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[06/56] [partial] gh-pages clean up
diff --git a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/cli/ b/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 240beb7..0000000
--- a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-    Module that is used to lauch the rcmes processing from the
-    script.
-import os, sys
-import datetime
-import numpy
-import as ma 
-import toolkit.plots as plots
-import as cm
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import storage.db as db
-import storage.files as files
-import toolkit.process as process
-import toolkit.metrics as metrics
-def do_rcmes(settings, params, model, mask, options):
-    '''
-    Routine to perform full end-to-end RCMET processing.
-    i)    retrieve observations from the database
-    ii)   load in model data
-    iii)  temporal regridding
-    iv)   spatial regridding
-    v)    area-averaging
-    vi)   seasonal cycle compositing
-    vii)  metric calculation
-    viii) plot production
-    Input:
-        5 dictionaries which contain a huge argument list with all of the user options 
-        (which can be collected from the GUI)
-    settings - dictionary of rcmes run settings::
-        settings = {"cacheDir": string describing directory path,
-                    "workDir": string describing directory path,
-                    "fileList": string describing model file name + path }
-    params - dictionary of rcmes run parameters::
-        params = {"obsDatasetId": int( db dataset id ),
-                  "obsParamId": int( db parameter id ),
-                  "startTime": datetime object (needs to change to string + decode),
-                  "endTime": datetime object (needs to change to string + decode),
-                  "latMin": float,
-                  "latMax": float,
-                  "lonMin": float,
-                  "lonMax": float }
-    model - dictionary of model parameters::
-        model = {"varName": string describing name of variable to evaluate (as written in model file),
-                 "timeVariable": string describing name of time variable (as written in model file), 	
-                 "latVariable": string describing name of latitude variable (as written in model file), 
-                 "lonVariable": string describing name of longitude variable (as written in model file) } 
-    mask - dictionary of mask specific options (only used if options['mask']=True)::
-        mask = {"latMin": float,
-                "latMax": float,
-                "lonMin": float,
-                "lonMax": float}
-    options - dictionary full of different user supplied options::
-        options = {"regrid": str( 'obs' | 'model' | 'regular' ),
-                   "timeRegrid": str( 'full' | 'annual' | 'monthly' | 'daily' ),
-                   "seasonalCycle": Boolean,
-                   "metric": str('bias'|'mae'|'acc'|'pdf'|'patcor'|'rms'|'diff'),
-                   "plotTitle": string describing title to use in plot graphic,
-                   "plotFilename": basename of file to use for plot graphic i.e. {plotFilename}.png,
-                   "mask": Boolean,
-                   "precip": Boolean }
-    Output: image files of plots + possibly data
-    '''
-    # check the number of model data files
-    if len(settings['fileList']) < 1:         # no input data file
-        print 'No input model data file. EXIT'
-        sys.exit()
-    # assign parameters that must be preserved throughout the process
-    if options['mask'] == True: 
-        options['seasonalCycle'] = True
-    ###########################################################################
-    # Part 1: retrieve observation data from the database
-    #         NB. automatically uses local cache if already retrieved.
-    ###########################################################################
-    rcmedData = getDataFromRCMED( params, settings, options )
-    ###########################################################################
-    # Part 2: load in model data from file(s)
-    ###########################################################################
-    modelData = getDataFromModel( model, settings )
-    ###########################################################################
-    # Deal with some precipitation specific options
-    #      i.e. adjust units of model data and set plot color bars suitable for precip
-    ###########################################################################
-    # AG 06/12/1013: Need to revise how we select colormaps in the future
-    colorbar = None
-    if options['precip'] == True:
-        modelData['data'] = modelData['data']*86400.  # convert from kgm-2s-1 into mm/day
-        colorbar = cm.s3pcpn
-    # set color bar suitable for MODIS cloud data
-    if params['obsParamId'] == 31:
-        colorbar =
-    diffcolorbar = cm.GMT_polar
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # Extract sub-selection of model data for required time range.
-    #   e.g. a single model file may contain data for 20 years,
-    #        but the user may have selected to only analyse data between 2003 and 2004.  
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # Make list of indices where modelData['times'] are between params['startTime'] and params['endTime']
-    modelTimeOverlap = numpy.logical_and((numpy.array(modelData['times'])>=params['startTime']), 
-                                           (numpy.array(modelData['times'])<=params['endTime'])) 
-    # Make subset of modelData['times'] using full list of times and indices calculated above
-    modelData['times'] = list(numpy.array(modelData['times'])[modelTimeOverlap])
-    # Make subset of modelData['data'] using full model data and indices calculated above 
-    modelData['data'] = modelData['data'][modelTimeOverlap, :, :]
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # Part 3: Temporal regridding
-    #      i.e. model data may be monthly, and observation data may be daily.
-    #           We need to compare like with like so the User Interface asks what time unit the user wants to work with
-    #              e.g. the user may select that they would like to regrid everything to 'monthly' data
-    #                   in which case, the daily observational data will be averaged onto monthly data
-    #                   so that it can be compared directly with the monthly model data.
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    print 'Temporal Regridding Started'
-    if(options['timeRegrid']):
-        # Run both obs and model data through temporal regridding routine.
-        #  NB. if regridding not required (e.g. monthly time units selected and model data is already monthly),
-        #      then subroutine detects this and returns data untouched.
-        rcmedData['data'], newObsTimes = process.calc_average_on_new_time_unit(rcmedData['data'], 
-                                                                                        rcmedData['times'],
-                                                                                        unit=options['timeRegrid'])
-        modelData['data'], newModelTimes = process.calc_average_on_new_time_unit(modelData['data'],
-                                                                                          modelData['times'],
-                                                                                          unit=options['timeRegrid'])
-    # Set a new 'times' list which describes the common times used for both model and obs after the regrid.
-    if newObsTimes == newModelTimes:
-        times = newObsTimes
-    ###########################################################################
-    # Catch situations where after temporal regridding the times in model and obs don't match.
-    # If this occurs, take subset of data from times common to both model and obs only.
-    #   e.g. imagine you are looking at monthly model data,
-    #        the model times are set to the 15th of each month.
-    #        + you are comparing against daily obs data.
-    #        If you set the start date as Jan 1st, 1995 and the end date as Jan 1st, 1996
-    #           -then system will load all model data in this range with the last date as Dec 15th, 1995
-    #            loading the daily obs data from the database will have a last data item as Jan 1st, 1996.
-    #        If you then do temporal regridding of the obs data from daily -> monthly (to match the model)
-    #        Then there will be data for Jan 96 in the obs, but only up to Dec 95 for the model.
-    #              This section of code deals with this situation by only looking at data
-    #              from the common times between model and obs after temporal regridding.           
-    ###########################################################################
-    if newObsTimes != newModelTimes:
-        print 'Warning: after temporal regridding, times from observations and model do not match'
-        print 'Check if this is unexpected.'
-        print 'Proceeding with data from times common in both model and obs.'
-        # Create empty lists ready to store data
-        times = []
-        tempModelData = []
-        tempObsData = []
-        # Loop through each time that is common in both model and obs
-        for commonTime in numpy.intersect1d(newObsTimes, newModelTimes):
-            # build up lists of times, and model and obs data for each common time
-            #  NB. use lists for data for convenience (then convert to masked arrays at the end)
-            times.append(newObsTimes[numpy.where(numpy.array(newObsTimes) == commonTime)[0][0]])
-            tempModelData.append(modelData['data'][numpy.where(numpy.array(newModelTimes) == commonTime)[0][0], :, :])
-            tempObsData.append(rcmedData['data'][numpy.where(numpy.array(newObsTimes) == commonTime)[0][0], :, :])
-        # Convert data arrays from list back into full 3d arrays.
-        modelData['data'] = ma.array(tempModelData)
-        rcmedData['data'] = ma.array(tempObsData)
-        # Reset all time lists so representative of the data actually used.
-        newObsTimes = times
-        newModelTimes = times
-        rcmedData['times'] = times
-        modelData['times'] = times
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # Part 4: spatial regridding
-    #         The model and obs are rarely on the same grid.
-    #         To compare the two, you need them to be on the same grid.
-    #         The User Interface asked the user if they'd like to regrid everything to the model grid or the obs grid.
-    #         Alternatively, they could chose to regrid both model and obs onto a third regular lat/lon grid as defined
-    #          by parameters that they enter.
-    #
-    #         NB. from this point on in the code, the 'lats' and 'lons' arrays are common to 
-    #             both rcmedData['data'] and modelData['data'].
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # either i) Regrid obs data to model grid.
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    if options['regrid'] == 'model':
-        # User chose to regrid observations to the model grid
-        modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'], lats, lons = process.regrid_wrapper('0', rcmedData['data'], 
-                                                                                  rcmedData['lats'],
-                                                                                  rcmedData['lons'], 
-                                                                                  modelData['data'],
-                                                                                  modelData['lats'],
-                                                                                  modelData['lons'])
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # or    ii) Regrid model data to obs grid.
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    if options['regrid'] == 'obs':
-        # User chose to regrid model data to the observation grid
-        modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'], lats, lons = process.regrid_wrapper('1', rcmedData['data'], 
-                                                                                  rcmedData['lats'], 
-                                                                                  rcmedData['lons'], 
-                                                                                  modelData['data'],
-                                                                                  modelData['lats'], 
-                                                                                  modelData['lons'])
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # or    iii) Regrid both model data and obs data to new regular lat/lon grid.
