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Posted to by Marcus Christie <> on 2004/10/31 05:11:44 UTC

portlet/servlet session problem

Regarding this bug ( ), 
has anyone here had success getting the reported fix to work?  Is the 
fix in the recent Tomcat 5.5.4 release (which I've tried and it failed), 
and is it in recent nightly builds of Tomcat 5.0 (which I've also tried 
and it failed)?

Also, to make sure I am doing this correctly and it isn't an error on my 
part, here is how I am crafting a URL to a servlet within the same 
portlet application as the portlet itself:

   String servletURL = response.encodeURL(URLEncoder.encode(
     request.getContextPath() + "/myservlet?param1=value1"));

Then I embed the url within the portlet response.  Am I doing something 
wrong?  By the way, I'm using uPortal 2.3.x.

Many thanks,
