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svn commit: r1170583 [2/3] - in /myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src: assembler/ main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/_util/ main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/core/ main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/ ma...

Modified: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_AjaxResponse.js
--- myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_AjaxResponse.js (original)
+++ myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_AjaxResponse.js Wed Sep 14 12:56:05 2011
@@ -20,752 +20,769 @@
  * @memberOf myfaces._impl.xhrCore
  * @extends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._FinalizeableObj
  * @description
- * This class is responsible for handling the standardized xml ajax response
+ * This singleton is responsible for handling the standardized xml ajax response
+ * Note: since the semantic processing can be handled about 90% in a functional
+ * style we make this class stateless. Every state information is stored
+ * temporarily in the context.
+ *
+ * The singleton approach also improves performance
+ * due to less object gc compared to the old instance approach.
-myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass("myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse", myfaces._impl.xhrCore._FinalizeableObj,
-/** @lends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse.prototype */
-    /*partial response types*/
-    RESP_PARTIAL : "partial-response",
-    RESP_TYPE_ERROR : "error",
-    RESP_TYPE_REDIRECT : "redirect",
-    RESP_TYPE_CHANGES : "changes",
-    /*partial commands*/
-    CMD_CHANGES : "changes",
-    CMD_UPDATE : "update",
-    CMD_DELETE : "delete",
-    CMD_INSERT : "insert",
-    CMD_EVAL : "eval",
-    CMD_ERROR : "error",
-    CMD_ATTRIBUTES : "attributes",
-    CMD_EXTENSION : "extension",
-    CMD_REDIRECT : "redirect",
-    /*other constants*/
-    P_VIEWSTATE: "javax.faces.ViewState",
-    P_VIEWROOT: "javax.faces.ViewRoot",
-    P_VIEWHEAD: "javax.faces.ViewHead",
-    P_VIEWBODY: "javax.faces.ViewBody",
-    /**
-     * Standard constructor
-     *
-     * @param {function} base request classed parent object
-     * @param {function} onException
-     * @param {function} onWarning
-     */
-    constructor_: function(onException, onWarning) {
-        //List of non form elements to be updated (which can have forms embedded)
-        this._updateElems = [];
-        // List of forms to be updated if any inner block is updated
-        this._updateForms = [];
-        this._onException = onException;
-        this._onWarning = onWarning;
-        this.appliedViewState = null;
-        this._Lang = myfaces._impl._util._Lang;
-        this._Dom = myfaces._impl._util._Dom;
-        this._RT = myfaces._impl.core._Runtime;
-        this._Impl = this._RT.getGlobalConfig("jsfAjaxImpl", myfaces._impl.core.Impl);
-    },
-    /**
-     * uses response to start Html element replacement
-     *
-     * @param {Object} request (xhrRequest) - xhr request object
-     * @param {Object} context (Map) - AJAX context
-     *
-     * A special handling has to be added to the update cycle
-     * according to the JSDoc specs if the CDATA block contains html tags the outer rim must be stripped
-     * if the CDATA block contains a head section the document head must be replaced
-     * and if the CDATA block contains a body section the document body must be replaced!
-     *
-     */
-    processResponse : function(request, context) {
-        try {
-            var _Impl = this._Impl;
-            // TODO:
-            // Solution from
-            //
-            // to solve IE error 1072896658 when a Java server sends iso88591
-            // istead of ISO-8859-1
-            if (!request) {
-                throw Exception(this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE",null,"jsf.ajaxResponse"));
-            }
-            if (!this._Lang.exists(request, "responseXML")) {
-                _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.EMPTY_RESPONSE);
-                return;
-            }
-            //check for a parseError under certain browsers
-            var xmlContent = request.responseXML;
-            //ie6+ keeps the parsing response under xmlContent.parserError
-            //while the rest of the world keeps it as element under the first node
-            if (this._Lang.isXMLParseError(xmlContent)) {
-                _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
-                return;
-            }
-            var partials = xmlContent.childNodes[0];
-            if ('undefined' == typeof partials || partials == null) {
-                _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
-                return;
-            } else {
-                if (partials.tagName != this.RESP_PARTIAL) {
-                    // IE 8 sees XML Header as first sibling ...
-                    partials = partials.nextSibling;
-                    if (!partials || partials.tagName != this.RESP_PARTIAL) {
+myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.singletonExtendClass("myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse", Object,
+        /** @lends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse.prototype */
+        {
+            /*partial response types*/
+            RESP_PARTIAL : "partial-response",
+            RESP_TYPE_ERROR : "error",
+            RESP_TYPE_REDIRECT : "redirect",
+            RESP_TYPE_CHANGES : "changes",
+            /*partial commands*/
+            CMD_CHANGES : "changes",
+            CMD_UPDATE : "update",
+            CMD_DELETE : "delete",
+            CMD_INSERT : "insert",
+            CMD_EVAL : "eval",
+            CMD_ERROR : "error",
+            CMD_ATTRIBUTES : "attributes",
+            CMD_EXTENSION : "extension",
+            CMD_REDIRECT : "redirect",
+            /*other constants*/
+            P_VIEWSTATE: "javax.faces.ViewState",
+            P_VIEWROOT: "javax.faces.ViewRoot",
+            P_VIEWHEAD: "javax.faces.ViewHead",
+            P_VIEWBODY: "javax.faces.ViewBody",
+            _Lang: myfaces._impl._util._Lang,
+            _Dom: myfaces._impl._util._Dom,
+            _RT: myfaces._impl.core._Runtime,
+            /**
+             * Standard constructor
+             */
+            constructor_: function() {
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * uses response to start Html element replacement
+             *
+             * @param {Object} request (xhrRequest) - xhr request object
+             * @param {Object} context (Map) - AJAX context
+             *
+             * A special handling has to be added to the update cycle
+             * according to the JSDoc specs if the CDATA block contains html tags the outer rim must be stripped
+             * if the CDATA block contains a head section the document head must be replaced
+             * and if the CDATA block contains a body section the document body must be replaced!
+             *
+             */
+            processResponse : function(request, context) {
+                //the temporary data is hosted here
+                context._mfInternal._updateElems = [];
+                context._mfInternal._updateForms = [];
+                context._mfInternal.appliedViewState = null;
+                try {
+                    var _Impl = this._getImpl();
+                    var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                    // TODO:
+                    // Solution from
+                    //
+                    // to solve IE error 1072896658 when a Java server sends iso88591
+                    // istead of ISO-8859-1
+                    if (!request) {
+                        throw Exception(_Lang.getMessage("ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE", null, "jsf.ajaxResponse"));
+                    }
+                    if (!_Lang.exists(request, "responseXML")) {
+                        _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.EMPTY_RESPONSE);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    //check for a parseError under certain browsers
+                    var xmlContent = request.responseXML;
+                    //ie6+ keeps the parsing response under xmlContent.parserError
+                    //while the rest of the world keeps it as element under the first node
+                    if (_Lang.isXMLParseError(xmlContent)) {
                         _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
+                    var partials = xmlContent.childNodes[0];
+                    if ('undefined' == typeof partials || partials == null) {
+                        _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
+                        return;
+                    } else {
+                        if (partials.tagName != this.RESP_PARTIAL) {
+                            // IE 8 sees XML Header as first sibling ...
+                            partials = partials.nextSibling;
+                            if (!partials || partials.tagName != this.RESP_PARTIAL) {
+                                _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
+                                return;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    var childNodesLength = partials.childNodes.length;
+                    for (var loop = 0; loop < childNodesLength; loop++) {
+                        var childNode = partials.childNodes[loop];
+                        var tagName = childNode.tagName;
+                        /**
+                         * <eval>
+                         *      <![CDATA[javascript]]>
+                         * </eval>
+                         */
+                        //this ought to be enough for eval
+                        //however the run scripts still makes sense
+                        //in the update and insert area for components
+                        //which do not use the response writer properly
+                        //we might add this one as custom option in update and
+                        //insert!