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    if options['regrid'] == 'regular':
-        # User chose to regrid both model and obs data onto a newly defined regular lat/lon grid
-        # Construct lats, lons from grid parameters
-        # Create 1d lat and lon arrays
-        # AG 06/21/2013: These variables are undefined, where are they generated from?
-        lat = numpy.arange(nLats)*dLat+Lat0
-        lon = numpy.arange(nLons)*dLon+Lon0
-        # Combine 1d lat and lon arrays into 2d arrays of lats and lons
-        lons, lats = numpy.meshgrid(lon, lat)
-        ###########################################################################################################
-        # Regrid model data for every time
-        #  NB. store new data in a list and convert back to an array at the end.
-        ###########################################################################################################
-        tmpModelData = []
-        timeCount = modelData['data'].shape[0]
-        for t in numpy.arange(timeCount):
-            tmpModelData.append(process.do_regrid(modelData['data'][t, :, :],
-                                                          modelData['lats'][:, :],
-                                                          modelData['lons'][:, :],
-                                                          rcmedData['lats'][:, :],
-                                                          rcmedData['lons'][:, :]))
-        # Convert list back into a masked array 
-        modelData['data'] = ma.array(tmpModelData)
-        ###########################################################################################################
-        # Regrid obs data for every time
-        #  NB. store new data in a list and convert back to an array at the end.
-        ###########################################################################################################
-        tempObsData = []
-        timeCount = rcmedData['data'].shape[0]
-        for t in numpy.arange(timeCount):
-            tempObsData.append(process.do_regrid(rcmedData['data'][t, :, :], 
-                                                         rcmedData['lats'][:, :], 
-                                                         rcmedData['lons'][:, :], 
-                                                         modelData['lats'][:, :], modelData['lons'][:, :]))
-        # Convert list back into a masked array 
-        rcmedData['data'] = ma.array(tempObsData)
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # (Optional) Part 5: area-averaging
-    #
-    #      RCMET has the ability to either calculate metrics at every grid point, 
-    #      or to calculate metrics for quantities area-averaged over a defined (masked) region.
-    #
-    #      If the user has selected to perform area-averaging, 
-    #      then they have also selected how they want to define
-    #      the area to average over.
-    #      The options were:
-    #              -define masked region using regular lat/lon bounding box parameters
-    #              -read in masked region from file
-    #
-    #         either i) Load in the mask file (if required)
-    #             or ii) Create the mask using latlonbox  
-    #           then iii) Do the area-averaging
-    #
-    ###############################################################################################################
-    if options['mask'] == True:  # i.e. define regular lat/lon box for area-averaging
-        print 'Using Latitude/Longitude Mask for Area Averaging'
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        # Define mask using regular lat/lon box specified by users (i.e. ignore regions where mask = True)
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        mask = numpy.logical_or(numpy.logical_or(lats<=mask['latMin'], lats>=mask['latMax']), 
-                            numpy.logical_or(lons<=mask['lonMin'], lons>=mask['lonMax']))
-        ######################m########################################################################################
-        # Calculate area-weighted averages within this region and store in new lists
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        modelStore = []
-        timeCount = modelData['data'].shape[0]
-        for t in numpy.arange(timeCount):
-            modelStore.append(process.calc_area_mean(modelData['data'][t, :, :], lats, lons, mymask=mask))
-        obsStore = []
-        timeCount = rcmedData['data'].shape[0]
-        for t in numpy.arange(timeCount):
-            obsStore.append(process.calc_area_mean(rcmedData['data'][t, :, :], lats, lons, mymask=mask))
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        # Now overwrite data arrays with the area-averaged values
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        modelData['data'] = ma.array(modelStore)
-        rcmedData['data'] = ma.array(obsStore)
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        # Free-up some memory by overwriting big variables
-        ###############################################################################################################
-        obsStore = 0
-        modelStore = 0
-        ##############################################################################################################
-        # NB. if area-averaging has been performed then the dimensions of the data arrays will have changed from 3D to 1D
-        #           i.e. only one value per time.
-        ##############################################################################################################
-    ##############################################################################################################
-    # (Optional) Part 6: seasonal cycle compositing
-    #
-    #      RCMET has the ability to calculate seasonal average values from a long time series of data.
-    #
-    #              e.g. for monthly data going from Jan 1980 - Dec 2010
-    #                   If the user selects to do seasonal cycle compositing,
-    #                   this section calculates the mean of all Januarys, mean of all Februarys, mean of all Marchs etc 
-    #                      -result has 12 times.
-    #
-    #      NB. this works with incoming 3D data or 1D data (e.g. time series after avea-averaging).
-    #
-    #          If no area-averaging has been performed in Section 5, 
-    #          then the incoming data is 3D, and the outgoing data will also be 3D, 
-    #          but with the number of times reduced to 12
-    #           i.e. you will get 12 map plots each one showing the average values for a month. (all Jans, all Febs etc)
-    #
-    #
-    #          If area-averaging has been performed in Section 5, 
-    #          then the incoming data is 1D, and the outgoing data will also be 1D, 
-    #          but with the number of times reduced to 12
-    #           i.e. you will get a time series of 12 data points 
-    #                each one showing the average values for a month. (all Jans, all Febs etc).
-    #
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    if options['seasonalCycle'] == True:
-        print 'Compositing data to calculate seasonal cycle'
-        modelData['data'] = metrics.calcAnnualCycleMeans(modelData['data'])
-        rcmedData['data'] = metrics.calcAnnualCycleMeans(rcmedData['data'])
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # Part 7: metric calculation
-    #              Calculate performance metrics comparing rcmedData['data'] and modelData['data'].
-    #              All output is stored in metricData regardless of what metric was calculated.
-    #          
-    #      NB. the dimensions of metricData will vary depending on the dimensions of the incoming data
-    #          *and* on the type of metric being calculated.
-    #
-    #      e.g.    bias between incoming 1D model and 1D obs data (after area-averaging) will be a single number. 
-    #              bias between incoming 3D model and 3D obs data will be 2D, i.e. a map of mean bias.
-    #              correlation coefficient between incoming 3D model and 3D obs data will be 1D time series.
-    # 
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    if options['metric'] == 'bias':
-        metricData = metrics.calcBias(modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'])
-        metricTitle = 'Bias'
-    if options['metric'] == 'mae':
-        metricData = metrics.calcBiasAveragedOverTime(modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'], 'abs')
-        metricTitle = 'Mean Absolute Error'
-    if options['metric'] == 'rms':
-        metricData = metrics.calcRootMeanSquaredDifferenceAveragedOverTime(modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'])
-        metricTitle = 'RMS error'
-    #if options['metric'] == 'patcor':
-        #metricData = metrics.calc_pat_cor2D(modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'])
-        #metricTitle = 'Pattern Correlation'
-    if options['metric'] == 'pdf':
-        metricData = metrics.calcPdf(modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'])
-        metricTitle = 'Probability Distribution Function'
-    if options['metric'] == 'coe':
-        metricData = metrics.calcNashSutcliff(modelData['data'], rcmedData['data'])
-        metricTitle = 'Coefficient of Efficiency'
-    if options['metric'] == 'stddev':
-        metricData = metrics.calcTemporalStdev(modelData['data'])
-        data2 = metrics.calcTemporalStdev(rcmedData['data'])
-        metricTitle = 'Standard Deviation'
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # Part 8: Plot production
-    #
-    #      Produce plots of metrics and obs, model data.
-    #      Type of plot produced depends on dimensions of incoming data.
-    #              e.g. 1D data is plotted as a time series.
-    #                   2D data is plotted as a map.
-    #                   3D data is plotted as a sequence of maps.
-    #
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    # 1 dimensional data, e.g. Time series plots
-    ##################################################################################################################
-    if metricData.ndim == 1:
-        print 'Producing time series plots ****'
-        print metricData
-        yearLabels = True
-        #   mytitle = 'Area-average model v obs'
-        ################################################################################################################
-        # If producing seasonal cycle plots, don't want to put year labels on the time series plots.
-        ################################################################################################################
-        if options['seasonalCycle'] == True:
-            yearLabels = False
-            mytitle = 'Annual cycle: area-average  model v obs'
-            # Create a list of datetimes to represent the annual cycle, one per month.
-            times = []
-            for m in xrange(12):
-                times.append(datetime.datetime(2000, m+1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
-        ###############################################################################################
-        # Special case for pattern correlation plots. TODO: think of a cleaner way of doing this.
-        # Only produce these plots if the metric is NOT pattern correlation.
-        ###############################################################################################
-        # TODO - Clean up this if statement.  We can use a list of values then ask if not in LIST...
-        #KDW: change the if statement to if else to accommodate the 2D timeseries plots
-        if (options['metric'] != 'patcor')&(options['metric'] != 'acc')&(options['metric'] != 'nacc')&(options['metric'] != 'coe')&(options['metric'] != 'pdf'):
-            # for anomaly and pattern correlation,
-            # can't plot time series of model, obs as these are 3d fields
-            # ^^ This is the reason modelData['data'] has been swapped for metricData in
-            # the following function
-            # TODO: think of a cleaner way of dealing with this.
