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[11/37] ignite git commit: Web console beta-7.
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/cluster.platform.provider.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/cluster.platform.provider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 582426e..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/cluster.platform.provider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import _ from 'lodash';
-const enumValueMapper = (val) => _.capitalize(val);
-const DFLT_CLUSTER = {
-    atomics: {
-        cacheMode: {
-            clsName: 'Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.CacheMode',
-            mapper: enumValueMapper
-        }
-    },
-    transactionConfiguration: {
-        defaultTxConcurrency: {
-            clsName: 'Apache.Ignite.Core.Transactions.TransactionConcurrency',
-            mapper: enumValueMapper
-        },
-        defaultTxIsolation: {
-            clsName: 'Apache.Ignite.Core.Transactions.TransactionIsolation',
-            mapper: enumValueMapper
-        }
-    }
-export default function() {
-    this.append = (dflts) => {
-        _.merge(DFLT_CLUSTER, dflts);
-    };
-    this.$get = ['igniteClusterDefaults', (clusterDefaults) => {
-        return _.merge({}, clusterDefaults, DFLT_CLUSTER);
-    }];
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/cluster.provider.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/cluster.provider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 726581d..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/cluster.provider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-const DFLT_CLUSTER = {
-    localHost: '',
-    discovery: {
-        localPort: 47500,
-        localPortRange: 100,
-        socketTimeout: 5000,
-        ackTimeout: 5000,
-        maxAckTimeout: 600000,
-        networkTimeout: 5000,
-        joinTimeout: 0,
-        threadPriority: 10,
-        heartbeatFrequency: 2000,
-        maxMissedHeartbeats: 1,
-        maxMissedClientHeartbeats: 5,
-        topHistorySize: 1000,
-        reconnectCount: 10,
-        statisticsPrintFrequency: 0,
-        ipFinderCleanFrequency: 60000,
-        forceServerMode: false,
-        clientReconnectDisabled: false,
-        Multicast: {
-            multicastGroup: '',
-            multicastPort: 47400,
-            responseWaitTime: 500,
-            addressRequestAttempts: 2,
-            localAddress: ''
-        },
-        Jdbc: {
-            initSchema: false
-        },
-        SharedFs: {
-            path: 'disco/tcp'
-        },
-        ZooKeeper: {
-            basePath: '/services',
-            serviceName: 'ignite',
-            allowDuplicateRegistrations: false,
-            ExponentialBackoff: {
-                baseSleepTimeMs: 1000,
-                maxRetries: 10
-            },
-            BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry: {
-                baseSleepTimeMs: 1000,
-                maxSleepTimeMs: 2147483647,
-                maxRetries: 10
-            },
-            UntilElapsed: {
-                maxElapsedTimeMs: 60000,
-                sleepMsBetweenRetries: 1000
-            },
-            RetryNTimes: {
-                n: 10,
-                sleepMsBetweenRetries: 1000
-            },
-            OneTime: {
-                sleepMsBetweenRetry: 1000
-            },
-            Forever: {
-                retryIntervalMs: 1000
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    atomics: {
-        atomicSequenceReserveSize: 1000,
-        backups: 0,
-        cacheMode: {
-            clsName: 'org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode',
-            value: 'PARTITIONED'
-        }
-    },
-    binary: {
-        compactFooter: true,
-        typeConfigurations: {
-            enum: false
-        }
-    },
-    collision: {
-        kind: null,
-        JobStealing: {
-            activeJobsThreshold: 95,
-            waitJobsThreshold: 0,
-            messageExpireTime: 1000,
-            maximumStealingAttempts: 5,
-            stealingEnabled: true,
-            stealingAttributes: {
-                keyClsName: 'java.lang.String',
-                valClsName: '',
-                items: []
-            }
-        },
-        PriorityQueue: {
-            priorityAttributeKey: 'grid.task.priority',
-            jobPriorityAttributeKey: 'grid.job.priority',