+                        if (tagName == this.CMD_ERROR) {
+                            this.processError(request, context, childNode);
+                            return;
+                        } else if (tagName == this.CMD_REDIRECT) {
+                            if (!this.processRedirect(request, context, childNode)) return;
+                        } else if (tagName == this.CMD_CHANGES) {
+                            if (!this.processChanges(request, context, childNode)) return;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //fixup missing viewStates due to spec deficiencies
+                    this.fixViewStates(context);
+                } catch (e) {
+                    context._mfInternal._onException(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse", "processResponse", e);
+                } finally {
+                    delete context._mfInternal._updateElems;
+                    delete context._mfInternal._updateForms;
+                    delete context._mfInternal.appliedViewState;
+                }
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * fixes the viewstates in the current page
+             *
+             * @param context
+             */
+            fixViewStates : function(context) {
+                if (null == context._mfInternal.appliedViewState) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                //if we set our no portlet env we safely can update all forms with
+                //the new viewstate
+                if (this._RT.getLocalOrGlobalConfig(context, "no_portlet_env", false)) {
+                    for (var cnt = document.forms.length - 1; cnt >= 0; cnt --) {
+                        this._setVSTForm(context, document.forms[cnt]);
+                    }
+                    return;
+                }
+                // Now update the forms that were not replaced but forced to be updated, because contains child ajax tags
+                // we should only update forms with view state hidden field. If by some reason, the form was set to be
+                // updated but the form was replaced, it does not have hidden view state, so later in changeTrace processing the
+                // view state is updated.
+                //set the viewstates of all outer forms parents of our updated elements
+                _Lang.arrForEach(context._mfInternal._updateForms,_Lang.hitch(this, function(elem) {
+                    this._setVSTForm(context, elem);
+                }), 0, this);
+                //set the viewstate of all forms within our updated elements
+                _Lang.arrForEach(context._mfInternal._updateElems,_Lang.hitch(this, function(elem) {
+                    this._setVSTInnerForms(context, elem);
+                }), 0, this);
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * sets the viewstate element in a given form
+             *
+             * @param theForm the form to which the element has to be set to
+             * @param context the current request context
+             */
+            _setVSTForm: function(context, theForm) {
+                theForm = this._Lang.byId(theForm);
+                if (!theForm) return;
+                var viewStateField = (theForm.elements) ? theForm.elements[this.P_VIEWSTATE] : null;//this._Dom.findFormElement(elem, this.P_VIEWSTATE);
+                if (viewStateField) {
+                    this._Dom.setAttribute(viewStateField, "value", context._mfInternal.appliedViewState);
+                } else if (!viewStateField) {
+                    var element = this._Dom.getDummyPlaceHolder();
+                    element.innerHTML = ["<input type='hidden'", "id='", this.P_VIEWSTATE ,"' name='", this.P_VIEWSTATE ,"' value='" , context._mfInternal.appliedViewState , "' />"].join("");
+                    //now we go to proper dom handling after having to deal with another ie screwup
+                    try {
+                        theForm.appendChild(element.childNodes[0]);
+                    } finally {
+                        element.innerHTML = "";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            ,
+            _setVSTInnerForms: function(context, elem) {
+                elem = this._Dom.byIdOrName(elem);
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                var replacedForms = this._Dom.findByTagName(elem, "form", false);
+                var applyVST = _Lang.hitch(this, function(elem) {
+                    this._setVSTForm(context, elem);
+                });
+                try {
+                    _Lang.arrForEach(replacedForms, applyVST, 0, this);
+                } finally {
+                    delete applyVST;
+            ,
+            /**
+             * processes an incoming error from the response
+             * which is hosted under the &lt;error&gt; tag
+             * @param request the current request
+             * @param context the contect object
+             * @param node the node in the xml hosting the error message
+             */
+            processError : function(request, context, node) {
+                /**
+                 * <error>
+                 *      <error-name>String</error-name>
+                 *      <error-message><![CDATA[message]]></error-message>
+                 * <error>
+                 */
+                var errorName = node.firstChild.textContent || "";
+                var errorMessage = node.childNodes[1] || "";
-            var childNodesLength = partials.childNodes.length;
+                var _Impl = this._getImpl();
-            for (var loop = 0; loop < childNodesLength; loop++) {
-                var childNode = partials.childNodes[loop];
-                var tagName = childNode.tagName;
+                _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.SERVER_ERROR, errorName, errorMessage);
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * processes an incoming xml redirect directive from the ajax response
+             * @param request the request object
+             * @param context the context
+             * @param node the node hosting the redirect data
+             */
+            processRedirect : function(request, context, node) {
-                 * <eval>
-                 *      <![CDATA[javascript]]>
-                 * </eval>
+                 * <redirect url="url to redirect" />
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                var redirectUrl = node.getAttribute("url");
+                if (!redirectUrl) {
+                    var _Impl = this._getImpl();
-                //this ought to be enough for eval
-                //however the run scripts still makes sense
-                //in the update and insert area for components
-                //which do not use the response writer properly
-                //we might add this one as custom option in update and
-                //insert!
-                if (tagName == this.CMD_ERROR) {
-                    this.processError(request, context, childNode);
-                    return;
-                } else if (tagName == this.CMD_REDIRECT) {
-                    if (!this.processRedirect(request, context, childNode)) return;
-                } else if (tagName == this.CMD_CHANGES) {
-                    if (!this.processChanges(request, context, childNode)) return;
-                }
-            }
-            //fixup missing viewStates due to spec deficiencies
-            this.fixViewStates(context);
-        } catch (e) {
-            this._onException(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse", "processResponse", e);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * fixes the viewstates in the current page
-     *
-     * @param context
-     */
-    fixViewStates : function(context) {
-        if (null == this.appliedViewState) {
-            return;
-        }
-        //if we set our no portlet env we safely can update all forms with
-        //the new viewstate
-        if (this._RT.getLocalOrGlobalConfig(context, "no_portlet_env", false)) {
-            for (var cnt = document.forms.length - 1; cnt >= 0; cnt --) {
-                this._setVSTForm(document.forms[cnt]);
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-        // Now update the forms that were not replaced but forced to be updated, because contains child ajax tags
-        // we should only update forms with view state hidden field. If by some reason, the form was set to be
-        // updated but the form was replaced, it does not have hidden view state, so later in changeTrace processing the
-        // view state is updated.
