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Posted to by "xzj7019 (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/06/27 14:57:51 UTC

[GitHub] [doris] xzj7019 commented on a diff in pull request #21114: [improvement](nereids) Support rf into cte

xzj7019 commented on code in PR #21114:

@@ -294,8 +221,466 @@ public PhysicalRelation visitPhysicalScan(PhysicalRelation scan, CascadesContext
         return scan;
+    private long getBuildSideNdv(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join, EqualTo equalTo) {
+        AbstractPlan right = (AbstractPlan) join.right();
+        //make ut test friendly
+        if (right.getStats() == null) {
+            return -1L;
+        }
+        ExpressionEstimation estimator = new ExpressionEstimation();
+        ColumnStatistic buildColStats = equalTo.right().accept(estimator, right.getStats());
+        return buildColStats.isUnKnown ? -1 : Math.max(1, (long) buildColStats.ndv);
+    }
     private static Slot checkTargetChild(Expression leftChild) {
         Expression expression = ExpressionUtils.getExpressionCoveredByCast(leftChild);
         return expression instanceof Slot ? ((Slot) expression) : null;
+    private void pushDownRuntimeFilterCommon(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            CascadesContext context) {
+        RuntimeFilterContext ctx = context.getRuntimeFilterContext();
+        List<TRuntimeFilterType> legalTypes =
+                .filter(type -> (type.getValue() & ctx.getSessionVariable().getRuntimeFilterType()) > 0)
+                .collect(Collectors.toList());
+        // TODO: some complex situation cannot be handled now, see testPushDownThroughJoin.
+        //   we will support it in later version.
+        for (int i = 0; i < join.getHashJoinConjuncts().size(); i++) {
+            EqualTo equalTo = ((EqualTo) JoinUtils.swapEqualToForChildrenOrder(
+                    (EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(i), join.left().getOutputSet()));
+            for (TRuntimeFilterType type : legalTypes) {
+                //bitmap rf is generated by nested loop join.
+                if (type == TRuntimeFilterType.BITMAP) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (join.left() instanceof PhysicalUnion
+                        || join.left() instanceof PhysicalIntersect
+                        || join.left() instanceof PhysicalExcept) {
+                    doPushDownIntoSetOperation(join, ctx, equalTo, type, i);
+                } else {
+                    doPushDownBasic(join, context, ctx, equalTo, type, i);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void doPushDownBasic(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join, CascadesContext context,
+            RuntimeFilterContext ctx, EqualTo equalTo, TRuntimeFilterType type, int exprOrder) {
+        Map<NamedExpression, Pair<PhysicalRelation, Slot>> aliasTransferMap = ctx.getAliasTransferMap();
+        // currently, we can ensure children in the two side are corresponding to the equal_to's.
+        // so right maybe an expression and left is a slot
+        Slot unwrappedSlot = checkTargetChild(equalTo.left());
+        // aliasTransMap doesn't contain the key, means that the path from the olap scan to the join
+        // contains join with denied join type. for example: a left join b on =
+        if (unwrappedSlot == null || !aliasTransferMap.containsKey(unwrappedSlot)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Slot olapScanSlot = aliasTransferMap.get(unwrappedSlot).second;
+        PhysicalRelation scan = aliasTransferMap.get(unwrappedSlot).first;
+        Preconditions.checkState(olapScanSlot != null && scan != null);
+        if (scan instanceof PhysicalCTEConsumer) {
+            Set<CTEId> processedCTE = context.getRuntimeFilterContext().getProcessedCTE();
+            CTEId cteId = ((PhysicalCTEConsumer) scan).getCteId();
+            if (!processedCTE.contains(cteId)) {
+                PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer = context.getRuntimeFilterContext()
+                        .getCteProduceMap().get(cteId);
+                PhysicalPlan inputPlanNode = (PhysicalPlan) cteProducer.child(0);
+                // process cte producer self recursively
+                inputPlanNode.accept(this, context);
