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[WIKI-UPDATE] LeftMenuFooter UnderstandingCocoonMounts SitemapPatterns Patrik SpringPetstore Tue Jun 22 18:00:06 2004

Page: , version: 67 on Mon Jun 22 15:09:53 2004 by

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Page: , version: 34 on Mon Jun 22 15:05:18 2004 by

- to aggregate for example header and footer from the root and then call the previously mounted pipelines to match content.'' -- Patrik C )
?                                                                                                                                      ^^

+ to aggregate for example header and footer from the root and then call the previously mounted pipelines to match content.'' -- [Patrik] )
?                                                                                                                                +      ^

Page: , version: 21 on Mon Jun 22 15:03:17 2004 by

+ * Really simple, when processing something you can most often catch unknown errors with a generic exceptionhandler, those errors can at least give different messages based on a match in the errorhandler.
+ {{{
+ <map:selector name="exception" src="org.apache.cocoon.selection.XPathExceptionSelector">
+ 	<exception class="java.lang.Throwable" unroll="true"/>
+ <map:selector> }}}
+ * When your content is generated by xsl, the dummy xml file can be used for error messages. 
+ {{{
+ <map:match pattern="**.xml">
+ 	<map:generate src="common/error.xml"/>
+ 	<map:select type="resource-exists">
+ 		<map:when test="{1}.jpg">
+ 		<map:transform src="style/picture.xsl">
+ 			<map:parameter name="name" value="{1}"/>
+ 		</map:transform> 
+ 		</map:when>
+ 	</map:select>
+ 	<map:serialize/>
+ </map:match>
+ }}}
+ [Errorhandling documentation|]
+ ''--- Patrik C''

Page: , version: 1 on Mon Jun 22 15:08:39 2004 by

New page created:
+ Solving problems as I run into them I might add to some Wiki page as I find something out.
+ ----
+ Leave me a message:

Page: , version: 9 on Mon Jun 22 16:21:09 2004 by UgoCei

- I've also started to refactor the loading of data to use XML files instead of directly instantiating persistenj Java beans.
?                                                                                                               ^

+ I've also started to refactor the loading of data to use XML files instead of directly instantiating persistent Java beans.
?                                                                                                               ^