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Posted to by Daniel Haviv <> on 2015/12/08 13:41:20 UTC

Spark Action - Loading additional files with submission


I have a spark-submit command which uses --files to ship some files to each
worker upon submission.

It is unclear to me how can I achieve this using the Spark Action.

I’ve tried using oozie.libpath in hopes that it will copy all the files
from the hdfs location I set to the local dir and I could just add the
--files argument but that didn’t work.

Here is my workflow.xml:

<workflow-app name="GenericAlgo_spark" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">

    <start to="spark-c6ae"/>

    <kill name="Kill">

        <message>Action failed, error


    <action name="spark-c6ae">

        <spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:0.1">























        <ok to="End"/>

        <error to="Kill"/>


    <end name="End"/>


Any ideas?

Thank you,