+                processedCTE.add(cteId);
+            }
+        } else {
+            // in-filter is not friendly to pipeline
+            if (type == TRuntimeFilterType.IN_OR_BLOOM
+                    && ctx.getSessionVariable().enablePipelineEngine()
+                    && hasRemoteTarget(join, scan)) {
+                type = TRuntimeFilterType.BLOOM;
+            }
+            long buildSideNdv = getBuildSideNdv(join, equalTo);
+            RuntimeFilter filter = new RuntimeFilter(generator.getNextId(),
+                    equalTo.right(), ImmutableList.of(olapScanSlot), type, exprOrder, join, buildSideNdv);
+            ctx.addJoinToTargetMap(join, olapScanSlot.getExprId());
+            ctx.setTargetExprIdToFilter(olapScanSlot.getExprId(), filter);
+            ctx.setTargetsOnScanNode(aliasTransferMap.get(unwrappedSlot).first.getId(), olapScanSlot);
+        }
+    }
+    private void doPushDownIntoSetOperation(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            RuntimeFilterContext ctx, EqualTo equalTo, TRuntimeFilterType type, int exprOrder) {
+        Map<NamedExpression, Pair<PhysicalRelation, Slot>> aliasTransferMap = ctx.getAliasTransferMap();
+        List<Slot> targetList = new ArrayList<>();
+        int projIndex = -1;
+        for (int j = 0; j < join.left().children().size(); j++) {
+            PhysicalPlan child = (PhysicalPlan) join.left().child(j);
+            if (child instanceof PhysicalProject) {
+                PhysicalProject project = (PhysicalProject) child;
+                Slot leftSlot = checkTargetChild(equalTo.left());
+                if (leftSlot == null) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                for (int k = 0; projIndex < 0 && k < project.getProjects().size(); k++) {
+                    NamedExpression expr = (NamedExpression) project.getProjects().get(k);
+                    if (expr.getName().equals(leftSlot.getName())) {
+                        projIndex = k;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                Preconditions.checkState(projIndex >= 0
+                        && projIndex < project.getProjects().size());
+                NamedExpression targetExpr = (NamedExpression) project.getProjects().get(projIndex);
+                SlotReference origSlot = null;
+                if (targetExpr instanceof Alias) {
+                    origSlot = (SlotReference) targetExpr.child(0);
+                } else {
+                    origSlot = (SlotReference) targetExpr;
+                }
+                Slot olapScanSlot = aliasTransferMap.get(origSlot).second;
+                PhysicalRelation scan = aliasTransferMap.get(origSlot).first;
+                if (type == TRuntimeFilterType.IN_OR_BLOOM
+                        && ctx.getSessionVariable().enablePipelineEngine()
+                        && hasRemoteTarget(join, scan)) {
+                    type = TRuntimeFilterType.BLOOM;
+                }
+                targetList.add(olapScanSlot);
+                ctx.addJoinToTargetMap(join, olapScanSlot.getExprId());
+                ctx.setTargetsOnScanNode(aliasTransferMap.get(origSlot).first.getId(), olapScanSlot);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!targetList.isEmpty()) {
+            long buildSideNdv = getBuildSideNdv(join, equalTo);
+            RuntimeFilter filter = new RuntimeFilter(generator.getNextId(),
+                    equalTo.right(), targetList, type, exprOrder, join, buildSideNdv);
+            for (int j = 0; j < targetList.size(); j++) {
+                ctx.setTargetExprIdToFilter(targetList.get(j).getExprId(), filter);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void collectPushDownCTEInfos(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            CascadesContext context) {
+        RuntimeFilterContext ctx = context.getRuntimeFilterContext();
+        Set<CTEId> cteIds = new HashSet<>();
+        PhysicalPlan leftChild = (PhysicalPlan) join.left();
+        PhysicalPlan rightChild = (PhysicalPlan) join.right();
+        Preconditions.checkState(leftChild != null && rightChild != null);
+        boolean leftHasCTE = hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin(leftChild, cteIds);
+        boolean rightHasCTE = hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin(rightChild, cteIds);
