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Posted to by Russell Butek <> on 2001/10/18 22:20:12 UTC

Re: Compliance with JAX-RPC 1.0 Public EA Release

Keep in mind that JAX-RPC is a moving target.  We've only got draft version
0.5.  There will most likely be be at least a version 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
before we get to 1.0.  Some of the AXIS code was written against earlier
drafts and haven't been updated yet.

What's the plan?  Well, personally, I've got a todo list of things that
aren't up-to-date wrt Wsdl2java that I will be addressing soon.  That's
probably the plan for everyone else, too.

What I would like to see (and I'm trying to correct my own negligence) is a
test suite aimed at JAX-RPC compliance.  The current version of AXIS
wouldn't pass such a test suite, so we can't make it part of our functional
tests just yet, but if we could start with a test suite, and keep THAT
up-to-date, then keeping AXIS itself up-to-date would naturally follow.

Russell Butek

Davanum Srinivas <> on 10/18/2001 02:51:37 PM

Please respond to

Subject:  Compliance with JAX-RPC 1.0 Public EA Release


Here's what i have noticed so far.

1. Axis version of javax.xml.rpc.Stub is an abstract class, JAX-RPC's is an
2. Their does not contain javax.xml.rpc.holders package at
all, though it is
mentioned in the PDF.
3. We have javax.xml.rpc.FaultException, they don't.
4. We have javax.xml.rpc.encoding.XMLType, they don't.
5. They have a javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPHeaderFault, we don't.

Apart from these big things, there are some additional methods, some places
where there are some
more exceptions they throw etc...

So what is the plan?


Davanum Srinivas -

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