-        //set the viewstates of all outer forms parents of our updated elements
-        this._Lang.arrForEach(this._updateForms, this._setVSTForm, 0, this);
-        //set the viewstate of all forms within our updated elements
-        this._Lang.arrForEach(this._updateElems, this._setVSTInnerForms, 0, this);
-    },
-    /**
-     * sets the viewstate element in a given form
-     *
-     * @param theForm the form to which the element has to be set to
-     * @param doNotChange if set to true no change is performed if the element is found already to be rendered
-     */
-    _setVSTForm: function(theForm) {
-        theForm = this._Lang.byId(theForm);
-        if(!theForm) return;
-        var viewStateField = (theForm.elements) ? theForm.elements[this.P_VIEWSTATE] : null;//this._Dom.findFormElement(elem, this.P_VIEWSTATE);
-        if (viewStateField) {
-            this._Dom.setAttribute(viewStateField, "value", this.appliedViewState);
-        } else if (!viewStateField) {
-            var element = this._Dom.getDummyPlaceHolder();
-            element.innerHTML = ["<input type='hidden'", "id='", this.P_VIEWSTATE ,"' name='", this.P_VIEWSTATE ,"' value='" , this.appliedViewState , "' />"].join("");
-            //now we go to proper dom handling after having to deal with another ie screwup
-            try {
-                theForm.appendChild(element.childNodes[0]);
-            } finally {
-                element.innerHTML = "";
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    _setVSTInnerForms: function(elem) {
-        elem = this._Dom.byIdOrName(elem);
-        var replacedForms = this._Dom.findByTagName(elem, "form", false);
-        var applyVST = this._Lang.hitch(this, function(elem) {
-            this._setVSTForm(elem);
-        });
-        try {
-            this._Lang.arrForEach(replacedForms, applyVST, 0, this);
-        } finally {
-            delete applyVST;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * processes an incoming error from the response
-     * which is hosted under the &lt;error&gt; tag
-     * @param request the current request
-     * @param context the contect object
-     * @param node the node in the xml hosting the error message
-     */
-    processError : function(request, context, node) {
-        /**
-         * <error>
-         *      <error-name>String</error-name>
-         *      <error-message><![CDATA[message]]></error-message>
-         * <error>
-         */
-        var errorName = node.firstChild.textContent || "";
-        var errorMessage = node.childNodes[1] || "";
-        var _Impl = this._Impl;
-        _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.SERVER_ERROR, errorName, errorMessage);
-    },
-    /**
-     * processes an incoming xml redirect directive from the ajax response
-     * @param request the request object
-     * @param context the context
-     * @param node the node hosting the redirect data
-     */
-    processRedirect : function(request, context, node) {
-        /**
-         * <redirect url="url to redirect" />
-         */
-        var redirectUrl = node.getAttribute("url");
-        if (!redirectUrl) {
-            var _Impl = this._Impl;
-            _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML,this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_RED_URL", null, "_AjaxResponse.processRedirect"));
-            return false;
-        }
-        redirectUrl = this._Lang.trim(redirectUrl);
-        if (redirectUrl == "") {
-            return false;
-        }
-        window.location = redirectUrl;
-        return true;
-    },
-    /**
-     * main entry point for processing the changes
-     * it deals with the &lt;changes&gt; node of the
-     * response
-     *
-     * @param request the xhr request object
-     * @param context the context map
-     * @param node the changes node to be processed
-     */
-    processChanges : function(request, context, node) {
-        var changes = node.childNodes;
-        //note we need to trace the changes which could affect our insert update or delete
-        //se that we can realign our ViewStates afterwards
-        //the realignment must happen post change processing
-        for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
-            switch (changes[i].tagName) {
+                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Lang.getMessage("ERR_RED_URL", null, "_AjaxResponse.processRedirect"));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                redirectUrl = _Lang.trim(redirectUrl);
+                if (redirectUrl == "") {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                window.location = redirectUrl;
+                return true;
+            }
+            ,
-                case this.CMD_UPDATE:
-                    if (!this.processUpdate(request, context, changes[i])) {
-                        return false;
+            /**
+             * main entry point for processing the changes
+             * it deals with the &lt;changes&gt; node of the
+             * response
+             *
+             * @param request the xhr request object
+             * @param context the context map
+             * @param node the changes node to be processed
+             */
+            processChanges : function(request, context, node) {
+                var changes = node.childNodes;
+                //note we need to trace the changes which could affect our insert update or delete
+                //se that we can realign our ViewStates afterwards
+                //the realignment must happen post change processing
+                for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
+                    switch (changes[i].tagName) {
+                        case this.CMD_UPDATE:
+                            if (!this.processUpdate(request, context, changes[i])) {
+                                return false;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case this.CMD_EVAL:
+                            this._Lang.globalEval(changes[i];
+                            break;
+                        case this.CMD_INSERT:
+                            if (!this.processInsert(request, context, changes[i])) return false;
+                            break;
+                        case this.CMD_DELETE:
+                            if (!this.processDelete(request, context, changes[i])) return false;
+                            break;
+                        case this.CMD_ATTRIBUTES:
+                            if (!this.processAttributes(request, context, changes[i])) return false;
+                            break;
+                        case this.CMD_EXTENSION:
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            var _Impl = this._getImpl();
+                            _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
+                            return false;
-                    break;
-                case this.CMD_EVAL:
-                    this._Lang.globalEval(changes[i];
-                    break;
-                case this.CMD_INSERT:
-                    if (!this.processInsert(request, context, changes[i])) return false;
-                    break;
-                case this.CMD_DELETE:
-                    if (!this.processDelete(request, context, changes[i])) return false;
-                    break;
-                case this.CMD_ATTRIBUTES:
-                    if (!this.processAttributes(request, context, changes[i])) return false;
-                    break;
-                case this.CMD_EXTENSION:
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    var _Impl = this._Impl;
-                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, myfaces._impl.core.Impl.MALFORMEDXML);
-                    return false;
+                }
+                return true;
-        }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * First substep process a pending update tag
+             *
+             * @param request the xhr request object
+             * @param context the context map
+             * @param node the changes node to be processed
+             */
+            processUpdate : function(request, context, node) {
+                if (node.getAttribute('id') == this.P_VIEWSTATE) {
+                    //update the submitting forms viewstate to the new value
+                    // The source form has to be pulled out of the CURRENT document first because the context object
+                    // may refer to an invalid document if an update of the entire body has occurred before this point.
+                    var viewStateValue = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
+                    var elementId = (context._mfInternal) ? context._mfInternal["_mfSourceControlId"] :;
+                    var sourceForm = (context._mfInternal) ? (document.forms[context._mfInternal["_mfSourceFormId"]] || this._Dom.fuzzyFormDetection(elementId)) : this._Dom.fuzzyFormDetection(elementId);
+                    context._mfInternal.appliedViewState = viewStateValue;
+                    //source form could not be determined either over the form identifer or the element
+                    //we now skip this phase and just add everything we need for the fixup code
+                    if (!sourceForm) {
+                        //no source form found is not an error because
+                        //we might be able to recover one way or the other
+                        return true;
+                    }
-        return true;
-    },
+                    context._mfInternal._updateForms.push(
+                    //this._setVSTForm(sourceForm);
+                }
+                else {
+                    // response may contain several blocks
+                    var cDataBlock = this._Dom.concatCDATABlocks(node);
+                    var resultNode = null;
+                    switch (node.getAttribute('id')) {
+                        case this.P_VIEWROOT:
+                            cDataBlock = cDataBlock.substring(cDataBlock.indexOf("<html"));
+                            var parsedData = this._replaceHead(request, context, cDataBlock);
+                            resultNode = ('undefined' != typeof parsedData && null != parsedData) ? this._replaceBody(request, context, cDataBlock, parsedData) : this._replaceBody(request, context, cDataBlock);
+                            if (resultNode) {
+                                this._pushOperationResult(context, resultNode);
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case this.P_VIEWHEAD:
+                            //we cannot replace the head, almost no browser allows this, some of them throw errors
+                            //others simply ignore it or replace it and destroy the dom that way!
+                            this._replaceHead(request, context, cDataBlock);
+                            break;
+                        case this.P_VIEWBODY:
+                            //we assume the cdata block is our body including the tag
+                            resultNode = this._replaceBody(request, context, cDataBlock);
+                            if (resultNode) {
+                                this._pushOperationResult(context, resultNode);
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            resultNode = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context, node.getAttribute('id'), cDataBlock);
+                            if (resultNode) {
+                                this._pushOperationResult(context, resultNode);
+                            }
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
-    /**
-     * First substep process a pending update tag
-     *
-     * @param request the xhr request object
-     * @param context the context map
-     * @param node the changes node to be processed
-     */
-    processUpdate : function(request, context, node) {
-        if (node.getAttribute('id') == this.P_VIEWSTATE) {
-            //update the submitting forms viewstate to the new value
-            // The source form has to be pulled out of the CURRENT document first because the context object
-            // may refer to an invalid document if an update of the entire body has occurred before this point.