+        // only one side cte is allowed currently
+        if ((leftHasCTE && !rightHasCTE) || (!leftHasCTE && rightHasCTE)) {
+            for (CTEId id : cteIds) {
+                if (ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().get(id) == null) {
+                    Set<PhysicalHashJoin> newJoin = new HashSet<>();
+                    newJoin.add(join);
+                    ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().put(id, newJoin);
+                } else {
+                    ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().get(id).add(join);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (!ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().isEmpty()) {
+            analyzeRuntimeFilterPushDownIntoCTEInfos(join, context);
+        }
+    }
+    private List<CTEId> getPushDownCTECandidates(RuntimeFilterContext ctx) {
+        List<CTEId> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
+        Map<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> cteRFPushDownMap = ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap();
+        for (Map.Entry<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> entry : cteRFPushDownMap.entrySet()) {
+            CTEId cteId = entry.getKey().getCteId();
+            if (ctx.getPushedDownCTE().contains(cteId)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            candidates.add(cteId);
+        }
+        return candidates;
+    }
+    private boolean hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin(PhysicalPlan root, Set<CTEId> cteIds) {
+        if (root instanceof PhysicalCTEConsumer) {
+            cteIds.add(((PhysicalCTEConsumer) root).getCteId());
+            return true;
+        } else if (root.children().size() != 1) {
+            // only collect cte in one side
+            return false;
+        } else if (root instanceof PhysicalDistribute
+                || root instanceof PhysicalFilter
+                || root instanceof PhysicalProject) {
+            return hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin((PhysicalPlan) root.child(0), cteIds);
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    private void analyzeRuntimeFilterPushDownIntoCTEInfos(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> curJoin,
+            CascadesContext context) {
+        RuntimeFilterContext ctx = context.getRuntimeFilterContext();
+        Map<CTEId, Set<PhysicalHashJoin>> cteToJoinsMap = ctx.getCteToJoinsMap();
+        for (Map.Entry<CTEId, Set<PhysicalHashJoin>> entry : cteToJoinsMap.entrySet()) {
+            CTEId cteId = entry.getKey();
+            Set<PhysicalHashJoin> joinSet = entry.getValue();
+            if (joinSet.contains(curJoin)) {
+                // skip current join
+                continue;
+            }
+            Set<LogicalCTEConsumer> cteSet = context.getCteIdToConsumers().get(cteId);
+            Preconditions.checkState(!cteSet.isEmpty());
+            String cteName = cteSet.iterator().next().getName();
+            // preconditions for rf pushing into cte producer:
+            // multiple joins whose join condition is on the same cte's column of the same cte
+            // the other side of these join conditions are the same column of the same table, or
+            // they in the same equal sets, such as under an equal join condition
+            // case 1: two joins with t1.c1 = cte1_consumer1.c1 and t1.c1 = cte1_consumer2.c1 conditions
+            //         rf of t1.c1 can be pushed down into cte1 producer
+            // case 2: two joins with t1.c1 = cte2_consumer1.c1 and t2.c2 = cte2_consumer2.c1 conditions
+            //         and another equal join condition with t1.c1 = t2.c2
+            //         rf of t1.c1 and t2.c2 can be pushed down into cte2 producer
+            if (joinSet.size() != cteSet.size()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            List<EqualTo> equalTos = new ArrayList<>();
+            Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin> equalCondToJoinMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+            for (PhysicalHashJoin join : joinSet) {
+                // precondition:
+                // 1. no non-equal join condition
