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Posted to by Lalit Sahoo <> on 2007/02/14 13:09:16 UTC

HttpClient Class

Hi All,


Is it necessary to use HttpClient class?


If I will use following approach is there any disadvantage?


1. Create a connection manager


            MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connManager = new
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager ();


2. Create a host configuration


            HostConfiguration hostConfig = new HostConfiguration ();


3. Set the host and port for host configuration


            hostConfig.set (hostName, portNumber)


4. Create an HttpState instance 


            UsernamePasswordCredentials userCredentials = new
UsernamePasswordCredentials (userName, password);

                AuthScope authScope = new AuthScope (hostName,
portNumber, realm, authenticationScheme);

                HttpState httpState = new HttpState ();

                httpState.setCredentials (authScope, userCredentials);


5. Get an http connection with timeout:


            HttpConnection httpConnection =
connManager.getConnectionWithTimeout (hostconfig, 1000);


6. Create an instance of get method:



String uri = "";

GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod (uri);


7. To execute this method:


            getMethod.execute (httpState, httpConnection);


Can anybody help me in this regard?