-            var viewStateValue = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
-            var elementId = (context._mfInternal)? context._mfInternal["_mfSourceControlId"] :;
-            var sourceForm = (context._mfInternal)? (document.forms[context._mfInternal["_mfSourceFormId"]] || this._Dom.fuzzyFormDetection(elementId)) : this._Dom.fuzzyFormDetection(elementId);
-            this.appliedViewState = viewStateValue;
-            //source form could not be determined either over the form identifer or the element
-            //we now skip this phase and just add everything we need for the fixup code
-            if (!sourceForm) {
-                //no source form found is not an error because
-                //we might be able to recover one way or the other
                 return true;
+            ,
+            _pushOperationResult: function(context, resultNode) {
+                var pushSubnode = this._Lang.hitch(this, function(currNode) {
+                    var parentForm = this._Dom.getParent(currNode, "form");
+                    //if possible we work over the ids
+                    //so that elements later replaced are referenced
+                    //at the latest possibility
+                    if (null != parentForm) {
+                        context._mfInternal._updateForms.push( || parentForm);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        context._mfInternal._updateElems.push( || currNode);
+                    }
+                });
+                var isArr = 'undefined' != typeof resultNode.length && 'undefined' == typeof resultNode.nodeType;
+                if (isArr && resultNode.length) {
+                    for (var cnt = 0; cnt < resultNode.length; cnt++) {
+                        pushSubnode(resultNode[cnt]);
+                    }
+                } else if (!isArr) {
+                    pushSubnode(resultNode);
+                }
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * replaces a current head theoretically,
+             * pratically only the scripts are evaled anew since nothing else
+             * can be changed.
+             *
+             * @param request the current request
+             * @param context the ajax context
+             * @param newData the data to be processed
+             *
+             * @return an xml representation of the page for further processing if possible
+             */
+            _replaceHead: function(request, context, newData) {
+                var _Impl = this._getImpl();
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                var isWebkit = this._RT.browser.isWebKit;
+                //we have to work around an xml parsing bug in Webkit
+                //see
+                var doc = (!isWebkit) ? _Lang.parseXML(newData) : null;
+                var newHead = null;
+                if (!isWebkit && _Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
+                    doc = _Lang.parseXML(newData.replace(/<!\-\-[\s\n]*<!\-\-/g, "<!--").replace(/\/\/-->[\s\n]*\/\/-->/g, "//-->"));
+                }
-            this._updateForms.push(
-            //this._setVSTForm(sourceForm);
-        }
-        else {
-            // response may contain several blocks
-            var cDataBlock = this._Dom.concatCDATABlocks(node);
-            switch (node.getAttribute('id')) {
-                case this.P_VIEWROOT:
-                    cDataBlock = cDataBlock.substring(cDataBlock.indexOf("<html"));
-                    var parsedData = this._replaceHead(request, context, cDataBlock);
-                    var resultNode = ('undefined' != typeof parsedData &&  null != parsedData) ? this._replaceBody(request, context, cDataBlock, parsedData) : this._replaceBody(request, context, cDataBlock);
-                    if (resultNode) {
-                        this._pushOperationResult(resultNode);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case this.P_VIEWHEAD:
-                    //we cannot replace the head, almost no browser allows this, some of them throw errors
-                    //others simply ignore it or replace it and destroy the dom that way!
-                    this._replaceHead(request, context, cDataBlock);
-                    break;
-                case this.P_VIEWBODY:
-                    //we assume the cdata block is our body including the tag
-                    var resultNode = this._replaceBody(request, context, cDataBlock);
-                    if (resultNode) {
-                        this._pushOperationResult(resultNode);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    var resultNode = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context, node.getAttribute('id'), cDataBlock);
-                    if (resultNode) {
-                        this._pushOperationResult(resultNode);
-                    }
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    },
-    _pushOperationResult: function(resultNode) {
-        var pushSubnode = this._Lang.hitch(this, function(currNode) {
-            var parentForm = this._Dom.getParent(currNode, "form");
-            //if possible we work over the ids
-            //so that elements later replaced are referenced
-            //at the latest possibility
-            if (null != parentForm) {
-                this._updateForms.push( || parentForm);
-            }
-            else {
-                this._updateElems.push( || currNode);
-            }
-        });
-        var isArr = 'undefined' != typeof resultNode.length && 'undefined' == typeof resultNode.nodeType;
-        if (isArr && resultNode.length) {
-            for (var cnt = 0; cnt < resultNode.length; cnt++) {
-                pushSubnode(resultNode[cnt]);
-            }
-        } else if (!isArr) {
-            pushSubnode(resultNode);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * replaces a current head theoretically,
-     * pratically only the scripts are evaled anew since nothing else
-     * can be changed.
-     *
-     * @param request the current request
-     * @param context the ajax context
-     * @param newData the data to be processed
-     *
-     * @return an xml representation of the page for further processing if possible
-     */
-    _replaceHead: function(request, context, newData) {
-        var _Impl = this._Impl;
-        var isWebkit = this._RT.browser.isWebKit;
-        //we have to work around an xml parsing bug in Webkit
-        //see
-        var doc = (!isWebkit)? this._Lang.parseXML(newData) : null;
-        var newHead = null;
-        if (!isWebkit  && this._Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
-            doc = this._Lang.parseXML(newData.replace(/<!\-\-[\s\n]*<!\-\-/g, "<!--").replace(/\/\/-->[\s\n]*\/\/-->/g, "//-->"));
-        }
-        if (isWebkit || this._Lang.isXMLParseError(doc) ) {
-            //the standard xml parser failed we retry with the stripper
-            var parser = new (this._RT.getGlobalConfig("updateParser", myfaces._impl._util._HtmlStripper))();
-            var headData = parser.parse(newData, "head");
-            //We cannot avoid it here, but we have reduced the parsing now down to the bare minimum
-            //for further processing
-            newHead = this._Lang.parseXML("<head>" + headData + "</head>");
-            //last and slowest option create a new head element and let the browser
-            //do its slow job
-            if (this._Lang.isXMLParseError(newHead)) {
+                if (isWebkit || _Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
+                    //the standard xml parser failed we retry with the stripper
+                    var parser = new (this._RT.getGlobalConfig("updateParser", myfaces._impl._util._HtmlStripper))();
+                    var headData = parser.parse(newData, "head");
+                    //We cannot avoid it here, but we have reduced the parsing now down to the bare minimum
+                    //for further processing
+                    newHead = _Lang.parseXML("<head>" + headData + "</head>");
+                    //last and slowest option create a new head element and let the browser
+                    //do its slow job
+                    if (_Lang.isXMLParseError(newHead)) {
+                        try {
+                            newHead = document.createElement("head");
+                            newHead.innerHTML = headData;
+                        } catch (e) {
+                            //we give up no further fallbacks
+                            _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, "Error head replacement failed reason:" + e.toString());
+                            return null;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    //parser worked we go on
+                    newHead = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+                }
+                this._Dom.runScripts(newHead, true);
+                return doc;
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * special method to handle the body dom manipulation,
+             * replacing the entire body does not work fully by simply adding a second body
+             * and by creating a range instead we have to work around that by dom creating a second
+             * body and then filling it properly!
+             *
+             * @param {Object} request our request object
+             * @param {Object} context (Map) the response context
+             * @param {String} newData the markup which replaces the old dom node!
