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Posted to by Ajith Ranabahu <> on 2005/08/29 07:57:54 UTC

[Axis2] handling header parameters

Hi all,
Another confusing issue :). 
Have a look at the following section of WSDL that I extracted from

  <portType name="RetHeaderPortType">
      <input message=
      <output message="tns:echoStringResponse" 
 name="RetHeaderBinding" type="tns:RetHeaderPortType">
soap:binding transport="" 
<operation name=

      <soap:operation soapAction="" 

soap:body use="literal"/>

 message="tns:Header1" part="Header1" 
        <soap:header message=
part="Header2" use="literal"



As you can see the binding requires two parameters going in the headers but 
the porttype is clueless about it. If you think about it, the generated 
method signature should contain the two header parameters as well. However 
in the currrent impl I look at the porttype (interface in WSDL
2.0terminology) for the method signature which seems to be
inconsistent in this
case. I've gone through the JAX-WS spec and their recommendation is to have 
such header parameters as input parameters in the method signature.

To make things right this is what I plan to do.
1. Modify the code to automatically select between the binding and the 
portype (interface). the default behavior would be to take the binding if 
2. Add a switch to force the code generation with the porttype if the user 
wishes to override the above mentioned behavior.

Strangely I could not find the correct switch for the Axis 1.x code 
generator. I've tried with several switches but it never included the header 
parameters in the signatures.

Ajith Ranabahu