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Posted to by Dennis Lundberg <> on 2007/11/29 17:19:02 UTC

[ANN] Maven Site Plugin 2.0-beta-6 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of Maven Site
Plugin, version 2.0-beta-6.

You can run 'mvn -up' to get the latest version of the plugin, or
specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Site Plugin - Version 2.0-beta-6

** Bug
     * [MSITE-25] - mvn site:site ignores server configuration in
     * [MSITE-91] - "src/site/site.xml" hardcoded in
     * [MSITE-114] - "Frenglish" project info reports with site:run
     * [MSITE-120] - site:run return blank page for javadoc report
     * [MSITE-137] - The 'name' element does not work for a menu that
references modules
     * [MSITE-138] - site:stage does not create xref
     * [MSITE-149] - <version> tag is ignored for plugins in the
<reporting> section of the POM
     * [MSITE-155] - site:run does not work with upper case letters in
     * [MSITE-170] - [ERROR] VM #displayTree: error : too few arguments
to macro
     * [MSITE-175] - Log message shows wrong port number for site:run
     * [MSITE-182] - site:stage doesn't bring over reports like javadoc
     * [MSITE-185] - -Dproject.reporting.outputDirectory is not read
     * [MSITE-191] - ${} is not evaluated in
     * [MSITE-192] - Docs don't indicate where site.xml should be created
     * [MSITE-201] - ${modules} renders as [] causing parse error
     * [MSITE-203] - bannerRight is not right aligned if no image is used
     * [MSITE-205] - maven site plugin typo prevents parent site.xml
resolution from working
     * [MSITE-207] - <poweredBy> not mentioned in the document
     * [MSITE-239] - encoding declaration in site.xml is ignored
     * [MSITE-246] - path of site.xml not possible to configure in tag
     * [MSITE-247] - Site generation does not inherit <version> element
from parent site.xml
     * [MSITE-255] - Executing the site-site goal fails prior to
executing the site-deploy goal on a clean maven install (Could be due to
     * [MSITE-260] - Bundle for Portuguese-BR is not correct
     * [MSITE-265] - filename with dot are considered as duplicate

** Improvement
     * [MSITE-133] - Fix documentation of skinning: <groupId> seems to
be "org.apache.maven.skins" instead of "org.apache.maven"
     * [MSITE-147] - Date format defaults to US
     * [MSITE-151] - Ability to change the site directory in the plugin
configuration in the pom.xml file.
     * [MSITE-168] - Use underscores instead of spaces in anchor names
     * [MSITE-219] - Slovak translation of
     * [MSITE-221] - Korean translation resource file
     * [MSITE-231] - Please update the german localization.
     * [MSITE-259] - Bump to new release of jetty

** New Feature
     * [MSITE-223] - Enable optional velocity processing of input documents
     * [MSITE-243] - Czech translation

** Task
     * [MSITE-200] - Schedule and release doxia 1.0-alpha-9
     * [MSITE-266] - Schedule and release doxia 1.0-alpha-10


- The Maven Team

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