-            ###########################################################################################
-            # Produce the time series plots with two lines: obs and model
-            ###########################################################################################
-            print 'two line timeseries'
-            #     mytitle = options['plotTitle']
-            mytitle = 'Area-average model v obs'
-            if options['plotTitle'] == 'default':
-                mytitle = metricTitle+' model & obs'
-            #plots.draw_time_series_plot(modelData['data'],times,options['plotFilename']+'both',
-            #                                           settings['workDir'],data2=rcmedData['data'],mytitle=mytitle,
-            #                                           ytitle='Y',xtitle='time',
-            #                                           year_labels=yearLabels)
-            plots.draw_time_series_plot(metricData, times, options['plotFilename']+'both',
-                                                       settings['workDir'], data2, mytitle=mytitle, 
-                                                       ytitle='Y', xtitle='time',
-                                                       year_labels=yearLabels)
-        else: 
-            ###############################################################################################
-            # Produce the metric time series plot (one line only)
-            ###############################################################################################
-            mytitle = options['plotTitle']
-            if options['plotTitle'] == 'default':
-                mytitle = metricTitle+' model v obs'
-            print 'one line timeseries'
-            plots.draw_time_series_plot(metricData, times, options['plotFilename'], 
-                                                       settings['workDir'], mytitle=mytitle, ytitle='Y', xtitle='time',
-                                                       year_labels=yearLabels)
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # 2 dimensional data, e.g. Maps
-    ###############################################################################################
-    if metricData.ndim == 2:
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Calculate color bar ranges for data such that same range is used in obs and model plots
-        # for like-with-like comparison.
-        ###########################################################################################
-        mymax = max(rcmedData['data'].mean(axis=0).max(), modelData['data'].mean(axis=0).max())
-        mymin = min(rcmedData['data'].mean(axis=0).min(), modelData['data'].mean(axis=0).min())
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Time title labels need their format adjusting depending on the temporal regridding used,
-        #          e.g. if data are averaged to monthly,
-        #               then want to write 'Jan 2002', 'Feb 2002', etc instead of 'Jan 1st, 2002', 'Feb 1st, 2002'
-        #
-        #  Also, if doing seasonal cycle compositing 
-        #  then want to write 'Jan','Feb','Mar' instead of 'Jan 2002','Feb 2002','Mar 2002' etc 
-        #  as data are representative of all Jans, all Febs etc. 
-        ###########################################################################################
-        if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'daily'):
-            timeFormat = "%b %d, %Y"
-        if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'monthly'):
-            timeFormat = "%b %Y"
-        if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'annual'):
-            timeFormat = "%Y"
-        if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'full'):
-            timeFormat = "%b %d, %Y"
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Special case: when plotting bias data, we also like to plot the mean obs and mean model data.
-        #               In this case, we need to calculate new time mean values for both obs and model.
-        #               When doing this time averaging, we also need to deal with missing data appropriately.
-        #
-        # Classify missing data resulting from multiple times (using threshold data requirment)
-        #   i.e. if the working time unit is monthly data, and we are dealing with multiple months of data
-        #        then when we show mean of several months, we need to decide what threshold of missing data we tolerate
-        #        before classifying a data point as missing data.
-        ###########################################################################################
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Calculate time means of model and obs data
-        ###########################################################################################
-        modelDataMean = modelData['data'].mean(axis=0)
-        obsDataMean = rcmedData['data'].mean(axis=0)
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Calculate missing data masks using tolerance threshold of missing data going into calculations
-        ###########################################################################################
-        obsDataMask = process.create_mask_using_threshold(rcmedData['data'], threshold=0.75)
-        modelDataMask = process.create_mask_using_threshold(modelData['data'], threshold=0.75)
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Combine data and masks into masked arrays suitable for plotting.
-        ###########################################################################################
-        modelDataMean = ma.masked_array(modelDataMean, modelDataMask)
-        obsDataMean = ma.masked_array(obsDataMean, obsDataMask)
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Plot model data
-        ###########################################################################################
-        mytitle = 'Model data: mean between %s and %s' % ( modelData['times'][0].strftime(timeFormat), 
-                                                           modelData['times'][-1].strftime(timeFormat) )
-        myfname = os.path.join(options['workDir'], options['plotFilename']+'model')
-        plots.draw_cntr_map_single(modelDataMean, lats, lons, mymin, mymax, mytitle, myfname, cMap = colorbar)
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Plot obs data
-        ###########################################################################################
-        mytitle = 'Obs data: mean between %s and %s' % ( rcmedData['times'][0].strftime(timeFormat), 
-                                                        rcmedData['times'][-1].strftime(timeFormat) )
-        myfname = os.path.join(options['workDir'], options['plotFilename']+'obs')
-        plots.draw_cntr_map_single(obsDataMean, lats, lons, mymin, mymax, mytitle, myfname, cMap = colorbar)
-        ###########################################################################################
-        # Plot metric
-        ###########################################################################################
-        mymax = metricData.max()
-        mymin = metricData.min()
-        mytitle = options['plotTitle']
-        if options['plotTitle'] == 'default':
-            mytitle = metricTitle+' model v obs %s to %s' % ( rcmedData['times'][0].strftime(timeFormat),
-                                                                rcmedData['times'][-1].strftime(timeFormat) )
-        myfname = os.path.join(options['workDir'], options['plotFilename'])
-        plots.draw_cntr_map_single(metricData, lats, lons, mymin, mymax, mytitle, myfname, cMap = diffcolorbar)
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # 3 dimensional data, e.g. sequence of maps
-    ###############################################################################################
-    if metricData.ndim == 3:
-        print 'Generating series of map plots, each for a different time.'
-        for t in numpy.arange(rcmedData['data'].shape[0]):
-            #######################################################################################
-            # Calculate color bar ranges for data such that same range is used in obs and model plots
-            # for like-with-like comparison.
-            #######################################################################################
-            colorRangeMax = max(rcmedData['data'][t, :, :].max(), modelData['data'][t, :, :].max())
-            colorRangeMin = min(rcmedData['data'][t, :, :].min(), modelData['data'][t, :, :].min())
-            # Setup the timeTitle
-            timeSlice = times[t]
-            timeTitle = createTimeTitle( options, timeSlice, rcmedData, modelData )
-            #######################################################################################
-            # Plot model data
-            #######################################################################################
-            mytitle = 'Model data: mean '+timeTitle
-            myfname = os.path.join(settings['workDir'], options['plotFilename']+'model'+str(t))
-            plots.draw_cntr_map_single(modelData['data'][t, :, :], lats, lons, colorRangeMin, colorRangeMax, 
-                                       mytitle, myfname, cMap = colorbar)
-            #######################################################################################
-            # Plot obs data
-            #######################################################################################
-            mytitle = 'Obs data: mean '+timeTitle
-            myfname = os.path.join(settings['workDir'], options['plotFilename']+'obs'+str(t))
-            plots.draw_cntr_map_single(rcmedData['data'][t, :, :], lats, lons, colorRangeMin, colorRangeMax, 
-                                       mytitle, myfname, cMap = colorbar)
-            #######################################################################################
-            # Plot metric
-            #######################################################################################
-            mytitle = options['plotTitle']
-            myfname = os.path.join(settings['workDir'], options['plotFilename']+str(t))
-            if options['plotTitle'] == 'default':
-                mytitle = metricTitle +' model v obs : '+timeTitle
-            colorRangeMax = metricData.max()
-            colorRangeMin = metricData.min()
-            plots.draw_cntr_map_single(metricData[t, :, :], lats, lons, colorRangeMin, colorRangeMax, 
-                                       mytitle, myfname, cMap = diffcolorbar)
-def getDataFromRCMED( params, settings, options ):
-    """
-    This function takes in the params, settings, and options dictionaries and will return an rcmedData dictionary.
-    return:
-        rcmedData = {"lats": 1-d numpy array of latitudes,
-                      "lons": 1-d numpy array of longitudes,
-                      "levels": 1-d numpy array of height/pressure levels (surface based data will have length == 1),
-                      "times": list of python datetime objects,
-                      "data": masked numpy arrays of data values}
-    """
-    rcmedData = {}
-    obsLats, obsLons, obsLevs, obsTimes, obsData =  db.extractData(params['obsDatasetId'],
-                                                                                 params['obsParamId'],
-                                                                                 params['latMin'],
-                                                                                 params['latMax'],
-                                                                                 params['lonMin'],
-                                                                                 params['lonMax'],
-                                                                                 params['startTime'],
-                                                                                 params['endTime'],
-                                                                                 settings['cacheDir'],
-										 options['timeRegrid'])
-    rcmedData['lats'] = obsLats
-    rcmedData['lons'] = obsLons
-    rcmedData['levels'] = obsLevs
-    rcmedData['times'] = obsTimes
-    rcmedData['data'] = obsData
-    return rcmedData
-def getDataFromModel( model, settings ):
-    """
-    This function takes in the model and settings dictionaries and will return a model data dictionary.
