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[07/21] flink git commit: [FLINK-2844] [web frontend] Remove old web interface
diff --git a/flink-runtime/src/main/resources/web-docs-infoserver/js/taskmanager.js b/flink-runtime/src/main/resources/web-docs-infoserver/js/taskmanager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68e4278..0000000
--- a/flink-runtime/src/main/resources/web-docs-infoserver/js/taskmanager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-function convertHex(hex,opacity){
-    hex = hex.replace('#','');
-    r = parseInt(hex.substring(0,2), 16);
-    g = parseInt(hex.substring(2,4), 16);
-    b = parseInt(hex.substring(4,6), 16);
-    result = 'rgba('+r+','+g+','+b+','+opacity/100+')';
-    return result;
- * Copied and modified from:
- **/
-var formatBase1024KMGTP = function(y) {
-    var abs_y = Math.abs(y);
-    if (abs_y >= 1125899906842624)  { return Math.floor(y / 1125899906842624) + "P" }
-    else if (abs_y >= 1099511627776){ return Math.floor(y / 1099511627776) + "T" }
-    else if (abs_y >= 1073741824)   { return Math.floor(y / 1073741824) + "G" }
-    else if (abs_y >= 1048576)      { return Math.floor(y / 1048576) + "M" }
-    else if (abs_y >= 1024)         { return Math.floor(y / 1024) + "K" }
-    else if (abs_y < 1 && y > 0)    { return y.toFixed(2) }
-    else if (abs_y === 0)           { return '' }
-    else                        { return y }
-function getUnixTime() {
-	return Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
-// this array contains the history metrics for the taskManagers.
-var taskManagerMemory = [];
-// array with the graphs for each taskManager.
-var taskManagerGraph = [];
-// array with the latest metrics for all TaskManagers (for the Full metrics view)
-var taskManagerMetrics = [];
-// values for the memory charting. In order!
-var memoryValues = ["memory.non-heap.used" , "memory.flink.used", "memory.heap.used" ];
-var metricsLimit = 3;
-// number of minutes for which the summary will be provided
-var summaryTime = 10;
-Create rickshaw graph for the specified taskManager id (tmid).
-function createGraph(tmId, maxload, maxmem) {
-    var palette = new Rickshaw.Color.Palette({scheme: "spectrum14"} );
-    var series = [];
-    var scales = [];
-    scales.push(d3.scale.linear().domain([0, maxmem]));
-    scales.push(d3.scale.linear().domain([0, maxload]).nice());
-    scales.push(d3.scale.linear().domain([0,100]));
-    for(i in memoryValues) {
-        var value = memoryValues[i];
-        taskManagerMemory[tmId][value] = [];
-        series.push({
-            color: convertHex(palette.color(), 90),
-            data: taskManagerMemory[tmId][value],
-            name: value,
-            scale: scales[0],
-            renderer: 'area',
-            stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'
-        });
-    }
-    taskManagerMemory[tmId]["load"] = [];
-    // add load series
-    series.push({
-        color: palette.color(),
-        scale: scales[1],
-        data: taskManagerMemory[tmId]["load"],
-        name: "OS Load",
-        renderer: 'line',
-        stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'
-    });
-    taskManagerMemory[tmId]["cpuLoad"] = [];
-    // add cpu load series
-    series.push({
-        color: palette.color(),
-        scale: scales[2],
-        data: taskManagerMemory[tmId]["cpuLoad"],
-        name: "CPU Load",
-        renderer: 'line',
-        stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'
-    });
-    // remove message
-    $("#chart-"+tmId).html("");
-    var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph( {
-        element: document.querySelector("#chart-"+tmId),
-        width: 560,
-        height: 250,
-        series: series,
-        renderer: 'multi',
-        stroke: true,
-        min: 0,
-        max: 1
-    } );
-    var x_axis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time( { graph: graph } );
-    var y_axis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y.Scaled( {
-        graph: graph,
-        orientation: 'left',
-        scale: scales[0],
-        height: 250,
-        pixelsPerTick: 30,
-        tickSize: 1,
-        tickFormat: formatBase1024KMGTP,
-        element: document.getElementById("y_axis-"+tmId)
-    } );
-    var y_axis_load = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y.Scaled( {
-        graph: graph,
-        orientation: 'right',
-        scale: scales[2],
-        grid: false,
-        element: document.getElementById("y_axis-load-"+tmId)
-    } );
-    var hoverDetail = new Rickshaw.Graph.HoverDetail( {
-        graph: graph,
-        yFormatter: formatBase1024KMGTP
-    } );
-    var legend = new Rickshaw.Graph.Legend({
-        graph: graph,
-        element: document.querySelector("#legend-"+tmId)
-    });
-    var tableBox = $("#tm-row-"+tmId+"-memory");
-    // make graph resizable
-    var resize = function() {
