive'} ){
+      $command_directive = 'hive';
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'hcat'} ){
+      $command_directive = 'hcat';
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'script'} ){
+      $command_directive = 'script';
+    } else {
+       die "$subName FATAL Did not find a testCmd that I know how to handle";
+    }
+    my $qmd5 = substr(md5_hex($testCmd->{$command_directive}), 0, 5);
+    my $outfile = $testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'} . "/" . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'};
+    $outfile .= defined($id) ? ".$id" . ".expected." . $qmd5 :  ".expected." . $qmd5;
+    print $log "Getting benchmark file: $outfile\n";
+    if (-e $outfile) {
+        return $outfile;
+    }
+    my @cmd = ('psql', '-U', $testCmd->{'dbuser'}, '-d', $testCmd->{'dbdb'},
+        '-c', $sql, '-t', '-A', '--pset', "fieldsep='	'", '-o', $outfile);
+    # To facilitate generating the benchmarks manually on a different machine, if postgres db not configured 
+    # cmdForFile is as cmd above just with quotes around the $sql
+    # Added extension '.sh' becuase the script now also does sort and float postprocessing if applicable
+    my @cmdForFile = ('psql', '-U', $testCmd->{'dbuser'}, '-d', $testCmd->{'dbdb'},
+        '-c', '"'.$sql.'"', '-t', '-A', '--pset', "fieldsep='	'", '-o', $outfile);
+    my $psqlfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . "";
+    open(FH, "> $psqlfile") or die "Unable to open file $psqlfile to write psql script, $ERRNO\n";
+    print FH join(" ", @cmdForFile) . "\n";
+    # Prepare to sort and postprocess the result if necessary
+    my $shellCmd = "cat $outfile";
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'floatpostprocess'} && defined $testCmd->{'delimiter'}) {
+        $shellCmd .= " | $toolpath/floatpostprocessor '" . $testCmd->{'delimiter'} . "' ";
+    }
+    if ( $testCmd->{'sortBenchmark'} eq '1' ) {
+      $shellCmd .= " | sort";
+      if (defined $testCmd->{'sortBenchmarkArgs'}) { # but the pig test conf files don't use that anyway...
+          $shellCmd .= " " . join(" ", @{$testCmd->{'sortBenchmarkArgs'}});
+      }
+    }
+    my $tmpfile = $outfile . ".tmp";
+    $shellCmd .= " > $tmpfile";
+    # Complete the writing to file
+    print FH "$shellCmd\n";
+    print FH "mv $tmpfile $outfile\n";
+    close(FH);
+    print $log "SQL command file: $psqlfile\n";
+    # Run...
+    print $log "Running SQL command [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "\n";
+    IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \undef, $log, $log) or do {
+        print $log "Sql command <" . $sql .
+            " failed for >>$testCmd->{group}_$testCmd->{num}<<\n";
+        unlink $outfile if ( -e $outfile  );
+        die "Sql command failed for >>$testCmd->{group}_$testCmd->{num}<<\n";
+    };
+    # Use system not IPC run so that any '*' gets interpolated by the shell.
+    print $log "$shellCmd\n";
+    system($shellCmd);
+    unlink $outfile;
+    IPC::Run::run ['mv', $tmpfile, $outfile];
+    return $outfile;
+sub hasCommandLineVerifications
+    my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
+    foreach my $key ('rc', 'expected_out', 'expected_out_regex', 'expected_err', 'expected_err_regex', 
+                     'not_expected_out', 'not_expected_out_regex', 'not_expected_err', 'not_expected_err_regex' ) {
+      if (defined $testCmd->{$key}) {
+         return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub compare
+    my ($self, $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log, $testCmd) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    # Returns 0 (false) for failed test, non-zero (true) for passed test 
+    # For now, if the test has 
+    # - testCmd pig, and 'sql' for benchmark, then use compareToBenchmark
+    # - any verification directives formerly used by CmdLine or Script drivers (rc, regex on out and err...)
