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Posted to by Steve Cohen <> on 2010/09/29 17:19:44 UTC


I've been seeing the following error in the hadoop log when I kick off the
nutch crawl script.

2010-09-29 10:47:07,837 WARN  mapred.JobClient - Use GenericOptionsParser
for parsing the arguments. Applications should implement Tool for the same.

Now, I've looked up the error and see several questions about this message.
I see this one,, That

"You *should* put this stub code in your program as *the* means to start
MapReduce job:

public class Foo extends Configured *implements* *Tool* {

  public int run(String [] args) throws IOException {
    JobConf conf = new JobConf(getConf(), Foo.class);
    // run *the* job here.
    return 0;

  public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
    int ret = *ToolRunner*.run(new Foo(), args); // calls your run() method.

} "

My question is how do implement the above in nutch?

Steve Cohen