+             * @param {Node} parsedData (optional) preparsed XML representation data of the current document
+             */
+            _replaceBody : function(request, context, newData /*varargs*/) {
+                var oldBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+                var placeHolder = document.createElement("div");
+                var isWebkit = this._RT.browser.isWebKit;
+       = "myfaces_bodyplaceholder";
+                this._Dom._removeChildNodes(oldBody);
+                oldBody.innerHTML = "";
+                var newBody = oldBody;
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                newBody.appendChild(placeHolder);
+                var bodyData = null;
+                var doc = null;
+                //we have to work around an xml parsing bug in Webkit
+                //see
+                if (!isWebkit) {
+                    doc = (arguments.length > 3) ? arguments[3] : _Lang.parseXML(newData);
+                }
+                if (!isWebkit && _Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
+                    doc = _Lang.parseXML(newData.replace(/<!\-\-[\s\n]*<!\-\-/g, "<!--").replace(/\/\/-->[\s\n]*\/\/-->/g, "//-->"));
+                }
+                if (isWebkit || _Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
+                    //the standard xml parser failed we retry with the stripper
+                    var parser = new (this._RT.getGlobalConfig("updateParser", myfaces._impl._util._HtmlStripper))();
+                    bodyData = parser.parse(newData, "body");
+                } else {
+                    //parser worked we go on
+                    var newBodyData = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+                    //speedwise we serialize back into the code
+                    //for code reduction, speedwise we will take a small hit
+                    //there which we will clean up in the future, but for now
+                    //this is ok, I guess, since replace body only is a small subcase
+                    bodyData = _Lang.serializeChilds(newBodyData);
+                    if (!this._RT.browser.isIEMobile || this._RT.browser.isIEMobile >= 7) {
+                        //TODO check what is failing there
+                        for (var cnt = 0; cnt < newBodyData.attributes.length; cnt++) {
+                            var value = newBodyData.attributes[cnt].value;
+                            if (value)
+                                this._Dom.setAttribute(newBody, newBodyData.attributes[cnt].name, value);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                //TODO eliminate the serialisation in case of already having a parsed tree
+                var returnedElement = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context, placeHolder, bodyData);
+                if (returnedElement) {
+                    this._pushOperationResult(context, returnedElement);
+                }
+                return returnedElement;
+            }
+            ,
+            /**
+             * Replaces HTML elements through others and handle errors if the occur in the replacement part
+             *
+             * @param {Object} request (xhrRequest)
+             * @param {Object} context (Map)
+             * @param {Object} itemIdToReplace (String|Node) - ID of the element to replace
+             * @param {String} markup - the new tag
+             */
+            replaceHtmlItem : function(request, context, itemIdToReplace, markup) {
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
                 try {
-                    newHead = document.createElement("head");
-                    newHead.innerHTML = headData;
+                    var item = (!_Lang.isString(itemIdToReplace)) ? itemIdToReplace :
+                            this._Dom.byIdOrName(itemIdToReplace);
+                    if (!item) {
+                        throw Error(_Lang.getMessage("ERR_ITEM_ID_NOTFOUND", null, "_AjaxResponse.replaceHtmlItem", (itemIdToReplace) ? itemIdToReplace.toString() : "undefined"));
+                    }
+                    return this._Dom.outerHTML(item, markup);
                 } catch (e) {
-                    //we give up no further fallbacks
-                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, "Error head replacement failed reason:"+e.toString());
-                    return null;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            //parser worked we go on
-            newHead = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
-        }
-        this._Dom.runScripts(newHead, true);
-        return doc;
-    },
-    /**
-     * special method to handle the body dom manipulation,
-     * replacing the entire body does not work fully by simply adding a second body
-     * and by creating a range instead we have to work around that by dom creating a second
-     * body and then filling it properly!
-     *
-     * @param {Object} request our request object
-     * @param {Object} context (Map) the response context
-     * @param {String} newData the markup which replaces the old dom node!
-     * @param {Node} parsedData (optional) preparsed XML representation data of the current document
-     */
-    _replaceBody : function(request, context, newData /*varargs*/) {
-        var oldBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
-        var placeHolder = document.createElement("div");
-        var isWebkit = this._RT.browser.isWebKit;
- = "myfaces_bodyplaceholder";
-        var bodyParent = oldBody.parentNode;
-        this._Dom._removeChildNodes(oldBody);
-        oldBody.innerHTML = "";
-        var newBody = oldBody;
-        newBody.appendChild(placeHolder);
-        var bodyData = null;
-        var doc = null;
-        //we have to work around an xml parsing bug in Webkit
-        //see
-        if(!isWebkit) {
-            doc = (arguments.length > 3) ? arguments[3] : this._Lang.parseXML(newData);
-        }
-        if (!isWebkit && this._Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
-            doc = this._Lang.parseXML(newData.replace(/<!\-\-[\s\n]*<!\-\-/g, "<!--").replace(/\/\/-->[\s\n]*\/\/-->/g, "//-->"));
-        }
-        if (isWebkit || this._Lang.isXMLParseError(doc)) {
-            //the standard xml parser failed we retry with the stripper
-            var parser = new (this._RT.getGlobalConfig("updateParser", myfaces._impl._util._HtmlStripper))();
-            bodyData = parser.parse(newData, "body");
-        } else {
-            //parser worked we go on
-            var newBodyData = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
-            //speedwise we serialize back into the code
-            //for code reduction, speedwise we will take a small hit
-            //there which we will clean up in the future, but for now
-            //this is ok, I guess, since replace body only is a small subcase
-            bodyData = this._Lang.serializeChilds(newBodyData);
-            if (!this._RT.browser.isIEMobile || this._RT.browser.isIEMobile >= 7) {
-                //TODO check what is failing there
-                for (var cnt = 0; cnt < newBodyData.attributes.length; cnt++) {
-                    var value = newBodyData.attributes[cnt].value;
-                    if (value)
-                        this._Dom.setAttribute(newBody, newBodyData.attributes[cnt].name, value);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //TODO eliminate the serialisation in case of already having a parsed tree
-        var returnedElement = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context, placeHolder, bodyData);
-        if (returnedElement) {
-            this._pushOperationResult(returnedElement);
-        }
-        return returnedElement;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Replaces HTML elements through others and handle errors if the occur in the replacement part
-     *
-     * @param {Object} request (xhrRequest)
-     * @param {Object} context (Map)
-     * @param {Object} itemIdToReplace (String|Node) - ID of the element to replace
-     * @param {String} markup - the new tag
-     */
-    replaceHtmlItem : function(request, context, itemIdToReplace, markup) {
-        try {
-            //TODO make a detachement fixup which tries to replace the item
-            //with the correct name upon its parent form if given
-            var origIdentifier = itemIdToReplace;
-            var item = (!this._Lang.isString(itemIdToReplace)) ? itemIdToReplace :
-                    this._Dom.byIdOrName(itemIdToReplace);
-            if (!item) {
-                throw Error(this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_ITEM_ID_NOTFOUND", null,"_AjaxResponse.replaceHtmlItem",(itemIdToReplace)? itemIdToReplace.toString():"undefined"));
-            }
-            return this._Dom.outerHTML(item, markup);
-        } catch (e) {
-            this._onException(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse", "replaceHTMLItem", e);
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    ,
-    /*insert, three attributes can be present
-     * id = insert id
-     * before = before id
-     * after = after  id
-     *
-     * the insert id is the id of the node to be inserted
-     * the before is the id if set which the component has to be inserted before
-     * the after is the id if set which the component has to be inserted after
-     **/
-    processInsert : function(request, context, node) {
-        /*remapping global namespaces for speed and readability reasons*/
-        var _Impl = this._Impl;
-        var _Dom = this._Dom;
-        var _Lang = this._Lang;
-        var insertId = node.getAttribute('id');
-        var beforeId = node.getAttribute('before');
-        var afterId = node.getAttribute('after');
-        var isInsert = insertId && this._Lang.trim(insertId) != "";
-        var isBefore = beforeId && this._Lang.trim(beforeId) != "";
-        var isAfter = afterId && this._Lang.trim(afterId) != "";
-        if (!isInsert) {
-            _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML,this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_IDREQ"));
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (!(isBefore || isAfter)) {
-            _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML,this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID"));
-            return false;