+    #   then use compareScript even if testCmd is "pig"
+    # - testCmd script, then use compareScript
+    # - testCmd pig, and none of the above, then use compareToBenchmark
+    #
+    # Later, should add ability to have same tests both verify with the 'script' directives, 
+    # and do a benchmark compare, if it was a pig cmd. E.g. 'rc' could still be checked when 
+    # doing the benchmark compare.
+    if( defined $testCmd->{'sql'} ){
+       return $self->compareToBenchmark ( $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log, $testCmd);
+    } elsif( $self->hasCommandLineVerifications( $testCmd, $log) ){
+       return $self->compareScript ( $testResult, $log, $testCmd);
+    } elsif( $testCmd->{'pig'} ){
+             # maybe using a custom benchmark file, and has no 'sql' directive
+       return $self->compareToBenchmark ( $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log, $testCmd);
+    } else {
+       print $log "$0.$subName WARNING Did not find a comparison method. Use 'noverify' if this is intented.\n";
+       return 0;
+    } 
+sub compareScript
+    my ($self, $testResult, $log, $testCmd) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    #
+    # If you are using a regex to compare stdout or stderr
+    # and if the pattern that you are trying to match spans two line
+    # explicitly use '\n' (without the single quotes) in the regex
+    #
+    # If any verification directives are added here 
+    # do remember also to add them to the hasCommandLineVerifications subroutine.
+    #
+    # If the test conf file misspells the directive, you won't be told...
+    # 
+    my $result = 1;  # until proven wrong...
+    # Return Code
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'rc'}) {                                                                             
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking return code " .
+                 "against expected <$testCmd->{'rc'}>\n";
+      if ( (! defined $testResult->{'rc'}) || ($testResult->{'rc'} != $testCmd->{'rc'})) {                                                         
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: rc = <$testCmd->{'rc'}> expected, test returned rc = <$testResult->{'rc'}>\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    # ???? Will that ever be needed?
+    my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
+    # Standard Out
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'expected_out'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'expected_out'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stdout " .
+              "as exact match against expected <$pattern>\n";
+      if ($testResult->{'stdout'} ne $pattern) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: exact match of <$pattern> expected in stdout: <$testResult->{'stdout'}>\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'not_expected_out'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'not_expected_out'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stdout " .
+              "as NOT exact match against expected <$pattern>\n";
+      if ($testResult->{'stdout'} eq $pattern) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: NON-match of <$pattern> expected to stdout: <$testResult->{'stdout'}>\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'expected_out_regex'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'expected_out_regex'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stdout " .
+              "for regular expression <$pattern>\n";
+      # if ($testResult->{'stdout'} !~ $pattern) {
+      if ($testResult->{'stdout'} !~ /$pattern/m) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: regex match of <$pattern> expected in stdout: <$testResult->{'stdout'}>\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'not_expected_out_regex'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'not_expected_out_regex'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stdout " .
+              "for NON-match of regular expression <$pattern>\n";
+      # if ($testResult->{'stdout'} =~ $pattern) {
+      if ($testResult->{'stdout'} =~ /$pattern/m) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: regex NON-match of <$pattern> expected in stdout: <$testResult->{'output'}>\n";
+        # prints HDFS location, should give local
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    # Standard Error
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'expected_err'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'expected_err'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stderr " .
+              "as exact match against expected <$pattern>\n";
+      if ($testResult->{'stderr'} ne $pattern) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: exact match of <$pattern> expected in stderr: $testResult->{'stderr_file'}\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'not_expected_err'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'not_expected_err'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stderr " .
+              "as NOT an exact match against expected <$pattern>\n";
+      if ($testResult->{'stderr'} eq $pattern) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: NON-match of <$pattern> expected to stderr: $testResult->{'stderr_file'}\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'expected_err_regex'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'expected_err_regex'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stderr " .
+              "for regular expression <$pattern>\n";
+      # if ($testResult->{'stderr'} !~ $pattern) {
+      if ($testResult->{'stderr'} !~ /$pattern/m) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: regex match of <$pattern> expected in stderr: $testResult->{'stderr_file'}\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+    if (defined $testCmd->{'not_expected_err_regex'}) {
+      my $pattern = $self->replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'not_expected_err_regex'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
+      print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test stderr " .