-            defaultPriority: 0,
-            starvationIncrement: 1,
-            starvationPreventionEnabled: true
-        }
-    },
-    communication: {
-        localPort: 47100,
-        localPortRange: 100,
-        sharedMemoryPort: 48100,
-        directBuffer: false,
-        directSendBuffer: false,
-        idleConnectionTimeout: 30000,
-        connectTimeout: 5000,
-        maxConnectTimeout: 600000,
-        reconnectCount: 10,
-        socketSendBuffer: 32768,
-        socketReceiveBuffer: 32768,
-        messageQueueLimit: 1024,
-        tcpNoDelay: true,
-        ackSendThreshold: 16,
-        unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize: 0,
-        socketWriteTimeout: 2000
-    },
-    networkTimeout: 5000,
-    networkSendRetryDelay: 1000,
-    networkSendRetryCount: 3,
-    discoveryStartupDelay: 60000,
-    connector: {
-        port: 11211,
-        portRange: 100,
-        idleTimeout: 7000,
-        idleQueryCursorTimeout: 600000,
-        idleQueryCursorCheckFrequency: 60000,
-        receiveBufferSize: 32768,
-        sendBufferSize: 32768,
-        sendQueueLimit: 0,
-        directBuffer: false,
-        noDelay: true,
-        sslEnabled: false,
-        sslClientAuth: false
-    },
-    deploymentMode: {
-        clsName: 'org.apache.ignite.configuration.DeploymentMode',
-        value: 'SHARED'
-    },
-    peerClassLoadingEnabled: false,
-    peerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize: 100,
-    peerClassLoadingThreadPoolSize: 2,
-    failoverSpi: {
-        JobStealing: {
-            maximumFailoverAttempts: 5
-        },
-        Always: {
-            maximumFailoverAttempts: 5
-        }
-    },
-    logger: {
-        Log4j: {
-            level: {
-                clsName: 'org.apache.log4j.Level'
-            }
-        },
-        Log4j2: {
-            level: {
-                clsName: 'org.apache.logging.log4j.Level'
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    marshalLocalJobs: false,
-    marshallerCacheKeepAliveTime: 10000,
-    metricsHistorySize: 10000,
-    metricsLogFrequency: 60000,
-    metricsUpdateFrequency: 2000,
-    clockSyncSamples: 8,
-    clockSyncFrequency: 120000,
-    timeServerPortBase: 31100,
-    timeServerPortRange: 100,
-    transactionConfiguration: {
-        defaultTxConcurrency: {
-            clsName: 'org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionConcurrency',
-            value: 'PESSIMISTIC'
-        },
-        defaultTxIsolation: {
-            clsName: 'org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionIsolation',
-            value: 'REPEATABLE_READ'
-        },
-        defaultTxTimeout: 0,
-        pessimisticTxLogLinger: 10000
-    },
-    attributes: {
-        keyClsName: 'java.lang.String',
-        valClsName: 'java.lang.String',
-        items: []
-    },
-    odbcConfiguration: {
-        endpointAddress: '',
-        maxOpenCursors: 128
-    },
-    eventStorage: {
-        Memory: {
-            expireCount: 10000
-        }
-    },
-    checkpointSpi: {
-        S3: {
-            bucketNameSuffix: 'default-bucket',
-            clientConfiguration: {
-                protocol: {
-                    clsName: 'com.amazonaws.Protocol',
-                    value: 'HTTPS'
-                },
-                maxConnections: 50,
-                retryPolicy: {
-                    retryCondition: {
-                        clsName: 'com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies'
-                    },
-                    backoffStrategy: {
-                        clsName: 'com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies'
-                    },
-                    maxErrorRetry: {
-                        clsName: 'com.amazonaws.retry.PredefinedRetryPolicies'
-                    }
-                },
-                maxErrorRetry: -1,
-                socketTimeout: 50000,
-                connectionTimeout: 50000,
-                requestTimeout: 0,
-                socketSendBufferSizeHints: 0,
-                connectionTTL: -1,
-                connectionMaxIdleMillis: 60000,
-                responseMetadataCacheSize: 50,
-                useReaper: true,
-                useGzip: false,
-                preemptiveBasicProxyAuth: false,
-                useTcpKeepAlive: false
-            }
-        },
-        JDBC: {