+                // 2. only equalTo and slotReference both sides
+                // 3. only support one join condition (will be refined further)
+                if (join.getOtherJoinConjuncts().size() > 1
+                        || join.getHashJoinConjuncts().size() != 1
+                        || !(join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0) instanceof EqualTo)
+                        || !(((EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0)).child(0) instanceof SlotReference)
+                        || !(((EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0)).child(1) instanceof SlotReference)) {
+                    break;
+                } else {
+                    EqualTo equalTo = (EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0);
+                    equalTos.add(equalTo);
+                    equalCondToJoinMap.put(equalTo, join);
+                }
+            }
+            if (joinSet.size() == equalTos.size()) {
+                int matchNum = 0;
+                Set<String> cteNameSet = new HashSet<>();
+                Set<SlotReference> anotherSideSlotSet = new HashSet<>();
+                for (EqualTo equalTo : equalTos) {
+                    // has been checked above, SlotReference for both sides
+                    SlotReference left = (SlotReference) equalTo.left();
+                    SlotReference right = (SlotReference) equalTo.right();
+                    if (left.getQualifier().size() == 1 && left.getQualifier().get(0).equals(cteName)) {
+                        matchNum += 1;
+                        anotherSideSlotSet.add(right);
+                        cteNameSet.add(left.getQualifiedName());
+                    } else if (right.getQualifier().size() == 1 && right.getQualifier().get(0).equals(cteName)) {
+                        matchNum += 1;
+                        anotherSideSlotSet.add(left);
+                        cteNameSet.add(right.getQualifiedName());
+                    }
+                }
+                if (matchNum == equalTos.size() && cteNameSet.size() == 1) {
+                    // means all join condition points to the same cte on the same cte column.
+                    // collect the other side columns besides cte column side.
+                    Preconditions.checkState(equalTos.size() == equalCondToJoinMap.size());
+                    PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer = context.getRuntimeFilterContext().getCteProduceMap().get(cteId);
+                    if (anotherSideSlotSet.size() == 1) {
+                        // meet requirement for pushing down into cte producer
+                        ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap().put(cteProducer, equalCondToJoinMap);
+                    } else {
+                        // check further whether the join upper side can bring equal set, which
+                        // indicating actually the same runtime filter build side
+                        List<Expression> conditions = curJoin.getHashJoinConjuncts();
+                        boolean inSameEqualSet = false;
+                        for (Expression e : conditions) {
+                            if (e instanceof EqualTo) {
+                                SlotReference oneSide = (SlotReference) ((EqualTo) e).left();
+                                SlotReference anotherSide = (SlotReference) ((EqualTo) e).right();
+                                if (anotherSideSlotSet.contains(oneSide) && anotherSideSlotSet.contains(anotherSide)) {
+                                    inSameEqualSet = true;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (inSameEqualSet) {
+                            ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap().put(cteProducer, equalCondToJoinMap);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void pushDownRuntimeFilterIntoCTE(RuntimeFilterContext ctx) {
+        Map<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> cteRFPushDownMap = ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap();
+        for (Map.Entry<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> entry : cteRFPushDownMap.entrySet()) {
+            PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer = entry.getKey();
