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Posted to by Benoit Decherf <> on 2006/12/05 09:44:19 UTC

send an object containing a java.util.List


I want to create a service which return an object containing a List:

The object to return: 
public class Container {
  private List myList = new ArrayList();

  public List getList() {
    return myList;

The service (pojo) :
public class MyService {
  private Container container = new Container();

  public Container getContainer() {
    container.getList().add("a test");
    return container;

When I try to access the service I receive an Exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null rcl
        at org.codehaus.jam.internal.reflect.ReflectClassBuilder.<init>(
        at org.codehaus.jam.provider.JamServiceFactoryImpl.createBuilder(

I check the code, and I saw that in the class org/apache/axis2/databinding/utils/BeanUtil, The only object I can use to send a list is the ArrayList. Why ?
I change the isArrayList method in org/apache/axis2/databinding/typemapping/SimpleTypeMapper to detect a java.util.List instead of just the ArrayList and it work fine. So why just limit to ArrayList (and not just Collection)? 



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