-            checkpointTableName: 'CHECKPOINTS',
-            keyFieldName: 'NAME',
-            keyFieldType: 'VARCHAR',
-            valueFieldName: 'VALUE',
-            valueFieldType: 'BLOB',
-            expireDateFieldName: 'EXPIRE_DATE',
-            expireDateFieldType: 'DATETIME',
-            numberOfRetries: 2
-        }
-    },
-    loadBalancingSpi: {
-        RoundRobin: {
-            perTask: false
-        },
-        Adaptive: {
-            loadProbe: {
-                Job: {
-                    useAverage: true
-                },
-                CPU: {
-                    useAverage: true,
-                    useProcessors: true,
-                    processorCoefficient: 1
-                },
-                ProcessingTime: {
-                    useAverage: true
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        WeightedRandom: {
-            nodeWeight: 10,
-            useWeights: false
-        }
-    }
-export default function() {
-    this.append = (dflts) => {
-        _.merge(DFLT_CLUSTER, dflts);
-    };
-    this.$get = [() => {
-        return DFLT_CLUSTER;
-    }];
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/igfs.provider.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/igfs.provider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c556336..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/defaults/igfs.provider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-const DFLT_IGFS = {
-    defaultMode: {
-        clsName: 'org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsMode',
-        value: 'DUAL_ASYNC'
-    },
-    secondaryFileSystem: {
-    },
-    ipcEndpointConfiguration: {
-        type: {
-            clsName: 'org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsIpcEndpointType'
-        },
-        host: '',
-        port: 10500,
-        memorySize: 262144,
-        tokenDirectoryPath: 'ipc/shmem'
-    },
-    fragmentizerConcurrentFiles: 0,
-    fragmentizerThrottlingBlockLength: 16777216,
-    fragmentizerThrottlingDelay: 200,
-    dualModeMaxPendingPutsSize: 0,
-    dualModePutExecutorServiceShutdown: false,
-    blockSize: 65536,
-    streamBufferSize: 65536,
-    maxSpaceSize: 0,
-    maximumTaskRangeLength: 0,
-    managementPort: 11400,
-    perNodeBatchSize: 100,
-    perNodeParallelBatchCount: 8,
-    prefetchBlocks: 0,
-    sequentialReadsBeforePrefetch: 0,
-    trashPurgeTimeout: 1000,
-    colocateMetadata: true,
-    relaxedConsistency: true,
-    pathModes: {
-        keyClsName: 'java.lang.String',
-        keyField: 'path',
-        valClsName: 'org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsMode',
-        valField: 'mode'
-    }
-export default function() {
-    this.append = (dflts) => {
-        _.merge(DFLT_IGFS, dflts);
-    };
-    this.$get = [() => {
-        return DFLT_IGFS;
-    }];
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-common.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-common.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d502c8a..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-common.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Entry point for common functions for code generation.
-const $generatorCommon = {};
-// Add leading zero.
-$generatorCommon.addLeadingZero = function(numberStr, minSize) {
-    if (typeof (numberStr) !== 'string')
-        numberStr = String(numberStr);
-    while (numberStr.length < minSize)
-        numberStr = '0' + numberStr;
-    return numberStr;
-// Format date to string.
-$generatorCommon.formatDate = function(date) {
-    const dd = $generatorCommon.addLeadingZero(date.getDate(), 2);
-    const mm = $generatorCommon.addLeadingZero(date.getMonth() + 1, 2);
-    const yyyy = date.getFullYear();
-    return mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy + ' ' + $generatorCommon.addLeadingZero(date.getHours(), 2) + ':' + $generatorCommon.addLeadingZero(date.getMinutes(), 2);
- * Generate title comment for XML, Java, ... files.
- *
- * @param sbj {string} What is generated.
- * @returns {string} Text to add as title comment in generated java class.
- */
-$generatorCommon.mainComment = function mainComment(sbj) {
-    return 'This ' + sbj + ' was generated by Ignite Web Console (' + $generatorCommon.formatDate(new Date()) + ')';
-// Create result holder with service functions and properties for XML and java code generation.