-        graph.configure({
-            width: tableBox.innerWidth() - $(".y_axis").width() - 80
-        });
-        graph.render();
-    }
-    setTimeout(resize, 1000);
-    resize();
-    window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
-    return graph;
-function drawOrUpdateGCStats(tmId, metrics) {
-    var gcs = [];
-    for(var key in metrics.gauges) {
-        var pat = /gc.([^.]+).(count|time)/
-        if(pat.test(key)) {
-            var matches = key.match(pat);
-            if($.inArray(matches[1], gcs) == -1) {
-                gcs.push(matches[1]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var html =  "<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-striped\">"+
-                "<tr><td>Name</td><td>Count</td><td>Time</td></tr>";
-    for(var key in gcs) {
-        var gc = gcs[key];
-        html += "<tr><td>"+gc+"</td>";
-        html += "<td>"+metrics.gauges["gc."+gc+".count"].value+"</td>";
-        html += "<td>"+metrics.gauges["gc."+gc+".time"].value+" ms</td></tr>";
-    }
-    html +="</table>";
-    $("#gcStats-"+tmId).html(html);
-function getTooltipHTML(txt) {
-    return "<i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-circle\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\""+txt+"\"></i>";
- * Initializes taskmanagers table
- */
-function processTMdata(json) {
-    var tableHeader = $("#taskmanagerTable-header");
-    $("#page-title").text("Task Managers ("+json.taskmanagers.length+")");
-	for (var i = 0; i < json.taskmanagers.length; i++) {
-		var tm = json.taskmanagers[i];
-		var tmRowIdCssName = "tm-row-"+tm.instanceID;
-		if(!tm.hasOwnProperty("metrics")) {
-		    // metrics not yet received by the JobManager
-		    return;
-		}
-		var metricsJSON = tm.metrics;
-		taskManagerMetrics[tm.instanceID] = metricsJSON;
-		// check if taskManager has a row
-		tmRow = $("#"+tmRowIdCssName);
-		if(tmRow.length == 0) {
-		    // *-memory_stats div contains only the statistics where as chart_container-* div contains the graph
-		    var tmMemoryBox =  "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" id=\"graph_button-"+tm.instanceID+"\" onclick=\"hideShowGraph('"+tm.instanceID+"')\"></button>"+"<br>"+"<br>"+
-		                       "<div id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-memory_stats"+"\">"+"</div>"+
-		                       "<div class=\"chart_container\" id=\"chart_container-"+tm.instanceID+"\">"+
-                                  "<div class=\"y_axis\" id=\"y_axis-"+tm.instanceID+"\"><p class=\"axis_label\">Memory</p></div>"+
-                                  "<div class=\"chart\" id=\"chart-"+tm.instanceID+"\"><i>Waiting for first Heartbeat to arrive</i></div>"+
-                                  "<div class=\"y_axis-load\" id=\"y_axis-load-"+tm.instanceID+"\"><p class=\"axis_label\">CPU Load</p></div>"+
-                                  "<div class=\"legend\" id=\"legend-"+tm.instanceID+"\"></div>"+
-                               "</div>";
-            var content = "<tr id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"\">" +
-		                "<td style=\"width:20%\">"+tm.path+" <br> Data Port: "+tm.dataPort+"</td>" + // first row: TaskManager
-		                "<td id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-memory\">"+tmMemoryBox+"</td>" + // second row: memory statistics
-		                "<td id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-info\"><i>Loading Information</i></td>" + // Information
-		                "</tr>";
-            var siblings = tableHeader.siblings();
-            if(siblings.length == 0) {
-                tableHeader.after(content);
-            } else {
-                var f = siblings.last();
-                f.after(content);
-            }
-		    var maxmem = metricsJSON.gauges[""].value;
-		    taskManagerMemory[tm.instanceID] = []; // create empty array for TM
-		    taskManagerGraph[tm.instanceID] = createGraph(tm.instanceID, tm.cpuCores*2, maxmem); // cpu cores as load approximation
-		    taskManagerGraph[tm.instanceID].render();
-        //    taskManagerGraph[tm.instanceID].resize();
-		}
-        // html dump for memory statistics of task manager
-        var tmMemStats = $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-memory_stats");
