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Posted to by Simon Stanlake <> on 2009/08/04 23:02:46 UTC

RE: facet sorting by index on sint fields

To solve this issue I created a subclass of SortableIntField that overrides the getSortField() method as follows...

	public SortField getSortField(SchemaField field, boolean reverse) {
		return new SortField(field.getName(), SortField.INT, reverse);

I'm not really sure of the impact of this change but it seems to now do what I want. I'm curious as to why the SortableIntField supplied with SOLR uses SortField.STRING here. I found some references to it in solr-dev but no conclusions.

If anyone has any thoughts about the impact of this change, or why it is not like this by default I'd be very interested to hear.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Stanlake [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:28 PM
To: ''
Subject: facet sorting by index on sint fields

I have a field in my schema specified using

<field name="wordCount" type="sint"/>

Where "sint" is specified as follows (the default from schema.xml)

<fieldType name="sint" class="solr.SortableIntField" sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true"/>
When I do a facet on this field using sort=index I always get the values back in lexicographic order. Eg: adding this to a query string...


gives me
<lst name="wordCount">
	<int name="1">5</int>
	<int name="10">2</int>
	<int name="2">6</int>

Is this a current limitation of solr faceting or am I missing a configuration step somewhere? I couldn't find any notes in the docs about this.
