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cvs commit: jakarta-struts/conf/share tiles-config_1_1.dtd

cedric      2002/08/15 02:31:05

  Added:       conf/share tiles-config_1_1.dtd
  New tiles dtd.
  This DTD has eaxctly the same declarations as before.
  Comments has been  added, bean declaration completed.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/conf/share/tiles-config_1_1.dtd
  Index: tiles-config_1_1.dtd
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
       DTD for the Tile Definition File, Version 1.1
       To support validation of your configuration file, include the following
       DOCTYPE element at the beginning (after the "xml" declaration):
       <!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
         "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.1//EN"
       $Id: tiles-config_1_1.dtd,v 1.1 2002/08/15 09:31:05 cedric Exp $
  <!-- ========== Defined Types ============================================= -->
  <!-- A "Boolean" is the string representation of a boolean (true or false)
  <!ENTITY % Boolean "(true|false)">
  <!-- A "ContentType" is the content type of an attribute passed to a tile
  <!ENTITY % ContentType "(string|page|template|definition)">
  <!-- A "ClassName" is the fully qualified name of a Java class that is
       instantiated to provide the functionality of the enclosing element.
  <!ENTITY % ClassName "CDATA">
  <!-- A "RequestPath" is an application-relative URI path, beginning with a
       slash, that identifies a mapped resource (such as a JSP page or a servlet)
       within this web application.
  <!ENTITY % RequestPath "CDATA">
  <!-- A "DefinitionName" is the unique identifier of a definition. This identifier
       is a logical name used to reference the definition.
  <!ENTITY % DefinitionName "CDATA">
  <!-- A "BeanName" is the identifier of a JavaBean, such as a form bean,
       and also serves as the name of the corresponding scripting variable
       and the name of the JSP attribute under which the bean is accessed.
       Therefore, it must conform to the rules for a Java identifier.
  <!ENTITY % BeanName "CDATA">
  <!-- A "PropName" is the name of a JavaBeans property, and must begin with
       a lower case letter and contain only characters that are legal in a
       Java identifier.
  <!ENTITY % PropName "CDATA">
  <!-- A "Location" is a relative path, delimited by "/" characters, that
       defines the location of a resource relative to the location of the
       configuration file itself.
  <!ENTITY % Location "#PCDATA">
  <!-- ========== Top Level Elements ======================================== -->
    <!-- deprecated: use tiles-definitions instead.-->
  <!ELEMENT component-definitions (definition+)>
  <!-- The "tiles-definitions" element is the root of the configuration file
       hierarchy, and contains nested elements for all of the other
       configuration settings.
  <!ELEMENT tiles-definitions (definition+)>
  <!-- The "definition" element describes definition that can be inserted in a jsp
       page. This definition is identified by its logical name. A definition allows
       to define all the attributes that can be set in <insert> tag from a jsp page.
       name            The unique identifier for this definition.
       path            The context-relative path to the resource used as tiles to
                       insert. This tiles will be inserted and a tiles context
                       containing appropriate attributes will be available.
       page            Same as path.
       template        Same as path. For compatibility with the template taglib.
       extends         Name of a definition that is used as ancestor of this definition.
                       All attributes from the ancestor are available to the new
                       definition. Any attribute inherited from the ancestor can
                       be overloaded by providing a new value.
       role            security role name that is allowed access to this definition
                       object. The definition is inserted only if the role name is
       controllerClass The fully qualified Java class name of the controller
                       subclass to call immediately before the tiles is inserted.
                       Only one of controllerClass or controllerUrl should be
       controllerUrl   The context-relative path to the resource used as controller
                       called immediately before the tiles is inserted.
                       Only one of controllerClass or controllerUrl should be
  <!ELEMENT definition (icon?, display-name?, description?, put*, putList*)>
  <!ATTLIST definition       id               ID               #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       name             %DefinitionName; #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       page             %RequestPath;    #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       path             %RequestPath;    #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       extends          %DefinitionName; #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       role             CDATA            #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       template         %RequestPath;    #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       controllerClass  %ClassName;      #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST definition       controllerUrl    %RequestPath;    #IMPLIED>
  <!-- The "put" element describes an attribute of a definition. It allows to
       specify the tiles attribute name and its value. The tiles value can be
       specified as an xml attribute, or in the body of the <put> tag.
       name            The unique identifier for this tiles attribute.
       value           The value associated to this tiles attribute. The value should
                       be specified with this tag attribute, or in the body of the tag.
       type            The type of the value. Can be: string, page, template or definition.
                       By default, no type is associated to a value. If a type is
                       associated, it will be used as a hint to process the value
                       when the attribute will be used in the inserted tiles.
       content         Same as value. For compatibility with the template taglib.
       direct          Same as type="string". For compatibility with the template
