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[16/18] lucene-solr:feature/autoscaling: SOLR-10931: Move TestPolicy to package

SOLR-10931: Move TestPolicy to package


Branch: refs/heads/feature/autoscaling
Commit: b99ee2b136703d18b3c445493fb72f54ccb6fd7f
Parents: 13a3ae2
Author: Shalin Shekhar Mangar <>
Authored: Wed Jun 28 11:53:27 2017 +0530
Committer: Shalin Shekhar Mangar <>
Committed: Wed Jun 28 11:53:27 2017 +0530

 .../solrj/cloud/autoscaling/     | 654 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../solr/cloud/autoscaling/      | 661 -------------------
 2 files changed, 654 insertions(+), 661 deletions(-)
diff --git a/solr/solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/cloud/autoscaling/ b/solr/solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/cloud/autoscaling/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d17e7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solr/solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/client/solrj/cloud/autoscaling/
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
+import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
+import org.apache.solr.common.util.ValidatingJsonMap;
+import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction.ADDREPLICA;
+import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MOVEREPLICA;
+public class TestPolicy extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
+  public static String clusterState = "{'gettingstarted':{" +
+      "    'router':{'name':'compositeId'}," +
+      "    'shards':{" +
+      "      'shard1':{" +
+      "        'range':'80000000-ffffffff'," +
+      "        'replicas':{" +
+      "          'r1':{" +
+      "            'core':r1," +
+      "            'base_url':''," +
+      "            'node_name':'node1'," +
+      "            'state':'active'," +
+      "            'leader':'true'}," +
+      "          'r2':{" +
+      "            'core':r2," +
+      "            'base_url':''," +
+      "            'node_name':'node2'," +
+      "            'state':'active'}}}," +
+      "      'shard2':{" +
+      "        'range':'0-7fffffff'," +
+      "        'replicas':{" +
+      "          'r3':{" +
+      "            'core':r3," +
+      "            'base_url':''," +
+      "            'node_name':'node1'," +
+      "            'state':'active'," +
+      "            'leader':'true'}," +
+      "          'r4':{" +
+      "            'core':r4," +
+      "            'base_url':''," +
+      "            'node_name':'node4'," +
+      "            'state':'active'}," +
+      "          'r6':{" +
+      "            'core':r6," +
+      "            'base_url':''," +
+      "            'node_name':'node3'," +
+      "            'state':'active'}," +
+      "          'r5':{" +
+      "            'core':r5," +
+      "            'base_url':''," +
+      "            'node_name':'node1'," +
+      "            'state':'active'}}}}}}";
+  public static Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaDetails(String node, String s) {
+    ValidatingJsonMap m = ValidatingJsonMap
+        .getDeepCopy((Map) Utils.fromJSONString(s), 6, true);
+    Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+    m.forEach((collName, o) -> {
+      ValidatingJsonMap coll = (ValidatingJsonMap) o;
+      coll.getMap("shards").forEach((shard, o1) -> {
+        ValidatingJsonMap sh = (ValidatingJsonMap) o1;
+        sh.getMap("replicas").forEach((replicaName, o2) -> {
+          ValidatingJsonMap r = (ValidatingJsonMap) o2;
+          String node_name = (String) r.get("node_name");
+          if (!node_name.equals(node)) return;
+          Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>> shardVsReplicaStats = result.get(collName);
+          if (shardVsReplicaStats == null) result.put(collName, shardVsReplicaStats = new HashMap<>());
+          List<Policy.ReplicaInfo> replicaInfos = shardVsReplicaStats.get(shard);
+          if (replicaInfos == null) shardVsReplicaStats.put(shard, replicaInfos = new ArrayList<>());
+          replicaInfos.add(new Policy.ReplicaInfo(replicaName, collName, shard, new HashMap<>()));
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    return result;
+  }
+  public void testValidate() {
+    expectError("replica", -1, "must be greater than" );
+    expectError("replica","hello", "not a valid number" );
+    assertEquals( 1l,   Clause.validate("replica", "1", true));
+    assertEquals("c",   Clause.validate("collection", "c", true));
+    assertEquals( "s",   Clause.validate("shard", "s",true));
+    assertEquals( "overseer",   Clause.validate("nodeRole", "overseer",true));
+    expectError("nodeRole", "wrong","must be one of");
+    expectError("sysLoadAvg", "101","must be less than ");
+    expectError("sysLoadAvg", 101,"must be less than ");
+    expectError("sysLoadAvg", "-1","must be greater than");
+    expectError("sysLoadAvg", -1,"must be greater than");
+    assertEquals(12.46d,Clause.validate("sysLoadAvg", "12.46",true));
+    assertEquals(12.46,Clause.validate("sysLoadAvg", 12.46d,true));
+    expectError("ip_1", "300","must be less than ");
+    expectError("ip_1", 300,"must be less than ");
+    expectError("ip_1", "-1","must be greater than");
+    expectError("ip_1", -1,"must be greater than");
+    assertEquals(1l,Clause.validate("ip_1", "1",true));
+    expectError("heapUsage", "-1","must be greater than");
+    expectError("heapUsage", -1,"must be greater than");
+    assertEquals(69.9d,Clause.validate("heapUsage", "69.9",true));
+    assertEquals(69.9d,Clause.validate("heapUsage", 69.9d,true));
+    expectError("port", "70000","must be less than ");
+    expectError("port", 70000,"must be less than ");
+    expectError("port", "0","must be greater than");
+    expectError("port", 0,"must be greater than");
+    expectError("cores", "-1","must be greater than");
+  }
+  private static void expectError(String name, Object val, String msg){
+    try {
+      Clause.validate(name, val,true);
+      fail("expected exception containing "+msg);
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      assertTrue("expected exception containing "+msg,e.getMessage().contains(msg));
+    }
+  }
+  public void testOperands() {
+    Clause c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:'<2', node:'#ANY'}"));
+    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(3));
+    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(2));
