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Posted to by Gabriele Columbro <> on 2009/10/19 20:11:49 UTC

Maven archetype wrapping chemistry-atompub-tck

Hi guys,
I've been working quite a lot around the Chemistry TCK and especially  
to integrate it (and it CMIS Client features) into starter packages  
for training and divulgation purposes.

I've wrapped up my effort in a public Maven archetype which can be  
used as starter kit for people using CMIS and documented it here [1].  
It's a very initial attempt but it's quite nice as it depends on the  
chemistry-atompub-tck, so I can keep it up to date with the standard  
by the means (almost) of a simple Maven dependency upgrade.

Hope you (and the community) will like it :)




Eng. Gabriele Columbro
Alfresco Software, Ltd.

M: +31 (0)627 565 103
P: +39 320 161 28 46
D: +44 (0)1628 876 654
Skype: gabrielecolumbro