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[5/8] git commit: CIMI: add system and templates to client UI

CIMI: add system and templates to client UI


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: a8ed21e575548ff558108b9e85a3efe5c71d1a4f
Parents: 1d8b391
Author: Dies Koper <>
Authored: Tue Jul 9 16:33:13 2013 +1000
Committer: Dies Koper <>
Committed: Mon Jul 15 11:07:21 2013 +1000

 clients/cimi/app.rb                             |   2 +
 clients/cimi/lib/client.rb                      |  10 +-
 clients/cimi/lib/entities.rb                    |   2 +
 clients/cimi/lib/entities/system.rb             | 208 +++++++++++++++++++
 clients/cimi/lib/entities/system_template.rb    |  55 +++++
 clients/cimi/views/system_templates/index.haml  |  49 +++++
 clients/cimi/views/system_templates/show.haml   |  74 +++++++
 clients/cimi/views/systems/index.haml           |  70 +++++++
 clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/index.haml |  34 +++
 clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/show.haml  |  31 +++
 clients/cimi/views/systems/show.haml            |  81 ++++++++
 server/lib/cimi/models/system.rb                |  10 +-
 .../drivers/mock/mock_driver_cimi_methods.rb    |   2 +
 13 files changed, 619 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/clients/cimi/app.rb b/clients/cimi/app.rb
index 104afde..350ed2d 100644
--- a/clients/cimi/app.rb
+++ b/clients/cimi/app.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ module CIMI::Frontend
     use CIMI::Frontend::NetworkTemplate
     use CIMI::Frontend::NetworkPort
     use CIMI::Frontend::ResourceMetadata
+    use CIMI::Frontend::System
+    use CIMI::Frontend::SystemTemplate
     use Rack::Session::Cookie
     helpers CIMI::Frontend::Helper
diff --git a/clients/cimi/lib/client.rb b/clients/cimi/lib/client.rb
index 0418682..e0ba51b 100644
--- a/clients/cimi/lib/client.rb
+++ b/clients/cimi/lib/client.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ module CIMI
       def get_entity(entity_type, id, credentials)
-        client['%s/%s' % [entity_type, id]].get(auth_header(credentials))
+        entity_href = get_entity_collection_href(entity_type, credentials)
+        raise RestClient::ResourceNotFound if not entity_href
+'%s/%s' % [entity_href, id]).get(auth_header(credentials))
       def get_entity_collection(entity_type, credentials)
@@ -33,6 +35,10 @@ module CIMI
+      def get_sub_entity_collection(parent_href, credentials)
+      end
       # look up entity collection url from cloud entry point
       # returns nil if entity not in cloud entry point (i.e. not supported)
       def get_entity_collection_href(entity_type, credentials)
@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ module CIMI
       def entity_action(entity_type, action, id, body, credentials)
-        client["%s/%s/%s" % [entity_type, id, action.to_s]].post(body, auth_header(credentials))
+        client["%s/%s/%s" % [entity_type, id, action.to_s]].post(body, auth_header(credentials).merge(:content_type => 'application/xml'))
       def provider_header(credentials)
diff --git a/clients/cimi/lib/entities.rb b/clients/cimi/lib/entities.rb
index 680d52d..1d01db7 100644
--- a/clients/cimi/lib/entities.rb
+++ b/clients/cimi/lib/entities.rb
@@ -39,3 +39,5 @@ require 'entities/network_port_configuration'
 require 'entities/network_port_template'
 require 'entities/network_template'
 require 'entities/resource_metadata'
+require 'entities/system'
+require 'entities/system_template'
diff --git a/clients/cimi/lib/entities/system.rb b/clients/cimi/lib/entities/system.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996cb57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/lib/entities/system.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
+# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+class CIMI::Frontend::System < CIMI::Frontend::Entity
+  get '/cimi/systems' do
+    system_xml = get_entity_collection('systems', credentials)
+    @systems = collection_class_for(:system).from_xml(system_xml)
+    # We need to include this stuff for new System form
+    begin
+      system_templates_xml = get_entity_collection('system_templates', credentials)
+      @system_templates = collection_class_for(:system_template).from_xml(system_templates_xml)
+    rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound # In case backend does not support System Template collection
+      @system_templates = nil
+    end
+    haml :'systems/index'
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id' do
+    system_xml = get_entity('systems', params[:id], credentials)
+    @system = CIMI::Model::System.from_xml(system_xml)
+    haml :'systems/show'
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/systems' do
+    systems_resources_index('systems')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/machines' do
+    systems_resources_index('machines')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/credentials' do
+    systems_resources_index('credentials')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/volumes' do
+    systems_resources_index('volumes')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/networks' do
+    systems_resources_index('networks')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/network_ports' do
+    systems_resources_index('network_ports')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/addresses' do
+    systems_resources_index('addresses')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/forwarding_groups' do
+    systems_resources_index('forwarding_groups')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/systems/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('systems')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/machines/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('machines')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/credentials/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('credentials')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/volumes/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('volumes')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/networks/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('networks')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/network_ports/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('network_ports')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/addresses/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('addresses')
