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Posted to by Randall Parker <> on 2001/08/15 02:01:38 UTC

Test case for PDFDocumentGraphics2D rotated text problem

This is a test case to demonstrate problems with how PDFDocumentGraphics2D renders text that 
is rotated. The text at 90 and 270 degrees is flipped around in pdfasshapes.pdf as compared to 
how it is in svgtest.svg and pdfnotshapes.pdf. 

Also, the text at the angles that start at 45 degrees and then increment at 90 degree intervals does 
not show up in the pdfnotshapes.pdf and Acrobat complains when it loads the file about  not finding 
a font. The font can be changed in the initFonts() method. 

See the attached file It generates an SVG and two PDF files from the same set of 
calls to the Graphics2D APIs. 

I am running FOP and Batik as downloaded last Wednesday Aug 8 2001. I'm also using Jaxp 
1.1.1, Crimson 1.1.1, and Xalan 2.2.D8. Also, building and running on JBuilder 5 Pro. Viewing SVG 
with the Batik SVG Browser and viewing PDF with full Acrobat 4.0.

BTW, Acrobat holds a lock on a file it is showing. So you have to close the file in Acrobat to write 
out a new version of the PDF. The SVG Browser doesn't hold a lock on the file and it has a handy 
button to click to reload it. 

The paths to which the output get written are embedded in the file. Edit these lines to change 
      String SvgOutputFileName = new String("\\tmp\\svgtest.svg");
      String PdfTextAsShapesFileName = new String("\\tmp\\pdfasshapes.pdf");
      String PdfTextNotShapesFileName = new String("\\tmp\\pdfnotshapes.pdf");

If anyone wants the 3 output files I can send them. I didn't want to clog up the list with too many 