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Posted to by Oliver Wulff <> on 2003/10/14 22:04:00 UTC

Antwort: Call, read/write Cookies (need help)

I tried to read my custom HTTP header that I get back from my soap service
but I get back null. I thought I could extend the class HTTPTransport and
registred it when creating the Call object. The methods
setupMessageContextImpl and processReturnedMessageContext will be called
but my HTTP header doesn't exist although it is there (TCP Monitor).
Then I took a look to the HTTPSender. I noticed that there is no dynamic
way to add the HTTP headers to the MessageContext. Why?

How can I cache my HTTP header for further requests in Axis?

                      Oliver Wulff                                                                                                     
                      <oliver.wulff@zu         An:                                                        
            >                 Kopie:                                                                                  
                                               Thema:   Call, read/write Cookies                                                       
                      14.10.2003 15:43                                                                                                 
                      Bitte antworten                                                                                                  
                      an axis-user                                                                                                     

Hi all

When I call my webservice the first time I get a cookie back. For further
requests, I have to add this cookie to each request. I've read in earlier
requests that I should use the Call object. But, I'm using the generated
class <>PortBindingStub to send my requests. The Call object is generated
in this class. Do I have to make the changes here to read and write the
cookie? Can't I do that outside of the <>PortBindingStub?
What's the impact of setMaintainSession?

Thanks a lot for your help

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