+    assertTrue(c.replica.isPass(1));
+    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:'>2', node:'#ANY'}"));
+    assertTrue(c.replica.isPass(3));
+    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(2));
+    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(1));
+    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:0, nodeRole:'!overseer'}"));
+    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass("OVERSEER"));
+    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass("overseer"));
+    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:0, sysLoadAvg:'<12.7'}"));
+    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass("12.6"));
+    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass(12.6d));
+    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass("12.9"));
+    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass(12.9d));
+    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:0, sysLoadAvg:'>12.7'}"));
+    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass("12.8"));
+    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass(12.8d));
+    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass("12.6"));
+    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass(12.6d));
+  }
+  public void testRow() {
+    Row row = new Row("nodex", new Cell[]{new Cell(0, "node", "nodex")}, false, new HashMap<>(), new ArrayList<>());
+    Row r1 = row.addReplica("c1", "s1");
+    Row r2 = r1.addReplica("c1", "s1");
+    assertEquals(1, r1.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").size());
+    assertEquals(2, r2.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").size());
+    assertTrue(r2.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").get(0) instanceof Policy.ReplicaInfo);
+    assertTrue(r2.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").get(1) instanceof Policy.ReplicaInfo);
+  }
+  public void testMerge() {
+    Map map = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "  'cluster-preferences': [" +
+        "    { 'maximize': 'freedisk', 'precision': 50}," +
+        "    { 'minimize': 'cores', 'precision': 50}" +
+        "  ]," +
+        "  'cluster-policy': [" +
+        "    { 'replica': 0, 'nodeRole': 'overseer'}," +
+        "    { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'node': '#ANY'}" +
+        "  ]," +
+        "  'policies': {" +
+        "    'policy1': [" +
+        "      { 'replica': '1', 'sysprop.fs': 'ssd', 'shard': '#EACH'}," +
+        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#ANY', 'node': '#ANY'}," +
+        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'sysprop.rack': 'rack1'}" +
+        "    ]" +
+        "  }" +
+        "}");
+    Policy policy = new Policy(map);
+    List<Clause> clauses = Policy.mergePolicies("mycoll", policy.getPolicies().get("policy1"), policy.getClusterPolicy());
+    Collections.sort(clauses);
+    assertEquals(clauses.size(), 4);
+    assertEquals("1", String.valueOf(clauses.get(0).original.get("replica")));
+    assertEquals("0", String.valueOf(clauses.get(1).original.get("replica")));
+    assertEquals("#ANY", clauses.get(3).original.get("shard"));
+    assertEquals("rack1", clauses.get(2).original.get("sysprop.rack"));
+    assertEquals("overseer", clauses.get(1).original.get("nodeRole"));
+  }
+  public void testConditionsSort() {
+    String rules = "{" +
+        "    'cluster-policy':[" +
+        "      { 'nodeRole':'overseer', replica: 0,  'strict':false}," +
+        "      { 'replica':'<1', 'node':'node3', 'shard':'#EACH'}," +
+        "      { 'replica':'<2', 'node':'#ANY', 'shard':'#EACH'}," +
+        "      { 'replica':1, 'sysprop.rack':'rack1'}]" +
+        "  }";
+    Policy p = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(rules));
+    List<Clause> clauses = new ArrayList<>(p.getClusterPolicy());
+    Collections.sort(clauses);
+    assertEquals("nodeRole", clauses.get(1).tag.getName());
+    assertEquals("sysprop.rack", clauses.get(0).tag.getName());
+  }
+  public void testRules() throws IOException {
+    String rules = "{" +
+        "cluster-policy:[" +
+        "{nodeRole:'overseer',replica : 0 , strict:false}," +
+        "{replica:'<1',node:node3}," +
+        "{replica:'<2',node:'#ANY', shard:'#EACH'}]," +
+        " cluster-preferences:[" +
+        "{minimize:cores , precision:2}," +
+        "{maximize:freedisk, precision:50}, " +
+        "{minimize:heapUsage, precision:1000}]}";
+    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480}," +
+        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873}," +
+        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834}," +
+        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer}" +
+        "}");
+    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(rules));
+    Policy.Session session;
+    session = policy.createSession(getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState));
+    List<Row> l = session.getSorted();
+    assertEquals("node1", l.get(0).node);
+    assertEquals("node4", l.get(1).node);
+    assertEquals("node3", l.get(2).node);
+    assertEquals("node2", l.get(3).node);
+    List<Violation> violations = session.getViolations();
+    assertEquals(3, violations.size());
+    assertTrue( -> "node3".equals(violation.getClause().tag.getValue())));
+    assertTrue( -> "nodeRole".equals(violation.getClause().tag.getName())));
+    assertTrue( -> (violation.getClause().replica.getOperand() == Operand.LESS_THAN && "node".equals(violation.getClause().tag.getName()))));
+    Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
+        .hint(Hint.COLL, "gettingstarted")
+        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "r1");
+    SolrParams operation = suggester.getOperation().getParams();
+    assertEquals("node2", operation.get("node"));
+    nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480}," +
+        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873}," +
+        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834}," +
+        "node5:{cores:0, freedisk: 895, heapUsage:17834}," +
+        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer}" +
+        "}");
+    session = policy.createSession(getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState));
+    SolrRequest opReq = session.getSuggester(MOVEREPLICA)
+        .hint(Hint.TARGET_NODE, "node5")