+              "for NON-match of regular expression <$pattern>\n";
+      # if ($testResult->{'stderr'} =~ $pattern) {
+      if ($testResult->{'stderr'} =~ /$pattern/m) {
+        print $log "$0::$subName INFO Check failed: regex NON-match of <$pattern> expected in stderr: $testResult->{'stderr_file'}\n";
+        $result = 0;
+      }
+    } 
+  return $result;
+sub compareToBenchmark
+    my ($self, $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log, $testCmd) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    my $result;
+    my @SQLQuery = @{$testCmd->{'queries'}};
+    if ($#SQLQuery == 0) {
+        $result = $self->compareSingleOutput($testResult, $testResult->{'output'},
+                $benchmarkResult->{'output'}, $log);
+    } else {
+        my $res = 0;
+        for (my $id = 0; $id < ($#SQLQuery + 1); $id++) {
+            my $testOutput = ($testResult->{'outputs'})->[$id];
+            my $benchmarkOutput = ($benchmarkResult->{'outputs'})->[$id];
+            $res += $self->compareSingleOutput($testResult, $testOutput,
+                                               $benchmarkOutput, $log);
+            $result = ($res == ($#SQLQuery + 1)) ? 1 : 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return $result;
+sub compareSingleOutput
+    my ($self, $testResult, $testOutput, $benchmarkOutput, $log) = @_;
+    # cksum the the two files to see if they are the same
+    my ($testChksm, $benchmarkChksm);
+    IPC::Run::run((['cat', $testOutput], '|', ['cksum']), \$testChksm,
+        $log) or die "$0: error: cannot run cksum on test results\n";
+    IPC::Run::run((['cat', $benchmarkOutput], '|', ['cksum']),
+        \$benchmarkChksm, $log) or die "$0: error: cannot run cksum on benchmark\n";
+    chomp $testChksm;
+    chomp $benchmarkChksm;
+    print $log "test cksum: $testChksm\nbenchmark cksum: $benchmarkChksm\n";
+    my $result;
+    if ($testChksm ne $benchmarkChksm) {
+        print $log "Test output checksum does not match benchmark checksum\n";
+        print $log "Test checksum = <$testChksm>\n";
+        print $log "Expected checksum = <$benchmarkChksm>\n";
+        print $log "RESULTS DIFFER: vimdiff $testOutput $benchmarkOutput\n";
+    } else {
+        print $log "Test output matches benchmark file: $benchmarkOutput\n";
+        $result = 1;
+    }
+    # Now, check if the sort order is specified
+    if (defined($testResult->{'sortArgs'})) {
+        Util::setLocale();
+	my @sortChk = ('sort', '-cs');
+        push(@sortChk, @{$testResult->{'sortArgs'}});
+        push(@sortChk, $testResult->{'originalOutput'});
+        print $log "Going to run sort check command: " . join(" ", @sortChk) . "\n";
+        IPC::Run::run(\@sortChk, \undef, $log, $log);
+	my $sortrc = $?;
+        if ($sortrc) {
+            print $log "Sort check failed\n";
+            $result = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return $result;
+# This method has been copied over from TestDriver to make changes to
+# support skipping tests which do not match current execution mode
+# Run all the tests in the configuration file.
+# @param testsToRun - reference to array of test groups and ids to run
+# @param testsToMatch - reference to array of test groups and ids to match.
+# If a test group_num matches any of these regular expressions it will be run.
+# @param cfg - reference to contents of cfg file
+# @param log - reference to a stream pointer for the logs
+# @param dbh - reference database connection
+# @param testStatuses- reference to hash of test statuses
+# @param confFile - config file name
+# @param startat - test to start at.
+# @returns nothing
+# failed.
+sub run
+    my ($self, $testsToRun, $testsToMatch, $cfg, $log, $dbh, $testStatuses,
+        $confFile, $startat, $logname ) = @_;
+    my $subName  = (caller(0))[3];
+    my $msg="";
+    my $testDuration=0;
+    my $totalDuration=0;
+    my $groupDuration=0;
+    my $sawstart = !(defined $startat);
+    # Rather than make each driver handle our multi-level cfg, we'll flatten
+    # the hashes into one for it.
