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Posted to by on 2016/05/14 08:30:11 UTC

[5/5] incubator-impala git commit: Kudu: Exclude non-Kudu symbols during stub client generation

Kudu: Exclude non-Kudu symbols during stub client generation

Previously boost related symbols (and others) would get defined in the
Kudu client stub with a non-functional implementation. If these
implementations were used at runtime they would crash Impala.

Change-Id: I54292095692ce38c255a8df48cf8f3f655d797b0
Reviewed-by: Tim Armstrong <>
Tested-by: Internal Jenkins


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: cd193f063f02bf7921c2d0f5b1231f91deed6694
Parents: 11ea79c
Author: Casey Ching <>
Authored: Mon Apr 25 13:54:57 2016 -0700
Committer: Tim Armstrong <>
Committed: Sat May 14 01:30:01 2016 -0700

 bin/ | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 3009332..2589d1f 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -124,6 +124,80 @@ def bootstrap(packages):
     write_version_file(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler,
+def check_output(cmd_args):
+  """Run the command and return the output. Raise an exception if the command returns
+     a non-zero return code. Similar to subprocess.check_output() which is only provided
+     in python 2.7.
+  """
+  process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+  stdout, _ = process.communicate()
+  if process.wait() != 0:
+    raise Exception("Command with args '%s' failed with exit code %s:\n%s"
+        % (cmd_args, process.returncode, stdout))
+  return stdout
+def package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version):
+  dir_name = "{0}-{1}".format(pkg_name, pkg_version)
+  return os.path.join(toolchain_root, dir_name)
+def version_file_path(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version):
+  return os.path.join(package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version),
+      "toolchain_package_version.txt")
+def check_custom_toolchain(toolchain_root, packages):
+  missing = []
+  for p in packages:
+    pkg_name, pkg_version = unpack_name_and_version(p)
+    pkg_dir = package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version)
+    if not os.path.isdir(pkg_dir):
+      missing.append((p, pkg_dir))
+  if missing:
+    print("The following packages are not in their expected locations.")
+    for p, pkg_dir in missing:
+      print("  %s (expected directory %s to exist)" % (p, pkg_dir))
+    print("Pre-built toolchain archives not available for your platform.")
+    print("Clone and build native toolchain from source using this repository:")
+    print("")
+    raise Exception("Toolchain bootstrap failed: required packages were missing")
+def check_for_existing_package(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler):
+  """Return true if toolchain_root already contains the package with the correct
+  version and compiler.
+  """
+  version_file = version_file_path(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version)
+  if not os.path.exists(version_file):
+    return False
+  label = get_platform_release_label()
+  pkg_version_string = "{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}".format(pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler, label)
+  with open(version_file) as f:
+    return == pkg_version_string
+def write_version_file(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler, label):
+  with open(version_file_path(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version), 'w') as f:
+    f.write("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}".format(pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler, label))
+def remove_existing_package(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version):
+  dir_path = package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version)
+  if os.path.exists(dir_path):
+    print "Removing existing package directory {0}".format(dir_path)
+    shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
+def unpack_name_and_version(package):
+  """A package definition is either a string where the version is fetched from the
+  environment or a tuple where the package name and the package version are fully
+  specified.
+  """
+  if isinstance(package, basestring):
+    env_var = "IMPALA_{0}_VERSION".format(package).replace("-", "_").upper()
+    try:
+      return package, os.environ[env_var]
+    except KeyError:
+      raise Exception("Could not find version for {0} in environment var {1}".format(
+        package, env_var))
+  return package[0], package[1]
 def build_kudu_stub(toolchain_root, kudu_version, compiler):
   # When Kudu isn't supported, the CentOS 7 package will be downloaded and the client
   # lib will be replaced with a stubbed client.
@@ -159,7 +233,7 @@ def build_kudu_stub(toolchain_root, kudu_version, compiler):
   # Extract the symbols and write the stubbed client source. There is a special method
   # kudu::client::GetShortVersionString() that is overridden so that the stub can be
   # identified by the caller.
-  get_short_version_symbol = "_ZN4kudu6client21GetShortVersionStringEv"
+  get_short_version_sig = "kudu::client::GetShortVersionString()"
   nm_out = check_output([nm_path, "--defined-only", "-D", client_lib_path])
   stub_build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
   stub_client_src_file = open(os.path.join(stub_build_dir, ""), "w")