+        .getOperation();
+    assertNotNull(opReq);
+    assertEquals("node5", opReq.getParams().get("targetNode"));
+  }
+  public void testNegativeConditions() {
+    String autoscaleJson = "{" +
+        "      'cluster-policy':[" +
+        "      {'replica':'<4','shard':'#EACH','node':'#ANY'}," +
+        "      { 'replica': 0, 'sysprop.fs': '!ssd', 'shard': '#EACH'}," +//negative greedy condition
+        "      {'nodeRole':'overseer','replica':'0'}]," +
+        "      'cluster-preferences':[" +
+        "      {'minimize':'cores', 'precision':3}," +
+        "      {'maximize':'freedisk','precision':100}]}";
+    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480, rack: rack4}," +
+        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873, rack: rack3}," +
+        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834, rack: rack2, sysprop.fs : ssd}," +
+        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer, rack: rack1}" +
+        "}");
+    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoscaleJson));
+    ClusterDataProvider clusterDataProvider = getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState);
+    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(clusterDataProvider);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+      Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(ADDREPLICA);
+      SolrRequest op = suggester
+          .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
+          .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1")
+          .getOperation();
+      assertNotNull(op);
+      assertEquals("node3", op.getParams().get("node"));
+      session = suggester.getSession();
+    }
+  }
+  public void testGreedyConditions() {
+    String autoscaleJson = "{" +
+        "      'cluster-policy':[" +
+        "      {'cores':'<10','node':'#ANY'}," +
+        "      {'replica':'<3','shard':'#EACH','node':'#ANY'}," +
+        "      { 'replica': 2, 'sysprop.fs': 'ssd', 'shard': '#EACH'}," +//greedy condition
+        "      {'nodeRole':'overseer','replica':'0'}]," +
+        "      'cluster-preferences':[" +
+        "      {'minimize':'cores', 'precision':3}," +
+        "      {'maximize':'freedisk','precision':100}]}";
+    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480, rack: rack4}," +
+        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873, rack: rack3}," +
+        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834, rack: rack2, sysprop.fs : ssd}," +
+        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer, rack: rack1}" +
+        "}");
+    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoscaleJson));
+    ClusterDataProvider clusterDataProvider = getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState);
+    ClusterDataProvider cdp = new ClusterDataProvider() {
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
+        return clusterDataProvider.getNodeValues(node, tags);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        return clusterDataProvider.getReplicaInfo(node, keys);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
+        return clusterDataProvider.getNodes();
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
+        return null;
+      }
+    };
+    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(cdp);
+    Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(ADDREPLICA);
+    SolrRequest op = suggester
+        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
+        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1")
+        .getOperation();
+    assertNotNull(op);
+    assertEquals("node3", op.getParams().get("node"));
+    suggester = suggester
+        .getSession()
+        .getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
+        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
+        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1");
+    op = suggester.getOperation();
+    assertNotNull(op);
+    assertEquals("node3", op.getParams().get("node"));
+    suggester = suggester
+        .getSession()
+        .getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
+        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
+        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1");
+    op = suggester.getOperation();
+    assertNotNull(op);
+    assertEquals("node2", op.getParams().get("node"));
+  }
+  public void testMoveReplica() {
+    String autoscaleJson = "{" +
+        "      'cluster-policy':[" +
+        "      {'cores':'<10','node':'#ANY'}," +
+        "      {'replica':'<3','shard':'#EACH','node':'#ANY'}," +
+        "      {'nodeRole':'overseer','replica':'0'}]," +
+        "      'cluster-preferences':[" +
+        "      {'minimize':'cores', 'precision':3}," +
+        "      {'maximize':'freedisk','precision':100}]}";
+    Map replicaInfoMap = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString("{ '':{}," +
+        " '':{'compute_plan_action_test':{'shard1':[" +
+        "      {'core_node1':{}}," +
+        "      {'core_node2':{}}]}}}");
+    Map m = (Map) Utils.getObjectByPath(replicaInfoMap, false, "");
+    m.put("shard1", Arrays.asList(
+        new Policy.ReplicaInfo("core_node1", "compute_plan_action_test", "shard1", Collections.emptyMap()),
+        new Policy.ReplicaInfo("core_node2", "compute_plan_action_test", "shard1", Collections.emptyMap())
+    ));
+    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> tagsMap = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "      '':{" +
+        "        'cores':0," +
+        "            'freedisk':918005641216}," +
+        "      '':{" +
+        "        'cores':2," +
+        "            'freedisk':918005641216}}}");
+    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoscaleJson));
+    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(new ClusterDataProvider() {
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
+        return tagsMap.get(node);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        return (Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>>) replicaInfoMap.get(node);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
+        return replicaInfoMap.keySet();
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
+        return null;
+      }
+    });
+    Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MOVEREPLICA)
+        .hint(Hint.TARGET_NODE, "");
