You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2013/07/09 11:50:57 UTC

[16/41] - moved SNORQL to WebJar - moved CodeMirror to WebJar - moved Sgvizler to WebJar - cleaned up uses of non-webjar jquery and jquery-ui - configured YUI compressor for the above packages in build
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-sparql/src/main/resources/web/admin/editor/sparql/flint-editor.js b/platform/marmotta-sparql/src/main/resources/web/admin/editor/sparql/flint-editor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b7e3bb..0000000
--- a/platform/marmotta-sparql/src/main/resources/web/admin/editor/sparql/flint-editor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1923 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Main flint editor class
-function FlintEditor(container, imagesPath, config) {
-    if (config.endpoints == null) {
-	alert("There must be at least one endpoint defined");
-	alert("There must be at least one endpoint defined");
-	return;
-    }
-    var editor = new Flint(container, imagesPath, config);
-    this.getEditor = function() {return editor}
-    function Flint(container, imagesPath, config) {
-	var flint = this;
-	var editorId = "flint-editor";
-	var codeId = 'flint-code';
-	var initialQuery = "PREFIX rdf: <>\nPREFIX rdfs: <>\n\nSELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\nLIMIT 10"
-	var clearError = function() {};
-	var markerHandle = null;
-	var showResultsInSitu = true;
-	var cm;
-	this.windowClosing = false;
-	// don't display dialogs when navigating away from page
-	$(window).bind('beforeunload', function(event) {    
-		editor.windowClosing = true;		
-	});		
-	this.allKeywords=
-	    [
-		"BASE", 
-		"PREFIX", 
-		"SELECT", 
-		"ASK", 
-		"REDUCED", 
-		"FROM", 
-		"NAMED", 
-		"WHERE", 
-		"GRAPH", 
-		"UNION", 
-		"FILTER", 
-		"ORDER", 
-		"LIMIT", 
-		"OFFSET", 
-		"BY", 
-		"ASC", 
-		"DESC",
-		"STR", 
-		"LANG", 
-		"BOUND", 
-		"ISIRI", 
-		"ISURI", 
-		"ISBLANK", 
-		"REGEX"]
-	try {
-	    // Path to images directory
-	    this.getImagesPath = function() {return imagesPath};
-	    // Returns the version of the software
-	    this.getVersion = function() {return "0.5.1"};
-	    // Returns the title of the software
-	    this.getTitle = function() {return "Flint SPARQL Editor"};
-	    if ($.browser.msie) {
-		$('#' + container).append("<form id='" + editorId + "' action='" + config.endpoints[0].uri + "' method='post'></form>");
-	    }
-	    else {
-		$('#' + container).append("<div id='" + editorId + "'></div>");
-	    }
-	    $('#' + editorId).append("<h1 id='flint-title'>" + this.getTitle() + " " + this.getVersion() + "</h1>");		
-	    // Add menu
-	    if ( {
-		var createMenu = new FlintMenu(flint);
-		createMenu.display(editorId);
-		this.getMenu = function() {return createMenu};	
-	    }
-	    // Add toolbar
-	    if (config.interface.toolbar) {
-		var createToolbar = new FlintToolbar(flint);
-		createToolbar.display(editorId);
-		this.getToolbar = function() {return createToolbar};	
-	    }
-	    // Add endpoint bar
-	    try {
-		var createEndpointBar = new FlintEndpointBar(config, flint);
-		createEndpointBar.display(editorId);
-		this.getEndpointBar = function() {return createEndpointBar};	
-		var endpointItem = createEndpointBar.getItems()[0];
-		var endpointGetInfoButton = createEndpointBar.getItems()[2];
-		var endpointMimeTypeItem = createEndpointBar.getItems()[3];
-		endpointMimeTypeItem.setDisableElements("SELECT");
-		endpointGetInfoButton.setClickAction(
-		    function() {
-			try {
-			    var endpointUrl = endpointItem.getEndpoint();
-			    if (endpointItem.getItem(endpointUrl) == null) {
-				flint.getConfirmDialog().setCloseAction(
-				    function() {
-					if (flint.getConfirmDialog().getResult() == "Okay") {
-					    endpointItem.addItem();	
-					    if (!$.browser.msie) {
-						var epItem = endpointItem.getItem(endpointUrl);
-						createSidebar.updateProperties(epItem);
-						createSidebar.updateClasses(epItem);
-						createSidebar.updateSamples(epItem);
-					    }
-					}
-				    });
-				flint.getConfirmDialog().show("Flint Error", "<p>This operation may take a long time to perform if the dataset contains a large amount of results.</p><p>Do  you want to continue?</p>");
-			    }
-			}
-			catch (e) {"Get Dataset Info: "  +;}
-		    }
-		);
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {;}		
-	    // Add coolbar
-	    var createCoolbar = new FlintCoolbar(config, flint);
-	    createCoolbar.display(editorId);
-	    this.getCoolbar = function() {return createCoolbar};	
-	    // Add sidebar
-	    var createSidebar = new FlintSidebar(flint, config);
-	    createSidebar.display(editorId);
-	    createSidebar.showActiveTab();
-	    // Get a handle to the dataset item
-	    var datasetItems = createCoolbar.getItems()[0];
-	    datasetItems.setChangeAction(
-		function() {
-		    if ($.browser.msie) {
-			$('#' + editorId).attr('action', datasetItems.getEndpoint());
-		    }
-		    else {					
-			createSidebar.updateProperties(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-			createSidebar.updateClasses(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-			createSidebar.updateSamples(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-		    }
-		}
-	    );
-	    // Get a handle to the formats bar
-	    var datasetMimeTypeItem = createCoolbar.getItems()[2];
-	    datasetMimeTypeItem.setDisableElements("SELECT");
-	    // Add errorbox - this reuses the standard Flint dialog
-	    var errorBox = new FlintError(flint);
-	    this.getErrorBox = function() {return errorBox}
-	    // Add about box
-	    var aboutBox = new FlintAbout(flint);
-	    // Add confirmation dialog
-	    var confirmDialog = new FlintDialog();
-	    confirmDialog.display(editorId);
-	    this.getConfirmDialog = function() {return confirmDialog}
-	    // Add results area
-	    if (!$.browser.msie) {var resultsArea = new FlintResults(flint);}
-	    // Get a handle to the submit button
-	    var submitItemCoolbar = createCoolbar.getItems()[1];		
-	    var submitItemEndpointBar = createEndpointBar.getItems()[1];		
-	    // Physically set for now but we want this in the configuration so users can override and provide custom submissions
-	    this.sendDatasetQuery = function() {
-		try {
-		    if (!$.browser.msie) {
-			resultsArea.setResults("");
-			resultsArea.showLoading(true);
-		    }
-		    // Collect query parameters
-		    var paramsData = {};
-		    paramsData[config.defaultEndpointParameters.queryParameters.query] = cm.getValue();
-		    var mimeType = datasetMimeTypeItem.getMimeType();
-		    $.ajax({
-			url: datasetItems.getEndpoint(),
-			type: 'post',
-			data: paramsData,
-			headers: {"Accept": mimeType},
-			dataType: 'text',
-			error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-			    if (XMLHttpRequest.status == 0)"The request was not sent. You may be offline");
-			    else"Dataset Request: HTTP Status: " + XMLHttpRequest.status + "; " + textStatus);
-			    resultsArea.showLoading(false);
-			},
-			success: function(data) {resultsArea.setResults(data,mimeType=="text/html");}
-		    });
-		}
-		catch (e) {;}
-	    }
-	    this.sendEndpointQuery = function() {
-		try {
-		    if (!$.browser.msie) {
-			resultsArea.setResults("");
-			resultsArea.showLoading(true);
-		    }
-		    // Collect query parameters
-		    var paramsData = {};
-		    paramsData[config.defaultEndpointParameters.queryParameters.query] = cm.getValue();
-		    var mimeType = endpointMimeTypeItem.getMimeType();
-		    $.ajax({
-			url: endpointItem.getEndpoint(),
-			type: 'post',
-			data: paramsData,
-			headers: {"Accept": mimeType},
-			dataType: 'text',
-			error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-			    if (XMLHttpRequest.status == 0)"The request was not sent. You may be offline.");
-			    else"Endpoint Request: HTTP Status: " + XMLHttpRequest.status + "; " + textStatus);
-			    resultsArea.showLoading(false);
-			},
-			success: function(data) {resultsArea.setResults(data,mimeType=="text/html");}
-		    });
-		}
-		catch (e) {;}
-	    }
-		this.sendIEDatasetQuery = function() {
-			$("#" + editorId).attr('action', datasetItems.getEndpoint());
-		}
-		this.sendIEEndpointQuery = function() {
-			$("#" + editorId).attr('action', endpointItem.getEndpoint());
-		}
-	    if (!$.browser.msie) {
-		submitItemCoolbar.setSubmitAction(this.sendDatasetQuery);
-		submitItemEndpointBar.setSubmitAction(this.sendEndpointQuery);
-	    }
-		else {
-		submitItemCoolbar.setSubmitAction(this.sendIEDatasetQuery);
-		submitItemEndpointBar.setSubmitAction(this.sendIEEndpointQuery);
-		}
-	    //----------------------------------------------------------------
-	    // Autocompletion code, based on the example for javascript
-	    function autocompleteKeyEventHandler(i, e) {
-		// Hook into ctrl-space
-		if (e.keyCode == 32 &&  (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !e.altKey) {
-		    e.stop();
-		    return startComplete();
-		}}
-	    function stopEvent() {
-		if (this.preventDefault) 
-		{this.preventDefault(); this.stopPropagation();}
-		else 
-		{this.returnValue = false; this.cancelBubble = true;}
-	    }
-	    function addStop(event) {
-		if (!event.stop) event.stop = stopEvent;
-		return event;
-	    }
-	    function connect(node, type, handler) {
-		function wrapHandler(event) {handler(addStop(event || window.event));}
-		if (typeof node.addEventListener == "function")
-		    node.addEventListener(type, wrapHandler, false);
-		else
-		    node.attachEvent("on" + type, wrapHandler);
-	    }
-	    function forEach(arr, f) {
-		for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i]);
-	    }
-	    function memberChk(el,arr) {
-		for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i)
-		    if (arr[i]==el) return(true);
-		return false;
-	    }
-	    // Extract context info needed for autocompletion / keyword buttons
-	    // based on cursor position
-	    function getPossiblesAtCursor() {
-		// We want a single cursor position.
