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Posted to by Jason Foster <> on 2002/02/08 16:50:14 UTC

"Second Generation Web Services"

This article appeared on today and seems to relate to some of the 
discussions on this list with respect to URIs, CM, and GET/POST/DELETE.

In a previous email reply to Stefano's last RT I mentioned the W3 TAG.  
While I respect that they are looking at "big picture" issues, one of the 
ones that seems to come up a lot in their discussions is the management of 
URI-space.  This article on also focuses on these issues.

Given that Cocoon, at the moment and IMHO, is heavily focused on, and has 
some really neat approaches, to URI-space management (eg. the Sitemap) I 
think that we either (a) have a lot to contribute and (b) can become a 
leading example for, these URI-based activities.

What feels to me to be needed is a book/RT/FAQ/Pattern on the design of 
URI-spaces.  The filesystem metaphor is still really strong but seems to 
be breaking down and there has yet (I think) to be any coherent though 
placed into replacing it.

Jason Foster

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