+            if (ctx.getPushedDownCTE().contains(cteProducer.getCteId())) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin> equalCondToJoinMap = entry.getValue();
+            int exprOrder = 0;
+            for (Map.Entry<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin> innerEntry : equalCondToJoinMap.entrySet()) {
+                EqualTo equalTo = innerEntry.getKey();
+                PhysicalHashJoin join = innerEntry.getValue();
+                Preconditions.checkState(cteProducer != null && join != null);
+                TRuntimeFilterType type = TRuntimeFilterType.IN_OR_BLOOM;
+                if (ctx.getSessionVariable().enablePipelineEngine()) {
+                    type = TRuntimeFilterType.BLOOM;
+                }
+                EqualTo newEqualTo = ((EqualTo) JoinUtils.swapEqualToForChildrenOrder(
+                        equalTo, join.child(0).getOutputSet()));
+                doPushDownIntoCTEProducerInternal(join, ctx, newEqualTo, type, exprOrder++, cteProducer);
+            }
+            ctx.getPushedDownCTE().add(cteProducer.getCteId());
+        }
+    }
+    private void doPushDownIntoCTEProducerInternal(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            RuntimeFilterContext ctx, EqualTo equalTo, TRuntimeFilterType type, int exprOrder,
+            PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer) {
+        Map<NamedExpression, Pair<PhysicalRelation, Slot>> aliasTransferMap = ctx.getAliasTransferMap();
+        PhysicalPlan inputPlanNode = (PhysicalPlan) cteProducer.child(0);
+        Preconditions.checkState(inputPlanNode != null);

Review Comment:

@@ -294,8 +221,466 @@ public PhysicalRelation visitPhysicalScan(PhysicalRelation scan, CascadesContext
         return scan;
+    private long getBuildSideNdv(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join, EqualTo equalTo) {
+        AbstractPlan right = (AbstractPlan) join.right();
+        //make ut test friendly
+        if (right.getStats() == null) {
+            return -1L;
+        }
+        ExpressionEstimation estimator = new ExpressionEstimation();
+        ColumnStatistic buildColStats = equalTo.right().accept(estimator, right.getStats());
+        return buildColStats.isUnKnown ? -1 : Math.max(1, (long) buildColStats.ndv);
+    }
     private static Slot checkTargetChild(Expression leftChild) {
         Expression expression = ExpressionUtils.getExpressionCoveredByCast(leftChild);
         return expression instanceof Slot ? ((Slot) expression) : null;
+    private void pushDownRuntimeFilterCommon(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            CascadesContext context) {
+        RuntimeFilterContext ctx = context.getRuntimeFilterContext();
+        List<TRuntimeFilterType> legalTypes =
+                .filter(type -> (type.getValue() & ctx.getSessionVariable().getRuntimeFilterType()) > 0)
+                .collect(Collectors.toList());
+        // TODO: some complex situation cannot be handled now, see testPushDownThroughJoin.
+        //   we will support it in later version.
+        for (int i = 0; i < join.getHashJoinConjuncts().size(); i++) {
+            EqualTo equalTo = ((EqualTo) JoinUtils.swapEqualToForChildrenOrder(
+                    (EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(i), join.left().getOutputSet()));
+            for (TRuntimeFilterType type : legalTypes) {
+                //bitmap rf is generated by nested loop join.
+                if (type == TRuntimeFilterType.BITMAP) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (join.left() instanceof PhysicalUnion
+                        || join.left() instanceof PhysicalIntersect
+                        || join.left() instanceof PhysicalExcept) {
+                    doPushDownIntoSetOperation(join, ctx, equalTo, type, i);
+                } else {
+                    doPushDownBasic(join, context, ctx, equalTo, type, i);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void doPushDownBasic(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join, CascadesContext context,
+            RuntimeFilterContext ctx, EqualTo equalTo, TRuntimeFilterType type, int exprOrder) {
+        Map<NamedExpression, Pair<PhysicalRelation, Slot>> aliasTransferMap = ctx.getAliasTransferMap();
+        // currently, we can ensure children in the two side are corresponding to the equal_to's.
