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Posted to by on 2018/10/22 02:10:53 UTC

[48/51] [partial] hive git commit: HIVE-20718: Add perf cli driver with constraints (Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query67.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query67.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5781aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query67.q
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query67.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+select  *
+from (select i_category
+            ,i_class
+            ,i_brand
+            ,i_product_name
+            ,d_year
+            ,d_qoy
+            ,d_moy
+            ,s_store_id
+            ,sumsales
+            ,rank() over (partition by i_category order by sumsales desc) rk
+      from (select i_category
+                  ,i_class
+                  ,i_brand
+                  ,i_product_name
+                  ,d_year
+                  ,d_qoy
+                  ,d_moy
+                  ,s_store_id
+                  ,sum(coalesce(ss_sales_price*ss_quantity,0)) sumsales
+            from store_sales
+                ,date_dim
+                ,store
+                ,item
+       where  ss_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+          and ss_item_sk=i_item_sk
+          and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+          and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+       group by  rollup(i_category, i_class, i_brand, i_product_name, d_year, d_qoy, d_moy,s_store_id))dw1) dw2
+where rk <= 100
+order by i_category
+        ,i_class
+        ,i_brand
+        ,i_product_name
+        ,d_year
+        ,d_qoy
+        ,d_moy
+        ,s_store_id
+        ,sumsales
+        ,rk
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query67.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query68.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query68.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..520b9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query68.q
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query68.tpl and seed 803547492
+explain cbo
+select  c_last_name
+       ,c_first_name
+       ,ca_city
+       ,bought_city
+       ,ss_ticket_number
+       ,extended_price
+       ,extended_tax
+       ,list_price
+ from (select ss_ticket_number
+             ,ss_customer_sk
+             ,ca_city bought_city
+             ,sum(ss_ext_sales_price) extended_price 
+             ,sum(ss_ext_list_price) list_price
+             ,sum(ss_ext_tax) extended_tax 
+       from store_sales
+           ,date_dim
+           ,store
+           ,household_demographics
+           ,customer_address 
+       where store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
+         and store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk  
+        and store_sales.ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+        and store_sales.ss_addr_sk = customer_address.ca_address_sk
+        and date_dim.d_dom between 1 and 2 
+        and (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 2 or
+             household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count= 1)
+        and date_dim.d_year in (1998,1998+1,1998+2)
+        and store.s_city in ('Cedar Grove','Wildwood')
+       group by ss_ticket_number
+               ,ss_customer_sk
+               ,ss_addr_sk,ca_city) dn
+      ,customer
+      ,customer_address current_addr
+ where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+   and customer.c_current_addr_sk = current_addr.ca_address_sk
+   and current_addr.ca_city <> bought_city
+ order by c_last_name
+         ,ss_ticket_number
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query68.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query69.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query69.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01183fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query69.q
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query69.tpl and seed 797269820
+explain cbo
+  cd_gender,
+  cd_marital_status,
+  cd_education_status,
+  count(*) cnt1,
+  cd_purchase_estimate,
+  count(*) cnt2,
+  cd_credit_rating,
+  count(*) cnt3
+ from
+  customer c,customer_address ca,customer_demographics
+ where
+  c.c_current_addr_sk = ca.ca_address_sk and
+  ca_state in ('CO','IL','MN') and
+  cd_demo_sk = c.c_current_cdemo_sk and 
+  exists (select *
+          from store_sales,date_dim
+          where c.c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk and
+                ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+                d_year = 1999 and
+                d_moy between 1 and 1+2) and
+   (not exists (select *
+            from web_sales,date_dim
+            where c.c_customer_sk = ws_bill_customer_sk and
+                  ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+                  d_year = 1999 and
+                  d_moy between 1 and 1+2) and
+    not exists (select * 
+            from catalog_sales,date_dim
+            where c.c_customer_sk = cs_ship_customer_sk and
+                  cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+                  d_year = 1999 and
+                  d_moy between 1 and 1+2))
+ group by cd_gender,
+          cd_marital_status,
+          cd_education_status,
+          cd_purchase_estimate,
+          cd_credit_rating
+ order by cd_gender,
+          cd_marital_status,
+          cd_education_status,
+          cd_purchase_estimate,
+          cd_credit_rating
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query69.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query7.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query7.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fb7130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query7.q
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query7.tpl and seed 1930872976
+explain cbo
+select  i_item_id, 
+        avg(ss_quantity) agg1,
+        avg(ss_list_price) agg2,
+        avg(ss_coupon_amt) agg3,
+        avg(ss_sales_price) agg4 
+ from store_sales, customer_demographics, date_dim, item, promotion
+ where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+       ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
+       ss_cdemo_sk = cd_demo_sk and
+       ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
+       cd_gender = 'F' and 
+       cd_marital_status = 'W' and
+       cd_education_status = 'Primary' and
+       (p_channel_email = 'N' or p_channel_event = 'N') and
+       d_year = 1998 
+ group by i_item_id
+ order by i_item_id
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query7.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query70.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query70.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b8b76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query70.q
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query70.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+    sum(ss_net_profit) as total_sum
+   ,s_state
+   ,s_county
+   ,grouping(s_state)+grouping(s_county) as lochierarchy
+   ,rank() over (
+ 	partition by grouping(s_state)+grouping(s_county),
+ 	case when grouping(s_county) = 0 then s_state end 
+ 	order by sum(ss_net_profit) desc) as rank_within_parent
+ from
+    store_sales
+   ,date_dim       d1
+   ,store
+ where
+    d1.d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+ and d1.d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+ and s_store_sk  = ss_store_sk
+ and s_state in
+             ( select s_state
+               from  (select s_state as s_state,
+ 			    rank() over ( partition by s_state order by sum(ss_net_profit) desc) as ranking
+                      from   store_sales, store, date_dim
+                      where  d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+ 			    and d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+ 			    and s_store_sk  = ss_store_sk
+                      group by s_state
+                     ) tmp1 
+               where ranking <= 5
+             )
+ group by rollup(s_state,s_county)
+ order by
+   lochierarchy desc
+  ,case when lochierarchy = 0 then s_state end
+  ,rank_within_parent
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query70.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query71.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query71.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d4df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query71.q
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query71.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+select i_brand_id brand_id, i_brand brand,t_hour,t_minute,
+ 	sum(ext_price) ext_price
+ from item, (select ws_ext_sales_price as ext_price, 
+                        ws_sold_date_sk as sold_date_sk,
+                        ws_item_sk as sold_item_sk,
+                        ws_sold_time_sk as time_sk  
+                 from web_sales,date_dim
+                 where d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
+                   and d_moy=12
+                   and d_year=2001