-    return:
-        model = {"lats": 1-d numpy array of latitudes,
-                 "lons": 1-d numpy array of longitudes,
-                 "times": list of python datetime objects,
-                 "data": numpy array containing data from all files}
-    """
-    model = files.read_data_from_file_list(settings['fileList'],
-                                                 model['varName'],
-                                                 model['timeVariable'],
-                                                 model['latVariable'],
-                                                 model['lonVariable'])
-    return model
-# Processing complete
-def createTimeTitle( options, timeSlice, rcmedData, modelData ):
-    """
-    Function that takes in the options dictionary and a specific timeSlice.
-    Return:  string timeTitle properly formatted based on the 'timeRegrid' and 'seasonalCycle' options value.
-    Time title labels need their format adjusting depending on the temporal regridding used
-    e.g. if data are averaged to monthly, then want to write 'Jan 2002', 
-    'Feb 2002', etc instead of 'Jan 1st, 2002', 'Feb 1st, 2002'
-    Also, if doing seasonal cycle compositing then want to write 'Jan','Feb',
-    'Mar' instead of 'Jan 2002', 'Feb 2002','Mar 2002' etc as data are 
-    representative of all Jans, all Febs etc. 
-    """
-    if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'daily'):
-        timeTitle = timeSlice.strftime("%b %d, %Y")
-        if options['seasonalCycle'] == True:
-            timeTitle = timeSlice.strftime("%b %d (all years)")
-    if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'monthly'):
-        timeTitle = timeSlice.strftime("%b %Y")
-        if options['seasonalCycle'] == True:
-            timeTitle = timeSlice.strftime("%b (all years)")
-    if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'annual'):
-        timeTitle = timeSlice.strftime("%Y")
-    if(options['timeRegrid'] == 'full'):
-        minTime = min(min(rcmedData['times']), min(modelData['times']))
-        maxTime = max(max(rcmedData['times']), max(modelData['times']))
-        timeTitle = minTime.strftime("%b %d, %Y")+' to '+maxTime.strftime("%b %d, %Y")
-    return timeTitle
diff --git a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/cli/ b/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/cli/
deleted file mode 100755
index c2efd4d..0000000
--- a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,996 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-# 0. Keep both Peter's original and modified libraries
-# Python Standard Lib Imports
-import argparse
-import ConfigParser
-import datetime
-import glob
-import os
-import sys
-import json
-# 3rd Party Modules
-import numpy as np
-import as ma
-# RCMES Imports
-# Appending rcmes via relative path
-import storage.files_v12
-import storage.rcmed as db
-import toolkit.do_data_prep
-import toolkit.do_metrics_20
-import toolkit.process as process
-from classes import Settings, Model, BoundingBox, SubRegion, GridBox
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit.  Use -h for help and options')
-parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='CONFIG', help='Path to an evaluation configuration file')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-def getSettings(settings):
-    """
-    This function will collect 2 parameters from the user about the RCMET run they have started.
-    Input::
-        settings - Empty Python Dictionary they will be used to store the user supplied inputs
-    Output::
-        None - The user inputs will be added to the supplied dictionary.
-    """
-    settings['workDir'] = os.path.abspath(raw_input('Please enter workDir:\n> '))
-    if os.path.isdir(settings['workDir']):
-        pass
-    else:
-        makeDirectory(settings['workDir'])
-    settings['cacheDir'] = os.path.abspath(raw_input('Please enter cacheDir:\n> '))
-    if os.path.isdir(settings['cacheDir']):
-        pass
-    else:
-        makeDirectory(settings['cacheDir'])    
-def setSettings(settings, config):
-    """
-    This function is used to set the values within the 'SETTINGS' dictionary when a user provides an external
-    configuration file.
-    Input::
-        settings - Python Dictionary object that will collect the key : value pairs
-        config - A configparse object that contains the external config values
-    Output::
-        None - The settings dictionary will be updated in place.
-    """
-    pass
-def makeDirectory(directory):
-    print "%s doesn't exist.  Trying to create it now." % directory
-    try:
-        os.mkdir(directory)
-    except OSError:
-        print "This program cannot create dir: %s due to permission issues." % directory
-        sys.exit()
-def rcmet_cordexAF():
-    """
-     Command Line User interface for RCMET.
-     Collects user options then runs RCMET to perform processing.
-     Duplicates job of GUI.
-     Peter Lean   March 2011
-     Jul 2, 2011
-     Modified to process multiple models
-     Follow the logical variable "GUI" for interactive operations
-     July 6, 2012: Jinwon Kim
-     * This version works with *
-     Re-gridded data output options include both binary and netCDF.
-      Interpolation of both model and obs data onto a user-define grid system has been completed.
-      Allow generic treatment of both multiple model and observation data
-       * longitudes/latitudes are defined for individual datasets
-       * the metadata for observations will utilized Cameron's updates
-      Still works for the global observation coverage scheme (may involve missing/bad values)
-     * this version requires that all obs data are to be defined at the same temporal grid (monthly, daily)
-     * this version requires that all mdl data are to be defined at the same temporal grid (monthly, daily)
-    """
-    print 'Start RCMET'
-    # Specify GUI or nonGUI version [True/False]
-    GUI = False
-    user_input = int(raw_input('Enter interactive/specified run: [0/1]: \n> '))
-    if user_input == 0:
-        GUI = True
-    # 1.   Prescribe the directories and variable names for processing
-    #dir_rcmet = '/nas/share3-wf/jinwonki/rcmet'   # The path to the python script to process the cordex-AF data
-    if GUI: 
-        workdir = os.path.abspath(raw_input('Please enter workdir:\n> '))
-        cachedir = os.path.abspath(raw_input('Please enter cachedir:\n> '))
-        mdlDataDir = os.path.abspath(raw_input('Enter the model data directory (e.g., ~/data/cordex-af):\n> '))
-        modelVarName = raw_input('Enter the model variable name from above:\n> ')     # Input model variable name
-        modelLatVarName = raw_input('Enter the Latitude variable name:\n> ')     # Input model variable name
-        modelLonVarName = raw_input('Enter the Longitude variable name:\n> ')     # Input model variable name
-        modelTimeVarName = raw_input('Enter the Time variable name:\n> ')     # Input model variable name
-        mdlTimeStep = raw_input('Enter the model Time step (e.g., daily, monthly):\n> ')     # Input model variable name
-    else:
-        modelVarName = 'pr'
-        #modelVarName='tas'
-        #modelVarName='tasmax'
-        #modelVarName='tasmin'
-        #modelVarName='clt'
-        mdlTimeStep = 'monthly'
-        modelLatVarName = 'lat'
-        modelLonVarName = 'lon'
-        modelTimeVarName = 'time' # mdl var names for lat, long, & time coords
-        workdir = '../cases/cordex-af/wrk2'
-        cachedir = '../cases/cordex-af/cache'
-        mdlDataDir = '/nas/share4-cf/jinwonki/data/cordex-af'
-    if modelVarName == 'pr':
-        precipFlag = True
-    else:
-        precipFlag = False
-    """
-    # 2.   Metadata for the RCMED database
-    # TODO:  WORK OUT THE RCMED PARAMETERS API USAGE - Prolly need to move this into a PARAMETERS Object
-    try:
-        parameters = db.getParams()
-    except Exception:
-        sys.exit()
-    datasets = [parameter['longname'] for parameter in parameters]
-    #   NOTE: the list must be updated whenever a new dataset is added to RCMED (current as of 11/22/2011)
-    db_datasets = ['TRMM', 'ERA-Interim', 'AIRS', 'MODIS', 'URD', 'CRU3.0', 'CRU3.1']
-    db_dataset_ids = [3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 6, 10]
-    db_dataset_startTimes = [datetime.datetime(1998, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1989, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2002, 8, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), \
-                             datetime.datetime(2000, 2, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1948, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1901, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), \
-                             datetime.datetime(1901, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)]
-    db_dataset_endTimes = [datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), \
-                           datetime.datetime(2010, 5, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2006, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), \
-                           datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)] #adjusted the last end_time to 31-DEC-2009 instead of 01-DEC-2009
-    db_parameters = [['pr_day', 'pr_mon'], ['T2m', 'Tdew2m'], ['T2m'], ['cldFrac'], ['pr_day'], ['T2m', 'T2max', 'T2min', 'pr'], ['pr', 'T2m', 'T2max', 'T2min', 'cldFrac']]
-    db_parameter_ids = [[14, 36], [12, 13], [15], [31], [30], [33, 34, 35, 32], [37, 38, 39, 41, 42]]
-     # Assign the obs dataset & and its attributes from the RCNMED dataset/parameter list above
-    idObsDat = []
-    idObsDatPara = []
-    obsTimeStep = []
-    if GUI:
-        for n in np.arange(len(db_datasets)):
-            print n, db_datasets[n]
-        numOBSs = int(raw_input('Enter the number of observed datasets to be utilized:\n> '))
-        # assign the obs dataset id and the parameter id defined within the dataset into the lists "idObsDat" & "idObsDatPara".