+  end
+  get '/cimi/systems/:id/forwarding_groups/:res_id' do
+    systems_resources_show('forwarding_groups')
+  end
+  def systems_resources_show(res)
+    system_xml = get_entity('systems', params[:id], credentials)
+    @system = CIMI::Model::System.from_xml(system_xml)
+    @resource_collection = @system.send(res)
+    system_resources_xml = get_sub_entity_collection(@resource_collection.href, credentials)
+    @resource = XmlSimple.xml_in(system_resources_xml)[collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/(.+)Collection/,'\1')].find do |r|
+      href_to_id r['id'][0] == params[:res_id]
+    end
+    raise RestClient::ResourceNotFound if not @resource
+    @resource_type = id_to_href(collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/System(.+)Collection/,'\1'))[1..-1]
+    haml :'systems/resources/show'
+  end
+  def systems_resources_index(res)
+    system_xml = get_entity('systems', params[:id], credentials)
+    @system = CIMI::Model::System.from_xml(system_xml)
+    @resource_collection = @system.send(res)
+    system_resources_xml = get_sub_entity_collection(@resource_collection.href, credentials)
+    @resources = XmlSimple.xml_in(system_resources_xml)
+    haml :'systems/resources/index'
+  end
+  delete '/cimi/systems/:id/delete' do
+    result = destroy_entity('systems', params[:id], credentials)
+    if result.code == 200
+      flash[:success] = "System '#{params[:id]}' was successfully destroyed."
+      redirect '/cimi/systems'
+    else
+      flash[:error] = "Unable to destroy system #{params[:id]}"
+    end
+  end
+  post '/cimi/systems/:id/stop' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    entity_action 'systems', 'stop', action_xml, credentials, params[:id]
+    flash[:success] = "System stop successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/systems/%s' % params[:id]
+  end
+  post '/cimi/systems/:id/start' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    entity_action 'systems', 'start', action_xml, credentials, params[:id]
+    flash[:success] = "System start successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/systems/%s' % params[:id]
+  end
+  post '/cimi/systems/:id/restart' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    entity_action 'systems', 'restart', action_xml, credentials, params[:id]
+    flash[:success] = "System restart successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/systems/%s' % params[:id]
+  end
+  post '/cimi/systems' do
+    system_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.System(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+ params[:system][:name]
+        xml.systemTemplate( :href => params[:system][:system_template])
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    begin
+      result = create_entity('systems', system_xml, credentials)
+      system = collection_class_for(:system).from_xml(result)
+      flash[:success] = "System create was successfully initiated."
+      redirect "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id(}"
+    rescue => e
+      flash[:error] = "System cannot be created: #{e.message}"
+    end
+  end
+  post '/cimi/systems/import' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+        xml.source params[:system][:source]
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    entity_action 'systems', 'import', action_xml, credentials
+    flash[:success] = "System import successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/systems'
+  end
+  post '/cimi/systems/:id/export' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+        xml.format params[:system][:format]
+        xml.destination params[:system][:destination]
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    result = entity_action 'systems', 'export', action_xml, credentials, params[:id]
+    flash[:success] = "System export successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/systems/%s' % params[:id]
+  end
diff --git a/clients/cimi/lib/entities/system_template.rb b/clients/cimi/lib/entities/system_template.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdb30ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/lib/entities/system_template.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
+# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+class CIMI::Frontend::SystemTemplate < CIMI::Frontend::Entity
+  get '/cimi/system_templates/:id' do
+    system_templates_xml = get_entity('system_templates', params[:id], credentials)
+    @system_template = CIMI::Model::SystemTemplate.from_xml(system_templates_xml)
+    haml :'system_templates/show'
+  end
+  get '/cimi/system_templates' do
+    system_template_xml = get_entity_collection('system_templates', credentials)
+    @system_templates = collection_class_for(:system_template).from_xml(system_template_xml)
+    haml :'system_templates/index'
+  end
+  post '/cimi/system_templates/import' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+        xml.source params[:system_template][:source]
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    entity_action 'system_templates', 'import', action_xml, credentials
+    flash[:success] = "System Template import successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/system_templates'
+  end
+  post '/cimi/system_templates/:id/export' do
+    action_xml = do |xml|
+      xml.Action(:xmlns => CIMI::Frontend::CMWG_NAMESPACE) {
+        xml.action ""
+        xml.format params[:system_template][:format]
+        xml.destination params[:system_template][:destination]
+      }
+    end.to_xml
+    result = entity_action 'system_templates', 'export', action_xml, credentials, params[:id]
+    flash[:success] = "System Template export successfully initiated."