+    SolrParams op = suggester.getOperation().getParams();
+    assertNotNull(op);
+    session = suggester.getSession();
+    suggester = session.getSuggester(MOVEREPLICA).hint(Hint.TARGET_NODE, "");
+    op = suggester.getOperation().getParams();
+    assertNotNull(op);
+  }
+  public void testOtherTag() {
+    String rules = "{" +
+        "'cluster-preferences':[" +
+        "{'minimize':'cores','precision':2}," +
+        "{'maximize':'freedisk','precision':50}," +
+        "{'minimize':'heapUsage','precision':1000}" +
+        "]," +
+        "'cluster-policy':[" +
+        "{replica:0, 'nodeRole':'overseer','strict':false}," +
+        "{'replica':'<1','node':'node3'}," +
+        "{'replica':'<2','node':'#ANY','shard':'#EACH'}" +
+        "]," +
+        "'policies':{" +
+        "'p1':[" +
+        "{replica:0, 'nodeRole':'overseer','strict':false}," +
+        "{'replica':'<1','node':'node3'}," +
+        "{'replica':'<2','node':'#ANY','shard':'#EACH'}," +
+        "{'replica':'<3','shard':'#EACH','sysprop.rack':'#ANY'}" +
+        "]" +
+        "}" +
+        "}";
+    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480, rack: rack4}," +
+        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873, rack: rack3}," +
+        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834, rack: rack2}," +
+        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer, sysprop.rack: rack1}" +
+        "}");
+    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(rules));
+    ClusterDataProvider clusterDataProvider = getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState);
+    ClusterDataProvider cdp = new ClusterDataProvider() {
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
+        return clusterDataProvider.getNodeValues(node, tags);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        return clusterDataProvider.getReplicaInfo(node, keys);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
+        return clusterDataProvider.getNodes();
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
+        return "p1";
+      }
+    };
+    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(cdp);
+    CollectionAdminRequest.AddReplica op = (CollectionAdminRequest.AddReplica) session
+        .getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
+        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
+        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "s1").getOperation();
+    assertNotNull(op);
+    assertEquals("node2", op.getNode());
+  }
+  private ClusterDataProvider getClusterDataProvider(final Map<String, Map> nodeValues, String clusterState) {
+    return new ClusterDataProvider() {
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
+        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ -> result.put(s, nodeValues.get(node).get(s)));
+        return result;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
+        return nodeValues.keySet();
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        return getReplicaDetails(node, clusterState);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  public void testEmptyClusterState(){
+    String autoScaleJson =  " {'policies':{'c1':[{" +
+        "        'replica':1," +
+        "        'shard':'#EACH'," +
+        "        'port':'50096'}]}}";
+    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "    '':{" +
+        "      'cores':0," +
+        "      'port':'50097'}," +
+        "    '':{" +
+        "      'cores':0," +
+        "      'port':'50096'}}");
+    ClusterDataProvider dataProvider = new ClusterDataProvider() {
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ -> result.put(s, nodeValues.get(node).get(s)));
+        return result;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        return getReplicaDetails(node, clusterState);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
+        return Arrays.asList( "", "");
+      }
+    };
+    Map<String, List<String>> locations = PolicyHelper.getReplicaLocations(
+        "newColl", (Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoScaleJson),
+        dataProvider, Collections.singletonMap("newColl", "c1"), Arrays.asList("shard1", "shard2"), 1, null);
+    assertTrue(locations.get("shard1").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("")));
+    assertTrue(locations.get("shard2").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("")));
+  }
+  public void testMultiReplicaPlacement() {
+    String autoScaleJson = "{" +
+        "  'cluster-preferences': [" +
+        "    { maximize : freedisk , precision: 50}," +
+        "    { minimize : cores, precision: 2}" +
+        "  ]," +
+        "  'cluster-policy': [" +
+        "    { replica : '0' , 'nodeRole': 'overseer'}," +
+        "    { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#ANY', 'node': '#ANY'" +
+        "    }" +
+        "  ]," +
+        "  'policies': {" +
+        "    'policy1': [" +
+        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'node': '#ANY'}," +
+        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'sysprop.rack': 'rack1'}" +
+        "    ]" +
+        "  }" +
+        "}";
+    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
+        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heap:10480, sysprop.rack:rack3}," +
+        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heap:6873, sysprop.fs : ssd, sysprop.rack:rack1}," +
+        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heap:7834, sysprop.rack:rack4}," +
+        "node4:{cores:0, freedisk: 900, heap:16900, nodeRole:overseer, sysprop.rack:rack2}" +
+        "}");
+    ClusterDataProvider dataProvider = new ClusterDataProvider() {
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ -> result.put(s, nodeValues.get(node).get(s)));
+        return result;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
+        return getReplicaDetails(node, clusterState);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
+        return Arrays.asList("node1", "node2", "node3", "node4");
+      }
+    };
+    Map<String, List<String>> locations = PolicyHelper.getReplicaLocations(
+        "newColl", (Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoScaleJson),
+        dataProvider, Collections.singletonMap("newColl", "policy1"), Arrays.asList("shard1", "shard2"), 3, null);