-        for m in np.arange(numOBSs):
-            idObsDat.append(input=int(raw_input('Enter the observed dataset number from above:\n> ')))
-            for l in np.arange(len(db_parameters[input])):
-                print l, db_parameters[idObsDat][l]
-            idObsDatPara.append(int(raw_input('Enter the observed data parameter from above:\n> ')))
-    else:
-        numOBSs = 2
-        idObsDat = [0, 6]
-        idObsDatPara = [1, 0]
-        obsTimeStep = ['monthly', 'monthly']
-        #numOBSs=1; idObsDat=[6]; idObsDatPara=[0]; obsTimeStep=['monthly']
-        #numOBSs=1; idObsDat=[5]; idObsDatPara=[3]; obsTimeStep=['monthly']
-        #numOBSs=1; idObsDat=[0]; idObsDatPara=[1]; obsTimeStep=['monthly']
-        ##### Data table to be replace with the use of metadata #################################
-        #idObsDat=0; idObsDatPara=0; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # TRMM daily
-        #idObsDat=0; idObsDatPara=1; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # TRMM monthly
-        #idObsDat=3; idObsDatPara=0; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # MODIS cloud fraction
-        #idObsDat=5; idObsDatPara=0; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.0 - t2bar
-        #idObsDat=5; idObsDatPara=1; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.0 - t2max
-        #idObsDat=5; idObsDatPara=2; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.0 - t2min
-        #idObsDat=5; idObsDatPara=3; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.0 - pr
-        #idObsDat=6; idObsDatPara=0; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.1 - pr
-        #idObsDat=6; idObsDatPara=1; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.1 - t2bar
-        #idObsDat=6; idObsDatPara=2; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.1 - t2max
-        #idObsDat=6; idObsDatPara=3; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.1 - t2min
-        #idObsDat=6; idObsDatPara=4; obsTimeStep='monthly'                 # CRU3.1 - cloud fraction
-        ##### Data table to be replace with the use of metadata #################################
-    # assign observed data info: all variables are 'list'
-    obsDataset = []
-    data_type = []
-    obsDatasetId = []
-    obsParameterId = []
-    obsStartTime = []
-    obsEndTime = []
-    obsList = []
-    for m in np.arange(numOBSs):
-        obsDataset.append(db_datasets[idObsDat[m]])# obsDataset=db_datasets[idObsDat[m]]
-        data_type.append(db_parameters[idObsDat[m]][idObsDatPara[m]])# data_type = db_parameters[idObsDat[m]][idObsDatPara[m]]
-        obsDatasetId.append(db_dataset_ids[idObsDat[m]])# obsDatasetId = db_dataset_ids[idObsDat[m]]
-        obsParameterId.append(db_parameter_ids[idObsDat[m]][idObsDatPara[m]])# obsParameterId = db_parameter_ids[idObsDat[m]][idObsDatPara[m]]
-        obsStartTime.append(db_dataset_startTimes[idObsDat[m]])# obsStartTime = db_dataset_startTimes[idObsDat[m]]
-        obsEndTime.append(db_dataset_endTimes[idObsDat[m]])# obsEndTime = db_dataset_endTimes[idObsDat[m]]
-        obsList.append(db_datasets[idObsDat[m]] + '_' + db_parameters[idObsDat[m]][idObsDatPara[m]])
-                        TRMM_pr_mon
-                        CRU3.1_pr
-    print'obsDatasetId,obsParameterId,obsList,obsStartTime,obsEndTime= ', obsDatasetId, obsParameterId, obsStartTime, obsEndTime# return -1
-    obsStartTmax = max(obsStartTime)
-    obsEndTmin = min(obsEndTime)
-    ###################################################################
-    # 3.   Load model data and assign model-related processing info
-    ###################################################################
-    # 3a:  construct the list of model data files
-    if GUI:
-        FileList_instructions = raw_input('Enter model file (specify multiple files using wildcard: e.g., *\n> ')
-    else:
-        FileList_instructions = '*' + modelVarName + '.nc'
-        #FileList_instructions = '*' + 'ARPEGE51' + '*' + modelVarName + '.nc'
-    FileList_instructions = mdlDataDir + '/' + FileList_instructions
-    FileList = glob.glob(FileList_instructions)
-    n_infiles = len(FileList)
-    #print FileList_instructions,n_infiles,FileList
-    # 3b: (1) Attempt to auto-detect latitude and longitude variable names (removed in rcmes.files_v12.find_latlon_var_from_file)
-    #     (2) Find lat,lon limits from first file in FileList              (active)
-    file_type = 'nc'
-    laName = modelLatVarName
-    loName = modelLonVarName
-    latMin = ma.zeros(n_infiles)
-    latMax = ma.zeros(n_infiles)
-    lonMin = ma.zeros(n_infiles)
-    lonMax = ma.zeros(n_infiles)
-    for n in np.arange(n_infiles):
-        ifile = FileList[n]
-        status, latMin[n], latMax[n], lonMin[n], lonMax[n] = storage.files_v12.find_latlon_var_from_file(ifile, file_type, laName, loName)
-        print 'Min/Max Lon & Lat: ', n, lonMin[n], lonMax[n], latMin[n], latMax[n]
-    if GUI:
-        instruction = raw_input('Do the long/lat ranges all model files match? (y/n)\n> ')
-    else:
-        instruction = 'y'
-    print instruction
-    if instruction != 'y':
-        print 'Long & lat ranges of model data files do not match: EXIT'; return -1
-    latMin = latMin[0]
-    latMax = latMax[0]
-    lonMin = lonMin[0]
-    lonMax = lonMax[0]
-    print 'Min/Max Lon & Lat:', lonMin, lonMax, latMin, latMax
-    print ''
-    # TODO:  Work out how to handle when model files have different ranges for Latitude, Longitude or Time
-    # 3c: Decode model times into a python datetime object (removed in rcmes.process_v12.decode_model_times; var name is hardwired in 1.)
-    #     Check the length of model data period. Retain only the files that contain the entire 20yr records
-    #     Also specify the model data time step. Not used for now, but will be used to control the selection of the obs data (4) & temporal regridding (7).
-    # Note July 25, 2011: model selection for analysis is moved and is combined with the determination of the evaluation period
-    timeName = modelTimeVarName
-    mdldataTimeStep = 'monthly'
-    file_type = 'nc'
-    n_mos = ma.zeros(n_infiles)
-    newFileList = []
-    mdlStartT = []
-    mdlEndT = []
-    mdlName = []
-    k = 0
-    for n in np.arange(n_infiles):
-        # extract model names for identification
-        # Provided that model results are named as 
-        # mdlDataDir/projectName_mdlName_(some other information)
-        ifile = FileList[n]
-        name = ifile[len(mdlDataDir)+1:len(mdlDataDir)+20]  # +1 excludes '/'
-        name_wo_project = name[name.find('_')+1:]   # file name without its project name
-        mdlName.append(name_wo_project[0:name_wo_project.find('_')]) # print'model name= ',name[0:name.find('_')]
-        # extract the temporal coverage of each model data file and the related time parameters
-        modelTimes = process.getModelTimes(ifile, timeName)
-        n_mos[n] = len(modelTimes)
-        # PARSE OUT THE Min(YEAR and MONTH) and Max(YEAR and MONTH)
-        # Could this merely be a MinTime and MaxTime so essentially a TimeRange?
-        y0 = min(modelTimes).strftime("%Y")
-        m0 = min(modelTimes).strftime("%m")
-        y1 = max(modelTimes).strftime("%Y")
-        m1 = max(modelTimes).strftime("%m")
-        if mdlTimeStep == 'monthly':
-            d0 = 1
-            d1 = 1
-        else:
-            d0 = min(modelTimes).strftime("%d")
-            d1 = max(modelTimes).strftime("%d")
-        minMdlT = datetime.datetime(int(y0), int(m0), int(d0), 0, 0, 0, 0)
-        maxMdlT = datetime.datetime(int(y1), int(m1), int(d1), 0, 0, 0, 0)
-        # AFTER all the Datetime to string to int and back to datetime, we are left with the ModelTimeStart and ModelTimeEnd
-        mdlStartT.append(minMdlT)
-        mdlEndT.append(maxMdlT)
-    print 'Mdl Times decoded: n= ', n, ' Name: ', mdlName[n], ' length= ', len(modelTimes), \
-          ' 1st mdl time: ', mdlStartT[n].strftime("%Y/%m"), ' Lst mdl time: ', mdlEndT[n].strftime("%Y/%m")
-    #print 'mdlStartT'; print mdlStartT; print 'mdlEndT'; print mdlEndT
-    #print max(mdlStartT),min(mdlEndT)
-    # get the list of models to be evaluated and the period of evaluation
-    # July 25, 2011: the selection of model and evaluation period are modified:
-    #   1. Default: If otherwise specified, select the longest overlapping period and exclude the model outputs that do not cover the default period
-    #   2. MaxMdl : Select the max number of models for evaluation. The evaluation period may be reduced
-    #   3. PrdSpc : The evaluation period is specified and the only data files that cover the specified period are included for evaluation.
-    #   4. Note that the analysis period is limited to the full annual cycle, i.e., starts in Jan and ends in Dec.