+    redirect '/cimi/system_templates/%s' % params[:id]
+  end
diff --git a/clients/cimi/views/system_templates/index.haml b/clients/cimi/views/system_templates/index.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17dc36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/views/system_templates/index.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- @title=collection_name @system_templates
+- content_for :breadcrumb do
+  %ul.breadcrumb
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
+      %span.divider="/"
+      SystemTemplateCollection
+- content_for :actions do
+  - if @system_templates.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+    %p
+      %a{ :href => '#systemTemplateModal', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-toggle' => :modal} Import System Template
+    %div{ :id => :systemTemplateModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
+      .modal-header
+        %h3 Import a System Template
+      .modal-body
+        %form{ :action => "/cimi/system_templates/import", :method => :post }
+          %fieldset
+            .control-group
+              %label.control-label{ :for => 'system_template[source]' } Source URI
+              .controls
+                %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system_template[source]' }
+      .modal-footer
+        %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'Creating System Template...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'systemTemplateModal')"} Continue
+        %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
+  %p{:style => 'text-align:right;'}
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
+  %p
+    A System Template Collection entity represents the collection of
+    System Template entities within a Provider. This entity can be used to
+    create systems.
+%h3 SystemTemplateCollection
+  - @system_templates.system_templates.each do |temp|
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/system_templates/#{href_to_id(}"}=href_to_id(
+- details do
+  -row 'id',
+  -row 'Count',@system_templates.count
diff --git a/clients/cimi/views/system_templates/show.haml b/clients/cimi/views/system_templates/show.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c12ecbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/views/system_templates/show.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+- @title="#{}"
+- content_for :breadcrumb do
+  %ul.breadcrumb
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/system_templates"} SystemTemplateCollection
+      %span.divider="/"
+      =
+- content_for :actions do
+  %div{:class => 'btn-group btn-group-vertical'}
+    %form{ :action => "/cimi/system_templates/#{href_to_id}/delete", :method => :post, :style => 'display:inline', :id => 'frm_delete'}
+      %input{ :type => :hidden, :name => '_method', :value => 'delete'}
+    - if @system_template.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+      %a{ :class => 'btn btn-primary', :href => '#systemModal', :'data-toggle' => :modal} Export
+    - if @system_template.operations.find {|o| o.rel == 'delete'}
+      %button{ :class => 'btn btn-danger', :type => :button, :onclick => '$("#frm_delete").submit()'} Destroy
+  %div{ :id => :systemModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
+    .modal-header
+      %h3 Export System Template entity
+    .modal-body
+      %form{ :action => "/cimi/system_templates/#{href_to_id}/export", :method => :post }
+        %fieldset
+          .control-group
+            %label.control-label{ :for => 'system_template[format]' } Media Type
+            .controls
+              %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system_template[format]' }
+            %label.control-label{ :for => 'system_template[destination]' } Location to Put Exported Data
+            .controls
+              %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system_template[destination]' }
+    .modal-footer
+      %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'System Template Export Initiated...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'systemModal')"} Continue
+      %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
+  %p{:style => 'margin-top:1em;'}
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
+-details 'SystemTemplate details' do
+  -row 'ID',
+  -row 'Name',
+  -row 'Description',@system_template.description
+  -row 'Created',@system_template.created
+%h5 Component Descriptors
+%table{ :class => 'table table-bordered table-striped' }
+  %thead
+    %tr
+      %th Name
+      %th Description
+      %th Type
+      %th Component Template
+      %th Quantity
+  %tbody
+    - @system_template.component_descriptors.each do |compo|
+      %tr
+        %td=compo.description
+        %td=compo.type
+        -descriptors = [:machine_template,:system_template,:credential_template,:volume_template,:network_template,:network_port_template,:forwarding_group_template,:address_template]
+        -value = nil
+        -unless descriptors.find {|d| value = compo.send(d)[:href]}
+          -descriptors.find do |d|
+            - values = compo.send(d).attribute_values.collect do |k, v|
+              - "#{k} => #{v.attribute_values[:href]}" if v and v.respond_to? 'attribute_values' and v.attribute_values[:href]
+            - value = values.compact.join(' <br> ')
+        %td=value ? convert_urls(value) : 'N/A'
+        %td=compo.quantity ? compo.quantity : 1
diff --git a/clients/cimi/views/systems/index.haml b/clients/cimi/views/systems/index.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243e7d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/views/systems/index.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+- @title=collection_name @systems