-		if (cm.somethingSelected()) return;
-		// Find the token at the cursor
-		var cur = cm.getCursor(false);
-		var cur1={ line: cur.line, ch: };
-		// Before cursor
-		var charBefore= cm.getRange({line: cur.line, ch:},
-					    {line: cur.line, ch:  });
-		// Cursor position on the far left (ch=0) is problematic
-		// - if we ask CodeMirror for token at this position, we don't
-		// get back the token at the beginning of the line 
-		// - hence use adjusted position cur1 to recover this token.
-		if ( && cm.lineInfo(cur1.line).text.length>0)
-		var token = cm.getTokenAt(cur1);
-		var charAfter;
-		var possibles, insertPos=null;
-		var start= token.string.toLowerCase();
-		var insertPos=null;
-		var insertEnd=false;
-		var insertStart=false;
-		// if the token is whitespace, use empty string for matching
-		//  and set insertPos, so that selection will be inserted into
-		//  into space, rather than replacing it.
-		if (token.className=="sp-ws") {
-		    start="";
-		    // charAfter is char after cursor
-		    charAfter= cm.getRange({line: cur.line, ch: },
-					   {line: cur.line, ch: });
-		    insertPos= cur;
-		} else {
-		    // charAfter is char after end of token
-		    charAfter= cm.getRange({line: cur.line, ch: token.end },
-					   {line: cur.line, ch: token.end+1 });
-		    if (token.className!="sp-invalid" && 
-			token.className!="sp-prefixed" &&
-			(token.string!="<" || !memberChk("IRI_REF",token.state.possibleCurrent))
-			// OK when "<" is start of URI
-		       ) {
-			if ( && token.end!=0) {
-			    insertEnd=true;
-			    start="";
-			    insertPos=cur;
-			} else if ( {
-			    insertStart=true;
-			    start="";
-			    insertPos=cur;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		if (token.className=="sp-comment")
-		    possibles=[];
-		else if ( > 0 && !insertEnd) {
-		    possibles= token.state.possibleCurrent;
- 		} else {
-		    possibles= token.state.possibleNext;
-		}
-		return {"token": token,              // codemirror token object
-			"possibles": possibles,      // array of possibles terminals from grammar
-			"insertPos": insertPos,      // Position in line to insert text, or null if replacing existing text
-			"insertStart": insertStart,  // true if position of insert adjacent to start of a non-ws token
-			"insertEnd": insertEnd,      // true if ...                        ... end of a ...
-			"charAfter": charAfter,      // char found straight after cursor 
-			"cur": cur,                  // codemirror {line,ch} object giving pos of cursor
-			"start": start               // Start of token for autocompletion
-		       }
-	    }
-	    function startComplete() {
-		// We want a single cursor position.
-		if (cm.somethingSelected()) return;
-		var tkposs= getPossiblesAtCursor();
-		var stack=tkposs.token.state.stack;
-		var completions= getCompletions(tkposs.token, tkposs.start, tkposs.possibles);
-		if (!completions.length) return;
-		// When there is only one completion, use it directly.
-		if (completions.length == 1) {flint.insertOrReplace(completions[0],tkposs); return true;}
-		// Build the select widget
-		var complete = document.createElement("div");
-		complete.className = "completions";
-		var sel = complete.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
-		sel.multiple = true;
-		for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) {
-		    var opt = sel.appendChild(document.createElement("option"));
-		    opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(completions[i]));
-		}
-		sel.firstChild.selected = true;
-		sel.size = Math.min(10, completions.length);
-		var pos = cm.cursorCoords();
- "absolute";
- = pos.x + "px";
- = pos.yBot + "px";
-		document.body.appendChild(complete);
-		// Hack to hide the scrollbar.
-		if (completions.length <= 10)
- = (sel.clientWidth - 1) + "px";
-		var done = false;
-		function close() {
-		    if (done) return;
-		    done = true;
-		    complete.parentNode.removeChild(complete);
-		}
-		function pick() {
-		    flint.insertOrReplace(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value,tkposs);
-		    close();
-		    setTimeout(function(){cm.focus();}, 50);
-		}
-		connect(sel, "blur", close);
-		connect(sel, "keydown", function(event) {
-		    var code = event.keyCode;
-		    // Enter and space
-		    if (code == 13 || code == 32) {event.stop(); pick();}
-		    // Escape
-		    else if (code == 27) {event.stop(); close(); cm.focus();}
-		    else if (code != 38 && code != 40) {close(); cm.focus(); setTimeout(startComplete, 50);}
-		});
-		connect(sel, "dblclick", pick);
-		sel.focus();
-		// Opera sometimes ignores focusing a freshly created node
-		if (window.opera) setTimeout(function(){if (!done) sel.focus();}, 100);
-		return true;
-	    }
-	    var allKeywords = this.allKeywords;
-	    // FIXME: This is duplicated from elsewhere, and it shouldn't be!
