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Posted to by Jan J Kratky <> on 2002/12/17 15:45:13 UTC

[wsif] PortTypeCompiler?

I am new to WSIF. The DynamicInvoker example made getting up and running
with dynamic invocation pretty easy. However, I am still confused about the
stub model for using WSIF. My understanding is that older versions of WSIF
had a PortTypeCompiler class to generate the stub and data object code for
you. However, I can't find that class, or a likely replacement candidate in
the binaries I downloaded late last week.

What am I missing here? Is there still a "precompile" tool to generate WSIF
stubs and data classes (similar to Axis's WSDLtoJava)? If so, where is it
and where can I gat documentation on using it? Thanks!