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Posted to by Scurtu Vitalie <> on 2008/11/04 17:15:42 UTC

moreLikeThis scores and ranking

Hi all,
I am having some issues with solr moreLikeThis function.
I have no idea how to view scores. What should I do in order to make
solr to show me tf-idf scores of each document retrieved by
moreLikeThis function?

Another issue with mlt. 
How can I
weight terms inside documents? For example, I have a field with terms
and for some terms I want to give a high weight, since I know they are
important for this document and it is representative. 

When I set boost value instead, it behaves very strange.

Here you have more detailed, from XML data files.


Internal representation of document

Target document
<field name="tagsb2"

One of  documents retrieved by moreLikeThis on position 6

<field name="tagsb2" boost="2.50"><![CDATA[apple]]></field>

Now, I change boost value for document with Id=1075, which is on 6th position. 
Therefore, the new value in document is:
<field name="tagsb2" boost="1002.50"><![CDATA[apple]]></field>

After quering solr, document with Id=1075 is on the same position, and it is 6th.
I do the same for target document, and it is changing boost value to 1002.5

quering solr, the similar document is on 8th position, not anymore on
6th position. I expect that after changing the boost value to both
document to very high value, the ranking should be radically changed,
with document with id=1075 on top. 

What did I do wrong?
Thank you