-	    // Punctuation omits "a" and "<"
-	    // - because we might want to autocomplete a URI
-	    var punct= /^(\*|\.|\{|\}|,|\(|\)|;|\[|\]|\|\||&&|=|!=|!|<=|>=|>|\+|-|\/|\^\^)$/
-	    function getCompletions(token,start,possibles) {
-		var found = [];
-		// test the case of the 1st non-space char
-		var startIsLowerCase= /^ *[a-z]/.test(token.string); 
-		// Where case is flexible
-		function maybeAdd(str) {
-		    if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf(start.toUpperCase()) == 0) {
-			if (startIsLowerCase)
-			    found.push(str.toLowerCase());
-			else
-			    found.push(str.toUpperCase());
-		    }
-		}
-		// Where case is not flexible
-		function maybeAddCS(str) {
-		    if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf(start.toUpperCase())==0)
-			found.push(str);
-		}
-		function gatherCompletions() {
-		    for (var i=0; i<possibles.length; ++i)
-		    {
-			if (possibles[i]=="VAR1")
-			    maybeAddCS("?");
-			else if (keywords.exec(possibles[i]))
-			{
-			    //  keywords - the strings stand for themselves
-			    maybeAdd(possibles[i]);
-			}
-			else if (punct.exec(possibles[i]))
-			{
-			    //  punctuation - the strings stand for themselves
-			    maybeAddCS(possibles[i]);
-			}
-			else if (possibles[i]=="STRING_LITERAL1") {
-			    maybeAddCS('"');
-			    maybeAddCS("'");
-			}
-			else if (possibles[i]=="IRI_REF" && !/^</.test(start)) {
-			    maybeAddCS("<");
-			}
-			else if (possibles[i]=="BLANK_NODE_LABEL") {
-			    maybeAddCS("_:");
-			}
-			else if (possibles[i]=="a") {
-			    // Property expected at cursor position - fetch possibilities
-			    maybeAddCS("a");
-			    if (/:/.test(start)) { 
-				// Prefix has been entered - give matching prefixed properties
-				var activeDataItem= createSidebar.getActiveDataItem();
-				if (activeDataItem) {
-				    for (var k = 0; k < activeDataItem.prefixes.length; k++) {
-					//maybeAddCS(activeDataItem.prefixes[i].prefix+":");
-					var ns= activeDataItem.prefixes[k].uri;
-					for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
-					    var fragments= 
-						.match(/(^\S*[#\/])([^#\/]*$)/);
-					    if (fragments.length==3 && fragments[1]==ns)
-						maybeAddCS(activeDataItem.prefixes[k].prefix+":"+fragments[2]);
-					}
-				    }
-				}
-			    }
-			    if (/^</.test(start)) { 
-//			    if (true) { 
-				// Looks like a URI - add property URIs
-				var activeDataItem= createSidebar.getActiveDataItem();
-				if (activeDataItem) {
-				    for (var j = 0; 
-					 j <; 
-					 j++) 
-					maybeAddCS("<"[j].p.value+">");
-				}
-			    }
-			}
-			else if (possibles[i]=="PNAME_LN" && !/:$/.test(start)) {
-			    // prefixed names - offer prefixes
-			    var activeDataItem= createSidebar.getActiveDataItem();
-			    if (activeDataItem && activeDataItem.prefixes.length) {
-			 	for (var j = 0; j < activeDataItem.prefixes.length; j++) {
-			 	    maybeAddCS(activeDataItem.prefixes[j].prefix+":");
-			 	}
-			    }
-			}    
-		    }
-		}
-		gatherCompletions();
-		return found;
-	    }
-	    // End of autocompletion code
-	    var cmUpdate = function() {
-		if (cm != undefined) {
-		    var queryValid=true;
-		    if (clearError!=null) { clearError(); clearError=null };
-		    if (markerHandle != null) cm.clearMarker(markerHandle);
-		    var state;
-		    for (var l=0; l<cm.lineCount(); ++l) {
-			state= cm.getTokenAt({line:l, ch: cm.getLine(l).length}).state;
-			if (state.OK==false) {
-			    markerHandle= 
-				cm.setMarker(l, 
-					     "<span style=\"color: #f00 ; font-size: large;\">&rarr;</span> %N%");
-			    clearError = cm.markText(
-				{line:l, ch:state.errorStartPos},
-				{line:l, ch:state.errorEndPos}, 
-				"sp-error");
-			    queryValid=false;
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		    var stack=state.stack, len=state.stack.length;
-		    // Because incremental parser doesn't receive end-of-input
-		    // it can't clear stack, so we have to check that whatever
-		    // is left on the stack is nillable
-		    if (len>1) queryValid=false;
-		    else if (len==1) {
-			if (stack[0]!="solutionModifier" &&
-			    stack[0]!="?limitOffsetClauses" &&
-			    stack[0]!="?offsetClause")
-			    queryValid=false;
-		    }
-		    if (queryValid) {
-			submitItemCoolbar.enable();
-			submitItemEndpointBar.enable();
-			datasetMimeTypeItem.setDisableElements(state.queryType);
-			endpointMimeTypeItem.setDisableElements(state.queryType);
-			statusArea.setQueryValid(true);
-			statusArea.updateStatus();
-		    } else {
-			submitItemCoolbar.disable();
-			submitItemEndpointBar.disable();
-			datasetMimeTypeItem.setDisableElements(state.queryType);	
-			endpointMimeTypeItem.setDisableElements(state.queryType);
-			statusArea.setQueryValid(false);
-			statusArea.updateStatus();
-		    }		    
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Enable/disable the keyword buttons depending on the possibilities at cursor position
-	    var updateKeywordTable= function() { 
-		var tkposs = getPossiblesAtCursor();
-		if (tkposs!=undefined) 
-		{
-		    function getButtonFn(str,tkposs)
-		    { return function(e) {
-			flint.insertOrReplace(str,tkposs);
-			cm.focus();
-			e.stopPropagation(); }
-		    };
-		    var token = tkposs.token;
-		    var possibles = tkposs.possibles;
-		    for( var i=0; i<flint.allKeywords.length; ++i) {
-			var enabled=false;
-			var keyword= flint.allKeywords[i];
-			for( var j=0; j<possibles.length && !enabled; ++j) {
-			    if (keyword==possibles[j])
-				enabled=true;
-			}
-			var button= $('#flint-keyword-'+keyword+'-button');
-			if (enabled) {
-			    button.attr("disabled",false);
-			    button.unbind("click");
-			} else {
-			    button.attr("disabled",true);
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    var cmCursor = function() { 
-		updateKeywordTable();
-		if (cm != undefined) {
-		    // Activate cut?
-		    if (cm.somethingSelected() != "") {
-			createToolbar.setEnabled("Cut", true);
-			createMenu.setEnabled("Cut", true);
-		    }
-		    else {
-			createToolbar.setEnabled("Cut", false);
-			createMenu.setEnabled("Cut", false);
-		    }
-		    if (cm.historySize().undo > 0) {
-			createToolbar.setEnabled("Undo", true);
-			createMenu.setEnabled("Undo", true)					
-		    }
-		    else {
-			createToolbar.setEnabled("Undo", false);
-			createMenu.setEnabled("Undo", false);
-		    }
-		    if (cm.historySize().redo > 0) {
-			createToolbar.setEnabled("Redo", true);
-			createMenu.setEnabled("Redo", true);
-		    }
-		    else {
-			createToolbar.setEnabled("Redo", false);				
-			createMenu.setEnabled("Redo", false);				
-		    }
-		    statusArea.setLine(cm.getCursor().line);
-		    statusArea.setPosition(cm.getCursor().ch);
-		    statusArea.updateStatus();
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Add actual code editing area
-	    $('#' + editorId).append("<textarea id='" + codeId + "' name='query' cols='100' rows='1'>" + initialQuery + "</textarea>");		
-	    var cm =CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("flint-code"), {
-		mode: "sparql",		    
-		//	    workDelay: 50,
-		//	    workTime: 100,
-		lineNumbers: true,
-		indentUnit: 3,
-		tabMode: "indent",
-		matchBrackets: true,
-		//	    onChange: cmUpdate,
-		onHighlightComplete: cmUpdate,
-		onCursorActivity: cmCursor,
-		onKeyEvent: autocompleteKeyEventHandler
-	    });	
-	    this.getCodeEditor = function() {return cm};
-	    // Add status area
-	    var statusArea = new FlintStatus();
-	    statusArea.display(editorId);
-	    statusArea.updateStatus();
-	    // Clear the editor area
-	    this.clearEditorTextArea = function() {
-		if (cm.getValue() != "") {
-		    confirmDialog.setCloseAction(function() {
-			var result = confirmDialog.getResult();
-			if (result == "Okay") cm.setValue("");
-		    });
-"New Query", "<p>Are you sure you want to abandon the current text?</p>");
-		}			
-	    }
-	    this.undo = function() {cm.undo();}
-	    this.redo = function() {cm.redo();}
-	    this.cut = function() {
-		cm.replaceSelection("");
-		cm.focus();
-	    }
-	    this.insert = function(text) {
-		cm.replaceSelection(text);
-		cm.focus();
-	    }
-	    this.insertOrReplace= function(str,tkposs) {
-		if ((tkposs.insertStart || tkposs.charAfter!=" ") && /^[A-Za-z\*]*$/.exec(str) ) str=str+" ";
-		if (tkposs.insertEnd) str=" "+str;
-		if (tkposs.insertPos) {
-		    // Insert between spaces
-		    cm.replaceRange(str,tkposs.insertPos);
-		} else {
-		    // Replace existing token
-		    cm.replaceRange(
-			str, 
-			{line: tkposs.cur.line, ch: tkposs.token.start}, 
-			{line: tkposs.cur.line, ch: tkposs.token.end});
-		}
-	    }
-	    this.toggleTools = function() {$('#flint-sidebar-grabber').click();}
-	    this.showEndpointBar = function() {
-		createCoolbar.hide();		
-		createToolbar.setEnabled("Show Endpoints", false);
-		createToolbar.setEnabled("Show Datasets", true);
-		createMenu.setEnabled("Show Endpoints", false);
-		createMenu.setEnabled("Show Datasets", true);
-		createSidebar.clearActiveItem();
-		createSidebar.showActiveTab();
-	    }
-	    this.showDataSetsBar = function() {
-		createEndpointBar.hide();
-		createToolbar.setEnabled("Show Endpoints", true);
