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Posted to by OpenWhisk Team Slack <> on 2010/01/01 00:01:01 UTC

[slack-digest] [2022-07-14] #general

2022-07-14 01:26:28 UTC - Ning yougang: When i build upstream's <> image, when execute dockerfile's `./gradlew shadowJar ` command, reported below error
```09:02:17 Step 5/7 : RUN cd /home/ballerina     &amp;&amp; ./gradlew shadowJar     &amp;&amp; rm -rf /home/ballerina/.gradle /home/ballerina/src /home/ballerina/gradle* /home/ballerina/build.gradle /root/.gradle
09:02:18  ---&gt; Running in 682005098e52
09:02:18 Downloading <>
09:02:19 .....................................................................................
09:02:19 Unzipping /root/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-5.5.1-bin/cfsov38hb3r1zj4ic9bbjcc7n/ to /root/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-5.5.1-bin/cfsov38hb3r1zj4ic9bbjcc7n
09:02:20 Set executable permissions for: /root/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-5.5.1-bin/cfsov38hb3r1zj4ic9bbjcc7n/gradle-5.5.1/bin/gradle
09:02:21 Welcome to Gradle 5.5.1!
09:02:21 Here are the highlights of this release:
09:02:21  - Kickstart Gradle plugin development with gradle init
09:02:21  - Distribute organization-wide Gradle properties in custom Gradle distributions
09:02:21  - Transform dependency artifacts on resolution
09:02:21 For more details see <>
09:02:21 Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
09:02:28 [91m
09:02:28 [0m[91mFAILURE: [0m[91mBuild failed with an exception.
09:02:28 [0m[91m
09:02:28 [0m[91m* Where:
09:02:28 [0m[91mBuild file '/home/ballerina/build.gradle' line: 34
09:02:28 [0m[91m
09:02:28 [0m[91m* What went wrong:
09:02:28 [0m[91mA problem occurred evaluating root project 'ballerina'.
09:02:28 [0m[91m&gt; [0m[91morg/gradle/api/internal/java/JavaLibrary.&lt;init&gt;(Lorg/gradle/api/artifacts/PublishArtifact;Lorg/gradle/api/artifacts/DependencySet;)V (loaded from file:/root/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-5.5.1-bin/cfsov38hb3r1zj4ic9bbjcc7n/gradle-5.5.1/lib/plugins/gradle-plugins-5.5.1.jar by VisitableURLClassLoader(legacy-mixin-loader)) called from class com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowJavaPlugin$ShadowJavaLibrary (loaded from file:/root/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins/shadow/1.2.3/52bbde5e384f0860df145abe24070d74dd8ed590/shadow-1.2.3.jar by VisitableURLClassLoader(ClassLoaderScopeIdentifier.Id{root:/home/ballerina/buildSrc:root-project(export)})).```
Currently, i didn't find the solution, someone knows how to solve it?
2022-07-14 01:40:35 UTC - Ning yougang: When i entry `openwhisk-runtime-ballerina/proxy` and execute `./gradlew shadowJar `, report below error(same as above)
```Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '/home1/irteamsu/.jenkins/workspace/build-all-runtime-images/lambda-runtime-ballerina/ballerina/proxy/build.gradle' line: 34

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':ballerina:proxy'.
2022-07-14 03:02:53 UTC - Ning yougang: Already solved by:
2022-07-14 03:04:09 UTC - Ning yougang:
2022-07-14 08:16:10 UTC - Ning yougang: For the ballerina runtime, i meet blow problem, didn't find the solution
According to the upstream demo, wrote a `hello.bal` firstly
```# cat ~/hello.bal
import ballerina/io;

public function main(json jsonInput) returns json {
  json output = { "response": "hello-world"};
  return output;
build failed using ballerina high version, error as below
```# rpm -ivh ballerina-2201.1.1-swan-lake-linux-x64.rpm

# bal --version
Ballerina 2201.1.1 (Swan Lake Update 1)
Language specification 2022R2
Update Tool 1.3.9

# bal build ~/hello.bal
Compiling source
ERROR [hello.bal:(3:22,3:36)] main function operand parameter 'jsonInput' has invalid type 'json'
ERROR [hello.bal:(3:46,3:50)] invalid 'main' function return type 'json', expected a subtype of 'error?' containing '()'
error: compilation contains errors```
2022-07-14 08:19:20 UTC - Ning yougang: But if with lower ballerina version(e.g. 0.990.2), reported below error
```# /tmp/ballerina-lang-0.990.2/distribution/zip/ballerina/bin/ballerina build ~/hello.bal
Error: Could not find or load main class org.ballerinalang.launcher.Main```
2022-07-14 08:20:18 UTC - Ning yougang: Someone knows the reason?