+    assertTrue(locations.get("shard1").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("node2", "node1", "node3")));
+    assertTrue(locations.get("shard2").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("node2", "node1", "node3")));
+  }
diff --git a/solr/solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/cloud/autoscaling/ b/solr/solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/cloud/autoscaling/
deleted file mode 100644
index a036c8d..0000000
--- a/solr/solrj/src/test/org/apache/solr/cloud/autoscaling/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
-import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams;
-import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
-import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
-import org.apache.solr.common.util.ValidatingJsonMap;
-import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction.ADDREPLICA;
-import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MOVEREPLICA;
-public class TestPolicy extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
-  public static String clusterState = "{'gettingstarted':{" +
-      "    'router':{'name':'compositeId'}," +
-      "    'shards':{" +
-      "      'shard1':{" +
-      "        'range':'80000000-ffffffff'," +
-      "        'replicas':{" +
-      "          'r1':{" +
-      "            'core':r1," +
-      "            'base_url':''," +
-      "            'node_name':'node1'," +
-      "            'state':'active'," +
-      "            'leader':'true'}," +
-      "          'r2':{" +
-      "            'core':r2," +
-      "            'base_url':''," +
-      "            'node_name':'node2'," +
-      "            'state':'active'}}}," +
-      "      'shard2':{" +
-      "        'range':'0-7fffffff'," +
-      "        'replicas':{" +
-      "          'r3':{" +
-      "            'core':r3," +
-      "            'base_url':''," +
-      "            'node_name':'node1'," +
-      "            'state':'active'," +
-      "            'leader':'true'}," +
-      "          'r4':{" +
-      "            'core':r4," +
-      "            'base_url':''," +
-      "            'node_name':'node4'," +
-      "            'state':'active'}," +
-      "          'r6':{" +
-      "            'core':r6," +
-      "            'base_url':''," +
-      "            'node_name':'node3'," +
-      "            'state':'active'}," +
-      "          'r5':{" +
-      "            'core':r5," +
-      "            'base_url':''," +
-      "            'node_name':'node1'," +
-      "            'state':'active'}}}}}}";
-  public static Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaDetails(String node, String s) {
-    ValidatingJsonMap m = ValidatingJsonMap
-        .getDeepCopy((Map) Utils.fromJSONString(s), 6, true);
-    Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
-    m.forEach((collName, o) -> {
-      ValidatingJsonMap coll = (ValidatingJsonMap) o;
-      coll.getMap("shards").forEach((shard, o1) -> {
-        ValidatingJsonMap sh = (ValidatingJsonMap) o1;
-        sh.getMap("replicas").forEach((replicaName, o2) -> {
-          ValidatingJsonMap r = (ValidatingJsonMap) o2;
-          String node_name = (String) r.get("node_name");
-          if (!node_name.equals(node)) return;
-          Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>> shardVsReplicaStats = result.get(collName);
-          if (shardVsReplicaStats == null) result.put(collName, shardVsReplicaStats = new HashMap<>());
-          List<Policy.ReplicaInfo> replicaInfos = shardVsReplicaStats.get(shard);
-          if (replicaInfos == null) shardVsReplicaStats.put(shard, replicaInfos = new ArrayList<>());
-          replicaInfos.add(new Policy.ReplicaInfo(replicaName, collName, shard, new HashMap<>()));
-        });
-      });
-    });
-    return result;
-  }
-  public void testValidate() {
-    expectError("replica", -1, "must be greater than" );
-    expectError("replica","hello", "not a valid number" );
-    assertEquals( 1l,   Clause.validate("replica", "1", true));
-    assertEquals("c",   Clause.validate("collection", "c", true));
-    assertEquals( "s",   Clause.validate("shard", "s",true));
-    assertEquals( "overseer",   Clause.validate("nodeRole", "overseer",true));
-    expectError("nodeRole", "wrong","must be one of");
-    expectError("sysLoadAvg", "101","must be less than ");
-    expectError("sysLoadAvg", 101,"must be less than ");
-    expectError("sysLoadAvg", "-1","must be greater than");
-    expectError("sysLoadAvg", -1,"must be greater than");
-    assertEquals(12.46d,Clause.validate("sysLoadAvg", "12.46",true));
-    assertEquals(12.46,Clause.validate("sysLoadAvg", 12.46d,true));
-    expectError("ip_1", "300","must be less than ");
-    expectError("ip_1", 300,"must be less than ");
-    expectError("ip_1", "-1","must be greater than");
-    expectError("ip_1", -1,"must be greater than");
-    assertEquals(1l,Clause.validate("ip_1", "1",true));
-    expectError("heapUsage", "-1","must be greater than");
-    expectError("heapUsage", -1,"must be greater than");
-    assertEquals(69.9d,Clause.validate("heapUsage", "69.9",true));
-    assertEquals(69.9d,Clause.validate("heapUsage", 69.9d,true));
-    expectError("port", "70000","must be less than ");
-    expectError("port", 70000,"must be less than ");
-    expectError("port", "0","must be greater than");
-    expectError("port", 0,"must be greater than");
-    expectError("cores", "-1","must be greater than");
-  }
-  private static void expectError(String name, Object val, String msg){
-    try {
-      Clause.validate(name, val,true);
-      fail("expected exception containing "+msg);
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      assertTrue("expected exception containing "+msg,e.getMessage().contains(msg));
-    }
-  }
-  public void testOperands() {
-    Clause c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:'<2', node:'#ANY'}"));
-    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(3));
-    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(2));
-    assertTrue(c.replica.isPass(1));
-    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:'>2', node:'#ANY'}"));
-    assertTrue(c.replica.isPass(3));
-    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(2));
-    assertFalse(c.replica.isPass(1));
-    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:0, nodeRole:'!overseer'}"));
-    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass("OVERSEER"));