-		createToolbar.setEnabled("Show Datasets", false);
-		createMenu.setEnabled("Show Endpoints", true);
-		createMenu.setEnabled("Show Datasets", false);
-		createSidebar.updateProperties(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-		createSidebar.updateClasses(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-		createSidebar.updateSamples(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));				
-	    }
-	    this.insertSelectQuery = function() {
-		if (cm.getValue() != "") {
-		    confirmDialog.setCloseAction(function() {
-			var result = confirmDialog.getResult();
-			if (result == "Okay") cm.setValue(createSidebar.getPrefixes()  + "\nSELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\nLIMIT 10");
-		    });
-"New Select Query", "<p>Are you sure you want to abandon the current text?</p>");
-		}		
-		else cm.setValue(createSidebar.getPrefixes()  + "\nSELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\nLIMIT 10");
-	    }
-	    this.insertConstructQuery = function() {
-		if (cm.getValue() != "") {
-		    confirmDialog.setCloseAction(function() {
-			var result = confirmDialog.getResult();
-			if (result == "Okay") cm.setValue(createSidebar.getPrefixes()  + "\nCONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\nLIMIT 10");
-		    });
-"New Construct Query", "<p>Are you sure you want to abandon the current text?</p>");
-		}
-		else cm.setValue(createSidebar.getPrefixes()  + "\nCONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\nLIMIT 10");
-	    }
-	    this.showAbout = function() {
-	    }
-	    if (!$.browser.msie) {
-		resultsArea.display(editorId);
-		try {
-		    createSidebar.updateProperties(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-		    createSidebar.updateClasses(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));
-		    createSidebar.updateSamples(datasetItems.getItem(datasetItems.getEndpoint()));				
-		}
-		catch (e) {;}
-	    }
-	}
-	catch (e) {alert(e);}
-    }
-    function FlintError(editor) {
- = function(message) {
-			try {
-			editor.getConfirmDialog().setCloseAction();
-			editor.getConfirmDialog().show("Flint Error", "<p>" + message.toString() + "</p>", true);
-			}
-			catch (e) {alert(e);}
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintAbout(editor) {
- = function() {
-	    var aboutText = "<p>" + editor.getTitle() + ", version " + editor.getVersion() + "</p>"
-		+ "<p>Flint is based on Marijn Haverbeke's <a href=''>CodeMirror 2</a>.</p>"
-		+ "<p>Flint has been developed by a team at <a href=''>TSO</a>.</p>";
-	    editor.getConfirmDialog().setCloseAction();
-	    editor.getConfirmDialog().show("About Flint", aboutText, true);
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintDialog() {
-	var button = "";
-	var closeAction = {};
- = function(title, text, closeOnly) {
-		if (!editor.windowClosing) {
-			$('#flint-dialog-title-text').text(title);
-			$('#flint-dialog-text').html(text);
-			if (closeOnly) {
-			$('#flint-dialog-okay-button').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-			}
-			else {
-			$('#flint-dialog-okay-button').css('visibility', 'visible');
-			}
-			$('.flint-dialog-body').css('margin-top', ($('#flint-editor').position().top + 200) + "px");
-			$('#flint-dialog').css('visibility', 'visible');
-		}
-	}
-	this.getResult = function() {
-	    return button;
-	}
-	this.setCloseAction = function(callback) {
-	    if (callback != null) {
-	    	closeAction = callback;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	    	closeAction = function() {}
-	    }
-	};
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    var aboutText = "<div id='flint-dialog'' class='flint-dialog'><div class='flint-dialog-body'><div class='flint-dialog-body-container'><h2 id='flint-dialog-title'><span id='flint-dialog-close' class='flint-close'></span><span id='flint-dialog-title-text'>Title goes here</span></h2>"
-		+ "<div id='flint-dialog-text'></div>"
-		+ "<div id='flint-dialog-buttons'><span id='flint-dialog-close-button' class='flint-close-button''>Close</span><span id='flint-dialog-okay-button' class='flint-okay-button'>Okay</span></div>"
-		+ "</div></div></div>";
-	    $('#' + container).append(aboutText);
-	    $('#flint-dialog-close').click(function() {
-		$('#flint-dialog-okay-button').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-		$('#flint-dialog').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-		button = "Close";
-		closeAction();
-	    });
-	    $('#flint-dialog-okay-button').click(function() {
-		try {
-		    $('#flint-dialog-okay-button').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-		    $('#flint-dialog').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-		    button = "Okay";
-		    closeAction();
-		}
-		catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	    });
-	    $('#flint-dialog-close-button').click(function() {
-		$('#flint-dialog-okay-button').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-		$('#flint-dialog').css('visibility', 'hidden');
-		button = "Close";
-		closeAction();
-	    });
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintStatus() {
-	var line = 0;
-	var position = 0;
-	var queryValid= "valid";
-	this.setLine = function(cursorLine) {line = cursorLine;}
-	this.setQueryValid = function(valid) {
-	    valid ? queryValid = "valid" : queryValid = "invalid";
-	}
-	this.setPosition = function(cursorPosition) {position = cursorPosition;}
-	this.display = function(container) {$('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-status'>...</div>");}
-	this.updateStatus = function() {
-	    $('#flint-status').text("Line: " + (line+1) + "; Position: " + (position+1) + "; Query is " + queryValid);
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintResults(editor) {
-	var results = "";
-    <!-- BEGIN LMF -->
-    this.popup = function(content) {
-        var params  = 'width='+screen.width;
-        params += ', height='+screen.height;
-        params += ', top=0, left=0';
-        params += ', fullscreen=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes';
-        var'','_newtab');
-        newwin.document.write(content);
-        if (window.focus) {
-            newwin.focus()
-        }
-    }
-    <!-- END LMF -->
-    <!-- the html parameter is added to the method -->
-	this.setResults = function(text,html) {
-	    results = text;
-	    if (jQuery.isXMLDoc(results)) {
-		if (!window.XMLSerializer )  {results = results.xml;}
-		else {
-		    var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-		    results = serializer.serializeToString(results);			
-		}
-	    }
-	    this.showLoading(false);
-        if(html){
-            this.popup(results);
-            return;
-        }
-	    try {$('#flint-results').val(results);}
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.getResults = function() {return results;}
-	this.showLoading = function(showLoader) {
-	    if (showLoader) {
-		$('#flint-results-loader').show();
-		$('#flint-results').hide();
-	    }
-	    else {
-		$('#flint-results-loader').hide();
-		$('#flint-results').show();
-	    }
-	}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    $('#' + container).append("<h2 id='flint-results-heading'>Query Results</h2>");
-	    $('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-results-area';><p id='flint-results-loader'><img src='" + editor.getImagesPath()  + "/ajax-loader-red.gif'/> Running query ... please wait</p><textarea id='flint-results' cols='100' rows='10'></textarea></div>");
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintMenu(editor) {
-	try {
-	    var newMenuItems = new Array();
-	    newMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("EmptyQuery", "Empty Query", "New_16x16.png", true, function() {editor.clearEditorTextArea();}));		
-	    newMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("SelectQuery", "Select", "Properties_16x16.png", true, function() {editor.insertSelectQuery();}));
-	    newMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("ConstructQuery", "Construct", "Key_16x16.png", true, function() {editor.insertConstructQuery();}));
-	    var editMenuItems = new Array();
-	    editMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Undo", "Undo", "Undo_16x16.png", false, function() {editor.undo();}));
-	    editMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Redo", "Redo", "Redo_16x16.png", false, function() {editor.redo();}));
-	    editMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Cut", "Cut", "Cut_16x16.png", false, function() {editor.cut();}));
-	    var viewMenuItems = new Array();
-	    viewMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Show Tools", "Show Tools Pane", "Prev_16x16.png", true, function() {editor.toggleTools();}));
-	    viewMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Hide Tools", "Hide Tools Pane", "Next_16x16.png", false, function() {editor.toggleTools();}));
-	    viewMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Show Endpoints", "Show Endpoints Bar", "Globe_16x16.png", true, function() {editor.showEndpointBar();}));
-	    viewMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("Show Datasets", "Show Datasets Bar", "Favorites_16x16.png", false, function() {editor.showDataSetsBar();}));