  <!ELEMENT put (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST put              id               ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST put              name             CDATA           #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST put              value            CDATA           #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST put              type             %ContentType;   #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST put              content          CDATA           #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST put              direct           %Boolean;       #IMPLIED>
  <!-- The "putList" element describes a list attribute of a definition. It allows to
       specify an attribute that is a java List containing any kind of values. In
       the config file, the list elements are specified by nested <add>, <item> or
       name            The unique identifier for this tiles attribute.
  <!ELEMENT putList ( (add* | item* | bean* | putList*)+) >
  <!ATTLIST putList          id               ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST putList          name             CDATA           #REQUIRED>
  <!-- ========== Subordinate Elements ====================================== -->
  <!-- The "add" element describes an element of a list. It is similar to the
       <put> element.
       value           The value associated to this tiles attribute. The value should
                       be specified with this tag attribute, or in the body of the tag.
       type            The type of the value. Can be: string, page, template or definition.
                       By default, no type is associated to a value. If a type is
                       associated, it will be used as a hint to process the value
                       when the attribute will be used in the inserted tiles.
       content         Same as value. For compatibility with the template taglib.
       direct          Same as type="string". For compatibility with the template
  <!ELEMENT add (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST add              id               ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST add              value            CDATA           #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST add              type             %ContentType;   #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST add              content          CDATA           #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST add              direct           %Boolean;       #IMPLIED>
  <!-- The "bean" element describes an element of a list. It create a bean of the
       specified java classtype. This bean is initialized with appropriate nested
       classtype       The fully qualified classname for this bean.
  <!ELEMENT bean (set-property*)>
  <!ATTLIST bean             id               ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST bean             classtype        %ClassName;     #REQUIRED>
  <!-- The "set-property" element specifies the method name and initial value of
       a bean property. When the object representing
       the surrounding element is instantiated, the accessor for the indicated
       property is called and passed the indicated value.
       property        Name of the JavaBeans property whose setter method
                       will be called.
       value           String representation of the value to which this
                       property will be set, after suitable type conversion
  <!ELEMENT set-property   EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST set-property   id             ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST set-property   property       %PropName;      #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST set-property   value          CDATA           #REQUIRED>
  <!-- The "item" element describes an element of a list. It create a bean added as
       element to the list. Each bean can contains different properties: value, link,
       icon, tooltip. This properties are to be interpreted by the jsp page using
       By default the bean is of type
       "org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem". This bean is useful to
       create list of beans used as menu items.
       value           The bean 'value' property.
       link            The bean 'link' property.
       icon            The bean 'icon' property.
       tooltip         The bean 'tooltip' property.
       classtype       The fully qualified classname for this bean.
                       If specified, the classname must be a subclass of the interface
  <!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST item             id               ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST item             value            CDATA           #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST item             link             CDATA           #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST item             classtype        %ClassName;     #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST item             icon             CDATA           #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST item             tooltip          CDATA           #IMPLIED>
  <!-- ========== Info Elements ====================================== -->
  <!-- The "description" element contains descriptive (paragraph length) text
       about the surrounding element, suitable for use in GUI tools.
  <!ELEMENT description    (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST description    id             ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!-- The "display-name" element contains a short (one line) description of
       the surrounding element, suitable for use in GUI tools.
  <!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST display-name   id             ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!-- The "icon" element contains a small-icon and large-icon element which
       specify the location, relative to the Struts configuration file, for small
       and large images used to represent the surrounding element in GUI tools.
  <!ELEMENT icon           (small-icon?, large-icon?)>
  <!ATTLIST icon           id             ID              #IMPLIED>
  <!-- The "large-icon" element specifies the location, relative to the Struts
       configuration file, of a resource containing a large (32x32 pixel)
       icon image.
  <!ELEMENT large-icon     (%Location;)>
  <!ATTLIST large-icon     id             ID              #IMPLIED>

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