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Posted to by Aleksander Slominski <> on 2005/03/17 06:28:20 UTC

Proposal for WSIF minor release plan [Re: When is the next release of WSIF scheduled?

Henry Chan wrote:

>The next release should also contain a Swing Invoker
>for Web Services:
>See Applet @: 
>(Works with a browser using JDK1.4.2 ...
>unfortunately, not higer or lower - yet)
so let assemble list of what should go into next release and time line 
(release candidate, final release).

what i currently have in mind:
* add wsInvoker
* update documentation (especially include wsInvoker and replace 
* check all pending WSIF patches
* update to use latest AXIS 1.2 (and other JAR files updated if needed)
* other?

i think that maybe next week we could assemble  RC (release candidate) 
and when AXIS 1.2 is ready also make WSIF release?

comments. opinions, what needs to be changed or is missing?



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