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Posted to by on 2014/11/14 03:20:03 UTC

[21/29] ambari git commit: AMBARI-8269. Merge branch-windows-dev changes to trunk. (Jayush Luniya via yusaku)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efd371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -0,0 +1,1216 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+import fileinput
+import random
+import socket
+import stat
+import sys
+import urllib2
+from ambari_commons.exceptions import *
+from serverConfiguration import *
+from setupActions import *
+from userInput import *
+SSL_PASSWORD_FILE = "pass.txt"
+SSL_PASSIN_FILE = "passin.txt"
+# openssl command
+VALIDATE_KEYSTORE_CMD = "openssl pkcs12 -info -in '{0}' -password file:'{1}' -passout file:'{2}'"
+EXPRT_KSTR_CMD = "openssl pkcs12 -export -in '{0}' -inkey '{1}' -certfile '{0}' -out '{4}' -password file:'{2}' -passin file:'{3}'"
+CHANGE_KEY_PWD_CND = 'openssl rsa -in {0} -des3 -out {0}.secured -passout pass:{1}'
+GET_CRT_INFO_CMD = 'openssl x509 -dates -subject -in {0}'
+#keytool commands
+keytool_bin = "keytool"
+if OSCheck.is_windows_os():
+  keytool_bin = "keytool.exe"
+KEYTOOL_IMPORT_CERT_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + keytool_bin + " -import -alias '{1}' -storetype '{2}' -file '{3}' -storepass '{4}' -noprompt"
+KEYTOOL_DELETE_CERT_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + keytool_bin + " -delete -alias '{1}' -storepass '{2}' -noprompt"
+KEYTOOL_KEYSTORE = " -keystore '{0}'"
+java_bin = "java"
+if OSCheck.is_windows_os():
+  java_bin = "java.exe"
+SECURITY_PROVIDER_GET_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + java_bin + " -cp {1}" +\
+                          os.pathsep + "{2} " +\
+                          "" +\
+                          ".CredentialProvider GET {3} {4} {5} " +\
+                          "> " + SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+SECURITY_PROVIDER_PUT_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + java_bin + " -cp {1}" +\
+                          os.pathsep + "{2} " +\
+                          "" +\
+                          ".CredentialProvider PUT {3} {4} {5} " +\
+                          "> " + SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+SECURITY_PROVIDER_KEY_CMD = "{0}" + os.sep + "bin" + os.sep + java_bin + " -cp {1}" +\
+                          os.pathsep + "{2} " +\
+                          "" +\
+                          ".MasterKeyServiceImpl {3} {4} {5} " +\
+                          "> " + SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
+SSL_KEY_DIR = 'security.server.keys_dir'
+SSL_API_PORT = 'client.api.ssl.port'
+SSL_API = 'api.ssl'
+SSL_SERVER_CERT_NAME = 'client.api.ssl.cert_name'
+SSL_SERVER_KEY_NAME = 'client.api.ssl.key_name'
+SSL_CERT_FILE_NAME = "https.crt"
+SSL_KEY_FILE_NAME = "https.key"
+SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME = "https.keystore.p12"
+SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE_NAME = "https.pass.txt"
+SSL_DATE_FORMAT = '%b  %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT'
+#SSL certificate metainfo
+NOT_BEFORE_ATTR = 'notBefore'
+NOT_AFTER_ATTR = 'notAfter'
+SRVR_TWO_WAY_SSL_PORT_PROPERTY = "security.server.two_way_ssl.port"
+SRVR_ONE_WAY_SSL_PORT_PROPERTY = "security.server.one_way_ssl.port"
+SECURITY_KEYS_DIR = "security.server.keys_dir"
+SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_LOCATION = "security.master.key.location"
+SECURITY_KEY_IS_PERSISTED = "security.master.key.ispersisted"
+SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED = "security.passwords.encryption.enabled"
+GANGLIA_HTTPS = 'ganglia.https'
+NAGIOS_HTTPS = 'nagios.https'
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.ssl.trustStore.password"
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.path"
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.password"
+SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "ssl.trustStore.type"
+PASSWORD_PATTERN = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"
+LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS = "ambari.ldap.manager.password"
+LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.managerPassword"
+LDAP_MGR_USERNAME_PROPERTY = "authentication.ldap.managerDn"
+REGEX_IP_ADDRESS = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
+REGEX_HOSTNAME = "^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$"
+REGEX_HOSTNAME_PORT = "^(.*:[0-9]{1,5}$)"
+REGEX_TRUE_FALSE = "^(true|false)?$"
+# ownership/permissions mapping
+# path - permissions - user - group - recursive
+# Rules are executed in the same order as they are listed
+# {0} in user/group will be replaced by customized ambari-server username
+  ("/var/log/ambari-server", "644", "{0}", True),
+  ("/var/log/ambari-server", "755", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/run/ambari-server", "644", "{0}", True),
+  ("/var/run/ambari-server", "755", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap", "755", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/", "700", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/keys", "600", "{0}", True),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/keys", "700", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/db", "700", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/db/newcerts", "700", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/.ssh", "700", "{0}", False),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/", "755", "{0}", True),
+  ("/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/custom_actions/", "755", "{0}", True),
+  ("/etc/ambari-server/conf", "644", "{0}", True),
+  ("/etc/ambari-server/conf", "755", "{0}", False),
+  ("/etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat", "640", "{0}", False),
+  # Also, /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat
+  # is generated later at store_password_file
+def is_valid_https_port(port):
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    print "Error getting ambari properties"
+    return False
+  one_way_port = properties[SRVR_ONE_WAY_SSL_PORT_PROPERTY]
+  if not one_way_port:
+    one_way_port = SRVR_ONE_WAY_SSL_PORT
+  two_way_port = properties[SRVR_TWO_WAY_SSL_PORT_PROPERTY]
+  if not two_way_port:
+    two_way_port = SRVR_TWO_WAY_SSL_PORT
+  if port.strip() == one_way_port.strip():
+    print "Port for https can't match the port for one way authentication port(" + one_way_port + ")"
+    return False
+  if port.strip() == two_way_port.strip():
+    print "Port for https can't match the port for two way authentication port(" + two_way_port + ")"
+    return False
+  return True
+def run_component_https_cmd(cmd):
+  retcode, out, err = run_os_command(cmd)
+  if not retcode == 0:
+    err = 'Error occured during truststore setup ! :' + out + " : " + err
+    raise FatalException(1, err)
+def get_cert_info(path):
+  retcode, out, err = run_os_command(GET_CRT_INFO_CMD.format(path))
+  if retcode != 0:
+    print 'Error getting Certificate info'
+    print err
+    return None
+  if out:
+    certInfolist = out.split(os.linesep)
+  else:
+    print 'Empty Certificate info'
+    return None
+  notBefore = None
+  notAfter = None
+  subject = None
+  for item in range(len(certInfolist)):
+    if certInfolist[item].startswith('notAfter='):
+      notAfter = certInfolist[item].split('=')[1]
+    if certInfolist[item].startswith('notBefore='):
+      notBefore = certInfolist[item].split('=')[1]
+    if certInfolist[item].startswith('subject='):
+      subject = certInfolist[item].split('=', 1)[1]
+  #Convert subj to dict
+  pattern = re.compile(r"[A-Z]{1,2}=[\w.-]{1,}")
+  if subject:
+    subjList = pattern.findall(subject)
+    keys = [item.split('=')[0] for item in subjList]
+    values = [item.split('=')[1] for item in subjList]
+    subjDict = dict(zip(keys, values))
+    result = subjDict
+    result['notBefore'] = notBefore
+    result['notAfter'] = notAfter
+    result['subject'] = subject
+    return result
+  else:
+    return {}
+def is_valid_cert_exp(certInfoDict):
+  if certInfoDict.has_key(NOT_BEFORE_ATTR):
+    notBefore = certInfoDict[NOT_BEFORE_ATTR]
+  else:
+    print_warning_msg('There is no Not Before value in Certificate')
+    return False
+  if certInfoDict.has_key(NOT_AFTER_ATTR):
+    notAfter = certInfoDict['notAfter']
+  else:
+    print_warning_msg('There is no Not After value in Certificate')
+    return False
+  notBeforeDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(notBefore, SSL_DATE_FORMAT)
+  notAfterDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(notAfter, SSL_DATE_FORMAT)
+  currentDate =
+  if currentDate > notAfterDate:
+    print_warning_msg('Certificate expired on: ' + str(notAfterDate))
+    return False
+  if currentDate < notBeforeDate:
+    print_warning_msg('Certificate will be active from: ' + str(notBeforeDate))
+    return False
+  return True
+def is_valid_cert_host(certInfoDict):
+  if certInfoDict.has_key(COMMON_NAME_ATTR):
+   commonName = certInfoDict[COMMON_NAME_ATTR]
+  else:
+    print_warning_msg('There is no Common Name in Certificate')
+    return False
+  fqdn = get_fqdn()
+  if not fqdn:
+    print_warning_msg('Failed to get server FQDN')
+    return False
+  if commonName != fqdn:
+    print_warning_msg('Common Name in Certificate: ' + commonName + ' does not match the server FQDN: ' + fqdn)
+    return False
+  return True
+def generate_random_string(length=SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_LENGTH):
+  chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters
+  return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(length))
+def import_cert_and_key(security_server_keys_dir):
+  import_cert_path = get_validated_filepath_input(\
+                    "Enter path to Certificate: ",\
+                    "Certificate not found")
+  import_key_path  =  get_validated_filepath_input(\
+                      "Enter path to Private Key: ", "Private Key not found")
+  pem_password = get_validated_string_input("Please enter password for Private Key: ", "", None, None, True)
+  certInfoDict = get_cert_info(import_cert_path)
+  if not certInfoDict:
+    print_warning_msg('Unable to get Certificate information')
+  else:
+    #Validate common name of certificate
+    if not is_valid_cert_host(certInfoDict):
+      print_warning_msg('Unable to validate Certificate hostname')
+    #Validate issue and expirations dates of certificate
+    if not is_valid_cert_exp(certInfoDict):
+      print_warning_msg('Unable to validate Certificate issue and expiration dates')
+  #jetty requires private key files with non-empty key passwords
+  retcode = 0
+  err = ''
+  if not pem_password:
+    print 'Generating random password for HTTPS keystore...done.'
+    pem_password = generate_random_string()
+    retcode, out, err = run_os_command(CHANGE_KEY_PWD_CND.format(
+      import_key_path, pem_password))
+    import_key_path += '.secured'
+  if retcode == 0:
+    keystoreFilePath = os.path.join(security_server_keys_dir,\
+                                    SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME)
+    keystoreFilePathTmp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),\
+                                       SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME)
+    passFilePath = os.path.join(security_server_keys_dir,\
+                                SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE_NAME)
+    passFilePathTmp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),\
+    passinFilePath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),\
+                                   SSL_PASSIN_FILE)
+    passwordFilePath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),\
+                                   SSL_PASSWORD_FILE)
+    with open(passFilePathTmp, 'w+') as passFile:
+      passFile.write(pem_password)
+      passFile.close
+      pass
+    set_file_permissions(passFilePath, "660", read_ambari_user(), False)
+    copy_file(passFilePathTmp, passinFilePath)
+    copy_file(passFilePathTmp, passwordFilePath)
+    retcode, out, err = run_os_command(EXPRT_KSTR_CMD.format(import_cert_path,\
+    import_key_path, passwordFilePath, passinFilePath, keystoreFilePathTmp))
+  if retcode == 0:
+   print 'Importing and saving Certificate...done.'
