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Posted to by Alex Karasulu <> on 2004/07/11 08:23:46 UTC

Call for ApacheCon Speakers

Hi all,

ApacheCon looks like its in Vegas again.  The deadline for proposals is
the 23rd of this month.  I just got off of IRC after conversing with
Alan and Noel about doing a couple of presentations.  

First off we think it would be nice to do one on the directory project
as an overview of our subprojects and our goals.  It's a nice way for us
to introduce ourselves and let people know what we're about.  We should
do this one with as many present directory representatives as possible
each speaking a bit about the projects they specifically work on or have
an interest in.  We can take questions for a large portion of this
because I'm sure people will have many questions for us.

I'm thinking we can then breakdown subprojects and do separate
presentations on them where appropriate.  Alan is attending and said he
would do a presentation on Snickers.  Noel will also be present as well
and can do a talk on JNDI and Naming with a twist on tools
integration.   Perhaps Phil you and/or Henri would like to work on that
one as well.  I know Henri will be at ApacheCon giving a presentation on
the commons.  

I hope to attend also and think I'll tackle Eve.  Alan perhaps you can
join me to also talk about the potential for embedding Eve into
Geronimo.  Likewise Noel you can discuss embedding her into James. 
Steve if you are going to be there the same goes for Merlin.

Anyone else is welcome to join any presentation or pitch in ideas for
other presentations.  Vince you might want to plugin on Janus if you'll
be attending.

However let's get moving so we can subit our proposals ASAP.  Here's a
list to keep track of who wants to present for now.  Please respond if
your going to make it and if so what you would like to present adding to
the list or just putting your name under an existing proposal.  When we
tally up all the proposals and prune them down.  I think we want to
stick to 4 max hoping some make it into the mix for A/C 2k4.   

General Intro to Directory Project
  + Noel
  + Alan
  + Alex
  + Noel
  + Alex
  + Alan
