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Posted to by Tom Bradford <> on 2001/12/14 07:27:31 UTC

Re: Build OK, Jars not automagically loaded, system.xml not found, and other questions

Nathan Jones wrote:
> Regarding my intial problems building:
> I changed "nl = xp.execute(xpc, n, pfx).mutableNodeset();" to "nl =
> xp.execute(xpc, n, pfx).nodelist();" in and that
> fixed the problem (Thanks, Murray!).

The Xindice tree has this formally fixed using NodeSets, and it actually
seems to perform a bit better than using NodeLists.

> And now for other things:
> Because the build went smoothly, I know that I have set up my environment
> correctly. However contrary to Tom's comments ("If you're using the scripts
> available, Windows or UNIX, and you XINDICE_HOME directory is set correctly,
> you shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get any of the command line
> scripts to work.  The jars that are in java/lib should automagically be
> added to your classpath for each call."), the java/lib jars are not
> automagically added to the classpath. I have verified this by adding an
> "echo" to bin/lcp.bat which lets me know the name of the jar as it is added.
> The for loop in startup.bat ("for %%i in (%DBXML_HOME%\java\lib\*.jar) do
> call %DBXML_HOME%\bin\lcp.bat") is not working somehow on my system (Win98).

Can you do me a favor?  Can you email to me a copy of your environment
variables (SET), and the startup output that you get when starting up
dbXML?  I'd like to get an idea of the state of your environment when
things start.  There are only a small number of people who are having
this problem, and I'm not sure if its a Win95/98 thing or just a Windows
thing in general.

> BTW, is there any versioning system for jar files? I currently have numerous
> copies of Xalan and Xerces floating around on my system (from jdom, cooktop,
> cocoon, batik, etc...) Is it possible for an app to specify the exact (or
> minimum) version of a jar that it needs? And as an aside, are there any
> tools available for manipulating multiple versions of the same jar?

Not that I know of.  What complicates it more is that a lot of projects
won't even include the jar version number as part of the filename in
their distribution, making it even more difficult to determine which is
the most recent.  I suppose one thing that could be done, and maybe we
should propose this to the Apache XML people, is to bundle a resource
with each jar that allows other jars to check for minimal versioning

Tom Bradford -
Developer - Apache Xindice (formerly dbXML)
Maintainer - jEdit-Syntax Java Editing Bean