-    # 5:   Select the period for evaluation/analysis (defaults to overlapping times between model and obs)
-    # 5a: First calculate the overlapping period
-    startTime = []
-    endTime = []
-    for n in np.arange(n_infiles):
-        startTime.append(max(mdlStartT[n], obsStartTmax))
-        endTime.append(min(mdlEndT[n], obsEndTmin))
-        #print n,mdlStartT[n],mdlEndT[n],startTime[n],endTime[n]
-        yy = int(startTime[n].strftime("%Y"))
-        mm = int(startTime[n].strftime("%m"))
-        if mm != 1:
-            yy = yy + 1
-            mm = 1
-        startTime[n] = datetime.datetime(int(yy), int(mm), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-        yy = int(endTime[n].strftime("%Y"))
-        mm = int(endTime[n].strftime("%m"))
-        if mm != 12:
-            yy = yy - 1
-            mm = 12
-        endTime[n] = datetime.datetime(int(yy), int(mm), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-        print mdlName[n], ' common start/end time: ', startTime[n], endTime[n]
-    maxAnlT0 = min(startTime)
-    maxAnlT1 = max(endTime)
-    minAnlT0 = max(startTime)
-    minAnlT1 = min(endTime)
-    #print startTime; print endTime
-    print 'max common period: ', maxAnlT0, '-', maxAnlT1; print 'min common period: ', minAnlT0, '-', minAnlT1
-    # 5b: Determine the evaluation period and the models to be evaluated
-    if GUI:
-        print 'Select evaluation period. Depending on the selected period, the number of models may vary. See above common start/end times'
-        print 'Enter: 1 for max common period, 2 for min common period, 3 for your own choice: Note that all period starts from Jan and end at Dec'
-        choice = int(raw_input('Enter your choice from above [1,2,3] \n> '))
-    else:
-        choice = 3
-    if choice == 1:
-        startTime = maxAnlT0
-        endTime = maxAnlT1
-        print 'Maximum(model,obs) period is selected. Some models will be dropped from evaluation'
-    if choice == 2:
-        startTime = minAnlT0
-        endTime = minAnlT1
-        print 'Minimum(model,obs) period is selected. All models will be evaluated except there are problems'
-    if choice == 3:
-        startYear = int(raw_input('Enter start year YYYY \n'))
-        endYear = int(raw_input('Enter end year YYYY \n'))
-        if startYear < int(maxAnlT0.strftime("%Y")):
-            print 'Your start year is earlier than the available data period: EXIT; return -1'
-        if endYear > int(maxAnlT1.strftime("%Y")):
-            print 'Your end year is later than the available data period: EXIT; return -1'
-        # CGOODALE - Updating the Static endTime to be 31-DEC
-        startTime = datetime.datetime(startYear, 1, 1, 0, 0)
-        endTime = datetime.datetime(endYear, 12, 31, 0, 0)
-        print 'Evaluation will be performed for a user-selected period'
-    print 'Final: startTime/endTime: ', startTime, '/', endTime
-    # select model data for analysis and analysis period
-    k = 0
-    newFileList = []
-    name = []
-    print 'n_infiles= ', n_infiles
-    for n in np.arange(n_infiles): 
-        ifile = FileList[n]
-        nMos = n_mos[n]
-        print mdlName[n], n_mos[n], mdlStartT[n], startTime, mdlEndT[n], endTime
-        # LOOP OVER THE MODEL START TIMES AND DETERMINE WHICH TO KEEP based on user entered Start/End Years
-        if mdlStartT[n] <= startTime and mdlEndT[n] >= endTime:
-            newFileList.append(ifile)
-            name.append(mdlName[n])
-            k += 1
-    FileList = newFileList
-    newFileList = 0
-    FileList.sort()
-    print 'the number of select files = ', len(FileList)
-    mdlName = name
-    numMDLs = len(FileList)
-    for n in np.arange(numMDLs):
-        print n, mdlName[n], FileList[n]
-    # 6:   Select spatial regridding options
-    regridOption = 2      # for multi-model cases, this option can be selected only when all model data are on the same grid system.
-    naLons = 1
-    naLats = 1
-    dLon = 0.5
-    dLat = 0.5  # these are dummies for regridOption = 1 & 2
-    if GUI:
-        print 'Spatial regridding options: '
-        print '[0] Use Observational grid'
-        print '[1] Use Model grid'
-        print '[2] Define new regular lat/lon grid to use'
-        regridOption = int(raw_input('Please make a selection from above:\n> '))
-    if np.logical_or(regridOption > 2, regridOption < 0):
-        print 'Error: Non-existing spatial regridding option. EXIT'; return -1, -1, -1, -1
-    # specify the regridding option
-    if regridOption == 0: 
-        regridOption = 'obs'
-    if regridOption == 1:
-        regridOption = 'model'
-    # If requested, get new grid parameters: min/max long & lat values and their uniform increments; the # of longs and lats
-    if regridOption == 2:
-        regridOption = 'regular'
-        dLon = 0.44
-        dLat = 0.44
-        lonMin = -24.64
-        lonMax = 60.28
-        latMin = -45.76
-        latMax = 42.24
-        naLons = int((lonMax - lonMin + 1.e-5 * dLon) / dLon) + 1
-        naLats = int((latMax - latMin + 1.e-5 * dLat) / dLat) + 1
-    if GUI:
-        if regridOption == 2:
-            regridOption = 'regular'
-            lonMin = float(raw_input('Please enter the longitude at the left edge of the domain:\n> '))
-            lonMax = float(raw_input('Please enter the longitude at the right edge of the domain:\n> '))
-            latMin = float(raw_input('Please enter the latitude at the lower edge of the domain:\n> '))
-            latMax = float(raw_input('Please enter the latitude at the upper edge of the domain:\n> '))
-            dLon = float(raw_input('Please enter the longitude spacing (in degrees) e.g. 0.5:\n> '))
-            dLat = float(raw_input('Please enter the latitude spacing (in degrees) e.g. 0.5:\n> '))
-            nLons = int((lonMax - lonMin + 1.e-5 * dLon) / dLon) + 1
-            nLats = int((latMax - latMin + 1.e-5 * dLat) / dLat) + 1
-    print 'Spatial re-grid data on the ', regridOption, ' grid'
-    # 7:   Temporal regridding: Bring the model and obs data to the same temporal grid for comparison
-    #      (e.g., daily vs. daily; monthly vs. monthly)
-    timeRegridOption = 2
-    if GUI == True:
-        print 'Temporal regridding options: i.e. averaging from daily data -> monthly data'
-        print 'The time averaging will be performed on both model and observational data.'
-        print '[0] Calculate time mean for full period.'
-        print '[1] Calculate annual means'
-        print '[2] Calculate monthly means'
-        print '[3] Calculate daily means (from sub-daily data)'
-        timeRegridOption = int(raw_input('Please make a selection from above:\n> '))
-    # non-existing option is selected
-    if np.logical_or(timeRegridOption > 3, timeRegridOption < 0):
-        print 'Error: ', timeRegridOption, ' is a non-existing temporal regridding option. EXIT'; return -1, -1, -1, -1
-    # specify the temporal regridding option
-    if timeRegridOption == 0: 
-        timeRegridOption = 'mean over all times: i.e., annual-mean climatology'
-    if timeRegridOption == 1: 
-        timeRegridOption = 'annual'
-    if timeRegridOption == 2: 
-        timeRegridOption = 'monthly'
-    if timeRegridOption == 3: 
-        timeRegridOption = 'daily'
-    print 'timeRegridOption= ', timeRegridOption
-    #******************************************************************************************************************
-    # 8:   Select whether to perform Area-Averaging over masked region
-    #      If choice != 'y', the analysis/evaluation will be performed at every grid points within the analysis domain
-    #******************************************************************************************************************
-    numSubRgn = 21
-    subRgnLon0 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-    subRgnLon1 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-    subRgnLat0 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-    subRgnLat1 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-    # 21 rgns: SMHI11 + W+C+E. Mediterrenean (JK) + 3 in UCT (Western Sahara, Somalia, Madagascar) + 4 in Mideast
-    subRgnLon0 = [-10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, -19.3, 15.0, -10.0, -10.0, 33.9, 44.2, 10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 13.6, 13.6, 20.0, 43.2, 33.0, 45.0, 43.0, 50.0]   # HYB 21 rgns
-    subRgnLon1 = [  0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 33.0, -10.2, 30.0, 10.0, 10.0, 40.0, 51.8, 25.0, 25.0, 40.0, 20.0, 20.0, 35.7, 50.3, 40.0, 50.0, 50.0, 58.0]   # HYB 21 rgns
-    subRgnLat0 = [ 29.0, 29.0, 25.0, 25.0, 12.0, 15.0, 7.3, 5.0, 6.9, 2.2, 0.0, -10.0, -15.0, -27.9, -35.0, -35.0, -25.8, 25.0, 28.0, 13.0, 20.0]   # HYB 21 rgns
-    subRgnLat1 = [ 36.5, 37.5, 32.5, 32.5, 20.0, 25.0, 15.0, 7.3, 15.0, 11.8, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, -21.4, -27.9, -21.4, -11.7, 35.0, 35.0, 20.0, 27.5]   # HYB 21 rgns
-    subRgnName = ['R01', 'R02', 'R03', 'R04', 'R05', 'R06', 'R07', 'R08', 'R09', 'R10', 'R11', 'R12', 'R13', 'R14', 'R15', 'R16', 'R17', 'R18', 'R19', 'R20', 'R21']   # HYB 21 rgns
-    print subRgnName
-    maskOption = 0
-    maskLonMin = 0
-    maskLonMax = 0
-    maskLatMin = 0
-    maskLatMax = 0
-    rgnSelect = 0
-    choice = 'y'
-    if GUI:
-        choice = raw_input('Do you want to calculate area averages over a masked region of interest? [y/n]\n> ').lower()
-        if choice == 'y':
-            maskOption = 1
-            #print '[0] Load spatial mask from file.'