+    my %globalHash;
+    my $runAll = ((scalar(@$testsToRun) == 0) && (scalar(@$testsToMatch) == 0));
+    # Read the global keys
+    foreach (keys(%$cfg)) {
+        next if $_ eq 'groups';
+        $globalHash{$_} = $cfg->{$_};
+    }
+    # Do the global setup
+    $self->globalSetup(\%globalHash, $log);
+    # Used in generating Junit XML test report
+    my $generateJunitReport=1;
+    my $report=0;
+    my $properties;
+    my $xmlDir;
+    if ($generateJunitReport) {
+      $properties= new Properties( 0, $globalHash{'propertiesFile'} );
+      # For the xml directory, use the default directory from the configuration file
+      # unless the directory was specified in the command line
+      $xmlDir= $globalHash{'localxmlpathbase'} ."/run".  $globalHash{'UID'};
+      if ( $globalHash{'reportdir'} ) {
+          $xmlDir = $globalHash{'reportdir'};
+      }
+    }
+    my %groupExecuted;
+    # $cfg->{'suite'} needs to be set in bin/miners_test_harness to the name of the test conf file...
+    if ($cfg->{'suite'}) { 
+      print $log "Beginning suite $cfg->{'suite'} at " . time . ($cfg->{'comment'} ? ", comment: $cfg->{'comment'}" : "") . "\n";
+    } else {
+      print $log "Beginning suite at " . time . ($cfg->{'comment'} ? ", comment: $cfg->{'comment'}" : "") . "\n";
+    }
+    foreach my $group (@{$cfg->{'groups'}}) {
+        my %groupHash = %globalHash;
+        $groupHash{'group'} = $group->{'name'};
+        # Read the group keys
+        $groupHash{'comment'} = undef; # no inheritance of comments
+        foreach (keys(%$group)) {
+            next if $_ eq 'tests';
+            $groupHash{$_} = $group->{$_};
+        }
+        print $log "Beginning group $groupHash{'group'} at " . time . ($groupHash{'comment'} ? ", comment: $groupHash{'comment'}" : "") . "\n";
+        # Run each test
+        foreach my $test (@{$group->{'tests'}}) {
+            # Check if we're supposed to run this one or not.
+            if (!$runAll) {
+                # check if we are supposed to run this test or not.
+                my $foundIt = 0;
+                foreach (@$testsToRun) {
+                    if (/^$groupHash{'group'}(_[0-9]+)?$/) {
+                        if (not defined $1) {
+                            # In this case it's just the group name, so we'll
+                            # run every test in the group
+                            $foundIt = 1;
+                            last;
+                        } else {
+                            # maybe, it at least matches the group
+                            my $num = "_" . $test->{'num'};
+                            if ($num eq $1) {
+                                $foundIt = 1;
+                                last;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                foreach (@$testsToMatch) {
+                    my $protoName = $groupHash{'group'} . "_" .  $test->{'num'};
+                    if ($protoName =~ /$_/) {
+                        if (not defined $1) {
+                            # In this case it's just the group name, so we'll
+                            # run every test in the group
+                            $foundIt = 1;
+                            last;
+                        } else {
+                            # maybe, it at least matches the group
+                            my $num = "_" . $test->{'num'};
+                            if ($num eq $1) {
+                                $foundIt = 1;
+                                last;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                next unless $foundIt;
+            }
+            # This is a test, so run it.
+            my %testHash = %groupHash;
+            $testHash{'comment'} = undef; # no inheritance of comments
+            foreach (keys(%$test)) {
+                $testHash{$_} = $test->{$_};
+            }
+            my $testName = $testHash{'group'} . "_" . $testHash{'num'};
+            if ( $groupExecuted{ $group->{'name'} }== 0 ){
+               $groupExecuted{ $group->{'name'} }=1;
+               mkpath( [ $xmlDir ] , 1, 0777) if ( ! -e $xmlDir );
+               my $filename = $group->{'name'}.".xml";
+    	       if ($generateJunitReport) {
+                 $report = new TestReport ( $properties, "$xmlDir/$filename" );
+                 $report->purge();
+               }
+            }
+            # Have we not reached the starting point yet?