-$generatorCommon.builder = function(deep) {
-    if (_.isNil($generatorCommon.JavaTypes))
-        $generatorCommon.JavaTypes = angular.element(document.getElementById('app')).injector().get('JavaTypes');
-    const res = [];
-    res.deep = deep || 0;
-    res.needEmptyLine = false;
-    res.lineStart = true;
-    res.datasources = [];
-    res.imports = {};
-    res.staticImports = {};
-    res.vars = {};
-    res.safeDeep = 0;
-    res.safeNeedEmptyLine = false;
-    res.safeImports = {};
-    res.safeDatasources = [];
-    res.safePoint = -1;
-    res.mergeProps = function(fromRes) {
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(fromRes)) {
-            res.datasources = fromRes.datasources;
-            angular.extend(res.imports, fromRes.imports);
-            angular.extend(res.staticImports, fromRes.staticImports);
-            angular.extend(res.vars, fromRes.vars);
-        }
-    };
-    res.mergeLines = function(fromRes) {
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(fromRes)) {
-            if (res.needEmptyLine)
-                res.push('');
-            _.forEach(fromRes, function(line) {
-                res.append(line);
-            });
-        }
-    };
-    res.startSafeBlock = function() {
-        res.safeDeep = this.deep;
-        this.safeNeedEmptyLine = this.needEmptyLine;
-        this.safeImports = _.cloneDeep(this.imports);
-        this.safeStaticImports = _.cloneDeep(this.staticImports);
-        this.safeDatasources = this.datasources.slice();
-        this.safePoint = this.length;
-    };
-    res.rollbackSafeBlock = function() {
-        if (this.safePoint >= 0) {
-            this.splice(this.safePoint, this.length - this.safePoint);
-            this.deep = res.safeDeep;
-            this.needEmptyLine = this.safeNeedEmptyLine;
-            this.datasources = this.safeDatasources;
-            this.imports = this.safeImports;
-            this.staticImports = this.safeStaticImports;
-            this.safePoint = -1;
-        }
-    };
-    res.asString = function() {
-        return this.join('\n');
-    };
-    res.append = function(s) {
-        this.push((this.lineStart ? _.repeat('    ', this.deep) : '') + s);
-        return this;
-    };
-    res.line = function(s) {
-        if (s) {
-            if (res.needEmptyLine)
-                res.push('');
-            res.append(s);
-        }
-        res.needEmptyLine = false;
-        res.lineStart = true;
-        return res;
-    };
-    res.startBlock = function(s) {
-        if (s) {
-            if (this.needEmptyLine)
-                this.push('');
-            this.append(s);
-        }
-        this.needEmptyLine = false;
-        this.lineStart = true;
-        this.deep++;
-        return this;
-    };
-    res.endBlock = function(s) {
-        this.deep--;
-        if (s)
-            this.append(s);
-        this.lineStart = true;
-        return this;
-    };
-    res.softEmptyLine = function() {
-        this.needEmptyLine = this.length > 0;
-    };
-    res.emptyLineIfNeeded = function() {
-        if (this.needEmptyLine) {
-            this.push('');
-            this.lineStart = true;
-            this.needEmptyLine = false;
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * Add class to imports.
-     *
-     * @param clsName Full class name.
-     * @returns {String} Short class name or full class name in case of names conflict.
-     */
-    res.importClass = function(clsName) {
-        if ($generatorCommon.JavaTypes.isJavaPrimitive(clsName))
-            return clsName;
-        const fullClassName = $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(clsName);
-        const dotIdx = fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
-        const shortName = dotIdx > 0 ? fullClassName.substr(dotIdx + 1) : fullClassName;
-        if (this.imports[shortName]) {
-            if (this.imports[shortName] !== fullClassName)
-                return fullClassName; // Short class names conflict. Return full name.
-        }
-        else
-            this.imports[shortName] = fullClassName;
-        return shortName;
-    };
-    /**
-     * Add class to imports.
-     *
-     * @param member Static member.
-     * @returns {String} Short class name or full class name in case of names conflict.
-     */
-    res.importStatic = function(member) {
-        const dotIdx = member.lastIndexOf('.');
-        const shortName = dotIdx > 0 ? member.substr(dotIdx + 1) : member;
-        if (this.staticImports[shortName]) {
-            if (this.staticImports[shortName] !== member)
-                return member; // Short class names conflict. Return full name.
-        }
-        else
-            this.staticImports[shortName] = member;
-        return shortName;
-    };
-    /**
-     * @returns String with "java imports" section.