@@ -178,22 +252,30 @@ std::string GetShortVersionString() { return kFakeKuduVersion; }
     found_start_version_symbol = False
+    cpp_filt_path = os.path.join(binutils_dir, "bin", "c++filt")
     for line in nm_out.splitlines():
-      addr, sym_type, name = line.split(" ")
-      if name in ["_init", "_fini"]:
+      addr, sym_type, mangled_name = line.split(" ")
+      # Skip special functions an anything that isn't a strong symbol. Any symbols that
+      # get passed this check must be related to Kudu. If a symbol unrelated to Kudu
+      # (ex: a boost symbol) gets defined in the stub, there's a chance the symbol could
+      # get used and crash Impala.
+      if mangled_name in ["_init", "_fini"] or sym_type not in "Tt":
-      if name == get_short_version_symbol:
+      demangled_name = check_output([cpp_filt_path, mangled_name]).strip()
+      assert "kudu" in demangled_name, \
+          "Symbol doesn't appear to be related to Kudu: " + demangled_name
+      if demangled_name == get_short_version_sig:
         found_start_version_symbol = True
-      if sym_type.upper() in "TW":
-        stub_client_src_file.write("""
+      stub_client_src_file.write("""
 extern "C" void %s() {
-""" % name)
+""" % mangled_name)
     if not found_start_version_symbol:
-      raise Exception("Expected to find symbol " + get_short_version_symbol +
-          " corresponding to kudu::client::GetShortVersionString() but it was not found.")
+      raise Exception("Expected to find symbol a corresponding to"
+          " %s but it was not found." % get_short_version_sig)
     # The soname is needed to avoid problem in packaging builds. Without the soname,
@@ -221,80 +303,6 @@ extern "C" void %s() {
-def check_output(cmd_args):
-  """Run the command and return the output. Raise an exception if the command returns
-     a non-zero return code. Similar to subprocess.check_output() which is only provided
-     in python 2.7.
-  """
-  process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-  stdout, _ = process.communicate()
-  if process.wait() != 0:
-    raise Exception("Command with args '%s' failed with exit code %s:\n%s"
-        % (cmd_args, process.returncode, stdout))
-  return stdout
-def package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version):
-  dir_name = "{0}-{1}".format(pkg_name, pkg_version)
-  return os.path.join(toolchain_root, dir_name)
-def version_file_path(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version):
-  return os.path.join(package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version),
-      "toolchain_package_version.txt")
-def check_custom_toolchain(toolchain_root, packages):
-  missing = []
-  for p in packages:
-    pkg_name, pkg_version = unpack_name_and_version(p)
-    pkg_dir = package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version)
-    if not os.path.isdir(pkg_dir):
-      missing.append((p, pkg_dir))
-  if missing:
-    print("The following packages are not in their expected locations.")
-    for p, pkg_dir in missing:
-      print("  %s (expected directory %s to exist)" % (p, pkg_dir))
-    print("Pre-built toolchain archives not available for your platform.")
-    print("Clone and build native toolchain from source using this repository:")
-    print("")
-    raise Exception("Toolchain bootstrap failed: required packages were missing")
-def check_for_existing_package(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler):
-  """Return true if toolchain_root already contains the package with the correct
-  version and compiler.
-  """
-  version_file = version_file_path(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version)
-  if not os.path.exists(version_file):
-    return False
-  label = get_platform_release_label()
-  pkg_version_string = "{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}".format(pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler, label)
-  with open(version_file) as f:
-    return == pkg_version_string
-def write_version_file(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler, label):
-  with open(version_file_path(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version), 'w') as f:
-    f.write("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}".format(pkg_name, pkg_version, compiler, label))
-def remove_existing_package(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version):
-  dir_path = package_directory(toolchain_root, pkg_name, pkg_version)
-  if os.path.exists(dir_path):
-    print "Removing existing package directory {0}".format(dir_path)
-    shutil.rmtree(dir_path)
-def unpack_name_and_version(package):
-  """A package definition is either a string where the version is fetched from the
-  environment or a tuple where the package name and the package version are fully
-  specified.
-  """
-  if isinstance(package, basestring):
-    env_var = "IMPALA_{0}_VERSION".format(package).replace("-", "_").upper()
-    try:
-      return package, os.environ[env_var]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Could not find version for {0} in environment var {1}".format(
-        package, env_var))
-  return package[0], package[1]
 if __name__ == "__main__":
   packages = ["avro", "binutils", "boost", "breakpad", "bzip2", "gcc", "gflags", "glog",
       "gperftools", "gtest", "kudu", "llvm", ("llvm", "3.8.0-asserts-p1"), "lz4",