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Posted to by BeNJ <> on 2021/09/13 07:04:12 UTC

PutMongo error when trying to use arrayFilters.

I have a mongo document that has a multi level nested array.
I'm trying to perform a PutMongo Update with the following Update Query:
"customer_id": "${customer_id}"

And the following flowfile:
    "$inc": {
        "hosts.$[hostip].ports.$[portnum].port_test" : 1
    "$max": {
        "hosts.$[hostip].ports.$[portnum].port_index" : "2"
    "arrayFilters": [
        "": ""
            "portnum.port": "80",
            "portnum.proto": "tcp"
        } ]

But I'm getting the following error:
*Failed to insert StandardFlowFileRecord[...], ...], ...] into MongoDB due
to com.mongodb.MongoWriteException: No array filter found for identifier
'hostip' in path 'hosts.$[hostip].host_ports': *
*com.mongodb.MongoWriteException: No array filter found for identifier
'hostip' in path 'hosts.$[hostip].host_ports'*

This works though a mongo client, but from what I can tell, PutMongo
ignores the arrayFilters section.
Other updates I perform with putMongo using normal $push or $set to a flat
or nested document with $elemMatch in the query, work great (I'm using
Update mode "With operators enabled")

Am I missing anything that I should try, or is this a known limitation and
I should use some external way (script maybe?) to make the update?

I appreciate any info you can share,