-     */
-    res.generateImports = function() {
-        const genImports = [];
-        for (const clsName in this.imports) {
-            if (this.imports.hasOwnProperty(clsName) && this.imports[clsName].lastIndexOf('java.lang.', 0) !== 0)
-                genImports.push('import ' + this.imports[clsName] + ';');
-        }
-        genImports.sort();
-        return genImports.join('\n');
-    };
-    /**
-     * @returns String with "java imports" section.
-     */
-    res.generateStaticImports = function() {
-        const statImports = [];
-        for (const clsName in this.staticImports) {
-            if (this.staticImports.hasOwnProperty(clsName) && this.staticImports[clsName].lastIndexOf('java.lang.', 0) !== 0)
-                statImports.push('import static ' + this.staticImports[clsName] + ';');
-        }
-        statImports.sort();
-        return statImports.join('\n');
-    };
-    return res;
-// Eviction policies code generation descriptors.
-$generatorCommon.EVICTION_POLICIES = {
-    LRU: {
-        className: 'org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.lru.LruEvictionPolicy',
-        fields: {batchSize: {dflt: 1}, maxMemorySize: null, maxSize: {dflt: 100000}}
-    },
-    FIFO: {
-        className: 'org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.fifo.FifoEvictionPolicy',
-        fields: {batchSize: {dflt: 1}, maxMemorySize: null, maxSize: {dflt: 100000}}
-    },
-    SORTED: {
-        className: 'org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.sorted.SortedEvictionPolicy',
-        fields: {batchSize: {dflt: 1}, maxMemorySize: null, maxSize: {dflt: 100000}}
-    }
-// Marshaller code generation descriptors.
-$generatorCommon.MARSHALLERS = {
-    OptimizedMarshaller: {
-        className: 'org.apache.ignite.marshaller.optimized.OptimizedMarshaller',
-        fields: {poolSize: null, requireSerializable: null }
-    },
-    JdkMarshaller: {
-        className: 'org.apache.ignite.marshaller.jdk.JdkMarshaller',
-        fields: {}
-    }
-// Pairs of supported databases and their JDBC dialects.
-$generatorCommon.JDBC_DIALECTS = {
-    Generic: '',
-    Oracle: '',
-    DB2: '',
-    SQLServer: '',
-    MySQL: '',
-    PostgreSQL: '',
-    H2: ''
-// Return JDBC dialect full class name for specified database.
-$generatorCommon.jdbcDialectClassName = function(db) {
-    const dialectClsName = $generatorCommon.JDBC_DIALECTS[db];
-    return dialectClsName ? dialectClsName : 'Unknown database: ' + db;
-// Generate default data cache for specified igfs instance.
-$generatorCommon.igfsDataCache = function(igfs) {
-    return {
-        name: + '-data',
-        cacheMode: 'PARTITIONED',
-        atomicityMode: 'TRANSACTIONAL',
-        writeSynchronizationMode: 'FULL_SYNC',
-        backups: 0,
-        igfsAffinnityGroupSize: igfs.affinnityGroupSize || 512
-    };
-// Generate default meta cache for specified igfs instance.
-$generatorCommon.igfsMetaCache = function(igfs) {
-    return {
-        name: + '-meta',
-        cacheMode: 'REPLICATED',
-        atomicityMode: 'TRANSACTIONAL',
-        writeSynchronizationMode: 'FULL_SYNC'
-    };
-// Pairs of supported databases and their data sources.
-$generatorCommon.DATA_SOURCES = {
-    Generic: 'com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource',
-    Oracle: 'oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource',
-    DB2: '',
-    SQLServer: '',
-    MySQL: 'com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource',
-    PostgreSQL: 'org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource',
-    H2: 'org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource'
-// Return data source full class name for specified database.
-$generatorCommon.dataSourceClassName = function(db) {
-    const dsClsName = $generatorCommon.DATA_SOURCES[db];
-    return dsClsName ? dsClsName : 'Unknown database: ' + db;
-// Store factories code generation descriptors.
