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-<h1>Introduction<a class="headerlink" href="#introduction" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>Traffic Control is a control plane for a CDN, which includes all of the components mentioned in the CDN Basics section, except for the Log File Analysis System. The caching software chosen for Traffic Control is <a class="reference external" href="">Apache Traffic Server</a> (ATS). Although the current release only supports ATS as a cache, this may change with future releases.</p>
-<p>Traffic Control was first developed at Comcast for internal use and released to Open Source in April of 2015.</p>
-<p>Traffic Control implements the blue boxes in the architecture diagram below.</p>
-<img alt="../_images/traffic_control_overview_3.png" class="align-center" src="../_images/traffic_control_overview_3.png" />
-<p>In the next sections each of these components will be explained further.</p>
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-<h1>Traffic Monitor<a class="headerlink" href="#traffic-monitor" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>Traffic Monitor is a Java/Tomcat application that monitors the caches in a CDN for a variety of metrics. These metrics are for use in determining the overall health of a given cache and the related delivery services. A given CDN can operate a number of Traffic Monitors, from a number of geographically diverse locations, to prevent false positives caused by network problems at a given site.</p>
-<p>Traffic Monitors operate independently, but use the state of other Traffic Monitors in conjunction with their own state, to provide a consistent view of CDN cache health to upstream applications such as Traffic Router. Health Protocol governs the cache and Delivery Service availability.</p>
-<p>Traffic Monitor provides a view into CDN health using several RESTful JSON endpoints, which are consumed by other Traffic Monitors and upstream components such as Traffic Router. Traffic Monitor is also responsible for serving the overall CDN configuration to Traffic Router, which ensures that the configuration of these two critical components remain synchronized as operational and health related changes propagate through the CDN.</p>
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-<span id="rl-astats"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> Cache Monitoring<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-cache-monitoring" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div><p>Traffic Monitor polls all caches configured with a status of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">REPORTED</span></code> or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ADMIN_DOWN</span></code> at an interval specified as a configuration parameter in Traffic Ops. If the cache is set to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ADMIN_DOWN</span></code> it is marked as unavailable but still polled for availability and statistics. If the cache is explicitly configured with a status of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ONLINE</span></code> or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">OFFLINE</span></code>, it is not polled by Traffic Monitor and presented to Traffic Router as configured, regardless of actual availability.</p>
-<p>Traffic Monitor makes HTTP requests at regular intervals to a special URL on each EDGE cache and consumes the JSON output. The special URL is a plugin running on the Apache Traffic Server (ATS) caches called astats, which is restricted to Traffic Monitor only. The astats plugin provides insight into application and system performance, such as:</p>
-<ul class="simple">
-<li>Throughput (e.g. bytes in, bytes out, etc).</li>
-<li>Transactions (e.g. number of 2xx, 3xx, 4xx responses, etc).</li>
-<li>Connections (e.g. from clients, to parents, origins, etc).</li>
-<li>Cache performance (e.g.: hits, misses, refreshes, etc).</li>
-<li>Storage performance (e.g.: writes, reads, frags, directories, etc).</li>
-<li>System performance (e.g: load average, network interface throughput, etc).</li>
-<p>Many of the application level statistics are available at the global or aggregate level, some at the Delivery Service (remap rule) level. Traffic Monitor uses the system level performance to determine the overall health of the cache by evaluating network throughput and load against values configured in Traffic Ops. Traffic Monitor also uses throughput and transaction statistics at the remap rule level to determine Delivery Service health.</p>
-<p>If astats is unavailable due to a network related issue or the system statistics have exceeded the configured thresholds, Traffic Monitor will mark the cache as unavailable. If the delivery service statistics exceed the configured thresholds, the delivery service is marked as unavailable, and Traffic Router will start sending clients to the overflow destinations for that delivery service, but the cache remains available to serve other content,</p>
-<div class="admonition seealso">
-<p class="first admonition-title">See also</p>
-<p class="last">For more information on ATS Statistics, see the <a class="reference external" href="">ATS documentation</a></p>
-<div class="section" id="arrow-health-protocol">
-<span id="rl-health-proto"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> Health Protocol<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-health-protocol" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div><p>Redundant Traffic Monitor servers operate independently from each other but take the state of other Traffic Monitors into account when asked for health state information. In the above overview of cache monitoring, the behavior of Traffic Monitor pertains only to how an individual instance detects and handles failures. The Health Protocol adds another dimension to the health state of the CDN by merging the states of all Traffic Monitors into one, and then taking the <em>optimistic</em> approach when dealing with a cache or Delivery Service that might have been marked as unavailable by this particular instance or a peer instance of Traffic Monitor.</p>
-<p>Upon startup or configuration change in Traffic Ops, in addition to caches, Traffic Monitor begins polling its peer Traffic Monitors whose state is set to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ONLINE</span></code>. Each <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ONLINE</span></code> Traffic Monitor polls all of its peers at a configurable interval and saves the peer&#8217;s state for later use. When polling its peers, Traffic Monitor asks for the raw health state from each respective peer, which is strictly that instance&#8217;s view of the CDN&#8217;s health. When any <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ONLINE</span></code> Traffic Monitor is asked for CDN health by an upstream component, such as Traffic Router, the component gets the health protocol influenced version of CDN health (non-raw view).</p>