+   import_file_to_keystore(keystoreFilePathTmp, keystoreFilePath)
+   import_file_to_keystore(passFilePathTmp, passFilePath)
+   import_file_to_keystore(import_cert_path, os.path.join(\
+                          security_server_keys_dir, SSL_CERT_FILE_NAME))
+   import_file_to_keystore(import_key_path, os.path.join(\
+                          security_server_keys_dir, SSL_KEY_FILE_NAME))
+   #Validate keystore
+   retcode, out, err = run_os_command(VALIDATE_KEYSTORE_CMD.format(keystoreFilePath,\
+   passwordFilePath, passinFilePath))
+   remove_file(passinFilePath)
+   remove_file(passwordFilePath)
+   if not retcode == 0:
+     print 'Error during keystore validation occured!:'
+     print err
+     return False
+   return True
+  else:
+   print_error_msg('Could not import Certificate and Private Key.')
+   print 'SSL error on exporting keystore: ' + err.rstrip() + \
+         '.\nPlease ensure that provided Private Key password is correct and ' +\
+         're-import Certificate.'
+   return False
+def import_cert_and_key_action(security_server_keys_dir, properties):
+  if import_cert_and_key(security_server_keys_dir):
+   properties.process_pair(SSL_SERVER_CERT_NAME, SSL_CERT_FILE_NAME)
+   properties.process_pair(SSL_SERVER_KEY_NAME, SSL_KEY_FILE_NAME)
+   properties.process_pair(SSL_API, "true")
+   return True
+  else:
+   return False
+def get_delete_cert_command(jdk_path, alias, truststore_path, truststore_password):
+  cmd = KEYTOOL_DELETE_CERT_CMD.format(jdk_path, alias, truststore_password)
+  if truststore_path:
+    cmd += KEYTOOL_KEYSTORE.format(truststore_path)
+  return cmd
+def get_import_cert_command(jdk_path, alias, truststore_type, import_cert_path, truststore_path, truststore_password):
+  cmd = KEYTOOL_IMPORT_CERT_CMD.format(jdk_path, alias, truststore_type, import_cert_path, truststore_password)
+  if truststore_path:
+    cmd += KEYTOOL_KEYSTORE.format(truststore_path)
+  return cmd
+def import_file_to_keystore(source, destination):
+  shutil.copy(source, destination)
+  set_file_permissions(destination, "660", read_ambari_user(), False)
+def get_truststore_type(properties):
+  truststore_type = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY)
+  if not truststore_type:
+    SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY, "jks")
+    truststore_type = get_validated_string_input(
+      "TrustStore type [jks/jceks/pkcs12] {0}:".format(get_prompt_default(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT)),
+      "^(jks|jceks|pkcs12)?$", "Wrong type", False)
+    if truststore_type:
+      properties.process_pair(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY, truststore_type)
+  return truststore_type
+def get_truststore_path(properties):
+  truststore_path = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY)
+  if not truststore_path:
+    SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY)
+    while not truststore_path:
+      truststore_path = get_validated_string_input(
+        "Path to TrustStore file {0}:".format(get_prompt_default(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_DEFAULT)),
+        ".*", False, False)
+    if truststore_path:
+      properties.process_pair(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY, truststore_path)
+  return truststore_path
+def get_truststore_password(properties):
+  truststore_password = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
+  if truststore_password:
+    if isSecure:
+      truststore_password = decrypt_password_for_alias(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS)
+  else:
+    truststore_password = read_password("", ".*", "Password for TrustStore:", "Invalid characters in password")
+    if truststore_password:
+      encrypted_password = get_encrypted_password(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS, truststore_password, properties)
+      properties.process_pair(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY, encrypted_password)
+  return truststore_password
+def read_password(passwordDefault=DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
+                  passwordPattern=PASSWORD_PATTERN,
+                  passwordPrompt=None,
+                  passwordDescr=None):
+  # setup password
+  if passwordPrompt is None:
+    passwordPrompt = 'Password (' + passwordDefault + '): '
+  if passwordDescr is None:
+    passwordDescr = "Invalid characters in password. Use only alphanumeric or " \
+                    "_ or - characters"
+  password = get_validated_string_input(passwordPrompt, passwordDefault,
+                                        passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True)
+  if not password:
+    print 'Password cannot be blank.'
+    return read_password(passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordPrompt,
+                   passwordDescr)
+  if password != passwordDefault:
+    password1 = get_validated_string_input("Re-enter password: ",
+                                           passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True)
+    if password != password1:
+      print "Passwords do not match"
+      return read_password(passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordPrompt,
+                      passwordDescr)
+  return password
+def get_is_secure(properties):
+  isSecure = properties.get_property(SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED)
+  isSecure = True if isSecure and isSecure.lower() == 'true' else False
+  return isSecure
+def encrypt_password(alias, password):
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    raise FatalException(1, None)
+  return get_encrypted_password(alias, password, properties)
+def get_encrypted_password(alias, password, properties):
+  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
+  (isPersisted, masterKeyFile) = get_is_persisted(properties)
+  if isSecure:
+    masterKey = None
+    if not masterKeyFile:
+      # Encryption enabled but no master key file found
+      masterKey = get_original_master_key(properties)
+    retCode = save_passwd_for_alias(alias, password, masterKey)
+    if retCode != 0:
+      print 'Failed to save secure password!'
+      return password
+    else:
+      return get_alias_string(alias)
+  return password
+def is_alias_string(passwdStr):
+  regex = re.compile("\$\{alias=[\w\.]+\}")
+  # Match implies string at beginning of word
+  r = regex.match(passwdStr)
+  if r is not None:
+    return True
+  else:
+    return False
+def get_alias_string(alias):
+  return "${alias=" + alias + "}"
+def get_alias_from_alias_string(aliasStr):
+  return aliasStr[8:-1]
+def read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey=""):
+  if alias:
+    jdk_path = find_jdk()
+    if jdk_path is None:
+      print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                      "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                      "JDK manually to " + JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+      return 1
+    tempFileName = "ambari.passwd"
+    passwd = ""
+    tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+    #create temporary file for writing
+    tempFilePath = tempDir + os.sep + tempFileName
+    file = open(tempFilePath, 'w+')
+    os.chmod(tempFilePath, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+    file.close()
+    if masterKey is None or masterKey == "":
+      masterKey = "None"
+    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_GET_CMD.format(jdk_path,
+      get_conf_dir(), get_ambari_classpath(), alias, tempFilePath, masterKey)
+    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+    print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider get passwd: " +
+                   str(retcode))
+    if retcode != 0:
+      print 'ERROR: Unable to read password from store. alias = ' + alias
+    else:
+      passwd = open(tempFilePath, 'r').read()
+      # Remove temporary file
+    os.remove(tempFilePath)
+    return passwd
+  else:
+    print_error_msg("Alias is unreadable.")