-$generatorCommon.STORE_FACTORIES = {
-    CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory: {
-        className: '',
-        suffix: 'JdbcPojo',
-        fields: {
-            configuration: {type: 'bean'}
-        }
-    },
-    CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory: {
-        className: '',
-        suffix: 'JdbcBlob',
-        fields: {
-            initSchema: null,
-            createTableQuery: null,
-            loadQuery: null,
-            insertQuery: null,
-            updateQuery: null,
-            deleteQuery: null
-        }
-    },
-    CacheHibernateBlobStoreFactory: {
-        className: '',
-        suffix: 'Hibernate',
-        fields: {hibernateProperties: {type: 'propertiesAsList', propVarName: 'props'}}
-    }
-// Swap space SPI code generation descriptor.
-$generatorCommon.SWAP_SPACE_SPI = {
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.spi.swapspace.file.FileSwapSpaceSpi',
-    fields: {
-        baseDirectory: {type: 'path'},
-        readStripesNumber: null,
-        maximumSparsity: {type: 'float'},
-        maxWriteQueueSize: null,
-        writeBufferSize: null
-    }
-// Transaction configuration code generation descriptor.
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.configuration.TransactionConfiguration',
-    fields: {
-        defaultTxConcurrency: {type: 'enum', enumClass: 'org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionConcurrency', dflt: 'PESSIMISTIC'},
-        defaultTxIsolation: {type: 'enum', enumClass: 'org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionIsolation', dflt: 'REPEATABLE_READ'},
-        defaultTxTimeout: {dflt: 0},
-        pessimisticTxLogLinger: {dflt: 10000},
-        pessimisticTxLogSize: null,
-        txSerializableEnabled: null,
-        txManagerFactory: {type: 'bean'}
-    }
-// SSL configuration code generation descriptor.
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.ssl.SslContextFactory',
-    fields: {
-        keyAlgorithm: null,
-        keyStoreFilePath: {type: 'path'},
-        keyStorePassword: {type: 'raw'},
-        keyStoreType: null,
-        protocol: null,
-        trustStoreFilePath: {type: 'path'},
-        trustStorePassword: {type: 'raw'},
-        trustStoreType: null
-    }
-// SSL configuration code generation descriptor.
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.ssl.SslContextFactory',
-    fields: {
-        keyAlgorithm: null,
-        keyStoreFilePath: {type: 'path'},
-        keyStorePassword: {type: 'raw'},
-        keyStoreType: null,
-        protocol: null,
-        trustManagers: {type: 'array'}
-    }
-// Communication configuration code generation descriptor.
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.configuration.ConnectorConfiguration',
-    fields: {
-        jettyPath: null,
-        host: null,
-        port: {dflt: 11211},
-        portRange: {dflt: 100},
-        idleTimeout: {dflt: 7000},
-        idleQueryCursorTimeout: {dflt: 600000},
-        idleQueryCursorCheckFrequency: {dflt: 60000},
-        receiveBufferSize: {dflt: 32768},
-        sendBufferSize: {dflt: 32768},
-        sendQueueLimit: {dflt: 0},
-        directBuffer: {dflt: false},
-        noDelay: {dflt: true},
-        selectorCount: null,
-        threadPoolSize: null,
-        messageInterceptor: {type: 'bean'},
-        secretKey: null,
-        sslEnabled: {dflt: false}
-    }
-// Communication configuration code generation descriptor.
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi',
-    fields: {
-        listener: {type: 'bean'},
-        localAddress: null,
-        localPort: {dflt: 47100},
-        localPortRange: {dflt: 100},
-        sharedMemoryPort: {dflt: 48100},
-        directBuffer: {dflt: false},
-        directSendBuffer: {dflt: false},
-        idleConnectionTimeout: {dflt: 30000},
-        connectTimeout: {dflt: 5000},
-        maxConnectTimeout: {dflt: 600000},
-        reconnectCount: {dflt: 10},
-        socketSendBuffer: {dflt: 32768},
-        socketReceiveBuffer: {dflt: 32768},
-        messageQueueLimit: {dflt: 1024},
-        slowClientQueueLimit: null,
-        tcpNoDelay: {dflt: true},
-        ackSendThreshold: {dflt: 16},
-        unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize: {dflt: 0},
-        socketWriteTimeout: {dflt: 2000},
-        selectorsCount: null,
-        addressResolver: {type: 'bean'}
-    }
-// Communication configuration code generation descriptor.