+- content_for :breadcrumb do
+  %ul.breadcrumb
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
+      %span.divider="/"
+      SystemCollection
+- content_for :actions do
+  - if @systems.operations.find {|o| o.rel == 'add'} and @system_templates
+    %p
+      %a{ :href => '#systemModal', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-toggle' => :modal} New System
+    %div{ :id => :systemModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
+      .modal-header
+        %h3 Create new System entity
+      .modal-body
+        %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems", :method => :post }
+          %fieldset
+            .control-group
+              %label.control-label{ :for => 'system[name]' } System Name
+              .controls
+                %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system[name]' }
+              %label.control-label{ :for => 'system[system_template]' } System Template
+              .controls
+                %select{ :name => 'system[system_template]' }
+                  - @system_templates.system_templates.each do |template|
+                    %option{ :value => }=href_to_id(
+      .modal-footer
+        %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'Creating System...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'systemModal')"} Continue
+        %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
+  - if @systems.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+    %p
+      %a{ :href => '#systemImportModal', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-toggle' => :modal} Import System
+    %div{ :id => :systemImportModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
+      .modal-header
+        %h3 Import system
+      .modal-body
+        %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems/import", :method => :post }
+          %fieldset
+            .control-group
+              %label.control-label{ :for => 'system[source]' } Source URI
+              .controls
+                %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system[source]' }
+      .modal-footer
+        %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'Import...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'systemImportModal')"} Continue
+        %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
+  %p{:style => 'text-align:right;'}
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
+  - if and not
+    - do |system|
+      %li
+        %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id(}"}=href_to_id(
+  - else
+    .alert-message.block-message.warning
+      %p
+        There are no System entities defined for this collection.
+- details do
+  - row 'ID',
+  - row 'Count', @systems.count
diff --git a/clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/index.haml b/clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/index.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..940c992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/index.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+- @title=collection_name @resource_collection
+- content_for :breadcrumb do
+  %ul.breadcrumb
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems"} SystemCollection
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id(}"}= href_to_id(
+      %span.divider="/"
+ @resource_collection
+- content_for :actions do
+  %p
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
+  - resources = @resources[collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/Collection/,'')]
+  - if resources and not resources.empty?
+    - @resources[collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/Collection/,'')].each do |c|
+      %li
+        %a{ :href => "#{id_to_href(collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/System(.+)Collection/,'\1'))[1..-1].pluralize}/#{href_to_id(c['id'][0])}"}=href_to_id(c['id'][0])
+  - else
+    .alert-message.block-message.warning
+      %p
+        There are no #{collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/Collection/,'').pluralize} defined for this system.
+-details do
+  -row 'ID', @resources['id'][0]
+  -row 'Count', @resources['count'][0]
diff --git a/clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/show.haml b/clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/show.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/views/systems/resources/show.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- @title="#{@resource['name'][0]}"
+- content_for :breadcrumb do
+  %ul.breadcrumb
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems"} SystemCollection
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id(}"}= href_to_id(
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id(}/#{@resource_type.pluralize}"}= collection_name @resource_collection
+      %span.divider="/"
+      = @resource['name'][0]
+- content_for :actions do
+  %p{:style => 'margin-top:1em;'}
+    %a{ :href => "#{@resource['id'][0]}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
+    %a{ :href => "#{@resource['id'][0]}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
+- details do
+  -row 'ID', @resource['id'][0]
+  -row 'Name', @resource['name'][0]
+  -row 'Description', @resource['description'] ? @resource['description'][0] : 'N/A'
+  -row 'Created', @resource['created'] ? @resource['created'][0] : 'N/A'
+  -row collection_name(@resource_collection).sub(/System(.+)Collection/,'\1'), url("/cimi/#{@resource_type.pluralize}/#{href_to_id @resource[@resource_type][0]['href']}")