-    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass("overseer"));
-    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:0, sysLoadAvg:'<12.7'}"));
-    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass("12.6"));
-    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass(12.6d));
-    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass("12.9"));
-    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass(12.9d));
-    c = new Clause((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString("{replica:0, sysLoadAvg:'>12.7'}"));
-    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass("12.8"));
-    assertTrue(c.tag.isPass(12.8d));
-    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass("12.6"));
-    assertFalse(c.tag.isPass(12.6d));
-  }
-  public void testRow() {
-    Row row = new Row("nodex", new Cell[]{new Cell(0, "node", "nodex")}, false, new HashMap<>(), new ArrayList<>());
-    Row r1 = row.addReplica("c1", "s1");
-    Row r2 = r1.addReplica("c1", "s1");
-    assertEquals(1, r1.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").size());
-    assertEquals(2, r2.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").size());
-    assertTrue(r2.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").get(0) instanceof Policy.ReplicaInfo);
-    assertTrue(r2.collectionVsShardVsReplicas.get("c1").get("s1").get(1) instanceof Policy.ReplicaInfo);
-  }
-  public void testMerge() {
-    Map map = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "  'cluster-preferences': [" +
-        "    { 'maximize': 'freedisk', 'precision': 50}," +
-        "    { 'minimize': 'cores', 'precision': 50}" +
-        "  ]," +
-        "  'cluster-policy': [" +
-        "    { 'replica': 0, 'nodeRole': 'overseer'}," +
-        "    { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'node': '#ANY'}" +
-        "  ]," +
-        "  'policies': {" +
-        "    'policy1': [" +
-        "      { 'replica': '1', 'sysprop.fs': 'ssd', 'shard': '#EACH'}," +
-        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#ANY', 'node': '#ANY'}," +
-        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'sysprop.rack': 'rack1'}" +
-        "    ]" +
-        "  }" +
-        "}");
-    Policy policy = new Policy(map);
-    List<Clause> clauses = Policy.mergePolicies("mycoll", policy.getPolicies().get("policy1"), policy.getClusterPolicy());
-    Collections.sort(clauses);
-    assertEquals(clauses.size(), 4);
-    assertEquals("1", String.valueOf(clauses.get(0).original.get("replica")));
-    assertEquals("0", String.valueOf(clauses.get(1).original.get("replica")));
-    assertEquals("#ANY", clauses.get(3).original.get("shard"));
-    assertEquals("rack1", clauses.get(2).original.get("sysprop.rack"));
-    assertEquals("overseer", clauses.get(1).original.get("nodeRole"));
-  }
-  public void testConditionsSort() {
-    String rules = "{" +
-        "    'cluster-policy':[" +
-        "      { 'nodeRole':'overseer', replica: 0,  'strict':false}," +
-        "      { 'replica':'<1', 'node':'node3', 'shard':'#EACH'}," +
-        "      { 'replica':'<2', 'node':'#ANY', 'shard':'#EACH'}," +
-        "      { 'replica':1, 'sysprop.rack':'rack1'}]" +
-        "  }";
-    Policy p = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(rules));
-    List<Clause> clauses = new ArrayList<>(p.getClusterPolicy());
-    Collections.sort(clauses);
-    assertEquals("nodeRole", clauses.get(1).tag.getName());
-    assertEquals("sysprop.rack", clauses.get(0).tag.getName());
-  }
-  public void testRules() throws IOException {
-    String rules = "{" +
-        "cluster-policy:[" +
-        "{nodeRole:'overseer',replica : 0 , strict:false}," +
-        "{replica:'<1',node:node3}," +
-        "{replica:'<2',node:'#ANY', shard:'#EACH'}]," +
-        " cluster-preferences:[" +
-        "{minimize:cores , precision:2}," +
-        "{maximize:freedisk, precision:50}, " +
-        "{minimize:heapUsage, precision:1000}]}";
-    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480}," +
-        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873}," +
-        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834}," +
-        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer}" +
-        "}");
-    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(rules));
-    Policy.Session session;
-    session = policy.createSession(getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState));
-    List<Row> l = session.getSorted();
-    assertEquals("node1", l.get(0).node);
-    assertEquals("node4", l.get(1).node);
-    assertEquals("node3", l.get(2).node);
-    assertEquals("node2", l.get(3).node);
-    List<Violation> violations = session.getViolations();
-    assertEquals(3, violations.size());
-    assertTrue( -> "node3".equals(violation.getClause().tag.getValue())));
-    assertTrue( -> "nodeRole".equals(violation.getClause().tag.getName())));
-    assertTrue( -> (violation.getClause().replica.getOperand() == Operand.LESS_THAN && "node".equals(violation.getClause().tag.getName()))));
-    Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
-        .hint(Hint.COLL, "gettingstarted")
-        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "r1");
-    SolrParams operation = suggester.getOperation().getParams();
-    assertEquals("node2", operation.get("node"));
-    nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480}," +
-        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873}," +
-        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834}," +
-        "node5:{cores:0, freedisk: 895, heapUsage:17834}," +
-        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer}" +
-        "}");
-    session = policy.createSession(getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState));
-    SolrRequest opReq = session.getSuggester(MOVEREPLICA)
-        .hint(Hint.TARGET_NODE, "node5")
-        .getOperation();
-    assertNotNull(opReq);
-    assertEquals("node5", opReq.getParams().get("targetNode"));
-  }
-  public void testNegativeConditions() {
-    String autoscaleJson = "{" +
-        "      'cluster-policy':[" +
-        "      {'replica':'<4','shard':'#EACH','node':'#ANY'}," +
-        "      { 'replica': 0, 'sysprop.fs': '!ssd', 'shard': '#EACH'}," +//negative greedy condition
-        "      {'nodeRole':'overseer','replica':'0'}]," +