+def decrypt_password_for_alias(alias):
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    raise FatalException(1, None)
+  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
+  (isPersisted, masterKeyFile) = get_is_persisted(properties)
+  if isSecure:
+    masterKey = None
+    if not masterKeyFile:
+      # Encryption enabled but no master key file found
+      masterKey = get_original_master_key(properties)
+    return read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey)
+  else:
+    return alias
+def save_passwd_for_alias(alias, passwd, masterKey=""):
+  if alias and passwd:
+    jdk_path = find_jdk()
+    if jdk_path is None:
+      print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                      "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                      "JDK manually to " + JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+      return 1
+    if masterKey is None or masterKey == "":
+      masterKey = "None"
+    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_PUT_CMD.format(jdk_path, get_conf_dir(),
+      get_ambari_classpath(), alias, passwd, masterKey)
+    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+    print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider save passwd: " +
+                   str(retcode))
+    return retcode
+  else:
+    print_error_msg("Alias or password is unreadable.")
+def get_is_persisted(properties):
+  keyLocation = get_master_key_location(properties)
+  masterKeyFile = search_file(SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_FILENAME, keyLocation)
+  isPersisted = True if masterKeyFile else False
+  return (isPersisted, masterKeyFile)
+def get_credential_store_location(properties):
+  store_loc = properties[SECURITY_KEYS_DIR]
+  if store_loc is None or store_loc == "":
+    store_loc = "/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/credentials.jceks"
+  else:
+    store_loc += os.sep + "credentials.jceks"
+  return store_loc
+def get_master_key_location(properties):
+  keyLocation = properties[SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_LOCATION]
+  if keyLocation is None or keyLocation == "":
+    keyLocation = properties[SECURITY_KEYS_DIR]
+  return keyLocation
+def get_original_master_key(properties):
+  try:
+    masterKey = get_validated_string_input('Enter current Master Key: ',
+                                             "", ".*", "", True, False)
+  except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    print 'Exiting...'
+    sys.exit(1)
+  # Find an alias that exists
+  alias = None
+  property = properties.get_property(JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  if property and is_alias_string(property):
+  alias = None
+  property = properties.get_property(JDBC_METRICS_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  if property and is_alias_string(property):
+  if not alias:
+    property = properties.get_property(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+    if property and is_alias_string(property):
+  if not alias:
+    property = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+    if property and is_alias_string(property):
+  # Decrypt alias with master to validate it, if no master return
+  if alias and masterKey:
+    password = read_passwd_for_alias(alias, masterKey)
+    if not password:
+      print "ERROR: Master key does not match."
+      return get_original_master_key(properties)
+  return masterKey
+def read_master_key(isReset=False):
+  passwordPattern = ".*"
+  passwordPrompt = "Please provide master key for locking the credential store: "
+  passwordDescr = "Invalid characters in password. Use only alphanumeric or "\
+                  "_ or - characters"
+  passwordDefault = ""
+  if isReset:
+    passwordPrompt = "Enter new Master Key: "
+  masterKey = get_validated_string_input(passwordPrompt, passwordDefault,
+                            passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True, True)
+  if not masterKey:
+    print "Master Key cannot be empty!"
+    return read_master_key()
+  masterKey2 = get_validated_string_input("Re-enter master key: ",
+      passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordDescr, True, True)
+  if masterKey != masterKey2:
+    print "Master key did not match!"
+    return read_master_key()
+  return masterKey
+def save_master_key(master_key, key_location, persist=True):
+  if master_key:
+    jdk_path = find_jdk()
+    if jdk_path is None:
+      print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
+                      "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
+                      "JDK manually to " + JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
+      return 1
+    command = SECURITY_PROVIDER_KEY_CMD.format(jdk_path,
+      get_ambari_classpath(), get_conf_dir(), master_key, key_location, persist)
+    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
+    print_info_msg("Return code from credential provider save KEY: " +
+                   str(retcode))
+  else:
+    print_error_msg("Master key cannot be None.")
+def store_password_file(password, filename):
+  conf_file = find_properties_file()
+  passFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf_file),
+    filename)
+  with open(passFilePath, 'w+') as passFile:
+    passFile.write(password)
+  print_info_msg("Adjusting filesystem permissions")
+  ambari_user = read_ambari_user()
+  set_file_permissions(passFilePath, "660", ambari_user, False)
+  #Windows paths need double backslashes, otherwise the Ambari server deserializer will think the single \ are escape markers
+  return passFilePath.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+def remove_password_file(filename):
+  conf_file = find_properties_file()
+  passFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf_file),
+    filename)
+  if os.path.exists(passFilePath):
+    try:
+      os.remove(passFilePath)
+    except Exception, e:
+      print_warning_msg('Unable to remove password file: ' + str(e))
+      return 1
+  pass
+  return 0
+def adjust_directory_permissions(ambari_user):
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  bootstrap_dir = get_value_from_properties(properties, BOOTSTRAP_DIR_PROPERTY)
+  print_info_msg("Cleaning bootstrap directory ({0}) contents...".format(bootstrap_dir))
+  shutil.rmtree(bootstrap_dir, True) #Ignore the non-existent dir error
+  os.makedirs(bootstrap_dir)
+  # Add master key and credential store if exists
+  keyLocation = get_master_key_location(properties)
+  masterKeyFile = search_file(SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_FILENAME, keyLocation)
+  if masterKeyFile:
+    NR_ADJUST_OWNERSHIP_LIST.append((masterKeyFile, MASTER_KEY_FILE_PERMISSIONS, "{0}", "{0}", False))
+  credStoreFile = get_credential_store_location(properties)
+  if os.path.exists(credStoreFile):
+    NR_ADJUST_OWNERSHIP_LIST.append((credStoreFile, CREDENTIALS_STORE_FILE_PERMISSIONS, "{0}", "{0}", False))
+  trust_store_location = properties[SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY]
+  if trust_store_location:
+    NR_ADJUST_OWNERSHIP_LIST.append((trust_store_location, TRUST_STORE_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS, "{0}", "{0}", False))
+  print "Adjusting ambari-server permissions and ownership..."