+                 union all
+                 select cs_ext_sales_price as ext_price,
+                        cs_sold_date_sk as sold_date_sk,
+                        cs_item_sk as sold_item_sk,
+                        cs_sold_time_sk as time_sk
+                 from catalog_sales,date_dim
+                 where d_date_sk = cs_sold_date_sk
+                   and d_moy=12
+                   and d_year=2001
+                 union all
+                 select ss_ext_sales_price as ext_price,
+                        ss_sold_date_sk as sold_date_sk,
+                        ss_item_sk as sold_item_sk,
+                        ss_sold_time_sk as time_sk
+                 from store_sales,date_dim
+                 where d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk
+                   and d_moy=12
+                   and d_year=2001
+                 ) as tmp,time_dim
+ where
+   sold_item_sk = i_item_sk
+   and i_manager_id=1
+   and time_sk = t_time_sk
+   and (t_meal_time = 'breakfast' or t_meal_time = 'dinner')
+ group by i_brand, i_brand_id,t_hour,t_minute
+ order by ext_price desc, i_brand_id
+ ;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query71.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query72.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query72.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941a643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query72.q
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query72.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+select  i_item_desc
+      ,w_warehouse_name
+      ,d1.d_week_seq
+      ,count(case when p_promo_sk is null then 1 else 0 end) no_promo
+      ,count(case when p_promo_sk is not null then 1 else 0 end) promo
+      ,count(*) total_cnt
+from catalog_sales
+join inventory on (cs_item_sk = inv_item_sk)
+join warehouse on (w_warehouse_sk=inv_warehouse_sk)
+join item on (i_item_sk = cs_item_sk)
+join customer_demographics on (cs_bill_cdemo_sk = cd_demo_sk)
+join household_demographics on (cs_bill_hdemo_sk = hd_demo_sk)
+join date_dim d1 on (cs_sold_date_sk = d1.d_date_sk)
+join date_dim d2 on (inv_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk)
+join date_dim d3 on (cs_ship_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk)
+left outer join promotion on (cs_promo_sk=p_promo_sk)
+left outer join catalog_returns on (cr_item_sk = cs_item_sk and cr_order_number = cs_order_number)
+where d1.d_week_seq = d2.d_week_seq
+  and inv_quantity_on_hand < cs_quantity 
+  and d3.d_date > d1.d_date + 5
+  and hd_buy_potential = '1001-5000'
+  and d1.d_year = 2001
+  and hd_buy_potential = '1001-5000'
+  and cd_marital_status = 'M'
+  and d1.d_year = 2001
+group by i_item_desc,w_warehouse_name,d1.d_week_seq
+order by total_cnt desc, i_item_desc, w_warehouse_name, d_week_seq
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query72.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query73.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query73.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c78225e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query73.q
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query73.tpl and seed 1971067816
+explain cbo
+select c_last_name
+       ,c_first_name
+       ,c_salutation
+       ,c_preferred_cust_flag 
+       ,ss_ticket_number
+       ,cnt from
+   (select ss_ticket_number
+          ,ss_customer_sk
+          ,count(*) cnt
+    from store_sales,date_dim,store,household_demographics
+    where store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
+    and store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk  
+    and store_sales.ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+    and date_dim.d_dom between 1 and 2 
+    and (household_demographics.hd_buy_potential = '>10000' or
+         household_demographics.hd_buy_potential = 'unknown')
+    and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count > 0
+    and case when household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count > 0 then 
+             household_demographics.hd_dep_count/ household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count else null end > 1
+    and date_dim.d_year in (2000,2000+1,2000+2)
+    and store.s_county in ('Mobile County','Maverick County','Huron County','Kittitas County')
+    group by ss_ticket_number,ss_customer_sk) dj,customer
+    where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+      and cnt between 1 and 5
+    order by cnt desc;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query73.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query74.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query74.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71954c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query74.q
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query74.tpl and seed 1556717815
+explain cbo
+with year_total as (
+ select c_customer_id customer_id
+       ,c_first_name customer_first_name
+       ,c_last_name customer_last_name
+       ,d_year as year
+       ,max(ss_net_paid) year_total
+       ,'s' sale_type
+ from customer
+     ,store_sales
+     ,date_dim
+ where c_customer_sk = ss_customer_sk
+   and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+   and d_year in (2001,2001+1)
+ group by c_customer_id
+         ,c_first_name
+         ,c_last_name
+         ,d_year
+ union all
+ select c_customer_id customer_id
+       ,c_first_name customer_first_name
+       ,c_last_name customer_last_name
+       ,d_year as year
+       ,max(ws_net_paid) year_total
+       ,'w' sale_type
+ from customer
+     ,web_sales
+     ,date_dim
+ where c_customer_sk = ws_bill_customer_sk
+   and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+   and d_year in (2001,2001+1)
+ group by c_customer_id
+         ,c_first_name
+         ,c_last_name
+         ,d_year
+         )
+  select 
+        t_s_secyear.customer_id, t_s_secyear.customer_first_name, t_s_secyear.customer_last_name
+ from year_total t_s_firstyear
+     ,year_total t_s_secyear
+     ,year_total t_w_firstyear
+     ,year_total t_w_secyear
+ where t_s_secyear.customer_id = t_s_firstyear.customer_id
+         and t_s_firstyear.customer_id = t_w_secyear.customer_id
+         and t_s_firstyear.customer_id = t_w_firstyear.customer_id
+         and t_s_firstyear.sale_type = 's'
+         and t_w_firstyear.sale_type = 'w'
+         and t_s_secyear.sale_type = 's'
+         and t_w_secyear.sale_type = 'w'
+         and t_s_firstyear.year = 2001
+         and t_s_secyear.year = 2001+1
+         and t_w_firstyear.year = 2001
+         and t_w_secyear.year = 2001+1
+         and t_s_firstyear.year_total > 0
+         and t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0
+         and case when t_w_firstyear.year_total > 0 then t_w_secyear.year_total / t_w_firstyear.year_total else null end
+           > case when t_s_firstyear.year_total > 0 then t_s_secyear.year_total / t_s_firstyear.year_total else null end
+ order by 2,1,3
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query74.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query75.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query75.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d92853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query75.q
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query75.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+WITH all_sales AS (
+ SELECT d_year
+       ,i_brand_id
+       ,i_class_id
+       ,i_category_id
+       ,i_manufact_id
+       ,SUM(sales_cnt) AS sales_cnt
+       ,SUM(sales_amt) AS sales_amt
+ FROM (SELECT d_year
+             ,i_brand_id
+             ,i_class_id
+             ,i_category_id
+             ,i_manufact_id
+             ,cs_quantity - COALESCE(cr_return_quantity,0) AS sales_cnt
+             ,cs_ext_sales_price - COALESCE(cr_return_amount,0.0) AS sales_amt
+       FROM catalog_sales JOIN item ON i_item_sk=cs_item_sk
+                          JOIN date_dim ON d_date_sk=cs_sold_date_sk
+                          LEFT JOIN catalog_returns ON (cs_order_number=cr_order_number 
+                                                    AND cs_item_sk=cr_item_sk)
+       WHERE i_category='Sports'
+       UNION
+       SELECT d_year
+             ,i_brand_id
+             ,i_class_id
+             ,i_category_id
+             ,i_manufact_id
+             ,ss_quantity - COALESCE(sr_return_quantity,0) AS sales_cnt
+             ,ss_ext_sales_price - COALESCE(sr_return_amt,0.0) AS sales_amt
+       FROM store_sales JOIN item ON i_item_sk=ss_item_sk
+                        JOIN date_dim ON d_date_sk=ss_sold_date_sk
+                        LEFT JOIN store_returns ON (ss_ticket_number=sr_ticket_number 
+                                                AND ss_item_sk=sr_item_sk)
+       WHERE i_category='Sports'
+       UNION
+       SELECT d_year
+             ,i_brand_id
+             ,i_class_id
+             ,i_category_id
+             ,i_manufact_id
+             ,ws_quantity - COALESCE(wr_return_quantity,0) AS sales_cnt
+             ,ws_ext_sales_price - COALESCE(wr_return_amt,0.0) AS sales_amt
+       FROM web_sales JOIN item ON i_item_sk=ws_item_sk