+        // so right maybe an expression and left is a slot
+        Slot unwrappedSlot = checkTargetChild(equalTo.left());
+        // aliasTransMap doesn't contain the key, means that the path from the olap scan to the join
+        // contains join with denied join type. for example: a left join b on =
+        if (unwrappedSlot == null || !aliasTransferMap.containsKey(unwrappedSlot)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Slot olapScanSlot = aliasTransferMap.get(unwrappedSlot).second;
+        PhysicalRelation scan = aliasTransferMap.get(unwrappedSlot).first;
+        Preconditions.checkState(olapScanSlot != null && scan != null);
+        if (scan instanceof PhysicalCTEConsumer) {
+            Set<CTEId> processedCTE = context.getRuntimeFilterContext().getProcessedCTE();
+            CTEId cteId = ((PhysicalCTEConsumer) scan).getCteId();
+            if (!processedCTE.contains(cteId)) {
+                PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer = context.getRuntimeFilterContext()
+                        .getCteProduceMap().get(cteId);
+                PhysicalPlan inputPlanNode = (PhysicalPlan) cteProducer.child(0);
+                // process cte producer self recursively
+                inputPlanNode.accept(this, context);
+                processedCTE.add(cteId);
+            }
+        } else {
+            // in-filter is not friendly to pipeline
+            if (type == TRuntimeFilterType.IN_OR_BLOOM
+                    && ctx.getSessionVariable().enablePipelineEngine()
+                    && hasRemoteTarget(join, scan)) {
+                type = TRuntimeFilterType.BLOOM;
+            }
+            long buildSideNdv = getBuildSideNdv(join, equalTo);
+            RuntimeFilter filter = new RuntimeFilter(generator.getNextId(),
+                    equalTo.right(), ImmutableList.of(olapScanSlot), type, exprOrder, join, buildSideNdv);
+            ctx.addJoinToTargetMap(join, olapScanSlot.getExprId());
+            ctx.setTargetExprIdToFilter(olapScanSlot.getExprId(), filter);
+            ctx.setTargetsOnScanNode(aliasTransferMap.get(unwrappedSlot).first.getId(), olapScanSlot);
+        }
+    }
+    private void doPushDownIntoSetOperation(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            RuntimeFilterContext ctx, EqualTo equalTo, TRuntimeFilterType type, int exprOrder) {
+        Map<NamedExpression, Pair<PhysicalRelation, Slot>> aliasTransferMap = ctx.getAliasTransferMap();
+        List<Slot> targetList = new ArrayList<>();
+        int projIndex = -1;
+        for (int j = 0; j < join.left().children().size(); j++) {
+            PhysicalPlan child = (PhysicalPlan) join.left().child(j);
+            if (child instanceof PhysicalProject) {
+                PhysicalProject project = (PhysicalProject) child;
+                Slot leftSlot = checkTargetChild(equalTo.left());
+                if (leftSlot == null) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                for (int k = 0; projIndex < 0 && k < project.getProjects().size(); k++) {
+                    NamedExpression expr = (NamedExpression) project.getProjects().get(k);
+                    if (expr.getName().equals(leftSlot.getName())) {
+                        projIndex = k;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                Preconditions.checkState(projIndex >= 0
+                        && projIndex < project.getProjects().size());
+                NamedExpression targetExpr = (NamedExpression) project.getProjects().get(projIndex);
+                SlotReference origSlot = null;
+                if (targetExpr instanceof Alias) {
+                    origSlot = (SlotReference) targetExpr.child(0);
+                } else {
+                    origSlot = (SlotReference) targetExpr;
+                }
+                Slot olapScanSlot = aliasTransferMap.get(origSlot).second;
+                PhysicalRelation scan = aliasTransferMap.get(origSlot).first;
+                if (type == TRuntimeFilterType.IN_OR_BLOOM
+                        && ctx.getSessionVariable().enablePipelineEngine()
+                        && hasRemoteTarget(join, scan)) {
+                    type = TRuntimeFilterType.BLOOM;
+                }
+                targetList.add(olapScanSlot);
+                ctx.addJoinToTargetMap(join, olapScanSlot.getExprId());
+                ctx.setTargetsOnScanNode(aliasTransferMap.get(origSlot).first.getId(), olapScanSlot);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!targetList.isEmpty()) {
+            long buildSideNdv = getBuildSideNdv(join, equalTo);
+            RuntimeFilter filter = new RuntimeFilter(generator.getNextId(),
+                    equalTo.right(), targetList, type, exprOrder, join, buildSideNdv);
+            for (int j = 0; j < targetList.size(); j++) {
