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Posted to by "Linda A. Walsh" <> on 2005/10/15 00:34:50 UTC

3.1 sa-learn seems to have slowed down a bit...

sa-learn  --spam --progress -L --mbox Junk.tmp
100% [===========================================]   6.86 msgs/sec 
01m13s DONE
Learned tokens from 427 message(s) (506 message(s) examined)

6.86 msgs/sec?  Wazup?  Used to take about a tenth of that time, though
it did jump up in 3.0x over 2.6x.   But 7 msgs/second?  That seems abysmally
slow compared to previous runtimes.  Might as well be running on a 286.
(2x1GHz P-III's w/1GB, 15K-RPM SCSI system disk, a bit old, but not
_that_ old...).

The system is otherwise quiet:
top - 15:24:53 up 25 days,  1:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Is there some major bug in something I should know about and be
working around?...