+                      JOIN date_dim ON d_date_sk=ws_sold_date_sk
+                      LEFT JOIN web_returns ON (ws_order_number=wr_order_number 
+                                            AND ws_item_sk=wr_item_sk)
+       WHERE i_category='Sports') sales_detail
+ GROUP BY d_year, i_brand_id, i_class_id, i_category_id, i_manufact_id)
+ SELECT  prev_yr.d_year AS prev_year
+                          ,curr_yr.d_year AS year
+                          ,curr_yr.i_brand_id
+                          ,curr_yr.i_class_id
+                          ,curr_yr.i_category_id
+                          ,curr_yr.i_manufact_id
+                          ,prev_yr.sales_cnt AS prev_yr_cnt
+                          ,curr_yr.sales_cnt AS curr_yr_cnt
+                          ,curr_yr.sales_cnt-prev_yr.sales_cnt AS sales_cnt_diff
+                          ,curr_yr.sales_amt-prev_yr.sales_amt AS sales_amt_diff
+ FROM all_sales curr_yr, all_sales prev_yr
+ WHERE curr_yr.i_brand_id=prev_yr.i_brand_id
+   AND curr_yr.i_class_id=prev_yr.i_class_id
+   AND curr_yr.i_category_id=prev_yr.i_category_id
+   AND curr_yr.i_manufact_id=prev_yr.i_manufact_id
+   AND curr_yr.d_year=2002
+   AND prev_yr.d_year=2002-1
+   AND CAST(curr_yr.sales_cnt AS DECIMAL(17,2))/CAST(prev_yr.sales_cnt AS DECIMAL(17,2))<0.9
+ ORDER BY sales_cnt_diff
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query75.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query76.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query76.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2d89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query76.q
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query76.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+select  channel, col_name, d_year, d_qoy, i_category, COUNT(*) sales_cnt, SUM(ext_sales_price) sales_amt FROM (
+        SELECT 'store' as channel, 'ss_addr_sk' col_name, d_year, d_qoy, i_category, ss_ext_sales_price ext_sales_price
+         FROM store_sales, item, date_dim
+         WHERE ss_addr_sk IS NULL
+           AND ss_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+           AND ss_item_sk=i_item_sk
+        UNION ALL
+        SELECT 'web' as channel, 'ws_web_page_sk' col_name, d_year, d_qoy, i_category, ws_ext_sales_price ext_sales_price
+         FROM web_sales, item, date_dim
+         WHERE ws_web_page_sk IS NULL
+           AND ws_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+           AND ws_item_sk=i_item_sk
+        UNION ALL
+        SELECT 'catalog' as channel, 'cs_warehouse_sk' col_name, d_year, d_qoy, i_category, cs_ext_sales_price ext_sales_price
+         FROM catalog_sales, item, date_dim
+         WHERE cs_warehouse_sk IS NULL
+           AND cs_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+           AND cs_item_sk=i_item_sk) foo
+GROUP BY channel, col_name, d_year, d_qoy, i_category
+ORDER BY channel, col_name, d_year, d_qoy, i_category
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query76.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query77.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query77.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d0f484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query77.q
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query77.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+with ss as
+ (select s_store_sk,
+         sum(ss_ext_sales_price) as sales,
+         sum(ss_net_profit) as profit
+ from store_sales,
+      date_dim,
+      store
+ where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date) 
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days) 
+       and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+ group by s_store_sk)
+ ,
+ sr as
+ (select s_store_sk,
+         sum(sr_return_amt) as returns,
+         sum(sr_net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from store_returns,
+      date_dim,
+      store
+ where sr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+       and sr_store_sk = s_store_sk
+ group by s_store_sk), 
+ cs as
+ (select cs_call_center_sk,
+        sum(cs_ext_sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(cs_net_profit) as profit
+ from catalog_sales,
+      date_dim
+ where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+ group by cs_call_center_sk 
+ ), 
+ cr as
+ (select
+        sum(cr_return_amount) as returns,
+        sum(cr_net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from catalog_returns,
+      date_dim
+ where cr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+ ), 
+ ws as
+ ( select wp_web_page_sk,
+        sum(ws_ext_sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(ws_net_profit) as profit
+ from web_sales,
+      date_dim,
+      web_page
+ where ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+       and ws_web_page_sk = wp_web_page_sk
+ group by wp_web_page_sk), 
+ wr as
+ (select wp_web_page_sk,
+        sum(wr_return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(wr_net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from web_returns,
+      date_dim,
+      web_page
+ where wr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+       and wr_web_page_sk = wp_web_page_sk
+ group by wp_web_page_sk)
+  select  channel
+        , id
+        , sum(sales) as sales
+        , sum(returns) as returns
+        , sum(profit) as profit
+ from 
+ (select 'store channel' as channel
+        , ss.s_store_sk as id
+        , sales
+        , coalesce(returns, 0) as returns
+        , (profit - coalesce(profit_loss,0)) as profit
+ from   ss left join sr
+        on  ss.s_store_sk = sr.s_store_sk
+ union all
+ select 'catalog channel' as channel
+        , cs_call_center_sk as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from  cs
+       , cr
+ union all
+ select 'web channel' as channel
+        , ws.wp_web_page_sk as id
+        , sales
+        , coalesce(returns, 0) returns
+        , (profit - coalesce(profit_loss,0)) as profit
+ from   ws left join wr
+        on  ws.wp_web_page_sk = wr.wp_web_page_sk
+ ) x
+ group by rollup (channel, id)
+ order by channel
+         ,id
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query77.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query78.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query78.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87f94dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query78.q
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query78.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+with ws as
+  (select d_year AS ws_sold_year, ws_item_sk,
+    ws_bill_customer_sk ws_customer_sk,
+    sum(ws_quantity) ws_qty,
+    sum(ws_wholesale_cost) ws_wc,
+    sum(ws_sales_price) ws_sp
+   from web_sales
+   left join web_returns on wr_order_number=ws_order_number and ws_item_sk=wr_item_sk
+   join date_dim on ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+   where wr_order_number is null
+   group by d_year, ws_item_sk, ws_bill_customer_sk
+   ),
+cs as
+  (select d_year AS cs_sold_year, cs_item_sk,
+    cs_bill_customer_sk cs_customer_sk,
+    sum(cs_quantity) cs_qty,
+    sum(cs_wholesale_cost) cs_wc,
+    sum(cs_sales_price) cs_sp
+   from catalog_sales
+   left join catalog_returns on cr_order_number=cs_order_number and cs_item_sk=cr_item_sk
+   join date_dim on cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+   where cr_order_number is null
+   group by d_year, cs_item_sk, cs_bill_customer_sk
+   ),
+ss as
+  (select d_year AS ss_sold_year, ss_item_sk,
+    ss_customer_sk,
+    sum(ss_quantity) ss_qty,
+    sum(ss_wholesale_cost) ss_wc,
+    sum(ss_sales_price) ss_sp
+   from store_sales
+   left join store_returns on sr_ticket_number=ss_ticket_number and ss_item_sk=sr_item_sk
+   join date_dim on ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+   where sr_ticket_number is null
+   group by d_year, ss_item_sk, ss_customer_sk
+   )
+ select 
+ss_sold_year, ss_item_sk, ss_customer_sk,
+round(ss_qty/(coalesce(ws_qty+cs_qty,1)),2) ratio,
+ss_qty store_qty, ss_wc store_wholesale_cost, ss_sp store_sales_price,
+coalesce(ws_qty,0)+coalesce(cs_qty,0) other_chan_qty,
+coalesce(ws_wc,0)+coalesce(cs_wc,0) other_chan_wholesale_cost,
+coalesce(ws_sp,0)+coalesce(cs_sp,0) other_chan_sales_price
+from ss
+left join ws on (ws_sold_year=ss_sold_year and ws_item_sk=ss_item_sk and ws_customer_sk=ss_customer_sk)
+left join cs on (cs_sold_year=ss_sold_year and cs_item_sk=cs_item_sk and cs_customer_sk=ss_customer_sk)
+where coalesce(ws_qty,0)>0 and coalesce(cs_qty, 0)>0 and ss_sold_year=2000
+order by 
+  ss_sold_year, ss_item_sk, ss_customer_sk,
+  ss_qty desc, ss_wc desc, ss_sp desc,
+  other_chan_qty,
+  other_chan_wholesale_cost,
+  other_chan_sales_price,
+  round(ss_qty/(coalesce(ws_qty+cs_qty,1)),2)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query78.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query79.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query79.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce05a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query79.q
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query79.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+  c_last_name,c_first_name,substr(s_city,1,30),ss_ticket_number,amt,profit