+    file = pack[0]
+    mod = pack[1]
+    user = pack[2].format(ambari_user)
+    recursive = pack[3]
+    set_file_permissions(file, mod, user, recursive)
+def get_fqdn():
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    print "Error reading ambari properties"
+    return None
+  get_fqdn_service_url = properties[GET_FQDN_SERVICE_URL]
+  try:
+    handle = urllib2.urlopen(get_fqdn_service_url, '', 2)
+    str =
+    handle.close()
+    return str
+  except Exception:
+    return socket.getfqdn()
+def configure_ldap_password():
+  passwordDefault = ""
+  passwordPrompt = 'Enter Manager Password* : '
+  passwordPattern = ".*"
+  passwordDescr = "Invalid characters in password."
+  password = read_password(passwordDefault, passwordPattern, passwordPrompt,
+    passwordDescr)
+  return password
+def setup_https(args):
+  if not is_root():
+    err = 'ambari-server setup-https should be run with ' \
+          'root-level privileges'
+    raise FatalException(4, err)
+  args.exit_message = None
+  if not SILENT:
+    properties = get_ambari_properties()
+    try:
+      security_server_keys_dir = properties.get_property(SSL_KEY_DIR)
+      client_api_ssl_port = DEFAULT_SSL_API_PORT if properties.get_property(SSL_API_PORT) in ("")\
+                            else properties.get_property(SSL_API_PORT)
+      api_ssl = properties.get_property(SSL_API) in ['true']
+      cert_was_imported = False
+      cert_must_import = True
+      if api_ssl:
+       if get_YN_input("Do you want to disable HTTPS [y/n] (n)? ", False):
+        properties.process_pair(SSL_API, "false")
+        cert_must_import=False
+       else:
+        properties.process_pair(SSL_API_PORT, \
+                                get_validated_string_input(\
+                                "SSL port ["+str(client_api_ssl_port)+"] ? ",\
+                                str(client_api_ssl_port),\
+                                "^[0-9]{1,5}$", "Invalid port.", False, validatorFunction = is_valid_https_port))
+        cert_was_imported = import_cert_and_key_action(security_server_keys_dir, properties)
+      else:
+       if get_YN_input("Do you want to configure HTTPS [y/n] (y)? ", True):
+        properties.process_pair(SSL_API_PORT,\
+        get_validated_string_input("SSL port ["+str(client_api_ssl_port)+"] ? ",\
+        str(client_api_ssl_port), "^[0-9]{1,5}$", "Invalid port.", False, validatorFunction = is_valid_https_port))
+        cert_was_imported = import_cert_and_key_action(security_server_keys_dir, properties)
+       else:
+        return False
+      if cert_must_import and not cert_was_imported:
+        print 'Setup of HTTPS failed. Exiting.'
+        return False
+      conf_file = find_properties_file()
+      f = open(conf_file, 'w')
+, "Changed by 'ambari-server setup-https' command")
+      ambari_user = read_ambari_user()
+      if ambari_user:
+        adjust_directory_permissions(ambari_user)
+      return True
+    except (KeyError), e:
+      err = 'Property ' + str(e) + ' is not defined'
+      raise FatalException(1, err)
+  else:
+    warning = "setup-https is not enabled in silent mode."
+    raise NonFatalException(warning)
+def setup_component_https(component, command, property, alias):
+  if not SILENT:
+    jdk_path = find_jdk()
+    if jdk_path is None:
+      err = "No JDK found, please run the \"ambari-server setup\" " \
+                      "command to install a JDK automatically or install any " \
+                      "JDK manually to " + JDK_INSTALL_DIR
+      raise FatalException(1, err)
+    properties = get_ambari_properties()
+    use_https = properties.get_property(property) in ['true']
+    if use_https:
+      if get_YN_input("Do you want to disable HTTPS for " + component + " [y/n] (n)? ", False):
+        truststore_path = get_truststore_path(properties)
+        truststore_password = get_truststore_password(properties)
+        run_component_https_cmd(get_delete_cert_command(jdk_path, alias, truststore_path, truststore_password))
+        properties.process_pair(property, "false")
+      else:
+        return
+    else:
+      if get_YN_input("Do you want to configure HTTPS for " + component + " [y/n] (y)? ", True):
+        truststore_type = get_truststore_type(properties)
+        truststore_path = get_truststore_path(properties)
+        truststore_password = get_truststore_password(properties)
+        run_os_command(get_delete_cert_command(jdk_path, alias, truststore_path, truststore_password))
+        import_cert_path = get_validated_filepath_input(\
+                          "Enter path to " + component + " Certificate: ",\
+                          "Certificate not found")
+        run_component_https_cmd(get_import_cert_command(jdk_path, alias, truststore_type, import_cert_path, truststore_path, truststore_password))
+        properties.process_pair(property, "true")
+      else:
+        return
+    conf_file = find_properties_file()
+    f = open(conf_file, 'w')
+, "Changed by 'ambari-server " + command + "' command")
+  else:
+    print command + " is not enabled in silent mode."
+def setup_master_key():
+  if not is_root():
+    err = 'Ambari-server setup should be run with '\
+                     'root-level privileges'
+    raise FatalException(4, err)
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  if properties == -1:
+    raise FatalException(1, "Failed to read properties file.")
+  db_windows_auth_prop = properties.get_property(JDBC_USE_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PROPERTY)
+  db_sql_auth = False if db_windows_auth_prop and db_windows_auth_prop.lower() == 'true' else True
+  db_password = properties.get_property(JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  # Encrypt passwords cannot be called before setup
+  if db_sql_auth and not db_password:
+    print 'Please call "setup" before "encrypt-passwords". Exiting...'