-	    var helpMenuItems = new Array();
-	    helpMenuItems.push(new FlintMenuItem("About", "About", "Information_16x16.png", true, function() {editor.showAbout();}));
-	    var menuItems = new Array();
-	    var newMenuItem = new FlintMenuItem("New", "New", true);
-	    newMenuItem.setSubMenu(newMenuItems);
-	    menuItems.push(newMenuItem);
-	    var editMenuItem = new FlintMenuItem("Edit", "Edit", true);
-	    editMenuItem.setSubMenu(editMenuItems);
-	    menuItems.push(editMenuItem);
-	    var viewMenuItem = new FlintMenuItem("View", "View", true);
-	    viewMenuItem.setSubMenu(viewMenuItems);
-	    menuItems.push(viewMenuItem);
-	    var helpMenuItem = new FlintMenuItem("Help", "Help", true);
-	    helpMenuItem.setSubMenu(helpMenuItems);
-	    menuItems.push(helpMenuItem);
-	    this.getItems = function() {return menuItems};
-	}
-	catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	this.setEnabled = function(id, enabled) {
-	    for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
-		if (menuItems[i].getSubMenu() != null) {
-		    for (var j = 0; j < menuItems[i].getSubMenu().length; j++) {
-			if (menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].getId() == id) {
-			    menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].setEnabled(enabled);
-			    if (enabled) $("#flint-submenu-item-" + i + "-" + j).attr("class", "flint-menu-enabled")
-			    else $("#flint-submenu-item-" + i + "-" + j).attr("class", "flint-menu-disabled");
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }				
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    var listItems = "";
-	    for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
-		listItems += "<li class='flint-menu-item' id='flint-menu-" + i + "'><span>";
-		listItems += menuItems[i].getLabel();
-		listItems += "</span>"
-		if (menuItems[i].getSubMenu() != null) {
-		    var subList = "";
-		    for (var j = 0; j < menuItems[i].getSubMenu().length; j++) {
-			subList += "<li class='";
-			menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].getEnabled() ? subList += "flint-menu-enabled" : subList += "flint-menu-disabled";
-			subList += "' id='flint-submenu-item-" + i + "-" + j + "'><span>";
-			if (menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].getIcon() != "") {
-			    subList += "<img src='"+editor.getImagesPath()+"/"+ menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].getIcon() + "'/>";
-			}
-			else {
-			    subList += "<span class='flint-menu-filler'></span>";
-			}
-			subList += menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].getLabel();
-			subList += "</span></li>";
-		    }				
-		    listItems += "<ul class='flint-submenu' id='flint-submenu-" + i + "'>" + subList + "</ul>";
-		}
-		listItems += "</li>";
-	    }
-	    $('#' + container).append("<ul id='flint-menu'>" + listItems + "</ul>");
-	    // Now add events
-	    for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
-		if (menuItems[i].getSubMenu() != null) {
-		    for (var j = 0; j < menuItems[i].getSubMenu().length; j++) {
-			$("#flint-submenu-item-" + i + "-" + j).click(menuItems[i].getSubMenu()[j].getCallback());
-		    }				
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintMenuItem(itemId, itemLabel, itemIcon, itemEnabled, itemCallback) {
-	var id = itemId;
-	var subMenu = null;
-	var icon = itemIcon;
-	var callback = itemCallback;
-	var enabled = itemEnabled;
-	this.getId = function() {return id};
-	this.getIcon = function() {return icon};
-	this.getLabel = function() {return itemLabel};
-	this.setSubMenu = function(menu) {subMenu = menu;}
-	this.getSubMenu = function() {return subMenu;}
-	this.getCallback = function() {return callback};
-	this.setEnabled = function(value) {enabled = value};
-	this.getEnabled = function() {return enabled};
-    }
-    function FlintToolbar(editor) {
-	try {
-	    var toolbarItems = new Array();
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("New", "New empty query", "New_24x24.png", true, function() {editor.clearEditorTextArea()}, false));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Select", "New select query", "Properties_24x24.png", true, function() {editor.insertSelectQuery()}, false));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Construct", "New construct query", "Key_24x24.png", true, function() {editor.insertConstructQuery()}, false));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Undo", "Undo last edit", "Undo_24x24.png", false, function() {editor.undo()}, true));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Redo", "Redo last edit", "Redo_24x24.png", false, function() {editor.redo()}, false));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Cut", "Cut selected text", "Cut_24x24.png", false, function() {editor.cut()}, false));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Show Tools", "Show tools pane", "Prev_24x24.png", true, function() {editor.toggleTools()}, true));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Hide Tools", "Hide tools pane", "Next_24x24.png", false, function() {editor.toggleTools()}, false));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Show Endpoints", "Show endpoints bar", "Globe_24x24.png", true, function() {editor.showEndpointBar()}, true));
-	    toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("Show Datasets", "Show datasets bar", "Favorites_24x24.png", false, function() {editor.showDataSetsBar()}, false));
-	    // toolbarItems.push(new FlintToolbarItem("FR", "Find/Replace", "Find_24x24.png", true, function() {editor.cut()}));
-	    this.getItems = function() {return toolbarItems};
-	}
-	catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	// This is probably a bit inefficient. Need to find a better way
-	this.setEnabled = function(id, enabled) {
-	    for (var i = 0; i < toolbarItems.length; i ++) {
-		if (toolbarItems[i].getId() == id) {
-		    toolbarItems[i].setEnabled(enabled);
-		    var itemClass = "";
-		    if (enabled) itemClass = "flint-toolbar-enabled";
-		    else itemClass = "flint-toolbar-disabled";
-		    if (toolbarItems[i].getStartGroup()) itemClass += " flint-toolbar-start";
-		    $("#flint-toolbar-" + i).attr("class", itemClass);
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }		
-	}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    var listItems = "";
-	    for (var i = 0; i < toolbarItems.length; i++) {
-		listItems += "<li id='flint-toolbar-" + i + "' class='";
-		toolbarItems[i].getEnabled() ? listItems += "flint-toolbar-enabled" : listItems += "flint-toolbar-disabled";
-		if (toolbarItems[i].getStartGroup()) listItems += " flint-toolbar-start";
-		listItems += "'><img src='"+editor.getImagesPath()+"/"+toolbarItems[i].getIcon() + "' title='" + toolbarItems[i].getLabel() + "' alt='" + toolbarItems[i].getLabel() + "'/></li>";
-	    }
-	    $('#' + container).append("<ul id='flint-toolbar'>" + listItems + "</ul>");
-	    for (var i = 0; i < toolbarItems.length; i++) {
-		$("#flint-toolbar-" + i).click(toolbarItems[i].getCallback());
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintToolbarItem(itemId, itemLabel, itemIcon, itemEnabled, itemCallback, itemStartGroup) {
-	var id = itemId;
-	var label = itemLabel;
-	var icon = itemIcon;
-	var callback = itemCallback;
-	var enabled = itemEnabled;
-	var startGroup = itemStartGroup;
-	this.getId = function() {return id};
-	this.getLabel = function() {return label};
-	this.getIcon = function() {return icon};
-	this.getCallback = function() {return callback};
-	this.setEnabled = function(value) {enabled = value};
-	this.getEnabled = function() {return enabled};
-	this.getStartGroup = function() {return startGroup};
-    }
-    function FlintEndpointBar(config, editor) {
-	try {
-	    var barItems = new Array();
-	    barItems.push(new FlintEndpointEntry(config, editor));	
-	    barItems.push(new FlintEndpointQuerySubmitButton(editor));	
-	    barItems.push(new FlintEndpointDataInfoButton(editor));	
-	    barItems.push(new FlintEndpointMimeTypePicker(config, editor));	
-	    this.getItems = function() {return barItems};
-	}
-	catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	this.hide = function() {
-	    $('#flint-endpoint-bar').hide();
-		// disable form elements
-		barItems[3].setDisableElements("HIDE");
-	}
- = function() {
-	    $('#flint-endpoint-bar').show();
-		// disable form elements
-		barItems[3].setDisableElements("SHOW");
-	}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    var listItems = "";
-	    $('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-endpoint-bar'></div>");
-	    for (var i = 0; i < barItems.length; i++) {
-		listItems += barItems[i].display('flint-endpoint-bar');
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintCoolbar(config, editor) {
-	try {
-	    var coolbarItems = new Array();
-	    coolbarItems.push(new FlintDatasetPicker(config, editor));	
-	    coolbarItems.push(new FlintDatasetQuerySubmitButton(editor));	
-	    coolbarItems.push(new FlintDatasetMimeTypePicker(config, editor));	
-	    this.getItems = function() {return coolbarItems};
-	}
-	catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	this.hide = function() {
-	    $('#flint-coolbar').hide();			