+  from
+   (select ss_ticket_number
+          ,ss_customer_sk
+          ,store.s_city
+          ,sum(ss_coupon_amt) amt
+          ,sum(ss_net_profit) profit
+    from store_sales,date_dim,store,household_demographics
+    where store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
+    and store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk  
+    and store_sales.ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+    and (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 8 or household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count > 0)
+    and date_dim.d_dow = 1
+    and date_dim.d_year in (1998,1998+1,1998+2) 
+    and store.s_number_employees between 200 and 295
+    group by ss_ticket_number,ss_customer_sk,ss_addr_sk,store.s_city) ms,customer
+    where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+ order by c_last_name,c_first_name,substr(s_city,1,30), profit
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query79.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query8.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query8.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ab234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query8.q
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query8.tpl and seed 1766988859
+explain cbo
+select  s_store_name
+      ,sum(ss_net_profit)
+ from store_sales
+     ,date_dim
+     ,store,
+     (select ca_zip
+     from (
+     (SELECT substr(ca_zip,1,5) ca_zip
+      FROM customer_address
+      WHERE substr(ca_zip,1,5) IN (
+                          '89436','30868','65085','22977','83927','77557',
+                          '58429','40697','80614','10502','32779',
+                          '91137','61265','98294','17921','18427',
+                          '21203','59362','87291','84093','21505',
+                          '17184','10866','67898','25797','28055',
+                          '18377','80332','74535','21757','29742',
+                          '90885','29898','17819','40811','25990',
+                          '47513','89531','91068','10391','18846',
+                          '99223','82637','41368','83658','86199',
+                          '81625','26696','89338','88425','32200',
+                          '81427','19053','77471','36610','99823',
+                          '43276','41249','48584','83550','82276',
+                          '18842','78890','14090','38123','40936',
+                          '34425','19850','43286','80072','79188',
+                          '54191','11395','50497','84861','90733',
+                          '21068','57666','37119','25004','57835',
+                          '70067','62878','95806','19303','18840',
+                          '19124','29785','16737','16022','49613',
+                          '89977','68310','60069','98360','48649',
+                          '39050','41793','25002','27413','39736',
+                          '47208','16515','94808','57648','15009',
+                          '80015','42961','63982','21744','71853',
+                          '81087','67468','34175','64008','20261',
+                          '11201','51799','48043','45645','61163',
+                          '48375','36447','57042','21218','41100',
+                          '89951','22745','35851','83326','61125',
+                          '78298','80752','49858','52940','96976',
+                          '63792','11376','53582','18717','90226',
+                          '50530','94203','99447','27670','96577',
+                          '57856','56372','16165','23427','54561',
+                          '28806','44439','22926','30123','61451',
+                          '92397','56979','92309','70873','13355',
+                          '21801','46346','37562','56458','28286',
+                          '47306','99555','69399','26234','47546',
+                          '49661','88601','35943','39936','25632',
+                          '24611','44166','56648','30379','59785',
+                          '11110','14329','93815','52226','71381',
+                          '13842','25612','63294','14664','21077',
+                          '82626','18799','60915','81020','56447',
+                          '76619','11433','13414','42548','92713',
+                          '70467','30884','47484','16072','38936',
+                          '13036','88376','45539','35901','19506',
+                          '65690','73957','71850','49231','14276',
+                          '20005','18384','76615','11635','38177',
+                          '55607','41369','95447','58581','58149',
+                          '91946','33790','76232','75692','95464',
+                          '22246','51061','56692','53121','77209',
+                          '15482','10688','14868','45907','73520',
+                          '72666','25734','17959','24677','66446',
+                          '94627','53535','15560','41967','69297',
+                          '11929','59403','33283','52232','57350',
+                          '43933','40921','36635','10827','71286',
+                          '19736','80619','25251','95042','15526',
+                          '36496','55854','49124','81980','35375',
+                          '49157','63512','28944','14946','36503',
+                          '54010','18767','23969','43905','66979',
+                          '33113','21286','58471','59080','13395',
+                          '79144','70373','67031','38360','26705',
+                          '50906','52406','26066','73146','15884',
+                          '31897','30045','61068','45550','92454',
+                          '13376','14354','19770','22928','97790',
+                          '50723','46081','30202','14410','20223',
+                          '88500','67298','13261','14172','81410',
+                          '93578','83583','46047','94167','82564',
+                          '21156','15799','86709','37931','74703',
+                          '83103','23054','70470','72008','49247',
+                          '91911','69998','20961','70070','63197',
+                          '54853','88191','91830','49521','19454',
+                          '81450','89091','62378','25683','61869',
+                          '51744','36580','85778','36871','48121',
+                          '28810','83712','45486','67393','26935',
+                          '42393','20132','55349','86057','21309',
+                          '80218','10094','11357','48819','39734',
+                          '40758','30432','21204','29467','30214',
+                          '61024','55307','74621','11622','68908',
+                          '33032','52868','99194','99900','84936',
+                          '69036','99149','45013','32895','59004',
+                          '32322','14933','32936','33562','72550',
+                          '27385','58049','58200','16808','21360',
+                          '32961','18586','79307','15492'))
+     intersect
+     (select ca_zip
+      from (SELECT substr(ca_zip,1,5) ca_zip,count(*) cnt
+            FROM customer_address, customer
+            WHERE ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk and
+                  c_preferred_cust_flag='Y'
+            group by ca_zip
+            having count(*) > 10)A1))A2) V1
+ where ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+  and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+  and d_qoy = 1 and d_year = 2002
+  and (substr(s_zip,1,2) = substr(V1.ca_zip,1,2))
+ group by s_store_name
+ order by s_store_name
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query8.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query80.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query80.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b1da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query80.q
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query80.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+with ssr as
+ (select  s_store_id as store_id,
+          sum(ss_ext_sales_price) as sales,
+          sum(coalesce(sr_return_amt, 0)) as returns,
+          sum(ss_net_profit - coalesce(sr_net_loss, 0)) as profit
+  from store_sales left outer join store_returns on
+         (ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number),
+     date_dim,
+     store,
+     item,
+     promotion
+ where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date) 
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+       and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+       and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
+       and i_current_price > 50
+       and ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk
+       and p_channel_tv = 'N'
+ group by s_store_id)
+ ,
+ csr as
+ (select  cp_catalog_page_id as catalog_page_id,
+          sum(cs_ext_sales_price) as sales,
+          sum(coalesce(cr_return_amount, 0)) as returns,
+          sum(cs_net_profit - coalesce(cr_net_loss, 0)) as profit
+  from catalog_sales left outer join catalog_returns on
+         (cs_item_sk = cr_item_sk and cs_order_number = cr_order_number),