-        }
-        //either before or after but not two at the same time
-        var nodeHolder = null;
-        var parentNode = null;
-        var cDataBlock = this._Dom.concatCDATABlocks(node);
-        var replacementFragment;
-        if (isBefore) {
-            beforeId = this._Lang.trim(beforeId);
-            var beforeNode = this._Dom.byIdOrName(beforeId);
-            if (!beforeNode) {
-                _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML,this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_1", null,"_AjaxResponse.processInsert",beforeId));
-                return false;
-            }
-            /**
-             *we generate a temp holder
-             *so that we can use innerHTML for
-             *generating the content upfront
-             *before inserting it"
+                    context._mfInternal._onException(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse", "replaceHTMLItem", e);
+                }
+                return null;
+            }
+            ,
+            /*insert, three attributes can be present
+             * id = insert id
+             * before = before id
+             * after = after  id
+             *
+             * the insert id is the id of the node to be inserted
+             * the before is the id if set which the component has to be inserted before
+             * the after is the id if set which the component has to be inserted after
-            nodeHolder = document.createElement("div");
-            parentNode = beforeNode.parentNode;
-            parentNode.insertBefore(nodeHolder, beforeNode);
-            replacementFragment = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context,
-                    nodeHolder, cDataBlock);
-            if (replacementFragment) {
-                this._pushOperationResult(replacementFragment);
-            }
-        } else {
-            afterId = this._Lang.trim(afterId);
-            var afterNode = this._Dom.byIdOrName(afterId);
-            if (!afterNode) {
-                _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_2", null,"_AjaxResponse.processInsert", afterId));
-                return false;
-            }
-            nodeHolder = document.createElement("div");
-            parentNode = afterNode.parentNode;
-            //TODO nextsibling not working in ieMobile 6.1 we have to change the method
-            //of accessing it to something else
-            parentNode.insertBefore(nodeHolder, afterNode.nextSibling);
-            replacementFragment = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context,
-                    nodeHolder, cDataBlock);
-            if (replacementFragment) {
-                this._pushOperationResult(replacementFragment);
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    ,
-    processDelete : function(request, context, node) {
-        var _Impl = this._Impl;
-        var deleteId = node.getAttribute('id');
-        if (!deleteId) {
-            _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML,
-                    _Impl.MALFORMEDXML,this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_DELID", null,"_AjaxResponse.processDelete"));
-            return false;
-        }
-        var item = this._Dom.byIdOrName(deleteId);
-        if (!item) {
-            throw Error(this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_UNKNOWNCID", null,"_AjaxResponse.processDelete",deleteId));
-        }
-        var parentForm = this._Dom.getParent(item, "form");
-        if (null != parentForm) {
-            this._updateForms.push(parentForm);
-        }
-        this._Dom.deleteItem(item);
-        return true;
-    }
-    ,
-    processAttributes : function(request, context, node) {
-        //we now route into our attributes function to bypass
-        //IE quirks mode incompatibilities to the biggest possible extent
-        //most browsers just have to do a setAttributes but IE
-        //behaves as usual not like the official standard
-        //myfaces._impl._util.this._Dom.setAttribute(domNode, attribute, value;
-        var _Impl = this._Impl;
-        //<attributes id="id of element"> <attribute name="attribute name" value="attribute value" />* </attributes>
-        var elemId = node.getAttribute('id');
-        if (!elemId) {
-            _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML
-                    , _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, "Error in attributes, id not in xml markup");
-            return false;
-        }
-        var childNodes = node.childNodes;
-        if (!childNodes) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        for (var loop2 = 0; loop2 < childNodes.length; loop2++) {
-            var attributesNode = childNodes[loop2];
-            var attrName = attributesNode.getAttribute("name");
-            var attrValue = attributesNode.getAttribute("value");
-            if (!attrName) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            attrName = this._Lang.trim(attrName);
-            /*no value means reset*/
-            //value can be of boolean value hence full check
-            if ('undefined' == typeof attrValue || null == attrValue) {
-                attrValue = "";
-            }
-            switch (elemId) {
-                case this.P_VIEWROOT:
-                    throw new Error(this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_NO_VIEWROOTATTR", null,"_AjaxResponse.processAttributes"));
-                    break;
-                case this.P_VIEWHEAD:
-                    throw new Error(this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_NO_HEADATTR", null,"_AjaxResponse.processAttributes"));
-                    break;
-                case this.P_VIEWBODY:
-                    var element = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
-                    this._Dom.setAttribute(element, attrName, attrValue);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    this._Dom.setAttribute(document.getElementById(elemId), attrName, attrValue);
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    },
-    _finalize: function() {
-        delete this._onException;
-        delete this._onWarning;
-        delete this._updateElems;
-        // List of forms to be updated if any inner block is updated
-        delete this._updateForms;
-        delete this.appliedViewState;
-    }
+            processInsert : function(request, context, node) {
+                /*remapping global namespaces for speed and readability reasons*/
+                var _Impl = this._getImpl();
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                var insertId = node.getAttribute('id');
+                var beforeId = node.getAttribute('before');
+                var afterId = node.getAttribute('after');
+                var isInsert = insertId && _Lang.trim(insertId) != "";
+                var isBefore = beforeId && _Lang.trim(beforeId) != "";
+                var isAfter = afterId && _Lang.trim(afterId) != "";
+                if (!isInsert) {
+                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_IDREQ"));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if (!(isBefore || isAfter)) {
+                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID"));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                //either before or after but not two at the same time
+                var nodeHolder = null;
+                var parentNode = null;
+                var cDataBlock = this._Dom.concatCDATABlocks(node);
+                var replacementFragment;
+                if (isBefore) {
+                    beforeId = _Lang.trim(beforeId);
+                    var beforeNode = this._Dom.byIdOrName(beforeId);
+                    if (!beforeNode) {
+                        _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_1", null, "_AjaxResponse.processInsert", beforeId));
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    /**
+                     *we generate a temp holder
+                     *so that we can use innerHTML for
+                     *generating the content upfront
+                     *before inserting it"
+                     **/
+                    nodeHolder = document.createElement("div");
+                    parentNode = beforeNode.parentNode;
+                    parentNode.insertBefore(nodeHolder, beforeNode);
+                    replacementFragment = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context,
+                            nodeHolder, cDataBlock);
+                    if (replacementFragment) {
+                        this._pushOperationResult(context, replacementFragment);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    afterId = _Lang.trim(afterId);
+                    var afterNode = this._Dom.byIdOrName(afterId);
+                    if (!afterNode) {
+                        _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, this._Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_2", null, "_AjaxResponse.processInsert", afterId));
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    nodeHolder = document.createElement("div");
+                    parentNode = afterNode.parentNode;
+                    //TODO nextsibling not working in ieMobile 6.1 we have to change the method
+                    //of accessing it to something else
+                    parentNode.insertBefore(nodeHolder, afterNode.nextSibling);
+                    replacementFragment = this.replaceHtmlItem(request, context,
+                            nodeHolder, cDataBlock);
+                    if (replacementFragment) {
+                        this._pushOperationResult(context, replacementFragment);
+                    }
+                }
+                return true;
+            }
+            ,
+            processDelete : function(request, context, node) {
+                var _Impl = this._getImpl();
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                var deleteId = node.getAttribute('id');
+                if (!deleteId) {
+                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML,
+                            _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, _Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_DELID", null, "_AjaxResponse.processDelete"));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                var item = this._Dom.byIdOrName(deleteId);
