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Posted to by Mark Weaver <> on 2001/10/11 02:00:09 UTC

xsl-include tag & absolute paths


I have a situation in which I would like to do:

<xsl:include href="http://localhost/test2.xsl"/>

from http://localhost/test.xsl

What I'm finding is that the URL is treated as relative, that is the URL is
parsed as:


I'm not sure if this is wrong according to the spec of xsl:include.

1) Is there any easy way to get this to work?
2) Is it a bug?  That is should I fix this to not resolve http: paths
starting with a leading double slash?
3) Is this a known bug?  I couldn't spot one (sorry, my bugzilla is awful)

(This is with the latest stable source of Xalan)