-<p>In operation of the health protocol, Traffic Monitor takes all health states from all peers, including the locally known health state, and serves an optimistic outlook to the requesting client. This means that, for example, if three of the four Traffic Monitors see a given cache or Delivery Service as exceeding its thresholds and unavailable, it is still considered available.  Only if all Traffic Monitors agree that the given object is unavailable is that state propagated to upstream components. This optimistic approach to the Health Protocol is counter to the &#8220;fail fast&#8221; philosophy, but serves well for large networks with complicated geography and or routing. The optimistic Health Protocol allows network failures or latency to occur without affecting overall traffic routing, as Traffic Monitors can and do have a different view of the network when deployed in geographically diverse locations. Short polling intervals of both the caches and Traffic Monitor peers help to
  reduce customer impact of outages.</p>
-<p>It is not uncommon for a cache to be marked unavailable by Traffic Monitor - in fact, it is business as usual for many CDNs. A hot video asset may cause a single cache (say cache-03) to get close to it&#8217;s interface capacity, the health protocol &#8220;kicks in&#8221;, and Traffic Monitor marks cache-03 as unavailable. New clients want to see the same asset, and now, Traffic Router will send these customers to another cache (say cache-01) in the same cachegroup. The load is now shared between cache-01 and cache-03. As clients finish watching the asset on cache-03, it will drop below the threshold and gets marked available again, and new clients will now go back to cache-03 again.</p>
-<p>It is less common for a delivery service to be marked unavailable by Traffic Monitor, the delivery service thresholds are usually used for overflow situations at extreme peaks to protect other delivery services in the CDN from getting impacted.</p>
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-<h1>Traffic Ops<a class="headerlink" href="#traffic-ops" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>Traffic Ops is the tool for administration (configuration and monitoring) of all components in a Traffic Control CDN. The CDN administrator uses Traffic Ops to manage servers, cache groups, delivery services, etc. In many cases, a configuration change requires propagation to several, or even all, caches and only explicitly after or before the same change propagates to Traffic Router. Traffic Ops takes care of this required consistency between the different components and their configuration. Traffic Ops exposes its data through a series of HTTP APIs and has a user interface that is interactive and viewable using a standard web browser.</p>
-<p>Traffic Ops uses a MySQL or PostgreSQL database to store the configuration information, and the <a class="reference external" href="">Mojolicious framework</a> to generate the user interface and APIs. Not all configuration data is in this database however; for sensitive data, like SSL private keys or token based authentication shared secrets, a separate key-value store is used, allowing the operator to harden the server that runs this key-value store better from a security perspective (i.e only allow Traffic Ops access it with a cert). The Traffic Ops server, by design, needs to be accessible from all the other servers in the Traffic Control CDN.</p>
-<p>Traffic Ops generates all the application specific configuration files for the caches and other servers. The caches and other servers check in with Traffic Ops at a regular interval (default 15 minutes) to see if updated configuration files require application.</p>
-<p>Traffic Ops also runs a collection of periodic checks to determine the operational readiness of the caches. These periodic checks are customizable by the Traffic Ops admin using extensions.</p>
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-<span id="rl-trops-ext"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> Traffic Ops Extension<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-traffic-ops-extension" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div><p>Traffic Ops Extensions are a way to enhance the basic functionality of Traffic Ops in a custom manner. There are three types of extensions:</p>
-<ul class="simple">
-<li>Check Extensions - Allows you to add custom checks to the &#8220;Health-&gt;Server Checks&#8221; view.</li>
-<li>Configuration Extension - Allows you to add custom configuration file generators.</li>
-<li>Data source Extensions - Allows you to add data sources for the graph views and usage APIs.</li>
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-<span id="index-0"></span><h1>Traffic Portal<a class="headerlink" href="#traffic-portal" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>Traffic Portal is a user interface for CDN tenants to view performance, and in most cases, change settings of their delivery services. Traffic Portal is an Angular JS application written against the Traffic Ops APIs.</p>
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-<p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
-<p class="last">The Traffic Portal is not being released to Open Source in the initial release.</p>
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-<span id="index-0"></span><h1>Traffic Router<a class="headerlink" href="#traffic-router" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>Traffic Router&#8217;s function is to send clients to the most optimal cache. Optimal in this case is based on a number of factors:</p>
-<ul class="simple">
-<li>Distance between the cache and the client (not necessarily measured in meters, but quite often in layer 3 network hops). Less network distance between the client and cache yields better performance, and lower network load. Traffic Router helps clients connect to the best performing cache for their location at the lowest network cost.</li>
-<li>Availability of caches and health / load on the caches. A common issue in Internet and television distribution scenarios is having many clients attempting to retrieve the same content at the same time. Traffic Router helps clients route around overloaded or down caches.</li>
-<li>Availability of content on a particular cache. Reusing of content through cache HITs is the most important performance gain a CDN can offer. Traffic Router sends clients to the cache that is most likely to already have the desired content.</li>
-<p>Traffic routing options are often configured at the Delivery Service level.</p>