-		coolbarItems[2].setDisableElements("HIDE");
-	}
- = function() {
-	    $('#flint-coolbar').show();		
-		coolbarItems[2].setDisableElements("SHOW");
-	}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    var listItems = "";
-	    $('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-coolbar'></div>");
-	    for (var i = 0; i < coolbarItems.length; i++) {
-		listItems += coolbarItems[i].display('flint-coolbar');
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    // The endpoint entry item allows for a freeform URL of an endpoint
-    function FlintEndpointEntry(config, editor) {
-	try {
-	    var endpointItems = new Array();
-	    this.addItem = function() {
-		try {
-		    for (var i = 0; i < endpointItems.length; i++) {
-			if (endpointItems[i].uri == this.getEndpoint()) return;
-		    }
-		    var newItem = {};
-		    newItem.uri = this.getEndpoint();
-		    endpointItems.push(newItem);
-		}
-		catch (e) {"EndpointEntryAddItem: " + editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	    }
-	    this.getItems = function() {return endpointItems};
-	    this.getItem = function(endpoint) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < endpointItems.length; i++) {
-		    if (endpointItems[i].uri == endpoint) {
-			return endpointItems[i];
-		    }
-		}
-		return null;
-	    }		
-	    this.display = function(container) {
-		var endpoint = '';
-		$('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-endpoint-input' title='Enter the endpoint that you wish to query'><h2>Endpoint</h2><input id='flint-endpoint-url' type='text' value='" + endpoint + "' name='endpoint'></div>");
-	    }		
-	    this.getEndpoint = function() {return $("#flint-endpoint-url").val();}		
-	}
-	catch (e) {"FlintEndpointEntry: " + editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-    }
-    // The dataset picker allows a user to select the endpoint that they wish to send queries to
-    function FlintDatasetPicker(config, editor) {
-	try {
-	    var datasetItems = new Array();
-	    // config.endpoints contains the list of endpoints that should be made available
-	    for (var i = 0; i < config.endpoints.length; i ++) {datasetItems.push(config.endpoints[i]);}
-	    this.getItems = function() {return datasetItems};
-	    this.getItem = function(endpoint) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < datasetItems.length; i ++) {
-		    if (datasetItems[i].uri == endpoint) return datasetItems[i];
-		}
-	    }		
-	    this.display = function(container) {
-		var listItems = "";
-		// if only 1 dataset, display disabled textbox instead of dropdown
-		if (datasetItems.length == 1) {
-			$('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-dataset'><h2>Dataset</h2><input disabled='disabled' type=text id='flint-dataset-select' name='kb' value='" + datasetItems[0].uri  + "' /></div>");
-		}
-		else {
-			for (var i = 0; i < datasetItems.length; i ++) {
-				listItems += "<option value='" + datasetItems[i].uri + "'>" +datasetItems[i].name + "</option>";
-			}
-			$('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-dataset' title='Select the endpoint that you wish to query'><h2>Dataset</h2><select id='flint-dataset-select' name='kb'>" + listItems + "</select></div>");
-			}
-		}
-	    this.getEndpoint = function() {return $("#flint-dataset-select").val();}
-	    this.setChangeAction = function(callback) {$('#flint-dataset-select').change(callback);}	
-	}
-	catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-    }
-    function FlintEndpointDataInfoButton(editor) {
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    try {
-		$('#' + container).append("<input class='flint-info-button' id='flint-endpoint-datainfo' type='button' value='Get Dataset Info' title='Query dataset for properties and classes'/>");
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.setClickAction = function(callback) {$('#flint-endpoint-datainfo').click(callback);}
-    }
-    function FlintEndpointQuerySubmitButton(editor) {
-	this.disable = function() {$('.flint-submit-button').css('visibility','hidden');}
-	this.enable = function() {$('.flint-submit-button').css('visibility','visible');}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    try {
-		$('#' + container).append("<input class='flint-submit-button' id='flint-endpoint-submit' type='submit' value='Submit' title='Submit query to endpoint'/>");
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.setSubmitAction = function(callback) {$('#flint-endpoint-submit').click(callback);}
-    }
-    function FlintDatasetQuerySubmitButton(editor) {
-	this.disable = function() {$('.flint-submit-button').css('visibility','hidden');}
-	this.enable = function() {$('.flint-submit-button').css('visibility','visible');}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    try {
-		$('#' + container).append("<input class='flint-submit-button' id='flint-dataset-submit' type='submit' value='Submit' title='Submit query to endpoint'/>");
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.setSubmitAction = function(callback) {$('#flint-dataset-submit').click(callback);}
-    }
-    function FlintEndpointMimeTypePicker(config, editor) {
-		var lastQueryType;
-		this.setDisableElements = function(queryType)  {
-			try {
-			if (queryType == "SHOW") {
-				queryType = lastQueryType;
-			}
-			else if (queryType == "HIDE") {
-				$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select, #flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-			}
-			if (queryType == "SELECT") {
-				$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select-chooser').show(300);			
-				$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct-chooser').hide();
-				if ($('#flint-endpoint-bar').is(':visible')) {
-					$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select').attr('disabled', '');
-					$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				else {
-					$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select, #flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				lastQueryType = queryType;
-				//$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select').removeAttr('disabled');			
-			} 
-			else if (queryType == "CONSTRUCT" || queryType == "DESCRIBE") {
-				$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct-chooser').show(300);			
-				$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select-chooser').hide();
-				if ($('#flint-endpoint-bar').is(':visible')) {
-					$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', '');
-					$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				else {
-					$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select, #flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				lastQueryType = queryType;
-				//$('#flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct').removeAttr('disabled');					
-			}			
-			}
-			catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		} ;
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    try {
-		var selectChooser = "";
-		var constructChooser = "";
-		// use output parameter for IE, otherwise accept header mimetype
-		if ($.browser.msie)
-			var type = 'format';
-		else
-			var type = 'type';
-		for (var i = 0; i < config.defaultEndpointParameters.selectFormats.length; i++) {
-		    selectChooser += "<option value='" + config.defaultEndpointParameters.selectFormats[i][type] + "'>" +config.defaultEndpointParameters.selectFormats[i].name + "</option>";
-		}
-		for (var i = 0; i < config.defaultEndpointParameters.constructFormats.length; i++) {
-		    constructChooser += "<option value='" + config.defaultEndpointParameters.constructFormats[i][type] + "'>" +config.defaultEndpointParameters.constructFormats[i].name + "</option>";
-		}
-		$('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-endpoint-output-formats' title='Select the format in which you would like the results to be returned'><h2>Output Format</h2></div>");
-		selectChooser = "<div id='flint-endpoint-mimeset-select-chooser' title='Select the output type that you wish to request'><select id='flint-endpoint-mimeset-select' name='output'>" + selectChooser + "</select></div>";
-		constructChooser = "<div id='flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct-chooser' title='Select the output type that you wish to request'><select id='flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct' name='output'>" + constructChooser + "</select></div>";
-		$('#flint-endpoint-output-formats').append(selectChooser);			
-		$('#flint-endpoint-output-formats').append(constructChooser);		
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.getMimeType = function() {
-	    try {
-		if ($("#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select").is(":visible")) return $("#flint-endpoint-mimeset-select").val();
-		else return $("#flint-endpoint-mimeset-construct").val();
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.setChangeAction = function(callback) {
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintDatasetMimeTypePicker(config, editor) {	
-		var lastQueryType;
-		this.setDisableElements = function(queryType)  {
-			try {
-			if (queryType == "SHOW") {
-				queryType = lastQueryType;