-            #print '[1] Enter regular lat/lon box to use as mask.'
-            #print '[2] Use pre-determined mask ranges'
-            #try:
-            #  maskInputChoice = int(raw_input('Please make a selection from above:\n> '))
-            #if maskInputChoice==0:    # Read mask from file
-            #  maskFile = raw_input('Please enter the file containing the mask data (including full path):\n> ') 
-            #  maskFileVar = raw_input('Please enter variable name of the mask data in the file:\n> ')
-            #if maskInputChoice==1:
-            #  maskLonMin = float(raw_input('Please enter the longitude at the left edge of the mask region:\n> '))
-            #  maskLonMax = float(raw_input('Please enter the longitude at the right edge of the mask region:\n> '))
-            #  maskLatMin = float(raw_input('Please enter the latitude at the lower edge of the mask region:\n> '))
-            #  maskLatMax = float(raw_input('Please enter the latitude at the upper edge of the mask region:\n> '))
-    ## maskInputChoice = 0/1: Load spatial mask from file/specifify with long,lat range'
-    if choice == 'y':
-        maskOption = 1
-        maskInputChoice = 1
-        if maskInputChoice == 1:
-            for n in np.arange(numSubRgn):
-                print 'Subregion [', n, '] ', subRgnName[n], subRgnLon0[n], 'E - ', subRgnLon1[n], ' E: ', subRgnLat0[n], 'N - ', subRgnLat1[n], 'N'
-            rgnSelect = 3
-            if GUI:
-                rgnSelect = raw_input('Select the region for which regional-mean timeseries are to be analyzed\n')
-        #if maskInputChoice==0:    # Read mask from file
-        #   maskFile = 'maskFileNameTBD'
-        #   maskFileVar = 'maskFileVarTBD'
-    # 9.   Select properties to evaluate/analyze
-    # old Section 8: Select: calculate seasonal cycle composites
-    seasonalCycleOption = 'y'
-    if GUI:
-        seasonalCycleOption = raw_input('Composite the data to show seasonal cycles? [y/n]\n> ').lower()
-    if seasonalCycleOption == 'y':
-        seasonalCycleOption = 1
-    else:
-        seasonalCycleOption = 0
-    # Section 9: Select Peformance Metric
-    choice = 0
-    if GUI:
-        print 'Metric options'
-        print '[0] Bias: mean bias across full time range'
-        print '[1] Mean Absolute Error: across full time range'
-        print '[2] Difference: calculated at each time unit'
-        print '[3] Anomaly Correlation> '
-        print '[4] Pattern Correlation> '
-        print '[5] TODO: Probability Distribution Function similarity score'
-        print '[6] RMS error'
-        choice = int(raw_input('Please make a selection from the options above\n> '))
-    # assign the metrics to be calculated
-    if choice == 0: 
-        metricOption = 'bias'
-    if choice == 1: 
-        metricOption = 'mae'
-    if choice == 2:
-        metricOption = 'difference'
-    if choice == 3:
-        metricOption = 'acc'
-    if choice == 4:
-        metricOption = 'patcor'
-    if choice == 5:
-        metricOption = 'pdf'
-    if choice == 6:
-        metricOption = 'rms'
-    #  Select output option
-    FoutOption = 0
-    if GUI:
-        choice = raw_input('Option for output files of obs/model data: Enter no/bn/nc\n> ').lower()
-        if choice == 'no':
-            FoutOption = 0
-        if choice == 'bn':
-            FoutOption = 1
-        if choice == 'nc':
-            FoutOption = 2
-    ###################################################################################################
-    # Section 11: Select Plot Options
-    ###################################################################################################
-    modifyPlotOptions = 'no'
-    plotTitle = modelVarName + '_'
-    plotFilenameStub = modelVarName + '_'
-    if GUI:
-        modifyPlotOptions = raw_input('Do you want to modify the default plot options? [y/n]\n> ').lower()
-    if modifyPlotOptions == 'y':
-        plotTitle = raw_input('Enter the plot title:\n> ')
-        plotFilenameStub = raw_input('Enter the filename stub to use, without suffix e.g. files will be named <YOUR CHOICE>.png\n> ')
-    print'------------------------------'
-    print'End of preprocessor: Run RCMET'
-    print'------------------------------'
-    """
-    # Section 13: Run RCMET, passing in all of the user options
-    # TODO: **Cameron** Add an option to write a file that includes all options selected before this step to help repeating the same analysis.
-    # read-in and regrid both obs and model data onto a common grid system (temporally & spatially).
-    # the data are passed to compute metrics and plotting
-    # numOBSs & numMDLs will be increased by +1 for multiple obs & mdls, respectively, to accomodate obs and model ensembles
-    # nT: the number of time steps in the data
-#    numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, obsData, mdlData, obsRgn, mdlRgn, obsList, mdlList = toolkit.do_data_prep.prep_data(\
-#         cachedir, workdir, \
-#         obsList, obsDatasetId, obsParameterId, \
-#         startTime, endTime, \
-#         latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax, dLat, dLon, naLats, naLons, \
-#         FileList, \
-#         numSubRgn, subRgnLon0, subRgnLon1, subRgnLat0, subRgnLat1, subRgnName, \
-#         modelVarName, precipFlag, modelTimeVarName, modelLatVarName, modelLonVarName, \
-#         regridOption, timeRegridOption, maskOption, FoutOption)
-    """
-    Parameter to Object Mapping
-    cachedir = settings.cacheDir
-    workdir = settings.cacheDir
-    obsList = obsDatasetList.each['longname']
-    """
-    numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, obsData, mdlData, obsRgn, mdlRgn, obsList, mdlList = toolkit.do_data_prep(\
-          settings, obsDatasetList, gridBox, models, subRegionTuple)
-    """
-    print 'Input and regridding of both obs and model data are completed. now move to metrics calculations'
-    # Input and regridding of both obs and model data are completed. now move to metrics calculations
-    print '-----------------------------------------------'
-    print 'mdlID  numMOs  mdlStartTime mdlEndTime fileName'
-    print '-----------------------------------------------'
-    """
-    mdlSelect = numMDL - 1                      # numMDL-1 corresponds to the model ensemble
-    """
-    if GUI:
-        n = 0
-        while n < len(mdlList):
-            print n, n_mos[n], mdlStartT[n], mdlEndT[n], FileList[n][35:]
-            n += 1
-        ask = 'Enter the model ID to be evaluated from above:  ', len(FileList), ' for the model-ensemble: \n'
-        mdlSelect = int(raw_input(ask))
-    print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
-    if maskOption == 1:
-        seasonalCycleOption = 1
-    # TODO:  This seems like we can just use numOBS to compute obsSelect (obsSelect = numbOBS -1)
-    if numOBS == 1:
-        obsSelect = 1
-    else:
-        #obsSelect = 1          #  1st obs (TRMM)
-        #obsSelect = 2          # 2nd obs (CRU3.1)
-        obsSelect = numOBS      # obs ensemble
-    obsSelect = obsSelect - 1   # convert to fit the indexing that starts from 0
-    toolkit.do_metrics_20.metrics_plots(numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, obsData, mdlData, obsRgn, mdlRgn, obsList, mdlList, \
-                              workdir, \
-                              mdlSelect, obsSelect, \
-                              numSubRgn, subRgnName, rgnSelect, \
-                              obsParameterId, precipFlag, timeRegridOption, maskOption, seasonalCycleOption, metricOption, \
-                                                                                           plotTitle, plotFilenameStub)
-    """
-def generateModels(modelConfig):
-    """
-    This function will return a list of Model objects that can easily be used for 
-    metric computation and other processing tasks.
-    Input::  
-        modelConfig - list of ('key', 'value') tuples.  Below is a list of valid keys
-            filenamepattern - string i.e. '/nas/run/model/output/MOD*precip*.nc'
-            latvariable - string i.e. 'latitude'
-            lonvariable - string i.e. 'longitude'
-            timevariable - string i.e. 't'
-            timestep - string 'monthly' | 'daily' | 'annual'
-            varname - string i.e. 'pr'
-    Output::
-        modelList - List of Model objects
-    """
-    # Setup the config Data Dictionary to make parsing easier later
-    configData = {}
-    for entry in modelConfig:
-        configData[entry[0]] = entry[1]
-    modelFileList = None
-    for keyValTuple in modelConfig:
-        if keyValTuple[0] == 'filenamePattern':
-            modelFileList = glob.glob(keyValTuple[1])
-    # Remove the filenamePattern from the dict since it is no longer used
-    configData.pop('filenamePattern')
-    models = []
-    for modelFile in modelFileList:
-        configData['filename'] = modelFile
-        model = Model(**configData)
-        models.append(model)
-    return models
-def generateSettings(settingsConfig):
-    """
-    Helper function to decouple the argument parsing from the Settings object creation
-    Input::  
-        settingsConfig - list of ('key', 'value') tuples.