-        tmMemStats.html("<table><tr><td><b>CPU Load</b></td><td></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td>Current: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-cpuLoad\"></span>%</td>"+"<td>Avg: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-avg_cpuLoad\"></span>%</td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td><b>OS Load</b></td><td></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td>Current: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-osLoad\"></span></td>"+"<td>Avg: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-avg_load\"></span></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td><b>Memory.heap.used</b></td><td></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td>Current: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-memHeapUsed\"></span></td>"+"<td>Avg: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-avg_memory_heap_used\"></span></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td><b>Memory.flink.used</b></td><td></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td>Current: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-memFlinkUsed\"></span></td>"+"<td>Avg: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-avg_memory_flink_used\"></span></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td><b>Memory.non-heap.used</b></td><td></td></tr>"+
-                        "<tr><td>Current: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-memNonHeapUsed\"></span></td>"+"<td>Avg: <span id=\""+tmRowIdCssName+"-avg_memory_non-heap_used\"></span></td></tr></table>");
-        // preserve the show/hide state of graph after update interval
-        var graphElement =  $("#chart_container-"+tm.instanceID);
-        if(':visible')){
-            $("#graph_button-"+tm.instanceID).text("Hide Detailed Graph");
-            $("#tm-row-"+tm.instanceID+"-memory_stats").hide();
-        } else {
-            $("#graph_button-"+tm.instanceID).text("Show Detailed Graph");
-            $("#tm-row-"+tm.instanceID+"-memory_stats").show();
-        }
-        // fill (update) row with contents
-        // memory statistics
-        var time = getUnixTime();
-        for(memValIdx in memoryValues) {
-            valueKey = memoryValues[memValIdx];
-            var flinkMemory = tm.managedMemory * 1024 * 1024;
-            switch(valueKey) {
-                case "memory.heap.used":
-                    var value = metricsJSON.gauges[valueKey].value - flinkMemory;
-                    $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-memHeapUsed").html(formatBase1024KMGTP(value));
-                    break;
-                case "memory.non-heap.used":
-                    var value = metricsJSON.gauges[valueKey].value;
-                    $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-memNonHeapUsed").html(formatBase1024KMGTP(value));
-                    break;
-                case "memory.flink.used":
-                    var value = flinkMemory;
-                    $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-memFlinkUsed").html(formatBase1024KMGTP(value));
-                    break;
-            }
-            taskManagerMemory[tm.instanceID][valueKey].push({x: time, y: value})
-        }
-        // os load
-        var osLoadValue = Number(metricsJSON.gauges["load"].value.toFixed(2));
-        taskManagerMemory[tm.instanceID]["load"].push({x:time, y:osLoadValue });
-        $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-osLoad").html(osLoadValue);
-        // cpu load
-        var cpuLoadValue = Number((metricsJSON.gauges["cpuLoad"].value*100).toFixed(2));
-        taskManagerMemory[tm.instanceID]["cpuLoad"].push({x:time, y:cpuLoadValue });
-        if(cpuLoadValue != -100){
-            $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-cpuLoad").html(cpuLoadValue);
-        } else {
-            $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-cpuLoad").html("NA"+getTooltipHTML("CPU Load is unavailable as the java version is not 1.7 or above"));
-        }
-        // generate summary for the last summaryTime minutes
-        var summaryStats = generateSummaryFor(taskManagerMemory[tm.instanceID],summaryTime);
-        // fill the averages
-        for(var statKey in summaryStats){
-            $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-avg_"+statKey.replace(/\./g,'_')).html(summaryStats[statKey]);
-        }
-        if(metricsLimit == -1 || i < metricsLimit) {
-            taskManagerGraph[tm.instanceID].update();
-        } else {
-            tmMemStats.hide();
-        }
-        // tooltip to show the time used for summary
-        var avgTimeInfo = "";
-        avgTimeInfo = getTooltipHTML("The average values are for the previous "+summaryTime+" minutes");
-        $("#tmTableHeaderMemStat").html("Memory Statistics "+avgTimeInfo);
-        // info box
-        tmInfoBox = $("#"+tmRowIdCssName+"-info");
-        var slotsInfo = "";
-        if(tm.slotsNumber < tm.cpuCores) {
-            slotsInfo = getTooltipHTML("The number of configured processing slots ("+tm.slotsNumber+") is lower than the "+
-                "number of CPU cores ("+tm.cpuCores+"). For good performance, the number of slots should be at least the number of cores.");
-        }
-        var memoryInfo = "";
-        if(  (tm.managedMemory/tm.physicalMemory) < 0.6 ) {
-            memoryInfo = getTooltipHTML("The amout of memory available to Flink ("+tm.managedMemory+" MB) is much lower than "+
