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Posted to by OrielResearch Eila Arich-Landkof <> on 2018/10/19 16:38:34 UTC

using tfma / ModelAnalysis with tensorflow (not estimator) model

Hello all,

I would like to use the modelAnalysis API for model debugging. I don't have
a background in model serving and generating the model eval graph for it -
so there might be basic background that I am missing.

as a start, I would like to add the tfma to this colab (open to other
suggestion that includes transfer learning)
Transfer Learning with TensorFlow

Could someone direct me, where should the graph eval generation call added?

The code below is for estimator model (taken from medium
and, to my understanding, is not relevant for the colab implementation

# use TFMA to export an eval graph from the TensorFlow Estimator
                        eval_input_receiver_fn=eval_input_fn, …)

The colab requires python3 - I will make that the required code adaptation
will be applied to match apache beam python 2 requirement.

Thanks for any help,
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