-        "      'cluster-preferences':[" +
-        "      {'minimize':'cores', 'precision':3}," +
-        "      {'maximize':'freedisk','precision':100}]}";
-    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480, rack: rack4}," +
-        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873, rack: rack3}," +
-        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834, rack: rack2, sysprop.fs : ssd}," +
-        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer, rack: rack1}" +
-        "}");
-    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoscaleJson));
-    ClusterDataProvider clusterDataProvider = getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState);
-    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(clusterDataProvider);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-      Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(ADDREPLICA);
-      SolrRequest op = suggester
-          .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
-          .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1")
-          .getOperation();
-      assertNotNull(op);
-      assertEquals("node3", op.getParams().get("node"));
-      session = suggester.getSession();
-    }
-  }
-  public void testGreedyConditions() {
-    String autoscaleJson = "{" +
-        "      'cluster-policy':[" +
-        "      {'cores':'<10','node':'#ANY'}," +
-        "      {'replica':'<3','shard':'#EACH','node':'#ANY'}," +
-        "      { 'replica': 2, 'sysprop.fs': 'ssd', 'shard': '#EACH'}," +//greedy condition
-        "      {'nodeRole':'overseer','replica':'0'}]," +
-        "      'cluster-preferences':[" +
-        "      {'minimize':'cores', 'precision':3}," +
-        "      {'maximize':'freedisk','precision':100}]}";
-    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480, rack: rack4}," +
-        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873, rack: rack3}," +
-        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834, rack: rack2, sysprop.fs : ssd}," +
-        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer, rack: rack1}" +
-        "}");
-    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoscaleJson));
-    ClusterDataProvider clusterDataProvider = getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState);
-    ClusterDataProvider cdp = new ClusterDataProvider() {
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
-        return clusterDataProvider.getNodeValues(node, tags);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        return clusterDataProvider.getReplicaInfo(node, keys);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
-        return clusterDataProvider.getNodes();
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
-        return null;
-      }
-    };
-    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(cdp);
-    Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(ADDREPLICA);
-    SolrRequest op = suggester
-        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
-        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1")
-        .getOperation();
-    assertNotNull(op);
-    assertEquals("node3", op.getParams().get("node"));
-    suggester = suggester
-        .getSession()
-        .getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
-        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
-        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1");
-    op = suggester.getOperation();
-    assertNotNull(op);
-    assertEquals("node3", op.getParams().get("node"));
-    suggester = suggester
-        .getSession()
-        .getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
-        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
-        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "shard1");
-    op = suggester.getOperation();
-    assertNotNull(op);
-    assertEquals("node2", op.getParams().get("node"));
-  }
-  public void testMoveReplica() {
-    String autoscaleJson = "{" +
-        "      'cluster-policy':[" +
-        "      {'cores':'<10','node':'#ANY'}," +
-        "      {'replica':'<3','shard':'#EACH','node':'#ANY'}," +
-        "      {'nodeRole':'overseer','replica':'0'}]," +
-        "      'cluster-preferences':[" +
-        "      {'minimize':'cores', 'precision':3}," +
-        "      {'maximize':'freedisk','precision':100}]}";
-    Map replicaInfoMap = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString("{ '':{}," +
-        " '':{'compute_plan_action_test':{'shard1':[" +
-        "      {'core_node1':{}}," +
-        "      {'core_node2':{}}]}}}");
-    Map m = (Map) Utils.getObjectByPath(replicaInfoMap, false, "");
-    m.put("shard1", Arrays.asList(
-        new Policy.ReplicaInfo("core_node1", "compute_plan_action_test", "shard1", Collections.emptyMap()),
-        new Policy.ReplicaInfo("core_node2", "compute_plan_action_test", "shard1", Collections.emptyMap())
-    ));
-    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> tagsMap = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "      '':{" +
-        "        'cores':0," +
-        "            'freedisk':918005641216}," +
-        "      '':{" +
-        "        'cores':2," +
-        "            'freedisk':918005641216}}}");
-    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoscaleJson));
-    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(new ClusterDataProvider() {
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
-        return tagsMap.get(node);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        return (Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>>) replicaInfoMap.get(node);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
-        return replicaInfoMap.keySet();
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
-        return null;
-      }
-    });
-    Policy.Suggester suggester = session.getSuggester(CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MOVEREPLICA)
-        .hint(Hint.TARGET_NODE, "");
-    SolrParams op = suggester.getOperation().getParams();
-    assertNotNull(op);
-    session = suggester.getSession();
-    suggester = session.getSuggester(MOVEREPLICA).hint(Hint.TARGET_NODE, "");
-    op = suggester.getOperation().getParams();
-    assertNotNull(op);
-  }
-  public void testOtherTag() {
-    String rules = "{" +
-        "'cluster-preferences':[" +
-        "{'minimize':'cores','precision':2}," +