diff --git a/clients/cimi/views/systems/show.haml b/clients/cimi/views/systems/show.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aab865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clients/cimi/views/systems/show.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+- @title="#{}"
+- content_for :breadcrumb do
+  %ul.breadcrumb
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/cloudEntryPoint"} CloudEntryPoint
+      %span.divider="/"
+    %li
+      %a{ :href => "/cimi/systems"} SystemCollection
+      %span.divider="/"
+      =
+- content_for :actions do
+  %div{:class => 'btn-group btn-group-vertical'}
+    %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id}/stop", :method => :post, :style => 'display:inline', :id => 'frm_stop'}
+    %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id}/start", :method => :post, :style => 'display:inline', :id => 'frm_start'}
+    %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id}/restart", :method => :post, :style => 'display:inline', :id => 'frm_restart'}
+    %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id}/delete", :method => :post, :style => 'display:inline', :id => 'frm_delete'}
+      %input{ :type => :hidden, :name => '_method', :value => 'delete'}
+    - if @system.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+      %button{ :class => 'btn btn-warning', :type => :button, :onclick => '$("#frm_stop").submit()'} Stop
+    - if @system.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+      %button{ :class => 'btn btn-success', :type => :button, :onclick => '$("#frm_start").submit()'} Start
+    - if @system.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+      %button{ :class => 'btn btn-info', :type => :button, :onclick => '$("#frm_restart").submit()'} Reboot
+    - if @system.operations.find {|o| o.rel == ''}
+      %a{ :class => 'btn btn-primary', :href => '#systemModal', :'data-toggle' => :modal} Export
+    - if @system.operations.find {|o| o.rel == 'delete'}
+      %button{ :class => 'btn btn-danger', :type => :button, :onclick => '$("#frm_delete").submit()'} Destroy
+  %div{ :id => :systemModal, :class => 'modal hide fade' }
+    .modal-header
+      %h3 Export System entity
+    .modal-body
+      %form{ :action => "/cimi/systems/#{href_to_id}/export", :method => :post }
+        %fieldset
+          .control-group
+            %label.control-label{ :for => 'system[format]' } Media Type
+            .controls
+              %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system[format]' }
+            %label.control-label{ :for => 'system[destination]' } Location to Put Exported Data
+            .controls
+              %input{ :type => :text, :name => 'system[destination]' }
+    .modal-footer
+      %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn btn-primary', :'data-loading-text' => 'System Export Initiated...', :onclick => "postModalForm(this, 'systemModal')"} Continue
+      %a{ :href => '#', :class => 'btn', :'data-dismiss' => 'modal'} Cancel
+  %p{:style => 'margin-top:1em;'}
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=xml", :class => 'label warning' } XML
+    %a{ :href => "#{}?format=json", :class => 'label warning' } JSON
+- details do
+  -row 'ID',
+  -row 'Name',
+  -row 'Description',@system.description
+  -row 'Created', @system.created
+  -row 'State',state_span_for(@system.state)
+  -row 'Systems',
+  -row 'Machines', @system.machines.href
+  -row 'Credentials', @system.credentials.href
+  -row 'Volumes', @system.volumes.href
+  -row 'Networks', @system.networks.href
+  -row 'NetworkPorts', @system.network_ports.href
+  -row 'Addresses', @system.addresses.href
+  -row 'ForwardingGroups', @system.forwarding_groups.href
+  -row 'Meters', (@system.meters.empty? ? "No meters" : ( @system.meters.each{|meter|}))
+%h5 Properties
+%table{ :class => 'table table-bordered table-striped' }
+  %thead
+    %tr
+      %th Name
+      %th Value
+  %tbody
+    - do |name, value|
+      %tr
+        %td
+          %code=name
+        %td=convert_urls value
diff --git a/server/lib/cimi/models/system.rb b/server/lib/cimi/models/system.rb
index 4a176ae..c9caa7e 100644
--- a/server/lib/cimi/models/system.rb
+++ b/server/lib/cimi/models/system.rb
@@ -26,13 +26,9 @@ class CIMI::Model::System < CIMI::Model::Base
   collection :addresses, :class => CIMI::Model::SystemAddress
   collection :forwarding_groups, :class => CIMI::Model::SystemForwardingGroup
-  #TODO: implement the attributes commented out
-  #  array :meters do
-  #    scalar :href
-  #  end
-  #  href :event_log
+  array :meters do
+    scalar :href
+  end
   array :operations do
     scalar :rel, :href
diff --git a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/mock/mock_driver_cimi_methods.rb b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/mock/mock_driver_cimi_methods.rb
index 10c6133..717582c 100644
--- a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/mock/mock_driver_cimi_methods.rb
+++ b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/mock/mock_driver_cimi_methods.rb
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ module Deltacloud::Drivers::Mock
     def export_system(credentials, opts={})
       puts "export_system(#{opts})"
+      "{opts[:id]}" unless opts[:destination]
     def system_machines(credentials, opts={})
@@ -237,6 +238,7 @@ module Deltacloud::Drivers::Mock
     def export_system_template(credentials, opts={})
       puts "export_system(#{opts})"
+      "{opts[:id]}" unless opts[:destination]
     def networks(credentials, opts={})