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-<span id="rl-ds"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> Delivery Service<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-delivery-service" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div><p>As discussed in the basic concepts section, the EDGE caches are configured as reverse proxies, and the Traffic Control CDN looks from the outside as a very large reverse proxy. Delivery Services are often referred to a reverse proxy remap rule. In most cases, a Delivery Service is a one to one mapping to a FQDN that is used as a hostname to deliver the content. Many options and settings regarding how to optimize the content delivery, which is configurable on a Delivery Service basis. Some examples of these Delivery Service settings are:</p>
-<ul class="simple">
-<li>Cache in RAM, cache on disk, or do not cache at all.</li>
-<li>Use DNS or HTTP Content routing (see below).</li>
-<li>Limits on transactions per second and bandwidth.</li>
-<li>Protocol (http or https).</li>
-<li>Token based authentication settings.</li>
-<li>Header rewrite rules.</li>
-<p>Delivery Services are also for use in allowing multi-tenants to coexist in the Traffic Control CDN without interfering with each other, and to keep information about their content separated.</p>
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-<div class="section" id="arrow-localization">
-<span id="rl-localization"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> Localization<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-localization" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div>Traffic Router uses a SJON input file called the <em>coverage zone map</em> to determine what <em>cachegroup</em> is closest to the client. If the client IP address is not in this coverage zone map, it falls back to <em>geo</em>, using the maxmind database to find the client&#8217;s location, and the geo coordinates from Traffic Ops for the cachegroup.</div></blockquote>
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-<div class="line"><br /></div>
-<p>Traffic Router is inserted into the HTTP retrieval process by making it DNS authoritative for the domain of the CDN delivery service. In the example of the reverse proxy, the client was given the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span> <span class="pre">url</span></code>. In a Traffic Control CDN, URLs start with either <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tr.</span></code> or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">edge.</span></code>, for HTTP or DNS content routing respectively.  These names are configurable via properties files within the Traffic Router installation.</p>
-<div class="line-block">
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-<div class="section" id="arrow-dns-content-routing">
-<span id="rl-dns-cr"></span><span id="index-1"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> DNS Content Routing<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-dns-content-routing" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div>For a DNS delivery service the client receives a URL with a hostname beginning with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">edge.</span></code> (e.g. <a class="reference external" href=""></a>). When the LDNS server is resolving this <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> hostname to an IP address, it ends at Traffic Router because it is the authoritative DNS server for <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> and the domains below it, and subsequently responds with a list of IP addresses from the eligible caches based on the location of the LDNS server. When responding, Traffic Router does not know the actual client IP address or the path that the client is going to request. The decision on what cache IP address (or list of cache IP addresses) to return is solely based on the location of the LDNS server and the
  health of the caches. The client then connects to port 80 on the cache, and sends the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Host:</span> <span class="pre"></span></code> header. The configuration of the cache includes the remap rule <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span> <span class="pre"></span></code> to map that edge name to an origin hostname.</div></blockquote>
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-<div class="section" id="arrow-http-content-routing">
-<span id="rl-http-cr"></span><h2><img alt="arrow" src="../_images/fwda1.png" /> HTTP Content Routing<a class="headerlink" href="#arrow-http-content-routing" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<div><p>For an HTTP delivery service the client receives a URL with a hostname beginning with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tr.</span></code> (e.g. <a class="reference external" href=""></a>), the LDNS server resolves this <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> to an IP address, but in this case Traffic Router returns its own IP address. The client opens a connection to port 80 on the Traffic Router&#8217;s IP address, and sends:</p>
-<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>GET /foo/bar/fun.html HTTP/1.1
-<p>Traffic Router uses an HTTP 302 to redirect the client to the best cache. For example:</p>
-<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
-Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
-Content-Length: 0
-Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:01:41 GMT
-<p>The information Traffic Router can consider when selecting a cache in this case is much better:</p>
-<ul class="simple">
-<li>The client&#8217;s IP address (the other side of the socket).</li>
-<li>The URL path the client is requesting.</li>
-<li>All HTTP 1.1 headers.</li>
-<p>The client follows the redirect and performs a DNS request for the IP address for <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>, and normal HTTP steps follow, except the sending of the Host: header when connected to the cache is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Host:</span> <span class="pre">atsec-nyc-02.dsname.cdn</span></code>, and the configuration of the cache includes the remap rule (e.g.``http://atsec-nyc-02.dsname.cdn  <a class="reference external" href="http://origin.dsname">http://origin.dsname</a>.com``).</p>
-<p>Traffic Router sends all requests for the same path in a delivery service to the same cache in a cache group using consistent hashing, in this case all caches in a cache group are not carrying the same content, and there is a much larger combined cache in the cache group.</p>
-<p>In many cases DNS content routing is the best possible option, especially in cases where the client is receiving small objects from the CDN like images and web pages.</p>
-<p>Traffic Router is redundant and horizontally scalable by adding more instances into the DNS hierarchy
-..  (MAT/JSE to expand or word better)</p>
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