+            if (!$sawstart) {
+                if ($testName eq $startat) {
+                    $sawstart = 1;
+                } else {
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            # Check that this test doesn't depend on an earlier test or tests
+            # that failed, or that the test wasn't marked as "ignore".
+            # Don't abort if that test wasn't run, just assume the
+            # user knew what they were doing and set it up right.
+            my $skipThisOne = 0;
+            foreach (keys(%testHash)) {
+                if (/^depends_on/ && defined($testStatuses->{$testHash{$_}}) &&
+                        $testStatuses->{$testHash{$_}} ne $passedStr) {
+                    print $log "TEST FAILED DEPENDENCY <$testName> at " . time .
+                               ": depended on $testHash{$_} which returned a status of $testStatuses->{$testHash{$_}}\n";
+                    $testStatuses->{$testName} = $dependStr;
+                    $skipThisOne = 1;
+                    last;
+                }
+                # if the test is not applicable to current execution mode
+                # ignore it
+                if(/^exectype$/i && $testHash{$_} !~ /$self->{'exectype'}/i)
+                {
+                    print $log "TEST IGNORED <$testName> at " . time . ". Message: running mode ($self->{'exectype'}) and exectype in test ($testHash{'exectype'}) do not match\n";
+                    $testStatuses->{$testName} = $skippedStr;
+                    $skipThisOne = 1;
+                    last;
+                }
+                # if the test is marked as 'ignore',
+                # ignore it... unless option to ignore the ignore is in force
+                if(/^ignore$/i)
+                {
+                  if($self->{'ignore'} eq 'true')
+                  {
+                      print $log "TEST IGNORED <$testName> at " . time . ". Message: $testHash{'ignore'}\n";
+                      $testStatuses->{$testName} = $skippedStr;
+                      $skipThisOne = 1;
+                      last;
+                  }
+                  elsif ($testHash{'ignore'} ne 'false')
+                  {
+                      print $log "TEST _NOT_ IGNORED <$testName> at " . time . ". Message: $testHash{'ignore'}\n";
+                  }
+                }
+            }
+            if ($skipThisOne) {
+                printResults($testStatuses, $log, "Results so far");
+                next;
+            }
+            # Check if output comparison should be skipped.
+            my $dontCompareThisOne = 0; # true for tests with key 'noverify'
+            my $copyResults        = 1; # no need to copy output to local if noverify
+            foreach (keys(%testHash)) {
+                if(/^noverify$/i )
+                {
+                    $dontCompareThisOne = 1;
+                    $copyResults = 0;
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+          # print $log "Beginning test $testName at " . time . "\n";
+            print $log "Beginning test $testName at " . time . ($testHash{'comment'} ? ", comment: $testHash{'comment'}" : "") . "\n";
+            my %dbinfo = (
+                'testrun_id' => $testHash{'trid'},
+                'test_type'  => $testHash{'driver'},
+               #'test_file'  => $testHash{'file'},
+                'test_file'  => $confFile,
+                'test_group' => $testHash{'group'},
+                'test_num'   => $testHash{'num'},
+            );
+            my $beginTime = time;
+            my ($testResult, $benchmarkResult);
+            eval {
+                my  @SQLQuery = split /;/, $testHash{'sql'};
+                # Throw out the last one if it is just space
+                if ($SQLQuery[$#SQLQuery] =~ /^\s+$/) { $#SQLQuery--; }
+                # If the last one is a comment, decrement the count
+                if ($#SQLQuery > 0 && $SQLQuery[$#SQLQuery] !~ /select/i && $SQLQuery[$#SQLQuery] =~ /--/) {
+                    $#SQLQuery--;
+                }
+                $testHash{'queries'} = \@SQLQuery;
+                $testResult = $self->runTest(\%testHash, $log, $copyResults);
+                my $endTime = time;
+                $testDuration = $endTime - $beginTime;
+                $benchmarkResult = $self->generateBenchmark(\%testHash, $log);
+                my $result;