+                if (!item) {
+                    throw Error(_Lang.getMessage("ERR_PPR_UNKNOWNCID", null, "_AjaxResponse.processDelete", deleteId));
+                }
+                var parentForm = this._Dom.getParent(item, "form");
+                if (null != parentForm) {
+                    context._mfInternal._updateForms.push(parentForm);
+                }
+                this._Dom.deleteItem(item);
+                return true;
+            }
+            ,
+            processAttributes : function(request, context, node) {
+                //we now route into our attributes function to bypass
+                //IE quirks mode incompatibilities to the biggest possible extent
+                //most browsers just have to do a setAttributes but IE
+                //behaves as usual not like the official standard
+                //myfaces._impl._util.this._Dom.setAttribute(domNode, attribute, value;
+                var _Impl = this._getImpl();
+                var _Lang = this._Lang;
+                //<attributes id="id of element"> <attribute name="attribute name" value="attribute value" />* </attributes>
+                var elemId = node.getAttribute('id');
+                if (!elemId) {
+                    _Impl.sendError(request, context, _Impl.MALFORMEDXML
+                            , _Impl.MALFORMEDXML, "Error in attributes, id not in xml markup");
+                    return false;
+                }
+                var childNodes = node.childNodes;
+                if (!childNodes) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                for (var loop2 = 0; loop2 < childNodes.length; loop2++) {
+                    var attributesNode = childNodes[loop2];
+                    var attrName = attributesNode.getAttribute("name");
+                    var attrValue = attributesNode.getAttribute("value");
+                    if (!attrName) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    attrName = _Lang.trim(attrName);
+                    /*no value means reset*/
+                    //value can be of boolean value hence full check
+                    if ('undefined' == typeof attrValue || null == attrValue) {
+                        attrValue = "";
+                    }
+                    switch (elemId) {
+                        case this.P_VIEWROOT:
+                            throw new Error(_Lang.getMessage("ERR_NO_VIEWROOTATTR", null, "_AjaxResponse.processAttributes"));
+                            break;
+                        case this.P_VIEWHEAD:
+                            throw new Error(_Lang.getMessage("ERR_NO_HEADATTR", null, "_AjaxResponse.processAttributes"));
+                            break;
+                        case this.P_VIEWBODY:
+                            var element = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+                            this._Dom.setAttribute(element, attrName, attrValue);
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            this._Dom.setAttribute(document.getElementById(elemId), attrName, attrValue);
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+                return true;
+            },
+            _getImpl: function() {
+                if(!this._Impl) {
+                    this._Impl =  this._RT.getGlobalConfig("jsfAjaxImpl", myfaces._impl.core.Impl);
+                }
+                return this._Impl;
+            }
+        })
+        ;

Modified: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_AjaxUtils.js
--- myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_AjaxUtils.js (original)
+++ myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_AjaxUtils.js Wed Sep 14 12:56:05 2011
@@ -17,24 +17,20 @@
  * @class
  * @name _AjaxUtils
  * @memberOf myfaces._impl.xhrCore
- * @extends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._FinalizeableObj
  * @description
  * A set of helper routines which are utilized within our Ajax subsystem and nowhere else
+ *
+ * TODO move this into a singleton, the current structure is
+ * still a j4fry legacy we need to get rid of it in the long run
-myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass("myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils", myfaces._impl.xhrCore._FinalizeableObj,
+myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.singletonExtendClass("myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils", Object,
 /** @lends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils.prototype */
-      _processedExceptions: {},
      * Constructor
-     * @param {function} onException - exception handler
-     * @param {function} onWarning - warning handler
-    constructor_ : function(onException, onWarning) {
-        this._onException = onException;
-        this._onWarning = onWarning;
+    constructor_ : function() {
@@ -51,7 +47,7 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
         try {
             if (!parentItem) {
-                this._onWarning(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils", "encodeSubmittableFields " + "Html-Component is not nested in a Form-Tag");
+                context._mfInternal._onWarning(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils", "encodeSubmittableFields " + "Html-Component is not nested in a Form-Tag");
                 return null;
@@ -67,7 +63,7 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
             this.appendIssuingItem(item, targetBuf);
         } catch (e) {
-            this._onException(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils", "encodeSubmittableFields", e);
+            context._mfInternal._onException(request, context, "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils", "encodeSubmittableFields", e);
@@ -235,11 +231,5 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
-    },
-    _finalize: function() {
-        delete this._onException;
-        delete this._onWarning;
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_FinalizeableObj.js
--- myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_FinalizeableObj.js (original)
+++ myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_FinalizeableObj.js Wed Sep 14 12:56:05 2011
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
  * Author: Werner Punz (latest modification by $Author: werpu $)
  * Version: $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2009/05/31 09:16:44 $
+ * @memberOf myfaces._impl
+ * @namespace
+ * @name xhrCore
+ */
  * @class
@@ -37,6 +43,10 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
     constructor_: function() {
+        //we add our three util singletons
+        this._RT =   myfaces._impl.core._Runtime;
+        this._Lang = myfaces._impl._util._Lang;
+        this._Dom = myfaces._impl._util._Dom;
     _initDefaultFinalizableFields: function() {

Modified: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_IFrameRequest.js
--- myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_IFrameRequest.js (original)
+++ myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_IFrameRequest.js Wed Sep 14 12:56:05 2011
@@ -14,36 +14,18 @@
  * limitations under the License.
  * @class
- * @name _IFrameRequest
+ * @name _AjaxRequest
  * @memberOf myfaces._impl.xhrCore
- * @extends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._BaseRequest
- * @description
- * iframe transport for an alternative way to do ajax communication
- * <p />
- * The idea to make a frame a protocol transport is, to make a form submit
- * with the iframe as target, and once done use the result in the iframe
- * as result for the request.
- *
- * <p />
- * This method can be used by older browsers and if you have
- * a multipart request which includes
- * a fileupload element, fileuploads cannot be handled by
- * normal xhr requests. The standard html 4+ compliant way to do this
- * is to use an iframe as submit target for a form.
- * <p />
- * Note on almost all browsers this method induces a real asynchronity, the only
- * exception is firefox 3.6- which blocks the ui, this is resolved in Firefox 4
+ * @extends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._FinalizeableObj
+ * @description specialized implementation of the jsf js ajax request class
+ * which utilizes an iframe transport for communications to the server
-myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass("myfaces._impl.xhrCore._IFrameRequest", myfaces._impl.xhrCore._BaseRequest,
-/** @lends  myfaces._impl.xhrCore._IFrameRequest */
-    _FRAME_ID: "_mf_comm_frm",
-    _frame: null,
-    _RT: myfaces._impl.core._Runtime,
-    CLS_NAME: "myfaces._impl.xhrCore._IFrameRequest",
+myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass("myfaces._impl.xhrCore._IFrameRequest", myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxRequest,
+        /** @lends myfaces._impl.xhrCore._IFrameRequest.prototype */
+        {
      * @constant
@@ -56,254 +38,25 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
     MF_PART_IFRAME: "org.apache.myfaces.partial.iframe",
-    /**
-     * constructor which shifts the arguments
-     * to the protected properties of this clas
-     *
-     * @param arguments
-     */
     constructor_: function(arguments) {
-        try {
-            //we fetch in the standard arguments
-            this._callSuper("constructor", arguments);
-            this._Lang.applyArgs(this, arguments);
-            if (!this._response) {
-                this._response = new myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxResponse(this._onException, this._onWarning);
-            }
-            this._ajaxUtil = new myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxUtils(this._onException, this._onWarning);
-        } catch (e) {
-            //_onError
-            this._onException(null, this._context, this.CLS_NAME, "constructor", e);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * send method, central callback which sends the
-     * request
-     */
-    send: function() {
-        var _Impl = this._getImpl();
-        var _RT = myfaces._impl.core._Runtime;
-        this._frame = this._createTransportFrame();
-        //we append an onload handler to the frame
-        //to cover the starting and loading events,
-        //timeouts cannot be covered in a cross browser way
-        //we point our onload handler to the frame, we do not use addOnLoad
-        //because the frame should not have other onload handlers in place