-            workdir - string i.e. '/nas/run/rcmet/work/'
-            cachedir - string i.e. '/tmp/rcmet/cache/'
-    Output::
-        settings - Settings Object
-    """
-    # Setup the config Data Dictionary to make parsing easier later
-    configData = {}
-    for entry in settingsConfig:
-        configData[entry[0]] = entry[1]
-    return Settings(**configData)
-def generateDatasets(rcmedConfig):
-    """
-    Helper function to decouple the argument parsing from the RCMEDDataset object creation
-    Input::  
-        rcmedConfig - list of ('key', 'value') tuples.
-            obsDatasetId=3,10
-            obsParamId=36,32
-            obsTimeStep=monthly,monthly
-    Output::
-        datasets - list of RCMEDDataset Objects
-    # Setup the config Data Dictionary to make parsing easier later
-    """
-    delimiter = ','
-    configData = {}
-    for entry in rcmedConfig:
-        if delimiter in entry[1]:
-            # print 'delim found - %s' % entry[1]
-            valueList = entry[1].split(delimiter)
-            configData[entry[0]] = valueList
-        else:
-            configData[entry[0]] = entry[1]
-    return configData
-def tempGetYears():
-    startYear = int(raw_input('Enter start year YYYY \n'))
-    endYear = int(raw_input('Enter end year YYYY \n'))
-    # CGOODALE - Updating the Static endTime to be 31-DEC
-    startTime = datetime.datetime(startYear, 1, 1, 0, 0)
-    endTime = datetime.datetime(endYear, 12, 31, 0, 0)
-    return (startTime, endTime)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    if args.CONFIG:
-        print 'Running using config file: %s' % args.CONFIG
-        # Parse the Config file
-        userConfig = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
-        userConfig.optionxform = str # This is so the case is preserved on the items in the config file
-        settings = generateSettings(userConfig.items('SETTINGS'))
-        models = generateModels(userConfig.items('MODEL'))
-        datasets = generateDatasets(userConfig.items('RCMED'))
-        # Go get the parameter listing from the database
-        try:
-            params = db.getParams()
-        except Exception:
-            sys.exit()
-        obsDatasetList = []
-        for param_id in datasets['obsParamId']:
-            for param in params:
-                if param['parameter_id'] == int(param_id):
-                    obsDatasetList.append(param)
-                else:
-                    pass
-        # TODO:  Find a home for the regrid parameters in the CONFIG file
-        # Setup the Regridding Options
-        regridOption = 'regular'
-        # dLon = 0.44 - Provided in the SETTINGS config section
-        # dLat = 0.44
-        lonMin = -24.64
-        lonMax = 60.28
-        latMin = -45.76
-        latMax = 42.24
-        # Create a Grid Box Object that extends the bounding box Object
-        gridBox = GridBox(latMin, lonMin, latMax, lonMax, settings.gridLonStep, settings.gridLatStep)
-        """ These can now be accessed from the gridBox object using gridBox.latCount and gridBox.lonCount attributes
-        naLons = int((gridBox.lonMax - gridBox.lonMin + 1.e-5 * settings.gridLonStep) / settings.gridLonStep) + 1
-        print naLons
-        print int((gridBox.lonMax - gridBox.lonMin) / gridBox.lonStep) + 1 
-        naLats = int((gridBox.latMax - gridBox.latMin + 1.e-5 * settings.gridLatStep) / settings.gridLatStep) + 1
-        """
-        timeRegridOption = settings.temporalGrid
-        # TODO:  How do we support n subregions as Jinwon has below?
-        numSubRgn = 21
-#        subRgnLon0 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-#        subRgnLon1 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-#        subRgnLat0 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-#        subRgnLat1 = ma.zeros(numSubRgn)
-        # 21 rgns: SMHI11 + W+C+E. Mediterrenean (JK) + 3 in UCT (Western Sahara, Somalia, Madagascar) + 4 in Mideast
-        subRgnLon0 = [-10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, -19.3, 15.0, -10.0, -10.0, 33.9, 44.2, 10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 13.6, 13.6, 20.0, 43.2, 33.0, 45.0, 43.0, 50.0]   # HYB 21 rgns
-        subRgnLon1 = [  0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 33.0, -10.2, 30.0, 10.0, 10.0, 40.0, 51.8, 25.0, 25.0, 40.0, 20.0, 20.0, 35.7, 50.3, 40.0, 50.0, 50.0, 58.0]   # HYB 21 rgns
-        subRgnLat0 = [ 29.0, 29.0, 25.0, 25.0, 12.0, 15.0, 7.3, 5.0, 6.9, 2.2, 0.0, -10.0, -15.0, -27.9, -35.0, -35.0, -25.8, 25.0, 28.0, 13.0, 20.0]   # HYB 21 rgns
-        subRgnLat1 = [ 36.5, 37.5, 32.5, 32.5, 20.0, 25.0, 15.0, 7.3, 15.0, 11.8, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, -21.4, -27.9, -21.4, -11.7, 35.0, 35.0, 20.0, 27.5]   # HYB 21 rgns
-        subRgnName = ['R01', 'R02', 'R03', 'R04', 'R05', 'R06', 'R07', 'R08', 'R09', 'R10', 'R11', 'R12', 'R13', 'R14', 'R15', 'R16', 'R17', 'R18', 'R19', 'R20', 'R21']   # HYB 21 rgns
-        print subRgnName
-        subRegionTuple = (numSubRgn, subRgnLon0, subRgnLon1, subRgnLat0, subRgnLat1, subRgnName)
-        rgnSelect = 3
-        maskOption = settings.maskOption
-        bbox = BoundingBox(subRgnLat0[rgnSelect], 
-                           subRgnLon0[rgnSelect], 
-                           subRgnLat1[rgnSelect], 
-                           subRgnLon1[rgnSelect])
-        regionMask = SubRegion(subRgnName[rgnSelect], bbox)
-        # Using a 'mask' instance of the BoundingBox object
-#        maskLonMin = 0
-#        maskLonMax = 0
-#        maskLatMin = 0
-#        maskLatMax = 0
-        choice = 'y'
-        #  THIS JUST MEANS A USER DEFINED MASK IS BEING USED (basically from the hardcoded values listed above (line 819 ish)
-        maskInputChoice = 1
-        if maskInputChoice == 1:
-            for n in np.arange(numSubRgn):
-                print 'Subregion [', n, '] ', subRgnName[n], subRgnLon0[n], 'E - ', subRgnLon1[n], ' E: ', subRgnLat0[n], 'N - ', subRgnLat1[n], 'N'
-            rgnSelect = 3
-        # Section 9: Select Peformance Metric
-        metricOption = 'bias'
-        FoutOption = 0
-        # Section 11: Select Plot Options
-        # TODO: Using first model in models since Var name is the same across all
-        modifyPlotOptions = 'no'
-        plotTitle = models[0].varName + '_'
-        plotFilenameStub = models[0].varName + '_'
-        print'------------------------------'
-        print'End of preprocessor: Run RCMET'
-        print'------------------------------'
-        numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, obsData, mdlData, obsRgn, mdlRgn, obsList, mdlList = toolkit.do_data_prep.prep_data(settings, obsDatasetList, gridBox, models, subRegionTuple)
-        print 'Input and regridding of both obs and model data are completed. now move to metrics calculations'
-        mdlSelect = numMDL - 1                      # numMDL-1 corresponds to the model ensemble
-        """ Disregard GUI block for now
-        if GUI:
-            n = 0
-            while n < len(mdlList):
-                print n, n_mos[n], mdlStartT[n], mdlEndT[n], FileList[n][35:]
-                n += 1
-            ask = 'Enter the model ID to be evaluated from above:  ', len(FileList), ' for the model-ensemble: \n'
-            mdlSelect = int(raw_input(ask))
-        print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
-        """
-        if maskOption:
-            seasonalCycleOption = True
-        # TODO:  This seems like we can just use numOBS to compute obsSelect (obsSelect = numbOBS -1)
-        if numOBS == 1:
-            obsSelect = 1
-        else:
-            #obsSelect = 1          #  1st obs (TRMM)
-            #obsSelect = 2          # 2nd obs (CRU3.1)
-            obsSelect = numOBS      # obs ensemble
-        obsSelect = obsSelect - 1   # convert to fit the indexing that starts from 0
-        # TODO:  Undo the following code when refactoring later
-        obsParameterId = [str(x['parameter_id']) for x in obsDatasetList]
-        precipFlag = models[0].precipFlag
-        toolkit.do_metrics_20.metrics_plots(numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, obsData, mdlData, obsRgn, mdlRgn, obsList, mdlList, \
-                                  settings.workDir, \
-                                  mdlSelect, obsSelect, \
-                                  numSubRgn, subRgnName, rgnSelect, \
-                                  obsParameterId, precipFlag, timeRegridOption, maskOption, seasonalCycleOption, metricOption, \
-                                                                                               plotTitle, plotFilenameStub)
-    else:
-        print 'Interactive mode has been enabled'
-        #getSettings(SETTINGS)
-        print "But isn't implemented.  Try using the -c option instead"
-    #rcmet_cordexAF()