+     date_dim,
+     catalog_page,
+     item,
+     promotion
+ where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+        and cs_catalog_page_sk = cp_catalog_page_sk
+       and cs_item_sk = i_item_sk
+       and i_current_price > 50
+       and cs_promo_sk = p_promo_sk
+       and p_channel_tv = 'N'
+group by cp_catalog_page_id)
+ ,
+ wsr as
+ (select  web_site_id,
+          sum(ws_ext_sales_price) as sales,
+          sum(coalesce(wr_return_amt, 0)) as returns,
+          sum(ws_net_profit - coalesce(wr_net_loss, 0)) as profit
+  from web_sales left outer join web_returns on
+         (ws_item_sk = wr_item_sk and ws_order_number = wr_order_number),
+     date_dim,
+     web_site,
+     item,
+     promotion
+ where ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  30 days)
+        and ws_web_site_sk = web_site_sk
+       and ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
+       and i_current_price > 50
+       and ws_promo_sk = p_promo_sk
+       and p_channel_tv = 'N'
+group by web_site_id)
+  select  channel
+        , id
+        , sum(sales) as sales
+        , sum(returns) as returns
+        , sum(profit) as profit
+ from 
+ (select 'store channel' as channel
+        , 'store' || store_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , profit
+ from   ssr
+ union all
+ select 'catalog channel' as channel
+        , 'catalog_page' || catalog_page_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , profit
+ from  csr
+ union all
+ select 'web channel' as channel
+        , 'web_site' || web_site_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , profit
+ from   wsr
+ ) x
+ group by rollup (channel, id)
+ order by channel
+         ,id
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query80.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query81.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query81.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722bc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query81.q
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query81.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+with customer_total_return as
+ (select cr_returning_customer_sk as ctr_customer_sk
+        ,ca_state as ctr_state, 
+ 	sum(cr_return_amt_inc_tax) as ctr_total_return
+ from catalog_returns
+     ,date_dim
+     ,customer_address
+ where cr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk 
+   and d_year =1998
+   and cr_returning_addr_sk = ca_address_sk 
+ group by cr_returning_customer_sk
+         ,ca_state )
+  select  c_customer_id,c_salutation,c_first_name,c_last_name,ca_street_number,ca_street_name
+                   ,ca_street_type,ca_suite_number,ca_city,ca_county,ca_state,ca_zip,ca_country,ca_gmt_offset
+                  ,ca_location_type,ctr_total_return
+ from customer_total_return ctr1
+     ,customer_address
+     ,customer
+ where ctr1.ctr_total_return > (select avg(ctr_total_return)*1.2
+ 			  from customer_total_return ctr2 
+                  	  where ctr1.ctr_state = ctr2.ctr_state)
+       and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk
+       and ca_state = 'IL'
+       and ctr1.ctr_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+ order by c_customer_id,c_salutation,c_first_name,c_last_name,ca_street_number,ca_street_name
+                   ,ca_street_type,ca_suite_number,ca_city,ca_county,ca_state,ca_zip,ca_country,ca_gmt_offset
+                  ,ca_location_type,ctr_total_return
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query81.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query82.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query82.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..932a71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query82.q
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query82.tpl and seed 55585014
+explain cbo
+select  i_item_id
+       ,i_item_desc
+       ,i_current_price
+ from item, inventory, date_dim, store_sales
+ where i_current_price between 30 and 30+30
+ and inv_item_sk = i_item_sk
+ and d_date_sk=inv_date_sk
+ and d_date between cast('2002-05-30' as date) and (cast('2002-05-30' as date) +  60 days)
+ and i_manufact_id in (437,129,727,663)
+ and inv_quantity_on_hand between 100 and 500
+ and ss_item_sk = i_item_sk
+ group by i_item_id,i_item_desc,i_current_price
+ order by i_item_id
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query82.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query83.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query83.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551ea0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query83.q
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query83.tpl and seed 1930872976
+explain cbo
+with sr_items as
+ (select i_item_id item_id,
+        sum(sr_return_quantity) sr_item_qty
+ from store_returns,
+      item,
+      date_dim
+ where sr_item_sk = i_item_sk
+ and   d_date    in 
+	(select d_date
+	from date_dim
+	where d_week_seq in 
+		(select d_week_seq
+		from date_dim
+	  where d_date in ('1998-01-02','1998-10-15','1998-11-10')))
+ and   sr_returned_date_sk   = d_date_sk
+ group by i_item_id),
+ cr_items as
+ (select i_item_id item_id,
+        sum(cr_return_quantity) cr_item_qty
+ from catalog_returns,
+      item,
+      date_dim
+ where cr_item_sk = i_item_sk
+ and   d_date    in 
+	(select d_date
+	from date_dim
+	where d_week_seq in 
+		(select d_week_seq
+		from date_dim
+	  where d_date in ('1998-01-02','1998-10-15','1998-11-10')))
+ and   cr_returned_date_sk   = d_date_sk
+ group by i_item_id),
+ wr_items as
+ (select i_item_id item_id,
+        sum(wr_return_quantity) wr_item_qty
+ from web_returns,
+      item,
+      date_dim
+ where wr_item_sk = i_item_sk
+ and   d_date    in 
+	(select d_date
+	from date_dim
+	where d_week_seq in 
+		(select d_week_seq
+		from date_dim
+		where d_date in ('1998-01-02','1998-10-15','1998-11-10')))
+ and   wr_returned_date_sk   = d_date_sk
+ group by i_item_id)
+  select  sr_items.item_id
+       ,sr_item_qty
+       ,sr_item_qty/(sr_item_qty+cr_item_qty+wr_item_qty)/3.0 * 100 sr_dev
+       ,cr_item_qty
+       ,cr_item_qty/(sr_item_qty+cr_item_qty+wr_item_qty)/3.0 * 100 cr_dev
+       ,wr_item_qty
+       ,wr_item_qty/(sr_item_qty+cr_item_qty+wr_item_qty)/3.0 * 100 wr_dev
+       ,(sr_item_qty+cr_item_qty+wr_item_qty)/3.0 average
+ from sr_items
+     ,cr_items
+     ,wr_items
+ where sr_items.item_id=cr_items.item_id
+   and sr_items.item_id=wr_items.item_id 
+ order by sr_items.item_id
+         ,sr_item_qty
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query83.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query84.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query84.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36df57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query84.q
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query84.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+select  c_customer_id as customer_id
+       ,c_last_name || ', ' || c_first_name as customername
+ from customer
+     ,customer_address
+     ,customer_demographics
+     ,household_demographics
+     ,income_band
+     ,store_returns
+ where ca_city	        =  'Hopewell'
+   and c_current_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+   and ib_lower_bound   >=  32287
+   and ib_upper_bound   <=  32287 + 50000
+   and ib_income_band_sk = hd_income_band_sk
+   and cd_demo_sk = c_current_cdemo_sk
+   and hd_demo_sk = c_current_hdemo_sk
+   and sr_cdemo_sk = cd_demo_sk
+ order by c_customer_id
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query84.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query85.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query85.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09137b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query85.q
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query85.tpl and seed 622697896
+explain cbo
+select  substr(r_reason_desc,1,20)
+       ,avg(ws_quantity)
+       ,avg(wr_refunded_cash)
+       ,avg(wr_fee)
+ from web_sales, web_returns, web_page, customer_demographics cd1,
+      customer_demographics cd2, customer_address, date_dim, reason 
+ where ws_web_page_sk = wp_web_page_sk
+   and ws_item_sk = wr_item_sk
+   and ws_order_number = wr_order_number
+   and ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and d_year = 1998
+   and cd1.cd_demo_sk = wr_refunded_cdemo_sk 
+   and cd2.cd_demo_sk = wr_returning_cdemo_sk
+   and ca_address_sk = wr_refunded_addr_sk
+   and r_reason_sk = wr_reason_sk
+   and
+   (
+    (
+     cd1.cd_marital_status = 'M'
+     and
+     cd1.cd_marital_status = cd2.cd_marital_status
+     and
+     cd1.cd_education_status = '4 yr Degree'
+     and 
+     cd1.cd_education_status = cd2.cd_education_status
+     and
+     ws_sales_price between 100.00 and 150.00
+    )
+   or
+    (
+     cd1.cd_marital_status = 'D'
+     and
+     cd1.cd_marital_status = cd2.cd_marital_status
+     and
+     cd1.cd_education_status = 'Primary' 
+     and
+     cd1.cd_education_status = cd2.cd_education_status
+     and
+     ws_sales_price between 50.00 and 100.00
+    )
+   or
+    (
+     cd1.cd_marital_status = 'U'