-        if (!_RT.browser.isIE) {
-            this._frame.onload = this._Lang.hitch(this, this.callback);
-        } else {
-            //ie has a bug, onload is not settable outside of innerHTML on iframes
-            this._frame.onload_IE = this._Lang.hitch(this, this.callback);
-        }
-        //now to the parameter passing:
-        _Impl.sendEvent(this._xhr, this._context, _Impl.BEGIN);
-        //viewstate should be in our parent form which we will isse we however have to add the execute and
-        //render parameters as well as the usual javax.faces.request params to our target
-        var oldTarget =;
-        var oldMethod = this._sourceForm.method;
-        var _progress = 0;
-        var _srcFrm = this._sourceForm;
-        try {
-            this._initAjaxParams();
-   =;
-            _srcFrm.method = this._ajaxType;
-            _srcFrm.submit();
-        } finally {
-            this._removeAjaxParams(oldTarget);
-   = oldTarget;
-            _srcFrm.method = oldMethod;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * the callback function after the request is done
-     */
-    callback: function() {
-        //now we have to do the processing, for that we have to parse the result, if it is a http 404 then
-        //nothing could be delivered and we bomb out with an error anything else has to be parsed
-        //via our xml parser
-        var request = {};
-        try {
-            request.responseText = this._getFrameText();
-            request.responseXML = this._getFrameXml();
-            request.readyState = this._READY_STATE_DONE;
-            this._xhr = request;
-            this._onDone(request, this._context);
-            if (!this._Lang.isXMLParseError(request.responseXML)) {
-                request.status = 201;
-                this._onSuccess();
-            } else {
-                request.status = 0;
-                //we simulate the request for our xhr call
-                this._onError();
-            }
-        } catch (e) {
-            //_onError
-            this._onException(request, this._context, this.CLS_NAME, "constructor", e);
-        } finally {
-            //this closes any hanging or pending comm channel caused by the iframe
-            this._clearFrame();
-            this._frame = null;
-            this._xhr = null;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * returns the frame text in a browser independend manner
-     */
-    _getFrameDocument: function() {
-      //we cover various browsers here, because almost all browsers keep the document in a different
-      //position
-      return this._frame.contentWindow.document || this._frame.contentDocument || this._frame.document  ;
+        this._callSuper("constructor_", arguments);
-    _getFrameText: function() {
-        var framedoc = this._getFrameDocument();
-        //also ie keeps the body in framedoc.body the rest in documentElement
-        var body = framedoc.body || framedoc.documentElement ;
-        return  body.innerHTML;
-    },
-    _clearFrame: function() {
-        var framedoc = this._getFrameDocument();
-        var body = framedoc.documentElement || framedoc.body;
-        //ie8 in 7 mode chokes on the innerHTML method
-        //direct dom removal is less flakey and works
-        //over all browsers, but is slower
-        this._Dom._removeChildNodes(body, false);
-    },
-    /**
-     * returns the processed xml from the frame
-     */
-    _getFrameXml: function() {
-        var framedoc = this._getFrameDocument();
-        //same situation here, the xml is hosted either in xmlDocument or
-        //is located directly under the frame document
-        return  framedoc.XMLDocument ||  framedoc;
-    },
-    _initAjaxParams: function() {
-        var _Impl = this._getImpl();
-        //this._appendHiddenValue(_Impl.P_AJAX, "");
-        var appendHiddenValue = this._Lang.hitch(this, this._appendHiddenValue);
-        for (var key in this._passThrough) {
-            appendHiddenValue(key, this._passThrough[key]);
-        }
+    getFormData: function() {
+        var ret = new myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.FormData(this._sourceForm);
         //marker that this is an ajax iframe request
-        appendHiddenValue(this.JX_PART_IFRAME, "true");
-        appendHiddenValue(this.MF_PART_IFRAME, "true");
-    },
-    _removeAjaxParams: function(oldTarget) {
-        var _Impl = this._getImpl();
- = oldTarget;
-        //some browsers optimize this and loose their scope that way,
-        //I am still not sure why, but probably because the function itself
-        //was called under finally and I ran into a bug in the fox 4
-        //scripting engine
-        var toDelete = [];
-        var possibleKeys = {};
-        for(var key in this._passThrough) {
-            possibleKeys[key] = true;
-        }
-        possibleKeys[this.JX_PART_IFRAME] = true;
-        possibleKeys[this.MF_PART_IFRAME] = true;
-        (possibleKeys["javax.faces.ViewState"])? delete possibleKeys["javax.faces.ViewState"]:null;
-        for(var cnt = this._sourceForm.elements.length -1; cnt >= 0; cnt--) {
-            var elem = this._sourceForm.elements[cnt];
-            if(possibleKeys[] && elem.type == "hidden") {
-                elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
-                delete elem;
-            }
-        }
+        ret.append(this.JX_PART_IFRAME, "true");
+        ret.append(this.MF_PART_IFRAME, "true");
+        return ret;
-    _appendHiddenValue: function(key, value) {
-        if ('undefined' == typeof value) {
-            return;
-        }
-        var input = document.createElement("input");
-        //the dom is a singleton nothing can happen by remapping
-        this._Dom.setAttribute(input, "type", "hidden");
-        this._Dom.setAttribute(input, "name", key);
-        this._Dom.setAttribute(input, "style", "display:none");
-        this._Dom.setAttribute(input, "value", value);
-        this._sourceForm.appendChild(input);
-    },
-    _removeHiddenValue: function(key) {
-        var elem = this._Dom.findByName(this._sourceForm, key, true);
-        if (elem.length) {
-            elem[0].parentNode.removeChild(elem[0]);
-            delete elem[0];
-        }
+    _formDataToURI: function(formData) {
+        //http get alwyays sends the form data
+        return "";
-    _createTransportFrame: function() {
-        var _RT = this._RT;
-        var frame = document.getElementById(this._FRAME_ID);
-        //normally this code should not be called
-        //but just to be sure
-        if (!frame) {
-            if (!_RT.browser.isIE) {
-                frame = document.createElement('iframe');
-                //probably the ie method would work on all browsers
-                //but this code is the safe bet it works on all standards
-                //compliant browsers in a clean manner
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(frame, "src", "about:blank");
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(frame, "id", this._FRAME_ID);
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(frame, "name", this._FRAME_ID);
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(frame, "type", "content");
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(frame, "collapsed", "true");
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(frame, "style", "display:none");
-                document.body.appendChild(frame);
-            } else { //Now to the non compliant browsers
-                var node = document.createElement("div");
-                this._Dom.setAttribute(node, "style", "display:none");
-                //we are dealing with two well known iframe ie bugs here
-                //first the iframe has to be set via innerHTML to be present
-                //secondly the onload handler is immutable on ie, we have to
-                //use a dummy onload handler in this case and call that one
-                //from the onload handler
-                node.innerHTML = "<iframe id='" + this._FRAME_ID + "' name='" + this._FRAME_ID + "' style='display:none;' src='about:blank' type='content' onload='this.onload_IE();'  ></iframe>";
-                //avoid the ie open tag problem
-                var body = document.body;
-                if (body.firstChild) {
-                    body.insertBefore(node, document.body.firstChild);
-                } else {
-                    body.appendChild(node);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //helps to for the onload handlers and innerhtml to be in sync again
-        return document.getElementById(this._FRAME_ID);
+    _getTransport: function() {
+        return new myfaces._impl.xhrCore.engine.IFrame();
-    //TODO pps, the idea behind pps is to generate another form
-    // and temporarily shift the elements over which have to be
-    // ppsed, but it is up for discussion if we do pps at all in case of
-    // an iframe, so I wont implement anything for now
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_Transports.js
--- myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_Transports.js (original)
+++ myfaces/core/branches/2.0.x/api/src/main/javascript/META-INF/resources/myfaces/_impl/xhrCore/_Transports.js Wed Sep 14 12:56:05 2011
@@ -224,10 +224,14 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
      * Spec. 13.3.3
      * Examining the response markup and updating the DOM tree
-     * @param {XmlHttpRequest} request - the ajax request
-     * @param {XmlHttpRequest} context - the ajax context
+     * @param {XMLHttpRequest} request - the ajax request
+     * @param {Object} context - the ajax context
     response : function(request, context) {
+        //TODO we can eliminate this method in favor of an impl specific code where
+        //the response is weakly bound
         var internalContext = context._mfInternal;
         //the normal usecase is that the request knows about its response
@@ -336,7 +340,12 @@ myfaces._impl.core._Runtime.extendClass(
     _getAjaxReqClass: function(context) {
-        return myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxRequest;
+        // var _RT = myfaces._impl.core._Runtime;
+        //if(_RT.getXHRLvl() < 2) {
+            return myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxRequest;
+        //} else {
+        //    return myfaces._impl.xhrCore._AjaxRequestLevel2;
+        //}