-			}
-			else if (queryType == "HIDE") {
-				$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select, #flint-dataset-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-			}
-			if (queryType == "SELECT") {				
-				$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select-chooser').show(300);	
-				$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-construct-chooser').hide();
-				if ($('#flint-coolbar').is(':visible')) {
-					$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select').attr('disabled', '');
-					$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				else {
-					$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select, #flint-dataset-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				lastQueryType = queryType;
-			} 
-			else if (queryType == "CONSTRUCT" || queryType == "DESCRIBE") {
-				$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-construct-chooser').show(300);			
-				$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select-chooser').hide();
-				if ($('#flint-coolbar').is(':visible')) {
-					$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', '');
-					$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				else {
-					$('#flint-dataset-mimeset-select, #flint-dataset-mimeset-construct').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-				}
-				lastQueryType = queryType;
-			}			
-			}		
-			catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		} ;
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    try {
-		var selectChooser = "";
-		var constructChooser = "";
-		// use output parameter for IE, otherwise accept header mimetype
-		if ($.browser.msie)
-			var type = 'format';
-		else
-			var type = 'type';
-		for (var i = 0; i < config.defaultEndpointParameters.selectFormats.length; i++) {
-		    selectChooser += "<option value='" + config.defaultEndpointParameters.selectFormats[i][type] + "'>" +config.defaultEndpointParameters.selectFormats[i].name + "</option>";
-		}
-		for (var i = 0; i < config.defaultEndpointParameters.constructFormats.length; i++) {
-		    constructChooser += "<option value='" + config.defaultEndpointParameters.constructFormats[i][type] + "'>" +config.defaultEndpointParameters.constructFormats[i].name + "</option>";
-		}
-		$('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-dataset-output-formats' title='Select the format in which you would like the results to be returned'><h2>Output Format</h2></div>");
-		selectChooser = "<div id='flint-dataset-mimeset-select-chooser' title='Select the output type that you wish to request'><select id='flint-dataset-mimeset-select' name='output'>" + selectChooser + "</select></div>";
-		constructChooser = "<div id='flint-dataset-mimeset-construct-chooser' title='Select the output type that you wish to request'><select id='flint-dataset-mimeset-construct' name='output'>" + constructChooser + "</select></div>";
-		$('#flint-dataset-output-formats').append(selectChooser);			
-		$('#flint-dataset-output-formats').append(constructChooser);		
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.getMimeType = function() {
-	    try {
-		if ($("#flint-dataset-mimeset-select").is(":visible")) return $("#flint-dataset-mimeset-select").val();
-		else return $("#flint-dataset-mimeset-construct").val();
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.setChangeAction = function(callback) {
-	}
-    }
-    function FlintSidebar(editor, config) {
-	var activeDataItem;
-	var activeTab = "SPARQL";
-	var allKeywords = editor.allKeywords;
-	function displaySparql() {
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-content').text("");
-	    var rowsize=4;
-	    var commandList="<table id='flint-command-table' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border-style='none,none,none,none'>";
-	    for(var i=0; i<allKeywords.length; i+=rowsize)
-	    {
-		commandList+="<tr>";
-		for(var j=0; (j<rowsize) && (i+j<allKeywords.length); ++j) {
-		    commandList+='<td border-style="none"><button type="button" disabled="true" id="flint-keyword-'+allKeywords[i+j]+'-button" class="flint-keyword-button">'+allKeywords[i+j]+'</button></td>';
-		}
-		commandList+="</tr>";
-	    }
-	    commandList+="</table>";
-	    /*
-	      var commandList = "<table id='flint-command-table'>"
-	      + "<tr><td>SELECT</td><td>GRAPH</td><td>WHERE</td><td>ISBLANK</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>CONSTRUCT</td><td>FROM</td><td>OFFSET</td><td>ISURI</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>DESCRIBE</td><td>FROM NAMED</td><td>LIMIT</td><td>ISLITERAL</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>ASK</td><td>ORDER BY</td><td>ASC</td><td>ISIRI</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>DISTINCT</td><td>PREFIX</td><td>DESC</td><td>BOUND</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>UNION</td><td>OPTIONAL</td><td>REDUCED</td><td>DATATYPE</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>FILTER</td><td>REGEX</td><td>STR</td><td>SAMETERM</td></tr>"
-	      + "<tr><td>LANGMATCHES</td></tr>"			
-	      + "</table>";
-	    */
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-content').append(commandList);
-	    /*
-	      $('#flint-command-table td').click(
-	      function(e) {
-	      editor.insert($(this).text());
-	      e.stopPropagation();
-	      }
-	      );
-	    */
-	}
-	function calcPrefixes() {
-	    try {
-		if (config.namespaces != null) {
-		    var listText = "";
-		    var prefixes = new Array();
-		    for (var j = 0; j < config.namespaces.length; j++) {
-			var found = false;
-			if ( != null) {
-			    var uri = config.namespaces[j].uri;
-			    var prefix = config.namespaces[j].prefix;
-			    for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
-				if ([i].p.value.indexOf(uri) == 0) {
-				    prefixes.push(config.namespaces[j]);
-				    found = true;
-				    break;
-				}
-			    }
-			}
-			if (!found && activeDataItem.classes != null) {
-			    var uri = config.namespaces[j].uri;
-			    var prefix = config.namespaces[j].prefix;
-			    for (var i = 0; i < activeDataItem.classes.results.bindings.length; i++) {
-				if (activeDataItem.classes.results.bindings[i].o.value.indexOf(uri) == 0) {
-				    prefixes.push(config.namespaces[j])
-				    break;
-				}
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		    activeDataItem.prefixes = prefixes;
-		}
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.getPrefixes = function() {
-	    if (activeDataItem == null) return "";
-	    if (activeDataItem.prefixes != null) {
-		var prefixText = "";
-		for (var i = 0; i < activeDataItem.prefixes.length; i++) {
-		    prefixText += "PREFIX " + activeDataItem.prefixes[i].prefix + ": <" + activeDataItem.prefixes[i].uri + ">\n";
-		}
-		return prefixText;
-	    }
-	    else return "";
-	}
-	//SNC
-	this.getActiveDataItem = function() {
-	    return activeDataItem;
-	}
-	this.clearActiveItem = function() {
-	    activeDataItem = null;
-	}
-	function displayPrefixes() {
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-content').text("");
-	    if (activeDataItem) {
-		if (activeDataItem.prefixes != null) {
-		    try {
-			var listText = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i < activeDataItem.prefixes.length; i++) {
-			    listText += "<li class='flint-prefix' title='" + activeDataItem.prefixes[i].name + "'>" + activeDataItem.prefixes[i].prefix + "</li>";
-			}
-			listText = "<ul>" + listText + "</ul>";
-			$('#flint-sidebar-content').append(listText);
-			$('.flint-prefix').click(
-			    function(e) {
-				editor.insert($(this).text());
-				e.stopPropagation();
-			    }
-			);	
-		    }
-		    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		}
-		else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No prefixes available</p>");
-	    }
-	    else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No prefixes have been retrieved</p>");
-	}
-	function displaySamples() {
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-content').text("");
-	    if (activeDataItem) {
-		if (activeDataItem.queries != null) {
-		    try {
-			var sampleText = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i < activeDataItem.queries.length; i++) {
-			    var query = activeDataItem.queries[i].query;
-			    query = query.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
-			    query = query.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");					
-			    sampleText += "<div class='flint-sample' title=''Click to insert sample into editing pane'><h3>" + activeDataItem.queries[i].name + "</h3><p>" + activeDataItem.queries[i].description + "</p><pre class='flint-sample-content'>" + query + "</pre></div>";
-			}
-			sampleText = "<div id='flint-samples'>" + sampleText + "</div>";
-			$('#flint-sidebar-content').append(sampleText);
-			$('.flint-sample-content').click(
-			    function(e) {
-				var okay = true;
-				var sample = $(this);
-				if (editor.getCodeEditor().getValue() != "") {
-				    editor.getConfirmDialog().setCloseAction(function() {
-					var result = editor.getConfirmDialog().getResult();
-					if (result == "Okay") {
-					    var cm= editor.getCodeEditor();
-					    cm.setValue("");
