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Posted to by Tibor Digana <> on 2015/02/27 16:58:36 UTC

Rootcause of Failed Surefire Build

I've got the configuration permissions in ASF Jenkins build system and
fixed maven-surefire-windows build. The problem was with OOM: perm size.

This avoided the problem with so big memory consumption:

-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50

(Compressed pointers should be already on server class VM 1.7 but I rather
keep it for further investigation and possibly remove it next time.)

Finally I used the GC option -XX:+PrintGCDetails and found the right memory
limits and added cca 40% more.

Since now the build is extremely fast with new memory settings.

Now the build consumes much less memory (-Xmx576m -XX:MaxPermSize=640m)
than before (-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=768m).

Over two years I am using the same settings on my private machine with no
issue (-Xmx576m -XX:MaxPermSize=640m).