+                ctx.setTargetExprIdToFilter(targetList.get(j).getExprId(), filter);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void collectPushDownCTEInfos(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> join,
+            CascadesContext context) {
+        RuntimeFilterContext ctx = context.getRuntimeFilterContext();
+        Set<CTEId> cteIds = new HashSet<>();
+        PhysicalPlan leftChild = (PhysicalPlan) join.left();
+        PhysicalPlan rightChild = (PhysicalPlan) join.right();
+        Preconditions.checkState(leftChild != null && rightChild != null);
+        boolean leftHasCTE = hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin(leftChild, cteIds);
+        boolean rightHasCTE = hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin(rightChild, cteIds);
+        // only one side cte is allowed currently
+        if ((leftHasCTE && !rightHasCTE) || (!leftHasCTE && rightHasCTE)) {
+            for (CTEId id : cteIds) {
+                if (ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().get(id) == null) {
+                    Set<PhysicalHashJoin> newJoin = new HashSet<>();
+                    newJoin.add(join);
+                    ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().put(id, newJoin);
+                } else {
+                    ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().get(id).add(join);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (!ctx.getCteToJoinsMap().isEmpty()) {
+            analyzeRuntimeFilterPushDownIntoCTEInfos(join, context);
+        }
+    }
+    private List<CTEId> getPushDownCTECandidates(RuntimeFilterContext ctx) {
+        List<CTEId> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
+        Map<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> cteRFPushDownMap = ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap();
+        for (Map.Entry<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> entry : cteRFPushDownMap.entrySet()) {
+            CTEId cteId = entry.getKey().getCteId();
+            if (ctx.getPushedDownCTE().contains(cteId)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            candidates.add(cteId);
+        }
+        return candidates;
+    }
+    private boolean hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin(PhysicalPlan root, Set<CTEId> cteIds) {
+        if (root instanceof PhysicalCTEConsumer) {
+            cteIds.add(((PhysicalCTEConsumer) root).getCteId());
+            return true;
+        } else if (root.children().size() != 1) {
+            // only collect cte in one side
+            return false;
+        } else if (root instanceof PhysicalDistribute
+                || root instanceof PhysicalFilter
+                || root instanceof PhysicalProject) {
+            return hasCTEConsumerUnderJoin((PhysicalPlan) root.child(0), cteIds);
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    private void analyzeRuntimeFilterPushDownIntoCTEInfos(PhysicalHashJoin<? extends Plan, ? extends Plan> curJoin,
+            CascadesContext context) {
+        RuntimeFilterContext ctx = context.getRuntimeFilterContext();
+        Map<CTEId, Set<PhysicalHashJoin>> cteToJoinsMap = ctx.getCteToJoinsMap();
+        for (Map.Entry<CTEId, Set<PhysicalHashJoin>> entry : cteToJoinsMap.entrySet()) {
+            CTEId cteId = entry.getKey();
+            Set<PhysicalHashJoin> joinSet = entry.getValue();
+            if (joinSet.contains(curJoin)) {
+                // skip current join
+                continue;
+            }
+            Set<LogicalCTEConsumer> cteSet = context.getCteIdToConsumers().get(cteId);
+            Preconditions.checkState(!cteSet.isEmpty());
+            String cteName = cteSet.iterator().next().getName();
+            // preconditions for rf pushing into cte producer:
+            // multiple joins whose join condition is on the same cte's column of the same cte
+            // the other side of these join conditions are the same column of the same table, or
+            // they in the same equal sets, such as under an equal join condition
+            // case 1: two joins with t1.c1 = cte1_consumer1.c1 and t1.c1 = cte1_consumer2.c1 conditions
+            //         rf of t1.c1 can be pushed down into cte1 producer
+            // case 2: two joins with t1.c1 = cte2_consumer1.c1 and t2.c2 = cte2_consumer2.c1 conditions
+            //         and another equal join condition with t1.c1 = t2.c2
+            //         rf of t1.c1 and t2.c2 can be pushed down into cte2 producer
+            if (joinSet.size() != cteSet.size()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            List<EqualTo> equalTos = new ArrayList<>();
+            Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin> equalCondToJoinMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+            for (PhysicalHashJoin join : joinSet) {
+                // precondition:
+                // 1. no non-equal join condition
+                // 2. only equalTo and slotReference both sides
+                // 3. only support one join condition (will be refined further)
+                if (join.getOtherJoinConjuncts().size() > 1
+                        || join.getHashJoinConjuncts().size() != 1
+                        || !(join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0) instanceof EqualTo)
+                        || !(((EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0)).child(0) instanceof SlotReference)
+                        || !(((EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0)).child(1) instanceof SlotReference)) {
+                    break;
+                } else {
+                    EqualTo equalTo = (EqualTo) join.getHashJoinConjuncts().get(0);
+                    equalTos.add(equalTo);
+                    equalCondToJoinMap.put(equalTo, join);
+                }
+            }
+            if (joinSet.size() == equalTos.size()) {
+                int matchNum = 0;
+                Set<String> cteNameSet = new HashSet<>();
+                Set<SlotReference> anotherSideSlotSet = new HashSet<>();
+                for (EqualTo equalTo : equalTos) {
+                    // has been checked above, SlotReference for both sides
+                    SlotReference left = (SlotReference) equalTo.left();
+                    SlotReference right = (SlotReference) equalTo.right();
+                    if (left.getQualifier().size() == 1 && left.getQualifier().get(0).equals(cteName)) {
+                        matchNum += 1;
+                        anotherSideSlotSet.add(right);
+                        cteNameSet.add(left.getQualifiedName());
+                    } else if (right.getQualifier().size() == 1 && right.getQualifier().get(0).equals(cteName)) {
+                        matchNum += 1;
+                        anotherSideSlotSet.add(left);
+                        cteNameSet.add(right.getQualifiedName());
+                    }
+                }
+                if (matchNum == equalTos.size() && cteNameSet.size() == 1) {
+                    // means all join condition points to the same cte on the same cte column.
+                    // collect the other side columns besides cte column side.
+                    Preconditions.checkState(equalTos.size() == equalCondToJoinMap.size());
+                    PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer = context.getRuntimeFilterContext().getCteProduceMap().get(cteId);
+                    if (anotherSideSlotSet.size() == 1) {
+                        // meet requirement for pushing down into cte producer
+                        ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap().put(cteProducer, equalCondToJoinMap);
+                    } else {
+                        // check further whether the join upper side can bring equal set, which
+                        // indicating actually the same runtime filter build side
+                        List<Expression> conditions = curJoin.getHashJoinConjuncts();
+                        boolean inSameEqualSet = false;
+                        for (Expression e : conditions) {
+                            if (e instanceof EqualTo) {
+                                SlotReference oneSide = (SlotReference) ((EqualTo) e).left();
+                                SlotReference anotherSide = (SlotReference) ((EqualTo) e).right();
+                                if (anotherSideSlotSet.contains(oneSide) && anotherSideSlotSet.contains(anotherSide)) {
+                                    inSameEqualSet = true;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (inSameEqualSet) {
+                            ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap().put(cteProducer, equalCondToJoinMap);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void pushDownRuntimeFilterIntoCTE(RuntimeFilterContext ctx) {
+        Map<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> cteRFPushDownMap = ctx.getCteRFPushDownMap();
+        for (Map.Entry<PhysicalCTEProducer, Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin>> entry : cteRFPushDownMap.entrySet()) {
+            PhysicalCTEProducer cteProducer = entry.getKey();
+            if (ctx.getPushedDownCTE().contains(cteProducer.getCteId())) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            Map<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin> equalCondToJoinMap = entry.getValue();
+            int exprOrder = 0;
+            for (Map.Entry<EqualTo, PhysicalHashJoin> innerEntry : equalCondToJoinMap.entrySet()) {
+                EqualTo equalTo = innerEntry.getKey();
+                PhysicalHashJoin join = innerEntry.getValue();
+                Preconditions.checkState(cteProducer != null && join != null);

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