-                "the physical memory available on the machine ("+tm.physicalMemory+" MB). For good performance, Flink should get as much memory as possible.");
-        }
-        tmInfoBox.html("Last Heartbeat: "+tm.timeSinceLastHeartbeat+" seconds ago<br>"+
-            "Processing Slots: "+tm.freeSlots+"/"+tm.slotsNumber+" "+slotsInfo+"<br>"+
-            "Flink Managed Memory: "+tm.managedMemory+" mb "+memoryInfo+"<br>"+
-            "CPU cores: "+tm.cpuCores+" <br>"+
-            "Physical Memory "+tm.physicalMemory+" mb"+
-            "<div id=\"gcStats-"+tm.instanceID+"\"></div>"+
-            "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" onclick=\"javascript:showStacktraceOfTaskmanager('"+ tm.instanceID +"')\">Show Stacktrace</button> "+
-            "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" onclick=\"javascript:showAllMetrics('"+ tm.instanceID +"')\">Show all metrics</button>");
-        $(function () {
-            $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip()
-        });
-        drawOrUpdateGCStats(tm.instanceID, metricsJSON);
-	}
-function showStacktraceOfTaskmanager(instanceId) {
-    $.ajax({
-        url: "setupInfo?get=stackTrace&instanceID=" + instanceId,
-        type: "GET",
-        cache: false,
-        dataType: "json",
-        success: function(json) {
-            var html = "<h2>Stack Trace of TaskManager ("+ instanceId +")</h2>";
-            if ("stackTrace" in json) {
-                html += "<pre>" + json.stackTrace + "</pre>";
-            } else if ("errorMessage" in json) {
-                html += "<pre>" + json.errorMessage + "</pre>";
-            }
-            $("#taskManagerStackTrace").parent().show();
-            $("#taskManagerStackTrace").html(html);
-        }
-    });
-function showAllMetrics(instanceID) {
-    $("#allMetrics").parent().show();
-    $("#allMetrics").html("<h1>All metrics</h1><pre>"+JSON.stringify(taskManagerMetrics[instanceID], undefined, 2)+"</pre>");
-function updateLimit(element) {
-    switch( {
-        case 'metrics-limit-3':
-            $("#metrics-limit-all,#metrics-limit-none").removeClass("active");
-            $(element).addClass("active");
-            metricsLimit = 3;
-            hideShowMemStats();
-            break;
-        case 'metrics-limit-all':
-            $("#metrics-limit-3,#metrics-limit-none").removeClass("active");
-            $(element).addClass("active");
-            metricsLimit = -1;
-            hideShowMemStats();
-            break;
-        case 'metrics-limit-none':
-            $("#metrics-limit-all,#metrics-limit-3").removeClass("active");
-            $(element).addClass("active");
-            metricsLimit = 0;
-            hideShowMemStats();
-            break;
-    }
-// toggle function for showing/hiding graphs
-function hideShowGraph(tmid){
-    var element = $("#chart_container-"+tmid);
-    if(":visible")){
-        $("#graph_button-"+tmid).text("Show Detailed Graph");
-        element.hide();
-        $("#tm-row-"+tmid+"-memory_stats").show();
-    } else {
-        $("#graph_button-"+tmid).text("Hide Detailed Graph");
-        $("#tm-row-"+tmid+"-memory_stats").hide();
-    }
-// hide/show memory statistics for task managers according to metric limits
-function hideShowMemStats() {
-    var i = 0;
-    for(tmid in taskManagerMemory) {
-        // by default hide the graphs when Show/Disable Metrics is clicked
-        if($("#chart_container-"+tmid).is(":visible")){
-            $("#graph_button-"+tmid).text("Show Detailed Graph");
-            $("#chart_container-"+tmid).hide();
-        }
-        if(metricsLimit == -1 || i++ < metricsLimit) {
-            $("#tm-row-"+tmid+"-memory_stats").show();
-            $("#graph_button-"+tmid).show();
-        } else {
-            $("#tm-row-"+tmid+"-memory_stats").hide();
-            $("#graph_button-"+tmid).hide();
-        }
-    }
-// generate summary for the last *time* minutes
-function generateSummaryFor(stats,time){
-    var summary = {};
-    var numElements = time*12;
-    for(var key in stats){
-        if(key=="cpuLoad" && stats[key][0] && stats[key][0]['y']==-100){
-            summary[key]="NA";
-            continue;
-        }
-        var prevValues = stats[key].slice(numElements*-1);
-        var sum = (prevValues.reduce(function(p,q){return {x:p.x+q.x,y:p.y+q.y}})).y;
-        var avg = Number((sum/(prevValues.length)).toFixed(2));
-        if (avg > 1024){
-            avg = formatBase1024KMGTP(avg);
-        }
-        summary[key]=avg;
-    }
-    return summary;
-function updateTaskManagers() {
-	$.ajax({ url : "setupInfo?get=taskmanagers", type : "GET", cache: false, success : function(json) {
-		processTMdata(json);
-	}, dataType : "json"
-	});
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    updateTaskManagers(); // first call
-	setInterval(updateTaskManagers, 5000); // schedule periodic calls.