+    return 1
+  # Check configuration for location of master key
+  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
+  (isPersisted, masterKeyFile) = get_is_persisted(properties)
+  # Read clear text password from file
+  if db_sql_auth and not is_alias_string(db_password) and os.path.isfile(db_password):
+    with open(db_password, 'r') as passwdfile:
+      db_password =
+  # Read clear text metrics password from file
+  db_metrics_windows_auth_prop = properties.get_property(JDBC_METRICS_USE_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PROPERTY)
+  db_metrics_sql_auth = False if db_metrics_windows_auth_prop and db_metrics_windows_auth_prop.lower() == 'true' else True
+  metrics_password = properties.get_property(JDBC_METRICS_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  if db_metrics_sql_auth and not is_alias_string(metrics_password) and os.path.isfile(metrics_password):
+    with open(metrics_password, 'r') as passwdfile:
+      metrics_password =
+  ldap_password = properties.get_property(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  ts_password = properties.get_property(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+  resetKey = False
+  masterKey = None
+  if isSecure:
+    print "Password encryption is enabled."
+    resetKey = get_YN_input("Do you want to reset Master Key? [y/n] (n): ", False)
+  # For encrypting of only unencrypted passwords without resetting the key ask
+  # for master key if not persisted.
+  if isSecure and not isPersisted and not resetKey:
+    print "Master Key not persisted."
+    masterKey = get_original_master_key(properties)
+  pass
+  # Make sure both passwords are clear-text if master key is lost
+  if resetKey:
+    if not isPersisted:
+      print "Master Key not persisted."
+      masterKey = get_original_master_key(properties)
+      # Unable get the right master key or skipped question <enter>
+      if not masterKey:
+        print "To disable encryption, do the following:"
+        print "- Edit " + find_properties_file() + \
+              " and set " + SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED + " = " + "false."
+        err = "{0} is already encrypted. Please call {1} to store unencrypted" \
+              " password and call 'encrypt-passwords' again."
+        if db_sql_auth and db_password and is_alias_string(db_password):
+          print err.format('- Database password', "'" + SETUP_ACTION + "'")
+        if db_metrics_sql_auth and metrics_password and is_alias_string(metrics_password):
+            print err.format('- Metrics Database password', "'" + SETUP_ACTION + "'")
+        if ldap_password and is_alias_string(ldap_password):
+          print err.format('- LDAP manager password', "'" + LDAP_SETUP_ACTION + "'")
+        if ts_password and is_alias_string(ts_password):
+          print err.format('TrustStore password', "'" + LDAP_SETUP_ACTION + "'")
+        return 1
+      pass
+    pass
+  pass
+  # Read back any encrypted passwords
+  if db_sql_auth  and db_password and is_alias_string(db_password):
+    db_password = read_passwd_for_alias(JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_ALIAS, masterKey)
+  if db_metrics_sql_auth and metrics_password and is_alias_string(metrics_password):
+      metrics_password = read_passwd_for_alias(JDBC_METRICS_PASSWORD_ALIAS, masterKey)
+  if ldap_password and is_alias_string(ldap_password):
+    ldap_password = read_passwd_for_alias(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS, masterKey)
+  if ts_password and is_alias_string(ts_password):
+    ts_password = read_passwd_for_alias(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS, masterKey)
+  # Read master key, if non-secure or reset is true
+  if resetKey or not isSecure:
+    masterKey = read_master_key(resetKey)
+    persist = get_YN_input("Do you want to persist master key. If you choose "\
+                           "not to persist, you need to provide the Master "\
+                           "Key while starting the ambari server as an env "\
+                           "variable named " + SECURITY_KEY_ENV_VAR_NAME +\
+                           " or the start will prompt for the master key."
+                           " Persist [y/n] (y)? ", True)
+    if persist:
+      save_master_key(masterKey, get_master_key_location(properties) + os.sep +
+                                 SECURITY_MASTER_KEY_FILENAME, persist)
+    elif not persist and masterKeyFile:
+      try:
+        os.remove(masterKeyFile)
+        print_info_msg("Deleting master key file at location: " + str(
+          masterKeyFile))
+      except Exception, e:
+        print 'ERROR: Could not remove master key file. %s' % e
+    # Blow up the credential store made with previous key, if any
+    store_file = get_credential_store_location(properties)
+    if os.path.exists(store_file):
+      try:
+        os.remove(store_file)
+      except:
+        print_warning_msg("Failed to remove credential store file.")
+      pass
+    pass
+  pass
+  propertyMap = {SECURITY_IS_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED: 'true'}
+  # Encrypt only un-encrypted passwords
+  if db_password and not is_alias_string(db_password):
+    retCode = save_passwd_for_alias(JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_ALIAS, db_password, masterKey)
+    if retCode != 0:
+      print 'Failed to save secure database password.'
+    else:
+      propertyMap[JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = get_alias_string(JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_ALIAS)
+      remove_password_file(JDBC_PASSWORD_FILENAME)
+      if properties.get_property(JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_FILE_PROPERTY):
+        propertyMap[JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_FILE_PROPERTY] = get_alias_string(JDBC_RCA_PASSWORD_ALIAS)
+  pass
+  if metrics_password and not is_alias_string(metrics_password):
+    retCode = save_passwd_for_alias(JDBC_METRICS_PASSWORD_ALIAS, metrics_password, masterKey)
+    if retCode != 0:
+      print 'Failed to save secure metrics database password.'
+    else:
+      remove_password_file(JDBC_METRICS_PASSWORD_FILENAME)
+  pass
+  if ldap_password and not is_alias_string(ldap_password):
+    retCode = save_passwd_for_alias(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS, ldap_password, masterKey)
+    if retCode != 0:
+      print 'Failed to save secure LDAP password.'