+                if( $dontCompareThisOne ) {
+                    $result = 1;
+                    print $log "TEST MARKED NOVERIFY <$testName>\n";
+                } else {
+		    # implementing: 
+		    # Bugzilla Ticket 3850819 - aborted scripts has test counted as failed when using command line verificaitons 
+ 		    if ((defined %testHash->{'rc'}) && (%testHash->{'rc'} == 0) && ($testResult->{'rc'} != 0)) {   
+			die "Test run assumed aborted as 'rc' = 0 expected, but actual 'rc' = $testResult->{'rc'}\n";
+		    }
+                    $result = $self->compare($testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log, \%testHash);
+                }
+                my $command = $self->getCommand(\%testHash);
+                if ($result) {
+                        $msg = "TEST SUCCEEDED <$testName> at " . time . ", command: $command, duration: $testDuration\n";
+                        $testStatuses->{$testName} = $passedStr;
+                } else {
+                        $msg = "TEST FAILED <$testName> at " . time . ", command: $command, duration: $testDuration\n";
+                        $testStatuses->{$testName} = $failedStr;
+                }
+                print $log $msg;
+                $dbinfo{'duration'} = $testDuration;
+                $self->recordResults($result, $testResult, $benchmarkResult,
+                    \%dbinfo, $log);
+            };
+            if ($@) {
+                my $endTime = time;
+                print $log "TEST ABORTED <$testName> at " . time . "\n";
+                print $log "$0::$subName FAILED: Failed to run test $testName <$@>\n";
+                $testStatuses->{$testName} = $abortedStr;
+                $testDuration = $endTime - $beginTime;
+                $dbinfo{'duration'} = $testDuration;
+            }
+            eval {
+                $dbinfo{'status'} = $testStatuses->{$testName};
+                if($dbh) {
+                    $dbh->insertTestCase(\%dbinfo);
+                }
+            };
+            if ($@) {
+                chomp $@;
+                warn "Failed to insert test case info, error <$@>\n";
+            }
+            $self->cleanup($testStatuses->{$testName}, \%testHash, $testResult,
+                $benchmarkResult, $log);
+    	    if ($generateJunitReport) {
+              $report->testcase( $group->{'name'}, $testName, $testDuration, $msg, $testStatuses->{$testName} ) if ( $report );
+            }
+            $groupDuration = $groupDuration + $testDuration;
+            $totalDuration = $totalDuration + $testDuration;
+            printResults($testStatuses, $log, "Results so far");
+        }
+        if ($generateJunitReport &&  $report ) {
+            my $reportname= $group->{'name'};
+            if ( $globalHash{'reportname'} ) {
+                 $reportname= $globalHash{'reportname'};
+            }
+            # $report->systemOut( $logname, $reportname );
+            printGroupResultsXml( $report, $group->{'name'}, $testStatuses, $groupDuration );
+       }
+       $report = 0;
+       $groupDuration=0;
+    }
+    # Do the global cleanup
+    $self->globalCleanup(\%globalHash, $log);
+#  Sub: printGroupResultsXml
+#  Print the results for the group using junit xml schema using values from the testStatuses hash.
+# Paramaters:
+# $report       - the report object to use to generate the report
+# $groupName    - the name of the group to report totals for
+# $testStatuses - the hash containing the results for the tests run so far
+# $totalDuration- The total time it took to run the group of tests
+# Returns:
+# None.
+sub printGroupResultsXml
+        my ( $report, $groupName, $testStatuses,  $totalDuration) = @_;
+        $totalDuration=0 if  ( !$totalDuration );
+        my ($pass, $fail, $abort, $depend) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+        foreach my $key (keys(%$testStatuses)) {
+              if ( $key =~ /^$groupName/ ){
+                ($testStatuses->{$key} eq $passedStr) && $pass++;
+                ($testStatuses->{$key} eq $failedStr) && $fail++;
+                ($testStatuses->{$key} eq $abortedStr) && $abort++;
+                ($testStatuses->{$key} eq $dependStr) && $depend++;
+               }
+        }
+        my $total= $pass + $fail + $abort;
+        $report->totals( $groupName, $total, $fail, $abort, $totalDuration );