-        "{'maximize':'freedisk','precision':50}," +
-        "{'minimize':'heapUsage','precision':1000}" +
-        "]," +
-        "'cluster-policy':[" +
-        "{replica:0, 'nodeRole':'overseer','strict':false}," +
-        "{'replica':'<1','node':'node3'}," +
-        "{'replica':'<2','node':'#ANY','shard':'#EACH'}" +
-        "]," +
-        "'policies':{" +
-        "'p1':[" +
-        "{replica:0, 'nodeRole':'overseer','strict':false}," +
-        "{'replica':'<1','node':'node3'}," +
-        "{'replica':'<2','node':'#ANY','shard':'#EACH'}," +
-        "{'replica':'<3','shard':'#EACH','sysprop.rack':'#ANY'}" +
-        "]" +
-        "}" +
-        "}";
-    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heapUsage:10480, rack: rack4}," +
-        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heapUsage:6873, rack: rack3}," +
-        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heapUsage:7834, rack: rack2}," +
-        "node4:{cores:8, freedisk: 375, heapUsage:16900, nodeRole:overseer, sysprop.rack: rack1}" +
-        "}");
-    Policy policy = new Policy((Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(rules));
-    ClusterDataProvider clusterDataProvider = getClusterDataProvider(nodeValues, clusterState);
-    ClusterDataProvider cdp = new ClusterDataProvider() {
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
-        return clusterDataProvider.getNodeValues(node, tags);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        return clusterDataProvider.getReplicaInfo(node, keys);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
-        return clusterDataProvider.getNodes();
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
-        return "p1";
-      }
-    };
-    Policy.Session session = policy.createSession(cdp);
-    CollectionAdminRequest.AddReplica op = (CollectionAdminRequest.AddReplica) session
-        .getSuggester(ADDREPLICA)
-        .hint(Hint.COLL, "newColl")
-        .hint(Hint.SHARD, "s1").getOperation();
-    assertNotNull(op);
-    assertEquals("node2", op.getNode());
-  }
-  private ClusterDataProvider getClusterDataProvider(final Map<String, Map> nodeValues, String clusterState) {
-    return new ClusterDataProvider() {
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> tags) {
-        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- -> result.put(s, nodeValues.get(node).get(s)));
-        return result;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
-        return nodeValues.keySet();
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        return getReplicaDetails(node, clusterState);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  public void testEmptyClusterState(){
-    String autoScaleJson =  " {'policies':{'c1':[{" +
-        "        'replica':1," +
-        "        'shard':'#EACH'," +
-        "        'port':'50096'}]}}";
-    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "    '':{" +
-        "      'cores':0," +
-        "      'port':'50097'}," +
-        "    '':{" +
-        "      'cores':0," +
-        "      'port':'50096'}}");
-    ClusterDataProvider dataProvider = new ClusterDataProvider() {
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- -> result.put(s, nodeValues.get(node).get(s)));
-        return result;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        return getReplicaDetails(node, clusterState);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
-        return Arrays.asList( "", "");
-      }
-    };
-    Map<String, List<String>> locations = PolicyHelper.getReplicaLocations(
-        "newColl", (Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoScaleJson),
-        dataProvider, Collections.singletonMap("newColl", "c1"), Arrays.asList("shard1", "shard2"), 1, null);
-    assertTrue(locations.get("shard1").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("")));
-    assertTrue(locations.get("shard2").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("")));
-  }
-  public void testMultiReplicaPlacement() {
-    String autoScaleJson = "{" +
-        "  'cluster-preferences': [" +
-        "    { maximize : freedisk , precision: 50}," +
-        "    { minimize : cores, precision: 2}" +
-        "  ]," +
-        "  'cluster-policy': [" +
-        "    { replica : '0' , 'nodeRole': 'overseer'}," +
-        "    { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#ANY', 'node': '#ANY'" +
-        "    }" +
-        "  ]," +
-        "  'policies': {" +
-        "    'policy1': [" +
-        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'node': '#ANY'}," +
-        "      { 'replica': '<2', 'shard': '#EACH', 'sysprop.rack': 'rack1'}" +
-        "    ]" +
-        "  }" +
-        "}";
-    Map<String, Map> nodeValues = (Map<String, Map>) Utils.fromJSONString("{" +
-        "node1:{cores:12, freedisk: 334, heap:10480, sysprop.rack:rack3}," +
-        "node2:{cores:4, freedisk: 749, heap:6873, sysprop.fs : ssd, sysprop.rack:rack1}," +
-        "node3:{cores:7, freedisk: 262, heap:7834, sysprop.rack:rack4}," +
-        "node4:{cores:0, freedisk: 900, heap:16900, nodeRole:overseer, sysprop.rack:rack2}" +
-        "}");
-    ClusterDataProvider dataProvider = new ClusterDataProvider() {
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Object> getNodeValues(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- -> result.put(s, nodeValues.get(node).get(s)));
-        return result;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Map<String, Map<String, List<Policy.ReplicaInfo>>> getReplicaInfo(String node, Collection<String> keys) {
-        return getReplicaDetails(node, clusterState);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public String getPolicyNameByCollection(String coll) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public Collection<String> getNodes() {
-        return Arrays.asList("node1", "node2", "node3", "node4");
-      }
-    };
-    Map<String, List<String>> locations = PolicyHelper.getReplicaLocations(
-        "newColl", (Map<String, Object>) Utils.fromJSONString(autoScaleJson),
-        dataProvider, Collections.singletonMap("newColl", "policy1"), Arrays.asList("shard1", "shard2"), 3, null);
-    assertTrue(locations.get("shard1").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("node2", "node1", "node3")));
-    assertTrue(locations.get("shard2").containsAll(ImmutableList.of("node2", "node1", "node3")));
-  }