+    else:
+      propertyMap[LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = get_alias_string(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS)
+  pass
+  if ts_password and not is_alias_string(ts_password):
+    retCode = save_passwd_for_alias(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS, ts_password, masterKey)
+    if retCode != 0:
+      print 'Failed to save secure TrustStore password.'
+    else:
+  pass
+  update_properties_2(properties, propertyMap)
+  # Since files for store and master are created we need to ensure correct
+  # permissions
+  ambari_user = read_ambari_user()
+  if ambari_user:
+    adjust_directory_permissions(ambari_user)
+  return 0
+def setup_ambari_krb5_jaas():
+  jaas_conf_file = search_file(SECURITY_KERBEROS_JASS_FILENAME, get_conf_dir())
+  if os.path.exists(jaas_conf_file):
+    print 'Setting up Ambari kerberos JAAS configuration to access ' +\
+          'secured Hadoop daemons...'
+    principal = get_validated_string_input('Enter ambari server\'s kerberos '
+                  'principal name (ambari@EXAMPLE.COM): ', 'ambari@EXAMPLE.COM', '.*', '', False,
+                  False)
+    keytab = get_validated_string_input('Enter keytab path for ambari '
+                  'server\'s kerberos principal: ',
+                  '/etc/security/keytabs/ambari.keytab', '.*', False, False,
+                  validatorFunction=is_valid_filepath)
+    for line in fileinput.FileInput(jaas_conf_file, inplace=1):
+      line = re.sub('keyTab=.*$', 'keyTab="' + keytab + '"', line)
+      line = re.sub('principal=.*$', 'principal="' + principal + '"', line)
+      print line,
+  else:
+    raise NonFatalException('No jaas config file found at location: ' +
+                            jaas_conf_file)
+def setup_ldap():
+  if not is_root():
+    err = 'Ambari-server setup-ldap should be run with ' \
+          'root-level privileges'
+    raise FatalException(4, err)
+  properties = get_ambari_properties()
+  isSecure = get_is_secure(properties)
+  # python2.x dict is not ordered
+  ldap_property_list_reqd = ["authentication.ldap.primaryUrl",
+                        "authentication.ldap.secondaryUrl",
+                        "authentication.ldap.useSSL",
+                        "authentication.ldap.usernameAttribute",
+                        "authentication.ldap.baseDn",
+                        "authentication.ldap.bindAnonymously"]
+  ldap_property_list_opt = ["authentication.ldap.managerDn",
+                             LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY,
+                             SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY,
+                             SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY,
+                             SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY]
+  ldap_property_list_truststore=[SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY,
+                                 SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY,
+                                 SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY]
+  ldap_property_list_passwords=[LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY,
+                                SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY]
+  LDAP_PRIMARY_URL_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_reqd[0])
+  LDAP_SECONDARY_URL_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_reqd[1])
+  LDAP_USE_SSL_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_reqd[2], "false")
+  LDAP_USER_ATT_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_reqd[3], "uid")
+  LDAP_BASE_DN_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_reqd[4])
+  LDAP_BIND_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_reqd[5], "false")
+  LDAP_MGR_DN_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, ldap_property_list_opt[0])
+  SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY, "jks")
+  SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_DEFAULT = get_value_from_properties(properties, SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY)
+  ldap_properties_map_reqd =\
+  {
+    ldap_property_list_reqd[0]:(LDAP_PRIMARY_URL_DEFAULT, "Primary URL* {{host:port}} {0}: ".format(get_prompt_default(LDAP_PRIMARY_URL_DEFAULT)), False),\
+    ldap_property_list_reqd[1]:(LDAP_SECONDARY_URL_DEFAULT, "Secondary URL {{host:port}} {0}: ".format(get_prompt_default(LDAP_SECONDARY_URL_DEFAULT)), True),\
+    ldap_property_list_reqd[2]:(LDAP_USE_SSL_DEFAULT, "Use SSL* [true/false] {0}: ".format(get_prompt_default(LDAP_USE_SSL_DEFAULT)), False),\
+    ldap_property_list_reqd[3]:(LDAP_USER_ATT_DEFAULT, "User name attribute* {0}: ".format(get_prompt_default(LDAP_USER_ATT_DEFAULT)), False),\
+    ldap_property_list_reqd[4]:(LDAP_BASE_DN_DEFAULT, "Base DN* {0}: ".format(get_prompt_default(LDAP_BASE_DN_DEFAULT)), False),\
+    ldap_property_list_reqd[5]:(LDAP_BIND_DEFAULT, "Bind anonymously* [true/false] {0}: ".format(get_prompt_default(LDAP_BIND_DEFAULT)), False)\
+  }
+  ldap_property_value_map = {}
+  for idx, key in enumerate(ldap_property_list_reqd):
+    if idx in [0, 1]:
+      pattern = REGEX_HOSTNAME_PORT
+    elif idx in [2, 5]:
+      pattern = REGEX_TRUE_FALSE
+    else:
+      pattern = REGEX_ANYTHING
+    input = get_validated_string_input(ldap_properties_map_reqd[key][1],
+      ldap_properties_map_reqd[key][0], pattern,
+      "Invalid characters in the input!", False, ldap_properties_map_reqd[key][2])
+    if input is not None and input != "":
+      ldap_property_value_map[key] = input
+  bindAnonymously = ldap_property_value_map["authentication.ldap.bindAnonymously"]
+  anonymous = (bindAnonymously and bindAnonymously.lower() == 'true')
+  mgr_password = None
+  # Ask for manager credentials only if bindAnonymously is false
+  if not anonymous:
+    username = get_validated_string_input("Manager DN* {0}: ".format(
+      get_prompt_default(LDAP_MGR_DN_DEFAULT)), LDAP_MGR_DN_DEFAULT, ".*",
+                "Invalid characters in the input!", False, False)
+    ldap_property_value_map[LDAP_MGR_USERNAME_PROPERTY] = username
+    mgr_password = configure_ldap_password()
+    ldap_property_value_map[LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = mgr_password
+  useSSL = ldap_property_value_map["authentication.ldap.useSSL"]
+  ldaps = (useSSL and useSSL.lower() == 'true')
+  ts_password = None
+  if ldaps:
+    truststore_default = "n"
+    truststore_set = bool(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_DEFAULT)
+    if truststore_set:
+      truststore_default = "y"
+    custom_trust_store = get_YN_input("Do you want to provide custom TrustStore for Ambari [y/n] ({0})?".