+     and
+     cd1.cd_marital_status = cd2.cd_marital_status
+     and
+     cd1.cd_education_status = 'Advanced Degree'
+     and
+     cd1.cd_education_status = cd2.cd_education_status
+     and
+     ws_sales_price between 150.00 and 200.00
+    )
+   )
+   and
+   (
+    (
+     ca_country = 'United States'
+     and
+     ca_state in ('KY', 'GA', 'NM')
+     and ws_net_profit between 100 and 200  
+    )
+    or
+    (
+     ca_country = 'United States'
+     and
+     ca_state in ('MT', 'OR', 'IN')
+     and ws_net_profit between 150 and 300  
+    )
+    or
+    (
+     ca_country = 'United States'
+     and
+     ca_state in ('WI', 'MO', 'WV')
+     and ws_net_profit between 50 and 250  
+    )
+   )
+group by r_reason_desc
+order by substr(r_reason_desc,1,20)
+        ,avg(ws_quantity)
+        ,avg(wr_refunded_cash)
+        ,avg(wr_fee)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query85.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query86.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query86.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8e9941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query86.q
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query86.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+    sum(ws_net_paid) as total_sum
+   ,i_category
+   ,i_class
+   ,grouping(i_category)+grouping(i_class) as lochierarchy
+   ,rank() over (
+ 	partition by grouping(i_category)+grouping(i_class),
+ 	case when grouping(i_class) = 0 then i_category end 
+ 	order by sum(ws_net_paid) desc) as rank_within_parent
+ from
+    web_sales
+   ,date_dim       d1
+   ,item
+ where
+    d1.d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+ and d1.d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
+ and i_item_sk  = ws_item_sk
+ group by rollup(i_category,i_class)
+ order by
+   lochierarchy desc,
+   case when lochierarchy = 0 then i_category end,
+   rank_within_parent
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query86.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query87.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query87.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f8437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query87.q
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query87.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+select count(*) 
+from ((select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date
+       from store_sales, date_dim, customer
+       where store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
+         and store_sales.ss_customer_sk = customer.c_customer_sk
+         and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11)
+       except
+      (select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date
+       from catalog_sales, date_dim, customer
+       where catalog_sales.cs_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
+         and catalog_sales.cs_bill_customer_sk = customer.c_customer_sk
+         and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11)
+       except
+      (select distinct c_last_name, c_first_name, d_date
+       from web_sales, date_dim, customer
+       where web_sales.ws_sold_date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk
+         and web_sales.ws_bill_customer_sk = customer.c_customer_sk
+         and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11)
+) cool_cust
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query87.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query88.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query88.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f95b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query88.q
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query88.tpl and seed 318176889
+explain cbo
+select  *
+ (select count(*) h8_30_to_9
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk   
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk 
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 8
+     and time_dim.t_minute >= 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2)) 
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s1,
+ (select count(*) h9_to_9_30 
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk 
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 9 
+     and time_dim.t_minute < 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s2,
+ (select count(*) h9_30_to_10 
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 9
+     and time_dim.t_minute >= 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s3,
+ (select count(*) h10_to_10_30
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 10 
+     and time_dim.t_minute < 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s4,
+ (select count(*) h10_30_to_11
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 10 
+     and time_dim.t_minute >= 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s5,
+ (select count(*) h11_to_11_30
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk 
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 11
+     and time_dim.t_minute < 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s6,
+ (select count(*) h11_30_to_12
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 11
+     and time_dim.t_minute >= 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s7,
+ (select count(*) h12_to_12_30
+ from store_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, store
+ where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+     and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+     and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+     and time_dim.t_hour = 12
+     and time_dim.t_minute < 30
+     and ((household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 3 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=3+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 0 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=0+2) or
+          (household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 1 and household_demographics.hd_vehicle_count<=1+2))
+     and store.s_store_name = 'ese') s8
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query88.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query89.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query89.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7682404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query89.q
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query89.tpl and seed 1719819282
+explain cbo
+select  *
+select i_category, i_class, i_brand,
+       s_store_name, s_company_name,
+       d_moy,
+       sum(ss_sales_price) sum_sales,
+       avg(sum(ss_sales_price)) over
+         (partition by i_category, i_brand, s_store_name, s_company_name)
+         avg_monthly_sales
+from item, store_sales, date_dim, store
+where ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
+      ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
+      ss_store_sk = s_store_sk and
+      d_year in (2000) and
+        ((i_category in ('Home','Books','Electronics') and
+          i_class in ('wallpaper','parenting','musical')
+         )
+      or (i_category in ('Shoes','Jewelry','Men') and
+          i_class in ('womens','birdal','pants') 
+        ))
+group by i_category, i_class, i_brand,
+         s_store_name, s_company_name, d_moy) tmp1
+where case when (avg_monthly_sales <> 0) then (abs(sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales) / avg_monthly_sales) else null end > 0.1
+order by sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales, s_store_name
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query89.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query9.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query9.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46d8868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query9.q
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query9.tpl and seed 1490436826
+explain cbo
+select case when (select count(*) 
+                  from store_sales 
+                  where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) > 409437
+            then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price) 
+                  from store_sales 
+                  where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) 
+            else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 1 and 20) end bucket1 ,
+       case when (select count(*)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) > 4595804
+            then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) 
+            else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 21 and 40) end bucket2,
+       case when (select count(*)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) > 7887297
+            then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 41 and 60)
+            else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 41 and 60) end bucket3,
+       case when (select count(*)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) > 10872978
+            then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 61 and 80)
+            else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 61 and 80) end bucket4,
