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Posted to by Ate Douma <> on 2005/05/26 21:53:04 UTC

Jetspeed 2.0 M3 Released

The Apache Portals Jetspeed Team is pleased to announce the third milestone release of Jetspeed-2.

Jetspeed is an Enterprise Information Portal framework aiming to provide:

* an efficient multi-device user customizable portal interface

* a full implementation of the Java Portlet API used for developing customizable components that can 
be integrated into any compatible portal

The release is available for download from the Apache Download Mirrors:

Follow the links to portals/jetspeed-2

Two binary releases are provided.

1. Jetspeed-2 + Tomcat 5.0.30 distribution.
2. Jetspeed-2 + Tomcat 5.5.9 distribution.

  Jetspeed 2.0-M3 Release
    May 25, 2005

* Page/Layout configuration
   Portlets now can be added to a page using a new Portlet Selector which
   is available in Layout Edit mode.
   Existing portlets also can be removed when in Layout Edit mode.

* Security Maintenance Portlets
   The Role and Group maintenance Portlets are greatly upgraded and now Users can be
   added to a Role and Group using a popup User list with multiselect support.
   The User Details Portlet now can be configured in Edit mode and a configurable
   Form based entry of User Attributes is provided.

* Login feedback enhancements
   Improved feedback now is given on invalid or incorrect login or when a user
   is disabled.

* Disabled cookies support
   Url rewriting is now fully supported when cookies are disabled for session

* JBoss Support
   JBoss is now fully supported, including the previously missing Role security

Bug fixes
see M3-release-notes.html

  Tested App Servers:
  * Tomcat 5.0.30
  * Tomcat 5.5.9
  * JBoss 3.2.7
  * JBoss 4.0.1sp1

  (Tomcat 5.5 requires a different jetspeed.xml found in the source tree under 

  Check out our wiki page for details:

  NO Longer Supported:
  * Tomcat 4.1.x

Support for Tomcat 4.1.x has been dropped since the 2.0-M2 release

  Installation Instructions

1. Download jetspeed-2.0-M3-Tomcat-5.0.30.tar.gz, or
    Download (windows), or
    Download jetspeed-2.0-M3-Tomcat-5.5.9.tar.gz, or
    Download (windows)
2. Expand jetspeed-2.0-M3-Tomcat-<version>.tar.gz into a clean directory (as example we will use 

    cd /jetspeed
    tar xfz jetspeed-2.0-M3-Tomcat-<version>.tar.gz

    For Windows:

    cd c:\jetspeed
    unzip jetspeed-2.0-M3-Tomcat-<version>.zip

3. start the database

    cd /jetspeed/jetspeed-database

    For Windows:

    cd c:\jetspeed\jetspeed-database

4. startup Tomcat

    execute /jetspeed/jakarta-tomcat-<version>/bin/

    For Windows:

    execute c:\jetspeed\jakarta-tomcat-<version>\bin\startup.bat

5. start up a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal

  Configuring Another Database

1. cd $TOMCAT_HOME/jetspeed-database/scripts
2. edit the, set the properties for your database connection, save.
3. create a database schema/catalog to hold your database tables
4. type 'ant' to run the database population scripts
5. edit the jetspeed.xml properties
     - $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml

     and set your database connection

6. copy your database driver into Tomcat's common/endorsed directory

7. start up a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal

  Sample accounts to login as:
