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Posted to by Prashant Kommireddi <> on 2013/05/24 20:58:51 UTC

MiniYARNCluster logs

Hey guys,

We are using the MiniYARNCluster and trying to see where the NN, RM, job
logs can be found. We see the job logs are present on HDFS but not on any
local dirs. Also, none of the master node logs (NN, RM) are available.

Digging in a bit further (just looked at this 1 file), I see there is local
dirs being created but never written to. The only place we find job logs is
at the remote log dir.

    public synchronized void start() {
      try {
        // create nm-local-dirs and configure them for the nodemanager
        String localDirsString = prepareDirs("local", numLocalDirs);
        getConfig().set(YarnConfiguration.NM_LOCAL_DIRS, localDirsString);
        // create nm-log-dirs and configure them for the nodemanager
        String logDirsString = prepareDirs("log", numLogDirs);
        getConfig().set(YarnConfiguration.NM_LOG_DIRS, logDirsString);

        File remoteLogDir =
            new File(testWorkDir, MiniYARNCluster.this.getName()
                + "-remoteLogDir-nm-" + index);

Any configs that need to be tweaked to generate logs locally for
MiniYarnCluster? Any pointers would be helpful.