+       case when (select count(*)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) > 43571537
+            then (select avg(ss_ext_list_price)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 81 and 100)
+            else (select avg(ss_net_paid_inc_tax)
+                  from store_sales
+                  where ss_quantity between 81 and 100) end bucket5
+from reason
+where r_reason_sk = 1
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query9.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query90.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query90.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc75e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query90.q
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query90.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+select  cast(amc as decimal(15,4))/cast(pmc as decimal(15,4)) am_pm_ratio
+ from ( select count(*) amc
+       from web_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, web_page
+       where ws_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+         and ws_ship_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+         and ws_web_page_sk = web_page.wp_web_page_sk
+         and time_dim.t_hour between 6 and 6+1
+         and household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 8
+         and web_page.wp_char_count between 5000 and 5200) at,
+      ( select count(*) pmc
+       from web_sales, household_demographics , time_dim, web_page
+       where ws_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk
+         and ws_ship_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk
+         and ws_web_page_sk = web_page.wp_web_page_sk
+         and time_dim.t_hour between 14 and 14+1
+         and household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 8
+         and web_page.wp_char_count between 5000 and 5200) pt
+ order by am_pm_ratio
+ limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query90.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query91.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query91.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f1f8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query91.q
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query91.tpl and seed 1930872976
+explain cbo
+        cc_call_center_id Call_Center,
+        cc_name Call_Center_Name,
+        cc_manager Manager,
+        sum(cr_net_loss) Returns_Loss
+        call_center,
+        catalog_returns,
+        date_dim,
+        customer,
+        customer_address,
+        customer_demographics,
+        household_demographics
+        cr_call_center_sk       = cc_call_center_sk
+and     cr_returned_date_sk     = d_date_sk
+and     cr_returning_customer_sk= c_customer_sk
+and     cd_demo_sk              = c_current_cdemo_sk
+and     hd_demo_sk              = c_current_hdemo_sk
+and     ca_address_sk           = c_current_addr_sk
+and     d_year                  = 1999 
+and     d_moy                   = 11
+and     ( (cd_marital_status       = 'M' and cd_education_status     = 'Unknown')
+        or(cd_marital_status       = 'W' and cd_education_status     = 'Advanced Degree'))
+and     hd_buy_potential like '0-500%'
+and     ca_gmt_offset           = -7
+group by cc_call_center_id,cc_name,cc_manager,cd_marital_status,cd_education_status
+order by sum(cr_net_loss) desc;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query91.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query92.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query92.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b32ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query92.q
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query92.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+   sum(ws_ext_discount_amt)  as `Excess Discount Amount` 
+    web_sales 
+   ,item 
+   ,date_dim
+i_manufact_id = 269
+and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk 
+and d_date between '1998-03-18' and 
+        (cast('1998-03-18' as date) + 90 days)
+and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk 
+and ws_ext_discount_amt  
+     > ( 
+         SELECT 
+            1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt) 
+         FROM 
+            web_sales 
+           ,date_dim
+         WHERE 
+              ws_item_sk = i_item_sk 
+          and d_date between '1998-03-18' and
+                             (cast('1998-03-18' as date) + 90 days)
+          and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk 
+      ) 
+order by sum(ws_ext_discount_amt)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query92.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query93.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query93.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6a7d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query93.q
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query93.tpl and seed 1200409435
+explain cbo
+select  ss_customer_sk
+            ,sum(act_sales) sumsales
+      from (select ss_item_sk
+                  ,ss_ticket_number
+                  ,ss_customer_sk
+                  ,case when sr_return_quantity is not null then (ss_quantity-sr_return_quantity)*ss_sales_price
+                                                            else (ss_quantity*ss_sales_price) end act_sales
+            from store_sales left outer join store_returns on (sr_item_sk = ss_item_sk
+                                                               and sr_ticket_number = ss_ticket_number)
+                ,reason
+            where sr_reason_sk = r_reason_sk
+              and r_reason_desc = 'Did not like the warranty') t
+      group by ss_customer_sk
+      order by sumsales, ss_customer_sk
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query93.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query94.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query94.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae01bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query94.q
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query94.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+   count(distinct ws_order_number) as `order count`
+  ,sum(ws_ext_ship_cost) as `total shipping cost`
+  ,sum(ws_net_profit) as `total net profit`
+   web_sales ws1
+  ,date_dim
+  ,customer_address
+  ,web_site
+    d_date between '1999-5-01' and 
+           (cast('1999-5-01' as date) + 60 days)
+and ws1.ws_ship_date_sk = d_date_sk
+and ws1.ws_ship_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+and ca_state = 'TX'
+and ws1.ws_web_site_sk = web_site_sk
+and web_company_name = 'pri'
+and exists (select *
+            from web_sales ws2
+            where ws1.ws_order_number = ws2.ws_order_number
+              and ws1.ws_warehouse_sk <> ws2.ws_warehouse_sk)
+and not exists(select *
+               from web_returns wr1
+               where ws1.ws_order_number = wr1.wr_order_number)
+order by count(distinct ws_order_number)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query94.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query95.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query95.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c9be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query95.q
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query95.tpl and seed 2031708268
+explain cbo
+with ws_wh as
+(select ws1.ws_order_number,ws1.ws_warehouse_sk wh1,ws2.ws_warehouse_sk wh2
+ from web_sales ws1,web_sales ws2
+ where ws1.ws_order_number = ws2.ws_order_number
+   and ws1.ws_warehouse_sk <> ws2.ws_warehouse_sk)
+ select  
+   count(distinct ws_order_number) as `order count`
+  ,sum(ws_ext_ship_cost) as `total shipping cost`
+  ,sum(ws_net_profit) as `total net profit`
+   web_sales ws1
+  ,date_dim
+  ,customer_address
+  ,web_site
+    d_date between '1999-5-01' and 
+           (cast('1999-5-01' as date) + 60 days)
+and ws1.ws_ship_date_sk = d_date_sk
+and ws1.ws_ship_addr_sk = ca_address_sk
+and ca_state = 'TX'
+and ws1.ws_web_site_sk = web_site_sk
+and web_company_name = 'pri'
+and ws1.ws_order_number in (select ws_order_number
+                            from ws_wh)
+and ws1.ws_order_number in (select wr_order_number
+                            from web_returns,ws_wh
+                            where wr_order_number = ws_wh.ws_order_number)
+order by count(distinct ws_order_number)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query95.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query96.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query96.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1561fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query96.q
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query96.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+select  count(*) 
+from store_sales
+    ,household_demographics 
+    ,time_dim, store
+where ss_sold_time_sk = time_dim.t_time_sk   
+    and ss_hdemo_sk = household_demographics.hd_demo_sk 
+    and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+    and time_dim.t_hour = 8
+    and time_dim.t_minute >= 30