-					    editor.insert(sample.text());
-					    // Format query
-					    var maxlines= cm.lineCount();
-					    for (var ln=0; ln<maxlines; ++ln)
-						cm.indentLine(ln);
-					}
-				    });
-				    editor.getConfirmDialog().show("Insert Sample Query", "<p>Are you sure you want to abandon the current text?</p>");
-				}
-				e.stopPropagation();
-			    }
-			);	
-		    }
-		    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		}
-		else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No samples available</p>");
-	    }
-	    else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>Samples are not applicable</p>");
-	}
-	function displayProperties() {
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-content').text("");
-	    if (activeDataItem) {
-		if ( != null) {
-		    try {
-			var listText = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
-			    listText += "<li class='flint-property'>" +[i].p.value + "</li>";
-			}
-			listText = "<ul>" + listText + "</ul>";
-			$('#flint-sidebar-content').append(listText);
-			$('.flint-property').click(
-			    function(e) {
-				editor.insert("<" + $(this).text() + ">");
-				e.stopPropagation();
-			    }
-			);	
-		    }
-		    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		}
-		else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No properties available</p>");
-	    }
-	    else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No properties have been retrieved</p>");
-	}
-	function displayClasses() {
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-content').text("");
-	    if (activeDataItem) {
-		if (activeDataItem.classes != null) {
-		    try {
-			var listText = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i < activeDataItem.classes.results.bindings.length; i++) {
-			    listText += "<li class='flint-class'>" + activeDataItem.classes.results.bindings[i].o.value + "</li>";
-			}
-			listText = "<ul>" + listText + "</ul>";
-			$('#flint-sidebar-content').append(listText);
-			$('.flint-class').click(
-			    function(e) {
-				editor.insert("<" + $(this).text() + ">");
-				e.stopPropagation();
-			    }
-			);	
-		    }
-		    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		}
-		else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No classes available</p>");
-	    }
-	    else $('#flint-sidebar-content').append("<p>No classes have been retrieved</p>");
-	}
-	function showTab(tabName, id) {
-	    activeTab = tabName;
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-options li').removeAttr("class");
-	    $('#' + id).attr("class", "flint-sidebar-selected");
-	    if (tabName == "Properties") {displayProperties();}
-	    else if (tabName == "Classes") {displayClasses();}
-	    else if (tabName == "Prefixes") {displayPrefixes();}
-	    else if (tabName == "Samples") {displaySamples();}
-	    else displaySparql();
-	}
-	this.showActiveTab = function() {
-	    showTab(activeTab);
-	}
-	this.display = function(container) {
-	    var listItems = "";
-	    $('#' + container).append("<div id='flint-sidebar'>"
-				      + "<ul id='flint-sidebar-options''>"
-				      + "<li id='flint-sidebar-sparql' title='View a list of SPARQL commands that can be inserted into the query'>SPARQL</li>"
-				      + "<li id='flint-sidebar-properties' title='View a list of properties for the current dataset'>Properties</li>"
-				      + "<li id='flint-sidebar-classes' title='View a list of classes for the current dataset'>Classes</li>"
-				      + "<li id='flint-sidebar-prefixes' title='View a list of known prefixes for the current dataset'>Prefixes</li>"
-				      + "<li id='flint-sidebar-samples'' title='View sample queries for the current dataset'>Samples</li>"		
-				      + "</ul><div id='flint-sidebar-content'></div></div>"
-				      + "<div id='flint-sidebar-grabber'><span id='flint-sidebar-grabber-button' title='Click to expand/shrink the tools pane'></span></div>");
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-grabber').click(
-		function() {
-		    try {
-			if ($('#flint-sidebar').width() > 50) {
-			    $('#flint-sidebar').css("width", "3%");
-			    $('#flint-sidebar-content').css("overflow", "hidden");
-			    $('#flint-samples').css("white-space", "nowrap");
-			    $('.CodeMirror').css("width", "95%");
-			    if (config.interface.toolbar) {
-				editor.getToolbar().setEnabled("Show Tools", true);				
-				editor.getToolbar().setEnabled("Hide Tools", false);				
-				editor.getMenu().setEnabled("Show Tools", true);
-				editor.getMenu().setEnabled("Hide Tools", false);
-			    }
-			}
-			else {
-			    $('#flint-sidebar').css("width", "50%");
-			    $('#flint-sidebar-content').css("overflow", "auto");
-			    $('#flint-samples').css("white-space", "wrap");
-			    $('.CodeMirror').css("width", "48%");
-			    if (config.interface.toolbar) {
-				editor.getToolbar().setEnabled("Show Tools", false);
-				editor.getToolbar().setEnabled("Hide Tools", true);
-				editor.getMenu().setEnabled("Show Tools", false);
-				editor.getMenu().setEnabled("Hide Tools", true);
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-		}
-	    );	
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-sparql').click(
-		function(e) {
-		    showTab("SPARQL", $(this).attr("id"));
-		    e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-	    );	
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-properties').click(
-		function(e) {
-		    showTab("Properties", $(this).attr("id"));
-		    e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-	    );	
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-classes').click(
-		function(e) {
-		    showTab("Classes", $(this).attr("id"));
-		    e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-	    );	
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-prefixes').click(
-		function(e) {
-		    showTab("Prefixes", $(this).attr("id"));
-		    e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-	    );	
-	    $('#flint-sidebar-samples').click(
-		function(e) {
-		    showTab("Samples", $(this).attr("id"));
-		    e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-	    );	
-	}
-	this.updateSamples = function(datasetItem) {
-	    activeDataItem = datasetItem;
-	    if (activeTab == "Samples") displaySamples();
-	}
-	this.updateProperties = function(datasetItem) {
-	    try {
-		if ( == null) {
-		    activeDataItem = datasetItem;
-		    this.showActiveTab();
-		    var paramsData = {};
-		    paramsData[config.defaultEndpointParameters.queryParameters.query] = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE {?s ?p ?o} ORDER BY ?p LIMIT 1000";
-		    $.ajax({
-			url: datasetItem.uri,
-			data: paramsData,
-			type: 'post',
-			headers: {"Accept": "application/sparql-results+json"},
-			dataType: 'json',
-			error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-			    editor.getErrorBox().show("Properties cannot be retrieved. HTTP Status: " + XMLHttpRequest.status + ", " + errorThrown);
-			},
-			success: function(data) {
- = data;
-			    if (activeTab == "Properties") displayProperties();
-			    calcPrefixes();
-			    if (activeTab == "Prefixes") displayPrefixes();	
-			    if ( == 1000) alert("The maximum number of properties has been reached - 1000");
-			}
-		    });
-		}
-		else {
-		    activeDataItem = datasetItem;
-		    if (activeTab == "Properties") displayProperties();
-		    calcPrefixes();
-		    if (activeTab == "Prefixes") displayPrefixes();				
-		}
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-	this.updateClasses = function(datasetItem) {		
-	    try {
-		if (datasetItem.classes == null) {
-		    activeDataItem = datasetItem;
-		    this.showActiveTab();
-		    var paramsData = {};
-		    paramsData[config.defaultEndpointParameters.queryParameters.query] = "SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE {?s a ?o} ORDER BY ?o LIMIT 1000";
-		    $.ajax({
-			url: datasetItem.uri,
-			data: paramsData,
-			type: 'post',
-			headers: {"Accept": "application/sparql-results+json"},
-			dataType: 'json',
-			error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-			    editor.getErrorBox().show("Classes cannot be retrieved. HTTP Status: " + XMLHttpRequest.status + ", " + errorThrown);
-			},
-			success: function(data) {
-			    datasetItem.classes = data;
-			    if (activeTab == "Classes") displayClasses();
-			    calcPrefixes();			
-			    if (activeTab == "Prefixes") displayPrefixes();				
-			    if (datasetItem.classes.results.bindings.length == 1000) alert("The maximum number of classes has been reached - 1000");
-			}
-		    });
-		}
-		else {
-		    activeDataItem = datasetItem;
-		    if (activeTab == "Classes") displayClasses();
-		    calcPrefixes();
-		    if (activeTab == "Prefixes") displayPrefixes();				
-		}
-	    }
-	    catch (e) {editor.getErrorBox().show(e);}
-	}
-    }
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index d01ed62..0000000
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index 1fa69f4..0000000
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index eaf92d2..0000000
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index 2e9da2d..0000000
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