-$generatorCommon.IGFS_IPC_CONFIGURATION = {
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsIpcEndpointConfiguration',
-    fields: {
-        type: {type: 'enum', enumClass: 'org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsIpcEndpointType'},
-        host: {dflt: ''},
-        port: {dflt: 10500},
-        memorySize: {dflt: 262144},
-        tokenDirectoryPath: {dflt: 'ipc/shmem'},
-        threadCount: null
-    }
-$generatorCommon.ODBC_CONFIGURATION = {
-    className: 'org.apache.ignite.configuration.OdbcConfiguration',
-    fields: {
-        endpointAddress: {dflt: ''},
-        maxOpenCursors: {dflt: 128}
-    }
-// Check that cache has datasource.
-$generatorCommon.cacheHasDatasource = function(cache) {
-    if (cache.cacheStoreFactory && cache.cacheStoreFactory.kind) {
-        const storeFactory = cache.cacheStoreFactory[cache.cacheStoreFactory.kind];
-        return !!(storeFactory && (storeFactory.connectVia ? (storeFactory.connectVia === 'DataSource' ? storeFactory.dialect : false) : storeFactory.dialect)); // eslint-disable-line no-nested-ternary
-    }
-    return false;
-$generatorCommon.secretPropertiesNeeded = function(cluster) {
-    return !_.isNil(_.find(cluster.caches, $generatorCommon.cacheHasDatasource)) || cluster.sslEnabled;
-// Check that binary is configured.
-$generatorCommon.binaryIsDefined = function(binary) {
-    return binary && ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(binary.idMapper) || $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(binary.nameMapper) ||
-        $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(binary.serializer) || $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(binary.typeConfigurations) ||
-        (!_.isNil(binary.compactFooter) && !binary.compactFooter));
-// Extract domain model metadata location.
-$generatorCommon.domainQueryMetadata = function(domain) {
-    return domain.queryMetadata ? domain.queryMetadata : 'Configuration';
- * @param {Object} obj Object to check.
- * @param {Array<String>} props Array of properties names.
- * @returns {boolean} 'true' if
- */
-$generatorCommon.hasAtLeastOneProperty = function(obj, props) {
-    return obj && props && _.findIndex(props, (prop) => !_.isNil(obj[prop])) >= 0;
- * Convert some name to valid java name.
- *
- * @param prefix To append to java name.
- * @param name to convert.
- * @returns {string} Valid java name.
- */
-$generatorCommon.toJavaName = function(prefix, name) {
-    const javaName = name ? name.replace(/[^A-Za-z_0-9]+/g, '_') : 'dflt';
-    return prefix + javaName.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase() + javaName.slice(1);
- * @param v Value to check.
- * @returns {boolean} 'true' if value defined and not empty string.
- */
-$generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty = function(v) {
-    let defined = !_.isNil(v);
-    if (defined && (_.isString(v) || _.isArray(v)))
-        defined = v.length > 0;
-    return defined;
- * @param {Object} obj Object to check.
- * @param {Array<String>} props Properties names.
- * @returns {boolean} 'true' if object contains at least one from specified properties.
- */
-$generatorCommon.hasProperty = function(obj, props) {
-    for (const propName in props) {
-        if (props.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
-            if (obj[propName])
-                return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
- * Get class for selected implementation of Failover SPI.
- *
- * @param spi Failover SPI configuration.
- * @returns {*} Class for selected implementation of Failover SPI.
- */
-$generatorCommon.failoverSpiClass = function(spi) {
-    switch (spi.kind) {
-        case 'JobStealing': return 'org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.jobstealing.JobStealingFailoverSpi';
-        case 'Never': return 'org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.never.NeverFailoverSpi';
-        case 'Always': return 'org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always.AlwaysFailoverSpi';
-        case 'Custom': return _.get(spi, 'Custom.class');
-        default: return 'Unknown';
-    }
-$generatorCommon.loggerConfigured = function(logger) {
-    if (logger && logger.kind) {
-        const log = logger[logger.kind];
-        switch (logger.kind) {
-            case 'Log4j2': return log && $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(log.path);
-            case 'Log4j':
-                if (!log || !log.mode)
-                    return false;
-                if (log.mode === 'Path')
-                    return $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(log.path);
-                return true;
-            case 'Custom': return log && $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(log.class);
-            default:
-                return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-export default $generatorCommon;