+    and household_demographics.hd_dep_count = 5
+    and store.s_store_name = 'ese'
+order by count(*)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query96.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query97.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query97.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb754dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query97.q
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query97.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+with ssci as (
+select ss_customer_sk customer_sk
+      ,ss_item_sk item_sk
+from store_sales,date_dim
+where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+  and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212 + 11
+group by ss_customer_sk
+        ,ss_item_sk),
+csci as(
+ select cs_bill_customer_sk customer_sk
+      ,cs_item_sk item_sk
+from catalog_sales,date_dim
+where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+  and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212 + 11
+group by cs_bill_customer_sk
+        ,cs_item_sk)
+ select  sum(case when ssci.customer_sk is not null and csci.customer_sk is null then 1 else 0 end) store_only
+      ,sum(case when ssci.customer_sk is null and csci.customer_sk is not null then 1 else 0 end) catalog_only
+      ,sum(case when ssci.customer_sk is not null and csci.customer_sk is not null then 1 else 0 end) store_and_catalog
+from ssci full outer join csci on (ssci.customer_sk=csci.customer_sk
+                               and ssci.item_sk = csci.item_sk)
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query97.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query98.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query98.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48f81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query98.q
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query98.tpl and seed 345591136
+explain cbo
+select i_item_desc 
+      ,i_category 
+      ,i_class 
+      ,i_current_price
+      ,sum(ss_ext_sales_price) as itemrevenue 
+      ,sum(ss_ext_sales_price)*100/sum(sum(ss_ext_sales_price)) over
+          (partition by i_class) as revenueratio
+	store_sales
+    	,item 
+    	,date_dim
+	ss_item_sk = i_item_sk 
+  	and i_category in ('Jewelry', 'Sports', 'Books')
+  	and ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
+	and d_date between cast('2001-01-12' as date) 
+				and (cast('2001-01-12' as date) + 30 days)
+group by 
+	i_item_id
+        ,i_item_desc 
+        ,i_category
+        ,i_class
+        ,i_current_price
+order by 
+	i_category
+        ,i_class
+        ,i_item_id
+        ,i_item_desc
+        ,revenueratio;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query98.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query99.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query99.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be098fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/perf/cbo_query99.q
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
+-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query99.tpl and seed 1819994127
+explain cbo
+   substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20)
+  ,sm_type
+  ,cc_name
+  ,sum(case when (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 30 ) then 1 else 0 end)  as `30 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 30) and 
+                 (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 60) then 1 else 0 end )  as `31-60 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 60) and 
+                 (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 90) then 1 else 0 end)  as `61-90 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk > 90) and
+                 (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk <= 120) then 1 else 0 end)  as `91-120 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (cs_ship_date_sk - cs_sold_date_sk  > 120) then 1 else 0 end)  as `>120 days` 
+   catalog_sales
+  ,warehouse
+  ,ship_mode
+  ,call_center
+  ,date_dim
+    d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212 + 11
+and cs_ship_date_sk   = d_date_sk
+and cs_warehouse_sk   = w_warehouse_sk
+and cs_ship_mode_sk   = sm_ship_mode_sk
+and cs_call_center_sk = cc_call_center_sk
+group by
+   substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20)
+  ,sm_type
+  ,cc_name
+order by substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20)
+        ,sm_type
+        ,cc_name
+limit 100;
+-- end query 1 in stream 0 using template query99.tpl
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/cbo_query1.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/cbo_query1.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295ba99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/tez/cbo_query1.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain cbo
+with customer_total_return as
+(select sr_customer_sk as ctr_customer_sk
+,sr_store_sk as ctr_store_sk
+,sum(SR_FEE) as ctr_total_return
+from store_returns
+where sr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk
+and d_year =2000
+group by sr_customer_sk
+ select  c_customer_id
+from customer_total_return ctr1
+where ctr1.ctr_total_return > (select avg(ctr_total_return)*1.2
+from customer_total_return ctr2
+where ctr1.ctr_store_sk = ctr2.ctr_store_sk)
+and s_store_sk = ctr1.ctr_store_sk
+and s_state = 'NM'
+and ctr1.ctr_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+order by c_customer_id
+limit 100
+PREHOOK: Input: default@customer
+PREHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store
+PREHOOK: Input: default@store_returns
+PREHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+POSTHOOK: query: explain cbo
+with customer_total_return as
+(select sr_customer_sk as ctr_customer_sk
+,sr_store_sk as ctr_store_sk
+,sum(SR_FEE) as ctr_total_return
+from store_returns
+where sr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk
+and d_year =2000
+group by sr_customer_sk
+ select  c_customer_id
+from customer_total_return ctr1
+where ctr1.ctr_total_return > (select avg(ctr_total_return)*1.2
+from customer_total_return ctr2
+where ctr1.ctr_store_sk = ctr2.ctr_store_sk)
+and s_store_sk = ctr1.ctr_store_sk
+and s_state = 'NM'
+and ctr1.ctr_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
+order by c_customer_id
+limit 100
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@customer
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@date_dim
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@store_returns
+POSTHOOK: Output: hdfs://### HDFS PATH ###
+HiveSortLimit(sort0=[$0], dir0=[ASC], fetch=[100])
+  HiveProject(c_customer_id=[$1])
+    HiveJoin(condition=[AND(=($3, $8), >($4, $7))], joinType=[inner], algorithm=[none], cost=[not available])
+      HiveJoin(condition=[=($2, $0)], joinType=[inner], algorithm=[none], cost=[not available])
+        HiveProject(c_customer_sk=[$0], c_customer_id=[$1])
+          HiveFilter(condition=[IS NOT NULL($0)])
+            HiveTableScan(table=[[default, customer]], table:alias=[customer])
+        HiveJoin(condition=[=($3, $1)], joinType=[inner], algorithm=[none], cost=[not available])
+          HiveProject(sr_customer_sk=[$0], sr_store_sk=[$1], $f2=[$2])
+            HiveAggregate(group=[{1, 2}], agg#0=[sum($3)])
+              HiveJoin(condition=[=($0, $4)], joinType=[inner], algorithm=[none], cost=[not available])
+                HiveProject(sr_returned_date_sk=[$0], sr_customer_sk=[$3], sr_store_sk=[$7], sr_fee=[$14])
+                  HiveFilter(condition=[AND(IS NOT NULL($0), IS NOT NULL($7), IS NOT NULL($3))])
+                    HiveTableScan(table=[[default, store_returns]], table:alias=[store_returns])
+                HiveProject(d_date_sk=[$0], d_year=[CAST(2000):INTEGER])
+                  HiveFilter(condition=[AND(=($6, 2000), IS NOT NULL($0))])
+                    HiveTableScan(table=[[default, date_dim]], table:alias=[date_dim])
+          HiveProject(s_store_sk=[$0], s_state=[CAST(_UTF-16LE'NM'):VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE" COLLATE "ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary"])
+            HiveFilter(condition=[AND(=($24, _UTF-16LE'NM'), IS NOT NULL($0))])
+              HiveTableScan(table=[[default, store]], table:alias=[store])
+      HiveProject(_o__c0=[*(/($1, $2), 1.2)], ctr_store_sk=[$0])
+        HiveAggregate(group=[{1}], agg#0=[sum($2)], agg#1=[count($2)])
+          HiveProject(sr_customer_sk=[$0], sr_store_sk=[$1], $f2=[$2])
+            HiveAggregate(group=[{1, 2}], agg#0=[sum($3)])
+              HiveJoin(condition=[=($0, $4)], joinType=[inner], algorithm=[none], cost=[not available])
+                HiveProject(sr_returned_date_sk=[$0], sr_customer_sk=[$3], sr_store_sk=[$7], sr_fee=[$14])
+                  HiveFilter(condition=[AND(IS NOT NULL($0), IS NOT NULL($7))])
+                    HiveTableScan(table=[[default, store_returns]], table:alias=[store_returns])
+                HiveProject(d_date_sk=[$0], d_year=[CAST(2000):INTEGER])
+                  HiveFilter(condition=[AND(=($6, 2000), IS NOT NULL($0))])
+                    HiveTableScan(table=[[default, date_dim]], table:alias=[date_dim])