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Posted to by James Levinson <> on 2007/06/27 00:11:30 UTC

Release Plugin: resolving snapshot dependencies & cutting releases

I am valiantly trying to replace my old "ant w/ many sandboxes and ssh"
build/release process in favor of a new&improved "mvn2-svn-wagonssh"
process. I have my super-pom and my other poms working nicely; I can create
my artifacts just fine.

But, the last piece in the puzzle is a bit of a hurdle: release.

Here is what my simple webapp looks like:

|_____resource1 pom (jar)
|_____resource2 pom (jar)
|_____webapp1 pom (war)

The 2 jars are dependencies of the webapp. So, I cut (prepare/perform)
release 9.1.1 of the 2 jars. No prob - they are in my repos.

Now, for the webapp, my pom has the 2 dependencies as snapshots. The plugin
asks if I want to resolve them and I get a bit lost there.

Do I need to modify the pom of the webapp to specify versions 9.1.1 of the
jars ? If I do that, I have to commit it and then my trunk pom is then
incorrect. Would I reedit and recommit it after release?

Am I releasing my webapp correctly? Perhaps, I don't need to release the jar
dependencies first ? Not sure.

Thanks, James (no-longer-lurking)