+                                      format(truststore_default),
+                                      truststore_set)
+    if custom_trust_store:
+      ts_type = get_validated_string_input(
+        "TrustStore type [jks/jceks/pkcs12] {0}:".format(get_prompt_default(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT)),
+        "^(jks|jceks|pkcs12)?$", "Wrong type", False)
+      ts_path = None
+      while True:
+        ts_path = get_validated_string_input(
+          "Path to TrustStore file {0}:".format(get_prompt_default(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_DEFAULT)),
+          ".*", False, False)
+        if os.path.exists(ts_path):
+          break
+        else:
+          print 'File not found.'
+      ts_password = read_password("", ".*", "Password for TrustStore:", "Invalid characters in password")
+      ldap_property_value_map[SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY] = ts_type
+      ldap_property_value_map[SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY] = ts_path
+      ldap_property_value_map[SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = ts_password
+      pass
+    else:
+      properties.removeOldProp(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY)
+      properties.removeOldProp(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY)
+      properties.removeOldProp(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY)
+    pass
+  pass
+  print '=' * 20
+  print 'Review Settings'
+  print '=' * 20
+  for property in ldap_property_list_reqd:
+    if property in ldap_property_value_map:
+      print("%s: %s" % (property, ldap_property_value_map[property]))
+  for property in ldap_property_list_opt:
+    if ldap_property_value_map.has_key(property):
+      if property not in ldap_property_list_passwords:
+        print("%s: %s" % (property, ldap_property_value_map[property]))
+      else:
+        print("%s: %s" % (property, BLIND_PASSWORD))
+  save_settings = get_YN_input("Save settings [y/n] (y)? ", True)
+  if save_settings:
+    ldap_property_value_map[CLIENT_SECURITY_KEY] = 'ldap'
+    if isSecure:
+      if mgr_password:
+        encrypted_passwd = encrypt_password(LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_ALIAS, mgr_password)
+        if mgr_password != encrypted_passwd:
+          ldap_property_value_map[LDAP_MGR_PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = encrypted_passwd
+      pass
+      if ts_password:
+        encrypted_passwd = encrypt_password(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_ALIAS, ts_password)
+        if ts_password != encrypted_passwd:
+          ldap_property_value_map[SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY] = encrypted_passwd
+      pass
+    pass
+    # Persisting values
+    update_properties_2(properties, ldap_property_value_map)
+    print 'Saving...done'
+  return 0
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a35831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import os
+import getpass
+import re
+from ambari_commons.logging_utils import *
+# Gets the y/n input.
+# return True if 'y' or False if 'n'
+from ambari_commons.os_utils import get_password
+def get_YN_input(prompt, default):
+  yes = set(['yes', 'ye', 'y'])
+  no = set(['no', 'n'])
+  return get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, yes, no)
+def get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, firstChoice, secondChoice):
+  if SILENT:
+    print(prompt)
+    return default
+  choice = raw_input(prompt).lower()
+  if choice in firstChoice:
+    return True
+  elif choice in secondChoice:
+    return False
+  elif choice is "":  # Just enter pressed
+    return default
+  else:
+    print "input not recognized, please try again: "
+    return get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, firstChoice, secondChoice)
+def get_validated_string_input(prompt, default, pattern, description,
+                               is_pass, allowEmpty=True, validatorFunction=None):
+  input = ""
+  while not input:
+    if SILENT:
+      print (prompt)
+      input = default
+    elif is_pass:
+      input = get_password(prompt)
+    else:
+      input = raw_input(prompt)
+    if not input.strip():
+      # Empty input - if default available use default
+      if not allowEmpty and not default:
+        msg = 'Property' if description is None or description is "" else description
+        msg += ' cannot be blank.'
+        print msg
+        input = ""
+        continue
+      else:
+        input = default
+        if validatorFunction:
+          if not validatorFunction(input):
+            input = ""
+            continue
+        break  # done here and picking up default
+    else:
+      if not pattern == None and not, input.strip()):
+        print description
+        input = ""
+      if validatorFunction:
+        if not validatorFunction(input):
+          input = ""
+          continue
+  return input
+def get_validated_filepath_input(prompt, description, default=None):
+  input = False
+  while not input:
+    if SILENT:
+      print (prompt)
+      return default
+    else:
+      input = raw_input(prompt)
+      if not input == None:
+        input = input.strip()
+      if not input == None and not "" == input and os.path.isfile(input):
+        return input
+      else:
+        print description
+        input = False
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
index 474caa4..23bd9d6 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
 import os
+import re
 import signal
+import socket
 import sys
 import time
 import glob
@@ -71,6 +73,22 @@ def check_exitcode(exitcode_file_path):
   return exitcode
+def save_pid(pid, pidfile):
+  """
+    Save pid to pidfile.
+  """
+  try:
+    pfile = open(pidfile, "w")
+    pfile.write("%s\n" % pid)
+  except IOError:
+    pass
+  finally:
+    try:
+      pfile.close()
+    except:
+      pass
 def save_main_pid_ex(pids, pidfile, exclude_list=[], kill_exclude_list=False):
     Save pid which is not included to exclude_list to pidfile.
@@ -222,3 +240,25 @@ def get_postgre_running_status(OS_FAMILY):
     return os.path.join(get_ubuntu_pg_version(), "main")
+def compare_versions(version1, version2):
+  def normalize(v):
+    return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$', '', v).split(".")]
+  return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))
+  pass
+def check_reverse_lookup():
+  """
+  Check if host fqdn resolves to current host ip
+  """
+  try:
+    host_name = socket.gethostname().lower()
+    host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
+    host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn().lower()
+    fqdn_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_fqdn)
+    return host_ip == fqdn_ip
+  except socket.error:
+    pass
+  return False